N K M I-W BEK Y. Mil \ 1 \NI> Mil i:sl> \\ S n>UV|J!» J. ilVLK \ SONS. . i I r.tn • \Ni> I'iiir,';{ir.T>tns i'Avr/rn:viLLK, n. c.. Aiu;isr 11, ‘ .’\ Wi i-kU r,i:\ri; S ', 11^ it p:ii 1 in ' ■ p*il .itifi:; - ill,' y.'i- 'I -li)' t • I' ^ !• s I'-il' > ') . I'X] ' I ■ t.i; i: i; (H i |i. ■ mu uni. i I j'lii'l lu | ■ - li 1'ii I liir 1 '' '■ y '!' ' i ■ :.t . , . . i 11' '■■I' ‘xpM.'.l i'\ 1 *! i . !M : N I'-' ; I' r (.11 i-,'ill ]'or ! i - 'lll l > .;;-lll fiT I' n il - • ; \ - I I \ . !v 1-1 i i'll IMII - t ■ , Kpi' • r .' \ Ivcr'i i“i-> .ivt' ' In; ■! • Itl ! ..in'. 'Ir'iro.l, ('!• ' ! ' ! ■ . I !l i ■ ll ■; ‘S' I -irr iv I - I til iw-r f.| ■ ; • • M. w j I'iViii-'ir -?i ■ !. r will ; ‘ ’ - : = .i ■ ’ : •*-.e j » ‘ It . I ilir fi } ■ ' ‘ f 'I i. \ w S'‘n ni:iku>:t ! i,; r •tl ■ r-: T. I \i>\ i:i; 1 Isi'i:s ' " i . It in' I l\.'1: i-'('’>i;'iii in ■ :i I'. Ill- HI ■ II v.ii !i wlit>m ■ 1. •.•nii: !-f --fiitl v\ ii li I 111' • '■ ‘ > *• t *.y V i-li tti iiivosi in 1 ■ 1 ■■ : ’ III' lii—i (fii:*' ^ i ■n - '■> ... ll ! ■ iif • i I' s r ■ . ■ .lli>t"ii..n i ! i ‘ % !i VIM ^ I 111 111; wf N " . ^ h- ' ' j' ‘ know. ; 11 ‘.\t- t . vci liM llinn t. edit. I .rj. ip -- \ ; roiK'i'i .y i q.iion-^. li ‘w.-vim-, j till I’ii iljriii • ■ 1 p:-\ij!./)> - ■ I -■ .III lie 11 . .lilll i'.ir w.ii'tli ■, ne\. !• r*"' i li.i, w n • ivf ii .Moo tlim ' Wili i: lit-! ;ii: ..f (he l( liiTt"'• t'T- tiliK'-'; .-lOCfiii- ' p iho . •oxfof’ iii_' in tlie im-'c >f ' li- ■ ••'I V ‘ : 'i-i V-. w ' I* rc jir'r i;.. ] i l!c ir ! 'V, I i'.i 1V0 iv'H ill -■’’ii;.:i;y ii.'Ui'r ' . 11 .' I'ti-x 7’ '»■ gr:;i-i. 1' T".!! w ‘ w ■■■ 1, n^‘. '.o I'li ! !.e Florfiiof aiid Fayettfville Rail Uoad. IVN’KI.'Pi the I'lovNions of fin (hiliiiiviioc of llii* Ton- vf>iiii>ii of Norih Cnrolinri, I'.ooks will l>e upe'ieil on j ilip Itiili .liiiio al tlio folliiwing j.Iacos ;iii l nnJer the di , ri'rtioii of Iti(''followiiiir ppi'Roiis, to rtnvivo f>iil>Mcrip ! lions 10 ilu> ('aj>ilal Slock of lht> “I'lomico .S: K.»yt“ito villt' Iviil Kon4C'o." Sh;ire- Oiu‘11 undn'il L>oll:irs each .1' t'ti- /,'iiti Otiire i’l Fiiviil,‘rilh -Uitilor tlie ili- rectioti of tin-(ii'nerrtl (’oiiiinissioiiers, A A. Mv;Kelti:iii, I* A. It iy, A. . Si(‘ol. Will. McL .Mt’K'i^-:intl .liio. M. lldse. ,1' A',./ -r-l'nilef I he ilirectioii of lleetor McNeill. Wni. .1, Stewart. .>as, A Smith, 1'aii‘l (’. Mc- .N’eill and (\il. Alex. McMillan, or any one of (hem At Floral (’u/A,/ .—Uutler tUe direction of Dr. Neill .Mi'Nriir. Dr. A. l> McLean. .Vrchiliahl .'^niiih. IMiimntl Lilly aiiil (’oL .Mcxander Watson, or any one of them .1/ O'.- —Ihnier the direction ot Murdock Me It^ie. 1) McF.eod, 1). Mct'allnin, Ja^ McKae, .Ir , and ,1. II Mi't.Mieen, or any one of them. .! ' .I. —rndenhe direction of .lohn I'nrcell. | ■ hio McNriir. Si.tn .\lfor.1. DniraM Mrt’alliiiii Ino. ' Mf’alhim. or any one of them. i The Siilist^ription Uook-i will ri'niaiu open for the •ipace of t'.i' days. When h siitticieiit sum i« siiliscrilied the (’ tnip'tny will l>e orjt ini/e.i fiir the jiiirpose of liuilil- in.' the Koi I ■ A A. McK1:TM\N 1 i». A i:a\. j A. w srr.HL. WM M, L .Mck\\ I .INO. M IKtSK. lienernl (\>niniissinner.5_ ■ Fayetteville, .lime 7, ■VJif LOOK AT THIS! Tllli FlVKTTKllLy': IIIITlih, ; Froiifiii? 300 feot and in (he iMisiiiesis |)or(io;i .of (he Town, iiiorr aiil ut‘ll «(‘iililaftMl Rooiii» lliaii :iii> ill tlic tiiv l’;iti\iiis say iny (’innlitifciits :in- very iroo.l iur tlu' tiiiios. T. WiniMLIi. Tropriotor. NLiy -Ji). I'-fJ. -J7y Faye((evillf Female His:h Srhool. 1''HL cTeroi«es of this ln«;iiiution will l>e resiitiie.l on the 2'.Mh of September. The ?cholj\'*lic yvixr w i\\ v\ivV.lo*l into two torm: the 1-Jt of' 1.'! weeks, conimencinjr -''th of Sept. end- iiiff 'Jlth l>ec.; the .second of -7 weeks, comniencnip 1st >it .Jan'y aii.l ending July 1st. I’art*nfs anti tJuariiiaus inten.ling to patronize this .'^I'hool are earnestly requested to apply for circnlar-; c.iiitaininr full particulars in regartl to tettns. .vc . the opening t)f the School. Kev WM. HODPCU. 1 u K ill. ICO % II. i»«f■ ^pilK followin;Z rates will now I.j* chart_-etl f.ir I’asseti 1 geis on this Uoad. vi/ To little I’iver. a(» cts. * 0 To Spoilt Sjirine, 7‘> “ To .loneslioro'. 1 tlO To Mclvcr's. ' 1 ‘Jo ■ Train leaves the Ueput Mon.tnys, Wednesday® and Fridays, at o’clock ,\ .\j lleturning. leaves Mclvcr's at rj o'clock M Aujt 2y, iSt.l C. U. M ALLLTT, I’res t Tltf Italei^h and Fa.ve((eviilc Sla^e !Vo(ife. Cii‘«'iii]i'«(aii(‘t'H iT- ■ liiire us /i. / . ,//■/,';• to rliarjre fii'! fu'e til all pa-J-ien^ers in our Ooarh es, and to ri'voke from I his tlate all tVe- tickfi« i,'. s, r.Aiir.KK \ r.iio,, Oontractiirs l{oiitl> No odlH'. Feh'y ,S. KSti-J. |iS timp.l A t'AKI). rnllK SKCKKTAUV of WAK having decided (o com I hine the numerous t’ompanies of Partiz in Rancrers into IJattalions and Keiriments for more etteftive service, has anthorizeiJ and empowereil me to organize a Rfjri- nient of the same in North (^irolina. Such Ompanics therefore, both of (’avalry an.l Infantry, as iles^re to Join my Comniaml, will please notify me at 15aleigh, at as eaTly a day as practicable. True men to the South—men willing to jieril life and ^ fortune in .lefence of yonr country—you I invite. * I l». I). FKUKP.EE i July 20. • roi’s I I WILL pay tiie highest cash jirieex. i’lill or address j me at (Minton, Jii'y -JS. ISt.i*. N r A s r POWELL l(i C.tpd III** Shir. SmaU. 0M)Ui:0 PHOrO^UAPHS, I AT \ I'*. ART. (aiiiera. i\oTici:. fpHK ('NI *K KS It J N E11. Iioth having eni.cie.l the mili- 1 tary service of Ihe Confederate Stales of America, lii-r*'by !iive notice to their old customers and friends, ihat ihfv liave appointed .lohn D. Starr ami Joiin D. William^, of fliis place, their attorneys to collect either H'p.irately or conjointly all mon.-ys due them either by account or note, an.i otherwise to .attend to their bu siness generally liuring their .absence. They re-fpect- fullj' ask all persons indebted to thenT to call as prompt ly as possible on their agen' -. id make payment. . ti tV WILLIAMS. Sept T.t, ISGl. 58-tr t o\ri:iii:itATi: bo.1iD« K the denominations of KlUtM), 8100. ■Apl'ly at the r.ank North t'arolina, Mtnh 1^ 0 'Jtf ■111 l.t‘ hntl al \ iM.pr-' b'll's .Skylight -.•I'l. ojtj. I'ite Mii Me Vaitl, Kay- l)IK»T( (OKAIMI I (i i!lfi v. Ila_\ ett.'ville. N. ] biiii. ri'iipiifht* I. fol I. in water Colors, oil ati'l pa“i ill'; ^r«uii iii:i)l l.il t'esiz(> .\mbro- ty]ies. .Meiaip-iiiypi‘s. in 1 :ill oiher styles of I'ietiires pfitain' ig to iht \it .\lsti. v!i!t I'laiKft, (!ilt .Mould ing. U' ^ I’or vi'iy bil ge pii-tiire- a- large as ‘Jti l>y ;;> inchcs. -.'oi 1 atnl r.-ir -el-' tor liaii'^fiig i.ii i urt s; Instru ments. Stock aiiii ’he!iiif;il- for s '.e Uiw f.ir cash. Life size coloretl l’lioio^raph maile fruiu 'in ill pii-ture-!. Having periii.anenily located here I hope to merit your patronage. 1 wouM :.l : retui ii my r",in.‘ere th.anks for the liberiil piiroti .ge l.e-;..wetl on lae heretofore by the good people ■ ■' K-.v-'iicvill.‘ and \ii iniiv. ('. M. VANoUSDLLL, I'hot igr^iyhist an.l I’roiirietor. l>ec'r ■_’(>, 77- 0 € o.\ ATi^: imk\os K the deiioiiiin.iiious of .S-*0), SIOO. •'^ppl> at the liank ot (’ape Kear. .March 1^. -'If \irrtv^:. As 1 expect to be abseni from home a few mouths in the SVest, ArchiliaM McLean i- my authorized Xgt'iii It. transact my business until 1 return. N. 0. JONES. L>ec'r ■J>', l.''GU. S:’tf PARTIMA.^ RAHfiiKR^. Having been auth trizeil by Maj. ,Oen. I>. H. Hill, to accept and place in C’amp, as m.iny Companies as will join me; and desiring to enlarge nij’ Battalion, 1 invite those Compatiies who have not Joined othei' Bat talions or Keginients. to join me. By virtue of the au thority alkove referred In, I will accept (provided they have Ihe number rei)uired by law) and place them in (lamp at once. Adtlreas me at Oreen.sboro’, N (^ P■0 EVANS August P.* lit i:ii/%rvTOx\ ni i\€ AJV, vifKAs. I' O .M K It L \ O V K E N T T 0 K V . ) Is prepareil to till orders to any extent in Kii^raviiig and Priiidii^ Bank !^o(eM, Kill« ol' lAcliaii^e, Arc .,, Engraving upon Steel or Stone. l.ar»:o sii|M)li(‘sot' Bank .Vote nnd otlior (laper »lll b(‘ Aug. 2, ISli’J. ri:ai. i:ktati: for 5«iAi.i:. ^piIE Subscriber would sell his hou.se and lot in Wades- I bonw, together w’th about tUM acres of land reaching within three miles of the Village (if desirable ) The dwelling iiouse is large, anil the lot the most desirable in the up-country, containing near fifty acres of land. ShonlJ any one desire to move further up the country, he would sell them a finely’ improved house and lot in SpartanbiiEg, S. ('., together with a gooiT tract of land near the place P- SMITH. Aug. 7. P' A«tiiiiiii*ili’alioii ^pill’ subsv-riber bavins' i|ualified as .\(lmiiii-;tr.atrix on 1 the Estate nf las Siin.ly, decM. herehy t_'ives notice to all I'ersons having claims against sai.l I'^iate to pre sent them to Win. .McL. Mclvi}' within tlie time pre scribed l>3' law, or this notice will h(^ pbvnled in bar of their recovery. tWTlI KINE Sl'NI>\ , .Avira'x. Aug I. iHC.li. 4f- t I (\ HiMiPKH. Prin'-ipals ’l ; tl Vlj. 1 II•.fl. .?frfv. .liegi,If, Attorney at Law, 1'AVKTTFVII.l.K, N (' 1 eti I ' t' ,)>!y -ni l Siii't'viiir ’ '.nt'- , i •! i> 1; ' ll*' .^i . trc an ! P >n t'tiin- : i? . ci.'i II ciftv, I ■ the ■ Mfi-M..|i ot all .. • 1 -i.j-. '.W . RORV TI(v^\IR. -//ortit tf (tn*t 4 ouHsfltor at L/ffir, ' .>N, N t ^ ^ ' I : -i' \ ■ . ■ ■ !. I 1 -M! I >: ]■ -ri.ir f :‘;;nT.\L NOTK'I-. . ili' r- A M dial lit* ■ . . . J -;e -.J, :-li'’ M:o. W. WILLI\.>iS vV i'il, l>«“al*i'^ ill I.;I'i***'. ^ \ ; I : .\ N \ 1,1,ii- 1 \ re and fuller}, Swedes Iron, A;e., II V\ MliKKT, K\VKTTi;\ II I K, \. r. W. I '.VI j.. : '. K ;..\i-Al.t. iii.Miie.i. 4V Hi., A N I- VxIOLKSALE GROCERS, •0. II A I’i .Vorth Walcr St., U ilinillibML r. ‘ ■■ ti li.i liie i!ltr_v [ir.-;init‘ly e.vfCllii'l. ' i; ■ ■ tlii .il i c - ;le o( ('••M -n - • ' 10 tf T.i .X li. WORTII^ (oiuniission and Forwardnn^ }Ierchan(s, ■\V ILMINtriON, N. (V ... - , I-'. ' s].f U . Kl I.I.ARII, 4 oitijnissifni , ficrrltu ft • : 'Ml I PKL ''ON.\L ritli ntion will be ffivt'li t'l N iV'- Si troH, Cl.'' .:i, i.ui l er. linil .T, h"! country protluce. KKKKR Tti : Pn- T I' : i. P."mV Wil i '-igiitM - •• II. N. .1. 1-11.-. i . .N .V '‘‘■ . , ii-.r^eti (' iitnty, .N. l.Vf ihi^ ilali* I \«iil j!, . ‘ ' [i-r pound for ri's do iveii' t • '.ville. .'.r t i!iv mill.s i> MI KPHV, TO Li:Rk>» UV 4 01 iri's . Law h iving j>o«!poiieil the -i-itl. t,f r •, t rs. we will not hereafter ii.-.-it iti iK-ri V. u: ]■ ynient in .advance. Pit , e ..u.i j i • i. t (i-ler, and more if it be of unuau:ii ii ngih ^ ;j. E. J. ITvLE St.N.- \'iii'Ti:ii'Sf:Ln!f:\T\iii.si'ELi;i.\GiiooKS, ■ i‘i> 1 by I','.;.:.. , a snpply of ■ ■ \ll\ SPELLlNti iJouKS—price 15 ■ ,! V, V--It;; d the price of any articles on vs-r; but j re-cni {turchasi-i cost iis ‘ n "e -.1 fi,,- those. (M‘ coiirHe we have to i.tice - u vs’Ji li wt buy now E J. HALE .V SONS ' ' . .A lljr 'Z't I'i.itik \\ ;irruijt> |iir siilo lu*ro. llill«ttH>ro* .TIililary \f'a*leiii>. 'l^llE f.itirth .Aca-leniic year .)f this Instituti.ui com I I^t‘nce'l on March t’lth. The charges f.ir a(’adet bf- giii with the month of entrance Ft>r ciiciil ir>i contaiu ing'terms, \c., a l.lress Maj WM M. COUDON. Supt. II. M. A . Hill-boro'. N. V. June PJ. I.^'ijl!. ; I- '.H'.pd 4 I^TTOA >0. 10 Ha) StHM't. C. P. MALLKTT .laj.’y It. I'MiJ. s»0 Ri:\V%RI». 'P!IE above rewartl will be pai I for the apprt-hon uori 1 and tlelivery to the nearest .^Iilitary P it, ot \LE.\ VNl'L.. W.\I,L.V('E, will' ib'sertcd his ciim[>an\‘ on or all lit ’JiHh of Manli I'-'iJ. Sai.l W.'tHaee i ill year- ■ tM. •'> teet II inches high, re 1 coniplexi.ttj. tl irk hair. blii(« pye«; he i't a native of M.^ore t'oiinty. aiitl i-; (troVia- bly in tiie vicinity of ('arihagc. •IAS. D. M'lVLU. t’apt. ('o. H, •J'iih Heg't N C. Tr.jopv. • ' imp .Iohn-‘‘>n. x miles from Kiii'iton, .liine 17. :’.'«tf 810 Ift'waird* 1WILL pay the ab.ive reward f.ir the apprehension aii'i coiitincnient of tuy man (.’.\LVIN, wiii. ranawiy t'roiii me about three weeks ago. I will also pay a rewar.l of Fifty Dollar-! for ‘-iilTicient eviilencc to convict atiy person of harboring him. I’.il- vin i- ab.iut IJye/irs of age. •'> feet 10 or 11 inche.- high, bbuk. -ml weighs alinut \ '>i) pounds; he weirs small STt.M i inir« in hi^ ears He is a boat or ■'hit' c.itpenter. ■uid well known abo-it i’ayetteville hihI Wiliniu^ion. lit' x.iinetimes calls himself (’alvin Johnson. THEO. LVXN-^ •Iiine 'ill, IH'i'J. :!''if 4'oi*i*i:ra^ poKS iieby TVSOR .V r >i'ilers sent to Mclver’s Depot, F \ will b>- ill I I •> Jnlv JOHNStyN. W Railroatl, liO«t Ol* .Tliviiai«l. 'pWo Ptlank Notes tiot filled up, srgned by myself and 1 en.lorsed by Patrick Murphy. niaiJe pay.able to any ■ if the Banks at Faj’ctteville. All person-: are forewarii- e«l IK!! to use them, as they will ni)t be jtaid. DAVID MUUl’HV. ,\pril-J, 1^'VJ. lotf 4'ARI>! \FF,W L.\D1E3 can be accommodated with board at the Seminary. TiVII IIIIIIKS .IIIIIVI': C. T. Illlllll .t SUNS' STIIKK l'ayelle% V. Jan’v '20. IPtitV Sl- >l\ki:PK\('K vV- M‘ir\K, nWE oh hand atiH expect to teep t'lr ' ile. of their own m iiiufaL'Hire. a buiiply .'f P.r i-^s. (lalvanize l and coiniii’tn H.'o]>ed .11 \II*I:R hi French, Hi"h Pos(, (’otlaije and ( onimoii nM:nsTt:.insi spring Mattrcs-ies, of new and imj>i tycd .'^pr'ng. i>n hand or in.i'lc to orlcr .>f any -i e; Li H NiJKS; Spring, t'.ane, an.l Wou l i'll AIII.''. .f .iitterent kinds and p.atterns; Spring .■' if.a':. L.uiiige ■m l I’ii: ir-.i. rei-.airctl, aiul covercl with il iir ( !.>; li or other wise; iloe han.llc', P.ung- f.irbb' . Hli'ls ; St^tle, liarne'-j. ;in I I'pper L-vnher. and Pl.i'tering Hair. .As we have goo.l Machii'.ery tor twing, Planeing. Turning. .Morticing an-I P>.>reing. we cm .l.i work wiih ■ lespatch and tin --ai i-M'ictory terin-. Persons having work or repairing t.> .lo will do well to give ii- a c.ill. We warr.anf o'lr work; if it fails, you know where to til'll us. Having taki-n a Store on the I'.a-t si.le of (Jillespie Street, a few ■l.ior'- S.tiith of W. .'^teel. I'N'i., atul having some spare r.' ;ii. we woiiM attend tti tlie '-tovage and sale of any thing lira may be coti'i^rne 1 to ns; and will give special attention to pro.li'ots of itiis State. Fayetteville, .\pril 1. L'^'il. 'Mf I'A Wni AL INSri{A\(K (OliPAM. Sept. Vi. 1801. T. HOtH’ER. ')*i- AR^IV llAR.\i:.^5. I .\M prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army use. 1 tan my leather and can give gooil bargains. Agents will do well to send their orders to me as they shall have prompt attention, and sent otl in i)uick dispatch. JOIIN (^\RTFI5. (JoMst-on P. O., (Chatham ('o., N. (’., ) . June i;{, iw;^. /• Ri:WARII I) \N.\W.\V from tlie .subscriber, on the evening of t the ISlIf inst.. a niiilarto woman by the name of Ln:V. Saitl wonian is about '2'-) years o'd, sletitler frame, l>)il now qnih curjiiihnt, of ordinary height, tind wilf probjil.ly weigh I'Jil to l it) lbs., short hair, with rather a bony face, an'l is i|iiite inti'lligont. Sail! wciiiian is probably harbored by her mother, o^vned by .1. A. Wor^h, and Bill B'ltinlon, a free negro, with whom she has been very intiiiate. 1 will pity the above reward of if she is delivered to me or lotlged in the Jail of this County, cr I will pay ."i:;.')!! if she is taken in tiny other county ati'l confined in the .lail of the same. . .J.NO. D. WILF^l.V.MS Fayetteville, .Inly 121. 18H2. II tf Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Vieus. Capital in I'rcmiiim Ni)tes amoitnls ti ('ash on haiitl ind oilier a^':els. 4 NE l\ NEW and beautiful assortment, just received. E. J. HALE & SONS. can be procured by i\pn-8ub.scribers, at the l»ookstori.>. Prieo 5 cents. n H**«i*iiioiiy, Nc'liool Books, iVc., further supplies just received. E. J. HALF A SONS. TIi€* l*i‘i‘!!>l)yferiaii • Character notes. A further supply just received July 20. E. J. HALE & SONS Forty Years’ Familiar Letter;!) ofJ.as. W. Alexander, 1). D.; Sermons, by J. Addison Alexander, D. D. Also, further su|)plies of M.arg.aret Moncrieffe; Beulah; Adam Bede; Vusef; ahirley; School Books, &c. July 10. E. J. HALE & SON. Total, j'J7'J.7i>') bl The (’ompany have jiaitl all looses promjitly. and have never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paitl, OKi tcKtt---. (JEO. MlNEILL. I'le-itlent. D. .\. i;.\V. Vicc Pre>i*l.?nt. C. A. McMlLLAN, Sec y. DiKKrTdiiS: Henry Lilly, W. N. TiHinghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Minsdile, S. T. ILiwley, Win. McLaui'iii, Nathan Stedman, T. S. Littterloh. (.'. B. .Mallett, .A. W. .Steel, James Kylo, .1. (1. (’vok, .A. A. McKethan, Hon. I. ■. Sliepher.I, J. 1). Williamsi li. F. I’r.'wn, ) . S. W. Tillinghast. A. E. Hall^ ‘Wil„, p,on. hn Collins :ind (J. C. Mct'runimeu. Traveling .Asents. Jftay'The (’ ompany invite aj'i'licatioii'. May 'JS, ISii!. i!i- iwroccries / imi*oeeries:: VL.XRflE an.I well seleciel Sioek of F\M1LY (j Kt^(’EIt 1 ES aUsays on han.l. con^i'iing ot’ J>aL*on-Si«los, .>l«'ss 1‘iirk, MiilUi.s. Aijicki-r Nos. 1 an'l ‘J, 31 ola,ss(.‘s, Sti;:trs oi' a! I'rutli's, 'I’ohrvcco, i'itriirs, ■An'l all other articles usually kept in a Wli ilesale (Jro- cery Establishment COX, KENDALL CO. W'ilmington, .\pril 2, 1S(>1. 10 tf "oil and i.amp black." TANNERS' .and LUP.ItlCATiNC LAMP 13L.ACK in barrcl.s. Ft March 7. OIL. 'or sale by JOS. R. BLOSSO.M & (*'>., Wilmington, N. C. f.-tf llea«l(|iiarter! Wiliaiii^'toii ] Iii;;iit Artillery, f I (,'.\.Mr BtiVL.v.N, July l!t), ISGl. I n^HIS Company, desiring to be comjilele iti everi/ re- I X sped, would be gl.ai^l to enlisi :i nmuiier of good Dri- j vers,—men accustomed to the manacement of horses. I There will be paid to each man, on enlistment, a bounty iof§l.'). Monthly pay 12; besides being clothed tind I fed, inedical attendance free, and all oUier necessary I equipmenlg furnishe.l reijuisite for a soblier. j No one need apply unless he is a good driver and ex- I perienced in the management of hor.ses. The destiua- ' tionof tliQ company is \ irginia, as sooti as eiiuipped. j ALEX. U. M OOUE, Capt. Co. E, Reg’t Lt. Art.'llery. WAATI:]|». IWISH to purch.iso SKV ERA L VOUNO NEGROKS, •for which 1 will pay the highest Market prices. I'htjse liaving Negioes tor sale would do well lo address me at Raleigh, N. C , where 1 cau be found at uuy time. P. J. SI'ERNE. July-'.' 47-Imp.l lloiiie-.Made l]ii% c'lope^». M \ N IT F.ACTUR ED by ’I iios. H. Tillinghast, h'ayette- ville. may be ha.l of the uiitlersigned, wholesale or retail, for c.ash E. J. H.ALE A S(.)NS. •Ian. t), ISti'J. .\oTit'i:. 1>v an order of the Court of Plea-^ and (Quarter Ses ) sioni of Robeson County, February Term iMil!, 1, Reiil.en King. Sheritl ot s;iid County, will sell for cast., at tlie (,'ourt H.uise in Liimberton, on the Ith Mond.iy ill .August next, the following tracts of Lantl. or so much thereof as will -ktisfy the ta.\ an.l cost for the ycfir ImjU, viz; 1 oO acres .l.imc.s (’hason. Big Swamp, 'J'J ■JOU ai-res Neill Campbell, Uuie's .Neck, 4 ob 1,acres Robeson ,.v. McKay, Little Marsh arid the Neck. Ul • I'.t.t acre"^ .l.imes N. Peterson. Buie's Neck, l‘J J77 acres P.at rick D. I’rown,-Lit tie Marsh, ti tit.’ lit acre' Heir-* ol Daniel .McLeotl. Mi.Klle Swamp, tit .')l;j acres .1. P., McCallum, Sc.ilding Branch. '.*5 J-) acres (Jilbert Bryant, Bear Swamp, 42 loo;icrcs Wc'tly Bullard, •• *• f> '.*U :'>l ti. ies .losfph (.iraham. Lumber River, (jX :iLi es .\un Locklear, •• '• •Jo^ acres LauchlUi McKay. “ “ Itt 01 I'J I' iicres Edw d .Mct'alliim, Lumlier River, •'•") '> i 7it ai-res Neill .Mc.Vrthur, Long Swjitnp, 1 li)ii acres .Neill .McDonabl. .V-^lipole .V Shoeheel, ■J'.iij acres Duuoin .McNeill. 7o acres Joseph Baker for Joel .lones, .Alligator Swamp, 17o ajjres Mary Hill, .Ashpole Swamp, •jo acres E. P. Bullard, West Lumber River. acres Kenneth ISritt, Ton .Mile Swamp, It) -i.-ves .Solomon illoughby. Last Hog Swamp, acrvs 1!. \. Ivey, Flower' Swatup, 1 .''It jicres J. Sinclair. Watering Hole Swamp. I ')0 acres, .leremiah Woo.lell, .Jack’s Branch, 'Si\ ai-re-i Heart, Lumber River, Edward Wood for Joseph Wood, Town Lots, Nus S.”) and ft», 8 7t? R. KIN(J. ShtL July !^, 1SG2. 42*-ts .*>»tate ol .\ortli t'aroiiiia, .MONTGOMERY COl'NTV. ('ourt of Pleas and (Quarter Sessions, .Inly Term, 1S02. Elizatieth Lollin, vs. W. B. Lot!in, John K. Lotliu ami others. IN this case, it appearing to the s;itisfa^‘tion ot the (?ourt, that Elizabeth Epps, wife of .Marvel Epps, and .Margaret Burton, wife of Pleasant Burton, are not in htibiiants of this St.ate: li is therefore ortlered by the (\iurt, t.iat publication be made for six weeks in the F.iyetteville Observer, notifying the saitl Defendants to be and appear at the next Term of our ('ourt of Pleas atid (.Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Mont gomery. at the Court House in Tro}’, on the 1st Monday in October next, then and there to {dead, answer or de mur. or the same will be heard ex j>arte as to them. Witness, J. S. Spencer, Clerk of our said Court, at (>trice in Troy, the first Monday of .July 18'il!. n«tlwl J. S. SPENCKR, Clk. i\ORTII C AROI.I A A, ROBESON (’OUNTV. Court ol Pleas und tjiiarter Sessions, Mjy Term, ,A. D. IStl'J. Ricliard .1. Millsaps ami wife Mary' .\nn v.s Nathaniel McLoan? Arch’d McLean, and Hector .1. McLean and Iv.lw ■\rd W. Campbell, \dinitiistralors of Din'l W. ■McLe.an. dee d Pel it ion for partition of slaves. IT .1 ppcariiig to the s itisr.iction of the Court, that N.a- thaniel McLean, one of the Defen.lanls in this cause, reside« ''cyoiiil the'limiis of this Stale: It is therefore, on motion, ordered 1)3' the t'onvt that ailvertisement l>e made for six'weeks succes'ively in the F.ayetteville *■'■ server, nntit'ying the sai'l l>L-fendant of the tiling el this peliiion, an.l th.at iioless he appears at the next I'eriu of this Court, to he heb.l .at ttie(?ouri Hon.se in Luiaber- ton, on the 4th Monday of^Augu“t 1801.’. -t the petition, the same will be taken pro contesso and heara ex parte as to him. • * Witness. .John .V Rowland, Clerk of our s.aid Court, at Ollice in Luuiberton, the 1th Monday ot May, A. D. 18t)2. 4j^;(p,l] .INO. A ROWLAND, Clk. I 14 :i M I oO •2 61 4 uh 4 4 1: ^ o-J 0 .') 6 74 0 OH ;i b4 „f Soathrrn fielLi.—V,ol N . A. Thomj.- Bou sold at auction yesterday forenoon, at Kast lioston, the lot ol church, plantation, school, tac- tory, anti other bells which had been presented to the rebel "overnment to be cast inlo cannon, but which were ca]>tured at New Orleans and Confiscated. The sule was numerously attended. There were 11 IS V»ells in all. The greater part of them were cast at the Buckeye Foundry, Cincin nati^ though many were Irom loundrtes at New York, West Troy. Pittsburg and liQuisville Antong the nu.niber were .several Catholic bell.'?, cast in France—one with the inscription, “Fait par Joan Hagin, 177;'),” over a cross; another cast at Nantes, France, 17S(>; others east in 177r>, 17T(‘> and 17!S:>. One, very elaborately ornament ed, was from the First Presbyterian Church, Shrevesport, La. Col. Thompson, before beginning the sale, read a note Irom Mr. l)e I’eyster, of Duchess c«uuty, N V.-, who desired the privilege of purchasing a bell which he gave several years ago to the Lpi>» copal Church at Nacogdoches, Texas, founded by a friend of his, Kev. Thomas Bacon, who \yas driven from the place on account of his L nion sentiments. The Colonel improved the opportu nity to make a stirring speech on enlisting. The bells were sold in lots of from three to. one hundred and eighty-seven, except the three heavi est sold separately, and a few others bought a.s relic.s and for individual use. The prices ranged from 21 1-4 to .‘il ccnts a pound. The bidding was spirited, and the amount realized was proba bly upward ol A lot of iron bars for covering steamships and batteries sold for. 84* a gross ton. A lot of copper, consisting of bathing tubs, rooting, spouts, sugar boilers, etc., at ili cents a pound.—Vimrier, iJls/. Takiny th> Oath.—We have a good story on the best authority, of the manner in which a Con federate buy of about ten years, of Accomac county, turtied the tables upon a youth ot about his own age, the son ot the Vankee General who adminis- tt*rs in that county. It eeems that the \ankee General’s son had taken advantage of some oppor tunity to attempt to overawe or force the little Confederate into taking the oath of allegianoe to Lincoln. In this, however, h(T wholly frfled- Some days after the Confederate entice* thu little Yankee to walk with him, and guiding his steps out of the village of Accomac Court Iiouse, finally induced him to enter an old house that stood by the wayside. The Confederate boy now improved the opportunity. Producing a pocket testament, he compelled the yankling, under pain of instant and liberal chastisement, to swear ollc- yiam-e to the Coii/ederate States'. After the oath was duly solemnized, he then, by a similar in ducement, constrained the Yankee boy to take another, and swear on the Holy Evangely that he would keep his oath! After doubly binding him in this manner, under the just idea, no doubt, that Yankee faith is very hard to fix, the (’oii- federate dismissed him to his marbles and his tups, and perhaps to be^er behavior. We under stand that the Yankee General was himself great ly amused at his sou’s adventure and prahed the Confederate boy for his spirit. Richmond Enquirer. Back Ayain.—A valuable servant .uiau, who is a superior blacksmith, owned by >Vm. Harri son, Kstj., of Prince George county, returned to the home of his ma^ster Wednesday night, after some three or four weeks captivity among the Y'ankees. He was carried off by a lot ol Lincoln’s hirelings, and entreated to be let alone at the time, but the captors were deaf to his entreatieg He says the negroes now in McClellan’s camp yiTOLEN from my siabFe, ne.ar J.ewisville, Forsyth | overworked and ix)orly fed, and wiH all return ; if they get an opportunity. A little experience among the Yankees convinces the negroes that AOTirc:. HHDS. Sl.'UAR, f) 4t> B'lJls IJ autl li Ho.-ip Icon, "L’Jtl “ Twit/V, For sale on consignment by J0.9 Aug. 11. UTLEV 50 41 11 Aug. i'iR MAi.i:. BA«:S SHOT, 4 Boxes Wne Tohaoco. Salt in two Bu'-^hel Hags. T. t?. LUTTEULOh 11. 50-’Jt lo liirr or *) W.VCONS. • ) 12 Mules and Harness, l'» gTOtl Han N to cut wootl; high prices paitl. T. S. LL'TTERLOH. .August 11. If'i'i'i. 50‘Jt Mall l*aii!^I Mall l*aiiw!! ^pilE snhsi'riber is now prepared to till all orders for 1 S.\Ur P.ANS. Apply imme.liately lo D. .Anderson, Eiyetteville, or A N McDonald, Wilmington. N. C. D. ANDERSON otJtf Aug. 18t'.-_’. III*. J. Ilavii^will be in Fayetteville tor two or three weeks from the 17th, and will attend to all Dental operations, ('an be seen at the Shemwell House. .Aug. l.'^iiL*. oO-iItpd Tilt' MIockliolilei'M 4»t the Fayetteville .Albemarle Plank Hoad Co., will take notice that the An- nit.al Meeting will Ut> held in the Town of Fayetteville, in the Town Hall, on the last Thiir=day of .August, at ll! o'clock. O. H.Al'>LEV, Pres’t. July ;>1, ISli2. • oOtm Prtsbyterian copy. RI^:\VARD. red bay H(>RSI]. heavy built, black legs, mane and lail, white sadtlle marks. No ot her marks recollected. Gail, short ji.ace, short trot an.i pace; age abou 11 or 1’!^ years. -A person was seeti lurking in the neighborhood, sup- poseil to be the thief, who answers to the following de scription; 21 or l!l! years old, fair complexion, blue eyes, good countenance, light brown hair, well-built frame, about 5 teet im-lies high; wore a hrown frock coat, black eassimere pants, (ijuite new,) new boots, black : liar institution,” if they have not already done so tficir new masters are a most hypocritical, decep tive set, and that in reality, they do not ciire a buttoti for the poor slave about whom they prate so loudly. We think in time, the Y'ankees will rue the day they ever interfered with this “pecu neck tie, gray tl.innel shirt, atid gra}* hat; carried a red carpet sack ma.ie of hearth rug with the fringe on. .A reward of C"75 will be given for the arrest, confii»e- ment and conviction of the thief, and i?l!5 for the safe delivery of the horse. He is supposed to be the same Horse Ihief that was arrested in Fayetteville a year or rwo ago, by the name of Frv, a very notorious thief. .lAMll*^ S PLEDUER. Lewisville, N. (’. .Aug. 7, iM'iL’. 50--'m THE AORTH 4'AROI.I\A MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE (OMPANY, N't)W in the t?nth year of successful operatioa. with growing capital and tinner hold upon public con- tidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to i') years of age, for one year, for sevcH years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. _ .All slaves from Id to tlU years of age* are insured for ! \ colored picture, which is purchased with other one year or for tive years for two thirds their value. ' niaterial.s, is covered with a gum and then ap- ,Ullo»« r'.'1'Ct..anj- paid wiihin '.ID Ja.va »fler ^ ornamented. Ttie back satisfactory proof is preseiitetl. i , T For further informaticn the publi" 13 referred to ! of the ji:i[»er is then wet Wltli water, when it may ■Agents of the Company in all parts c .he State, and to ! be peeled otf, leaving the picture, which is liSU- 11. H.‘BATTLE. Secretary, Raleigh, : ally a flower, a Cupid, a Venus, or .some god or Pctersbury J’Jxjjrex.'i. A}nu.(fmt‘nts •>/ the French Ladies.—The great rage among the ladies of Paris just at present is decalcomanic. A letter from that city says: Perhaps you are not yet enlightened as to what drc'tlcomanic is. Well, decalcomanie is the art of decorating “so/ mcmc”—as the advertisements state—porcelain, wood, paper and caudles, so that they appear to have been finely painted, and the porcelain made to resemble the finest Sevres w^are, and all at a comparatively small expense, and without any study or practice, as anybody with any ordinary steadiness of nerve and delicacy ot touch can become a first rate artist in decalcom- anie in a single trial. The process is simply thus; E. J. H.ALE, .Agent at .lan’y 1S5'.*. Fayetteville, N. C. To l^aii«l Riiyc‘i*». The undersigned olFers for s.ale, in the Coal region, and within eight miles of the terminus ot Ihe I'ay- etteville .i Western Rail lload on Deep River, KlUIlT IllMmKU ACKKS OF L.iXD, goddess, or a little pastoral scene, transferred upon the cup, saucer or candle.' Then another gum is used which “sets’^ the picture and pre vents it from washing off. The articles, when the process is completed are really very beautiful, and it is difHcult to imagine that they have not been under the hands of a skillful artist. The secret of the whole thing, I imagine, consists in ailioining the land belt>nging to the estate of George wilcox, dec'tl. anti lying ihiee miles South from Car- j the preparation of the paper upon which the col- bonton. on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. j prints are stamped. This paper, I presume, Tlif'sp l.'inds are well adapted i(t the growth of corn, • - c , t' 11 i- itiese -* . iM., IS first covered With a thin coating of collodion, coltiui. w'he.at, oat.'^, t^e, t\c. 11.» it aie on the preni- . ,1 * 1 *1 * 4 • *1 • 1 »i'i a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary Out- | oie pictureis then impressed. J he gum houses, with about one hundred and fifty acres under i which the dccalcomanicist puts on it makes the fence, including ftjrty or Mfty acres of never-failing ( collodionized picture adhere to the object on bottom land, this is a rare chance for persons wish- I it is placed, and wetting the back detaoheg ing to make itivestments. as land, .are undoubtedly 'V'l- j ^ th^laver of Collodion, and the vanctng in price til this secti&ti. i r ' , For further information apply to Mr. M. M. McRae, i pap«r thus peeltn- off, leaves tlie picture covered Crane’s Creek, P. O., Moore county, vr address me sit 1 by an imperceptible transparent coating of collo- Fayetteville, N. C. I dion. The pictures here are sold for a sou a D.VNIEL McUAE, piece, and a few francs buys stock enough to Wt H* ALLIiiiV) CoiiiHii^^toii iMerehaiit. WILMINGTON, N. C. I ^ ^ i l)ROMPT personal attention given to consignments of I I. Naval Storks, Cotton, or other Country Produce I for sale or shipment. I .April 11-1 m*tf i AI Jm: \ A n I^T R A«T; N ESS.A\ , on the American Crisis, by T W'. Mc.Mahnrn, HALE & SONS. A A further Supply just rec’d. Feb. 12. E. J For the Heirs of Gilhei't .Mcllac, dec’d. Civrbonton. Moore m., N. f’ . .\ugr. 24 18;>9. 43t REnOVAL. fTMIE POST OFFICE is removed to oflice formerly oc- J_ cupied by the Clarendon Bank. J.AS. U. COOK. F. M. Dec. 30, 1861 «'>* iHeyiodi^l Hyiiiii»i discip lines, a new supply, assorted^izes and qualities. M^reh 1*^ . 1 _ !iii|U‘i-ior Pocket Cutlery. RODGERS', W'ostenholm’s. Crookes, and * Son's ceiebrited Potkel and Pen ^ good supply. E-J- hale & SONS. NoT’r 27, 1861. tratisfbrm all the chinaware in an ordinary family into a very good imitation of Sevres, and to beau tifully ornament all the candles. l)ecilcomanie is really an interesting and elegant art, and, as I I .said before, is all the rage just now. It is etea ! said that the Kmpress amuses herself by orna- I meuting the candles which she burns iu her I boudoir. ^ I Texas.—Late advices from Texas represent 1 that great and powerful State in a better condition in every respect, than at any previous period of her history. The corn and wheat crops arc ex cellent,, and abundant enough to feed the whole Confederacy. Specie is plentiful, and cattle and hogs in as fine condition as could be desired.

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