rAI>K;\nAK for 18«2. -3 G 2 > z c t?9 X e .T. c :z > > K OQ 0 !C JANCARV 1 •> 3 5 ti 7 9 10 12 13 14 If. 10 17 2U 21 •).) 2'A 24 • 20 •>~ 2S 29 SO St FEBRUARY .> 3 -1 5 t) 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 28 17 24 IS •19 20 21 2.^ 26 0"» *• 2> MARCH.. n 3 4 f) 0 1 9 10 11 12 1:^ 14 1(5 17 18 10 20 21 2.S 24 2.^) 20 •>7 2 ;i(j :n VFRIL 1 •> «) 4 G i s 9 10 11 13 14 15 10 17 IS 20 21 '2'A 24 25 » t 2' 2‘> oO .MAY 1 .) 4 > (■| 1 s •J n 12 l;'. 14 15 10 1^ 1'.' 20 21 .>.> 23 2(J If, 2'' 29 .30 J1 NK 1 A 4 5 (> M 10 11 12 1:: l."> Ki 17 IS 19 20 . >• * 24 2f) 2(> ■>“ •S" JI LV. \ «> 3 4 (i 1 s l(t 11 1:1 14 1;. d; 17 is 2(1 21 2; 5 24 25 • >"• 0' 2'.» A\ GUST 1 0 4 0 0 s ic 11 12 1:: 14 15 17 1" li» 20 21 24 l^.’> 2G •J 1 2> 29 n SEPTEMBER 1 •) 4 ,5 4 \) 10 11 12 14 1 ■> 10 17 1^ 19 21 o-> 28 24 2(‘. 2S 2U t>l^ (JCTOBER. 1 .) 0 (1 i s !♦ 10 12 13 14 15 10 17 IW 20 21 23 24 2t) 29 :}o 31 NOVEMBER . .> S I 5 ♦; “ ii V) 11 12 13 14 d; 17 i> 19 20 21 • J 24 25 20 • >- 2'' DECEMBER . I •) •J 4 5 i v> lit 11 12 14 1.^) 10 17 I'' 19 21 2:i 24 25 2t; 2'' 29 :;o :n 4 11 -0 1 5 15 1 s In f) 12 l‘» •Jf, 10 17 21 ?,1 1 \ 21 •>s il i»; 2^5 3LI (J >rom- inent States 11 1^ 25 1 1.0 2y t> l;-: •>ii POST oFFR'E FAW'.TTLVILLl:. Srh^ul-' I'T Arri t:l i.fi 'A/fVi UAM.ltiH V.a AVi:K.».sr.«*U*- .s. ^AR( LAVVILLK Arrive> Jiiiiy .i. ?'I i'epar; JnM,- ‘i P. M. KrN VXSVILlE via C' l.MOS \ND ^VARS\^>. Arrivo' liuiij Tj A. "'I. itoTiirt's Jailj - P. M lUGM POINT vm CArti'HAGE AND A.'HEBOKO' Trl-'t eeiv'.y. Arrives Sun'l.ay. '''ejntS'’;.y -. ul Frida}' 11 A M. L'ep ir:; ''!■ ■ i ;y. vr th'.' - ’-y ’ F- i ’-y ^ V '-I. ( ilEKAlV, S. C . i[Lor(>LIS Arrives TuesJay, Thur> iiy lu i Satnr iuv } A M r>eparts SunJdy, Tueslay HtiJ Thur^Jiy 1 P M FAIR I5LCFF via LL’.MUKRTON. \rrives Tuesday, ThursJfiv and Saturday A .'f l>ppartfi Suitdaj’, Tuesday aud Tiiurs lay 1 P M RALEIUH via SUMMtRVlLLK Arrives Saturday 1 P. M. l'*'Tj:»rta Wednesday 11 A. M. ROBESON'S via ELIZABETHTOWN. Arrivf s Tu*!tJay. Thursday and Saturday 'Ji P. M. Departs Moniay, Wednesday and Friday (j A. M. ELIZABETHT'^VN tia TEREBINTHE, DESERET AND WHITE OAF Arrives Monday ti P M Departs Tuesday 6 A. M. MAGNOLIA, (via ORAV^ELLr HILL.) Arrives Tuesday 2 P. M. ['eparts Tuesday P. M. swift island via MONTROSE, (’OVIN('.TON, POWELLTON. LITTLE S MILLT;. sc. ArT'.ve;^ Tue-jday H P. M. Depan-. Wednefsiay 11 A. M. SWIFT ISLAND via TROV Arrives Tuesday *> P. M Departs Wednesday S A. M. PHILADELPHL’S via LUMBER BKIDOE. Arrives Monday 12 M. Departs Monday 2 P. M All Mails leaving before 7A A M are closed the evening previous at P. M, All letters to be aeui otf other than hy mail mutii be paid for as if sent by mail. Drop letters should invariably be pre-paid Office ia opened on Sunday at >>j and closed *t D' A. JAS. G. €(H>K, P. \i M Tracis for Iht* l»f;['R[NTKI) AT KAI.EruH, N. (’ ‘‘A Voice froui Hea?en,” i pages “Private Devotion, ' • V. ••Don’t put il off," >. .1 “The Ac of Faith, ’ * .• ■•All-suificiency of Christ,” “The Sentinel.” ’ . ,, “Self-Dedication to ftod ” *• •* •■■'■lotiver^ to Early Piety!” (.onie to >ehu«,’' ■ f^.pmerly ^;4 pages.) now iu iii'i in y four pii^jA trnct^^ Af.'j.rove'l al- the I'asior'i of thtt City A i .rge c liiicn jf t> e p.bovt^ should he printed hefoi v; *• 'ypf In iistrif.uted is it, will cost $40 to re-set 'hem uriitje!' and variety '^ill be increased as the I'lui ls r: piy“ for 1.50,0H) pages; S20 pays r 30,0i)C. ‘- I t-1 pays for 1,500 pagaa b.iUii, i,,ri~ i(, be sent to the Agent, whicK Ke wil “■Kti wled^ij bj letter, and report to each of 'h" ■ir- )f .tiis «'ity More than 30,000 pages of new irdCtR I •'* with Mt xi !i;.vf bpt-n ‘cni i:> ihe soldiers in Virginia. WM. ?. .V. OKO\YDER, Tract Agent. ' "h, J nne. ihul. NKW EDITION OF UKVKRHIX A.NU BlI’TLK'S N. C. L.WV REPORIS. Voliiiiie ^pHE suh.Mcribers have just printed a 2d Edition of 1 this Volume, with Notes and References toother adjudged Cases and to the Revised Code, by Hon. Wni, H. Battle; and with many coirections of typoirraphic;*l errors. ^ o r Their 2d Editions of Dev. (i Battle’s Equity, complete, and 1st Dev. & Battle’s Law Ueports, have received the ■spprobation of the Profession. They also republished a 21 Edition of Devereux’s 2d Lqu.ty, (without Notes.) An J in addition to these, are the proprietors of the entire editions of moit of Iredell’s thTpTrTnr^r'^^’ Volumes extant ef the^Reports, or complete Bets, so far as they can now press a 2d Edition of Dev. & Battle s Law ReportH, vols. li-4 (in one.) 1 hey deal largely in Law Books, aud will at all timew order work, not on their shelves.’to supply'lheirTs- .o. 1.'-,. m-.o a SON. WEST POIXT SOLOIKRS. The followin- parfir^ulars ot the history of pi a. the Confederate and Unitod iradua.- Academj West Point, are believed to be reliable. Up to 1850 the tacts stated are taken from the Register of thkt insfitutioo, compiled in that year. A short t?xpJanation will enable the reader to under- .stiinJ th*"' statemeiit.s. Knch cadet after graduating is entitled to the rank, of 2d Lieutenant, hi.s coniiuission boarin_!.c date according to his protieioncy in his t^tudies, in drill, Jtc. 'I'iie discipline and stantlard of scholar ship are very high, a.' may bo inferred from the fact that, on an average, about two-third.s ot the cadets who enter the Academy are dropped in the four yoar^’ course, from ill health, bad con- iluct, laziness or inability to keep pace with their more able classmates, leaving about one-third only to finish their course and attain the rank ot 2d Lieutenant in the regular army. A graduate attaitiing liij^h liistinciioii in liis class, luust pos- >-'ess not ttnly fine metital ondowments, but })hysi- eal dexterity and vigor, and habits of ptinctuality. I'he >nnnhrr. in the subjoine I compilation deib'to the respective class rank—No. 1 beiiitr highest, No. 2 next, and so on; tlie first live being regard ed as peculiarlv distiniruished, while those having lower Dumbers nuist be highly accomplished oflieers —much more thorouirhly ►lueated than are UsU- all\ the gr.idti.ifes «.!'other ’oIU-ges. 'riie class rank was adopted in l''l'. It is intt-restiiig r» notiee in what eases “agebrts pi'rfi-vnied the j.roiu- ises of youtl'." (’i.Ass (ir 1^!.') Sajiiuel ('ouptT, id N \ **iiterod artilK jy; :^t (’olonel for gallant conduct iii ^lcxi^•o; eoiii;iil 'r of a v.\>rk on Tactics; .\j’t (Jen (' S A N-'TK.—Charles Ibivies. autlior ol Legenthf ” “HourJun,'' .^e. was a metnltcr of this elas- (’i.Ass OF I>1^—2;> Mi;mi5Kks Miehaid i>elatii Kl. ot N V, No I, entered Kn- gineers; menjbcr of hoard of IJiiiiiniH-rs since 1''b». Nutk. — Majors Pehifleld. .^l^t!•liecai and Me C'lellan were iippoitifeil to vi.^it Kuropt* luriiiu: the Crimeau war, and r-.’xjrt upoii the luiliiiny systi’iu of the Allie> anil llu'siatis. Mujor l>. iio\s has charge oI the ilarbor dfleiiees of .N V City Harvev l>ru\sn, ot N J, No »», entered Liglit .\rti!lory; I'irevet Major for gallantry in tlu;Son:i- . nole v..r. Hr- Vs t L' Col at Contror. s a’.d j Chari.’.bu.sco; ii' w I’.il L-ouuiianJiug I'nrl I’ieki-.;-. ‘ l,AsS of — 2‘.* .'^IkMBKUs. .)- i l>aiiiel Tyl-.'r. of Conn, No 11, ciiterid Light [ Artillt-ry; Traiislatrr ot ;i work oti .Vrfillerv; i'.‘- . : sit:r;e'l l''o4; ('ivil Ln^ineer 'inet* l"o4; now Hril^ ‘ I Gen I S A Notk.—(leorge \V Whisiu r, the distinguidhed Engineer «ho died in the scrvi 'e of Russia, was ■ No 12 in tliis class » I . (.’l.A.ss lit. l"2i*—:’M Mf.mukh^ ! John II Wiiidi-r. of .^^i, No 11, enterctl Artil lery, brevetred .Major 1"17, tor galiantrv a' ('on- ^ freras atid Churubuseo; Brig (icn C S A ’r .\ss oi-' 1 s'2‘-- (t> .'Ih:MttKits .1 1' K .'lansfiL'ld, 4* ('otniei-titut. .Vo 2, brevet . Mujut tor gaUuiitvy it Fort lirown. Tt-xas, in wounded severely in storming Monterey and was brevetted Lieut Col'tm'l, and (’oloui l f >r i;ai- lantry at lUiena \ ista; Chiel Knainct-r of Cioii'l Taylor’s armv: nu niber of P.'« ird ot Knaineer', nnvv Nlajor Iieneral I S .\ \\ alr> r • 1 \vvi;ii, "I \ ir^inia. No entered artii- '.•r . r—mI ls:;j;(’iv;j Kiijim-i'r :-i!h'e 1 ;r.;. .ti T M ' t-r.ii ill il \oi’h > ari'iiiia un til i;> f:in-!'• r t-> ».'.jnl'*.‘dira:c i ii>\ ernnifiit I'iat L rrimblr, it.irn in V iiuinia, cadet from KeiiMicK'-.^^o 17.entered artillery, resiu'tud l''.‘]2; c.vil eimnioer since l'o2; iirii:.id;er (General C A I' lvid iluntcr, ot i>istrict ol ('oiuuibia. No 2.‘>, entered itifantry, I’aptai.i 1st l>ratrooiis 1re- sitrrRd v,-a payina-.er in wur with .'lexii-o. no’..' i-lvi^auier (ieii^.rui I S A. t rcorge A .^Icl'all, of reniisylvania, .No 2>‘>, en tered infantry, brevetted .^iaj5r and Lieut, i’oloiiel fur gallantry at l*ali .\ltoand K.>,-:ieade la I’nlina. now Major iletieral in I S A Cl .\>,v OK ls_*;;—;;,j .NIkmukk- \llred Mordt'eui, ot .North ('arolina, wa' No 1 in this class. Clas'oK 1"21—.il MK I>ennis 11 Mahan, born in New ^ ork, cadet , Iroui.X irLrinia, No 1, entered l’Jii:j^ineer, I’rot. of Mathematies and Civil EnLrineeriiiu" at West i'oint ,—author of works on ••I'ield I'ortiiieations, ' , “Civil Enirineerini:.' A:c. ' liobert P Parrott, ot New Hampshire. No , entered artillery, resigned l";;(i; .superintendent ! of \\ e.st f'*oint iron and cannon foundry sinee 1^3'i; inventor of the "Parrott C,mi.” l>ixon > .'liles, ot .^ld, No 27. enterecl infatitrv, brevet .^Iajo}• in I" I'Hor L'allantry at l'..rt Hr. w’n. Texa.'. and brevet Lieut Colonel at .NL.nT,-rev; now ('olonel I S fL.^ssitl' I''2-> — ii, t I li.MH A 1 K'. l»aniel S l)onel-'on, of I'l-nn, No entered ar- nllery; resigned I^2»;: cmiri.M-llor at law; planter in Ala, since 1" , Hri- ieneial C S A Henjaniin Huger, ol i \ No ", entered artil lery, brevet Major for gallantry at \ era Cruz; brevet Lieut Colonel at .^loiino I »el Itey; brevet Colonel at Ciiapultepec, now .Mnj (Jenerai C S .V. Robert Anderson, itt Ky, No L>, eiitert'd artil lery; brevet ('aptaiji tor tjallautrv in Seuiiuole war; severely wounded, at .^!olino |>el Rev; bre- v‘t Major for gallantry in that battle; Major when in cotntuand of I'ort Sumi« r. tbeu iirig 'icneral I S A and resigned. (’hailes I'.'^iiiith, of Pa, No 1'.', entered artille ry Herviee; brevet .^lajor for gallantry at Palo Alto and Kesaca de la Palma; brevet Lieut Colonel at Monterey, brevet Colonel at (-ontreras and i’huru- busco; liriir >enerul in C !S A; died l'^r>2. Notk - -Ab xander 1> Raehe, of Pa, the super- internient of rhe C .S Coa.-t Survey, wa.s No 7 iu this elass. and 1 Thouir>s >n S Brown, of .N \ , »ne chief HiM'i- necr of the N \ Imic it II, unu of .'^t i'etersburgh and .Ni l eow li K. was No L ; Ct,.\ss Oi' I —-lo Membkrs. Albert .Siflney Johnston, born in Ky, cadet frora La, w.i No !S, entered the infantry service in I ••BiU'-K ifiyvk” war as assistant A'ljutant tiene- : a!; re,-; II,.;' Seei-efary of war of Texas, ; C,.i,,nei o^ Isr ijegpiicnr 'J'exns Wdunteers . re-tppoiijfed P:i3’master I S \iiiiy eoiiim .1) ied the Ct.ah expedition; «i- neral C S killed at Shih.h. 1 1 leintzehnan, ot Pu, .Ni^ 17^ entered infan try; brevet Major for gallantry at lluamantla, .'lexico. now Major (ieiieral P S Silas Ca.soy, of R 1, No o'.t, entered infantry: severely wounded at Chajiukepec; brevet-.Major for gallantry at (Contreras and Churubusco; brevet j''‘‘^>*^^P'donel at Cheiiultepec; now Major Cieneral Notk. 1 he 'listinguished Professor of Natural and hxperinietUal Pinlosophy at U'est i'oint, Wm !l L.l>anlett, cadet Irom Mo, was No 1 in this class (-1.A.SS Of- lSl'7 ;]S ^ James A J Bmdlord, born in 'I'enn, cadet from Ky, No 4, entered artillery; member of N (J mili tary board; Colonel of ()rdnancu 0 S A. Leonidas Polk, of N C, No 8, entered artillery- resigned 1X27; Rishop of La, IS4I; now Major General C S A. Gabriel J. Rains, cadet from N 0, No l‘{ en tered infantry; wounded at Port King, Fla,’and ‘ * 'j "■ b)r gallant conduct; now Briiiadicr uot»to4fik] r»m| I ^ ^ A '‘^^I'arob 7b aud ^aaUtics. '’’‘f'F Geor-e Cooke, of \'a, N - e.,iered E. J. HALE & 80NB. » mfaQtry; Major Dragyoas 1«47; brevet Lieut Col onel for meritorious conduct in California; now Brig General U S A. Cla^Js of 1S28—33 Graduates. Hugh W Mercer, of Va, No 3, entered Artif- lery, resigned 1835; Cashier of Planters Bank, Savannah, wince 1841; Brig (jen C S A. Jefferson Davis, born in Ky, Cadet from Miss, No 23, entered infantry, resigned lS3o; member of T' S Hou.se of Representatives from Miss, 1H45, Col 1st Reg Mi.ss Vols (^Rifle.s) in Mexican war, severely wounded at Buena \’’sta; re-appointed Brig Gen P 8 Army 1^17, (^declined;) member r S Senate H47; Secretary of War under Pres Pierce; IVesident of the (’onfcderate States of Anicrica, 18*;2. Thomas F. Pravton, ot S C, -Vo 2>!, entered in- fantiy, resigned Civil Kngineer; planter since 1S:!S; l^rig ljcn t’ S A. .\lberl K. (’bun-h, cadet from Conu. a distin guished I’rof of .^latheniatics at West Point, and author of “Kleimuits of I Mtlcrcntial and Integral Calculus”—was No 1 in this class. Ci,.vss OF 1''2(l—Pi (ju.M)l'.VTK.s. liobert K Lee, of \'a, No 2, entered Kngineers; Assistant Astronomer lor deinarkation ol Boundary line between Ohio and Michigan, !>'•>.); (’hiet Kngineer of (Jen. ^\ ool's army in Mexico; IJrevet Maj for galautrv at (Vrro Gordo; Brevpt ^t Col at (’ontreras ainl Churubusco; Brevet (’olat Cha- pulti'pec, where he was wounded; niember ol Board of KiiL;ineers; now Commanding leiieral ’ S A Joseph K. Johnston, ot \ a, No LI. entered Ar tillery, resigned l‘'‘>7; ve-appointed 1st I4 '1 opog Mngineors 1S3S; Brvt (’apt for gallantry in Klori- d.i w.ir; lirvt ,Maj and ('ol tor g.allantry at ('erro lior do, wlu re he was >;evcrelv woiindcd twice; !/ (’.il \"oltiLreurs 1''47, wounded in attack on Cityot .^lexi•o, disbanded as Lt (’ol \ oltigeurs inst.ited by aet of (’ongress. I''I'', as Capt 'I'opo i'^ti 'ineer.-; llrvt Lt ('ol tor gallantry at ('hapulte- pec ' ow (ien«*ral (' S ,\ () .NIcKnii^ht Mitehell, born in Ky. eadrt from (>hi No l >, entei'ed artillery, resigned l''.‘Jli; eounsellor at law; civil enk;ineer l':jt>-;>7; Prid ol A. tronoiny at Cincinnati College; founder oi‘ obser.atory at Cineinnati; author of “Stellar W orl I.” Now Brii; General I S A. Al*>ert C P.laiie!i;;rd, of .^las.s. No 2>. entered intaiiTry, n'ignetl I''!*; merehant at New Orli'ai.'s Iron! i’aptain in Louisiana volunteers in .^] 1‘xieati wui; 1 e.i|)p"inted Major 1''17, lli^baI;ded I" 5'^; now P.n_: i,Ieiieral (’ S A. 'I ll .'[iliilu- 11 llolnii's, ot N (’, No I L enteretl ii'f.-..itv_\; bre’.'! 'lajor forgillantry at .^Ionterey; ;iow .’'laii r Gi n- ral C S .V. (’i.\ss .1 ls.;n—12 (i II \ i>;'.V11> Wi.i N Pen cadet from \’a, No.'i, eiiter- . .. ;-i ;iileiy, i. 'i_n' d 1^:!:^; Pn-f in Brist -1 an ’ !>> I.i’..-:re ('ollfji ' 1''.'I.‘; ('lt‘r:xyinan Pro- ie-tant F.piscopi! Chur> h sinee now Hriu (;. iierai ' S • loliii H.iiikheud Ma^ruder, eadit from \ a. No 1.). entered intantrv, transt'erred to artillery I •'■{I; JJrex.-t ,'Vljijtir l,.r j^ullul try at (.’emi (Jordo; Brevet l.ii lit Colonel at Chapultenee; now .''lajor C,^ n-'r-d (’ S .\ N li 1:—.\lbeit f Bledsoe,ot Kv, Pr>d‘otM:ithe ni,itie> in ! nive'‘sity ot \ u. and author ot a work on Slavery and • Tbeoiliey,” wa- No lt‘> in tbi^ cla-s; and il‘-v Franei- \’inton wa- No 1 in this eL-^- Ci.AS-uK I'^’.l—.'I'! G .\ i Kv. Satnui.l K Ciirti-. of ( Miio, .No J7. ent'Ted iii- t'liitrj^. it'.-.i.'iie'i ls;;-j; Civil Kngin-..r tnr manv year-;! ou’.iseli.ir at Law; Colonel -4 ord ()hio volunteer' in .'lexiean war; member ot' I S. Hou-e of Renre.sentatives; now Brig General I S A. Notk.— The gallant Heiiiy ('lay. jr, of Ky, who was killed at Buena X’ista. was No 2 in this ela.ss, and William .\ Norton, of .N V, President Ilf Polaware (.’"liege, author of a work on .\.>trono- my. '•'•a> No 7; .1 juu> .Vilen, ot N (’, wu' .No ('i.\-'. >K l'':;2—L) Gi'am ,\TK- Pliilip St Georu.'' Coek?, ot \ .1, .No *!. entered intaiitiA, re-iL'iied 1^;!1; BriL: 'n'n’l (’ S _\, died MrasinU' 1> Key-, l>orn in .'las', eadet from ^laine, No iM, entered artillerv; .Aid de Cani{> to Gen .''I'ott l>.I7, now BriLr(i‘n’l I A ,(ieo 1! ('rittenden, of Ky. .No 2*1, entered in fantry, rcsii'tied reappointed ('aptain mnuri- ted rifles Brevet Major for gailantr\ ut Con- trera-s and ChurufMi.'Co; .'lajor General C S ,\, I resigned. Bichard (’ !atlin. cadet fr"tn N C. No en tered infantry; Brevet Major f.r gallantry at .^Ion- terey, where he wa> wounded; Briir Gen’l (' resiirncd H umphrey .Vlar-hall. eadet from Kv. No 12. entered m •unto.! ran^'ers. r,>.-igned lv;;L C..un- • dlor at law sinei- l''-i.l; ('olotad 1-t Ket'iinent K) \ olunteer '.ivalry in Mexiean war; member ii')U.-'eot ILepre'etitat:Ves; Bnt:ieneral C re.-igned' Ci..\>.:t nr i^.;;;—^4:; iii.\i>i atks. George W Cullom, born in N eadet trom Pa, No il. entereil llngineers; eommandant of .'•appeis, Miner.'i an { Pontonier.' 1^4"; author ot a v.iirk on ’‘.^lilitarv Bridire'.," iVc; Brio General r > A l>avid Ruggleeadet trom .'Li'-, No ;;i, en tered intantrv; Brevet !^lajor tbr gallantry at (’on- freras and Churut'useo, and Lieut C(donel at (’hapultepee; now P>rigadi*>r (Jeneral (’ .'> .V •Noi'k —'lajor Wm W S Bliss, of (Jen'I’aylor > start' iu ,'lexieo, w;ts .No '.t in this el;is~. and Lieut (’olotiel Henry L Seott, ot N (_’, was No 41. C'.Ass (iK In;{,)—;■(»; Mkmijkus. • ieorge Meade, born in Spain, cadet from Pa, No 111, joiired artillery, resigned H-'Mr. reappoint ed 2d l.ieut 'I'opoi; Kngineers 1'12; brevet 1st Lieutenant for gallantry at .'lonteroy; now Bri'' (icneral P S .\. ° Henry Prince, of Me, No .JO, entered Infantry; Hr\t ( apt at t.ontrera.s, and Maj at .Molino del Rey; m^w Brig Gen I S .V. Jones M Withers, of Ala, No 4 f, entered dra- .L-oons, resigned I'd'*; Lawyer Is ; Lieut Colonel I st A lal ,ima vtdunteers in Me.Kiean war; reappoint ed Linut Colonel 1''17; resigned lsit; merchant siiiee ISJs;; now Brig General (’ S A. ('l.ASS OK LS;>() 4!> i'lKMHKRS. Josejdi H Anderson, of Va., No I, cnt;red ar tillery, tian.sferi’cd to J'jngineer.s rcsi’‘ned l'':-!7; (’ivil Kngineer 183S-H; superintendent of Tredeg-r Iron Works Isil; iirig General (’ S A, resigned. ^ Montgomery (’ Meigs, born in (;a, cadet; from Pa, No .T, entered artillery; transferred to Kngi- neer.s 1 superintendent of (’apitol Kxtension and 'Aa hiiigton I> {’ Aijueduct; now Briiradier (jienerul !' S A. 'j hoin.is Sherman, cadet from R I, No IS, eiitercd artillery; Brevet .Major for gallantry at Huona Vista; now Brigadier (Jcneral P S A. John W J'helps, of \ t, No 24, entered artillery; brevet Captain for gallantry at (.'ontreras and Chu rubusco; now Brig (Jen’l U S A. L'oyd Tilghman, cadet from Md, No 4(>, entei- Kngineer since t.,. /' • to Gen Twiggs at I^alo Alto, I'v-, aptain Md company in Mcxican war; now Brig general (’ 8 A. II l'^o7—.50 Me.mbers. Henry Lenham of Conn., No 1, entered Kngineers; wounded and brevetted Capt. for gal- lantiy at Buena Vista; Brig Gen PSA. Dismissed. lerv*^^i ^ entered Artil- V St’a ^gallantry at Buena > ista, now General C 3 A. Kskn^d '' ' Artillery, resigned 1838; Couasellor at Law since A840; Major 1st Regiment Va V'olunteers in Mexican war; n«w Brig General C S A. John C Pemberton, of Pa, No 27, entered Ar tillery; brev«t Captain for gallantry at Monterey; brevet* Major for gallantry at Molino del Key; now Brig General C S A, Joseph Hooker, of Mass, No 2*J, entered Ar tillery; brevet (laptain for gallantry at Monterey; brevet Major at the National Bridge-, brevet Lt Col at (’hepultcpec; now Maj General P S A Molino del Rey; severely wounded at Chnpolte- pec; now. Maj Gen'l 0 S A. Clas.s Of 1843—3U Gkadoatks Wm B Franklin, of Pa, No 1, entered 'I'opo Engineers; Brevet 1st Lt for gallantry at Buena Vieta; now Maj (ien’l I- 8 A. Roswell S Ripley, born in (Jhio, cadet froi« N V. No 7, entered artillery; Brevet (’apt for gal lantry at (’erro (ionlo; Brvt Maj at Chapultepec; Author oi a history of the “War with Mexico;” (icn’l C S Arnold Klzy, graduated as Arnold K Jones, oi now Brig (icn 1 S \ Md, No 3IJ, entered Artillery; brevet Captain for j John J Peck, ot N N , No s,fnt«red Artillery, gallantry at Contreras and ('hurubtisco; now Brvt Captain for gallantry at ontieiashud( huru- lirig (icneral C S A. busco; P> vt .^lajor at .^lolino del Rey; now Brig (Jeneral P S A. Samuel G I'rench, ot N J, No 14, entered Ar- Wm H T Walker, of (ia. No 4(5, entered infan try; severely wounded in the battle of (>keechobee, I'l ' ‘ ‘ ^ allaiitrv in Seini- ! tillery; Brvt 1st Lt tor gallHUtry at Monterey, se- nole war, resigiujd 1';{S; reap|)oiutcl; Brevet ^(\it.tMiii at Buena Vista. Major at (’ontreras and (’hurubusco; 'everily wounded at Molino del Uev; Brevet Lieut Col at Molino del Piey; Briu (Joneral (’ .S A; re.-iigiu'd; now t^leueral in army oi (la. (!i,ass oi'ls;]s—45 mkmbkhs. Fla, brevet 1st Lieutenant for gaiianuy m oe:;n- j 1.1111.-1 -1. -*> iwi ^ esigiujd 1';{S; reap|)oiutc.l; Brevet | verely woun-le.i; Brvt Captain at Buena ' * ■ now Brijr (iencr:i! (' S 1 I ■ S t; r:'.nf. ()hio. No 1. etUi'reil Infantry: j Brvt 1st Lt for -allantry at .'dolinodel Key; now I Maj ienera*' I > A. I -jos. ph li Pott.-r. N 11, No 22. entered infaii- P G '1' Beauregard, ol La, No 2, entered \r- ^ try; -ev. rely bounded at .Mono rev; Br't 1st Lt tillory, 2d Lt Kngineers ls:JS; Brvt ('.i[>t.-;iM lor 1 for galhn'iry at Monter(y: nov,' H gallantry at (’ontreras and Churubusco; Brvt .'laj'-r ('i.\ss o.^' ls| } _’.> ii{.\ at ('hapultept'c; wounded at the Belen g.'ite in en tering City ot .'\Iexico; now General (’ S A. James H 'I'rapier, of ."s ('.'-NO •>. ent' red Aitil- ry, 1st lit Kngineers I'^o’.*; resi;^ned I'' Is; plant A. hr;'- near now 1»‘.. ‘ntc’ •d \r ■li- \ i r ,-ince isjs^ n(i.v Briir L‘n C S .V Irvin Mchowell. ( Hiio. .No 2.I, entered .\rtil- lery; Brvt ('ajit for gallantry at Buena \ ist.i; now Maj Gen I S William J Hardee. Ga. No 2*>, entered g.ions; Brvt 'lajor.l'or iraliantry at Medelin. V’eia (’ruz;i Brvt Lt Col at San .\ii'.:u tine; .^lajor Jen C S .\. Henry H .'siblev. La, .Nool, Brvt .Major tor gallantry at .Nle'lelin; now .'laj en (' S .\. Kdward Ji hns.iii, K y. No ;J2. entered Intantry; Brvt (’apt for gallantry at .'lolino del I’ley; now Bri>^ Gen (’ S A Ci.A."suK l^;;!t-^;;l k.mi!Ki:>. Isaac J Stevens, Ma-^--, No I, entered Kiil;!- luers; Brevet ('apt for gallantry .it ('oiitre .i- and ^ Churubusco; Brvt ,'laj at Chapultrpee; >everely j \ wounded at City ol Mexico; Assistant itj the Geo- I t detic Coast .''urvey; ^uvernor ol 'I’erritory of (>; e ! ' •j^on; ti.ember ot House ol Kepresenlative-^ Ir.im 1 >rei;on. now P>ri;^Ien 1 .V. ; Henry W Halleek, N V, No .'J, entered l'^ii'.:i- . l n- ei^; Author ol a \v.>rk on • llitumer; " :uid ol •• i''Jemeiit.- of .\lilitary Art .uul S'-ietice;' Brvt ('.ipt t>r ^.lallantry in Calilor;i;.i, Si i rctai . ot .'-';.it.- of CalifoiIlia; ('ounseil ir at Lav,; now in- General I .loieins F Gilmer, of N (’, .N > I, eiit> red K's- gitu i'r.'; now Col..i;el l]ii”ineeis (' ." .Mexandcr It L:iwtoi', m,’ S C, N’.^ L'l, entered .\riillery, resigned I''’"; Law\er at S.ivannah ■inee l^ ll': President .''a\;!nnah and Au.rii'ta K il since now Lrig Genera James B lliek. tt', if N ^ , .N tillery; i.ow Brigieneral I ."s \ I'Mw.iid II (’ant'jt. I'orn in Ky, eailet Indiana. .No:’.'*, Brevet M;jjor ^r i:-,!! int r . .li treias and Churubuseu' " iw Bri;/• feneia! I Cl.As-- OK I'- 10 P.iul > lll'berl, ot l.;t. No 1, enterei) Kiiu;:- iiefi-, re^iuMnd l'' l.>; Chiel Kn^iineer ot Stat'- it Li, IL”>-47; reappointed Li'“ut ('. L'ln l Inl'intry I'}.; bie\et Celonel tor uallaiitrv at .Nlolitio del l»i \; li-banded 1^1''; now Biii: ieneral C .> A \\ iiii:ini (iilhai.i, born in ind. eadet from \ a, •No entered .\rtilKry; resigned I8PI; Prof >4 : Physical .''cienee, t e, \'a. .^liiitarv Institute l''t*i; author ot ••(Jilham’s Taetics;” now Col (' : A i \\ illiam I .''herinan. ( Miio. No *>. entered ,\r-^ tillery; now >lajor Genera! I S A. .lohn P ^L ('own. ot'Tenti. No. 1>. entered .\r- : tillery; Orevet (,'j[itain for L’allantrv at ('erroi iordo; now l>ri_- 'iein rul C S .\ Richard > Kwell, tu rn in l> cadet from \ a, I entered I *rairoon.-, .No Li, hrevot ('ajitain for ^.mL lantry at ('ontrera> and Churubu^c.’; now Brii:a dier (I'etieral C S James i Martin, N C, No 1 I, entered Artillery; lost an arm at Chunibu'co; brevet .^Lij .r tor - il- , lantry at (’■■ntrera- and (.'liurubu.'co; .\djutant General ot .N (', Brig General (’ S A Reuben P ('ampl-.ll, ot N (’, No 27, ent.red ■ drau'ooii'; brevet ('a]>tain t,.r gallantry at Buena : \ ista; ol ( .V, Liiled at ( iiiekahonanv I homas .Iordan, ot \ a. No 11. eiitorid Itiiaii- | try; now P»rii: General C S A Cl.Asst'K 1 I 1—^;*>2 .NlKMtiK.lts Josiah Coriras. born in Pa. eadet from N ^ , i No ti, entered ( >riinanee; now ('bief ot >rdnane-' »’ S .Nathaniel Lyon, of t'onn. .No II, eiiterc-f in-' f.antry; brevet (’aptain fur i'allantry at (’ontrera- and ChurubusCo; wounded ai the Belen Gat. , ; City ot .^lexieo; .^lajor lieneral I A, killed at i .''prinirtii'ld. j .''aniucl -\nderson, of \ a, .No I'', ent« rid( .\rtillery; br.'Vet ('aptain f.»r gallantry at Molino ■ del Rey; Lieut ('tdonel C A. ; Suniuel Jones. (,{' \ a. No P', eiit' red .Vrtiller’,; now Brig (Jcneral C .V. John 1 Leynold.'. ol Pa, No 2», etUcrcd Artil- i lery; t»revet ('aptain for gallantry at Moiiterev; I brevet 31ajor at Buena \ ista; now Briir Genera C S A. Robert S Garnett of \'a. No 27, entered Artil lery; bre.vet Captain for galiantrv at .'lontorev; brevet Majorat liuona \'ista; Brig Genera! (' S killed at Kieh J^Iountain. Kicbard B (Jarnett, of \ a. No 2'.'. entered In fantry; now Brig (Jeneral C S .\ !>on (’arlos Buell, born in (*hio, cadet from Ind. No. ;52, entered infantry; brevet (’apt for gallantry at Monterey; severely wounded at Churu busco; brevet Major at (’ontreras and Churubusco; now Maj or Gen’i P S A. Israel 1> Richardson, ot \'t. No ;{s, entered Infantry; brevet (’aptain for gallantry at I’ontr.' ras and Churubusiro; brevet Major for galiantrv Chapiiltcpec; now Major General I' S A. Ainlew^on I> Nelson, born in Ky. eadet Ohio No 42, entered intantry; now Maj Gen’l P S A (’t,.\ss OK IS 12—’)() Mkmijkhs. II' Rosecrans, (^not /iO.V'//■/■!/(r.) of ()hio No entered Kngineers; now Maj ( Jen’l P S (Justavu.s W Smit^i, ot Ky, No S, entered K gineers; brevet 1st Lieut for g.allantrv at ('em* Gordo; })revet (’aptain at (.'ontreras;'now Maior (^en’l C S A. Mansfiel.l Lovell, D C!, No !*, entered Artillery; wounded at Chapultepec; Brevet Capt lor gallant ry at Chapultepec; now Maj (Jen’l (’ S A. John I’ope, born in Ky, cadet from ill, No 17, entered Topo Kngineer.s; Brevet 1st Lt for gallant ry at ^lonterey; Brvt Capt at Buena Vista; now Mai (Jen IT S A. ^Vbner noubletlay, ol Ni' ^ , no 23, entered ar tillery; now Brig (Jen P S A Dau’l II Ilif: of S C, No 28, Brvt. Capt for gallantry at Contreras and Churubusco; Brevt Maj at (Jhapuitpec; resigned 1S49- „ow Maj Gen C S A i’licbard II Andersen, S 0, No 40, entered Dni- goons; Brvt 1st Lt for gallantry at San Augustine, 31exico; now Maj Gen C S A. l.aFayette McLaws, of Ga, No 4s, entered In fantry; now Maj Gen C S A. Karl A an Dorn, of Miss, No ;)2, entered m fan try; Brvt Capt for gallantry at Cerro Gordo; Brevet Maj at Contreras and Churubusco; wounded in entering City of Mexico; now Major Gen’l C b A. James Longstreet, born in S C, cadet from Ala. No 54, entered Infantry; Brvt Capt for gallantry at Contreras and Churubusco; Brevet 3Iajor at >nii"i) !• !>' faiitrv; \voiinl tor :^ali:intr_\ :i (•lined I now B C; s Wm 11 1, eiiteied l‘]ii (’ >rig (Jen. .Mil, .\Ti;.s. >..-k!-er, ol’ Ky, .No 1 1, entered In- • ■1 at Churubuseo; brevet 1st Lieut it ('otitrera,'. and Churnbuseo (de- i i: (!eni*r;d C S (tf l' ir> ll,» (i'-ADI A'l Ks V hitiiiL:. ol .'di.'S. cadet at large. No L' oers; now ,''l::jor General (' S .\ '• of ^Li", .N') 7. entered ( hd- I Lietit'natit f.ir gallantry at .'do- \br ve; Captain at Chapchej.cc; now nanei.'' lii'.o li- Bo iu' (Jener il I under arrest i'il/. .lohn Porter of N H, eadet at large. No eiitt red artillerv; brevet Captain for gallantry at .Molino del l’.\; lirevet Major at ('haj.ultepec, !iow Bri;radier General 1 .\ 1 dmiiud l\irl'\ .''iniih. id Fla, No 2.>, entered Infantry; brevt I 1't L'eiiti-nant for g-allantry at ('erro Gorilo; brevet ('aptain at ('ontreras; now '\I.ijor ( 1 t, nei a' C S I eruard i'- B 'e, of > C. eu let at large'. Ni> .'I'j, V. iu!i led at ('fvro (i'.rd.i ?nd bre\»t 1st Lieu- ►•nant t->i';^ah...itt v ai that baule; Brevet ('aptain t ('hat.iili^Mid killed at .^lanassas v‘l,.^s., i''It, (iUADl .\ i i.s. il d:in. ot Pa. .No 2, entereil en- t Li'-ut f-r LMll.mtrv :it (’ontre 'o>ev: (''aptain at ('hajmlte i :j. rai I S • • N II. .N ■. 4. .’.'iterevl I'^iiLii- i. '.t tor L.'al!aiiti'v at i'oiitreia'. ^ewielv .i..i:nded at M.din . del 'ajti.ini for Lrallaiitrv iu that bat- (Jei.i- -ineer'; bi 'V ; i n's ;iiid ' hui '-!- . pee; U' .M r. :.)r • ■ Joh;i '. I - ' 'r, Iie.f,-; I,:,, el Nt and «'h'lrubit. c-.'; , atal ^re\ et ( Pi, N. 1". entered entere.i ,\r- • ■ntered \r- entercd In- \; tiow .Miiiiary Governor N.t entered Intantrv: il at .\. I n- I tl'': ll'T.'.- • •iier.ii ( > 1. lleiio. b.)in in \ a. cadet from ent'Ti ! 'rduaiic>.; bn vet Isi Lieut, for gal Ian- trv at '■ I r.. iord.i; brevet Ca;.tai:i at v'hapultejit where i,v V. as \\-..iiiiiei; :ioV,^ Brii; Gen I S A. I'iii-i:. .i !a-k- 'II. Sro,e-wail, ol \ a. No l7. .'lit.Ted \r-iliery; brevet ’aj)tain for ^all:in»»-.y :>t I'liiitr.Ta' ati't 'li'iruliusei 1; l.rcvet M .ijor at ( lia- o n.e.N .\l.iior Gen-r d C S A h.iviii i; .!i>n.''. b M'li in S t’, ea.let trom (la. .\o 11. . ’itered lntai;'ry; brevet 1st Lieut for gal lantry .•): Ciitfrr. ’-.i- and Chmnbur-eo; now Briua- lier (I ' iierril (’ S .\ C.idmu ’^1 W ileox, b..r:i in .N (', eadet fro»n Tenn, No;'»L ei:te;eJ lnfiiit.iy; brevet 1st Lieut I'or L;all:‘,"trv at V hapultepi .-; n-o.v Bri*.r Gen.-ral C S .\ \Wn yi *iardiier. ot (la, .No enterel Inf'an- try; severelv wounded at ('liurubu.'co; brevet 1st Lieut for ;_'allantry at ('ontreras and ('hurubusco; tii'W Briir (■eiieral (' (’l.A'S >K 1^17—-■> Guaim ATKs. Ainbr. 'C i* Hill. jr. ot \’a. No L*‘. entered \r tilfi iy; ;n w .^laj (ieneral (' .\. \inbro-'* K Burti'i' e, of ind. No .\riillerv; le.w ,'laj G- iieral I S ,\ llum- vn I? -\\r' o! N V. N.> 22 tillery. ('b.irii - '>i'( *ip.,. o;;_ tillery Kifbert L \ M ir, o; ,N \ , No ;iO. lantry; Jiri_ G. !i I ot Ni’rloK. IL- nry Herb, -t \ ii'.w l>ri- iener.il '' (I. A s.-- ..r l'l'—.'is Gh.\duatKs N f 'rLr^; I'vans, of S C. No :;t>, entered l>ra- Lioi.iis; li .w B;;_; Geti. ral (' S .V. LKil ISl.An KK OF NOUTH C\K(>LINA. .KNA i t. Pa-.jU"tank ana Per.juiiuon.-.—W li Baulev. ('a;n'b n and ''urrituck—1> Mel» L’lndsev (I.it.-.- and ('howa’i — Mills L Kure. llvde and T\rreil -('harlc' Me(’leese .Niirfhaiiipton — Mr W ('opcland. Herti.ird —.) B Slauuiiter. Bertie—'I’he- .>! (iarrett. Martin and \\ ashin_t»n J lla?i;’:>'c .'da-on L W'L'.:ins l.vijee'-nibe and 'vVilsi.n .U Pitt — I'i .1 Blount. Beuuloit—K J Warren. (’raven— Carteret and Jones—(,'alvin Kooiiee. (Jreen.-and Lenoir — Kdwanl I atriek New IL.inov.,r—Kli W Hall, ibit lin hr J.inie.' i*ieki«;i. ( bislov —J .V .'lurrill. Bladen. P.runswiek, I'te—J W Cumberland and Harnett—W Samps.I'i—Thoni.i.'- 1 I'aison. ^^'ayne - W in K i.ane. Johnston—C B Sanders. Wake 1 PH Buss. Nash—A J Taylor. I’ranklin—Harris. Warre.i —I»r T J PiteJiIbrd. (•ranville—R W Lassiter. Per'-^on—James Iloleman. (•range—Hon W A (iraham. Alamance and Randolpl;—Giles .‘debane, ('batham—William P 'I'avlor. Moore and Montgomery—(’alvin W Wooley. Bichmond and Robeson—Giles Leiteh. Anson and Pnion—Williatii (’ Smith. (Juiltord — Peter Adaius. ( as well—Hon Bedlord Brown Rockingham—F L .''impson. -Mecklenburg—John Voung. ( abarrus .lud Stanly- -I W Smith. Rowan and Pavie—I;r.) G Ratnsav. Pavidson — H .Vdauis. Stokes and Forsyth—las K Matthew-. Ashe, Surry, A;c—Isa.ic Jarrett. Iredell, Wilkc.s, Ac.—L (.^ Sharpe. Burke, ?.lc])owell, i\.c—S J Neal. Lincoln, 'iaston. \c—) H V/hite. liu'.hcrlord, Polk, tVe.—M () Pickerson. Buncombe, Henderson, I'cc—William M Shipp. Haywood, Macon, iVc.—Rev C D Smith. I (.'allowav II Powell. Ill" W rii:ht In- llolSK OF COM.MONS. Alamance—H V ^IcAden, Dr K F Watson. Alexander—J .M Carson. .\nsou— 1 *urdie Richardson, R H Burns. Ashe—J M (Jentry. Bladen—J W Ru'S. Beaufort—R S Ponnell, W T Marsh. Bertie—Dr 1‘ T Henry, James Bond. Brun.swick—Haniel L Rus^iell. Buncombe—Mr Bur'Mu. Burke—John Parks. Cabarrus—\\ S Harris. Caldwell—Mr Barohardt. Camden—John Forbes. (Jnrter«t ^ Cftsw«ll—S .S Harrisoji, Willinii. Catawba—Geo S Hooper CJhatham—T*B TiHnis. W J IJ ^.j., Waddell. (^berokee—J H Brysnu ('howan -i^emuel (' Benburs Cleveland—I'avid Beani, .1 it 1. (’olunibiis—W .M Baldwiii Craven ('umberland and Harnett IL.ii It. | l)r John .Me(.‘ormick, Neill -MeKn ('urrituck—B M Baxter Davidson—Dr R L Beall. Heiir\ W’., I'avie—Henry B Howard Duplin—J D Stanford. L \\ }|o|_.r Kdireeoinbe—David ('obij. llober: iV, I For.'ivth—lohn 1' N!"> n, Dr 1- •>, , Fr.inklin — .\ ^\’ Pearc'. -.Ir (ia'i.'ii — .\ ’»V Daveiipo.t. (Jranvill',—Hon B B (jilliani, .la- Ku'jrene Grissom. (Jreene—H R Best. (iuilford—i'l .S .''herwood. B W (i| Smith. (Jates -W 11 -Mannintr llali liiX — Dr il enry Jo\ ner, \ H I »;.■ . ILi’. wood- -Dr .S L Love Hertford—J B \ ann. Heiider-on .\lex Henry 11 vile K ij 'lann Ired.dl '1' .\ Allison, .John Noun: Ja' ksoti .5 Keener Johnston Setli (J \\"oO'i;ill. W ii • .Jone — L'.noi/--W W Dur.n Lincoln — A ('ostner ,^laeon- -! >r .1 .^! L\ le, >1 adison —I >r. Wallin. .'Ltii in - - J ames ! ‘obin'on "'Id •■‘M'ell .Nlr('r:dr. ’eiibur:^—liio L. I'rown. F C i.r' • * .Mon'j;om>-rv — K (I L Barrim^.r 'loore —.\lexatidi r Kelly. Nash —Heiirv (i Williams New llaiK.ver—J Person,.! B ll-iw Nor;hampton -\\ W Pi-eble-, H Staii-’ ( hi-lov.' - liarvev I'.iy. (>rariL:c—.lohn Berry, W ,\ P.Htter- 'f! Pa.sijUotank W K .Nlann. Per:juiuioM' Dr Jo,^ li Kiddick 1 ’•■r.'- n ^l D (’ l !nm]'a-s Pitt ' i'erkins, B 1 Albritton Raii'loiph—tJon.arliMii \\"orth, .'I S H"'■ Bil l: >1 .nd Sander- M ln;jrrain iiobi-o(i—.Mur.lock .^IcRae. D .^le^•■ Rockii;..^h.ini (>illiani, — lu-viiMi;. Rowyii — F K .''hober, N N FletiiitJL' Buthi,: ford—R Brvan J ]> Carpi;\\v.. t •Samjison—William Kirby, Thos H Hohu.^ Stanly - lialayette Greene. .''^Aes — William Flynt Sun V -Dr Li.-epb Hollinswortb. 'fy rri.U 1 tiiou—C (,> lienimonds. Wake H W Miller. G H Alford, Wm 'A'arrcn —Thos I -ludkins, Leonard Hen.kr- Washington — Watauga—Wm Horton. • Waviie—B B Rives, M K Crawford \\ ilk-'s Wellborn, A H Haunt,^ \ adkiir—.V (’ CowK--. Vaue\ --D ^ ouiej^ (’(‘NFKDKRA'n. S 1'\ I KS ('ONGRF- sKNATE Alii.tni.!—.^Iessrs William L Vancey. : Clay. J/ V'f.’i — .^lessr- Robert W John.son, i B .Mitchell * Fhjrl.ht—Me—rs James ^l *l>aker, ,\ L well f]i (f Hill, Roliert T.vmil.- A’^iti i'.-I. —'le-sr- H (’ Burnett. W'\'ilisi f .sLjiinis. L’ uis'iina—Messrs Kd. Sparrow. T J Seu._- —Messrs ,\ll.>ert (J Brown, .h::- Pbelan. Messrs John P.Clark.RS V I'ey Sorth ('jmlhui—Me-srs (Jeorire Davi'. W liam 1 Dortch. S-^nfh ('•iriiiinu—Messrs Robert W Birnw James L Orr. Tt:in>!sr Mes.srs Langdon C Haynes, ' tavus A Henry. T^.Ciis—.'\Iessrs Loui.' T Wigfall, W S Old: i'iri/nii'i — R M T Hunter, W Ballard Pr-' HOI SE OK KEPRKSENTATIVKS. Ac(tl>'iinit—-Mes>,srs Thomas J Foster. U'a Sniitb. John Rails, J L M Curry. Frunc.- Lyon. W P (’bilton. David (’lopton, Ju L 1';. K S Daryan. -L‘.(o-,,s.fs—.^Iessrs Felix J Balson, (iranJ> D Roy.'iter, Augustus II (Jarland, Thos 1! Ihn. Florihi—Mes-rs Jas B l>awkius, ii IJ Hii: i, ,r'/in—.''K.s.srs Julian Hartridge, (’J Mi. nerlyn, Hines Holt, A II Kenan, i*avid 1.'^ W m \\ (.’lark, Robert P Trippe, Lueiu.' J ^ trell. Hardy Strickland, A R Wrii^dit. /vut(ut/\y—Not yet elected. Loin'sicuii—Messrs Charles J Villere. M ('onrad, Duncan F Kenner, Lucien J l*u ' I John F Lewis. .John Perkins, Jun’r. —Mcssns JnoJ Mcll.ie, J Wi'Ly Reuben Davis, Israel Welsh, H (' C’hainbcTi H Singleton, K l^arksdale. Mi.-n'iun—Messrs Jolui Hyer. (’aspar W B' (Jeorge (J \'cst, A H Conrow, W W Cook. T; V\ I'reeman, 'i'homas A Harris. .V«/VA ('iirolina—Me.ssrs W N H Smith, //' ert R liridgers, Owen R Kenan, T D Mcl'owi Thomas y Arnbibftld H Arrington. McLean, William Lander, B S Gaither, A TI vidson. S'.uith ('(iroliita—^lossrs W W Boyce, WF cher Miles, M L Bonham, John McQuot:. F;'rrow, L .'I Ayer. 7V?ij(f,ssr. — Messrs J T Heiskell, W *. W II 'I’ebbs, I-! L (Jardensbire, H 8 F'ooto. .'1 (Jentry, (Jeorge W riones, I'homas Menee^-^ C Atkins, Bullock, David M Currin T, ■''IS—Messrs John .V Wilcox, Peter M li;-, ('’laiborne ('* Herbert, Wm B Wright, Malcoi (.>raham, B I' Sexton. \ infitiiti—Messrs Muscoe R H (Jarneti.J- R ('hambliss, fJohii Tyler, Roger A Pryor. T' S Bocock, John (Joode. Jr, James P Ibhi'oc. D C ib'jsrnctte, William Smith, A K b John B Baldwin. W R Staples, Walter l’re^‘ (J Jenkin.*^, Robert Johnson, Chas W Ru'- liohks. Tin: WITS AND r.EAUX OF JiOClETV. One ot Them, hy Lever; Louie's Lav. Term at St. Mary's; I'..nrlanii’s Yeom.-in; Tennyson’s Poems; Aniericun Almanac, The Lady’s r>ook of Flowers', Language of Flowers; I’oetry of Lady's tiiiiile to Perfect Gentility; “ “ “ Ideality: •• aii'i (.leiitlemen’s Mirror of Fortune; f’e'.er I’arley s Balloon Travels; “ “ Hook of Travels and Adventur>‘: March :S(\ k J. HALF X I The l.aw ot oi Property, b Vr.aacis Hilliard, 2d Edition, and iinprovv»d. Starkie O'* Evidence, 8th Eilition, with Sharswood. 1 Wendells’ Blackstone; Byles’ on Bills, Sharswood. I Adams’ Equjty; Broom’s Legal Maxima Smith on Contracta, &o. E. J. HALI .il ' 01 PR-NTKIi M KDWASM K1 iT >1: Pfjioe '■■•r I!- tiun. 1 Foi me V'., i.. tkdvun. •• T 'o tion: 01 .J ©or Kl'ii ijuar-- . ; *aKVf'lii : rv:{ alal d’r...”-, u'. ■‘•'-■'J tu ti'ite they wii; .:ii. ingiy A'iveriia.^tLii o«Bt exir.i Fr-'iii vii - r will be enf': >1 the paptT .-rit : Ih&u is p t iiuch uf iir * p«r on ihis Pfi\!'.uo ,'jt ,.,r t, icrti'i iii il I f W* have c-..! n u « »dverti.«."aiei4^ : it, fcCCordilig 10 . \ % do not wi.h iadeed a't,' iv-'-.-u: aij'i we ii.'ive or i^eil in :1j..-9j . Oct. 2, u OBITTAK^ OlU il- ryetitedly. th^t wu i r«4#onati.'e n:i». WQse that k;a ' know, is not .ueu mur •ditore uX papers, I iSt after cii ir^iuy ntiJ warded, we • will insert u - L . - p nicd by ihr v;a?»u d«0«Hsed volimlecnt. ID mind, therefore, iht and reijoluti^'iis. not over 70 words, one ceii fore the notice w:'’i Ijf Attori; Fa VET ITITILL attend ne >V CuDiNerlan.], liar lies. Proiupi at^eMio olainis entrust-d ' : hi Oct. 17, ‘ ) .^r.i I. d,. n ^11; ir QDtil 8 .1 k 1 M Sept. 1 . i ftar illi*. >^coll will be lib- . lit i, IU F:i Fayuttfvu^ .'■■I!*', I (AM. vV. A.NL» IMI'UKT ttarduare aud i'l JliV STKl July ; 3. J Co.\ u r. t €'0.\, H&-: Comii&iHHli WHOLEai .So. 11 A ! «iliii ’Jr.ier-j fruii. tit • m- Particular >iriej wad other produ.-' . April 1 'M T. X. C«BimiSMon WILMJ Jan y 1» >..t ii. t'fttmnifis W II.M Prompt md pfr.^ the sale 'if Vuvttl ; all othtT 00 ■ O G. P V ^ L ^ ' John Da . Meski;. H IfleSSr*-. '■ A. Pauk‘ , 1- > litay 7. 1:^ • UoiiA('-ryia Ma.nl'F\ r vii!*». m.. ‘ tf ti'ii retail, f.^r ca-i. Jan. tj. Otx Koi:kfi TV. o i;' end 'f I t y i of the !?;iiw\■ -• !■ 6d not I' Aj;ril 2, !s>; ■ S(ere0NC0j>(*> a NEW an.I Pan A WAV ir,.:- ile ^ j; high, robust. ’.,1, r I aud ln..k.-..io« McPhiulV ,1 MJd wa.9 in F;ij. •bove rrwani m.i kie confinenieut iu tj. be un_ 0..