wwuiyL SEIII-WBKK I, Y. \()Im Xll.l -f Nona UlWt i'l {■., TMMNTFI* \fO\[»AVS \\I> mrKSHAVS K’DWARI) J. HALE k SOXS. i:i IToHS AM) PROPRIETORS : Soiiii-Wp.'k'iy )B?«KRvr.R 5^:? 0> if pni>l in V ; ■''> if p-i' I .luring tlie voar of «rif -.'rip- ii>n- I nft.'r tho^voar lias (‘xjiiro'! ||t tilt' Wi e sly Obxkrvi'.k S- 0* por .uimiin. if piiil in .a lv.ui.-.-: «2 r,a if pmM .rurinc 'lie y.‘»r of «uh-;crip- -ti'iii. or ■ (Mt tlie vi'ur h'l'* i. ^l>VKKT!^^^:MKN■l^^ in orto I for 0> rents per oi' It', liuo-'f.1-tiie fir«t. !\n.l cenf'i f.ir each ■^?§i#cee.linc puMi. aii^'ii Voarly julvorti-.Miient-- l.y spp- Oial ^ • ntrH. i', III re:i ionable Advertisers me r*^. -tt.i t ’'I - tiie fcnmher of insertion!* desired, ur titry will ' ■ --"titiiiued till for)>id. unci cliareed accorj- '-enieuTs to be in«ortel i't'/ft’. ctiarge'l '>*J per "it SPECIAL NuTK'K. I and -ifter tin's dnto. noiiHiiieof h new snbsoriber 11 be enteii'd witb"iit pftvniout in advantv, nor will pap^ r b.‘ sent t ■ 'flu'll Miti.soriboV'i liir a lonp«'v tiaio Uutn faid f .r. 8'.ich of •I'.r ..Id ^iilworibers de-^iie to lako the ]>a- ptr on tlii-= •'vateui will plea«e itotify n-' when niHkin^; r«nntt‘iiice= Jan'j" 1. Tt > A I* \' K RT1S i: PvS ^er-^.'ns out of town who de.'^ire adveriisenieuts in- •«rted lu the Observer, and per-on-, in town with whom W9 h:ive not regular account- w ■ please send with the «JvPiti.«euieut a-; luuch um» « f »y wish to invest lu il, •ici-.ir.liii" I'.i .'ur advei^if i.iis o« the first page \ie .1' not wi-ih to open any more such accounts,—or iildtted .. aecoiiuts The process of collection i-^ too and we have to pay cash for every thing we l^e jr soil in these times. j U«- O' . vR 1 Notis Ks.—Wa have heretofore given notice. Ideate i!y, that w.- charge for obituary notices of un- »ii|.)nui.ie length, an.i for resolutiuns of respect; be- O^le -a! k ii i of reudiije. we have much occasion to know, I' lt uft^*n more agreeable to readers than to •ditors ..'f papers. .V.-i it grtierally happens, however, t after .-harging an.l paying postage ou the account for warded, We never get paid, we now give uotice that we wni insert uothing of the sort hereafter unless accom- pioied by the cash. (.Always excepting in the case of diseased volunteers, when we re.juire no pay. ' Bear H|iuiud, therefore, that wc will insert obituary notices l^d resohiti.ius, not exceeding 70 words, gratis. For all 7" w >rds, one cent a word, which must be paid be fore the notice will be put in type. gi| Li"'*" - - - ' '-L! -M' .T/rAM f. Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N C. Ij^ILL attend the '.'ount}’ and Sujterior r.iurts of Yf ^’umberlaud, Harnett, .Mootv and Robeson Coun ties Proiiipt aitentiun given to the collection of all ' oUi lus entru-ited to his hand-^. ;Oct 17,1^3'..' 5S-tf DENTAL NOTICE, t) St'OTT can be seen iu his office, - di.-.^s east of tiie market, at his re gular of!ice hours from 'J o'clock .\. M. Fforeiire fliid Fayeffeville Rail Road. ITNDKR the provisions of an Ordinance of the Con- , vention of North Carolina, Rooks will be opened on the It)th .Jiine at the following pdaces and under the di rection of tl»e following persons, (o receive subscrip fioii« to the Capital Slock of the “Florence & Fayette ville liail Roa«l Co.’* Shares One Hunitred Dollars ea*-h. Al the Hail Hoad in Fayetteville.—Under the di rect!.>n of the Ueneral ('oniinissioners, A. A. McKethau, I* Pvay. \ \V. Steel, Win. McL McKay and Jno. .'I Rose. Af the'Rr,( fip^in^s. — I’nder the direction of Hector McN'eiil, VVni. Stewart, .fas, A. Smith, D«n‘i Mc Neill and C.il. .Mex McMillan, or any one of them. .1/ Floral ('flltye.—Umler the ilirection of l>r Neill McNair, l»r A. l>. McLean, Archibald .'^inith, Kiluiund Lilly and Col. .Mexander Watson, or any one of ih»»iu At QuernsJale. — Under the.direction of Murdock Mc Rae, 1» McLeodt 1). .McCallura, Jas McRae, Jr., and J H. M Qiieen. or any one of them. .1/ Al/urJsville. — Under the direction of John Purcell. Jno McNair, Sion .Alford, Dugild McCallnm and Jno Mc('alhim. or any one of them. The Snbacripti.m Rooks will remain open for the space of 00 days. When a sutticient sum is subscribeil the Company will be organised for the purpose of buiM- in? the Road A A McKKTHAN. l» A RAV, A. W STKEL, WM McL. .McK.AV. JNO M ROSE. General Commissioners Fayetteville, June 7, 3lltr LOOK AT THIS! Till'; If.lVBTTKllliLli HOTEL, Froiiliug 300 feet aud in (he business poHiou of (he Toifu, more »|>ncioii« aiil voiitilated Itooiiis lliaii any lloti‘1 ill flit* states and my Patrons say my ContJiments are very gouJ tor the times. T. WiUUILL, Proprietor. •Mav •JO. FayetfevilSe Feuale High NehooK The exercises of this Institution will be resumed ou the ‘iy^h of September 1 he scholHtolic year will be diTuled into two t^rnis: the 1st of 1^ weeks, commenciog ‘J'.Hh of Sept. and end ing L’4th Dec.; the second of l!7 weeks, commencing 1st of Jan'y and ending July 1st. Parents and Guardians intending to patronize this School are earnestly requested to apply for circulars contaiuint; full particulars in regard to teims, .Stc , before the opening ot the School. July 17. 18C-J Rev. W.M. HOJPER, 1 , T. C. HOOPER, j ^ 48tl.5Jpd -tf nntil 3 o'clock P. .M. g s,'pt. 18, H-;i tarl>r. ^colt i;iv4> iiuti‘o that lie !!! be absent from Fayetteville for a few weeks. Fayijtteville, June 13, 18*'iJ. -Jtf GEU. W. WILLI AMS CO., Wholesale l>ealer^) in l-roeeries, A.VU I.MPoKTEUS AND PEALEUS IX Hardi^are aud Cutlery, Swedes Irou, HiV STKEKT, FWKTTKVILLK, X. (. July-J. '•'•■I. ;f'tf \V p. KENDALL J. S. KENDALL pf-goi, D -'» in J ; ttf itjf If i riaieu bef.f’ i'J !C' re^sfct i the vJ 11.. 8 r -■ , '•0 i K. 1 -net Agent FaiEIVDS— •ndiDjr L- ai» • ir frien.** '' ■ ardil rer^onal Kalarg*' M.IKS. COX, KE.\DAI.L A: CO., AND m WHOLESALE GROCERS, Vo. It X 1*2 .North Water St., \Viluiiii»loiL .S. r. >rdcri from Uie i'.iuntry promptly executed, nrticu ar attention given to the sale of Cotton r produce. \ lSt,i. lo-tf T. t . A: II. Im. U OKTH, %ORiiuissioii and Forwarding Merfhants, WIL.MINGTON, N. V Jan yIHOI y4tf U. \\\ HI LLARD, 4 otutiiission • fierrhati /, WlLMlNdTOX, X. PKOMPT and PERSONAL attention will lc“ given to thf sale of Naval Storas, (Joikjii, Lumber, I'ituber, »')d al! other country proluce REFKR TO O G. Parsley, Pres t Com. Rank at Wilmington. Ji.ny l>.\wsoN, “ n. N. C., at .io. Mi-i-is. H. & K. J. Lilly, 1 ,, ... Ml- -r-. Pkmbkrton & Sloax, I \ Parkkk, tyq., Harnett County, N. 0. Mi.y 7, i'tJO. 16if TO LLKK^ OF 4 OB Hi, Stay Law having i'0Stj)0ned the settlement of ; for years, we will not hereafter insert (Jrders t C iiiri without payment in advance. Please send 5^1 .nir wit li t he Order, and more if it be of unusual lengt h i-.,.;. Y.. J. HALF X SONS W by Thos. H. Tillinghast. Fayette ville, ha.l yf tiie undersigned, wholesale or for ca.sh j. j & SONS. Jan. b, iHbJ. Allei* tills tintv I will pay Four Cents i eri.ou.id for rags de livered m Fayetteville, or ut my mills MUItPIir. IlilKboro'' .TIilitary Academy. I^HE fourth Academic year of this Institution com menced on March 0th The charges for a Cadei be gin with ihe month of entrance f'or circularm contain iug terms, \c., address M*ij WM M. GORDON, Supt. li M Hillsboro’, N. C, June il2, 1?')_* 33 winpd i OTTOA VAKA. >0. 19 Hji) Street. P M.VLLKTT. Jai-’y !•;, l'^t)L’. KKWAKU. ^pHL above reward will be paid for the api'reheu'ion J aud delivery to the nearest .NIiliiary Post, of .\LKX- .\.N'DE.v WALLAt’E. who deserted his compa'jV on or about 20th of March 18tj2. Said Wallace is lil years oM. 5 feet 11 inches high, red complexion, dark hair, blue eye#; he is a native of Moore County, and is proba bly in the viciniiy of Carthage. JAS. D. MclVER, Capt. Co. H, 'iUth Reg't N. Troops. Camp Johnson, r* miles from Kinston, June 17. 'idii ^10 Keuard* 1W1LL pay the above reward for the apprehension ;*nd continement of my man C.\LV1N, who ranaway from me about three weeks ago. 1 will also pay a reward of Fifty Dollars for sufficient evidence to convict any person of harboring him. (.’al- viu is about 42 years of age, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, black, and weighs aboti> 10l pounds; he wenrs small gold rings in his ears He is a boat or ship carpenter, and well known about Fayetteville aud Wilmington. He sometimes call.. himself Calvin Johnson. THEO EV.AN3. June au, 1802. iibtf Lo^l or .Tlinlaid. TWOlBlank Notes not filled up, signed by myself and endorsed by Patrick Murphy, made payable to any of the Banks at Fayetteville. -\11 persons are forewarn ed not to use them, as they will not be paid. DAVID MURPHY April 2, 1R02. 13tf ~ CARO! \FFW LA DIFS can be accommodated with board at the Sepinary. Sept. U. 1861. AUnV IIAKA i:^^. I AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for .Army use. 1 tan my leather and can give good bargainn. .Agents will do well to send their orders to me as they shall have prompt attention, and sent ofl in (|uick disjiatch. JOHN CARTFR. Gol'Jston P. )., Chatham f'o., N. ) June i:{, lKti2. j T. C. HOOPER. M- P.ltf loij li M-. Jiti.ih. An/ 1, 1 Ht'i2. L*.J. arolloa; ar I ! V’;i il l . it ISooU* WA.\Ti:i>. I 'VI>H to purchase SEVERAL YOUNO NEGROES, J r .r which I will pay the highest Market prices. '1 having Negroes for sale would do well to addresn ‘ . Ka’iCigh, N. C., where I can be found at any ‘ P. J. STERNE. J'*'y 47-Injpd Sfereosiopes and Slereoscepic Views. • .N \V A lUI iflli j»>f ncoived. L. J. H.ALl'l SONS. u ? Harmony, .^t'li»ol i ook i;-., further supplies just received. E. J. UALJE & tiOm. iVortliCarolina Reader's. SCHOOL BOOKS are becoming very scarce, but wc liave on hand a good supply of the NORTH C.VIIO- LIN.\ RE.VDFR.S, Nos. 1 and 2 by Rev. Professor Hub bard of the University of North Carolina, and No. by Rev. (’. M. Wiley, Superintendent of Common Schools of North Carolina. ** >tir cii.stomers having well nigh exhausted our stock of Northern Readers on hand when the w ir commenced, we hope will now turn their attention to these books by home authors, rather than allow their chihlren to do without reading books. For sale only at Ihe old retail prices of 25 cents, cents, and 7’> cents. E. J. HALE & SONS. Feb’y 1, 18f>2. ■ 9*1- Tlie Pre*(byleriaii l*Malmodi»«t Character notoe. A further supply just received. July 20. E. J. HALE S SONS Torfy Y^arx’ Familiar LefterM of Jas. W. Alexander, D. D.: Sermons, by J. Addison Alexander, D. D. Also, further supphes of Margaret Moncrietle; Beulah; Adam Bede; Vusef; Shirley; School ; Books, &c. ; E J HALR & SON. I«^5iiiii;;^le copieN ol the fibber«er , can be procured by non-subscribefs, at the Bookstors. Price 5 ient«. Tlie VoliiiBfeerN Bland Ifiook. A FURTHER supply just received April 18. E. J. HALE & SONS. .TIetliodiMt Ilyinn!^ and Oit^cip- lines, a new supply, assorted sizes and qualities. Mu-oh 16. E. J. HALE & SONS. FAYK'r rKVlTJ.K. X. C.. Al (MIS I 2S, lH(i2. [NO. 11.V>.] UK.«iTi:RA KAII. KOAO. '-—:r-y=v'. v '^pHE following rates will now be chnrared for Passen- I gets on this Road, viz: 50 cts. To Little River. To Spout Spring, To Jonesboro', To Mclvrr's, Train leaves the Depot Fridays, nt S oVI.x'k -V, .\l. at 12 o’l-look ,M .\ug. 2H, IHt'd. 1 00 1 2> Monitays, Weilnesday* and RetnriiiiK;. leaves .McIvev'.- R. MALLETT, Pres’t 71 tf The New St>Ie. Small, rt>LORKI) PHOTOIiKAPHS, i j BfiA^TOiW s. €\, ( K O M E H L V OF K K N T C (J K ^ ) Is prepare'! to tiil orders to any extent in' Engraving and Printing Hank I^iote^, ItilK of‘ I'Aeliaii^e, Are., Engraving upon Steel or Stone. Liir;e supplies of Bunk .Vole anil other paper will be kept. .Viig 2, 1W2 i'.*-lt;ipd KKAL K^TATK ^pUF Subscriber would 'sell his house and lo in Wade«- I Jn.ro', togedier w'lh about I'.llO ncre^ of bind rt-aching witliin three mi!'s of the Village (if desirable ) The dwelling hou'^e is large, and the lot the most d«'«irable in the up cnuntrj', coiit iiuiiiir lifly acre? of l>ind. Should nny one desire to iimve further up the couniry, he would sell them a finely improved hou«e an'l lot in Sl>arlanl)urg, S. C., together with a good tract of Ian.1 near the place. P. SMITH. .\ug. 7. 4'' :?m]id A ( AKO. ( amp Hale, near Fort Fisher, N. Aug. The undersigned, a private- in the .\rm_v of the Con federate States, respectfully announces himself ft candidate for I'hief C-lerk of the House of Commons of the next Legislature. Having passed two Wfnters in flnse intimac}' with former Legislative bodies, he trusts that he ha« con»iilerable aciiuaintance with the duties of the position. HF^NRV E. COLTON. Attg. 25. f)4tf A 'AKO. offji’ers and members of the Blocker Artillery 1 wish to express through the medium of your columns their regret that the health of Capt O. H. Blocker hav ing been so impaired by the severe campaign of We'^tern Va , with whicii many are familiar, he has been ail- visfil by his Physician to re.sign. We have by' his resignation lost a noble, energetic and faithful otlieer. Fort Fisher, N. C , Aug. 23, 1Ht;2 54-2t Or. O.AVI^ i*^ ill I'ay- ART. Woodwarr>i Solar i'amera. PHOTOGR.VPH.'^ can be had at Vanorsdell's .Skylight Gallery. Hay street, ojipo-jite Marble Yar.i. Fay etteville, N. C.: plain, letoucht^l, colored, in water colors, oil an>l pastile; from 'inall tolifesi7.e. .Ambro types, Melaneotypes, ati.l a’l other styles of Pictures pertain* ig t.i the \ri. .\-l-o. Gilt Frames. Gilt Mould ing, G' .-I for very large pictures—as large as 21^ l»y 3tJ inches. Jord aud Tassels l.'i- hanging pictures; Instru- meut:^. Stock and t'heiiiicals tor s.ile low for casli. Life size colored Photographs m>i.le iVom siuhII pictures. Haviog permanently locate.1 here 1 hope to merit yotir patronage I woubl tilso return m}’sincere thanlts for the liberal patronage bestowe.l lUi me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M VANORSDELL, Photopniphist aud Proprietor. Dec’r 20, 1 H.j‘» 77- iMarbBe Faiffory, All III iiii*iil ration Aotiee. ''HE subscriber havin? quslitied as Ailmiiiiatratrix on the F,«tate of las .'^midy. dec'd. hereby cives notice to all persons having claims .agaiiisi said r.-t-ite to jire- sent them to Wm McL. .McKay within ihe time pre- scril)f I by law, or this notice will be ] lea.b'd in bar of T their recovery. Aug, 4. lMii2. CATH ARINE SUNDV. Adm x. 4M- The Sto4‘klio|«ler« ot the Fayetteville X .Aitiemarle Plank lio-id i't>, will iake notice that the An- '!e;-tiiig will be hel.l in the I'owu ot Fayi'tteville. the T.iwn Hull, ou iht* first Fri.iiy in Seplcriiber, at Aug. 25, 18t rpWENTV 1 on the Cape iiiington. .Also, low W ilmington. •Aug. 25, 18*12. Fear River, seven miles above W il- ten han.ls to cut Wood five miles be- High W'lges paid. T, S. LUTfERLOH •'.4-2t 12 o'clock. Julv ;>1. 18H2. 4 > HADLFV, Pres’I, t r.(»im m Hv TWO niJliRS ,\HI)VK r. T. iniliH i SONS’ STnnr fi'ay«'{S,«*villr, jftjj’v '20. 1P»jO H4- MAKKFEACK ct M'KAE, H.WE ou hand an-l expect to keep for sale, of their own manufacture, a supply of P.rass. Galvanize.I j an.l common Hoo|>ed Jl \ KK'ltBTS: French, High Posr, (’o»as:e and Common JK i:iP s Tr..tn s; spring Mattresses, of new and itaj.roved Spring, on hand or ma.ie to order of any size: L' trNGES; Spring, Cane, and Wou^l Si-at CH.\IR.'^. of ilitl’orent kinds ati'l patierns; spring Sofns, Lounges jin.l Chair«, repitire.J. ats.l covered with Hair Cloth or other wi-e: Hoe handles. Rungs for bbls. .S: Hhds : Sole, Harness, and Upper Leather, and Plastering H^ir. .\s we have good Machinery for Sawing, Platieing, Turiiini», .NIorticing and Boreing, we catk do work with despatch and on satisfjctory ternf. Persons haMiig work or repairing to .1) wHll do well to eive us a c.ill. We warrant (oir wiirk; if it fails, you know where to find tis. Having taken a Store on the East si.ie of liillespie Street, a few doors South (d .\. W. Steel. Fs.^.. :m'] having some spare room, we would attend to the sior igo and sale of any thing that maj- be consigned to us; an t v/ill give special attetttiou to |ir.)ducts of this Slate. Fayetteville, April 1. I8t;i. •♦if r% WITI AL IWIiniE rOWHM. !«IOO Ki:\VAKII. STttLFN from my s|(ii)i«>, near Lewisville, Forsvth county, N. C.. on the night of tiie lltli inst., a str.'ill re.! l>-;y HOPi.siE, heavy built, black legs, luane and tail, white sa'Mle marks No other niark.s rec dlectevl. (iait. short pace, uhort trot anil pace: age abou 11 o»" 12 3’cars. \ pvrsoti was seen lurking in *>it' neighborhood, sup- p'lsed to be the thief, who answers to the following de scrii.tioti: 21 or 22 years oM, lair conii l-.'xion, blue ej-es, good countenance, light brown hair, weM built frame, about 5 f>et ^ inches high: wore a brjwi irock coit. black cassimere ptvnts, (.juite tirw. i new boots, black liei'k tie. grai' shirt, uml eray hat. c >rri*-.J a re.I c trpot s:ick luaile of hrarlh rug with the fringe on .\ rewar.l of $75 will be given for the arrest, coutine- mcut aud conviction of the thief, anj $25 for the itv il«*Iivery of the lior«e He is supposed to lie fhe seme Horse thief that was arrested in Fayetteville a )’ear or two ago, by the name of Fry, a verv notorious thief. JAMFS .s. PLFl'GER Lewisville, N. C. .\ug. 7. i."i'2. ^'OITICRA*^ POR Sale by TVSOR 1 Orders sent to Mclver's liepo:. F will be atten.ie.l to Jnlv :i ■>0- ‘m .IoHN^'^»N iS: VV'. Railroad, Kl.n: VITRIOL. 'PHE «ubscrib.-‘rv are tnauufuMuring iUA'F Vl l’RlOL. I t.»rders sen'. l.> Melver s Depot. :.*ie iHrminui ot tii-» Coaltiel'is Railroad, will receive prompt attention. A .“•pecimeu may b» seen at the Obnerver Office. F:iyette- ville. ' TVSOi; .V JOHNSON. -\ug. l i. 52tf \OTi( i:. 'pHl' UNDF.RSItiSFD. both having etitered the niili- i tary. service of the ('onl'ederate Stat**s of .America, hereby give notice to their old customers an.l frieiids, that they have appoiutel John D. Starr and John D. U illiams, of this place, tl»eir attorney's to collect either separately or conjointly all money- due them either by ^ i(,e same, the parly arrestiug giving me eaily informa- account or note, and otherwise to attend to their bu- i lou of I he, s.ame. siiie-s generally during their absence. They respect fully ask all persons in.lebted to them to call as proinpt- Iv as possible on their agent .j an 1 make pavtuent. Ac WILLIAMS. .Sept r.«. ISOl. • 58-tf iA1'i:oi: iiAT i: vi>5 F the den.iminatiens of SilHNI, St-VKI, SHKI. Apply at the Rank of N'orih l'arolin:i. M.irch '*11 0 Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand and other assets. $2b7.t;!H 2b 5.077 $272.7f*.5 01 Total. 5'272.7f*'5 01 The Company have paid all losses promi'tly. and have never made an asspssmhnt on their premium no'es. Total losses paid. $2'*.bH2 *19 iHfk'krs: GEO McNElLL. President D. . R AY, Vice President C. \ McM ILL AN. Secy. DiHKCTORs: Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, S. T. H iv.ley. Nathan .\. Ste.lman, C. B. Mallett. James Kyle. .\. .A. McKethnn. J. D. Willi.ams. 0 c o.\ r i: i>i: ka i' i: itoa F the denominations oi' Apply f ('upe Feiir, at the Hunk March lf. S. W. Tillinghast. W. N. Tillinghast, S. .) Hin-.lale, Wm. McLaurin, T. S. Lutterloh, A. W. Steel, J. G. t'ook, * Hon. .1. G Shepherd, R. F. Brown, ( , A. E. Hall, ,-"'l'“g'on. hn (!ollins and ('. C. Mcf’ruiiitnen, rt.aveling .\gents. *aV'-The C omjianv invite applicai ions. .May 2.H, IMi'. ' 21- Oroeeries: iAvoceries:: ALARtjIE and well selected Stock of FA.MILV GROCERIES always on hand, consi.'ting of Hacon-Si«les, .^h*ss I*ork^ .^Iackt'r Xort. 1 atul Mdliisses. Stiirars ol' al grades, Tobam), Ci>;ars, And all other articles usually kept in a Wiiolesale Gro cery Establishment COX. KFNIbALL CO. Wilmington, .April 2, IHbl. 10 tf OIL AM) LAMP BLACK. Tanners- and LiiHRiCATiNt: oil. L.AMP RL.A(.’K iu barrels. For sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM .S; (’O.. Wilmington. N. March 7. > !f llt'adqiiarler^ I'l ilmiii^'loii | iii^'ht Artillery, | Cami‘ Boyl.\.v, July 20, 1801. This Company, ilesiring to be complete in everi/ re spect, would be glad to enlist a number of good Dri vers,—men accustomed to the management "hf horses. There will be pail to each man, on enlistment, a bounty of $15. Monthly pay $12; besides being clothed and fed, medical attendance free, and all other neces.sary equipments furnished rcipiisile for a soldier. No onc^need apply unless he is a good driver and ex perienced in the management of horses. The de.stina- tion of the company is Virginia, as soon as equipped. r41tfl ALEX. D. MOORE, C«,pt Co F., Reg't T.l Arlillory Ri:.nov.Ai.. ^pHE POST’OFFJCE is removed (o office formerly oc- X cuj'ied by ilie ('larendon l> »nk. JAS. O. COOK P. M. Dec. 30, I8GI. ' /JG- ' Blank Warrants for sale here. I Al si: A.\l> € OATKA.^T; \N FS.'-!.AV. on the .Vmerican(’ri^is, by 1 W, .Mc.Mahon. .A further Supply just r*'c d. Feb. 12. i: J H\LF. .V .^ONS lleil»er aiil of Iter l*»em«., 1)V THF.OPHILUS III NTEI! HILL, Fs.,., of Raleigh. 1) For snle, price $1, t>y E. J. H.ALE .S: SONS. Jan'y 1:1, 1«''.2. Tin: .\OKTll 4 AltOLI A A lil Tl AL MFE I\Sl llA\rE OMPAXl, N'oW ill the tenth year of >uccessfiil operation, with growing capital an.l tiriuer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to tin ye-\rs of age. for one j ear, for seven yefirs. and for life—all life members sh.ariiu: iu the profits. .All slaves from 10 to tlO ye.irs of a;.;e are iiHured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. .All losses :ire punctually ]>:iid witiiin .'.•• days after satisfactiU'y proof is presenteil. ^'or further int'orni.ation Ihe ]iubl> - is referre.l to •Agents of the Company in all ^>aris c ihe Stat(*. and to R H. B VTTLE, .'Secretary. Raleigh. E. .1. H.\LF, Agent at Jan'j’ 1851b F.a3’elteviile, N. (’. To l.aKid ItiiyerM. ^PH F undeTsigneil offers for sale, in the ('oal region, 1 and within eight miles of Ihe terminus of the Fay etteville Western Rail Ronl t>n Deep River. KI(J»T ACKKS OF adjoining the land belonging to Ihe estate of Georj;** Wilcox, d('c'd. and lying three miles South from t'ar- boiuou, on Little Pocket Creek, Moore couuty. These Lamls :irc well adaptdl to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, itc. There are on fhe prom- ise.s a comfortable Dwelling, tind all necessary Out- htui-es. with about one hun.ired and fifty acres under fence, vticlu ling forty or fifty acres of never-failing- bottom laud. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make InvestTnents. as-lands are undoubiodly ad- vani ing iu price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. M. ^1 .McRae, Cr.ine’s (Jre«k, P. 0., Moore county, or a.M'-'ess tue at, Fayetteville, N. (L JDA.VIEL .McR.AE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec d". (iMrlionloji. M.-.ore ■•o,. N 2t IH.i'J. 4.^t Dec'r 2S, ISbO. THE MEDICAL EX.^MINfN^ BOARD III the Senate on Monday, 3Ir. Orr,*of fc. siibiuitteii the following resolution: ••Resolved. That the President be requested to inform the Senate who constitute the .Medical Board of Examin- er.s, for granting furloughs—what orders have ^cen i.ssu- ed to them aud to surgeous in charge of hospitals, with ^ reference to furloughs, together with fhe necessity for such a supervisory board ’ ■Mr. Orr said that this board, which exists iu the city of Richmond, is aiiotuulou>. and i-s pro ducing ju.st such resultij as might have been an ticipated It has produced ‘-ctitiueito ^uanels” between snrgeond and assistant surgeons; unl the i^oidiers, in some ot the hospitils, who ought to be turloughed, are compelled to remain there until these ({uarrels are adjusted. Ihe theory upon which the board is organized is absurd It assumes tiiat the surgeons in charge ot the several hospitals are either inconjpetent, or Itave not sufficient integrity. As u matter ot economy, etfeville, and can be seen at fhe Shem- : jj. die Uyes of OUr .soldiers should we ..use jj4-2tpd ; t'ai'cd tor by t/iose who are paid to do it. He 5 would, in a tew days, introduce a bill to correct %\'ail(e«l Io Hire. I some of the gross-abuses of the Medical I>epart- GOt"*!* HANDS to work at the Salt Works ment. Mr JSiinins, of Kentucky, expressed his gratifi- cafioii at the introduction of the resolution, and cited instances ol t''e bad treaf”ient and shametul neglect of the soldiers by the agents of the rOT- ernnient. The army is the hope and the salva tion ot the country, and ought to be protected and provided for, and these agents who neglect their duty ought to be hurled troni place. Mr. S. had seen in this noble city, whose inhabitants liad vied with each other in acts ot hospitality to flu* soldier, instances uf gross officers of tiie (.fovernment. Sick, and disau!*^'i soldiers passing tlirough the city aie neither piV'Nlded with a I'hice to lodge, or with anything to eat. I’his inhumanity has killed more ol our soldiers than tlie bullets aud bayonets ol the \ atikee in vaders. .^Ir. S. i;los»'d his remark.s with a severe denunciation of all derelict otlicers and ag;nts who are responsible for these grievances .Mr Hill, of (jeOrgia, vindicated the hxamining PJoai d from imputations which had been ca.st upon if l>y citizens and soldiers He had recently liad ticeasion tu investigate the charge-s to some extent, and discovered that the complaints against the Board were unlbunded. He cited instances which had come under his observation, showing that the soldiers themselves, and not the Kxariining i^ard, w'Mv rt*sponsil>Ie, in tiiany instances, for the iuat- tention and delay which havik been complained of. If there be abuses, said .Mr. Hill, let us cor- r.'Ct them, but let us not locate charges without .sullicient testimony. Mr. Brown, of Miss., said there were nor only abuses in the Medical l)epartment, but iu every other departnfent, and they are widening and deepening every day C'ongres.s ought to bring its attentiun to the subject with a fixed-purpose to feiret out ever}’ abuse. Fidelity is not the rule; it is the exception. In the 3Iedical De partment, soldiers are detailed from the army by the Surgeons of Hospitals, at their own w'ill. ilundreils ot them are loating about the streets ot this city, and if you injuire of them why they are absent from the army, they will tell you; •‘We have been detailed as hospital nurses. ’ 3Ir. IJ. thanked .Mr. Orr for offering this^ resolution, and wished he would turn his attention; also, to the I’rovost Marshals, who are annoying peaceable citizens, and failing to put down extortion and ra.«eality. The i’rovost Marshal in this city ruth lessly breaks open and examines the trunks ot passenoers, but has no power to stop thieving in the next house.' He knows that goods arc brought here in violation of law, but he makes no etturt to suppress the illicit tradfe. He opens private trunks to search I'or a bottle of whi.skey, but he has no power to sup}>re!?d extortion; neither has he the power, it would .-jeem, to put down frauds ol any kind, but he can keep a black-guard guard his door Mr. l>. said that he recently went to Gen. Windex's office t fhe reporter understood him to moaju,) on business, and w:is stepped at the door by an insolent sentinel, who thrust a bayonet at him. aud commanded him to ‘‘get out ol the way.’ He fold him that he was a Senator from .M»'^‘;is- sippi. but the sentinel replied, “I don f care a damn who you are—stand backi” Mr. B. coiu- pluintd ol this insolence, but the ;t'ntinel wa.s kept on duty, £iid again insulted 3ir. 1> oa tha tbllowing day. If the I’rovost ^larshal can t do his duty, he ought to be displaced .Mr. H. wa.s tired of the arrogance and inefficioucy of otiicial.s, and of their assumption of power. He wanted fidelity and capacity^ and was glad the Senator had introduced the subject Mr. Henry, of Tenn., subaiittcd a tew remarks favoring a more extended in{uiry than that pro posed by Mr. Orr. It htis come to tliis, he said, that our gallant soldiersj it thej escape tli6 bullct.s ot the enemy, liave to -run the gaunti«t of the Medical I)e]>artment. Where there is so much clamor, there must be some ground tor complaint, and iu‘ li"ped the subject would bej thoroughly investigated. The resolufion submitted by Mr. Orr was then reed to. Afrni'i:. '^pHE Roots. Herbs, &c.. collectPi for the Medical 1 Purveying itepartmejjt. Ch.'irlotte. N C . will be re ceived at that Departnieut. if, on inspee:iui, they are foun.J to be ihnroughlv cle-iii :ind dry. Ineverj-case the freight on these :ivtides must be paid by the persons sending them li they [lass in- spectiiiu and are receive.!, the freigM t-ill be refiui'led The R R. Receipt for t1ie freight wlii required. Tlie Collectors of .Medicinal i; II ks. Heib-, \;e. for this I>e- partment, will liereafo-r cease buying them. Thertception of the following articles will be dis contituied tor the pre'-eni, viz: Red Ced^tr and .iuuiper Tops, Sarsaparilla Root, Poj>l-ir, T\'hite >ak. Willow atid Slij'pt'i'y Flm Parks, and Poke Root. .May ,\pple. White U ilnui or liuiteruut. V 1' i i nerry and Dogwoo-l •Rirks. I>lHcki)erry and Dewbe.fi Root and Pepper/nint. 1 lie remaiuing a^ticl.•^’ on :tn- li^^l will be receiveii iiu.ler tlie above ciiii.Jitions, until t.itihi'r notice. “Ilnrl'prrj' leaves” oU the li“t should b.* '• l',eiirh,rr:, Inu-^ The l'.)riii- r :iri‘ iiol wauu d Due n.itice will b.- given t.y adverti'^eiiient wht u the reception of the above named articles will l>e rec.im- lueiiced M. lltiW.ARD, .'■^urj.'.-on an I \‘lH.iical Purveyor Char!.>ite. N. (' . Aug. I'l. 5S-2w AllTK'lv. ON Tuesd.'»y of September t^iurt week. 1 .“hall proceed to sell, on a ciedit of 1;! ra intiiS, with note and se curity up. n inirre i lO^liarcHol Hii'liiiioiid .Viaiiiif.ii- luring ^loek. .\t the same time and place, and upon the «>:ime teraip, 1 shall sell 7 shares of thesnuie STOCK, lielonging to tlie estate of Jno P. ('ovitigion, dec’d. JAS A. COVINijTON, Adtn'r I!orkiiiirtmni, N C, .Aug. 1b, 1H';2 [>■'■ ftp.l Ranaivaif^ V .MUL.ATI'O WOM Vby the name of LUCV; about -•* -Jitars old. ot luediuiii size, but now i^uite corpti- I'-nt. Said woman is prohibly in or ne-tr Town, but may have been led otf in the •lirecii.ai of Newbern by P.ill Riuinton, a free mulatti) niaii who li is been ki work as a t'aipenter j.robably on the 'Vihningtou .V Weldon Railtoad at a Depot North of War.sa-.v. I will p'ly :r25 for the delivery of sai.l giri to me or lodged in .tail iti town, if fouud in this County, or 5'5l if said girl is foiui.l in any other t'ounty an t confined in the Jail of J.VO f> lJti2. WILLI.\MS •')4-tf Fayetteville. .Aug. 2 S')0 RLWAIID. 1> .VN A \ Jrom the subscriber, on the 2d inst ., his t negro man .ALFRED. He is about six feet high, iimi is very strmglit He is 05 years old, and is said to have some Indian bloo ); he is dark copper color. He sighs very often aud loud, and talks to himself a great deal. His clothes are good; he has a blue cloth over coat with him which ti!s him close. H* can L'se the tools ot a carpenter or shoemaker well 'J'he subscriber apprehends that he will endeavor to make his way lo ilie Yankees, and ultimately carry ofl' other negroes Iroui the county if he succeeds in getting to the ^ .ankees once. 1 will give ^^25 for his apprehension, if taken in this county, and 5-50 if taken .inJ confined iu ja.l iu any other couuty, and a reasonable rewar-i for any informa tion in regard to him. Alfre.i #as raisetl in Wake countj-, by som° one of the Haywoods. .VLIU'RI’ MVKRS. White's Store P.O.. .Anson co.. .Aug •>, 1HI52. 54-tf AOTIt'K. Vs i expect to be absent from home a few months in the West, .Archibald .McLean is my authorized Agent to iransftci niy business until I return. N. G. JONES. 8otf I I’Ai^r. wii.itiv'^”^ iii:i»ORT ! UN THE 1)K!-P 15IVI:K >li\KRU; MIE undersigned have caused to be publisheii from Tweiily-li’e Dollars Ke%vard. KAN.AW.A^ from the subscriber, his negro boy M()- SES. He is 21 years of age. about 5 feet 10 inches I high, robust, long feet and very much ttirued out at the ' toes, and looks down when spoken to. He was seen at McPhaul's .Mills in Robeson •county on the 21st ull., ! Hud wis iu Fajeiteville about three weeks a(ro. The above rew ird will be paid for hi.s delivery to tue or for his confitfement in any jail so that I get him. W. 1). JOHNSON Rennetlsville, S. (L, Aug. 14, 1S02. ■>2tf Ki:\VAR». rpilF above reward is otlVreil tor the arprehejision and { I delivery to me of each ol the following desei-ters, viz: Joel \\. Hlacknian. about 2;I 3'ears of age, C feet ■ high, light hair, blue e3'es. light cotnp'e.xion; David J. i Godwin, about 2tj years of age. o feel. IU inches high, black eyes, dark'h->ir. dark complexion They are snnpo.sod to be lurking in fhe neighborhood of lilack 1 River alid I’Mrvers Creek Disiricts in t:umberlaud Coiiniy. near Fiiyetieville. Th:-y !ibs(.nled themselves from ('amp about the :^lsf .luly iy'i2. JAME-^ S EVANS. Captain Comp. F, 24tli Reg., N. C. Troops, i (’amp near IMersbnrg. \ a. Aug. i:5, 18>;2. '54»4t i «lale ol Aorlli Carolina, ■: ('OUNTY OF RICHMOND. ('oiirt of Pleas an.l (iuarier Sessions. July Teriu. .A D. J ISf.J. ■ Richmond T. Long. .Adm’r of Younger Newtmi, dec’d, v». Murdoch Stephens and wife and others, Heirs-at- 1 Law of Younger Newton, dec >1 1 Petilion to s.dl Land^ an ’ make Real Estate Assets, j IT nppeariiig to the satisfaction oft’ourt that Murdoch ! I Stefhens .-ind his ^vife Lovcdy i-f.sidc beyoud the of this State, aud ilial Frank Wright and James lim ultx Arridmj.—The Uockingham Regis ter says that “Lincoln’s call for more troops, his proclamations and his “drafts,” are working first rate for the Southern (Jonf’cderacy. They are driviiiir hundreds and thou.«ands of gallant men into our lines and into our armies who would otherwise have remained quiet, neutral spectators ot tlie contlict now going on. Kvery day we see them passing through our^Valley from Maryland and from Northwestern Virginia. We saw eleven halo, hearty, stalwart sons of tho mountains, on Wednesday afternoon, Xvhti had come in from I’reston county. These men were on thoir way to the Confederate army, and will soon have their names enrolled with those wlio are scekinc the disenthralment of their country from the Yankee despotism.’’ The I’o.stmasier of J’ari.s,-Illinois, has k. jpt a memorandum fhe difFefent ways of spelling the iiantc of tliat otfice upon letters received tiiere wifhiii a few months past, with the following l.milsof this state, and roal Kranu>>r,gtit ana.lame^—^^^^^^^ 'aims. i'a’.as. The undersigned have caused to be publisheii from * 'rowson are now b*yond the limits *«f this State iu t the Congressional plates, an edition of the Keport ! ,^orvic? of the Confederate Stat-e of .\nieri‘’a, it isth're- of Capt. \Vllkes, U. S. Navy, and his Associatrs-. on the fore ordered by the Co>;ri that publicHtion be nv’de^ti-r Board appointed by fhe Secretary of the Navj-to ei-’ six weeks succcspively in fhe Faye*fevilleObser'er. noti amine the»Deep River P.egion of North Carolina, This is the most inipor^int and scietiiifio statenieiiL of fhe great wealth of that section of the Staf'’, and i*'e Maps. , -- . the most perfect and valuable, of nu}' yet published. of Oct. A 1*. IB'i:;, then and ihe;"e lo plead, answ Tiie Maps are worth ilic price of the work, which is ,V> f dcmiiT, otbei wise ’his p.-tiiion will b * heacd ex patte. cents, neatly bound iu cloth, (’opies sout by mail, fre e ' «nd iudgment pr.i confesso he rendered as to them. __ * ofpostage, on the receipt of 5(> cents. A liberal dls- Witness. Louis H'. Webb. Clerk of our sr.nl * j his conscience always urges him to entreat L to count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. . Office in Rockingham, the 3d Monday in July j Jjglumm ” Jan’y 26. E. J. HALE & SONS. | 54*6tpd] L- «• ^ six weeks siicocspively in the Fr^ye*^»'viilenhf:en er. non fyinff I flpfeu lmts lo be :>u i 'irpcar jit n»e iipxt V Term of this Worshipful Court to be held at the t ourt ■ House in the town of Rookiiijr! '*!"- .n ihe • d . .ou'-aj 1‘awris, Patrias. 1‘enrice. Pearus., I’airys, I’aroes, Parrus, JVaras, I’ayris, Pari«^, Paross, Tarrase. I’easo, Pairrace.’’ •d o’p. ni'v of ]ii~ ,!■ nr.*. ' .—Sidney .Smith open charity seriiions with thoe words —'‘i ?i)y ii ethren, is a natural iu>tinit t!:. fuunn "lind. \\ heti A sees H in L'riev^j'i? ui tr'jss. IkigUtfci

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