r AI.E\PAR FOR 1862. 4 o n 5 ri 6 o 2 P! w > > M ►3 p » QB c ► > K JANUARY. I'KBUUARY. MARCH.... APRIL may JUXE JL’LY AUGUST JIEPTKMBER (X’TOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER POfJT uFFlOL, FAYETTEVILLK SeheduU of Arriul an J DtffUrturt uf M^iU. RALEIGH via AVEK.V;5BORU BARCLAyVILLE Arrives daily C4 A. .M Depart.* daily “J P. M. KEN'ANSVILLE via CUSTuS AND WaRSW> Arrivea daily T ^ A M D«>pAru daily '.i P M HIGH POiST via lHHTHaUE AND ASHEUuRO, Tri-Weekly Arrlv^n SuuJhv. Wedu*day and Friday 11 A M Ueparts >Imday, Wednesdny snd Friday 1 P M rnFKAW. S. C . via GILOPOLI.S. .\rrive.'* ruesday. Thursday and Saturday 4 A M. D^parH >^unday. Tuesday and Tliursd-iy 1 P. M FAIR BLUFF via LUMBERTO.N. Arrives Tuesdny. Thursday and Saturday 8 A M iHfparts Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 1 P M RALEIGH via SUMMERVILLE Arrivf-4 Ssaturday ■ P. M. L»eparis Weduesday 11 A. M. RoBESuN'd via ELIZA BETHTuVN N Arrives Tuesday, Thort*day and Saturday P VI Depans Mi uday, Wednesday and Friday ti A .M ELIZaBETHT*‘WN yia TEREBINTHE. DESERLT AND WHITE UAK Arrives Monday P M Departs Tueaday 6 A. M. MAGNOLIA, via GRAVELLF RILL . Arrives Tuesday 1' P. M. Departs Tuesday P. Vi i»WIFT ISLAND via MONTROSE, CuVlNOTuN. POWELLTON’, LITTLES .MILLS, sc .Vrrives Tuesday t> P. M. Departs Wednesday 11 A M. 8WIFT ISLAND via TROY Arrives Tuesday ti P. M. Daparts Wednesday 8 A M. PHILADELPHUS via LUMBER BRIDGE Arrives Monday 12 M Departs .Monday 2 P, .M All Mails leaving before Tj A. M are closed the •▼«ning previous at 9 P. ,M. All letters to be ueni u8 otber than by mail uiust be paid for as if sent by mail. Drop letters should invariably be pre-paid Office is opened on Sunday at and closed *t 1') A. JA.S. G. COOK, P. M - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 ‘21) 27 2S 29 30 :>l 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 IG 17 IS 19 20 21 22 28 21 25 26 27 28 I o 3 4 5 6 i 8 y 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ‘>7 28 29 •31 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 a y 10 11 12 la 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 0*> 23 24 25 26 '•^7. 23 h 30 1 •J •J %J 4 5 a 1 s y 10 n U 13 14 15 16 17 IS ly 20 21 22 23 24 25 2t> •>“ 2s 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 J y y 10 11 12 13 H I 15 16 17 li 19 20 21 1 o.i 2a 24 25 26 •>” 28 ! •Jw 30 j 1 3 4 t V y 10 11 12* la 14 li 16 17 IH lyj 21 2‘J •>o 24 25 26 i 2h 29 30 31 1 4 5 6 i K 9 lu 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS ly 20 21 2‘4 23 •J4 25 2t) 27 25 29 30 31 A o 3 4 o 6 i y 10 11 12 13 14 u 16 17 IS ly 20 21 9.) 28 •24 25 26 27 2y 30 1 •> 3 4 6 6 1 5 y 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2ti 27 2 a 29 3U 31 1 ,s 2 3 4 5 6 1 y io 11 12 13 14 lb* 17 lii 19 20 21 22 ' 2S 24 25 26 27 29 ! 60 , . 1 2 O 4 ’> 6 ’ 1 y lu n 12 13 14 lE 16 17 1» 19 20; 21 22 ov 24 25 26 »■“ ! Ov 29 3U 31 From the OhatJ^on Oouner. \ LIST OF THK GE.N'KHAL OFFTf'EHS IN THE ARMIKS OF THK CONKEDERATK STAGES. The followin- infero.sfing st.nti8ticfi of the Con- l't’>lcr:itc Ariuv oriranizatiou are due to one of the Richmond correspondents of the Courier, la the list of in the 'Provisional Ar- my, the rerular order of appointment is perhuj^ Iwaya observed, but we believe the list is wise correct. The dates of graduation fiom 0 !irra(. in the Ii.yular Arm^. I Saiuucl Coopcv, Va, Adj\itiuil (general. *- Albert S Johnston, Texa.s, coniuiundin^ in Kentucky. 3 Josoph K Johnston, Va, commanding North ern Virginia. 4 Robert K Leo, Va, cotnmandin;,; South Atlan tic Coast. 5 P (j T Beauregard, Lou, commanding Army of Potomac*. M'.ijur GenertiU in tht Procnionul .Irmy. 1 '’'David E Twitfg^i, (Georgia, resigned. 2 Leonidas Polk, Lou, commanding at .MemphliJ. i> Braxton Bragg, ijou, coumiauding at Pen^a- eola. 4 Earl Van L>orn, MisS, Army ot Potomac Class of 1845 E Kirby Smith. Barnard E Bee, iVm U C Whiting. Class of 10—Thomas J Jackson, Cadmus M Wilcox,' i>avid R .K)nos, m M Gardaer. Class of 1848 Nathan G Evans. Class of 1S54 J K B Stuart. OKNKKALS VVIIO WERE NOT iRADUATES AT WEST 1-oKNT. The following Generals were appointed to the old United States Army, without passing through the West I’oint Academv:—David L- 1 wiggs, ap- pnimed in 1S12; Wm. W. Loring, in Thos. T. Fauntloroy, in ls:!0. The following Jcncral3 first saw service in the Mexican war:—M. L. Bonham, Henry R. Jack son Gideon J. Pillow, Samuel Iv. Anderson, Cha.s. Clark, 'I’ho.s. Hindman. John C. Breck inridge, licnj. 1''. Clicatham, Richard (/riffith, Albert 1‘ike, Adley 11. (Jiadden, -Maxcy Gregg. The following Generals participated in the Texan wars and the wars with Mexico. Ben. .McCulloch, liouis T. Wigiall. The ftjllow^ng Generals saw no military service previous tu the jiresent war;—John B. H>;vd, Henry A. Wi.se, Rub.-rt Toombs, Richard T&ylor, Thos. B, Flournoy, L. Pope Walker, F. K. Zol- Orange—H B Guthrie, W N Patterson Fas(juotank—J T Williams rerijuimons—N Newby Pitt—B G Albritton, Churchill Perkins I’erson Wilkinson Robeson—Alex McMillan, Eli Wishart licotiev, William Mahone, L G’B. Branch, Wil liam 11 Carroll. K E. Khodcb. ^ Some, however. Gustavus W Smith, Ken, Ariuy of Potomac. 1 reccivud military educutioni at State institutions M. THE ;UN-ROAT FUND The CoEQinii’et* of S'lfety of the Town of Wiluiiiigiorr', .10 whom the citiie;,.- ..f \S ilmini;ioy in puhlio meetiug assembled referred nil ma’ters! connectfd with the cou- struction of one or more iron clad gun boats or floating batteri»s for the defence of the entrances to thi* Cape fear River and the Coant ofsNortii Oarolina, have con stituted the undersigned a Special Committee on the •ubject referred to them. The means of defence indicated, whether V>y an iron clad guu-boat, or by an iron-clad floating battery, to meet the impending exigency, should be constructed as promptly as may be possible; and it is therefore of vital importance that we should ascertain wuhout de- lav whether the necessary means can be procured. Contributions for this purpose are earnestly solicited. Should the amount contributed not be sufficient, or should any unforeseen contingency prevent the com mencement of this work, the suras tendered will be re turned to the re.spective donors Among the resolutions adopted at the public meeting of the citizens of Wilming ton. it was . . • Resolved, That the citizens of the several counties o. the State are requested to organize Cemmittces to so licit contributions and otherwise to co-operate with the Committee of Safety in furtherance of the proposed work. The manifest importance of the contemplated work to the State at large, Justifies us in calling on every pa triotic citiien of North Carolina to come forward prompt ly and liberally iu aid of its speedy accomplishment. Communications to eli}*aT of the undersigned will re ceive attention. O. O. PARSLEY. A. J. DeROSSET. WM. A. WRIGHT. VVi’-ninpfon, .April i', -8i2. Tiu: VVlTi »F >OCIEfV, Oat of Then. Louie's Last Term Ht MaryV; tuglttud'a Yeoman. Tennyeon'i Puems, Atnerioan Aln&anao, 1861; Th« Lady's Book of Floweri Language of Flower., Poetry of « Lady’s Guide to Perf»ot Gentility; “ Beauty; “ and Getitlemen'8 Mirror of F-jrtune- f“‘-.}r Parley s Balloon Travels; “ I^ook of Travels and Adven M =rct; ..ij. g 0 Theophilus H Holuied, N Army of Poto mac, 7 William J Hardee, (ieorgia, .Missouri. S Benjamin Hutrer, S C, (joiutjiatidinjs!_ at Nor folk 9 James Longstre«;t, Ala, Army of Potomao lU John B .Njagruder, \ a. ..•omuiaiuliiig at Vork- tov\ u 11 Thoiuab J JacL.'iou, V a, commanding North western \ irginia. 1- .Manstield Loveil, V a, eoiumaudinu t'oa.-ji ot Louisiana. ly Kdmund Kirby Smith. Florida, \ruiy of Po- toma«‘. 14 George H (’ntti.tideii, Kcn. t.uniMiatuling bliist Tennessee Briyadier Gcurrals in tKe Prut, aijnal Army. 1 Milledge L Bouham, S L'. Army of I’otomac. 2 John B Floyd, \ u, commanding Army Ka nawha. 3 Henry .\ Wise. Va, Fkoanoke island 4 Bc-n .MeC.'ulloch. Texa.>*, .Vlissouri 0 *Henry R Jackson, Geo, resigned t> ^R(jhert S (iarnett, V'a, killed in action 7 ^William H T Walker, tleo, rv;sieaed. "Barnard E Bee. S C, killed in action y Alexander R ijawton, Geo, commanding Coa.st of Georgia. 10 '^‘Gideon J Pilkiw. Tenu, resigned. 11 Samuel R Anderson. Tenn, Kentucky. 12 Daniel S Donelson, Tenn. Coast of S Carolina. 18 David E Jones, S Army of I'otomac. 14 Jone.« .M Withers, Ala, commanding Coast ol AlabiKna 16 John O l^euibortori, V'u, C'ouiit .j/'.S I'i Richard S Ewell. Va, Army of 1‘utoujuc 17 John 11 Winder, Maryland, Kiohmond. 1*^ J ubul A Early, \ u. .V.rmy ot Potuiuao l‘J ’Th'f« B Flournu_>. ,\.rk, died in .\rkansa'i. 'iu Samufl Joufs, Va. Army of Potomac. 21 .\rni>ld Elzt'V, .^Ia^vland, .Vriaiv d’ P‘>t-mac 'J'J Daniel 11 Hiii, -N C, Army of Potumac 'J3 Henry H .Siolev. i-.-u, I'; Fr"iiti r -4 Wm H (' \\ hitit.tt, Army d‘ l :t -inuc ■Ji’i Wm W LofiUir, N 'A - ji. rn V iririnia Richard H Ander>-.n, Pfn'aonla 27 AlU-rt i’ikf, Ark, Indian 1 i'mmir-^ioi;-r ' ' I'tios 1’ Fauntlcroy, \ irginia, rr.igned ' K .! ■ It Toomh*. G-o, Army o* p.,.t iuj.ij 1'uinfl liugglt ', V u, Louisiana 81 l’f^arll-^ Clark, .'lia*. Army -jf Potoiu.!.' , w'J H > Ripl^, S ( ottst ■)( >' iiu l':i:t. R frimbli-, .'Id, .Ariuy • t P'.t- Uiae ; ill '.iu!!!i 15 ir:ij.'"ii. Ken, died in Klorida 1 35 Paul ij Hvl« rt, L-.'U, .’.'a.'f ul Texo.' Rii hard (./atlin, .N cnnimanding •' ':i-t or North Caroiina. S7 "Felix K ZillicotI'er. 'len. killed in Kentucky 8'' Jienj F Cheatham, len. KentUL-kv o!-* Joseph II And' i'.-on. -i. >f N G 4i SiiuDii i: Hiickner, K\. Kentutkv , 41 Leroy Pupf alki-r, Al t. .\!.i}>.Tma 4- .\lbe:t G Planchjrd, Lvu. .N , 4‘:{ Gabriel J Rain-. .N V -rkt-'Wn H J E .''tuurt, \ :i, Vr:i;y .>} P'>to:i.uv- ' 15 Lafayette .^l.'Luw-., Goi.r^iu, yurktown i 4G Tho.' F Drayton, t'oa.>t of •’ j 17 'I'ho? G Hindman, Ark, Kentucky I 4"? Adley H Gladden, Lou, I’en'acola I 4y John Porter .^Ie(\.wn, Ten. K» iitui-kv I 5u Lloyd Til;.:hmun, Kt-n, Kentucky 61 Nathan i Evun . S of ’ j ( adujii.s W ilf ix, Teii, .Vriiiy of Potomu>; 1 oo 'Philip George ■-■'.•ckf, \'a, died in Va. 61 ii E Rh .ie?, Ala, .Vriny of i'otoinaL-. 65 Richard Taylor, Lou, Army ot Potomac. 50 Louis T Wigiall, 'I’exas, Army ot i’otomac 57 JamO' H Trapier, s (\ Coast ot Florida o'' Sam'l (./ French. Mis-:, Army of Potornae 5'J Wm H Carroll, Tenn. Eat T* nnes'ee OtJ Hugh W Mercer. Geor^da. — OJ Humphrey Mar.^hall, Kt.*n. Kentucky 02 John C Breckinridge. Ken. Kentucky. Rich’d Griffith, Mis.s, Army of i’otomac. 04 Alex’r P Stewart, Ken, Kentucky. 05 Wm Montgomery Gardner, .Ia. on furlough. GO Rich’d B «iarnett, Va, .\rmy of Potomac ♦)7 William .Mabone, Va, Norfolk. OS L ()'B''ian Brancli. N C. Const of N C Oy Maxcy (Iregg, S C. Coa.-t ot S ( 70 K E t'olaton, Virginia. 71 Eilward Jolinston, \ ir^itiia 7- Henry Heth. \ irginia. 7^i .Johnston H Dumvin, Louisiana 7 1 S -\ M Wood, Alatj'inia 'I'hose b;ivinL: an uthxed are dt*:id, or have resigned, ,-incc tlic "niiuenci;ment ol the war. -. &c. hale & SONS. l»la£^k^ (Jfi' aij kjintb at this Offiftj. THK W’KKT {hu.NT (iKNKK.M.S. 'Ihe following i’onfederate Generals are gradu- ate.s ol \\ est Point—the date of their graduation being prefixed: (,’la.s8 of 1815 Samuel Cooper. Class ot 1820 .John II V* inder. Cla^^s of 1H:^2 Is.oiie R Trimble. (Ma.ss ot ls >;= iianiel S Donelson, Benj'n Huger. ('las.s o-‘ ! _tj Albert S .fohtiston, J no ii irayson. Class of 1^27 l.*eonidL'.s.Polk, Gabriel J Rains, .vlass of lJi2s Thos F Drayton, Hugh \V' Mercer. Cla«s of ]H2U Joseph H Johnston, Rob’t E Lee, riieophilus H Holmes, Albert (i Blanch ard. Cla.ss of IWJO John 1{ Magruder. Class of 1832 George B Crittenden, P St George Cocke, 11 umphrey Marshall, Rich ard C Gatlin. Class of 1833 I)aniel Rugglea. ClasB of 1^35 Jone.» 31 Withera. lass (,i }s:;i; .fjv_>jdi K Anderson. Lloyd Tilgh- man. Cbss of p :i7 iir;i.vtu,, I5ra^'g, Vv'm 11 T Walker. Jiio C Peij.bcrton, .\rnold Elzcy, l^cnry 11 Sibley, Jubal A Early. ( lass of 18o^ \\ Ul J Hardee, J;imes H Trapier. Class'of 1839 Alex R Lawton, John P Mc(7own. CIb86 of 1^40 Richard S Ewell, Paul O Hebert, Richard B Garnett. ’ Ciasfl of 1841 Robert S Garnett, Samuel Jones. Class of 18Eat I Van Dorn,GuF;tavus W Smith, ^lan.fitld Lovell, James Long- street, Daniel H Hill, Richard H Anderson, J^afayette McLaws, Alex P Stewart. lass of 184J Roswell S Ripley, Sani’I G French. ClawB of aimotj B Buckntfr, Virginia h.'is 10 tjleneral.s in tne (.onfederate j Armies; South Carolina 9; Louisiana 8; Georgia I 7; Tennessee North (.’arolina 0; Kentucky 7; j .Maryland 4; Alabama I; Missis.sippi 4; Iexa«i o, ; Arkansas 2; Flori.la 1; .Missouri injue. Tjie followivij were bi^rn at the North, though j previous to the present war they were citiaens ol : Southern States;—(jeneral Cooper, born in New ! Vork; Ripley, in Jhio; Pemberton, in Peunsyl- , vania; NV hitin;;, in .Nlas.sachusetts; Pike, in Mas- j .-achusett.s; RuggL's, in .Mas.sachusetts; Blanchard, ; in .^!as^achusetts; French, in New Jersey. [ file following are native.s ol North Caroliiia, j viz: Leonidas Polk, Braxton Bragg, Theuphilus , H Holmes, Ren .McCulloch, W'm W Loring, Rich- i ardC Iatlin, Felix K Zollicoticr, (Jabriel J Rains, j L (J’B Branch. J LEGISLATLRE UF NORTH CAROLINA | SK.N’.ME Pas.juotaiik and Perijuimun^—-J •'^1 NV hedbee Camden and Currituck — B F Simmons Gates and t’hoWiin — M L Eure Hyde and Tyrrell—.Jones .''peticer Northampton—J .'1 S Rogers tiertt'ord—J B .Slauirhter Bertie—David Outlaw •Martin and Washington—J R Stubbs , Halifa.\—.^l Whitaker ' Edgecombe and \S ilson—H Jl' Clark Pitt—EJ Blount Beaufort — Frederick Gri>.t Craveu—N H .Street «rid J»i- AJ F ArwOiioil Groeiie and Lenoir—J 1* Speight Nev' Hanover—Eli W Hall Duplin — l >r James Dickion Onso(W — L W B’-.*den, Brunswick, —Jno D Taylor V’umberhind and Harnett—Duncan SLaw >umf-'''n—'1 ho;uas I l-Hiti.jn ;iv ijt— K L U! • • lolM.-t .11 -J W B VVut,uu akf M .V Blcd'j'j'* Na.->h — A J i Mvlor Franklin—W llarrii Warretj—1 J Pitchf^rd (tiitt.viilc (' li K r.tyl'^r t'cr'^on—(' L Winstcud Oraiu—Jii'tah ruriicr. Jr \lamaiic*- and lland. lph -J jiiathun Worth ( liatham — W Ham; Moore and .''I 'liiiri'iiict y—\\ D Djvvd RichuiouJ and Rk.«^oh—Alfred l» tekery \ii'm and I nion —S H Walkup Guilford—Pet'T .\d:!Uj t’aswiill—Be Ii'»rd Br^v^ii K . kit;i;hHUi F L Sjmp-fOii .^L i lvleukfur:—J •hii Wulkct Cubarru' ai'd Stu!:!} \ Barnn^'-r B 'W.-n Hid D.i'le l>r .1 i Kamse^ David.-oij—-.liio ^V 'l'hi‘;ii;i' “^t-.ki— and F"r>yth—.les>e .V \\ au^'h A he. Surrv —Jos Dol'-oii Ire lei!. Wi’lke'vV -—L Sh irj.e Burke. .NlcDowell BSG:tiiher Litnobi. C,;iton \c .Ln-j'cr Stowe iiuibcrti'rd. Polk.Vc—.V W Burton. ; Bui;coni'»e. Hen icr-on iVc—Geo W Candler ! HiiyW'.iod, .^lacon Ac—W H 1 houius ■ Ht'L’SK OF ).MMuNS Alamance—Giles .^lebane Alexander—Dr J M ('arson •Vnson — L L Polk. E R Lilcp .Vshe—J M Gentry Burke—.1 H Pearson Buneombt*—.V S .'‘lerrirnon Biaden—C'1 Davis Bertie—PT Henry, and Ferguson Beaufort—K S Donnell. W 1 .^Iarsh Brunswick—T D Meares Caldwell— —* Dickson Cabarrus—W ,S Harris Catawba—Jonas ('line Chaiham—\\ ]■* iaylor. R N Green, Turner Bynum (’’herukce—(« W Hayes Craven—C (’ Chirk. F E Alfred ('umberland and Harnett—(' (J Wright, .1 S Harrington. J C Willianis (’howau- Small (’•vlumbus—N L Williamson (’an.den—D D Ferebee (^artfiet—D \\ V» hitchnrsi ('asweli — Withers, S P Hill Currituck—B M Baxter tUevcland—A tJ Waters, J R Logan Davidson—l.ewis ILiynes, E B Clark Davie Howard Duplin—J D Stanford, J (J Branch Edgecombe—R R Bridgers, J S Woodard l orsyth—,J 1* Poindexter, i^hillip Barrow Franklin—W F Green (Jaston—J H White Granville—J M Bullock, W H Jenkins, S H ('annaday Guilford—(; P Mendenhall, C E Shober, J L Gorrell Greene—A D Speight Gates—eJohn Boothe Haywood—S L Jiove Halifax—A II Davis, W B Pope Hertford—J J Veates Henderson—Jos P Jordan Hyilc—Tilnian Farrow Iredell—A K Siraonton, A B F Gaither Jack.son—A Fisher Jones—W P Ward Johnsion—W H W'at^on, Jas Mitcheuer Lenoir J C W^ooten Lincoln—V A MoBee Madison—John A Fagg Martin Ewell McDoweU—C K Borgin Moore—Alexander Kelly Montgomery—E G L Barringer Macon—U Woodfin Mecklenburg—S W DavIs, J M Potts Xiish-ri G Williams New Hanover—S J Person, Dauid Shaw Northampton—31 W Waoui, W W PeeWw Uns(Icfw---J H Fdy i Xtuuuson"~“^icjL i>iUw Rockingham—Rawley Galloway and,T Slado Rowan—N N Flemings N. F. 11 all Rutherford—C T N Davis, B H Padgett Randolph—I II Foust, Thos S Winslow Richmond—J (5 Blue Sampson—N C Faison, Geo W Autrey Surry—W W'augh Stokes—Horatio Kellum Stanly—Lafayette Greene Tyrrell—C Mc(,’leese ' Union—C Q Lemmonds Wake—S H Rogers. J W Russ, H Mordecai Vrarren—) B Batchelor, \V II Cheek Washington—C Latham Watauga—Thomas Farthinij Wayne—W T Dortch, M K Crawtbrd Wilkes—A \V Martin, Horto Vadkin—A (' Cowlea iancey Bowman C(->NVENTKJN (JF NORTH CAROLINA Alamaiiee—Giles .^Jebaue, Iho.s RutSn Alexander—A M Bogle Ashe—J. E Fo-ter A nsoii—A Myers, J -V Leak Bertie—S B. Spruill, Jame.s Bond lieaufor*.—W J. Ellisoii, C J V\ arreii Bladen—Neill Kelly. Brun.^wick—I'. U .'leares Buncombe—N. VV VV'oodtiri Burke-^J V'. .McDowell Cabarrus—C Phifer Caldwell—E VV Jonetj (’amiletl—D D Ferobee Carteret—C R Thomas CaaWell--Bedford Brown, J E Williamson i'atawba—(ieorife .Sctier ('hatham—J H Hi;adi:n. John Manning Jr L. J Merritt. Cherokee and (,’lay—J. 11 Brysoti (Tiowan—R H. Dillard Cley’eland—W . J f. 3Iillcr, J VV I racy. Columbus—Richard \V ooten (Jraveti — Geo. Gre n, Jno L> VVhitford Cumberland and Hariiett—David McNeill, .V S MoNt-'ill, M. .1 McDutiiw- Currituck—J -hn H J jnes DaviiL^on — B A Kiltre!’, B DoUthit L>: • i>- -Rub't .-'- rou-e D :[.lin J T Hh ‘de-. Jamca Dickson Edgcciimbe and Wils..u — W S Buttle. Howard Forsyth—T J Wils.in. D H .Starbuck Franklin—A D Williariis Ga.-'tou—S X Johnsf.in Gates—A J W'ulton (iranville—'I'homas B Lyun, T L S S. Roybter Greens—W A Durdiu Guilford—Jno. A. Giliiier, F Dick Halifax—Pk H. .Smith, L Hyde—E L .Vlann Haywood—\':'m Hick- Henilerson — W. M Shipp Hertford —Kenneth liayner Iredell — .\nders^ri 'JitcLell. T A .Vllisoti. Jackson — V\ |i i'huma- Johtiaton—(J B >ai>dci3. W .\ Smith Joliet — W Ul F ov. Lo^Joir—Juhn C W'a.'hirixtor' Liijcoln — D Schenck .'V'acou—(' D .Smith. Mj.di-on —J .\ .M DoWeli 'iartiu David W Bati y .^IvDovveli—J 11 t.rrcenlce. .^If-ekIt fihur^—J \V )i»bor(je, Jaiuca Str^n M"nt;_'oiijery—S 11 (’hristian .'loore—H Turner Nash—1. N B Battle. New llatiover—J L HoIjucb, Robert Strange. Northampton — D A* Barnes, J ."'I Moody (Jii«low— V J .'lurrill ( >r.Hngc -W. .V (f r ih *m, J jhii E-j-ry Pa.squothlik — R K SpCf*d P'r.[uim'*i;^ —Jo' '' Cai.’non Per’ n —John W. (,'unirigham Pitt — F B. Satti.rthwaire, P. Atkinson Randcph - VV J. Long, (j. Foster Richhi'.iid—W F Leak Robeson—J P. I’uller. J (' Southerland Rockin^'ham — D >'#Reid. E T. Brodnax Rowat -R A ('aldwell, II C Jones. Rutherford and Polk—G VV .^lichal, M. Dur ham. Sampson—R. A Mo&ely, Thomas Bunting. Stanly—E Hearue. St.'kcB—A. H. .Joyce Surry—T. V. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union—H. M. Houston. Wake—G. E. Badger. K. P Battle, W. \V Holden. V/arren—W N Edwards. Frank Thoroton. Vv ashingtoti—VV S Pettigrew. • Watauga—J. \V'. Council. W ayne—(t. V . Strong. E. A. Thompson Wilkcs—Ja.s. Calloway, Peter Eller Yadkin—R. F. Armficld. Yancey—M. P. Penland. CON F E D E RAT E ST AT ES CONGRESS McLean, William LandeT, B S Gaither, A T Da-1 vidson. I Snufh ('ijroUmi—3Iesf^rs W W Boyce, W Por- j icher Miles, M L Bojfjham, John McQueen, J as j F.‘>rrow, L M Ayer. . Ttnvcfsf.e Messrs J T Heiskell, W Swann, | W II Tebb.s, E L (iardenshire, H S Foote, M P : Gentry, George W Jones. Thomas Menees, J D C Atkins, Bullock, David M Currin. Texas—.^lc^srs John A Wilcox, Peter W'^ Gray, | Claiborne (> Herbert, W'ni B Wright, Maloom P| Graham, B F Sexton. ; 1 —Alessrs Muscoe R H Garnett, John , ■ R Chamblis.s. .lohn Tvlor. Roger A Pryor, Thos i S Bocock, John Goode, Jr, James P Holcombe, I D C Dcjarnctte, William Smith. A R Boteler, •John B Baldwin. W U Staples. Walter Preston A (i Jenkin.'. ll(tijert Johnsoii, ('has Russell. liiscaLWtio WORKS. Irv - irie'. '2H v.il'-; .Abbott’s Napo’.fon; i -'‘te W( rk", 21 vols; .. of U'.-isi.ingion, 6 viN; I’hilij. tho ‘i'i; (’!i»:rI‘S th? {- Mr )trjind Hii.i (■'■.ii.i!ie«t 'if Mi'xif'';- 1)! ; I yyl~: I'io! i !)• 'k vi ^ii>' .'’it'i-d'j K-! • 'jti'jr £ L rii\ Jl i' ji j Gfco. H.HT^roVe. Ralph GurrelJ. R VV’ btttcbelor llu. Hu.'.k; ‘.fi j >iuC^ii;ay s Ki.llin’^ .\nei;.’it NliUniHn's ^H -uj'‘ Josephus Wojk-. R ' vi’iykf, VVtfbster'i V.uil;,; Clay ■« •• by ’..Uou fiefiton’s JO _\ e'ii» iti the C liurke's work-; Dr Jobn^ou s duty; BoSv.vll‘s; Liie ul L»r J \diJi'jti's Work-: .AdJi-^ou'.- .Sj>t;i;i'it..’r; .Nlai'auliiy ■j Ml» ••■llanies; 1 ttriJ K vj!a- .■Vlodern liriri-h K-aiyist?: Kuigiii'a Hull' Hours v, iiii th-; beat .\uibur» Ui-ctii-ioi:- .jn Pbilw'..i riy and Liieraiur*;, by air Wai iliiiuilt. n; t.'harubers s .Miia*ll»ny, 10 vjs, .■'tHtt.iruttn’s .\Ii:;ua]; I'be Ffdern'iit; Vulicical lexi Bo'jk. tiy .McCluskey. Constituii^ju^ ot' lUt States; M-irsluiir- Lite 1' \Vashing:-’i: Tiie Life ot vVrn l-’inctney; .A2i;?ic>iu £lw.jueiice; B. ■rr-.phv o:' L>i'ii!j|^uis .ed W.jtueu, bv Mrs 11 .-I- Ktj-.’ 'r ijtlii* .AUici icatiH. ^ Cy. ■ f.edi.'i oi Ili^^giitpby Lite uiiJ ir;,jeuc'- 'jf Lor i Jfc_’rey. Lor Lib* o! C?COtt: I. uri ifi iiiid his Coferuporaries. by Cbas I'liillips. Ufiverly 'j inrplite in 0 vois; ia 24 vol*: • • •• in 27 voU: I'oOptl s'aCrtTfl’ri in.jkea^' Works: ,.Vet: Wiltsoii's lalci of III* li-^rdets Hauaab Muie'j vi’oria l/ick's «• ■r‘i «; Plutuich'-i Lives. a Wuikf S(eiii=‘'.- w.,rk->. The L'- r. .•''i)Ulhfy; Crs' y '- Syu' n_. u.f-.; P-^!-cy r.’ -d. Ctir jui • The li'i:e'r _i(' VI ! .r ! •.-■r J,. r 1 t. h ’ve \ ^ ir^ iu .'! The Brifi-iii Exj c iiiiou i-. L>iary in ludi.-*. by ditto; Ur. K'\its .\roii!.' Eipli^riitioii-;; Keuduil’s t-'e Ltpediti^n; L'ui; m nit-’r Huutov'i Life in .\fric'i; Nott ,!£. L'lidJ'ju k lu-ltgi^uous K:iCtiS of tli(£ E*irtii; t u j!! ii!s l U ibt* lioUnd;iry o! .Auotbfer World, by R. ( I w-iu, Siiii'larJ i'orftiCiii '■'oiks iu binJingb, auiODg •Fhicb arc; Hcniaas. bc.-:t. Popt*. Byro'i, Luiiis, Muure, Ilood. ll'iiU'ck, (. irn'.bell, t ralihc, olevidge. Gowper, tJol Miitoa. >tc.. xc 8haksp.arc‘'j. Va^ffnger Forl' aud lieauuiout and Fletctier’'^ Diaiiiatic Works: Mi's.'owd‘*n t. ; tr'«,'Bcomplete 'oucordauce to .Shaits- pi’are; Tiie Draniruic VVnrke of J>4- .S':er;dm fcLtiu^lcs Smiih’s lieji-crci -V Mre.-- The Book of.'^cottish B'lllii-: Hailads by 'V JJ irisw )i :li; G.-ibWoId’s Poets ;iud P.jciry of 1-Ju^l^inJ. Fetii.ilf Poet; -jf Gvear h.-iisuu: P.if',.-' of :!ie xixtli eeiii'jry; Percy a Keli.jueii of .Vticient 1‘oeiry. Xc. Xc. E J. HALL s SJONS. .March 2'J. A Xew iA\\\ Book. fitntit'ell'a at £,aic, JL 1 publi>iiit’d. a irea'ise ujou liie Practice ftt Law ia North C'lrolina. by Edward Ca.xtwjell, LL. U., author of the N. C. Justice, etc. CONTE'iTS (Jf Legislative Power in (ieneral; Legislativa Power .!e, illijstiate*J: he :£euatc: '' A !■ ;i; 30 yeU! j ‘.'Ul of • -S -■ ic 'Ut;! .\fi>ca: i!i t.aiufi aud Japaa. by L'r C,hti» Taylor; iht Crimea, by W H I in North Ciroliua; Legislative Po^-ers of Justice* of the i I Peace: ('ouuiy Boiiiidaries—Deeds, «C.J C.u»u Re„. ' I aue aiid ( hartje?; Lourt Housed, PrisonB, &c.- County ' number and variety will j Trustee. Jury T.i.N; Fait=j aud PubUo Sftlw; General i„ j .-\siienib.y; InspeoM.'ns, Public Landings, &c.; Poor I Houses an.1 Ho.-pitjils: Rtirl ters and Clerks; Rivers and . Cree'ii.'^: tjatcj. Ferries and Urid.-e-^; Weights »ad Mea- ^t'Oa^ioa- to le gent to the -Vgeni, whic 3ures; IJiois an-1 Lunatics; Keuile.s; Nouse River* Pub- ■ "3' letter, ani report to each o: lie Ilouds and Cartways; i'ublic Landings and lAspec- ' ■°’''' of i lions; .MHli and .Millers; ijrdiuaries and Conitablcs; Patrol; \*ard(.ns of the Poor; Prison Hounds; Road^,’ terries and Ihidge.x; Poll Tax r.xemptions; Executive Power in Geiierul; Kxecutive PowL>r in North Carolina; sKVATU. ^ Executiva Power of the Courts; Chief Justice and Cierk; Al'ibnrjia—.^Ie8srs VV’illlam L Vancey, C C ^^ iw; .\tt‘>rney Genertil; Reporter and Mar- Cluy. j shal; Clerks :ind ,'^olicitor; Counsel for Paupers; Ouar- .Mcssrs Ruben W Johnson, Chas ; -Vuctioneers; County Court ’ j i^ierks; ( oronei Uounuary (.onimisKionors; C ommittees of Fimitice; t.’ounfy Trustcf’; ('ouiiiy Treiisurer; ripe’ial LAW BOOKS. QAUNnFTRS’ REPORTS: iO “ Plf^adiu^ !iri ] I'.vi.j, v^,.. Phillips on i'.vidence; Common Bench Report.s—now seii^^ Curtis’s Commentarie.s; Ross on Bills and Pronjis; .ry N Chitty on Carriers'; Bateman on (,’omniercinl.Law Taylor’s Law Glossary; VVilliamB on Executors; Devereux’? Kinne’g Kont; “ “ Biack.'iUjnp; Coke upon Littleton—Duller .t Har^"v... Sedgwick n?i D;im;iges; Story on Sales; “ on Bills of Exchange: “ E({uity Pleadinfr; “ on (_’onrtic( of Lnw>-: on Bailropn's: Chitty on I’le'i line; “ on (,'ontract«; Binjrham on lnfan^y. Hare on Discovery: Oow on Partfiership; Roberts’ Principle* of Equity, Doctor and Siu>ient: I Broome’s Com:neritnrie«; ^ Leading Cases in JJquity, Hare S W.vn.,.., Lawyer's Common Plaue iJo-jk. •jrePijleAf on Evidt-ncc; i Stt{'h“Q on l^leading; I Grssley's hqui’'’ t'vil^n,.' P.jrriirs Law Diciicf'ary Vvbarron's Law Pb;Mip«' .4 Aino-* on EriiltiOi,^ Afohbold’i L'lnilord an 1 Tfn:»*.a' Nisi Priuji. Fcatne ou Pveoi iin 1 idd's PriioLict?; St>irkie ou JividencB: Hilliard ou SalcS: Smith s Lau ilotd md Ttin-iiii .Aditufl’ Equ'iy; Williams on PerSfc>nnl Piop-srty, VIayne on Damage*. ,\rchbold's Criminal Practice luJ P!ea>.^ Lube’s Equity Pleiiding Wendell’s BKfkstone; (jbitty s .Matthews on Pre«!amptiv^ E«id«t,. c Smith’s Ma?>ter and .'^erv-unt. Powell on .Mortgages; Chitty’s Oiminal Law; Williams ou Heitl Property: Smitb’s Chanccry Prnoticc, SjugdeU on VeH'lors, on Property Datt on Vendor*, Crabb on K*ial Prjperiy, dupien on Pov.’«r~; Smith’s Merctuuile LiW Smith on ContrACts: .\ddison on .\ datu ou Ej eot m • n t; CrowTi Circuit Coiupiiuion: American Leading Cases—flare i '>u'..Ss j.N, Mitford’a Chancery PleaJingi: Domat’s Civil Law; Rockwell’s Spanish and .Mexican Law. !‘har5Wood'- Lf^^fil Ethic-3; Roicoe's Criruia>tl Evidence; £d;vards o& L’:i;iiiient-. Eqcity Driil'ismao: Powell an Evidei.'je; OUver on Conveyineing Broome’s Legal Masioj'?: Collyer on Partuership, , Ac. The Repoiis of the Supreme Court of rulinii; Cuntweil'tf Justice; Form Book: Cantwe i j; tfoe. Ac. ^ E. J. U.-\LE & Vi'i.Mllill) .LITIiRmiRi;, The VVoviss of Chas. Lamb, 6 vols. Edited by !%■ “ •• of Henry Fielding. 4 vols; “ “ of,(Jliver (ioldsmiih. 4 vols; “ of Toliias Stnollelt, b vols. Letters of Junius; Fenelon’s Works; Paacal’s Provincial Leuert; “ Thoughts, Letters. Sc; Cbesierfield's Letters; Corinne, or Italy, by Madame DeStad; Jsne Porter’s Works; ^'’■■)»r of Wakefield and Rasselas; Ecod’s Whims and Oddities; “ Comic Miscellanies; RaUam's Middle Ages; Wirt’s Life of Pafrick Ilenrv, Currer Bell’s Works—Jane feyre, Shirley and V., Evelina. V>y Mis>» Burney; Beulah. Rutledge, The Mill on the Floss, “Line upon Liiie.” “Peep of Day," s^. Fox’s Bock of Murtyrs; Buchan’s liomestiu Medicine; Miss Leslie’s New Coolcery Boot. Youritt cn the H«rae: VoautI ii Martin ou Cattle. April Jf. E. J. HALE i S(jN;| Tracts lor the >>oldier>. . Reprinted at R.aleigh, N C “A Voice from Heaven.” 4 pages "Private Devotion,” ^ •• • •‘Don't put it otf.” “ “The -\ct of Faith,” • • “.All-Hufficiency of Christ,” “ “ “The Sentinel,” “ “ “Self Dedication to God,” “ “ “ilotives to Early Piety,” “ “Come to Jesus,” (formerly 64 pagos,) now i: and iu 6 four page tracts. Approved l>y all the Pattort o/t^w C*I> A large edition of the above should be printe>i^- will cost 540 to re-sei be increased as the given. Ip 100 pays for 160,tXHj pages; $1^0 pays t and $1 pays for I.oia) pages. Donation-' to be sent to the .Vgeni. whicK ’ lit 'r- ty .^•n^e than 50,000 pages of have baen sent to the soldiers in Virginia. W.M. J. W. CROWDER, Tract .\g«i p .’^‘,Th, June, 18GI. A CARO. A WORD TO my OLD FaiENDS- '^PHOSE persons for whom I have been atttendic; 1 Bankinii business for years;—I am still willinj serve you with the same promptness that I have a * \i„ , 1 M 1> 1 1 I' M I, uu.i. V 1 Hf.isurer; .'(pe.-iai , done; and toother.- that mav want discounts Pen.-. .Me.;.r.x James M Baker, A L .Mux-| Court; ( omimssionwr.s of Fairs: Inspectors: S.iperin- business &c., &c., 1 ofler my servioen with a nr I ten.lent. of .•schools; ( ommiHsionprs oi Navigation; War- | of strict attention. J AS q 001^' -Me^^srs n 11 Hill, Robert Toombs. I ‘ .•'•^K'-'ors; Comra.H.=,oners of Rivers j.^e oT. f . — 11 C Hnrii^tf William I.' I ^ (-roohs; .'>heriii; (on.stablcs; Rangers; Standard, _ ‘‘ . t... . C 1 U nett, William ^ j Keepers; Retailor.- Vdmini.-^tr.at or-chairman of Special i ]^oti€e tO »^Olclier«^ FnVniU ( ourt! Coniinis'^ioiierp ot Deeds and ( onvevances; Com- t irAvi.' i • l€flHl*- - - • . f HA\L made arrangements with Capt. M. A. Blei ■Irka II sun B .NIitclicll Florida— well (t> orijiii — KititUi'k’i/ Simms. Luuisidno—.'lessrs Ed. Sparrow, T J iSeiiiiues. Mis'iixsipfii—Messrs .Vlbert (jr Brown, James Pht'laii. J/is.-touri—Messrs John B (Mark,R S V Peyton. Aorth VnroUnn—Measr.s Ceorge Davis, Wil liam T Dortch. South ornliutt—Me.s.«rs Robert W Bar/iwell, James L Orr. 'Tinur..stf‘—.Messrs LangJon C Haynes, Gus- tavus .V Henry. Tr.nis—.Messrs Louis T \Vi;:fall, W S Oldham. Viiyi/ii>i — R .M r Hunter, VV Ballard Preston. HOL'.SK OF RElMtKSENT.\TIVKH. A/i/>nn(—.Messrs Thoniaii'J Fo.ster, Wm R Smith, John P Ralls, J L .^1 (’urry, Francis S Lyon, \V P (^’hilton, I>avid Clonton. Jas L Pufrh, E S Dargan. ArAansas—Messrs Felix J Balson, Grandison I) Royster, Aujjtustus II Garland. Thos H Uanly. Florida—.^less^s Jas B Hawkins, R B Hilton. (tcor//io—Mof-srs .Juli.rn Hartrid^e, C J Mun- nerlyn, Hines Holr, .V H Kenan, David W Lewis, \V m W" Clark, Robert P Trippe, Lucius J Gar- trell, Hardy Strickland, A,R Wright. Kentucky—Not yet elected. Louigiana—^lessTs Charles J Villere, Charles M Conrad, Duncan F Kenner, Lucien J Dupre, John F Lewie, John Perkins, Jun’r. uii82*ioiiors of Low l_}in.*ls; iMifi'v frtk^rs und Survevors* i I ^ .u /\ ^ Superinientients ol Klection.: Uuar.Jians and Receivers- A Quarter Master Department, to forv^anl to^ liispeotois; Commis.^ioners of Internal Improvements’ i hrn n l r Partition; Patrol Committee- Proces.sioiier=(; Tax Listers ‘ County, any article of clothing that their and Boards of Valuation; Overseers of Iload.^ and lliTer™ Commissioners of W rcck.; Tobacco lMoki*r« anl^ Missisnppt—M&Rsrn Jno J MoRae, J W Olapi) Davis,^ Israel Welsh, H C Chambers, O Reuben R Singleton, K Barksdale. >ar W Bell, Cook, Thos ^ 3Iessrs John Hyer, Casp (jeorge G \ est, A II Conrow, W W’^ ( '> Frccuiau^ Thomas A Harris. A^orth C'«ro//«a—Messrs N II Smith, Rob- ert R Bridgers, Owen R Kcaan, T D MclV»elL Yhtazoui s Auifti, AioHiWd H J B Commissioners of H i cck.; Tobacco Pickers and Coopers! The .Appendix contains forms of Deeds and Convey inces, as follows: A8’reenieut> of Eschan Contracts, iiecd.-. .M.irriagc Settlements, Mortgages Copartner>jhip wlrtic'.es*. Notes. Ueleases. xc., &c. Ihis iJook i'0!i> 1111' i->t) piiiji'.s, is gotten up in supe- riorstyle, iui i , i , . t. i' ,lf I’rico. singU*oopy, , L J hale \ .SUN.S D?C 5 Ul‘, mieuts. Assignments. Awards. Bills of Sale. Bills i ange and L^iding. Bonds, MiscelUneons Bonds, ‘“Proved. ts, iiecd.s. M.irriagc Settlements, Mortgages, The Law ol 9ale« ol Persoin Propej-ty, by Francis Hilliard, 2d E.iition, Ea’.a--' idencc, 8th Edition, with Noif? Blackstone; Byles’ on ‘bills. Note- Sharswood. Wendells’ Sharswood. Adams’ E^ujty; Broom’s Lpgal Maxims. Siuith on ,V)n!racts. lk.n. E. J. H.\LK i SON? REl'URTv;, of Ni.v'. KlHTlON OF B£VERKl'.\ .i.M) iniri A^ ,\. i’. LAW VoliiiHc *8. The subscriberH have .just printed a 2d Edition this \ oiuine, wiih Notes nud Heferences toother adjudged Cases nnd to the Revised Cmle. by Hon. Wm. n. Battle. Jind witli many correctioas of typographicul errors. ^ ^ ^ 'Their 2d Editions of Dev. & Battle’s Equity, complete and 1st Dev. k Battle’s Law Reports, have received the approbation of the Profession. ThejLiilso republished a 2d Edition of Devereui’s 2d Equity, (without Notes.) And in addition to these, are the proprietors of the entire editions of most of Iredell’s Law and Equity, and can supply any volumes extent of the Reports, or complete sets, so far as they can now had. •’ They propose to put to p,ess a 2d Edition of Dev. & Battles Law Reports, vols. ;i~l fin one.) Thej deal largely in Law Books, and will at all times order works not on their shelves, to supp'y their ctts- ^omers. ^ J. HALE & SON. Oct. 15, 18*10. FURTHER SUPPLIES. ROl>Ll«.lS 9> Hand Book of Artillery. .U.VllAN S Field Fonifications. Tin? Trooper’s .Manual, t>y CjI Liioius CAU^E AND CONTKAvSr. The Battle C-tl;—a lyric by E. V. . Letters of .Mezis .\ddums to Biily Ivvius. Juat received. K. J. UALE j: Fayetteville. March 21, 18G2. Map of tht* Sea Coast of South Carolina: Sew .Map of Virginia; The Som-hern Spy by Edw’d A. Pollard of Vs. The Southern Song Book. E. J. HALE A The Voliiiiteer')« Hniiii IIouh- AFUKTIIEK supply just received. K. 1 1 f A I. K .t Nov. 1ft. E. J. HALE s SETTL,K,ME.\T!^. [VO PBINTFD • EUWA EMT Price f.H- the Sei advance: > '■ ion; or } M For the Weei^ly i advance; *^2 ' tion; or j ; "O ADVKin 8 ;URre of 10 lino lucceeding piildic sial contracts, a requested to «iat they will be oont togiy. AdvertlseiiiPiiT* cent extra From and *r will be entev l w the paper be -i-iit than is paid f i Such 3f our i per on this syst**ii remittance* Persons out of Serted in the ».•> •« we have not reirul adv^rtisemeu; i it, accordintr i 'i \ e do not wi^ili t; indeed tifii/ aco‘>ui difficult, aii'l w«‘ h use or sell in Oct. 2, '>1. Obiti'ary N4iTf( repeatedly, that w rt'asonable .'ens'th, caus» that kin i of know, in not oftfii editors of papevi I i»t after ch^ivsritig warded, re never | will insert nothin*' pinied by the ca~n deceased voluuteei in mind, therefore &nd resoliltion.-i, n over 70 words. ou( fore the notice wil n\fi. Atti Fa WILL attend tl Cumberlaud, ties. Pronipt att claims entrusted i Oct. 17. iJ^o't 1)e:v1 I II. gulai until 8 o'clock P. iSept. I'i, l''jl, will be absent froi i-v, Fayetteville, Ji VV Wliol(‘**ale .VM' iMI hardwart^ au IHV July 2, 1 •'.1. J. J w COA, I Com 111 WHOL No. Ill Or lei'S fi »Sr Particul: and other jo oducd April lh». Jan’y 2‘, 1 # otnu prompt und P X the ;^ale >f Na| S'ld all other coui 0. G. Patisi.ky,! John L \w>■' Mea.^rs. I! El Messr^= pKMBKil A. Pahkkk, Ls(j May 7. L'"''*' ' T« t'lJ The Stay Law | suits for years of Court without along with the.)rd| Fehy lfci(j2. Hoiiie-^l MANUFAi’TLn] ville, may be retail, for cash Jan. f>. I 'J. on Rockti.sh. ' Aug .1, 1- I WISH to purcl] for which 1 ii Those having Neji me *i Kaleigh, Nl time. July 2'.'. Stereos*opej ^ NEW Tlie .SouII Booka, &L'., furth* The subscribers will be glad to settle accoua‘'^ ' by or to them. E. J. HALE s Blank Warfanta far it this (0^

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