SFiMl-WF. EK f. T. Ml. FAVKTTKViLLK» N. l... Al UUS1' 4. [NO. 1148.] ■i ■ 'UI1 m«4P' aiftl c #»que 0901^ n I l&KB 8«ci. . p«r« c«miRau> P*i^ ii,4^ ^ e ti inj|> liAr u#«a 0 Y^-'SUk aaitsp t i*now, i>. 4ilitor« f. irrugrfp ! , will iii'. v p nip I )«««^ laiqi 'ind'r 1 ■ M •> ''A': \M» I 11! l,Sl> \^ i.iMVAun j. HALi: & so\s. L-t lit'us .vNu '-ii I .•.u;r ii;.' li I a. - r:.‘ 1 I 1 :;n I It'! t'l'V Vii\ •iM I'vs .10 'if 1, ■ r a o' . .. - ,r; i’l-..' ■ N •Th. i :....■ 1.1 fi naui*' >t 'I iifv% -Vi -c ioe: iii;. ... meIII ’i ii'tvauc uoi will III u -ub?i ru.?ri I'or a u.-fer tune : 1 'i> •11,-1 j .Itf-i •.i. ’Ii4 pa '^IrLij y> ... ^ Ira-o ; -’*^y Tfu_U Jfiti y I r—^ : ,j A;>'. tRri8t.R. ■' vT' lowil Vt- Ak 'Te >; Ivtl UaeUj:':.; jL I ^ -erver, an i f er.JOU' ;ti icwii wlrh id . . t'. ti=' 'U: • (k J i.'i.*.- a-i'iLl wiM. till - i'll ujc. » . IV «jsi, ; nu ia ' . - Lir i'i vi-i I i jis i''4 *'e *,!•( I iv't? ii V lEor" -uch : —or 1'-. p; r-', •; cO-V 1 n V- rtv ill I’nr .^v.'i T fiiiri r Wf* \ u ; M.- r, hftii to ■ wov.-i ■ II w lie*. m 0 p-. •; I . w V -w >rn ^ ;)• fie ' '■ I he^'fJiffpr iitiiHj-i 'j. A.w-.i- i'Jtr ifi •; ■ -:i 1 ^airf ii. j;.j, [• : (:‘lt WP U itii ,i / exeet'itii',.^ " : tr: ■ ii, gr • . .vtll « W •’• ! rt h‘ . ’ ■ I 1 btt pm in j. ij». •r.r#. .itrW.. /attorney at Law, (•■ \V} TTF.A'H.i.i:, N (' PI- * h ■ ■■ i:: _ Sl‘ .'Vi ; ;. .1 i, i; . Nl""re I . I\.i0i ' ,!,! ;■ n". 11 ill -Itu- ■!! Ot Hll I. KOKV ?!c\AIR. rufcf aud f'ottHSf’ltor af S^fur^ '• ■. t- , 1 i l . ”1 ii>-; . ■ i Sui-e- V •■ i; . 'ip-!’n. ^ ■ :i; ;‘ • ' ’ .. i. ; .r .is; 1 r,, n ■ «i:l . pr.-r itn h'- •■ ; r !!•'''u:,"y r-*:ui’■ i. i !:XTAL iN'OTiCi:. I) .Si'mTT ; .11 i)P '.->11 ::i :r;- I I, J >r« pR^i : ip ii:irkp!. T .runr h> • -'i • * • . a r M, r*‘- A ’i. sir. Ncotl noli-.* thnt hi* ■!i! '! )'U r HV*-lt»'V| !.* .1 !t J>** AP*-k-* FJort‘S!4'4* and Fayejh'iillt* Kail Koatt. (’'Nil!', i: I tip :.-OVi ii'l' 'f O' ill;' ’:■■ ■ (if Ifl** 'U- V IV n il .'f North i'ii'iiliti i, n.mlc.'. w ' :>e ot>o nl cii t! I i:li .imi. 'it the I'illuwir” h>i1 und.-r Ihf -ii ri tiiwi "t' I'll- I'pr-o i^, to rpci'ivi- -ii*-,scrip- ti II li)P '«!> t'lt .'^(•ick of tl|.‘ “ {'I'MOMC ' V r IVfltP- • ; .1 I! "i.i t’,1 ■’ S' .ri - : Mk* II iiiiil> I-I 1> r'ifsp .''ii, ! ' V ' ' f: r ; ii’tTrhf i; r ■ ' . r , ' I ;. ■ r ■ Miiiii - - • ii \ \ \i r l\ t h-i ii, !'. r.'iv. A W. '• i. W : MA. \\ ■] \ ij.i M i-l-t! ‘ I>'P iliro'-:! >tl * Un't v M •N'fill. i:., ,i S' \v>rr. .i.t-; A. Sniitii. L>> ti I Mo- NimU 1,111! t’ . Ai X lU' luiy uiie ot' in'ni. /' ' '■ - >■■ Tinlpr il.f il:; p.-: oil nt' i)r N’pill M N' i’-, I >r \ !► M -r.t in. \ .-hi' :i!'l SiM'.'.h, K hiiiiti 1 '• I- ' ■' \ :-x til I* r 'ti' M-i ii . r Tiy HP i>f tl'tiii 1' ' ■ , ' I’n I.T ill. .'. ti;!'! 'fMiii! .‘k Mc- i: 1> '!i'I 1> \! (’>1 hiTu J I- .1 r . mi.l J. II M-'lJiiPi ii ■■ miv iifip :M th. :u ' I' ’ I II Ipr^lip ■iin-C "Tl of • ‘:l. Ji McNtir. '■■■.•.I l*iig>>l \l. ! I'uiu uml Ju-i -Vl' - I. 'in,, 01.1- ■:! Ilelll ' e .Snlwi ■ p'; lU I'.cmk:' wii; icin>iiii op.-u S/i il.o 'f e r ■ ' Viy- \\ Sippi i ' s'iifi-'iii s-uni is uii'Ct ll/t. i tl. I 'ip uv w’li be ^rguuiiPo fiir tiiP purpo«>‘ 'f buiVi iU: ;ht^ Koii A \ Mi'KtTllAS L. A KA\. A W sri'Li.. U\1 McL MctxA^ JS«- M KOSL in?i:p! .1 I !i lu srioner- bivi- :ivil' .lurit- ;i?if LOOK -\T THIS! iiii; nvi'TTrnLU': iiotiil. Fraiiiiii^ '{00 fVt'f atul in ifte bu?»iiiess l»or(io2i of (he I'ovui, %rii(iiafiM{ BCooiii«» aii> llotrl ill !»n'l i',\ l’;tfr .ii> '.i\ luv •' 'i..rnti nt -i."t‘ vrr-. t-.T tl'i' tiTii>'' T. wvDini r,. !'i7n»fii‘ior. M-.v-i". 1-." -Ty Fa}eiU*iilI^ Feiiiait* Sriiool. 'PliK r. >, o*' 'tii-. lii«' 1 :■ !i V .1' ^ 1 Ih" • 11.'■■•r- ri>'U = yp , 111/ - 1 li I>t t .• • Hi .1 ill'i uf 1 I fi^r .(illy 1 ’ f tn iit-i fin 1 ii! ir fi'kM- inipii'lin S ‘ii,. Mr:’ P'irii> -'i^ r-ij'tp^ir.l to ’ .■ ii.ilic : .1; p n .. ill iPi: n i i '■ !;.-v w \; III • - !L, I i!. !: • b- Oi i.i. 1 M, ii.'^ U'‘"i of V5 1 .“i-*, i-i';.ui •, tii: I! ir iMm‘; I fM ) io ('itrotiizP thi ipj'ik (i r fimilm': : !PI \ r ■ -• fJtlKtiuro* .'fflilitary \«afSoiiiy. “ f i'r'‘i ■ i-i'n. ■•yp I of t- in ; i; . ■ ;i I I on M m a ji '1 !h- t'nr ii' = !^t be- Z-' a'.'Ii h- .i; h ■ ini'P. K 'T .. M'» i'l^ PI in-i, . 'v l.ii p -is M.i vNi M 'II \ N ■f'l i>: J. DAVl. fiiviiig ■.■.•■ iel fii -"rma- ' n rii y 11 tine in I be - 'v f F iyp'i.-- L07vi1! -. r.rp.-‘Cf a y tT-r- hi- 'rrvv- !■'. up , - ' anil *iurniitii'(i’i? '■ ' In ' • ‘ I I -..1 1.; I'l - M, j .■■ ■ '•!: ril T- ■' . = ’■! -•li-ti.*-’. ; •■•r T r i w !i ■ J , ! 1. 1 . ir"!!;; Ii ■ ‘ .1- • r. , I I.. Cl n tri V '-'li' r - 4M ■ . • ■■ ' r *•1 't 1; ir: ry A i irrpi i in'u I p- ■>•■:■ hi, \ ■ : i' i. U' ,*■ i ^ ^ ‘ ■ ■ I ■ I’r ... - - in ’ V!T ; T : '.I j. u t ’Ipii jr..^ ; - . ii - •* '"e I rot*’' ■! n i V- ■ . I , rpi -'- 1* ■. ‘ ‘ i±i'h ' ipt*: ;i!i -'!•!'V it; ; ’I" 1 T-i-' H ■"■t 'ii'- JpwpUy S' OP. w . rp’i.e (.KO, W. WILLIAMS A: (M).. hol'«aii‘ llealei*'* in \NI) IM1>^ TFll' \Nr> IN irdware and ( ntiery. Swedes Iron, n\\ STKKKf, UVEirF VIS-IK. N. . # \V. I'. K i->Nl).\ LI,. s Ki:.M*Al.i, i nX, Ki:\»AE.L X .V ,\' i.- .HOLE SALS GROCERS. ' 11 A 12 Vortli Waf(‘r St., W iliiiin^itDii, I’. '■ ■ i-r^ f’ ii t’-t- ‘’I'Mntry prmiifi'iy px^’iix'1 i"!'' ' ’ ■■■ , -■ii;iiiu j^iveii i-i ihp - iIp ot ‘’'iti'in ( |»'I''S'4S S. % ^ ? >. Vo. l‘.» lliij - f \i Vi,i.r ; r. L£ i:\vv 1-1 rplii: imcKrisH M\M KA ili:: I il F -ly*^: ■ ;.p. N l -it : ; - •'•.l- .• Hi) in.- (•, wi i -. . V ,n!"- I- I:; - ; jiri i. i ;;p ' 'I-' I’oiii- pirf* r’-.v r jKK- \\itii 'b> ■ tt;i*'> c jl.--. irnil if;iireii la NI.. ii-i 1- : '. .iU 1 h ;"ir iU'^iiy y- bpp-i > ill in ■ '•f.v V »rk -M'l I’h'' ; i !i hia if . ; - T li li'iii, i'ii--'i r ■ kfi'n '’ii. i-'ny-!! s vil’f. '':rie 1. 1 '2~ Ki:\\ '•'’HK n'r->vr> re''-;'I will hip I'ft-i f r thp Hpi'rplipn>-i »i 1 .11 ! ■' ■ • t.i the nf .. p«: \l try To-!. : ,\LK.\- \N1*H ; ’' ALI..\( 1!.’wiiu ic^pri- i \i - cnnii I'ly on or 1. ■!' .M irch i ■■ i ii-i \\ iilm.-.* i-; J I y. .'i 1. t-p' '1 Ifi'h.'- i.ic'i. :■» i '^oiiij’-'X- in. ;.rk li..r. ■ lo I Vhp i■> » Ii IT,* f M 1 1- p ' ■ imt V. nil 1 i•; I r i*'n- > ' .n « noiniiy of ( .IAS. 1>. \I.i\Kll, f’Hp'. » o H, Ji i II i;.'^ ■ .N Tr lup- •. iiji. .1 *>1 . II. " niiip. : oiii K ’I ' II .Iiiiif ’7 . f 810 Reward. A :• i. .V -I . ii 111«' \ i.\'; . w .11'l i»|.r ;> -'..r til ''. irfijrine K tVf 1 : or i 1 in - p iitn 1-: !i- w ' i;n- il'lp 1 I .■ i . .t!.i !ofn' : iiiv , ■ . Hi «*■ ' hl"P w i. 1 w ' ■ !•-■ pi V 'I I .■ vr I' I I ii 11 1:) r. ;:v:cl -Uy :.i‘ \ii- i-i . ! J V. ■Hi ' • : » 'i i ;'ill ub. ■ .! i ril'-'u i I ;i.' fir= |[ - '' a bor; 'U' ' ('•i! ; i-:iliT, ■ i w li kiiovn .t'' i' r IV ••'tpvilli* hi;! Winiii1 - n. %\ l>Ti: It \ it \ 1 9. 11>. f i!lowiii„' r i:(‘s will nnw bu oJiur jcil for l*a‘=^^eu- I (;pi s on this R«i‘i I. viz ■p,, PjitV Kivpr. ;">) '•tis. To -;t :ii!i Si.rinT, 7;'> •• 'IVi .Tono'lioro', 1 nt To '‘.Iclvr-'. 1 L'.' Ti iti b- tv.-. tpc lior.i • Momlflvs. Wi'.incsilriv# »n1 Fi'! Imv-'. h' > o’cloi'k .V. .M. H“lurniii’' Ir'avp^ Mclvpr's ■u ’.-J H-k M n. M M.l.FTT, IVfs’i. Anu'. •J'-\ I'^i’il. Tlif Kaleifffi and Fayotieville ]\oti«*ei re- 'I”’*"'* «' V f>r.- 10 chnriTP fiiH t .rp til all pri«j»?riij(?r;j in our (’oaeh- P-. .'I'l l III r^'vi.ae Irom this tlute ill iVpp lickpii^ S. DVllRKi: i I5R0 . ('oiuriu'lors Route No. 50‘"j. r-u.v ^ 6rapd A Tht* \t‘W Style. Sriiall. lOLOUED PHOTOGRAPHS, ; ART \Uo4>di%ui dS Solar 1 aianera. ^ 1) >0 K.\ PHS cv’* tp ‘IS i rtt ' h:. .1 > lell’ j >>kyUght iJn'Uiy. Hay street, opi'osiip Ma'ble Var>l, Fhv et:. villp. .\ 0 ; plnin. rotout'i; .1, p >l'.rp |, iii water v! os. oil anit i frot'i ■jnuill t.. lif'p .\oibro- fv! i -, Mt'lauf typtnTi'- all u'oim- Ip-i Pictures pv'iiiii' ■ t(i thi‘ \rr Xi^o. (Ji!r Fih :iP!«, lili Niould- iiiz. ij • fur '■••rv ' ir^'v- pit’iurp .■• ’ iiire us ‘J'i tiv .X(> iufi, ■ 'or.l m!i.i T.K'ipN !or linnijiiie picmrt's: liisini- ijiptit' . .'^1 ■ -k ill 1 '!. il. for •-■‘■'.o ! i\'- loi •■I'h. I..ife 'iip I'l l 'Vl .1 I’iioifi^^'-.Uili-i 11.;i ij *r iTti • 'i!:ill pioiuro' !lav'Tit perniMiiPii'; V l.. -;ict b*-;p 1 hopp to merit viiur p i ronH'jo 1 w. • ! h%'. re'uru my .^int•l•^e thanks f. r ;''ip libprn! piitronH;'p >■ on me h'Tpioforp by li.p kr ■' ■! :ifo] :e o,*' ’tteN 'i'* uiul \ioiirtv-. M VANiiKSi»KLl, Plu'ti'iri'Hittiist an ) 1‘ropripfrir. I fl."')H . 77- ^lasrlile I'aeKM’y. ATTKATIOA A 1.1.. Millietl I’lirvpyoi's DepariniPUt. Oharlolte, S. ' . 1 i in iii-p'l the following ht'i bs, \c., for iheuve if the Ain\v. for which tlie followiuK prinea will t* pl». I on (li- iv, rv at the N f' In‘'iitiitp. or to I>r .M F Arpr tfip ('i11pcI'->i- rt' Mpiicina! Ilei-b-. He.., for tlii“ I» ['••rtnipnt. wfo will pH«s throush Faypttevilb', N ■ I’l'i'jo Tp-tiilinp in Jisiricis wherp tlipy can ht' obtain eil. wil; ’(■•ipHsp a;ive tbeir attpntioii to n(>llpotin‘'ami saviiij?’ th-*:ii. The artieleM mjisl. he clear ani{ wpll Jrit‘-1: SrII‘.'k I Sii ikf? root, ctr.t.i lb. I’liroovn, or I?loo‘l r)ot. ’ “ 'ViM Cli'Tiy brtrk, ”0 “ ItiJiii I i iirrnp, 1'* “ “ rit^iii i p«!:lC—root, l Ut) *• “ r'looiiniie ^jiurjffi—root, Ot) “ “ In-lii 1 Pii^.i:c—root, •• “ iiiJi'tn 'I' lbjcco, “•'> 15 ‘ick “n ike root. 50 *■ “ p. kpii.i.i. -20 *• *■ ('r-it|p fill, •• “ iU.-ic'k ‘ I ry inoi. 16 ■ " .\iut.‘riLiaii i}? i.tiaii. Io " " Ui'gtVOO'l *'Mlk, -o “ Fe\pf r;>ot. * -0 .-\iui-i ii' iii Hplleboiif rwiii. -U ‘ " Feppprmint, " " SkuQk (.’abbiige- root, -'J Jaojp'-lowu-Weeil - se»J anl ltnse« -If “ Hfiiilc'Ck leave'4, " " WiutfeVtn-fPD or f’artrl Jgs bsrr^ Horiif'nin', . '^0 .Sassilrai—f'ark to it, -0 ^asHa'.riiJ pitti. 5.iU Qiuseiig root. Ct'i ” *' Sar:-ipirilb. r»jC, 76 Laveti l«r —leavPi- till J *-oiii ^0 Pini»pe l * 50 p«r bu**. r I ■ N IKilV! I'. T. I‘',|i;il i SIIVS' STdRK I'avoi*vilIe, >f. I\ • oi p‘ ic 111-1 Liinsf f i' ilvin ibim. ii i'UKo. !.V VN.v 1.000 A'r(‘o >l Ivaiifl l'tr Sale. rp i K iiio i T-i^iif-il - tl'TH for il ■ bli' iTi ■>' • ibi’> 'U' I L.Vji’' ivip coiit'\, .'.'.iri!) r'li il .1 I. .''ill .n I 1.1 • i 5leM 111 ' ■ 'i ■ 'o o . ■ ' , :' -:i ■■ N ir;li v-e-l 0-' !. .'inTton. nt; 1 1 I mM' ' S'uun w-'-i of .s.,1piii. -> ii ; iTi',. lire 'it ‘' ;’-rti!;• y. ai't fon';iiii-omp .,11' .!■• •- if low imi l-. iiii l i!‘t' wi-l i iiipii- i ’ j thpi'ul- : I-' iT 1 • i 'f'.i, Wlif.d. Ry‘. I'orii Gri'^'^. iV”. h> r r'lirtlii r T Lrl iciibir-, I'l irt '- tli - un i r - - n- i. ■ t Siil 'i.i. .'1 .rih ;’tro'iini. N ^ .\. ’;( \l i IN '1.^ I'*, l^i'i:. -•') -ini IjO^I >i* .^ii*»lai(i. iil ink .Niift-'i Rot fi Ip'I ,ni. ,;n- I iiy i. y > ,f ui i 1 en li'rcpil by I’litrick ^llll phy, rii ; !• imy iMp to HhV f thf* !5:ir;k ■ fi! F '.yett'ville. All p“r^ 'f''- ;• •• t 'r'"?.iv'! pil II t to UHP them. M.-i itiPV will noi hio |.-u I !aVll» .MI.Kl’iiV. •\j-ril I!^ii2. i-itf ilpnry L.’.ly. !!. V',!-iV"r, S. T. ll.iv.lcy N'lithaii A. .S;p triifiii. • 15. M;i!lf!t. .liiiiiP'' K^’le. \ A., -111.111. .1. !i ni’li;.„is rf. W Til'iiiirliT^t r A li t>! \FM'*V '’iri bp Hi;M.ini!'o.i-ti t Spmiiiurv. -I V 1 fii I. ( •pi. i:.'. t*ol. liou'i’h il, • iij- T. i . \ tt. U. \Vi9tlTi3, ASiySY SIAKAr:s.«i. I'.i kin 1h .niinissioii and V'oi Kardiiiff ^lerchants, 1 irrpue i t > imnu .■i nin MTV '!•/ v> • . • for .\riny ii“P. I tan my livitlifv f W iT ,n WILMIN ,T()\ s ,■ ■ . l-;i .:n U, \V. iti f ifni'Uissi ttt‘.rr!n ? v\ IL.MI.N'inON', N. il i; HKKS'>.\'.\L HttPiitiou wili b‘ jjiv«n ; i'.al .S' iri'-i, i'’otton, Lainber, iiui‘ un'.y proiuc*. hE.-KK TO i'AfcSLET. PivB’t Com. Hank at Wilmington ; wio.N, “ y. C., at do. - il. ^ K. .J. Lit,Lv. 'K >1 !1-RT".S ,t f*LO \!t, I ■" ! . , H ir-: ■” our'V, > '•('a. KKXOAM. C(V >■■,1. I0.,f iriv? (I'ni.! birtrisiii' .\p'tit-- w:!! lio wi il to -“ I' i ^ i ir onierw to mp as ibpy sh ill b;ivc prompt HiiPinioii. ao'i ?cnt ott in quick li.-pni(;h. • .li>[|\’ f’AI!'!’: !’ OoMston I*. O., Chatham Co.. N. i’., i June P!, l.'til.’ ) Oil. AND LAM!' i5LAGlv. I'f •■r\nxi;hs- an i Lri:i:if n’l.Nt; cib. I l/VMr !U,A(1K in b II f’or vuIp hy .lOS H I’.LussoM .1. r)., Wihningtnn, N. 6 tf A ( AKI». ^PilK SKi'RKT,\RV of W\R liavinp ilpciil>^'l to com I ^'n'^ thp nil iiproim I'ompanii'S of l’a''M/iTi F *n^pr' ir.t h 1'Millions an'1 RpsfiriiPiits for *.iorp pffypti vp «ervipp, ha-i HUtborizBj an'I eiiipoworp-i riip tti ort^aiiiz? n Rpfi- nien! u/ the sume in North f'arolina. Siinh t'ompanic.s therpforp. both of ('Mvilry anil Inf-ir.try. as l>’^-i’'e !■) ’nin Piv •’’omniani^. will p1paii> ni.tify me at RaU'igb, st a>j eai ly a dnv un practi?al Ip True in.-n to the Sonih—men willing to p»ril life Rii'l foritiiip in ilpfpnc*- of votir i^oiiiitry—von 1 inviip. D.' D. Fl'.UF.RKE. .Iiilv ‘2b 4'i Hw AV.', \OTH'K. LI, meiuber>i if iny company wb."* are a*>spui from mp, arn notifipi to rpport to me iinnie iiately. near Richinoni. V« . »-ithfr in p.-'r^o’i or bj* cprnfi"ait« of Siirjreons, stating their iJiaability to do duty, other- wijiB they will be dealt with aa tlpsi-rter>>. M. VV IfOiiNK Ctpt. ('o. -1 RpR’t. N. State Troop'i. J Illy t'i ‘Jt Jiiwt Receiveii nn«l t'or Salt*. I i I Rb!s. N. O Syrup, 1 U ' »ld While English 8oap, Colgate's Brown Bar Hoap. Ailaniaiitine f'aDiilP“, For .-alp by H MfiMlLI.,\N' July ' 4fi ‘2tpd STILL^ C’AI* \ \9* WOUfi, N~ un-l extra fiuality; works on« hunlred and iwp/»- iy-flv6 (gallon; Julv ‘20. 18b2. For sale a Kar/ain .-\pply to JAME8 MARTi>’E, Ilav ?i IP. ?.t W’hife t>an birK 10 o«nt» lb- .\Imdow .Sweei, 2v ■ -Viiierioan C'''!'auito luoi. itj Willow bsrk. „ ’20 Tulin Tree bark Wild P-iplm. lo • Persiromon bark - Troin root .. t'p.Tiaury br-rb. JO '• R iD"- ‘t. JO hr.tpitiy \'i “1. I Pieuri»y lou'. .10 •• • ' Diri |i-!ioti root. ,:o •• Ilr.j -. 1 oo •• " VViid ,'-Pii:i ., •jo NL.y .Apple, or .Man.irake. 1 0 ‘ * 15'ifpinut—iiiuer batk of roo;. ,'iO. •• HeiibitUP—Uaves auJ 9«nd. Rirberry l?nve«. oo •• •• ; Fie' b ne. ■'r. “ “ Scotch Brooiu — lops of steuit .S.l •* . Pink Root. r»o Woiiu .Seed. 'j.S •• '• ( (\.l ........ 2r> ' U 1 !d iai'.'-: or t uuuJs Snnk« rwut L’.') •' “ tju. e.-> “ R .- i, 60 ' ; Mlippory Klui. c!0 •• " ! Reii I>i-p"r, l.OO • “ ' .\n. jp St ed 60 • Sptrtl M 111. Ji. • lil.’Pl ; JVfP' of WouJ> .''igbt Shade. oO • M HttW \RD, Surgeon and Medic il Purveyor. Charlotte. N i'. •hi.v -. Ii''i2 4'2-1 Hi .^OTI4'F.. .^'egroes WILL I ay thp highest ’n,h pri.-c- nif- at Clinton. Jlj’V ‘JH, 1 ■o '.J .'J (’ A H r.iii. 1 (' pr>'\ 4b •. LL •d A Tor Miro «»i‘ ^alo. .NKift* ii 1 RL a-rii't IV ye''H oH. eithpr a ^ -i uihji- t. i' pliildri'n nr gf-n‘T\l hoiup work, or I wnr.id like 111 eji'lian^p her for a y.iiiriiTPr pirl. ■"■r f'tr on*» lipiw^n: the ajrp of V.i> an i F r fii^-thpr infirtra'ifin %d1rp»« F.i«t t •ffi('e, 15,n 1 to. FaVPiSeville. N. t Julv‘J.S, IS.Vi ' ;'-ttp/ . litMlical I'm* €*v»s'*«> Oflirt-, (’nARI.07TE, X J li. r.*, fillowiiig Mfdica! Herbs. ^'nC . n a idition lo t bo-p j 1 hei'PtoforP iiifvori iecfl f^r, 'ii I f. t».»niP'l fc-r tfii’ n sO qT [the .\imy Poppy—ripe capsules. 1 !‘0 p.'^ t' Lpiiuce. garden- tlrietf jtno«. 1 00 • i Marsh P.o^pmary—roof. 20 ci? ppr It,- j Viigitiia Snakeroot —roL.t. , £/ * * ‘ • .Iiuiipcr -tops. •*>' k. • it P.ed (’ed »r—top-. Prickly \sh bnri. -.() '■ •• K' ■ ins Rye or H-iir t to ,'i i - . MA!vHPli:A('F: A M RAK, • j \v i, • II :i ! . • • xp''." i-i keep for 'nl", f fliPir I I ‘WTi m.TT!ii‘-j'”ure. ;i «ui'j :y of Ri-ns. fi ilvanized :in i O' Ii i •J! ^8f»i:!l French, Hisfli Post, i o((a?e and ('omuiou Sp iiiU Miiitrc'-ip-J. if t'pw aii l improved >v’itig. "n hand ir niu lp o;-lor i‘ tn\ > LtU'N'JKS; Spring. I'jine, and Wood .''.■it '"M.MRS, of ditFprpni ‘dinds niid liattpri -: .'^pviii'.; Lo'mrp-* anl ’liiirH, rppiirpd. ati 1 fi.vpre I wii h Hair ‘'loth or other- wi'P; III"' I’HU i!."-:. l.iin?-' firbb’-. \ Mh is ; .^oiH, II a id I’pper l.pirhpr. and I’lastpring Hair. \ WP hnvo coo i Miici.i.-i.-ry for iwiua;. I’i.iiipiiic, 'ri'.ruiii;:. M'lri'i'inj: and l5or«-iii^, we can lo work with I, .-li Hti'I nil ..'it :-f ici iry t. rm“. I’eri^on® having wutk r rep.iirinir bi will lio w.'ll to give iih a i':ill. We wtiT’iii! 1. ir work- if 't fail-*, v >u know where to *f;nJ u~ II .viiig iHken a .''tore in iht* Ka-l wi b" of OiIlpf»pie .'itri,'*'!. a fpw door- S^iith of .\ W. Ste.'l, K- j., and h'lTi ifi ''•■me >p ire ro.jtn. wp w ni.d attpn i to the storage Kil l -n'k' i.f any ihi-ig iha' i ly !'•• ron-Oiincd to iix; an i 1-: n Wi ! /■» ■ -ip.'i-; il tii.'M'l'in to pro I'u-i'; of thi>4 .State iw .y * F.i V'11 pv i! iP. .\i'rll 1, I'-iil '.HI Hin.ii, i\sr!n\(’K roMPAW. I C’ai'iialiii rrpiiiiiini Note,'■iiiiouiit>‘to 5^2t)7.*'>hH ‘-b I'a-ti on ii ii.ii tu 1 . .ii'.r anwipt-i. •'j.077 :5o Total, r'J72.7t>'.> fil The t'on'p.iny have pai'l all ion«K‘>» promptly, and hi^ve nevpT mad' an a:-ipssnipnt on their prpmiurii iiitp!«. Total lo8s.'i paid, •i'^* »KKU'FR": Mo.NKlLb. T‘ro“iii'.‘iit. 1'. A. R\V. icp Pri'sident '. V M.-MILL \N. Sfc y. iMKKi’TDRs; W, .N. Tilliiiglia-it, S. J. lii>!i=d ile, Wm. .^I • [.aiirin, r. S. l.nrterloh. ,\. Vv. Stpcl, J . tl. * ir.uk, lloii .1. 1. .'•Iippheiil, 1’.. F. Rrov.ii, t . A. K.tlall, , ''‘I"'‘-'"•n. hn ( ollin- m l t". C. 'dcCruiniiipn, Trav.'ling .\grnt.s ils.Y' Thp rom; -uiy invit'' -ippiifa!ioim. ?>!ay _S, JSii'. 2^. i in rove riesi! \!,\RfK iMi'l well «‘lp('ied Si'n-k of FVMlL’i • «!{> 'F'‘IFS R.hvay-1 ■ >i ha:' 1, .'•.:imi«t-n''- fi! ]»,i(i.i,-^i'ie.'*. 'fws.- I’l'rk, .^IuliL.■.s. M'lfkor .%»»;. I ar!il .'^u-ar^ id' ;il ur.'iiie.s, 'robaccu. .\nd all other articloH usually kp}>t in a Who'tjHale iiro- cery Kta*ili-ihmcnt \Vilmincrtrin. Apiil .'oiale of Keal lOsta.e* L)V vlrtU" of liecr.'ps ob* lined at the lai»i '!\rm of the ) ( tirp li'iaip t’oiirt, held iu tioldiiioi .iiigii on the lih Monday if \!ay, i shall sell for cash, to she bitftips; bid Jpr. ai the •’tuin li.iU'C 'Joor in the town of .Anheboro'. uii I LIP ,'j'*'-d-4y of .\iigust n“xi. the fiillowine tracin of l.u 1, %s bi*.linking t'l alien enemies and pequep’ered ( ■ ■ *'iie tract Ilf 1 in 1 forniprly the properly of Jonait.aii 1* Win-ilow "iitu'itpd on 'he waters of Cob’e t’rppk, ad j lii 111,' till' iathJ-* of Thomas \\aikpraiid Renj'ii liroCr ahiip, siit j -I to the d'WPr I iplit of Marg i et llpiny (*.'ip hi'f i f an.ith.-r tract of Innd tiplonging t?aid Wit.- w. ill iiif v.eini'y 'd A.*hpboroug’:. the i.ither naif lifi oTii.'i ••'- A H M-ir-h t,>;.e tri.-t firni.-rly oplongitig to Wm Briles, on iht wi;- rs of I’w'o trip. contaiuiiig 1-U aores. I *.ip trai’t ul' Ian 1 formerly fieUiu.;iiig to W m. ('lark, | now ;ii thv ]i "PS'ion of JetIer-.on Lamb, f. utaining I'.n ac"'-; an I a hinisp and two l it-* in the town of Tni m I*.IP oihprtrai’t Viploiigmg to .leHse Henly, three mile's wp-t of Asneboro'. couiainiog 7S acres. t >up other tract belonewig to I’.enjamin Sheets, situateit ' on toti waters of the I'wiiarie. adjoiaing the btmls of Hpi.j.iinin Rush, K I. Miller and others, containing i;-; • ’rp'i uae otlipr trict. torniprlv bploniring to I'-aac Rnlla. on I ar IWH3' (.'reek, ciu»t.iinuig lOll acrcn I i'lip following tracts of litiid formpi'ly hclonitin>: to W. \S 'ol.-n; i)nf!on I’olecat, some mile or morp fror. New ilpiii. >iie trai’t. haM' a mile soutb of New Salem, con'aininp Ii^n hctps- an'l a houxe and lot in ihp village of Np» Sab'iii One oihcr tract, lormerly belonging to 1 ho-. .Si>ilker, atijoining tnp lands of Jabaie 1‘owell and other.-, t?on taiiiing I'.M aorps Oiip undivi'letl fourth part of a tract of 1-i d contain ing -''7 rtcre». on the w itprw of Carawav. ailj im.uk. r,ni«’h H-Jilin and others, f irmerly belonging lo .Tacof' ('oiiitn.ins The titie to all of -laid landx is reservt~l n/itil the «a|p is I'ontii iQe i hy the ('oiirt Jt>ilN M.^NNlN't}. Jr.. Roeeiver. .h:ly *. 1>'>''i2. 1'-' !!w tit A Tin: Ki.oc'K.Ai>i:: 11' ,^I.V'’ INTVRK ha.s receivp-l the following i( >Ul>S, W , ilonght at the recent pales at Wilniingion. dirv'’t Irom London; J'I p-i bleached Shirting, 18C>.5 yard'’, manufactured ai .\) inciies'er, Kngland KUi |i-i .1 lOotiet .Muslin. ‘J'M'O yards 12 di'Zpii -Neck Ties. 1 bag Whitp IVpper. 1 bag .Vliipice. /i basrs Black I’epper. 1 c.'ise LondonMu'.tar'i. 24 lb« , in 1 lb. hoiiles I cast! SwppI (.>il, 2 tJozen, in pint boitlcs. M .sicks LlVHilF(*UL HALT. ol. rMDK UK THK SAl.Kt^; 1 dozen 1 iirfi ('‘ iioii ('artls. No-*, it .and M !i> k'-gs ('lit N'aila F.iypttevilip. July 14. 180‘J 4’J-;5w M';, lli’)W \RIt, i^iirgpon iV \tpd. Piirvpyor. t j Charlotte, N (’ AOTII'K. I'V^lKL H \lcLK.\N. iMving f p'^n ' i!icif, d liy many ciTizon** compTs>n(i t!ie Spaatorial ci ot Richii ond a? L iii. fi-i- Coii-pnri't to ~pi »p thpm in the IU ppr firajich of thp m li Leii«laiurp if electPil to iliat ofTice. .lulv '-'2, IH’.'J 4.0-sw'2'*2 W* i«iT r«‘(iu«*st‘d t.» UMSJounof' tht* '' 1, ..UP .f \N I LLL\M S. Stiu'ii.NI. i up o! ik‘. ;he liMh Rpg‘t.)as a candi'iate for the ofii-e of Shtrifl'of Il'ibeson count v . u: 17. ]«•.:!. ■ M :‘ Tiie li’icii(l«s ol IIt. J A'O. .MclVKR 'Ipsitp that he .-tiouKl ^>c votp': ' I for a candidate to ippres« ni tbi* t'ounty ot \L)i'.r'' in th“ ll.iusp of Oonimiin-. a! toe tn- iuii.£ elpciion. t^e 7ih A^ig v-'. I .LilyJ «, I'-’.-J J-; 5tpd Si=^ \\v are requesliMl lo aii- nouucp i.ieiit S.\NDLRS M. I\ »R.\M. ol the ;-bih Keg't N Vi'ls , u- a ce.ndid itp to '■ppresent ihc conn- ! ly of Richmoni io the Jlotiie of Commons of the m .ti Legitil ature. .Inly 14—tE K. AOTSI’fi:. WOKTIIV. present incumbent, is » c:indidate liu' i(?ice t'f '''ipritf in M .ore Ct.iiuiy. for ttie ut *i term. Jane ISt'-J ■'■'■-if To the VOTKKS of KU’IIWI>Si) ( 01 TV. IT \ K tl .';is iiipili ■'•1 of to yti u'V thanks *or the very li^ipr>ii fillip •». you h'vV.> bprpir.fore given me for itip otfio of .'^liprifl’ of your Co'atry. and 1 hope th'it I have giveu saiisfic'iou ifi ih.- a linini-itraiinn of the same. 1 again solicit your sulfrigps tor sai l office aJ the Piisuinsr ttl‘''t’»n oo i*ip l.-i Tniir-'iiy in Auu‘^i npx'. plP'ictng my'•!!'. if plectcd, to di«cIiarcT'' tl'c tin lies to itip bpst of ntv ahilit V. .!• HI \ .V l. '! July 8. ’i'(-iH;..i TiO.^ AOTH'i:. I.VNNOl Nt'L uiv-eif a candidate for She^'itf of R.pti- luoud I'ouniy. and if tl'Cted f hail u«e my b> st en- dparors fo fulfil the ilaties of the oflice A S. .McNElLL. J.ilv S. X'.MHptl R '[ S’ 0 lit‘n(l«|iiarer«) Wilsstisigtosi | “ IT, f ■ •* vi. if ■» I . -.jajjgjf’ «af!‘ li wiM • ' ' . iiiH J er I ■ iiii( ;oi' r 1^- ic- ■i-i :• 1 ayetierfi'It,, o‘ .ii nr.' ii.iii.-» i». .MUi.l'HV, toa- TO c:i.i:itK.s or 4'^h uts i 'j'ilF, Stay Law^ bavintr pi,"-tpf'ni-1 the apttlcirpiit of j Martdi 1 HuiiM for ypar=. wp will not heip-iMer in-eri (.i.'b'ri; ■ f Cc'iri w.ili.iiii xiaymrnr in adrH!i'* I’li''i-t' Hend i? ♦ | ulnng wiib th-Jr Ur, i.i, J i,.ori if’i bn uf utit;>u,.i ..",gt h. SjEMllf Al*lillei' J- H.^LK i .SO.NS ! Ca.mp I5oyl,vn. Jnlv 20,'lWl. \VFj:;ir,ii\r.i;LEiiE\T\av si>ru,i\(i i!0()s^ i \\u; ha-.' ,UM .'PivPi. bv -.JOPS-, . ' ^-men ac''it«rorT,..d lo (he i..'.n'.gPmPnt of horsP,. \\ KuLMFVi A,tV SITl.i^n;., iMiH, : . ‘ •-..re w.d t>e j :-i 'a,-h man, on en’istm oil. a b'.unty “t M'jii t ly ''^y h-iuI IP I, i.n-lic il ;iii,,ii frc", ,nd all Olliet' ne';esHiir,;, ptj.ii; iiipii'- iiiiii -.It'll rc(|U'.siip for a soldier. ,>n«- n*'-' I -.i.i.iv iiiit il,. i- ,f .iriver and i x- P'‘i.piicp1 in ill.’ '11.11: r. g**ri if nf of imrsp-, Ttie tit^'^iina- lloll ol lh\^ CJIii£ ^ ' ir^iUtJt, :is sx>,)ii .i-, Ptjui[»ped. ALi:X. b. ^lOURE, CiAiit?'. oU ii, Lw>Amii«ry. i ri'ti e.'iCil, ■ W? lii'Vi n I a Ivi'i," ' ih(* pri h'liid t.ctore tht* ',v ir; 1 i.rc iiivi''* :iiiiii 'Ve ask. 1 for , )'Ut nji prices on wli * webu> r.' ‘ J3. Jtuyctioviile, Aujf i!0. ( f I’lV :ir‘ c)t;S .1)1 p 11; , KT.WAUO VN'\W‘\V irom the .subscriber, on the evening of the ISth insi . h niulatto woniiti by tii** name of LC 'V. .'^aid wf.:n'.n is about 2’ jears o';!, sb'uder fratne, f‘>/( now 'jui'f r /it. of .irdiuarj- liPi^b'. an l will probably wt*iirh l‘2n to 111' If’*’. short hair, with rather .a bony f:ire, and is quite intell'sent. Said worn in is Vfih.ably liarl»'>rpd hy ner mu'her, owned by J Worth, and Rill R.uinton. a tree n^'gvo, with whom she Iins been very intiin^itf. . I wiil p ly the above reward 'if ?'J'i if “he iv doliverfd to u.p or lodc‘'d in the Jail of ihis ('lisnty, r.r 1 will jay if •^h.' i-^ tak'11 in any nfher cfjunty and conficcd it' the.I til of the F'imo 1*. ILL! VMS. Fayeitpviup. .luly 2^ HG2 5 li SlOO ««U AKfiJ. lT»LilN fro'u iny .‘^tahlp. upar I,.'.vi-ivi!le. lorsyib county. N . .m: tb- ni'g-it r.f ihp M.'. wi... m ill ff.i 'Cny MCilSF,. h.-evy biiib. *;I'ci; wh'.tf'--ildi ■ marks Vo .>ficr m I'k-rcc «h0C! pa'e. ;rM.an.l paoe: r.aenh'.-u- ior P. ye ,rs A i.*r-.>n was =.'>i.'‘ I’lrkiue in no;ghborh iO;l, suji popeii to be the H'ief, wno answers to ih • loliowing iie- !»^cription: -1 o'" -- ye'-ii'sold, fair complexion, blue eyc", good Cl"'’ brown ’i-iir, well built fratn", aboil' •"* f'***' ^ inches !ii?h: worf* a brown froc'' c^at. ca-'u'mp’’'* (fxrit'i, 'f|:iit.f> Ti.'vr. > m* .* ho.'- h’^'k n 'k lie, crray fl'iitnel B'lin.. anl iirav h'l': tvirri'-1 a r“d c,irpet sack madp of heartii r t,; wi'.n ’^^^e tr:n,r‘ on. A rcv.'ard of S75 wi! '."cti f ‘ O .rrc.-:, iiftnp , ineni ao i coi.vic'i >'1 ot bi *1 ^u i : icliv-'rv of the bors", .1 V.Mt.S ,S. I Li'.!’'»I, ' Jitiy'ir., 1802. \iriri'c’i:. ^PIIK following n»emb.-s of my Compan-r\ti’ b;-pby X uoiified to report th^ni-islves ro nio ai Canp. tie.r Drury’s Blufr. wa'iiu T'^enfy tliys. otherwise tio^y will be rtppreheii led *nd piho. as deser’^rs: Eliaa Atbw irtli. ,'johu li. H irper, Spain Wi.liim~. .1 iio'.'s King, Willi lUi S I Pipect to be ab.xent from home a few moitths iu | Owen, Henry .Vu'tnand, .Vinjes Pii’i’ips, Uobcrf Coop'r, Wpf-t. Arcbiba'd McLean is my HUlhoriiPti f .i„hn Oooppr, W.n ITsmmnnl, ,\ .T (» .w;n^. Miles business nniil I return. Ht«yd. 15. nj Kloyd, Jo-ppb Ta lHck. N. 0. JO.NCS. raid. Jt'nn MeJley. .\»'cnM M \Vph->ter. F? .S.Ttf ^l^er, Sianton I’resni.i. John i^o-igpv-. Fe'>sniire. 'ViUiam 15. .lovrald and L""' .IKSSF, K. K\[.F„ 1^0 i ICK. Tlli'] L .N’l>l]RSIi;Np;n. lio;h havin^r entPi'pd the mili- larv 'wrvifP of il'.e Co!ifcd“ratp nl' America, lierpln give ii'ilico to liipjr oid cijilomprs and friend'-, thru tlif V h ,v • appi.intpd .lohn l> •.'^t'lrr .»nn .loliu I>. Willi mi.s, I I ‘lis I'l I-'.-, tbeir iiiiorney^ to o;ill.;ct t-nher HppnM'ply or cotij d'niy ill iii iney-i due tht-iii either by ict Ilf. ; 'ir It't,-. •I'll il'ienvise 'o aticud lorfheir fiii “iiit’ss genertlly luring theii a'‘>«ence. Tiiey respect fully -isk all p.'r-'iiis indebr..d to liii»m lo call ai* pronipt- ly as possible on ih.'ir a-jt'U*' . mike payment . -.MUl A WILLIAMS. Sepi !'•. l" 'l ’ 0>^-if C ATK KO\8»S F lilP til nomitriti >ns .»f >510110. «.~.00, 'Pl‘'y ;it the IJitiik ft' North I'urolina. larch IS I'l me niiil I'lil. tllecfpl (t'lii. T/i>- (’n'lir,,,).,, (J.neraJs.—The public mind Is irreatly conlused in its attempt to iletuify anti distiii"iiisii the thn-t' ('ritreiiilen *Ci t“rit;rals—oii6 (’onfederate an’ t\v . F.-.lcra!. (Jeorije Ii. C'riitcn- ileti is the (’otiledt'rafv; C.eneral, and a son ot .Join) .J. (’rittondon, the onee honored I’nited .^fates ::^i.‘nat-«r iiom Kcnfticky, n,vw a traitorotj.'*, aiid^pisod moinbi r ol tlu^ 1 iiiietl State.s House of Ili'proseiitativi’s. Thoiiia.s Ii. Crittenden, the Fetlifal (rinu ral from Kentucky, i.-liUt-^vise a sou- ot doiin -I. ('iirten ieii. i'homas '1'. *’r;tteiiden, rbf Fed'^ral General from Tndiana, is a >on »,t' a dtjce.iM d bri fiior of .John .J ('rittenden, who wa.''lik'wi-if tiniiii'd 'I’homa^i, and once resided in Ilu'it'villt*. \la , i;i)d the .son 'fas born there, as hr u*'titi. s liiiiiM-lt. [Il is thi* man c.iptured b^’ Forrest, at Murfreeslioro’. 4’he Knoxville “He irister" say- that wliile in that city, hewas inclined to .speak V ith anboconiing licenso, if not impu dence lles.'iid. •iinontx'st other tltinp?, that he wa' un owner ot .slave- in Kt'ntueky, but, to crush tlie rebt'llion .-uid rt>tore tlu* ( nion, he was will in« t i tfit^ emancipation of all the r>laves .1 Martyr.— iMirin;^ the period which elaps.?d bet'.veen Andy .Johnson's announcement to the Na'^hviltp elerg) that they must take the Federal oath or be iti(*arefrated b^ a certain day, Dr BaldiTin prt_aohetl a ■iermon. in which he unspar in2;l% denounced the Federal Government and the invadinj^ army, and stated that he would go to the stake bf'fore be would pollute his poul with a foul and nnffodlv oath of allegiance to the Federal GoT ornmprt \ number of Federal officers were' ' present to ht'aV it They suffered him to get thrmioh with his -i-rmon, but ho wa*? soon after lodoffd in the )>eiiitcntiary. .—The Kev. .John R Bfui.tft, ( hjplain nftln'Inl Brigade, Gen. Price s Army, is now on !iis v^uy to KichmonJ, the bearer (if ,7mO '.in*^i i!'Uti'‘il by the ollioers iind nicii of , liio’l.-f I't^LMiiioiit ot .^Ii.-so^ri cuvalry, Col. Elijah Gaif' contniaiiding. atul the b:itfilioti ot .'lis.'oun l'o!il"Jeri're \ oln:irt".-r>, ijient Colonel Ku^ene F.rwisi comi.'iandiiig, for tlie nlief of the sick and wminiled among th^'ir fi.tnpatri'ds and lellow .soli'icr-. at itiL'fituoml. Vu/z/ce* \S>ntn ltd.—The Richmond Enquirer haV seen a b-tter for Xoriolk which f^ays that the i hospitala in the Northern cities are all represent ed to be filled to overflowing. No more woundtd will be =ent North for the present, as their ap- nourancf' in th** Yankee cities operates seriously upon rnii tment-, which are leported to be slow enou'^h .tlready. Three of the Churc^Jifs of Nor folk h.-’d '.een converted into hospitals is it not a ■sin;j:ular circuajstanee, that while we can (i.unt to a nnn the !ns% sustained in the receut b;:ttU upon tb‘' Penin^u\a by ibe f'on fed ora tea, we know nothin.^ Ciineornin',; our .'iwn losses? Ke troat i) - from :;n ndvatu-ing fie. o rapidly that we aie cmnpellfd tfi leave otir dead and dying in the e iomy’" baisti-, our troops ar* reported as kiiiiW’Vii- ,i fiaftion tho nm iber ui' men ki led of til!,' en-''iiy. H-ive we :ttiy kind of shell or ball th:i* .vlun-'ver it strikes tlown a ('onfederate, re- . ]iorts the ict within our carnn' if not, how is it * riiar we nl r.-iin '^o s.v>»i t|)t. (''infederate bxs, while ir ii;.is taken iis iiionth*; ft> a«eert;un our own? 'i h.it tbf ('i.n[‘'derates l ist heavily we can very Wt'll lii'iieve. b'lit tii.it a ptir'-nui'^ enemy should luse mt>re rlian the pnrs’ied is an absurdity. We s.iw a C;i[if iin ye-ft'rdav who bus reiurueirwound- ed, wlio s:ivs oiir losses will foot up nearer forty tluiusand than thirty, while the loss in stores, wuLrons. cannon, etc., will amount to several mil- Hons.—,V( aurh (A. «/.) Jnuntnl. Sc:it (7/A,1^0.—The ChiCcigo Tri- buiie .-ays: ’I’hen; are sec ssionists in our .schools, in out' eJnirehrs, in almost every civic organization td‘ t 'hicagi I lit;re i> scaictly a hotel in the city whitfli does titif contain them. V.)u will tind tiium iji evors drinkintr >aloon, and in .some of these latter imles it is lairly unsafe to proelaint yourself an unciiit.>.LKinal I iiion man. \ ou ean tiii'.l tliem npnn th ' -freer cornersj»*. It was not an insignifi- CMit boa.-r, ni>r an nnfreijuent one, made ye.ster da}' at tbi* e'liiier of Claik and Handolph street, that “Hy , .leff. Jb-ivis will be up here prett) > xm, and he will li.v thin^^s all ri>rht.” An ^ 'i'cles\'i'tical .Movement, wlu>se i«suc may iie of cousiilerable iiiHsieiico on the future des’it.y ot th-’ Seblavie raeos of Turkey, i'^ naw goiifir on am in'j: the Bnl^ari.ins. 'j’he entire tribe, counf- »n_ a popal.itioii of about 4 millions, are determin ed to get rid id' the yoke imposed upon them b}’ the Greek Hierarchy ot Constantinople. They tlemaiid the oriranization of a Bulgarian Church, wliieh would agree with the Greek CMiurch, but lie ejitirelv indt-pentlenftd' it in point ot ndminis- iration. .\s the 'l urkish Ciovernment, at the in- stiirntion of the (ireck i'atriarch and of Russia, lias shown a hesitation to allow them a peaeeablft ep‘tr »fion, larire nnmbors are joining the (Inited linlu' iri in ('hur h, v.hich acknowledges the su- rrem iey of the i‘.>pe. and has been recognized by the t'nrkish Government as a civil comtuunity I'.'-ofi'stant and Roman Catholic accounts troiu 'I'lirkev agree that ttiis movement, which some time auo .seemed to have cea«ed, is again making considerable j>ro2T-s. L'lnj Prin torn i'oJt.—The English two Year Old (lilt Lord Ciiiron, favorite for the l>erf»y ol ne;ct vi or. w is lati iy .^oid th (^aptain Chrisiie lor iSiJ.'»'>• and ■ • more if he should win the ib ;-i.y. Ift wii' jiKerwards res')ltl for and more if he should win. It loilows that he must be a very iine colt, aii i in the esti mation of the turlmen, a race horse all over. .s'.// f't —On i’hnrsday Geo. W. .-.Id at anetio!) in Savannah, thirty-rliree Iidu- be I'l- d' Florida sii^ar, at pnce*'^ raniring from ->i M .‘I;’,.' cents per ponn i. '.t'f t'OAFl^IOiilKATI^: / \F tlip denomit*ation.s of Apply ftl the l5"nk of Cape Fear. Miir.’.h IH ‘-'-f :%OTS€E. Vge>'ii t.o tr.ias'ic^ niy Dec r ‘2S, 1-00. COSTIillAS t1«»R S'l’ie by TVSOR tV ^ Ordtirs ft-ni to .Mtilver’s Ucp-.t, will be wttoaiea Ca. TT) Jer- i. F iirook- Rpilbeu ' . KWINSl-N f. (X \V. RaiUtiiul, Capi, ’o. n. o2d Rpg’i N' ' T'- ' 4t-4i July is. Utok WurrttQts tor iJalc horo .\orl !i Caroliifia Ki‘ades*s« tj IIOOL F.OOKS are bpcoming very scarce, but wp havt' oil hriTid a good .‘supply of the Nt^tiTH C.-VRti- LlS \ f:E.\I>HRS, No«. i and *2 by Rev. Professor Mo’' biiKi 01 ibe Lniversiiy >f North ('arolina, and No. 1 '*y Ri‘\. C. U \V;;ey. .Siipe.rintendeiit of Common Scno'jN of Nortli C-irt-ibnd. Our customers havin'.: wel’. n>li t xhansied onr fetoc' ,-,f .SoiiiiPin Readers on hand wJiPii'liu v.ar comtneiicp'i WP iiope will now tur,'i thc:r aifention to thc^e book- !if II (iiie su'hov . raihpr tiian allow their tjlii tiren i- d' Ait .P'.i; reatiirig fiook.-?. F ir -• le iiiv a' '*»* ‘'''1 retail prioe- f eec.is. -^.'i r J rni K .. •-' s , , ;, I Sii.2. £Svui»> ;ib4«l 3>^^«£is- new aubuiy, tMOuftO'i .siae- an'J qualjties.