I. . air m S K M I - W Fi F, K L, T. \(M.. \il.| 1 AU:TTHV1LLK, N. C.. OCTOBEK 13, 18G2. K. . S H Avt ra ra. ‘ ■ rifir •I * Hawo 1 ‘ tan^ill -j. M ^ Ri.‘Wms . I McN- Ul Keynoldj F‘>inintr i B Th. ' H Tlolmeii W Tf; A!tord. Wm L jwi urd Henderson =/ .pJ. 3, -■» ;I {lamptoD - 1 ,u \ ar>CCJ. •’ '■ t JnhT5'lU, Chfc 1 ; ker, A E Mu- 1 ■ hert T- -ruV^. !’ rr-ctt, Vi'iliAm E ■:irr-‘W. T J >'eminej (t jirown. Jsnies •rk-.: YlevtO' rj - i.vi^, V;;. } '■f W Barnwell. * .ynen. Gx» ■/I, u’ ' ' ‘Idhau; ' 1: 1: • Pre>u;:: ■ i .'ter. R ' ■ ry, Franci; J ^ *. .. .1^ L ' ■ - i-. (irandi'jn Hanly ]: K Hilton •r- i-,.. J MuB • , ■ T-i \V l.ewis. >Gar- !’.-re, Chari^i I n J l'u/' I ,} iV ’i4t: I h.":!*ber?i-' - . ^ Bell. _,k, Tbot ' ruith. li M f I )owell- ■ i ' j'fnn. ii.T, ATI'v - :A, W Por \ i^ ieen, j** rj, ~ wane. ■ ' ! L- ’•'» ' ■ ■.V 'irsv • ‘-iulcOIBf = v-T. Tbos } i >kO!-’^ : !? I'Jotelef' • if r |'re?toDi KosBell , i:lNTKl> M ONDAYS AND Till'RSi|>AV:: KDWAU!^ J IIALK & SO\S. KilTitKS aNi' I’UUi'ulilTvtKS |. ' I Wfokly Oii- KHVKn ,r-> it >'> .1\ -!1 ■ ■. c> ^ il lift! I >luviiiv' th(> y."iv of 11- ,'V > J -ittcr t1 e yoar har exT>irP'i f.' , :i» 'W^'vly Obxerckr 5- P'*r iiiinim. if pai'.l iii , ; S'J 50 if paid .•nvinff i!ic vomp ■' '‘iib.^cviii ' --r So I'l' uft«^r il:t> vf'iv I' 1“ p.,, ADVIJKTI>^KM1;N iu^ort.>.l for Of leuts per , of 10 lines for the fir t, anJ 31' cents for eii.Ji ii’i" publication. Vonrly ^i-tvivt i moment - l>y s},.'*- ' I' I. tit Tfmonahle AJvcniitrr-* aro ; , .-I lo :>tate th^ iiuint.or of iti-^pnioii-* IfMrcJ. or j ! . . i'oniiniit*ii til- forbiii. an'! c?i:irgeJ uccor.l- | . ' 1 \ ivcrti^ements to be ins»rl,?J ri.i/Je. oluirgei o'.l per :•; ■ e\trn NOTH'E roui ;in.l aftor thib Jftte. no luiiin* of a n.-w «n>iscrib.'; f ' c I'utereJ wiihont piyniont in adv'iiuv, nor w.il ^ ■ I'ftper be sent to snch si'b^orihovs for ‘i iOtig>“r time ti II ir paiil for t S.icti ofor.r old su^'^f'iibi'ry a"" ■le'^iro t.i iak= tlie ]• i- >i-r on this system will plua-^e notify ii ; when lunkliig :iiitaucep. Jati'v 1, *@^1U AUVKKT1SK118 vr-ous out of town who desire adveri.isenKMUSi in- c i in the Observer, and persons in town wuh whom >e n.ii regular accountp, will pleane send with liie , .ietueu! as much moj cy as tt ly wisli jo invest iu . iing to our adverti*. ng te.ais on the first page. ' . , • ■ wi«h to opeu any oiore such accounts. - or : • J .. accounts The process of coUectiou is too , ' ii\ i we have to pay cash for evpry thing we , . ' iu these times. : ion. i \RV Notices'.—We have heretofore given notice. . 'uiediy, ihat we charge for obituary notices of un- ' tsonahie lentith, and for resolutions of respect; bc- »use that kind of readiujr, we have much occasion to , iw, is not often more agreeable to readers than to >rs of papers. As it generally happens, however. ; !ti Hi‘:er charging and paying postage on the account for- ^ i. we never »et paid, we now give notice that we i "I nothing of the .-jort hereafter unle-^s acconi- . ■' , ^le cash, ; Alw.iy? excepting in the ca.-^c ol V ..inteors, when we re'juire liO pay. ) Bear i vi-efure, that we will in:?eri ibituary notic"» .10“, not exceeding Wi.ird», gratis, t or all ; i-i, one cent a word, wliich t-.;u^l be i^nid be notice will be put in tyjte. If.Ff. .IJfAVf 1\ Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. attend the irounty and Superior (.'"urts of Cumberland. Harnett. Moore and Kobeson ( oun- Pronipt attention given to the collection ot all Ifuni..' entrusted to his hands, sjct. 17. I"09. •'"-tf Ncotl iiolice tli.Tl lie • . /: >-nt from Fayettfviile i. r te'V we-iis. l'-.y-.'tevilie, June 13, -Jtf (,E0. W. \ViLLL\31S it CO., h iiolc«ale Dealers in «roc erie»*. AM> I.MI'OHTEUS AND DEALER.IN lardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, ^tc., H\V STKEF.T, F.VYETTKVILLK \\'i:S'l’l'UN Iv VII. Ut»\l» (>FHl E, } I-''' ^ ’ ON n!)d af'or th.' Ni dny of Soj I liio li>'i,..\vin/ra(o« wir. bf cb irgi d on r-issei>)jf'i >. ' • Krotii K'!\ett*'vill.> to l.itilo Uiver. ■’)• rts. *■ to Spoiu .''|.rin>r. 7-'> “ ‘ to I’n.'.'k 15Tat)i;h, 1 Ci to .loneshoro . 1 ‘J'l to MolNf-r’s. 1 Twenty*tive i-ent^ additional will be colh'ctcii by the Coudu!''..! of enoli pa.-i.^eiig('r, loa'int: >1 ''latiuii withoiii •I I ickt>! •\ new rUe of I'reight will go into eirc.''! at the same finie. wl’.ifh will bf printed snd l'urni“hi'.i t.i ft-.' public iu a few 'l.ivs r.^vi-yrTiH iIvB.i-i >irrru. ^:il>itnl iu 1’;'. i.:| '.-llld VlLlillILK 1!0TI:L FOR S.ILK ('oftr.n un,l Sn‘jxr.—The N*'W O’-Ieatis Ship- pint: Li:^t has be«.n ro^junitd Tht‘ co;ton state AT IIECill POfliT, X. e. ' inont shows a be^^arly account The toi;K on I^EING t’ug.»v'ed in otiior pursuits, we hnve concluded tho 29th August was bnh .i h*‘ rec'ciptS 1'ot-ll. The I'onijsuiy have ntid hnv^i uevev U'.-^de un ' I ll l;'is-e- 1>:U I all ; M on A C'AKD. rnuip Hale, near Fort Fisher, N. I’., Ai^;. iimlersigned, a privaJe in the Army ol tlie •>.! 1 ffdornte St'itp^'. re.Hprotiiilly announces hiuisetf » canilid-Hf* for (,’hief L’lei k of the House of Coiniu iiis ot j to sell tiie very valuable four story BKU’K HOTEL, during the year, endin'’- Si'pt ■'~i\i) U; ''>•* nest Lcpislaturf Hnviiin pi..i.~o.l two ^'iniers in : ..j.pnsii.* the Depot This Hotel is well known to the FjXportod lor th c'ose intimacy' with fiiraict Ijejj’slali»c bodies, he lru.-‘t« j traveling public li is now b^ing kepi by the Misses ' ’ * ■ Harbee; hns be"n well patronised, even to the capacity of ac .'rainodations: the traveling custom is very great: ore. n \ A ( I i. 1 MoNFli.i , .• !IAV Vi:-.. :• .MoMll ]. \\ bin n'TMi!-:: \V N tlint ho has considernbli' acqujnutanc** with the dutie.s of the position. HENK^ li. Ci^LTON. All". ‘J.') 5Ilf 1 'I.iuviii, Lilt ! (>I loll. Uy order of ilie I’res't. JNO M Kusr -\ug. •>>, 18G2. Trea-'r W K. 11 To. ^t'.tf Floreiiee and FayeMeville Rail Hoad. I^NI'FIt the pr.)vision-i jf an OrdiuMice of liu* I'on- i_ vt'u^ion tf North Carolina, I’o'ok.s will I e oj ** cd on the It’itli .J'lno at thi* f dl.iwing plnoe> an.l ui.dft ihe lii II'l ti.>n lif thf foil..wing p.i.-'uin. r*'i rec-.'ivt -ot.-ciip- liouj to the ('iipit^il .->tock of tho “FIoren:\‘ v F.yetio- ’vl'le U ill Ur> id t’o." Siiiri-s (liit* 11 Uiidr “'i i >..K . i cnch. -U iht A’ ;iJ R -iJ 1/1 t'.v, - 'teciih.—L iidi ;• the di rection >1'the Grjaern'(’’onyiH»'ioniT5, .V \. 'IcKethjri, U. A Pv>v. \V. Wm. Mi l. McKav ani Jno. M Ilos.'. ' ■4l the AVii .'^vrin^'s. — L'udcr :l;e dirti^ion o! IKct. r •Ml Neill, SVni. .1. SteW'irt. .la-*. .V .'!uith. Itan'l (' Mi Neill and I’ol. .Mex. McMil' in, or ;iny r.ne of ther.i. At Florai Co/h(/e. — Under the'liri'i : on nf pr. .N'oill McNair, L*r. A l>. .MrI.ean. Archibald !>ini'ii, Kdmunii Lilly and Col. Alexander Watson, or any one of them At QucrnsthiU.—I’n.ier the direction of Murdock .Mc- llae, 1> McLeod, D Mcf.’al'um, .I.is .Meivue, .Ir., and .1. H MctjUHen. cr any one of then;. .4; Alj\>rds. iUe.—Un.ierth'> direction .>f .I jim l’mc..ii, Jno. McNair, iSion ,\!ford. Dug ild .Mi’J.»iluLii (iiid Jiiu McCallum. or nny one of them. The t^ubscriptian l5onk-i will remain open for the space of ti" diiy- . When a putfioieiit sum is .sub'cribel the Compnuy will be organized for the p'lrp.i-i- of btiiid ing the Roiid .\. \. loKV.THAN, L> \ LAV. A. w sri.r.L. WM MoL. McKAV JNO. M Gener il ('.imm.’s.'i.mer.*. Fiijeiicville, June 7, oL’tf LOOK AT THIS! Tin; ifiviiTTiiviLLi: iiiiTiiL, Fronting 30) feet and In the business portion of the loTrn, C'oiBtaiii«i more ioii« aii«i ««ell veiitilateil Uooni« than aii> liolel ill the ^tafe. I and luy I’atron.s ;>a> mv ('ondiinen'ts uic viry l' tor the tiiiii '. T. WAUIMM,. Proprietor. May 20. -Tv Fayetteville Female High school, 1''HL exerci«ep of tiiis in.^iiitution wiii oe r« -iiiHL i ■ • the 2'.'ih of iiepiember. ^ The sch.-.l'istic ye;ir w ill be divi led'in'.o i w j the 1st of 13 weeks, commencing 'J un of .■'e[>t. im I c. i it.g 24;h I>ec.; the second of 27 wechs, commeuc :ig l!-t : of J^D )' and ending July 1st. I I’arents and Gu:irdiaus intending to p .tronize this :r>chool are eurnestly requesttd to appiy for circular.; . containing full jmrti.-ular^ iu reg ird to teiius, ic , • the opening of tne .''Ciiool. Kev VVM H(^ ITEU. • Hcmy l.illy. H. L Myrov.'T, S. K S r nawley, . Whaii A. T ' . 1‘. .\lallio.i. \. \v .lanit’s Kyle, .1. G V M.'-Keihun. lloii J. l» VVil’i-iii'H F W Tiliiuihasi K. hn (’olllns and C '•lcCniTur>ien, Tr ivelin J^The C onipanv invite applic'uion-: May 2n. I8f.i. 1. li. S; 1'‘ V» 11. H:>.il. pher>l, Wilin’gton. C \gents 1- Saleaii Feuiale Academy, Septemher 1^, ) IN order to prevent disiippointments. the nudersigued h(M'eby gives notice Ihat no more scho!nr»i can be re- ceiv;-.| into ileni Female .Vcademy ni thiM lime. Th» school i^ fillt(d to it« utmost capacity.—hence partsntj and others ato requested, under no ciroumstance#, la b'iiifT on chiMren unless they Jiave a written an- .(uratu'e of a later date than this card, that ftiev will ba received ROBT. KkSCHWEINITZ Sopt. 18, 18t)2. t)3 -Iwpd Teacher Wanted, TI) t:ike charge of a small sohool. The applicant must be Well qualified, and came well recommended. A Burnt li'2,-00 bales The ntativtic.' croi) ol houisianti arc us lollow 1st, were 39,7ut-> vear, “27,-UO b;des ot the sugar besid > il is an Rating House (supper and Breakfast,) i a lije Kail Hoa'l irKvel; it iu one of Ihe beat Hotel* alonif the N'C Rail Hoad, in fact, equal to the best iu the State. As this property is well known, we deem il unneces sary to further describe it. Any person wiahinft to ’J'lie a’tual yield i.s ti^tiinatod ut iOl* 410 hoirs ht'ad.-;, avera^iri^ 11.'>0 lbs., iiiukiti-' an air^roj^ate of 5‘2>i,231,5'l0 lbs. This ‘jnbraffw hogs heads ol' britwn sutrar, inude by tho nl.i procesb, and 70,140 retined, clarilied, cVc , the wholo ^ .in(^ Tiu: i’Ali01.S.\A flrrni, i,ifk hsi rvm k to ipa.m, iu the tenth v. •• .f .ii;er.uiou, with liberal price will be paid. Sept 2^i. 18o2. For particulars apply to ALVA SMITH, Fair ILuIf, N. C. i)4 ;it*oti J ,r. I tiT! he ten!h growing c-ipit-il tidencc. continues it, sons from i I ^ii ye.ai s, !i!- i ' o lit.. :i ■ All slave- from 11^:. one year t’nr tiv' ve ; All losse-, i’->i sati.sfa -tory j ri)of l^^ r -i-' For further iuior:ii;iii .Vgents of till' ('o;;:i> iii'. ill 'iii p.i r‘ H ■ i:\TTL;: In •f t'.v ly u ■lUo I. 1 he 's; ;* K .1. •i- ■ .iper.UIoU, • 11. M upon pnolic con li-.. ' 'it -ill healthy per ' , lor .lie ye if, for seven ■iiiir tti t he profits. : : -. i.'. e iti:>iu'e'l for ^ t :>(.ir v.ilue. i'ti ()‘i liny , at'er is I'cicrred tt> ! .;:i- Sl:lt(‘, Hud to I i Ti-riry, iia!ei;;h. | II \ I. K, Agent at Fave'ievilb', N. C Ti;(' Ven St) it', COLOIIKI) 1‘ROTOl.iiirHS. .\T lia} U'l'y. 'i.HT. %Vort*S w artf.*s amera. I) II' )T M i II .\ I’H.'' ClTi In* n:id ■; G i'ler; . Il-ty -i; .i-t, .jo. .-!! I eite.i’le, N pi \in. ooloi oil and [ a i’.-.-; in. ty; r-. M.'ltK'.- :y ; .n i ■■■ 'V ■■’.■V !. in- \v. cr i iV.r V. i'v ! ir"p J. inches, ."'.ird and '!'a«'.rl> for b .n.'’ inents. St- ck un i I'hetuieals t' r - i «:ize c'ilorc i i’liot. iirupii.' in .do iro HiiV'i-.^ pv'i iu..iii.;it ly lo. i: . l':.). your p:itr. ii>ii;e. 1 w.. :l f.ir the ii'oet iil : -itr ^rrii;. .; F:i\e J the t,..od p r»; Dec'r 2". 1.^.' Vmof, s Skylight .-:ie 'lii'.lo V:irl. Fay- 1-,'lie l, «'o’ 1. in water '10 I’l to :ite viz.e. Ambro ■ o. ;' -'.1 ...f I’ii lures - .il! MonbU U :t" 2*i by •■(*> .i.'tnres: Instru- K •'.,r e.ish. Life 1 ;ll ; lotures. I ope t,i merit -D re::.ni my -iTu’cre thanks • *. w* l on lUe heretofore by r..o* iii l v' ii.itv. ,\l. VA.Ni'l.VuFLL. ftiiphi'i iud I’roi.rietor. Western Railroad Office, [ Fayetteville, N (\, Sept. 27, lbb2. ) the purpose ot incrc i-ing the cafdt.al stock of this Comp tny. to enH>'le it to extend the Road from the Coal Fields la the North Carolina Road, the lollowing ■rentlemen trvve been appointed (.'omniissionera lo re ceive i-ubscri*^ rs in their sevornl neighborhoods, viz: ,Vt Gulf—L J Hsiighton, Brooks Harris. Dr George C Ntwby and G Wasniuuton .\t>ove ihe Gulf -Jno J Gol Ision, James F Kivei and ! Hugh W Dixon. ,\t Ore Hill—G W Goldston, Dr L W Gorrell and N ! M Alsi'on .Vbove Ore Hill—Uan’l Hackney, A H Marsh an3 Ja.s : I'tlCe. \t F u-t's Mi'ls—Dr H M Foust and Dr J D Graves. I At Ft uiklinsville an.l vicinity ^ lioriioy. ' At Asheboro'—Jonathan Worth and B F Hoover. ' .Vt N\ w M.irket—Jes.se W*lker and Joseph Newlin. Al riioin:i'Ville — -V G Foster and Jno 'V I'lionias. At H’lih Point—Dr K C Lindsay and .".ie.'iboru I’erry. -\( ."'iiletn—Francis Fries and K L Patterson. .\i iireensboro'—C 1* MeH.ieuhulI, I’eter .Vdama, Hon J -A Gilmer and .(esse H Lindsay. liistructions will he sent to the (.’omnussloners at an enrlv day by the I’resiilent of the I'ompany. t;Uf J M ROSE, Sfc’y W. R R. Co. ki^:ai. r^tatk for^ale, ''piir .'ubscriber woul'isell his house atui lot in Wades- ' J 11 r.i', together w’th about tUX) acres of lan l reKchitig ; woliin !t ree miles of the Village (if desirabb.' ) The i dwi'lliTij house is large, and th«» lot the most desirable i in t^e ap-oounny, containing near fifty acres of land. I S'lould luy one desire to move further up the coiiniry, ; he w.ioM .-ell them a finely improved house and lot iu ■ .'pHr’;inSiirg. .S. C-, together with a good tract ot land I near the place. J. P. S.MITH. I Aug 7. 4‘J 8mpd Adiiiiiiistratioii A'oliee. i qMiF s'lbsrriber huviue qualified as Adaiini«ir.atrlx on keep -.x Hotvl, t invest his money profita> ly, may find jjjg product of 1291 .suo-ar llOU.^e.s, u which iU27 In this property an exiraordinary opporiui.iiy o,j4 by hor.se power Thi8 yalunbl^ property will be sold at public sale on ,,,, . , i ! »>>iw the 17th *Jhj of October next; poaseasioa given 1st Jan'v iiop ot the prcccninsi ^ * - . ., I8*i3. Terms easy; made known oti day of sale. (5*> h"i;.shcads, \Vt‘ijzhiui.j 5^ 'pouudi^, The Misses Barbee, the present occupants, will sell ' showing an increase tor the last year of on reasonable terms the most of the furnituie now U8od ; lio'^&hoad'^, or 205 20*i oUU pounds, in the House ^OHN^CART.iR. According'to our calculationti the price of the Sept. (36-ts entire crop has averajjed tjc. against .^^c. last year. At this averatcn, and taking the estimate of 1,1 r>0 pounds to the hogshead, the ag^tef^^ate value of the crop of 4.V.*,410 hogsheads i.s t2.5, 01(5,291, tiiiainst S14,4C)S.027, the product ot 2.!8.- : 753 hoc^hcads last voar: or an iticvea^e oi >iU.- ost bidiler, nve lots iu ihe town of High 1‘oint, being ' (^20,045 The receipts ul tho Levee since the 1-t ttie premises hit he. to occupied by the High Sei,te,uber have been 225,350 hogsheads, and Ol) one of the lots IS a ihree-story BRICK : _ . , , , ’ . ^ { ' (,y0 tiercc.s and barrels, against li4,0fi nogs SALE OF WLflliLE BE.U ESTATE .IT IStUU I'OI.^T, C. Fri i-iy, Oi.iobei 17ih, 18'>2. I lo tho bi(h- male School BUILDING, coniaiuing 24 rooms; six of luem 18 hy 10 feet each; 9, 11 by IG feet each; 4, Hi by 15 feel each, and one 33 by 15 feet Tlie oHier four rooms are in wing, which contains also, i private stair c;i?e There is a two-story porch the full length nf each fr.itii of the main building. Besides this buiiiling, the pr wiisps in elude a good Smoke-house ani Pantry; a tine Brick Bu'iliiing containing kitchen, wash room, ii- .ling-room heads and 5,97S tierces and barrels last yeHr The stock now on hand in this State is estimated at 170,000 hogsheads. The yield of molasses I'roni the last year s cat-t- i crop i.>i estimated at 70 gallons for each lOOO lbs 1 of sugar, or an aggregate of 3(»,982,505 gallon^, and clothes rooui; a servant’s Dwelling Uo's.-h, wiih two against 1^,414,550 the year previous, showing an rooms; a very good stable with l.T stalls; -A other ne- j,7crease of 1« .507 955 o'allons, or more than a^: cessHry out buildings besides two wells r the pure.t . ’ : , - j Wilier, each turnisheil wirh u goo‘l wooden pump ihe , . ‘ i gariiea cannoi. be surpadse*!. have bcPIi 401,404 barrels lasst The*;on«tructioti of ths main building, as well t;i it^ ; year, showing an increase of i^Is.944 barrels Isaac H Foust and A i location in the very htart of t!ie village, and within 7-5 • The total valuc of the product, ostinmi^d at an ,>v\ the Estate of Jas Sundy, dec’J. hereby gives notice to all person.5 having claims against sai'i Eslate to pre sent them to Wm .McL. .McKay within the lime pre scribe! by I'tw, or this notice will bo plride>l in bar of :heir reC'ivery. CATH,\U1NK 8UNDV. .\df»'x. .\og, 1. I.’"ii2. 4H- • yards of the R.iilroad Station, render it peculiarly ndupi- ed for use as a Hotel. The prenn *s ia '.ule every con venience necessary for such an e‘^;-.i)lisiimeni. Possession will b* given fo the j.urchaser on ihe2)th of December next. Terms;—One-third of the jojrcliase m.)n.y payable on the 21th October 18ti2; on^ thit.l April 21th, ISti--!, and the remainder October 2iiti, lbti.3. By order of the Court of Ktjuity for Guilfnr.l County. S L.\NDER, Coinmissinner. Sept. 30, 1802. G5ls Uo.idquarters 5tth Ueg't .V. C. Militia. / V' 'lML''.'‘IONF.D (.tflicers of the .'>4th Reg’t are here- Vy' by commanJed to assenible in the Town of Fayette ville, on T'lesday 14th day of Octobfjr. all (’onseripts in th^ir cc.iniujinds. and all soldiei.s ati(.ent from their lleginieiits without leive. provided with 3 days’ rMion>. rea.iy lo proc -e.i lo the Camp of Instruction near Ra leigh. All officerii refnsing or neglecting to comply with ihe above cr ier will s'ahject themselves 10 iht^ pe;; kliies of Court .MuriSil and consequent reduction 10 ii;e ranks. WM Me'. Mck:\y, Col u4th Reg’t N C \lilitia. G. H Haioh, .\dj’i. Sept 29, 10152 average of ISi cents j»er gallon, sutns up ^O,08, 079 against 81,235,440 last year, showjng an in crease of-?2,407,7‘>-‘i. S'jiifftern IVucb—A correspondent of a \\>st crn paper, writing in regard to the recent battles in Northern Virginia, makes the following candid adinisisions: I It is to be noted that all who were in the late j battles boar witness to the sulendid geneniL-bip and bravery of the enemy. Said a colonel svith his Trni in a sling, when snrrounded by a crowd of oaoer listeners at his hotel; ‘'There is a dash about these Southerners absolutely terrific; we can’t stop the devils when they charge, wiihout kilHner all—and sometiines we du that—but, ii wo don’t, they are bound to take .oir b.Ttteric-.” The advance of the enemy c.n h it. 'ti Saturday, is desoribod a« the gr:iiido«t ^ceTle o^ the kind in the P.ar Whi n Lee ;irrived, ev^ry gap in their line of battle was tilled up, and the whole advanced in phalanx so snlid and deep, it looked like a lorest ot bayonets, stretching up and i'OPPFRAS TY.'^OR % Jon\Sv,S 4; •X non .'^ale by L t (rders serf to .Mclver’s Depot. F /i;i tie Httende.l lo. •In’r, -1 R-gltnrUiS »■>.')- It] J.* G. MARI IN, A Ij t Gfneral. ol. (. 3'.tf July 17, 1%2. T. C. Huol’KR. Prin X. W. P. KENDALL. J. S. KENDALL 0\, KE.\1>AI.L A: CO., ^lercliaiils A N D WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 11 A I'i -North Water St., Wiimiii?ton. ,N. I'. ,-r-. Orders from the t'ountry promptly executed. J-'r" I’ irticular attention given to the stii. of (’ot'on prrduce. 10-tf T. i . A: B. ii. WORTH, >inmU^ioii and Forwardiiisc Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. (’, iJan V 2 . 1 •d 84tf •|.j 11>J[ d SIO Reward. 1WILL p ly the above rew.ird lor tlie appreliei:’'i'n and confinement of my man CALVIN, wiio ruuHW,.y frorj me a^out three weeks ajro. I will also p.»y rew ird ..f Fifty Dollars for sufficient evidence to convict any person of harboring him. C:ii- vin is ttboii! 42 vears id' n/e, .') f«*et 10 or 11 inehi - high, blflck. an i weighs a^>out Joo pminds; he we.'ir*' sm ili gold rings in his ears He is a boat nr -ihip carj enter. and well known about Fayetteville and \> iimiiigton. Ue sometimes calls himself t’^lvin .Jolinson. THKO i;\ANS June oU. I>'ti2. •> it Wilniiii^ton, (harlot'e & ?lu‘M*rror»‘- il. U. Coiupaiiy* it p > TWO IMtiiKS* 5’;*V; fiSI.TB: VITUIOI.. ''I'^HF *'u^v«cribers are maniifaciurin;; I5LUB \ ITRIOL. 1 Orders sent lo Mclver's Depot, the terminus of the Coibitd.ls Itailr.iH'i. will receive prompt attention. A sj-.‘Cimen may be seen at the Ob-*erver Otfice, Faveite- ville. TVSOR a JOHN;>UN. .Vii’j. I 'v 52if Eietnllre Dtp»rlm(.nt :«orlb OiroUo., 1 Adjita.kt G...SKKAL S OmcE. ]■ p’-Oi: our extreme left wing On they tan e. 'Ra!jip!i. .Sept. 22. 1802. ) ' Steady and slow at tirst, our buiteries playing on '■PHK i.jU Bounty will be pai l ij nil men who come itito their columns, but theirs, in commanainjr po.i 1 Camp u-rier this oai; before liiey itsT.-10 j-in tbeir tions, throwing .shot and shell over th-ir heads into our artillerists and gun? Thrir line never wavered, but, advancing within musket range, it W Railroad, j OFFICE OF THK 4( T't» ASS'T (|l ABTEKMASTKK, I drew the (ire ot our trootis without flinching; then 1 Frtytttovliie Arsenal and Armory. \ their iruns came to a ievVl. and belched forth a I Fayettevaie. N. C., Oct ti. ls«2. ) I Wooil w anted. OE VLED }’Kol*(.>^ALS wijl bt- receive.( until ihe2Utft O 01 the pres, ul nion:h. for the delivery ct two huu- Un d and ten c.>rds of' giod aoumi tdack-jack wood, (210, at ihu rate of thirty (30 cords) per month The wooa stOiTgering fire, followed by a ohargc ot the whole mass. Arriving at closer t|uarrers. the musketry was continued, while more than tw6 opposing re giments crossed bayonets. i'ive minutes decide.i it. The left could not stantl the prissuro, and beiran to waver. Our batteries were silenci il or H-1- \OTICE. IIK I'N DKR.'^1GNK1>. both having entered the mill- | t«rmaster. €wroceri€*s : A rocerie,^!! L.\R(!K ^in 1 Wei! >.e!o^^.’t>.l .'S’..- F\\1!LV GRiM’LUIL.'' always on h.'.n.l. c^.iisi»iing of Hiicon-Sivl' s Mi-.S’- I’ork, MiiiUi.', Macker Nos. 1 and '1, Suu'ars of ai ,\n.i :ill (.er^- Kst LTioll; ‘her ir;' 1. hli: h;’i-T.: . Tobae. Il-li t’' v (■ 2. l"''.l I'i-rrT.s U'}io'.-- ile Gro- KLNDAi.L V CO D)-tf ir liOHt Ol* N.ii.-- not filled up, signed by nij-'r’.f and ■ V r«:.ick Miirpiiy, nia.le payable to any .t' Fayettfcville. All per.jon'; ire f.jrew>iin- , them, as they will not be paid DAVID MURPHV i -,2. 13(f i I W€’iity-live Hollars Rfwarii. ' ■ \U A'\ from the subscriber, hi.'- negro boy .'dO- He is 21 years of age, ribrnt o feet ID inche: | h, r.jbust, long feet an I vcrv much iuruel out jit tiie . *. ;ind looks down when spokcu to. Ue was seen at | " .\Jills in Robeson county on the 21st ult., 1 i w ts in Fayetteville aViout three weeks a^o. The V. T-ward will be paid for his dilivery to me rr for jiiiinement iu any jail so that i get him. W. D. JOHNSON. L. 1 JvH'.e, S. C., Aug. 1 I. 1«()2. 62if S»0 RKW^R1>. i .■ : ..ward will >.e j^a. i for the iipprehenFion ■y to the niiart.s: Military I’o.sf of ALL'X- ' oL.\CK. who deserted his cfimrany on nr • March 1H'.2. Said Wallace is 21 years 1 inch* ' iiigh, re.i eom, Icxion. dirk hair, !i' ■, ni.Ive of .Nloore Count}', au.l i- proba- viciiiity .if ('arti;nge. JAS. D MclVl'.R. ‘ ar f> H, 2'ith Reg't N. 0. 'lroop«‘. '! ny. Johns. II. h fr. r:; Kinston, .hinf* 17 .Ui'.f e A Kll! VV L.V DI can be acconuno iu:ed with board at !:e .Seminary. T ' HOOPLR. ■I ’ 1.’ il. r.ii- OH’K K OK TIIK ritK-lDK-NT i IMHKCToRS. 'P'll'. next aunutl nieeliMfr ofthis C()inpiny wiM?!.- held 1 ,it Lincolnton on Wednes lay. the 22 1 aay oi > )c'. .,-r ne.Kt. Trains f ir ihe ftcci..mm" l'ifion of liie ocklio’d ers will leave Chnriotfe-and Cherrvville on the ruorniiig '.f - hat d iy. From and after the 2l«t itistant. the Trar'fer I’.ook-» will be closed JAri I. McC.A LI..U \I. .Sec’y. ;i lid for ' . iu 'hr i i'.-vTton, he Fav- ?ef>t. 17, I8»i2 t)2-tni Wilmington, .\pril I’o ^IMl K un'lersigncd '• 1 and within ei._i\i : oi ilie etteviMe NSe.-ri rn Ki:'. i- -ol t u De.,‘[. 'livi-r, Ki'ilir m ACUl.S (>r TFioiiiiri- the i .;id he:ij'!fc;!ig i:--* '.o.i';. ,.f tJooree Wilcox, dec'd. an.I iyiug :;iroe na' ~ .'oiuii from t.'ar honton. in Little 1‘ocket t'roek, Moo.-i; c.onity. These Lan.l.^ are well a Cipte.i jr, nvili of corn, 1 ;he prem- •s.^-iry Out- acres under nereoy give notice to iheir old cusiomers and friends, th .» ttiey n>»ve appoinle.t John \). .''larr and John D. VS'illiaius, .if this pla';e, liieir attorneys to collect cither ?e)> ir.'i'ely or conjointly airmoney-* .lue them either by account or note, an.l otherwise to attend to their bu siness geaerally during iheir absence. They respect fully ’*.sk all persons iudebted to them to call as prompt ly as i)os;ible on iheir agent; ~.n.i 'U »ke payment. .s;A£IR WILLI.\MS. Sept 1',), 1801. r)8-Tf \Vt:NTI::it> RA1I> KOAl>. 'IIOM ami 'ifier .Monday thi? 22d insi., ihe J rains on this Road wiii run daily, leaving Fayeiieville at o’;iook .1. M.; returning leave .Mclver’s Depot, ai 1 o’cio'*E, p .M. C. B. M.ALLETT, I’res’i. .''fpt. 20. 1HIV2. b2tf to be delivered at the .\rsenal. where it will be proper- i i ,■ i i i » j ly corde.l It must conform ntrictip to ihe standard captured, and the foe had (icsper.i lun num bars on their si(k’. ‘ Fall back! I’-ilI backi” rang out aloii" our lines, from loft to centre, and Irom centre to right; and the 2ne:ny once again tviutnph ed on the fields of Bull Run. measurement for cord wood, vjz; S' x 4‘ x 4'. I’roposals to be marked ••Propi sais for wood for .\ci’g Ass’l Qnar- Gt)-2w M .VTTHKW l>. r AY LOU, 1st LieXit. ('orps Art y, I’ \. 5^., and -\ct’g Ass t Quariermasler. 40 cotton, wheat, .lats, rye. .^'c. T':. r» ire i.-es a coinfoi - I’de Dwelliii;', ;;:i.l ->1] m- iiou.'-i-s. virh i'b oit uie huudreo and lif'v C’OTTOA VARA. Xo. 10 Ha} StriM-t. C. r. MALLLTT. Jar.’y f,, ISO:;. ;nS- i'o.\B'i:bi:rativ roIi F the denominations of ‘^pply •icrc>5 I 11 sjr-failiiig t'V p.'r.-T-ns wish- T-e in; i iiiotedly :id- at the n ink of Norih tjarolina. Mirch l.'^ Oi: p ..J-- in th p • |h ■ .n-; \ i.-ijnture; 4c- -I.F 4 Of f.nlar?«® of (Carolina. F.XHriTIVF DF, 1’.\UY.M!:N r, ; R.KLntoii. Augu.-it 22, 1'i'i2. j ■ 'IMIF, HheritTs and Constables of the rjiftV.-'ut r.Mj*i;ies 1 (.f tlie .Stale are h.-reby auihorized and d'rvci'-d to ^r- re'. ‘Il persons heioniring to th.- Cutifeiierate .\.iniy wiio are absent u'ithouf l-ut '' For each arrest they will be entitle 1 t.i r. w.a'i i.^oii : i'n' (''Mxfedorate G ivernment of Jrl”) for e o :\ ’iiie e.-n- ftiied in jnil. or .'rdll if delivered t. ho (.'amp of iusinio- lion near Raleigh, or to a Confederate ' fli.-er. T..S ecure these arresrs the above name ! officers will call in any as-i..'iance. and use all the powor lind au thority belonging to theii''sai I olficus. HKNRV T. (U.,.\RK, Governor .f i). .^ug 2*>, 1HC)2. i;w i^fOO Ri:WARI>. 11 UToLKN from my stable, near Lew.sviiie, F.i-ivih pOI 1 II y ai Olllia ^ x. Ihenightof the n;.. inst , a small ■” .. 41 PilliUC ^ ix.antxrt\iitrr *«rv k..* • ’ %»»>» hr.y HOlirfK, heavy biUH, nmck le;r^ ni ir.p .'itiiI white sa.l'lle mafks. No ot her mark^ recollecte 1. , G .it, sh >rt. pac‘‘, -ihort trot and pace; age abou 11 or 12 ye.irs. A p'>-r.so:i was seen lurking in tbe neighborhoo.), sup posed to be the thief, who answers to toe following d^' scripti.'.n; 21 or 22 years .,ld, fuir coi„pb-si.,n. bln- eyes, 1 good countenance, light brown hair, well Iniilt frame about r> feet 8 inches high; wore a brown froc': coat [ black ca.saiuiere paots, iquite new.) new boo', >>lack neck lie, gray flannel shirr, and gray hat; carried a re.l carpet sack ma.le .if tieaith rtig with the fri;;ge on. .{ reward of ^7"i wi'l be giv -t. Tt ilie ;irie''l, coidjne- men; and convicti. ti ..f the thief, aioi i2'> lor the atife di livery of the hors*-. He is “uppo ed to be the t.j.me '! ,r--o ••-rpf that wa^ arre-teil in Kayettevilij; a year or t\s , ago, by the m;Gie I of Fry, a very notorious thief. 1 JAMES S. PLEDGER. LewisTille, N. C. Aug. 7, 1862. 60-3m f.'ncc, in'dndlii r i'lrty or i’..'.y bottom bill 1 Thi. i a r ; . eh ; ing to mak“ inv'-rme>' s. 1 vancing in ; ri-■ in tfr • ’= •■' ui. For further itiiormation apply lo Mr ,M. M. McRae, Crine's Creek. 1^. O., Moore coMiity, or nd lr' -'i loe at Fayeiteville, N. C. D.\ ILL ^Mi’flAK, . For t)u- II ;ir.s of.' -'le’-i '.Iei;,.->,>, .b'l^’d. r'arboni.n. '>! ; ' • ' ’ ! i - ' • I:'., WiI:^r*5rij;«OEa i AriiSScry, ) A.\D 7ioi.AMi^i:^. r.BLS SUtiAR. 12 Bbla. N O .SYFlUl’. 1.'> “ SCUIM’KRNONG WINK. On consignment and for sale by JOS. UTLEY Sept 22. 62-tf American Geuiiin Anise Seed Boneset. (’alamiis. Ceutamy. Dandelion. Fleabane Hendock Leaves. Henbane, leaves tnd sevd. Spear .Mint. of (rfn’rof .l/ ’A •Vu/t.—Tiie cor respondent of thf! New York Tribune writes oi the condition of General McClellan; The (jeneral Commanding the army ol the Po tomac look.s worn and hagiianl. Thr'>«>:h the afternoon he was prostrated with weariness; to night he lies sick at Sharpsbur-: . I'ntil this day, rndian"Tobacco. leaves and wherever he appeared the troop.s gave him uproar- plant. Jimesicwn 'Vi-«d leaves. Ill vender. I'licconn or Bloodr.iot Sassafras I’ith. ■ Scotch Broom. .Tli'diial riirvt*yor'» Office,) (’HARH)TTK, N. C . 8ept. lSf)2 j .\otic;e. None of the following articles will hereafter be re ceived by ihia Department: Horsemint. ious welcome; you might trace his route tl.rough the camps by the resounding cheers. To-day, while he sat in his nirriage. two entire corps pass ed by. 'Fhere were a few faint ciieers; but th*e» were the veriest skeleton.^, the flitting -host even, of the shouts of yesterday. The troops wi re on Ot ihe remaining articles iu former advertiaement the ^ doublc-C[uickj perhaps that vv.is the iCason. prices of the folL/Wing will be cfaant'ed; ' , 4 ' , , • .• 1 Veralrum Veride—American Hellebore, root 80 cts. Ducts lu the Acnij/. A iate sad ajair, in which per lb. one officer fell by the hand- of another in a duel, Ger.tneum MacuUtuin —Cranesbill root.j'iO cts. per lb. raises the intjuiry whether it should not be laid A4li£iiiia!«tralor‘’M ^ale. Lobrlia Inflata—Inlian Tobacco seed, $1 2o per lb Dynspyros Virginiana—Persimmon bark from root, * 30 ci.« per lb Xemthoxylon Fraxincum—Prickly Ash bark, 30 cte. per lb. Pinckneya Pubens bark, 30 cts. per lb. N. Ii These articles must be clean and perfectly iry. the following articles of | These prices will be paid for the nbava nimed articles. ' and they tojfether with such articles in former adver- i 1 , 1 p tiserneni ilie reception of which has not been advertised ’ nocessarily» does tiie work 01 an eneniy, and should to cease, will be received at N. C- Institute. Charlotte, ! ftt least not wear a commission.*—Rirh. Jliujuirer. N. C . till furlh 'r notice. \1 HOW IRD. «r.-‘2t] .^ur^eon and Medical I’lirveyor ^nilLS (’ompaiiy I fpec:, would 1 vers.—men arou ‘'\Mt' l>t«VL.\.N. .Mily 2d, 1:-itil. , desiring to b^ compio.e \n eri’ry rr- e ::U'i lo onli-r a 1 ; oii. r o ' good Dri- 001.■■ 1 10 I he iii.i'rv ..ieiit •>i ;iorcies. r.tioRS are becoming very scarce, bui we 01 fiand a goo'l supply of (he NORTH ('.\Rt»- VDl^bS, Nos. 1 and 2 by Rev. Professor llub- e L iiiversity of North t'arolina, and No. by I W .cy, Sufierintcndent of Common .Schools • .r ,ua. ' Ol i r- having well nigh exhausted our stock in Kea'lers on band wlien the war commenced, U'lW turn their attention to these books by ‘ rather than allow their children to do ■ ; ■ b,.-,ks. • the old retail prices of 25 c., tits, 88 I'heri- will be J. lM t : ■ :i -h O! ui. ou enii.-. 1, ■ ; ' a tnjuiity ' ■ Mojir ily )riy .~!2‘ 1-b.- . - 'i . li.-.i aod 1, i-'ieilio.!' it! ■ii i'lTiee ir, iii l i iior oee..ssHiy eii'iipmenis fu^ni^he i re.{tt; ite tor a " .ler. No one nee.I app’.y iiuleos he is a got d .Irivor md e^- peri;’nct*j iu tne maii_vj'i iii''iit of li- rscs. i'lin de.stiu-i- lioii of the c .'iii{)any is Virginia, .as ,s.>on as *- inipped. [llif'l .\L1X. 1>. "I'/OKh. ( ■.-> r. I ,t 'V I't VO\ r S-:o so n \t io smik OF ti.e denoini.j.iti •I-.' of {'M(H), Apply ul ihe Bank of (’ape Fear. Marcti IS !Mf Rice and Tobacco o:i foiislgi'iueut. f'.VSK.S of fre'^h bi-i; ilic. .tiul j.i!.) ij.i.\es .Matiu- I^HK .Subscriber, a.s Aduiinisir*itor of .\ngus Shaw, will offer f'o' sale on MOND.W, the 13th day of I (K'TOBER, ai the plantation on the Wilmington Road, j :5 mi?ps below Fayetteville perisloible property: I 1 (’orti Sheller, 1 (\irriage, 1 lJuggy, 1 '■Vagon, ! Ploughs, a small lot of Corn and Podtlt:r, 1 8ad- d'o. 1 set Harnc.ss, 1 (’utting Knife, a few arti- cles ol Household and Kitchen Furniture, j .\ ere.lit of sis luonths will be given, and bonds with i apj. 'ved security will be requir-.l J.\^!E'^ JEN KIN.S, .A'lministrator. ; >!>ept. ly. t>2-is ' ~ A R H Y li A R \ I I.\M {.ri'ptred to manuiaciur.* all kinds of Wagon j .j, ll.ii!i‘- f'r .Vroiy use. I tan my leather *nl can 1 f i* give gon.l bii'gains .Vgents wil! do well to send their ' ordei“ to me as they shall have proropt attention. aii'I ! ^ j : seat .;tl in piiok dispatch. JOllN C.VRT^’R * Ooldstoti P. O , (’hath.tra Co . N ^ ' .June 1;^, 1S'12. I down as a rule hereafter, that thi: officer who fights a duel .shall lose his commission. Surely we have enemios enough on our front, without fighting each other; and a zealous opposition to them should serve to exhau^it every feeling of resentment of which human nature is capable. One who en- danjrers his life or that of a fellow-soldier, ud- FAinpi.i iioR^a: i or «alk. I^OR Sale, an excell.-ni Family Horse. ‘ Address “W.” at this Office. Oct 4 0G-3t ill,- mil .vSS. S»tr cV 10 f'actui'.l Tobacco, vni.oi Gi;..) W Fayetteville, Sept. ■..’■I. l.'.;2. ij'iiliiii^. Forstlebv UILI.IAMS I’O. ■ r.;iif F. J. HALF SON’S. Vti'i Tl*t* **;ivaiifM to pmcii.'ise a l.IKKl. ' NIIGK') ISOV, a'oom fonrteeu y ars ( id C. H. IIOHINSO.V. Frvye'teville, .Sept. i, r-i’.2. r,~tf t:opti‘>«of Ilie Oibwerfer J. - i rocured by non-subscribera, at tho Bookator*. • riot 0 oent«. LI E. j: HALE & SONS.' By THEOPHILUa HUNTER HILL. Esq., of Raleigh. For sale, price $1, by Jan'7 18, 1862. A’OTIi'R. S 1 .-xpect to be abspiit from home a t'ew laonths in the West, Arctiib iM .McLean is my authorized Vn'tit to iran.sact mv busine«.s until I return. N G JONES. Dec'r 2s, Ibtio. S.itf \MI’LATro WO.M.VN by the name of LUCY; about ! 211 years old, of medium size, but now quite corjm- j lent. Slid woman is probably in or near Town, hut mny | have been b'd off in the direction of Newbern by Bill r.riiioion. a free ni'ibitto Tnan who h.\s been at work as n t'arji. titer probably on the Wilmington A W'eld.^n j IIk’ io''. I >*' a Dep'I North of Wjirsaw I will pAy ?2o i f >r tlie leiiv«~y of ">aid gir! to rie or lixiged in J*til in I ♦ own. il foun.’. in this County, or ^")0 if sal zi’l is | found i'l a'sy other County and confined iu the Jail of the f«ime, li*e party arresting giving me caily ioforma- fion of the same. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. FayetteTilla, Aug. 25, 1862. 6i-tt ; R'>ckfish. Oct. 2. 1H'12. ., I sha'l offer for Bale 2(1.SALT ^ I). ANDERSON. 6.5-31 Afli'rtiiiw ilate I pay Five ('•.•tit' per pound for rags de livered in FtTellevillp. or nf my mills 1) MURPHY. (jr,- fbr TriE subscriber wishes to sell his plantation on the We«t side of ('ape Fvir. ne r Gray’n Creek P. O., ' Yank'i't' Saf- —Five valuable locomo- ! lives, captured l»y th-; ('otiloderates in fhti neiuh- ; borhooid of V^'arretiton and Manassas sometiniH since, reached I^ynchburg last J'riday over the Orange Hailioad. Thr.'e of tin- five are unin- . jiired, and the other two but >lighth dn:n.i-ed. ' They arc all of the be.^t workmanship, of lieavy capacit3’, and estimated tc be v.orth in rln pr* sent times of scarcity of uiacliinery at lea^t apiece. Extraordinary eX' rtions ue)- n '/niro.l to complete trestle work acros.s tlie K;n.!i;ibati- no«k river, to admit fh > pa-s.tge of thc'c litcomo- tives over the stream, un 1 it lin:shed just I iti time to get them loitoftii*’ way of the \ anktes in their late raid 'to W’ai rutoii. A nnmlu t of . cars have also been bron.-ut iri .vnfidy acro-s tfie i Rappahanock. Lincoln » J*ro fnmntlnn.—Xhi' IJii-lii.i./;).! ;■> .|ui- rer very truthfully remarks t hat Li.-ii-iiti propos, >i in his late proclamytion simply to do wh;*f lie h;is al ii miles’>elow Fayetteville. - 1 • 1 Therp are 191 acres of L.AND, To of it good fanning ready been doing whorover Ins arius have xtt,inl- land and about 50 in cultivation. ed; and as if he 'ouUI do it any v iierc elsel Th*re is a new dwelling house, »nd all necessary out- , proclamation is otily a u.s*'ii;.s.> di clavatioii malignant intentions, so iar as wo jire C‘ t; F-ir further informHtion apply on the j-reiTiises _ r.. * . ^ , J.A''ti-;S M FOK Cumberland Co.. .Sept 30. 18!i2. fio-sipd Hi‘ h IS :d It will not benefit him here, and v .11 * home. OIL AND LA.MP P.LxiCK. ''p\NNER.^’ ai..’ Ll "iRICATlNG *HL. I L\MP BLACK in barrels. For sale by ‘ ‘ JOS. R BLOSSOM & CO., Wilmington, N. C. March 7. The Vellow Fevir and l>vsf*,i,. r-y ) .j-.t ? 1 .■ J off seventy-fivi' iier ci nt. ot ?!.• i-r- ■ ii‘; French ve.s.sels in the tiuli ot 3lexico llieAma- j zone, who.se coiuj>leraent l.« C>7o. has now but -10; Blank' Warrants for sale at thi^j Oflicf*.