WIB'yitlLlL SE1»II_WEKKL,Y. \(>l. XII. FAYK rTEVlLLE, N. C.. SKrTEMBKR 20, I8(>2 f\0. lUiS.l i\rri» Mi'Mw ' ANit TJii i;si»\v, MW\n\) j. H\u: \ so>s. IT- ■ S.'iiii \Vtn>kly itr-it-.nrrR ,-^'1 im.if ri.ii l iti >l> ii j.iil liiriiie tin' y'f Mit 1 ■ V 1 >' . o>iv ti-. ; o' jiiri 1 ■ k’.' I i;;sKHVKR :•>" IM! pet- MUmin. if fiiiii ill ' '■* It' vu’ul vhivi’i V tli(. yi" V -'f '=iUi«i'vi^v li.i ■ f or i'.o vi' Ei' h ■ ov|'ii'i' l V C Sl'Xil'N : i.ir i«v ll; fi * Vi' 111 » -i.'Vi • - V'ltc; ■ il>- Diniilicr c>; • r; Mii. I fUl fo-l.i.i, t. te I . -■. I . >1 th ■lo'-h'.i ■ iii \ ',(• t'lMlI'-' pov 1'-; t. r '"icli .•M'-'1>y |n>- ■rti r>j \ro ii iv I- '.' i i 1 h irco I I) ]>«>r I iv iiKS', lU'f \v ir ■ ! ■ I. Illtor • il:.0 ■ ; ‘kt' tiid ('I II - \\ ^ I'li m i-iiii; J-n'v 1. i-tv- To auvi:i;t;si:i;s >iu iu( it Town wh'i ilesirc ailvoriisomenls iii- ihc ' *f)«ervt>r, and porstii. in inwu wiili whom •' I. ij rti'iilr^r :iccouni‘', will plpjjso send wiili ilio iUfUi niuoh morsy ':f tl. »y wii«!i ti' invest in i'ntf lit iiiir n lvertif ns ft'rin*! ou the tir>t pajje wi-h t. .11' '11 any 'iiore such ;\ccivaMis, ioriinii!> T; .' pr'n-cs-; ot'('olli'ch n i = •,1 w • '■ p'\y I'-'' )i f.iT .'viM-y •linj-' N- ill i;-:. -W(. h.svc horet-fro fjiTi'U n i!icp. y. ' li we r'l'ir^e ft i..'i!-,;.sr;, u -if ;ii»- '.i- en^i l f.rr r«'-vjiu'' iti • if ri"p,'v i. >h‘ : U Kiii l yt’rc'i'liue. luve mm li ■ i- -ion !>i :s II ' .•■•on ni.'Fc :ii:ree ilile i- i u> ' 1 ; >!rs A ii e'^neiaily li .wt vev ••! h:;r,-inir'Hid jviyinff I' l-iMire >nthe:ic t‘c unt r never get p iid. wc nnw ?ive n'dioe that we ' ii'ifhin^ )f tlie ort herenfter nnle'^- ai'cni i’ Cfish. \lway> excepting 'n the ca''c of intefT', whe:; W' n jture no I’efir tiiM' e ^'111 in>ert ilii ,i ■. v n^ tii'f- ■ ui't ; liiii 7'' -.T irl- t - 'r K 'rill i-, ino Ci. nt !i v.iir i. wV.' n tiiu«t ^ e p i- ■ V>o- : ’ici V.ii’ p in tyi e. .firl.. .?Fr#*.#!•, Attorney at Law, FaYKTTKA II-LK, N' t'. .■nl th* ' ,-rl=n.i, '1:, ‘r = niv rt.'\I.-T iriv.'n t : li- hai; i-'. Mil •\n'i l!'i1 the cii’V r ' urt ■ ■ ju r.inn- :inn if all sru. »r o clock 1*. M i>i:ntal notk li. rr oin ^i ‘ I'cn - fivf .,f the nr^rki t iionr- IVoru • o’c I i. II hi ■fiico, - ai his re ck A M Flon iifi* and Faydtevilh' Kail Itoad. I’VI)(.i; (he j rovi'-ions (if iin ('rdinniii’e of the t'on- veniiiiii of North (';irolin'i. Modk*! will lie npeueil on the liilh June ;il the lollnwinw p|-ire'^ ;inl ip.uler the ill rei’tien ut i ln> tollowiiiji piM'-^ons, to receive suliscrip- tiims ti: the (’apital Slock of the “l'’li>r»Mice X; Kivyetle ville Iv'iil Uorviiro. Shiive>j (>ne II niiiln-1 l>ii]l;irs each ; -1‘/if t! J ' /.V'(v7A --U rider I lie di ri- til'll ,i( ! he (!i-n.'vnl (■|.inmiiii'iiiin,>> A A. MoKetli'in, A ir .y, A W Steel. Win Mel, M Kny and .Ino M lliise -I' /fit H I Sf'~,'tiirs I'nder the direction of Hector McNeil!. Win, Su‘W:irt, A. Siniih. Uan’l T. Mo Neill njid C il Alex MeMill iii. or any mie ot'thein. .1 hurut Under the d.irection of i'r Neill McN.iir, l»r. A 1). Mc!‘.-vn Arcluti.ild v'-'iuiih, IMinniid i.illy mil ( ol. A! 'Xand,‘i W itson. iir iin^ one of slu'in .1, 'h.r ^ -I nder the lirectian of Murdock Me il ie, Lf. MrLeod, l». Mci'alliiin, .lai Mi;llai‘, .Jr., 'inJ J. H M ^iieen, or any one of them, ^ t ■' ■•■V' , Tnder the direction of John I'urcell, .Iim. McN i r, Sion Alford. iMiiiald Mcrallnni and Inn. Mut’allum. or any mie of them. i iie .'■'nii9cri)ition P.ook; will remain ojien for the ■^ji’U'e ot »>! dayu When v •'ullicient suni is ‘Jiiliscrilted I he (';.;np'iny wiP lio orv^ ini/ed for the iiurposc of tmild in" the i{,iad A. A McKKTllAN. i» A inv. A W. STKKL, WM. Mel.. McKAY. •INO. M. iiosr,. General (’oinini'jsioner!’ Fayetteville, .Tune 7. .’.•Jif LOOK AT THIS! Till’ Pni'lTTIil'ILLIi IIOTiiL, Froiiliii®: and in (Ik* l>n*iness porfion of rlio Toirn, H|>a4‘ioii« and wril V4‘iBlilal(‘fl Itooiiiw iliaII any llot(‘l ill (lie iJ iiiy I'afrtins my 'orniiiiiorits are vpr}' troovl lur tin- T. U AUDI LI., 1’roprU‘tor. May ]Si:2 o7y Fayeltenllf Female Hi^fi ScfKrol# I ■'UK ox.>ri'i»es of thif lii!«titution will be retimed on the -‘'Mh if Sepleiu^ier The M'holasiic year will lie divided ii.'o two terniH: the I't of l:{ weeks, commencing 2'.'ih of Sept. and end iu|^ lJ}th l>ec.; the second of 27 weeks, coninienc'njt 1st i/f Jan'y arid i-ndinjr July I.«t. !‘:irpn!-^ »nd linardian.s iniending to patronize this pSchi^’ 1 lire e irncstly rei|ue'ted to apply f ir circulars Ciititainini; full particulars in ro^ard to leiiii'^. .S;c , - !iii> opiMiinsr Ilf the .Si'hool !lev. WM. Hi »(»1*KK. ) „ . . , I. C. HuoPKK, 3 Ir.ncipals. July 17, l''iV2. ilojpd iiA ''pill' I'-Ti'rci-iou nf this In-tiiution will he reiumed at I the reunlar lime, vii; the '.i.'iih Sept. r.oard, :~1;‘. per month. Tuition, .'rlo per annnin. A .-'I’houl designed for those prejiarinti for the regular cla'-cs of the I'ollege, (ir any others, will lie >pened at the same time, under the p.T-'inal snperiniendence of the I’rufe-'sors. F ir partieuhirs. addreas the un 5i'r-igned: I>avi l on tJoilege, N. (I. J. L KIKKI'ATRIt’K, 1‘res t, Aug. Im OTTO\ V\K\. >'o. I'J Hay Street. r. V .MALLFTT Jar.'v >'•. l>^'’i'J. ''S- WkSTFUN Iv\IL UoaI> OfFU'F, ( ! h'‘i\cttovillt^ Aul’'. 29 18(12., \ | ON and afier tlie 1st day of Sept. tlie followin;? rates will tie chiir;;ed on l*:t',.sengers, viz: Kroni Fayetteville to Lidle Kiver, -=ii> els. to Sjiout Sprin". “ “■ to Kofk Hran.;h, 1 lti “ to .1 on''^lioro’, 1 ‘J5 “ to M(;lver’s. ] Go ^ Twenty-five cents addiiional will be coll.-cted by the Conductor of each p)xssen'.;cr, leaving .a Station without a ticket •\ new rale ol hreigl.t will go into otlect at the pame time, whitdi will !ie prinie I and furnished to the public in a few days l’*y order of the I’res't. JNtt .M ki.SI',. Troas r W K R Co Aug. oil, 1m;J. r'lUif A iiv.ni The \ew Style, Sinnll, COLOIIFD PHOrO(,IMPifS, A (■ V:iIV 4ii:i||(;ry. ART. WooilwaiMl'ti ^iolar (':iiiiera. I^IIOTttUIJ.M’IiS can be had at V inorsdi'H''; Skylight Ciallery, Hay -^t’-ei-; ^ iipp- mo M.aible Yard, Fay- etieville. N. C.; plain, leiouchi'l (.■ulored. in w»tcr colors, 0)1 and pasiile: from 'niall to life v-i/e .Anibro tyv^'“s, .Melaueotype-, and all" other siyies of I'ictures periiiin^ig to the .Vrt A' i, liiit Kr.itnes, Gilt Mould ing, G' J for very picture- ii.-; large as‘Jii by 80 incliO'^. .' lid and Ta--;i-ls fm h.iiiging jiictures; Instru- nietits. Stock nrid 'lu'niical-* f. r ^alo low for c:;sh Life size colon'd I’iio' ■■'rrtpl.s m.ide from sir.all pictures. Having pormaneni ■_.• located here I hope to merLi your jiatr inage. I w .aid alo return .ino«jreihanks fur ihf liberal p.atrniivce be'tnwo i im ;;ie heretofore by the good people of Kaveiicville and vieiuitv. M VAN'iHSr.ELL, I’hoiognij>liist and I'roiirietor. l)ec'r wO, ^ 77. Hy S.AJIDKR. TWII IllillliS IRIH’K C. T. imini suns' STUKI! ray*'«»*ville, !%. 1'. Jan’v "20, 18f>V Rt- I - Ilf. ^‘0(1 iiofirr lliaf lit* i ii . F:_ u. v. -- : : a few w •• !vs ■' i‘V;iie. Jun.- 1 ; Itf 2 *1^0. W. WILLIAMS A: TO.. liol«*%alt‘ in l-iuMerit*"*, 1 \', 1.M1'iKTEKs AMi i^KAbKll.'' IN wanU\are and (ntlery, Swedes Iron, 1!\V MKKKT, FVYKTTKVm.K, >. I . ^ - l-' l .’.'itf I ^ \ \V 1’. HKNUALb- .) KKM»AI.I. ^ 0\. X ro., / ‘ HOLES ALE* GROCERS, f, *io. n A 1*2 North Water St., Wiliniii^iiiii. N. C, '■ ‘'i-' ■ . the;’, i!’!, trni-jtlyri, ♦' 1’ a i-.a j:;.-u ’ • ■ ''.e -^le ’ .n e . . X It. in. %VIKTIE. I'-iiiinission and Foruardin^ Mercliaufs, vVFl.MINGTON, N i). i • 1 ‘'Iff U. W\ IfiM.I.AKIK ^ ointnissioH . fivt'rhHH \Vll.Nl!.\iiT()N. X C 810 Heuard. | I WILL pay ihe above reward for ihe afiprehenr-inn | and ciiv.tinement of my man (WI.VIN. who r.inaw ly j from me Rb )\u three week^ ago. 1 will alsi. pay a reward of Fift.y I>ollars for sufficient I evidence to cinvict any per.son of harboring him. t'al- vin i' lib:.i;t l:i years d -.ee. o feet I'l or 11 iindies high. I'lack. atid weighs abo : l.'^u pjunds; he wear- ‘■luall gi'M rin^^ in bis ears. He a >ioat or '^bii. carpenter, • nnd wel' knuwn abo'U Fayetteville und Wilmington. | lie -ii ineiinies calls iiimself t'alvin Johnson. TlILtJ EVANS. Juue 1>:.2. u?tf s:so Ki:wAKn. ! '■piIF above reward will be paid for the apprehension ' I and delivery to the nearest Milit.ary I'osi, iif .VLKX- ■ \N|i|!' W.\ Li.who de'jerted his cnnipany on or , a' lut 2'>ili of March Said Wallace i> 'J I year- • I, ■> feet 11 inchc' liigh, red complexion, dark hair. 1> lie eye^; he is a native of .Moore Couniy, and i.'-. [iroba- • • ly in '!; vicinity if 1,'arthage. • JAS. I), MclVFR, j (’apt. f'o. II, ‘i'lth Keg't N (' Troop?. i Capital in I’remium N..tes an ;'amp Johnson. H mileai from KinBton, June 17. -l**tf (>ish on hand an I other a~ei t A li H! ' 4 FKW LXTiIl'.' can be accommodated with lioard at M.^KEI'K.M'E & H .WE on hand aiH expect to keep for ■'ale, of their own manufacture, a supply of Mra-s. Galvanized ' and comn.. n T! io]ied ji .\ipi:k iik iti-T^: I French, Hl^h Post, Cottage and ( onimon i it m: n s s; Spring Mattre'i-e-", of new and improved Spring, on I hand or made to order of any si/.e: L'TNG F'.S; Spring, ('•me. and W nd S.-at 11 \IKS, of different kinds and pattern-j; Spring Si)fa-j. Lounge-i iin I ('hairs, repaired, and cover»> 1 wish Haii Cioth or other wise; Hoe handle-;, Rung*' f ir bbls. Hhds.; Sole, Harness, and L'pper Leitlier. and I’l.a-^tering Hair. ■As we have good Machinery fur Sawing, IManeing, Turning, Morticing and Uoreing, we can do work with de>patch and on ^r.li fic: iry teriii ;. I’ersons havinc work or repairing to do will d>. wol} to give us a call. W’e warrant our v.L.rk; if it fails, you know where to find u^i. Having taken a Store on the Fast «sdo of Gille-pie Street, a few doors S..mh of ,\. W. Sicel, F' p, and having some spare room, we would attend to the storage and sale nf any thing itiat uiny tie .'iisigne l 'o u^-' ai; 1 will eiTe special ittcnMou to I'rod'icts if tliis St:ite. P’ayetteTille, \pril 1. IS'il ‘.tif I AI i:tti:% ii.li: Ml Tl AL I\SI RA\('K C'03IPA\V. un:-; t ,t'iH8 'Zh .U77 V ihe .'•’'minary. .Sept. I'J. iSt,l T. C H-)0}>KR. bh- : 1 FHS'rN \L N iv.'l St lit . ■ uiury pi-i.d-c n■ '-.T! w :li >•. !i, LiH'il «-r, Z'\ I'ii. AKTIV II AK\l>S. 1AM prejiared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon H'i''nc'- fur Army u.-m-. 1 tan my leather and can give ui id bargains, .\genis will do well tn send their ordi'i to mo I'i they hall have pronipt attention, and 1 11! •; in .|ni'k di«ptch. JOHN C.\I^T^;R (ioi'lstrn I’. (> , Chatham Co.. N. C., i J 'iiie Total, ^'_’7’J,7ii'> til The Company have pnid all io='ie« promptly, an 1 have never made in ir-'es^nient on their premium notes. T"iai lossi": p .id, jJO.IjO'J ti'J Okkickhs; GKt:. MrNKlLL, Trei^ident D. A. R,\V. Vice I’re-^i b'nt. C. A McMlLLAN, Sec’y. l)lRi;i’TOKS: I.H iito .'.I Wih i: ;i ijlor! R. N. > Liti •iriiott on. AND LAMP I'.LAOK. ''pWviTS" and H:r.UlC\TlNC. Oi J LM r RLACK in barrel-*. For ,sr ■'y. 1 r.i f >l^-h 7. L. ale by JOS. R. ni.oss'>.\ic(v, Wiliiiing'on, N. C. ;-lf Henry Lilly, II. I.. Mvrover, S. T. Hawley, N’uhan A. Stedman, C. R. M.-illett, Jame- Ivyle. A. ,\. McKethan, J. I>. Willi.ams, S. W\ TiUiti’Ivist W I 1 .1. h .. 1 li. rilliligh'i'.l. hayetlo und.T igiied. v.'i lib .lie or I. :i iLi; .v c-m; flatr i HI pi. r piiutiii ; It rags lie- ti^'i-viiie, oral ii,y mill^ MCniMIY l.,ost or Noies not fill*»d up, -1 ’,y SUVV I OK .««iAl.i:. In AVF now and will constantly keep on hand a large -lii-i'iy of Ci( X»!) .,.SOF'I' and H.\4U) S«».\P at my, .So:tp l':.i'tory on Person .St., near the half way bridge. Sofi Sunp iJi cents pfr lb. The price 'd' the h ird will )ii- ' -ed in : f '.\ lays. Ili' kury and I>ia;-k jack .\-.iie.' wanted t>r» cents a bu-4iel [lai 1 fi,i-them. C. 1*. .JON'KS. Fayetteville, Sept. I8*i2. '>7-li>ijid TIm‘ l*r‘^f>> f(‘i*iaii l**>aliiiHfi«^( Chi.r.acter nouv . .\ turiher diipply just received. Jtil> F. J. ilALK iSi Si>NS N. Tillingha.st, H. J !lin-da’.e, W ui. McLaurin, T. S. Luttcvloh, A. W. Ste^, J. G. ('rtok, Hon. J. •!. Shepherd, R. F. Rrown, ) . A F. H ill ['''I'l'K'on. hn ('i>llin« and (J. C. Mc(.’riiini.)cn, Tr.iveling Agents. Jety-Tiie Coiii{iany invite apjirK-atious. .May US. lSi;i. • o|. ijiroreries 2 (m roceriesi / A €AKU. Camp Hale, wear Fort Fisher, X. t'.. An?. 1MV2. undersigned, a private in the .Army of the Con federate State.s, resipeclfully announces himself a cnndidatu for ('hief (,'U*rk of the Hou^e of (.'oinmons of the next Legislature, iltiving passed two Winters in close intimacy with former Legislative bodies, ho trusts that he has considerable ac luaintancc with the dufies of the position ■ URNRV K COLTON Aug. Iir,. .Vltf • «Lyl.^Tl>!% III \€A!\, S. V: ( F C» M K H b Y OF KENT C C K V . ) Is prepared to fill orders "to any extent in En^ravin^ and Prinling Bank Notes, ltill«» ot‘ I'tc liaii;;!', A:!'.., Engraving upon Steel or Stone. Lar«:e supplies of Hank Note atitl other paper Hill he kept. .^>lg. i, I'.M'Upil ki:al i:«tati^: for male:. ^pn F. .‘Subscriber would sell his house and lot in W'ades- 1 boro', together with about *;tX> acres of land reaching within three miles of the Village (if desirable ) The dwelling house is large, and tnc lot the most desirable in ihe up-countty, containing near fifty acr^s of land. Should any one desire to move further up the country, he would sell them a finely improved house and lot in Spartanburg, S. 0., together with a good tract of land near the place. J. IV SMmi. Aug. 7. 19-;Jmpd A«lmini«i>ti*alioii lAoticv. THK subscriber having qualified as Administratrix on the K-t;iti; of Jas Sun ly, dec’d, hereby gives notice to all persons having claims against said Estate to pre sent them to Wui .McL. McKay within the time pre scribed by law, or thij notice will be pleaded iti bar of their recovery. CATII.VKINK SL'NDY, Adui'x. Aug 1 i'J- t JfilOO KK:U AKII. ~ STOLK.N from nij' stable, near Lewisville, Forsyth County. N. C.. on the night of the 1 1th in-t., a smiill red bay IU)RSE, heavy built. bUck legs, mane and tail, white saddle marks. Noother m.-irksrecollected. Gait, short pace, "hort trot and pace; age aboii 11 or 12 yearn. .K person was «een lurking in the neighliorhood, sup posed to l»e the thief, who Ruswers to the following de- Htription; IJl or -li years old, fair complexion, blue eyes, guild oouiitenance, light brown hair, well-built frame, about fi feet H inches high; wore a brown frock coat, black cassimere pants, (i^uitu new,) new boots, black neck lie, gray flannel shirt, and gray hat; carried a red carpet Back made of heanh rug with the fringe on. \ reward of j>75 will be given for the arrest, contine- nient and couvictiou of the thief, and for the safe delivery of the horse. He is supposed to he the eame Horse thief that was arrested in Fayetteville a year or two ago, by the name of Fry, a very notorious thief. JAMKS S. RLEDGKR. Lewisville, N. C. Aug. 7, 1S0:J. C«IM»KltA?^ POR Sale by TVSOR .t JOUN.SON. r Orders sent to Mclver’s Depot, F. & W Rivjlro.ad, will be attended to. July .s>- ■IH’E VITKHU.. '^KIIE subscribers are manufacturing RLUE VITR1>L. 1 Orders s*nt to Mclver's Depot, fhe terminus of the Coalfields Railroad, will receive prompt attention. A specimen may be seen at the Observer (>flice. Fayette- villv. ’ TVStJR ,v JOHNSON Aug. l'». 52tf \OTICK. '^pHE UNl)KRoIGNEL>, both having entered the mili- 1 tary service of the (’onfederate Slates of .\merica, hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, that they have ajipoiuted John U. Starr and John D. Williams, .of this place, their attorneys to collect either separ:itely or conjointly all moneys due them either by account or note, and otherwise to attend to their bu- .siness generally during their absence. They respect fully ask all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly possible on their agents and make payiHcnt. STARR & WILLIA.MS. tfcpt I'J, iM'il. 5fS-tf c'4» A V i: u K A 'I' i: ho \ us F the deitotninations ef HtOO. Vpply at the Bank of North Carolina. March 1>'. '_ttf AOTH i:. As I expect to be absent from home a few rHonths in the West, .\rchibald NIcLean is my authoriied Agent to transact my business until I return. N. 0. JONES. iJec’r 28, lh*>t*. 83tf 0 A I'ROfl.AiniTIOli By Z. R. V4\rK, (•overnnr ofXorth Carolina. IIJHFRKAS, itiformation has reached me that certain M persons, Tinmindful of the c.ills of patriotism, and forgeffiil of the duties of good citizens, are using their influence to prevent obedience to the law of Congress known as the ('onscript Law, and that others are at- lempting to organize an open resistance to its execution; and whereas, such conduct being not only in direct vio- lition of law, but also detrimental, in the highest de gree. to the cause of our country, it becomes my sacred duty to prevent and repress Ihe same by all the means in my power; Now. therefore. I, ZEBULON R. VANCE, Governor of North Carolina, do issue this my proclamation, warn ing all such persons to desist from such unpatriotic and criminal conduct; earnestly hoping that all who are dis inclined to defend their liome.s themselves, cither by reason of age, infirmity or cowardice, will cease to dis suade those who are willing; and notifying positively all persons contemplating an armed resistance to the law, if there really be any such loisguided and evil-disposed persons in our midst, that they will commit the crime of treason, according to the Constitution, and must not ex J pect to escape its penalties. W'hilst thousands upon | thousands of our best and bravest have cheerfully obey- i ed the law, and by fheir pafriofic valor have driven the J enemy back to the Potomac, if would be an Intolerable * outrage upon them to permit-others to evade the law, or worse still, to rcsi.st it by open violence. Let no one, therefore, be deceived, Ihe law will be enforced; and I appeal to all loyal and patriotic citizens to sustain those who are charged with its execution. Given under my hand, and attested by the Great Seal of the State. Done at the City of Raleigh, the IHth day of September 18^>2. ZEI3UL0N U V,\N’E Ry the (?overnor: R. H. Rattlk, Jr., Private Secretary. Sept. 20. iJ- .^li^w A. TilliiigliaMi will open her SCllool, mi .Monday, Sept. li'Jth. Sept. I'l, t)0-2w .«lHOOL .^li»^ Alice C'aiii|>l>«"ll will resume her .School, on Gillespie Street, on .Monday Oct. ti, 02-td %V1'>TI:K\ KAil. MtOAIK T,^R(.(M and after Mond.iy the L'L’d inst., the Trains on r this Rond will run daily. Ic.'ivins FayetteviHe at h o’clock, M.; returning leave Mclver’s Depot at 1 o'clock. P M. C. B. MALLETT, I'res t. .Sept. liO, IbCii. 02tf C'oiifederate S?»ii(lx lA'aiited. The subscriber wishes to purchase Confederate 8 per cent. Bonds.' J.-\S. KYLE. Sept. 20 02-21 .^liaviiis a nil Toilet .Soap. ^[I.WING and TOILET SY\P of domestic manufac- O ture, fUferior 'juiilitu, and in quantities to suit pur chasers. ' JOHN II. CoOK. Sejit. 17, ist',2. Gi-3t I'or Sale, VFINE VOI NG FILLY, two and a half years old. Inijuire of D. W Sept. '22. McLAURIN. C2-2t 40 \LAR»iF r^nd well sclecte 1 GROCKIIIKS iilw.iys ou liri,ii.! flf and ll ■: luiy •■•■ v,-:iril .1 ' _v Patrick Murphy, k!;v. • j t' F iy: itfcville. All p r Hi 1 •; tii--rii. -IS they will noi bv jmi l DAVID Ml III liY l.iif »-os(oj)4*s and S(ereosfO|rie Views, i itiiiifiil i^fitienf, ju-i rccc'ived. E. J. HALE Ai SONS. ro \ I' i:i>i: k a t r. roa i»s F Ihe denominations of ■>()(», !S1I)0. .\f at Ihe Rank of Cape Fear. •l:in.li !s , ^tate of .\»rtli 4'arolina. '’pil K Slierifl's an F.X!;(M:t1VE DEI'ARTMENT, ) l>Ai,EK;n, August 2!, 1'•‘.2. j d Constables ot the dilferent (’ounties of the Slate are hcn'by authorized and directed to rest all persons belonging to the Confederate .\rmy who "«“iil\-livi* ||ollar«i K‘uarl. ■' .1 Iln* subscriber, his m-frro !«.y MO- , are abscni >rit/i„ut h-ire. ir if ii;i‘, fib iHt .1 '■•■■t 1 I inch‘-s For each arrest they will be entitled to reward from '■■■ ■ and very imih h iiirne 1 out ai the (he ('onfederatc Covernmenf of S15 for each one con- )i ikeu t Slock of FXMILY COTlsi.l iUg of Hacoii-Siilrs, Moss Turk, Mullets, ^Iack(.‘r Nos. 1 aiitl ‘i, Miilii.s.^cs, Siii.Mi'f' of al irral»'.s, 'l\»})ac(ro, ('iirar/i. And all other uriicle.s u-;ialiy kejit in a WholesTlo Gro cery E'^tablishmeiii C(»x. KLND.VLL & CO Wilr.iington, \pril 2, IHtil. ](» ff KA\A\^A% 1^'^ROM the subscriber, a negro man by (iio name of DICK, (knowti ■\'= ‘'Irs. \nn Mi:inive'H,) a Drayman in the town of Fr., I't'evil]?. He is about I'> years of I'lge, black, -foul built, about "> fo"! In incjies high, ai,d voice indicating a bad cold. He it- .supposed to be loitering about Fayetteville, or pv-bably abi.ii* Mr. D. Mcl.auriti’s summer ho\ise, as ht has a wiTe there; or lit may have gone to Wilm.ngton, where he has some rela tions, an't w;is heard I i sriy he was going there. I wik give Fen Dollar,- for his delivery lo mo, or continen*eut. in Jail so 1 get him L. F. MOORE. Fayetteville, Sept. la. ^ c.mf Tt> C'l.FiKKN OF C:t^|IKT.«>i. ''I'ilF, Stay Law having postponed the settlement of ^ *“'■ years, w.' will not lior 'arter in.--rt Order- n -ip .Ken til ill- wit - -een at fined in jail, or if delivered fothe Camp of Instruc- t of Covirt wuiioul in adv.mco. Please send i J in ci.iUity ,n he •Jl.-I.ult. lion near Raleigh, or to a Confederate officer. i with the ■ »: U r,-in i more if it fu> of unusual len'rih. ■.'ll ui thn-i wi rk' agii. I In* To secure these arrests the above named officers will j Feby ]ho2. k. .». H.\LE vSc SONS ‘ • ill livery !■• me ir for call in any assistance, and use all the j'Ower and au- p ! t ti.i- hif ■ thill 1 gel him W b JoH.NSON. •- C , Aug. .l i, IbtjJ. G2tf ‘ thority belonging to their said offices. I HENIIY T. CL.\RK, Governor of N. C. I Aug. :26, 67-(iw. The .^oiitiiei'ii liariiioiiy, !^cli»ol Books, Stc., further Bupplie» just received. £. J. UAL£ & SONS. 4 .MUL.VTIO WO.M.AN by the name of LUCY: about .. V -3 years old, of medium size, but now i.juite c ^rpu- Said woman is probably in or near Town, hut maj' have been led off in the direction of Newbern by Bill Bruinton, a free mulatto man who has been at work as a Carpenter probably on the Wilmington .'i. Wehlon Railroad at a Depot North of Warsaw. I will pay l?2o for the delivery of said girl fo me or lodged in Jail in town. If found in this (bounty, or $5J if said girl is found in any other County and coTifmed in Ihe Jail of the biime, the party arresting giving me early informa tion of the stime. JNO D. WILLIAMS. Fayetteville, Aug. 2'i, 18ti2. ol-tf To I.an4l lliiyer^. 1''HE undersigned offers for sale, in the Coal region, and within eigiit miles of the terniiuus of the Fay- ettevillo I'i Western Rail Road on Deep River, KKillT HlM»KliO ACRKS OF LIND, adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dee d, and lying three miles South from Car- liontiiii, on Lit-tle Pocket Creek, Moore county. Thct-e Lands are well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oafs. r\'e, >'i:c. There are on the prem ises a comfortalile Dwtdling. and .all necessary Out houses. with about one hnndre 1 and fifty acres under f.-TUte, including forty or f.fty acres of ncver-failing '■«ttoi!i land. Tlii.s is a rare chance for persons wish- iiur to iii-ike invesiment.>, as lands arc uniloubtedly ad- vinoin-.: in price in this section. For fiirilior information apply to Mr. M. M. McRrve, Cratic's Creek. P. O.. Moore county, or address nie af Fayette villi’, N. (J. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs u'"Gil>M*rt McR-ie, dec’d. CTrbotiton. Moore eo , S I) , Vug 21 1So‘*. '^ot Tin; .\ORTII >11 THL I.IFE iiVSl!llA.\( K (OHP.tfiV, (*W in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing ciipital and firmer hold upon public con fidence. continues to insure the lives ot all healthy per son.- from 14 to tlO years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two jhirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within lit) days after satisfactory proof is presented. For furthor information the puhl'’ is referred to Agents of the Company in al! parts c .he State, and to R. II I’ATTLE, .Secretary, Raleigh. E J. l!.\LK, .\gent at Jan’y IH.j'.K Fayeitcviile. N. C. |i3Bi"^in;;le eopie^of tlie Observer can be procured by non-subscribers, at the Bookstore. I^ioe 5 cents. mk;ak. a\» BBLS. SUGAR. l‘_' Rbls. N (b SYRUP. 15 “ SCUPPERNONC. WINE. On consignment and for sale by JOS. UTLEY. Sept. 22. ('i2-tf A (I lu i II i«it ra t orS ^a le. 1'^HE Subscriber, as Administrator of Angus Shaw, will offer for sale ou MONDAY, the DUh day of OCTOBER, at the plantation on the Wilmington Road, •J miles below Fayetteville, the following articles of perish.able property: 1 Corn Shcller, 1 (’arriage, 1 lJuirtry, 1 Wagon, I’loujihs, a small lot oi‘ Corn and I’oJdor, 1 Sad dle, 1 set Harness, 1 Cutting Knife, a lew arti cles ul Household and Kitchen Furniture. •V credit of sis months will be given, and bonds with approved security ■will be required. J.VMES .IENKIN.S, Administrator. Sept. I't. 02-ts ' MtRoon rpllE Subscriber offers for sale five fine lirood Mares. |_ -Vlso, ftur .MULE GOLTS, about one and a half years each. Apply to J. C. BLOCKER, Fayetteville P. O. Residence 10 miles from town, east side of River. .Sept. I'.i. G2-2tpd Wilmington, Charlotte Rutherford K. li. Company. N Office of thk Puksident a I>iREf'ToR^. The next annual meeting of this Company will be held at Lincolnton on W'eilnesday, the --d day of October next. Trains for the accommodation of the Stockhold ers vill leave Charlotte and Cherryville on the morning of that day. From and after the 21st instant, the Transfer Books will be closed. JAS. I. McCALLL M, Sec’y. Sept. 17 1862. 62-tm ~ SlOO RI^Al^VRIK 1).\NAWAY fr m the subscribers about three mouths i\, ago, two negro boys, PETER and CAD. Puter is supjiosed to be lurking iu the neighborhood of Buckhoru, Harnett counfy, and Cad about Pittsboro’. The above reward will be paid for fheir delivery to us or their coufineuient so that we pet them, or S')0 for either of them. J. ^Si N. A CAMERON. Harnett Co., N. C., Sept. 2), 18G2. (i2-ltpd AV AATi:n, T' O work on the PIEDMONT RAILROAD from Dan ville to Greensboro’. For further particulars, ad- I dress Ihe undereigne.i at Danville, Va.. Greensboro’, N. I (L, or Charlotte, N. C. L. WILKES Si CO. I Sept. If. _ ^ \V AATI]« TO niRrHA!*»i:, VGOOU NEtiltO WOM.\N to cook, wa«h andiron; with or without chil lren. Also one boy and girl ! iruui G to Iti years old. Apply to I M. A. BAKER j Fayetteville, Sept. 18, 18V2. (il-8tpd I Ueudquarters DlstrU l of \ortli (arollna, \ I Ralkk'.h, Sep. 18t)‘- / j Gknkral Orukks. 1 i No. 2. f I .\LL (lersons liable to iniLiary duty un lor the Con- . J., scription law are hereby rei(uired to come to the ' Camp of lt.struction, near this ('ity, al once. Those I doing so, will be allowed to select the Infantry Regi- ' ments they wish lo join, and unless full, they will be j assigned accordingly. II. The Regiments of Infantry and Artillery on duty ' in this State are authorized to enlist Conscripts to in- i crease each Company of Infantry and Heavy .\rtillery I fo one hundred men, but not exceeding it; and Light Baderies to one hundred and fifty men. j By coii'm.'tud of Brigadier General J G Mxktin'; I A GORDON, \-;ji^tant Adjutant General. ‘ ' GU-4i Tlie .iil>t^eriher waiitM to purchase a LIKELY NEGRO BOY, about fourteen years old. C. il. ROBINSON. 57tf Fayetteville, Sept. 4, 1802. From the Charleston Courier “YANKEE DOODLE.’ RT Mkn F SI.OOTTMB ^ finkco Uooillc is tbo tunc The Northerners delight in. “Yankee iloodle,” eo tliey say, “Ih just the fune for fightinV’’ “ Yaukee-doodle-doodle-doo Yankee doodle dandy, t Y ankee-doodle-doodle-doo. It is so VfTf/ handy Yankee-doodle he got road, And swore he’d whip somebody .“^o he bought a jug of rum. And took a sweetened loddyl Y ankee-doodle-doodle-doo, Yankee-doodle dandy, Yanyee-doodle-doodl«-doo, Is fond of rum nnd brandy' Yankee-doodlo came “duwn Seouth,” The rebel folks to swallow. With Richmond first he’d grease his mouth. The rest would fill hin hollow! Yankee-doodle, fe fau, fum, Yankee doodle danJy, Yankee-doodle beat his drum. And licked his ’lasse.s candy' Yankee-doodle started on The road to Richmond City, He smacked his lip with brandy flip. And then grew wondrous witty Y ankee-doodle-doodle-doo, Yankee-doodle dandy, “The rebel pigmies,” so he said, “I’ll swallow up quite handy!’ Yankee-doodle at Bull Run, Was filled with roars of laughter, To see “the ragged rebels run”— Tiuat Doodle they were afltr! Yankee-doodle-doodle-doo, Yankee-doodle dandy, “Oh, Lord,” he said, “1 didn’t think These rebels could tight so handy'” Then Yankee-doodle turned around And sought a new direction. There never was a road so straight. That had not some deflection. Yankee-doodle-doodle-doo, Yankee-doodle dandy, Yankee-doodle found hit road Was not so very handy. But Yankee-doodle marched right up. Right up to Richmond City, The joke he thought was wondrous good— Ah, wasn’t'he quite witty? Yankee-doodle-doodle-doo, Yank«e-doodle dandy. Yankee-doodle-doodle-doo, For joking is so handy! Yankee-doodle fought six days, ■\nd, to explain the case, sir, Wa,s whipt away, hut swore he warn't. And onlt/ chanaed his base, sir.' Yankee-doodle-doodle-doo, Yankee-doodle dandy, Y ankee-doodle-doodle-doo. At itraUgem so handy! Then Doodle-doo, to hide his shame. For cutting up such capers, •‘A glorious victory” proclaimed In all the Yankee papers! Yankee-doodle-doodle-doo, Yankee-doodle dandy, Yankee-doodle-doodle-doo, Af lyinj is go handy! Now Yankee-doodle swore in wrath The rebels he would fix ’em, >Vith strategy a,n3i heavy yuns He couldn’t fail to trick ’em! Yankee-doodle-doodle-doo, Yankee-doodle dandy, Y ankee-doodlc-doodle-doo, .\t Yankee tricks is handy! So Yankee-doodle marched again. Up the road to Manassas, With fife and drum and heavy gun. And brandy-flip and ’lassesi Yankee-doodle-d ioy|^o: Yankee-doodle di^^L Yankee-doodle thoug^Wje’d tra^ The Southern boys quite handy! Now Doodle made another fight. With powder and with ball, sir. But Doodle saw another sight, ’Twsia Lee and Old Stonewall, sir Y ankee^ doodle-doodle-doo, Yankee-doodle dandy, Yankee-doodle run again .\nd used his legs so handy! Then l>oodle sent a telegrain, “The rebels are retreating”— But .\be he says, says he, “that means W'e’ve got another beating!” Yankee-doodle run so fust, Yankee-doodle dandy, Yankee-doodle could’nt take His rum and 'lasses candy! Yankee-doodle is the fune The Doodle-doos delight in, “Yankee-doodle,” so they say, “Is just the tune for fightin!” Yankee-doodle. hip, hoora’ Yankee-doodle dandy, Yankee-doodle run away. To lick his ’lasse.® candy! MOR^L. Now all ye men of Doodledom, Come listen to my ditty, You’d better start for Kingdom come, Than d’ -irn to Richmond City'. Yankee^ doodle-doodle-doo, ,-\s sure as Gospel writin’, Vou'll always find the Southern boys .\re just the boys.for fightin’! ,1 Wi/liiiy Caiirice.—Atnong the n:any pri- .soners taken by the Conlederates here, not a few seem happy to return to their home.s on parole. An amusing instance is related as follows: A Con federate soldier, exhaused, laid down by the road side to rest, and I'alling a.sleep wils left some dis tance behind the army. When he awoke, he found a ‘‘yankec” .soldier sitting by his side fan- ninir off the flies, and patiently waiting to be taken prisoner. ()t‘course he was accommodated Lrxin>fton Ky. Statt'sman. Adiiiiiiixtration IVotice. fpHK Subscriber having qualified as Administrator oa L *the estate of William McKay, (dec’d), at Au^st Term of Robeson County Court, 18f2, hereby gives notice fo all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and nil persons having claims against said est:»te to present ther.i within the time pre scribed bv’ law or this notice will he pleaded in bar of thoir recovery. MURDOCK McRAE, .\dministrator. Aug 2t), 18(5-’. rurther A'olire. The Subscriber will offer for sale at the lafe resi dence of W'illiam McKay’, dec’d. near Floral College, in Robeson county, on Tuesday, the 30th day-of Sep tember 1862, all the perishable property belonging te the estate of sai l V.'ui McKay, except such stock as may be neccpsary t i gather the present growing crops, consisting of Cotton, Corn, Fodder. Horses. Cows. Hogs, Sheep, Bacon, Lard. Heusehold and Kitchen Furniture, and Farming utensils of every kind The usual credit will be given, and bonds with ap proved sectirify will be required before the property _:ii u_ j„i: ^.1 MURDOCK McRAE, Administrator. 57t«pd will be delivered. Aug. 26,18132.