S K m I-W K Fi K I. Y. \ XII.1 FAYKTTKVILLR. N. c.. JIHA lSfi2. [NO. 1147.] l> NTi:i> M"NI*AVS \N'I> rilUHSbAVs t:D\VAKI) J. HALE &. SONS. Kl IToRS \Ni» PRopuiETOnS • ■ ! ht S.MU1-Wt'ckIv t)n-iKKVKB 5'." i*' [’'ii't i.> i'l% uii'i'; > '■ '1 it' I'Hi l iliirinp; the yrni "f ij'- >ii >r :f-1 tl'.e s e^'T oxpirc i I’ W ■'(. >!v Oi-t.uv’CB, ?'J Oi^ pi’>’ .iniiutu. if piii'l in ivaiic*'; S'J 50 if prii.l Jnrinc: the v('ar nf F)nV>«cri|,- ■ >n- or 00 ■iftt'r ih** v-“tir li-is e\pirp-l jV» XDVERTTSI-'tKN iii=rrt*J t'o’ »iO conK per 111-of ir, l;no= f''f tti'‘in l :?0 ppnts fov oaoh pi'.h’ii’.rii !i Venrly a'lvprtisemom h_v spp- I . ,M ; II' i'i?i-»or!iible rMtpa. Advertisers aro it ’ i' 0 iiuni't'r i'.f iii'JiTtiot. li'^ircl. or w ■ - I ti’l f.;rV'i'l. sin.l ohnr^pil nofor.l- -r'- 'fluent «r'- .1 T \V -•’•e W. WILLIAMS ^ ('()., U holr«al(‘ Df'alc‘r^ in AND IMI'ORIKK' AM) UKAI.KIIS IN Hardware and i'ullery, Swedes Iron, &f., HU STKKUT, I U KTTKVll.LI-;, (. Floreure and FayHteiille Kail Hoad. 1''N'l»FR tlie f>rovj')ion‘ of hii Onlinaiif'e of the Cou- v#>ntion of North (.'arolina, liookR will be ope:iedon itif lt>th .lnn»*nt tho followiiijr nri'l uinler the di * re’tion ot the fullowin^ per«oti!^. to receive snh'^crip- RAII. ICO % II. ti-»i« to the Capital Stock of the ••Floron'e !k F-ivette- ; ^PHE foHowin;r rates will uo» > e chargea for I’assen- \ I ] I O *\)1 I I t • 0*' I'**’’ N nit'K . and =ift-.'r this date, ndnarue'd -i tu-w -ui'^onl.er w ' . . ntere.t wiihom prtytnent in udvnticv. nor will tie pai or '■- siu^h Hib-criV'eV' t'. t >i ^in^er time '■ilti paid t r i-‘ i- h .'I : rr -!u)j--orili*‘r' m-« dr^irf t.^ tuKo ti.(» pa ter .u )*:• sy-u*iii wi;’. j.iea^o n.nifv u= when making rfjuir-jn.'o- .lati'y 1. IS.'j- J-STTO A1)\ F.RTISF.US iVr-^u- oil! of town who de=irc advertisements* in ?rti" ] ill the (>bflerver, atid persons iu town wi’li whom h^\*T‘ ii »t Trgular a*coutif«' ' plea«e send with the ! M -rt i“>iiieut a- niucii tiio; u wish to invest iu i; i -r-iir lint; to oiir advprr;» i aj- =.n tiu- tirst jmge. V\. d ; ii‘.: wish to open afly tncre such acconuts,—or d aooi>i.iu-i The proce'j-i of coilf-otinn toK : -aid we have to pay ri.^h fcr every :hinp wa >r sed in th»->e 'ime- i;: i-t;i. \H > N n I K-'.—\V»> Ji ve heretofore given notice. ■ ^5'5-ued:3’, that we charge for obitiiarj- notices of nn- t' - ;i I' le length, and for resolutions oi respeot; ho- Oti - thiit k;tiJ of reading, we liave much occasion to kO'-w. iS not often :iinre to readers thuii to edi.'. rs «if papers. Av it generally happens, however, tiiai alter char^ini^ and paying postage on the account for warded, we never jjet paid, we now pive notice that wo will insert nothing of the sort hereafter unless acconi- t'anied by the cash, t Alway« excepting in the ca'e iif -cd vidtinieers, when we re'^uire no pay Ijcar ' ’ •. ■! 1, (heref'-re, that we will insert oliituary notice- f ■ ; :f- '^ui.’ns, not ex'^eedin? 7'* words, gra'is. F;>rall • ■ - word-. -,ne cent a wi'rd. wliich mu'^t 1«e paivi ' e tv- •• ''le Ui.tice will be put in type. Attorney at Law. Favkttevili.f., X. Wll-Ii ittend the (,’ounty and Superior 'ourts of t'uuiherlau 1, H irnett, .^^oo^e and Kobesou (''i>tin- ties. Prompt attention gives to the collection of all ci tims -'ntni'ted to his hand. . 17. i^.::- os-t‘- KOKV ?li\\AIK. »ttiorti0’t/ anti f'ounsellor at Lau\ Ll'MBKHPON, V. r. ■Jtend and practice in tlie County an i .''iij>erior of Kobe'on. Hichniond atid ’utirrierland. iii*ru'ited to him will receive proinpt at- . . n l .•ollectii»j>^ punctually remittel. •; r>.'wf DKNTAl. NOTICE. I) S* >T1' c.an be --fn in hi- oihce. '2 t, door? ea-it of tne in irkot, at tiis re- gui tr ■ i I’-a fr-i ii o'clock A. .NI. k F. M. 1 “^'il. 57-tf .r III*, ^roll iKitiro lliat lit* ■ nt troni Favfitnvide for a tew wefk*-. .etteville. June l^'i^. dtt j|ii:vri^TKi. I |K. J. ]>AVlc> i).»ving !e ■ ' i >n veinin- J ' n : ipRting in tlie t i-. l1 • . i . . • ’fe- vn>, r. -|.-ctluily ■.■tftirs hi' rvi‘ ‘s ti. t !' place and 'urr> ■■ id-ny; ■ In a ' > -nches of hi-i l’ri>te>'‘ion. in'^idir'g thf ?’ Mitier ii Teetli, . • i'; - -tied. ;v!ier aij ':: er'ence, to w!ii-''i i- .a'l if i a tlioioiiiLli IV ii- ;i, tiiiit he !MTi give eiiiirt '4ii taetii'.i ,i. i';ir rower of [i.-uti-try All iTcg- ’ irii’/- ot' • ‘.t‘d in a p” ; r d cirefui ni:iin;er, a- )f the iii'irh. S iv.f i ll' tlie pr'.(/er I !■ tide o1 in Ii-' v^rioii-* operaiion^ *'0 irg>-s - I-’;', Mi'it the '•'lo'fi — >1 'lie I’r ;f •--ijn • 1 v. tiiin tlir rei'*ii of aU v'. j tnay N-t'! an ■.■■■ pi-•-ervaHon of I he Teeto. ■ I'er Hou-ion's .Jewelry Store, where he I it all times. .'^hare.s One Hunlred l>ollars eaoli. -U 'Ji liail I!' i:( ttjUce in Fiiy> tin'iUr. — L'ii«ler the di- recrioTi of 1 he li-'neral Ciminjis.sioiier-, .V. .A. .McKethan, L>. .\ Hay, W. Steel. Win. McL TMcKaj' and Juo. .M. liose. A' thr li.il Spring.*. — Tnder the direction of Hector .McN’eill. Win. .1 Stewart. Jas. A. Smith, I'an’l ('. .Mc- ; Neill and Col. Alex. McMillan, or any one of them. F/i'ral Co!hq>.—Under the direction of Dr. Neill McNair, Ur A. McLean. .Vtchibald Smith, EJmuui Lilly till ! Col. Alexan-ier Watson, or any one of them .It iju- •ng,lah —Under the direcCioti of Murdock Mc- I’ae. 1* Mcl.eod. 1) .McCalhim, .la>i MclJae, .Ir , and J H. Mc(.^ueen, or anv one of them. Ar Ah'o’- —Under the direction of Johti Purcell. .Ino McN'iir, Sion .Alforil, Dugahi Mc(^allutn and Jno McCalhim. or any one of them 1 he Sub-cripiion Books will remain open for tht? space of C(0 days. When a «ufficii'nt sum is subscribed the Catnpaiiy will bet^rganized for the purpose of build ing the Road A A, MoKETHaN, l> A RA'k. ■V. W STEEL, WM McL McK.\V, .INO. M ROSE. tener.ll (.Commissioners Fay»»tteville, .time 7, ^illtf LOOK .VT THIS! Till- IMlETTHViLLB HOTEL, Fronfin^ 3(HI feet and in (he business portion of llie Town, iiior‘ «pa€‘ioii and well V(‘iililatcMi Kooiiik lliaii aii% Hotel ill fli(‘ Mtafe, Htid luy Patrons my ('oinlimcnt.' aro vpvy irooj I I gers on thi.^ Road, vi’ To Little River. To Spout .‘Spring To Jonesboro’, To Mclver’s. Train leaves the Depot Fridays, at 8 o’clock .A M at 12 o’clock M ;”>0 CIS. 7 •') • • 1 00 1 2.'. Mor'la\s, Wednesdays and Returning. leav(“s Mclver’s R. MALl.ETT, Pres’t 71tf Aug. 28, IHtJl. Kaleigh and Fajettefilie Stage Notice. Cii'ciiiiiMlaiiceM re quire us hereafter (u charge fu'l ,i';ire to nil passen;rp»'s in oiir ’oach- es. and to revoke frotu this date all free tickets. C. S. HARHEE X .'ouiractors Route No 50',v;. Feb'y h. 1HC2. 98 6mpd The -Mew Style, Small, COI.ORBU PHOTtMiKtPUS. ■\r VaHori4l4‘irs 4a»ll«‘ry. -May 20, l?o2. for the times. T. W\IMUI.L, Proprietor. 27v Fayetteville Female High Srhool* rHE oxerci«es of this Institution will be resumed on the ‘i'.'ih of Sept ■'uiVier The schobistic year will be divided into two terms; the 1st of 1 ■ weeks, commencing U'.'ih or Sept. and end ing 24ih l>ec.; the second of 27 weeks, commencing 1st of.Jan'y and ending .Inly 1st. Parents and (ruanlians intending to patronire this School are earues-tly requested to apply for circular-^ containing full particulars in regard to tot ms. Sc , hrforf th'open;nc >f'fheScho,.l. Rev WM HOOPER, 1 , T :. HfK*PER, ; Principals July 17, :S'52. 4;l tl'>Jpd Hillwhoro' .TIilitary At-adeiiiy. ’■pHK fourth .\cademrc year of this Institution com- 1 nienced on March •.iih. The charges f t a (’adet be gin with the mor,:h of entraneo. For circulars contain ing !erms, vVc.. address Maj WM M. GORDON. Supt. H. >f. V . Hillsboro', N. C.' June 12, 1M>2 .^o-.-tmpd OTTO.\ i ak;%. Xo. 1J» Hay Street. C. p. MALLCTT. •lar. v 1.^)2. s>. ART. %Vood%«aiMr!H Molar 'aiiiei*a. IJFIOTOd R.APHS can be had .'it V inorsdeH's Skylight I Galler}', Hay street, opj'jsito NLirble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.; plain, letouchoil, colorv*d, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life size. Ambro- types, Melaueotypes, and ail ytiier styk-s of Pictures pertain’ .g to the .\rt. .Also, (jilt Frames, Gilt Mould- icg, G’ • for very large pictures—as Lirge as 2*> by inches. Jord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instru- ineiits. Stock and Chemicals for ile low for cash. Life aize colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently locat,\l here I hope to merit your patronage. I wo'ilJ also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Photogr^i^ii^t and Proprietor.* Dec’r 20, 18'>9 ' 77. i^larble Faeforv, T hi: AW 1-1 !*iHr:i^:TiA4.iM. Ill) ROCKFISH MANUFACTURING COMPANY inches wide, o yards to the pound. Tiie Go>.Jscom- p.nre favoraldy with the same styles manufactured in Ma'sachu'-ptts, and have for many years been sold iu the New Y. rk and Philadelphia Market^ C, T. H.AIGH, I're'^’t Rockfish Co. F lyctteville, June 1, 18til. 27- '■PH] 1 a s:tO RF\V%KU. !iL bove reward will be paid fur the apprehension and delivery to the nearest Military Post, of .\LEX- .V.Nlih I U.\LL.\CE, who deserteii his company on or ahoiit L’Utli of .M ireh l!S'i2. Sniit Wallace i« ‘J I years .rl i. fret ; 1 inidies high, re 1 complexion, dark hair, o’.ue eye'; lie is a native of Moore C>iunty, and i- proba- ■''ly in the vicinity of Carthage. JAS. D. .McIVER, Capt. Co. H, 2tith Reg't N. C. Troop#. Ciiinp .folitison. H miles from Kin-itun. .(une 17. o*-ltf «I0 I\\ILL pay the above rewnr.l fir the api'reh'Mision and coiitinement of my man C.AL\ IN, who ranaw.iy r iPi me ah.'Ut three weeks ago. 1 m!' al.-^o pay a reward of Fifty Dollars for suflicient ■■■'d tii'e t(t convict any person of harboring him. (,’al- i-; a*'lilt 42 years of age. o feet 10 or 11 inches high, • i'k. -mi weighs about l.',?> pounds; h* weir^ small iToi I ritr/i in hi« ears He is a boat or ship carpenter, rd well known aV)0'it Fayetteville nnd Wilraingion. Ile «otiie'itiies calls hiniseif Calvin .lohnson. THEo. EVANS, .lun*- lh';2. d8:f TWO Oliliss ABIIIE r. T. iillCII i .'(I.VS' STORE fr'avellevillr, li. €\ Jan’v20. l«Od «J M.\KEPE\fK & .M'KAEr’ H.WE on hand .in*l expect to keep fir -^ile. of their own manufacture, -x «upply of r.ra"s. Galvanized and common lloopeil .11 \ips:k -French, High Post, I’ottage and ommon Mi r. O S S; spring Maitrcsse'*, of new and improvel .Spring, on hand or made to ■irder of aiiv s-ze; L lUNGKS; .'spring. Cane, and Wool Seat CH.AIRS. of liitVerent kind-* and patterns; Spring ."^ofas, Loungi'. aii'l Cii:.irs, repaired, and covered with Hair ('lotii nr other wise; Hoe handles. I’.ungs f..r bbls. .v Hlids.; Sole. Ha>'ney-. and Up] er Leathf*»', and Plasterinji Hair. •Ah we have frood Machinery for Siiwinjr, Pl.ineinji, Turning, Mnrficiiig and Ror-dng, we c.tn do work with despatch “and on Miti'-i'ictory term-". Per-ons having work or repairing to d • will do well to give u- a cill. We warrant o'lr work; if it fails, you know where to find us. Having taken a Store on the East side of Gillespie Street, a few doors South of .\ W. Steel. E-4 , :ind having some spare room, w would attend to the -torage and sale of any thititr that may be consigned to us; and will eive specdal attention to products of this .St ite. Fayetteville, .\pril 1, iHtil. ;if i'AVi^;TTi:viiii.i: MiTiii. iNsnino: ro.iiPA\v. Capital in Premium Note« amounts to S2t>7.fiSS ub Cash on hand iiid other a'seis, 0.077 -lo i,«00 Acres ol I. for '’P IC ;ii;der6igned offers I I..V.NDS in Divie cotnitv. 'X. KK.N!)A!.T. ro\, iti:ADAL^ X ^ ^i>iH111iioII MercliuiiI . A N D WHOLESALE GROCERS, ■No. II A 12 >ortli Water St., Wiimiiislitn. «. ('. 4>; 'rd.-r- frojii the Country promptly cxe';u:ed. trj'" i' iMi, nlar attention given to the «^ile of Cotton 1-1 ! pr 1 inf-e. T. 1 . vV it. 1;. WORTH, oiuniission and Forwarding Merchants, WILM INfiT(jX, N (’ 4;. W. KI I.I.AIi|», I t otn*nissio$t . fl^rrh ftnt wiL.MiN(;Toy, x\. (;. Is MIT and PKRSO.N.AL attention will be given t'9 d N ival Stores, (Joiton, Lumber, I‘inih,.r, | ■ country [iroduce. KKKKR TO ' ■' iAnsi.K.r, Pies’t ’om. Hank at Wilmington. ; “ H. N. C., at do. , H. n 1:. J. Lilly, 1 „ ... Sloam, > ' « i ■-'1 n -rn'.tt C'./illity, *7. C. ' lo'f % Mer -lae I will ' (■nt- p*T fionrld tor i-'ig^ de- | Kive't‘’vi’b*. (>r at my mill.-* 1 ';'\o , L>- ML'UPHV. l>ec ,:l. 18t.] g.. , aii«l f‘or .^ale. sale his most valuable North Carolina. Saicl 1 iiid- 111*- situated on the Y idkiu River, 10 miles North- we«t o' Lexington, an ! 14 mih s South-west of Salem, North Carolin-:; are of great fertility, and contain some .’00 acres of low lands, ,;iid are well adapted to the cul- t ire of Tobacco, Wheat, R3’e, (’orn. Grass, ^c. For further particulars, address the undersicned, at .*^4 ioii. 5Corih (;.».rolina. N. S. A. (JIIVFFIN. .^Iay 1 8*)2. 2'">'*im ljOi*>t or Tliwi:ii(|. 'p'lVO Blank Notes nut filled up, .signed b}" mysell and i endorsed by P.itrick Murphy, made payable to any ()f the Uank-i at Faj'etteville. .AM per‘-ons are forewarn ed not to use them, as they will not be paid DAVID MURPHY. April 2, lKr;2 l.‘?tf Total, ?272,7*'>’’> f'l The (’omi>any have pii 1 all lo.'-sc.' promptly, and hav« never ma le an a.'^sc'^sment ou their premium tioies. Total losses paid. S2'.*.(»''2 *19 ()FFtCKRS: GEO. McXEILL. President D. -A. R.\Y, Vice President C. A. .McMILLAN, Sec y. DlBKrTftB>; W. N*. Tillinghast. S. J. Hinsdale, Wm. McLaurin, T. S. Lutterloh. \. W. Sieel, • .1. (i. C«()k, Hon. I. G. Shepherd, R. F. IJrown, ) , A. E. Hall. \eenta Henry Lilly. H. L. Myrover, S. T. Hawley, Nathan A. Stedman. C. H. Mallett. •James Kyle. A. A. .Me[veth an. .1. D. Vt illiamw. S. W Tillinghast. CAR II! VFEW L.ADIES can be accommodated with board at the Seminary. Sept. 12. iHtil. T. C. HOOPER. •of»- AKUV iiakai:mm; 1.A.M prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness fi),- Army use. I tan my leather and can give good bargains. .Agents will do well 10 send their orders to me as they shall have prompt .atten'ion. and sent off in quick dispf>lch. JOHN CARTFR. Goldston P. )., Chatham ('o . N. C., 1 June 18, 18(V2. / 84tf TO € LI:KIiM of ( 0I KT5 j ^PHE Stay Law having postjioned the settlement of j 1 suits for j-ears, we will not hereafter insert Orders 1 ot (’ouri without payment in advance. Please send .'$1 1 a ''''*’ibe *rder, and more if it be of unusual length. | Febyl802. E. J. HALE & SONS, hn Collins atnLC. C. McCruinmeii. Traveling JH^The (Company invite appliontion.s. iMay 28. 18ti!. ‘ -^l- Crroceriesi Ctrocei'^ics:: \ LARGE anil well selecte.l Stock of F.V.MILY GROCERIES alw.vj-s hand, consivtine of ! Hacon-Sides, Mcsh I’ork, Mullers, Mackpr I Nos. 1 and '1, .Mola.sses, SuLrar.s of al I f^ratlcs, Tobacco, Cigars, A«d all other articles usually kept in a Wholesale Gro- i eery F-stablishment COX, KENDALL .t CO. I Wilmington, April 2. 18*11. 10-(f OIL AND LAMP HLACK! 1 BANNERS’ and LURRICATLNG OIL. L.AMP BL.ACK in barrels. For sa'e b>' JOS. R. P,L0SS0M‘& CO., Wilmington, N. C. March 7. ; if ATTKA'riOA A LI.. ^PHE Medical Purvevor's Departineiii. Cli.Hrloltc. N . I is in neqd i.f the following herb^, itc., foriheu^e >* tha .Army, tor whieli the t'oliowiu? prices will tie |i;>. I oil delivfry at tli* N. fnstitu’e, or to iir M F -iren.leH, Collector ot .Medicinal Hert>s, .vc . for thi- D p.inineni. who will pass throu^ih Fayelievfllo, N •' Per®r-,ii residing in districts where they can he obtain *d. will please give their attention 10 collect ing am' savinu; them. Tiie articles must be clear aiiil well dried: Si'neka Snake root. tl'i cents lb. Puccoon, or 1‘dood rooi. 10 “ ild ('lierry t'ark. :tti *• Indian Turnip, 10 *• \tne»iean Ipecac—root. 1 («• “ •• IMoomiiiit Spurge—root. '>0 *• Indian Physic—rr'Ot, 2'> “ ] liidi.in riii«>'Co. . 2i’i •• “ Hiiick .Sii,;ke root, .i>\ “ “ Poke ro >t, 2> •* " • ’rat'e^bill. 2l» - “ J5Iackt)erry roiw, I ■'» “ “ Ameri'j.i.'i Gentian. I'l “ Dogwood bark. I'-'j “ “ Fever root, , • 2»i " “ American Hellebore rooi. 2(J •• “ Peppermint, 20 ■ .‘'Ijunk Cabt>age—loot, 2(» •lamestown Weed seed au'J leaves, . 20 “ “ Hemlock leaves, 2» •• 'Vintcrgiveu. or P.artrid^e Berry, .»0 Horsemint. 2i '• “ Sassafras—baik of root, 20 ■’ Sas«atVas piih. 0(i “ t.iinseng ront, fitl “ •* Sarsaparilla root, 7-^ “ •' Lavender—leaves anil ijtem 20 •' Flaxseed. _ - 60 per bus.- ^Vhite >ak b>vrl;. 10 cents lb .^leadow 8wet*t, ’ 25 “ “ .\mericin Columbo toot, '>*> " " Willow Hftrk, 20 “ “ Tulin Tree hark or Wild Poplar. 1> Pursimnion bark — from toot. 20 “ “ Centaury herb, 2n “ “ Lonesei. 2'i •• “ Hiitierily Wftd, or P'o'iri-y toot. .50 •• *■ l>andelion root, ;{') •* IIop«, . 1.00 •• •* Wild Senna, .'jij May .Apple, or Mandrake, 75 “ Piitteriiut—inner bark of root, ’ .io “ “ Henbane—leaves and seed. 75 “ “ Barberry leaves, .'>0 “ “ Fleabane. 2't •' Scotch Rroom—tops of stem*. dt) “ “ Pink Root, .jO “ Worm Seed. 25 “ ('alaiiiii'*, 2o “ Wild Ginger, or Canada Snake root. •Jueen's Root, .'jO “ Slippery Elm, -iO “ Bel Pepper. i.ijtj .\nise seed, ',() Spear Mint. 2.‘> ■* Ritter Sweet. oi^j|^'oodv Night Shade. -^0 M. Howard, Surgeon i;nd Medical Purveyor. 'harlotte. N. ( .^iilj' 112-Im A i' AKO. '^PlIE SE(Mt11V ^if W.AR liavinif deeided to com 1'ine ih*‘ tiii'U.Tou i Comp iiiie.s o ' I'ai'ttzin R iiigers into IJ.iti.ilifii - and R -Timents I'or :w ir,» citi-' tiv.* service, has autlir>ri7,>d atVl eiMpower'’'! me to oruaiiize a Reii- men' of ihe aame in North Ci>roIinn Such Companies thei lore, both ot Cavn'ry -md Inl'in ry, as de-jire ro join my (,'ommand, will plea‘e notily me at R ileigh. it US early a liay aw praci icabie Tt lie men to the South—men i^iiliu;' 10 }>eril life .and fortnii.' in ilefence of voiir countrv—you 1 invite. {>■ D. FEREREE. July 2*;. 4li :>w i\4rn’K. my company who are absent from Li. meinliers ol ^imp, art- notified to report to me imtnediafely ,4 LL A v.i near Richmond, , eiih*-r in jier-on or by certilicaies of Surgeons, stuting their diaahility to do duty, other wise they will be d- alt with S'* d**s*'rters. H W' HORNE. 'apt. Co. •5d R*s: t. N C State Troops, Jiily2.' ‘ tf)-2i. Keeei«el and Tor >»ale. I /I Rbis N. O Syriip. j U t^ild White English .Soap, Colgate'*; Rrown l$ar Sotip, .Vdamantine Candlpj. For-ale by H, McMILLAN. .Inly 2>' lll-2tpd N STtlA.. i'W A\n'\%OK.n, JEW find extra nuality; works one hiindre>l and twen- tv five gallons*. For sale a b.artrain. Af ply 10 JAMES MARTINE, Hay st. 4T. rii July 20, 1S02. .\o'k in:. .'%Trf^rors l%*aiif4tl. ILL pay Itie highest .'a>h prio-s. C.n me Ht Clinton. N C A. S C .lu'v 2>. lSt>2. address I'OWEIJ,. 4 '.tpd I'or Hire or Nale 4 NEtjFlO lilUL about I'* years old, either a- a nurse A *’>’■ childrpn or pen'*ral bdu=e work, nr I w.tu’ 1 lit;- ■ to '•.vliange her for -t vounper irirl. or f.>r one he;ween j the age of 2.> and For fnrth. r ‘‘ .rmation nd Ire-s I Post Office, Box 1411, Favetteville. \ ( . July 2o, 1S»’.2. iti-4;pd i ^le«lical l*iir IHfice, I i ('fiARi.oTTi;, N. J.uly l!‘, I ^PHE f(dl iwing Medical JJ‘ r J heretofore advertis,‘d for, the .Army; I Poppy—ripe capsules. 1 Lettut^e, garden—dried juice. Marsh Rosemary—root. \'irpinia Snakerooi -rooi, ! .Juniper—tops. I'ed (,'edar—top.-. Prickly Ai'h—t'aik. Rolling fU-e or Hair Cnp Mos«. \i 4.-)- il . \r-,, in n'i'|i;ioi! to tho-e are wanted fo- i!ie use of 1 '0 per ill. 1 (M» •• ‘ ;’.ti ct^. ; tT lb. .>11 o) HoW\|;d, Surgeon Mei. Purveyor. » Cfiatlotfe. N. C Snle o^ Keal E^ta.e. I)V Vi I) Co virtue of Decrct -i obtanied at th“ last Term of the onfederate ('our:, held in GohNborouirh on the 4th Monday of May 1 «hall sell for ci«h, to the highest hid- di’r. at the Court Hou-fe lioor in the town of .Vsheboro’, o’l the .'th day of .Augu-'t next, the following tracts of l.\nd. vs belonging to alien enemi»“^ and sequestered tc-wit- One trict of land formeily the prjperty of .Joiriiftnn P. Win-low. situate 1 on the w iters ..-f Coii'.c (’’re.'k.. ad jt iniug the !and« of .Thomas Walker and I’enj’n Brook -'ibjiM't to the dower right of M.irg rei Hi*n!y One h If of 111othtr tract of lat; i belonging to -'.i i Wi;i-l,,w. in ttic vicinity of .\.-*heborough. tfie uthei- h »lt U' ing iA’ii,‘d by A. H. .M.ti'Q. (tue triri f.'tmerly belonging to in BriU''. on iht w »' r-i of Uwh irie. cont titling 12'( act e-;. • tne tract of Ian I formerly belnngin-i to U in. Clark, n w in thu p on of Jetfifrson Latub. cont.lining Itjii acte>; >n i a .ioii-f> und two lot-' iu the town uf Uui in. t »oe ' Cur ti.ict b«‘Iougikg to .le-^'e Henly. three miles west of .\.--hef>oro’, cont;iining 7* acres. (>ne other tract behinging to P>enjamin Sheets, situafeil oti the w'.rers of the Uwiiitrie, adjoining t!ie lind' of 15-njamin Ru-h, El, .Xliller aud others, containing 1 o>..^ H M >tie other tnu''. formerly b^^ n^iiig ti Isaic Luna, on I'lr iwiy Creek, coni lining I'mi iicrtii. Till' fdlowiiig ir.ict- of land formerly belonj>ing to t'. W. Woolrii; One on Polecat, some mile or more fror. ,\‘^w ilem. One tract half a mile sonth of New Salem, containing DU* acres: iiad a hou-ie aud lot in the village of -New Salem. Inc olli *r tra.’t. formerly belonging to Tho-: Stalker, adjoining the lands of .Lihaze I’owell and others, con taming I'.'l acrc'. t>ne uu livided foutiii f'lrt of .a tract of la' «l contain ing 2*i7 acres, on '.he waters (>f Carawa_\. aJ joiii. .if. Enoeh Harlan and otuers formerly belonging to Jacoh Cmntnons. Ttie I.tie to all td’saii] lauds i-; reserved ur.til me sale is confirmed by the CoU''i. JOHN ^L\NNING, Jr., Receiver.* .Itily H, l’''ij2. 12 -'w M'; \«TH K. D.KVIEL H McLEAN, hiring been licit'' ! by many ciMzen« voinpo.-iDg the Senatorial District nf Richmond ar.d Ko^t. ann, :ias consented to«ervethem in the upp°r liranch c f tin- next Legislature, if elected to tl^at office. July 22, 1H»;2. 4'i-sw2'*2 We are roiiue^Ktl t«» antiounfe llu* name of W1 Nod\j-E.N’T. .late of the 18th Rec’t.) a.s aoindida^e lor the office of .S.herifl' of Robeson 0011 tjtv July 17, 1802. 44 te TSie IrieiiiN ol Elk*. .1 AO. MiiVER desire that he '^honld h« vot‘'d ^or a- a candidate to reprc-^'nt the County of Moore iu the H i^ise •'>[ Commons. ;it tiie t'u «uiujr election, the 7th .\ug:i=t. July 14. lH*;o 4o 5tpd We are retiiie^ted to aai- nounce Lieut .‘^VNDER.'S .\i, INdR.^M, of the oHih R^g't .N C. Vols , Hs a candid i*e to r. present the coun ty of liiehmond in the Hoiw» of Commons of the next Legislature. July 14.—tE .\«Tli’K. H. WOKTin', presptn incMuihent. i.s a candidate for the oth'’e of Sheriff' in .Moore (,'outitv, I'ty the ni‘xt term. .lune 1802 d2'f To ihf VOTEKS of KI( H.>IO.\U (01XTV. 1T\KE this nieth d of returning to you my th snk^foi the vi'rj’ lifieral suppirt you iiave heretofore given me for the otfic^ of .*heriH'ot your Coutity.'and 1 hope that I have give*. >‘ati-i'’a(;:i()n in the admiui-it'’ati >n of the same. I again solicit your -utirages tor saii office fH the eii'^iiing eln-iioii on itie 1st Ttiur.'d.ay in Aiigust n»x', pledging myself, if electvl. n discharg- the du ties to the best of my ability. .lOHN .\ i (tNG July ;''.J tEpd K. i: IS W.'i 'd At.' ln'U troiu [•on ion Tin: Kl.OCKAIIi:: IN’I YRE lias received th>' following (j()ODS, ht at tlie rect-nt sales at Wilmington, dir^ict K I. VA A A OX Ir 1^:. p\.NNt ►UN’t'E myseif a can l*i laie for She-itf of Rich- m n i (,'ouiity, ac i ii’ elected shall use iny bej^t en- \f. di-avors to fulfil the iliitie of the otfice. A. S. Julv McNElLL. 89 tEpd iiriitit/tfj/.—The Moftli is tlomg all it can to eiivi-noin the war. Tberule which is urged upon tho Kf'verinnent, ;uid which the government hastens to acco])t. Is to .spare no means, however hriitai, to cont»»st the fortunes of the war, and tfi adopt every invontitin of torture for its eneinj 1 he shivi^s iire to be ariiiod ;mj c.irried in battaliona against tlieir masters. The invaded country of t(u« South is tobe pilla^'o :, wasted and hurntj the Xortheri* troop.s, like htingry locusts, are to des troy every green thini'; tlie j.ei'.ple In the invaded districts are to he laid under »contril»titiiuis, cont pellod to do the work of slaves, kept in (constant t(!rror of their lives, and tire, famine and slaughter are to he the portion® of the oonqueied These spitting's of venom in the North do u-, good. The mask d‘civilization is taken from the Vankee war; in the eyes of the world it is degen erated.into unbridled butchery and robbery. Th»- Yankees have mistaken brutality in war for vigor It is a great mistake. Wtir is not emasculated b\ the observances of civilizatioii;!ts vigor and success eoiisi.-?t in the resources of generalship, the courage ol troops, the n)oral ardours of its cause. To at tenif)t to make up lor deficiency in the.se great and noble elements ol' vigour by mere Virutal se veritie.?, such a.s pillatre, a^tsas.'^ijiation, iVe., is ab -^urd;; it reduces the idea'of war to the standard of the bri"anil; it oflends the moral sentiment ol the world, ami it excites its enemy to the last 'tretch ol’determined and desperate exertion. It is especially in this last respect that the male vi.lent and venomous spirit in which the North threatens to resume its active campaign is valu able to the ."^outh The women orders of Butler in New Orleans and the brigandish pronuncia- men*o of Pope in Virginia strengthen our t^ause in the heart.-of our j'eople. A brave people i.^ not alnrm^'d by the malevolence and brutality of its enemy: it is fired by it, goaded by it, and nerved to almost superhuman deeds by the terrible pas vion of vengeance ,The spirit of the preparation now beinir made by the North for a “more vigor ous pr'^isecution of the war” i^ simply to itnbrute hostilities, and to give to the South a spirit of re sistance which jMJverty, imprisonment, chains, scourges, so I'ar from breaking, will arouse to the last pitch of despera+ion and fire with the prvfer- ence of death to submission.—Rich'd Ejaniiuet A Yunkef Gcnprnl Erlipsed.—The Savannah ‘ New.s”-says that the astronomer Mitchell, whose brilliant uehievements over the unarmed popula tion cl Huntsville rival the glory of his discoveries in the firmament, h:is been sent home in disgrace 'I’lie cau^e assigned is that he has been using the l..lncoln ijovernment funds in cotton speculations, and is a defaulter to a large aoiouat. The im maculate liutler himself, whose praises fill all Vankeedom, is in partnership with his brotlx?r, daily maki'iir a fortune by speculation. At New : Orleans, Pic and his brother, l>y an ingenious : .system of annoyance, atone time compelled sere- ral vessels to sell their cargoes of flour to him ot tho ]>alizi‘ at ?12 per barrel, and those same car- ; -OC.S weie then broutrht up to the city and dtjled i out to the people under the active supervision ol , this adventurous, patriotic and loyal pair. vA /or j hilhirf per barrel. Til '! of (ilorj/.—The corre>pondent of the Piiiladclpl.ia Ktnjuirer, writinsj from (ileneral 31c- , (‘iflian'-s armv, say.s; ntimber of officers, who were appointed to ! fill positions they wore entirely unfitted for, through i tije influence of political friemis, are endeavoring I to resign—some have already sent in their papers. I Thu hard fiirhting gave them a terrible scare They itiiojrined the tented field a sort of pic nic. They have found out all about war. The questioti propounded t > thcui, “What do you know of the war?'” can be answered by them by the expression of their countenances, which depict the indications of their minds, .\ little Kartlship and a good deal of fiirbting h:is given them a desire to seek the obscurity of private life. They don’t want any more 'i-lory—they have had their fill of it, I’n/i.-i/iiiif !.■' t// .\ ii fh—Private accounts, b\ persons lately from the North, concur with the mformarioii obtained from the Northern pres,s. that voluntarv enlistments are there virtually at ati fcti'J. or at least in a st it* ot suspension. Pre mium is being piled on premium and bounty on bounty, to tempt the needy and the mercenary, but thus far with very little eff!Ct. The opinion is generally obtaining at the North, that nothing but II ih ti/f will enable the Vankee '/overnors to meet fjitu'oln’s last retjtiisition. liicltmonil KiUj^nlrer ■J'l ps bleached .Shining, IS'.io yards, manufactured ■It-J\Iauclieter, England loo ,J ,cinpt Mi.slin, -IKJO yard- l'1 l../,en Neck Ties. 1 h.ig W hite Pepper. I hag .\lspice. il h:(gs lUa-k Pepper. 1 case Loudou Mustard. -4 lUs., in 1 Ih. hottles. I case Swt-et Oil, 2 dozen, in pint hottlf-», 10 >..ici5- LIVERPOOL S.\LT. oi;]>,il)K OF TIIK S.\1,KS; I dozen pairs Cotton Cards, Nos. D und s 1(1 kegs ( lit Nails. f'avettevilie, ,Julv 14. lSti2 42-:?w R A’OTIt K. it Mlil UN 1 If.i;SiJNED. hn;h hiving enti-red tKe mili- ta^^y s.'rvic*' of the Confederate States of .\merica. I l ere'iy .L'lve n.iiice to their o'd custouier-j and fi u-nds, ; that tney nave Hppoint. d .lohn !). St irr and John D 1 Willinni', of tlii-i i laec, their att irneys to collect either se]'ar.tfeiy or i.tonjointlv .all mone;’s due them either hy I accoutil or noie. and otherwise to attenl to fheir t>u- siness c^n"ra'ly during their j^Hsence. They rt*-ippet- j fully ask all persons indebted t^^hem to call as nrompt- 1 1',’ as possible on their agents cuke payment ‘ .'t WILLI \M.-! j Sept. r*. lSi)l o.S-tf d ate: F 'he di II imin.itions of ,S(10IK>, SHML Apply 5^*40 KI^:\V\K» \NA'V.\Y from the euhscr.her the IStii ifist . a mulatto woman LLTV. Sail] woman is about -d years old, slender frame. />>il no>r cormdefit, of ordinary height, and wil! piohatdy weigh ll!0 to ltd lbs., shori h,iir. with rather ,i hoiiy f i"e, and i» .juite intt llige it. Said wonvm i« prohibly harbored hv her moth?r. owned by .1 .A. Worth, and liill Hruititon. a free negro, with whom she has been verj- intimate. 1 will py the atiove rewarii of .S'JO if -she i-i ilelivered to iiie o'" lo JTi'd in the Jail of this (Jounty, &r I will pay S*'* if .'he is tnken in any otl^er coun'v -ind c'titined in the I lil of the same * ' .?N'» D WTLLIAM*^ Fayetteville. .I uly J I. iS'i'i. Ittf 0 at the Baiik of North Carolina. .NLirch IS '.'If W\ have ,iust received by Express, a nupplv of ELEMENTARY SPELLING I3(;OKS—price 15 cents each, Cash. Wo liHvo not advanced the price of any article»? ou hand before the war; but pre'*ent purchases cost TC)re than we asked for those. Of course we have to jiut up prices on what we buy new. E. J. HALE & SONS Fajrett«Title, Aug 2U. Uea(l|iiarfi‘fi*K ^Viliiiin;;toil ) I lii^iil Artillery, ) I ^ C,\.Mi' Royl.vx. July ‘20,*18G1. This company, desiring fo be complete in even/ re- spett, would be glad to enlist a number of good Dri- I vers,—men accustomed to the manatremenl of horses, i There will he paiil to each man, on enlisfmeut, a I)Ounty of $1.5. Monthly pay .SIbesides beirg clothed and fed, medical attendanee free, and jill oCier aecessarv I equipments furnished req,.isite frr ,n o)dier. us I No one need apply unlexs he is a p-ood driver and ex perienced in the manap^Pni^-nt of hor-ea. Tho destina tion of the company is V;rgiui,i, as soon as e.juippcd. ALEX.’D. MOURE, 0 € O I' KIIHIIATK \ OS F the denominations of Apply al the L’ank of Cape Fear. M.irch 18, jiilOO RIO WAR W. ,'(T«»LE\ from my statih'. n-ir L-'wi-viile, Forsyth County, N (' , on tii>’ iii jVt ot itn- i ,t:i in'-’, a snuH I red tiay ri».)RSE. ne ivy hndi. M ick l»g:, m ine aniftail. j Wi'ii'e saddle marks. So otoor m iri!.-I’ecol'iectc i Gait, I .'■horf pace, shiiit irot. and pice; igeaho;;i 1 i or 12 years * A p.-i 'on se- ii lurkitiiT iu th-' : ei^liborhoo i. -up- ! pos«‘d ti> He t**e thief, who s.nswers to tee f diowing Me- j scripfion; -1 or‘2'2 years old. f lir comi)lrsion. blu" evex, 1 jjrnod coiiiiteuauce, light briiwu hair, well buiit fri;ne, ' iibout 5 feet 8 inches hi>;h; wore a brown froc*; com. I black cassuuere punt.'-, (ijuite new,, new hoot.., blacii ' neck tie, gray tlanntl «hitt. ^ii'.d array hat: earrii d a r«J Carpet "iack maii» ot heanii i-j,; W' h (he fr'iig' on.. .A rew.ird of will iven for ifi-.- arrcn. C);ifine- ment iitid conviction ot • hi**i'. -oi i for th** .-iHf- i.diverv of tfie hoise. J.V MHS S. PljKIXj.'ai. Jii'.y'lo, ISfVJ, 44 -Jw C*pt. Co. E, Rtj’t Lt. ArtilUrj. Mlf .NOTICE. 4 S I espect, to be absent from home a few months in ^ the West. .Archibald McLean is my authorized Vgent to transnet my business until I return. N. G. jon1p:s. Dee r 2S, ISt’.O. H3tf 1 ^ ... i;«I»l»ERA^ FORSiirby TYSOR ^ JOHN^i.V, Orders sent to Mclver’s Depot, F. A W. Railroad, I will be attended tQ. ‘ Jtily a 89. \OTIC E. I ^pHE following menit>ers of m*- Conj!)inv are hereby i J. noiified to report tlieoiJei? -' fo me at Camp neir I Drury's Bluff, within Twenty 4 ly--, otj'erwiae they wil] Lbe apprehenled and shot as deserters; Eli is A-hworth. John B, Harper. Spam Wilii,ims. Jjtm-*- Ki.in. William I )wen. Henry Auuiand. •Tame': Pnillir>«, Roh*‘ri. t'ooper. j .lohu Cooper. Wm. Himmon l. .V J Gow ns. Miles I fl.yd. B-nj. Floy.l, Ji'*ph Ta lloek, .A>^oa!r,ri Jer- ' raid. John !VI“d'oy, .A-co d M •. Tr.o': F Hrovi- I sher, Stanton Presnall. John R "lgers, H.-uben ! Fessmire, William Fi. .Jerrald and Iviech Mainis. ,1 JhS.'iE Jv lE, 1 C»pt. Co. B. o-M Reg't N C T. ‘ July IS. ^ BUnk Warrants for sale here. .4 ^rVn>.— Men seldom think of the great event of death until the shadow fails across their own on the evening ot j p-^th, hiding f irever from their eyes the trace.s of n by the nam» of , hived ones, who.-e living smile was the sun- , liirht of thoir existence. Death is the great an- i unionist of life, and the cold thought of the tomb I is the .''keiettin of ail feasts. \V e do not want to j iT,} throu^'h the dark valley, although its psssage I may It-ad to I'aradise; and, with Charles Lamb, we do n)t want to lie down in the muddy crave, !ven with kings and princes for our bed-fellows. , liut the fiat of nature is inexor ible. There is no . appeal,"or relief from the great law which dooms I us to dust. We flourish and we fade as the ! leaves of the forest, and the flower that blooms ! ami withers in a iay has not a frailer hold ujion i life tlian tiie inigluicst monarch wlio even shook ; the e trlh Wi! ii his footsteps. Gentnuions of men ‘ appear and vanish as the grass, and the countless . multitude wtiich throntrs the wor^d to-day will to- j morrow tlisappear as the footsteps on the shore. ! in rhe beautiful drama of fon, the instinct of j ituinortality so eloquently uttereil by the death- devoted (iieek, finds a deep response in every thoughtful ^i0ui. vVhen about.to quit his your,ir existence as a sHcrifice to fate, his beloved Tle- manthp a.-ks “if. they shall not meet ligain'” to : whieli he replies; “I liave asked that drea]fnl I (juestion of the hills that look eternal—of the i cliiar str'-aiii.'^ that fl >w forever—of the stars, amonsr whose fields of azu.'c my raised spirit hatli walked ir» glory. All were dumb. Hut while I u-ue upon thy living face 1 feei that there is something in the love that mantles through its beauty ^which cannot periph We shall meet again, Clemanthe.” ‘ Don’t rai'e siich a dust—walk your horses a* yo’i o.iS" the i'‘tierrira llea'i (Juarte.s." s.i^d h .sentiru-lbefore (ren (^tranf’s r.--id‘ne* in .»lcm- T»hls, : 'i carriage was passing 'f’ne lady « ccu- pnnt of the ctrriii.;0., a w'd! kfo^-n wot' w : f'trorig Southern proclivities, answes'’ ’ as it drove rapidly by: “It.s our dust- if you dont like it leavQ here wd go to youT owq dirty oountrjr ’’