SE1H5-WKKK f. V \{U.. Xil FAYE'i'TEVILLK, N. ( .. SKP'l'KMHliK 8. i^&2. [NO. ir5s.j FDS r^onal } ■ fijintr' I Ul»'** ’ ; |la._ c pa’ i in ! n'K1» MuNjAV.'; AM' THIXSI>AYS kpu akd j. hiij: & soxs. i 'Rs AN.,^ I F,;irr ins *’> \ r 'l *,:•{ i.Jo ' ' i J’.s-’.rig il.e vviif ol' sil!.t- t '•(• . -,5 tr }■ ,3 I>xuir >-i • .j''. Roi.ii ^1’ or. L ■- if pi*i t in ' i* }. li i ilurin^ v-!ir of subscrijj 'Hj 'ifttT tlif ve.'tr lin^ cxvn.-i'd. \ JVF.U ■ MKMKN'TS in—r t-; ; er :;nes ‘■.•r t;*.> i ren!s I 'r tvtoh ■■•i '■a'' let*.!ion V : Arljn i-i rt’- -;-\ents bv ^ fe- Florence aod Fayetteville Rail iload# [ -, Ht r-.; V tiio >;tsite th« nr.''; -.‘r cf in-f* ' ii .■■ •’«, _ii.‘1, i- '■'ntinu. I tii't • fil l, '.n i o;.p>r(r-l uc^-..r l- 'NL'KU tha provisiona of au Ordinance of the Con vfUdiiii I'f North Caroliui, Buoks will be opcieii on the If'th June >\t the foliowinjr pi.-ices; ar.J uuJdr the 'h- i.>f ihe toHowinit per^cns, to recoifc suhscrip- [’.vtii r*i the L'KpUi'I of tae ••Florenot* ft Fnyette- vil.c Ktil Co.” SfiHres U:ie lluu'ir^^l UoUti-a e'vcli .1' '/it A’ ji* h'oail O^.ct iu — Und«r th«* di- roclii ii of iu.‘ijt(.'oaimii»bioae!"8, A A. .NJoKpihnn, f*. .\ Kmv, a vv *iitee^ Wm \IcL MaKay BOii Jno M U.>^e. •■1' the fied I'nder the lireoiioa of Hector McNfilt, Win. .) Stew^.rt, Ja>i. A. Sniiih, Dan'l C Mc- itri (’oi. Alfi. ?ilcMil’tin, or Kuy one of thena, .-1 FI'>rai C’'lhgc.—Uuder the direction of l>r Neill M 'N tir. Dr. \. I). MoLf iti. \rchibsl‘J yinih, Kilinund L; .) :it. l \'l. A.ex;»ul.>r Walaon, or uuy ono of ttiem .•1' C/i«-;jAt/-7iV. — U'i.'it!! the d'rev.t'.dii of Mu.dock Mo- lliij. L) ..loLt>'d, i>. J^a McKut*. Jr , a:id J n \lcQueeu. or nuy oue of theui. r .\l '>'r,hi-dU. — I'ridi'rthe Jirertionof John Puroell, per Jiift .^lo.N iir. 5!ion .\llord. Diig-iU Mot'ftllum aud Jau. or tir.y one of th/m. ! he Subscription l^Ooks wi!! remain ojr'Q t'A the bpac’e wf »i'> .Inyj Wfiea a sulEcie'jt siiixi is subscribe J Wf.sti:u\ K’aii Hoai> Office, ^ I'ayetiovilie, Aug. *29. 1H62. S ON and after th: Isi J.:\ lu fcv't,!. ilie followiu;^ rales will he charjfed ow I’.. .•«, v'j: Frcnj Fayetteville lo Litlip River, to S[Mui t'priun. 'to ill 'k Ili'ineh, to .loiieshoro’, :o .\!1 ver’.s. Tweniy-ftve cent* oddi'ioio.I will be ooliecied by ihe ( oniluctor ot enol: pu.i'jeutrer, ('•iving u St-tiion v^iihout H ti' ket • A iiew r-iis of t- rei^ht will co into eiffct ai the s»nii' ^;uuv whiob wrfll be , riiite l un i f'.irniisliL-c* lo the ful.lio iu H t’ew dtiys Hy order of tJie l‘'v-’t JM> M UCc-K, I'r.Mia r \v K K t'o Aug. 30. .jOtl 1 - r-v-- hiiji-elt It 60 cti*. 76 •2^ >ai 1 i; i:. d ri>'t?r9 : - if! ;.-‘vr s-V)^rv'. i: -M’iix'. n.'jr wiV. •. ' 1”.,; 'r ; .t;je * .J tni^e the pa • hL-U ttitk Il{{ li ' \ 1, 1 the t'. ! .(•Huy vill be org luized f.ji- tl in-r t:>>• Itj .d FHV^Mevili.. June i. I"'*’.’ 18 purp'vse ct build \, A A, M RKTflAN. D A. !:AV. A W iTKLI . WM McL. McLAY JNO M, llOSK, General C L'^Ti’Seioners 8„'tf .U FK ri>/ r- 'Ut oi t.iwr; who '.ieMire .i IrerM^euivuts iu- - ' *t-erver. jiTnl pi»rMjn3 ?ti town with wti'jiii lejTulti' ,'uutf y please send wi:h the 'U H' ru )i mo! . I VI- w:,>.h to lov.'St iu i ar u :viTt>. .j-s cu “he fr = r ri'jpt* I I. tii..r -::;rh ;»ec ■i:ni3 —or . oi ai s The p'ocess « f ^’leot- n is too . ; ' jay " evtry ihitig e .: -••e . . LOOK AT THIS! Till'; FUr.TTOILLI' IIOTi^L, Fronting feet and in the business portion of the Town, i‘onfai3i more ^pacioiiM and well v^‘8itilafi'i Kooiia« than any Hotel in t2ii‘ .^laf(% fiu-.t iny Fr.trons «;4y mj (’orniiments are very j^oo 1 ■ ti i e have hft, ii ' 'r ■'^ : M ‘V res''^:-;,! We ' e •iiireeablo t ifore g:ren ii'itiiic, ry uo!.._-ei of ur»- ' >t re-'.eot; be- ;• -h i«t'>a t-; re;-, = Ts lUiiu lo •M iv IS*’.:: tor the titiJC' T. WIBDII L Proprlotor, li not .iten e- if papers A; u gecera'.’y happ-n- hiwevet, ha! ii)g ua J T'ti;. mg p.istHge i-u the acc uut lui - ..f r.= v.T paid, W(* i:..w j^ivr ; M.’e tha' wo .! thit,g jf th» t hereu'’-T unless ncc-iiii- ■J't-.h .\!a* exc^p ‘ '■ I li'e beir ■1-. I jr p :v ; i Fayetfevillt Feftiale Hl^h ^fhool. I’tiJ-! e.xorc*i«e3 of thi'^ Ins'itution wi!’. be resuraed on '!;>• vjih ot ri«.-p’emV>er III.- ic year will be aivide.i mto two term-, the I.ii o:' 1 Weeks, c-jainieuciiig •'Jth cjf S»‘pt and end iDg :Jtih I)eo : the se^’ond of 27 wtfpkrt. oommeno.og 1st jf Jnu'y ftini ending July 1st I’arentii nnd Guirdianit mteniin^ to pafrunii« ihia •Schr.o! art- e'»riiestly re..jue»ted to apply for circulars c ^utainiiie t*:;’.! j •irti.'ilars ii* regar'i to term*. 4c . lJi>re it-j ■ni-T\-rjj , •' S:;;o>l Hev WM lI(>:Vt‘KK. The New stylo, Sraall, i t’0!.0!ii:i) Pll«TO(;UAl*HS, .\T Vr** 4all«>ry. ART \\'oi>iivmrd\ ^o!;sr C'aiuera. ' j )Iff)T(JOItAlMIS c!.-i b-^ L:kJ i’. Vfiuoriviell’d Skjli^lii 1 Giillery, ilay street, opr.. .Marl.l*.- Vard. Fay- ! ett>ville. .N. C.: jiijiai, r.r..,u.-i;ed, coiure.l. lu water colors oil and p.-tstil?; fv.’t.i -i:nir. to life size Aiubro : type.i, .%Iflaneo:Tpes. .tiJ ail oti;er si vlt a of Pictures . pvrt.iiij J to tiie Art .V' --, GUt Frumoj, tii'lt .Mould- !'or vfry 'a. vt* t.i '|:irc • -it- l.-iTkfo as by iO ■ iiiohe.". Jord atid Tasie j f.>r pi. tures; lubtro- tiieiit'. StiH-k iiad I t ': lorcush. Life ' «i*e '' i I’hot'.gr .piis ui i ii> I; urn ?!;uall I'it’tures. I ll;iv;ng nerir n.-'iitly here 1 hope to merit . your pa'’-i.ti.i^i I 1 i,- i.-l :ru my - !ucere thank-^ , fur the li>iora! p itr )H..^e b.'-t : w. d ..u nie heretofore t y th«( good {..'•■j le of ^^;ytftte.'.i^ ...: 1 vi'juiitv. 1 \ \:>'!iiSDKl,L. I’ii..’ kjraji!ii;,: ,nid I'roptietor. I>ec’r L’\ IHo',' 77. A 4?AK». Camp Halt*, n*ur Fort Fisher, .V. t’., A a*;. ^PHL iitider«ijrned. a j^rivate iu the Army of tl 1 federate .'^tntes, rpv!)**ctfii!]y iinnoutic*’ C'lndidtitH for ^ Ci'-' k r>’ t^ '- Hoine ;>f 'i.rn-ji .t>.- .T tho next Legi.-Iatur(v iliiv. s •1 two 'i. close iuiiiu)%ey Trith for' l.“(»i.=»l>iiive bi'difi. h* I'u-!.-- ttiat he lias C'UiideraM" HC^>i:*i^f'>’iet‘ witJi the dun-- of the position. ilE.NHVK CoLTON All}:. 'J.'), -3kf B 3^.11\ T8> 8’A X, i tn.i .'im.i, V t'., F n M K H L Y o F K K .V T t; C K Y ) !■ jicpin l tl) till or.lerd.i^ any . iteir •. Eilgrjjvliip: and Printiiig; Bank Ajile^, ISiSiM oi* jGugr.^ving upon Steel or Stone, iarjfo supplies of Cank Vote and other paper will ht kfpt. ^'ig- '2, 1 SOL* I'J-lCtpd aii:Ai/«>T% ri: i'oii^ali:. n''ilF .'^tib'^criber would sfl: hi-j i'■■use and lot in 'Vades- 1 born'. !p.zc:her w^ih H> .>ot Hcre‘ of l/nd r'-achitijf wiLhia three :ni!e' of the V’ilhij'e (if de.-irable ) The dwHliin^ hv;u“ft i;» large, and ttie lot the tuOHt desirable iu the up-coMutry, Cctiiaiiuiiix near tifiv acres >f land. Should rtny di-riire iu./Vt» ! iither up the Ci^uutry, he would HeM them a litiely iii.proved house and lot in Spartanburg, iV, ti.';.‘'iher with » ^ood tract of land near the place J. I’. S.MITH •\ug 7. 40 3inpd Alniini^tralioii Aotice. ^PHK sui.^vT!ber haviLi.- qualified af» Adiiiiui-^tratrix on 1 i i’.-'ate of las ."^un .y, dee'.t. Hereby jtives notioe 10 aP [ .•rsi' (’.s haviii;: el 110;'^ Hi^tiri'^t said F..-tate t.) pre sent . i.-'ii I M. L. McKiiy wiiliin the tiiiif pri- ■loribr i b' 1 iv,-. i-r ihvi w:.i bf pi.- ied in b »r of M.wivr'-- v.‘f. > Vril.ViilNli ,''i SIjV. .Vdtii’x A.,. » l-'-.J, d'.y t J. H. COOK, Anctionfter. RLCAL i:^TATE AT AtCTIO^r. ON Mouiliy .*^th day of .'s«'pieujher inst , at the Town in the lown of Fayetteville. I»hallseil 'li»- lot of 1 and. Containing three acres snd a quarter, with >iil 'ihe inifrovenif-nti', tS«>reon, situate.l on Har- ritiiTtoit Hill. oci'U"Mii*by Henry H. Seflbe^ry This tir n,’rtv is a he' iMiy l.i'*!tir.n, with a U^F.LLING ^!t)L’.SKand all the neoessary out-hu,lding.^. Persona -.vh w;t>i to jiui'.-'.ij’e vi.-sr tbe pr.ipp-' v* before sale GT.O W, WII.LI ’Iiuitee. Sop 1 '.H-’-L JiilOO TtJi.L.N from ir.)- ne »»■ LpwisviMo. Foravth O '■ )Uiity. .V. jii :tie iji'rhf of' th- I lih inst , u Rni'ill i re i ■ llOiwSE, t'**uv, built, t>! i k le^-i. t'rjrie and tail • white M»'( ill* iiiHrks. Nooihi-r n-irksre''..! .■cied i.iit, i “iKirt ^ti irt trot an.J jiace; a^e ub ■ i 11 or l2 vears. y-r-,oi ras s--eo lorki.i^ in l.. :^hborhood. Hup- p «.• i til tu* the thief, wh.i Hn^'Ters ti> the following de '-•ri( : ii.U' J1 r 1!-ol.l. • .nipl.xiori. l)!ue eyps. c • -1 I'our.ti-uHuoe, l.j^tit br.'wn hfiir, well-built fr ime. 'iOoUt O feet I? iu"'ies hi)h; woro a br..wn frock coat, M U K cassiaiere pant-«, ' -.luite n^'W.) new boots, black ui'ck ti**, fjray tlauoe! shirt, an.i ^ray hat, carried a red Oiirp»‘i s.ick made of hearth rue wflh the fringe on. A irwar.l «f i?") will be i?i\en.fnr the arre-*!, con*int>- nieui alii conviction of th.- tUi'-f, and for the sife delivery ^ Uie hwr«e He is riipposeil to be the - tno 1' >rse thief ih^ was arrested in Fayetteville a year or two ago, by tbe niitne ■ ’ Fry, a vory lijtonous tiiitf J.WIES S PI.F.lxjKK L.-viaville, N C. 7, Ifi'Jl.' ow-.'-'m ui:\vAui>. .13aii*bU‘ Fat*4ory, Pruicip-»» i 4 5 J Ld I II\W. .tfrJi.fl*, Attorney at Xjaw, F -V V KTT t \ 1LL F.: N t' t attend *-Le >Joun;v aud ;-;upt rijr C 'Uns >i .um^.vriand. Harnmt. Moore atid R.'-esi'n :in- i'l 'Ojp. attention givea to the collection 01 all DENTAI, NOTU'E. II.: k-*. r ;Ck f* > I.,. K'.-.t FLOVVEKS. Liltlt; Aiuy Uurris'Hfid her aunt SaraL were on a green, Imnk bcDeath the shfed-^ of the noble forest; trees. They had been taking u i.^ug walk and were reatini^ for a iiltle v;hile in the (juifct nook they had discovtred on ihtir way bouio, Amy held in her hat'd a huse > u juci of will fl,.'.r'ers that she had getbered, and I’nr' uroiir.d ft ht-i loei was covered niib 1 (jautilul biu.- v-^l' to. lSb.3 svx.ped down, pick d one .0! ♦;, yuu t-jl looking thouj^htluily at it for it nijnii tit ‘ -Vutuie,” said .-he, at len'itb. “I L;i >■ the bifje violet bettor tbyti an\ i l tb* !l - ’ It always Rf‘iiis to be 1 - tr heaven and thanking (jim.* li.-r' .m ■> r tlcar, it i.s a ^vveet iiuit- fli-v, i. tui'J .-0 are ull tiiese beautiful bios.^fiins that He bus .strcwn around our pathway. l>id you ever ttiink ol the lesson that flowers teach?” “I don’t know that I have Sottifc tescb I cuiili- ty, r believe, and tru.'>i, do thf^y not? ’ “Ws, and then there is ai.other great Iss.son that is taught us: It is this; ‘God is love ’ When we look on the uiigbty ocenn, when we see the lightning, and bear the thunder, we are reminded of the power of God, but when wc look on the little flowers 'Tiround u.s, we think of His goodness to us. You remember those familiar lines of Mrs liowitt’s: “God might have tuade the earth bring iortti Eoough for great and hmall. The oak tree irtid the cedar tree, Without a flower at all.’ It was because He loved us, and because lie waiited this world where He h\d placed us to du^y raay be ' beautiful and pleasant to us, that He gave tis or other rftatf ^ soiuany lovely flowers. They alli'peakof Gou’.>'li.fvo Dcpa'-tments, atid if so. viL i.. received. Aid kindness, and every little child ought to .study 4 15'ind .•\,*e-'ivedeifn -'«.', lit, i p'-*rmmeat lame- j their teachings, and thank the Alu:i;rhty lor His nesii or great dei»rLnity. are dbvious i n i.soiis for ejiemp- , hountief* Another thing is broutrbt to our minus when we see the flowers. Jious loved fliem He VVA?!»-T£-;S5, ;^lieT :a i.'ie F;iy«'’teviH.' F.'r.sle f*i^h School, jj'.'ut i inati o.'ttij e *i,i : ij ch,ir:T>‘ of t.'se dt'purt n!t-nts f Mn'ir;, F^-’nc!., r’aiiitw.,^ ai. ; Drawing, either 1 Dowi-rs with or Without A.■^sibtMite, hs ..'Iri'iinistiinces in .y re ijuirc Address T C. HOOPER :riepi 1, lbO'2. .Vjif T2r«. C'atltarine War«l will iesun»* the dimes cf iier .School on September 2‘'th, iu Arch .Street .Suptember I. .^b-4t The la*it I'onscription Jrdei*»». WAR DEPARTMENT. | Ai>j’t .^n'd Insp’r Gk.s's Oiirics, ► Rlcnaiond, Aug. IV, 1802 ) Gk.nekal Itp.t>LKS ) .So. 68 / 1 The following rules in relation lo ihe exaDiinatioD of conscripts are piildished for the guidai.ce o' ttie en- r'viling aud medical esntnining officera; 1 At each Camp of Ini»triiciion, nnd at such Military Slations and other points nai»in>iy he de^isnnie't, »»n ex perienced Army Surgeon, a diti"ereL.i i.-ftioti of the country, will be detailed to ex-im.n*,- Oonivtx. 2 .\11 Conscript-, capable of bearing m-.-us will be re Cel veil iJ. Con>-oriplR nut equal t a'l miltf''.' valuable iu thi- Hospitals, Qii.Trterinii.-jte’’ tion r> Confir:ued o.nuumf^'i'.n, and chro.Tic cont igious di-v i' •poiir.ibif- ulc“r*i. ' gktn are causes ^ us?d them as texc^r for his seriLon.s and poir.tod t !. of at) eye or of , them out to his disciples, a.** ciaiuples f r tr.t m itnte the'ubject tor the I When you waik in die ftOods and in ! the green fields, you muf.t tbink about these things, for there is nothing that Gud bas made, C3TQ some for esenipti *■ Sinirle redii'''h!e liernia, t sev-rr.) fingMr^. wi’l ncxp petfortnance of miiitary dm-. 7 A f*er(iticate of di'^ah.ii _» f h oon erip-t jjiven by a priv.5ie physician, wiH not be c n«itiered unlpss atfidavit IS ni.i.le that tiio conscript is ooiitiiieii to i.eJ. or ihat | be it ever ao lowly, ibat you catinol his kiealth and life w ui; c en langered by remo.’&l to j gool lessoa from, if you will but try. the place of enrollment. 1 ' Timpi H tint when a Conscript is ineapacitate.l by tempo- I rarr sickness, he must present hims»lf so floon as re- I . 11^ ^ ^ /. ~ , t~ . 1 j oovered to the enroUm,? othaer, or to the oeare*t School I . It nas bccome lash- for t'on-cripts lonable to imagine that there is scnK'ti.irig dis- y. No previous iliHcharg>, certitioHte or exempiioQ j graceful in being a conscript, arid the boy;i by the fr..m ;nv-.vurce will be anknowledged. j Wayside CODSlder that ther have full liCeh.^e to 1(1 Nledical Ofhcers of the .Army are aot allowe.i 10 ■ 'h ^ • i ii ir> J* this lus'.itu'. Cf :i • Mnr’h tth The cha"^;C for a ','tid‘^t be 15;:.^ wur. trie m .u:h uf eniranoe F r circulars :-oa:aia SO June 1 3^‘J 'iddt tf aS NUj ?upt H W.\l M A M GOKLnjS, Hillsboro’, N C 88-3«ipd uoiHis \Bine; c. t, nnci! ^ stohi- Fave(fi*% silr. i\ 4'4>PI*I:KAS noK S»le by TYSOK I >r liT4 sent lo .\l>'[v. r> L)>*p'U, F wii; be ittenJed t i JoJv H JOHNSON 'V Rnilroal, eta:iiii;e O.uisonpts. and give certificate.s, unleo .tve regiilurly .letaile I for th^l duty. By conitnand if the Secretary of War •S. t'(»t>PKR. .\dj t and Insp’r General, Ausr '1. 1 stVi .SC-Jlt S»- .’ai: y C’ln li I: hj irk ^ :*i o'civ COTIOA VAKA. .Vo. 19 Hay Street. C P. .MALLET’’ !?;20 SlKWtRli. ~ A. d £>r. ^coll jfiie-'. notice iiaat tie ■!i- Ir 'iu F ive.icV!lie i ,.r a I--"v -k-.. - .-J ui.- 1 •, 1 • ‘.,2. I't V\1LLIAMS .V TM..- t>ealei*«* in i*i>^-ei*!e>, ■ i t i - - A N : . ! A!.:..: i.> .re and fiitiery, Iron. i»‘-V STKbKI. Fii FTTLVILLK, C. > ii h .\ LiALi. € O . A: S’-ili. ' G0 C, ; a- f’2 Vorlh Water V, illlliilStMll. s. ■. V ■ -• i • • .* G „ V'^Ti I ' r.. i. .A S«. AVOR'^fF. •h;r and For^fardiM'j' ^VIL^!T V i'lOX, N (’ rpiIK r.t'OTe raw ird will be paid for me apprehensino i »r; 1 itliverv 'h-neare-r ,M .;t ii v Pj-:. of .M.hX- A.NL'F WALLACE . who desertdi hi. comi'auy on or a* ut "joth -i Mirch IH'.'J .'■1: 1 '.Va'lace is 2 4 yoars ’1. fe t il iti.-iies hiirh, red ('i.mp1>'xioR. d*rk hiir, .*ye'. tie I- a of .M >ore (.'ounty, and ii> proba- . iu t: vicinity .11 1'-iri.’iage, JAS If M.IVEH, I'lpt C" M, 2' 'h I’fg’t N (’ Tr.'pi. ■- ..-_ip Jo'.n-'jn, ^ miles frmn Kin‘^l ;n, Jure 17 i'.nif s^lO KewarcU IWIl.i. ,,iy the aViove r.-ward for the apprehension ■i i c» .iinement ot iny man C.VL\ IN, who ranaway fr.TiH riif ah-'Uf three we-ko ajro. I wii. 'Is;; pj;v a r.-.T.ird ■ t' Fifty DoM-.ri for suflicieu: evM.'iK'e to convict any per.S'in of hnrbon'ig iiim. C'al- virj I - a*'Out 4l,'years ■; ft et Iii or 11 lu.iii-s high, an 1 we'ghs ab-tit puiind': he wears small 'i rii;;?~ in ins ears H= id a VK.;t or shiji carp/»riler, i d w,*!' kc'W''. -'b. It F:i3'e'tevil> ^nl W .^- . ?•. iU‘ (.1 •'iP'iiii.'^ c is •h.ii'.'iclf ■Jalvtn .. ih-.?'.n. TH;.|> EVANS. Jtii.e ^-'J, l''-'V’ ;,»if MAKKFC U t: A: M’RAK, Have on hand UU4 .-1^ nCt t,. fceep fir sale, of their own rnanufaciure, a supply of Biasis. Galvaaized and coramu'i H >pel Jl AITEIl gJirlKfyiX; FrcDch, Hieh Post. ( ottare and (ommon Sprit’g .Mattresses, (>f ui'w and iruiroved .'•priae, ofc hand or laade to ur Jera:i\ - z-: Li'I’Ni»FS; .'*i.rin?. Cane, and W.j,,d S^-at > 'i.Mi’iS, ■■!' ditlen-nt-kinds and jiat'erns; Sprint^ T'a«. (. '.•,i’.’- h)i 1 t’hair.s, repaired, and covet. 1 wi:u il .ir I'1 .>n .>r nMier Wise; Hoe hund.e--. Rutu--) f rblds V Hhds .swle. ii.itiies'., u. i I'j'; »r i c.l'niT. and Pia'*'.; :i • ;1 rtif. A>* we ha-ve irj' d ^ ri -ry !'.,r > i-vir)u'. Platieini., Morticing an't Hurei.Tir. we c%n ■(> wurk wit.*i despatch ift. 1 on '.a i. iu ' ■!_. 'Pim i*e:'-ons havini? ui.ri: viTUBOL. I^HE Hubscubers afv mantifacturiuij RLUE VIl'RloL Orders s-‘n to Mclver'-i l>.-pot. the it;rminns of the Cjtlfitdds P.ail'jal, will j-*‘ce;ve Jjionip! attention -p-ioimen in ly o.* «eeu ai the lb-> rver Otficc, Fiyette- VI •• iV.'^t.tpv X Johnson A.g n ;,-if a rtioct!' paiit aaii TIC 1:. work or repairins to d > w^il VVe warrant O'lr wurk i' ! find us. Having take.'i a .St jre ' Street, a few dnor- .'^I' l'ti having some sp.i.-e ri-vHii, w‘ »' an.l sale of any thirie tha’ in . , w;!! /-ve rpeoial a ieu;'. ■ F.»yellCTt’,i.', r.l !- i.; w.-li I ^;ve us a call. t.Oi.w where to i t. tiillespio E^ij., ail I the sloraqe ' u--: -III s > I e. .M. 'IIHL LNl'KR.SlCNFiiJ. both h iving entered Ihe mili- I tary servi.'e Oi the Confederate Sta.te« >A America, nereby give notiee to tticir .'!d cii.-'tomers aud friends, that ttiey have appointe,] J.diti D .Starr and John I). '>V;lliaiii, of this pla';e, the'r attoi neys to coil>-ct either sepMiit.'iy or conjointly all moneys due them »-ither I'V Hceiuti! or and otherwise to attend to their Ini- siii^-., ^-euer.iily during their absence. They respect fully HS J .all p‘‘rs,.ns indob'ed to the:n ti; call .a- ly a- p '■‘•'ible ''n thi ii ad make pavtneni. Ill, Ji WILLLVMS. Sept I'.V psin. i».‘' t{' OA i'i:fi>2:HA s's: ito\d»^ F th‘ i.-Tiiiiiiiiati n‘^ ot !SHW. -'Pl’ij 0 at the P.ack of Noi’iii i.’aroliii)*. M rch ]f I scoff aud jeer at an enrolled squad on iLs wny to a j camp of instruction We award that uns, eak- j able admiration and gratitude, which is b..i due, { to the volunteer whoso gallantly andsj ont.. tously ■ rushed to the battle field at the call ot bis coun- *. ... * need, but wo are not disposed to think that The nndsrsigliou wishes to i there are none aniong the conscripts wh^ are not J.n,cha-,e TWENTY GOOD | ^rave and patriotic as he. There are many- who shall say not a major proportion?*-aniOug the eonrsciipts w hose hearts are as tully in their cout;- try’si cause, and who would as fearlessly bittlefor it as any volunteer, but who have not e^'^.aged in the war simply for the reason that their privcte “ iind oenr j obli'/Htion^-ttnd the neees.'^ities ol their depcr.derits, rendered it absolutely impo.ssible for them to do Si) without tacritices which they bad no moral right to make, and without reducing helpless per- .sops lookin- to them for support to want :.nd '•ul fcring. Their consciences would wot allow to fcb indoti their individual obligatioM>;, an i iltey felt that when their country imperijusly lequir.yi their services, it wosid call for them in suc*li iii;in- ner tbat tbev Tvould ije obliged tu go, and ali the responsibility of abr;ndoning what made thera feel it n*’Ce.'Sarv for them to stay at home 'intil tb’^ (^st moment, would rest upon the governinciit, and not npnn their con.^'ciences. Few r. ii v choose to endure the >^vere triais tliat th-'y cit; make tip thfir mitidto bear cheen'uMv it t'ib!!:^ .i W.‘ i,!\.-.vftni:ided in this coiinpctio!) oi l-'n-i’ p they TWENTY Mri.t'S. sii four or twohorse W AGUNS, and twenty s.!.* old or nev7 W.AiJoN HARNESS A;h price wili b.- paid J S LL’TTEKLtJiL Sept 1. 1m;J. ft^-L’t Wanted to Hire. ^nWENTY GOOK lUNDi :o w.ok 1 WilmiDfju.n T»en'y-6ve U lilnr- pro? i-lons tnrr.isii. d Apply soon io 1. S S‘ f' 1 , ' •'bJ LITTERLUH I.Ol K, KATRA / 1 \N be h id ai the Mills by Wednesday V nPTt. Al-^o. I wmid 5''.y to those wt.shinj; giiod S.sfd- Wneat t-- leave beir orders at the .Mill as .soon as prae- licable.- R McU.VNIEL. A'ti: -'j. K-'~l ‘Jtt A V\ R l>! I EV>' [,\l»IES can be aci,'ommolRtid with b.iard «' the Seminary. Capital in Pr'rniuru ,V.ii Cash on Lanl ind o;he: t's a' ■ a-s.seii. 'J-l.’l57,tiHh .iu .■>.077 .>5 T r. Sept. IL' iStn \nn V HOOPER. 60- itf IP*, \1. lift 1.1,ARK • n n i‘isi , rU. WlI.MlNt.T^ 11 itld P! U“0,N \i iT'eiU i.H ‘ ‘aie 't Nh-mi • ; ir.-‘, i'. - L l... :r...*r ci- 'I’r; pi -' ‘ ^ r i'. r *’.■Pre-'t ■ -m Ban~ :*t VS - ■ ,:.N, •• K. V C . .u H X E, I Lit.t y. 1AM J re[p'ire 1 t : n;:inutiiCturo all 'kiti'fs of W agon H irn.'-'i for .Army use. I tan my le ither an t can uiv*‘ g . :d birgains .\g?n s will '’0 well lo send their • ■r.Jer- to me a . they “hail have priinrirt attention, and riMi ■ !l in fuick di->patch J^iHN (’.ARTFR G >M‘iior! P o , Chatham Co., N. I .Jiin*> I "'I)'.'. Pf Total, 'M:72,7'>j t'd I The Company liuve {-aid al io.-se' prutiip.tly, and i hftv« never made at; >i::si -sraeiit on t^^eir pietiiiutn notea. ; Total lo3Se“ paio, r'Jt»tt • hut'sr.-I-. GEO. McNF.II.L, Pre^i 1-nt l>. A. UAV, Vl.'e PivJ d.-nt C. A McMtl.L A V. .K,,o y i>iKK,CToU«; N. J ilangi.rt"!, AOTM’K. { i eipect i!, he ab-irm iV >n i...nie i few niu''.ti. ia i\ Hie West. Arl't.i^^;l .Nlc[>ea:i i.s my liuihirii- i i;^3nt to transa't uiv i..ihiuess until 1 reai.n. N. G. JON'ES 1 >ec'r J 1 silO, S'.'., f THi: \oR'riii «-.v?coe.i\» .lllTi Al, UFK l.XSna.VCK iO !P.l,VV, tjW in the tenth year uf '■'ucoe--I'li' cperf;'’" -.i. v i i! growiti!^ eapiial and fu i.ier h..l I uimn public e 11- Phy pt>r- OA VI A LE. Escr'-isps (it tiiis iH-^iiiu i.’O will be resumed at 1 t le r-pnhir vir: th*- 25th i-’ept 1$ >ard, 5^18 pe month Tiutio.i. ?10 per onnum. A scho'il ti*.signed for these preparing t. r it.e r. gtilar o1asst>.« of the Ciilt>j.'.>, or u-ry other-i will bo .tj.ened ii t^e -n :'if> time, unierth- 1 er'Or;-*.! 'iup'Titi'.^uden'v* '>1 tlie ]*! I. . ^ r p.'.' t iciilar*-', a j ^uni. r.-ign” P O L* i vid Snll I' ; --e. S ( J L. KilJK V\ 1 .1^ Pi - . A-U 2S. 1S..J ...; 1 WILL rrv jK tiiKi: 'IVacJlrel. K."MP DVTTLr, 'larinioii” to the ♦•■u I >1 ow.vJ o.'tnpiiis'ny tuiiit- !.iii o t!;e - i'.' ri'ii: xf 1 ;;; lj:i(t!e ot Jen.' d iN dv ■ Fh I jn vV ) . liaruett L •.■’lai.y uevii i Li:uKN or i oi Ri> w ii iv n-r pfj-tponed the settlement of i _ ^ ^ w“ r- 's 11 it iiercHfter insert Orders j p iyui-nr iu a'i\ HK- P.,a‘.» send j ' ' iij . . .'e il it bp 1; uii-ua' leiigih. K. ! i!\i.r -i»\w \orl !i Carol ilia lic^adi^r^. li'toL ROOKS are becitnin;' vi-ry scarce bit', we ‘ ■ iii’.e .Ti hard a gon l '-upply of thi- NOPT!' ''.\P.O- L;N' \ HE vL>KilS. .No- 1 u . i •_* by }i. ? I .= ■ i b ‘>;’.rd of the Cuiver'-it_\ of .North I'arolina, timl So. H by Hev il. Wii-y, Supennleadeni of f .tiiiiii.n Schocls of S'jrtti t'lrolin * Oitr oust'.mers having well nigh'd our .ioer ■/f Ni.rthiTi'i Re'iders ,n iiarid v, hen ih.- w ai coui.Tioui'ei. we hope will iK'W tur'i their attention to inese books by ii.- ii *'Oilhors, rather than allow their children to do witiiout ren ting '-ijks. For ial» oiiiy at the oid retail prices of 2o oenta, -iH ceuts, and 7o ;-'nts L J HALE X SU.NS F-.-b’y 1. IH*--. W- fleiiry l illy. H L Myrov-r, S T Hawley Nathan A. .'', C R. Malletl. Jutiies .■ly’j, .A .‘i. .''ckethan. J. D William-, d. 'V r' lii.ghast f in-id tl*', Win. \trLai;rin, T. S. f.itriorl^^ii, A. W, S.e-1. J. tJ. t X’jii, Ji'.ll .1. U. .it.cphelJ. R I . Rri. wii, I .. . .... UNiluigton. IN growitig I ti lence, ccnfinties in in-itre ili‘> i;vf»s of aii hi son-' tVom 11 to (iO ye^rs of ac‘*. I'-'' 00'' 3'i-Hr, bjr s 'vcn years, ae.ifor life--all liTe ttietnbei'S'^liariiig ui the protits. All slaves from 10 to y.-ar- (>l'ag->- are inrture.l for one year nr for fiv.‘ y.»irs f n- twu tiiird ■ thtMr value. All li.s-ies ar.' i>nnctat^.y ; iidviihiii ‘'i» day-) after 8 itisfactory prool i-> presented. i nr further int'.irmatiou 'he p:ibi-' i - r.*;'erre^l to I,*: the Comjiany iti il! p-i;ts 1. ^he Sta^e, and to R H P..AT'fl.E. S ■erctary, Riletgh. E H VLIi, .\i;eni at Jati'v Favetteville, N. C. A = .MU' .V r i O i>j LIic i.aiije il LLi 1: ab-i'.it years 'M, of leediu ■ , but a ’-v jiii. e C'.-'pu- 1- \- TCRED i.j ■ . . V lie tiad ji :. fi^ii veJogies. d 1 ;n,'ii v-t, I' ly.'t e ' }"''■/ ' -i A iiolesaie 01 *'• ' i 8i.»NS OIL AN!) bAMl* HLACK. T ANNERS and LCCRICATING OIL LtMP RL v'K in batrcis For «ale by J.)S. K BLOSSOM k CO., Wiimington. N C .M indi 7. t; (f .liter thiM «!ait ■-y F 'Ut (JentB per poim .• .-. i in Fayetteville, 01 D. I > 'le- iiiib.-i TIse l*reil)ylerian E*«4aiiifion>»t Character notes. .\ further_«iipj)ly just r‘*oeiv..*d. hilv '•*' d liAl.F. .V SliN.S ■>.o«iit or .Tli'^laid. - i. '~ l up. ‘?:gned ^my"' f and '■ 1 ■diirpiiy. made i'iy; to any i t. lii. . \ll^oii- .iif'Waru J- ’aev wi'. nm b. I.AVK) .Ml I!PHY. i .;it mi«l Sfereosco|Mc \ iewv. i ■ -.lit. Fa miliar l^etter** I).; .SiTmoiiH, by J. Addison I'orty Vear«’ of .las. W. .Mexander. I). Mfxiimier, 1». i». \lso, further supplies otl .VJargarei .doneritll'.;, lieu.ah; .Vdaiii Rede; ^'iise;; Shirley; School biiokr* .'cc. dulv lit i' » MAT.I-- ,SON tfesr^iiittle copies ol tlie Ot>Merver can be procured by ntiii-snhscriberH. at the Rooksiori.v Pi l"p '■ /•Piiia i-t r. \i -I )N A Tlie Voliiiiteer'M Hand Book. FCfiTHFR sopjily ju-it rceeived .V3(‘tliofli^l Hyiiiiioii aiKi Li'ioa, a*new -'Uppiy, aseorted sizes ai,d tpipiitits, Mwroit io. £. J. liAJJb ^ A P Ha b’l Codifis and C ,M'-('rijmTt;eu. Trsvclin,- .Agents Tho Ciirupany invite ariplicuriun . 1 .Vlay^’H. IKbV. -j], €wroceries 22 j » LARGE and well >i,ltct^d Sto..-k of F.AMILV ' GR.0CFH1ES alwaya on hend, ciOjsist'iiLf Bacon-Sides, Me=s Pork, .\iuliet.s .^laf:ker I >108. 1 and 2, Molas'ie;^, Su■_^lf^ of al ♦ grades, Tobacco, C'i^ar-. ■And all other irticles usually k.-pt in a U .',oleaa!e Gr.> Oery E.“t.nbli-‘hment COX, KENlbALL A (,'0 j W’iliniriirti.n. ,\pril 2. l.'i '.l. lo-tf lleadquarterM U filmijib;;Ion ) E.i^ikt A»*JilIei*y, ) C,\M|- P.JV1*S. July ^PHI.s Company, desiring tw be e.niipl.-ie in •‘Vf’-ti rr- 1 »pert, would I e giati '(. ei lis; a iuiini..‘r nt'good i»ri- vers,—men accu.stoined to l ie ;n . .i.'ii2;e!iiiMii of horse.x. There wiu be p iid to ea«'h t^mn, mt en!istnit.i;t. a boutity . of.Sir*. Monthly pay be-i'ier b-: ci.itlu-ii and . ted. medical .att.*nilaii'*t- tfc*.. and aii o'iiev iieCC'ssary ! equipments turnisiiud r«(ju;'.it,' b;r a -loldier. j No one m*ed apply iiiiless fie i*- i ^mi*! driver and ex perienced in the manMgerr.eni of hor-e-, The destina tion of the company is \ irgiju;i, a-i sunn as euuipped. i " -ILEX D. MOORF;, ^ , Papi r,. r, (Up I 1.1 Anillpry 1'AK A .A l> ■O.A'.B’ R \ ^T: ' 4 N LSSA\ ,.n the \in : ii-iii , 1- : b^ 1’’.V Ale.Mahon. il. A lunh'T S ip,.y j,, ,i ,.•,•.1 i; J i: vi'.i; si,xs Helper and oilier l*oein«^ 1>Y THEOPHII UH HUNTER l!!Ll , j , ..f luieigh > For sale, price ;?1, by L. J. HALE .s. SON;i. Jtui’/ lb, • '1 lilisiyes*^. ■'HL iiiidi‘rig:ii'd otfeis for side, in th.* i^oal and within eight miles ol the termiau-* of ti.e 'S'o l^:klid tegiiin. ay- itteviile West.Tti Rail Rpu l on I>e«.ji River. ! KltillT niNDUF.D A( KES OF LiMi, adjoining the land belonging to ^he estate of George I Wilco.i, dec'd, and lying three miles Soutii from Car- i >> .ni'tn. iin Little Po'^kei Ciees, .Moore^iounty. 'I'hese Lands are well adaiited to tha growtii of corn. ; (‘otiun. wheat. ■iat', rye, 's *. There are on ihe firem- ' ij.-via uoUifoitabie Itwelliiig. and all necessary (Jut- ‘ hoM>es, Vr ith at^vitt oiir tiii.i !'•( i and fifty acres tiiim r , . fence, in d:idi!;g loilv or iltiy :iC’-.;s ol uevcr-failiug j ^ ’J It to.11 Ian I'.is if' a rare ch:i!iee tor p-TSOiis wish- inir to m.i.l-t . i ;i!r.eiu^, .is latrlo 'U-.' uiidr.ubiedly ad Tau^ii^.;.' i.i thi-. sec. .^ For i ;. ■ . itiinuation apply t.) Mr. M. .M, McRae, (’•■uneV i'ri’eK, i‘. i.>., Mooie oo'.iiiiy, or addres-^ iu« ni Fawtttevill.*. N. i'. ' ii vNlF.l, MeRAF,,, * For Ihe II.-m-i .i’Gilbert Mi'Rae, de.i •» ’ V..W- .' i IK.^.O l {i l-n ■S lid w a:'.ai’. is )'t ‘b,ib!_- i:, or r;r> r 1 \.n, : h,.ve bfi-n led olT in t'a.- i.i;eci! o’ N ''.b'lii t.. R.iiinii'n, a tre*^ nnivitui w . a •- : -i-'i at vi> a I’arpenter probab'V .-n te-' >S : , fi 'h ir W; iiailtoad al a i)ep/( .Soiib ol .> ■ • i »-iil p v for the delivery oi'said i’ ■ io ■ • ^ i m .I- tow.I, if foaii 1 i"i tiiii > iiuit_., ; r ' r. su'i gtri i^j found lU any ot.'ier C. unty an i confined hi tlie J «1 of the same, the party arresiiug gi~ioj; me esily inforaiB Lion 01 tiie s.iuie. JNO. ‘U WILLIA.MS Fay etteviile, Aiii^. ‘Jo, ISiilZ. 5J tf li ill $;30 lil-WARD. ri‘f-IciiO'' III .'S., d. w 'l j ;i: hi^ , :ir;jiV oi.dore ' I • .• b.T t'e'I'.' i ai.'t o!'goi.d .:!irfe: ! . - - 1. th ■ 1 M V e 1:: - '• t' . ;c den ^ • *.\;d .-.iircii nil lore.j;-! s’r.i'.'l; i} ir.o^iiifr w :iO w .a':.! fi.. i? !.lc«r I T-. ' ii i'' > t'.lb'v l-.:i'i; I ■ V-i le> II) n •! ---i t.i-' 'h I i-r'i.Mu! y i lo t ■i;i:.:iii ‘'t'd 1-1 i-d .• I f .r I — j Mme it '.d:ul :.»r i i-- o Tin tr.e’ wn > ^.-'i • 1,; 1. ' I i •; i-c' n’.-'.- . ! Such cot:so! ipf', all i A,. . >e u' ... , . . the, niajofiry ut'ours are ^"di, wm . --i. ; nutnt ol'cu.'iscript on tb.e t.airi-.- li. .d. In. uji a.;*, I soldiers of Fn.noe are all c .nsi-r'yrs. 0;’.r eu-- scripts are of three classes — th i-^e who wuuid Jiave I gone to the war if rht V'cuiiid; thote w ho would I not go if thev i?ould, and those who could have j gone and would not ’J’bere are thousands of I conseript-s who will prove beiore the war is over, * that th?y are worthy to be the “comrades in bat tle" ot our bravest volunteers. Mi.ign-jxtnt Extraiayance.—Dr. Thomas W. Evans, the celebrated American dentist of Paris, has just returned from a professional visit to the Viceroy of Egypt, on board his yacht at Woolwich. The doctor describes his highness as a magniS- cently wealtLy and liberal and amiable prince Among his table service are plates worth S,S.^'00 it negro man ALFRED. He i.s about six feel high, an.I is Very’ straight ile is'"o years old, anii is said to | have bome Indian bloo-.!; ba is dark oopper color. He siglia ve y often and loud, aud talks to nini>ielt a great deal. His ciuthes are gooJ; hp has a blue cloth over- uoet wilh hlui wliich fits him close. I He can I'se t he tonls «'t a li irpeiiier or ^tioeniaker well. , .-.i-i i"i- Ttie sii'oscriber apprelien t-* 'bat ne wiii e’ldeavor lo ' each; a gold pitcher, set With diamonds, worth at V.-iik-es, aa i uiiim i’ely carry .>tf least S50,U00; and the Vioeroy’» tAJOth bi ush alone, iiiier negroes tro.u ‘t'« c only if he -.uccceds m geiting richly with precious stoues, is W’orth at least to tim \aiiii«e- . iioe. .10,00U; and the stand upon whicli it rest.s, hull I will ifive ^"r uis apprenens,i..i, ii ias.e'i la ihis . , ’ ^ r. i-^ i i • i county, and C'jO it taiien sui coaftno i lu jaii iu i»ny *^ surii. Next year, 1 r. rj\aiis, who IS dc-iuist I other c'liinty; and a re^sOHablo reward t'..r any ioforoia- by appointment to all the crowned hetidsot FjUrope, i tion in regard to him. is to go to Alexandria to perform some prul‘e.ssiuQ- Alfred was raised m Wake oount>’, by some one of; al service for the Viceroy’s favorite wile. a 11 Ill-'Cr \l \ 1’. R.'l t'AI'T. (I\ Ti!K the Haywoods. White's .Store P. ( > , Vliajn 00 ALliERT MVKRS Ante I.. iSuJ. .>4-if ^PIIE ;indersicrtied have caused to be piiblisiied from tin- ('onaressi.iiial plate-!, an *'.iiri(in of the Report ^ of Capi. Wilkes. IJ. S. Navy, and his A-isnciatr,- «n the j Rnaril appoiiitei^ by the- Soereiary oJ the Navy ki ex- j amine thu Ucep River ilegion of Nnrili Carolina. Tliis : is the most important and scieiiiific stateiueni of itio , great wealth of that section ot the State, and the Maps j the niijst perfect and valuable, of any yet published. The .Maps .are worth the jirice of iHe wora. which is ,'iO cents, neatly bound in cloth. (’of*ies sent by mail, free ; ofposiaife. on the receipt of cents. A liberal dis- oo'.uii I : whole-iale buyer..-. Oniers solicited, •ian V w('. ^ - d- H.Vi.F .'9* SON.S Ri:UO\A5.. “'HE FO.ST OFFKM'i i« removed to othce formerly oc- R ''S'%%ent%-j| ‘ e Aloilar»i 3te«ard. A.NAW,\'» :r,ini the >iuh«mt)er. his .legio boy MO- SKS. He is i;l year-* r.f ».,xe, about u tee* l(i inches tiigli, robust, long f.^et and v."-y niii..'h Mirned out at the toes, and lo iks down when spoiveii to. He was seen at MoPi):*iirs .Mill-* in R. b.'-iwt! county ou tfie 2l«Jt ult , ana was in Fajefieville about three weeks >no. T'e above reward will be jiai.I lor his delivery to me or for his coufiuernent iu auy jail so that 1 get him. ’W I>. JOHNSON. Bennetisvi-lle, S. C., Aug. 1 i, 18t)2. 52if €0.\Ff:ill:RATE F the denomination>» of $1000, $.500, 81M>. at the '>ank of Cape Fear. Marcti IS. 0 '.»tf 1 oiipied by ibe Clarendon ii mk. JA^. G. iJUUK, k’. All Deo. 30, 18G1, ' «6- The subscribers will be gl-.d to settle aicounta due K. .L HALE .Si HONS. i bj or to iijeni. i Blanka. ofaTl kinds at this Office. The Vankees btivo invcnf>-d a /.•;w ■■•Lwiii;; tea chin?. It is reprt‘:erif.''d as 'ooiti.i .a nni vvi in c- way. Its sire and weight are su'di that ifcati be carried in th.' pocket without •my inconvoi..'nee, atid it screws on a stand or fnlile in a tnaun' t not,_ unlike tliftt or’the pretty old fashioned “simv;. ^ V.jrd,” whii’h if also somewhat rt's';Tnb;C'! its ‘•bijou,” ornaintiHal appearance. It, operaies 0} turning a small crank, u.sin^only a couita lu neeule, and produces a running stitch, very neat and even in its proportions, and exactly adapted to running up skirts hemming, rucking, gitl.i-rinir and manv other kinds of w irk "hi ! done on o‘!i. ? -e.v: ij: n I'-'.i- • s u. larjTt'iy ’’i . u -.t' o- t, ,, Till* VoiunteiT'oi AFUR'filER ^.ipi'!^ jusi receiv -d E. .T. bONH Not. 16.