s K »I f-W F R K I. Y. (VOF.. XII.] FAVK/rrKVlLLR, \. r,.. SKPTKMimU 1, IH&2. PHINTKD MONlrWS AND THURSDAYS EDWARD J. HALK & SONS. i:iIT»RS AND PROPUIETORS 'T the StMiii-VN'oekiy ('bservku $•'? 00 if paiil in 1 it' j»ii 1 .luring the y"ir n; II S I ‘ift-.T tlte ^ ear has expired lu- 'Vi'ckly Obskrvkr S'J »K> pvr nniiniii. If pa'ul in viiii f: S2 •'’>0 if j.'ai«l Jiiriiiif tlie your of subsrrip- vi . V ’ O'* nl'ev tlie yeftr hn'> t'\|.>iveJ Al'VLRTlSKMtiNTS iii-t-rr.v! f,.r I’.tl com- per : . ul l‘_‘liiii ' tor tiie first, >uid 30 eai-)i ■> liue pulilicmion Yearly adverti«t»mi|p|p«y spe- '.■ii'vrt.'t-, i' rt'-. KTiiMe rale-* \d'^^i||^r- nre ( ' ! t ■- he unmbor -.'i' ni«erti..ti- iafiircd, ^r V, ' ^ f :• till forl'i J. '.iid ficoord Ue in-erted . Sl'FCl • I. NOTIc K. t'^uirareJ Florence aud Fayetteville Kail Road. ITNUKR (he provisious of au OrJinaiice of the COu- vention of North Caroliiia, Rooks will be opened on the li’dh June a( the following pluoes atid under the di- rertiou of the following per3on>, to receive siib»crip- tioii-J to the (’apital Stock of the “Florence & Fayette- villo Kail Hoaii Co." Shares ()ue Ilnndred Dollarsj e-ich. -■1/ t/if HttH Hoad Ojfice in Fayetteville.—Under the di rection of I he Oeneral Cotntuiasioners, A A McKethau. I* A. Ra}’, A. \V. Steel. Wni. McL McKay and Jno. Nr Rose. .-1/ the Hcd Syrinys. — Under ihe direction of Hector McNeill, Win. .1. Stewart. Jas. A. Smith, Dan'l C Mc-> Npill and (’oi, Alex McMillan, or any one of them. Floral College.—Under the direction of Dr Neill McNair, Dr. \. I*. McLean, Archibald Smith. F.Jmuu^y|^__ Lilly and Col. Alexander Watson, or any one of them % .4? ^itefHdale—Under the direction of Murdock Mc- T^f-- Rrtc. D. Mi'Leod, D. McCalliinj, Jas McKae, Jr , and J U McCineen, or any one of them. At Al/i' hi'illi I’ndcrthe Jirectiun of John Purcell, Jnu Mi'N'iir, Sioti Alford, Dug-iUt McV'allum and Jno MiCalluiu. or anv one of them. The Siihacription Rooks will remain open for the!'V; spn.-e of t)(l daya When a ^ntticienl sum is subs«cribe>l \VK«T Kill .1 following rates^vill nv-»w bi> phar>?ed for Ra^sen- 1 gers on this Road, To Little River, \ 5* cts. To Spout Spring. To Jotiesboro’, To Mclver's. \ \ 25 Train leaves the Ih’pot \Miju Jays, Wedncsd.ays ani Fri.lays, at N o'clock A ,\l \Hei nrtiing, leaves Mclver - at I'J o’clock M \ (’\B. MALLKTT. Pres f Aug. 2», 18t;l. \ 7)tr BI.4\TOi\ s. i\, ( F t) M K K 1. V OK K K N T I C K \ ) Is prepared to till ord-*rs any extent iti Kiigraviiig and Priulin^ Bank !>ioteN, ot‘ Ei>graviug upon Steel or Stone, l.ar^e iuunll»*sor Hank >»te am! other paper nill lie kept. Aug iJ, 1 lOtpd litroii- Jiiridrtit in Xeic Orleans.—Tho IMobile Kegister says; We are indebted to lugb authority for the fact of the tollowint; occurrence in New \ 4 AKI>. ^ tamp Hale, near Fort FIsber, X. C., Aug. undersi|iMeiJ. a private in the ,\rmy of tho L'on 1 federate Slates, respectfully announces himself a Orleans, intelliqenoe ol whTcb reached the city t cnndida.e for ’hief Clerk of the House of ('omtnons of : p^iJav, Mrs U. M> Uvain3 wHe ot the LicUt - the next Legislature llavinr passed two \V inters in ‘ c. ^ ? ■ . .i i-lose intimacy with former Legislative t»odies, he trusts ^>1 the fetate, passed on the Street a nUUl that he has con-iiterrtble aci^uaintaace with the duties ot yarikee officers sittiiiir iti a doorway S3 she of the position ‘25. HENRV E CtjLToN. .41 f The >etv Style. Small, (OLORKD PIU»T(M;RVPHS, A I % i«a! I«‘r | . .4 ^ ^I'^HE ofbcprs anil members of the Blocker .Artillery wish to express ihrou\h I he uit;,diuuj Ot your columns their regret that the heal^ of Capt O H. Blocker hav ing been so impaired by thX severe campaign ol Western \'a , with which many areynmiliar, he has been ad- witliin three miles of the Vilbige (if dostral.l** ) Tlr^^vi-ed by his Phypician to rtfeign. dwelling hi)ti“e is largo, and the lot the most desirable-T V»’e h ive b3’ his^j!»bignaiiVn lost in the ut* oounii v, coiif iiniue near fifty acres of bind, j >*uJ faithful olfic^ty^ \ KiO/%1. i>TATi: •'PUL >^\ibscril'*'r would sell his hoU'it* and l«i1 iti Wa>les- l l.-oro’, tiigether W'th about tit.K) acres of land reachihg aud -utcr V-r , -■ ■ :-nt paid for 1 ui;r ■ i sub ... - ■ -tem w I . .'t payment -;Uili - 'ibserib ;ov thW late, n. u ime -f a new viber Companv will bo iirganized far the purpose of build- I wi .'t vavinem in advaiK-e. nor will 'ng the R.»nd .u , . , .A. McKhin.-\N, ab.nc.rtuue A RAV. A. W. yTEEL. WM. McL. McKA\, JN(.», M HOSE. General CommisHioners Fayetteville, June 7. IStj'J. 3'_’tf .■r;tit‘!s a: lesir pLcaie uotity ‘ to take the pa- U'i when makiu>; Jau'v 1. 1^-->S N iti r N.r^h r, •V,.: i P^,s- » IS^'TU ADVERTISERS I’ • >ns out of town wIk' desire adveriisentenis in -.1 ihe Observer, and persons in town with whom ' ve U'lt regular account!' w please send with the . M iseiJieut a-* mur-h uioj» L»y wish to invest in iiJing : -ur adverii* inis o» the first page ! !i'it w jL t.: -jpen any more such accounts, -or : 1 aioouiiis The pr-jces-; of collection is loo “ . atid we have to pay ca-sh for every thing we . in these times . .. .-;i ■■ vN. . i- t;^. — We have herei )i‘ore given notice, - , :e I'.y. that we i-harge for ■'bitiiary notices of un- -aOle length, and for resolutions of respect: be- ,at Wind reading, we have much ocL'asion to k>w, is not often more agreeable t i readers than to editors of papers. .\a it generally happen-, however. at after charging and paying postage on the acconnt for warded. we never get paid, we now give n -tice that we T " ;;i-iert nothing of the son hereafter unless accom- ' 1 by the oa.sh . -Vf I volaniecrs, when we require no pay ■ Bear LOOK AT THIS! TIIR FIVKTTKIILLE HOTEL, Fronting 300 feet aud in the bu!iineiN portion of the Town, c'Oiilaiiiw more and well ventilated Kooiii« lliaii aii% Hotel ill the .^tate, and my Patrons »ay niy Condiments are verj ^owJ tor the time*. T. WAUUILL, Proprietor. .'lay l.’U, LSOl’. i;7y ART. Woodwai*l% Molai* l'aiii(‘i*n. PHOTtJGR \PILS can be hu.l at VatinrsdeU's Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opj'ositt) ^la^l>le Yard, Fay- eitevple, N. t'.: plain, retouch.'il, colored, in water colors, oil and pantile: from small to life size, .\mbro types, Melaneotypes, and aU other styles of Pictures partaiu' ig to the \rt, .Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt .Mould ing, G' ,-• for very large pictures- -as large as bv 30 inches, Jord and Tassels t'.ir hanging pictures: Instru ments, Stock atid Chemicals for sule low for cash. Life «iie colored Photogr:iphs innde from suiall jiictures. Having pern.anenily loi-Mte l here 1 hope to merit your patronage I would als.j return my sincere tlianks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me ae!’etofore by the good people of Fayetteville and viciiiitv. • .M VANOKSDELL, I’KotogrtipJiiBt and Proprietor Dec’r ‘JO, I’^-'i'^ 77- T Bins'-. Fayetteville Female High School. ^HE exercises of this Institution will be rexunteJ on the 2yih of September. The schulaaiic year will be divided into two lerms: the 1st of lo weks. commencing 2yth of Sept and end ing -ttb Dec.: the second of ‘J7 w«wks, commencing 1st of Jan'y and ending July 1st. . ... Parents and Guardians intending to patronize thi» -Alwavs extep mg in e c,ise o | earnestly requested to apply for circulars containing fall particulars in regar I to teitus, ic , hr/uj-e her-f^tre, that we w.ll insert obituary uoti>-es ; the opening of the School. I ■ iluiioQs, not exceeding 7‘J words, gratis. Fur all ; jrdj. )ue ccin' a word, which must be paid be- ] notice will be put in type. Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N (' U’’lLL atrend the (’ounty and .'Superior t’ourts of ''umberland. Harnett. Moore and Robeson Couu ti«= Pr.Mupi H’ i'lition given to the collectiv'n of all clain*3 entr -'ed to his hands. •I : 17,1-.'- DKNTAL NOTICl^. Julv 17, ISO-'. Rev WM HOOPKR, 1 ^ , T C. HOOPER, jl^nnc.pal. 43 tl5Jpd HilUboro’ .Military Academy. ^pirE fourth Academic year of thin In-ititutiou oom- l menced on March OLh, The charge* for a Cadet be gin with the month of entraude. For circttlarv coutaiu- ing terms, ic., aJdr«s Maj W.M VI GORDON, Supt. U M \ , Hillnboro', N. C June 1-, ISC'J S^^'itupd COTTOA y\k:%. ->0. 19 Hay Street. (’. P. MALLETT Jat.'v >j, •" 'I i' t'ftioe. i - iN'.' oldie r*. \) li. *■- 'f‘' '-i-t 'f I >e market, at his re guinr oti..‘e hour.'j from y , clock M. k P .'i. '-ept ' '1. . 67-1: ’^rDr. ^eott i;ive*> notice that lie * aLaer: from Fayetteviile tor a*tew weeks : v^'tevill*. Juui- lei, l-'>ii;. ;4lf liEO. W. WILLIAMS it CO., \\ liole»ale Ileaiei’s in »rocei*ie'%, \NI- INfPnRTKR' A.M' PEAt.K!?- IN MniE 1 an I. ^:to Kt:\v%KU. above rewird will be paid fVr the apprehension d delivery to the nearest .Miliinry I’ost, ot .VLEX •A.N'DE.i W.\LL.\CE. who deserted hi."! comjiany ('n or about liOth of March 1S02. Said Wallace is ‘J4 yearn old. i> teet 11 inchea high, red complexion, dark hair, blue eyes: he i-* a native of .^loore County, and i« proba bly in iha vicinity of Carthage. JAS, D McIVER, Capt. (’o. H, 1,‘oth PvCg'i N C. Troop*. Camp Johnson, S miles from Kinston, June 17. 3!*tf 810 Keuai'd. hard^rare aud ( utiery, Swedes Iron, f WILL pay the above reward for the upprehensiou » bef r« -! ■ 'lem • : pas' HU 8TKKKT, KUKTTKVILLK, >. I. i-n -i'ltf >.X. \Y. P KE.MJ.ALL. J. s. K.ENDALL 10\, KEliDiLL A: C O., |i Merchants AND WHOLESALE QROCERS, '10. 11 A l‘i >'orth Mater St., Wilminston. ,N. L'. HPs from the Country promptly executed, i' .'ticul'ir a.ientiou given to ;he =al ■ luct ol. of (.'oilon 10-tf i. :.,.w .rac:-- . . ,\gent FRIENDS- r- ■ - - . ling - -i - ^ » ■ - a'.wsyj n; . Pen*:.-' V a promis* - I ! I I n »K J'.tf t’ i'i'ieiidv. >en: • ^ i to anj .; iiii (JuiB- ; ...: f. tI ARI'.E = .f -■* * ol I'cr^'Oiia* :.t; large- - b? i .t s. _. 1" r. X It. O. WORTH, ofumi*«siou aud Foruardiug >Ierchauts, Wn.MlXGTON, N (V -% IS'.l 84tf a, \\. iti i.i.AKU, i^ommission • fierrhtmf. contlnement of my man l^\.LVlN, who rauaway from me about three weeks ago, I will also pay a reward of Fifty Dollars for sutiiciani. evidence to convict any pernon of harboring him. Cal vin is about 4:! years ot age, 5 feet 1L> or 11 inchei high, black, and weighs about loO pounds: he wenr*! small gold ring? in hi* ears H« iv a boat or ship oarp«nter, and well known about Fayetteville and Wilmington He soinetimeH calls hiuitielf Calvin Johnaon. ^ THEO EVA.NS Jun« ciy, ISOl'. artt Lo*t or .Yli*!.iaid. ^pWO Blank Notes not tilled up, signed by myaelf and 1 endorsed by Patrick Murphy, made payable to any of the Banks ai Fayetteville. All persons are forewarn ed not to use them, as they will not be paid, DAVID MURPHY April 2. 1802 13tf 4'AKD! FEW L.ADIES can be accomtnoJated with board at the Seminary Sept. 1-J. i8t;i. Alf^l V A T C HOOPER. 6(.- II ii |)1'.'‘\IPT and PF.HS'*NAI,^ ntiention wi'l }, " jale of N ival Storti-i, Lumbor. 1 -ii other ooniiiry ]irod\ice. REFKR TO • ;• P.\R,sLEY, Pres't Com. Baiik ai V/ihjiii.gfon i'S Dawson, R. N. C,, at d^ M. -i-rs, H -S E, .1, Lih.y, ) Pf .MBERTGN & SloA,^, )’ r --KKK, Esij., Harnett (.bounty, I^, C. '■ 7, „ 16tf given I.' Timber, Fii^’etteville. TO 4 Li:KkS OF C'OI II !iiy Ltiw having postponed the seitlemcnt of - f'.r year^, wc will not hereafter insert Orders 'I.'I w.th >ut payment in advunire. Please send ' 7 witii the Order, and more if it be of unusual length. H. J. HALE Ai S(»NS Ell veloi>e?«. |i .A.NUt A-11. i;Ki) by Thus. H.^Tillinghast. Fa^’ette- tl ville, may be Uai ut he undersigned, wliolesale or E J. ILVLE & S(LNri. I'I.IlS. for ca.sh 180-'. 1.-\M prepared to manufacinre all kinds of Wagon IlarneH.s for ,-\rmy use. I tan my leather and can give good bargains. ,\gents will do well to send their orders to me as they .shall have prompt attention, and Hoiit oft iu .^uick di*»patch. JOHN C.-\RTER. (}oldHton P. ()., Chatham Co., N, ) .ji.f J tine 11 ( i\orili€airoliiiii SCHOOL ROOKS are becoming verj- scarce, but we have on hand a good supjdy of the NORT!l C.-MiO- LIN.\ RE.ADEKS, Nos. 1 and'J by Rev. F’rofessor Hub- Vianl of the University of North tJarolina, and No. U by !{ev. U, Wiley, Sujierintenlent of Commoii Schools of North (’arolina. Our customers having well nigh cxhauHted our stock of Northern Readers on hand whe;i the war eommeiieed, we hope will now turn their attention to these books f>y home authors, rather than .allow their children to lio wi'hout reading books. For sale only at the old retail prices of ‘J.'i cents, 88 cents, and 7'» centfl. K. .1. HALE & So.NS Feb'y I, 18ti‘J, '.'(1- tn: IE ii 1 «ii J Allci* tliiH date 1 will pay t our Ceni.8 per p«jinid for raga d'e- livered in Fayettevir;.., „r ;u ,„y mjHa D, .MLUPHV, Rr>- i^larble Factory, lu :o TWii DIIIIKS ABOVK ('. T. HUlMi i SONS* STiiKK Fa>eKeville, i\ Jan’v '20. l.'^bO Mt- MAKKFKAC'K A M KAE. H.-VVE on hand anJ expect to keep for saU, of thair owu mtiuufacture. a supply of Brass. Galvanized and common Hooped ji .\iri:K i{i i'Kt:i>i: French, Hii^h Post, i'otta&^e and f ooiiuoit KMliPSTtl.iDS; Spring .Slattresses, if new and improved S{>ring. on han't or made to order of any sire; LU'N(iES: Spring. Cane, and Wou'i Seal (’11 AIKS, of ditlwrent kinds and pattern-; .'Spring Sofas. Louuce-* and (’hairs, repaired, and covered with HairClotli or other wise: Hoe handles. I5ungs fur btds. .!t Hhds.; Sole. Harness, and L'pper Leather, and Plastering Hair. .As we have good Machinery for Sawing. Planeing, Turning, Morticing and Roreing, we can do work wiih despatch and on satisfactory term-;. Per-.ms having work or repairing to do will do well to give us a cill. We warrant O'lr w^rk: if it fail-, you know where t. find us. Having taken a Store on the En-;t side of Gillespie Street, a few doors South of \. W. .'^teel. E-'i , :tnd having some spare room, we would .ntten 1 to the siorage and sale of any thinjj tliHt iimy t>e consigned to ns: and will give special attentinn to pru.lucts of this Si ate, Fayetteville. ,April 1. If'f.l, jiiM iiiiv I'lie desire to move further iij' the country. i he wi'iild sell I hem a fiiwly ini]'r'>ve 1 house and lot in ■ in.niburg, S ('., log(*tiier with a g.io.l irnct of land ■ near the plaee J. P S.MITH. : .\ug. 7. 4'*-;’tnpd ! Ailiiiiiai*trafion .\otice. { ^pUE subscriber having ■pialitiei.l as .Administratrix on 1 the Est.'ite of Ja- .''’iindy, ilec'd. liereby give.s notice to all persons having claims again;: s:iiil Est:ite to pre sent them to Wm McL. .McKay wiihin the lime pre scribed by law. or ihis noiiL-e will he plcided in bar of iheir recovery. t’.\TH .AI’.INE SL ,N DV, Adm'x. .Aug. 4. iS'i'J. 4'J- I 'l^e ^to4‘kliolder«i ol the FaWitevilie i: .Allieiuarle Plank Rii'iJ (.'o\ will take notii;e that the An nual Meeting will tjf heUlNiii (he Town of Fayetteville, iu the Tdwn H ill, on the iV-t Friday in .September, at 1:.’o'clock. \ O H.VDLEV, Pres't. Julv ol, IS' \ .'>Ulm • !^ioo Ifi:\VaICO. ST'iLE.S from my stable, near Lowisville, Forsyth ('ouim'v, ,N. 1’., .'11 the night of the 11th inst , a small red I't.y lloRSE, he »vy f'uilt, bliiek legs, mane and tail, whiti- .-'id.lle mirks Soother marks recollected, tiaii, shorl pace, short trot and pace; age abou 11 or I'J years A person wa.t -cen lurking iu the neighborhood, sup- po* 'l to be the thief, who -inswers to the following de scription: 21 or ~'l year- ol 1, fair corn) !e\ion, blue eyes, good couiitenanee, light brown liaii, well built frame, :ibout -J feel ? inches high: wore a brown fri»ck coat, t)lack cassimere pants, '..juite new. i new hools, black neck tie, gray tianuel nhiri. and gray hat, carried a red c irpei -ai.k made of heiirlti rug with the fringe on. ,( reward ot $7j will t>e given for the arrest, confiue- ment and conviction of the thief, aud for the safe delivery of the h.irse Me i- supposed to t'e the same Ilor-ie tfiief that was arre-red iu Fayetteville a year or two ago, by the name .,.t Frv. a very uotori"ii,s ttiief JAMES S PLEDGER Lewisville. N C .Aug, 7, l^'ili. .')U.:’.ui Fort Fisher, ,4-2t ! ^( iR Sale bv 4 OrPKRA’»» TVSoR L 1 (Orders seut to >r. lvor's I'ep will be attended to Julv •t, F JOHNS* -N W. Railroad, ISI.I i: \ iTRIOI.. ^PHE subscribers nre manufictiiring HLL E \ ITR1'»L 1 Orders sent to Mclver's Di'pot, the terminus ot the (' lalfielda Railroad, will receive prompt attention i.pec;mun 'uay be seen at the IVSOR .A otHoc, Jitli.Nrit'iN ■S'Jtf yif '^nllE L',NDEHSltJNED. both having entered the mili- i tary service of the (^jitl.-dera:c StiUes nf .America, herebv give notice to their old eiistomers and frien.ls, il.at 'hey have appointe'l John 1). Starr an'l John D. Williams, of thi.j pla^e, tlieir atiorne3’s to collect eitfier sepantely or conjoititly all moneys due them either by acci mt or note, and otherwise to atfeu'i to their bu- sine' generally during their absence. They respect fully ask all persons in.lebted to them to call as prompt ly ti- possible on their agents »nd make pavment, S’>’ASR \ WILLIAMS Sept 1'.*. l^-;l. is-tf 4 o-\ I' i: u i: R % r i^: ito.\ i kF the denoniinati'.ns of .S.iOO, ■M'l'l'’ ' ' ai the Rank of North Caroliu.'i. M.rchl'' '.‘if PA V i:tti: vii.i.K IWlTrAL INSIK.\M'E C0MP.4W. 0 Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand iud other as'efs. t-Jt;7,688 I- K O i: R A T1^ O)^ F the ilenomin-itions of StlKN), .SltKI, .Apply at the Rank (’ape Fear. March IS. V*if Total, iS'-7'J.7ti.i> bl The ('ompany have paiil all io'-'-es promptly, and have never ma'ie an axse-smeui on their premium notes. Total losse« paid, ( (kuckrs: GE(t MeNElLL, President. 1> N R \V, Vice Pre'ident \ McMILLAN, Sec y DikKCToK-: W. .*> Tillingliast, Henry Uilly. H L. Myrover, S. T. Hiiwley. Nattiaii A. Siedman. C. R. .Mallett, Janies Kyle. .A A. McKethan. J, 1». Williams, S. W. Tillinghast ■ Wilm'gton. S J. Hinsdale. Wui. McLaurin. T S. I.utterloh, W Steel, J. (j ’«ok, Hon J (« Shepherd, R. F. Rrowii, I A. !:. Hall, )■ hn ('olliiis an'l (’. (' McCrunimen, Traveling Agents. Phe Comf.-»iiy invite applications. May 1'8, l8tJ! Jl- iwroceries S AL.ARGE aii'l well selected .Siock of F.AMiLV GROCERIES always on hand, consisting of liacoii-Sidt’s, .Mcsm I'urk, Mtillcf.s, .Alnckor Nos. 1 atxl ’J, MolasM's, Siit;;trs of al i^ratioH, Tobacco, ('i^ar,s, i\nd all other articles usually kept in a Wholesale Gro cery Establishmcni ’0X, KENDALL k CO, 18til. H) (f Wilmington, April 2, OIL AND r A.M I* ItL.M'K, The rrc^liyteriaii PMaliiiodiMt Character nottw, .A further sujiply jiist received, July 20, . E. J. HALE Ai SONS JJ\ J ^PANNEHS and LfRR!’ATI\(i OIL LAAiP RLACK in barrels. For sale by JOS, R RL0SS»M‘& CO., Wiliiiingion, .N March 7, t) tf lleadoiiartci*)^ \% iliiiiii;;toii U^lil AB'fiiierv. ith ( .rolioa; *■ . ., : V'i n . ■. •. .-OSS., tiid llooU. S' ■h 1 .g Negroes lor SJii, N. C . wl I'urchase He\'ER.AL VtJL’.NO NliJROK.S, will payY-he highest .Market pricca. le would do well to addres* 1 can be found at, any J>. J. STERNE. 47-Impd Ca.>ii* Rdvl.'xn, July 2t, ISbl. ^PHIS Company, desiring to be complete in ei'erv re- J spert, would be glad to enlist a nunibcr of good Dri vers,—men accustomed to the management of horses. There will be paid to each man, on enlistment, a bounty of Jas. W. Alexander, D. D.: Sorinons, by J. Addison { 5;] 5 Monthly j.ay ;?12; besilee being clothed and Alexancler, I). D. .Also, further supplies of Margaret j fgd^ medical attendance free, and all other necessary I'ortv Vearxi’ Familiar l..etter!« ‘Stereoscopes aud Stereoscopic Views. — Moncriefle; Reulah; .Adam Bede; Yusef; Shirley; School Piooks, &LC. V July E. J. H.ALE A SON. copies ot the ObMcrier can be procured by non-subscribers, at the Bookator# Prioe fi *enf«. \ a'-'irlK'cnt, just trCeivcJ, K .. IfAI-K .V SONS The VoliiiiteerV Hasid ISook. \FCRTHER supply jiiHt reroived. April 18. E. J. JIALE & SONS. i H -. lai uiib . Si Ottic*' ^r supplies just received. E. J. HALE & SONS. *.?letliodiMt HyiikUM and IliHcii>- lines, a new supply, asforted sizes and qualities. March 16. E- J. HALE & eONfa. eqtiipmenfs furnished requisite for a soldier. No one need apply unless he i.s a good driver and ex perienced in the management of horses. The destina tion of the company is Virginia, as soon as equipped. [41 tf] ALEX I). MOORE, (’apt E, Ret I T,i Ariillerv RF.TSOVAIi. ~ ^piIH I’OST OFFUJE is,removed to oflice formerly oc- J cupied by the Clarenuon Riok. J,AS, G. COOK, P. M. Dec. 30, 18G1, 86- OiV^^OAVlS is in I’ay- efteville, atjd can be st'en al the Sfiem- well House -Aug. 25, l8t;2. ENTV-GOOI 1 on the (,’ape F uiington. .Also, ten b>w Wilmington. Hi .Aug. 20, 1802, pHF, Roots, Herbs,' Purv«*’ing Departi (OTICE. l&e,. (’ollectP'l for the .Medical bent, Charlotte, S (.’., will be re- ceive'l at tliat l*epartpient. if, oti inspeeitoii, they are found to be thoroughl^i clean aud dry In every case the frfcight on these :i> tides must be paid by the jtersons lending ihetn ii they pass in spei-tion ami are recei' ed, the frei^zht wiil be refundeil wvnt by >iie oi'tberu arose and tollo'wed her lew steps, and, arresting her progress by placing liiiiisell in front ol her, told her that she omitted to bow in passins?. ^'he attempted to avoid the nitfiaii. when he rt^peafed his retutirk, and arked her if she had not read Gon. liutJor‘ (.trder No 2'5” with relereiice to the treatment ot Luvon of- dciws and soldiers with respect Endeavoring to . * m:iss the fellow, he threw his arm around the a nob e, energetic j waist, and pressed his foul lips upon her ' face. As thtt yillain released her from his em brace, the J^fTUthwn lady coolly drew a pistol und shot him through the body, so that he fell dead at her feet iw the insolent tlu.sh ot hi.' cowardly triunipli over the insulted virtue ol a feeble and unprotected woiuan. j Another of the othcers immediately arose and rks I approaching the noble and courageous lady took lier by the artu and told her, s'l that the other Federals could bear, that she uui«t accoinpp.ny him betore Gen. liutler. He immediately placed her in a cab and drove away—but not to the Beast’s quarters. He directed the cab out of the city atid through the line ol sentriee—and further on still, until beyond the reach ot the tyrant s outposts. The act ol tho heroine had made a hero of the witness. He told her that he considered her act justifiable and noble, and that in a mo ment he liad determined that sh«* .should not be .-acriliced to Butler’s vengeance, and adopted the 5 t-2tpd ted to Hire. NDS to work at the Salt Wi iver, seven milea above W11- s to cut Wood five miles be- ftges paid T. S LUTTERLOH .'■)4-2t The R R. Receipt for the freight wdl be required The ^-xpedient by which he ha«l rescued her. He Collectors of .Medicinal R irks. Hert. . .ve. fur this L.(^„tinued to eseort I'.er on her jotirnev^Lrough partti.eni, win hereat't-r cease bu I the country ufitil thev arrived in the'Southern 1 he reception of th» following aiticles will b.* tlis- , ^‘Jniiuy , 1 1 i- 1 ki, + continual for the present, viz: Red Cedar and Juni|>er , lines at tatnp Moore, when he Tops. Sarsaparilla Root, Poplar, White Oak, Willow and Slipj.ery Elm RaiKs. ai' l Poke Hoot, May Apple, White W.'iluut or I’uttqrnut, Wj’ i ’herry and Dogwood I5arks, Blackberry andYVwben3 Hoot and Pepjiermint. The reiuainine articles in ihe list will be received under tile above conditions, until mitlier notice “Barberry leaves" on the list shoiilil t «■ "Hfarberrt/ leaves". Th- former are not wanted Due notice will be giv4u by advertisement when the reception of the above named articles will be recom- mence.l ' M. HOWARD, Surw'on and Me.Jical Purveyor ('harli ite, N C 0 V Tuesduy of Sep l>er (’ourr iveek, 1 shall proceeil of 12 months, with note and se curity upon iniere-*t, 10 ^liare«« of tiiei -At the same time an I Bhall sell 7 snares of th the e-late (if .In.T P Covii JAS 1'.. K lllgll'illl chiiioiid .Tiniiiifac- Ktock. ce, and upon the same terms, same STOCK, belongiug to ton, dec'.J, ’(iVI.N(iToN, .Adm'r , f>;! 4tp'l up tu the Confederate atithorities, to be dealt with f\,s a pri.^oner or otherwise. .So ends this heroic and dramatic incident ot the war Mrs Hvams ha.s set a lofty example for .Southern w'omeo, aud the gallant gentleman wljo delivered lier has shamed its ariUy and the whole North We trust he has retiouueed for ever the service ot the o[>pressors, and that a rank equivalent to his deserts may reward him in ours. Aug \t U t. X T I’. IHIUO ol' tjl-'l ^ I'Ui ti.iw quite Curi'u- Blank Warniiits for sale hero. t’AI A \ 0 ’IATIt A?»iT: VN KSS.\V,on the AiuericanCrisis. by T W .McMahon, A flirt her .'Supply just re. d Feb. 12 ' K J HALE .-if S(»N,- ll(‘N|>er anil 4»tliei* l*«>eni^, Bv THEcPHlLl'S HI NTER HILL, E-'( , of Ruleigh. F'r sale, price 1. bv E .1 M AI..K .V S«).NS. Jan'y 1:5, lS‘i2. Tin: AOKTII t A KOLIA A Min l AL LIFE lVsrRAN( K OllPiXl , N'oW in the tenth year of ''iiccessful opeVaiion. with growing cajiital :unl firmer hoM upon public con- fi'lence, continues (o iiwure the lives of all health^’ per- S'liisl'rom I I to tj(^ yetrs of aee, for one year, for seven years, ati'l for life -all life members sh:ning in t lie profits. •All slav«;‘ from Id t'3 t'O yenrs of !ige are insureil for one year vr for five years f'.)r two tliird-^ ilieir value, .All losses are )>unciijally paid wiihin 1*0 days after satisfactory proof is presentcl. I’i>r further informati.'n the piibli-' is referred to .Agents of the Cotnpany in all parts c .he State, and to R H R.M’TLE, Secretary, Kaleigh E. .1. 1I..\LE. \t?ent at .lan’v I''-".'.' • F.ayeiteville, .V, (’, ‘ To l,an«r ltiiyei*M. rpHE nndcrsigne.l oilers for sale, it> ihe (’oal region, , I and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville Ai Western Itail Road on Deep River, KKillT Iir.MIKKi) A( UKS OF I,AM), adiiiiiiing ihe land belonging to the esl:ile of George. Wilc.'K, .iec d. and lying Ilin'O miles .Soiuh fr.>111 Car- bonrcii, on Little Pocki'i ('I’.'ck, Mooi'c county. Tlieu' L.-inds ;rre well adaj'ieil to flie growlli of corn, cotton, \sheal. oals. rye, .'vc. There are .'U the prem ises a coiiiforiable Dwellitlg.-an.i !ill neeess;iry (>!ii- honses, with about one hundred and fifty aere.s iinder fence, including forty or l;t‘iy acres of never-failing bottom I 'Uil. This i-- a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as Lands are tuxionbtediy a.I- ■ vani'itig in pricc in this .-eeiio'j. For furiliei’ inforiuati'in apply to Mr. M. M. McKae, i Crane’s Creek. P. ()., Moore county, or ;i l i!ess me .at j Fayeite\ille, N. ('. * 1 DANIEL .McRAE, | For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec 'i. Oarbnnton, M'lrvre co . V (’. , \ue * I b?i I APT. U KKPOKT i l)N THE UKl-P KIVlK 'ilMili.U j The :inder"^ignc'l have onised to be publishe«l from the Congressionii 1 pl'iics. an edition of the Report of Cai>!. Wilkes, U. S. .Nfivy, and his .Vssociaf Board ajipointed by the Secretary of the amino the Deep liivcr IJegion of .North Carolina, This is the nw.st ii.iport.'ut luni .scientific statement of tho great wealth of tnat .‘section of the Stae, ai'd iht- the m.i.'-t peri'ect .^nd Viihtable, ',f nny y;d puoii.shed. The .Maps arc worth the j'rice of the work, which is ;10 fCllts, neatly bound in cloth. Copies sei.t by mail, free ofpoHt«e, on the receipt of 50 centr. liberal dis count to ■wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jan’y iH. E. J. HALE & SONS. ‘ v; ,\v v-_T >1 2-. year-* i.M, n! meifmm lent. .'^■li'l wiunan is "probiblv in ur near T'’wn, but ma\' have been led off in the directi"ii d' .Newbern by ICill Bruinton. a tree niulatio man who h is been u.i work as a Carpenter pr.)babiy on the Wilmington .V Weldon Railroad at a Depot North of Warsaw. 1 will pay :?'2;'> f.ir the .ielivery of sai'l girl to nio or lodged iu Jail in town, if founii in this Cflunt\', or 550 if “^aid girl is found ill any other County’ and confincd in the Jail of the -ame, the party arre.siing giving me eaily informa tion of the •ame. JNO. D. WILLLAMS. Fayetteville, -Aug. 2.'). lStl2. 54-tf $o() Ki:\VAlU). 1),V.N.VW,\V from flie subscriber, on the 2d inst., hi« lie^ro rutin .ALFR-;;D- He id about six feet high, au'l very straight He is tj,') 3’ear.s old, and is said to hiive some ludiaii blood: tie is ilark copper color. He sighs vei v often an.l lou'i. aud talks to himself a great deal. His clotiie.s are good; he has a blue cloth, over- (•oit with him wbi.jh tils him close, Jle cau I’se the lools of a carpenter .^r shoemaker well. The subscriber appreheu'ls that he will endeavor to m.ike fiia way 10 the Yankees, and ultimately carry ott oiner negioes from the county if tie succeeds in getting to the Yankees once. I will give il’.') for his apprehension, tf taken in this Pi^ruli-jnt 'JUS Ariil.—Wc invite renewed atten- tiofi to the uses and possible applications of Pyro- ligneous aenl. (which can be easily made any where,) to the pre.«ervation ol fishes and meats. In the present condition of the salt market, a brief statement of the uses and value of Pyrolig- neous acid will be interesting to many readers of the Tourier We tjuote from the V. 3. Dispen satory; ‘‘The crude ;>cid is advantageously applied to fireservatioii of animal food, .^Ir. Williinii Ram sev (Kdin Hhil, Jour , 111 -1) made some in- terestini' ,jxperiujonuj with i toi tl,»t purpose. •liemngs and other tisli simply dipped lu u.v aciil, and afterwards dried in the shade, were etiectuallv pre.served. atid when eaten" were found very agreeable to the taste, ^ * J*resh beef dip])cd iti the acid lor a minute in sunuiier, was perfectly sweet in tiie following npring. “I'rof. .'^illiman state“.s that one quart of the acid added to the common pickle for a barrel of hams, at tho time they are laid down, will impart the smoked flavor as periectly as it they hud un dergone the ordinary process of smoking." - Is there not enterprize enough to begin the manut’icture and use of this acid.' Charletifon Courier. A Wojuhr/ul Mirror.—Amofig the curiositie.'^ exhibited at the last I’aris Exposition was a huge concave mirror, the in.-tniment of a startling sjie- cie>. ol optical magic. Un standing close to the mirro**, and looking in to it, it presents nothing but a magnificently monstrous dissection of your own physiognomy. ()n retiring a little, say a couple of teet, it gives your own tace and figure in true proj'ortion, but reversed, the head downwards. Most ot the spec tators. ignorant of anything else, observe these two other coniity; atui a reasonabb- rewar.l for any informa !ion in regard to him. ,Alfiel was raise.l iu Wake cotiniy. by someone ot the Ha\ woods, .VLBElVl’ ,A1\ LRS. While's 4iore P ( . .\nsonco.. ,\ug. •>. IHt’.'.;, i>l-(f A' S 1 expect to b AOTIC i:. absent from home a few mvuths in jent to transact mv bus.ness nntil 1 return. N, O, JONES. Dec’r ,28, 18iO, S-itf -'ouHiy, Mud Soo if taken and e.infiiied iu jail in ’iny i ettects and f»assuti. lint retirestill further,statjd iiiir ,t the di^tatice ot five or six teet from the mir ror, and you see yourselt, not a reflection, but your veritable self statiding in the middle part, between yourselt und the mirror The effect ia almost appalling, trom the idea it suggests of some thing supernatural; so startling, in fact, that men of the strongest nerves will shrink involuntarily at the tirst view, H'you raise your eane to thrust at your other selt you will see it pa,s clear through the body and appear on the other side, the figure thrusting at you at the same instant. 1 he artist who first succeeded in iashioning a mirror this description br.iui,dit it to one of the French kiugs —if we recollect aright, it was l.ouis XV—placed liis majesty on the riiiht spot, and bade him draw his sword iiml thrust at the tipre he saw. The kins did .0, but seeing the point of a sword direct ed to his own breast, threw down his weapon and ran a wav The practical joke cost the inventor the King’s patronage and tavor, his Majesty being afterwards so ashamed ot his own cowardice, that he could never again look a*^ the mirror or its owner. * II Twenty-live ).AN.AW,AV fr.tm the Oollar^ Keuai'd. subscribtrr. his negro boy MO- •ES, lie is 21 years of age, about leet lo inohea i high, robust, long feet and very tunch turned out at the toes, and loi'k-^ uowu when (?i)0k'en lo. Me was seen at .McPh:iurs .Mills iu Robeson coniity on the 21st ult , and was iu Fayetteville about ^Jiree weeks ago. The above rc-w ird will be paid for his: delivery to me or lor his confiuement in any jail so ihn I get hii.i. W. D. JOHNSON, Beiinettsville. S. Aug. 14. 1S02. i’>2lf '1 KI:\VARB>. ^HE above reward is ottered for the apprehen.sion an.l Ielivery to me of'each of the following di»i#erters, viz: .loel W, lUack'.^ian, about '2^ years of age. t» feet high, light hair, bine eyes, light compiexinn; David J, tJodwin. about 2t» years of age. ;> feet, lo inches high, black eyes, dark hnii', d!ivif complexicin 1 hey are Tvrrihle Antthemuhave been furnished, savs the I’etersburg E.Kpress, with the tollowing inscrifdion, copied verbatim from the wall ol a ■ • V suppo.ied to be larking in the tieigiiborhood Black I ,,f >Jeehaniesville, evacuated by tiic Van Kiver HUvl *’aiv«-i s t’reek Districts iu ('’uuiberlaml i jju; occasion of McClellan’s recent re ,ve-u.ville. They nbsent.Hl themselve. -cT.ange of basc” to the dumos River, ( ounly. ne; t'rom Camp .'it'o’Jt tli ■n« .Vug 1 t July ■JAMK-; S EVANS, (’•iplain Comp, F, 2-lth Reg,, N, C. 'l’roop«, (?amr) near Peiersburg, \ 18tl2, . ‘ r,4^'4l D J>J}'. Davi^m—“May he l)c set afloat iti an ojten boat without compass or rudder, and the boat he j swallowed by a shark, and the shark sw:»!lowed by a' whale, and the whale in the l>evil’s belly, and I the Devil in H—1, and the door locked, and the : key lost. May he be placed in the southwest i corner, anti the northest wind blow ashes in his ' eyes.” ol Aor( h l^arolina. COUNTY OF RK^H.MOND. .Court of Pleas and (.Quarter* Session';. July Term. A i.S'ti2, Richmond T. Long. Adm'r of ^'ounger Newton, dec'd. v!>. Murdoch Stephens a’ id wife and others, HeiT8-at- Law of Yotinger Newtor.. dec'd Petition to sell Land=i niid make Real Estate Assets. IT appearing to the ''nf?-faction of Court that Murdoch Stephens and hi>^ limits of this Staie, (’’rowson are now beyon..n me umits oi hms num; m - . - , . service of the Confedeta te States of America., it is there- and literally laid waste hfS lua^riihcent plantalKjn.^- Kolbtry or (r^n PilloK-.—X dispntcli fr-nn Gen. Mlow to a IrienfJ in Brandon states that (’urti.s’s .irmv have uriven off, by force, iiearly w^ife Lovedy reside beyond the i . hundred negroes belonging to him, killed , anJ that Frank Wrighr and James uvei'seers, and got three Others in jail lyoxtA the bnut» ot ihis State in the , . , ’ , • -ii ^ i i. 4- . - .LateStatesof America,itis.here- and literally laid waste h.sma-fiihcent plantati.>nr- iatfs on the ' fore ordered bj' the Coviri thart publication be made for , lie is thus nearly reduced to poverty at one lelf Navy to ex- six weeks successively in I’ne Eayeitevilleohserver. noti- g^gop of the eneinv, tor his devotion to 8outhcrn .1! * 0^1.:- i ^ • .t • . t f 1 . • , ^ » tn£i nPTt * * fying the .‘•'li.i (iefeudj nts !o bn :iud uppenr atjne next 1 erm of tlii.' Wors.‘?ipt ul Coir*! ( be h-M at J tie Court H 'lise in ine town oC Kock’n'g'i >ni 'in it*'- M')nday of Oct. A. D. lS»i2. I.' len i':";! tier,- t. i-b'ad. i.npwer or demur, otherwi.ie tii i-^ v'"”. ■ ' hefir'l ex parte, anii jadga'enf j>ro cj ;if.--s'> t'-' ' nd-red is to them. Wllnes.s, Xouis Jl A’eb o t I-r.i o! )uf said Court, at Office 'n Rockiogb; m, the- od Monday in July 54»6tpd] ' " L. H. WKBB, cm. The I'irectors of the Alabama and I’.'tit liivcr liailroad have resolved to remove an; • in ployee who neglects kis duty to .‘^uj p’y ■’uthoient water to soltiiers traveling over their road. ' Good.

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