SK1»II-WKRKL,Y. V >». Ml FAVKTTKVILLE, N. C., SKI^TFvMIU^U ■29..|8r>2. L "I [NO. I : :i \i"M* \\S 'Ml 'HU ItSH VVS V -in i, !!\r.K ^ so\s. . --v .j .^TT ■ -I ;.r, ;; ci> if fii.l •■>•, ' ■ r I "niMfr tlio vo'ir •■!' ii' ■.■’vi]' • • (‘i-r li .. * 1 ■ ' , , ,1. i ii'i in I “ t' ^i-r t ili;rin ' • vcnv >1’ ■ ' ]' h 1. •; \ - 17 ' ■ M ' ■ ' 1 ( ^(>1 t • ; : ; I I ‘' .■»■■;: '"or oiii'li , I ■' y Mill ■; i 1 ' Iv ''[n' :it - ii.r-i • r '~ A .‘V-^ - ;;i' i i;-- . r '!’ i, 'iii l . ' l noci' ,1 ;; r '.- ''> I'pr ’ ='f'1 IU‘W ■ '.ib^cvilw'v - . . : . :i M • v-i i;.- >, nm \\ i i' ' . ' ‘ ■ i ! iuu' ■er- - ! - 1:“., l■ih^ ibt' ]■:! . I ■ . . whi'U !. 1 ' 1 \i-\ ■ :i( ‘ v‘; '■ .'i- !■ 'ir -I ‘ , T; : lOfi''i ' in ■fv r 11.1 jior- .11 I! 1 v.u w; i 1 j.lo i-ii' -.Tiili'lit' ■ >1 ■» » V ■- i> n w ■ I iiiVfst in ■ '■ i ■ nc ti i.Tls .iH ihi' }.:ivrP. ■ ■: ’ 1* M.-r( -iicii tvi'.imt-, ..r VC I.. -.-.!locr i'-n i t.'-. Floreiiff and Fayetfevillo Hail Koad. NhKi: llie I rovi"ioiin of 'lu ni-.linntii’e of tho t’on vi'iiii.iii I'l Nt)rih I'niolin:!, Ittuik'; will bt; opciioil on (lit> I'.di .Iniii' II! lliT !ollci\\ iiii^ |il:icos aii.l iimlrr the d. I I 'ti f I'"! (Ill ViMvivc nr ri'ip iioiw lo Mu' (’iijiiiftl Slock (if tilt' “Floroiice \ Fivj'cito vilh' l;:iil iioail ('o. ‘ Slrvrc'^ Olio Ihiiuiroil l)i)llars oiinh • I.' . /,‘iul h’o.1,1 Oihct' tti F(iy, /Iri'iih'. — Uii.ler tho di I’l'i'i inn ot . lit'(■.•iicr:il (’oiMiiiiH.-jioiiprf). A A. \lcKeih;u>. '• ' A Siei'l, Will Mv L MoK.'iy .'iiitl .Iiio. M h 'SI'. Wksti kn K\il !\o VI) Offic e, ^ l^'ayotlcnillf. \uo-. 1S A i 1K». t’aiup Hale, wear Fort Fisher, X. C., Au!?. is«*>. *'pHE utiilcrsigueJ, a private in the Army of the ’on ON jiiiJ alter I lie 1st day of Sept. the followiug rates will he rhiirci'd on l*as»eiirois. viz: . :y 1*1 ill); m iC i-.-vr: Ir. A M. !f ; : '111 , i :ij I, I.. li ' III (•1 . W rc^iT*^nn = ■ i 'f - -“y 11. ' u\. i * r : : r*'^ ' 0- . . V ; ,a •. '■ - n Me:i. ‘::n- . ’ ; ’ . TV II w -'v^ i-; \‘e that wo - • ■ ■ o; 'or *':i,icci':a \ ■ . xi i-i.:in.; iu lie c i- ='f M o:i wo I - ^:'r - ?: P'v • ' -,ir " V. r : . i i ' 1'. t'^r : - T- i : ! II- ^ ■ r> 1. ; i ' rf. ,r?f .irrlA.f I', L\ttorney at Law, ! .\ V V ,• . i.;\ I 1 I F .\ ( ■n 1 ■ !ii_, :iil . .r ri'T ( .'urts ■r • i; I- ■-> ' ■ wn ■ ; ; V •. M 11 ■ ”'i l»i:STAL NOTK L I : ' H' I >0 - :"i V: ■1' '/(? A’-7 - lys Viuli'r (he diroction uf Hector M N't'ill. \Vm ,1 •'■^fewavt. .J i-j A SniiMi, U-in'l (’ M.- ■■■.'ill ati.l l'..l, Alex. MrMil! ui, oi' any one of lliem. .1' F; r,;' ('. II,,; -Under the ilirection of !>r N«‘ill 'K Nair, Dr. A 1>. Mc!,ean, Arctiihald Sinith. Kdmuiid l.illy Mii'l 'ol. .\l-XHn ler WutHon, or any one of them .1' —I'nder ihe liirection of Murdock Me- I' u', 1> MrLec.l. 1'. M(Vallaw. J i:: Mcllae, .If., and J II .Mr\i;u-en, or any one of them. j 1' 1 i.' I'a.ier the Jire;-lion 01 .John I’lM'CcU, I • III) Ai N' lir. Sion Alt’.ir l. l'ii!»:ild McC.illinu and .Ino. Mi t'xUinti. or any one of them. The Snlw'ri].tinn I’.ook'; -.vill remain open f.T (he pace ot 'ill d ly-i. Wiicii ji sutVieient .>11111 in suhscrihpd , ;he i'.i:upanv will he .irj,’' ini;.od I'or the purpose of hiiild- i iru- lh.> {•..•id j A. A. McKKTUAN. 1> A. UAV, A. U. STKKl.. \VM. MlL .McKAV, •INO. M IIOSK, (Jenonl (%miniisfiioner« r ayedevill.' I-.ine 7, ISt.'J. :“Jtf LOOK AT THIS! THE Ifnivl’fliliLL!*: lillTliL, FroiUhis: SOO and in th‘ bnsinvss portion of (h‘ Town, 4‘oiif;iiii« iiioiM* and «4'iilil:if(Ml Kooiiio lliaii any lioU‘1 ill tilt' •’I'l :ny ay luv 'onliiin'iits’ arc Vi'ry L-ood lur till' liincs, T. W MIDI I U Proprietor. May 20, is ;2. Fayt*iri‘vilif Female Hi^fi Ncliool. 'pHK ex I Uu- From Fayetteville to Little lliver. to Splint Sprinp. 75 ‘‘ to Hock lirauch. 1 00 “ t. .7 inesl'oro', 1 '2i» to Mr Ivor’?!. 1 50 Twenty-five cents nd.litional will he collected by the ( oniluclor o! each pas-;en!.'i‘r, le:iviu^ Station without a lii'ket. •\ new rate of l’ri'i_^V.t '.vi'l yro iiiti; el’Vct at the rtacio time, which will t>o 1 rioted and timii lied to the public in a f.-w .lay'! I’>y order of th._> I’ref't. -INO. M ^'OSi'. Treas’r W R IICo All..; ao. 5,5tf foJorate Slate;, respccirully annouuce.s himseU’ a j'l ife for fhif'f ('li-rk of the Rouhc of ronmrjus of ■ the next LegiHlaturo. llavina: pn.Hsed two Winters in close intimacy with former l..eKislativc bo>lies, he trusts that he has considerable ftciiiiaintance with the duties of the position. HF-NHY K. CULTON. Auo 2;') •■'.•Itf 1)1 \cA.w i'i.tB.l .^ss. ( K O M E H L Y O I' K K > T T (.' K Y ) Is pi i'pared 10 fill orders to any exieul in Engraiin^ and PrinHn^ Hank ^oteij, EtiElw 4>r l%\c iiati^o., Engraving upou Steel or Stone. Larj'e supplies ur Bank .Vote and otlie-r paper will be kept. Aug. ‘i, IbtJU. 4y-l(5tpd \ PKOt'I.AiflATIOli By Z. B. WM K, tioveriior ol North (arollna. \17HKI{EAS. infoTinalion lias reached mp that certain T I per.'jons, unmindful of the calls of palriotinm. and foTj^etfiil .,.f the duties of jjood ciiizeiis. aro u.sing their iiilliience to prevenl. obedience to the law of Conji^ress known as the Conscript Law, and that others are ftt- teniptinj( fo orfjanizo an open repiatanceto its execution; and whereas, such condiict being not only in direct vio- INTERESTING IXCTPENT- ^ KinsT(>n, Sej't. Truth is said to be tJOiut'times .-tranger than fiction. 1 iound oil a rccciit visit ti) lili'liinoD^ • beautiful vcrifioatiou ot thi-^ roniark, illuRtratei i* the person anil tortunosoftho accompUshed dauf'h- ter of Sir John Mus^ravi-, %,1 EnL'laml. A lew yoar.s ago, Fir John Muj^gravc ami his beautiful latidii of law, but also 4«triniental, in the hig;hest Je- 1 Jautrhtev visited tin' City of New York, bringing pree, 10 the cause of our country, it hecoiiies iiiy sacred ; duty to prevent aud repress the same by all the rueaus 'in my power; Now, therpfo*’p. I. ZERTL^N I’>. V.\N(’E, Governor I of North Carolina, do issue this my proclamation, warn- j ing all such persons to desist from such nnpatrioticand j criminal conduct; earnestly hoping that all who are dis- I inclined to defend their homes themselves, either by I reason of age. infirmity or cowardice, will cease to dis- j suaile thoFC who are willing; and notifying positively all j persons contemplating an armed resistance to the law, I if there really be any such misguided and evil-disposed with them tlio prestige of a ;z;ouil name, uud wear ing the livery 0f‘('xcceding graccl'uluesa lind re- fineinent of nianni*rs—they were courted, feted and cares.sed by the merchant prinecsi ul ihe great coininorcial metropolis. The daughter won th* lieart of the gallant son of Ilonry (irinneli, the generous and noble-heai tod Dierehau ol New York, who hath been, and ever ha.s been, and is now, the unflinching and dauntless friend of th»* South, and who has defied the ]/ineoln gov«rn j persons in our midst, that they will commit the crime of | Jjj e.cur/'uxion of a bold and manly opiliiou i treason, according to the Constitiitiou, and must not ex j behalf, and in the moniA s.-nflon of t^ie 8if ’'■i.»esof this Institution will be resumed on, ill >t .'epienii er. • h “I'li li i-^t ic yeir will In' diTido i iiilo two term--; ^ i ■> W' v.k=, Ci'riHiietuin^' llJth of Sept. and end '.lie 'Jl'h l»eo.; the seci.tid of 27 weeks, coiiiin.'iicing 1st "f.lin’v ;(n 1 ending ,h;ly 1st !’in Ill's anil (; ;i'\riintis Intending to pnlronize fhis Scli.-ol are eirne.-it'.y ro juested to apply for circulars ■ full J .41:iolilar- in regard to lei ms, csic , 'y'v *- The >ew st\le. Small, rOLOIfKD PI10T0.IIAPI!S, AT VaieM»i*si|4>||‘'s ijiallory. ART. \Voo«l\var«!'-s ^olar ('niiiora. I )H( >T iCi 1{.\ I’lLS can be hnd it'll's Skylip-hf 1 (iiillery, ILiy .sire.'i, op|.osiie M irble \ ard, F.ay- etteville, N. C.; pl.dn, r. ioucln'-l. co'^re^l. in water colors, oil and pa-Jtile; tr.'m viii-ill l-i lif.> size." .\nil>ro tyi'es, Mebiiieotypes, m.T nil o:her styles of I’icturcs pertaini tp to the \rt. A'-o, (illt Fritiies, (iilt Mould ing, O’ ' tor very iarjrv piiMuro"^—a** larjre as U*> l>y inches, .’ord and T Is :..i- ti.iiiging pii'IureF: Insiru- ni' iils. St.H'k ind Ciu :\ic:ils fi.r -ulo low t'.ircash. Life size (.■olnie l riic;.pgru] hs u.:i lo fruiii stii.i’i pictures. It iving pern. in«'!i!’i' li . ;i.'d ln io 1 l;o].e to merit y.uir pair iii;ige. 1 wotild iNo ret urn luy .nc jre thank-* lor the liberal paironace be-^to^-ed on me heretofore I'y the good people of Fiyettcville in.i vicinitv. C. M VANi.nsi)ELL, I’hi't.ignn^rr• and Proprietor. I'ec'r 'JO. V'"'.) 77. Fact or V, nM Il->opF,R. . Hi>'»l’FH, ~ 1‘rincipais ! 'V :7. .jv; tl.^jp 1 ''r'll 1 ‘ -iLi-i- if lir.s in-ii;uii, Ti will I e re-urncd '\t I I.;.! r.'iT-lar tii o-, vi/: thi' ‘Jo h .'^.■pt. I’ r;rd, J-! ■ ] er month. 'I'uiiioii, jl:' per aiinuir., A • '1 desipned ^'r thn-e preparing for the regular clashes the C illege. ;■ any ..thcra, will be opened at the s,ii;ie time, under the pei 'Miial aiperinten lence of III-- I'r-'f*.: J ’f'. * F r T‘ir'ii- ibirs, ■, I Ire.'-.s the uii I -r-j'ne i; P. () , David 1 \U i '0. TWO DflDKS ABllVK Fav*lfrville, .1 an'y 20, 1 '^liO T. inif.ll i SONS’ STUlih V. si 'll •J. L. KIIIKI’ATRICK, I’re-s t -1 m II M.\hEl*KA('K A ,M KAE ani e?peci t > koej- for t lire, a app’y .f P.ra- Mr lliaf Im* - ' ■ r iVI- -!=;:■ ffw . , . - i - ■.!'! ». W. WILLIAM.- .V --.ile l>« ai(‘r'« ill «i'oa -s -1 : ^ I r \ itnd t ntlcry, Iron, TKKKT, FU I.TTKVILI.K, >. i . f V K .1 . - K N 1'.‘. I- i:\, :iv\ ■> %!.>. .V i Hi . A -■ • Of E'^ALT GROCSRS, f «. M 'oii!i Water .St., \rhiPli2i0M. I'. r n r-:- > -= ^ y ; -■ ■it'I .ti-’ti n M" li «' M'in tf . if. ii. \\ oetTii. ■ ;i .:»;! Foruardl«? >N‘rclian(s, ' i V-l . - i tN, N i ■ W. !.l. - >l«,v! - ficrrli ff'i * ’ L!»i 1’! 1 >N, ,. i’ 10TT0\ VAR.^. -NO. 10 Hay Street. ('. P. MALLKTT. Jar.'y (1, 1 J. ^h- «IO lie ward. IWTI.L ; ly the ab ve reward for the ai'prehen-lon and C'i- riiiemenf nf my man CALVIN, who rnniway t* ini me bmi three w eks aijo. I Wil; M. 1 p-iy a rowiir l i )' Fif'y I'oUars for suflicient ovid.-tioe : I iii\.ict any pof' in of Inrboring iiini. il- v;n i- lib IJ years fi-i: 10 or 11 inche-^ high, *1; and wrigha a:'111! l-'o poun Is; he wears! IT '' rin -- in iiis ears. He is a bo;it or hip carpent- .r. 1 wi'll kn ‘.11 atiout Fiyetteville and Uilmingtou, H‘ iiiietiiaeb calls himself Calvin Johnson. 1MK(J LVANS. ■ ' oMf Ki'AL rniisxtut^. Subscriber would sell his iiouse tind lot in WaJes- boro', togethei with about GUO acres of land reaching within three miles of the Village (',f de^irnble ) The dwelling house 13 large, and the lot the most desirable in the up-country, containing near fift}’ acre** of land. Should any one desire to move further up the country, he would tell them a finely improved house and lot in Spartanburg, 6. (J., together with a good tract of land near the {dace. .1. P. SMITH. Aug. 7. 10-3mpd A1 ministration .lioticc. subscriber having nualitied as Administratrix on X ihe Ksi:itc of Jas Suudy. doe.’d, hereby gives nolice to all pertjoii^! having cl inns apainsi «nid Kstate to pre- ycnt them to Wm. .McL. McKay within the time pre scribed by law, or ihit; notice will he plended ia bar ol their recoverV. 'ATH A P 1N II SL’N L*\. Adm'x. \iig J. IbC-i. jy- t !^IOO KI::\VAKD. ^TOLiiN from my stable, near Lewisville, Forsyth Kj county. N C.. ou the night ot the 11th iust., u small rd fi^iv HoRSK. heavy bailt. black legs, mane and tail, ■white »,i 1 lie marks. Noother markr= 1 ecoHected. tlait, short pace. «hnrt trot nnii pice: age abou 11 or 12 year •\ person was seen lu.'sing in the neighViorhoo l, sup- po'cd to t)e the thief, who uiswers to the following do trriptiou' '.^1 or i;‘J year.-i M, inir oompK-xron. Idue cy.'.s. ('...iJ ouiitenance, light brown hair, woll built frame, about ft tVet X iuch'js high; wore a t rowu frock ooat. blac'k ca"imere pautr, 'ijuite new,) new boots, black nock tie, pray llannel stun, aud pray hai; carried a red enrpet sack made of hearth rug with the fringe on. A reward of $76 will be given for the arrest, confine ment and conviction of the thief, and 'JO for the i-afe delivery of the horso. He i“ supposed to he the some Horse thief that wa- arresteJ in Fayctieville a year or two ago, by the natue vl' Fry, a very notorious thief. JAMES y PLEDUKU Lewisville, N. C. Aug. 7, K‘'t32 Oo '■'m pect to escape its penalties. Whilst thousands upon , ,• 1 • , 1 n thousands of our best and bravest have cheerfully obey- j ni0»it subst.antial aid anil coniiort to our Cftuso. ed the law, atid by their patriotic valor have driven the j John and his daughter retiirncd ti> I",laiid, and enemy back fo the it would be an intolerable , pQon (hereafter his daughter acoom]ianied Floreuc'i outrage upon them to permit others to evade the law, or worse still, to resist it by open violence. Let no one, therefore, be deceived, the law will be enforced; and I appeal to all loyal and patriotic citizens to sustain those who are charged with its execution. Given under my iiand, and attested bj" the Great Seal of the State. Done at the City of Haleigh, the l*^th day of September 1W)‘2. ZEBULON It VANCE P.y the Governor; R. n. 15.\ttlk, Jr., Private Secretary. Sept. 20. ''2- liisH A. Tilliii;;;lia!iit will open her ' u .Mouday, Sept. 2‘.tth. * Sept, 1.0, 18i'i2. 00-2w !«iriiooi. ;Vli^«>. Alice ('aiiiphi'll i^ill resume her School, on Uilleupie Street, on -Monday *ct. 0, l.sil2. 02-td %Vr..vrKR\ UAIk. ROAll. I^Rt.lM and aftei Monda}' the JJ't iiis^t., the Traina on r this RoTd will run daily, leaving FayeiieviHe at o '^lui’k. M : returning It-ive Mclver’s Depot at 1 o’clocK, P M. C. 1:. MALLETT, Pres t S.'pt. JO, lHu2. tiJtf T ('oiiftMlerati* SaOtidM Wanted. HE suVtscriber wishes to purchase Confederate S per cent. Bonda. .'sept. 20 JAS. KYLE, 02-2t i:ka^ TV.'^OR r^i >R Sale by TV.'^OR .t r Orders sent t.> Mclver's Depot. F will be attended to July JOHNS'.'N. W, Railroad, '1'' it' a> 1 -Hid : ' \l»r : s:io ici:w I rf w ird will ; paii for the apprehension liwry to the near, n .Military Po.s>, ,.f ALKX- W\FJ,'\C|;, WN1 leserti' l lii ,ciI'lipany on or ill . 'li': it .M iri'h 1 si;-j .Said Wallace is2> years d, .'1 I'eet 1 1 : iclies high, red coini lexion. dark hair, I ■ . y . he is a ii.itive of -M jore Cuuuty, aud is proba- y ill ■ vicinity of (’arthage. JAS D McIVER, Ca]'f. Co H. 2''ith Rcg't N Troop?, ^’anip Johnson, miles from Kinston. June 17. I' A ll l>! I FF'V L.Vl'lF..-^ can >>c acconmiodateJ with board at V the Seruiiiarv T (' HOCPER. Set t. ] J. i'-til. AVE in hand aiii e?peci t > koej- for '■ile, of their own nfuiuf:i'’lire, a opp’t' .f P.ras;, Ga’.vaniied tiii'i C\**;’.mon Hoope.l Jl WIPKR KI’I’KKT^; Fronoh, Hifijh Po^^, I’oHa^e aud Coniniou 'Spring M:ittrc«‘’os, of now an I impr ved Spring, on hand ir laade to - .rd'-r of .my size; L • CNi I ES; .'^prinar. Cane, uni W.. d S,-it CH.Vi:;.'^. uf diilerent kinds and patterns: Spring S.ifis. Lounges and Chairs, r>‘pviired, and coVore l w;:h Il.iir Cloth or other wise; Hoe hanl'.o-. P.ung- I'.rb’lr, .v Hhd' ; S'ilo. ll inio--, :.n 1 I : l -r F.eaiher, and li:i terinir H.itr. A- w. liiive good M.iciiiTery tor Sawing. PI iiieing, • Turiiitiij,, Nloiiioitij^ a;i i I’l iroiu r. we do Woik with desp:itoh a.'id • !i s.'iti I'Mory t.o rii- Pit-.ihs h ivii.^ | wiirk or repairing t 1 do will do well t" pive a- a c.ill. We warrant our w.rk: if it fail-, y ii kriuw where to find us Having takcu a .^t.iie m !1k> L '.-t sj.lo iif i illesj'ie •S'rcet. R ft-w door S i:itli of A. \V. S:i-‘ol, Es j., and li'iving soino room, we would atietid to the.-'torage ■uid u’s- vjfaiiy Uiiiig hit iiriy ^e ooiisigued to us, and will L'ivo sp oial I'ionii 'ii to pioiuioid of this State. F lyeltevillc. .\pril 1, 1''il, 'Jtf I- A11:1 ri:\ ii.i.i: MITI AL L\Sllll\(E tO.>IPAM. I Rl.ri: VITRIOL. ^HK s'lbscribers are luaniifHCiuring RLUti VITRlOl. Orders sfnt t . NIcIver's D-.‘j )t, the terminus of the •-’o.'ilfields Railroad, will receive I'rompt attention. A specimen may be eeeu at the Observer (tfiice. Fayette- vill*. TYSnlt .t JOHNSON. -Aug. 15. r>2tf I ici:. ^pHK I NDF.RSDfNED. both having entered the niili- 1 tary service of the Confederate States of America, hereViy give notice ttheir oU cu.'toraers and friends, that they have appointed Joiin D. Starr and John L>. Villiains. of this pla'-e, their attorneys to collect either pep?irately or conjointly all moneys duo them either by ai'count or note, an ! otherwise to attend to their bu siness generally during their absence. They respect- lally ask all persons in lebied to them to call as prompt ■ ly as possiMe on iheir ageio' r.nd make pavi.ieut. •.!’»; -i WILLI VMS. Sept 1'.'. I'-'’!. n» A r 1: i> 1: R \T 1: 110 \ us the denotnin.iiion^ of .S]iMKI, S.^iOO, ?t!()0. Apply the RaiiU of North Caioliu.i. .M.uoh IH, yif iii;^ aaid Toilet ^oap. 1il.V\I2'iC« anu TolLET SO.\P of domestic manufac ture, i'l./'tra/r '/i ii/i'y, and in quantities to suit pur- ch.aserr Sept JOHN H 17, ist;2 COOK. 01-3t A 40 IT™/ 0^:; aotict: ipltal in Premium Note'' amount: fo 'sh on hand ind other a°'! ts, ^2ti7,f,H8 2f) .">,077 35 ARTIV IIARAi:)^!^. 1.\M prepared to manufacture all kinds of W -pon j 11 irne :i for .-'.riiiy use. 1 t in tny leather and can I iriv-' L' : I bai -lin- /-gents will b: well to serid their ' ■ I i. i- li- me as tiioy shall prompt at'eniion, and i j Total, 5272,7ri’> fil ! The 'onijeiiiy hive r'\id all In^^es promptly, an I j hav« never made .an ."-essment on their premiuta notes. Total losses paid. 3^2y.t)>:2 tj'.* 01.KICKU ; I C*EO. .McNElLL, Presiilent .V R.\\. Vice President -A Me \n l.L A N. .''ec'y I'lUKeriitis; . N. Tniinpha^t. II )• U :l. I'fi'.’hriia Co. J o.lie li>. CARTER >,U! •)ii. ANI> li.\Ml* liL.VCK. .vNM i;- and I.U;-.i:iCATlVCt O.L. J L.\.\ll’ LiL.ti k iu barrels. For s,ale by Ji>o. R. RLoSSO.M k Co., f 'Viiiiiington, N. C. .'■I.ii'-ii 7 t;.(f Henry Lilly, II. L. 'lyrover, H. T. H.iwley. N I .\. Siediiian. |{. Malleit,, JaifK"' Kyle, A. A. .McKethan, J. D. Willi ims, S. W. 'I illinirhasl. hn Collin'' anil (’ C, .McCrumrien. Traveli' Jtiy"The '’• iMp"nv i'lvite applic.atio is May 2^, 1^-',1. i-r J. Hin-^.hvle, Win. .McLaiirin, 1'. S. Liitterloh, A. W. Sle.1. .1 C. C-ok. i Siiepherd, R. F. Rr.'wn. . AT, Hili, .\jicnis VS 1 expect to be absent from home a few months in the West, .Vrchibald .M'Lean i.s my authorized Aireni to transact my business until I return. N. G. J.'NES. Deo r 28, IStiO. 8!tf Mlanaira90^ MULATTi- WOMAN by the name of LITY: about years old, of medium size, but now ijuite cor/ t.- FOR i:!,i Fa-torv' on Person St., near il ■ », i( Soap I2A Cents pi'r lb. The pricp i i,| por j i. .., i f . ,t,.- 1 ■. i'ie, or I 5i .' i-ii.i-: '■ M I ii I li 1. \-h: -id ■•iMy ^IfTt'Osooplf Vicu , .1 ni.-= I. j!i-1 r, ceivo i. \: J. !i.\Li; .-)Ns. .-li'e B>ollai> Re\«ari -:-i cribei'. hi ne/t , i. y ,\iO- ir^ ,-t ape. ab .m b et !'• inch* h and vry ran; ii mrni tout ni ihe !i -n spok, ! to. v:> ‘-10.11 ;il ' ■ I.. I y r-•• ihi J : -ii 111! , i- I - V.- k- The ■ I • ir d. I; tiio ;r tor ■'t! I h'in. U fS JOHNSON Adg : . : Qoif roeerles: ® im roerriesS S I HAVLnowand willconstan.lvWp.nh.ndril,r?e' A CPo!'I\mV‘:! I I 4- . IF.;., ‘ ‘ ii iiliOi l,Lll..'i aiwnvs on h.ui 1, coiis'.iins; ot I oipplv of f.OOD SOhT and HVPD S'*\p nt riy ‘ f ^v.y bridpe ; l»i‘';m-.i les, .Me,.s l>ork, ^lu]l.'ts, .Macker the hard will j Nos. 1 and 2, >lo!a;'sos, Sug:ir- of al grades,'I', (^igar.', i \,nd all other articles usually kept in 11 Wholesale Gro- I rory Es'al li.^luaoti'.. • rtiX, KENDALL iv CO. I AVilmington, April 2, J-i>l, lu-tf j RAA'AT^^VAV 1 |^"^RO.VI the wiibscriber. a jiegro mnn by the name of 4 li Ibi ■ I* *IHt'K, (known as Mrs. j\nn .Metiiiire’s. ! a Drayman t 0.^1 f.l»P..KA I KO.^ilS |.„,hetownof Fayetteville. He i« about 45 years of > U t !■*!-ionoiumaii'^'na of 8'>4X>, >vlOO. -'^pply ! hiack, stout hnilf, 5 foet 10 inchefi Iiiph, I' liik of I.ape {•ear. , jtiui voice inificaliup a bn/l coUI. is Hiipposei to be ^ttf i loitering about Fayeitevi'.lc, or yirobably about Mr. D. * McLaiirin's sunimer h ni' p. as he h'a- a wife there: or he A; iml. Said woman is probably in or near Town, but ma\' have heen led ofl in the direction of Newberii by Pdll i’>ruinton, a free mulatto man who lias been at work as a Carpenter preb&bly on the VV'ilminpton .S; Weldon Raihoai at a Depot North of Warsaw ■ I will pay ^25 for the ilelivery of said pir! to me or lodged in Jail in town, if found in this County, or ^50 if sai l girl is fount in any other County ar.l onfii'.cd in the Jail of the s:.t’ie, th.: party arrc'^ting givir.;: i-'Tiy infonna- tioii Tf the same. JNO D. WILLIAMS. Fftyotteville, Aug. 25, 18(12 51-tf To liaiid fStiyer*«. 1'^HH undiersigued oiers for sale, in the ('oal region, and wuhiii eight miles of tl'o teri'iliius of the Fay etteville .'t Wcslern Rail Road i :i Lieop River, KHIIIT Hiyi)UI-;i> AlUES OF LAM), adjoiniiie the land belonging to tlie estate of George Wilcox, dec'd. aud lying threojiiiles South from Ctir- boi'.ioti, oii r.iiule Pocket Creek. 'lo-ire county. Tiiese Land-i are well ad.-.pted to the growth of corn, cotton, wiieat. oats. rye. I'tc. There are on the prem- y i'or ^ale, FINL Vol NG FILLY, two and a half years ol L In juire of D. i: W. McL.ALRiN. .“ficpt. 22. ti2-2t •*h;a r a \ iiT^iolA?«i«i>\~ fl^OAR .S O. SVRl’P. 15 “ SCL'PPERNoNti WINE On Consignment and for sale I y JO.*^. UTLEY Sept. 2i^. tJ2-tf A11 IU i n i ra f 01*% .Sa I e. 1''HE Subscriber, as .Administrator of .Angus Shaw, will offer for sale on MoND.VY, the 13th Jay of (>croBER, ;it the plantaiion on the ^^iimiugton Road, o miles below Fa^’etteville, the foUowicg articles of perishable property: 1 (’orn Slieller, 1 (_’arri;igo, 1 Tiuggy, J Wagon, Ploughs, a small lot of Corn and Fi>dder, 1 Sud- d'e, i set Ilarnc.s.s, 1 Cutting Knife, a few arti cles ui lIu:5s hold and Kitchen Vurnituro. .\ c redit of six months will be given, and bonds with •vpproved seciiritv will be required. ' JAMi:S ,IE-VKIN.”, .Administrator Ueept. P*. 02-tg isitooo ,u,4KEs::s rpHE Subscriber otl'ers for sale live tine 13rool Mares. 1 -\lso, f« ir ML'LL COLTS. at)OUt one and a iuilf years ei"h -Apply lo J. C. BLOCKER, Fayetteville P. O. Residence 10 miles from town, east side of River. Sept. I'J. 02-2tpd Wiloiin^to!’, Charlotte &, RiiiUerford R. R. Company. > !• i'lxe l in I few davs ilickorv Mild Li ' k-j-ick bi;s . 1 pii.j for them. F’ayettevioe, Sepi 18*12. '"0 cent-! P. JONES. •57-1mpd riie l»i« ('h.iricter no' - •luly 20, • h> t «*ri 11 |»Na I iiio«l i!»>t A turih'-.- received. E. J HAL.^: /t SONS M i. ch r of A'ortii Carolina. E.Kl'CirriVE DEPARTMENT, . liM-Kioii. August 22. 18f;2. ( I lit. .'.h^'nits and CoiiKiat.lps ot ih, ,li(rerent Counties j 1 of-lie Stale are hereby a.ithorize.l and directed toar- I rest ao persons belonging to the (Jonfederaie Army who ! I are ab- -.•nt h-,n'e. ! For ach arrest they will lie entitled to reward from lite Coiiteuerftte Government of Jlu for each ono con- I lined in jail, or ."^oo if ilelivered to the Camp of Iiistrtic- I lion Raleigh, or to a (.Vuifederate -dhcer. lo .secure ttiese arrests thii above ntinied officer'* will i call in any assistance, and i^e nil tli«» power and au- j thoriiy belonging to their said oliict's. ; j Hl'.NR\ T. CL.ARK, Uovepnor of N. C- i I Aug. iJG, IbOliJ. ' 57.6w. may liave gone to Wilmi Ju'ton. where he has some rela tions, and Wiis heard lo ptvv he was goin,r theft>. 1 will eive 1 en Dollars for his «lt livery to me, or confin'ipent in Jail so 1 get him. E. F. MO(»RE. Fayetteville. Sept. 1;{, »;o,f TO CLKRfiiS or ^’OIIRT.'S • ''piIE Stay Law having postponed Ihe settlement of 1 Huiis for years. T'e wil> not hereafter insert Orderfi of (>oiirl without payt r.ent in advance Pl'^a'^e send $} aloiip with the Ofib'r. nn 1 more if it be of unusiril length. Feby lbtl2. ,i hALE & .SON.S Tilt* .*«»oiitli (‘ni llariiiouy, Scliool Books, &c., further euppliea juat received. E. J. UAL£ & SONS. OPFICK OF rilK I’UKtilDKNT A DiUECTORS. ^piIE next annual meeting of this Company will be liel-i I at Lincolnton on Wednesday, the 22d day of October next. Trains for the accommodation of the Stockhold ers will leave Charlotte and Cherryville on the morning of that day. From and aficr the 21st instant, the Transfer Books will be clo.sed JAS. I, McC.ALLL M, Sec y. Sei't. i7, 18')2. t)2-tm !^IOO Ri:w ARD. RNNAW.AY fr ni the subscribers about throe months ago, two negro boys, PETER and CAD. Peter is supposed to be lurking in the neighborhood of I’uckhorn. Harnett county, p.nd Cad about Piitsboro’. Tiie above reward will be paid for their delivery to u: or their confinement so that we get them, or S50 for ei.lier of them. J, & N- A (.CAMERON. Harnett Co., N. C., Sept. 20, 1SG2. G2-ltpd Nightingale to the Crimea, and was the constant companion day and night ol that angel of mercy, in her ministrations to the dying and wounde(i soldiers in the Crimean war. (.)n her rcturu to England, young Crinnell mot her in Lon'lon, and they were married, where they settled, enjoying all the luxuries and elegances of life, which the princely wealth of their iatliers eould so well af ford them. (,’ol. , of \ iririnia, had often met Miss Musigrave in New York, and whilst pa.s.sing down the street in llichmoud, suddenly and un expectedly met her, wearing that bland and joy ous smile and expre.ssion of recognition which im parts such a beautiful benevolence to her counte- n.ance. “Mercy"’ exclaimed Col. ; “I would a.s soon have csjiected to see an ungel from Ifeaven! Pra',’, Miss Musgrave, how came vou here?” Her story was .soon told with most fected simplicity “After leaving New \ ork,’' said she, “I returned to Kngland and went with Florcnoe Nightiiij-alc to the ('riniea. (^n my re turn homo, I married Mr. (jlrinneH, and on the breaking ouf of the war in Amcrioa, iiiy husband avowed his Jet'rmination to link his fortunes with the South, and T acconipaiiied him. lie soon raised a company—fitted them out at an cxpeuso to himself of fifteen thousand dollars—preferred that some one of more experience than himseli should be Captain, taking for liini'ell a Lieu tenantcy, and he has gone to fight for the South, and T am here in one of the hospitals ol itichmond, caring the I can lor the wounded and dying soldiers of the Confederacy.” And slic passed ou—if not an angel from Il.i'aven, certainly .an an gel of earth—the Florence Nightingale ot Amer ica'.—R'tlci'jh Stand'tnl. Th’ Etlih i of TraiJ,.—Kxtortioners apd all who make h.iste to he and grow rich out of the opportunities afforded by the war, are lcvout be lievor' i& rhe IJudibrastie axiom. For what 8 the value of a thing P.ut ,as much money as 'twill bring.” which is more commonly quoted, ‘•The value of a thing Is just as much .as it will bring.’’ We deny and reject the axiom as a st.andard of trade and prices. We believe that a liigh -r and better code shoixld govern all transactit ns ot trade, .sale or barter. We believe that mutuality and equality of ad vantage, not the extreme want or necessity of one or the other party, is the legitimate and honest condition of trade or barter. Turning from Hudibras and Irom the greedy practice of the day around us, let us appeal to tlu oldest aud the best Hook of laws-, prei-epl.-^ and oxitmples, known t.. man. As an examjile, the reader will please turu to the twenty-lhird chap ter of (JeUt:.;is, and peruse carefully the oldest »ccount extant of a tran.saetion of bargain aud sale. The property in this ease was valuable, anl the purchaser was in pressing need, ami was abh- and willing to }>ay any price. It is Uot stated, however, that the seller took advantage ol tiic.'^o • ■ircumstances. The transaction, a» rce«udcd. i^ creditable to both parties, and is full of instruo- tiou and cx.ample. The extortioner of this day cannot elaim descent or authority either from Abraham, the Hebrew, or Kphron, the llittitc. For another example full of wholo-some instruc tion and application to the corrupt and greedy practices of this day, wo beg tlio rcad.'’r to turn to the twenty-fourth chapter of the Seconl Uook of Samuel. Supposing the Confed.'iatc States, or the..'^tate, or any great public cause and inter- e-st, to be in place of King J>avid. where could he now find an Araunah? A careful reading of the two pas.s.agcs of IToly Writ fo which we have referred, will L'ivo our roader.'* a better view of the true morality and the reciprocal resp‘'nsibilities of trade, than can be derived from the examples now too commonly aud unblushingly exhibited.—ChnrbMon Courier. i'Ai ROWA \Tf: It, ’’po work on the PIEDMONT RAILROAD from Dan- 1 ville to Greensboro’. For further particulars, ad- ( the undersigned at Danville. A a., (Jreensboro’, N. I (' or Charlotte N C L. ILKLS Sc (.(), ises a comt'ori-ibl'e l»welling, and all necessary Out- \ ’ ’ ^2-2w houses, with abffiir cue hundred and tii'ty acres umier j f(*nce, iiieliidiiip forty or f.fty acres of never-failing | t.oi'oi'i la-id T:,i, is a rare chanc-for persons wish-| NEGRO WOMAN to cook, jr^.sh andiron; i:ig to make i:r.e-^t. lents, as- Innds are undoubtedly ad- or without children. .Also one boy and girl Sept. I'J. WA.\Ti:o TO riRC IIA Cl ient V'lTiciinr ill ]>rice in Itiis seeiion For turilie’- information apply to Mr. M. M. McRae. (Crane’s ( Irevk. P. O., Moore county, or address nie at Fayetteville, N. C DXNIEL McRAE, For thke Heir'^ of Gillverf McRae, dec’d. Carh .iitnji, ,M loro N ’ ,A vi j 21 1 * tl Tlii: \ORTII €\\R01f.l VA ■tUlTlLVI. MI'K l\SI K »>!P»5iV, AJoW in the tenth year of micces.sful oper.ition, w^ilh iN growing oapii-.l and finae.f hoid u)>on ptiolic con- fidance, conti.Tiiies to insure tiic lives of all health}' per sons from 14 to OO years of age, ^or oti" year, for seven years, and for life—all life mcmbci-s sharing in the profits. .All slaves from 10 to t'O of age are in.+ured for line vear or for five years for iwo thirds their value. .AU losses sire punctually paid wiihiu CIO days after natisfactory proof is pre---jnf ed. For furiher information the puhH'- is referreil to Agents of the Company in all parts c .he State, and to R. II. BATTLE. Secretary. Raleigh. E. J. H ALE. A;?ent .at Jjtn’y 1850. Fayetteville. N. C. «tarNiii;;^le copies ot the IH»«erver ctui be procured by non-subsorilbers, at the Bookstore. Price 6 cents. Alictii/. Triuiu)>h(int_i/ft Ahr(i,/s lif(rttfin>/.— The iSt. Mary’s lieacon, published at licon.ard- town, Maryland in closing its account of tho re cent battles, says of the Federal army; Notwithstanding all these f;plt ndid victories and great gallantry the ‘‘invincible'’ Federal fbrccH, who were once in a few miles ol llichmond arc now behind tho fortifications upon Arlington Heights! If tilings go on much lonL'ci alter (his fashion, Jackson will be in of W’ash- ington. In all our reading we have no recollee- tion of having met before witli a vietoriou.' army always Iriutuphant yet always retreating, l.ike j most other .sciences, the science of war, we suppose, - I is .progressive, but this rout of victorious j>ro- Headquartei's District of .\ortb (arollna,) gression brings us to a dead pause K.vlkioh, Sep. y, lBt-1-. from t. 10 Dl years old. Apply to Fnyetleville, Sept. lb, 1802. M. A. BAKER t^l-3tpd >l» AIjscnt~Mi>i>Je! (\-ij>p'r.—\ fc.v mornings, ago, just previous to the startiriLC of a^ train for tiie east on the Moritgotncry and '.Vest Point Railroad, a young man was observe'] standing upou the platform in tlie depot, leaning heavily on a pair of crutches. He wa.> appearently bad ly crippled, and incapable of rapid loeonn'^ion. While, however, his attention wa.s turned in an Gk-nbrm. Orders, I No. 2. I I.M.L persons liable fo military ■•Uity under the Oon- , scripfion law are hereby reijuiied fo come fo fho Camp of Instrnstion, near tbis City, at once. Those doing so, will be alloweil to select the Infantry Regi- nients they w!sh to join, and unless full, they will be n:i,signed accordingly. IL The Regimeais of Infantry and .\rtillery on duty in this State are authorized to enlist Cowscripts fo in- , . j v » ore;ise cach Company of Infantry and Heavy Artiller}’ oppo-site direction, the Cars started, and when be to one hundred men, but. not exceeUing if; and Light j^Qked around he saw them 'roing out ot the de- P.:i.lteries to one hundred and fitjij’ men. j leaving him behind. Instantly eomprehcud- By command of Brigadier General J. | i„g his sitiTation, he threw hi;, jrufches awav and Assistant .Ajut«n^ieneral. j ran with Flora Temple 'speed in the dire'ction Sept 12 18*j2 * 00-4t j of the receding train. He soon suceocdcd m reaching the hindniopt car and rot aboard, .aban doning his crutches and his at thesaiue time. It is said he was a conscript, and will be no doubt greatly rejoiced at his suMon recovery Montyomcrj Adotrtincr to purchase a LIKELY NEGRO BOA', about fourteen years oM. C. H. ROBINSON. Fayetteville, Sept. 4, 1802.

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