S F- m I. W E Fi K I. Y. [VOL. XII.] I'AYETTEVILLK, N. C.. SKPTEMIiKR 11, 16(',2. [NO. 1159.] i 1 :\TKI> MONltAYS AND THUHSlDAYS KOWARl) J. HALE k SONS. i:i 1T('HS \\i> rKOPKlKTOTvS !h' Scnii Woi'kly Obsf.kvkk (M> if I'fiM in . ' .'lO if prii.l .lurinst the yofir of subj^orip ■ V I ;iltor tho vo'ir lias ox]>irol :'n«KRVKK 1*0 per aumiin, if !u i‘; if ilnrincr iho yi-;ir i*f subscvi]'- V ii!t after t)io yi'ar h'»s t'xj'iroil. M'VFHTISK’MKNTS' in-^oricl f.^r lid cents per ' f 1'. lines for tirst. nml !'> cents for each ■ liii ' puMic.Hlion. Vearly n'lvertisenuMit'; by spe- at ren-’nMMc rnles. A'lveriisirs ;ire ■ • ’1 ? ■ the iiiitnber ('f inseriions Ic-iro 1. or . - ,'niiimel till forl'i'l. ;iU'l charjrt- l accoril > t isfinent'- t>> he insorJed 'liarjro>l •'»(* ]>er Nt'TK'K SlM'lU ■i 'iftor ; lus no u:u without pnytiu'tii >1 :i new (i1>soril>i‘r n lv.iMce. nor will ■ni to --iich - librilicr- for lonper liint- fper .. 1. ,f >n I hi' ■.r nVl iihscri1'i --y -; eni will pU' as ile-:ire I' notify u take th» pa us when niakinjf .lati'y 1, I'^oS gsir'Ttt AltVllUTlStUS. '11' out Ilf town whi. vliv-iire ailve’'tidcirent« in- ■ 1 II 'ho tiliservor, anil person-^ in ti>wn with whom , . ’ ' ■: rei;nl.ir accimntH, will pleiiso scml with the 1 ;;;i iii a- Hiiioh niorpy as thiy wish to invest in 1 ; luij: ’O i>ur advertif ng lei.ns on tho first pa>;e M wi^ii to oi'i'n a?iy more such accounts,—or ai OUI1I-- Tiie pro.'C''. of collect ion is i.io lii^l we have lo pay ea-^h for every t!iini we . 11 these tiiiie-'. i .'■-1. ; N-'i it Ks. — We have hcretofiire giTen noiiee. .. y. ;li ii we charjje for oMtTiary notices of un- ■ ' ncth, aiiil fov resolution- of re-poci; l>e- . • li. i! iviu'l of vea'lm>:. we have much occasion to w. i^- not 'iicn n> ire aj:reeii\>le to ron'lors than to ■ >rs oi papers As it penerally happens, however. , ;-r charging and paying postage on theaci'ount for- 1. we never get paid, wo uow give notice that we iTi m.*thing of the sort hereafter unless accoin- K :he cash - Always excepting in the case of ■luiiteers. whea we rei}uire no pay.) ISear •refore. that we will insert ohituar^- notices i 'r-, no! ex 'ci-din? 7'* words, gratis Fit all . "'1;-. one cent a w >rd, which iiui-'t ho j-aid he- will he I'Ut ill type. Attorney at Law, V'ayf.ttf.ytlle, N, C. ■ ! l,L attend the (’'Uinty and .''uperi'ir (^nirts rf \ I’uniherland, Harnett, Moore and l!’ ’>eson t'oim- I’rotnpt attention givea to the collection of all Ffon‘iiff and Fayetteville Kail Road. L|Nl>Fli the provisions of an (Ordinance of tlu‘ CJon ventioii of North Carolina, liooks will he opeaed on the Kith .Uine At the following places and under ihe di rection of the following persons, to receive subscrip tions to iiip ('apital Stock of the “Florence Fayette ville l\-iil Road Co.” Shares ()ne Hundred Dollars each ••1^ rhi h\iil If Hiif- diHci' in Fayetti viUe.—Under the li rection of the General (’omtnissioners, A. .McKethan, l>. .\. 1\ »y, A W. Steel. Wm. McL McKay and Jno. M. Hose .1: thf Hrd Spriittjt. — I'niler tho direction of Heclor McNeill, Win. ,1. Strwart, .las. A. Stniih, Man'l Me Neill anil (’.J. Alex. McMiihui, or any one of them. ,1/ Floral C .—Under the direction of l>r. Neill McNiiir, l>r. A. 1>. McLean, .\rchibald Smith, Kdmund liitly rtii.l Col. Alexan.ier Watson, or any one of them A- ■ f'lf'ialr. — Under Ihe direction of Murdock Me Hae, I) McLeoil, 1>. McCallum. .las .McH?'.e, Jr , and J. H Mct^ueen, or any one of them. .1^ A,jonhvtllf. — Under the direction of .lolui l’i*roi'll, .Ino. Mi Nair, Sioii .Mforil, l>ugald McCallum and Jno McCallum, or any one of thetii. The Subscription Hooks will remain open for the ■jpace •■'f d iys. Wheti a sudicieni sum is subscribed the ('■.'oiipany will he ('r^aiiized tor the juirpnse of huihl in^ the l{«\d \. A. McKKTllAN, l> A. KAY. A \V STI’IM,, WM Mel, McKAY. i JNO. M KOSF. (lencral Commissioners ' Fayetteville, .lune 7, ISii-J, o'Jif LOOK ,\T THIS! Till': IflVliTTKllLUi IIOTliL, Fronting f‘ee( and in (he hii^^iiiess por(ioii of (he To>fii« K»oiiik lliaii aii> lloft'i ill flir Ktati\ anil 111) I’atroiis >av iiiy I'otuliiuont- ari> very l'OovI fur tln‘ tlims T. \V\l»nil,l,. Pro|)rW t»>r. WkSTEHN JvOAI) Oi FilvotlcN ille. Aim. 1 I'FK'F, ) S ON and after the 1st day of Sej>t. tho following; rates wi ■■ ■'iO cl?. will be charged on I’assengeis, viz; From Faj-etteville lo Litt’e !\iver, “ to Spout Spring. 7;"> “ “■ to lloak liranch, I (Ml to .lonesboro', 1 2-!» to .Me Ivor's, I at I Twenty-livo cent* atidiiioiial will be collecled by the Comluv-tor of eacJi passi’iiger, le.iviag ;i Station without, a Tu kel ■A new rate of Freiglil wil> go into etl'ect at the same time, which will be priiiled and »urni.'-lied to the public in :i few d.'iys l>y order of the 1‘res't. JNO. M. V.OSF., Troas'r W H II Co .\ug :i(i, isc-j. .")t:1f May ‘JO, l»,: Fay‘((eville Female ex.>rci»es of I I tUo •-’■'til of Sep'.e lli^li School. luslilution will be resumed on his ■uiher The srhi>la-tic j'ear will be iHvi-Jo l iwo lerinv; the 1st of l;l week'i, cnmmencing 'J 'th of Sept. anii end ine ‘Jlih Dec.; the secoml of ‘J7 weeks, commencing Nt of Jan'y ;inj ending Jul3' 1st. I’arenis axiii (.luardians inteniiiug to patronize this Schoid are earnestly reijuested to apply for circulars containing t'ull particulars in regar«l to let ms, Xc . ’ .'I'/-, the openine of the Sfhool Uev WM lloour.ll. > T C. llnol’KU, ) July 17. l.^ii'J. I', tlo.lpd A 4a:?l! Thr Now S!}l*, Small, (OLOREU PHOTOIiRlPIIS, AT 4K:ilU‘i*y• | i j ART. Wooduai'(l'’« ^olar 4’aiiit*a*a. P!l()T*(H5.\r!lS can be h:ol u \’anors.lcirs Skylight Oallery, Hay street, op]>.wit.> M irble ^ ird. F?iy- etteville, N. t'.; pbiin. tftouohe-l, colored, in water colors, oil and pastilc-; from "iin ill to life size. .\mJiro types, Melaneotypes. .and all oiher siyle of Pictures pertain' ig to tiie Art. .Mso, (lilt Fiaiues, (ult .Mouhi- ing. O' J for very l.arge picture-^ as l.irgc as 'Jli liy ;{i inches, ,'ord .and ras'el> for hanging pii-iuies; Instru ments. Stock and (’hemicalv for sale low for cash. Life tize colored I’hoiographs made from small pictures. Having pt'rmaiienily located here 1 hope to merit yuir pitrotiage. 1 Woiiht al'o return my sincere I hanks for the liberal patronage besi..wi‘d on me herc'tofore I13' the good people of Favelteville itid vicinilv. C VANoKShl'.LL, I'hologr-ipiii-it and l‘ro)>rietor. 1 >e>:'r JO. 1 S.")'i 77 .Harlile Fai*l»ry, \ CARD. ( Jimp Hale, near Fort Fisher, N'. C„ Aug. 1SI52. ^PHK undersigned, a private in the Army of the Con- 1. federate States, respectfully announces liimself a candidate for (’hief Clerk of (lie House of Commons o the next Legislature. Having passed two Winters in close intimacy with former Legislative bodies, he trusts that he has considerable ac(junintance with the duties of the position. HENR\ K ('OLT)N. Aug. 2f). 5llf BliA^I Oi\ Dr\CAI\, vipri s. ( F O M F. n 1. Y t» F K E X T I V Iv V . ) I- prepared to fill orders to an^' extent in Fii^raviiig and Prlndiig Bank i\o(es, of* l^\t-liaii;:t‘, Arc*., Engraving upon Steel or Stono. Larv:e supplies of Bank .Note and other paper will be kept. .\iig ’2, l8ii'J. 40-ltilpd RI-]AI. I>TATK rOK^AI.i:. ^I^HK Subscriber would soli his house ami lol in Wades- 1 boro’, together witii about fitMt acres of land reaehing withiu three miles of Ihe Village (if ilesirable ) The ilwelling house is l.irge, and the lot the most desirable in the up-counivy, containing near fifty acres of land. Should any one desire to move further up the country, ho would sell them a finely improved house and lot in Spartanburg, S. C., together with a gooii iract of land near the jilace. .1. IV SMITH. Aug. 7. 4(t-3mpd The s WEI subscriber’s School will open at the Lodge, on ;i)NESl)AY, OCTOBER 1st. Terras per .juarter of ten weeks SKI. Persons who propose to coHtinue their sons at the School for less than two quarters are retpiested to state the fact in making application. J. DeB. HOOPER. - 58-2w Sept. 8. .^Ii*». Iti’vaii will rt*- ojien her School on Monday, September ■2'Mh. r>8--?t i\OTH i:. WILL commence my SCHOOL on the Hill, between Sept. S. Worth'- and Mr. Broadft^ol’s, on Mond.ay 81 h H. P. COLE. r>8-2tpd 1 BUSHELS SUPERIOR SOUND SALT, on con- l -vO signment, for sale by C. T. HAIOH Sept. H, 18*;i! k SONS. .'>S-2t 'I Principals I IlillHhoro* .Tlilifary A(’a«lt‘iiiy. ■’HE founh ,Vca lemic year of thi' In^tiunivin com menced on March ''th. The charges f‘>r a Cadet be- I cin with the month of entrance For circulars Cont.ain i ing terms, xc.. address Maj WM, \l GORDON, I Supt. H M. , Hillsboro', N. C. I June 1_‘. l'''rJ. il.i '.mpd eniru.sted to hid hands. 17, 1.- AiliiiBiii^lralioii .Ifolirt*. V.IE sul'sc.viber havine ‘lualitied as .\dmiuistratrix on the E'tale '.f las Sun ly. >leoM. hereby gives notice to all perso^i-i liaviner claims against said Estate to pre sent them Jo Wm McL McKay within the time pre scribed by law, or this notice will be pleadetl iu bar of their rec'vory. 'WTII.VRINE SI NU\,.Adm'x. Au^. I. ISC.-J .pt t NCV 1:.^ vi:Lori:^! ENVELOPES various colors, for sale by J. (\ POE IAIHES' NOTE SIZE ENVELOPES, assorted colors, J for sale by J. C. !’OE. 1)L \IN, business size Envelopes, for sale b3’- J. C. POE. .ept. 8. ■i-‘Jtpd Sloo Ki:WAK». ^Tttl.E.N I'roni M i'i>uiiiv, -N. iiv f.r '> !. Tttii iimiRs mini! r. t. imr.ii ■>. F;^yf‘tfcvillr, ■lan’v 20. 1 Ftii) my stable, near Lewisville, Forsyth ouiiiy, -N. on the night of the 11th inst., a small red bay NORSK, heavy I'uilt. bhu k leg>, mane and tail, white addle iii:irks. Noother marksreco!!ccie>l. Gail, -.li'iri j'ace, short trot and pace; age aboii 1 1 or I'J years. \ person was seen lurking in the neighborhood, sup jio-jed to lie iht* ihief, ^fho answers to the following de •«-i'ipiion; ‘-’I or J'_’years old. fair conij.lMxion, hlue eyen, 1 oolllllcillill ce.'lijrhi lirowii hair, well built frame, at'ou! ■') feel S inches high: wore a brown frock coat, blai.’k cassimere pants, ('iuiie ncw.i new boots, black neck tie, .eray tlannel shirt, and gray hat. carried a red c irpi-i sack niailc of hearth rug with the fringe on. ,\ rt-waril of S7-’> will he given for tho arrest, contine- ment and conviction of the thief, and ?L'."> for the safe delivery of ihe hor«e. He is supposed to be the same Horse thief that was arrested in Fayetteville a year or two ago. by the name ot Frv, a very notorious thief. JAMES S. PLEDUEK. Lewisville. N. C. -\ug. 7. 1'''.:^. in l*iii*€‘lias(% 1 or 2 children, a good that can Oiuie well reconi Wa Ilf cut lo A NEORO WOMAN with i\ washer and cook. One mended I will pay a liberiil price for. C. M. VANORSDELL Sept. s TjStf « lllilUlir.UlTERS, Uistrirl of I’apf Ffar, ) Wll.MINOTON, X. (’., 4, l'(»2. I aotk'b:. ^po complete Ihe defences of iheCipe Feir, it is ne- I ces-sary that the Planters in this vicinity should fur- nisb slave labor. The slave owners in the I’miniies of New* Hanover, Snuipson, Pup'in, Bruaswiok, P>ladeii, .and ('olumbiis, can without serious inconvenience, furnish Ihe labor necesssary to complete the work in a short period. -\s they would be the piineipal sulferers, should the SON’S' STini 81- 4’oi»i*i:ra« ale by TYSOR .v JoHNS\/N. ■ders sent to Mclver's Depot. F. A: W. Railroad, will be atten'led to. Jnlv :? .39. >11 Sn ’ Ord 08-tf DKXTAL NOTICI^. |{.: 't'UTT can be seen in his olhce. 2 doors east of the market, .at his re- pui:ir uftice hours from o ; l'>ck \. M. 'il ^ o’clock P. M ' -pt. lo. l'^:.l. r)7-tf 8^1)1*. ^c'otl iioli€‘(‘ lliat lie aVxent from Fayetteviile for a few weeks. • I ■••Mi’kille. June H''2 '.Itf W. WILLIAMS A: tU.. |U holt'^alt* I>t‘aler«» in l«ror€*ri»*^, AM' I.MlHJRTEK.s AM) DKAI.ERS IX hardware and ( iidery, Swedes Iron, iSto., HAY STKKKT, FVVETTKVILIK, (. - ]"• ; :;t;if W !• KK.MiAl>L. .). .S. KK.\i>.\I,I, rO\, liKAIIAM. A: t O., AN D WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 11 A Vi -\orth Water St., Wiliiiiniton. ,V. r. Iijr .. from the Country promjitly executcii Ur I •■ ular attention given to the s.ale of Cotton ■,: • luce. :"'l. lu-tf T. . % II. 4^. oinmNsion Hud Forwarding Merchants, WIl.MINGTUN, N. C. «Uf U, W. Ill 4 oiutniHsion • fferrhftHf, WILMINGTON, N. 0. 'Ml'l atid PEK.-''iN.\L attention will be given t ■ :.(• - i.e of .N.aval Si'irt-, ('otion, Lumber, Timber, ’I.', other (touiitrj produce. RKFKK TO 'I f.\K9L»;v, Pres’t Com. Bank at Wilmington. N !•>'.wso.v, “ U. N. 0., at do. I Fayetteville. - . PK.MHI.IITUN .V. >Lo.\X, ) •' I’-'HKKK, Eh')., Harnett County, N. 0. • 7, l''' it. l'>tf l>AVIIIM»A ^j''HL t.xercise? oi tiiis In^iituiioD will be resumed it 1 the regular time, viz: the 2oth Sept. Board, :?i:' per m-mth. Tuition, :rlU per anr’im. .\ school de-iene 1 for tho-e preparintr for the r>'g'i’ar classi's of the C:-!lege. or anj- iMhers. will be opened a' the sanie time, under the personal supct niendence of ?he Professor'. F ir p.irtioular'. ad lrfs«: the undersigned: P. • > , David- s II ’•!l*ee, N J L KIRKPATRICK. Pres’t. Aug 2'-. l'-'ii2. -'o-lm liv^. I'alliai’iiic* %Vai*«1 will resume the diitie'^ of her School on S.'j'teiuber 2'Hh. i^ Arch Street S.’ptembcr 1. .''>0- It \% A A TI: II, \S a Teacher in the Fayetteville Female High School, a genilemaii eoinpeient to take charge of liiedepart- inoui.-* oiMu-ie. Fr.'nc li. pMiiiting ao'l Drawing, either with or wilh^'Ut .A'sistants, as circuni'" uicefi may re- 'juire .\ddress I. C. HOOPER S( pt. 1, l^'i2. ."ji.tf C'OTTOA VARA. No. 1!> Hay Street. H p Jau'y 11, 1- .MALLETT hs- .MAKKPKA(’E iV >r«AH, \VF, on hand .:i’i espr -1 t : kecj' f iv - i!e, "f thi-ir own manufacture, a suj jdy of I’rass. Galvinir.e 1 and common Hooped .11 \ii*i:r III (i4irr«; French, Hiirh Post, Cottage and Conimon ni:nsTr..iDS; spring Mr.itre-Jses, of new and improve! Sprinji. on hand or made to order of any size; L >l.'N(iFS; Sf>nng, Cane, and Wood Seat CH.MRS, of ditlerent kind-* and pattern-: Spring S.>t’'.s. I. ■•iiit:>" an i I'hrvirs, repaircil. and • vered wiih ilair t'loih or other wise; Hoe handle-j, P.ung-' f. rbbls. .v llhd‘.: Sole. Harness, ami L^ppcr Leather, and Plastering Hair, we have good Machinery fi.ir Sawing, Planeing, Turning. Morticing atul llorcing. wo can ilo work with desy>atch an l on satisfactory terms. Per.-ons having work or repairing lo «'.c: will d^-. well 10 give us a «'all. We warrant our work; if it faiN, you know wlier • to tind us. Having taken a Store 011 the East side of Gillespie Street, a few doors Soutli of \. W. Sieel, E-*')., and having some sjiarc room, we would atton l to the storage and sale of any thing that may be consignel to us; and will give special attfniion to products of this State. FayetteTille. April 1, 18(>i. 'Hf I'A vi:tti:vi!.i.i: MITIAL I\SI!IA\(E 0>IPANV. iii.ri: viTRMM ^pHK subscribers are manufacturing BLUE VITRIOL. 1 Or enemy acquire possession of this region, they are re quired to furnish one-tifth of their able-bodied male slaves. , These slaves should be jirovided by their owners _ with axes and shovels, or spades, and also with two or j liieu and anj^els*, coinuionly called woman, three days’ provisions, iintil they can be supplied from : this place The owners will see that they are present on Monday, 1 September 7. either at this place or at one of the Forts j (u» the river. . ' A prompt compliance with this order will render it ' unnecessary that the military should be sent into the | country 10 jirocure laborers. The shives will be returned as soon as their services cau possibly be dispensed with. T. L. CLINGMAN, Brig. Oen'l Com’dg. Sept. 1, 1802. 58-;^t itr.l-ro seni to Mclver’'' Depot, the terminus of Coalfields Railroad, will receive prompt attention, “peciuien m.iy be seen at the observer Office. Fayette ville ' TVSOR ji: JOHNSON. Vug. 1 ■>. 52tf \oTici:. '■|''H1'. UNl>LR.'!l(i''ED. both having entered the mili- I tary service of '.he Confederate Stales of America, hereby give noti.’e to their old customers and friends, that they have appointed John D. Starr and John D Williams, "f this pla'-c. tbeir attorneys lo collect either ■ ep'iritel}' or conjointly all inonej'-^ due them either by account or note, and otherwise to .atiend to their bu- sine^' goner illy during their absence. They respect fully ask :ill persons indebiei to them to call as prompt- I}' as pos'iiblc on their agent■> .'\cd make pa^’DJeiit. S '\RR K WILLIAMS. S.'pi l>t, ls.-,i. 58-1 f 4 41A V i: U i: K A TI: ll» a OF the ilenotninaiions of .SKHNK S.VMI, i^lOO. Apply at Ihe Bank of North Carolina. Al'.rch \S ‘.Hf AOTIC'i:. Vs 1 expect to be absent from home a few months In the West, .\rchibald McLean is my authorized .\gent to transact my business until 1 return. the n^HK stib-jcriber having ii'i ilitie A I 1 tlie Esintp of Augtts Sh-\w 'I COL. JOHN H. MORGAN. A correspondent of tlie Charleston Courier writes from Chattanooi^a the following skctch ol Col. .Jack Morgan:— Col. Jack is precisely six feet in stature, his limbs are faultlessly synunetrical, and his action is the very poetry of motion. His hair is auburn, his eyes blue, his forehead high and broad; his face wears the florid flush of hale health, and is radiant with the light of thought. In repose he is gentle as a lamb; aroused, fierce as a tiger. He is in peace an Alfred, in war an Alexander. His hands and feet are small, aod iu his locomotion there is a remarkable ehustieity and grace. His bniw is ol an eminently mental mould, decision flashes from liis eye, and his lip indicates a firin- nt^s.s beyond the reach of cmbarraissment. His address captivates .everybody—“the girls all love him, and the boys all swear by him.” He is, in the broadest and most comprehensive sense of the terms, a gentleman, a scholar, a soldier, and a Morgan. Wary, intrepid, circumspect and bold, he is endowed with the rare capacity of sell-pos- .se.ssion in the very jaws of peril—he can f/nnk and deliberately decide what it will be be.st to do, however great the danger. His perceptive lacul- ties are pre-eminently tine. Intuitively he com prehends in a twinkling all manner of riddles, whether they come in the form of a “wetik inven tion of the enemy,” or in the more “(juestionable shape” of better laid schemes ol masterly strategy. His predominating characteristic is #iuit»kness. llis aj»prehe;ision is (|uick, his decision (juick, and his action tjuick. In repartee his perspica city is equalled onl}' by his perspicuity in argu ment His rejily is as sudden as the lightning s fla.sh, and wlisrever the bolt ot his sarcasm lalls the brittle splinters fly. his mental, moral and physical organism there is a hs^ruiony which conspires to lorco him into tlu; path he h:us jCL"'.''’ “His limbs are cast iu manly mould. For hanly sports or contest bold:” and “His ready speech tlows fair and free, In phrase of gentlest courtesy.” i In the purity ol his sentiments, tJie elevation ol I his principles, the daring of his spirit, and the i manly comelitie.ss of his person, he is emphafieally 1 the Chevalier IJayard of the Nineteenth eejitury. ; Of one bright, noble ijuality he ia the fortunate I possessor, which shines conspicuously—looms up ; over all his other brilliant gifts. I allude to the I holy awe with which he reviews the character and leelings of that connecting link between good When he captured that train of cars between Nashville and Louisville, with about a dozen women and four Yankee officers aboard, one of the women, who was the wife of one of the captured officers, rushed up to him and exclaimed,Capt. Mor gan, 1 implore you, don’t, for Heaven’s sake, hurt my poor little husband.” ‘‘Madam,” replied thj^ Colonel, ‘‘1 am a Southern soldier, the proper de finition of which is ‘an honorable gentleman.’ The soldiers of our amy, madam, are not fightuig for plunder, and we therefore respect private property We are not capable of poltroonery; and we therefore invariably treat with the profotindest respect the sex. There is a loco motive and train of ears, .madam; they are valu- IdIIIiIIikI i*nt ioil Aotice. tib'jcriber having ii'i ilitied as Administrator on 1. at Sept. Term of t'umberland County Court, l^.i2, hereby (jives notice to all persons indebted to the said Fatale to make imme- ^ 1 1 1 1 "m liate payment, and all persons having claims against | ^ihlc to yOur (Jovernment, and would be still more «aitl Estate to present them withiu the time prescribed j so ta mine. I Cannot consent, however, that by law or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re- yourself and the ladies who are with you shall be covery JAMK.s JENKINS^ .\dm r 1 turned into this forest without protection. Take >ept. lit. l.>%t>'j. f)/-4tpd I 1 -.1 . 1 I-..,.! u / it madam, and with it take your poor little hus band and go home.” Whereupon the astonished, . .. . . , 1 • ■ , . ‘-ind delighted feminine Yankee grasped his hand ^pilL sijn^crjnor havmif qualineJ as Aanunisfritor : . ^ t u i I upon the Estate of the laic Benjamin R. Husk-, at I ^ ^P^s'u ol ecstacy, and raineu upon it a flood the Soptemhor term of the Court ol Tleas and ytiarier i ol grateful kisscis and tears. Sessions of Cumberland County, all persons in'debted to | That feature in his character which is seen the said Estate are required to make immedi.ate pay- ' and remembered longest by all, is his un- ment and all persons having claims against the same are modesty. It sheds a soft and sweet rfiuirea lo pre:«eni them within the lime prescnoed by I - law, or this ntttioe will he pleaded in b:ir of their re- j coverv W. N. TILLINGHAST. j tsepr. 1, 58-3t I NOTICE. N. Dec'r -8. I G. JONES. 83 tf lloiiie-^laile Kiivelo|>e^». Il A T( I;ED by Thos. H..Tillinghast, P’ayette- *1 ii:;v he had of the undersigned, wholesale or I ^:io Ri:w%RiK '^PIIE above reward w^ll be paid for the api>rehension ; 1 - and delivery to the nearest Militarj’ I’ost, of .•XLE.X- 1 .^NDE : WALL.\CE, who deserted his ctunpany on or i about L’Oih of March ls''(li. Sai 1 W'a'.lace is 1’1 j'ears old. •') feet II inche-> high, red complexion, dark hair. I blue eyes: he is a native of .^loore County, and is proba- ; bly in the vicinity of ('arthage. I JAS. D. MclVKR, Capt. ('o. H, 2'Uh Reg't .V. C. Troop*' J Camp Johnson, 8 miles from Kin ton, .!une 17. o'^f «IO Kewartl. JWILL pay the above reward for the apprehension and conhnemeni of my man C.-VLV'IN, wlio ranaway ■ from me about three weeks ago. I I will also pay a rew^ird of Fifty Dollars for sulhcieni ' eviilonce to convict any person of harboring him. Cal- ; vin is about 4:! years ol' age. •') feet 10 or 11 inches high, 1 black, and weighs abotii !.')> pounds: he wears small 1 gdd rings iu his ears. He is a boat or .-jhip carpcnter, I and well known about Faytttevillo and Wilmington. I He sftmelimes calls himself Calvin .lohnson. i THEO. EVANS. :>8tf Capital in rrcniitim N iles .aniotinls to Cash on hand and other assets. ^2t'.7.'l88 ”f) ! ;'>.077 35 ! ea«h R icktish. X - 1, IBOli E. J. HALE ft SONS Alfvrllii^ (late 1 ^vill j.ivy I' III- Cents per pound for rags le- 'iver.-'l lu Fayetteville, or .at my mills D. .MURPHV. H.') June oO. 18t;-J 4 FEW LADiES il the Seminary. i' A R II! can be accommodated with board at C. HOOl’ER. I^oisf or ,tik Notes not fiHod up, .i^^e.l i.y mv-elf and • ...1 l.y Patrick Murphy, i„a,k- payaf.le to any uikajl Fayetteville. All pernon- ire fon-warn ii-e them, ae they will not be j,ai l DAVID .MURPHV ■ l-'.U. l:uf ^♦•rco'.fopes and Stereoscopic Views, \ ■ und • eautiful assortment, just received. E. J. HALE « SONS. '‘ llol^ar:^ Rf'wnril. '■ ' I froM, the subscriber, his negro hoy .MO- j - -] j’ears of age, about !> feet 10 inches , ni^ feel and \ery much turned out at the ^ wu when spoken to. He w.vs seen at II llobesou county on the 21st ult., \ ■ villc about three weeks ago. The ; - ■ ■ Jiaid for his delivery to me or for ' ill any jail so that I get him. ; W D. JOHNSON C.. Aug. 14, 186-i. C2tf 1 Sept. !:•. 1801. ARTIV ilAR Ai:)^^. I AM prepared to manufa*tiirt* all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army use. 1 tan my leather and can give good bargains. i\genls wili oh) well to send their orders lo me as they shall have prompt attention, r.nd sent of! in (piiok dispatch. -lOHN C.VRTFR Ooldston P. O.. (Uiatham Co.. N, C., ) .I'ine l;i, { Total, .■^ii7'J.7li5 (il The Conijiany h :ve ]'.'iid all losses {'romiitly, and have never made nn a^^es'^meut on their premi^im notes. Total losses paid, 0!* ()!■ Kt Kits: (lEt). McNElLL, Prc-idont. U. .\. R V, Vice Pie'-ideui. C. A. Mc.MlLLAN, Sec y. Dikkctiihs: W. N. Tillinirhasi. II $.•■)(» m:\VAUi). ) AN.\W.\\ from the stiliscriber, on Ihe 2d S. J. Hins.l.ile. Wm. McLiiiriii. T. S. Lutierloh, A. W. Steel, .1. Q. i'«ok, Hon. .i. (i. Shepherd, R. F. Ilrown, ) » o II .,1 '•'Vil A. E. Hall. Ill gton. ;:itf OIL AND LAMP BLACK. 1r\NNERS’ and LUIJRICATINO LAMP 1 l ACK in barrel?. JOS R. March 7. OIL. For pale by BLOSSOM & CO., Wilmington, N. C. titf Tin* l*i*‘«il>% l4>i*iaii PMaliiiodiMl h.aracter notes. \ turther mipply just received. F,. J, male a SONS Heury Lilly. H. L. .Myrovcr, S. T. Hawley, Nathan .\. Stedman, C. B. .Mallett, .James Kyle, A. McKethan. J. D. Willi;inis, S. W*. Tillinghast. hn ('ollins and C. C. ,Mc’'rummen. Tr.aveling .\genls fe^‘’Tlie Company invite apjilications. May 28. 1801. 21- fwroeeries / iwroceriesli VL.XROE and well selected iJtock of F.XMILY* (JROCERIE.'j alw.ays on hand, consi.-ting of liacon-t^ide.s, .Mess Pork, ]Mullc(S, Macker Xos. I and U, ^lola.sses, Sugars, ol' al grades, 'I'oliacco, (’igars, ' And all other .articles u'^ually kept in :« Wholesale Gro- I eery Establishment ' Ct)X. KENDALL h CO. j Wilmington, April 2, 18KI. , 10 if iira«l«|iiai*l(‘i*M ] I lii;;’lit Arlill«'ry, j I C\.Mi> Bovi.a;.'. July 20, 1861. ' f^pillS (’ompany, desiring to be coniplete in fveru rc- i I xj'ect, would be glad to enlist a number of good Dri vers,—men accustomed to liie managemeiH of horses. There will be paid to each man, (ui enlistment, a bounty ) of $15. Monthly pay ?12; besides being clothed and 1 fed, medical attendance free, and all other necessary J eijuipments furnished requisite for a soldier. I No one need apply unloHS he is a gooil driver and ex- pm'ienced in the managenuni of horsc:». The destina tion of the company is Virgini.i, as soon a3*Vquipped. r-tlifl ALEX D. MOORE, Pn I*', n.'jr’f r.l Arliltprv A tiiooil C'ook WILL i;i’\ OR HIRE. Want (Ml. KEMP r F BATTLE 50-ot Raleigh, Aug. ;!1. f Oi^FKRERATi: no\ns the denominations oj^ $1000, !i5lOO. at the Bank of Cape Fear. March 18. Apidy 9tf l’A5iJ^K Ai\I> 4:OxATRAi»iT: An ESSAV, on the AuiericanCrisia, by T W. .McMahon. A further Snpp’y just ree d. Feb. 12 E J. HALE A sons He«|K't* and odier l*oeiii, By THEOPHILUS hunter hill. Esq., of Raleigh. For sale, price $1, by li. J. JllALE & SONS. Jan’y 13, 1862. inst., hi; negro man ALFRED. He is about six feet high, and is very straight Ho is i5 3'e>irs oM, and is said to liave some In lian bloo l; he is d:iik copper cohjr. He sighs very often and loud, and talks to himself a great deal. His clothes are good: he h is a blue cloth over coat with him which fils him close. He can use the tools ot a carpenter oi'shoemaker well. The subscriber apprehends that lie will endeavor lo make his way to the Yankees, ;ind ultimately carry off otney negroes from the county if he succeetis in getting to the Vankocs once. I will give for his a[-prehension, if taken iu this county, and 5^')0 if taken artd confined in jail in any other couuty; and a reasonable reward lor .iny inforina- tioii in reganl to him. Alfreil was raised in Wake couiuv, by some one of the Haywoods. ALBERT MVERS. While’s Store P. . .\nson co . .\ug •>. 18*'i2. r)l-if Mlaufftrfif/n 4 MULATTO WOMAN by the name of LUCY; about l\ 2;: years old, of medium size, but now quite corpu- Unt S:i,id woiii'in is probably in or ne;ir Town, but may have been b-'i olT in the direction of Newbern by Bill I’.ruiuton. a tree niuhiiio-man who has been at work as ;i Cnrpentor probably on the Wilmington Weldon Raihoa I it a D'-pot North of Warsaw. I will pay S’25 for 111*' .I"liveiy of siiiii girl to me or lodgeil in .Jail in I iwo. il found ill thi-: County, or .'?)(> if said eirl is loun 1 i l any oi'iif .t'ounly and confined in the Jail of I'le ^riiai'. I lie p irty anesting giving me eatly infnrni.a I ion of t he same. JNO. D. WILLI \MS. F'ayc''evill-', .\ug. 2') 18r,2 Til-tf AVAATEDI CiOOD H.\NDS to niake SALT on the COAST, for > wliicli high wages will be paid. The location is j healfli'’, and the hands under the personal supervision , of it 20 of Mr J. D. Mc.Vrthur. Apply lo him in Wilmington, at Mr. A. 1'^. Hall's ollice, or to us in Fayetteville. D. & W. McLAURlN. Sept. •). 58tf >>t:iU‘ ol Aortli €^*11*01111**1. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, \ Raleumi, August 22, 18ti2. ( Sheritt's and Constables of the different Counties the State are hereby authorized and directed to ar- fragrance around and over his whole character. Whenever you praise any deed of hLs daring his response is: “Ah, sir, it was the boys did that —the boys, sir, the boys.” AVherever he is, he is always the centre of attraction—the observed of all observers. Yet he never seems to be aware Old men stare at him, and all the young ones shout for him; but he moves along just as though nothing had occurred or was occurring out of the usual even course of matters and things, and “.\round him there hangs such a mysterious spell, Whate’er he does none ever did so well.” rllE of Thi' Kpio Confederate Steamer ^‘No. 200.'’— According to the following statement, furnished rest all persons belonging to the Confederate Army who j by the London correspondent of the Dublin Kven- are absent tii'houi leave. | >iail the new Confederate steamer “No. 2y(>,” For each arrest they will be entitled to reward from , Tuscarora the slip, is an iron-clad the ( onfederate Government of ®15 for each one con- i , ® , • j ui i lined in jail, or $80 if delivered to the ('amp of Instruc- ] ^ very Tormidable vessel: lion near Raleigh, or to a Confederate officer. ! “She can steam from sixteen to eighteen knots To secure these arrests the above named officers will an hour; is perfectly seaworthy; for all practical call in an,v assistance, and use all the power and au- ! p^fposcs invulnerable, and will provc to any ves- thority belonging to their said offices. HENRY T CLARK, Governor of N. C. Aug. 20, 18i»2. 57-6w ^ JliAI.E. IH.vVE now and will constantly keep on hand a large supply of GOOD SOFT and H.VRD SOAP at niy Soap Factory on Person St., near the half way bridge. sel she may encounter as lormidablc an antagonist as our own Warrior, the boast of the liritish navy. This is the ‘iXo. 290,’' as to whose where abouts Union cruisers have with reason betrayed such anxiety It had been known for some time that a large and powerful iron vessel -was construet- „ , - , , inn at the dock yard of Messrs. Laird Birken- Soft Soap 12^ cents per lb. ^ he price of the hard will | e xe. in a ew ajs. c.O cents a order of the day at«hat establishment that no onc JONES. i troubled his head much about this new produc- -impd j tion, or eared to remark the great thickness of the plates which were being used. daj’i Hickory and Black-jack .Ashes wanted, bushel paid for them. 1 Fayet,teville, Sept. 3, 18ti2. ; To lie's»l Biiyrrs. ThE un lersigiied ofl'ers for sale, in the Coal and within eight miles of the terminus of Tlic uaiilN to purchase a LIKELY NEGRO BO\ , about fourlfen years old. C. H. ROBINSON. Fayetleville, Sept. I. I8»)2. >>7ff A’olic‘i‘. f|MIE Subscriber having (jualified as .Administrator on I the estate of William McKay, (dec’d), at .August Term of Robeson County Court, I8l’)2. hereby gives notice lo all persons indebted to said estate lo make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against «aid estate to present Iheni within the time pre- ^lon, the Fay etleville (.Sc Western Rail Road on Deep l«i'' ICUillT Hl'M)RK» At’KKS OF adjoining the land belonging to t!ic estate of George Wilcox, dec’d, and lying three ivjiles t'ouih Irom ( ar- bonion. on Little Pocket ('reek, .Moore county. These Lands are well adnjiie l to ilie growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rve. I'i'-- ihere aic on the prom ises a comfcrtable Dweliiog. and all necessary Out houses, with about one huiidred and fifty acres under fence, including forty or lifty acres of never-failing bottom land. 'I'his is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad vancing ill price in this seciion. For further information apply to Mr. M. M. McRae, Crane's Creek. I*, o,, Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville, N. 0. DANIEL McRAE, For the lieira of Gilbert McRae, dxjc’d. Carbonton, Moore oo., N. C., Aug. 24 1859. 43t scribed by l.aw or tliis their recovery. ill be pleaded in bar of MURDOCK .McRAE, .Administrator. Aug. 20, 18t)2. I'lirdiei* Aotice. ri'^HE Subscriber will oiler for sale at the late resi i deuce of Willia.m McKay, tiec'd. near Floral r'ollege, in Robeson county, oji Tuesday, the 3Uth day of Sep tember 18!2, «H the perishable property belonging to Ihe estate of sai-l Wm,^McKay, except suoii stock as may be neces*ary lo gather the present growing crops, consistinir of Cotton, I'orn, Fodder, Horses. Cows, Hogs, Sheep. Uacon, Lavd, Household aud Kitchen Furniture, and Farming utensils of every kind Th« usual creilit will be given, ami bonds with ap proved security will be reijuired betore the property will be delivered. MURDOCK McRAE, .Administrator. Aug. 2f., 18(52. 67tBpd ^ Blank Warrants for sale here. At the very last moment the Federal authori ties’ seem to have had their suspicion aroused, for the Tuscarora was dispatched to keep watch iu the neighborhood of the dock where she lay, and the southern coast of Ireland was also strictly watched. “No. 290," meanwhile, apprised of all that was .going on, dropped down the river ijuiotly one iTay, and steamed out into the bay, nominally for her trial trip—with a party of ladies and mu sicians, on board. Instead, however, of returning to moorings at Birkenhead, where she would have been kept in durance vile by the Tuscarora, phe ([uietly landed her passengers, avoiding Cork, Waterford, &c., in the neicliborhood of which she might have heard soinething not at all to her advantage. “No. 21>0” steamed round by Londonderry and l>onc“-al, and wa.s jyined oflF the west coast ot Ire land by the steamer which had previously sailed, having on board the armament intended for the Ironsidas. Had she even met tiie Tuscarora while still unarmed, it was the intention of her captain to try the fortune of war by running, steam on, at full speed into her antagonist. It needed no extraordinary discernment to discover what excitement must be caused at tJie other side ol' the Atlantic by the arrival of “No. 2U0.’’ Work for the soldiers, clothing. They will need winter