sa W Fi f: K f > T vol.. \ii.) FAY1:TTKVII.LK, N. ( OCTOHKK 9, 18G-2. [NO. MGl.] l-lUM't;!' Mi>M)\VS \M> THrHSI*AVS K!)\vna> J HALK H SONS. Kl ITOns ANlt l*U(M>RlF.TO]lS j) .r ti t' iiii Ht'' kl_v ' >];rirvi;i; :;! Of) if p-ii 1 in '•.M'tv " • if p'li 1 ■liirins^ fhi> voiir '>f “'lij'- ; r iVe \ enr h:i i-xj.irol f, r I'.t; Wtifkly nB-^KRVKn $2 HO jif>r annum, ii'paiJ in s ! iTicc: ■’•I - if pfti'l ilnrin^':tip •■■1” "f' ■'X *H* :ifior ili(> vt'iir hiis AI'VERTHI'MKNTH in iM-io l r t. i c«-nt3 per ; . I ■•! ICi lines f >r th.'first, nml ront-; fi.r ouch . ; i •'.;j piiblicnti'in. Y*vH'-ly !ulv*‘rti^JPHU'iits >>y sjn'- - ••'rui t''. !it rt'afsoriRblc Adverti-'T uro r. I f 9t!ito tti' numbpr of insertions ■U'-'irO'!. or ■ , w 1' >u- .‘"iitiiuiO'l till I'.-.rbi'.l, unJ ohr.rgi.‘i.l iiccord- \\ KSTMKN Kvii, r:oAi) Omcr, ^ l ':i\f't j('\ ili(*. Ain^ “-i!' I ^ a\% VB-rrTi:'; :WHTUi. ' \7'i! >.,1 -zh .'.,077 35 (.or a: ecu! t‘\;ru ■ •F. Sl'K':'! ■ .in at'rer i his'N?'-. n-iii'iu' t ^ -i.w -;uhecri>'iT *. entero ! without ji-w int'ni in m.Ivviui'*'. n^r ■wi'il ■aper be r^ent to snb-.-vit oV' f- ;i Ii'njrer time It.n is piiid for ^iich of ai'.r ol'l 'Ubicrib>‘r.' ;i5 Uo- tn tiiki; the p t- : per 111 lJii« systoni 'will ploAs^e notify n- w lieu iiKiking .1 lu'y 1. 1 ON an.l ivttcr the 1st !ay of jJfpt, i'lo fol'i.v.;!!/ r'ltp.' will bi> ch'irL; ''! ,.n «, vi/; From Kiyelt‘‘vil]e to l.ittie l\^v r. '''* t-^. “ to Spout j:. ■ ■) *• to ll'.'ck 1 *■ to Joiiesbovo', ’ l!-> to Mclver’s, 1 ’i‘: Twpnty-tiv» rents aJJitioii'il will be i:o.1h-ifit by the ('ondnetor of e-i''h pii?'j''n!;t‘r. l*>avi!i’r i S 'iti.,n without •I riekfi A in'w rue of Frcijjht will go into etl’ert ;i» the pame lime, which will be printed Htid tur’iisii - l to the public in 'I few ibiys 1?V order of the I’res't. M. VID^K, TroH I W R K (’o. Ault ">i' 'I’itf Florence «iid Fayelfeville kai! iioad. the I'riivi^ !' iiii Of linani. .■! vfiiiiiiii i.f N\ii:ti *'ir 'ill-1, ’.vi;! ' • the li'i!h .lane iit the f _ plie-an i iin l.'r 'u* !i- vfi'iion if the followinir p.-rs.--.’', to rece • ■ :i •np- tions Id iht- ('n)>ital Stock (if the ■‘Fluieiic. v J',>yctt '- Siiar(W I »>u' iliin Ire l l' ’ll\r> ,-:ich Total, Th-> t’oni;' hi'“ ; S'iv(‘ iieviM- I . t;- an c Ti.r;>l los«o^ p ;iti, McM'MIjI,. I• A. IIA 1 . Vin- I’l C. M-Ml!,!.\.V. Sl!7-’,7'«-''> M li'* i,t ■ 1..1':Tly, and I'lOiit 111 ’h"'ir j'Vf'iiiiuin notes, ti, i;!i i’ri' '•idrnt. . I.e ' -in i'? d on i ■ I rf ri P.'^nrv l illy, I! I/. Myrover. S. T Hawloy, -N it him A. b^v.-d'n in, I’. !5. MalU'it. .lames Kyle, A A. M i:. •I. I*. \'-'iHiam-, >v. S. Vi. riiliTiU-t'.aa! . \. hn ('dllius iiii.l ('. Mi-t’rii: P«i‘>'”The Coiiipaiiy invite ‘ipjili;i: '•'.tv L’S. Is’dt. i U;; M: . J . ‘ i III^'* U'*. \^'rn. McL:\;iriii, 'i'. S. i^uUerloh, \ '.V . Si .1 ; lephf'rd, :> Wilin'. .V'\V;r H ill. A 4*AKS>. ’ ('imp Halo, MPiir Fort Fisher, N'. t’., Aiis:. 'piiK ini'ler.sitrnod, a priv;Ue ii; the Army of tl-' ’m- J fr.lerate .States, ro.spectfully announces himself a candidate for 'hi-f Clerk ot the ol C\irni!i )ii« of thi‘ next I.,egislrtture. Havinn: pissed two '^'inters in close intimacy with foroier 1/ p'slative budie-. he trii-ts that he has, considerable acquaintiince with the duties • >f the ])0siti0n. JIKNllY E COLTON. Aufj. -io. ^>ltf Naloiifi Acail€*my, I SkI'TK.MBKK is, l5t;2. j [\ ’^r lor to prevent. dusajipointTuents, the undersifrned iier. liy piv*-s notice that no mor' scholars can be re ceived into Salei.i Fenialo Academy 'it this time. The school i.s filled to its ci.picity,—hence parentj lUi ! ('her-j are re.piested, under no circiim«ta7ices, to biiri r III chil Iren unless they have a written ftb ‘'U - tn.-p of a later date than this card, thof they will be received KOBT. Du^CIlWHINITZ Si'pf, is^ 18'12. 08 Iwpd '1, •linpr -Vre! -1- ^n iiiAL sjm: j\sniA\(i: o jpa:vv, Tt'aclivr WaiittMl, ^PO nke ehaiye of a small school. 1 be well nuaHfieil, hii I C liberal pvii'e will be paid. FIL! lilLE liOfEL FOR AT ilK.iH POI.\T, C. Snpt iS'-.-J Thu applicant must | ^ I For piirticiilurs apply to ■ ALVA SMITH, Fair Hlntr. .'J. C. ('4-:it*;iiid SCENES “IN THE R^AR. ’ ‘‘IVrsonne” o! the Cliiirleston Courier jjives tho lollt'wini' iiocuunt ot lib visit to the rear during Being ■ncHg’ed in other pursuits, we have concluded . , to sell the ve.y valuable f ur .story F.RICK HOTEL, battle oi Muiri.sbur_-.— iipp»site the l>epot This Hotel is well known to the In iloilii' .so I Was to pass through the traveling public It is now bein? kept by the Misses 1 of Shurpsbur", and tound it had suftcred a !?i>; haH been well paironired, even to the capacity ' of accommodalJons; 'lie traveling custom is very great; lie-'ide-j it 18 «n Eating House (supper and Breakfast,) r r the Rail Road travel: it is one of the best Hotel!' ulonsc tlie N (V Rail Road, in fact, equal to the best in the State. r\i this property is well Vnown, we deem it unneces sary to further deacribe it. .Any person wishinp to keep a Hotel, or invest Lia moftey profitably, may find in this property an extraordinary opportunity. This VHluuble property will be sold at public sale on ! at 1 omt;, but whon the ball^ bci;an to fly ilii.’ iiiid the 17th day of Octobernext; posHession given 1st Jan’y I placr tllOV WCre ‘'lad cnougll to take 1803. Terms easy: made known on .lay of s^le^ : ,atVty The Misses IWrbe^, the present occupants, will sell in > on reasonable terms the most of the furniture,now used in the House. JOHN ('.\RT»jR. W. SHEEK Sept. 30, 18G2. tio-ts martyrdom indeed. Many oftbo houses had been .struck by shells, and one or two sot on tire and destroyed; a few were utore wrocks of tlieir lor- nicr exi.stcuce, bein>; torn to pieces by t'ao cxplod ing missiles, while I’raginent.s ol the l un^iei were scattered about the streets. 3Io^t ol the simple- hearfod citizen?, not supposing a battle so m ar at hand could do them much injury, had remained S.ILE OF VlLI'.llll!; IIEU ESTIIE .ir poi.\T, best they might. One old lady told me that .■'lie had laid on her back ever since daylight, against the stonewall ol'bcr basement, and site w:is trom biin^ while she spoke. I hoard, however, ot no luss of life or injury among the citi.^ens. Several ot our hospitals wore in the town, :itid tilled to overHowititr the wounded. Kidiii>f a mile lurtber back, evidences ol the I, re ml- -I’l. 1. I- tlu- li- ^ iian. ■>s. M. rv V Til AD\' 1.i; r 1SEus pcr-i'ins out Ilf towu wtio desire idrerti-emeiitv in- |j. :-. ,l in the Observer, anil per«ons iu town wit'i whom ,.7e not regular accountp, will please 'fiid with the livev.i^euieut a« much m'>i(>y as tl. »y wisli to invest iu ri.iig to our advertit ng te>ais .'h tiie first pace, wish to open any more such acc.'unts,—i,r • j ■ aeeounts The pr 'ces of cc ’leetiuii is t^io • lud we have to pay ca'h for every thing we -‘.I in these times. i^Ol. . i KY .N; = 'ti Ks.—\V« have hero I oft ire giren uotice. .Trpea:-. t y, lii i’ wi cliarge for obituary notices of ui.- |r .S' liable length, aud fur resolutions f respect: be- (uUse that kind of rea Uug. we have mvu-h "crasion to , 'w, is not often more agreeaMe to reader'-' than to ♦ • .rs of papers. As it generally happen-, however, .iter charging and payin>c poat.ipe ^.>n the account lor- i 1, we never get paid, we now give niitice tlia: we -r ::jthing of the .sort here L::or Hule." I'-r-om- :ho cash. ^Always excepting iu the ca.-^e f . 1 V .iinteers, when we rc.pure no pay.) i5e;ir i. let'ire. tj at we will inT^ert ibituary n >iK '" Us not excel i.uj: 7'.' w i L-, gra is. 1 . rau " A : i, ;,ne cell! - w ir ;. w.iir'i ; ’.i': t e paid he- i;-_ 'e wi’il be p'l' in iype. lip. i.n'l ville Hail Roa'i t'o. -U :/u /i:u a. ■! r:y-i,,. rection o! tlie (leuerii.i v oj ,iiiiii-ii,.nef l>. Iv ly. .V. . .ill- Will. Mri.1 M. Ruse. .4' thf /,’>•/ Sjiri'i 1$.—Under the ■! -' McNeil!, Wm. .1 .Si.’Wi.rt. .In-. \. .Smi Neill at, I 'di.'M III. or -.’ly .1. F.’: I.’ ... Uii li I- 'if '.r. ■Mt-Nair, I>r. 1» MoIa' iii. \rciiit'>11 Lilly aiivl ('ol. .\iexaii ier W:it .u, -. r ;n .1.' - L'ti ler :!ie a r-.-s. liae. !• McLeod, D. .\b (’u. uiu. .1 i- NP H Mc*.^ueen, or any oni' >f -If - -Un.ier;!-!- , •.■ec;.•'!! Jno. McNair, Sion .\'*'nrd. I*:i>.:;i!d Nlc» McCallum. or any one ot iht-m. The S -,1'.-ription >k- w... i in sin space of ' days. U tieu .a j. '.i,; me Coni[..iny will be i; g'in;,. i ; .i i ie ]>urj ing the iloa.l \ \ M.K.i'HAN, b A. KA^. N olie \lu N. : huuun 1 ; iielii '.i.' i I;- ()W yi the t.'nth growinpr c-ii i tiilence. c.iiitiinie- : ■ 'U.^ tl :ii;l 1 1 yprij-'i. U''l foi . • •. .\11 'ilaves , I-- li 1 • on;- \ ear or t ■ 1 • .\'l 1 - i; t'l' ■ :; \ 1 1. o; i F u- '!;r: v in-' . \gent' ' U’ (' .;i. i; ♦! • v'r-i'’ Ml. wi h upon piiidic con- ; ill iiv- ilihy per- .. • ii', ir.r ! ' ■ ' .’I ! 'le pi>itit. t> Ml'illv I fur ; rfii ir vi’iic. \'ti : .y - a:'' '>r i ■ i.j r -ti'vr'.'d ; i ' . 1 ' 'I.-, a'l.l ' o o- -v. Kalei 'h. r Co ON Fri lav, October 17th, lHo2, I will sell, to the high- , u- .. es- tiild.^r, live 1 us in the -own of Hiirb Voint. being ; bloody nature of the c.ntiiet began to appeal on and shed;' KailroiUl I ; th.. premi«es hitiicno occnv.iod hy ibelliah Point Fe- | every hand. The I'ariii hou:scs, barns Fayetteville. N ('., Sept. i:7. iStio. j , chool On one ofibe lot-is a i!iree-story P.KICK i alving the road had been a}>propriated Iv the sur (lie j.iirpo e of iru-iea insj tne capitnl stock of this I Bni.DlNd, coat vininr; li rooms; six of th. .n 1‘- ! y 1'.' ' vari^vU-S divisions and origades., and iini itiy, to enable it to extend the Road from tli* ; fpt.; each: 't, 11 by 1-3 feet .*-ch: 4, 1‘« liy 1') feel each, ' f , , . . , j „riF tw. He'idsLthe ('.r.dina Moad, t he following i one by 15 fee, The other four rooms are in | hundreds of poor tellow.-. maimed and .uffe n., tierii .'iiiii ,;nte(l l.'diiimi'slouers to re- | n-jns, wliich contains a1«i>. a private :-t3!r-ca=e There | Were lynii.'' Oil the gruuntl, waitiniT to take tiiill j;en: .i men ceiv.' >ii’o. ,\t Ctuii- .>e'vhv an i .Vlio-. e h rib rs in tiieir several neighhoriioods, vii: .1 il iu:;hton, P.royks llarri'S, Ur liuorge \V isiiingtoii. (hiir—)no .1 (foM.'ion, .lames F Rivep and wing, wliich contains a1«i>. a private is a two story porch the full length of each tr nt of the l.i' J lu'y 1' .\ u ■ •vilit N. (’ .1 . i; l’>irce!l. lUm and .tno. ' -r. s,.'i;in i V ;if '^ouid- A I. V.u' >>'!T Nt\ie. >y.viV, (OLOiJ'i* PihVrO,!iAFi2S, V;i ! Fayetteville. .Iun*> 7, \. \V 1 NV M. M • 1 JN’> M (teller".! t 10; main buildinc, Besides tiiis b'jildiug. Mie chid'' a goid Siiiiike-house and I'aniry: Building containing kitc'i-n, wash-room. Ilu-'h >V Dixoii. I clothes room: a S'ervant’s Dwelling II {"i Ore llii; > 'V (Joidst^n, l>r L \V (.jorrell and X 1 rooms; a vcT-y good stable with lo stall--; M .AN:on. j cessary oui-iiui!din'.is. besides two well- \iiove Ore Hill- Dan'l Hackney, B M.arsh and Jas water, each furnished with a good w • i> I’ l-;,.. • garden cannot be surpis;-ed ,Vt F u ! s Mi'ds- !)r H M Foust and Dr .1 D Graves Frankliti'^ville an i vicinity S il-rney. Ai A -oeb >ro’ — .1 w M irket—lei-;. Walker an 1 .Joseph Newlin. I'luima-vilie—.\ ti Foster aii'l .Ino Thomas. .\: ili,:h l'.,iint — Dr K t’ Lin.isay an 1 .Seahora I'errj. A' .'' iiein—Francis Fries and li L I' ltter.son. .\! tlreen^boro'—•(' 1* Me' lenhall, Peter .ifbims, Hon 1 ti-.i-es in ne Brick • 'ling room ■ with two . i .'her ne- ; the purest pump. The H Foust and A athan Worth and B F Hoover. lo yar.lsof the Railroad Station, render it peculiarly a-iajn- ed fi.r u-e as a Hotel. The prenii- ^ inc!u‘i>* every con- veni*‘!ice necessary for such an e .^iii-^oment. l’os?e«'iion will he given to the ^.iiichaser on the-'ith of December next. Terms:—One-third of the purchase mon-y payable ou the 'Jilb October IHfiL’: on«. fhini .\pril ’24th, 18ti-3, MeKAV, ■ i.. ■iUer« If.W. •.nrij. Attorney at Law, Fayettkvili.e, N. C. \ 17ILL attend the („'oumy and Superi.T Courts of ? f Cumberland, Harnett, .Moore au'l Robeson Coun- jties I’ruuipt atienrion given to the collectii.n ol all . claims eiitru.'ted to his hanJs. | :.'t, 17. 165'.t. oS-tf .^cott ;;i«o notice tliaf lie . a> -ent ir.jui Fayeiteviiie lor a tew weeks. F ivetteville. June 13, :ltf tJEO, W. WlLLl.LMS i t'0„ Wliole^aSe Dealers in wi*ocei*ie*i, AND IMPOKTEUs AND Dr.-VI.LU." IN iiardi^are aud ('utler^, Swedes Iron, HAl STKEKT, F\YKTTEVlbLK, >. ». y J ! st,l. -l*’tf ' X W P. KEN'LiALL. ,T. S KENDAl.L ro\, Ki:.\i>Ai.i. 0., Merchants- A N D WHOI.ESALtl G.ROGERS, .Mo. 11 Ji 1*2 Vorth Water Si., \Vilmiii?luii. N. f. £>^ CT'er- from ttie fuuntry pi'irnprly' iite t. ESU r i ticular attention piveu i .■ tlie saie of ( itton ■:..-r pri:diice. .. 1 ■I. :'*-f LOOK ,\T Tins! 1111^ i'iii-TTLllLLH iii.TI'L, Fronting l‘ee( and in (lie }>ii>iiiess |)ortiu;i of tlie i ouii, eoiilriisa^ iiioi*e ait>! ^.vell ^aii> l&otel ill lhi‘ >>tate. unJ tuy I'atron' -^ay tr.y *'• ii liiiietit' u^'. wry _ d tor till rimt-- I T. \\ VIMMM,, Proprietor. •May I’O. -7y Fayetlevilit Female liisli ■school. 'PHK txere,«es of thi luJtitut; m v.-. : i.---iiiu>'l i. 1 the '."Uh of September The schola-tic ye .r will be 'iiTi’.-jl in - 'w^ ■ ; :n-: the 1st .jf 1-; week-',. • ■Ti.ruenciiig " : . . : mg i;4ih I'eC.; the .second .jf 'J7 week'. i otniuei; - iig I't of Jan'y and oiid.u^^ .b:ly 1-t Parents and (juardians in! ■n'lia.: t> p :"ii!ze tiii^ Schi'ol ar- eaiii>-r ,y ; lae-:-! ’ ^ . ir ■ p.C: . - containing I ini. .::ar- iiire;_Mrl-. -ji 11 ' the opening .if tlie S.;-. Rev W.M. H‘:H>!. ;i 1’^ J):ioT Mil; M'li ' . { - I.;.: . !i:.. ,RT‘. .V). U-, N. C.: pbiit . :.U ! 1 a-^rib M‘'!.a:ieio \ Piet: ; -Mo .V Iilmer iiii l .le«se H /viii l«ay. | in-tnictii'iis will be -'ent to the Comrnisjioners at an i:,v .iav by the President of tli:? Compiny. Ill" ■ .) M ROSK. beo’y W R. R. Co. 1 ^Pili'', .'^ub'j..‘ri':v“’ j 1 ! .r..', t.iirethf youv p the g. De, 1 V II^ '■ ;■ i : -d pe..;.^; r 2'*. 1 H." t «V»- t ='e‘..fore i.y Kf:\i. iv^rA'rK Ftm?^Ai.K. '..•ri':v“r woull '-•'U hi-> !ioii®o au‘l lot in Wades- ler w'th aV ou! '.'*0 acres of lan l rpaciiing ’t 'li !:iree mi’--: of the Village :! le.-irable ) The ■ ■ I'.c hm-e is largo, m.i the lot the mos> de>irable t’.e up CMiniry, c.'ntaiiiing iiear fit'ty acres of i,m.l. 1 1 11 1 iny .le.-ire to .uove fiirtlier u;. tlie country, 7, i'.i s''’:I them irt iii^urg. S. C. ,? • tie n: a ’C. 7. i finely impr. ve'l h nad bit ia | lei^h t aether ft g''od tract of land J. P. SMITH. i'.> 3uipd ■ gr. 'hN' ;V. ^l.FLL, a:i I I’r.'prietor. •r l(!aiiiiii«>ti*atiosi Aolice. 'P.IK subscriber havinu .(ualifie'i as .\diijiDi>-;ratrix on 1 the F.'tate .d’ Ja' Sundy, deo'.i, hereby trives notice to .al! per'.'.ns haviti;r claim.a against sai i K.'L>»te lo pre- - nt i!ie:n to Wm. McL. McKay within the time pre- s.’i ,'.u 1 y 1a-, or this notice will be pie ided ia bnr of Ml ir re .very. CATH.VRINE t>L N DV. .\dra'x. 4. I"'.--'. 4;^- I turn under tiie knile, su':^ and probe. J^ome were in the last thi'oes oi death, and some so mangled and (fisguised in the clotted blood upon theii pel - .sons that their nearest triends would tail toreeng- iiize tliein; but the majority were more pauitully than seriuuslv wounded, and only rctiuired a banJ- age and a litth; water to eriable them to continue . - . . their iournev across the I'otomac. I have des- 1 i:e construction of ths main building, a-^ well ns its ., ' , •' t ■ .1 I f .1 cnbed these scenes so ircquently llitit ttie\ mu.-t cation Ml the vfr>/ hrnrt of the village, an t within (•>.'' ' .. 1 /. • 1 ^ ..1 be familiar to the reau.'is ol tlie (.uurier, but tlif truth cannot half be t.jlJ. ^I'iiere is alresli, st;tri- liniT e.xp('r;etice connected with every battle. One oi'the aftecting incidents that 1 wit nessed vesterday, was while standing over a dying Georgian, a j’Oting tnan not more than tweniy-'ix year." (if tige, ntinied .iohu S. Hudson, iroin Al bert county. ilis left leg h;id been torn of^ abovi: the knee, and, though he knew hi.s case was hope less, a brother had brought him I'rom the field, that his last hours migiit i»e 'pent in peace away from the noise and broils ot battle. The brother was tenderly kneeling over him smoothing his scripts in j)ro\\Ti curly hair, perhajis as he used'to do when III t,.e.r were children together, and the blue ey^s ot the dvin-.r man were ta.steiicd upon hi.s as if he W 'ulii .-peak volumes of adieus to the dear ones :it home. It was not without difficult}’ that he finally spoke, and these were his hist words; ‘lirother—tell—mother, that 1 die rejoici’.ig, and —die—a—,'oldier's—death.” I'fien, laying one hand in that of his brotfier and t!ie otlier across his breast, he waited the summons ot tlie Holy spirit. They came slowly, but oh, how siircily dill tlie leuth shadows h ;ive th. ir mark upi«n th;i; pallid face, until at last the .rye ii.'Ct'd. tbe (du^st and the remainder Oi.‘tober '1 \ h. IStio By order of the Court of Kquity for Guilforil (bounty. S. L.VNDRR, Com. iifcsi iner. Sept. oO, 1B02. t'ots lloadquiii'ters .)lUi N. I. .Militia. /'^OMMlSSb tNF.ii ^!llic■•r.^ of t!ie .j4th Reg’i are here- by comuian-ie.J lo ass-:-ml le in the Town (.f Fayette ville, on Tuesi.iay 14th day f O.'tobcr. .;II Con their comtnati'ls. at: 1 ail 'o: i:ers I'b'ont Ir Reirinients without leave. prori'K-.l with •> days’ration# reu.iy 10 proci'ei to the Camp of Instruction near Ra ■Vll cf.icers refrtsing or neglecting to comply with the ftb.'Ve er.ler wili subject, themselves to the peiialties of Court Mart'.al and ccnseq -.;nt reduction to the ranks. WM. Mcf.. MeKW, Col. 54th Reg’t N. C. .'Wilitia. G. H Haigh, -Vdj’t. Sept. 2'..*, lx*.2 \ m: F’n Executive Dppartfiient North Carolina, ^ AIUITAST i't.SF.r.AL s OfKK'K, Rfiloifrh, .'Sept. '22, lPtV2. ) ^PHK ?oO Bounty will b? paid to all re’Ti whoc.nue into lif.ived its palling sigh, anJ thi si^liI dj theyiun L Camp under this call befvtie t'ley leave to join their Regiments r,.->- t'l .T. Ct. MARTIN. \-W\ Goneral. wi;. be itten'led to. T. C. Hi) >1’1:R. July 17, lbb2. - 1* J ■i '. tl.'-.ipd .■:pa.^.. I {'r*UH*n-u»n 1-1 r:*u J?ilO Kewai'd* I WILL pay the above rewtr.i i: aU'i .oi.tinemen' of my man ('.\L\ I! irorii me ah-ui lhn*e week- ag -. 1 will ab pay a rewar.1 of Fn>y D. ' ; ^ iH; l- n: to con\iei any pers in .f iiari> .r.iiii i iin. t’.i. viu i-! ar. lilt dJjear-^ aire. '/ 1- e: ’.o .r i : it. • ' ;ng\, black. ,at; i weighs at. - it 1'>n j .i,n N; .v.> ir- ‘••n i : 1 riiii:“ in ii;s ears lb ; .. ti - i ;p ■ vt, ■ .n and we!! kii wn ab . ile s..ine!inie- cail-. h' T\U) !J. \i)Hi I- a r ' i . . . IMIi-o A. NOW -rviit . V. 'PHI 1 o 1 ...I - ’a:‘> • .b^hii- Tl. P T. t . Sl B. ii, WORTH, oaiiuixvioci and Forwarding >ferchaiits, WILMINGTON, N. C. . y J ': ■ ] 84tf Ol* ."tliwlaid. ■■ N ..!**'• n.)t iiile.i up. >igu. 1 ny inyseif an i ' ^ f i t p:iir'C.; Mur}'iv, laa b* piyanie t.- any a: t .iyett viUe. .A!', p. rsv.ns forewui ■; > t; them, lie they will not be jiai'l D.WIU MUHl’hV i' _. l>'>/2. Di'- Tu«'iit>-livf Hollar** Bteuar«l. t frjiii the >-uli.ici ;her. his negro t'oy .Mo- • I .'LS. He i- yt-ars of ;ige. aVi .iit •') tc»t 1'‘ incat- ■ t'h, I ■' u't. ^ ng ie an.] >--ry ^;\ich tornel ,:it >.i tii.‘ ind 1; k- .ioWIl wii.'Ti ’ !i.- W; - ••11 at i 'Ph*i'''s Mi!l> in l!ohe--on :;,oiiiity -.n the u;st nit . * i i W'.. in Favett., vii'i a'tioii ihm- w* kf Th? ; .. ”. w it'! wi'.. b:- J ’ .1 ■■ •■•-. ve y ' ■ m;'.- or lo.' I - .••iij' nemen: in any jail - • 'tial 1 ge; huri. W D. JOHNS'.bN. n. .-' vrile, S. f ., .Aug. II. l ^IjJ. o_.f \Vilmin^OT% ( hailot'e iV, Ruiiu*rfor(^ U. H. (onu>a!iv> .\nd a'd it ai I- -i.i; Wih- : . I-..' .1. w - i!. S "1 ss i’. I a-i i’..^ .-'11 ■ 1 -,f Fv^:l!,v ., . ir-l. - r . . n': 's. M :;.-kef ; - -.'S. ' ir- of ril lie bv T\St>R it JOHNS''N | lers ent to Mclver s Depot, F k W Railroad, f OFFH E OK THK -V( T*(i ASS'T Ql ARTKUM ASTKK, ) j Fayi'U»*viWe Arsenal and Armory. r 39- j Fayetteville. N. C., Oci •). 1S''.2 j Wood lift'd. ^!]\l..KD f’ROl’i ).''.-\.l-S wi'ii be r'-ceiv,.l iriii’ the2oih |ij o' ifi. present motru, for t!.e deliv-Tv of two huii- iiri ti un i ten cords g lod t '/uJ iiUck-j ick wood. (21o, i at the r .te of thirty per montn The wo - i ' tl) he delivered at the .\rseii d, where it will be proper- I ly cordeti [t must conform xtrict!,/ lo the stanlird I measurement for cor.l wood, viz: x F .k 4'. l‘rop."-al ; to be marked •‘I’roposals for woo.l for Aci’g .\ss’t (.^uar- , termaster.” MATfilLW i>. IAV LOR, Is' Lieut. Corj'S .\rt'y. I’ .V. ('. S., t;r.-2w abd Act’>: (.iiiar' rnia«ter. Ill.n: V8TKI4H.. pill' «ubi'ri! *r' are mantitae'iirit'Z RLl-F. VITRIOL, tr ier- - 'nt to Mclrer's Dejiot, the ferminu-i of the ,i' -.'r;f;i- R'lil’.-oai, will receive j.romjit attention ! 'p.'cnnen may he seen at tiie ('h-erver (Office, Fayette- i TVSOR ,S: JOHNSON. A'.liT. l '>. -''-'f \oTii i:. CND!'RS!1NKD. bci^n having eiitei e i t!. ‘s of AI tive iMtice to th-’ir obi ciistoiaer-J au'i friend r\ice of the ('.oifeier niili- ites of Amc. ica. V h ive appointe'l lohn D. .'jt.irr and John D. of ihi' pla- e, their attorn-'y*; to e.illect either . !\ or Ciinj lintly all i!i.»ne> due them either by ■ r n 'te, and e‘h>'r i V, !X K'iNDALi I f.tlly ''■r-3?s;rw \pi il 2. |.r. '..b' Gro- iC t’o lo-tf .r.Micral’y •l';riii>r their k ail per'..ns iiideb;^-J ■ssible on their a’ei t to attend to their ba- ’ence. They rc.'^]>ect- rbeni to call as prouipt- i -.nAiio pay.utjit. VIR .V WILLIAMS. .">8-tf N iid Ul-FICK' F TllK Pi; Ksii!..NT - I'liO- 1 'ilS. ''piIK next annuaVmeet:;,^ .it t :.i- ui:i' ...y wi ;'.t he;.j 1 at i ly, .‘.e UJ 1 .My i-bcr next. Trains ‘or ;he a'^c.'niioo'ir.: i:n S'-ckh dd er-; will leave ('h.arl.)tte at;.! Cherryviiie ..n the m' 'rning of that 'lay. From an.I after the 2lst in-.tan:, the l'i ;n-fer Rof»k- will be cl- ->ed J.\S 1. .\lc(‘ \Lil M. c y. Sept. i7, 1^'.2 ‘.2-tra 4 OTTOV V\El\. Vo. 10 ll.iy Street. To ’'pin; iiu bM -igio 1 iiei wit iiiti ( ' i etteville We -' -v KKiM.T Hl NDuKiJ VCKKS OF H.Ijoiidng :b- land >.e’ • ' ■ the .if He irgf D.-. ;:ep:. T*. I^'ol. lVi>TKIlA RA5I. UOAO. 1^'^ilU.M and atier .Mouday the 22.1 inst., the drains on this R'a.i will run iaiiy. leaving Fayetteville at H o’duck. .\. '!.; returning leave .Mclver's Depot at 1 o'cl icR. I* M 0. B. M.ALLETT, Pres i. Sep;. 20, 18112. b3tf (.'i- i.l WilcoK. liec'd. an l lyin: b intou. nil Li!;! ' ■; Th'--e Laii.l" :i"e w- !' CtiMoil, .' ■ . i'.-e. .\e. ir ..-; a cii;.'. 'D ,ve’Iii..'. iioii -e.->. wi'ii al. .ill • ;.e hit;, ' fence, incb; liiiiT -irty .ir f. b; iati 1. a r ;re ek, M. .•■■d T| , . aiii . an' :ho .'il fr.KU Car- Mtnty. I ■ .wth of corn, | I ■ ri tlie prerii- j 111 t'.ece -ary 0;u- } i :if:y ncre-j iia.l-r : ’s .f never-fa'ling i r.-r pe---nn- I •0 nil i 'i.l'te liv ad- 4(1 P.IIL^ SL(iAR 12 Rob. N O SYRIT’. l.-i •• SCUl'l’tiRNONd WINE. ()n c..nsienment and for sale by JOS. UTLEV. Sept 22. il2-tf .'^Icilic'al I'lirveyor's ) W’n.vHi.orTK, N. , Sept. Jf., I'vilj. j .\oTii i:. ONE of the foilowing articles will herciifter be re ceived by this Department: Horseinint. In.iian Tob.acco, leaves and plant. ^J.amestown We..-.! leaves. Lave eier. ,1’ucco'ni or Rloodroot. '.Sassafras Pith. ^Scotch Rrooin. -^peir Mint. j .\mericHn (lentian ! .Ani'e Seed , R.ineset. i i.’alHmus. I vJeiitaniy. ' Dan.leUon. ! Fleabane. '' I Hemlock Leaves. Henbane, leaves and seed hero returned to the (fod who gave i;. Heaven iirant that that mother m;iy iin 1 her eonsohition in ttie ('iiristitin message ol her n loie boy. (,)n the ro;i'ls and across the iields, borne in 'jury litters, or leaning upon the ciVnis of coiurade.s, the wounded were returning by .’.ndreds. It was one steady pmeessioii from morning tilt night. I’:if;:r:unately few knew the locjlities oi the res pective hospitals :;nd 1 saw man}’ a man fuint and even l;ty tlown to iie by the wayside 1 h;ive seen men too, stagger into hospi^ils where they did lint belontr and implore, with teai> in their eves, to be relieved lium thi ir misi-ry—;i !i‘(.juest which few .surgeons,.with their own wounded de mandin'; every momeiit ol tlicir time, would .'jtup to '.rant 'This is a departmeiit ot the ;irniy which rdjuiros iinj rovi inent. Ihere i^ no re:i'OU whv ?very i;ili:-;'i i'l a nipl ihnse in Vi;ar d the :i'.’i;y, shonbl not ki..iw liovr to find the vari ous'itals dnrini: ;i battU:, i' r which prepara tion." have lu'’(*n m;i'ie, and be able to direct the w o u n d 111 a e c 1 .> r d i n g 1 y. Another prominent feature in the scenes of tJie rear w i^ tlir pr"Si riee of an immense bo ly oi straiiglers. 'j'hcir number was leuion. Some had been following the army for week- and never would join il. though they h;id the opportunity. Some were the constitutional co-w;irds who alway.'J desert their comrades in the hour of peril, and u few were broken down and really unable to pro ceed. It was not long, however, bi fore (Jen. Lee Jar.'y f., 1st.2. F the ! >n .:oi:; i .u- of : at ihe I’atik of Sorth Car 'in.a. .'larch IM 0 1-. M SDK>. van- o;?- . F'lr fii'-’ i CtMilc'- ■ w’. Fayc-Meviile, 1 '' M McRae, -; tiM* at N, MeP \K, M. i: , Ca- n ' I V. rew'ii'l will h- j.uo; b^r the ol -:i 1 ■ ...ry to the nearest .Military Post, «.>f .\LKX- ^ ■ ■..i.A' L. wh' 'le-^ertLl hi- Cion ft-'y '-'ti or ■ - -;i Ma; h 1^ _. Sm.i Wa.iice isji years ■ f‘ i‘! 11 ine'ie- lii^rh. rc i e,)iii[.lesi :a. .iark hair. ! ; a n iiive ..t .M-. .re ' ..iniy, .tti 1 i- proba \'ly in thf vicviiiiy of ('>irtti:iL'e J.VS II. ',;rivr!>, ' apt ){_ 2it(i Reg t ,N C. Tne.p^. • limp Johnson. . fr„ni Kin-ton. -hin.- 17 ■'' ■f t A It II! 4 KKW L.\1>IES can be ac.;o;uinc;.iaie.l with board at A i . Seminary. Nl-'ite ol .\orl?i i.xi'i’i i iVF i-r- .m: M:vr.) Rai.i toit. L' - .‘. 1' ) 'PHF. Slierii’T-' m.ii I (.'uiVialii. s oi ti:e i :!e, ■ ' ■ .jn •• I of the State are hereby aiith iri/e i :i i = .i ecre ! t.. :ii - i '-t all person.^ beloncii’.>r to tiii- ( ,. -i-- .■ .\. iay wf'.- are atis. nt : h tn For each arre-.i, tlicy wid be ..nton : ; ^ .. ; ;■ lUi ;f.e ('.•Iif*'.ti i-ale t; .veriiiio-iit iI' . 1 ”> f r •■i. :. e'O line I in Jail, or S '^0 it .lei’ - er> ; t .; :i.- am’- .i. i a -: i let MOii near-Raleiirh, or to .a '.itiier. :ii --. d' •>- ectire tlie.-e .arre-' '.e -In.i,. n f tli.-. r; v.iil i; ill in any as-i^t.iiicp. ;..n 1 iise all the j-iwer and aii- th.jrity ’.lebuig:!! to their • i; ! I'li 'jMI is I'oioi..'inj, IIKNIIV !. \1-K ,1 .v//€r^ w vers,—mt'ii ; iiT“ w'lil ‘ ... .i:,. M '■ e.ji.ipiiK 111 s .So one n perieiice l ii linn r th ■ ■ fno] 1 i e ci.-d I - * i I -■!' "iiied t' !' iloVL A N. .1 :i' \ t" t e oi.ipb-tv ", Tinin'i. .■ ' mao ■ _■ 'lii of J£ I.■'til. .'V /•••- 0‘i i>ri- ho..- es. i.oUIl’J a id •'"■-"•‘ry 12 i .Hbl HOOPHR. r,i;. Norlh Oiroliiiift 1 or::Va s I;. Ik-'iK.' .are becoming vtry -Cu .-, l,m we II h iii l a good sujjpiy of the NObTIl t'.\Ki)- I \!'KRS, .N )S 1 anl 2 by Rev. Prof -ssor Hub- ■le L'tii-er-f-y of N irth (Carolina, and No. -j fiy >1 Wi.ey, Superiuteudent of Common Sciiools 1 ' ;.;na •I.-! :. r' having well nigh exiiausted our stock ■ II Ib'a'iers ,'in hand when the war comnienced, ^ i ■■ w U'.v.- t iru their attention to these books by raiher ti. tu allow ttieir children to do ;o- .' : --tail f.r: c if 2' ;■ at-^. df K .( HALi: s. .‘^'■''S. t opic*', ol l!u* _’ni '-e procured by nou-subscnbers, &t the Uookstor* rrice 5 ceni/s. ad .\ug. 2*!, I''’i2 SfOO RS'.U STOLlvN tVoni iny statde, n > :r L -w. ; »il Co'inty. N. '.i '-he inch? : 1 D ;> i = r>*d h;iy HOIl.‘'i;, heavy biiilt, (..•*» k bv'. ni white "'a fille marks. Noot her rnr-1 Its i diort pace, short tiot and iiace; iige’!i)i I't 1 ■ .\ person w.h s.-eii birkiDcc '» th" neighi'. posed to tti-? thii t’, wh i tih-wt: ii;i' scriptif.n; 21 or 22 year-^ obi. lair ei)i.i;,' i good countenance, ligiit brown i ahO!lt feet K inciies hig..; w.ire a l,,- ,vu black ca-'^imere jiaiits, i>pii'e ic-w. ii"v% ' neck ti'. gr ly fl 'ine! -l.;rt. i ly ' ' carpet sacK i •• ■ ; i; ir ii ruv; \ r> will i of >7 ) '-o >■ ■ men' and i iiiVict: :i ‘i liie delivery of the in t'; . He i.s sitpp -se.i 1.. be i lie a Tested in Faye'■ .‘vil;e ,a ■ r ■ , of Fry, a very notorious thief j JAMES S. PLKDGER. Lewisville, N. C. Aug. 7, 18(i2. 60-Hm uiti^ a .p. .le : .1 :.l.p;,v II . •* ;.e I he ii.a-i I ire II. nt inp^uiy is Virgin! lie; ; til . K.\ ; I'tipp' lOttRL. VrMl!,* ( X- •1. Aciiiisiai^tralOB’% ^ale. ^jMll- Saliscnber, as Administrator of Angii^ Shaw. I will otfer tor sale on MoNi>.\V. the L-ith day of 0(.1*»|;FH, at the pl.inttition on the Wihnington Rf>ad, ; iii'.le- bel.iw Fayeiteviiie, the following arliclex of peri^litible jiroperty: 1 Corn Sheller, 1 (\irriage. 1 Tiuggy. 1 Wagon, I'lou'.:h.s, a small lot of (’orn and Fodrlcr, 1 Sad- l'e. 1 set Ihirness, 1 Cutting Knife, a few arti- elfS oi Household :ind Kitclien Furniture. .\ ci'c li' of six ni'intho wi!l be (rive?i, an.l bouds with npi.-.ived secii-ity will requ're.l .1 .\M ICS.,1 LN ivINS, hninistnlop. Sept. 19. t’i2-ts .\RT!Y t .\M la epar ■ ’ lo mais’.ifactiire nil kinds of Wagon 1 Mimi“'s fur .^rniy use. 1 tan ':iy l«jfher and can ins they Uiritig the day had Sheperdstown, bring- 0( the remaining article* in formef Kdverlisenient the :ipplied ;i most potent leineUj.^ He direi ted the prices of the tollviwing will be change.!; o:tvalry to scuur the Country and drive bebjre Verafrum V’erile—.-American Hellebore, root 80 cis. them every able-bodied soldier they met. Li. ies^ P***" 1^- , , than three hours enouirh ha l been and (Jerauenm Maculatum —( ranesbill root, o't cts. per lb. ^ . j iXlia Inflata-Indian Tobacco seed. .-1 2--, peV lb. to irotit to orm .^everat regiments ^nd Dyospvros Virginiana—Persimmon bark from root, very appropri;it(:.} trie} re put into line ol ha*;- 80 cts. tier lb. tie under the (HiiiIit>nioi:': n;ime ol ‘“1 lie Roasting- Kar llang'Ts." ^rhioisaiids of Wagons'd tb. r'lti.iiKic iViiiii iiiij: with tliem the welcome boon to the liungrv .soidiiT provisions. I'or two i: ys many of tlie iin'ii h;id nyt taste>l a morsel of food, and b tach- ment.> were now busy around the wagons cooking ratio.IS for the respective coMiinands. Sv'veral >4 the ordnance trair.s liad als.i :.rrivcd, aii.l tlie caissons of various I rjteries were aiound them, beinu fille.! wi'^'i fresh ne’ssijngt'rs ,d d(‘:ith. Atu bulariees iiimbli d slowly by on their way to Sboj lierdstoun w:,h fh* vvnnded who had been opi?ra- ted tii'Oi;. i;t..| iin\v :iiid thcii a-^ thev juiied nver 80 cts. per Xeinthoxylon Fraxineuiu—Prickly Ash bark, 30 cts. per lb. Pinckneya Pubens bark, 30 ct*. p*r Ih. N. H The^e nrticles must be clean ati'i perfectly dry. These prices will be paid for the abov. nitned articles, ami they toerther with such articles in f .rmer a.lver- tisetiieiit the recepMon of which not i)een u'ivertise.l to will be r-'ceive i nt N. C. lastitate. Charlotte, N C , till ftirth’r notice. M IIOU’.VKD. (i(",.2t^ Suriienn and Me.lical Purveyor. FA.iaaLY fc30K»^K I'oiJ ?^Aiii:. fl()R Sale, an excellen: Family Horse. 1 \d iress ••W," at this Office. Oct 4 il,,. 11th inst , I shall offer for sale S.ALT :.ive ! b.i. rde; '■ c me a .\g(*:its wil.' if ) well lo send their ofiall have prompt alietrion. an.l 0 PANS. -ent ..!1 G .Ms i-'r 1 q.ll i P. O («pa!ch. I'hatham Co .Tune i:’.. 18C.-. .lOHN N C„ ^ I (^ARTKR. 34! f (let. 2 I. lir ey.- ratiii' hi- o\f'S-: \F the .li-neiiiiii L im.-^ a Sfijd'), -S.VHK 'ppfv I ai tbe ' ■ .04 o! I’-ipe . .1-. 'MirciilH !tif Rift* and Tobacco (;u ( 4 '■ \ 'i:'.«ct \ ll.c We,.-; \«ent to til. .1 Vie si-nt fro;n h.^nie a fe’--’ vntas in ' Are' ibaM \!e.i.eaii is my aalhorize.i ! > •! niv ' ’.Niae u’ltil I rettirii. j o'l RriLlrfi'^h. Oct 2 1J|12. D. ANDERSON. A!!c‘r !a!t* 3 wi85 pav Five ('ents ] t>r ponnd for ra^s dc- !iv* reil in Fivetteviile, or .'.t my mills D MURPHV. N. G. 2^. isi. i JONES. ;:f S>afis(l lor Salt*: :he 10 ■ A S K - fact itf of fr* I! I 1- tiii -f ’' -T ;■ 1, I.y tl. nati;( ^ • 1 1 ■■ i ' ' ■ I. . . F.ayettcville, Sept. -j. j, ,2 flv^|#i*r Msad (Ui 1:'! l"!l 1’. ' MaiiU- .| a i 1 •. ^ 1" . r s '.le by .vii.tdVM' .V ;'o. •■;;tf VMLb \Ti'0 WOM VN by the n.ntne of LUCY; about 23 yeai.-- old, of me biim size, but now quite corpii- Creek P I it ^-ood farming If tit. V. -N >7 If 23 I Vom OI ’s piot'.bly in or iie;r T-iwn. hut tnay tn'cti l"d off :!i ”i'.' I'.rect: ;'; if X'wbern ''ly ipil i...\ a fr .' "r.'a.'- to;’; w’. ■ beoti a! v.irk >is ntet t'!-'ibably ;ai the VViliii.ngf.Ti X ^Ve^ion i .■ I'. Dv'P 't Ni-v:l; e,'" 'V-U'.iW. I wil'. , y !^2a ),.'.v(i;;. jf s ii a t'irl to me or b !ije d ;;i .1 lil in ari .titid in thi' Cn.inl3', VI if BV THEOPIULUS HL.Ni LR HILL. Es-p, of Raloigh. For sale, price $1, by " Jau’y 13, 18U2. t i' LL £. J. HALE & SONS. aid girl is r’r.iii ! ill aov ■t.^.'r C.uir.ty and cotoiiift.l in li.e Jail of ■ he ^ inc. the parly .iriesiing giving nie early informa- | (ion of the same. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. Fayetteville, Aug.“25, 1863' 64-tf i^piIE subscriber wi-iies lo setl bis I'iHiitariou on I 1 Wevt side of ('ap- F-ar, ne o- Or..y ' 1 I miles Vielow F lyettevilb . I There ire 101 acres of L.\ND, I land and about; oO in ciiltivation. ! T' ere i« a rew dwelling he-i'^e. and fi.i in-'c try on' hoa-.ob F ir furtb:r ir.;dri lati.m .'ipS • ■ • -e- dA't';^ V Cu'uVn*ri;.nd Co.. Sent. 3'). lb'-'. I'.i-.''!] . OIL AND L.lMi’ Pd.zVCK. f|’!ANNERS’ and LCBRIC.\ 1’. N>> OIL. i L\MP RL\CK in b.arre’« Far =>n.le by JOS. Ii- BLo^SO.M K 0-, ^ Wilmington. N. C. March 7. the rou‘_di vnad. you mi_-bt hear the [>ain u' . r.'rhi- inati.'tis iVurn the invisible iimr.-te -• II'.id ■ n, 'or Cod’s sake iicld oi—wl;en you cine ‘ > a r."'-- stop! l^on’t drive so hard”—aiel 'till t'a •'er>‘ moving as gently a careful inen cnild them go. r bea * ^>'Utlex'Ins clothes in a f.ili tif Nev.' ')rli in'. si»me diiys a_n>. while assi.sfiii;_^ bis wife on b '.-[id a .''te!iiuv*r, utid tli(' relit fiiselo.sed a (viiJi|-o*'te cuat ol in lii the neck to the tlH::hs. CcH'fi-derate iin n :inu r.omen niust therefore h'lot at Hie vill.iii.’ jjead. and not at bis b. dy. C.>d spe.-d fh- 'O unity and erown it with cmplef. -iiei-i IIlljll I'ltilK.^. 1 o as the South, , i sale 0^ confi- ' i i •' . I * n ' > >1 21 a 1b V. - i . at 2 27i I >•- /ci: >ii; ■ ’ cii13 a bid . HU i stutiacti 1 ?1J Riee wfc.. qume.l -A fiv \ Cavalry il I Have a No. 1 VoU.Nifi H» for Cavalry purposes. ^ KandalbviUe, Sept. 2'J. ni-eeS'ar; It U. fn a liU Hi; t i ^aic. iSf’ s i,*‘. .-uifHble .Me-A' HERN, Jr 0o-3tpd

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