SF/Hff.WEBKIiY. I\ I Ail. FAYi;n'i:V[M.K, N. ( ALHIUS r 25, 1602. [Na^ll54.] .V *' N = >rth • I’n s.A-> i ( Pi;iNi'I I> MON'>AYS \M^ IHrHSivWS Kl)W\in> J. HALE &. SONS. n IT' \Nu T'ROPRIKT; f ir ; I ' 'M i ('t.mehvku '»!' ^ ’ • if 1 linruiff’ tlio y**; 1: ;ii' > t atti'T t'r i> soar ox!'iri->l n.- if in H : . My ‘ M’-;i;n VTII V i’e: ■' ' I if p ii.t ti l r r ■■■' a*'’t-r th= y - aDVF.RTIS! NiKNT.' L'l 1 lir.. : '‘'■- ut iiic r' Vf.ir ■>• li .Aj.;r,-r iU‘fr;; 'i fij*^ ot;ui? jter i'l-. 'M't. arid * fur eu;!i i V >!11 :V 'l iVf' li- bv ; .• ru V A ivert se -rf* niin>^'?r ')f iriirvJt^iireJ. or I *■ ■*■! I i'll f ni fffl a'o-OJ- ■e Ik ■ 'i i ■ J- 0'' per SIT- I ■r t-.' u I'. ‘VTi I a” #1. ' ■ uH iiiel.' ‘ii Ae | -i- rerit i. ■•vi. ji .-tibiii-; ih.-r; Vten ’.'a^i t r - I Oil 1 iV."i* »= .!•- i ^•r.OQ this atein w : ■' {liouse iiutit 1 r«iantaiic>v 1. W C-ubiOribc” -iiioi*. nor wsU I 1'Uj.v-r ti;iio‘ ^ take the pa wlitu iiiiikicir II V 1, -W « h'lve here resoiuli' ti^TO AbVEKnxKU'* ' I*er* jD>i yiit nf t 'wn why de-ire n.lvei tisenienl'i in- i^rteJ iti^he ■'bservfr, liiiJ i_er.'> .ns iu t jWU with wIil'Ijj we '.ui II": n cu:i,i w ..5e rend wiihtue cr;'.j(»iueL’ as UiUi h u»cf » t wish to itivest iu It. - ''ord’i;!: ' 'Ur slr-r' • i.ijJ •» the tirst ■ d Lut Wirh vli -u --.’jy ;ti rt* such »£■■■ Uti:jr !oed J !i--- unt~ T'.“ pr.^jis i-ulleo-'.iii i* u 0&.cd'd, and we hi've t : pay cash tor every ihiuji w« ate ' r «'-’.l in theso tin)^-s O ■ r. l-'U ObitrA-- >. ’i.. ,J»^eate ‘ ih a wp chars nivi ’e \pr:2th, and t itiftt k . = nt rt-aiiu^. we -■ iv know, is not >ttfn more ngroeui'le : •dltor^j of pnpt-rs A U geuerai’iy • t jat a;tfr charging ati'i paving popiage "n t iiS a W»rJed, V- never ge^ j' lid, >ve luw give n.iti will insert nothin/ ot' ?• i- hfroaf er unle-'-> av .>tn- p'^nied by the ci -h llwaja excer' ni? ia the case oi |*^'ea9ed Vo'uDteers. when wo - - e :i.' pi._f Bi .'ir ^ oj:nJ_ there -t^. ih it we >v ;; iu-iert >:tu;i’-y ii ;j; i ll^d lesf ’.uii jH'J. li i fs .- 'liQe 7. «■■''•.U. gr4.tis. F ■- all #fer words, one cont a w.^rd, wti-.ri u u • ■ " i iid > e- for. ”)e norice wil’ be p'-U in type. II*. fi.^lic#>. ^neK.l 5•. Attorney at Law, i- >YETTi:VlLLE, -N ll'^ILL atteud the ouniy an i .•(‘ri_r ■ If i'uiubfrlauJ, Il:ir-'»'V, Mutne and ilobes , I’r Ljpi atr--nti. ! pivoa t.= i?i» c-.^ j|j|llaiL:i-‘ etiiru ted to h'« h it — pfore giv-. ij riouce. [•y notices • *' ua- ■; 't re-'peot: be- O: - - = ’^ H 10 roA'le i ihnu t. xppens. h. wever, lint for- th:\t we Florence and Fayelteville Rail Uoad. L’'N'1»KK the jirovisi.nis of an ()r'liiiauoe of the I'on- vnntifift of North (’rtrolitia. Books will be ope :ed on the K'th J'.ino h: the f'^llowiiijt pl'icos tiu i the di rt'Ctioii (it th» followiiiz jnrtions. to reci ive “ubscrip fions to tlu- (’Hpitnl Stock of the “FlitvenC' F »v'*ts ^'!’e I’.Mi! lli'itd (.'o.” Sh'ires On-.' Hundre'' D ubir** each .1//^.r /i.ii,’ R ii'i (Mice in Fdy^ltecilU' —L'n l Tthe ii- rectioii ()l the vieu'^ral »?otnmifiai('ner3, A A. McK-ihan, !>. A. Ri>y, A W, Siei?!. '^Ia. McL and Juo. ^l Rose. .1; the Red Spri’i^'s. — Luderllie diveciioi; if Ueeior NIcN'eill. Wen J Stcwa'-t. Jas A Smith, Dan'l Mc Neill and ('.^1 \’ei McMillHn. nr any ne of then. —Under the liirecti.jn of J>r N»nll NIcNiir, fr A 1> McLean. Archibald Sini h. i!'!i:n.t;d Lilly and I'ul. .Alexander V. uf>'oi». or any i>ne of them .1.' /•;.'> - -L'nder the dirertion of MuidoeV; Me Rat*. l> McLeod, L> Mc('a.lluru. Jas MoHae, Jr . and j fl Mftjiieeu, or any oue of them. ,-lr L'uderthe Wiret-iion of John FuroeU, Juo .NIcNair. Sim .Altord. l)u^alJ .Mof'^lluiu and Juj M or any one of them. i'he ^\ibsi)riptii>a Books will raniaiu open f.^r the ■p ice •’ t diV“ When H >£utiicicnt j'.irn id rfUi''‘cribed tlie »' .t!.p>inv wii' be ‘ iii I'nied lyr the purj;u;e uf build !□>.’ tli.- HchJ A A. .MeKETHAN. U A RAV. A W STLEL, \VM M.’L .McKA^, ,).NO M KO- L, Geuer,.tl ('oriim’siioners Fayeticville, June 7, !-:f LOOK AT THIS! THE FIVRTTEVILLE llOTi^L, Fronting .100 feet and in (iie bu^ine^s portion of the Town, ('oiitaiii«i iiiori* «p:irioii^ »iid %tell «4*iitilaled Koosuh than aii> Hotel in the ^tale. and luy Pstrons say luy Condiinentj are vcrj tor the tiiue!=. T. WAUUILL, Proprietor. U E^Ti:3S\ ItAg!, ■ UK folL'v.i:ij: v! gci J I'li this Roa ' vi To [ irr:e River To Spf.ut Sy'riiia;, To J- 'i- sboro’, To Mclvf-r's. Train leavr>^ thr* Di- Fridfij’s. at b o’cl' CV A .' n: 12 ...\-)ook Au>r -f?, ihtiL •-= AL: •■'L^ an. .MTi •ur l'r.,»'t 71rf B? LA*\'8'0 I) I’ A i\, i vt.r.-ms.i. s. {'.. I, F O M 11 h V O K K L \ T I ' K V . : !•; prpp-in'1 t i till or.ii-!^ to any csi.-^ni in E.'igr ai j" and k*ri->tjng B;:uk Notes, of K\chai#S'“? I’uf^raving upon Steei or Stone. lAri^c supplies of Hatik .Vote and other paper »»i!l be kept. A The Non Stvie. coLOiitj A •fjm \Vootu ard's. UfrMB. Sir....T : I t. >r. j it.>llC ! Ill i ■i»\e!!''iK I i in the '■'■bol 1 ,i ■. !' . iie A . 1 ■ i!isr.bur.'. .'3 •T ;! .• pi :ce \ul' ; CSTATi: FOK HA Li:. t * .-.'Id -11 hi- h jUi: « - i . : in Wad*-- /.•thtii VI- ,ii at'out 'JOres o! iau-i r»'a. hiuiT i uiil'JJ of thf \'ni»;fp Mi .t. ot tM; The iH*? w Isrgp. HU'I tfie lot i.it; mi.;i de-drtttde ■iiuiiy, couluitiitjj: null lif'y 'lOre^ .it' land • n.? desire to move farlbpi up the country. . i them a fi&e!y impr'ived h .L.-e tuJ lot iu C , ti. (Teller with W '.met of land • J F '^MITH ■i'j Baipd C'oicoruii.—As we stated yesterday, this officer, so notorious throughout the country, passed through town on Monday, en route for liichmond i to be exchanged. This is the third time he has , passe(’ through Petersburg, and we understand I he has some fears that he is not destined to be ; exchanged just yet, but that he is to be reserve 1 ' for some other purpose. Of tljis, we know noth* I thing. It is said ot him, that when h'e stepped from the cars, on the James river, to be sent tc Belle Isle prison, he was ordered,"^in company ' with the balance of the Yankee .prisoners, to form j into line with their backs to Richmond. They, all obeyed this order with great alacrity, the I Colonel remarking as he did so, that he ‘‘would I much rather fall into line with his back to lliclt^ j ruoiid, than with his face to it. For,” said he, ‘1 anted l*'K) cords G03D 0.\E WOOD, rleliTar^d j never want to face that d d city again ” A ill Foundry or ot the We»'ern Railroa 1 D anders*o> \ua it! altf THE SOUTHERi^ CHaiST'AW /ADVOCATE, {XXV VOLUMK. ; A Rel g 'oun^'amilii Xeurspnpfr, A^d nn ors(Hn of the >IETH(3DIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE SOCTIIf.RN' CONFEDKRACT, Is published at Ali;l>iTA. i'EUiititi., \ T TWO DOLLARS PER A N N C ,\I. £^TAKi\n3.1 -i/iy jec/.wft andtu^ Twi.stt i>or.L.\R» firc mhcriptxon* u tn UL-d I ) a copy -KUhovt charge fur or,e year. K H AlYERS, Kditor .AujjusIh. U>»., .Vojt 13. 61-4t OAH UOOi» pHUl'UGR \PH; o.:!i 1 Gallery. ■ - t ettcviU^ -'1 C pi- I colors, oil and i i-H’l ■ f -- • tjpe!=. MehiDM jt; pes. :.u; .11 pet lain' j; t^ f!:« Ai' .Al^.j iug, (j ■ for ^ ’ -v *-■ , ■ inchetf Jord ai.l i..i raeritB. H j 0';. .. . ’• si*s col .reJ F ‘ o: ^ • Ilavi.'.'j' per ;■ iT jn:;y ! y >ur p"lrona;-t» 1 •iii ‘ ■- !'or the ’'\.erMi pHti .'i-a,je thf go...', people ■•t yy::. v; d.'uiiiera. ■. I V •, Irll'fl Si-jlighi e ' ' 1 V'.i.ii, Fay- I'- ■: . ! iri water - liz- Atnbro *i\ . of Pio'ures t- L.-j -, Ik .Mould- ' 1-. 'Jt; by ii*J r; ir . ' ti-r.?-.: Irj«tru- AdiuiibistraSfuii subscriber hivini' n ai ,.V.i::il!il irutrij 1 Ito; i->IateA'f Ims Su'iay. .1;r" 1 ii-'ebv ;.'ivr.i liotloe J .>1 . 13 hjviu^ cluiuni 'Jji iiiisr e'ii-1 r.jti'e !■> pte ' iiL 'r.H'i; t.) Vi III McL .NicKuv '.s.ifn.i lii.* -..ii** pie- I'.-ri; ;.J '.J , .'V, o: liiis ur. li-.- v. '! to j It i.d.-d in i.'vr uf it.oT ;• r .Very ‘.’A'i'H \d1i4 t Ao^ V 1 in- I j gentleman standing by, hearing liia speech said j to him, “I suppose nut, sir; you were captured with your back to Richmond, and I presume that is vour lavorite position ” We reckon so, too. . itnd it is the ca»e with all ot them.—f*et Lxp H Hb'- 4'. B r SUGAR, b f UTLEV ;.J l! 'i be :i.L, iJeo'r ’Jo, ls6y Marble e - ' P! .nk w. •-i^e .' ' ii at the Au- iti tinf ! Wil of (• ; . 0: U'Vilie, Factory, ]■ jD ific nr- t FiiJay i;i ' j ictiib. r, at t > H I 'LEV, l*re.'’t ■'lUtm . May I'u. ls32. FavetCe¥illt Female -y His:h School. I ■•nts uf ■u C juii- n o*' all Oct 1: ? RORV llcWSK, ^Sttorney and VoHnseltor nt i^nu\ LLMBERl iN. N ILL aslen.i and pra.'t'••••' in :>ie t un 1 Super: .r 1 ! ..ur’- li...’ie- L, 1;; l;L’'i..!id and = Hli'i, Jkll busii..'.? ntrus; i t fjim r cei'. p: i:;.pt ai- tttuti.jii and I' lMei .**■= j/uu-.tu ;”. ter. iiied •Jet tj, I.’'.')'' -';'it,; ■'HE osercise;! of this InstituLi n will be resumed on i\ie '2'.*iV, of September * The »oh.ilasiic year will be Jiti.led into two t:.e I?*' of 13 weeks, conimencinj; ‘JVth of Sept an.J end ing 2-tth l>ec : the second of '27 weeks, «oninienc;ug 1st ot J.in’y fiD'J endint: July 1st. I’lir^nts and Guar.lians intendin'.^ to patroniie this di’hool nre earnestly re.^uested to apply for .jirculars contairiujj full tiarticulari in regard to teira>*. Ac , the •■.p*.tjiii«' ■: iLe Soho'l R«v WM HOOPER, ) J, . . , T C n:.OPER, J i^rincp..., Ju.y ■ 7, l."OJ d.-l tl '.J{ d IliliMboro* .Tlilitary Academy. ^PHE f'irth Academic year of thi-* ?■ ■ o.'fti I mer..‘. I on ^lar''h '.'h. The chai'g ■ ^ f.ir a‘..’a'l. t fip- gin with the ni.jQth of entrance Fi>r circilar* contain iug tel ui!-. Xc , addrebs M.ij WM M. G',-RD0N, .'?upt IL Nf '. . Hillsboro', N. June 1-. 83-3Hipl COTTO\ vak;%. No. I'J Ha> Stnoi. s ~.w Prt«'i>. tenan copy. •^100 iti:\vAUO. T’.y »aii:*', co.v Lew -J -I e, Forsyth N. OTi the ii.gh: of tiic 1 1 th iust , u sninll * b- \^l!(lKSE, heiV}->.;4llt b’ iL'k le^r-i. Ill irie .iri'l Iftil, huv; - I'f.iti* mark!.! N . oi!;.'r n-irks rec.'.!lecti. a Jait. : ’.t J a.V‘, i!i >rt irjt and p atze i'.:;” 1 i -ir 1'J yeard A p. rsoa w ..s '>‘cn lu".» -.g it; tn.‘ neivrhV'oi',,n. L ?*up- c • . tn> t.'ie ihief, who •.n>*wers to the faHo«ing ie ■ripi! .1.; ‘2\ or T2 years old, lair ooinj.lex' jn, b’.i.* >IA.^ who is iborou{rhlj acquainted with ih« pro oi burain? CO.AL Oq« who can j , well rt'.j.jiusrifrnduJ wiii nad steady eu»ploymenl nu-i hi^h j Fajifcee JSteuling—The force of twelve or at-' Af plj lo D AND£R30N I toeu hundred on the south bank ot the river con Aui^ 13 5Hf i tQ penetrate into the interior ot Prince ~ BlUe VITKIOIT i Geor>fe, and rob and steal everything within their TBi;.uU.rib.r. .r. „..»ur.c.„rmg BLCE VITRWL i «“=>>; TheJ Tisit.d the houM ot Mr \Vm H 1 OrJer, BeD. lo .Iclfr’, t.poi, of ih, I Harrison day before yestoidoy, and alter stcalms Coalfields Railroad, will receive pn^iDpt attention A j all the poultry, entered the dwelling, and with aa ijpeoinjen may be seen at the Observer 4)fl9oe, Fayetl» j aie cut to pieces valuable wardrobes, bureaUSj ville TV.SOR 4 JOHNSON | They went into a kitchen loft and stole the AutZ '■’ _ I clean shirts of a negro, leaving their tilthy, vei- : niia-infested flannels behind. They gave a negro . . ^ ‘ ‘ j lad two half-dimss to catch all the chickens about K'Ik .“7" 'rL'l,".' j-'i. -■i.;'- );igh, robu.5t, long teet and vrry much turnod out at the'* them a valuable servant man, who has tor many t.-'es, »ti.| looks down wn*u >ipui.-n to H.- «a‘» seen at ■ years acted 8>i toreinau of the plantation. 1 he McPiiaui'b Mill-i in Robesoii e..u(ity on the ^Ist uU., : negro is said to have beg.^ed piteously, und with and Wft- in FH>ettevil]e about three weeks ago. The | »ireamin«^ trom his eyes, to be allowed to above reward will he paid tor his delivery to me or for ■ - - -® , . . , • Lis conftneraent in any jail so that 1 get him. W D. JOHNSON. Pennettsville, S. t'., .Aug 14. o2if ' remain, but they were deal to his entreaties, j Pttersbury J^xjjrcss, 14M T' li TWO D'i 'P;S \1{(1V' p, " I, -^ ;iV4 €fevHIr, K ■-\.v la- dLl'T, iiiritcn-nee, ! > t ;■ chi^s ■1'—iniet e p lilts, . I Ilia i.* ' f heart br 'Wn ;.:i;r, well-bi; .rii; W jre i > r-, v. 'i fi •\:!i-.n of t’ h'3r "> '.me, J .1, n*'*,’. ; ij.'i -j, M .ck . 'iiid _'rtiv li .i. o irri-j i a rid , : 1: h ! ht fi irijie on. giV! ;i ;', r '-he Hiiaai, c.iufino- . th:.;f, t'.nd fi.r the .'rafe E gut'scribers having oiii.irie.l upecinJ letter? ot .\diiiini6tration on the L t.it.-.jf John H Ho.lges, dec’d. Will offer for bale, oa tli-- Gili of Septetiib«r neit, ut the residence cf J .mes Ho'iges, One firatrate Threshing M;ichine, one 'furpentine S?till and Fixtures, lot ut Staves, lot of Bacon uud L:ird, one i'lne Cavalry Horse, with all the nt-cessary tistures for immediate ser vice, lot of Ujts and other articles. Terms at sals. JAMES H01>GES, * NEILL rf. bTEWAKT, | .Aug. I'J, 1S'>2. 52*3tp'i M\K KPK AI'F: F. H Avr own an i con;. '(•villf- 1 It? - ■ in.* Ho; - ^ i.h'.'-f th;: ye -.r or two yg.i, .y the n-i t me: J\'.!LS Pi.KDGER WHS •»:ue —!^30 reward. ?3ii and traveling expenses will be Jl \IPKR Bl t'lit. 3 ?>.. French. Hi^h i’o'it, rot*n;c” f’d ( omnion Jai.'y f., 1''>'''.2. m.\llet: T' DKXTAL NOTK'K. zuiar )ck P lu “ ui i’ ke*. at hi'? /.^lock .A M. iilto Ri:\V %RI>. UIE af'Ove rewar.i will be pai l for the ariprf'i>*T;-i^n and delivery to the nearest .Mi’itary Po.■■^ .; .ALKX- .A.NliE'T \V \LL.\t E, wh.-. .le^erted hi-= Cin.i any ..n nr abo'at Vi^ii .d’ NIarrh 1.'''.'2, Saiii W:»llace i --I o! L ■' leet 11 inches high, red complexion, d -'k blue • y\--. he i:- a u-itive of .Moore f'ouc'.y, an.i . bly in ti c vicinity of Carthaee JAS, It MclVr.i' apt. ('o M, ‘JO'h Reg't N, (' Tr. n. miles from Kin-t .u. June 17 Sprit.g M«.ttrcs? han.i oi iuad>. t> o' ! Cant», iTi.i \V'.od 'It ojvi p-.tterns; .Si.rlr.' n?pair»*d, and civor. wise: Hha :■ i‘ le. Har:!.':J, • I! \1 .'•.li'ii-, • I with Eii’iir n.l I 'amp J,' ;"ears hair. 810 Re ward. .^cott ;;^ives ii»tiee ili.’it lie .1 be ■.•.setit Iri.iU Fayeiltvi, =_• t.ir a its; weeks ' F.iywt.-v.l;A. I-., I-;-. :i4tf GEO. W. WILLIAMS Jt CO.. \ \Vhole»«ale Healers in «rocei*ie»«, AM: I.MP(»RTJ;H.' AND ..LALER.S l.\ |hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, &4*., ^ Hll STKKtT, FAYETTEVILLE, >. \ . Kft. It.. he Pa= ■ ; RlfiWDS— ■ng Dg -L ^ W. P. 1 ENDALL. J. KKNUALL COV, KKAIIAI.L Sc Hi , oiiiaiij«»^iioii MerehaiitiH A N D 'AHOLESALi; GROCrilS. >0. 11 A: 12 -Vorth Water si.. Wilmill^tOJl. !. ;■ .S frjiii tn • t>iu'i ry .j :,y eieciite l 'aueuii.'u j: i‘u ■ iip ^aie ol ('•■itati p: . • 1 - lll-tf T. C. 4.V fc«. c,;. \% >St'4'iS. Commission and Foruardiii^^ 5lerchauts, I WILL pay the above reward for the apprtdiension and coiitinem.’nt of my man _’AL\’IN, wiio rana''-ay troni me «bout three weeks ago I win also p;iy a rewar.i. .f F'ifry I'rill ir.-' for ;ilfii'i. nt evidence to convict any person of harboring him. Cal vin is alxiut 4 J years of agp, o feet ]0 or ’ 1 inches hiirh, blank, an l weigh.^ abo^t l.'',0 roun Is; he w, irs .s!n'»ll g'.M nnirs in his ears H ■ is a boat or si ip carj -nier, and well known about Fayetteville and Wl'mingtou. He Sometimes calls himself Calvin J.-)hn«on, THEt.i. EVANS Jane 30, 18*':.'. .-■5if l.o«t OI* .lliviaid. Two Blank Notes not filled up, signed by myself and endofsod hy Patrick Murphy, nia'ie u^y;-.ble to any i f the Ranks at Fayetteville. .AM persons . re for wr.ru- ed not to use them, as they will not be paid DAVID MURPHY April 'J, l^'ij'J. l'?tf and I'lastprini > .As Wf have goo'l .M lohisery f. . Turning, Morticini: and Berlin w( despatch atrl ot= -wt ICtory t^'r woik or repairir - to do will d > > v We warrant o'lr w.-rk; if it fat'-'. \ fili'i U'. H:iving :ak‘>n a S'ore on th»* i'l Street, a few doors Soirii vf A having some sj-are r • hh, wt* w.m I :i and sft'ic of any thii)-.: tr.a! r.i iy i - .; will give «p.'ci;! af n i.'u ' ' .'t- Faye*'eTille, .\prd 1 1 'li. B'AVf:TTi:%i MITI AL I.VSl HV Oi: Capital in Prerniflii^ N •. ;*.’3 ' Cash on hand ^n l T..:al. The t'otiipary h'-e pa;' • have never made it, a^sessniont To'a'i i./.ss. s p.ai 1. . 'j r ug, 0 i:. .-p-ir ■ Tl' k;i. is i t hai-9. r 'ter wing. P. lUfii;/. i:i i.i work with Pei' is tiHviug >;lvt U"^ a f.ill. 1 Know where lo Ti- 1 ' !■ lye A .1J I n,-d,'r.. ^»all ; JCrib-l 1 1' -A N S l*aii»! .^afil Fail‘d tv. i a' , t.. D tT !3 now pr.'p-ii 1 t .Vp; :y N. ''Ic!>ouhM, Wi; iOrPERA^ TV.-OR nt I.. M. 1 ver s D^-p n. K oi-der.* fv'r A n..?r;on, ii .S' (' ANDrlR-ON .■>»; f .'i J»HNSv-N \ V,. R'ti-road. n U-.l \ori'K. Tl IN ■f teii'i ‘pie in.i ! L- . 1 tli.' >it:,ragf 1 I. us: !iu I '.‘li t :L ly t R'^I'iN 1-..IJ. boih having entPfe.l the inili- ■•vi -> of the I■'•.ift.ieraie .''ta’e.J ul' America, not.fe t 'iieir •• •( cu't ;tupr- a-ii I friends, !’: V iin'i- Hpp.,:u;■• ! .i ' ri D. St irr ,in I ,l jhn L>. til-;, of'hi'^ itla>;e, their nti.irn.'vs to . .'lect either . I'e'y or .’.‘iij.tin'ly :ill mopeys .lit? them either hy u.;l .ir ;;i;.l iherwiscto utien'l lo their bu- • .i L-eiier"r.y during tiieir absenc-i-. Thi y r'=sprpt- I L . ' I'cr's.'.iia in ifb:eu ' t them to ca.I ;is prompt - p .- -ibie ou tneir a^rent ~ 1 i;i r-iy:v,o'it, • V'lLLl VMS. p: ^ l^^.l tr .077 .3.'> t:o € rt:s>s:iSa ri^ isoa us = 61 - .— ,.i .'lUp-:y, "iud m ! iieir prt-u'iL.'u DO'e. CAR II! FEW LADIES oaa be a^'^omitiodated with to.ird at the .Seminary. T, • HoOPKR. •Sept. 12. 1801. ' 6t‘i- /PCTHOIlJli , ! ' largt (I .-.n y WILMlNijTUN, IHUl U, W. RI LI.ARII, i omsUfsshftt livrrhnat^ WILMINGTON, N. (’ 1)' i-iII'T and PEIiS>N.AL atieuiiou will be given i‘i •le -a.' if Naval .■^t ire>, i.'otton, Lu.'aber, Timber, * ah Other couiury produce. ARHV HAR\i:?^N. 1.\M prejrir**d t-i mannfaot«re all kin'Is of VVapon U>irn?is for .Army uso i lan my leather ;ind can v.'ivt5 tr 111.; burgiiinj .Ag(*nt- will do wpII to sf>nd their or.Ur*' to mo as they «hall liavt* jron’ 't at'ention. and se’|. otl i*i ipiirk iJispatch. -HJHS C.ART}- R. GoMston P. O , Chtvtbani Co.. N. ' June l.T. l^ii'J. 1 I )Tr I Ki: GE; ■'^:e iLi. ' D. A. 1. .V, Vice Pi-e.-b-n' C. A V . .MILLAN, S.v; T-. ;M Ri. Henry Lilly. W. N. Ti'liii^h-.^t, H. L. .'-lyrover. S. J. i 1 i 11 ■ !.' 1 e, S. T. Hawiev. Wi)i. >i^ i.'tiirin. Nathan .V, .'ie'lnian. T Li.i’p'loh, ('. B. .Mall: tt. A. ’'V. S:.-ei. James Kvie. J. G. A. A. AK‘ K.-::i in. n .'liephei'd, .1. D. Wirii::,ir-., s. W. Tillili:-!;:.’t ^ J.. ]j ■ *■ ''Vilrn'gton. hn t'olliiii' aii'i '■'- ( . M. 1'rainiiieii. i rtvi'iin^ .\ceuts The 1' ii'ip'iuy invite : y.i.ii.’n ion . .Mav 2S, IS*)'. 1! 1 - O' 0^ :i us o: Klilihj, Nortlj Car .iiiiH. Apply 4 OA FE55i:«4ATi: «0\ ' le ink of (’ap. h IS f 81(RH», ?k.>!>0, Fear. Api^y '.♦rf '^oTBrs:. i i es^'C'jt to t.» ab-eti: from Dome a few monthd in the West. .Vrctiibald .M. Uvin luy auihoriied \gent to !r iii.i-act my busitje- r untt! 1 r»‘tnrn. r: Dec'r 2.S, IHHU. JONES :.'f A>W 4 ^A'l'RA'iT: L'-\\ . on I\iu‘'''ieant''i'«is, *'1'T W McMahon \ fi:ri.lier S.it.jiiv i-sst r.''.' .l. .: P.‘ ‘ i; J II \LE .r. .S(»\,S oJtf fmrocerirsi A iesll L.VKGE and wol’ s.,;,...Tpi S .-k ..f F.X.MII.V G Iv'iCERl F.S always on h U'V. of • b'k‘; Stepper and otli«‘r INK'sn*', HLtd’illLLS tl! .m: ;i il ll.L. K't.p. ofll ileigh. lie, jiri:e I. t.v L H .v >’i*.NS 1".-’ II 11 =.. 1* M.'.' Mt-^r 1m A. Pakkki; .May 7, iM'io HKVhtt TO ., Pres t ' inn. iiank at Wihiiington. ’• N i',. u; ,lo. tv,,::,.!!!.. l-rns- ,V .Sl-.iAf, "‘1 , il.iriie:t County, C. l.'itf Ji;s. lO CI..I.IIUS Ol ('irRTi! rHK Stay Law h .v.n.r , , .^.,,„.,nent of I '.-:..tor years. we wn, i,,t ;. in-ert Order.- : . • wiih.iut paymeiii ui p'.,.. . . w,.i,d } / w : . I',.: ^r■ie^, :«id taore Ri:\VAR£> i.A.NAWaV from the Hiibscriber, on the evening of the IHtli inst , a mulatto woman bjr the name of iiI.’CV. Said woman is about 23 year.'i old, slender frame, fjut Jtoir 'juitf furjnilfnt. of ordinarT h‘*ight, and wil! probably weigh 120 to 1-10 Ibn.. short h;sir, with iuthpr a bon;’ face, and is quite infe'.ligptit. .Said wi.itnan is probably harbored by her mother, owned hy J \ Worth, an'! Hill P-ruinton, a irei' negro, with whom she hi.s been very intiiaate. I will p ly the above reward of j2u if she is delivered to roe or lodged in the Jail of this County, r,r t will )iay .S.'iU if she is taken iu any other county and confine'! in the Jail of the H,.me JNO. L>. V.'ILLIAM.S. Fayetteville. July 21. 18>i2 41 tf Hacoii-fS'. 1('~, Mi-s I’di'k. XoiJ. 1 ai'.i ’l.i!:i-'i _T:;i: '. i iii.;u .’I .\nd !ill oiher arltcl.-.' 'iso i 'y ■. eery E-.'tab'ishme!;:. Wilniin?t')ii, Apvi! ?. .Ma.-kcr s ui' 111 Tiil'^ AORTSa l'.!kli;«Lll.\A ^i5Tr\L LiFK ro>jPAivv, N •.'le''>le Gi CMX. r. 0\V in t in it'^ilh j-rnr of suece-jaful operation, with gro'viii;’ capitiii and iirmer hoM upi.ti pu.iiic con- ti.l‘'iK'.', ooMiinU' S to iiisure the lives of :vll h^^althy per- ;.i0iis fi ,111 1 I t.i tju years of age, for one year, for seven ve ;vs, nn.i t"V ;it'.!- a litV int-mb.n’K stiai i>;C i 11 Iip profits. AOTI4I * RI WaRU of A pai.) to any one who will apprehend and 'leliver in Camp, J .VMES TiNER, who deserted Ironj Co. E, 62i’ Reg L N C. r., .M:iy :i7th: or a suitable reward will be given for his lodgment in jail at Rockingham, Rich mond couoty, aii'l information given me of the fact 1 a!do notify all tho^e '•«hj are aii'eut without leave to re p'irt themselves torchwiih, or iney wiii be dealt wuD ae •iex-rters: in'i all who are ab>ient ou sick furlough are reqiiire'i lo iorwanl a certiticate of dtsabiliiy weekly, or :iiey wiii be Considered •ieseriers aU'd dfaltwith as euch. I'tie abu«e of such Jurlougns is now operating against any privilege of the kind being granted to many worthy '^'I'ii’rs now m the Army, wtio are deir.ed the same on acc'iiint ot the unworthy conduct of others. If unable to d'» duty, send in a weekly ceriific*le from a regular physician; if not, report iu pern»in and till your place a> a 801.liar B. F. LITTLE, Capt. Co. E, o2d Reg't N. C. T. Prt>ctor's Creek, Va , Martin'e Brigade Bv or ier of ■j K MARSHALL. Col. Comd’g 52d Reg t N. C. T. -Aug ". Is»i2. 60*3t State ol .\oi*tli Carolina,’ j MONIGoMERV county. Court of Pleas and Qoarier .Ses-ions. July Term, lbb2 I Eiijatieth Lofliii. v.« W. B Loliin. John K. Lofliu and j 0! hei ..^. this CtikSe, it 'ipp-'iiritjic to ihe ti'ili^fac.li >n ot ih>- 'ourt, ih'it E!it»tieili E;ip-. wife of Msrvel Epfis, un i .Mirgaret liaii.ai, wi*e »f Pie-»-ant Burioi., are not lu haliitau's this State; Ii i.s therefore order d by the Court, t lat pabiicHtion be made for six weeks iu the Fayettevi.le 'ibserver, notifying the baid Defendants to be and appe'ir at the next Term of our Court of Plea» und Qaartv-r i^es»ion.s to be heM for the county of Mont gomery. at tiie Court Hou^e in Troy, on the lat Monday in October next, then av.d there to plead, answer or de mur, or the «ame will be heard ex parte as to them. Witness, J. S. Spencer, ('lerk of our said Court, at Office iu Tr.iv. the first Mond.iy of July 18-12. ' J. ,S. c^PENCER. Clk >V. H. ALLEX, Commission MerctiaiiU WIi.MlVGTOX, N. C. 1)R(jMPr pt rsnnr.l aiteution given to consignments of N^VAt. Stohes. Cotton, or other Country Produ».e f.)!* .^al** "I '.fi t . \ pril '.i.! ; 1 -1 n>*if TAIi8:.\ I P, NE Riiati HOR.sE. about 14 years old. branded C. S .\1po. 'juo B ly Horse MUI^E, siipp.'srd to be about Ifi ypsrs old. The owners will please come for\»ard, prove property and lake them nway. A. J SLOAN NJartb.i’s Vini»y.\r.l N. C.. .\iig 4. .'in“i.ip.| A Yankee eorre.spondent, writing from McClel lan's army, communicates the following to the New York Tribune: Two rather singular cases of remarkable escape from living burial are related as having occurred subsequent to tlft battle of Fair Oaks. The body of a Colonel was found on the field and brought in. Arrangements were made for embalming it. I The process includes the use of galvanism. The I shock was given. To the astonishment of all the j Colonel rose and walked forth. The other case j wa.s that of a Colonel found dead on the field. In I deference to his rank he was brought to the hos- I pitai and laid among the dead. Ilis friends pre- '. pajcd to give hit* a decent burial, aud were a“bout to carry t' e body out, when the Colonel rolled over, and in tones more like those of a man drunk than dead, called out, “Ben, John, where is my whiskey flask!''” 2Small Husiness.—Capt. Charles H. Stewart of the 2d Virginia regiment, has sent to this office several specimene of counterfeit small note.s, which were found in a bundle thrown away by one of the Yankee prisoners, captured at the battle of Cedar Run. One of these is a twenty-five cent note of the corporation of Richmond, exceedingly well executed and calculated to dcceive. Another, is a one dollar note, corporation of Richmond, first issue, dated April 10, 1861. This note bears only a slight resemblance to the genuine and may be ea.,ily detected. The third is a twenty-five cent note of the county of Camden, North Caro lina. The fourth is a fifty cent note on the “Me chanics Savings and Loan Association of Savan nah, Ga.” No other people than the Yankees would resort to the contemptible business of coun terfeiting these notes, and they only add another te the many evidences we already have of the un principled foe with vphom we are oontending. Richmond Dispatch. 0 A The %"oinnteer'^ Hand FURTHER supply ji.st receive.l .April IS. Kook. K. J HALE & SONS. If tf Oil. AND TANNERS’ ami Ll l* LAMP BL.\(’K in ! LAMP nc \T .nG K . liiiACK. \.l -M. «t|-t 1' i: J >.S. R .V ri,,. ! .n. N, C. - fi 1 11 D.* io ijii vi'ai’s of a: fur t'v*- ',’.>ar^ f.)f two t'li''- tniiii' ii-illy pa: I With • ; roo! i:-; pi- -:en!el. h T •nforiii.-ition th- p'll.i ...- i'o;iiO'.-iv in aU M-Irjs r V,' M ■ 1 a;-'* itiC’.ired for theiv value. •' .la ,\s aft.’r M arrii »» tr I-''-'; ' is r.'ferred to Ilf. .''t-ite. and to M'ri.n. Secretary. Rileigh. E. .1. H \ LK. .\^eiii at F.kVet tevii •'. N C, ^«Biie->la€ie i I'ti for cash J’t 'i, ;aroiiaa; cl a. E. 11 \l.; /th. Stereoscopes and »itereoscopfc Views. Readtjtiarter VI ilnhin;;'fon Biiivht ArtiilSery, \ uiv 'J ), isr,l. »N.- i^ii veitPiies. Hi iiii l. r-.,)tiie'l, wri . ... i„ ,jy E. .1. H.ALE & ,S( .A .titer tiiiN date I will } ay F lUi Cents per pound for rags lic- livere.i in F.iyetteville. or at my .NEW and beautiful a-'sortmcnt, jurt rcc; ned. E J. if VLE ; *)NS. -? _ The Nonthern lEarinof.iy,, Nelieol U. ..■:s, ,'tc., I'urther Hupplieb just received. E. J. HALF A .«ON.‘V The l^reshyterian PMnliitOiliMt haracter notes. A further aupply Just receive.l. ■'"’.V 2>i. K, .r (lAl.K 1 SONS de:-irii; b - This Company tpec/, wotihi be j;l".'i vers,—men accii''^ ;i> to th i There will be pai.; :-i ^..leli i-i.-ui, ofjl-'). Moti’hly [iiiv .'rl'J; be.-i fed, medical .'ilteti'lance in-e. ;:i equipments furi'i:-;.id iei:jiil-::i j No Otie need ajiply unicis li. i.‘ .1 perieuced iu tiie mauagtui. tit .-f li.jr: tion of the company i.s Vir-rinia, .-ts ^ e 111 fVtri/ rf- to enll, t y. ntuiibi'r dl good Dri I.: iiieiit oi liorses. i a li.iitntj’ be lip; cloijieil and 1: o'her nece.ssary ^ i] li'-r. .al region, : the F.»y- lUl. July 2'.>. or at my mills I> MCRPHV. A^ Ti:i>. -i.\i;ral young ni;gr(;es, • -J • h. I, , i|. Jiric.'S. > .. i .“l'l to iiddr^'SM . wlit;re 1 e,in be fiiiii.l ;it any 1’. J SlERNE. 47-lmpl I'orty ■IJ - A Alexia.o-t. Alonci i> ;b . Books. .So. July 1;' earw’ IP: . D Faniiiliar D.: S-.'rt. n®. b [41.fl l.*^tterK •1. A'M’.r,ii - ’’ M:ir!. ii; lev; -, ., '1 liAl.F V S'tN 'HK i’or T (>’ Ciipie.i i). 11,, I tec .1'. li^'l 0«p. ^ ALEX Pr. V. ». K^Siii^lc collier ol lh*i‘ OJi«er»er can be procured by non-subscribers, at th- Booksfors-, Price 5 cents. 7!ethodi« lines, a new >.iii.(il\. Maroh D> sd • S;iK 51 l’« SiTUid Mil le \ .ii!:iie.! otins for - li . iu the 1 nTe. wi!';iii ;'i;.'!t iiii!>-s of'l'.e t.•‘ro'Uiij' eiti-.viue V WesieAi R ;il R’Oi.l on l.'--e ■ EMJkir A( !ie.s (H' L^vn, nd joiiiiiiir ; l.* laud belonjiing t^> 'h‘‘ Ceorge Wilc.x, dee^L and lvin7 ttiree phK'S .>out!, trom Car- botnon, on Ltlilo I’o-ker C.oc-k, .^1-.ne cunty. I'll' e Land‘d 'ire well adapted to the growth of corn, ;i-r. I rot"',.' w*.ie:it, oat.'^. rye, -'tc- There are on the prem- ilriver aii.l ex-I ^hMc Dwt-iling. :iiid all ne.-o^t-ary bit- Tiie desiina- j with about one hau'ired ami fiP.y acres under as equipped. fence, iri'1'k.iing fi'o'ty or fifty acres cf nover-failiug MOOHE, bottom i'»nd. Thisisnnre c';'’n,‘e for )i*-rsoup wish- 1,1 Ariitioi'v jn tke investments, as are I’Ti.ioiibipdl}’ ad- ill ! r;.- i.i !;'i^ .11 orrna:i.oi to >;r. .’I 'd. Me tie. t .ri.i(;r:y '10- . r k. P. O., j\l:Kive o.^ul,!\. .1 a.i.u.e at ’iw.r- . F-iy.>tIev-ille.-N. C. ‘ ■ -'P D.\Nl'',L Me*' .E, For ihe Heirs of Gilbert ‘.'(:l;:i,e, dec’d. Carboiitoii. .11 , N. '■ . \U " •4;.I ]\oi*l Ii Carolieia Keaclers. O oHOOL R>0KS are becoming very scarce, but we . O have .'11 hand a good supply of the NORTH CARO- j LIN.V ItE.VDER.S. Nos. 1 and 2 hy Rev. Professor Hub- j h ,i J ol the niveri-ity of North Carolina, and No. 3 by II. V. C. U Wil(»y, Saperinten'lent of Common Schools .)!' N.)i I h C .roLii I. 1 Our cii'i.)inej s iiaving Widl nigh exhaust .*d our stock | of Noiiiiern Readers on hand wnea the w.ir commenced, j we hope will now turn their attentioii to these books by ! home authors, rather than allow their children to do without reading books. For sale only al the old retail prices of 25 cents, 3*^ cents, an l 7-~> cents. E. J. H\LE SONS Feb'v 1. ISH'J. %- Another Monster vp the Yazoo.—The Vicks burg Correspondent of the Chicago Tribune say^ much fear is entertained of Yazoo River, from whose womb has already been brought forth one monster. The Star of the West, of historic fame, developing the treachery of the Federal Govern ment and afterwards captured oflf Galveston by the Confederates, is up this river. She is iron plated, and armed with 22 pieces of heavy calibre. The rams Webb and Sumter, armed with guns brought from New Orleans just before the capture, are there, too; and the Confederates have also 3G steamers, which the Federal fleet are prevented from approaching by impediments in the river, a land battery, and a fear of the three Confederate I war steamer.3. Queer Idea of an Onth.—At the criminal term ■ of the Supreme Court, lately held in Lawrence, j Moss . a little boy six years old was called as a ! witness in an assault case. The district attorney, i having some doubts whether a boy of so tender ' ar»* knew the nature of an oath, proceeded to ask ' him a t- w questions, as follows; j I>isfrict Attorney—“Little boy, do you know I whut it is to testify?” Little Boy—“1 suppose it is to tell the truth.” District Attorney—“Yes, but what would be the consequences if you did not tell the truth?” Little Boy —“I suppose I should be sent to jail.” District Attorney—“But would not God pun ish you?” Little boy—“I gue.ss not; dad’s a Universalist.” I ') iiali; :i- -I. ilAi.E Ai SO.NS, Itlaiik \\ arranls lor s;ilc liorp. | Su$perfed Etjya.—A correspondent writes to the Richmond Dispatch,— “We cannot leave Weldon without mentioning that since it has has been under martial law a very brisk trade has sprung up in eggs, and al though the price has risen to twenty-five cents apiece, yet so eager are the purchasers to obtain them that, as soon as bought, they are sucked dry without cooking. A suspicious friend, who was a witness of some ol these traasactions, sug gested that they were not filled with the .same nutritious substances which were in them when laid.” _ _ __ __ A Great —According to intelligence from St. Peterpburg of the IHth ult., the great work of telegraphically connecting Europe with America, via Siberia, is fast approaching its com pletion The first despatch from Tumen, dated .1 y ‘ uddrcssed to the Secretary of the .'u>» ii.inii I’t-legvapli Company in J^ondon, aud ru!) t'l'j-; '•(compliments through the Siberian teiegrjpli ;U a distance of 0,.000 kilometres ( miles.) Komanow.” Colonel Romanow, the head CPnlS, neatly bound in cloth. ( opics sent by m.til. free Telegraphic Department in Eastern Siberia, of postage, on the receipt of oO cenu». A linern. dis- ^ •. i- ^ APT. ON TtiK U il.lil'.VNi RI^IPORT lll'Kr RIVKK mWMW. RIi(]in\. ^pilE undersigucd have rau»e'i to be published from I the Congressional plaiee. an e'lition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, auO Uis .A‘»socia.tr,s on the Piornl .api'iiinl'-il bv 'he S.. .;.t.t,.ry of the .Navy to ei* iii'ine tlie Dd.p Riv-r tie^inu of North ’:,"ul;ua. T hi.s is t)ic most iiii]..irt.i ;ii :i!il siienii:!'' siatpmeut o' I'le g:"e:it wealtli of that sc' iiori of the "^taJe, and the 'Lips (he IT .)?t perfect aii'l valuabL', of 'inj yei jtubh* heu. The Maps-are worth the ic ice of the work, wniidi is .id couut to wholesale buyers. Jan’y 26. Orders solicited, ii. J. HALE & SONS. fully expects to complete the line to Nikolaievski, on the l^cific, by the eud of lb62. •

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