mm m " ' *■ '‘^'-pl'trd i'Hv m ' ^\ alser H i. . l" i' I'vviiun f' l\oii;. r ^ i* VvtTH ; ( n‘-. lU'k. t”-; M ^ u bbin. U!l ]' ;ii lU-ynold> U::ur^-, 1; » -'ftti r \i - U H -ut. S F- M ¥-W E Fi K L, Y \’OL. Xll.j FAYHTTKVILI.K, N. C.. OCTOBKK G, 1862. |NO. 1166.] iNTi;.? Mondays and Tiirusi>.\v; I hWAKl) .1 lULi: iV S()\S. I'riT'.'V.s \N;> Flor(‘ii*e and Faveltf'ville Hail Uoadi w, ^r: U’ i. li: LuW> id: ,r-i 1! fn'it'TM.'; { • L \ V,; ‘ Jak r ., !.v, ■.-'-J, V ^ t’hi> A E Mai- ■Uflf - ’A !■. im t ri.'.v '!■ J 1 ; ' -.1, Jaiiu- rk. : " N . 10 r.; [)• t . .. fa. r '■ •-A J ■ “. U H I ranci- ' »to L I'ui. . fa. i>-:’disu i, r t. rianiy k-T. 1. tri ■ ’ J M us -V Li \«? J, u J Gar- ri r ‘ i ar'^ j [ .: i^uprf. u cl i "V r ' ■ . r, '■ ■ b- l\ . . . .'3 N - R -V J * •DO'.V!;- A ; - m. J R 1 \ T !'• in ^ r If M : HU J M IX ri. . r-.: K (■- V. j ’ li “ t’.S*. M,! ; I E *1 L4L£ & ■’•I* it' I - Mftov ii ■;Ti-i M . - for ■I- ili>'m: vri: ! ' 'nnill^ t’l*' ^ t'Tliiv I' i;r >■’ ! ■:' }iiT : ■ 1 .lnri 111.- -i tii: It ivii'l in tr ■>!' ■ •'■i?' I nuin, il p si'i in ■IV .>’■ '^nh'-orip •'.‘■10 V-; nhor ui I'lM I-.'IIU-Il!' \ Iv.-rii i‘Vi iou-' i'll' s'i'l ‘■■'rl.i.l, :\ii l . ill: :u'll .J,,. jM'r I’M'KK ilie |Tovi>ioii' of ;in (>nlin:ini'p of tin-'on V vi'iiiii.ii Ilf North I'.ooks' will lu' oponoiJ on ihi‘ l(Wli .liini' at till' t\)l!'iwing jiliici’s iml iiuih'f the di I'l'-l ion of iiu' fallowiuir p.^rsotis, lo r.'coivo Mii)>';cii|i ti‘>iis lo i!u* ('apiiul StooV ()f the “Floroiino \’ I'lyein' villp Il'iil Ivoiiil Co. ' Sliarc-i (>ne Hiiiiiincil Dnlhirs otii'li. f ' ■" h'’n/ nl /'(//'//(• •■/.'. lIii'Tor lh(‘ili i i''tii'n thi-»i iit'r il ('i>tiHiiissini*>rs, A A. McKpiliaii, U;iy, A. W, Slp*'l, \Vni. Mcli. MrKiiy nii'l 'I !>iso. /I.' S!prir,Tn'lertho clivooiion (if Ilor'i'r MfNoi'l, U'ni. ,) St(\virf, .Ijiji \ Smith, i'nn'l (’ M’- Noi'.l (■ i!. \l.’x, McMii!:in. or nny ''in' i.f iIk'hi. .1' /■’ ■.// (.'( ii'-y.. tlu‘ilirf'ciioii of l»f Neill M' Ntiir, |if. A. 1* Aiciii >:»1J SmI'Ii. !Mi»*.ai i-il’y aii l ^’ol. All x iniier \V,i!,-on. iir :iny one of ln-ni .1' V/.--;,sv/./V. — L'nilor the liiifi'iioii of M.irilock Mr- K'n'. 1> Mi Ia'oiI, l> .Mcl.';ilhnn, Mol^iie, .ir , anil .1. II Mf4ii«*on, or .'iuy one of them. 1/ .1''. — rti'lorlh® ilirpotion i'f.I'hn I’lirpplI, •hio. -N lir. Smu Alforil. Unff tM McO;»l!:ini nnii .Inn. '!!■(' iHn:>). or anv one of itu'in. \\'i;sri;KN \n, Ofi \ui>. *2!) 18(> I u'l:, } VI., i 0 -r V N Hu.l nt'tor the I-* liin of S -pi. the t.)l!i>win;r rf>tes will );■> ch irpc l >n i •, ;; i r - /- From I'.iy011 eville to i,!iilt' lliv(>r. od ot.«. “• lo .' Tiont Sjvrinc:. 7;'> “ !(. t .lijllo 10 .M' ' \ ■Mp,..!,:.! iirni'.-h, ’i'll'' I (III 1 li.'. I .»(• illccl -'l by the i!ut io!i wit hont i-ril' 1 w The -]• ice . the C..: 'x\: thf Sulw( rij'ti.'ii l’>0''k-! will remain open f"r !i.' [ I'.ii.l iy-- V, lion a'^ntrieieiit uiii I- ^u'weritie I i>'inv will he oririnize'l for the purj' '^f > nihl i?OM.l ti>-n ■s ii who in>-!it with w II I tIk Llilt! I e viTi’ii n itu'ir\ ■p en we re 1 ex--ee'i \ A IV A A. V> v;m IN", \T, i; !'TI! ^ N. 1^V^ . s I'l- j-(,. '' J,. \ f' • 1\ \ 4 M. I!': Twenty-five et-ni^ :;'Mi:i .i,: ’ Nvi:; lio c ('oiiiliii'lor (if e ii 'i •I ticket A i;ew rUe of j'rei;;h' will juio rtfeet sit llte s.'inie tiiiif. wiiicli \^ill lie jf'"' i >in i fnrni'^hei to the juiMic in :i IV>v !iys i'-y nriii-r '' t!ie i*r ■ ■ •I'ltV Tre'i'^'r W H K ('f> AiiL' o‘>, iSi'.’j .■)iltf Tii> Non snh*. Sr.nll, voLOfiri'p i*Horo«,jjApns, \ X ;5 il« rv. A TARW. ( amp IIjiU*, Hoar F»rt Fisher, Aiig. 1S6‘2. ^pIlK utnleraijfneJ, a jirivjuc in tlie .Army of thef'oii I fe'ierrtte States, respectfully iinnotinoes himself h enrnliclafe for ('hi'f Clerk of the IFouse of t ■omiinn.‘ of I Hie next. l>egiMla.(iire. Hnvin^ ptisseil two Wintei- in ^clos»- intimacy with former Lef>islative bodies, lie trnsti* that he hiiH oonsiilerahle aeijii.aintanee with the dulie'^ of the position. H I-NKY K. COLTON. Ang. 2’). 'iltf K«TATi: roR»iAi.r. '^IMI !•; Hubseriber would sell his house and lot in VVades- 1 boro’, together w’th about liUO acres ol land reaching within tine»‘ miles o]' the Villiigi« (if desinbb ) The ‘Iwelliiijr lioii-^e i - Inrije. and the lo> the most de-ira>ile in ttie up country, eontainiiij; near fifty acres of land 8hoi;l I any one dpsire to move furllier up the country, he woui'l sell them i finely improved house-and lot. in >partanbiM£r. 8. together with a gooil tract of lanil near the place. I’. SMITH, t Aii^r. 7. ;Jmpd ’’pni' subscriber Imvinp ipialifie ^ a« .Administratrix on j 1 tlie K-itate of -I.ts Stiiniy, dec' !. her«»by pives notice to .ill jiersons h’lvi'i^ claims a"ainst sai'l Kstate to pre sent themtoVm. McL. McKay within the time pre- scribril by biw, or tlii- notice will V>e pleaijed b:\r ot t heir rc'coverv. ('.\THAUINK S^N1>^ , Adm'x. A UR. \. 1hV,l>. 19- I Sept. 2‘.^. M onuav lllnn diiiily JesMup will repnme her SCHOOL on Afonday. Oct. t'l. IStVJ. M'HOOL. Alice 'aiii|»l>ell will resume her School, on Gillespie Street, on Oct. f», lSt;2. G2 iJ .^aleiii Female Aeaileniy, | Sei'tkmhkr l>i, ) IN order to prevent ilisappointments, the undersigned hereby pives notice that no more scholars can be re ceived into Salem Female Academy at this time. The school i.s tilled to its utmost cajiacity, —hence parents nnd others are reipicsted, tinder no circumstances, lo bring on cliildren tinless they have a written as- siiranee of a later date than this caril, that they will be received. liOBT. DeSCHWEINITZ. Sept IH, 1H()2. 0:>-4wpd Teaehei* Waiileii, > take charge of a small school. The applicant must 1 be well ipialified. and come well recommended liberal [irice will be Vi'' / V/ra/. S.—Whilst laurels are heaped upon ; the neads o{ t^jo victorious leaders ol our arniics^ I tho people will ever enibalm in their gratitude I the noble soldiers throurh whose disinterested I and sublime self-sacriticc our wonderful success I es have been achieved. Whilst behind none in ; admiration ol‘ the "enius and courage by which I our armies are directed, and without which thr I best armies would be like ships without helms men or captains, wo cannot but feel tor the hum ble soldiers in the ranks emotions of respect and affection as deep and pervading as any which sue cessful rank can elicit. Kvon if w.’ do not take into consideration the iact that a large proportion of the privates in the Southern army are gen tlemen of education, refinement and high social poi^ition, the most proi’ound sympathies of every generous heart mu^t be awakened by the toils, the suHerings, and the matchless daring ot these heroic men. They have given up homes wher>' ni'ne ol them ev‘r knew want or har^'hijs for a life in which tliey have cheerfully endtned such rarelv f;ilU’ii t'n'i'.eril C'ltniiii* Sept. 2:>. lSt'i2- paid. For particul.irs applj to; privations, labors and jicriis as have rarely f.'tlk'ii j to the lot of humanity. 'I'hcy hav(^ CJidur» d tlu I nvtnifiiitipis fit lirat. and l‘o11. und the kccil' ) .lime 7, 1' LOOK .VT this; €':iyisera. i: ill' FroiiJiiig foet aiid in fito l)u^iness poriioa) of Ihf* Town, c oitfaisiw more «paeioiio> aiat? «%elS ^('iililafeil ItooiiiH fSta'S ais> EioU'l ill the ^tal« . ;nid m\ I’ntrons >ay my ('finilimt'iits ivr very rht' ri!i! - T. M U)»m„ I'ropriolor. ;y 'Ji>. I'l'J. 'JTv j>ii( >T-'» I (iMilcl . ! ‘ i'\ illf. N. ' -.1 oil -I”: y;/'j ''icl’ir iii>- i’ t r n !:i’ I M PayHlfvill: ' :l i. of I the '-U 'f S.--.'! Female Institutiou wiT' I High School. ! lIV'll Ti- J si:^e colore i 1' n.'ivin" j'f'ii; yoiir pa.'roti;if£ . 1 for t he lUu't ai } .1 1 I hi' good [n'opii 'f JO, 1I ■ ‘ i: \ .:i-.r o '!'.' Skylight •• \:ird.* FrlV- ■ • I. '-' i. \T.Htr-r .1 Hll'I O- ’ , ■ i,'- ot I'ii-i iirps I ' ; Kv ■■ I; 1M M oii1d- ■iiii— ■ l.-iv. c ■ Ll'i by ot) • ■ jiictur.,’.'; In^tru- lor > : io'v or cv-ih. Life :de ;>!•!!; sm-il; picHirO'S. I hi re I iiope -,i merit • ret'ini my -iiiccre thanks • I. wi-.i II,. ii(“retoforc by ;' .■ ai! 1 iiilty. . '■!. \ \ )i:^ii!;ll, • •iMj'iii • .ir'l I’voiirietor. S de by TVSO!{ .S: (irdiTS Mi'Ivor'-. I't^p^t, F. .v will be attende l to .I-iiv \1 .IOllNS/N. V,'. liailroftd. :'i FN’S SIloKS. sewed and pegged For sale t>y S. T. H.W^LFA Sept. '2'.K & SON. ;4-2t T' BfiI.I i: \ ETKI08.. M J }■' *^i’e m'in Ilf a ‘11 ^^;T^ J \ I I l*10f^, ^ .|i l.i-'i'Ot. ;'ie ti'friiiiius I'f the t o^'ltu 11- lluilroAd, will refoive pr 'tiijit alt.-ntion. A spVci m-i V tie seen at thi- Ob-erver Ollice. Fayette- vi,l.> ■ TVSOli .V JOHNSON. l-'i. V>if l\0 I 1C E. I In- vui\ y- ar will b. 'livi b' l iiy t t coinmeneiii;; of Se[it terni': and end- coniiiiencius 1st I'he r„ ■ n' 1--; ..f : g I’ltii L*i'C.: the secon.J of '2.1 weeks •lan'y and en.ling .iiily 1st. i’aroisis and (iiiaiuiaus iiiten iin;: to piironize this ■ri .are eanie-'f.y ri'jiie'ted lo apply ' .r : irciil .i- ■I’aiiiiiip full partii'uiar" in tegard teims, iVe , ' • e o| HU ’iir of (he Se!i ol llev. WM Il«i;)l>til. ) i. C, HiiiJi’LU. ..ny rrjiii'i; ■>.’ ) > tlMpi Attorney at Law, w 1 .‘-vt- r.r I •_ 0 ■ . ,r 1. Hal 1 ; .T: a-. !. ' - e? o'i to hi- i III*, ^coil - nt 't:i F i■ -V ! t.K. N. L i; Si 10 Hi^ward. VVIl.L • ;y : Hi :t! .'A r.'ward f. r tin- ap; a!i I J .'njent of my niTia C.VL\'IN, wh' . r .o .lb.,1.11 we> k- ag. 1 Wi.. ils. ] .ly a rew ir 1 of F;f:y ' i. :u-e c-iaviei any por^. ii i; ;n i' ;‘1>. lU IJ Vt'.iiS ; .i2f, ■’> :■ V m ?? THH UN 1>HliS!C,NKD. both h.iving eut'>red the mili tary service of the t?onfederate States of America, , hereby give mjtice to their olj customers and friends, th'U liiey have appointe'l .John U. Starr an 1 John D. Williams, of this plai;e. their attorneys to collect either separately or conjointly all moaeys lue them cither by ! account or n.ite, and otherwise lo aiiond to thoir hu- i Hint'-- ci-iicnlly during their absence. They respect fully ak all itersons inilebted to them to call as prompt- i ly as possible on their .agents aud make payment. :”^ARR .V WILLIAMS. ; Sopt I’.t, IHGl. o8-tf ! 4'o.\fi:i»i:kati: roaum F the denominations of 81000, S500, $100. Apply at the I$aiik of Cape Fear. 0 March IS. ftf ■ ar- TWII 1)11 IKS \nOVr Fa v«‘ > f,\r ('. T. iniiiii .V eville. ■%. i ^ SIINS’ STORli V. 81- iiotire •: , ■ ; jr " t •w . 1 - -:f that lie a:; i Wi a! .’i’ 1':' p i'; lew- rr ’ ritip-s iu h)' i:ar:- H>* ^ a ‘ : r ' !; rari • and well k:;. wu aV I'U Fa\'eit*'vill.'> .ini Wih'.iing: H'- « liietimes ■.all- tiiia.-^eil t .ilvia Joiin-jn. THE". KVAN.' .1 une .',:i 1 ."oj. - f u 1.1,0, W, Vilid-i.\ »l.' A t':i.. ii:''!e«»ale l>ealer** iis i.Jroterie**. \ i i, ' ' Ni ;M., N i^ .iware aud ('iiflery, Swedeiron, A,f., H iV -TKKfiT, FW'TTKVll i.r.. N. (. ■ k N\ IJ. i . - . KN , . 4 0\. KI:ADA2.1> cV i O.. ^lerehaiits \ V 11 WHOLESALE GROCERS, St). 11 A IJ .North Water St., \\iliiiiii2tnn. i. i . der- from the tiountry pror;;ptJy exec^ tt^ i. ■ .rrici;! i: itleiitiou eiven t-j t le sao- ol t or .n i\ i . A: IS. I-. Vi DKTH, and I’orwardiKs: tlcrchants, \VlLMi:>GT()N, N. « . . - : -if W. Kl l.i. 1KI$, - fif t'rii:: it f. Vi j.^ll^•: i '?.:, X. AM ii;i! 1 nt oti AUliV HA!>!*». : ■ i-.iaiiut n.’iur' ai' k::i U of W ,:i " :..r .Vrri;y use. 1 ;aii my i. aiiier at; 1 caa : '-i;':-. .\ge!i— wi!. i - Wr!, I ih^-ir iiu‘ liiey shall have jr..inpt ittenri.m. ar. 1 a iMiok ^i^patch. JuHN C.MMFK >!; r. •., t.'iiatham Co.. N. c . ; June l::. 1 ' .J OIL AND LAMP BLACK. WNNHU." and LUnUlCATLNii ‘HL. L.VMi* !‘iL.\CK in barrels. For =nlo by .)OS. li. CLoSSoM'ci CH.; NViiniingt. n, N .March 7. *)-tf MIAT FOR ^Ai.i:. ill.WE now and will '.‘on'tanily keep oti han 1 h i ‘r;:e supply .f SoFT and H.\K1> So.VI’ at my .'' ap F i ! iry on Person St., near the half way Kri Ige. S. n lap r_’i ci-nts per lb. The price of the h:;r 1 wi’,1 > •« fixed in a few days. llii'k ry in I lil tck-jack Ashes wanted 'V; ci. • a p lid for them. !’. .I. sNllS. ^ ' i'vi'.le. Scj '. "~-!tnp l I’OTTI^A \ \H\. >0. 10 Hay btn et. C. 1*. MALLFTT. .I-.i .. 1 S''- .M.Vlvl-i’KAl'K A ■»I' I{AK, AVF' ou ha'i 1 :'.n*i e't t.. keep f.-.r s!ile. of their wn tir::!:ifi '-.r ply 'f lir-is-^ Galvanized '..111 comni' :i 11 ; ■' I .H \ 11* I: It S51 4 K ! :T •»»; French, Hish Post, (otJai^e and ( oniniou nEiPSTIUii^S; \Iarr '- ~v , . f : > w nn I iioi'’-iv.-.l S]'ring. on hand 'T i:;.ide t r b'v .'-f ' v -i..-: I.'I’ NOK^: Spring. Cane, .'ind i '■ ■ il >11’''', ‘ dillerent kind'^ find i ..;:.Ti; . Spi-ing S ■, !.• ■; an i .’ii'urs. n d. ati i t'overi w h ’■ Ir-; 1 -i ,u' ither- wl-^e; H.'-' ile-. Ining-^ it' 's. .v llhds.; S .!e. H irTi"- . and I’j'per Leather, and I’l. ;;erin;' H lii . .\m we have Cl 1 .Mi-.L-hin.Ty f.r S.iwing, I’lani-ing. i Turniiij:, M ir'ieing iiid !’• r> in.r, we can 'lo work with ■ di'spatch an I on - . - i'” ’ry r:;:-. l’-''': >ns having work or n p iirit!^ t ' 1 will d.: wi ';' : > :;ive us a call. We warr.'int o ir w.-rk: if it fail.*, y hi know where to t;nl 11'. H'>vin.r t ik-'n a .•'-iro on tli.- 111-^ si le "f (jiliespie Street, a ‘Vw •l....r- S.-iith 'f .\ . S'-'i'l, F.-^'j.. and having ~onie sp in r' om, we woit’d attend to the stor:ige ■itid lie if at;v tiling that ’:iay 'le «. -:i' :’tii'i ta us; iiU'l will trive il at'*'ti’i'in ' > pri lu.‘t“-' ol this Si ue. Fayetierillc. \pril 1. I - il. 'tf MVTIAL l\SritA\(i: (OMPVM. Capital in I’riMiiiuiii N' :> aiii..iinls i ; s-'J'11 ■ a:ih ou hand iiid ot;'. %VK!iiTKll\ It All. ItOAIK l^l’iVM and after .Monday the -l!d inst., the Trains on 1 this Iloa ! will run daily, leaving Fayetteville at 8 o'jliM-k, M.; returning le.'ive Mclver's Depot at 1 o’clocK. 1* M. C. B. MALLKTT, I’res’t. Sept. :;o. lSt;2. 02tf svuxn A AD nOi.XSSES. I’.nLS SUGAR. 4U 1-* Hbis. N o sYiirr lo “ SCUri’El^ONG WINE. On consignment and for sale bv JOS. UTLEY. Sept. f-2-tf am. .lint '■ -ets. N Wi' CTl Vfu f Tiii:;.. r. O' ■ :i... den ..air.ati-ns .f .SIOOO, ijl.'iOO, XIOO. Aj ply it il,(' 1? ink of N'irtli v'arolina. [ -'h ■rf The C,, have neve; J L; N. r. pay ^ aa i: ire f.ji T- ■., ■ :i : wd \!l i! . 1 :r ;»r«i. n '■ - .'I »- H{.:te of Aoi'ili 4'aroliiia. L.\i:CLTlVll l»HPAK'l MMNT. i II.vl;;ii;ii, Augu-^i -) I^ini .-^lieritV fill I Cousf'ibles of the di;'-re... i''iu:i!ns ;.f liii- S; ite ari. heieby .'nit horized lind dire.'te I ,r j er^oii' ’.,*-! 'n,{ing to the Coiifedcr.'ite .’ifiay ;io ,. ' a^‘lit ■' .'/■ '! I'-'ir- . 1 "r ( o h arr: -; 'h^y 'ivill be enli'’i l ( ; r. ward fn m t lie C. iifciiora: !■ C.overiunenl of .;!•') f ir f i-h one e ^ ! in jail, or .r--0 if dt.-Uvert- i! ' .:ii- of in ! - ' )i i;iM.r Irileiirh, i to a unfeder.ite olncfr. 1 - '■ :;'c tliC’C arr(“;t.-‘ tlif ah ive oame-l ■.■fhccr ; k i i iTiil iv anv a.-.-i-^tancf. an'i u-^e ill the I 'lw.!- and . 't- ■h iily L i. :..''lie: to tl;cir lid "."'.re-i HllN'lV '['. CL\Ki\, ilovertiof A;;- I?-;. 1-;:^. S£E:\VAK2». yCruLIlN' iVo-i nn.- ^rat.ii'. n*'ir |.''w: . i, »' r C. i.n :he nigfii !ir i ho i I rti Tof r.p.a- .’.a- : -i.l a' • - (■- 'lioni p.i.I. -.11 .. • ; N'ln.i.. 1' \ V. Vicr M MILL l.MKK: '!. ; ;sJ7-',7'i'> 61 i proii ptly. and ■ !i 'hi ir jiii't!:'uni notes. *'V) vi-r. 11: .f N. C. ! I ^'nv II. I. S. T. Nath C. 1;. Jaiii r i\;. i>', . .\. di ls.1 I ban, .1. I». \V--;i:.i,i . S. W. fillin^li't I hn t ...r. .M/IV Tillini tal: Itnn n. W ! T. ,\. V. I'('n. I!. F. 1 :,a!;nn, Lut ierlo!». I' a; Wili.i'gton. avcuMjr v^ents. \i: i ; i.-( ir MclV une 1 tr.>m t\ I K i»! If ikii h^d of ‘h.* H-aLE tSO^tS- 1 • ' .. II' i e 1 vy b ill:, l: l'‘k lc-~, r ■ - = • . V.llitC ■^i-ld.Mp :n: ,N 1 1 o! h:-:' fr II .1 ... 1 - 'l. ■■■I J 1- -;ioi ' 1 it 'in ■1 ji ice: M ri' 0’ 111! ■ ' .■:• 1 ■' ' -. .\ ■ • .1 w , : li ; I -' ...tit: 111 II ■ : - ! - • I p -d 10 1 lie ihi I'i', 1.1 illSW* ■i-S 10 • or:' 1 i- 11: 21 :ir 1:2 yi. IV. n| 1. .air 1: >; Illf' y '1. 'it' •J '1 i . .iiiileir^: i.-f. :i .--il brown f;. .i v/i'.’ ‘ !1 1 r- ; ,K- I.t ■ i t' 1 1 ^ IliC liitr'.: w. !■ r 1 .1: '.V i : 'k I'll, hi ;i'k ■ ; - -ilr.. I' '■ I' : ’luiu. :i . , il .' :■ . . M-ii'k III ."'H ti'. griiy ; l-i:i i; iff. a’l 1 •’ I' ' h t:; f ' :i r,- 1 carp.' t s ick !!..!' if iii-artti niir . vlt' ^ Ihe ill”:’' >11! \ ; V:il ! .|1' ’,'7 '1 WM' fi.l • ’ ’ ■ '1 I . ;fl'lr- ini-n! .:ii'l conv 10: ion of t!r l!;ic f : I’i : f:! :.i. (il'ilVI TV "f I he- hor .'e. . 1 .'ViH'k I.f F.\MILV ■ I. ■ : ;'ii g 'f 'Ik’1 . ■. SuI'd ;il I. ale i' vLL •ll’.l!'’ 11. ,1... I!.. !• Hiii>posi-d to be the sr.iiie Mor-:e tl.ief that was iirf'itc.i in Fayettevilie a year or two ;igo, by ti:>- name 1 Fry, a verv notorious thief. JAMES I’LEDGili:. i.ewisville, N C, \n^, 7. isc.ii. .)» ;^m atAA'AVi^W J^'^KO\] the Kubscnbpr, a np?r 1 man by the name of J : '1. ('ni'.w'i as >!.••-. .Ann .\ir(.,n;a.\j, , a !>.',v::ian Ji; the (i vii ;'f (tevil'ie. in* i I , vi';.-. 1 ; . bi'icl., hiiir. atioiit •> feet to ini.'ces iiic-'. and voice indiea'Inz a b.ail jold. Hv i^' suppn«e I to ta' I .i^fring abouL Fa. tteviile, or p’^eii.iJily about .'Ir. i>. ' ! i.'iiirin irniio'r I u ie, a ho '.as ;v wife llit'ia': or he 'I .'ly h.'ivr gone to \V iL’ninirion, v,'.he )ias some rcia- '■ U ‘. Ml I wa-i lieHi' l lo -ay he w . - g'cog liiere. ! will give Ten Dollars for his delivery to me, or confineii'cnt m Jail 80 I get him. E. F. MtJUKE. i’ayetteville, fciept. 13. 60if 1 ; 'I..'I’lK I'.’iii'.: tli'.'.'' Wi-.l rr:n „u j ..(!■! w l''1 ■ e! I Ie V \v .■ ad joining i in I. .'i V.'ilcox, d\.‘c' i. and bonton, on LittU- I Thesis Liui'i- ar.' cotton, v^'^iie.'U, oa! isos a coml'oi'ia' l. v'iiii :ib.>iii (.;;v fen-je, iiii'iii ii>!'.x foity ho.' : otil IrUl 1. 'fUi-.' ; ^ ine: ' iuv V.. o--' ja-if' i a J ;i - Fo- t’u^t'o V (Vme’,-' 'i c.-k. 'V (. M tayi-ttevio''. .N. r. For thi" C.'irbooton. M.'orc '•O’. t ’l > tf rc/'on. !he I'a','- A(liuiiii«ti*aforN ^ale. ^PHll Subscriber, as .administrator of .\ngus Shaw. J will .Ifer for sal** on MoND.\^ . the l.'Ith day of OCTtHWHl, at th> jdantation on the Wilmington llon l, ; mil*'- below Fayetteville, the following articb's of ptri h.ablv propert}': 1 C.irn >hellcr, 1 Carria^^?, 1 T^ugiry, 1 ’'■Vat;on, IMou^hs, a siiiuil lot of (^orn and F.»ddcr, 1 Sad- d'e, 1 set Harnt'ss, 1 Cutting Knife, a few arti cles .,1 Household and Kitchen Turniture. .V ere lit of six months wi’.l be given, and bonds with ai'proved security will >ie reniiire l. J.\M11S JENKINS, .\dministrator. rf.'pt. r*. \Vilniing(on, Charlof^e Rutlierford K. R. (onipany. OffH F, of the I’KKSIIiK.NT \ DiRKOTdRS. ^rilE annual meeting of this Company will be held I I at Lincolnton on Wednesday, the '-’•Jd day of October nest. Trains for the accommodation of the Stockhold ers will leave Charl.iite and Cherrjville on the morning o' I ';at day. From and after the -1st instant, the Transfer Hooks will be closed J.VS. I. Mct'.\LLL M, Sec y. Sept. 17, ISt;2. G2-tm $100 RFWAKII. ) \N.VW.\V fr .m the subscrit>ers about thrae months agij. two negro boy*^. I'ETEK and t’.AD. I’l'ter is supposed to be lurking iu the neighborhood ol r.uokhorn. Harnett county, an.i (^id about I’ittsboro’. T:;e above rewird will be paid for their delivery to us or their confinement so that we get them, or .'^•>0 for either of them. .1. Jt N. A C.AMERON. Harnett Co., N. C., Sept. l!(», ls'.2. *i-J:-4tpd A VAi ROIv^ WA ATFl», O work on the PIEDMONT K.U liKO.M) from Dan ville to Green.oboro’. For further particulars, ad- .Iress the undersigned .at Danville. Va.. Greensboro’, N. C.. or Charlotte, N. C. E. WILKES & CO. Sf'pt. 1.'. t!--‘Jw .\4rri€'i:. \S I expect to be absent from home a few months in the West, Archibald McLean is my authorized •\''f>nt t'l trensiw;! my business until 1 reitirn. N. (}. JONES, i’.'c'r l.'-ifiO. s;^tf \Mm>.'.rr(> WO\t \N by iHo n.iioe of LI about J ; vr.irs o!il. ( I me Mum .'■i/..-, but now iniite C'>r/')i- i;i! I ll-.V- t.r !•; iiint .li liter [ir.'bablv ''ti Ho* \\;ni!ingion iS; W'llon Weslern Kailroad OlUco, \ Fayeltcville, N. Sept. 1S>'>’J. ) i1( )U the purpose of increasing the capital stock of this ^ Comp'iny, to en:ib’e it to extend the Hoad from the • loii' Fields to the North Carolina Koad. t‘ie lollowing gentlemen been appointed Cotumis.sio: '1.- to re ceive subscribi'rs in their several neighborl'., viz; .Vt Gul;—L J Ilaiighton, lirooks Harris. Ur George C Xewby an t G W'ashington .\bove ihe Gulf—Jno J GoMston. Jame- F Rives and Hugh W Dixon. At Ore Hill—G W Goldston, Dr L W' Gorrell .and N M Alston. Above Ore Hill—Dan l Hackney, A B Marsh and Jas I’.aoe. .\t Fou-t's Mills—Dr H M Fousf i:itl Dr J D Graves. .•\t Franklinsville and vicinity — lsaa? H Foust and \ S Horney. .At Astieboro’—.Fonathan Worth .and 15 F Hoover. ■\i New .Market—Jesse Walki r and Joseph Newlin. ..\p Thoma-^ville—G Fostt-r ind Juo W' Thomas. •\t High Point — l>r R C Lindsay and Seaborn Perry. At i^alem—Francis Fries ami R L Patterson. At Greensboro’—(' 1* MerJeiihall, I’eter .\dams, Hon J A Gilmer and Jesse H Lindsay. Instructions will be sent to the Commissioners at an earlv day by the President of the Company, f.ttf' J M. ROSE, Sec’y W. R. R. Co. To (he Citizens of Randolph, C* ON going into the battle of Sharpsbtirg, .MJ., on the 17th inst . the men of the Kith Reg't were oixlered to throw off their knapsacks and blankets. After the battle they were ordered oti in another direction, and lost both clothing and blankets. They will very soon draw winter clothing from the Confederacy, but blan kets and socks are very scarce, .\bout 40 men of Co. G. are thus deprived of indispensable articles, and we are therefore under the necessity of appealing to the generosity of our friend-* for aid. Any disposed to give ; blankets or socks will pleas^e deliver them to Rev. B. '’raven. Triuity College, or to John I?. Troy, Esq., Troy's Store, before the 12th October, and they will be promptly forwarded. O- W’. CARR, Capt. (’omd’g Co. G. ; Near Martinsburg, Va., Sept. 22, 1>S02. G4-2t To Citizens and those having friends in the 46th Regiment N. C. Infantry. fTHIS Regiment having, been recently engaged in a I severe conflict with the enemy, w-is necessarily com pelled to lay aside knapsacks, blankets, clot’niug, &c. 'I’.wfre lost. The young heroes fought as if inspired a’tk'sh by the dew-drops of blood from the tree of liber ty. The cold season is approaching, .ind now fathers, mothers und sisters will you contribute a blanket for the comfort of the soMiers who stand between you and a heartless foe? For this little necessity we ask. Then please an-' wer the voice of t he Regiment and your count ry by depositing a blanket at Greensboro’ or Goldsboro’, N. C , to my care; then those of different sections will please box up the blankets and deliver them at either Depot on or before the 11th of October 18(i2. THAD. L. TROY, Agent •46th Reg’t. Sept. 21, 18(>2. 04-2t Wil. Journal will please copy twice. Kecriiitw wanted. ^IXTFEN Recruits are wanted for C.»pt. Geo. Sloan’s Company, now stationed at Kinston, X. C. The usu al bounty will be paid for good men. In my absence during next week apply to A. A. Mc- Kethan, Esu. CIIA.S. T. GUV, Jr. 2d Lt., Co. 1, 51st Reg. N. C. T. Faj'etteville, Sept. 27. G4-.?tpd j) 11 t T I AlOA A«MU'IATIO\. Mt. «iiU*ad, Sampson Co., Sopt. ‘ii, isfi'i. INAS.MUCH as the YELLOW FEVER is prevailing to a cctisideriblc extent in Wilmington, and as it is get ting sc'ittered in the country by so much traveJinrj, and thereby the people bet oming excited on the subject, and fearing there would not be that cordial recepiion that we would wish extended to the delegates and visiters; Therefore, Resolved. we request the UNION ASSOCI ATION to its meeting with ua from Tuesday after the first Sabbath in October, until Tuesday after the first Sabbath of December 1«)2 Done in Conference, Saturday before the 4th Sabbath in Sept. 18t)2. HUGH McALPIN, Mod. f)4-2tpd] IAS. V.VNN, C. Clerk. extreinities of heat and cold, ptingH of long and, perhaps, ''.par.iti>’ti t'roin their homes, to .s;ivi: a country which i> dearer to thfui than life. They l.ave done ail without cT«'n tbc prospect of reward. ir even li' tinction, for the nii.serahle pitt.'itiee whith i.s .J! that the Government can ln?-tow i " no cotupeiis;; tion for services like theirs, and iIk' hi^nor- wm; hv the whole are so widely diflu'f l t!;nt thi- it! (lividutil share of L'lory i.s «!ua!l iii.i'ed. it is a touchiii'j: sight to bchol.I tlu-f iiiO'.lest, v^'ar-worn heroes, often without ati arm or a l'g, hy whnui even a kind word ora look is rcoeivtl as u faction, and who are too often treat' d with ofhi i;tl insolence by tho.«e who are not worthy ti* tie the latchets of their shoe?. l>ut virtue, in its hum blest estate, must, here or hereafter, receive it> appropriate reward from Him who knows how to e.'^timate the value of every human action, .and whose treasury is large enough to reward ulti mately without stint all who deserve favor at ilis hands.—Ri Jimond Di^jjutch. The Vdnlcpp Robbers—A Hrf'Ci'nia i'onJff!LOn. —A correspondent of the St. Ijouis Kepublican, who was with Curtis on his march through Ar kansas to Helena, says that on the Arkansas side of the river, outside of Helena, ‘‘there is not a house for ten miles but what has been pillaged from cellar to g'arret by Curtis’ troops.” Trunks were broken open, bureaus opened and sacked, in fact every drawer, cupboard, trunk, chest, sacked and pillaged; ladies’ dresses, car rings, finger rings, breastpins, in fact everything moveable possessing value, stolen.” And this writer says that was not all. He adds that “on the road traveled by the army the same system of pillage has been car ried on. If a dollar’s worth of moveable property has been left, it was because the soldier’s knap sack would hold no more, or wagons could not be pressed to haul it.” He says he has heard it said that Custis has regiments that could steal either Vicksburg or Richiuond in a week without firing a gun. Yankee Depr>:dafions.—A correspondent, pa;.s- ing over the late seats of war in Virginia, writes to the Savannah Republican:— Despite the brilliant successes of the Confede rate arms along the route T have just travelled, it would make your heart sick to witness the deso lation of the country. Kor miles upon miles, where the hordes of Federals have camped, not a fence is left; wheat stands in the shuck rotting in the field.s, or has been consumed by Yankee caval ry. Fine mansions have been broken open and rifled, carpets, furniture and pianos cut up and broken to pieces. In one instance, I am credibly informed, these brutes entered a gentleman’s house, abstracted the interior works from a supe rior rose-wood piano, and placing the dead body of one of their soldiers in the case, thus buried him.” “ The DeciL or General Jackson.—A corres pondent of the Savannah Republican writes from Virginia the following incident connected •with one of Jackson's late victories: From the Cedar Run. route they [the Yankees] rushed through Culpeper as if ‘“Old Nick” was at their heels. I was told an anecdote at the lat ter place of a Yankee officer who hud been stop ping there with a widow lady. On leaving for an advance movement, he bid her good by, saying his destination was Richmond, and that he would soon be able to assure her of the fall of that Rebel strong-hold, and the consequent suppression of rebellion. From the battle of Cedar Run this same officer came rushing by in hot haste, when the lady hailed him, why such hurry, and what was the news in Richmond? ‘‘Oh!” said he, “the Devil or (ren. Jackson is behind us, and they may bring you the news from liichmond I am oflT” and away he went, as the boys in the army say, “a-kiting.” S>a! for the Confcileratc Shitt's.—The Senate ed a bill furnishing the (’onfederaev with V Militia: oU are hereby commanded to assemlde at .A'^hcbo- rough, on 'I’hursday the 'Jth d;iy of October, pre pared to procee.d at unce to arrt'-;t and deliver at the i Camp of In'^truction at P.-ileigh nil Consi'ripts an'i Snl- : diets absent from their Kegim.-nt withnut leave. A fa.l- i ure or n-fu^'il to comrdy ^' i.h -hi- :in er w. I subject Ihe t.nii-cr .othc pen'ilties of .'I Co;:vt M irtinl .and conse- ■ ipi>‘iit n- lncti''n ti> thi- van.'S. By ord-T (if • 'iiv V :in • • 1.1 vl i'iJ A« i'KS «•}• !.Wn U i ll f.r tl>" i t.'Wi'. ii f .i;ini i’l fi.o > lo tion .;f I : -I I'.'ji it N. -ill of W.iisi.v, I will p«y v..-1'y of s iiii nrivl )■' i\f oi' 1o.b;re'l in '■ ■)'fi 1 in t!i! C('’if,:v. v S'n' if s tid "ni i‘ inv' iither t'ounty m I confiiK'.i in *be J-iil '■ pv- iii*'oi f!ia I hi' party arrestii>» givui:: me e i’ i‘ same. Ill thi Fayetteville. ,\ug. 2-'i, 1802. TSBi: \0«TI8 WILLIAMS. tf t,- th- Tin- 1* \vt- f.’ JNO. D if (jeorge j ill ;V..m Car- irntv. owtii of corn, I |\SrUANfE ( 0)1PA1\¥,| OW in the tenth year nf successful oper.ition. with j To Uie ( oiumissioned onicers of the Uog't V. ha^ p: ,w..i •. - ;i seal, or coat ot arms. “In the lorogrouna u (^)nfederate soldier, in the position of ‘charge bayonet’; in the middle distance, a woman with a child in front of a church, both with hands up- liitod in the attitude if yiv:iycr; f ir a ba' kgvtuind a homc.stead 011 the plain with inuuntain' in the [distance, beneath the meridian sun; ihe whole ^ surroiindi d by a. v.rcath co!ii])".'cd «'l the staiKs .,-! j the sii'.;:ir eatu', the rice, ♦ho eotton. .tud ih.; to i baeeo plants; the margin iii.'etiiicd wi’li tuc w.ji'i' i ‘Seaioi tlie Cuni'ederate Sr;itos ol .Vin* i ie:i. above, and‘Our 1 liinies and our ('oti-'iiut .Hi. h tn :itn. .1 Pifri'flr ]\oiv tn. — A won.r-n in the v ei lit}- (if Coliinibus, Cia . \v!i''SO linsliand at! I fr. -’Us are in the army, h;is, with tl; ‘ a>-i't:)ne( -;f ler two daughters, made a I iiimtnTfl ^ rii]* o CO at once to the Camp j potatoes and Other produce s> oflnsiructioiVatHalc-ch. with three d,ays’rations. Any j times of privation. Th*-e nob e aii( P*'”';’ one failing to comw'll be arresteu at all hazards ! li:iv.>. in addition to this, male uii toi I ,\I WORTH. (Nii. '-id Reg't N. C. .Militia. i.i iii '.s pruliibly ill (II- nc'ir T.iwn. btit neiy j I,t i t„ iiu- ai«,.i from ,o,.r Regiments niihout lesiu*: rr L ini vo'.i brought to the Camp ot Instriu'M'm .it l>a- leiuli to save you iV >m iiilli-'ttn^ I'lsting •li'^- epon ymirs.-U-. s and your cunty, I comtiiand and ] entreat j’ou to asst'Oiiile a' Asht'^oroiigh. on flmrsdiy : the '.Hh of OctoVier. prep fe'l 4 AKOI.i AA up will be arrestea at .and dealt with as a traitor to his country u ;l. e 111 the prem- j :ii’t t;.'ci>-sary Out- d iiiiy ,'ic>-i‘s iimier .'s 1' !)(‘Vi‘r-failing ■ [■; r .I.T ifis •,v. I i.iiitvdly I'd- ire Me I’MO, • i;i»‘ at ; \ K, ■ itai-. dec'l. rUlunH* Warrants for sale this Office. gr.iwiiig c.ipital and firmer hold upon public con- ti Imce. e.^titiniies to insure the lives of all healthy per- son' i. i'rn 14 i'-' je%rs of ape for one year, for seven voa\ s ;;n I forlite—all life members sharitig in tl;..‘ jirotits. ' .‘.11 .^livi's from lo to tiO years of age are in.*',ire ] for vear or for five yc-irs for two thirds their value. \h lossex are punctually }iald within ^*0 days after sari-f-^eti'.y proof is presented. Fur fiir'her inforin.'il i^n the piild’'' is refi'rred to Agents ot the t’ompany iu all parts c die State, and to R. H. U.VTTLE. Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, Ageul at Jan’y 1869. Fayetteville, N. C. ami good citizens are especte.l to assist ia oxecutiHg so just an order. -J- M- WORTH, Col. find Reg t • N t’. Mtlitia. Sept. 27, 18(i2. HifO and Tobacco on Consignment. C..VSKS of fresh b?al Rice an’ H'O factured Tobacco, vnriou-' ’I" GLO. W-. WILLIAMS J^CO. Fayetteville, Sept. 24. lbt2. Tilt* ■»*•*’♦*** to purch .se a L^ELV NEGRO , EOBINSON. FA,«u«Tin., Sept. 18t*2. all hazards ! v^omen have, in addition to this, maae up All Oflicers ; quaiititie.s of soldiers’ clothing, and inan- jd sulCeient goods for family use. 10 uJacturei S(oi>pn'J> >t ('ofton .)//7/.^.—The Woonsockot (R. I.) Patriot says: Of tie nineteen cotton mills in this village, only three or four are now in (libe ration. Among the latter are the Woonso-'-;t Company's mills, which have coniinned ru ii:g throu-'^h all the lull ti»nes. The cotton niillr. are all stopped in Ulackstone, Slatersvilh;. .''lanvillc, and Albion. The prospect looks dubious for the cotton districts durin the comiii:. wintiT. Remalu for Fits.—\^ny your clothes at a slop shop, and you will never have a fit atterwards.