WIETUILIHE ®IB T1 S F IH I-W E K K I-Y VOL. XII.] FAYETTKVILLE, N. C.. OCTOBER 2, 18(>2. [NO. IKio.] , 1NTKI> MONDAYS ANl' TIirUSDAYS. KOWAUl) J HVLE & i:rm»i;s and rRi>rHiF.T(>us ■r :lie St'ini-Weckly Ohsf.uvkh III) if pai>l in ; r. iiu-o: 50 if paiJ ilnrinp the year >>f siihscrip- 'ii >r >4 aftor tho vear has cxjiiroJ. r . ' . \\(‘i kly t)ii,EU\’KR S- 00 per annum, if pai^i iu ■ > .iii’C; oO if )iaid dnrinji llio year of subscrip- ■n tr ('(» after llie year lias exi'irO'l. jttY" ADVERTISEM I'NTS ln^•erte'l for tlO cents per i 'f l!> line> fiT the tir-^t, and o" cents for eaeli 1 - Ti'g puMioaii,>ii. Yearly a'lvertiseiiients hy spe- c>m!raots. at* ro iM>nable rate.s. Advertisers are .' I ! i -!rtte 'iie number of insertions desired, or » ; be I'.'uiinued till forbid, and charged iiccord- I i iuents to bo ins.jrted insidf, charged 50 per Sl’KO!/.!, NOTU'K. • i and aft>n- ihisilate. nonanioof a new subscriber ■ .-nt.Ti-d without payment in advance, nor vrill ^per be sent to such subscribers for a longer tiuie ; "Mf-v. ai'h r ur old svib-,libers as desire to take th« pa- JNr 111 t’: - sy't> ;u will please uoiify us when making ^iiilit.uice.i. Jan'v 1, li'oS. * ‘ _ i SxiTTO ADVEUTISERS. I I ’- 'US out of town who desire advertisements in- i '!i the Observer, and persons in town with whom ,vr- ii.it regular accounts, will please send with the •I'l’Uient as much mor«j' as tt»y wish to invest in i;ng 10 our aJvertit ng teiJ3s ou the first page. | wish t. open any more such accounts,—or ^ ai counts. The ptDcess of collection is too lud we have to pay cash for every thing we r •;! iu these limes. ^ _. >ul. " . \pv N'-rii —Ws have heretoforegiveunoiice, III’ ':y. ,ha: we charge for obituary notices of un- mn.; le 'ength, anvl fur resolutions of respect; be- Au^e that kind of reading, we have much occasion to is not often more agrei?able to readers than to IIP '- rs of papers. As it generally happens, however, ' hi- charging and paying postage on the account for- Florencf and Fayetteville Rail Koadi L f# ■'NUKK the provisions of an Or«linauce of the Con vention of North I'arolina, Hooks will be opened on the Itiih June at tho following places and under the di rection of the following persons, to receive subscrip tions to tlie ♦'apital Slock of the “Florence & Fayette ville Rail Road Co.” Shares One Hundred Dollars each. At the lliiil Ojfice in Fat/etteville.—Under the di rection of the t.uMieral Commiiisiouers, A. A. AlcKethan, l>. A. Ray, A. W. Steel, Wm. McL. McKay aud Jno. M Rose- *4^ the lied Sf'rinys.—Under the direction of Hector McNeill, Wm. ,1. Stewart, .Jas. A. Smith, Dau'l (J. Mc Neill aud Col. AK'X. McMillan, or any one of them. Floral College.—Under the direction of Dr. Neill McNair, Dr. A 1). McLean, .Vrchibald Smith, Edinuud Lilly anil ('ol. Alexander Watson, or any one of them -4? Queensdale.—Under the direction of Murdock Mc Rae, D. McLeod, D. McCallum, Jas McRae, Jr., and J. H. Mcljueen, or any one of them. At Al/ordsi'ille.—Under the direction of John Purcell, Jno. McNair, Sion Alford, Dugald McCallum and Jno. McC lUum, or any one of them. The Subscription BJoks will remain open for the space of tiO days. When a sutiicieul sum is subscribed the Company will be organized for the purpose of build ing the Road. A. A. McKETHAN, D. A. RAY, A. W. STEEL. WM. McL. McKAY, JNt). M. ROSE, General Commissioners. Fayetteville. June 7, 1S62. 32tf LOOK AT THIS! THE FlVETTIiVILLE HOTEL, Fronting 3(K) feet and in the business portion of the Tou^n, C‘oiifniii« more Mpnt'ioiiM aiil well %eiiliiatc'fl Kooiiim lliaii any Hotel ill tlie Mtate, and my I’atrons say my Condiments are very good ior the times. T. WAUUILL, I’roprictor. May 20, IStli.*. ‘21 y Fayetteville Female High School. The exeri;i«es of this Institution will be resumed on the 2'*th of September. The -scliobistic j-ear will be diri.led into two terms; tho 1st of 13 weeks, commencing ‘J'.tth of Sept. and end \Vksti:kn Rvil ]^>.vi) Otfk e, FK’E, > [52., i ON aud after the 1st day of Sejjt. tho fidlowing rates will be charged on l’as.-eugei's, viz: From Fayetteville to Little River, 50 cts. “ . to Spout Spring, .75 “ “ to Rock liranch, 1 (M) “ to Jonesboro’, 1 25 •• to Mclver’s. 1 50 Twenty-five cents additional will be collected by the Conductor of each passenger, leaving Station without a ticket. A new rate of Freight will go into efl'ect at the same time, which will be printed and furui^^hed to the public in a fow days By order of the I’rea't. JNO. M. KOSE, Treas’r W. R. R. Co. Aug. 30, 1802. utitf Tho \ow Stvle, Small, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, .AT Vaiioixloll''^ (iiallery* A i \Kiy Ciimp Hale, wear Fort Fisher, N, (’., ^PHE undersigned, a private in the Army of the Coii- l federate Slates, respectfully announces himself a caudidiito for (-hief (Merk of the House of Coiiunons of Hie next ijegislature. Having passed two 'Vinters in close intimacy with former Legislative bodies, lie trusts that he has considerable acquaintance with the duties of the position. HENR\ E. COLT)N. Aug. 25. i'jttf R K A |7T:«TA T K FO « « A I. K. ^piIE Subscriber would sell his house and lot in W'adea.- X boro’, together w'th about UOO acres of land reaching within three miles of the Village (if desinible ) The dwelling luiuso is large, and the lot the most desirable in the up-country, containing near fifty acres of land. Should my one desire to move further up the country, he would sell them a finely improved house and lot in .Monday Oct. (*, 1^'(!2. l^iiiily .lesi!>*iii» w ill resume her St'H(H)L on Monday, Oct. isti2. (iR-3tpd Aliee 4'aiiiplieil will resume her School, ou Gillespie Street, on 02-td Spartanburg, S. C-, together with a good tract of land i received. >ialeiii Female Acatleiiiy, | Ski'te.mber is, 1S()2. ) IN order to prevent disappointments, the undersigned hereby gives notice that no more scholars can be re ceived into Salem Female Academy at this time. The school is filled to its utmost capacity,—hence parents and others are reijuested, under no circumstauces, to bring on children unless they have a written as surance of a later date thaii this card, that they will be near the place. J Aug. " J. P. SMITH. 41*-3mpd Sept. 18, lSti2. ROBT. DeSCHWEINITZ. 03-4wpd ART. \Voo(l%«arii'« .^olar i^asiiera. we never get paid, we now give notice that we I iug 21th Dec.; the second of 27 weeks, commencing 1st .‘ft 11 ithing of the sort hereafter unless accom- ’ y ihe cash. (Always excepting in the case of 'imteei>, when we rcjuire no pay.) Boar rofore, that we will iu'ert obituary uutioes ms, nv>t exceeding 7U words, gratis. For all . '1 Ir. one cent a w.jr l. which must be paid be- U"nr-e will be put ia type. H\?f. .UrJA.f 1% Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. .L attetil '-he i >unty and Superior Courts of \\ (’u’ biTl in 1. Harnett. .Moore and Rol>esou Coun I’r >nipt f-'ientioii given to the collection of all ' tfaiiiis enirusfed to his hand. ^ 1:1 17. 158-tf Meott ;;:ive« notice lhat he be a>-':enl from Fayetteville for a few weeks. Fayeueville, June IJ, lb02. ;>4tf GEO. W. WIIJJAMS & ro., liole«>ale lleaiei*!« in liii’ocerieM^ .\NU IMPollTEKS AM) HEALEII.'^ IN '^ardifare and (ntlery, SH^edes Iron, IMY STKKKT, FAYKTTKVILLK, \. I. of Jan'y :ind ending July 1st. Parents and (luardians intending to patronize this School are earnestly requested to applj’ for circulars containing full particulars in reg»rd to teims, iVc , before the opening of the School. Rev. WM. HOOPER, , T. C. H.H)PER, ’ } I’>-‘»c.pals. July 17, liMj2. 43 tloJpd 810 Kewai'd. I WILL pay the above reward for the apprehension and couiiuement of my man C.\LV1N, who rauaway frotu me about three weeks ago. 1 will also pay a rew.ard of Fifty Dollars for sufTicient evidence to convict any person of harboring him. Cal vin is about 42 years of ag»-, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, black, and weighs about 150 poun is: he wenrs small gold rings in his ears He is a boat or ship carpcnter, and well known about F'ayetteville and Wilmington. He sometimes calls himself Calvin Johnson. THEO. EVANS June 30, 1862. 88tf A Kill HAR\i>S. I.VM prepared to manufacture all kin Is of Wagon Harnes-i for .\rmy use. I tan my leather and can give good biirg-iins. .\gents will do well to send their order- to me as they shall have prompt attention, and sent otf in i]uick dispatch. JOHN (’.\RTFR PHOTOGR.VPHS cun be had at Vanorsdoll’s Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yurd, Fay etteville, N. plain, retoucho«l, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from mall to life size. Ambro- types. Melaneotype-i, and nil other styles of Pictures pertain' ig to the Vrt. Also, tiilt F'rames, Gilt .MouM- ing, G' i for very large pictures—;is birpe as 2f> by 36 inches. Cord and Tassels for himging pictures; Instru ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life giie colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hoj»e to merit your patronage. I would al^'i return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and viciiiiiv. c. M. vanok'sdell, Photognijihist aud Proprietor. Dec’r 20, 18ol* 77- illarble Factory, AdiiiiiiiMtralioii notice. ) ^HE subscriber having (jualified as Administratrix on • JL the Estate of Jas Sundy, dec’d, hereby gives notice to all persons having claims against said Estate to pre sent them to AVm. McL. McKay within the time pre scribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded ia bar of their recovery. CATHARINE SUNDY’, Adm’x. Aug. 4, 1802. 49- t ~ €OPPERAJ?i Ij^OR Sale by TYSOR it JOHNSv^N. Orders sent to Mclver’s Depot, F. & W'. Railroad, j will be attended to. I July 3. Teacher Wanted, To take charge of a small school. The applicant be well qualified, and come well recommended must INCIDENTS AT MANASSAS NO. 2. In a buttle like that which has just taken place, there always occur, aud especially auioiJj^ troops inspirod as are ours, instances ot‘individual daring, some ol which have their parallel only in the chivalrous records of other centuries—stories such as were wont to be sun^ by the pilgrim minstrels of the olden time. One or two of these have been narrated to me by witnesses who vouch for their authenticity. While the lines were moving forward, the 1st V irginia Regiment came directly upon a battery of four pieces, which was obstinately holding its ground and pouring its deadly vollies into our ranks. Shot and shell hailed luriously into the little band, but it was no time to stop then, and dashing on with a wild cheer, reached the sum mit of the hill where the pieces were planted. Their commander. Col. F. G. Skinner, a brave, impetuous old gentleman, was some twenty paces in advance. liberal price will be paid. and seeing the Federals standing A boldl}' to their guns, rose in his stirrups, turned For particulars apply to j to liis regiment and shouting, “Forward, the old ALVA SMITH, Fair Bluff, N. C. 64-8t*c5tpd 3ft- S. T. HAWLEY & SON. ti4-2t ISLI i: VITRIOL. ^pHE subscribers are manufacturing BLUE \ I I'lllOL. JL Orders sent to Mclver s Depot, the terminus of the j subscrib'rs in their several neighborhoods, viz; Sept. 23, 1802. ^iioi:!«i. MEN’S SHOES, sewed suid pegged For sale by Sept. 2'J. Western Railroad OlUee, \ Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 27, 18ti2. ) I'^OR the purpose of increasing the capital stock of this ^ Couipany, to enable it to e.xtend the Road from the Coal Fields to the North Carolina Road, the I'ollowing gentlemen have been appointed Commissioners to re- Two uoaKs .\BOVK r. FayeUeville, Jan’v 20. I.VUDI Jl. T. iniiiil i sfl.Ns’ mu \. r. 84- Gol lston P. O. Chatham Co., N. June 1^*1: C.. I o4tf i. 1' ;;ntf J ■ X W. I>. KENDALL. J. KENDALL • 0\, KL\I>AI.I. ( O., i oiiiiiiU^iioii .>lei*€liaiit!»» f A N D WHOLESALE GROCERS, ‘ No. 11 A 1“2 North Water St., ’ Wihniiiston, N. 11. ; li^"''rders from the Country promptly executed. bsf Particular attention giveii to the sab* of Cotton ler produce. • ^ ;-'d. 10-tf '■> „ T. i\ A: R. WORTH, Jomiui*«^ion aud Forwarding MerchantN, WILMINGTON, N. C. - 84tf OIL AND LAMP BLACK. ANNERS' and LUP.RICATING »1L. L VMP March CL.\CK in barrels. JOS. R. For sale by BLOSSOM & CO., Wilmington, N. C. 0-tf V 01 in, \\. ill LLARD, 1 otntnission • fMcrriinti f, WILMINGTON, N. C. p fi'i PEHSON.\L attention will be given to t t .N':»val Stores, Cotton, Lumber, Timber, ’ cT coiiUtry jiroduce. RKFKK TO I '".^RSLtv, Pres’t i'om. Bank at Wilniington. ■^1-. Lawsc.s, “ li. N. at do. M ~ H. E. J. Lilly, ! „ ... Me-sr- pK.MiiK.HT'iN ctteviLe. A. Paukkk, Es'^., Haruett County, N. C. May 7, IHOO. \rjif Lont or Jfli*«l:ii(l. -.ink Note;- nH filled up, signed by myself aud -e l by Patrick .Murphy, made payable to any .nks at Fayetteville. All persons are forewaru- ;; v‘ them, as tiiey will not be paid. DAVID MURPHY. -'>2. Ditf J^OAI* FOR J!»Ai.K. IH.VVE now and will constantly keep ou hand a large supply of GOOl> SOFT and H.VHD SOAP at my .'^oap Factory on Person St., near Ihe half way bridge. Soft .''oap 12^ cent« per lb. The price of the hard will be fixed in a few days. Hickory anil Black-jack Ashes wanteil 00 cents a bu-ihel paid for them. C. P. .loNES. Fayetteville, Sept. 3, 18G2. ' u7-lmpd OTTOA VARA. >0. 10 Hay Street. C. p. MALLETT. Jai.’y 0, 18f«2. S8- ( o \ I' i: o i^: R A T i : no a um 0F the denominations ©f $1000, $500, $100. Apply H.WE on hand and expect to keep for ssle. of their own manufacture, a supply uf Brass, tjalvanized aud common Hoopeil .irAiri:R iiukkts French, Hisch Post, (’oUai;e and Conimon KEnsTr^.ins; Spring Mattresse«, of tu'W and improved .''priug, ou hand or made to ordt*r >f -.ny >iize; L«>l'NiES; Spriu ', Cmiu*. and Woo'l Seat t'll of different kinds and patternx; Spring Sufas, L>uugo> an'l Chairs, rejtaired, and covereil with Hairt'lnih or other wise; Hoe handles. Bungs fur bMs. \ Hhds.; Sole, Harness, and Up{)er Leather, an I Plastering Hair. As we have good Machinery for Sawinj, Planeinp, Turning, Morticing and Boreing, we can d,> work with despatch and on .satisfactory tt-riu-*. Per-tons having work or repairing to do will do wtrll to give us a c.ill. W'e warrant our work; if it fnils, you know where to fiml us. Having taken a Store on the East side of Gillespie Street, a few doors South of .\. W. Steel, Esij., and having some spare room, we would attend to the storage and sale of .any thing that may be consigui'd to us; and will give special attention to products of this State. Fayelteville. .\pril 1. Ifitil. ‘-'tf FA vi:tti: vii.i.i: MITl'AL INSlR.t.VtK CO.flPAW. 52*1 Coalfields Railroad, will receive protupt atteution. A specimen may he seen at the Ob't'rver Office, Fayette ville. TYS(»R \ JOHNSON. Aug. l-'>. o2tf NOTICE. The undersigned, both having euterel the mili tary service of the Confederate States of .-Vmerica, hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, that they have appointed John D. Starr irid John D. Williams, of this place, tJieir attorueys to collect either separately or conjointly all moneys due them either by account or note, aud otherwise to attend to thoir bu- 8incH» geuerally during their absence. They respect fully ask all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly as possible on their agents and make payment. aXARR & WILLIAMS. Sept. IHGl. 58-tf C OAFFDFRATF IIOAU^ ^F the denominations of $1000, $.')00, $100. Apply at the Bailk of Cape Fear. March 18. Otf %VFKTFii\ RAII. ROAIK I^ROM and after .Monday the 22d in#t., the Trains on r this Road will run daily, leaving Fayetteville at 8 o’clock, M.; returning leave Mclver’s Depot at 1 o’clock, P M. C. B. MALLETT, Pres't. Sept. 20, 1S»)2. •12tf 40 I'"' %i i;ar aad P.BLS. SUtlAR. Bbls N O SYRUP. 15 " SCUPPERNONG WINE. (,)n consignment and for sale bv JOS. UTLEY. Sept. 22. *i2-tf AliuiMi^ti’ator% ^iale. H’^llE Subscriber, as .\.dmiui«trator of .\ngus Shaw. 1 will otfer for sale on MO.N'D.\^ , the 1:1th d ly of 0('T0l>KR, at the pbintation ou the Wilmington Riad. •1 miles tielow Fayetteville, the following articles of perishable property: 1 t’orn Sliollor, 1 t'arriaire. 1 Huir_'y. 1 ^\airon, Piou:j:hs, a small lotot't’orn and F)ddt*r. ! Sud- d>e, 1 set Harness, 1 CuttinLr Knii'e, a few arti cles ot llou.sehold and Kitclien I'liriiitiire. •\ credit of six months wi’.l be given, and bonds with approved security will be reipiireil. J.VMKS .lENKlNS, Administrator. .Sept. I'.i. ^ i>2-ts Wilmington, Charlotte k Rullierford R. K. (oinpany. Capital in Premium Notes amotints to Cauh on hand and other assets. ,088 -JO .077 35 at the Bank of North Carolina. .March 18. 9tf Mtate ol Aortii Carolina. E.XKCUTIVE DEPART.MENT, ) RALLiiiii, August 22, 18ti2. ( I^HE Sheritfs and Constables of the ditl'erent Counties of the Stale are hereby authorized and directed to ar rest all persons belonging to the Confederate Army who are absent withf'iit leave. For each arrest they will be entitled to reward from the Confederate Government of SI6 for each one con fined in jail, or if delivered to the Camp of Instruc tion near Raleigh, or to a Confederate officer. To- ecure these arrests the above named officers will call in any assistauce, aud use all the power and au thority belonging to their said offices. HENRY T. CLARK, Governor of N. C. .Aug. 20, 18')2. 57-l)w. n '*'"t‘iil>-li%e C>oliar» Reivard. Total, .5272,705 fil The Company have piiil all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their {)remium notes. Total losses p:tid, f20,082 09 OfKK'KKS; GEO. McNElLL, President. D. R.\Y, Vice President. C. A. McMlLLAN, Sec’y. Dirkctoks: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, 'Vin. McLaurin, Nathan A. Stedman, T. S. Lutterloh, C. B. .Mallett, James Kyle, A. McKethan, J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghast. ti, I®. , . »n 1 iu kb pve rt war c.iutineiii s Mv 8100 RFWARD. tTOLEN from my stable, near Lewisville, Forsyth j coiitity, N. C., on the nigbtof Ihe 11th inst., a small red buy 11(.»IISE, heavy built, black legs, mane aud tail, j white saddle marks. Noother marksrecollected. Gait, short pace, short trot and pace; age abou II or 12 years. A person was seen lurking in Ihe neighborhood. su[)- posed to be the thief, who answers to the following de scription: 21 or 22 years old, fair complexion, blue eyes, good countenance, light brown hair, well-built frame, about .') feet 8 inches high; wore a brown frock coat, bbick .cassimere pants, (quite new,) new boots, black neck tie, gray flannel shirt, and gray hat; carried a red . carpet sack made of hearth rug with the fringe on. ' .\ reward of $75 will be given for the arrest, confine- ! meut and couviction of the thief, aud .$25 for the safe 1 delivery of the horse. He is supposed to be the sime Horse thief that was ! arrested in F’ayetteville a year or two ago, by the name i of Fry, a very notorious thief. JAMES S. PLEDGER. Lewisvillo, N. C. Aug. 7, oO-.'^m RAAA\VAY I^ROM the subscriber, a n«>ero man by the name of DICK, (known as Mrs. .\.nu .McGuire’s,) ;i Druyman iu the to^ii of Fayetteville. He is about l.'j ypars of age, black, st->ut built, about 6 leet 10 inches high, aiid voice indica»ing a bad cold. He is supposed lo be loitering about Kayctteville, or probably about Mr. D. .McL-T.urin’s summer hou-'e. as he !ias a wife there; or he in.iy have gone to Wilmington, wi’cre he has some rela- tionb, and was heard to say be w.i.« going there. I will y - e had of the un b-rsigue l, whole.sale or i Ten Dollars for his delivery to me, or confinetuent E. J. UAL£ & SONS. 4 in Jail so 1 get him. E, F. MOORE. I Fajetteviile, iSept. 13. 6Utf i'niiii ihe .subscriber, his negro boy .MO- le ir 21 year^ of rige, .'ibont 5 fVct lU inches ! ’ .iij: li-i-t arid very much turned out at the d'.wn when spok-n to. He was seen at ! II l!()beson county on the 21st nil., = viiie about three weeks ago. Tne j ■ lid for his delivery to me or for | ‘ ■‘>iy J gg, him. I , , W. D. JOHNSON, nnettsvrfle, S. ' ., Aug. i j, i -^if i s:iO HiFU /IKII. : .V,. reward will be paid for the apprehension 1 1 I* livery to the nearest Munriry Poit, of ALEX- WALLACE, who deserted hi?-coin’r,any on or :>f .March 18(i2. Said Wallace is '.^1 yftu,r- i- • ’ 11 inches high, red complexion, dark iiair, he i.' a native of .Moore County, aud is proba- *• Vicinity of Carthage JAS. D. McIVER, Ca[it. Co. H, 2()th Reg’t N. C. Troops. .! ri-..!i. 8 miles from Kinston, June 17. ciiitf FARO! ‘ ■ CKii be accomm«j Jated with board at Amulat 23 years C. Hot-PER. ijti- !’ t)y Thu'- Kii veloi>e^» H. Tiiliughast, hayette- A. W. Steel, J. G. C^iok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, 1 . A. E. Hall, [-"ilm’gfon. hn Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling Agents. jg^gf'The Company invite applications. May28. 18til. 21- iwroceries / iwroeeriesi: AL.VRGIi and well selected Stock of F.VMILY' GROCERIES always on hand, consi.^ting of Bacon-Side.s, Mess Pork, Mullets, Macker Nos. 1 and 2, Molasses, Sugars of al grades, Tobacco, Ciu;ars, And all other articles usually kept iu a Wholesale Gro cery Establishment • COX, KENDALL CO. Wilmington, April 2, IStil. U)-lf To l.asid ISisyerM. 1MIE undersigned ofl'ers for sale, in the Coal region, and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville & Western Rail Road on Deep River, • EIGHT HINDKEI) .U’UES OF LiND, adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dec’d, and lying three miles South from Car- bonton, on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, iStc. There are on the prem ises a comfortaI)le Dweljiug, .ind all necessary Out houses, with about one hundred aud fifty acres under fence, incluling forty or f;fty acres of never-failir.g bottom land. Tlus is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands aie undoubtedly ad- vauciu^ ill price in th;s seciioii. For further iM.-inaati' ij apply to Mr. M. M. McRae, (yrane’s Creak, P. .Moore county, or address ine at Fayettevillo, N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs al Oil1'»rt McRae, doc’d. 1 Carbonton. Aloore oo., S t"; . Auk 18.'S9. 4J?t J. HALE, Agent at 1 Blank Warrants for sale at thia Office. • jan’y 1869. Fayetteville, N. c. OkFITEOF the 1‘RESIHKNT .V 1>1UE('T»KS. I^HE next annual meeting of this Company will be held at Lincolnton ou Wednesday, the 22'1 aay of October next. Trains for the accommodation of the StockhoM- ers will leave Charlotte and Cherryville on the tnorning of that day. ffom ami after the 21st instant, the Tninsfer Books will be c’.oseii J.VS. I. McC.VLLl .M, Secy. Sept. 17, 18ti2 Ii2-tm !!ilOO RFWARO. I) \N.\W.\Y fr im Ihe subscribers about three months ago, two negro boys, PETER and C.\D. Peter is supposed to tie lurking iu the neighborhood of Buckhorn, Harnett county, and (^id about Pittsboro’. The above reward will be paid for their delivery to us or their confinement so that we get them, or S5D for either of them. J. N. A C.'XMl’^RON. Harnett Co., N. C., Sept. 20, 18t)2. (i2-4tpd AFliROFN WAATFO, To work on the PIEDMONT RAlLROAD from Dan ville to Greensboro’. For further p irticulars, ad dress the undersigned at Danville, Va.. Greensboro’, N. C., or Charlotte, N. C. E. W ILKES & CO. Sept. 10. «2-2w AOTIFK. i S I expect to be absent from home a few mouths in /V the West, Archibald McLoan is my authorized .\gent to transact my business uutil I return. N. G.^JONES. Dec’r 28, 18t;0. 83if -At Gulf—L J Haughton, Brooks Harri-. Dr George C Newby and G Washington. .\bove the Gulf—Jno J Gollston, Jame.i F Rives and Hugh W Dixon. .\t Ore Hill—G W Goldaton, Dr L W Gorrell and N .M Alston. .\bove Ore Hill—Dan’l Hackney, A B Marsh and Jas Pace. .\t Fou-t’s Mills—Dr II M Foust md Dr J D Graves. .\t Frauklinsville and vicinity—Isaac H Foust and A S Horney. .\t .Asheboro’—Jonathan Worth and B F Hoover. .\i .New .Market—Jesse Waikt r ar; 1 .Joseph Newlin. .\t Thoniasville—.\ G F'oster .iiid Jno W Thomas. .\t High Point—Dr R C Lindsay and Seaborn Perry. At Salem—Francis Fries and R L Patterson. .\t Greensboro’—C P Me; lenhall, Peter .\dams, Hon J A Gilmer and Jesse 11 Lind.-ay. Instructions will be sent to the Commissioners at an earlv day by the President of the (Company, tiltf * J. M. ROSE, Sec y W. R. R. Co. To Ihe Citizens of Randolph, >. ON going into the battle of Sharpsburg, Md., on the 17th inst., the men of the 4'Jth Reg’t were ordered to throw otl their knapsacks and blankets. After the battle they w.-re ordered off iu another direction, and lost both clothing and blankets. They will very soon lraw winter clothing from the Conlederacy, but blan kets and socks are verv scarce. .Vbout li.» men of Co. G, sire thu' deprived of these indispensable articles, and we are therefore under the necessity of appealing to the generosity’ of our frieinls for aid. .\ny disposed to give ! blankets or socks will ploase deliver them to Rev. B. Craven, Trinity College, or to .John B. Troy, Esq., Troy's Store, before the 12th October, and they will be promptly forwarded. • >. W'. CARR, ('apt. Coind'g Co. G. Near .Nlartinsburg. Va., Sept. 22, 1S02. 04-2t To Citizens and those having friends in the 46th Regiment W. C. Infantry. 'pillS Regiment having been recently engaged in .a 1 severe conflict with the enemy, was necessarily com pelled to lay aside knapsacks, bb\nkets. clothing, kc. ,\11 wi»r.* lost. The young heroes fought as if inspired afresh *>y the view drops of blood from the ti ec of liber ty. The col 1 season i ap[ir.'iching, aud now fathers, moihors and '^i-ters will you contribute a blanket for the comfort of the s(.Miers who stand between you and a heartle, toe'.' F-ir this little necessity we ask. Then pleae an->w.i- the voice of the Regiment and your country by depositing a blanket at Greensboro’ or Goldsboro, N. C., to mj’ care: then those of different sections will please l>ox up the blinkets ,in'l deliver them at either Depot on »r before tho 1 1th of October 1S'‘.2 TllAD. L. TROY, Agent 4bth Reg’t. Sejit. 27. 18ti2. G4-2t 1 Wil. Journal will please copy twice. Recriiit*^ %« anted. ^IXTKEN Recruits are wanted for C.tpt. Geo Sloan’s ^ Company, now stationed at Kington, N. C. The usu al bounty will be paid for pood men. In my absence during uest week apply to A.. A. Mc- Kethan, Esii. CHAS. T. GUV, Jr. 2d Lt., ■ Co. I, 51st Reg. N. C. T. Fayeitevillt', Sept. 27. til-olpd I IO A AJ^J^OI' IA TIO A. Mt. liih'ad, Sampson I’o., Sopt. ‘2i, 1MJ2. IN ASMUCH as Ihe YELLOW FEVER is prevailing to a considerable extent in Wilmington, and as it is get ting scattered in the countnj by so much trnrelin^, and thereby the people becoming excited on thesubject, and fearing there would not be that cordial reception that we would wish extended to the delegates and visiters; Therefore, Resolved, That we reijuesi the UNION ASSOOI ATION to postpone its meeting with us from Tuesday after the first Sabbath in October, until Tuesd.ay after the first Sabbath of December 18112 Done in Conference, Saturday before Ihe 4lh Sabbath in Sept. 1802. HUGH McALPIN, Mod. G4-2tpd] JAS. VANN, C. Clerk. JNO. D. WILL1.\MS. 54 tf MULATTO Wtt.M.VN by the uame of LUtJY; about rs old, of luedium size, but now 4uite corpu- li'tit. Saiil woman is probably in or near Town, but may have been led otf in the direction of Newbern by Bill Bruintoii, a free tuulattii man who has been at work as a Carf>enier j)rohn>>!y ou the Wilmington & \Veldoii Railioad at a Depot North ol' Warsaw. I will pay S2 > for the ilclivcry of said girl to me or loilged in Jail in town, if found iu this County, r.r S')0 if sail girl found iu any other County and confined in the Jail of the s ime, the party arresting giving me ^^^tl> mfoitiia- tion of the same. Fayeiievtile, Aug. 25, 1862. TIIK AORTII C’AROLIAA MrXUAL LIFE INSURANCE (0>1PAN¥, \TOW iu the tenth year of successful oper.ition, with j\| growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence. continues to insure the Jives of nil healthy i-er- sons from 14 to bO ye^rs of age. for one year, for seve ye.uM, ard u>r life-*.-all life members sharing in »ho pr- .'its. All'slaves from 10 to t'O years of ago are insure 1 for one year or for five years for two third.s their valai .All losses are punctiia’ly jiaii within 00 days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further int’orinalion the pnbl’'* is rei'erred to ,\'»’ents of the t’ompany in all parts c ^’ue Sta.te, and to R. H. BATTLE. Secretary, Raleigh. To the Conuuissitnu'd Olluers of tho 0:id Keg'l >. C. Militia: \’’0U are hereby commanded to assemble at Asheho- I. rough, on Thursd.iy the 9th day of October, pre pared to proceed at once to arrest and deliver at the Gamp of Instruction at Raleigh all Conscripts and Sol diers absent from their Retrinient without leave^ A fail ure or refusal to comply with this ot-der wi 1 sub.iect the Officer to the penalties of a Court .Martial and conse quent reduction to the ranks. By order of Gov. Vance. J. M. WORTH, Col. Reg’t N. C. .Militia. tiu* ('onsrri|)ts and SolditMs absent froin your Kesiinents willioul leave: The Governor has been under the necessity of ord?V- ing you brought to the Camp of Instruction at Ra leigh. Now, to save yon from inflicting lasting dis grace upon yourselves and your county, 1 command and entreat j’ou to assemble at A«heborough, on ILursday the Otb of October, prepared to go .-it once to the Camp of Instruction at Raleigh, with three da^s rations. Any one failing to come up will be arrested at all hazaids and dealt with as a traitor to his country. All Officers aud good citizens are expected to assist in executing so just an order. J M. WORTH, Col 03d Reg’t Sept. 27, 1802. First—follow ine,” bpurred his horse up to tJie very muzzles of the battery. One of the cannon- * iers ‘7as in the act ot pulling the lanyard of a gun. lliui, he cut down with his sabre. AHOther, at- teiujitiug to take the place ol‘ his comrade, was like\^is2 dispatched, by tlie now bloody steel ot the Colonel, and the rest turned to fly. At this instant one of the retreating Federals halted, took deliberate aim, and shot away a portion oi the V irginian’s ear; while a second sent a bullet through his body. Hardly had the flash of the two muskets disappeared, however, before the Yankees paid the forfeit of their temerity with their lives, one of them being killed by Sergeant- Major Jones, of the First. “Forward, boys, al ways forward, don’t mind me,” cried the wounded Colonel, aud there he fell among the trophies of his prowess. 1 am gUM to say that, though seri ously, and at one time thought to be mortally hurt, th5 gallant soldier is now believed to be out of danger. Brig. Gen. Koger A. Pryor during the d«y had the misfortune to be taken a prisoner, but the corresponding good fortune to effect his escape.. He had started off on toot to call up two or three regiments for reinforcement, and on his re turn found his command moved from the position in which he had left it. Thinking it had gone ahead, he too went on, and on, wondering all the time where his men were, until he suddenly en countered two Yankee soldiers sitting at the foot of a hay rid His uniform being covered by a Mexican poncho, they did not observe that he was not one of their own men, nor was there any mark visible upon his person to indicate that he was an ofticer. They accordingly familiarly in-.- quired how everything was going on in front. He replied very well, and in the conversation which ensued, learned that he was a mile and a hall within the Federal lines. They asked him nu merous (juestions, under some ot which he began to (juake and grow uneasy, fearing his inability, good lawyer though he is, to cope successful ly with a cross-examination of such a dangerous char acter. He accordingly began to look about him to discover some means of escape. There wa.« ap parently none. He observed standing near him, liowever, the two mu.^kets of the men, one of them with a b;iynnet and the latter without The collotiuy had not proceeded much further before one of them, looking at him keenly, asked him to what regiment, brigade and division he belonged, and as Pryor hesitated, aud stammered out his reply, the Yankee sprang to his feet, and exclaimcd“you are a d—d rebel and my pri.soner.'’ In an instant the ien«ral, who is a powerful man and active as a stjuirrel, seized the gun with the bayonet, and before his antagonist could turn, ran him through the body twice. The other now jumped to his feet, apparently as if to e.scape, but he also received from J*ryor a lunge that left him helple.ss on the field. Throwing down the musket, the (ieneral moved rapidly away in the direction from which he came, and after dodging Federal stragglers for an hour or two, had the satisfaction of finally regaining his sornmand. Anxious to know the fate ot the two men wht^m he had summarily disposed of, he sent one of his aids the next day to examine the hospitals in that neighborhood, and ascertaiiv, if possible, whether any men were present wotinded with a bayonet. The aid returned with the information that he had found one so injured. Whereupon Pryor mounted his horse and went in person to see him. The man was asleep when he entered the hospital, but the Surgeon awoke him, and the (Jeneral asked if he recognized him. “Yes, sir, 1 do," was the reply. “You’re the man whostuck me.’’ There were instances of gallantry, too, among the privates. I met a boy of fifteen—a bright eyed handsome little fellow, who had gone into the fight with his father in the 4th Texas liegi- ment. He was in the line just behind the skir mishers, and seeing them fighting, and the men around him doing nothing, he ran forward out of the ranks and joined in the fray. While moving through the woods, jumping from tree to tree, al ways in the advance, he saw a man riding on a fine horse. Running out in the open field beyond, he waved his hand and beckoned to him. The officer, for such he proved to be, rode up as if to examine the lad more closely, and see ing that there were no symptoms of his surren dering or making any valuable verbal communi cation, put spurs to his animal, wheeling around and was about dashing oft. Quick as thought, the boy lrew up his Enfield, anl in a monu'i^t more the man reeled on his horse, rode about Ibrty paces and fell to the ground. The boy instantly wentjbrward, though the enemy were firingdozen.s of muskets at him, seized the animal, took the sword, revolver and haversack of the wounded man, and learned from him that he was a Colonel, in command of the skirmishers. Armt/ Cor. Charle»tun Courier. N C. .Militia. Olot A Tribute to young Virginian, who is in .Jackson’s corps, writ3 to his mother on the 0\h inst., and after giving a detailed report of Jackson’s niuvoments under Lee preparing for crossing the Potomac, adds: 10 “I am proud to have borne my humble part in these great operations—to have helped, even so little, to consummate the grand plan, whose his tory will be a text bouk to all young soldle's, .md Rice and Tobacco on Consignment' ('ASKS of fresh beat Rico and 10'.^ ‘'>»-ves ^|jQge mafrnificcnt succCsS places Lcs at th side factured Tobacco, variou- ^ n GEO. W. WILLI.\^J^ & Fayetteville, Sept. 21, 18u2. The* 'vaiil;* ■ kV to purchas'fe a LIK.ELV NEGRO BOV, H°‘BOBISSOS. Fayetteville, Sei>t. IttOiJ. of the greatest Captains, Hannibal, C;usar, Ku- rene, Napoleon. I hope you have preserved my U tters, in which 1 have spoken of my taith in Lee. He and his r jund table of (lenerals are worthy the immortality of Napoleon and his Mar shals. Ue moves his agencies like a (Jod secrct, complicated) vast, resiatlebs, complete.

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