XII.] FAYKTTEVII.LE, N. C.. AKJl ST ‘21, lS(i2. [NO. 1153.] ^ PHINTFD M(>N1>\VS AND TlirRStpAYS I KDWAH!) J. HALE SO>S. n iTrRS \Ni' l’R('»rRli:T;)nS IPrioo ;.>r the S.Miii-Wpekly ()iiskbvkr S:^ 00 if pni'i in '• if pii 1 .lurinj; tho vo;ir of subscrip- i.in; or >1 nV'or iV.e oar li:i« oxj'iro'l >r it.i' Wt't'kiv t'n^KRVK.n .''‘J 00 pi'r nniiiini, if pni>l iti a4vn>r.-; ?:> ",0 if p ii,] ,|iirinr fix- yo-jr .>f ^nl'sorip- .T r ’. Ill* a‘'-or th.- yo.iv I'-i- ("^pire.l. ‘|u,.v" AnVF RTISTMl’VTS f^r CO rent« per (it' It. liii.'- ''.ir il'f'fii’-if. Hill -lo (>ents for (vich piiM^- V(*arly :iilvorti«ompi)t« hy «po- ; -Hi' .>t r,‘A'lvortisovj Mr«> • I (■• j' t*' -lie nii’T’hor .'f iii>i('rtiiin« ilo-'irfl. or I 'ni inipl till hii I ch'ir'ro'l Hccor'l- I - ho in“ '-*o l . ch'\rcr*‘'l "'O p^r Sl-i: ! NoTh K ’’roiii :ui.l nfit'v ih; Irii--, iii- tiniji. "f i now nlii’rihor |1 : ■ • wiTii. ,r j'iViiii-nr in i iv iiiix.-. nor wilt |rU'T ' - M)' t.j -I . ; -ii). -■riHor'J f'T u hiii'jor Iteii i-* !' ’'-'r h .‘t lur -"I I su>' rihor hs ile-jjro t.. t'lko th^ pn- PW..II :y w-’i pi, •'i«p iiiilify U"i when mriking rUiit' ■■ JrtTi'y 1, r-.v- T,» auvkhtisi: Ks Pe’ n HI “f town who 'i>'>jire n lvi»rtisenien(r» in- iHrtPii in ;'ti-erver, Htiil pe»-'ons in town with wlium ^ have n it roirnlar nci’-.' w please send with the ^^ertiscinont a-: nuu=h iimrT } «y wi!«h to invest iu 9ft ; .-..r liu^ 'i»r si.lvertii i ,n o« the first page. licit wish to oi'fii my more such aeconnt?.—or Jt-e l ’ , ai'f.Mints The process of collection is too I'ui'. anii we have to pay ca-ih for everj* tliinjr we ir -iell in these tintes. iO-- ^ \RV Nxnt'F.s —Wtj have heretofore triven notice. i 'liv, >b it wc fir obituary notices of iin- | len^iii, an I f r resolutii'ns of re-'pect; I'e- that kin-i of rt-alhi ' w»* have much occasion to know, is not often ir >re a?reea>)le t ' readers than to editors of papers. A» it generally haj.pens, however, ' t i*t after charginp un J paying postage on the ftcoount for- ' w*rde'l, we never get pai.l, we now give notice that we i wHl in-ierL nothinir of the sort hereafter unless acconi- ' plnied hy the -'ish. Always excepting in the case of | ’iinteers, when we reijnire no pay.'■ Hear ' SS*)ii. ;ii, therefore, that we will insert obituary notices anions, noi excec'ling 7',' worJs, gratis. For all : gIPFi v. ir.l-i, one cent a word, which must be paid be- ’ - notii'e will be put in type. |g""" " ' ■ Attorney at Law, I'aykttkvili.e, N. i ILL attend the fount}- and Superior Court.s nf - 'uniherl.'iii 1. Hariinti, Moore and Hobeson (’oun- j I’r'inipt nftention given tn the collection of all iini-; -ntrti't.'1 to his hands, '-t. 17, l''"v'. ;')>-(f KOKV TlfAAiK, Sttornry and i'ounsrUor at LUMRKRTON. N ('. ll’^ILL iHond and pr.-ictice in the t’ounty ati i Superior T’ ’ "irT of K.’bf-on, Itichniond .aii'l (’uint>erland. , All b;i- iiic , iniru^te i t»» him will rccoive prompt at ,l*n: -n -nd c Hecti.tns piiticttially remitted. , ' 1 ■-'/. 6'>tf I'l'NTAL NOTK'i:. ) SC‘>TT can be seen in hi>: otfice. li I, d' ir- iMst of I tie market, at lii-i rt- pu'.ar otlii-e h.mr-^ frnui " clock A. .M. cl ick F. ,M. 1-i. i^’.-l. 57 tf ^ &ar*llr. % oH iiolit o lliat In* til xont truiu F'lyeilfviile for h tew week** '■* Fayett^-ville, June 1-5, ISt'.J. ;’.}tf GKO. W. WILLLAMS (0.. l>c'aler«« in .VM> IMPtifiTKKS AND UEAI.ER.s IN lardware aud Cutlery, Swedes Iron, &c., * H\Y STKKFT, FAYKTTKVIllK. X. (’. Florence and Fayetteville Kail Road. the provisions of an (Irdinani-e of the 'on volition of North ('arolina. Rooks iffill bo ope- el on the K’lth June at the follovi-in^ j'lncfs :in‘l under the di rection of the following p;‘rsons, to receive subscrip tions to the t’apital Stock of the “Florence Fayette ville Rail Rond Oo." Shares One Hundred Uollars each. -1/ thi' li iil li'uni O'Ui'f in Pttyi’t(fvillt'—I'nder the di rection of ttie tl*neral f’oinmissioners, A A. Mi'Kctlian, 1>. .\. f\ay. ,\ \V. Steel. ^Vnl. Mel., McKay and Jno. M Rose. .1^ t'lr /.’ // .'7 — I'nJer (lie directiotj uf Hector McNeill, \Vm. .1 Siewart, .las. Smith, I>,Tn'l C. Mc Neill and ('ol. .\l(>i McMillan, or any i-ne of them. .1/ Flnral (''‘Hf.jr-.—Under the .lirection of I>r Neill ^IcNair. l>r A. I> McLean. ArchitviM Stni'h. Fdmutiii Lilly aiitl Col. ,\'exander Wat-ion, or anyone of them .1.' — Under ttie ilirection of Murdock Mc- R>ie, l» McI.,eod. I* .\!c('alliitu. .las McRae, .Ir . atid J II Mi'_^iueen. (r any one of them. J .I '- Underthe Viredion of .lohn I’ureell. Jno. Mi'N'air, Sion .\lfird. l>uc»ld MfO'xllum and Jno M'-U »'lum, O’" atiy ou-- of them. The Siib-icrip!i,.ii Ro()k will remain open fur the qp-K'e of t It d iy>‘ When a ''utflcient sum is subscribed the ('■impanv will t>e orifini7iMi for liie purpose of huiUI- in>r tlie P>v>ad A. A. McKl'TMAN. 1) A. RAY. A. U STFl-L. WM McL. McK.W. JNO. M RttSi:. IJeneral Commi-isioners. Fayetteville, .fune 7, LOOK AT TH18! TIIK IMVIiTTKllLLE IIOTIil., Fronting 3K) 1‘eet and in the business portion of the Town, ( oiitaiiiv iiiort* ^pacioiiv aiiit ut'll «4‘iifilalMl Kooiiim liiaii any Hotel ill lilt* Ktafcv ;inil my T.ntroiis say iny ('otitliuionfs ;iro very ::ooJ for the timc.s. T. W.lHDlLi/, rropriotor. NFay I'O. Ls'',-.'. JTy Fayettevillf Female High School. 'PHF. exeri'i«es of this Institution will be resumed on 1 i\io ot* The scholastic year will be ilivi led into two terni'^; ' the 1st of lo weeks, commencing 2','th of Sept. and etui- : iug tJtih I*ec.: the second of '27 weeks. commenciDg 1st i of Jan'y and eniling July 1st. i Parents and (JuarJians inten>!ing to patronize this | School are earnestly requested to apply for circulars i containing full particulars in regard to terms. iS:c , [ the opening of the School • : , .rS’ j followinir rales wili ni>w im' 'c.l f r I’assM,- 1 gei s on tl is Ro:i l. vi?.; To I.itt.'e River, ")U 1 To .■spoilt St‘, 'ti:r. . To Jonesboro', 1 -i;1 To Mclvor -. t Train le.ivcs the !>cj..n \l.'i: i,.,\V,»'.n.‘^>lavs and Fridav-'. at S \ \t H. -Mrir,, ;...iv,.s at IL' ,.',.hick M C. i:. \i Al.LF.TT. I're^'t, .\ug. •J>^. lHi;i. 71,1 j % ui:%: -j I The Von Sf>h*. 'srjaii. | ' (OI.OUKU PHon j;r:u*HS, I '' ' I ^ !*.. \ . i i ART. W oo(i%vard'-v* aiiK’^i’a. l)HOTO(;RAniS cat. b.- hsdat V ui-. -id..!!-,. Skylight I (lallery. Jlay >!ic o| -'V.itd, F.iy- ettcville. N. (' ; pl.vii;. i "aoh.-l. e i'. ire.l. in water colors, oil artii pa.'tile; t>>n?i ■ti,’,'! •'■n\ \mbvt. vlc' .if l’i''!i;rcs iilt .Mould- ■ • _'»■ tiy : :T's; In nru- A . ,-h Life types, .Melaneot;, pe, and :iM c. Ii.t v: pertain' ig to the \rt. .\No, (.i.; Fi ; ing, O' .•■ ■ for vi-ry l.'irge | ii'tiir ; i- inches, .''or'l ati>l Tas -el> i. : i ■> . .;.j ments. Stock and f. ; size Colored I’liotogr.ij lis t': i ! ■ ' -n - Having 'niarieritly loiviiei ; 'n- your patriir- ,e. 1 w.oild ; •'■it:, for the liberal jiatronage iu ' i ; the good peo'le o*' Favettev r; 1 \ •' ■! \ I'll..* i. *.;^! ., l>oo r 1 BU.W TOi\ 1)1 4'f^llA .dill.t, S. t . • V o >i K I! I. Or iv i: N r \ ■ c i; v . ) I~ pvepared t ■ fiii ov l.-r; t' Mtiv ‘Xii-ir in Ivngraving and Priuttug Bank .Votes, ftill^ oi* r>\('iiaii;;% Ac.. Kiigraving upon St-.c or l.ar;r«‘ sui)pii»*s of itaiik \ol* iiriii olhrr paper »vi!i kopt. Stlv\E. l>T%Ti: f'OIC SAI.i:. -iiti'. r t'ei'viOii f -"i' ilis ii.tu'i.' :iiid Im in 'V;ide«- I ' II i.';-cthi'f w >h i' .Ml! t,u(» aei-e.i nt 1 lad reaching >'!!' ; . '' r(.e inili'' the d' ii-'l.l" 'I'he ■iwc! ' , II I- l iriv*. VK i i. t tiie ' de.^irahl** II' ■■■ * . .III.'-. V C 'lil I'tiiiie oe i! !U\v o ri ' '.if land .' '.'ii! I >1' .In* .li.-irc lo iiiiivf luitlnT n;i th.- country, li.‘ w. 1 I cii liii'ti’ '! tin ly improve.1 hou-.f and lot in .'I’ ti i iii‘oiii ' , .M.tiici wiih " good ir'K'i ot land 0...1- ;t-' I 1- SMITH. All-- 7 1' ^Jiiijid ti ill III i ^1 ra i ion \ o( ii‘4‘. 'j-il ii'.-t iher l.'tviii,'-..i.alitii-1 ms vdijiini'trairix on I ■ ,:c ’ - S- . Iv. ! ■ i l'i-f,.*iy ‘V- •' i:oiice ■ 1 I • IS tiav . ■ ci I. 1 • i li I ■ . f I.) (ire- '•iii liji-M t '.Vin I, \lci\ 'V wiiliin : h lime jire- • '! ' \ ■ . " ii'- 11 1':.-,' 1 t'(> ].b- .Me.i ;n bar of ill,,-rv ■ \T;I.\K'\I' S1'NI»N. Vdni'x .i : - !. ! 4'* t ^ psU(. \t;. to I'leni re 1 ha'd: • KLL. ; i aii I ■ ; ■••me n.cnt !■ i: rLK\ flit It I i' Itev WM HOOPER.!,,. . , r 0. IMOl'KR, 1-'M’!*!* July •4 ^ tl.'.Jpd W. 1*. KKM>ALIi. ;!';tf KKNDAU, i rO\, Ki:.\l»ALI. A: CO., iMercliaiit^ A N D WHOLESALE GROCERS, ■Vu. 11 A 1*2 \orth Water St., \Viliniii?lon, I’. y *rde;- from the i’ountry promptly executed. r.artiiaiLir attention eiven to the sale of Cotton (pd other jiroduce. * .^•\prir.I, r-.ni. • lO-tf ^ 'VIIKTBI, “ »mmissiou and Forwarding >lerchants, WILMIXGTON, N (’ IlilUhoi’o' .^lilitary Acaeloiuy. I^HE fourth Academic year of this Institution com menced on March ''ith. The charges for a ('adet be gin with the month of entrance. ForcircuKr* f >ntain ing terms, \c., ad'lress Maj WM. .M. GORDON, Supt. H. M, A.. Hillsboro’, N. C. j •Tune 12. 1802 .?inp 1 ■ t OTTO.\ VAR.^. >0. 1}» Hay Strrel. (\ r. MALLETT. j Jaii’y •!, l^^iVJ. I ;:io Ki:u AKI). above reward will be paid for the apprehension I and deliver}’ to the nearest Military I’ost. ol' .\LE.K- .\NI»E.: WALL.\('E. who deserted his conipaiiy on or , about L’t'ih of March 1Sti2. S.aid Wallace is 21 years i old, 5 feet 11 inche-j high, red complexion, dark hair, ! blue eyes: he i« a native of Moore ('ounty, an ! is proba- ' My in the vicinity of (.’arthape. JAS. I). MclVLR. ' • 'apt. Co. H, 2'ith Reg't N. Tt’iop*. -vmp Johnson. ^ miles from Kin-itun, June 17. llewai'cl. I WILL pay the abiwve reward for the apprehension j and coutinenient of my man C.VLVIN, who r.'iuaway from me ab')ut three weeks ago. 1 will also pay a rewarvl of Fifty l)ollars for sutlioient ; evidence to con\*ict any person of harboring him. Cal- ! vin is about 12 years of age, 5 feel 10 or 11 inches high, | bhck. and weighs about L'>0 pounds; he wears small ' gold rings in his ears He is a boat or shin carpenter, and well known about P'ayetteville and Wilmington. He sometimes calls himself (,’alvin Johnson THEO. EVANS June ;{0, 18'i2. o>if Lo^t or .IliKlaid. ^pwo IJlank Notes not fillcJ up, signed bj- myself and ! 1 enilorsed by’ I'.-itrick Murphy, made payable lo any j of the Hanks Hi Fayetteville. .Ml persons are forew-irn- ' ed not to use them, as they will not be paid | DAVID MURPHV ' April2, 1H02. i;5tf | A K l>! I VFEW L.\D1ES can be accommodated with board at ; the Seminary. TWII lintiRS V4?!'V!' T, I!\ vCN ’' sTfRK I'ayetlovilh*. i\ •lan’v 20. St. MAKEPEArE cV >r U\E. Have on hand an-i cxje- i !■. km- ' ; -i,.-, ■ their own manufacture, n '’upp y ; ■. tJj’v'nizel and comruon H "'ped French, High Post, Cottage and ( omnion Sj'ring Mattresses, of m w and imfr iv.- 1 Spring, on han>l or made to iirder >f’my'iz;-. !.'»• N'JI’.S; Spritij^'. Cane, and Wool .'i.ai ('II MRS. . ; 'utt- t.i.: kind.'' ind p irterns; Spritiir S^fas. L -iin.r' 'i I ( tiairs, repaired, and ci'vert-l wii h l|.iir ' ’■ • : In*; wi^e; IL'.' han ilos. Rune- I t M ' , II'’ !- .'^o!e, llarnes'. and Upp-r !.,-a:’o’r. and I’la-Jteritii.- Hair. As we have good ''laciiin.Ty I'ur .'-'a-ving. I’laneing, Turning. Morticing ;ind Roreing. wt- c ;ti lo w.tk »iih despatch and o;i ^ati-fiotiiry leri l.^lMtig work or repairing t i ■! ■.vill I ■ 11 t . I'ive .i' i c ill We warrant our work, it it fail', y. o krow w‘iore to find us. ‘ . Having taken a Store on the lla-;i -.^ide (tille-pie Street, a few doors South .d' U . Sieol. M-.).. ;ui'l having some sp.ate room, we w^'ii 1 uiteii l t 'he and sale oT any thinji that may '»> coiisi.'u./ l i. n^; and will give special attiMitioii t.i pr.ibi..(^ tSi ,'>iate. FayetieiiiUe, .\pril 1. IHt,). ‘if rAVi:TTs:i 11.8.1^: WmAL I\SHIA\K (0>1PA\1. Capit.al in I'rt iiiium Nu'' - im.>i;n-'i •• ~ : '.7.*i'h ('ash on hand ind other .■is^e:®. " “77 •>.'> Tlif f-ot e i ■ ■■ \ \ it.'-!irirle Plank ,i , , W • : ' ii..N > Ihn ,\n ■r >1 I !v, the i'l.un 1.;' '■ 1'. ft icvil!>. • .ii he . ■ ■ t’ri li> Ml S(>! ifiiiber. at • • II ■' l>i.L t'. I’les't •'"iin sloo 1.1. -■ • I'-, tl’ ir Lew- ilie. Foruvth V. ' ■ ■ u I h. iriit ■ !' I he I 11 h irir' . w ^tti'iil ' : I . . "1 ll.l" •Itl'l tail ;'.-t:!:^' - N-- I 'iri'r - ff: .-.I ((■lit, ■iM ir H r.. ! ;. ice: age :i* .'U 1 i ■ v 12 v(>a!-'. Ol w ■^ecn I'irking in tVip n Iprhborhoo 1, sup p ..I t.. i‘.‘ thii'f wlio an-wers i ih' following de '■■i ii i.'ii: ‘J I or 1! J vi- ir- > M, fair eonipb xi.;ii. t>lue eye“, ■ I - ■..'•■u iti-'e. . jihi !>ri wii ''air. wei: bui;! fr.me. .. ' - ’’ .' HUw 'fe ■( ! f. v;-,i fnirk i-.'it. i. . ■ '■ ' ii’vo p.--M. w w-. -. ^’.-k ' ■ . - •' '‘lift. :i'; 1 '’■ruv ■ ,vi !-■ 1 •• red ! ■’; !■• t ti • " ■; ! ' n li the fii i'.‘ .'i \ 1 : : - 'r thi> - con'iri"- ii; t o tivi. : s .!! .'■ iK.' 11., •. .ad ^2’' ' ■;af•• , f i '.c li!.r e ' ; ■ J ■■' !'■•• - III • He; e ihi>tl it wis ! ,n F-iy. ' v;il-‘ a re ir ir 'W: atjo, b. tl;.' nime ! : I'; " . ’ ’T. iio;-.r lu thif! .lAML^ S. 1 LElH.llR. I N - I ’ .’. -z. 7, I'■•••2. '' '-.’ta ^ali l*aii«i! *^all E*aii«»!! , ib. r •' i; ■A' ( r. '. r. : ' , 1' ■ ‘‘ tdi r- !'■ r 1 i iiiio i;:u 1 .,1 D .\n ler-m, \ N Nl iJiu,'. i. \V Jin':,;;’, .ti. N (’ 1'. \M>KRS(»N. , ■_ 1 -y ■ \u- •v \ .iitJlN-:.-N ■; , 1 \I, Ivr'- n-J. .1, i' X 'V. iiir.rid. i,. 1 u> • Total. -■_..'.7'' The ('ompany h.av” j. iid all 1 - e- ; li .jMy. hav# never made an -;--.Jroeni on t' ■•ir j^remiinn ti’ Total losse.s jiai'i. ' ^2‘.',ti''l. «>KFirKKs: GEO. M.^XEILL. Pro 1 i.m. 1). -\. R \V. \’ice Ptesideiii »;i and ’ lie 'lank ot t ’ ;i • Fe ir. M ;i 1: '.'If I’.MILL \V, Sept. 12. 1801. T. C. HOOPER. atj- ti’y l.'-()l 8»tf ii. W. ISI I.I.AKIK om tn issi oti • ftft*rh /, WiL.MIN(;T().V, N. (’ • i i T -.o 1 I’LIISON.AL attention will be given li -a.I- Naval Stoies, i.'ottou, Lumber, Timber, i oilier Country produce. KF.KKR To ' I’m: i.i;Y, Pres’l ('om. Rank at Wilmington. John “ II. N.C., at do. Me.«sr 11. V i;. ,j. i^iLLv, 1 ^ Me.-vr. i’lMUKRToN .V StxM.x, j A. 1 ARKKK, I. .J., U iriieil Couutv, N. C. May 7, 18.;0. j ffcti. or 4 €M RTM *11L .stay Law having p . ,j nettlement of 1 *..11 tor years, we wili t.. ; i.ereaft.-r insert Orders «i .IP' wi-hout payment in adv.mr... i>1hu-c -end ^4 V.,:; til. Order, And more it it he .,t m.uMial U-nztli t- l~'i2 E. J. HALli .V .SONS [ioliic-.Made EiiACloiies. - I- TI’l;r,I) hy Thos. H, Tillinghast, t':iy.i|^.. II V had of the undersigned, wholesalo or • ’ cash E. J. HALE Si SO.N'S .1 ffoi* liiiw (late I will pay Four (,'eiils per jioiind for rags de livered in Fayetteville, or at. my mills Kookfish, I, MURPHY'. Ausr 1 iKi.o A ATI-II. ■ -EVKKAL vuuno NEOHOES, T''iy the highest Market prices. ■ I'll -;i I- woull ti„ to address | , WiH-ri; I call be loii-id at auy P J STERNE. 47-lajpd AUnV IIAKAI>M. 1.\M jirepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army u.se. I Ian my leather and can give good btirgains. Agents will do well to send their orders to me as they shall hav« prompt attetition, and sont oft in ijuick dispatch. .JOHN ('.\RTFR Ooldston P. O., Chatham ('o., N. 1 ^ June i:^, 1S;2 ( ■ Ki:\VAKI> 1).-\N.\W.\V from the subscriber, on the evening of t the 18ih inst., a mulatto woman by the name of LL'(/V. Said womtin is about 2^{ years old, slender fr-ame, f>ut noic quite airjoili’iit, of ordinary height, and wilt probably weigh 120 lo 1 1(1 lbs., short, h:iir, with rather a bony face, and is i^uite intelligent. Said wom.'in is probably harbored by her mother, owned by J A. Worth, and Rill Rruinton, a free negro, with whom she fias been very intimate. I will jiay the aViove reward of ;52'> if she is delivered to mo or lodped in the Jail of this County, or I will [i.ay S-')(J if she is taken in ;iny other county ijnd confined in tlic Jail of the »ime. JNo. D. WILLIAMS. Fayeiieville. July 21, 18ii2. 44 if Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. Henry I illj’, H. L. Myrovcr, S. T. ILawley. N.athaii ,\ Stedman. ('. R. Mailt It, Janies Kyie, A. A. McKeihan. J. D. Willi.ams, S. W. Tillinghasl. hn Collins and C. (’. >!■■ 0&-' The ('oiii] any invil May 28. IHt-.i. W. N. TirinHia-t. S. .1. i'l ill- •I ili", Wm. \icl. i'lrin. T. S A. W J. G. 11 on. I, i.ii' ' (V I. (. I’.r . Hi! '•i!mii!'’ti. 'plH'fil, ' w;ii,r I ’ ‘llT \ i “.ving Noi .A NEW and beautiful asaorlrrtent, just received. E. J, ilALE & SONS. The .^oiillit'ni ilariiioii>% .School Uooks, Ific., further supplies just received. E. J. HALE * SON.'^. TIi€* teriaii l*Naliiio(li!>f Character notes. A further supply just received J'lly E. J HA Li-: * SON»^ Forty Vtar5>«’ I'aiiiiliai* l..etli>r!>« ofJiis. W. .Ale.xander, D. D.: Sermons, by J. .\ddison Alexander, D i*. Al.wi, fui'ther «upplies of Marg.arel , .‘■loncrieli..-; Reo^ih: .\ilaiu R-vle; Vii'^'ef: Shirley: .''C'hool tiouks. .V'’. .!nly 1 ' F. ' H '» E 4 SON. fa^Miii;> 3c copies of the OI»:«i(‘rvei* can be procured by non-subscribers, at the Rooks?ore Price 6 cents- j iwroeeries I if! ALARCiI'; and well seloi ted Si. ,)f F\'.11L'\' (i R( X’ERIE.'^ iilw!iy>» on turn I, con ; i,ii - -.f liacon-SiJf's, .^l(‘ss I'urK, ’'!'ilh'?-. .''iaoki r * \os, 1 anil 2, Mnl;ts>r.,. Sii.ar- i«l' al i^r.-i'los, 'I’olcii'i'o. ( ■•\nd all other articles u'.'iiuHv kopi in a (ir . eery Est.ablishmcnt co.X. KM.vii\:,L .'>■ »;o Wilmington, /Xpril 2, l.''*il. i(* it OIL AND LAMP liLACK, TANNERS' and LURRIC.VTlMt 'Mf, L.AMP Rli.M'K in hiireis. F.>r - : • !; • JOiS. i\. i;los.-i»\i a (».. N c. March 7. if lleadqiiartt'i’M [ l: .V \ 2^i. Ill .. ■ • ;,.• re- ■ .'f : ! I)ri 1'^HIS Company, de'^ifing to b;- c ■>'. spect, woul't be _'i id to enli'i: -i 'in vers,—men acnustoijied to the rti'^ ;■ There will be p.'iid to oarh iiriii. . o of $15. Monihly pay .■^I2: liesi.i. 1 fed. i.aedical attendama' free, an i a; equipments furnished reijui-ite lor j, No one need apjily unh>«s lie is a e' perienced in the manngement of hor tion of the company is Virginia, as .sci.n as ('(juipticd. Ai.ll.X i-., MiioitE' Vpt t'.n K,.* H.-or't r,; VrtiliiTV Ri:nOVAI.. ^pHE POST OFFli’E i.^ r iio. I i 1 CUJiied J.y ilt(.* I h,r..nil a !!i'i!r. JA,> Dec 3('. IHfil. r|Vi! !i i. i..:: liCri->.-;irj, icr. drive,• and ex- I'he d''stina- ■ny oc- ( ,\1-T\1N KIDD. THE PIRATE I ' r * ^ . c‘'*naiiion and pepper, that the very foremast men Snuw y‘r.r-: Lpfi.n-, wl.tlo the war was ' received Irom a hundred to two hundred pounds vn^Mtiu. th.-ro h:ul boon roi.iplaint.s in the each, and that the captain’s share of the spoil l it', tiiat jinvnti'ors of .Nt. Mulo.s and would have enabled him to live at home as an ivirk causc.i less iiu.lcsfation to trade than another ^ opulent gentleman. With the rapacity, Kidd had cla-s .d n>:traiiders. 'I he Kn-li.sh navy wa.s fully : the cruelty of his odious callin'^. He burned i'?ii|iliiyf'd in th(! ('hatinel, in the Atlantic and in ; houses, he massacred peasantry.'* His prisoners tht' ^Io^liten•anoan. 1 he Indian Ocean niean- were tied up and beaten with naked cutlasses in wliile s\\ arniod v. itlwpirates, ol whose rapacity and j order to extort inlormation about their concealed hourd.s. One of'his crew, whom he had called u dop:>.was provoked into exclaiming, in an agony of remorse, “Yes, 1 am a dog, but it is you that have made me .so.” Kidd, in a fury, struck the man dead. N‘>ws then travelled very slowly from tho East ern Seas to England. But in August, 1698, it was known in England that the Adventure Galley, tichy /’riprhtfti! sfnrir-s were told. .’\Tany of these men. it wa.s said, eatne IVdiu our Xortk American c('l(»iiit;s, litid farrif‘1 back to those colonies the spoils L':tiin‘il by v.Tinie. Adventurers who durst not "how thoiusolvi s in tht; 'I'hatnos. lound a ready iiiarkot lor thfir ili gotten spices and stuffs at Nt*w Vork Ev(mi tlio Puritans of-^scw England, who ill s;tiK;tiiiHinioti.s aiistority surpassoil even I heir brcthrtMi ol .Scot l.itid, W(*re accused of con- j from which so much had been hoped, was the niviti'.; ;it the wi‘kr>iiiif‘ss which (*nabh*d them to terror of the merchants of Surat and of the vil- .'iijoy abundantly and ehoai.ly the produce of Jajrors of the coast of Malabar. It was vthought Indi iti jitonis and (’hiti(‘S(> ti;i plantations. probably that Kidd would carry his booty to some ill Uichard Coote, karl ol l»ellainont, an colony. Orders were, therefore, sent from White- Irish ptu r wlio sat in the llnglish House of Tom- hall to the governors of the transmarine posses- iiioti>. \',UH appointed (•ovt-rnor ol New \ ork and sions of the crown, directing them to be on the 'l.i'sachiisrtts Ho wa'^ a man of eminently fair! watch for him"* He meanwhile, having burned charai’tei, uprii^lit. courageous air.l independent, his ship, and dismissed most of his men—who 1 boui;h ;i doeidt.d whig, !u; had disfingui.=;hed him- I easily found berths in the sloops of other pirates ;eli by brinu;iii;r beli>re the Parliament at West- —leturned to New York with the means, as he Miinster some tyrannical acts done by whigs at . flattered himself, of making his peace and of llv- Dnbiin, and particularly th? execution, if it is ; ing i» splendor. He had fabricated a long ro- not rather to be called tho murder, of lalney. ^ ^ance, to which Bellamont, naturally unwilling Ibdore Hell.imont sailed for America, William to believe that he had been duped, and had been -poke .strongly to him t.bout the freebvotifiu wl.ich fhg means of duping others, was, at first, disposed wa>» tlie uisuraee ot tlie c.'.lonies “I s.‘ml you, 1 to li,«ten with favor. But the truth soon came iu\ loid, to .Now ^i»rk. he s.iid. ‘‘because an out. The governor did his duty firmly, and Kidd hutie u ari.i intropi.l ;(,:in is wanted to put these ; ^as placed in close confinement till orders arrived ;ibu-es dawn, a>,.i l.('cauc 1 bcliev. you to be 1 from the Admiralty that he should be sent to >ucii a man.” IJellanionf exerted himself to ; England—From 'Mavaxilays llhlory of Eny- jj'tify tile hii^h opinion wliiih the king had form- . ^th vol. '-d of him It wa^ soon known at .New York that ^ the ( iovertiiir who had just arrived from England THE was bent on the suppre.>-sion of }>iracy, and some ■ cuioni.'sts in whom he placed •.'riat confidence sug- ! :ie.ted to him what they may perhaps have thought ! the best mode ot attainin;^ th.it object. 'I here was then in the settlement a veteran iiiariiiTT iiamctl W'illiani Kidd \oTic i:. 'jiUi! I ’ I*’'; ■ -1; i N'IM». both havitiir niieri-1 the niili- 1 ' fii,.. ■ li,'- ( 111!. l *r;iK' .States .it' .\mori;'a, ^••t:\\ • ii '-ii '' t > i'i“ii- ''i i cu“i‘iiiii’rs aii'l iVien I-. ;■ : '. .|ip, ;n;..l J ihn D. J^^tarranl .i liin D. \\'i!i i - itiis pla •>>. iht'ir nitortu'ys to eolb-i-i either i' nr i-.injointl\ ail lunney' due ihoiii either by .. •••ail, t,; II.ii.'. Mi l ■: ii-.'fwi.Me to al.-'iid loilieirtiu- tiiii'-- .'fi.iT.illy dofing tiieit --l.>jfnoe. Tiiey re. peet- tiiliy . '■ •> I pri 'on in ii iiie.l t j mu’in to ca!: ^ ■* prom [it - Iv I- p ''!•» on ttii ir at’*’;!t . ;i vi •!:!■ pavn‘>i»t -■; Wn.LIAMS. Sejit 1.1 1.“-t;i r,H If Or li e .i. ii Ilain'illgns ot .N.iOO, SKK). -'iply . • li.- 1’ I. il N.'fii (.'m'-'i:::m . M 1 ^ '‘ti o\ri:!^i:itATi: Or i’ll' .l”nomi!ta'ioU' (d SKMK). .\pr'y ;ii • I mo.'t ol his life on tlio wavcs, had distinguished lumsell' by his si-amanship, had hal opjtortunities oi siiowing his valor in action with the French, and l;ad retired on a competence. No man knew the l.,:i.->terii Seas belter. He was perfectly ac- ijiitiintvd with ;ill tin hannfs ot the pirates who prowled betweoti the it‘(Iood Hipe and ™ ' .'^tr.iits ol .^lala ea; ;tnd h.e v.mild undertake,'*if hi H' re intriistotl with a single ship of thirty or 1' riy guns, to elt ar the Indian Oceat^ of the whole race. rhi* britr.antines of the rovers were numer ous. no d.iubt, but none of ‘hem were large; one man-ui'-war, which in the royal navy would hard ly r.uik as a I'-mrth rate, Mould easily deal with them all in sueee.s.'iion, and the lawful spoils of the enemies ot mankind would much more than det’ray the charges ot‘th(”'expedition. Bellamont was charmed v.ith tlii jdan; and recommended it to the king. 1 he kini: relVrred it to the Ad miralty. I he .\dmiralty raised diflieulties, such as are jierpetually rr'isf'd by public boards when .any deviation, whether for the better or for the Mor.so, from the established course of' proceeding is pn po'' d. it then occurroil to Bellamont that his t'avonte scheme mi«rht be carried int(j eflect without atiy cost tii the State. A tew public spirited men uii;;ht e isily fit out a privateer which would svion make the .\rabian (iulf and the Bay lleti:r;(l secure hiLrhw.avs for trade SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, (XXV VOLUME.) A Religious Family Xewspaper, And an organ of the Tf e‘ b;7d passed ' K T 110 D If? T E PIS C O P A L C H R C H IN THE SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY, Is published at ArulST.\, GEORGIA, AT TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, I.WARIABLl !.’« ADVAlfCE. \nu p/r.'’on se-nding Twenty Dollars for subscriptions it entitUd to a copy u'ithout charge for one year. E. H. MYERS, Editor. AupuKita, Ga., Aug. 13. 61-4t OAK WOOJ» WAIVTEO. \\T.\NTED. -iOO cords GOOD OAK WOOD, delivered I ? at Foundry or on the Western Railroad. D. ANDERSON. Aur 18. Mtf Waiileit Iiiiiiiediately. 4 M.\N who is thoroughly acquainted with the pro- cess of burning; OAK COAL, One who can come well recommended will find steady employment and high wiges Apply to D, ANDERSON. .\ug. 1:. 61 If BLl E VITRIOJl7 Tni: subscribers are manufacturing BLUE VITRIOL. *1 >rders sent to Mclver’s Depot, the terminus of the (ro.ilfields Railroad, will receive prompt attention. A ■•pecimen may be seen at the Observer Office, Fayette ville TYSOR k JOHNSON. Aug. l.j. 52tf Twoiitv-five Dollars Reward. iio. . k; r L' I 1 • I • i IJANAW.W from the subscriber, his negro bov MO- I le wro e to his tnends ,n hngland imploring, He is 21 years of age, about 6 feet 10 inches remon'tratin*:, complaining of their lamentable •w.int d {iitblic stiirit. Six thou.sand pounds would lie ctiouirli. 1 hat sum would be rep.id, and re- V." 1 t i.i ■ •.b.'joiit iVmu liiuiie a tiionths in the Wi-t, .Vrci.i''lid \Ii-l,. •in i- niy .; iihovized \eeti' f’-::tl-'i,ot I.ii bil'-ini'-. I return. N. (!. .ioN'KS. Dec I 'I r\rss: %\ii o^ rKAsT: ^ \t! .'■ \ ^ . ..II I :ie \iiii'rt'-itii't ;■. by r \V 'di'Miimn. V : irMirr --iijijilv jie't r.>.> d. !'.•>. 2 ’ !•; .1 II \l.i. ■. ,sON'.-^ aiKl ofli«‘r ns 'I'Hl-iil'iiK I III ll!I,i.. K i . ..: U.-ib'i;;:i. 1) K.'T - ■I'-. I'rii'i' .'■^1, |i, !. II .V • b.M'y TiJia: « i in rriL iw\: io?!P\:vv, Nt»\V rill i( iith I'ar ufe"ful ojier.ii iiin with jTi ■ 'i. ; ' I i|-- 'i ;ui.l liriiie.' lii.M iii-.iii i'iiMi‘ cuii- (i b'li. I-. I 'ittiiiin- III ifi .tifi' I'lf* 'iv-s iCall !i"^iltliy |'*“f -..II- tV'.iii • t I'l -'.o vfTr-' 111' one yr ir. t’.ir i'vi*ii y e:ir^'. ;iiid I'-r I! I.“ ■!'.' 1 ifV iiieiii''"’ - s h iriUiT i a I he jM'otits. .\!l ' . . ■ tr .iii |o -Il I. I \ fu’s ot ji;ie are in-'iired i'.ir .•lii,-;ir it;; liv.. ye ir ; fii^ .’vv i tliirl' llieir v:ihie. \il ‘ - I.. I'-i.i'jiii ’ly j.^iil v.it.'iin .l-i_\'^ a/ier ..'t is t • -“Ilted. K '.- • ‘'-'rm ;:' n ;iic pu’-.i' i.-i r;'terred to \ i;i 11' ' ■: ■ ' ill. I• I r V in 'ill j-ii I -i '■ . *1. .■'■ (■lie. nn.l t■> i. 11. l;.\rTL'., ’crel:irV. H !•:. .1. 11 \LI':.'':-it.i .1 I " F;ty‘.'l lev; 1 I,'. paid with laTiTe interest, from the sale of prizes, and an inestimable bone/it would bo conferred on the kingdom and on the world,—his urgency suc- ceodod Shrewsbury and Rwmney contributed. ()xlord. though, as first Lord of the Admiralty, he had been unwilling to send Kidd to the Indian Ocean with a king’s ship, consented to subscribe a thousand pounds Somers subscribed another thousand. A shiyi called the Adventure Galley was 0((ui{)ped in the port of Ijondon, and Kidd took the conimand. He carrieil with him besides the ordinary letters of marque, a commission un der the (ifoat Seal empowering him toseize pirates, and to take tiieni to some place where they might bo dealt with according to law. Whatever right the king might have to the gi>ods found in the po>:s(\ssion ol tl'.e malefactors, he granted;^ by' let ters patent, to the persons who had been at the expense of fitting out the expedition, ri serving to himself only one-tenth part of the gains of the adventure, which was to be paid into the treasury. With the claim of -rfierch.ints to hnve back the property of' which they had been robbed, his .Ma jesty of course did not interfere. He granted away, ;uid could grant away, no riijht.s but his own. 1 lie prc'S for sailors to tnan the royal navy was at that tiriH' so hot that Kidd couhl not obtain his lull com|ilemeft ot hands in the 'I’hames high, robust, long feet and very much turned out at the toe.*!, and loirks down when spoken to. He was seen at .MclMi^iul’s .Mills in Robeson county on the 2Ist ult., :ind was in Fayetteville about three weelts ago. The fibovc rew.ird will be paid for bis delivery to me or for his confinement in any jail so (hat I get him. W. D. JOHNSON, rennetisville, S. C., Aug. 14. 1862. 62tf .NOTICE. n^HE subscribers having obtained special letters of 1 Administration on the Estate of John H. Hodgos, doc’d, will otfer for sale, on the 6th of September next, at the residence of James Hodges, One iSrstrate Threshing Machine, one Turpentine Still tind Fixtures, lot of Staves, lot of Bacon and hard, one Fine Cavalry Horse, with all the necessary fixtures for immediate ser vice, lot of Oats and other articles. Terms at sale JAMES HODGES, 1 . , . NEILL S. STEWART, / ”• Aug 12, 18G2. 52*31 pd AOTICE—KEU AKD. 4 RKWARD of f30 and traveling expenses will be A. paid to nny one who will apprehend and deliver in Camp, J.VMK3 TINER, who deserted from Co. E, 52c’ Keg’i N. 0. T., May 27th; or a suitable reward will be given for his lodgment in jaij at Rockingham, Rich mond cotttity, and information*’given me of the fact. I also notify all tho«e who are absent without leave to re port themselves forthwith, or they will be dealt with as He I deserters; and all who are absent on sick furleugh are .;. !..| - ;iiit-d o !i-i for ' lie, .a lif' '.'uni re"ii'll, wi :,i;! ifcii; lii;; ;it’:!;;! I i, ■ •; - •■ ‘ --y , \»'i;-;crn It'ii'. It.-nd •..•i |! ■" i. ••• K:.;hT i!s ,v( !:ks of ! .• l^md ii.'lan^^i'--: ... iW-' ut i...,.r«ie ,v. ... i. : '* > ■''>'' t’ar- i; > 1 •; . . -i;;-;-. Tl.. -•■ !.•, .■! a'l^ wJl 'li ti ' f-'i-'ovhi of ,;r,rn, c‘iii.iTi, wheat. ■,';its, ry»‘, ^ t-’‘‘ prerti- isvs a (.1, !i!, n.ihie :)\v^i;‘.-.i". iiid all lu•ce^^?lvry 0>ii- liriuse.^'-, witii iiiiiiii: one hmidred ;ind tiiiy aciv.s under ■fence, iiuda iin}; tVirly oi' aiM-cs of n(>vor-f;vilin!T boiioiii land. i’iiis is :i r^ire^ oh;uu-e I’.ir peivn- wtsh- iiijr tl! Mike li.vesiiiient'S . ’..;tid;, ai'i' iin -i.ubfoUy ad- V) ; ' ■ ' . ' Ki„ 1,; • . ' — • i; -i.k, 1*. ' i'l. eU" Id'-. N. . .M.iii to ''i;r yi - 't K-ie, ' •' .;iia v, "I- ;l Ml- ■■^- JjO :il .Sti l3efl>oilKf ;>eid lines, a new .*uipply, a«HorTed sizes and 4ualities. March Ih. K. J HALE SONS. Ii'" the Flf ’r,> liiank Warrants tor sale here. crossed the A tiantic, visited New \ ork. and there found v(dunti‘ers in abundance. At length, in I’cbruary, lii'.tT, he sailed from the Hudson with a crew oi more than a hundred anti fifty men, and in Julv n'ached the coast of .Madagascar. It is possibliMliat Kidd may at firt have meant to act ill act! »rd.ince with his instructions. But oti the subject'()t |iirrii‘v ho held the notions which were then common in the .North American colo nies, and nio'-t ol his evew were of the same mind, lie ibund himseit in a s-.i which was >^onstantly traversed by rich and defMicelc.ss merchant shij.?, and he had to determine whether he would plun der the.sc ships or pi^Ttct thetu. 'I’he gain which iiiiudit be made by plundering them was immense, and mi:rht be snatched without the dangers of a battle or the delays of a trial. 'I'he rewards of protecting the !:iwt"'nl trade were likely to be com |iarativ^'ly small. Such as they were they would , be got only by first fighting with desperate ruffians : who would rather be killed th.an taken, and by ; then instituting a pr icof'ding and obtaining a ; judLTinent in the t’onrt of AdTiii’'alty. The risk I of being called to a severe r^ ckoiuiii' uiight not I unnaturally seem small to one who had .seen many ' old buccaneer.-i living in credit and eemfort at N. , York and UoSton. Kidd soon throw olVtlic character of a privateer and Itecame a pirate. lie e-ablished friendly communications .indcxchangcd anus and ammuni- ti'.;; vl:h t!u ui.-t of 'hose '•overs, wiicn. hi' CO!lHll|ssir!I] , hilll lo destroy, an l .n.hk- \v;>r on ih -e p^a'- iti! trader?^ whomh? was sent to defend. lie be^an by robbing Mu.- stluiian^, ;uid speedil} j'lro'.’i d* d tu)ui Mu.-s i- mans, to Aimenia;;s. and from Armenians ti ■ l^ortuguose. 'I’ho Advimture Gal ey took such I quantities of cotton and silk, sugar and coffee, reiuired to forward a certificate of disability we«kly, or they will be considered deserters and dealt with as such. The !»hu-e of such furloughs ia now operating against any privilege of the kind being granted (o many worthy soldiers now m the Army, who are denied the same on account of the unworthy conduct of others. If unable to do duty, oeiiii in a weekly certificate from a regular j'hy»iciai; if noi, report in person and 611 your place aa » «o1di.'r B. F. LITTLE, Capt. Co. E, 52d Reg’t N. C. T. Proctor’s Creek, Va., Marlin’s Brigade. Bv !>ider of K MARSHALL, t’ol. I'omd'g 02d Reg’t N. C. T. An? 7. 18*12. 60*3t .^tate of Daroliiia, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. ("ourt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, July Terra, 1862. Elizabeth Loflin, vs. W. B. Loflin, John K. Loflin and others. IN this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of tlie Oourt. thtit Elizal>eth Epps, wife of Marvel Epps, and Margaret Burton, wife of Pleasant Burton, are not in- habitaniH of this State: It i-*? therefore ordered by the ('oun, t lat publication be made for six weeks in the Fi\etteville lUi.-erver. notifying the said Defendants to il.- and uppe ir at the next Term of our Court of Pleus and Quartt r Seni^ions to be held for the county of Mont gomery, at the Court House in Troy, on the 1st Monday iu October next, then and there to plead, answer or de mur, or the same will be heard ex parte as to them. Witness, J. S. Spencer, Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Troy, the first Monday of July 1862. H*6w] J. S. SPENCER, Clk. W, B. ALLEN, * C'oia iilssion Mercliant. -VLl.MINGTON, N. C. PROMl' I T>er-.cnal attention given to consignments of Nwat. Ht.)£.««, COTTOS, or other Country Produce for aala or shipmnnt. April 22.

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