From the SKvanuftb Rrpnblican THE SALT gUKSTION HIGHLV INTERBSTINU FROM THE ARMT | di^r gave « s^»rp cut, to tb« aQiuial, »ul «« * secon^ Th. (’h»rle9ton (’ourier’s very able .nd r«li«hle wiaj | «»wr« the apy wi^ jerkiug (wuTulmejy rrom ^ NORTHERN NKW8. VI I I- II . 1 ... - _i,K .a. »^0T« btiD. Hf niet Ilia fate with gr^al »loici«n». an*! .'Ir hditor: Havaig reud nutnerou articlea in i oorr»*iiponaent, ••IVrnonue. is uow wud our TiciorioHt perfeotlj sutisfieil with what be had aooom- tho pap r> oil the manufacture of nalt, aud that * army in Virgiuia The Oourirr ha« two le.U«rti frooi plUhed. hut to the U»l douie.l all participation in the manj^ =>f our onterprifiiug planterH aad oitizens | him dared before the t>«iilen, from which we eitraoi ih« aotof uhooting Longstiiwi’s oourir. He said that he had aro already on^a-ed in making that indUpenaablo j foUowiug iu.ere.unK paragraph. Under date of Av.g he‘c^ un*lom artic.t', I perccive there are luany who t'ntortuin I 17. he writes: doubts as to whethpr it will answer all the pur i '‘Deserters arrive iu our army every day. freviuently poses ot curing and prewervinjj; ineatri in thi.i j forty and Hfty, at.lifterent points along our line, an.l all L'limato; which i» a very iraportaut thii c to our ; « . ^ ■ O mIi.i artfk r^HntlirAil r*A^iiaAil «Ka a v aIi m aviH «i*^v rkntor. u, .hi, u,ui. ^ they .ill, early .".'rToTr'.':* "J in the lail, 1‘ominonoo preparations tor putting up linemeut. than lo be returned to the North These their proviwionM for next year, and they should ; facia Hpeak volumes, and it is not ditfiotilt to imatiine — know, ere it is too lat»>, wh«tht*r ihi-^ !*alt will ' although we have all along »>een too tuuoh given to de FK(*M M Kl;n1. —W-' )i.-r- i,i..r LogWture/at its last-session, pushed an act re-j 30th hnve Wet. re.teiyod iiu-lun..,,.! quiriu}; all Judges, Justices, and others holdmg i ' Heralds correspondence .ndicateB /he* n.sturic plain.*; ,,1 o,. Oath of Offirr.—We presume it i* not gene- , , v- , a , illy known, 8uy8 the Raleigh Standard, that th« j Uichmonu, Sept. 2.--North«rn paperi ot Aug . . . . • ^ txwx ft»t re- I dith nH\r^ rHt*t^lV*)d office in this I Constitution of the ( ! cceding'fiirther State’ to take iin oath to support the ^ that the greatest exciteiueut prevails u.uong the u.-cupy th. .,l.i i of thi (Confederate States, before pro- i Tniontsts in Kairtax, Loudoun and Prince NV illtain f -li-tiiiguished t ler in tiie di^ of thoir duties. ! *oiintie.s, Va Tamilies were to Wash- Sat.n.!.,. ii|. swer their wantn 1 ask a small spa.-e to luy bi-tore «'Ui peupltf a tew important facts in n-gard t.> I^>i9 sea e->a.‘t salt and it^ proper u^i'?, whiidi 1 am sure will prove ot trroat value anil interest t.j them It will save them time and m.jney; also ensure them ;i good supply of {iri'viiion.' that will n>.»t .sjmjiI in this clin'uto. I have ha.l au fxperieticu of a number of years vhioh he wore. At no lime »inoe the march ooainaenced have themaiti hodiesof the two armies been more than five milei*apart. When one retiects that the enemy have a force greatly superior to our own, that we are twenty or thirty milefl from our depots of siipplies. aud that the army has to be lubttisted day by day from these points, by the alow proceau of wagon tranaportaiioa, it is easy to conceive the coutiileQi spirit and dKtermination .that auiumtes both our (ieneraU aud soldiers A reverse in not dreitm- ed dl Hot>: the Fared at VIIkaiury.—'I'he 1 th ct.nfesH we i ington, abandotting rvvrything. iia'at'ktVoTirKIlS I by .h,- r.ia-«r ....Iry lusive anticipations that the termination ot our trouble* I* near at hand Before the Federal (Jovernment can avail itself of its draft i>t men, I have every reason to tielieve thrtt we shall be threateniug Washing- ton, it'not moving upon liahiiin'vie itself L'rafte.l men j ,>lf.(nnhiM (Yankee) correspondent of the Chicago 111 sui-h a ciuse will be utterly valuelest They will t>e , writes- little tu'tier than a frightetieJ ber.l of htieep ul the very ^ ‘ _ ... tlr.-At shot, HUii will re.jiiire twioe their numfier iu the ; “A go.d deal has been said in (‘onnection with rear, with ftxeil bsyon.-ts. to prick them up to luly. ■ fljt* ^'ieksburg affair, about sending troops there Oue of the .Straws which indicate which way ihe wind i.s ' rodticin.^ the place by u siege. This is all '■.s.'i"':’::'''.'.;'!';? ‘''i'.*”'''’.i.'';.:..i v«. lur”ti.o». who k.;o« .,otbi.,g of ti,c. c-n. ] wa.s called to it by a friend, a few day^^ siikm'. i We give the law, a.s follows:— 1 An Acf to iimend tli‘ Ufvisi'J Code, Chopti'i' 70, entitlfJ i (httht j rfucTK'N 1. Bf it fnacted by the l}i‘nfrid Ajmfmlilij ut ! iht SfiJt' of Xurlh Carulun. unci O ■« Urrebij mact'd \ the autlnjril)j of iht siiiur, Th;it ill ,JuJ^'*s it the Supreme ‘ an.l Slipeliot t'ourts, nn.i all .Jnstices of the I’euce. and ' nil other per'»r>n' hoMiiig sny i-ttlce iu ilii- State, who i are requireit to take hu oath of oth.’e tiefore pr.n'ce.Jiiig I to discharge ilie duties of sucli otiice, shall ''*■ re.piire.t ! before proceeding further in .lischarge ot the .luiies of I .1 > .V... 1 he With u s:iitguiiiar\’ liHftl-- lie !!i umltT t lu‘ '..iiiniaiid .•!’ (r.-ii ; Station, on the Orange and Alexandria llailroa.l j A train from Warrenton -lunction tor Alexun eii. itiy uii.i. r l;,iA ! dria escripcd capture by danhiug under a tull 'j'lic fxtciit oi tin- iMti'l|i"^fi,:‘ nh ! I head of steam to Junction, where it ran l.iil it .-n.i- v,:j violently into another train, protlijcing a general , f|j ^. '•iiciii', .v, i, smash and a heavy loss fit life. .Stuart s ( avalr) r.jut«‘d iml .Iriv.-ii In in tin- ti.-l i sub.seijinMitly occupied .^[anassa.s Junction. At , wotiM call upon th.- tuth iritit fn both ]>l!ict's th*y cajttured a l:irge amouut ot stoies j]ie;in ot obtainm;.; iiuiuf.liaic and a number of pri^ioners matioo respci!tin>r liie ii Pope’-' otHcial ilispatch, dated Aui^ust 'jyth, n>y ni;iv be engaf»‘d 11 i> ijini. - claims a victory over (ieii. li.mgstreet, and the the eau^es or .iesious of th b.ittj.' in curing, salting and packing all kinds of meats noted .Marjinnder ottered to make a wager with me of I ■fRtOO to JliX) tfiHt in li*ss thiin simy .lays the l.’onfede- ra'e tKg w.nild he tiyin)' over ihe ('usiom Hou-^e in I’ultimore. I'res-iing hirn 'or his reasons in m-ikiiig such sn app'frently prpjiojiterons ^iHieinent, he declined lo giv^ iheii). I'ut s.iid h.* was heiiin*; npon a cerltiinty anil wiiM invpst J>-0,*00 in tiie shiiic wsy. It i.« a .“ig- nificitiii fact 'vn.l iloubtlejs SaseJ npon s )me knowledge to wliicli the gentleman i>» privy, but of which pru.lence at the -North .previous to this war,' I’or Southern and Foreign markets, therefore 1 am able to state, from a practical knowledge ot the various kinds it salt, that the salt being nianutaetiu«d on our coast and in the interior, is almo.>t woithle.'S tor putting up moats in this climate, unless they use a portion td cour>e 'I’urk’s Island Salt with it; tor It is not substantial enough to retain tts propt*r .strength but a short time, as it dissohrs imtiu- diatel) niter putting it into brine or ]>it klf; there fore there is n.ithint: tu su'tain the im'at ' I'he brine will not |.rt;vi'rve the meat unle>3 theie is ■ utBeient nit upon tin- me:it that will [;..t «li- v.dve ot evup Tatc 1 have examined >.}veral sampled of this .ea- eoast salt, . '.like ot xshiidi rescmbU's Hakes ut snow, and some is a«i tine as any ground table salt that 1 ever -aw, but it is t; .t tit for packing meat with If is as i;ood as A'-lit.'n’^ or Worthington’s Liver pi i.l Salt (or making brln.- or rubbing; the blood out of the int'at, and [f ix t»etter than t'ither .d th«> ab.'Ve for tamily use It has not the rei^uislte strength retaifling the virtue'* of moat packed u.-tv: some nie fitting arnunii th.* ca^np rir>>s wntchiug in brine It dues not contain solids, and there i> | •*'*“ 0>irs. and .ii-cu-^viug ttie ••Cainiug events mate arid the coutitry, but they who have bt^cn there are keenly alive to the [>erils ot that cam paign. IVtuu’ have ventur.“d it and come I'fi un scathed Our flotilla is full of wan countenances, and death has bt*eu among its brav«* men to an alarming extent- Officers atid men have both sufiered. The former have been seriously ill. the ottice. to take ail oath to supp.ut ‘he ( onsiii.ition j jj. i„e„ni|.:iiil,le with tli(‘ T uMi.- inf, i '"sM j. ri,.l .1... ..-I -l-ill •“ "I I .I'''" '- Il'lilli-'y ™.v» 'l;»' lli-ill'^k- i» vv.„l,.,i a,v tl,„ tl,,.",.'. force from-iu.l alt,.r it-ratiti.-ati.»T. .mans corp-^ would move agafiist Jack.son, six masm’ich as n. battle cun occiir force trom [ Ratified 'Jlst rtept l.>t;i ] miles west of (’entrcvillc, tit daylight, and Ik* did ; not see how Jackson i,M)uld est'ape without heavy Viiiilx'>‘t!> in lintn/urt ('ouuty.—'I'he I"'*"*’’’"’.*' ' ! of the Vatikees in \\ ashington c.mtinues o af- j \'ovthern newspajier aecomits admit a defeat ford facilities for the escape of large numbers of , j 'I'aylur’s .of New Jersey) bri-. feibi.l'- a revelfiiion I'here i.-i ti gr.*m eruption o( j and the latter have tlicd like rotten sheep. 1 lie 111. s.* apocslyptii- in.iivi.liiab in Kiohniond so.-iety just,j |ured no better, and some of the reiiimeiil,^ now :u..l they h mos. s dui.u V .ntl.i.n. e Peo- decimated ranks. This is pli- I'Vi-'iiiie *-.v^it*r, i.ilk more cotitidcutly, an.l tlirougli ti.e lids in ilie >'reskiiig ^“lou^^^ -.ei.Mn lo see ''the be ginning Ilf tfie end " \ u will not til'iiue in.*, tfien, for pi i‘ilii-1 III;: th.-it within the afore.J'iid lix'y d-ivs, I’rovi ■ ience pt*) iiiiti itig. your ••.\viuy 'orre'pmi lem'c will lie | ■ iHie.i t'loiii the other of ihi* I’ toni'ic j Ft..Ill his sut'fifijuent ilinvy. -Viif: -Isi nn.' 'J'.'I, we c.ipv as foUmv" Notiiing .'an l.f piure jii. ture'-.pifly f.eiiilitu! lhauthe l>iv,)u-i.' lit ni>;hl Tli of iru ips liu»! ihe woods on boili ■•iilt-s of ih.‘ road for miles ('aiiiptires are jjlininieroig in lli* ti»>i-?, mus-k.-ts -i:.* :iloiig 1 he eJjje -f the fori-st, aiij iIn* rypii are disposed in every I (iiiceiv:ible iiinnnt*r So:n* hm* roll**.! np in tt.eir blankets aU't ;ilresily drcamiug away ihe fatigue'* of the but one kind ot >alt that is suitable for th«. purpose; that is Turk’s Islaml Salt, which is ot a hav.l rocky nature an>l will not dissolve. 'i'o put up Mes-. Meef or P-.irk with this tine sea coast .salt, is like throwini; the meat to tlie dogs, for in this warm climate it will spoil in a tew week.", iinle.--s every particle ot !do.)d is .irawn trom the meat, before packing, and none but pev- ^on.s who jiave had larg. and exten.^ive i xp-.-rieiu'e the true history of the siege ot \ icksburg. The river was fitly named by the red skinned hunters who traversed its tortuous cdiaii nel in liays gone by Vazoo—l>eath river W hat could be more significanti' Their .symbolical lan- guaire never fails them, and in this instatict* it wa.s well applied, for, if it be not a river of death then none exist (,Ud settlers tell m- that no man can drink its water in the hot s«*asoti and live longer a few months it is impregnated with suidi rank vegetable matter, gathered from tin* tropical luxuriance whieh h. ider-J its banks arid those d its tributarii's, that its water is conveyed into slow poison, which is sure to destroy human life. It vou would find a counterpart to its somhre shades and its staine.], murky waters, you must go into the depth ot swamps, which it drains, and look upon the green scum and crawling reptiles who sliuti the "unlight ind breed jicstilence atul .loath alone 'flie simple substance of it is, that an h ch .‘n^i ilieir sliailows bulore, ' an 1 some are among the trer-i, inovirig ti' an.l fro in the grey film of siaoke ihul ha- fiiis»-n i.oin ihe myriad tires hii'1 resis ii;...ii the .-I r'J: Hetw.'eii ihediisiy figures >f iliu soldiers, the vari.uis .u’Ciipaiions iii which ih.-y are enpage.l, thnroad lille.l with w tii. ii'and guns, the appearance of ihe illu- iuin4tei tree aii.t }“i-he., f.'i ming against the ileep ^loom . . ' he night a taiiiasiic hack gr.iimd, an.l all the .let iiis j army id’twenty tive thousand men would fiml their c.imbined with the alm.»st unnatural hnauty. thespecta- | „rnves between now and the first of Oct.iber, with- \e resetnbleH one vast euibroidcre.l tr in«t>arencv that j . .. - .n , *i .-n i , i , , 1, 1 I 11 • I 1 . I u out over taeinir an enemy I lie tl.ttilli lias al bas l.e-'ii worki'.l by gotilin iiatnis ,\rl, with her most . i ■ i • r in curim^ moat are eapald. ot jud>.iinL:, tor the two ' *’l"di*nt 'ent' an.l tlxiures. anayed in her richest trap- | r*‘ady accomplished its destiny in that line, and, UKm essential p.nnt-^ in curin.V meat T-' to pre.scrve ' ‘furious and | if an army is to he maintained any where in that it.s real nature and swetncs.s.lind rn.tect it trvun ' i’" removed fr..ui the river, and I I pi -now an.l tUen an ear of corn fried green a. pies, or a provided with pure water—and you mi-ht .!!.• I j: ot natTi nroiletl on » stick, but ijuite us treti«iofuIy i .-i i . i . i: .k _ j i . n generatinir heat. It the least amount of blood left in the moat, the [lickh* will very soon lieetunc •lur, and the C( iisequenci* is the meat i-. I'-.iind to .poil. Northern pael*ers use Liverpool Salt for otirinLT their ni%its. hut not for packing purposes And * this si-a-i-'^K'^t lalt bein^ much finer than Liver p.)ol, it I- nor a- un.l i- i.nly til t’. r ;irine and rubbing nieat with, and it reijuire^ a iiible (juanfity ro that .it the Liver]j >ol And I \v(iulu advice all our I'lantei-^ wh.; .•ontemplate Using this salt fov cut iti'^ their U'te-.m, llatns :..nd s!i I'll'ler' with, to u-e .louhle the .|uantif v to ' ihu! '! itiary Livei'j oi.j, ..therwi.«it‘ their f w Ill’ll ;il.'o ad\ i>.- tlo-iii »s Herf with tills ' rurk’-. Island .'•alt ; H p.-rti-.'t failure , do wuti'iiu eiitier tVom morniiig until night. We sleep on th“ gi. iiud w ithmit any otijer covering than a bbuikei, an.i con.'i ler oiirselvrs f .r'iiiiuie it'we ire not trozen stiff b.'torc iii.irning. The nights are t'oih d.iiup and cold. Auji si 'J'J - - ro-.l*y, nii‘>th''r buny scene I he arajy Ir'.iiinetl il** mar.-h hi .layli^ht. m tyr^lv»> bri(^!iiif. iiioviQi^ l.iwar.i iti«> on ihe rigbi, ami J ii H'.'ii i ll il.f I'fie laite.' * s.- pa-st- i ttu Kapiaan ■Siaiii.n oil the Virginia i «.ilral llail lioa 1. an t is pre«s ing on N rihoasi ol I’ulpeper S*-vi«ral -t.iia!! skirinisfics tiave tiia.-ii p'sce oil ihe Iioiii, an l ciiiliiy oi ninei y I'li until you lost daylight ir. tint red hot soil, and n.»t find enough to wet the palm of the hand 'I'herc'^ults of the exj.edition w*“n* (rained —nothing Lost—the CaronJolet shpt to piect-"., the Louisville disabled, the Menton riddled, thy 'r_vl»-r doiuo)iMlw.i, th« «i,,l Suiutcr thrown away. an! the rams I^aneaster and (Juecn ueiit into .Iry docks tor wt‘ek>- The l.iss of the K:»>.'x alone, to ihe river flotilla, is irreparable She has been under recot>>tnicti.ui for six months, anl ha-. co-Ht ill ilu-ir to itie ri'ar Vinoug !tie j mint of money, an.l lui her first trij. she wa' ■! ot; iiiary Livi-;'|o..|, ,.t!' will li.* a iK-a 1 li '> f w iii!d not t-i attempt t'; j.Ui 11!. >].- i a-C"H't ~:ilf. iinlo'- thev huv.; ‘i.tck it with. :ts ir win pr..v. u thii .•* Ihe majority -i! ..'r i.ianter- will milv -.-ure ‘ i - iu this tusi, th( rci irc 1 j-i ip,.se -ivin-_ them ;i receipt tor j'Uttin^' up the bt-.-t tjualit\ ..f IJa.-on .iid -''uear-.'ure.l Ham-, that ever cam.' to the "■ urlierii jnarket. -.nd put U; witti salr- } ■■■ ‘ ‘ I' -r' i linn^. Let our planter-, after killing their hooi, f'ol- . 'W tbi? 'iiiipiL- nijthoJ >f .•uttinir them pp: divide ■^1- ■•ar ’a.'- into tWo halve* u.iual, then separate " • l a!;;- aiiij -1' !t:,iJvi.- troiii the .sides, fake each ‘ :;r, i divi'i. it ;n f'l'ir parf.- I.y cutting h-n^^th- • •• and iKT,,v tr.ri.iiirh th.- muidh-. makiiii.' tw.j 1'.^ :,n I 'w I Vi,- ;: ... ,.a.-h -id- Hy .-ut . t*'ii y. _v •'! d.. ii._l h.ivc llie .'pare iif.s, t.j ,.-r, liut make y ; r ba.'-jii ni'i.'h sw.-.-ft-r '■ ;r.- -hein. nifi th -11! fhor.iiij’hlv with .-alt, ^ ‘ ;'"u t'la.'o Hiid td'. where, th» n pile '>■: '-Ul iip Si.rue h-.ard- f.r..per]y arrantred, •' ' ' ' -helii -Irii -I, Kciri^ furfl'ul tiiat the • dl ‘t -rin:; th. iu, a'l-w them v laV'. 'hen f a.'k th»m inti ■-id. i)f} an.l coinpelleil f.i l:o to N.'W (Jrle.ins gunbo;it tli>f:ll;i IS actually niiiic.l, mid we know if t.. our >i..rrow btd.jr.- sixty day-i pa-." ®ar head^ . .-ut The ■ hail : I, • I- «r I a I'l, r u , ,1't ( itnmiil Sijhf ■ - Vf the Pu'it ( >thee, hi't night, an unusual si:.'ht was witnes.»e.l —nothin:: less than an I mail packed with ysnk. c- letters, which w^is ca[>tiired on the Kappahann.x-k iintts The letti-rs arc .d liK- dat- )ne f rom (JeruNsce eoiintv. 111 , dated the I’^th inst , sav" that tu. r^^main a bar- aOi-ordiii„ t-. the .quantity j..u • ■ uTe. nil ^f - full, fhen till'I. up f'iCiv . puttifJL' ''■jnif kind ol pr.'ssure on ' ■ ke..|, th.- meat !-mi.w the surface ol' the o' ;* remain ttu.- wav tor two weeks, then -' ■■■ I •lec,-- an.] !‘t thi rn drain^, then put -r»t an . lupry barrel a;/ain without any salt, il • iir. w,th pickle^, and let them re- .t an.I h .k r -- ween >r ten .lays, then take them Jtti; them u[i in the sra.ike-house, and iradualiy trom f.-.ur fu jix day- (,V»rn ruak= th^ heal .ruuke 'I'h.-y should, alter n, thf rijok.- hnu-.v a week or :o. be as- n J- - ;i ari'i pu.'ked ai-.-.l u .|r> shod ■r 'i^e or t ,i luar'kot s iicrs w.-nt t>y V*'.vipiu! e.lby J^ck-.ou w.Te uso lutu, wi. -I - n K.-. they tell inio inii iiaiuls, cnuiuience-l to a^k attei -‘^.•ir ,.!-J t ounades in an arliileiy l\)in|.auy An in.juity V liisi il ilt-.l they o.iUfV'sc f that t-igiit luonilii iiro il. ■. weif -o iiris III '.111 limy, f.iit (list i>e;i.g liie.i uf M'l vice ha ‘ l-s«iite l uovlj .ined the ra'O" :• ..f ihe ene'ny. 'V li 'tit Tiinhei a lliie (teiiei-*! ..rt-'ie'l itieiu lo l.e It . -1 Uee. whii-h Wsn 1 -11*! in ihe (.le-^eiifr of a . lii.n Ilf hi- army i.g'tref' s diTiijoii. there hss a!?o been actue The enemy ^evera' limtfH attempted to chfi-k vuni-e. but were ngually repulse 1 Pickeii’s, - uiiJ I'ryor a tiiigs.lei., wvre severilly engaged at -lineierit }'eri...|i of the .lay an'l lo-i a few men killed i • i ■ mi l w un led .At Mi.uniaiu r. ;u, a smsil firanrh ^hich I '-‘‘'Utiiy has rais,-d nine ..‘omr.anies umler the la-.t j');i;- t';“ KappHhanru'ck. a Knleral batte.-y ofaii p’.pfps | call, and that ••when the (fovernment oetrt in i;irii c( ;;imi ncH.i iliis afterno^in t.) tiiri.w shelU f.y way of di- \e; :-ii.ii. but wer* pr.itupiiy eiiii i/ej by ihe Uonaldsi.n- vi .11 ’ -tilery, L-'ui-iaua, ' I'apt. NIora. an..l afirr rfMre t III itiis affair -ienerHl Koger i'ryor had a nar row eM-.*p^ While .ittin»; on a fen.'e by the ros l-tde. a -hell bnr-t iiiinieiiiateiy o»er his Jies.l, and the trag- m. nt-i la-he.l into the xvoiiiid around him on every .«ide. t'U' f.-.i tioiait ly witlio.,1 injury ,\s be wears a tt’lf h-il. anl in ■‘iiiht of 1 he arlillei. it s. flit- pie-iunptinii !s tliai he w-i- nia ie ihoirmaik den. W;lcox. likewise. ie;-«>ve-l siin’la) attentions He waJ i.-l tl/ III a ikaii-e •>! iLe mius. alien le.l by a aing.e :." ..iper, ntieu riu- ^ ,iuM Ji-.- vei d one of ;lie Wnkee pi-’ket.« {.eeping v»-r the ^-.p of a b.iul.ier, ‘•.’Shall 1 f ring /liiii i|i wii -•lul the s .i.lier. “No. ” replied the eneral. •-l.eit.-r not w iste Vour powder, the distance la t'Xi greal Mar'l y iteie the words out of bis m. uth, f'f; -rp -wiikZ a Aiiiiiile ball fiew within three inches of tli. iieneral « eai. and lodged iu the bank behin.l him. ^in^.^e.^u,.nl!_v he win wounded in 'he ariu. Among the mcidentu of the day whioh h*v« kepi the iiien ill g . 1 hiiinor, anJ eager f..r a tight, waw a cfiarge a regiuieut of cavalry upon two companies of the IJlh Mir^sissippi Ueginient. Thiukiun they ha.J tbe C'fUte^!-* siirroun.led, the ^ ankee • ulonel denian Jel a -.itreniler -Surreui»--‘r. be d -.1." wa» the ie«poi>se, •ilissi-sippians don't know h.iw lu a moment more thr ynnke» cavalry were .la.*hin)r forward at full speed, Oar'n.i n iiUowed them to couip ii^> wiihiu shor- range, an 1 ih-;o opene.l I'hirty or forty saddles were emptie.l in le-~ tii»e than ywu can ie’,1 ii. .*ijd without waiting tor a repelition of the dose, the regiuLMjt t%ok lo its an.l amid the cheers and ji.eis ot the t.ojs gol o »i .-.r -iight in the inoMi indu-unoiH manner popsible. day has l.een further signalized by the hanging •'I',). in an .lir ti;,-bt cask, and , spy— a man named ‘.'harles Mason, of I’errysville, ot bii.:ii, until re.juired i pgnn^yiyania It appears that us one of the couriers i of Gen. L -.igsireei was carrying au order, he was met ill. ; b ive is the .rigiiial Northern process of by t), » man who innuire.l ‘whose division .lo you be- ir;r. — Si^.Hr-Cui-ed Uauis,” and it our planters ' ‘•L ingstreet’s ’ The courier then asked, i^si.. .. f..,ice btoek of well cured hams und bacon, • '1*'•">''« i ;-Uckson's.” was b.> will obti.u tli.-ui l.v f.-llowitig the ! It"/*'*"/, ' onfe.l»rate iinifoim favored ihis - o ; idt";. and a ■.n.versatiou eusued. As the two travelled . i .jt’ihei, ih.: o.iniii't n^.-Jervi'il th.if there w-ts u .lispo- >1 ch.iii'c, ' '.t::iti .,)ij the j.ur' of his comj-Hiiiini lo drop behind, t ut 8'JU, j '*^d finally tip was asion:shcd l.y a pist.^l presented at i^V this uietooii ...t' euriii;.^, lb: vToet bacon can he put up :;t the low rcckonint: all the thing, used at the present high * demand for the .lehvery of the paj.ers rate of i-ricfb. The ooVt l,.: ing one cent per pound 1 '‘'‘’''"K »“> resource, the * - . .. .- * f . I laMer stirrcn.ii-red the documents, when the spy .lelib- for curing from jot) Ib^. f„ :,l),i.iUO Ihs., and that, i eraieiv'8h,\"hi,',i in the back an.l ran too, Hs nne aud hi.nee a 'iioat a? ever came to this o>i-e a market Now, if thi 13 ni.t w .rthy the notice id' our planners, th-n 1 nm-t -:iy tluu ‘-^alf won’t .save hem " There are ofh-r pr .■.'r-s*-,-; ot curing am.l puttuio up Me-iS Heef, .Mess Pork, Snioke.'i licet,' I’ry -a.lted Meat-, .v. , by Northern j-ackers tor ioreigu markets, which I -hould be happy to brhig htdCre .)tir planter-' ami citizen-, f.rovidi'd it will ni.'ot with your ap]»rov;tl.' Kespc i-tf ully yours, W b!-Tl*HAi.I.\. ‘This pickle is made as fo;iow-: water, add To lbs of this sea coast salt, (if Liverpool salt half tbe .juantiiy j: ddd / lbs of the cheapest kind of «ugar: add ^Ib altpelrcand l.'.b«.aleratUHorbi.carb. soda Put them in a large kettle and boil Viy a brisk fire keeping it well stirred till the scum commences to rise! fhen skim the scum otf till it ceases to rise, after which it should be put into a barrel to cool. fThe pickle which remains in the barrel will be 1 blood, aud should be imme-liately reooiled over, taking the scum and blood off as fast as if rises to the top When the scum ceases to rise, the pickle will become very clear. I i- then carefully .lipped out, as a great pan of the blooil adheres to the side and bottom of the kettle, an«l should l.e kept from mixing with the pickle again. Jhix pickle, when cold, is poured upon the meat, liut under any circunistance.s, nerer pour wurr>i /iirklt ujion luf tc ‘he as above, ex- al fitted out |.ut „„ tirS^Sc?J'‘”rrai Soon after the courier w^is f itmd by some of his friends, ami narrated th^ particijliirH of the affair, .ie«cribing the man fto mi- nu'ely, ihiit when subscipieutly arrested, he was known bevoml a peradventure. He had. for instance, two de- K> jtive front teeth, was ^ pale-face.l, determined look- i.’g and .piick spoken person. A «earch was at once iu..titutcd, but fortunately he fell iiiio our bauds hy his own foolishness. It is stated —hut I lio not vouch for this—that this morning the ■•py rodf up to (Jen Jones, who was at the hea.l of his I '’oliiiiin, an ! sii.l: ••General, I aia the chief courier of , in .I I- k-on. He .lesires me lo re.piest you to order ■ Voiiv Cf)ln!im to be reversed at onco.” The order was I of c-oiirsi* given u,,l tiie pretended courier rode away, lis next e>.pl,>iv was to ride up to the Colonel of one of lo 20 gallons of '•'i^tments, aud ^ive him the same command he had given Jone.. The (Colonel was a shrewd officer, how ever, an l remarked: -I am n.,t in the habit of receiv ing my orders from (len Jackson ’ ‘ Well sir those were my orders from bin. to you.” -What cavalry are you from. The courier hesitated a moment, and said, ‘.rom the Hampton J.egion,” “In whose division and brigade is that.' aske.l the Colonel. This confused him still more, and he could only reply, “I .lon’t know — I have forgotten." lieing then taken into custody and examined, several papers were foun.l upon his pei-- 30U writteu in short hand, and an abbreviated long han.l, embracing the information he Jiad obtained. A pair of lieuteniini’s shoulder Htraps were also concealed in his pocket. These discoveries being made, the man confos‘!ed that he was a yankee, and belonged to the n«ou army, but in thd capacity of .an indepenJent swiiit. He admitte.1 further that he had observed and reporte.l the movements of our army, but denied having killijd the courier He claimed that, it was -lone by a pai ty of Texans with whom he was traveling. These various facts being conclusive, the eourt martial by which he was tried had little hesitation in finding him “guilty,” and sentencing him to be hung. The execution took place this afternoon, under the direction of (Jen. Evans, in the presence of his brigade and a large number of soldiers. The prisoner was mounted on a horse, his hands tied behind him, and be was driven beneath a tree. The rope which was littje larger than an ordinary bed-cord, then being aiju6ted^ he was I ordered to stand upon the saddle. A« he did *o, » sol :*all, est the rebclh.ui will he j.ut down and trait.irs hung ” letter trom a M>hiicr at Hatth* Creek, Trnn , Aug t*th, say- “W'.' have all the army here that was at Corinth, an.l ‘Ji'O field pice.-s •More infantry is («xpecte.l in a few days ' l.-t- fer date.i Ijiucoln county, -'I i , .Vuu' l''th, from a Son to hix fatht'r, pays the .Iraft by the I fu\ertimeut wa- very iiijit iicuui>, as ••p.ivia will t;et Kix men t.* Ltriculn s one I It' add- that he would rather i-ee 1 ndian- than Ke lerals in .'I i.s.sout i. tor thev could ii.»t steal or mur.ler more—I >r Iteii 'IVnid, accordin.^' to this letter, was taken out of bed f.y the Federal tro.»ps on the loth and shot dead. It ad.fs that • he wtis a Southern man, but had taken tiie ..uth, ami was staying aV home, at- : tending to his busiriesi* ” 'I'he writer says ••it is { thought in this State that the mails will be in the hands of the South in less than a immth ’ A touehiiig letter from ••sister Hannah,” at .^Ianche^- ter, N. H , bo^s “my dear brother” to oouio out of the army, an.l not wait tor the fate wbicli b.deil “p(Kir Charlie,” her other brother, who was killed iu an tngagemciit She hopes he won’t think she is writing like a “poor, weak, fboli.'-h girl,” an.l offers up u prayer for his safety Another epistle, with no date, t’rom a mother f.i her soti, tells nim that liis father died at home on furlough She .'ays, too, that “the cavalry arc ri.ling around with hand-i*ufts lor deserters. A great many of tiie letters are in Cerman, ami directed to metu- bers of the “Garibaldi (.Juard,” o'.tth New Vork volunteers,at Wiiu hcstcr, Va. lin'limuiul iJiiipa(*jli Il'ni.John Hril.—A correspondent of the Kich- mond Whig writes from Home, Deo :— 1 lu* ofily inculcnt relieving this ruonot.jnous trip was a plea,saiit surprise in lueotiug our vener able friend, John Uell id Tennessee, vi'ho, driven from his home by the ruthless invader, has found a retiugo in the recesses of North Alabama, liis present place of residence is (Jadsden. There is a considerable change in the appearance of the old gentleruan since we last saw him in congre.s- sional halls at Washington. His step is feeble, and the hand of care has laid its touch upon his euuntenanco, not yet furrowing, but still leaving there its impress of anxiety and sorrow. Though his framo is somewhat relaxed by the trials that have come u|>on him in his ago, his voice is still calm and clear, and he still utters determined re sistance in his statesmanlike views on the condi tion of the country. We wer^i glad to meet the old gentleman, and on our weary march the next day, often renietubered his -encouraging words, “Sir, we are free und must be free." yiiii.h‘e Ikirharity.—In a speech in t>ie House on Saturday, Mr. Kussell of Va. said:— * Some few weeks ago, a gentleman of high char acter, and of the most respectable connexions, was captured at his Irome in a portion of the St ite which I represeut. He was tied to the fence, and, in the presence of his brother, who was like wise a captive, and in the presence of two women, loyal to the South, and whose husbands were serv ing in the Southern army, they began to shoot at the man, and a.s if to torture him to the utmost ex tent, they shot first at his feet, then at his legs, and it was not until they had tortured him by lodging eleven balls in his body, that they sent one to his heart, to relieve him trom sufferings by death. ® Ilosjntal Inveatitjdtiny (Jommittee.—Senate— Messrs. Simms of Kentucky, Hill of Georgia, and Clay of Alabama. House—Messre. Wright of Georgia, Farrow of , South Carohua Goode of \ irgmia. Smith of North -1 Caroling, »ud Bell of Missouri. iiCi;roes from all part.-« of the eiuiiify, atul from Pitt and Martin counties The ^ aitkecs arc coii- liscatiiig and appropriating to their i.'Wit use the prodticc of the farmers ol that seefiuit A fricti.l iuf.iv'.iis U" that rceetifly there were about llMKi Vaiikee troops at W’aihiiigtoii. .\nother fate-; that they have lately lieeti I'eiiitorced by .>•(! cav alry. 11c also informs us that Stanly has ci'itain- ly oivt II notice to tbe'peoplc ot" H. uutorf. iui'i per haps to other c.unities, tliat they iiiu-t t:ike the oath of allcgiaticc to the iiiiicolti government, ol leave, of course without their property. Tiu* ob ject is to po.SMCSs tbelu^:^‘lves ot the property ot our people, or eompel them to it;iiorc their own gov- eriinient, which will, of course, subject them to the draft now being enforce.1 in aud Prin Anne counties, and tbroui^hout the N'orlberii Staf es1.'//' Stii mtii/ i/. J'/if Yiiil.if f’liiii I/I (htJ.ur \]| inri lliofiit and reliable eiti/.eii ot’( hulow iiil.irnis u- that the enemy lid jiot land in the counfv more than ;’iiHi or )••> men, during hi-' recMit raid Five or ^^ix steamers ni.idt! their appearance n.-av wansboro' lui the ‘J'J'l ult , tiut did lan.l in tore.* until .'^aturilaV. 'I'liey dc'^troye.l .'Ir. I>:iriiuiii s salt factory entire, at*’, uii.l tlu ii wnit up (Queen’s creek, and l.iiide.l .>ii Mr I N Siinder'’ farm, destroying luiieh ol tli.- staudin- — pas; ed on to .'Ir Hawkins’ and ’.d Saiidci-.’ ••'alt iact.irics—ncstroye.i tbe former, and .biuiuize.l tlie latter c.ui^i.liTably p.irfunately, the destruction of salt factories was iii>t s.; '^reat as rep.ute.l, suiiie of them being at p.iinf- th.fydid not rea.-h I'hcv plun.lered houses, killed tbe lioo> an 1 c.iUle, and stole evcrythitit: they eoiil.l \\.-il remove, tak’ ,'_r otf about .)> neoror- with them I'lo-y Irt’t on .''Uiiday. — I'liil Th, H 'ixt II ml till War —'I’he people, ot the iiioiiiitHiiis art' turning.’ out /. rn’i>- ■. it a]»p*‘Hrf» t> u- ('ol. J N Folk, of Htin.'oiube, bhs iuv,t ..r Lcaiii/e.i the •■l'’ir>t H.-ittalioti .d N. (’. ('av.slrv, .d' which he i- Lieiit ('..l.iiifl 'Die lattali‘.ii'-ts ..1 >'ix c..mpaiiic- ot eijhrv men cac.i, t ver> ot whom ha.» lurni>he.l iii- own lojr--*. ,Ve Tli.^y are ariiie.l with the e« l Kfiti»*!d rille nil i ;*re refil\ lor duty 1 iicy \vi ir 'r;,’«ti- i/. d at .V'.hevill.- ..ii thi* l^tli ult. F...L in torfii- Ii-* that a full re^iinent of Paitizan infantiy has bi-oii *.>rnn-.l an.l,ori;:tniz.^.l -iii.,-.* hi- b.ittalioii W is toriLeil L. .'1 Aih'fi. ('.d.'tiel; .M.'treU'- Kr- win, Lt (’ol.)tiel ('ol 1'. tell' II' thi" i" olie d the tin.‘>f biulit.- of men lif ever -.ivv 'I'b.-y i-.mi piisc a full regiment, .iiid fir ;il'.> ;irni.'d with the kntiel.l rifle f ’ol. 11 (J Love i-' at flo- hea.l ol .itii.ther full regiment, whieh ha-. be«*n ug:iniziii within : fhc lust month. This i^ said f.i he a iiuinber one i >pt of men Wesley ('layt..n is Lit ut ('ol , and | Wiu .'lehowell, ot .NIacon, is ,'lajor This rei^i- • niorit will be ready t'or the field very 'horfly. -l>r Jose[ih M.^lbiwidl has had in camp for .xeveral niontl.'s, at the Warm Spring-, a hattaliiui otiiistiriL,' of >>ix com[)anic> of inlantiy an.l two ot ailillery They arc in a thorod^h state of' dis- cijtline an«l capable of any ani.mnt ot bard-^hip hr .Nlclbuvell is LiiiU ('.ilotnl an.l ll;iir\ |ba ' ver, ,' The foreouiriL^ pr.-sent- a v.*ry cre.litHbl,* little chiiptet in the history of W'esterti North ('aro- litia's efforts tor Southern in.icjiendcncc And now we can write down truthfully sl.ify-nw i nunts JI "m .\"itli t 'iii'i/i iiii, with men t'tiouijh in | detached coiu(mnics and in c.uirse of orixanizati.'ti I to make nearly a do/en more. What d.i the Van- ! kees think ot'our I nion scnrinientr Stuf'- Jinirn'il. ! Illaufuriltl'-Ii nf t^:,r —tiov, \ utlCf ■ will probably arrive in this City on Friday or j Saturday next, and will take the uaths ot ofiiee.ui ' .'londay next, the ''th instant. | We ufiiierstarid the inauguration will take ! in the (’apitol S.|uarc, and will lu; public 'I’he a.le in the preliminary butties, the (leneral him self losino; a let;; the capture ol ;»(ii) of their men atul over H'Oti c-oiitrabainU; that Sicklcs’s briL'ade , was rediici*.! t.i less thiin a regiment, I'i.e 'I'be W^a'-hiti'rton col rrespondent of the N V. 'I’itues says that several States an: much farfber behind in raising their .|iiola of troops under the new eall, an.l that it has been repre.'>i*nted that there will In' very few wliere'tiiio: will n-jt havi‘ to be resorte.i to .\ I>cmocratic mass mci*ling was hcbl in Phila- delfihia m Saturday. were ado[.te.i detioiineitiL’^ the .soee->ionists and almlitionists, in id'whieh he had receive.t iiifonii:i‘; . tuvor ol irec .speech, and an energetic prosceiition j,;,v..,Ml his p.i.-ifion. fieii knowledge of the etictny, nothin!/ e .uM > ni.»dcst than the app.'al ol the pu' lie an * ti for at least as much a-; the cnLiiiy ktii.v. Two thousand prisoner- were on tl.^- • (Jonlonsville on yesterd ly, >aid to 1.. runaway nt*groe-. Whore or hou tl taken, no one cotii.l inform u- The Lynchburg “Repuldican." ..! ti. d : , day,) received last nioht, '■avs: Kcjbirfs w.'re r.-ceived here ov the ( »;:u. Saturday night., thut J. n Stuart ha i on the Orange railroa.i to the i’.iill !;n;i four tiiiles below .^1 aiiassas. iia.J l ii'ii. 1 ti,. on Th!ii.*(Jay, an.i .;ontinuino hi- a.uan. iieighborhoo.J of 1 iyt*'s .'' on th. r there concealed his nii ii and ai i. -t. .', t! of.-i veral trains trom le.\ati.lria, •: 'I,, of the war .Vinong the -p.-akers wa>i ('liarle.-. J' In.^'Tsoll, who deelarcil that lln‘ ./bjcct ot the W;ir was to IV.-I* till* nc.^roe-;. lie deiiouncc.J the Fe.l- eral (ioveriiinenl a'- the eorriipt and desp.jtic ev« r seen h re He wa«i sub,>»i*.ju.‘nfly ariested for uttering the->e senfinient>i. I'l sist'iII'-, th, hi 'i tt. — Creat exeiterucrit exi-te.l in th*- .NUrth growin.,i .»ut ol th.* draft, and mutter- w. re last drifting to a bloody i.ssue: \Vii.\ti\.ri.\, • Dki. ) August !*'..—One of the \ u:u’ nieni’ed te:»rinir np the fraek ;n tJi.-ir n-u trains reached the bridg.* and not In in.: j.ass, and the officers on hoard litidiii. ti: i thiti” was wrong, determine.1 t.. return > amlria; but b. tore baekino the traitr t ' miles, fotiiid tiie track torn uj. aif! ;!•,■ ■ cut off. (I.jn S. t-Jien approa.-hed with ry, und being .'‘uperior in number^ to t!,- they surrendi-red with.nit firing a trun 'I'ht number of »iri-oners captured in thi large.-t nifcting- . v. r hel.l in this State convened is n ported f.. he two thousand, together «r the (dlicct-, regiiiu'iital and cotiqiany, uU’.! .; tity ot arms and nmiiitiniti.m whieh w. r taken to Pope, 'fw-! tr lius iiuiuln rii,_ thirty-five or foity e.i!>. aioi toiir e::_iv taken, all ot which wer in flu* I'ity Hal to nigl.t, at whieh re.->oluti.uis were a lopt. il d( iiounciiiL" iovenior l!iirt.)n as a Uvdn'1 and a too! -.d IJayard, aud appointin_r a coiniiiittec to las th»- f.roc.-cdings ol the U'eeting before the P-e-idcn' un>l SecicUtry of War. Kesolntioiiv WiTe ;il> • a hipted expressing a .b'- tennination to re-i-t the draft a-s nia.l.' hy the io\ ui'iiur t.jtir destrov.c>l. ■Y/, I'r Kari'ja ro.j riiiii Kariiji-.— l>y the arrival of ^th Wt* ha'.c lOurop in dates to the 1 1th ult.; A l.‘tter from Lord llussell t.) .Secretary ,Sew- .at.i, date.i J uly -"th. is published 1I«' refers to fht* fvidiuices of tlni inerouHiu^ bitterness of til.- -fril'.; ill Aiii.'iie.i, at. I s.ays that th.‘ ii[ipr>ach ut aservih; wmi, - > mu.-ii iiiHiste.i upon by .Mr Sewar-l in fii- di'^p if. ii, f • w hich tiiis la jm answer, only fiirewarn-j ti- that another el.':ncnt of de- itru.'tion may he addcl to the of pr.iperty and W(-fo >f indu-frv '.vhich alrt-ady afflicts a country lat. lv ) and ft an^uil He claims that Her ,\1 ijestv - (royern'iient has mainrained an tm- , p.arfial neutralitv. hut .lesire-. in the language ot j Lincoln t.i the t i.ivernors ot thirteen State.?, the j briiii'irio .)! this iiniH . e^snry and injurious civil war to a sp.-f.iy ati-l .x.itisfactory eonoliision ■ The I’e.leral i^unhoat 'i'u"*car.(ra had left (jUi '.fheials • u.ldeiily Teturned to Manass.’\s ato.-r this brill, without iositi'.^ a man There are also report> of a m v.-v. i.afti-.^ w near Bristol Station, four mii- thi- ol iiassa.", on Fri.lay, betw.-. n tin- rivi-jon .1 ■ Kwell and the.’ticiiiy (i.-n i! i~ ve\iort, ‘ have been twice driv. u Iroiu b.-t p.i-itin^; .. rt«vere loss, but bein'i, re-infuree.l tiiial!v the t-nemy tioiii their j.ositiOn. ••;ipturin_ . hatterie- and five thou-and pri.-.mers i{ef.orf>- vary as to the locality of thi> ii_: one placing it at IJri.tol .Station aud the .th.; or ;i.*ar the Plains, on the .Manassas (Jap Kaiir ll the fight really occurred, H:j stated, we tltP tipinion that the latter is the correct loC.i' Reports are various alvj -^is to the •• loops Some having it thiit Jack'^.m, P Hill, Kwell were all in the fight, atol others th;.' batth^ was t..»ught by Ew€*ll alone r/i I il' t Jnnti S'-'thtni Virjlni r — 1ili*NL>, Sepf. J. — It was semi of^iciallv. an- .. •n-nuvn, .>wiru J 4 ,1 .1 ve-iterday mornin;;, (savs tbe llichniond . to order-j from the customs - , , uer,J that tfie Pre.«ident fiad, on >>aturl;iv, Aoent,s are now in Knofind making .‘.mtra.-fs th.V in behalf ot the I nited State- ( lov.-rnmenf for a : been defeated in three .se,.ar«t. . supply of armx, ,i,c. The contntctd are proposed j our lne^, in t o . ir.. ri with t'l clause that thev shall be null aud void in ! Alexandria^ W e could learn no further |.:,r C.H.C of a war with Englattd i If i- a-serfed that the (’.mfederatc envoys have dt‘iiiande.i a recoirnifion of the Southern Cotife.le- racy. but that llntrland refuse.i to acccic to their oeiiian.l-. whil.' l-'ranee did not ;ivt* a reply. .\riother corre^pondetici' betwe«.*n L nited States Minister Adams an.l Karl Kus-icll wti- published '1 r Adams wrote in May, while Karl Russell s letter is dat*d duly li'' *riit‘ “’rimes” character- ize-i his remarks as dry an.l eausfie Th e ••'I’imes” cilitoriallv endorses ^^r Iloc- huck’s late spee»‘h at ShetViehl, as far a>^ his lecture t.) the North i concerned, Vut totally dissents fi.un hi- arguments in favor ot mediation, which it considers would do more harui than irootl. 'I'he .''t. IVtersbiirg “Journal” reiterates that I troops, a nation the ilesire of the Kussiati Cabinet i" to see the con flict ende.l by prudent and honorahlc compromise. Ru.^^sia’s desire is not to divide, but bring to gether and reunite adversaries who ought to re main brothers. Many ot the cotton milU iti Lancashire have stojiped. ComTtii-rriitl.—Cotton—The sales on Wedues- .lay ati'i 1 hurs.lay wert^ bales. I'he ’uurket ble and Taliaferro had been wound* 1. th first severely, the slightly. HF..\I>urARTKRS Ahmv NoIITHKUN \ a ; KU\ KToVVN. oOth -\ug., I'l P }] \ ia lia[iidaii ) /'i> i'i rni'lr nt Jhti i\: This army achieve ; day, on the plains of Manassa-., a signal vi ’ over the coinliined forces of (lens. Mct’lellaii I'opc. On the ^Sth and "JlHli each wiiu in (Jens. Loiigstreet and Jackson repulsel wHii • attiieks made on them srparatelv. \Vemouni loss of our gallant dead in every conflict, yei gratiiu.le to Almighty (lod for his mereie- : higher each day. T.> Him, and to the\:i! ' oratitude is due. U. K \.YX I , ,v , 1 - - . - I buoyant and slii^htlv higher, owing to the oath.sufothccw,lbea.Imini,steredby (bicfJus-j.reat advance and exJifcmenf in Hombav :in.l ticc 1 car-on; and tfie inauguration will commence Calcutta, about twelve o clock. A lar^e c.uicoursc of peo- j pie will fio doubt be present on the occasion. 1 ^ tie Sfvt! Clad Flf rt.—'J’he .Vugusta Con- \\ c Itiarn that the fine baiul .d ilu‘ l?t»th rcii’i- stitutionalist i.s ilispost'd t.i cretlit the telegraphic tuent, stationed near Petersburg, will he present report of the arrival of a Confederate tleet^fi the on the occasion,—Rnh ijh Stnndard. iiiuki-r i)atrai/f£. — Amidst the many outrages perpetrated 'by the Yankees in tht'ir late refreat helow Kichmond, may be citcd the robbery of Hr. C. .M. Jones, a member ot the New Kent Cavalry, and his brother, \\ ni. Joui's, Ksij , wh.) re-^idcs on the Pamunky, near Klkham Pr Jones wtis ab sent with Ills company, leaving ut home only his yvife and family Ihe \ankees robbed this fami ly of all the negroes, nine in number, stole the ploughs from the corn-fitdd, sacked the house of its furniture, and even carried away the children’s clothing. They served .Mr. Win. .Lines similarly in taking of! all of his negroes. Two of the nt'- groes belonging to the latter have recently escap ed and returned, and say that the Yankee thieves have placed about l,(Ki(> negiiies in the Wi>ods near l'ortres.s Monroe, yvhers some are actually starving and all suffering severely from privation and sickness. Hr. .lories is now in this city ;it the residence of his brother-in-law, .'Ir. B. x^I. Morris, severely ill. Sobft Fxreption.—The Jack.son Missijsijipian understands that the merchants of Raymond, Miss., have not marked up an article which they had on hand before the war, and are selling to customers on the usual credit of twelve months; and that on articles purchased since the war be gan they have only put their ordinary per ccnt- age on the prime cost, and sell them on the same credit. A Cfunicr for n Snl»ifitnte.—We "ive the fol lowing advertisement, from the Hayou Sara Ledger. §.^000yor 11 Sublet if nt-.—[ will pay the above sum for a substitute. He must be sound so as to pass inspection. One half of the money to be paid when he gets killed, and the other half when he comes back. g. X. WHITK. ArrestK in the J^orth.—Hon. J. H. Allen, a member of the Federal Congress from the Cairo (111.) district, and Judge Mulkey, of Cairo, were arrested on^the 15th. The charge was disloyalty and discouraging enlistmentij. mouth id the ,'lississippi. It refers fo the fact that the steamer Oreto, recently released from custody liy a Hritish ('ourt of Admiralty, at Na.ssaii, N. P , where she bail been .scizctl for an alleged violation of Hritish neutralitv, is a Con- Icdf-rate war vesstd; that the steamer .Scotia was at H.'irbadocs on the ''th of-I uly, with (’apt. Scm- Uios on ho.ird, who represented himself, while in j>ort, as (.^apt. Kustice, but left his card, with his proper name and compliments, as he steamed from the harbor; :ind that the steamers Merrifuac and “No. ’Jim” s.ailed from a Hrititsh port about the 1st oi August, and have eluded the Cnited States steamer'J usearora, which went in pursuit of them. “These arc all rcprescnte.l as war vessels, and, with others, may constitute the ‘steel-clad fleet,’ which is now said to be lying ofi’ the delta of the I'athcr of \\ ators, for the purpose of operating against the Yankees.” l>i .'itrti rs J rum tin } aithct s.—Seventy-four de serters from Pope’s army arrived at (rordonsville Friday. They expressed themselves tired of fight ing, and represented the condition of Pope’s com mand as one of entire d“uioralization. The license allowed the men to plunder and rob as they pleased had worked badly on the morals and discipline of the army, and had rendered it almost a mob, kept together aud controlled only by fre- (juent and heavy punishments. li irhmijitd Dispatch, inst. Dcaertiiai >t I tiiunitg.—.Three hundred and sixty Cnion men from Pierpoint’s dominions joined (fCiieral Loring a few days since, and our intelligence is that these deluded men now’ see the error of their ways, and are daily flocking in crowds to our .standard.—ll>. Rntnored ReniyAatiun or Mi t'/dlan.—The Hart ford ‘‘Post,” of the ‘JOtli instant, says: “We have private, but direct and reliable in formation that Gen. MoClellan will resign the command of the Army of the Potomac as soou as the new change of position is effected. The visit of the President to the Peninsula, soon after the battle-week, is said to have had connection 'with this event." I'A Till Ksnu The iirct We haw ^ marks upon ' ^ (f od has vouc „Hannssa K ful to the .iiily has come to li from the .N7irf not heard the latest dates, tl battffcs of 'I'liu ' As lo other briefly and we h “The i;.'..'.-'.’ii shall behi’l'l th** ration, ni. r;ui fsv. our am " n h y has crci--^.' i • ^'•Oueriil:. !. .i . and th; N ■' besieged :it ( iiiii w on-thi' ■ji i.’, .everythin/ h,*,.);, for Kenti' ^ IMKTICI'I ^ in -1,1 : ,i, (this iiiorniii); - Ku'H.MiiM.. urn'i.l, ii' W Hii‘ tjur arm-. : i; >!■ Irrday cw-n rjir n, the gre-o leaving 'j .■ ■ .nSv from Kaiadiii si had HiriVfi ;; of the.le i I, an.l M(d- iwei' prisoner- I'ii I'h'.irsdsy, ne _’'^l Hii! a:ii I... • wht/ parti. ;p ■' ■ we h:iv. t,.i •- ‘ 8h! i^lii.-l - y dsj- V,, 1. , ,i,.i th** i| 1- ,, pjain ..r NKn... positi.iu- . if the ev.-r I:.. :. nib the eneuiv ^a-'ion On M.iiui:.V. ■ ^ong fill' M iiiH- ^Onsppr-i' !1 * .Ms hundre.l pri-; infr.i- /ollowed, inJ I oM divi tif>ii f ,Manas' i-i We 1> , ^'and Hid w. • towrtr.l'j "J h. J From ('umbirland (rap.— 1 f corrcct. til.’ii« from Cumberland liap is scarcely less i!;j|i than that from Mana.>isas. Late last ni:.dit asserted that news had been roccive.l iu ciii - ^ ijuarters to the eflect that the Yankee (I i. • ^«rgan had attempted to c’’t his way thr li. our lines, and that he was repulsed with .i - .slaughter, after which his entire comiiuui*l,atu : ’ ing to some ten thousand men, with tiu'u i'’ and equipments, surren.lered to our tor.. - '!■ ^ Geneial K. Kirby Smith. There is every r- - to believe that this vStat* rncnt is correct. ;t- ' well known that Morgan’s position de.ulo'i precarious; but in view of the many ^iiuila; ' ports received from the .same .]uarfer if -houl. taken with much caution. Hi' h iiinid Ihspntvh, 'J- Thf yonk't'tii Dril l n jrom Sievi tisun, vl HKtiiuti'OUT, Aug. ol —(Jen. Maxcy’s briLra. under command of ^’ol. McKinstry of the ■- Alabama rogimem, attacked the enemy, i- .trong, at Steven.son, with infantry, artillery cavalry, at eleven o’clock today. After ' hours’ shelling the enemy evacuated their fe: cations, leaving on the Nashville trains, couiii roads, and through the woods. A large am ' ' of amuiunition and’stores were captured. We had engaged the 33d and -1th Alab;i;i 2.'ith Tennessee, Major (.Junter’s distiinun’ ■ partisans, Capt. Rice’s cavalry, and Fr.viiii; and Purr’s battery, the whole numbering i: hundred men. (>ur loss was two woutuKd • none killed. The Yankee loss is unknown The Yankee fortifications at Stevenson " ' very strong. Our troops displayed great ry’, (’apt. Freeman’s battery was worked w: great skill and signal effect. Harry Maury ‘ umnded the 32d Alabama, with coohuv^^ marked ability, exposing himseff greatly td i Ya.nkoe fire. His conduct is much eulogi-oJ -I deneral Killed.—The N. Y. Tinier during Saturday the 2.Sd, Hrig. (leneral llulil-' while serving in the immediate vicini'y^if ' ford and bridge at the Rappahannock -'t:it'^' was killed by a rebel shell. Fersonnl.—(icn. Joseph K. .lohnson h.i- I"'," | assigned to an important command, in a iicw which will doubtless be made known in a Ja' —/iirhniinid ^^'h^fJ, 'Id. Major (ietu ral T. 11. Ilolnim.—This otfi. ''r ' rived in this city a few da;^ since, and on day assumed command of the department posed of Arkanstis, Missouri, Texas, Louisiati:‘ the Indian country. We regard him as one ot ablest and most experienced officers in the Sout- ern army, and are gratified that he has bet’ii •igned to the command of this department. Little Rock Democraty V6th raliaferr throwing : WfM at Mri railroa i. five niiJeu Tnii Nhi.rtly 'if'er also fVl' ‘ tv.., near,; wi. • ^tion Wri'^ ' , : *-the nex: I'hur-it eannon and ii.iuke' left, whiih wcr. Still iT-> eneinj, tift-! fiel'l occupied by o’clock J’, M . t'i. y Mveral heavy ci.' i • •atiinatei. ooo sides wilh HI: iiifi ". the etieiuy ,iri.iiv n| o’clock iji. .1 ; - reJuce.i lo iiiii-,. line -’1 i tiiui ri • genei tt: ' i..* .■ being in pii eil. i they hud ca .^r»i .i -t. poi tiiniiy of .:rur our lines they w." wii^iout being Mb’: » ly, uight Cii -ed ovc from the^' 't 0rjil ;t o'*: ek by tl their pos' that r f. 'war.i a mile in th Our loss ill th::. i .- lOOfl killed Hti.l Wi have b-.'eii t: .i* r?ia *>, few C'i^Uflil iei th:i' \ T;iliflli rro i ^tni .. the acti n. in ihe f -Were very li.'bu . gerous woi.lid. 1 ^ \iptil the i-.‘e ot the knet w • 80 Viiiifly s)i-,Mer‘.i f render a»;put:.ti. n i .Muj. Liiws,... Hoi! perou-. bi!’, j' 1 ihi Maj. Tcrrv y -^f^’apt. Fuit ill tiiro'.ii' the sh.iul'let ; al! -e ■;.‘>the l!:^l s !:l' io; w.i *.'ol. S. ■; *:ie :i fc'kiun.-r. .■ t■ \ f Thf ^ lun l.'d h-iM neiir Aiilif •Vs our iniiiruiHtii '.Hay morning’, tney Uhe direction of the (he resiiii .if :i. ■ day. we ki. .VH )t,.y to I he I’resi-l.-r.t - i If W-;- stilted l'T'-:( thoriiy. that an -r fied towiir 1- IviwiT". Vhither they w /■.{•>■ i •u-J irooj.-- .\riiii hi' • portiiiu .1 .ur >'n. The ilisp'iti- .1' to ('oiijrre:!-. 'it t h tram, on yf -!erd i_,. to nil extfiii . .■••ircei Pi.iii of the vi.- .ri V.'anxiety tur :> o lieiilf pointiiietit. >iid .1 ti th** thr.-. ibi\ - lull ed, th.* iiiiH>rinati.>ii nant fiiateriiil ot the before it I'ns.sen^'-r- 1 \ till on Satui'fiiy >')e tlie W:ii, atni ill.* (i paasiiij^ thut ul ti.e The carnii(r>‘ wu- iu>( Suffered I... .'iii i'.'»i'ni though tiie v 1 It uiusi be rcnieiub Lee hiiii t111* e.iiiiliiui Wicounter, the ever •oniiMe to prp-»..::' heJivy saeri ti eo. T.iIiafVrr,,, w thk- eity y.-‘.i,-,-,i K- and Trimble, vvhi; wtv unable to be rei;i.,v.--. - 1,.-- t I'ruiii" I t.- I'he eiit a chii-«'i - Strong '■' torec.ivi-i •'. tally wouii lc ' u - . '• that t iit* nuM:' . » ' I Of whoui Wi ri“ j. •: . rtnin-anfs iif the '1 the list of.the ImMli- -V gentleman w!..! "from VVftshinjit in. t I'lri.lge over tli ^^reparation-i were '-i ■\ derpaich i- ; ' ^e, stating that he ,this ig true, there i-; “city of iiDignlii. at A>*xandna r ^ ttiiac, out of -iie r. • tu gel wiihiu -p,- i.ii' Stdl /.utrr - ,{ r, engagement of h , Oor^onsville ■ “.After a s.-v.«i ^ '■ n^rning, (Sutur.iav . about :i o’clock 1>. X* Bteadly evei'j: inch c