SRini-WRKK I. Y. oi.. Ml. FAVKTTKVn.LE, N. C„ SKPTEMBEK 22. is(»2. [NO. 1162.] M 'Nil'll.AN'.i THURSDWS I f»\V\KI» J. HAKE SONS. 11' »i:- vNi' rR(;?RIF.Tv)flS I -iTrf; ; - >v-M' ha* •.‘H.iic-i i > -ij: V K \ ta :r2 Ui- a in ^ '‘J ;J puid iliiviii'' the ,‘t. '■ -i ■ ’ - f'r! tliv \ra; 1 :.s e^]>n Vr:ir; l,>-iM1:NT>- t. : '.n; ■, I Mf fins;, ^.'id S'") I pub; «. na^'le ho uiimUer . ..o :i\\ ' Nt '■«vi ' :’Lv riHi N ■ n Ll li prti'l iu I Oi) orrits I'cr •utJ for eti'-K I e‘ • ■■^ein.Mits by ape Adwrtwer- -xrw* .usor.ltiis li or ■'.lul t .iCi-'T'! i' iriji’J *>" ver aw. ' 'Ui.'c, ii.^r \ -i -1 t- '.r --'L.i s j ^scnbcf» s» 'Icsirt' fjsler-i -.r.’. Lvllr; I, ti.k'i the uti a^v'.eu uink::;^ lU V i . 1^uS t i it 'I* . I i- »! t fcjTTu AUVERnsKR.S '-• ■? aa out of tr.irn who deiirj Jv*;rtibc;..ou(o lu ■ the ierrev. aii.i persi'ti j : ii tjwn with ^ h'>Ci . =- c.t r»yuUr Hccouni^-, will plcri*.? se!;.l ?\i(hth.* ' leUi (i; liiiich iiior»'_v b« trtv i.; iu«Cbi in « r;.ng to oar f*.iverti« ng :,..U3 c« fhf f.rst p»;r ■ ' w::n tu ,-p>‘-n ikay luore iiach *o'ouuis.—or at 'Ti'Ui- s The process .'^ilect n ;* too -u i »re ; ive tj pa^ o««h ihiug v« tii«»a 'iiE0» ■jiiCfc 'W hnve L»i t.ufor* giT*n noiiCt) ’ ' wc uharge t’.r -bi i;\ry noti •(>.« of uu- » ^ • -i ' . nuil lur rcsjlut.v n of re pect; be- ,e t;ia; uni t re-jdiug. we h i ii*-c . . ci. •»-ii „ . * ^ Dut .‘.fti ,,TH .igre«a'i>le to reii^r'i tlmu . rg jf pnpers ,i.> u geu« ^'-.ppt-ua however .!-r cii tri^iug atid paying poht8j;e a the atOymi: fi i rr* (iifTer g-; paid, we auw ^ive uotii.-e that we - n U 'lb n-. ij! be fi'iri hertafrer unlejs locoui - .he» caru Alwuya escepiiug iu the ctitr> >t 1 liinieera. when we require a.i pay ; B«far "r.erefjTt. that w« wiil insert obituary as. not :xce«’inji Tii wonls. graiiei Foi a!'. - ds, 0E« cent a w.^rd. which a;'jit l e paid b«- tf :■ >Mce will be pul In ty: -* Floreiici* and Fayettevilie Kail RoaJ« [■'N’liKK iii? provision-* Df an >rdir;unv «if the Cuu v.'iition of North (’iirolino, I’.ook'' 'vii' be ooe';(-d on the Iflth .luije sii the fv'llowinjj pl>xcp- and *rdt:r the di r 'rion Ji the r lti»j pi-r; iny, to reoel.; iubsciip 8 i»ie I rt-,'Ual dtjok of tht- V Ftt\c:c>‘ V '• Ki'.il Ko:id t'o Shurr*b Oue H'ttidrtd L'''’’.'.'»rs e-\ct .‘ic -Vi liJ Favc'.uv.l',: I'nderthu di n^^tiori of 11; ■ G'iieral ('ommiisioMer!*, A A. McKefhsio. !■>. A Itdy, A W ^^tt^*I. Wm McL MoK'iy aud Jiio M Ki.«e i'if Red Spriu-jt Uodev lh« ■lir^'ctiou ot McNt il!. Will. J iSlew-irt, J;\o A. Soiith. L' >ic Nfill Kiid l ol. Alei. McMilluti. or Muy out* 01 them -it I i^ral —Uudev the liireotion of I*r Neill \liN^«'.r, I)r A L* ^ScLe>lll. .'iichitii’ l .'■u.i'h. 1 i'ly ;iij 1 L'r-1. Alexiiuder Walton. > r unv oao oi them .-It C tt'UiJrif —Und«»r the liireof i')’i o; '! Km-. 1> .McLpi.’.i, I>. McCrtllura, Viciise. Jr . ,tnd J H Mc^'iieeii, ;>i luy one o*’ theu). -If A’r'orJsi'ill/'—tlie dtrfvii' u Of .f ihu I'lirot-IJ, Jnu. MoN'air, Si.;n Alford, Dusjuld .Mi'rHlluiu \nd ,>r uiiy oue o? (hem. >ite ■''''.bsoripii'U ^ook-s will mnAiu .;pfa 'he spuce ■; '/i> Whe’i « ■‘utSeieut is subscribed the C-it:ips!jy wO.i be or(;iiiireil for the purpose of build iUrf -he 1.0'.id A A. McULrUAN. I* A RAY. A W STFKT., WM McL McK.AV JNO .Vi KOSK, Utfaera! ('ouiuubiiioners KHVelteVlllt, JuDc 7. ;i'Jtf LOOK AT THIS! Ti!!' Fni:TTi;viLij' mm„ Froiuin^ 800 feet aud in ihe busiues!^ portiou of Ihe Town, contains more M|»acioti» and well «eiililate«i Kooni*« iiiaii any Hotel in the .'itate, !nJ tjty I^atr..»ns )«uj iny l')i.u niencs aiL very yoo.l lor tho- Liuie.';. T. iUlilLL, PfuprltloY. '2->, IHcii;. i'7y Fajttlevil fc Feniale Ki?h >chool. PHL f-erv’* ?? jf ihli iUil :uf.o:i w/ri be r-sUUitf J ou 1 ilic j; s ot Sopttfiiiber lLt_- - ..j-iic vijar «ill be aivi‘i**i iQio lerm- lae . >.t ' i week'». couiuieuoing J'" ’’; i. ! S«-tv \’.d -';i .ng J4 li Uet : tde rpoond .>f 1’7 w -tk'> ql' i»c o! J-in’y iud tiiidiug Jul/ IjI i’Hrentd ,tn.! (JuHrdi*u!i iutoudiui.'- to p:itroiiix (hi^i School arj eirnes'.ly rt^juestf 1 to a'^ply lot circulart oomaining full pariiculdr:* in rt gai'i t,. tetun. the rptjuiau of ttie School Her \V\f ntM>l*LK. • , r C HCOPFK. yfrmc.pal. Jul- IT, \'>ryi. 13 tl'Jpd Wi:sT2:i:\ M \il Officil;, i> FavetteviJlt;, \ui>'. 2‘), 1862. m fArv'" - (J 1- N and ‘ will .:e ‘.liifyed on From FjiyfttPTil'e ♦oll)Wiag f i.ia »0 ou. .'sseu^ei:.. \;, l.ittle liiver, lo l:‘ J /, . lclver'.i, 1 w ijTi ty ■ ft Yu iid.1 ’ li..'li-ivs til br uo'itfClsd by t.'ii Conductor d ea>>u psasca/.n'. le-iVisn; v dittiou with»ji ;; -':el a*-w r-,!e of Fie . which wil! ‘,e J I . ; '-w d ''S liv order ot !' u JNt> M Au^v 8ii, Ifi.-.-J !>'{ ''i’l j.’0 lulu e'Fco! »l 111* si. ij i un • lurni tu thu ^ut ii. Pro»'i %>:•■ A 3-2-:.TSI j I ri»t* >ew SiyU*. tiHialj, i tOLOUEl) PIJOlOtiiMPIiS, } T ijinllcry. %% oof%*ai‘ii‘s Holttv 4.'aiiief*a. t>llv H VUIS cu.u had Hi '.'-luorsdan s Skylij^hl *?.ller^. fi)iy 4f,:-t!, opOv>-:te Marble Yard, Fay etteville. X. ; {.1, J. r«*oachf?1. colored, lu wii’er colorf, oil and pasiiie. fr jia lo life tii« Ambro- lyt e., Melact'uly)••*», !iu ; ;it! >ty’s» of Pioturas ptrtiiiU’ r t-- thf* An. Alio. Gill Fram#*, Gilt .Mould- iaches. A i:AKI>. ramp Half*, near Fort Fisher, C„ .iu^. 1862. 'PHE und*r9ifrued, a privaie in the Arwy of iLe C"i. 1 fedor.ate States. regpectfuHy aunouoee* hiruself a oaciidate for Chifi'('lerk of' i>.ij Home of (.’ >«iinous o uexi Legisiaiure Haviij r ja«*«.j two inters in clo»s intimacy witii fonoet L -jjishtiv* bodies, hs trusH thi( he haj oouiilar.vble acquHintaHCf with the iiutie:« ot the poaitloti HBVHY E CULTON. Aug, 26 64tf BL.4]\TO.>i Dl !>i( A!¥, .s. C’; F O M E R I. y U t R K .X T L; C K T i ii prepared lo till ordert) to any oxteoi in ^D^ravittg aud Printing Banli .\ot«^, Uills of KichangVy Ac.^ Engraving apoii Steel or Stone, aappllei uf BanK .\ut« and otUer paper will be kepi. •■Vu|{. i, IttGli. lV>-l(iipd KLAB. fc$)TAil: Jb'OK.^iALi:. '^PHE '^ub‘>cribe: would -tell hii* hotiie and lot in Wadeu- I but o', logetbttr w’lh ttboiit t'AjO aur4> of land r. Hehinp ».iihin thr*# joilea of the Villaga (if deiirabie j The dwelling houxe is large, and iht lot the most dej-irable in ihe up-aoHntry. «onl^iuiug near flfiy acrei of laud dhould any on# dcktr« to move further up the Mounirv, he would sell ttJru a Cuety lUiproved houiie and lot in Spariaaburg. S C , logaiher with a ^ood traot of land c«»r iha place ' J. p SMITH Aug 7. ttmpd Adiuiiii^tratioii Aotic«. >ub«erio«r haviui; ^uahtied h« Aduiiuirttralrix ou . thu Kiat« Ilf Ja« Suiidy, due'd harkby giTvs noCiea Leele will «>peu liradley, “ The Bould Soldier Boj/ —In her SCHOOL on Gillespie Street, ou nearly ovcry company from Charleston, and among the 29ih Sepi onjj . Country districts, are to be lound . ' 1:1-.- ('eltlc soldiers, sharini; all tlie dangers incident to the wsr to all pcrjoot hsviaj; cIriij'-' ag>iinal said Ett&le in pre- s(»ni them ta Wm NfoL .MeXay with'.n ihts time pra- . lor vi.i'v ^0 1 —-n iarge as 2fi by 36 scribtd by hw, or this nntioe vtill no pleadad ia bar of -ord and I'a- s fr.i- piciur»s; lasirii- t ib«ir r»'ii \ vry t'ATilARINE .srNL*V. Adai'» ments. S..'Ck a:. I t he.uical* for ttule low for oaak. Lifu Aug 4, ihr.2 49 i sit'* colortvi l’hotogr;i))ha n. d. from small piaturaa. -.-— -• - lla :i.g peu!ia:ieni;y i hore 1 hopo to caaril $100 RE WARD, y.'ur patrona]ze. 1 would al^'0 r»‘',urii tny nineere thanxi t'.r tiv liberal ;'atr>‘uat-* bent ln« good j.auv'^ ol l'aye:Uv «;iu ^icvuif lariii^ all So large, indeed, is the number of Irishiuen enrolled in South Carolina, that, had they all united in one organization, it is believed that they aiight easily have formed a full regi ment at lea«fe Had such a project been started at thb opening ot the war, such a corps could have been readily raised, and they would doubt- les.s have m^/le for themselves atv* honorable re cord; ft.s it is, they are scattered, but we hear of them a.^ individuals, and always in the first raok. l’i:\ate Hradley, of Company G, 11th Regi ment C. V., better known at Branchviile and in ihut vicinity as “Mike,’’ was one ot the party from the 11th, under Capt. 3Iickler, which par ticipated in the recent tbray on Pinckney Island, commanded by Capt. Klliott. It \?as Mike Hrad ley, and not Private Goha^n, that had the hand- to-hand fight with the Yankees on the 21st inst I'he^ that .•»)> .noon as the Cuptain pave the order tn "iharjre,'’ Mike sprang ahead of l*olUr a Toil will be paid in cash, or in Salt at >he i juy^t of the party through the camp, lowe.t Wilmiu^ton wnole.ale pr.oc., adding iransporta. ^ occupied by a number of the uou (.all uii i ies^tt & Bryan or Wm. MoCKu©, ■ , ^ j i:.4 . at the rihHft. who wilfput the wagons to hauling euetuy. entered without much cereJiony, and —ALSO— • ’ found himself in the presence ot several lankeet Waul ad to hire, iwouiy good men, ^^whlte or colored, i to work at grading on Western Riil Road Apply to Tarry Motierriu at il.a w .rk, or T a LITTKHLOH Fayetteville; S«»pi 15 '>J 2t Ue»d(iuarter^ D1«itrlct of North (::roiina, t Raleigh, Sep. c- j Qc'fEAA.L (jRUKai. > No. 2 )" I ALL pertfou9 liable lu mUltiiry duiv - uicr itie (^oa Tlis^ A. Tiiling^ha^t will open her SCHOOL on Monday. Sept. ‘J&ih Sept. 16, 1?Jo2. tiO 2w .^cupperiiosi;^ Cwrapeii %Vanted. IWISH to purchaHs five hundred bushels of SCUT* I-'tlRNONO GRAPE.S. tnoroughiy rip^. and delivered without being bruiiel JOHN H COOK •Sept. l-'i. li-*)2 60-Si IS A A i' HOL L11\ KT0 -OFFFRS FOR SALE— - 20 boxen TOBACCO, dilTerear grades .■\Uo. Indi;ro, Sh.>es Soap, io ->ld Stand near the Cape Fear Bank. I HOLLINGSWORTH. .Sept Ifi. IribU. 6^)-2tpd \ %Vai^oii»i A Tea 111 Wanted. Undersigned wishes to hire ;?ir Wasoii# & Tea>^ to haul Coal from Effypt j^haft, lo Viclver's Depot. IT'I I One ficription law are herebv r.,-quire-l e urn inT.ineerethanc, "*d '’•*. heretofore by jS ' ^^ 1*. ^ t •• 1 1>CC I i * M VA.\(til^^DELL. ra:j.j P^*oprietor 77- 1Iarli»ie Factory, r )V « OAViUMOA ■'HK Lxercises of this Instituiion will bt- reauiued »i ihe r-.-guLir time, vii: the :1.5th H.-y t. H 'p.tJ, 4?1!J pe • month. Tuttion, ilt- per .' A schi ii\ designe J for thoi*e preparing tor the regular end the County and .'^upen.-r Couns gf , classes of the College, or any others, will be opened at ‘ ■rlar.d Harnet(."Moorf aud Kr,beson Coun- ' '*‘® time, under the personh.'. ^i.iperintendtnce >d the 0. ’b-.ti..!; of all frofVsoors F»»r pi*rliculurj«^ tl>^ uu ; I* 1 > l>uv’; ^ 58-1'" **"'■* College, N C. J L KIRKFATRl. K, PreVt Aii- 2-, l^'-;::. Attorney at Law, F.wettlvillk. N. V il.L » Cuai Pr-impt afenrion given t-. 1- entrus'‘ d t 17, 1^5"" T’A'O Uii'iRs \r.iUK I. T. II.IIGII \ JvUNS’ STOdE J an' V Fa V4*t?e» «!!«•, I'. 6\- his h»riil.s Dl'XTAL -.• r r ■'TCE. H WK own ‘.xp'ji t to k.^ep for ^ale, of thoir / I LawiavlUa. Forsvih nf the 11th iust , a aiu&ll I rad b&y liuRSE, heavy built, black legi, lu^na and tail, whit* saddle mark« No other marks raooliec'ad Gait, soon paea, sin rt troi and paae; agwat' . j 11 &;■ ISyaara. A person wa« teen lurking in the neighborhood, lup- i pofed I.} be the thiaf. who answers to the following de SCription: 21 or ‘J'J jesn clJ, fair eomplaxion, blue ayeit, ! good cuunteuance. light brown hair, well-built frame, . about a fa»i s inche higii; wore a brown frook aoat, C/lacc caaaimere panta, (quite new,) new boott, blaok , ncick lie. gray fi iunei shin, and gray bat, earriad a red o*rp.*t eaok niale of h«>ir’.h rug with the fringe on reward of i7a will be given for the arrei, euullua- ' rueut and eouTiation of me thiof, and S2-% fur the &afe delivei v of ihe huri« Ho is suppoael to i>e 'h« -icfne Horae thief ihai was > arra>(tai In FayalteTille a year or two ago, by ibe name 1 of Fry. a vary notorious thief JAMKS d PLEDGKR liewiaTille. N C. Aug. 7, lS6;i. 50 ^*ai C0PPEKA!!» t>OR by TY3UH Ji Order* sent to .Molver’s l>t;pot, F S W RaiirwaJ, will be Hiteudad lo JqIt S Bl.l E VITRIOL. ^Pllli subscribers are manufacturing BLUC VITRIOL. 1,^ Order* »e^t to .Mclver's Depol, the tennin”-' ja.ue... J receive prompt atiention. A who instantly jumped up and exclaimed, “Surren der! you damned rebel!’' “Not to you, you blast ed i’ankee Uoundheadi!” replied Mike, at the siamf time xhootin^ on»* of his assailants through the head. In an instant Mike bad his musket gra.^ped at the lower band, clubbing it like i, shiialah, and the fight at clo>e (|u:ii:4fr.« began in eurnt'St Thf- first whack knocked out one fel- lowV bruins Turnintr on ancth?r, y, the end of wonie to ihe ; the entrv, hf tii’rled his musicet at spear Camp of Instruciion. near this City. »v once. Tho-te ’ fasliion-"the havon^t pa.-nscd up t(. ihp l.ilt and the doing .0, will bH Ellnwad lo ee’eci the Infantry K^g. ; raants they wish to join, md uuieis iull. umy viill be . , . • i \i t as.igaad aeoordicgly \ fourth iunkee fared hiH mu ket at Mike, II Tha Rejfimenta of Infantry «rd Artillery on duty j and the ball s«hattcred his lelt ankle. would in ihiB ;StRte are authorized ti t . .. -.iiBaripLs »o iu j iiave supposed that the chance of our Gelt was ereaaa each Company of lafar.-, - ; Heavy Artillery ^ Hgain.-if him .Seizing a gun la on. hundred men, but not ...o-iing ii and Light ; • kees, he confronted his antagonist. The Yankee ' levelled his rnu.sket By a great eflfort, and suf- ' fering much pain, Mike closed in with him, push j ing the weapon asidej the load Qred was harmlessj and the two antaj'oniat'i grappled for life or death :ng Bat t«r-es to one hundred an ’ ii . men Uy aomtiiand of Brigadier Gaiieial J O .\J arti.s -i OORDOS. Am.1.11011 Adjti..aai Oenei al ftepl U, ISdlS 60-4. Conledrate ot Aiuerica, F«yettcTllle Arsenal and Armor}, FAYETTEVILLE Sept. 10. :&e2 WOOD \VA\TED. f he New Hampshire was large and well builtj i Hike was his match, but was laboring under the di.iadvantage of hui wound. Both had seized I hold ot the empty musket, and for a moment S'UALED propo»-aii will ba received until the i4ih ; atood glaring at each Other. After some time, Sep:«mb«r next, for tha delivery of It'XX) cords PISE , >lite adopts strategy, and, seizing a fair chance, and 40J cords 0.\K WOOD, at this Ai^s^al and Armory. ; 9 English shoe in the ihe Pme wood to be delivered at tha rate of /O to SO I U , , , * n- a ^ mu aord« per monvh, litid tha Oak a', the rale of 80 cordg i ^^ankee a bread-ba.'.ket wUh telling effect. T. he pat uionih. until nil delivared Propnaals will be mark- ! Yankee loses liis hold on the musket, and clinch ed tfU ituKide ••Propoaali for wood." C P, BOLLES, npt. An'/ .Acting I'orud'g Oltieer Sepi. lo. 6'.^-4i Vl^lTERN TO TOKAY'I ; es Mike; again they close and reel—now they fall • on the floor, and the Yankee get.s the upper liand; A brief struggle and Vjoth are precipitated head- ! long down the piazza steps tu the yard. Quick bo thousht, Mike sprang to his feet, gra.-'ped a A -M o7-tr .^cott ^ive!^ notice tii.'it lie .1' in Fiv-- isrv. ;e lor « t 'W w -- J i n e i • ’ * ■ _ .. V*' iLO. W. \VILLi:iM.> ru., \hulp»aie Ofifler** in »i*oerie«. A>b IMl'ORltl'.s 1't.Al.t.K.v IN ^rOkvdre aud ( utierj, Snedes (run, it-., HiV STKEtl, KH KTTEMi.LK. 'i. C. . . ■ S',if N U 1' Ki.' D.^LL J ' KLN! \ll. tO-\, l^g:.\UAEL iO . t uiiiiuis^ion thI^ A N D WHOLESALE GHOCLRS. . 11 A 12 Voriti »*!• S(.. V\ilmiii'ton, t.. ?u; •-■(u ' r;, pr> \VA.\TZ:!5>, n T''.il-:\c" in '..'le Fi;. >v i.. o 1 a gei.t:eii.;iii lmi,.j eten: ‘o l i:;.' ctrir 'f M-.i-ic, Fr-nch, -i-'• with -.r without aii:s, us ciT'-uii .\ iU'-e.- iiriv re ji IU 4 ketv Freiifl!. Hij?h Po":, fof(a£:«‘ and lonimoa n a^: /> s s; ‘■,'roiiiiea ni%y be seen V..L Auf I'i. CMUcf. rnyciia- TYSOi: k JOHN.^ON. 52lf 4u:re. Address T C l-b2. ll'>t»l’KR. .voif •{ ri-: ■iti .l;»I y COTTO\ VAR\. No. li» Ha) Street. t 1 ^-.J. MALLET ; h'ind or m-»de 10 o'"»ifr f ■’ane, in i Wi.' i •la-l j a' t'rn- >1 . repaired. 'I'l . r •• w'■ *: FiOf* !'»•! ; jole. 11 iir:'' ,'ind .\s w- have I' • • I M if ru’V’ and imp’’’v.> 1 !^pring, on i:iy LoUNGl).'?; .Spring. • ' M'.iRS. of liffermt kinds '.z I. >1. u'l ini Chairs, ri- 1 i>h il air ‘'! ith or other ■ . n. f-'r hb;-. v Hhds ■'.m I ' ! i’er Le-ithtr, I’bi^i'Ting H.tT. fi.r Flaueiug, \o racE. I-y «=-■ du.-. ■5.4. A. 5f. «. UtKTII. '■ion 5iad Foruiirdi.’*.' W IL>i IXGTO.V, > -• ’'4tf »''tminiHftinn *fM>‘rrka it v\ U MlXti'fON, N •' !'i ind Ptr.^bN\L a'tenti’U ^:tO RE\V%K1>. I’Hi . Vi; reward will > e pnid for i,h; tppreiieu.iou L *»’:d dnliverr to ,be nearesi M.liiary Pwi-i, of .\LL\ lM'L.. i: .^LL.\i. L. wh'' desrrtej Iji; com; ".vy uu or ; f'Ut j'Hh of March 1-i' rfni i Wallace i-' :’4 vears M. o .‘e“t 1 i lU'-hes high, red eoicplexinn. d irk bait, • ue .'7 fi'3 is ft native of .Moore (.'ouctr, aud i. :> -lie ':ic-n.v .rihage JA* I- MciVKK. t itp ( J H. jCth Hf jji -V. C iro 'p;. I .1 olitia.j';. '■ mile-i Irjni Kiti'i-'ii. Jiiue 17 Svitt ^fiO Reward. iW'LL pay ihe above res-ard for the arj.• a.i 1 ‘•ot;'iaeni‘?Uk of mv m in CALVI.N. who rauaway Iroai uie aliuut three weeks ago 1 Will ai-to pay a leward of I'iftv Doilari lor .-.idjoitul e»id.-i;k e u'l conNii't any person of n irbor!;ifj iiiin. t a!- vin 1; about 42 ^eHr* ■! age, 6 feet I'* or 11 inohe^ hs^h, ' lack, au-i weigh.- i 'uadj; b- v. -^r’^ v i. sjoid riLg? iu his ei'.'s .He is a b la' ;.r s .iT ■•1 ^ . nnd well known about F»ycitevi;le )*ri i Wi. u-.• ;j lie bj!!.etiiueH call* hiti,:»el^ Calvin Johns, n TMr.i. y.\’\SH 1'^HL UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili tary service of the C.mfederatc .'^tatei of .America, hereby give notice to their old e»«tomers and friends, ihat they have appointed John I), .Starr and Ji»hn D. Williatus, of thi? pla^e, their attorneys to collect either I separately or coajnintly all moneys du!» them either by acoouui or uoie. and otherwise 10 attend 10 iheir bu sicess generally during iheir absence They respect fully ask all persons indtbted ta them to call as prompt ,. . . , „ , . ' ly as possible on iheir asreutH and make paytvent 1 uriiinsr. \iortioiiis; h:.! we c-io 'lo work wiiU ' ^ > ■ t* u o uittlAMvi ..a r.v .ero- IV..... b..i»s ...H*«.LLUM3 wj»k \*r r> pv: :?ig : • ] w II lo Kel? • e\*i. ; ^ We warran: o-;r ., r‘-' y ,u *uow where to CO.'^ E EUE H .AT E BO.^ le O' i»’l!e»Dio ' i 'l* denominaaoQs «f $1000, SjOO, jJIOO. Applj ■ ■ ! U at I AM compelled to ay to itie vi>iiera of Tokay from . musket and dealt the fellow a heavy blow on i-hc i and after this dute that a vmiiny must be stopped j head The Concu^sion V>ent the muskof barr*-! I am sorry to be forced lo make this announcement | and shivered the stock, but, strange to say did uirouj^ij Hie press, but must do > it^ juatice to myself i i.;ii \'„r.l-oa Hfbue and thuav » ■ _ V‘ “ .il , U*'‘ ‘up. the combatants were sepirafea, anq to save noyances and depredattoti‘= that have, and may here- ,r” ^ u_ . . * after be coniuiTtie t by all cla.'^se'. tn’ ,\s aeil as the ■ ^be \ ankee frotn . like a vengeance, ■i'- sei. young. * • on to the landing under guard. .Mike was mak- My Grapc,^ have been pulled and even tiic* vines hrvvi- [njr otheial report of “four kille i,” whfti .-ioiiie t)fiMi threshed, hiy own ii:ne and servants tievoted to intornied hue that the last f'ellnw did ri'it die;, these,ts which should be otherwise employed; some | , jj.hher ” *ia\> Mike, “then if that wasn’t the af the-e vii er« nr * entirely unkn wii to me. * , , , ” The freedom with whirh these people rome aud go . hardest head e\er I hand 1 • * 1 ui * • Hil l libt*rt;e^ ttikea hj them, 1 havH not been used to ' So ?iHlch crin onc luan do, who IS thorousnl^ in and .such treatment 1 am unwilling to >ubmii to. j t^arnest. We are pleased to say that the ?>urge;>ns I luii incliueil to ihink from ihe different crowds that j entertain hones of saving Mike’s foot, aUhou^h the follow .aie after the other th.u they must im.giiie eiibt-r 1 , . I/,, . , T 7. , wuutiu IS a sevfit: odt^. ’. na 1 h .■•t'jii a funeral or wedding going ou and they must hasien 10 t he in time, or else they imagine Tokay to be public ' property and quite a n'Ce ride from town to air them selves and the deur children. Permit me to say to all J iflU LI 1 l!i ilil I I' 1-4^^ such ih,'*! tuav be so deceived, that it is not public pro | \ ^ pertv but -iiictly private -uor was it ever designed lo orks of Chas. I^ara^b, 6 vols.^Edi y bit A 5>l(vre of idstlif nible rei'»r^ ^ tiU 1 Um iisving t^i.'-i Stie-'t. a few d bavMi* ‘•onie »•. t.n'1 pa'o ot a: y k a ti'. >rr >u iLu hj&st >.,is uth c: A W. .-sl**!, iia^ , aud .VC We ^ould ^•t^u J to tha aioragti 'ha' -u ?'!is'./iied ij tii, and at: .-T i>'ll ' bl'j’'* of’bt» Hiate i-'*'' Vi; the Bank of Norih Carolina Mi.r«h IK - i. ' V\\ ET'I E% ILLE «ITIAL iNSlBAME iO^lPAM. $267.C'8 uo 6.077 ao !\OTirE. Vs 1 eipoci lo be ab«ent from uotue a few laouths in ihe V%a*i, Anhibald .Mi-L«*hii i» my ajlhori«*d 4g«ul tw transact uir biiBiueaa autil 1 reiuru Dec'r 2S. 18tt0. G JoNKd SSlf • Capital iu Prtciium N. 'e« at-c.ta to (Hill ou inU 01’ ,;r aSKe’-i^, I Th. I'otal, '.'oiui.anv 'f. ve ... . f' Virlut; I‘.\. -»i' loV.’ loS''eii 527V.765 61 pai't h.!i iosh'js iirotuplly, and "I* ,i«!.i '.^a r pramiatii notes, i.fiid, by Kattattnv, Ml LATTO by ihe nnmu of LUCY- about yaars old, of mediam siif, but now quite to-^a- *u:ie 1 HfV. FE\\ f.ADIKS !hj .'^e:a;T»«re i A R D! ,'AO &0( omru xlated vrith \ ♦r f s.' s’l:. I.. T. r ialtr 0th ■•] Pa uval K ' MlM.Li , h-' ) eh, i»l -‘.lUt", ntkltH . t ■::: iir -’r- K. (' , tti I Liult, I .V ^ Harueir ''juiity. HOOPEK r>G- S: o£iM‘-3latle \ HM:h. ■ y Ih l.» HM:h. fr: Ell veiopeN* il. 1 lii.fl J.'i . i-'.’ . ; I- ilidei .-,if.^>lC !. ".ti b'-.lle •’ >; .1. l'Ai,I V .Sepi. 12. AW^IY HA KJ. E>ira*. IVM prepared im inannfactiire all kin N of Wag-ir Ha»-i;er, fi-r .Ariiiy use. I tan :ny lefiiher and ca'i ■'ive 5(ool bargains wi.; d.j well >0 *eirJ their irdcr- lo me as liiey sliali h ive prompt a ieu'ion, and ■ifi.t otf in ijuirk -li-patch. JojjN C.AR'i'Kit I >;.in 1’ > , * liathau: C ) , N. C , i , J',tn'» I-., i''''2 1 ( If ft' Er.S: wl.(.' Nii- N'F.II.L, Presi leni D A U.'> : . \ 'i;e i’re^ideut C. .*. M- \lil.L\N, iSfc y l»tv.»;c; .11' s: *V N. Ti1iingh»i.. •S J ?finsdaU, Wm. .Nl.'Lauria, 1'. S, i.utierloti. A Vi'. .Heel. J I'- h. i(-ja. J (i. .■'hppbard, K Rr('wn. 1 ... , , . K. lUll. I Hfury LiUv, H, L. Myrove-. S. T Hawley. Nathan A, .''trf^iuiajj C. IJ. Malleli. Jarne-^ Ky'ie. A A Ml-K>'t,r. til. J. u Williams U. vV. 1 illiniiha i hn ('ollins aiid i , t’. Me*'tur.itnen. Traveling .\geuts jjisay-'I'ju' '’ompMijy invite 'tppiic.-.M.-ni May :1H. 1 21 - OIL ANI» LAMP BLACK. €AroefiriesI I FAMILY Aifer lliis dale I i«ili , ! ' flit.'- per r .i;rid for r.ijT - 'ii.*- »' I , :; . i le, • :• :: 1 v iMili.- lANNKRS and l.rDKH'.VTlM., ■ ^ I. L.AMP RL\CK in birrel-. F’.r.;^. ' *.y .lOH. R i;L >.-.•> \1 Ch., Wili(iin;;t>.ti, N' t .March 7. ' I! r€9i'erief$ ^ k LARGE ai.'l w.-ll >;;cCtC-d .Stuck ;,r li RK'Ei! !^.;.s \Iv.-? .w on h ii' i. I'lin- - iiri;'of 'less I'l.-vk. ,'Inilft', .\f;u*ker N ts. I nr-d li, !'hi of :il Tijb'lO'.''). •, . I v 1; !■' ;i! Ik '* l:,ilp^ii;,. .\ad all c. ry i- ■ I her ■' r. il ’e. ..blishment I'. .%ii Hi*iJ\ |.o^f Ok' ... not t:'' The Pre«l>ytei'i:in E*^.alniodi!>it Character notes. A further Hiipply 'iinl reoi'ive i July 20. r,‘ J.' HALE SON -: 'Vilminj;ton. .\p'' n\. KENDAL!. X Ci t II' If P-.i, k M ; ph\, :. . ,. f .y !'= vilV. I cm. II =iiey wil not ■ p DA\ 11* o-icope*^ and Stereoscopic Vh »s, ; . .ur *'il .H-sonm'n!. ji.'t. n-.cfiv*-? E. J. t'iWLE .. ON;-!. A fiiood 4'00k WILL p.i;\ (>R HlHi:. KKMP I*, r. R .b All'/. € \ EEl»ERATE \ 11^ F ii- d'.‘!ic.minait'>ns of ISIOOO, .^100. the I iiu'ii of t'upe Fear, larch i p:»iV c* *T , : ih B^ollai’M Kic'u:ird. Hub ■ . , hi-' 11 ' y .M() ■’ ige, ab-'Hf i'l l.-"t 1 ■ :n(‘ 'f-i ' fi .'in i V. r_v mui:h ti’.rn«* i «.'i' nt the f ;vn when ip'iken in. ID- w .i- le-n nt ■* !i Ri/ie-( II county Oil the 2if*i ult . ■V ;ie . ’Ut three v*(^-k- Tlie ** ' ‘ ' p id l.ji hit- ^ii liv. y 10 t.ii- or for ■■ lU uiiy jail thut I grt him. JoUNiSON. Oam.*usn. a. d C . Aag. 14 1«62 M> AI» rOR SAB.E. I H.vVr’ now and >vill constant'y ket-,, n nMi»: i larRO 1 so p!y of G'.'D/) SOFT aod H.\i;l.) .S.i\C i;t ii;v .Soap F:ici>jry on Person .St., neir the h.ih' w.4v bridge, : oft .Soap 12^ cents per lb, Vhe price ol ihe'nard vsili be tixed iu a few days. I k Hickory and I'lack-jack .\shes wintdU *jO cent* a | l\. ESi':tdq{$:ir{c‘C’s WElssikintfton I a.«2;;l84 Artillery, ) i'ami’ li'>Yi.\.N. .Iiliy 20, l.-'til. fPM !S . ii--.ri!"5r to be • mii'ii te \n f,vfn/ re I s/rri, wf:u’i 1 1.' .. i'i -o . o|;v' ;i iiiiui'u r of good Dri- . vers.—iii'-n fti'fti o::,v •; in tue inKnatvmeiit of horses. There v.ill be ymiil to e :’-!) kiimi, o:i iili. ';;ien', a bounty '•: ?iri, piy ;'i2; be-i 1';^ b.-mg c!oth>'>i ami . I'-d, medirat att.'i;d;’i. ■ 1 •i'ii:.i:it«iif,4 1 urn; - S ■ I' j No one tuMvl «[!•'■.■ I j perieiicetl i.i li.e m'lti; Said woman is probably ;n or near Town, bul m»»y have been U'i otf iu the uireciion of .Ne'.vbcrn by Hill I Uruliiton, a free mulatto man wiio has been al work aii a Carpenter probably cn the Wilmington & WaMon . Raiiioad at a Depot North of Warsaw 1 will pay $25 ( for lha dalivery of said girl to me or lodged in Jail iu lowii. if found in ihis County, or $oO if ,«aid girl is I foaud in any olnev t'ounty and confined iti the'-Jail of the same, ttie party arresting giviog me eiiiy )Df>.rmft- liuQ of the same, .INO D WILLIAM.'? Fayetteville. .Aug. 2.), 18'’i2 ’i4-tf To l.and lliiyerit. ^pHK unilersigp.ed offers for sab . in the Coal regiou, 1 md within eight mile" of llie l.'rminus of tlie Ft»y etteville Western Rail Road on l»eep Rive', KIGHT UCM»RF.n AfUSlS OF LA.Vl). adjoining the land *bi»longing to the estate of Geoi-go Wilcox, .lee’d, anl lying three miles South froia ’ar- botitoti, on Litile Pocket ('reek, Moore county Lands art well adapted t> thts growtli of corn, coitoii, vheat, oals, rye, &c. There are on th;- prem ises a ooinf'vtable l>welhng. and all necessary Oul- f .uses, with a>iom oi’.e h.indred anil fifty acres under fence. V.:cludin'.: fVniy or lifty acr.-.( of ni'ver-failiug bi'ttot.j ,:in‘i. This a rare cba’ice tor pen-ons wish HU' to I-••ke inve-'ttneni-i. .ts lau ij are uudoubtediy ad- vaia'iii'..- lit price in this ser'ioii. For : j'iher inf''rtt;M.Lion appl'. to >lr. M. M. .McRae, CrHtie s t'i'“8if, P, .Mooro • •uuty. or address ii.e at Favetf#v')l8. N. C, jJJiNIEL .McRae. For the Heirs of tiilbert M'*Ki»e. deoM (Sir^i-.Mtoii .-o , • A e r ”1 : I :».al in duty b.iuuil to say further to my friends in town an.l country to prevent aoividcuia, that 1 have for lha protection of tuy fruiti,, poultry, stock, cellar. Ac., aigUl doga now iu •» courae cl training for lhai purpose aa Weil in my ab;??uoe as wheu i am presefit, ftui they j mny not al all timas be abls i.» distinguish be'waeu ■ friend- and rogue-. ' W" T HORNE i Sept la 60 2i raS.ait.^v” ■ }?RO.M the Kubseriber. a negro nian by ih,t nnoi * of ; DICK, (known as Mr« Ann MfJnne •*,. a Dri) aian ■ .D the lowM of Fayettsvilb*. He is at-oui 4-'> years of j age. black, stoni built, about 5 feel It.l iuciies high, j aiiil voice inaicatinj a ba-1 cold. He is supposed to iie j loitering about Faj'etteville, or probably t»boni Mr. I>, Mi L".uriu's summer i^ouse. as he has a wite there; or he i may have gone to Wilmington, wiiere he has some reia- . i lions, ana w;is heard to say he was going there I will i I give Ten L'ollars for his delivery to me, #r confin»n*ent ; I in Jail 80 I get hiui^ K F MOORE Fayeiipviil*. .Sept. 13. 60tf ^ Ji^tate of A’ortia €:irolina. execltive depart.mest. • R.'VLiiCH. August 2*^ 1«62 )' 'pilK Shanffs and Constables of ihe dilfereui (.’ouuiie. I of the Slate ure hereby auth'Tized a;i l hrected to nr- , rost all rersoiik belonging lo th« Coiifederate Army who ate absent without U't^i For each arrest they will be etiiide'l to reward from ilie t^oufedcrate (Joverniuoni of j-T.’) for each one cou fiuad in j-»il. or .-SSO if delirered to the Ciinp of In«truo lion near Rabjigh. or lo .•-* C)ufederate cfficer T.i !>ec'jre the^e arrt-sts the abftve natne'i otticer' will . call in any assistunce. and use all ihe power aiut au tholity belonging to iheir sai 1 oificeu of Henry ♦ ielding, 4 vols; of Oliver Goldsmith, 4 vols; of Tobias Smollett, fi vola; LelitnJ of Junius; Fenelon’s Works; Pc’caVs Provincial Letters^ Thoughia, Letters, Atr. Oti.;siei^ield's Lettera, Ck’Hnno. or Italy, by Madan.b I>«Sta«»l; Porter's Works; of Wakefield and Risselaa: viv.txPs Whims and Oddities Comic .Miscellanies; Haliam'a Mi'Idle ,\ge«; W'rfs Life of Patrick Henry, Currer Bell’s VVorks—Jane Eyre, Shir!.?yand Villette; Evelina, by Miss Burney; Beulah, Rutledge, 1 he Mill on the Floss; “Line upon Line,” “Peep of Day,” j:o; Fox's Book of Murtyra; Buchan's Domestic MedieJne; ■Miss Lesllo’s New Cookery Boos. Yoiiatt on tho Harse; ■5 oaufl ; iartin on Cattle. April f. E J KALE & f^ONS. HEN(!V .\iig. 2(5. 18* >2. CL \RK, Gosi-rnor of N (,). f>7 *)W Tin* ?*iil»**crilK*r uanf% to puic'iii'*e a LIKKI.^ NF,OUi> ROY. tibout ff urtii'ti ve!irs old, ' C, H ROBINSON liv52 r)7tr F iyeitevilb-. .S-pt. I AdBuisii^tration Aotiee. rnnE .■iubaeriber having ijualiti>fd \di:iini‘'*rafvr Ire. ion of the lO'ujiatry lltf’; « ,iti'l 'ill o;her necessary r-'.f -it > i.ii' H ' )ldi“r. p.;,.I.- i;; a ^^'c.O'i 'iri^or and «x- ;l '(U' n: of hi'ir->es. The de-iiitia- '.'irglnin. )i-* co'.n ns fpiipped. ALKa [.>, MOORE, ^ • I! l.t Artillery \ortli Carolina fii‘a«lers. O'^UOOL^S aro becoming very sc.irce, but we O have on haa i ,* goo-l sup})ly f the .N’ORTH C,\RO- LIN V I’llADKRS, .No^. 1 and i; by Rev. Profofsr.r Hub- b»r i of the University of Norih t.atolina. tnd No, 3 by ll“v, C. U Wiley. .Superintendeni of Common Schools of North Carolina. the estate of illiafu ,\loKa\, ■dec'i). st V^l■,'..^t Term ot Robeson i'oitn y Couit. Ib*i2. iiereby g;Ti»a Uotioe t;> ,ali persons lud’ebted to said es;aie lO miikf -- I iiiimediate paymeia .hu 1 nli p-i-i.rn,' ti .ving cliim-. uguiust said estute to 'rc.''Oii ih.'..; * '.th ii the tiao- t". u- bcribed by l».w or this iiotico will-^e»eded in bar ot thfeir recovery. MLRL>^M K ,'lcR.^E. .Viinui!i>‘( rator Aug. 2t). iJSi!.: Eiii’tiier -^otiee. T^HE ^ub>»criber will ofiVr for sale at tiie 1 ite re-i bushel paid for them, Fayetteville. Sei>t lH*i2 c. P. j()Ni:s ■>7-1 mnd l’AE«E A7b’» C’4E»ATRA«T: N ES,S.\y, on tir" .VmericanCrisls, by T W, Mc.Mahoc. A further So op' -, iiist rec’d. P‘>>> 12. E J. HALF, .s :iONH. The ^oiitliern ilarmouir, Neliool Book«, ko., furtlier luppUei just rec&iy«M^ S. J. HALB & aONS. Ile?Npt*r and otfiter Poeni»j THEOPHILL ^ _ or sale, prio« Jan’j 18, 18S2. By THEOPHILCS HUNTER HILL, Esq., of Raleigh, For sale, prio* $1, by £ J. BALE & SONS Our customer.s having well nigh exhausted our stock ' I dtnce of William McKiy. dec’d. near Floral • V>!lege. of N'.ril*»rn Re^^'lers on hand wh»nthe war commenced, . in Robeson county, on Tuegii'iy, tii.- .■50tf. dty of Sep w« hope will now tur:i their attention to these b.ioks by : teuiber 18t‘>2, all the pe-i'^hs^'e? t.i 'perty b'elongiritr ta home authors, rather thou allow their children to do : the estate Of sai l W’m .McKay. eX'-'i-p' S'leri stock as without reading books. may be necessary to gather the present ;rrowing crops. For iale only at the u!il leiail prioea of 25 eeatb. 38 ! oonsisting of Cotton. I’orn. Fodder, ?{oises, ows. Hogs, oeoti, au'l 76 oants Sheep, Bacon, Lard. Household and Kitchen Furniture, £. J. H ALE 4t SONS. , aud tarming utensils ofeverj- kind Fub'v 1, 18U2. i^ti- Tlitt usual credit will be given, aud boudd with ap proved security will be required before the property will b» delivarad ML'EP)CK ilcKAE, .\dnuaistrator 57(9pd iiB^iSingl« copie«ot the Ob«er¥er (MUt be procured bj non-aubacribars, At the RookMor* Prtot 6 oeate. Aug. 2«, 18W. A \e\% lia%v Hook* t'anttrfU'ff Prttrticr at tjmc. JU8T pub'i>!iel. a treati'^e upon the Practice at Law in -North t'arolina, by Eiiwahd Cantwell, LL- B , author of the ,\. Justice, etc. CO.NTBNTS. • Of l.egiHlu’.ive I'ower iu General; Legislative Pow^r in .North C’aroliiia; Legislative Powers of .Fi!>rines of me Peace; County Roiindariej—Deeds, etc,; Coiinij Ete\e- niie an 1 (’h.arges; Court Houses. Prisons, .vi-.: Couatj' Trustee; Jiir\ Trials; f airs and Piitilio .Sales; (ieneru’ Assembly; lnsj>eotioii'. Publio L.indings ,v(- ; Poo'- Houses and !io-pitals; Registers )ind’IcrKs; Ki\e,-,»ud Creeks: (i:iiei. l- en ies !iiiii Bridges; - .rd .^leu- sures; I liotf n:id LoUJkii-s: Pwe'ai'oi-i. i ,• ll.. r: Pu),. lie Ro;itis ;iTi.l t.'anw i’-s; public Lan li>’•- ' i > c- rion-; M'll'. and Miiler*; Orditi. ri*’- i-ct r - b Patrol; Vt'anh-n-^ of tSie Poor; Prisoa /..' ad-, Fcrric'r and Bridge.-); Poll Ta;? l.xi.-i:;jiriona; 1 Powir il. iieneral; Executive Power i.» .Noi'tn • .{ ir i, E?ec!itiv-.i Power of thet.’ourts; C»>.ie!'.iuI'lc • -o'. ('■; .-'lUortii ys at Law: .Vtlorney General; H'.-i' rt ; .il \i i •i'.al; t.lerks an'i .Soli^'iior; i ounjel }'.ir«i>.-i • • i-t Jians; Comity .Vnorn.’y; .Auctii'neer-. C't;u'-.' Court Clerks; t^orfiiierj; P.oundary Commi^rionei'': ( oiinnitiee" ot Finance; Cotiiuy I'ruatee; ' iiitity 'I'lei'-mer; .-ipei'ial Court; Com:nissionwrs of Fai; s; 1 i -i; >.iperni te!iden!- oi School..'; Conimi''s;ouer.4 oi Navig'iiii. i; of the Poor; Register-: ronnni-iioner« of Kisers and t.'reek,: .■'tierids: ron-at*les; Kangers- Sta-.diri Kecper.s; Keiail'Ts; vdiiiinistratoCs; Chairman 01 Court: ComniiS'ionc: -' of Deedi and Couveyanc ■ >; Com inissioners of l-ovr Lands; Entry Takerv nud Svirveyois: ••'■perlntendents of Elections; Guardians and Receive-.,; Inspectors: (.’omtnissioners of Iiuornal Improvements; Partition; Patrol C'lmmittees; Prooessioners, Tax Li'-:cr-; ind Boards of V'aluation: Over.ieer-; of Koadsand Rivers; .'Commissioner* of Wrecks; Tobacco H>’ker«i and «.oper^. The Appendix nontaitis forms of De« is aud Convey inces, as follows: A(»reements. .issignments. -Awari;.. Bill' '>i .-'.lie. /nil- of Exchange and Lading, Bond®, 'li-c-llr le"' ^ R i l -, Contracti^, Deeds, Marriage ^e'tle-i^i'J. .Mo:. j;.igc'. Copartaersbip Articles, Notes. F.elea«es, -tc., I'tc, This Book contains 65t> pages, i3 gotten up in supe rior ityle, and bound in LawCelf Price, single copy, 55. For sale by E. HALE & SONS Dec’r 26.18t>0.

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