s K fl I - W K K K I. T. \oi \n KAVK/rrKVILLK. N. C.. SKM'rKMlfKR 15. l^t/2 . vrKn M.tMUVS VM> I'HI KSD.VV* KI»V1KD J. IIALK &, 80\S. . 1 IIHUIS aNi> riuiPRlKTOUS ■ S.'uii Wv'ok'v *.>B>tKVV K it' {'-till in ;>hM ,{:iritijr ti(cv.- r,f ,i! t>.,* ji 0!»r iiu“ t'xpiro'l *• , ._v i T.vi.R _ 2 .i> j.or :i!iiiini . if paid iti r- I' ;t’ j'^ii.l luriniir the vfar of sulisi'rip * ’ rtfier tiie veat Ims cxpirt’J v> MiVLUTl'^KMF.NTS mst-rte'l f.u t.''e»‘m p«r •• i': liiu'-j f.-i tti*> lir-'t. nrnl I'ctus for .vv.-h v__ pu>>'iorti 11111. V/"^rly a U orfi>Joiiionis >>y "rp* - i.raci • at r*:—. ‘iie!-. A i-i vr>or> arc U' ■ ?■-■ tiif iiuinJ>“r ot' iiisevi.'tis lie-ired. .>r V. .11 be ooTitiir.:« l lip t -i 'ii i, iiii'l i hjvr^.-.i hooovJ- : - ; I'o iii-i e.i ! . I'hiiy*' ! '>'* pov , ,. ■ I r 'MX' t "ll’K ii Hf: M- i ■' .■'■ • now fii-'-reJ withoai pavipetii in ■iJ.tiiio'. nor will V.-I tc! ' r. t • i.^IVOV li lie ' , -ii>i r-._! i f I 1 t ivir-. i i’lt'ia H lir-siio I- lake ilie pa ■ V iv ■ pie'uc U ’ i; > wh.ii iiiikiiijr ’t > • : JiUi'v Ipj^ l'c» \b\ ElM I Jit: US • in i)ut ul’i'rn «rhu de-;tre a'ivoriiseinenti! iu- liic Ubjiirver, and persons inJuwn wiih whom ,t regiiliir HfCount'', will please sctul with !be ' enl a' luiich cnoi*y if \y wi*ih tu itireit ia ■-■g to 'ur aJvertii Dg tei.us ou the lir-n pn^e. : wi-h f • '!‘en nay more >iieh lW>oonuI^. .ir y'.^ The proce-*- of c.illoctiou ia w:.- iiave to pav vf^ih 1 jr fvciy thini; w>j ■■ iiiese iiuies. t " >T!‘. -Wrfhareheri jf )ie eivon uo: ioe. ., u t.1 we tth.irgtf fv.r •vituary notices of un- L ,. .1-'.entth, HuJ for resolutions ■': respect; be e Wnid ' rej-.diug. we hav- much occasion t j r. ;= Do! ui.jre agreeable i> ri-aJera lUau u> jf paper;: A« it generaV;y happeUa. li iwevev. ijer I’hargin^ an i payin^po“’ai:e intheaooonnt fur s' uev.'i gtt ]iaid. we now j:ivp notice that we . I. 'th-nir ot the sort hereafter uuless aocom ' ^ ‘■-h (Always excepting in the cum; ot c.- uteers, when we reiuire no pnv ■ Uear : jre. that we wi.l in=eri jtituary notIi;e' , L iL exceeiiUjT 7'' worid, gran? Fora';. " - , Jiie ceni a word, whicu ir un t e paid t « u •. e w'.U be piu in type. Attorney at Law, FAYtTTEVILLE,N C PILL atiend the County and Sujierior C-.U!tt of 'i;;ii!'crlaui, liarnptt. Mooie and Kobua jU Cuun- ; i ;!upt aueniiou gives tu the o^.Ueotion of all eiitruited to hia haudi ■ 1". 1 ' "•■'-i: 1»ENT\L NOTICE. I) it’UTT can be s-.en lU otliee, - i. du east of I' (• i:iai ke:. .i hit rj- I:, '- u'-'ui-k A y. '7-rr Mr. ^rott iioticur lliait he . f. n! liHj!; F ■.yttievil^c tor a few wet-k-, ■ . - .e, J ' Ii ■ i -i, ■ ' * .‘J > t W. WILLIAMS A (U., hoh«ale llealfi*'* fit 4»roc erien, AN, I M p( iRTERS A Nl' nKAi.KH's ^ N rduare aud fiitlery, Swedes Iron, A,o., HVV SrUtKT, FAYKTTtVlLLK, >. I. guiar (./tlce hv ■ clock P '1 V, 1' K? NL'ALI.. iO\, KI^:\UAI.I. X A N ' ■ WHOLESALE GROCERS, ■. 11 A 1*2 -North Water St., Wilminslon. >. r. the ■’■ontrr pr uip'.iy exe--:e 1. •c: ; a'. eii’i -'U gi''e i I II. Florence and Fayetieviile Kail Road. i’SlHlK the provisions of an Oi.linunce of the i'oc- vi'iit'.'ii oti->ionh t'atorma. Hooks will Le opa *i.‘ Uith June at the following place* and Mnd^r th« di ei'tii'u of the followine persons, lo receivi s^ubseiip- the f'apital Stock of the “Florenca A Kayotte \iile Hail ({ond ('o.” Shaveii ()uo Hundred UollH-rn each -4f !.‘.c J’oaJ ,n Favatt^vilU—Under ih« di- reci;oti of IlnMi.'U'Tal rouiuiissioners, A. A. MuKeihau, I* V J'lrtv, A W S'eel, W’m. McL .NfcK^i? and Jno M Rosv .1^ l!«-l Spriui/s.—L'nd«r the direction of HeiJtor McNeill, Wtii. ■! Stv'T.'avt, Jas. A. Sniiih, Dan’l 0. Mo- N'eill and Al»x. McMillan, or any '.ine of them Ar —Under the direction of i)r. Neill McNair, I'r. D McLean. .Arcnibald Siaiih, itdmund i H 1 \.'ol. .Morander W;\ts •!». or «ny one of tlieni Ai {J.. •’ — Under the direction of .Murdock M«- •llae, 1> McLecid, U. Mcralluni, Jaa McKas. Jr . and J II ^lc^j’leen, or any one of them. .4f Aij ’itr.lle. Uuderihe direction of John PurowU, -hio. MoN :ir, i?ion Alford, L»ugald McCalluoi and Jno ''•t.-('alliiiu, or any one of them. i'he .'^ubscripiiou iSooks will remain open for tU« ■^p-^'.'o ■-* *' ' d ivs When a sufticient sutn is subscribed the 'i:::n u)v wi!l be orif'tniied foi t!i« purpo«;e of build in^ the Ko^iJ A A I' A A W v\ M JNO Wlstkrn’ R-vil 5Joai> Ofhof., \ FayetteviJltt. \ug.’i'J. 1 8tJ‘J. ^ Fiivetiev;ile, Jane T. l^o'. McKETflAN Ray, STEEL, McL McKAT, M KOSE. ueneral ('oiuuiiiuioners !i-Jtf OS and after the !»• day of Sept. tho f»11owin;{ rate* will be charged on Passen'jQis, vii: Prom pHyettPville to Liiiie Hivor. io ct*. to .“^poui Spring, 76 '• to Ro^k Brauuh, I yy “ " to loneslioro'. I to Mclver's. 1 6u Twenty liv(# odul» addrtiona! will be collected by the Condutior of ea«»h pawseo^er, leav-ng u .^tHtiou witheut a ticXe! A new rate t'f Freijiht will go into etloji at tb^ suine time, which will-be printsd an ! furnih^d to iha public iti a few day« by order of th« Pres ; JNU M Treas ! W H K Aug au, ]?()•.*. itiif A UK52! Thf stvlt*. Small, t’OKOHKD PiromilAPHS, A 1 l.OOK AT THIS! Til!': FilCTTKllLLE IIOTKL, Froiifiiiv 300 feet aud in the busiiuesf portion of the Towu, roiitaiii'ii iiiort* «|»acioii«> and well vriililated Kooiiim lliaii aiiv llot«rl ill the State. unJ UiV r:ttroiis .-ay m\ ConJiuieuts aru very go«>i tor tile tiuie-. T. WIDUILL, Proprietor. May 21.'. IS'jJ »7y Fayetteville Female High School. Tur. px.M-i'iscs of this Institution will be resumed on the l!vih of September rt.e srhi'.lastic year will be divided into two teran, the Isi of 13 weeks, commencing '-’^th of Sept. and end ins L'ith Dec.; the second of 27 weeks, couituenciug liti of Jan y and ending July 1st Par-'nts and Guardiang itiieuding to patronize this Sjhoo! are earnestly requested to spplj for oiroular. 'ntaining full particulars in regard to torms, the openiujf ^f tlio School. Rev. WM Hu'JPER, ] I . ART \% 4M>d\% ai'd‘% ^olai* Camera. A i AKU. CiMiin Hale, Bear Fort Fisher, S. .tuj. ^pIlK undersigned, a private in the .■\rrny of th.- t'l..'- 1 federnlp States, rbspectfiilly nnnouncot hiniswU' a candidate for Chi-f Clerk of the House of Comrii -ns o tiie iiL-it Lwgishiturt; Hav'njf piisseJ two Winters in clot.* iuliniacy with fonin-t Legislative bodies, ha tru«t>« that he h is considerable acquaintance with the duties of the position ‘ HKNRV F. UOLTOS -■ViijT. 'Jo GUf BLAiV'I'O^ l>ri\CAi, t'OLV^iuui, s. c’., f O .'I t: K 1. Y OK K £ \ T f C K V ' 1» prt-pired t” till or.leri lo any exten: in Eugrauiig aud Printing Bauk i\'ote!!i, of r.iciianure, Engraving upon Steel or Stoae. Litrge iupplles uf Bank .Vote and other paper Mill be kept. -\utr '1 l'^i3ii. 4‘'-lt;tpd l!:!i»TATI^ l'OK>iAl.ir:. j -^ubscribiii v.oul.1 ''ell his hou>^e and lot ii» W&des- ! 1 boro’, together w’th about >'0" icres of i'an.l ro.iching withiti three luiles of the Village (if de'.irable i Ttie dwelling h iuiii) is i-irge, ami the lot the uj .'a! desirable in the up-g.'uuity, j ..i!'inin^ neat tifty ujves jf iund .'^houlJ any une .ie.iie to .u.j\e turthei up tiie country, he woul.l s*n them a Du^ly iiupitived house ari.l lot in Sparr-inbijrg. .S C.. i jgether wiiJi a goo.l tract, o! land imar the place .! H SMITH Aug7. -}yBiu[nl the fact in making anpUcfttion Serf. J DeB HOOPER n!-‘2w ?irN. Bryan will re open her School on Monday. September .*th AOTICK ILL CKUitjience inv S(?H,'OL on the Hill. b*tween Mr VVi.rih s and Mr. P.roailfooi’s, ou .Monday •eiit ' HP (’JLE. ■ Sept 8 5i> 2lpd HALT. BLSHEL.S SUPERKHl SOUNl' SALT, on oou signinsnt, for sale by m Sept. h. IMf. C. T. II UOH KAVELOPEJii! A SUNS ENV ELOPES, various colors, li>r sale by J. C. POE K VE1.0l»E>iI NOTE SIZE ENVELOPES, assorte.l oolom. tor sale >iy .1 POL I AL»1ES Ii : I )H0T0GR \ I'HS oau >.e Imd at Vauors.ieH's iikylight I Galler;-, Hay stiuet, i vpvf.;.- ^larl.lw V>irJ, Kay- eitevillu, N L’ ; pli^iu. roLoUi.’he'.l. coln'-ed, in witt^r colors, oil and j.astile fvdiH ^iii'ill to life iiie. -Viubro typfs, Melaneotypes, an I all other »tyl.-» of Picture* pertain' ig to the .^rt .Wj. G;’.: t’r.>’:.t *. Gilt Mould ing. ti- .-■» for very large pictiiios—as litrgo as 26 bv SO luche*. lonl and Taws*l» lor hanging }>i'tnrcs-. Insirn- nients. Stock and t’hemiiaU for rale '.. .v f.ji ca»h. Life site colored Photographi male ft' in sii. kll picturei Having pcnia-netitiy l.icnel h^ve 1 imjic to merit your patronage 1 would a!*o returi: iiiv «iuco)« thanks foi the liberal patri.nage best..wei on t-ie heretofore by tti« good people .>! FayutteVille and vi.'initv I’. M VA.NORSbELL, Khoiogi'iphi'i a:..I Proprietor L'oo r '-‘O. 1^5^ 77 i^ltti*ble K«4joi*y, .ldiiiiiii«ti'a1ioii ^pHL ru‘.»'M'ibor tiaviug ;ualifi«d a 1 the Estate of Jas >>iinlv. .Itto'd. to all ii«r-‘OU» haviug olaiois asf^in; »#t»t ir,rui V'J Wui M -I. \ii-Kay w ■oribe i by bi /, • iheif reo iviTv. -iii^ J. ■ i\olice. ( Adniiuistratrix on hereby gives notice Hui i E.tate to )>« itiin the time pre will t-e pl ' i'led iu I ar ol I 'TH VIUNF. •'L S;*V. .Adui i -4 '■> I P KA VELOPEJii Lain, business sue En»el.>[)es S' T C HOOPER. Principals 43 tl5Jpd Hiiivhoro- .llilitary ,%cadeiuy. ^pHE fi.urth Academic year of this Institution coai 1 ruence i ..in \larch 6tb. The charges for a Cadet be- gi’o w'th the month of entrance For circulars contain ing terUiS ic , addre-*- Maj WM M. GORDON. Supt. H N' \ . Hillsboro’, .N. 0 June ii’, 1^01’ . 38-aojpl BV n'M> TWO UOttRS .^BOVE C ^lOO lti:%VAE£l>. fl'LEN iVoni my e!a‘>le, ties' LowisTilla, For«yth conii'.v. N C . on thenighi .ji the 11th iu«t , a small biV nOKSE. heavy b^iil!, i.la-.k le^-s inat.e and tail, white »aJ.lie n;ai ks .Nooi.'iei uiar'a^te ’ i* l Gait, ^tl rt pace, sh.'U I rot and pace; a>r« abou i ! or l '» years A p -'on wa» seen lurking in the neighborhood, sup po-'ed tu be 'he 'hiel. who ,»n.w.-i» lu the tollowiug de (aiipii.Mi; 'i\ or 'I'i year- oM. lair ooujplsixion, blue eyes, good C'tun’-enance, light brown hair, well-built frame, about 6 f«et b inches high; wofe a brown frock coat, black caisiuiere pants, (quite new., new boots, black iiortk 'ie, gray flinnel shirt, an 1 gray hat, carried a red cirp^t sack male of hearth rug with the fringe on idw.ji a of *75 will be given for the arrest, ooutiue luant snJ conviction of the luief. and fur the safe Uflivery of the home He is «\ippose.l to be the eania Hoi»e thief that was atre«t«J iu Fayetteville a year or two ago, by the name v-f r I , a vsrv ii'>ioriou« thief JAMES ii PLLDUER Lew.sville .N C Auij 1 ‘i >3: HTOKK Fayettevlilr, Jao’T mO, 1®00 A. r nm ix'.‘ i.y r Orders *e yrill be atteaJttd to J flU* o COIM’CKAS TY'SOR «eut tj .M«iv(jr'» iJwpo'.. F •iu “ui \ Jo4NSo-'i S W Rai!road, T\ l»AVIir«»OA ( HE Ex. relays of this lnstituii.>n wlU be re-ruuic l -ti the regular time, viz: the LJ'th Sept. R ard. iPi per month. Tuition, :JlU per an^iH'j; .\ .school designed for those preparing for the n-j: lar o’assps rf the C or any others, will be opened at the same time, under the pers.mal superintendence of 'he Prcft.s«‘irs F r To>r'icu!'.ir-». addreon the utiilersignod; P. U., David- - n I'- V.'-t'P. S J L KIRKPATRICK. Prss t .Vug IJ". 55-1 m Tlr«. ('athariiie Ward will resume the duties of her Scho.il ou September ’J'Mh, iu .\rch Street II .>1.\KKPEACE A AVE on han I ['tember 1. ■v;-p .1. S KK.N'DAI.L WAATEW, V.S :i Toa';her in iho F lyetteville Female Hijjh Seh.'Ol, a geniiptt-iii conif'etent lo take charge of the .Ispart- i ;fins .! Mu-ic, French, Painting .and Draining, eith.r \v h cr withmt A-isistanis, as circumstance.' mar r«- .^;ire Address Srpt 1, l‘'tiL.’. iOTTOA No. iv) lUj T. C YARA street. c. p. itic sal. I.; V jttun lovf Jar.'y o, Hooper O'Jtf MALLKTT !5S- M'HAE. to keep tot *ale. of their a »-ppiy of brass, Galvauii*d and couiiuon Hooped JlAIPEIt UirKETS; French, Hisrh Post. Cottage aud Cooiuieu BF.Dsrr.^insi spring .MattrO'ses, of new and iinT’ -vp} '■’[riaff, on uand or made to order of am' 'ii»: LOI'.VGF.^; .'Spring. Cane, and W.^od Seat 'H.UR.-?, of iiiferent kinds and patterns. .Sprin,: S-.faw, at; 1 Chairs, repaired, an I covero-i w h ilaii ( ‘. Hh other wise; Hoe han lie>i, Btingx f.ir bbls. .v Uh'ls ; Sole, Harne.is, and .Upper Leather, and P'ia'tcring H.ur. Af' we have good .Mac.hinery fur Sawing, Planeing. Turning, Morticing and Uoreing, we can do work with despatch and on ‘■atisfactory torrn.J. Fers.ins having work or repairing to d" wip do well to give us a call. We wcirrant o'lr r,')rk; if it fails, y.ot know where to fil'd us. Having taken a Sf >rc on tiie East side of Gillespie Street, a few door* South of .V. \V. Steel, Esq., and having eorjc spare rtxjm, we would attend to the storage and bale of any thing that may be consign;;.1 to us; a will give special atten'ion to prolncts of this Stnte. Fayetteville, .\pril 1, l.*^*;! v»tf favettevbj.ee MITCAL IXSMllME COMPANY. UEI E VBTUIOL. '^j'Ht «ub».:ribers arc manufaoturing BLUE VlTRloL. I Ord*:s «fnt to Mclver's L*epot. Ibe terminus ot the i.oulGe.J^ iCiili'o»J, will leceive proiupi attention .\. sppcituen may be seen a' ‘he Ob'-erver Favette- viiU TVSOR i. JtJHNSON \ug 1-- o-'tf j A Cavalry Chan,..— Durins? the last battle 'PHE sub-icriber's School will^.pen at the Lodge, on . Mana«a«si nl. •*. • i w P as thp I WEI.NF.S1.AY, OCTOBER 1.‘ Ter..ns per quvr*er I 0^ about tour O clook, F. as ine .■f t- n weeks the enemy bt^gan to give way, j^en p.'Tsims who propose to eoutinae their sous at the' Beverly Robiuson wns ordered b? CtCH. Long9treet Sch.-’l t ir ies'* than t'-'^o quarters ara r;>q!ieated to sta^e ■ to charge the flying masses with his brigade oi ; cavalry. The brigade numbering a thousand men, I composed of Munsford’s, Myera’, Harman’s and ' Vlouruoy’s regiments, was immediately put in motion, but before reaching the infantry Geu Robinson discovered a brigade ot the enemy fif teen hundred stronj^; drawn up on the crest ot a I hill directly in his front. Leaving one of his ’ companies in reserve, he charged with the other • three full at the enemy’s ranks. As our men drtw ficrir the whole of the Yankee line tired them a volley from their carbines, most of the bullets, , however, whistling harmles.«»ly over their heads i In another instant tLe enemy received the terriffic ; shi.ok of our .sjuadrons. There wa.s a pause, a hand-to-hand fight for a momeut, aud the ene my broke and fled in total rout. All organiza tion wa.«i destroyed, and every man trusted lor his safety only in the lieela of his horse. Our cavalry followed them close, cutting them down and tak ; ing prisoner! at every atcp. Before reaching Centreville we had slaiu at least three hundred, and captured five hundred prisoner:# The rest made good their escape by flight. It is .said they drd not drkw a rein nor slacken their pace until they r«iachod Alexandria Two of their captains and several other commissioned officers wern left dead on the field The yankee papers report th»* JeatL (»t their commander, Uen. Bufbrd, hut it killed his body was carried ofl’ by his men We have received this account from a partici- j pant in the enga);oment. )ur informant, from hii pusiiion as a cavalry ofljc(‘r, had fine opportu i nities of judgltiif of the cfmdition of the yankee j tronjis durint; the retreat. He describes them a* r>f ( utterly donioraliied and disorganized They hur ried along iu great droves like frightened cattle, officer^ and men being mingled indiscrimlnHtcly ami inextricably. Our men followed them up and slaughtered them at leisure Had the rout t.aken place two hours earlier, the entire army would have been destnjyed or taken prisoners. Hirhmond Euamirin- The Burniny in Winc/tnter.—In our notice of the evacuation of Winchester it was stated that the Federal troops had wantonly set fire to aud destroyed one entire block of building*; From parties from the Valley wo learn that this block of buildings was in the very heart of the city, and included the “Taylor Hotel,” the larg est and finest public hou.se in the Valley. The whole square wa.s swept by the fury of the flames, nothing but bare walls being left of the finest improved houses in the town. In blowing up } the magazine, the Yankee who applied the torch was also blown up. (>ur cavalry force captured jn the vicinity of Winchester about 90 prisoners At Harper’s Ferry a InTge number of negroes j were recovered by our forces, who belonged to parties in difl'erent parts ot the Valley. We have hoard the number stated a.s high as /i/teen hundr^'fi.—/iich}H(>nd Di.yjdtch. I'epi tor sale by J C POE. V 'Jtpd Wanted to Fiir‘lia»r, .SLOR'-> WuM.VN vrith i or 'i rtJii;r>Li, a' good w-iShf-r un i cook Dno that can c. ;i * well recom mended 1 will pay a liberal prii'e for ;\ 1C E. 'j'^HE L .'1 IjERSIGNFI.*, bi.th having entered the niili- I tary servi.'e of tue i^onfe lerate States o' .\c\erica. her» bv 'j-iVi'notice to their old rutouiers an 1 frirnds, ;hai th ». have appointo 1 Jo.hn !>. S:arr and J din U. WilliH’^ -. '.f thi>.: ]ila>^e. their auorn.-y. to '.iilect oither fep'kf'i .-'v or cotijoiiitly >iil inoney- din* then.' either l>y accouiit or note, and otherwis? to i»tten l to their bii- (inf--> generally during their absence. They resji^ct- tul'.y .k. 1; all persons in iebi.-d to them to call a-^ }Touipt- Iv a>^ } . S'iiblo 'n their agei.'-- >o l m^ke paym, ut. : -UH. ,K WILLIAMS i>ept 1'.', l^^'il. « OA EEOEK ITE ttOSDyi F the denoniinations ©f ji.'WO, >^100. Apply ai I lie Bank of North Carolin i .M irch 18 'Jtf HKlDlU’AKTERS. lUiilrirt of fape Fftir. ) Wilmington, N. C , 4, 18frJ ) AOTII’S;. 'pj c^jiiiplete the defences of i-.s C»pc Fear, it is ue- I cessary that the Planrerx in ;iii- vicinity should fur nish slave liibor. j The plave owners in the . ititi-s of New Hanover, j Saniiison. L>up'in, Brunswick. Hlalen, and ('olumbus, | can without serious inoonvenience, furnish the labor ' neceassary to complete tVi** work in a short period they would be the p: .:i(.ipal aufierers, should lUg enemy acquire possession of ttiis r«gion. they are r«- quired to furnish one tilth of their able bodied male 61 a V c s These slaves should be pruvidnJ by theii*owncri» with axes and shovels, or spades, aa.) al«o with two or three days provisiuDS. until they can be supplied from thi« place The owijera will soe that they aie present on .Monday, :?epteujber 7, eilLar at this place or at one of the Forts on the fiver A prompt conjpliance wm>i this order will render it uunscessary that the military should bo sent into tb« co'jniry t.. procure laborers 1 The slaves will be returned as soon as iheiii services can possibly be dispensed with X. L CLINGM\N. Brig Ueu’l CVitn’dg Sept 4, 18t)‘i 5s-2t .%diiiiui«ilratioi& A'otice. ' ^pilE subscriber having mialifi._-d as A Innnistrator on 1 the Estate of-\tigus .Siiaw i)«.;'d. at Sept. Term of CiinilierlaaiJ Couniy Court, lSti2. hereby gives notice to a:l persons indebted to the oaid F.s'ate t.) make iinnie- ' i1:ate p»_\mtnt, and all persons having clain's (Tgainst said Estate to present thetn within the time prescribed by l.iw or this aotioe wil! be pleaded in bar of their re- ; .\>v»ry JA.^1E.S .TENKINS, .-Vdrn’r Sept. U*. Ibti’J. r)7-4tpi NOTICE. ^pHE subscriber having qualified as .Administrator I upon th» Estate of the late Henjaruin R. Hnake, at the Septeaiber term of the Conn oT Pl“as and Quarter Scf'sions of Cuuiberlanii County, all pt^r.sons indebted to th,> sail Estate are reijnirel to mike immediate pay ment and all pet ^ons having claims against the same are r.ojuired to present then> within the time prescribed by law, or thi't notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. NV. N. TlLtlSGHAST. Seft- 58-3t 0 ad REWAItU. • i.:x U,ii. WOKTIi. Ciij liii- iou and ForKardiu? >Ierchauts uaMivtrrox, \ v .-■,1 bitf U. W. BI EI.AKU, otH3UtHs*on *ftfrrhunr, WILMINGTtjN, .N i r a id t'F.H - atten^’on vv . !..• g;-- : ' Na al ... it*s, C.t. ->i I 'iiber. 1 iiii'; :, II. • f .untry ^ruducu. RtrLR T: I''K.'i.i£Y. Prei’t i’oni. Bank ai Wilmiugti ii. " B. N. C.. at do. ■E. J. V Fayetteville. - ;■ Mil p.Ti..': .Sc ( •' ■'. E.«iq., j'larneti County, N. C. ir>if Eii veloiM^s. I I l>hby Th'. . H Tillingliast, Fayetle- y ’s i';ii . f (he und-Ttigned. wh'di‘''tile or E J. HALE .M SONS \tU'rtliiH date I \%ill f' ‘ per ji.jiind for rag- .ie- livt r I in F-.-I neville, or at iny mills 1> MURPHV ^pHE above reward will be paid for the appi«h«nsion I and .lelivery to the nearest Military Post, ol ALtX- .\.NL»E ; \V.\LLA.'E, ■who deserted bis Cutnpany ou or about 'JOth of March j'J. Sai.t Wallace i* -4 years o J, 5 feet 11 inches high, red coniplexii.n, dnik hair, fi'iie eyes; he is a native of Moore County, and is proba- V ‘n til • vicinity of Carthage. JAS. I). M.IVER. i’aja. Co U, ‘J'ith Reg't N C Troops. Crimp ./ohn^ion. H mile-' from Kinston. June 17, Stiff : s^lO Kewaril. INS ILL pay the above reward for the apprehension and confineuicnt of my man CALVI.N. who ranaway from nio about three wseks aro, I will also pay a rewar.i of Fifty Hollars for aufficient evidence to convict any person of harboring him. Cal vin i^ about 4ii years of age, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, black, and weighs about IfjU pounds; he wears small ^.ild ririifs in his ears He ia a boat or ship carpenter, and well known a>)OUl Fayetteville and Wilmington. He sometimes ca!N himself Calvin Johnson. THKO. EVAN.S :jstf Capital in Pruiniuiii N >te» auiO'>;nts Caib on hand »nd otht;: assets. ^•.:li7.tlH.8 '.ib ■5.077 Total. i-J7'j,7i;G ttl The Company h ive paid all iosxis f'lomptiy. and hsvs ncvnj made an assessment .jti their prdniiuin notes. Total ’. sses paid. Oy OKriCKRs; GEO McNEILL, Presi leui. I). A. K.\Y, Vice President C. A Mc.MILLAN. Soc y Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, S. T. Hawley, Nathan A. St(^lIufcU, C. B. M alien, - James Kyle. A. A. McKethan. J. 1). Williams, S. \V. Tillinghast. W .N. Tiliiiiiiiiasi, S. J. Mjnadftie Win. MoLauriii. T. S. I>utterloh. A. W. Steel. J. G. C..»K. Hon .1. G. Shepherd R. F. Brown, ) A. E, Hull. , Wilin'aion. AtlTK E. V.S 1 expect to be absent fr.iin home a few inonth.s m the West, Archibald Mcl.ean is ny authorized Agxnt to tr-ansact niy busiiie-s until 1 return. N G. JONES. l>ec r’jx. If't^O, h.itf m IILWAHI). 1) .VNAV>.\^ ti'om the sulscriber. on the -d lust . iiis t n«/io man .-M.l'iiEH. He i- ar>ou( six feet high, and is Very «,rai«ht He is io year* old, and is sai'l lo huve some In iiaii bloo.l; he is dark coppei- color. He sigiis ve.y o‘'teii and loud. .nnd to hini-cU' u groat deal Hib cIotlie>‘ are good; he h.i» a blue cloth over 0 at with him which fiii hin'. close. lie can use the tools of a carpenter or shoemaker >»ell The subscriber apprehen.is that he will endeavor lo Ui.ikt I.;-' way to the Vmikees. arid uitii.lately carry oti' (.;iier negroes trom the county if ne tu‘ce--ds in getting to the Yankees once i will give for his appreiiens.ioii, il takeo lu this «ouuiy, and if taken and coniine i in jail in any oilier county; and a r^asonnble rewa-J foi- uny iufuruia- • lion ill r, g:ird to him. Alfred was raised in Wake connty. by some one of tlie Haywoods. .ALBERT .\I\I'RS. White's .Siore P. (>.. .Anson co . Auijr >. .Vl-U' WAATEOI •)( i '’OOD U-\NDS to make SALT ou the COAST, for *»\/ which high watres will be paid. ThJ location is henirhy, and ttie hands under the personal supervision of Mr J. !• Mc.Artbur. Apply to him in Wilmington, at Mr. A. K Hall’s office, or to us in Fayetteville I) v't W. .McL.AURlN. Sept tJ. 58tf iittatc ol A'ortli Carolina. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, R\LkitaH, -August 2'i, 186VJ ) •^pilE Sheritl- and Constables of the different Counties 1 of the Slate are tiereby authorixed and directed to ar rest all psrsons belondr.g to the Confederate .Army who are absent without leave. For each arrest they will be entitled to reward from the Confederate Onvernrnent of Slo tor each one con fined in jail, or if dcliverel to the t’amp of instruo- tion near Raleigh, or to a Conf'e lerate offict?r. St utrali/^ u itli o Vemjeanai.—We see it htated that the Yankee Government ha.s maie a large contract for arms with certain English manufacturt?rs, to be delivered within a certain titnc, provided, in the interval, war does not break out between the two countries. As there is no probability that the contingency provided against will happen, the bargain may be con- .sidered as clo.sed. The arms will be delivered to the Yankees, and thc^' will kill as many “rebels” with them as they can. • As our coast is blockaded,'and wc have no navy, the Yan kees have it all their own way. This may be neutrality, for aught we know to the contrary, but to us it seems a very strange kind of neutrali ty. The next thing to killing a man one’s self we take to be giving a third person a weapon to kill him with. When a murder takes place under such circumstances, in ordinary life, the principal is indicted as an acces.sory. The old United States at one time made heavy complaints against the { British Government because iiritish subjects were in the habit of selling firearms to the Indians j upon the borders. It was for that offence, as well i as we recollect, and for the ^rther crime of iuati- I gating them to make war upon the white inhabi- ■' tants, that General Jackson hung Arbuthnot and I Ambriiter. We can bee but little differencfl be j tween the two ease*, except that we are alreadv ; engaged in war. This so-called neutrality ot Great Britain is quite as oppressive to us as would be a formal war It has the effect of dejiriving us entirely of those munitions of war which she furnishes in profusion to our enemy, who are already enor- To secure these arrests the above named officers will i * , , ir iV and use all the power and au- j mously superior to us in that particular. 11 the call ill any est-istanoe thoriiy belonging to their said offices. ilENRY T. CLARK, Governor ofN. C. .\ug. 2''. 1S'>-. 67-6w. SOAP FOR SAEE.~ ]H \ VE now and will constantly keep on hand a large supply of (lOOl) SOFT and H.AHU SO.AP at my Soap Factory ou Per'fon St.. near the half w.ay bridge. •Jul.* 1M'"J FEW LADIES the Serninarv. 1KI>! •an be accommodated with board at T. ’ Sept. I'J. 18>1. AIM! V HOOPER Ol’*- IIAKAE»>?!». I.o^l or J® N .U'~ nut filled lip, ■'ignc.i ,,y !; ,,„.j X i* *: .y I'.itrick .Murphy, inadi- p iy-...^„y - iti F .yptteville. AH person-^ nre t ..rev,-n-J- V- iRey will not be puiil ^ I>AVID MURIMIV.* * l.itl copes and Stereoscopic Viens. w i ' luii’ai a - i?rnu-nt, jii't received. i:. .1. HALE Si SoNH. ^ iil\-n *«* flollar!>t Reward. Hiib-cnber. liis negro oy ,M(>- y "t- of age, aboat 5 feet in inche-j .'itid vi-ry much tin ned ou' at tiie . ‘ • "'hen 'ijiokeii t.i. He wai seen at p ' oepion county on the :_'lsi itlt., ■ a'^''u; ihi'^e weeks hl'o. The ! >'1 ■ •' Il ' 111 me i.r t'f.r • - ; gi-t lirn, W U. JOHN.';N. ■ - ^ , Aug 14, 18b2. 62tf 1A.M prepared to manufacture all kind‘s of Wagon Harne-rs for Army use. 1 tan luy leatlier ul I can ;:ivc good btif'diii-. .Ajjei'I.s wili do well to send their order- io me as they shall bavo prompt .attention, and sent off in 'luii.'k di patch JOHN (^\RTFR. Gol'lston P. (J., ]hatharii Co., N. (^, ) June l:{, lHil2 f hn Collins and C. C. .'VlcCrwiunien. Traveling .Agents B^^The Coinr-finy invite ap'Oication-*. May 28, IF';L ‘ , oj. i^roceries I iArovt^ r iesil A LARGE and well selected Stock of FAMILY GROCFHlIE.S always on hand, coii'^i.*iiug o4 IJacon-Side.s, ,'Ues.s Pork, .Mulhif.s, .'^lacker Nos. 1 and ‘.i, Mi)!asft;ert, Suirnr: grades, 'robacco. (’igar-^. .\nd all other fulicle.-' u.siially kepi iti eery EsiablishiMeni COX, KENDALL jS? Wilmin^rton, .April 2, of al Wh'ilesale Gro- t'O lo-t’’ Mlanairfufn ! i ML'LA'i’l’O \VOM.\N by the name of LUCY; about ; l\ veare ohl, of medium size, but n'i'v .jnite v^irpu- ' if/if. j Sai 1 v-om >n i-> pt ^bably in or t ear Town, b-.it may j have b,*en I >.l off iu the direction o'. Ni-wberti by iiili I Bruintni, a tree niiilai.'n man who has been at work ! I r-.'pet.'ei probably oa tl'iC Wilmington .t ^Vel ion tUii’ >K.I •! a !>ep't Noith of W irsaw. I will (lay : for ihe .)rl V." V O' -aid girl to me or l.i |i;»* I in Juil In ■ ti.w.i. f iiiM'i i:i sHi-i ri-diTify, i.' .-^oU it s lid srirl i- ■ fouti! i’l V oi.i. r ^^>nllly ati I i^mtln.'d in the J ,il if i ih-j .«■ !ii.->. ;ii • jiii:y nrt -iiing giviog nie eiily iiifin-nia- ' i ion of tb- s.illo‘ Soft Soap 12.’, cents per lb. be ■fixed in » few days. Hickory and Black-j.ack bushel paid for them. Fayetteville. Sept 8, IS' British (jro'^ernmeiit were disposed to observe a real neutrality, it would take steps to prevent the Yankees from being furnished with what we can not obtain. It would forbid the exportation of arms by either party. It would allow nothing i which would give to one advantages which the I other did not possess. When it promised neutral ity, it would take care that neither party should , jirofit by it to the detriment of asother. A neu- I trality which destroys one belligerent while it is I ot infinite benefit to the other, is very much like —-j war upon the injured party.—Illvh. Dispatch Tilt* «ul»«Tih*r ii'aiitii' to purchase a f.IKELY NhtlRO BO^ . 'he price of the hard will ,\shes wanted P. (>() cents a JONES. ■ 1 mpd 3Pf OIL AND LAMP BLACK. \NNKRS' and LUBRICATING OIL. LA.MP liL.ACK in barrel.'i. For pale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM it CO., Wilmington, N. C. «tf Mart'h Tlie Pre^hvteriaii P?«aliiiodiMt Charaoier notes. ,A further supply just received Jnl.' 20. E. J HALF. ,v hon.H .He z : I A 4>«ood C'ook WILL BUY OR HIRE. Raleigh, Atig. HI. Wanted. KEMP P. Headiiiiartes'K %Vii6iiin;(toii ) Artillery, f (.’ami* B >yL.\s, Jiilv 20. If'i)!. This (’onjpany, desiring to be complete in even/ re- fl>eet, would be glad to enlist a number of goo.l Drr- vers,—men accustomed to the inanii;';ein>ii.t • f horses. There will be paid to each man, on ealiHlnK tit. a bounty of $!•). Monthly pay .'512; besides being clotiied and fed, medical attendance free, find nil other Jieccsyary eijiiipnients turnished requisite for a soldier. No one need apply unless he is a good driver and ex perienced iu the management of horses. The destina tion of the com(>any is \ irgini.a. as soon as equipped. Rltfl ALEX. I). VOORF,, (S»|it f> h, Ueg’i Lu Artillnrv 1 A rswi A A D ’Oi\T R t^T: JNti U WILL! \MS r.i If Faye-'-'ville. Aug. ‘2' 1 To l>a»d ll«iyfs.’*i. ^pHE !iudev.-.igtud olT- r.~' for sale, in ;'ie ■ >• .' regien, and within ei.sriit 'niie^ of the teruiitjns ol tfie ra_\- ettevillc Wc'tern Rail Road on Deep River, Kl(,!lf itU.NDKK!) ACUES OK LA\», adioininfi the land beloneing to the estate of George Wilcox, d-jc’d, aud lying three miles South from ’ar- bonton, on Little Pocket CrecK, .Mooie county. These Lands are well adapted u. the growthjif corn, coitou. svheat, o.ats, i>e> 1 nere are on the j,rem- ises a comfonablc Dwelling, and all necevary Out houses, with about one hundred and fifty acn's unv fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare chance for persons wish BATTLE. ot ’0\ FEIIERATE ROA / \F the denominations of S.MM), SIOO. Apply V/ at the Bank of Capa F«ar. March ]«. ' 4»tf An ESSAY, on the AmencanCrisis, by 1' W. .vloMahon. i ing to make inve.stincnts. as lands are undoubtedly ad- ) A further Supply ju=t reo’d. vancing in price in this socrton. Feb. 12. J.; J il.AJ.K .tj SO^mS. Por luvther informntion apply to Mr. M. M McRae, H(‘Mper and other Po*in*, By THEOPHILU.S HUNTER HILL, Es.p, of Raleigh. For 8ale, prica 4>1, bj K. J. MALE .i^UNV. Jm'j 18, 1862. Crane’s t'reek, P. O., .Moore county, or addn -s iii« at Fayetteville. N. 0. DANIEL McRAL, For the Ueini of Gilb«rt MoKae, deo’d. Carbonton, Mocr« oo., N. C., Aag. 24 1869. 4Ut about f. urte.-n years old. C. n ROBINSON. Fayetteville, S.‘| t. 4, 18rt2. .'i7tr ^liiii»S!«tratioEi Aotico. rpML Subscriber liavitig qualified as .Adniiui'trator ou J (he e-itaie >f William .McKay, (dec'd), at August 'i'eiiii of RobeJon County I’ourt, 1Sij2, hereby gives notic” to all pers uis indebteil to said estate to make imiiiediate payment, .atid .all peruons having claim.s against .-ai 1 estate to pres--nt tbe'^i within the time pre- *ctibed by law or this noi;-'e will be pleaded in bar of their rc'coveiy. MURDOf'K MoRAK, .Administrator. Aug. 2B, 18f>2 Further .\otice. ^pHE Subscriber will ofl'er for sale at the late resi- I denee of Wiiii+m McKay, dec’d, near Floral Clollege, in Robeson county, on Tuesday, the 3Uth day of Sep tp.mber 18*12, all the perishable properly belonging to the estate of said Wm. McKay, except such stock as may be necesJiry to gather the present growing cr >ps, ' consisting of Cotton, Corn, Fi)dder, Horses, Cows, Hogs, I Sheep, Bacon. Lard, Household and Kitchen Furniture, and Farminz utensils of every kind Th» usual credit will be given, and bonds with ap-^ provtil security will be required before the property will be delivered. .MURIH'^K McRAL, Administrator. Aug. 2'i, lSf.2. Riank Warranis for sale here. Xeic Sfi/!r >/ (fimlioafs.—It is stated that the enemy are bu.-?ily eiigagedWn the W(?stern rivers in the vonstruotion ot u large fleet of gunboats, of very pet.-uiinr build, iuf«nd»‘d to nuvigati:' the waters d' tlif .>,hiulest riveia of the Snuth. They are Hat bottumod and. have a breadth ol beiim sufticit-ni lo enable them to carry h.-nvy nrmoi and an etFective armament on a draft of water ol not more th:in two and a half to throe and a halt feet. 'I’hese will be formidable antagonist.'*, for there is scarcely a creek, river or bayou on the Gulf coasts, Irom the llio tirade to Key e.st, which they cannot penetrate during the winter Forewarned is forearmed, and must prepare to disappoint the oljects ot the foe by obstruct- in»' and defending the rivers against these peculiar anTao'onists, and abandoning their banks with gootis and chattels when they cannot be surely defended.—Rich motui Wh iy. One of the Yankee surgeons left in charge ot their wounded at Culpeper Court House, asked a Georgia soldier why our army, then pa.«;sing through, was so badly clothed? “We always put on our old clothcs wheu we are going to butcher hogs”—was the answer. “What was the use of the eclipse.'’ asked n young lady. “Oh it gave th# •■o tiiue for refl®3- tioD," replied a wag.

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