S F, in I-W F> F. K I. T. FAY!:rn:viiJ.t:, c.. sKP'n:\ii{i:ii is, m,'2. m'i:d mkm-ws an.I rni ksda^s FI)\V\KU J. HILK a SO^S. I'l -l MxS \\i> I'ixOPRlKi.MlS \\>'fkly C'rskuvki: S I 00 it j'.ii'l in ■ ■ if ; .i 1 .lurinp tho vo-ir i '' siiV'.'rip > II:. i (vir I • ..Vt;u Of ; .ItUIUIll, il'l'.U'i 1 tl ; =•: vj M ■lit' •'! '^ul'scrip ■ . : "t> .itH'i Mi,» vi-ir }i i-> (‘xj'irpil, A :iVKRTlSl:M I:NTS f.'r i'.O roiii- jvm- ■ ; !'■ litii'- if:.' t’l-:, Hii'l ’’O (•■■'I!'; f.'V chcIi 'In >' puMu-Htiiiii \ (' i '_v a i' i-ni'eiiifiit' l>y ■ 1':- - iii-iy'i-' 1 t.v-;. A'l. ■; I isi‘V« ; t- - ;rf 'u' n.aulio:' "f iu'Jorior * !! t>r ’.!;i !i, ,J iiH f; ai l :iV>! : r'-’v'i v - 1 a; el I j:i-, . I, on CL ’lull -■ I -' i. Ili-W illii.-'i-! :) I'f . e;,..': '.1 u Irhnii' ‘[■ay: ■ n; in '•! ;;ii'e. 11..'1 will "p-T bi- : ;i : : ii i,'- ■ ■rib.-i ^ ! ’"V 1 ’oiii:>'i iim‘ 1 ="* ■: : . d u^- ■ : .' 01 -I !- ;r- - • > ; -ike 1 l;e p-i p-.v . li : --y w" ii.'til'y I, V, n uiakimr ■ -e-‘. .l ii'.'y 1. i"i'' \y ! n kti-h. .•ii:;; iTf'l I'l-f ts£t TO Al'\ ’■■ ■'I wh.- ■inr;U' ill he I ‘!-iTViT. :uiil pt*V5 >n : in ..nvii w'lli w'l.’iii ■ ' ! f'II!-;r aci-Jiiiii?, will o .'ii 1 v.'iil. !;n -■ UU';i! :l: UJi > »_V !l; tC*V \\ irli i iliVOSl ill i'llif ! nr a'ivoiiif. re: t- i.iis >>u tho f;vi ► , h ;i:iy tiinrt* siu'h or • ivpu. ! ^ " lio j'f. OP- ..I 1 ’II ir- : • iii.i f i; .,vi* to I-,'li t'.ii' fver', Jliiii^ V. ■’ iht' 1- tinit»- » N -. ii E>». -W^ have heret-tor«'iiYemiiiiii'o. , » : .aviie t'^r obiia.irv noiiops .>f un- ■ ■ Ujrth. an i I'lr i-h I ■ lu .t kill', it ri'vil’nivr. we l\:ive much jctMsioii to ;s iioi 'Mifu 111 re agreea'>!e \ > rea'ler-- thtm .. ji' papers As it generally happou-i, h>i«'e%er. •:.r. hargiiig ;iuj payitip jiostaiT''"ii I tie’ice liui r- ,■ i. V. gt-i p'U'.l. we now sive Dniice iiiut we iiotLiuij of the non liereai'ier unle^.s ajcoju- : he i-iish .\‘wiiy* escepiiup in the - ii'.‘ .! . ■ ;nteor'‘, whou we reqiii-f :i. ; iy Bear ■ tTf'-’re. !h-ii ■ wiii insc'i" >t'itusry nuticc' ; Us. II I eXcee i.Li^ 7" w >:ri'i.-. KvVa’’ : i , >ue ; a wLi- :i i; [•■'si 1 t'e • wir h(‘ pur it) typ? If.Ff. \lrrK,M^\ Attorney at laaw, Fayettevii.lk, N. ILL aii‘-n'l f!ie ' "inty aii'l Siipt-ri iV ' 'in** of :Harnett, Munre an'! il.:'..--m ' )UU- a^’eu'i'in piven t - ihe ■ ik'ctii'ii I' all I.' ?■■ h- i 17.;^'" rr' Dl-NTAL NOTIO!':. 1) -.o it. d...v »'TT 'in ',ft ii w.'“'ii't', _ ea't "i -r.e in-irk • . :i- i ’- re- e'l nr Oui« h iir-, fr ;a ‘ '■ '.m k A M. - c. k r. M. •I’ .l-l. o7-t: l>i*. .^coll iiolii'c that lit* • I ' ut r 'ni Fiyef t.-viii,' torn .r-’v v’- ; i. . ^■‘■ville. June • kf mi W. WILLIAMS A: CO.. W li»le»alo Uralor*. in 'N > IMrcin’ERT. AND >F\I,KK'> I .N Hardware and ( iitiery, Swedes Iron, A,o., IIAV STRKKT, KVVKTfKVlMK, N. , _ -•!. :';!1 X '• I*. KF.'JI>Ar,l. .1 > KKNii.M.I. i U\. kii\l»ALL iV ro., A N 1) WHOLESALE GROCERS, ■o. !t JL 1*2 North \VaU*r St., Wiliiiinsloii. N. 1'. ..n' liif i.UHry pr.:!jj >!_, t-v-. .i'vl. ■V ii iittt'ntion . uie ' V ■,M‘ :,ipe. > : 10-1 r. €. X a. a, ' 0!: iui>«.ioii and ForHardin*^ .>Ieroha!;t', \N fl.MIM.TUX, -N ( * ' - Mtf U, W. KI I.I.A»tlK 4 omtnission . flerrhn:*!^ WILMINCTON, .N. ( ■i '-''ll’T an! rKii'ONAL at cnti'= i w'll !M' ;i*e »t N iVni St ir*"*-. i,u.:'*nr. 1* -rr, ! ;l :ithpr Cf-utury pr ihice. HKr'KH !■> ■ C.^Rsi.t.-, I'rr^ t Coin. Il'ink at \Vili,;jiijj>on. ■ :i'Av.. ,N, •• U. N. nr 1. ' .V i, .! Lim \ I ,, ,. I’KMHiKP , ^'‘jetrcv.hc. ■' :!.;er. • ■ I-. tJ'iriji’ii t'oiinty. N. 7. l-'ty 1.-,. ' loiiie-.Ylade l^]ii vclope^a j ' ' F M I’l'n hy Til- H. Till'ti-rha-1. F iyptip- i ■ y i‘ •'"i -t iiii- uniU-r-*iiri'‘''l. ii'>ip“nl‘* 1. .1. Il.\).i; .V Si).\'S Florenfe and Fajeifeville Hail Road. I'.VIM.I! (lie piMvi-iioiis of aii OvJinaii.’o «'•. vi'iitiiiii ill North ' ii'crui'i. lUiuk'; vi'l Iio ope lOiJ tho 1‘iih .liiup nt the I’l'llowin^ I'lacf; an'! uinler ihe li;- rp.'iioii ol ihp followiuix tierso’.is. to rt'Ct-ivp subsprip tioiis lo the V apital i?iock of the "I'hireiiLi' x Fayoiie 'ilie liiiil Hon.i (’o." Shares ;)up 11 ainlri- i l)ollars e^ti-ii 1 /' .. hl.f. I, h',}>f ; i' n.icf till'lii- rpcfi.iri of ihi‘(i luT'ii \mint:- •iuiu'rs, \. .A. MoKeliiuti. 1* . tl’iv, A ’■* . i^'ippl. \\'iii Mi-L M' Ktiv aii'l Jdo n:. iiosp. ■ .1.' /'/’ /,V(/ Sf ini;r. I’niler (ho 'lirpctioii of Ih'cto;- McVci!:,.'Vin. ,1. Siewari, .las A. S'niih, i>,in’l .Mc- Ni^ill Hii'l ’ol. ,\1px. MpMili.in. or any "i>o of thtMii. -t' (’’fli.iif, — Uniier th»‘ iiin»ciiiiti of !>i- Ni".!! M>. N.'.ir, l>r. A. i' Mrfjenti, .\ri hil''.iii Siui'ti, h’tjiiiuii'i Lil'y .11 >1 (\>1. Aloxandi'r W at-on. or an\ .up of (h-'Ui ■ If —L'uiler the liirpciion . f Murdock Me !>«■■ I> Mi'LeoJ, 1). ,Mc(’allimi. J/ix McK ie, Jr . t.!; i J !l Mc'^.ippn, or ;uiy onp of ih'ij. .! .iI'lulprthi' lirPt ; .>U of I’UI .In'). .M. Nair, Snoi Alfor.l, lM;irnlil M. O illu;!! muI Jiio Mc( '.ilium, or luiy out- ot' iIk oi. '!'he >iil>''pription Monks will r(‘inaiii oppti f«'r 'he “p.ue ol r.o Whpu I -I'.lViei'.Mit -u’l: i- -i;hscrii«e.1 Ihe t ' tiii'iiiv Mill hp or-.'11) (Zc.l fur (1)P put'{iu“p (tt ^Miil'i ius.' the ilo'i') A A. McKKril\N. 1» ,\ K^V. A W STKFI., V.A! >!.■!, McKW, M lltisi;, (.'■ jiipi il nun;-;'i...uer: t'i Vi 11 t'v i :!p. .Iiiiie '.'J;; I.OOK AT TiilS! Till, riillTTIlVILIJ' Fronting WO teei .ind in Ibe bji'iiiiev*» porlioii of (he Town, 'oiitaiit« ».|»ai'io(SN and uell iialvd Kooiia^ lliaii aii> Hotel ill Ihe .State, tiiil iii\ I’lirr.its >.iv my 'oiiiriiii^“nt.- ar-- vorv lor tht* tiiiu-; T. W \DIM 1,1, I’ronrU'tor. .May _ I, u, \ Fayetteville Female High School, 'l'!ll ■ \.'.c;»es ol ;his iusntuti'ii; wili be re-ume i ou 1 ;;o ^ I'lj Sei ifiuVii T., year will he div WL'ok". ."'■jT iiijpnoi-.'' ■ Dt; JJih *ec.; the s.'pi ti'l ol 27 w^'ek?. c ■■ ijt .Jftu'y • nii Jui_v l>'f. r*ar-:it iU 1 (.nirirJiaui inten.linij to palioiiii- llii.' -•^trhoo! are : uQpjiiiy rp'jue.sie l to appl}' tor ciri-ular' L'.citaiuiii ' fuli p'li’t'; iilnr re? ^rJ :o fettn (he openiu:; uf the .Sphool lipv n M ^ r. (■ ii.m.phk, I- )uly 17, i''u‘J i ; tl '■.IpJ II'.. _> 1jfi iii-. n- II ;r 1 'I DA Vinson I'OI.1.1:4.;i:. ^pil'^ r..ttri i-; > of tluH 1 tisiitulii,i:i wi;, i p rp-iimi-'i mi I the recular tinip, viz: the J .lii Sip'. I- 'It I, >1o jier month. ruiti'iii. 1" ■. ,-r aiinntt: A s-chool .lesipneJ for thi'-ip prei ariuf: for the rejrular >:’.a''es of the Colu-ge, ;'!■ :iny 'I'hcr-, will !;e opeiKvl at tile name time, ut; !t the per- 'i-! '.i'''-'r!n:pn ••.■ace -i the i’rofess'irs F ir par!irnlar, I ire j-t he ni; u-i .-i _ i:-!; 1’.'• .l-iv;i >n Coile»re. N 1' .1 I. kli’.K!*\Ti:i- .* !■• -• ,\uir ' \ S ' Te-’=’: ■■■.:■. i' • 1!; :ii ' , • ,.,1 ^TPUtleinaii ■. .nipetent c ke rcrc •’ tlip 'iepHi :;i-(It-- of Mu-iif, Kreni'h. I’litrinj Iir iWini;. tithi’i Tii: ’•withi 'tf A>i“ir- i-.rcntn-tanpe-; ni’*\ rv A'llrp-x I ( . IM'iTKK. >epl. I, ISGJ. f tOTTOAVARA. \o. 19 Hay Slm l. ■ . 1- Si ALL!, i f •» ar. V J 'piil'. all .ve rewHT'! will be paiil t r ;h'’ ^ipprpheu-i 1 •i'll IV to ! M''neart'-^! Military I’o-t,'.'! .M..KX .'vNlli' . V. ,\I.,L\rL. w!l • i.Ip :p'(l' 1 hi PuI!lpHj_\ ■ !1 l>! J"‘ if Mart !* ISi.-.* lia WniMCe !' .. i yc::r. ■ ■11, ■ tfpt II iiiche hi;;n. re t compU si >ti. lark h.iii. ‘ Iiif . ; - : !u : in-i;' t • fM Oore (’ ■ : .'I . ill 1 i - t 1 ■' ’ :i ' ■! V 'n : V .f ' at '• ■IAS i» Mpi\i;it. • 'I I t o il. :.'.ih 1U‘^ ‘ N (' Ir'i jiT. .loii:: tl. ■' 'I.I 1'-^^ ;r oa Kin-! li, .Miiu: '.7 '-;i H‘waa*i8. IV.';,:, p,tv ;he ,n i»vp rt'\v:\r-i li;>‘ ii| p:- iieti-i. !i an' !• ■t^‘ln'‘!iii I. .ji' my :ii ,n t ,\L\ I.N. v.'; i ;n^iw,'-y iroiii iiip a!-I'lt throe we.-k"' a;;o. 1 will aho pay a rewar'l of Fifty i'ollar- for .iutticipi" Pv.i>'iico ti; I. ■ttviei any per- ai if Inrli niug iiiiii. via is ab.iiii 4Z year •ir--. -j 1'i‘ t 1'( or i 1 iii' .ii s hipii, black, ati;i Wi iglis a’’ l';'> p'un l.-: in we ir- ;rolJ nup.s in hi-i cars He i-^ ho it t iit> rnt p witLi-. '.n.l well kn'jv.-n atio a I'aypttevilU* nr i ‘Viii.-.ii.ijrina H«- ''(i.'iPtinien ca!l‘ hiiiiseh ('alvin .John--i a ililio. KV.VN.S. .lutie CAR 1^! \I'KW LAI>1L;> an t'.* accoinuioiiaietl witli briai’J at the iSeniitiary. T. HOtJi'Kli. Sept. 1:’. iS'il. 5'i- AR7IV lfi VR\l>S. f .VM prppare.l to i.ianufactiire all kin i“ if W.ijron I H riipy-i fa Ar'iiy u-e. 1 tnn my leather an'l chii irivp ^i-i.l bjrp'itis. .\gejilj wil‘ i; well !■> seinl rhei'- '■'■ler'' r ■ me (h‘‘-y ii.-iv-' pronipf :'(fciitio!i. ar.i! >pfit ■>!! in iui •' ili.:pItch. .HUIN CAIM'K!;, • i.iM-!on 1'. ()., ('hathani Co . \. ) .I line L5, 1Hii2. )' ..iif OIL A.xi) LA.MP !!L.\(’K. TV: |i.\.nm;hs' aij.j Li’i3inc,v'i'i.st: (»n.. lU \CK in b'xrrel-. !■ or u ',. i VflerfliiH «1ale E ^tiCi ‘ • tit-i j,er I iiti i fur i.i^. |,- • ■■■'i , F. . ►•tipville, or I my mill^ 1>. Ml lU'HV. K.‘> or 11 inlaid. ■ ' N itfs n,! nile.i up. - - I hy I'atnck .Murphy, .yaK,..',,. • ;'r: at Fayettt ville. Ail p> rn:ir>- , , , '' ■*' ii .■ thi i.'i •i'f they wii' not be p ^ .j D.AVib .\ir ii'iiv l.iif * reo>fopes and Stereoscopic Views, -Ii i ' .lufiful I-ibortment, received. n. .J. H.\LK .V .SON’S. 3 v»s*iity-li' f‘ l>ollai*« Rcuarcl. > ^ fr .V. the aub.~criher. his negro boy .MO- *''■ ‘ ' y ar- ..i ab'Jtit •> f ft 10 inchp.s >•' f and very luucii turneJ out at the ' i' wii when -jioken to. He was .seen at » Itobi-Mjii county on the lilat iilt., _^' v.lle about (hrce we>;ks ago. The , * ' '• pai'l for luH delivery to me or for n any jail to that 1 get him. . , , W. 1>. joilXbON. ■ i;. Aug. 14, 1862. 62tf i; I’L'I ,v Wili,;iiori -n. Mat.-: If 'rii«‘ leriatfi 8*!iaIieio(lis! (Character noto.-^. .\ f^irthcr vu,,ply ji;3t r^: ivt'l. •Hilv I’O n' J TIALK V A Ciiood i'ool^ %%'aii(4Mi. I WIIJ- JIL'I t)K iJli^K. 1 IvLMP l>. 15 \ l fLL. lt i'-i;rh. ,\iig. -;i. ' o AI'i:i: K ATiti> \ ii.s OF ' :.r 'b'noiuinations ot ■ $1000, .SlOt'K A p . at the I'uiik ot ' im- Kc.ir. .vlareh 1 '.*tf W'rsrruN ‘!o.vn (i:, ^ l 'avt‘ltc\ilii;. ,\u*i. *J{). I Stri. ^ ON hp I;! : i y of .Sept. thv> foll.iwing raierf wiM !“ ri..tr-(> 1 on .-..ivj-v!,-., \] - FrOio F;iyPttPvilll‘ I.; ,'jO ct!«. ' ^'t!0'tl Ht'viti^i. ' 7"> *• til I’oanch, 1 »• to foiit-sboro’, 1 (o .Mel vi r'.-t, 1 ">0 Tw'!U \ live eej^: . -. i Hi I nal « ill ).,> coUcc ti‘d t>y tht' ( omliii-tnv I.; e;'..'h p . ' r. ieivinpj a ''latioti willioiit a li' r.el new I'lii* nt Fi'pi^"-*.! v-ili I’-i into effect at the >»>inie r:int>. v.hif'h will h,> j i io'e I and tuMii-hpd to t!iP pufilie it! . l>‘W d iy i>y oi'iler o! li.e I’vey i •IN-V .'.! Vt >■;,, Tr,W K H Co. .Vu" r-'t.:’, 3t-,tf Tilt' \*n Stjir, SumH, (OLORKi) PHOTOiiUAPHS, I ■ ART" \% ood%» ard*«^ Solni* 4'aiiiei‘a. )!l > ■'■ >(^ t: A I’H'' an ■' 'i (i 'iH I , ■; -IV v; rf»-t, "!■! tte\ il!(‘. N t ■ i ' .111. ro , '■U an t p:^r' • i,-. ft 'lo \ •tri'-i - Ih)!’ ,''kyl!«;hl ■ M'liiilf Vivrd, F'lv- -i, i'.'!nre-t. in water !I I" il;'e Anibro A 4'ARII. 1 ra»U) Hale, ii(*ar Fort FIshor, .\. ('., Aui;. t '^piIK undersigned, a private in the .-\rniy of the Con- 1 federate States, rpnppcifnlly atinounoei himself a candidate for Chi“f Clerk of (lie House of Conirmn8 o' the next Leginlaiurtv IlavWig pasped t wo Winters in dose inliraacy with for oei Logij^lntive bodies, he tru.si? that he has considpral le aciin:iintarinp with Ihe dutirs of the position. HKNllV F (’OLTON Aug. ')4tf «■/»,» . IHI.I, .s. ( t’ (> M K It L V (» F. K K N T I C K V . ) is prep'ired t.> liil or.Jer- lo any extent in b'ni'raving and Printing Bank IVotes, Uill^ ol* l']i'liaii|i;e, A;r., Fngraving upon Stael or Stoae. L!irn* siippiU'sof Hank .Note aiui otlior paper | wHI k«‘pt- [ .\ug 1. IStS'J. ^''-lOtp.l * RKAL s:vrATi: i orsai.i:. j '^prtK Subr-urilier would -^ell hi'; houne an«l lot m Wades | I boio', together w'th atjout tiOo Rcres of lainl rc-iiehini; within tliree miles of (lie Village (if desirable ) The i dwelling house is largn. ,md tio- lot liie rmjBt de~irable i in the up c.iumry. .•■.iii' i'uiui,'- ui.-ii Ctiy acres uf laud Shouhi any one 'levire to nnive tiirther up the country, i he would Hell [lipiu a fin-ly iinpr iv^il house and lot in j >purtauburg. .S. (V, (ugpther with a good tract of laud ■ ueav the place J. 1‘. S.MITH •Aug. 7. 4'J OUlpi Adiiftiiii^lratioii Aotice. ^HK S’il scribor hnviuit qiialitiud ax .Adiuinistratrix ou wHl open her SCH*(>1, on .\londttv, i^ppt. "Jlhh. Sept. ]!), 18;2 tiu 'Jw St'ii|>|»eriioii;; C-ra|>e« \Vaiite«l. without bping brui.Hed 'Sept. I-'), IStJ'J •KJirN H COOK. fiO 3t :y \l;a;\ p.- , ■•.i.i .Ti .ni c! -1_\ oi' I’iclures pfirniti' .,r t 'to- \:-i \U.., :'i’t Fi.iiiies, (jilt Moilld- ’.ng, C' r..,' \,.\y ’-ii-L'e ]‘!' !;irp n- large as Jtj by Sti ti^ lii' .iv -Mi l la ■ •■'! h ii.ciiiL' r'i'.' ures, Instni- ■ 'cU .iii'i ! ■,.■ 1,1.-ill !■■; .- ile l.iw lor puhIi, l.,ifa ••• • :i'.iro i 1". i!'.»' ipil- 111 -. !,! :V'.! l ,11 pip'Ul'ei" ■' nI ■•vi'iH'inl:! ■ ,•.! !u‘i i to merit > .I'r.i'ia;:.', ! ■ :1 i ri iiirn my-:in.-ere fhank.H ; 11 •* I'ner':! •• b,‘-,t Wf.i .Ml me {lorotofoit* bv the good pen'-li’ cf Fiv-t - yi^U in.I v ■■inity. . . >? \ A -OKSl'FLL. I'll. gtiii.i.ist and Proprietor. 1 t r to all perions havin^; eluiiii'i againat sii.i Estate to pre- '‘Ptit tiieia to \' in 'icL 'icKay wiiiiin the time pre scribe! by law, nr itii- ii'jtife will l;e jde.iJeil iu fiar ol I hoir reC'ivcry. ■ .\ PH .\ 1'.I .N F. S( ND\ , .Vdti. x. \iig r 4'.» I »IOO Ri:%VARII. ^toLKN Iroin my «iable. ne.»r Lewisvill«, Forsvth fount* N. C., on ttie night'if the 11th inst., a .sinail re>i bay HoRiSF, fioa»y built, black legs, muuo and tail, white Bi.-i r.o marka. Noether nmrit'^ rep'>’lepted. «ait, ■jhori p iCe, ■jliort hot and pitce: ageabo.; 11 or IJ year=. .4 p-r^o:) was seou lurking iu the iieighboi hooJ. !up- pojfd to b-* the thief, who aii!wer» to tfie foHowims J.* ^orii-ii-». 21 or ;.':i j?etirs oM. fair coiuplexion, blu« eye:*. ;jo(ivl cunteaanoe, infht brown hair, well-huilt frame, about ,» laot !* inches high; wore a brown frock ooai, black ea.Hsimere paiit*. (quite u.'w.) new bools, black ceck ti», gray flannel nhiri, and jjray hat, earri*d a red carpet sack ma'le of hearth rug with the fringe on A reward of i73 will be given for the arrest, oonfine meut and conviction of the thief, and for the ' ife delivery . f tha boi«.' Ho is suppos'ed to t e the sf:ii,«* Hnr?e ’.hief that was arrested lU FayBtteville a yer.r or tw igu. by the name T Fry. a very notorious thief JAMtS 6 I'LKDUHK Lewisville .S Aug. 7, 1 bcii! f)0-.'''ui l.€*ele ivill open her SCHOOL on (Jillespie Street, on the •J'.ith .Sejii. 1;!. 1(i0-2tpd A VIEW OF THE FIELD. A view of il.e situation, as it presents it.scll at this nioiiieiit, i.s replete with hope. After fiHccn inonths hard the a.>;pect of the struggle is again that which it wore at the (fommeaceoient. l>ut with this diftercnce; that, wherea.s the luiH- tary strength of the two sections, and their re- .■ipective resources lor attack uiul defence, had not I'ccn testeii, now the Southern urniies stand once more iipon tlie contine.s of the Northern territory, WISH (o purrhasp Jive hundred bushels t>f SCUI’-| Hushed with victory, and (dated with anticipation PLIlNt)N(. iK.M'hS, Ihoroiighly ripe, and delivered ; j,j rej^ard to the liiero area of territory now occupied hy oiir forces, and' to thi* extension of our military lines, we now .stand in a better posi- j tiiiii than at any time since the beginning of th« w:tr ('ontrastcd with tin'’ situation oi four j luotitlis H!^o, the difierenee is so remarkable as j to be. perhaps, unparalleled in the history of war i fart- At thut time \’iro;inia was invaded by ariiiies nuirberin^, in the ajrgre^ate, 2-50,(.>00 nu'n, and the whole .State north of James river, with tht? exception ofn eiuner of the Southwest, • wiiieh was offsi't by Federal eou(|uests in the to haul Co’jj from Fgvpt .Shaft to McTver 9 Uejiot. ■ South«ast, was ii. po>session ol the enemy Hi.-. One Hollar h I'on will be pai'l in Pash, or in Salt at he j grand army, encamped within hearing ot the bells lowest Wilmiutftv.n wholesale prices, addinjc tranaporta- ! the lliciimoud eliurches, impatiently awaited tion C;,I! on M.-sr,s Cl-sg .v* Hryan or AVm ^ triumphal entrj into Es.i , at tiie yhatl. wh.j Will pul the wafroud 10 liauhug , ‘ i ■I’l i i i l ‘ \LSO_ ( .)nlederate ( apital Ihe whole ot Ken Wanted lo hire, twenty gooil men, (^whiteor colored, ! j tucky wa-i conijuert'd; more than Jialt i*l T enues- 10 Work at grading on Western Kail Kon.l -\pplv to se(‘ was given uji to the invader; a great part -\rkattsas was overrun, and >Iis.souri appeared to huVf juii.‘tly submitted to the Federal yokv Even in Alabama ami Alissis»ippi and Lt.)ui.siana, Vankee arniie held swav over a great extent ol country, and rlie unimpeded navigation t»t iL Mi.ssi.^sippi .•ieemed to have been surrendered into Yankee hands Sow the whole oi \ irginia has been recovcied. with the cXce]>tion of .\ortolk I^AAr H4M.I.IA.i!^lVOKTIf --OFFFUS F(»K SALE L’O l»oxes ')'( HLVC't'O. dilfprent gra'les -Al'O. Indigo, .Shops Soap, .vc Old .Stand near the (’ape Fear Uank. I HdLLlNC.SWOUTH. Sppi i'». iHi.ij . *;o-'.?ipij %Va:?oji«i A: T‘aiii!« Wanted. ^j'^HK I'ijdprsi^rnpil wishes to hire .'^i.x VVagou« .t Team- LT TTHLLt>H tilt -Jt Terry McKerriu »' the w rk, oi Fayetteville, .Sppt 1 Headquarters lUstPltl of .North i '•.rollna, > Km fciGH, riep • 1 I (lUNCK \L tjRUEBS, I No ) 1.ALL persons liable lo military diti\ ui'li't ihel,’on- , seripiion law are tiert'f v rpiiuire'! . • eorue to ihe Caujp Ilf Inairiiction, uo.a to- City, :■( once. Tho.'je nnd .Vlexaiidria, and a ."lii'.ili p'.TtjOii .'t th*' disat. •luing so, will »;.’allnwfd to select the Infantry Uegi- teeied Northwest, 'i’euuessee, ;•* no? eollipleiely .i-.in, .uid unless full, they will be ^ ■i;Si tip oh treiul-ling ments they wi«h t assi^ncl aceonlingly. : i ■ , i i i i- i • i 11 The Kegimpn'ts of Infant, v '^n l Artillery on duty | .Memphis, and Kentucky, ou the sojj oi wliioh in this .Stall' i;re aiuhoriie'l to ■ . . ''iuscripts to in- ! "’e never hitherto held more tiian " crease cacli t'ompany of Infant; . .ii t Heavy .\rtillery j and hesitating footing, is weleouiing the triumpfi- to one hundre'l m''ii, but not • \eeeiiing it; atnl Light , jjj jjjjjreh oi our liberatin.^ ariuies. Arkun,'?a,s has HatteueH to one hun^lred aii'l f. y im-n. I’y ctnnmaiiil of HrigadiPi- (i.'n>T;.l .) (.1 Mw.ris: A (.ioHI'ON, V.'.'. .aui .A'iiiif.out (jpiieral Sept. IJ, 18'.'ii2. iiO-4i 4'ontodi*ate ot America, Fayetteville .\rsenal and .4rmory, FAYETTEVILLE, Sept, lo, WOOD WWTEIK ^L.ALtD proposals will be repeivpl until the ■J4lh O .S.'ptember iie\t, for the dplivery of looopor ls PINE rwil !):)o'iS Ai.iliH I'. I. ||\|i;il SbXS* STORK «*l J.evillr, i . •lau .• ^ i, "M- P.iK Sal.' bv I Orders bput i.j NJolvor' will he attended t.i July OPB*KRA^ TV.SOU .-V JoHN:S»-N l»ep'>t. h' ,v U !lai!iuj.J. j been completely evacuated by (ieneral (,’urtis’ I forces, and 3Ii.ssi»uri, from Xorth to .South, and j i’rom the Mississippi to Kansas, is in a blaze I of insurrection against the Federal despotism I From Alabama and Mi9sissi{)pi the Yankee troops ! have been hastily withdrawn, in order to escape I impending capture; and even in Louisiana the j oucmy’s ibr^es scarcely dare .show themselves be ! jond the liuilLs of Xew Orleans. 'I'he .^Iissi.ssippi, on the control of which ti»e i enemy relied to consummate their scheme ot sub- and 4of)cor'lsOAk wo(M>, aithis \r.senal and Armory jugatiou. has been practically wrested from their The I’ine wool to he ilelivpieii at the rate of to .SO , w' i • » • .i . i i , cord- pevmi.nth. and the o.k a, the rate of 80 cords j ^^lungton IS threatened by H powerful per month, iiutil all lelivei'ed l‘rop-is>tls will bp mark- ; '-^jult'deiate arm^, and Ltncinnati tremblcb with ed ot, niitside. 'T’roprisals f.^r wO"d.” C !*. I'.olLES, \;i'y -\eting ('omd'g OtTicer. Capt. Sept. Hi. 4t TO M.\K»-P!:\(’F: A; ■ [■> ki'.'i. :. r •■aie. of iht-it ■i '!' ‘.‘■r'f'. Cfilvanued Ilia r. VITRIOL nAVF II h '.M 1 1'. ' 111 .'m; I ■:ti'' !■ 'a... :i ! I ■ 'IMII 1 tl .SI \ii*i:R itit ii.irr^: French, Hi"h Po^r, (ottaire and i'omnion nt:OSTE^IDS; Spriii'.; M ittrp^-C', ■■:’ I'.ew an 1 iinprovpl .Spring, ou h.iti 1 nr made to ’r.it-r 'f iriy i>ize; LOl'Nii E.'^; Spring, c.»ne. .an i AVi—i ii*}',-- nr kin'l • and p:i: N.Tr.-: .'.T-ir:' 'f , I. ’ .^ ■!! ■ (Mr'.’rs, repiiir»'ii. and■ i ■.■’!’ Hair' ' .'hnrother- wir'P: H Ip handic-;, i’.iit'.j-' f,.r'ii'N. .V Hh ls.: Snie, II iincss, iitt 1 L'p.iit-r Le^ither, •incl I’lr;-' •: iiig liair. .X- W'.‘ h:ivc ‘j.‘- i Ma..-;i;r. ry fiT ir’awing, I'l-iuoing, Tiiriiinj’. Morticitie • :..l i le-j itcli ‘in 1 on • Tl W'-.rk ■;• ri't'airint* t . i- Wi- w'a; ■ i' ■ n'lv V. ! . f;ii I .1 !l iv,..g i :k'*n a ;■ ■ n i he '.^i'le of tiillespie .Street, a few 1 ' o- S - th .if .V W. I'lecI, Ls'j , all'l hi.\ing -otiK ' j IP ri>. i:. wi> v oi'il -irtpn 1 to the storag'* and ^a.'c of oir..' h.'i' iii'i-- ii.- ' ..nsiirni*.! to ii': uii.l w ■; give j e.-. I 111 r, ! • lu''s ot' Mii> .'^taie. Fayettevi ; ■ j : . ; ■ '.'(1' i \ \ i: M' r i:%Ti.i.i: 1\SIIIA\(K (0>IP\M, , WP c.iii 'L' Work w:th M'riii-i I'ev'-iniis having l.j "■ Il tw trive a call. '"lU-i, V n I ti.'.v where t'> )rders srui to Mclvpr s Hepol, ihe l»*rininus of the C-.'alfi^Ms Kailr'ia i. will ri c>‘ive I'romp! attention. .A sjipc.nieii may bp -een a’ the observer (>fTip(?, Fayette- v;;!w TV.Oll J tl! NSt’l.N. .V;ig r>. .'jJif AOTici:. 'piih U.N'l)hK.sUiNED. boi'.i having entered the mili- I tary service of the Confedor^ie StaJes of .America, herefiy give noti'je to their tild ctistoiners and friends, that they have appointed .John D. Starr and John D. William'', nf thii pla”p, thpir attorneys to collpct either separately or conjointly all moneys .Iup them either by nccuni or note, and otherwise to atteml to iheir bu siness generally during their ubsence They respect fully a'^k all persoti-i iu.iebted to them lo call as prompt ly as pnssible ou their asreai "iiil make paviMcnt. • i'tK .V wTlLLAALS Sept l', l.'l'. 1. -jH-tf € €>Ait:ui:rati: koa F the denominatious »>f $HM)0, S-*0>, StOO. Apply apprehension ol an attack irom (Jen. Smith’s vie ' forious forces i \\ hen a country commences war with the j uvowfd ih'slgn ol subjugating anoth^r country, and, aiter immense exertions, attended at times with partial success, it sers its armies defeated at all points, and diiven with disgrace from the in vade I territory, the world will probably com^ ti. the conclu'^ion that the scheuie oi conquest ha.>;, at least lor the moment, met with a decided fnil- iire.—llKhniuiu^ M/tty. -V-’t'- L‘ nthtr.—A gentleman of this city ha.-^ been thre.shed. my own time an l servants devoted to : shown Us a pair of shoes mad© of l>og Leather, the>e gue.sts Whicn should be otherwise employe.l: some | prepared under his direction, which, to all apt)ear- at tliese visiters are eniirely unkiiuwu lo me. i j :/ _ .. .i The freeJoni with which people come and go T^IKA V! I.VM compeHpd I., -ay i.> .lie \;--iters of Tnkay tVnni aii'l af'ter tii: dale that aii vi- il'ig must lie >>toi>pe>l i am >orry to bp I'.'roe-l t.> laike ihi' «n:..'iHiceiupnf through the prc'^s, but tnu't 1 ' ■*'' in justice to myself •iU'l those interestC'i with me. i>i or.lt'r to arre.«t the an- uoj'ai.ce'' and depredations ihat t,ave. and may here after be coinn-.itte 1 ’.'V all clisse>, liie nld a?* well as tiie y I'ung. My (ir.apes l-.ave been pulled an.l even the vines hav 10 at the F»a:ik of North Ciirolina, M irch is AOTtl'i:. •'if* c p; al :ii I’ •■t; 'I! IJ N. ti'-- MM .; n'■ Casil on haii'l iti'i 'itln-r a-j't : S'J'i7.i'iS.S ^ty •'.,077 35 1 oial, S-7J,7'l-a 01 The >' ■ vany >\p pai.i «’■ ( . - pi.iinptly, ari.l hn.Vif nev-; ma.t, >mi •. -■■ - ;mi-;.' .>n the'r jiveiniinn iiotes. To: '• los.-'-M ) • i. ‘ •'■'* OEo. Mc.NFiLL, I'rpsi'tei.t D. \'ico I’r.-xide'u:. C. \IM 1Li..\N, Sec y. !II 1 1': oit'-: N. ’i'il!ir,i;h , S. .1 Min-iale. W m. M' I.aiirin, T. S. Lutterloh. A. W', Steel, .1. (5. Cwok, if in. .J. 11 Shoph...|-d, *' F. F.rown. ) A. E. H i!t. V.S 1 expect to f>o abhriit fr .m lit/tuc a I'l-w month-' iu the West, Archiba'd Mi lyp n; i-- my aiifhoiized \:fpn'. tn iraiibact iiiv l>usiiie.s«i iir-.iil i vetmn. N. (i. .}ONF. Doc'r'Js_ Isiitl. .'■'otf 4 Ml L.vri’t* WOM.V.'t 1.3' the 'lamp of LFCV; about 'S’l years old, of mpdiuin size, !iut now iiuitp Wilm’gton. '^OAI- I OR !^ALB:. iHAVE now an ) will constantly keep „, min i a l-ir-- sujiply of C.(iOl) .SOFT luid 1!A1;li'so.\i> ,a j Soap Factory on I'e'son St., near the half way hriilge. ' So(t Soap ll^i centB per lb. The price of the hard will be fixed in a few days. Hickory and Black-jack .\shea wanied iiO cents a bushel paid for them, (,’. i>. JONES. . Fayetteville, Sept. 8, ixti^. 57-lmpd Tlic* Moiif hern llariiiony., .^ciiool Books, &c., further supplieu just jeceived. Er J. HALE & SONS. ilenry Lilly. 11. L. Mvrovpr, S. T. ILiwk-y, Vathau A. .'■'tciiiiaii. c. n. .Mar.pit, .lames Kyle, .V. -A. Mi'Kethaii, J. 1>. Wilii.'iiM^, S. W Tilliir'i a ' hn C .! Il :iu'i C. C. ,Mi;( nMi;i’'t>ri, Traveling .Agents. he ('iii!ji>)ny invite ij-piioatioiis. May ■J.'', lst>’ i;i. fw ro4‘e»*ies / ini*oeeri€*si / i L'.iic,-; nii.l w-11 ;p,i .Stock of FAMILY \ (i !’. •( 1; 1! [ I’.S -v'.',■• 1 \ s on h-in l, •'.■ri‘'i*'ing of l>:icon-.’'iili''. '’kss Pi>r!c, M.illef.s, .Alacker .\ns. I :ind 1', AlMla,"-*.'s, Sugars of :il gr.ides, Ttibiu-co, Cigar.-^, \i.d ■’! lithe:- a;- i.-lps n-;i 'ly k> ]>: l;i a Wholes,alp (Iro- ■ T V IlIM-llt COX. KF,M».\LL ('0. V.i’:iiiti7t'.iti, \]:ril J. lO if iSead^iiiarlerM Wil&stiBi;;'Soia ] EJjiilii ArtilEery, f : (.’.v.\i> U'IYi.an, .inly lio.'lsiil. ' ^pHIS iiy dfsir!'ir 10 be coiiipipte in enn/ re- I x/>cct, would l.p gi.;.’ in eiiliHt .a iiuiiiber of grtod l)ri- : vprs,—men accu''tofncd to the inaaagement of iiorsi:s. Tlipre w'i',1 be paid lo ea -ii mai;. 'tn tinli.-itmpnt, :i bounty ! i)f .'yl-'). Monthly pa\ ->111; beside.s being clotlje,(.i jim: fp'i. medical attendance free, .and all otlier nec'jssary (•i]in)imcnt» itirni.-:'iied rc.,u:-;ife for a -oldipr. No one lucl apj,ly U!ile«s he i-; a good driver and ex- !, pprienced in the maii-igfiiieRt of hor.-^ps. Tlie de.stin.a- tion of I he coiniitoij’ ■ Virginia, as soon as equipped. ' .^i>EX 1). MOORE, ^ Ctijo K. l.f Arfitl#»rv ( t;A §■: A A( I> €0A^T RAJST: \N KSSAV.onthe .VmericauCrisis, by T VV. .McMahon. A further Snj,piy jnHt rec'd. * E J. HALE ct S~)NS Hewper and oilier l*oeniM, By THEOPIIILUS hunter hill, Ehi,, of Raleigh. For sale, price $1, by E. J. HALE A SONS J Jan’y 13, 1862. I Said wum-.in is jviobably in or near Town, but mav 1 have been It'd otf iu th.' iiircction cf Newborn by Hill 1 Uruintou, a tree mulatto man who lias been at work as i a Carpenter probably on the Wilmiugtou Weldon ■ Kailioa'l at a Depot North of W.-ir.-aw. I vrill pay S-5 I for the delivery of said girl to me or lodged in J:iil in I row.i, if fouud in thi-' (’oiinty, cr i-jO if siid girl is found in any other (’ouuly au'i confined in ihc Jail of tiip same, the party arresting givii.g me early inforaia- tion of the same, j .INO I), williams. I Faycilevillp. .Aug. *J7), 18H2 7,t tf ’ To l,iand Itiiyer!^. ^pi! E undersigned otfi'rs for sale, in :he (’lexi region, i and wiliiiii eight miles of ihe it-rmiiiiis oi' iht‘ F i\ • ettPvilU- vK W'psiern Rail lloml on Deep River, KIOHT HlMHiKl) AffiKS OF hAM». adjoining the lanil bplonging to the estate of Oporgp Wilco.x. dec'll, find lying three miles Souiii from Cjvr- bonton. on Little i’ocket (!rcek, Mi-orp county. Tlip'.p La’i Is arp well adantpd to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, &c. Th“re arp on l!ie ]neni- iss's a comfortable Dweliing. and all necessary Out houses. with about one hundred and tifty acirs under . ftnce, including foity or titty acres of never-tailing bottom land. 'I'iiis is :i raro chaticp for persons wish ing to make inve-'tmfiits, as l.-ia,!'^ arp nndoiibie.lly ;id- vancitii' in price in this spi-tion. For turtlier informfition afiplv tt> Mr. M. M. .McRae, (Jrane’s t're^ik. I’. I}.. Moore coiiuly, oi- addre-^s me at Fayetteville, N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McHae. deo’fl. ' C »rliiu:f oil. Moor*’ .’-i N ■' Anp ‘’I IS.'v' 1‘?t .\orlliCaroliiia Keaders. I vJLllttOL EOOi'Cd are b.-comin;r rery scarce, but we f io have on h ind a g.iod Mipi>ly of thp NOHTH CARO- i LIN V K.EADER.S, Nos. 1 and by Rev. Professor Hub- i bar-i of the Eniver.sity of Noith C arolina, and No. ;J by I Rev. C. il. Wile^-. Siiperinieudent of Connnon Schools ; of North (.’.-iroiina. ■ Oiir customers having well nigh exhauste«i our stock I of Northern Ueaders on hand when the war commenced, i we hope will now turn their attpntioii to these books by : home authors, rathpr than allow their children to do I without reading books. For sale only at the old retail prices of -5 ceuts, 38 cents, and 75 cents. E. J, HALE .t SONS... I Feb’y 1, I861:. 96- i f^.^inKle copieiM ol the Observer I can be procured by non-subscribeTS, at the Bookstore. Price 6 oents. and litiprties taken hy theta, I have tiot been used to and inch treatment 1 am unwilling to submit to. I am inclined to think from the ditferent crowds that foll)w one after the oiher that they must imagine either a tuueral or wedding going on and they must hasten to be in time, or else thpy imagine Tokay to be public prvipprty and ijuiie a nicp ride from town to air lliem- •'pIvps an I thp dpar children. I’prmit mp to sny to all siicfi that may f>p so dpceivp'l, thnt it is not public pro pel ty I'li: siricily ]>ri,vate —tior was ir pvpr dpsigned to lie a plaep of irt.-'tiionablp resort 1 tpel in duty t)oun'l to s-^y tiiriher to my friends in tnwti all'l pouniry !■. p'TVPiit appidpiit-', that 1 have for tiie proipctMiu of my Iriiit'', poultry, stock, cellar, ..^c , piglit ilogv jiow in a foiirsp of Iraitiinir l.n' th:i> purpose a-* we!! in ms >it,sf!!ee a- when 1 am [ue'-->'.if, Hiiij they ni.iv iioi lit :ill limes tip able 10 i!i«tinguish between frit ndi ami rngue-t. V* T HORNE. .Sept I '■> liO 'Jl nwtnii 1^'^llti.M the-iibspiiber, a negro no^n by tin- ipin.p of 1>H'K. I known as .Mrs. ,\i,n .NL iJiiirp .•. i -t DrN vman in the town of Fayetteville. He i-' aliiiut -b'* years of age. black, siout built, about '* teet 10 inches liigti. au'l voice iudicating a bud cold. He is supp-.i'cd to be loitnring about Fayetteviile, or probably about Mr. D. Mci,aiirin's summer house, as he lias a wife there; or he may have gone to \Vilminglon, wheip he has some rpla- tions. au-J ■«i'as hptii i to pay he was going there I will ance, in soitness and strength, is C4ual to call .■skin. The circumstance was brought to our no tice i‘or the purpo.se of drawing public attention to a new source irom which leather may be ob tained, while at the same time the wool culture may be advanced; for it is an established fact in husbandry, that tik the number of dogs is dimin ished will the quantity ot sheep be increased, fur nishing a rich staple to clothe our soldiers in win ter, and mutton at all sea.sons for our tables An ordinary dog skin, by careful unningand cutting, will make two pairs ot shoes, worth at present prices, m>t less than live dollars jier pair, and, in some in.=tunces, double this sum. Without any particular mulu't against the canine race, we veu fiire tl* .''uggest that at least half the dogs now in tieorgia can be spared by hou.sekeepers' andsport»- meii and their kin.s made to subserve a valuable, purpos-'. On this scale, a very liberal suipply oi leather may be had ior meu, women and children, substantia] and pleasuut in the use. MiUeihjtoillc Itfcoi'(le>' Ti-i'ithnfiit ')/ i'onfrabands.''—A Virginian lately confined at I'ortress Monroe, ami released on parole, infttrms the Uichmond Dispatch that “he there saw the negroes most brutally treated give Ten Dollars tor his delivery lo me. or continement { j soldiers, knocking them down with bricks, iu Jail so I get him E. h. .MOORE. ' ^ > Fayeiipviile, Sept. !•>. t;otf ^tafe ol Aorllt I'aroiina. E X EC UT IV E DEP A RT M EN T, H.\lkigh. .Vugust 2‘I, IBfiti. [ was only 1 and beating them frightfully tor the mo.st trivial i dereliction in the hard iluty. While at the Fort, I he bought a pair oi shoes, i'or in (\‘ii/t(leraU money. The prict* for them in Federal money '^PHE Sherifis and Constables of tho difTerenl Countiex 1 of the State are hereby authorized and directed to ar rest all persons belonging to the (.'onfederate .Armj'who Thr liif'i*' J'“' —No sooner is it known at , are absent i^ithout It,,,-,. iUchiiiond that 1-redericksburg is evacuated than ■ For each ftrvest they will eTititle i to vew'»r(.l from j tlu- liit^rctijvnts blut oti to l)Uy Uj» the stO^'lcR of the Confederate (1 ivfrnnieni of Sl-> loi-^t'ach onp con-i Vankee goods there. The news reached then- fined in jail, or if tlelivered t.>the Camp of In-'trtip- j 1'uesdav, says the Itichmoiid correspon titmne,u- Kaieigh, ortoa.'onfelerateofticer dent of the (’harlfiSton .Mercury, an.i it i.« b,. * '1 o secure the-e lirre^its ih^ oliicers wui • i ^ * i i i i ‘ i ..v • i ! call in any assi.^tance. an t use -ill thp power and .an- b-‘vcd that tWO hun.lrc.l sharpers left in buggie Ihoriiy belonging fo tlieir sai-l ■•thee- HENUY T ('[, UU\. liiivpinor of N C. .\ug. 2il. ISti—. o,-Ow Tlie ».iil>*ieril>er «vaiifM to jii:rciia.-p a LIKELY NEOl'O I’OV. about fourtpen years obL ' H. HOH1N.SON. Fnyetteville, Sept. -1. o7tf AdmhsiKtration A'oliee. twenty minules afterwanls. Fredericksbur;' w:^v j probably’gutted by them beiore daybreak. .1 I'l u- ot th*' Maiiittii.—siek atnl wound ed vankee .soldi' rs arrived in f’hiladelphia on tlie Wednesday alter the great battle The town ot Stratham, New Hampshire, offe"« s.'iOO bounty or volunteers for three yt'ais, atii for nine months’ inon. Man;, of the N*-w llampshirt' towns have voted aiid luore. The State also oifcrs u, bounty, a:id the nati'Ui, , which are to be added. MURD*)cR .McHAE, .\dnunistrator .Aug. 25, 181)2 I'lirttiei* Aotice. The Subscriber having tjualitied as .Ailmiuisirator on the estate of Williaii; .McKay, (decM), at .Angus! ■ Term of R()beson County Court, IStl'J, hereby gives ; notice to all peri^ons indpbtpd to said e.^tafe to make ■ — - immediate payment, and all persons h-tving cliim.sj milkman Was lately pro.sCv’Uted in New ^ ork , against said estate to present then, within the time pre- lyr adulterating- milk at a “town pump."' iiis J scribed by law or this no-ice will be ple.-.de.l in bar of j j contended that the addition of water was ' their recovery. MlRDOik McHAE, ! an adulteration of milk. Mr. A. Oakley Hall, District Attorney, contended that it w.i>, and that although some men might suppose that milk was improved by an admixture with brandy, The t^ubscriber will otler for .«ale at the late i-esi made milk punch, still, if a mi>n pur- dence of NVilliam McK.vy, dee d, near Floral College, ! j,g },^ ^.3^ entitled tO the g3nuitie, I>-daitera,ei .r,ioi. The coun^ the estate of sal I \Vm. .McKay, eicepi such stock a# Mr. Hall, and iined the defendant tiit^ dotiais ' may be necessary to gather the jiresent growing CTops, , • 1 ~ ,1 • ; consisting of Colton, Corn, Fodder, Horses, Cows, Hogs, *‘bally, said u youug man to u danis?l, "^ho j Sheep, Bacon, Lard, Household and Kitchen Furniture, }jjjj hair, “keep away from me. or : and Farming utensils of every kind jjjg afire.” “No danger of that, ’ Tha usual credit will be given, and boHtls with ap- “vou are too trreen to bum proved security will be required before the property answer, >ou are too green to ourn ' will be delivered. .ML RDOCK McR.'^E, . Aug. 26,1862. 5715^' Warrants for salo at this • you will was the

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