w\m Klff l-WEKK I. Y. \>1 . Xll.l FAYl'/rTEVlLLK, N. C.. OCTOBKEi 16, ib62. [NO. 1169.] i RINTFD MONDAYS .AND TliLRSDAY.S EDUAHI) j. halk so\s. >:i. T(.tRS .'.ND i’R(>I RlKTOI?.'^ , - t'i€ ct-kly ()itsLKVEK •** if pniJ in , I liiLO i ; OO ii' paiJ vturinjt the yenv of siibscrip • n; or ;i*;er tho year liu-^ expire».l ji '.0 \V., Oi!;BRVER $ J (K* )>or iiiinum, if paid in nJ-ance; 5- 5> if paid ihirini' the year of «ubecrip- ■ iii: or ?3 00 af(»v. he year has expireil. je^”' AL)VERTlrtF^1 r.NTS! insenoil for Ct> cents per of Ifi Hues for the tir=t, an.i 30 cents for each I., ; ding publication. Yearly aJvertisemenls by spe- ■ I'lntracts, at reasonable rates. A'lvertisors are to state the number of in-jertions desireil, or -V will be l outlnue l till forbi 1, untl .■hargoil accord- \ ,t’(.rtisements to bi* iusorteJ 'ii extra. nsiiii', charged 50 per VVrsTFHN Raii. Uoad Offu'e, ^ Favoltes Auij.‘.i*> iJSti'J,, ^ ON utiJ after the Ist dayof Sv^'t. tho foUtiwinjj; rates will b(> charjifd on Passenjjei s, \iz: j From Fayetteville to Little River, 60 cts. ■ .*• to Spout Spring, 75 •• to Rock Rranch, I nn “ to Jonesboro’, I J'> to Mclver'8. 1 60 Twenty-five cent? additinual will be coHecied by the (.’ondtictor of ench passenger, leaving a Station without a ticket. A new rate of Freifrht will go info effect at the same tiuie. which will be printed and furniahed to the public in a few days. Rv order i>f the Pre.n’t. JNU. M. ROSE, Trea.Vr W. K R Co. Aug. :!0. 50tf fA VKTTK VILLK Ml'Tl.tL l.\Sl'Rt\rE (OMPAN*. ('apitul In I’reDiiuin Notes iinoiuits lo (’>i8h Oil hand -ind other lijsei-i 5,077 36 Total, $272,705 til The Oonipany have paid all i.>-:sob promptly, and Lav« never made an asso“suieut iiu their premium notes. I’otal losses paid, c>’J4,08‘2 UWFK’KKS; 0E.). MoNEllylj, I'rcsidcut. U. A. RA^ , \ i-e 1‘rrsidi‘Til 0. A Mo.MILLAI^. .Sec y. Uiekl'Toh.s. W N. Tillintrhsst. Henry Lilly, H. L. Myro'ver, S. T, Hawley, Nathan A. Stedman, 0. B. Mallett. Jame8 Kyle. A. A. MoKotiian. J. D. Williams, tJ. W. Tillinghast. SPECl NOTK'K. Pi\»tu and ^t'ter thii; date, no tiame of a new subscriber ( "■ '■ e entered without payaietii in !idv:inc«, nor will j I'14 paf>er be sent to ^uoh subscribers for a longer time ' than is paid for. 1 ^;ich of our old subscribers as desire to take the pa per ->n this system will please noiii'y us wiien makint; remttiancea. Janv 1. Ui:KTEK:\ KAIL ROAD. f''R('*^! and after Mond>iy »be l22d in«t., the Train? on £' thi^ Roail will run daily, leaving Fayetteville at 8 o’ clock, A. .VI ; returning leave Mclver s Depot at 1 o’clock, r M. (\ B. Sept. -20. MALI.EXT. I’res I O'Jif U\ft. Jflrl.. \\ Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N C. ■'ILL attend the County and iJuperior Courts of uiiiberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun impt attention given to the collection of all rusted to his bauds iJ'Sy. 68-tf w Hr. «€Oll giv«> notice that lie )i» :ibs.'nt from F-iveiJeville for a few weeks :\c:;eville. June 18, im, W. WILLIAMS CO.. \Vtiolet»ale Uealerw in larocerie^, AND lMPORTER.«i AND DKALKR.S IN Uardirare and Cutlerjr, Iron, H\T 8TRKKT, FAYtTTKVILl.K, (. July2, 18G1. of.tf J .oX. W. p. KEND.\LL J. S. KEND.ALL C OX, KOAUAI.IL Ac CO., A N D WHOLESALE GROCERS, Vo. 11 1*2 >orth Water St.. \\ilnilii5lon, S. i'. |»^i trders from the Countiy pro> >ptly executed Panicular attention given to the sau- -t C.iUon td other produce. April 2, Ibbl. lO-if T. C. ^ «. «. WOUTH, ommhi^ioD and ForHardiug Merchants, WILMINGTON, N (’ Jany 2S S4tf «\AKD! ~ VFEW LADIES can be ftooommodat^ i with bor.rJ at ih" Seminary. I. r H-vtpi:R. Sept. l8t)l. 6»j- _ . I or .'Ylislaid. Blank N -efcao^ filled up, signed by mjself and ;>' jrsed by Murphy, made payable lo any f t';- Banka at Fayetteville. All persons are forewarn ; ni ■ to use them, as they will n .? be pai>f ! DAVID .MURPHY j April .. 1R«2. IHtf ' Twenty-five Ooilar«!> Re%%ar*l. ) ANAWAY from the subscriber, his negrr* b ly MO- l 'K' He is 21 years of age, ab^Ht 6 !• inrhex J'- ’ Tiust. long feet and very iiMict •iirn -I -ut at the • ... : 1, ik;- lowii '.vhen pp 'k- n ' ■ 11= was sev:i at i * ■ .Mills in R'-beson ci •:::;y 'n the 2ist iilt , wdj- in Fa-etteville .bou; three wei-kr aK‘. Tn'* ■ ri*ward will be paid for hi- d. lively to me or fur • t’uement in any jail so that 1 get hi:n. W i> JuHNStfN. -Miettsvi^le, S. C., -Aug. 14. 6-’tf tttO RFU IKU. ’ilE ,‘i )ve ■■ w trd will be pai'j for the apprehen-jion an I (. -viTT to the nearO'Jt Milit-iry Po-t, of .Vl.KX NI F. 1 VV VS.I, who deserted his company on or Dout jo- , .f .'.trch lbt)2. Said Wailaue i« 21 years 1, 6 fen Ii inches high, red complexion, dark hair. Wt^strrn Ratlrund Ofllop, i Fayetteville, N. C., Si»pf. 27, lM>2. ^ I^'^OR the pnrp'ipe of increasitig the capital stock of this ('ompany, to enable it to e\ton 1 the Road from the t’. al Fields ti> the N'orth Carolina R> a i, tno f ■Ih.wii.ir gcTtlenien have been appointed (.’oni'ni-'ionerx to re ceive subscribers in their several nei^K*'’ ’•hoi Is, viz; Ai Gulf—L J Hau(chton, Brooks Harri^^, Dr (teorge (' Newby and G Wushington -Above the Gulf—Juo J (.loldston, Jame.® ■' Rives and Hugh W Dixon. \t (,)re Hill—G W Gold.ston, l>r L W Gurr.'lL anil N M Alston. Above Ure Hill—Dan’l Hackney, .A Pi Marsh and Jas Pace. .Vt F^u-t’s Mi'N -Dr H M Foust and L>r J D (.iraves. .Vt Frauk'.in.'ville au l vicinity Naa^; 1! I'ai t .ml A Horney .At Asheboro’—Jonathan Worth anl R F Hor .-'r •At New Market—Jesse 'Naiker and .loseph Newlin .At Thoraasville—A ti Foster and Juo W 'I honi> .s -\t High Point Dr R C Lindsay and Si-iborn Perry. At Saietn Francis Fries and R L Patterson .At Cireensboru' ■’ P Me»denhall, iV-:. r .\dvni-, Hon J Giluier and Jesse H Lindsay. Insirui-fions will be sent to the (’oinmissioners at an earlv day by the President of the Company, f'ltf ' J .M ROSE, S. c y W R R, Co. Florence and Fayetrerllle Hail Road. Lender the provisions of an Ordinance of the ( . n- vi-ntion ot -North 'arolina. Rooks will l>e .pt ,ed im ’he Ifith Juna it the following j lace.-^ an 1 under :he di rection of :he following pt-rs,,ns, to receiv. subscrip tions to the Capital Stock of the “Florence \* Fiyette- ville P^ail Road Co.” Siiares • tue Hutidr^ 1 I'; .11 *rs .-ach .It Kiil Rtad (tjJice in Faye'tfiile. — In ler the di rection of the General Commiisioners. A -V. McKethan, D. -A. Ray, .A W. Steel, Wm. McL Mi K^v and Jno M R. se. .4.' ;he li-'ii Sfrinffs.—L'nder the dire! m of Hect or ^lcNei’’, Wra. J. Stewart, Jas. .A Smith, L>an 1 ’ Mc Neill and Col. .Alex. .Mc.Millan, or any une of them i .4/ Fl ral CoUeye.—Under the uirection of Dr. Neill McNair, D#. .A. D McLean, Archib.ald Snii’h, Edmund ■ Lilly and Col. .Alexander Watson, -r any oi; .'f thi'in ' .4.' Qufnisd'ilf.—Under the direction -f M^.r l ick M.-- Pv.ae. D. McLeofJ, 1). McCallum, Jas McRae, tr , an.i J i H. McQueen, or any one of them. -4f Al/ordiville.—Under the Jirection 'f J 'hn P ’^- '- Il, Jno. McNair, 3lon .Aiforl. Dugald Mcl.ri.luii. and Jn : M-.i'ailum. or any one of them. I The Subscription Rooks will remain op.n fjr the space of GU days. When a dufticient su’ii i- - ■'•ri^ie l ■ the Company wiH >>e organized for the p'lrj *e f b iild- ing the Koad. A. A M.-KK. l> \ H\V, I A. W ^TKK j WM M.’l. \1 ■ JN(». M U>-‘ j M. Li. .vivro-ver, j. Hin>da'ie, Win -McLaurin. T. S. Lutterloh, \. W. .Steel. J. G C«ok, Hon. ,J. G. Shepherd, R. F. ISrown, 1 . A.E Hall, hn .'ollins and C. C. Mc(.'rumn;en, Travelinz Agents gtirThe Company invite applications. ■M ay 28. 1 .-b >. * :> i. TIIK '%Oui'I! C'AROI,l.\'.\ UlTrAL UKE I.\SIIU.\('E t OHPiXV, fOW in the tenth \ .?ir f .-uoces-;;’.! operation, with I.11 upon public cou- '. of all iK'althy per- mV ono year, for seven :.'i! iiig in ' ii.' profits, j; age are insured for ’ !ur N their value. A'ii.m 90 day.s nfler ViLriBLfi IIOTI'L FOR SlLli AT POI.\T, .A. t\ MEING engaged in other pursuits, we have concindi^d I) to sell the very valuable four story RRICK HOThTL, opposjie the Depot Ttii^ Motel is well known to the traveling public. It is now being kept by the .Misses P»arbee; has be«n well jiatrouized, even to the capacity of acconimodatious; the traveling custom is. very great; besides it is an Eating House (supper and Breakfast,) for the Rail Road travel; it is one of the best Hotel:- uloH({ the N (’. Rail Road, in fact, equal to the beat in the State. As this property is well known, we deem it unneces sary to further describe it. Any person wishing to keep a Hotel, or invest his money profitably, may find in this property an extraordinary opportunity. This valuable property will be aold at public sale on the 17th d.ay of October next; possession given 1st Jan’y ISf-’S. Terms easy; made known on day of sale. The .Misses Bartiee, the present occupants, will sell on reasonable terms the most of the furniture now used in the House. JOHN CARTER. W. SHEER. St-pt. 80, I8G2. 65-ts j To Railroad C'ontractons. L I_)ROPO.‘'.ALS are invited for the grading of tbat'pop- I tion ''f the Western Railroad between the Gulf and Ore Hill in ('hatham county, and also for the masonry. -Application and]communications to be made to the sub scriber, Gulf I’ost Office, Chatham county, N. 0. GEO. WASHINGTON. Oct 8, 18t>2. G7-lm ^ow ,1 gri the 'i' f tc •. f i --n)!,.- ’. I'lir- . I'owitij; cafot 11 i!i tidence. coniinucs to i w sons from lit' ''vO years, ai'd foriif.' .All slave^ Iroin ' ■ one year Of ! T fi"t v*- i .All Io-'Sj'.s :ll * p;i!j t iHlisI i>;toiy ; rool i- Lir>-sfiiie i For further iutbr;;i.iiio!i the pubb ■ is referred to -Ag >nts of the (’omj'..iiv in ill r> ir:s i .he State, and to R Jl'-. VTl i‘r S,,-rti..ry, Rileigh. K. J. H \LF. .\gent at Jau’y IS-'SH. F ivi'tteviP.e, N, C. A Tlie N>w Siyle. Small, COLORKO PHOrtH.IUPUS, .\T ART. Wooclw ^ioSar 1')HOTUOR.\PUS can h- I nt Viiiior.sdell's Skylipht llallery, Ha_v street, opposite .Mailde Yard, Fay- i etteville, N. ? ; plain, re-ou'Mif*-!, colored, in water colors. Oil and pas’ilc; fr itn -imai; to lit'e size. .Vmbro ty[>es, Melaneoty|K's, 1 h’’ otlo*r 'iyle-« ' peitaiu' ‘g to the .\rt. .Al> ■, C,; t Ft i.: c-s. iug, G' i for very large {•: -;;ir' - is lnrpe us 2t' bv inches, ^ortl aud Ta.-; els lor iiaiiging pictu.es; Instru ments, Stock aii-.l (.'ht'niicni.s for sale low tor cash. Life size colored i’hotogr'ipn.s made tVoiu smaU pictures. Having permanently located here 1 hope to merit your patronage. I would .■^!^o retimi my-incttre thanks for the liberal j‘ ■•r.>n i^e be-t jwi-il .m me heretofore by the good pei-ple of Favettevl'’»* and vicinity. ^ . M VANoRSUELL, Phot"gmphist and Prorrietor. Dec'r 20, 185'.t 77- iHarble Faclor%, SALE OF VALIABLE REAL ESTATE ^ AT HKiiH POIAT, €. (k.N Friday, (Jetober 17th, 18*32, I will sell, li the high- J est bidder, live lots i'l the town of High i oint, being Ltie premi-^es hitherto occupied J»y the liigh i'oini Fe- 1 male School On one of the lots is a three-story BRICK I'UILIHNG, containing li4 room.s; six of iheui 18 l»y li> I I'eet eaotj; y, 11 by 16 feet each; 4, lo by 15 feet each, I aud one y.'i by 16 feet The other tour rooms are in n ’,ving, which contains also, a private stair-c^-e. There I is a two story porch the full length of each troat of the I main buiUting, ‘Besides this building, the premises in i chide a good Smoke-house and Pantry; a fine Brick ' Building containing kitchen, wash-room, ironing-room ! and cloihes rooni; a servant’s Dwelling house with two ; rooms: a very good stable with 16 stalls; aud other ne cessary out buildings, besides two wells of the purest water, each furnished with a good wooden pump. The I garden cannot be surpassed. I The construction ot th.i main building, as well as its location in the rfry hr.irt of ttfb village, alid wilbiu 76 yards of the Railroad Station, render it peculiarly adapt ed for use as a Hotel. The premises include every con venience necessary for such an establishment. Possession will be given to the purchaser on the 20th of Deceml’or next. Terms;—Oue third of the purchase money payable on the l‘4th C>c»ober It't'-l?. one third .Vpril 24th, 18tJ8, and the remainder October 21th, lSO-5. By order of the Court of Kijuity for Guilford County. S. L.ANDER, Commissioner. Sept. SO, l8i>2. Oois ■.■and ibr Nale. ^priK subscriber wishes to se’.l his plaiitatiou on the , 1 Wi-)(t si le of Cape F'ear, near Gray’s Creek P. )., of Pictures f j j niili*s lielow Fayetteville. • ill' M'luld- , There are 191 acres of L.AND, 76 of it good fartaiug laud aud about 60 in cultivation. There is a new dwelling house, and all necessary out houses. For further inforntation apply on the premises. JAMES .M FOY. Cumberland Co., Sept. 30, 1862. t)5-8:pd WAIATEID TO HIRE. 1/U\ ABLE-BODIED NEGRO MEN to work on the XUU Western Railroad in Chatham county, for the remainder of the pre-ent and the ensuing year Apply to JNO, C. WASHINGTON at Kinston, JAS. E HOYT at Greenville, or GEO. WASHINGTON or W. MUR DOCK, Gulf P. 0., Chatham Co., N. C. Oct. 8, 1802. ^-Im chatFha^ rXilr^^ »\yffire to t'ontructors. SEALED Pruposals will be receiveiZ by the under signed at the Company’s Office in the City of Raleigh until noon, Saturday November 1, 18G2,— For the Graduation and Matonry of the middle division, I extending from Page’s to Lockville, (23 miles.) ; PrqfiUs and Specifications, showing about the aggre gate amount of work required, will be exhibited for one week prior to that date, at the Engineer’s Office in Hay wood, Chatham county, and the Company’s Office in Raleigh. Printed proposals will bn furnished Contractors for their tilling up, and signatures. KEMP P. BATTLE, Pres’t. Eli.wood Morris, Chief Engineer. Raleigh, Oct 10, 1«02 68-6t wa.Vte^^, VT the 0. S ARMORY, Fayetteville, N. C., two first class .ARMORY SMITHS, and three or four compe tent workmen. Steady employment will be given, and wages pro portioned to capability. Apply to J. A. i>kLAGNEL, Lieut. Col. C S A. Comd’g. Oct 10. 68-6t Camera. H \N, •KA ■*. . Fayetteville, June 7, IKi.J. General ’ rom. Wilmington, (harlot^e Kulherford R. K. (ompany. TIVII IHP.'RS \liOVF T. n^icn 4 S'ay t*eviEie. 1 Jan'^ 1 ' SONS’ STORK 8»- lie evt 1 h in ■ e 1- a n-itive of M.jore County, an 1 is proba 'icinit. of Carihi.ge. JA.-. D McIVKR. Capt Co !!, 20th Reg’t N. C Tn.,.pi. iTmiin, • mi’.ea ■ oi Kin-t. n. .lane 17 OfFH E TIIK rHt>lI»K.\T i I'lUf R-. ^PHE next annual meeting of tills t’om]‘It:; w. ^'e h. 1 at Lincolntou m We.bu-sday, the 22 1 = ly it - >• tober next. Trains t\ir the accommodation of ihe .S: khold- ers wil' leave Charlotte aud t’herrjvjlle oti liie > o.»rnitig of that day. From atid after the 21st instant, the Transfer Rooks will be closed J.VS I. .Mcl’.A L1.»I. .M, ^ec’y. .-ypt. 17, lHtV2. *>2 m LOOK -\T THIS! THE FlliiTTl’llliliE il’.ITEI., Fronting 300 feet and in the business portion of the Town, contain** more wpacioiiM and uell ventilated Rooni!i« than any ’Hotel in the .Htate, iilroceries: Oroveriesi: 1 I.ARtiK and well selecte 1 .''loek of F.V.MILY ^ GRt'CKRlES always on b -til, consi«':ne of l^a>* tn-?iJfs, Moss Pork, Alu’Ieis, Macker Nu-' 1 aij'l .'I-tb''fs, .'-'u.^ar.' uf al Tol - (’i^ars, 'i-:ii!iy ki'i ■ .11 a Wholo-=ale Gro- .And all otlier artici cerv Esiabli = hine!it T REAL EJ^TATE FOR^ALE. ''HE Sub.scriber would sell his hotrse and lot in Wades- boro’, together wMh about GOO acres of land reaching within three miles of the Village (if desirable ) The dwelling house is large, and the lot the most desirable in the up-country, containing near fifty acres of land. Should any one desire to move further up the country, he would sell Uiem a Gnely improved houde and lot in Spartanburg, C., together with » good tract of land near ;he place. J. P. S.'^IITH. ■Vug. 7. 4'.' 3mpd Adniini!i(tratlon lA'otiee. ^pHE subscriber having 'lualitied as .Administratrix on 1 the Estate .-f Jas Sundy, dec d, hereby gives notice to all persons Laving claims against said E^it-'.io to pre sent them to Wm. .McL. .McK.ay withiu the time pre scribed by law, or this notice will be pleade { lu bar of their recovery. CATH.ARINE SUNDY, Adm’x. .\ug 4, 1H''2. 4y- t ADVERTINETIE.AT. Engineer Offlce District of Cape Fear, \ S.M1THVILLE, Oct. 10, I8H2. J All persons having claims against the Engineer De partment for materials or s Tviv-es applied in the construction of defences in Nor h (’arolina, can have their claims examined, and if supported by satisfactory certificates of officers authoriz.'-d to order the expendi ture, or proved just and equitable, they will be paid by reference to this Office. C. R. COLLINS, [68-lot] Capt. Engineers C. S. A. Palma Beant^. The subscriber will pay the highest cash prices for any-quantity of Palma Christi Beans. J. A. Fayetteville, Oct. 8. A .TIiller .Wanted. VT the Merchant Mills, capable of making both good Flour and Corn Meal. COX, Wilmington, .April 2. l^••l. KENDALL & (’). 10 tt 9^100 REW.iRII. ' ‘ 'Yom my stable, near Lewi'-'ville, For^’vth ■ : .. N. C., on the night of the 11th inst.. a small >>y liORSE, heavy built, black legs, mane and tail, | hi>e faddle markn. No other mark^^ecollecte 1. Gait, I ■rt pi' •?, -hort trot and p ice: age iboU 11 or 12 years. I i i- A person was seen lurking in th** n ->;fh:'-.rh-. I .-up- i and lay l*atrons say my ( ondunents are very jrooJ .sed to be the thief, whT) answers to the follcwing de ' ription; 21 or 22 years old, fair comjilexion, >)lue *-yes. x\OTl€K. ^pHE UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili- tary service of the Confederate ates of .America, hereby give n-''ticc to th.'ir old ci;«ionu-r. an 1 friends, that they have sppointed J-.mn b. .> irr an 1 John D. Williams, of (his pla'-e, t}r*>ir attorney' to collect either separately or d ujoin'ly al! in neys due them either by account or note, and oth*>rwisc to attend to their bu siness eeneraliy durine their ab«enc>*. Thoy respect fully ask all persons indebt?,i to them to sail as prompt ly as possible on their figentci make payiHent. .V WILLIAMS. Sept. 19, 18G1. 68-tf d countenance, light brown hair, well-built frame, i> 6 feet 8 inches high; wore a brown frock coat, rk casKimere pants, i -iaite new, ; new boots, black tt lie, gray flannel shirt, and gray hat; carried a red ■ - i''k made of hearth rug '.vith the fringe on. - 4rd )f i76 will be given for the arrest, confine- u ' conviction of the thief, and 5t2.') for the safe f the horse. ".ppoaed to be the same Horse thief that was •i !i Fayetteville a year or two ago, by the name ' ry notorious thief JAMES S. PLEDGER. '«»■ N. C Aug. 7, IX'.2. 6'i-;-’in li.' May 20, lHfi2. tor the times. T. WADDILL, Proprietor. 27 y OIL AND LAMP BLACK. T ANNERS’ and LUBRICATING OIL. Fr. MULATr years old, of fl€tnait€990^ WoM.\.N by the uame of LU('Y; about lium size, but now quite corpu- Fayetteville Female High iSchool. I'^IIE fxercijtes of this Institution will be resumed on the 20th of September. The scholastic year will be diviiled into two terms; the 1st of 1.3 weeks, commencing 2'J:h of Sept. and t tid- itig 24th Dec.; ttie seeond »of 27 weeks, commencing 1st of Jan’y aud ending July 1st. Parents and Guardians intending to patronize Ibis School are earnestly rejtiested to apply f> r ciiculars containing full p'*rticular» in rig ird to tct m-' ."ic , heju.'e the opening of the School Rev WM. HOOPER, 1 LAMP RLACK in barrels. JOS. R March For salp by BLO.^SOM CO., Wilmin!7ton, N. C. t> tf 'piIE undersigne 1 offers for 1 and within eight mib?s of T. C. HOt^PER, luly 17. 1802. Princip.ils. 4;Mir>Jpd 'nid woman is probably in or near Town, but may been led off in the directi .n r,f Newborn by Rill *n. a free mulatto man wno has been at work as Hr ..ti-.>r probably on the Wilnurn^tou Weldazi ■ ■ -id at a Depot North of Warsaw l will pr.y $25 ■ iid'.very of said girl to me or buljrp.i tf t.iund in this County, or #ot> if ^^^1 is ■ ■ ntiy iiiher County and confined in ihe J»il of ■ the party arresting giving me Cfirly informa- f the samf* J.\0. D. WILLIAMS, f-aytxeville, Aug. 2-'), 18i2. 64-tf >^10 Reward* pay the above reward for the apprehension • ‘.r;.‘mi'Ut of my man C.\L\ IN, who ranaway H : hree week; a>f.). .y a wai i !' FiC:y i''jllars for sufficient anypi '. 'T: T iiar' -'ring him. Cab ^r-- ii iiu' . o I'-et Ml )T ; 1 .iifl ‘s high, ' ' . -’A ail )iit l.')0 pouti-N: he Wi :rs tmall • ‘ lt«* . h -.f or - hip ' ar-jientt^r, .(■'nye'tevi.'iH >;;i! Wilmington. 1882, lul.. r';) T ti IjO. EVANd. 38tf ^ialem Eeniale Academy,) ! HKl’TKMIiKR l', J ! [N order to prevent dis.ajipointments, the undi-r“igned , hereby gives notice that no more seholar“ can be re- ' ceived into Salem Female .Academy al this time. The ■ school is filled to its utmost capacity,—hence parents and others are reqtie^led, under no circumstances, to Viring on children unless they have a written as surance of a later date than thi.‘ card, that tney will be receiv. I R015T. DeSCHWEINITZ. Sept. 18, 1B)2. t;:5 4wpd AR^IV IIAR.AE^S. I AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon i Harness for .Army use. 1 tan my leather and can give good bargains. Agents will do well to send their orders to me as they shall have prompt attention, and sent off in quick (lispatch. JOHN CARTER Ooldston P. O., Chatham Co., N. C.. ) o, June 13. lSt)2. f i\OTIC-E. " ^ V.'' I expect to be ab.sout from home a few iporths in t;i - West, .Archibald Mcl.-''*n is my authovizeu Agent to transact my busiuesis uatil I return.' N. G. J0NE8. Dec’r 28, 1860. 83tf To l>and Stiiyers. ale, in the Coal region, le tfrnii’-..is of the F.ay- etteville « Western Rail Ros 1 on Deep River, i KK.lIT HUVDR'-.i) a( 51KS OF LA\I). I .'■..ijoininpr the bind b. ’.. -‘n" to tlie e-jinte of (Teorge ! Wilcox, dec'd, and l}i'*j: e .^onth front Car- I bonton, on Little Pocket '’n't ';. Moore county. j These L.iuds arc well • i.ipied tw th« growtii of corn, I cotton, wheat, oats, rye, *cc. I'lieru are on the prem- j i ises a comfortable Dwc’iiitig, and all necessary Out- | I houses, with about one hundred and fifty acres under : fence, iucludi-ng forty or f.ftj* acres of never-failing 1 bottom land. Tiiis is a rare chance for p*’rson> wish- , ing to make investments, as lands are undoubiedly ad- ' vaHcing in price in this section. I For lurther information apply to .Mr. .'I. M. .McRae, Crane’s Creak, P. O., .Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville, N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert Mt-R.ae, dec’d. Carbonton, Moore eo.. N . Amc. 21 iHoO. 4!lt TRrsTi’:i’:'s sai.e. rpilE Subscriber, as Trustee of Thomas J. Curtis, will J offer for sale on THURSDAY, the 30th day of Octo ber. iust., at the residence of said (’unis, on Hay .Mount, the folK wing real and per.ional property, viz: The House and liOt on Hay Mount where tho said ('urti.s now resides. Six Nfjcroes—2 woiuen uud 4 children. Terms at sale. W.M. McL. .M,'K.\Y, Trustee. Oct. 6, 07-ts i:xi:ci Toirs xo ricE. ^piIE Subscriber having '[ualitied as rlxecutor of the L last Will and Test.imeut of Cajii. Henry Mullins, lifc’d. at September Term of tho Court of Pitas A (juar- tor Sessions ot Ctimberland County, hereby gives no tice to all persons indebted to said Estate to make im- uii-diate paymeni, aud all persons having claims against said Estate to present them withiu the time j'fascribed by law, or this uotice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. W.M. McL. .Mclv.VV, Executor. Oct. 0, IHtJo. 07-3t Administration A'otice. I'^llE Subscriber having qualified as .Administrator . on the Estate of .Mrs. Elizabeth M. Bishop, at Sept. Term of the Court of I’leas Quarter Sessions of Cum berland County, hereby gives notice to all persons iu- debtwd to sai'i Estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said Estate to present them within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. W.M. McL. McKAY, Adm’r. Oct. 0, 18(12. G7-3t OFFlt'K OF THK ACrO ASS’T qrAKTER.^I.lSTEK,) Fayellevllle Arsenal and Armor|l v Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. t>, l8tJ2. j Wood wanted* ^F..-VLF.D PROPOS.ALS will be received until the 20lh M of the present month, for the delivery of two hun dred and ten cords of good sound black-jack wood, (210,) at the r.ite of thirty (oO cords) per month. Toe wood to be delivt-r.-1 at the Arsenal, where it will be prtipcr- ly conk'd. Ii inijst conform strictly to the standard measurement for cord wood, viz: 8’ x 4’ x 4’. Pr -posals to be marke^l ‘•Proposals for wood for Act’g Ass’t Quar termaster " MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, 1st Lieut. Corps Art’y, P. A. S., ^•>-2w and -Act'g .AssM Quartermaster. A CARO. fauin Hale, near Fori Fisher, X. C., Aug. '^HE tiudersigued, a private in the .Army of the _ federate States, respectfully announces himself candidate for Chief Clerk of the House of Commnns of tho next Legislature. Hav-ng pa«sed two Winters in close intimacy with former Legislative hodiett, he trusts that he has oondiderable acquaintance with the duties of the p sitiou. HENR\ E. COLTON, OF the denominations of $100. Apply 1 al the Bank of North (’arolin.i. \ March 18. 9tf C Oi' i: i> i: R A I' i: iso \ t 'O A’ I*' E3> E tii A 'ii' M: IS4» A 0.« OF tho denorninsti of $100l>, $.100, $100. *Apply at I lie Rank of C pe I'e-.r. Oil ilockiish. Oci. 2, 18r.2 Altertlii«« date 1 will pay Five Cents per pound for rags de livered in Fayetteville, or at my mills U. MURPHY. 65- March lb. 'Mf Rice and Tobacco on ('ouwlgiimeiit? i A CASKS of fresh LV facturod To'ttacoo GLj W, Fayetteyille, 8ept. 24, 1862. qmilities. For sale by WILLIAMS Ci CO. 63tf !!i>|If.r AR A\J[) .nOL.AS.^E!$. iA liliLS. SUii.AR. 4U 12 Bbla. N O SYRUP. l."> “ SCUPPERNONQ W'iNE. On consignmeiat and for sale by JOS. UTLEY. Sept. 22, 62-tf W'ORTH. 07-tf Oct. y. 18i’.2, .llonlder« PPLY to Fayetttville, Oct 9. .Apply to the proprietor. R. McD.ANIEL, 67 tf Wanted. D. ANDERSON. 67-tf A l^ady f%i*«lie»$ to ob tain a situation as Music Teacher in a Seminary. Eefi-rences given if neces sary. .Address box No. 214, W'llmington, N. C. Oct, 9. C7-7tpd l^nion Raptiwt A>«!t:ociation. The Delegates of the L'nion Baptist .Association having met with the ('hurch at Mt Gil«ad, Tuesday after toe 1st Sunday in Oct. 18G2, not constituting a quorum, adjourned to meet at the same place on Tuesday after the 2d Sun lay in Nov. next. All Delegates are re quested to attvTid. « 0. M. .MITCHELL, Clerk pro tcm. Oct. 8. 18tJ2. f.8-3tpd A For Sale. YOUNG WOM.AN accustomed to house work, good seamstress, washer and ironer. Apply to S. T. HAWLEY & SON. (.)ctober 13, 1862. G8-2t Hor^e .stolen. MV HORSE was Htolen out of my Stable on Thursday night last. Description: Sorrel, large and strong built, both hips skinned by some accident I will pay a liberal reward for.the return of the horse, and a larger one for proof that will convict the thief SIMON BRANDT. Fayetteville, Oct. 13, 1802. G8-2t WA\TED, TN large quantities, the following articles, for which 1 the annexed prices will be paid, on delivery at the N C. Militarj’ Institute, Charlotte, N. C.: .Arum TrypbiUum—Indian Turnip, root, -Asclepias Tuberosa—Pleurisy Root, .Aristolochia Se~pentaria—Virginia Snake Root, .Acorus Calamus—Sweet Flag, root, .Asarum Can’idense—AVild Ginger, root, Corniis Florida—Dogwood, inner bark, Caasia Marilandica—-Wild Setlna, leaves, Ciniicifuga Racemo=a—B'nck Snake Root, lb $0 2b 30 Chimaphilla Umbellata—Pipsissewa or Princess Pine, 50 Cytisus Scoparin9—Scotch Broom, tops of steiiis, 50 Capsicum-^Cayenne Pepper, pod, 1 00 Diospyros Virgiuiaua—Persimmon Bark, fm root, 30 D-itara Stramonium—Jamestown Weed, seed A leaf, 30 Euphorbia Corrolata—Blooming Spurge, root, 50 Euphorbia Ipecacuanhae—.American Ipecac, root, 1 00 Eupatorium Perfoliatum—Bone-sef, leaves, 20 Frasera Walteri—.American Columbo, root, 50 Gil'enia Trifoliata, > t j- ni. • a/\ “ Stipulacia,|^“‘i‘^°^*'y«'°» Geranium Maculatum—Cranes-bill, rost, 30 Gentiana Catesbei—Americau Gentian, root, 30 Gaultheria Procumbens—Wintergreen, leaves, 50 Humulus Lupulus—Hops, 1 25 Hyosciamus Niger—Henbane, leaveaand seed, 75 Juniper Communis—Juniper Berry, 25 Lobelia Inflata—Indian Tobacco, seed, 1 2i Leontodou Taraxicum—Daudelion, root, 30 Liiii Semen—Flaxseed, .f2 per bushel. Latirus Sassafras—Sassafras, bark of root, 30 Laurus Sassafras, pith, 6 0t Lavfindula—Lavender, flowers and stems, 30 Monarda Punctata—Ht)rse-miut, leaves, 20 Mentha Piperita—Peppermint, leaves, 25 .Mentha A'iridis—Spearmint, leaves, 25 Polygal'v Senega—Seneca Snakeroot, 75 Piipaver—Poppy heads, 1 00 Panax Quinquefolium—Ginseng, root, 50 Pinckneya Pubens, bark, 30 Rubus Trivalis—Dewberry, smaller branches of root, 20 Rut>ud T rivalis—Blackberry, smaller branches of root, 20 Statice Caroliniana—M;irsh Rosemary, root. Sarsaparilla root, Spiraea Tormentosa—Meadow Sweet, root. Salvia—Sage, leav«»3, Sabbatia .Angularis—Centaury, herb, Solanum Dulcamara—Woody Night Shade, extreme twigs, Symplocarpus FopHJus—Skunk Cabbage, root, Spigelii Marilandica—Pink Root, Stillingia Sylva'ica—Queen’s Root, Sesamum Indicum—Benne Leaf, Cucurbita Citrullus—Watermelon, seed, Cucurbita Pepo—Pumpkin, seed, Triosteum Perfolintum—Fever Root, Uvft TJrsi—Bearberry leaves. Ulmus—Slippery Elm, inner bark, Veratrum Viride—American Hellehore, root, Xanthoxyloa—Prickly .\sb, inner bark. From tlie ^^oUthem Confederscjr illP. UEVII.S \1.-^1T TO “OLD ABB” BV KKV W. t. BIRCH. Of L*. •* kyritUH ¥H the tjiC^iiun of I.iKcoln't Hroclanattm for Pr^grr aiU Fatting- after the battU of .M^naeiat. Hmittd ani \mpr»9td « pr,$tiyfvr tht J.a H tf thtafnh*r Old Abe vva^ silunf; in nL> cliHir oi duiie. > WUh one fM}t m the inunlit »ud mu; jjrtile .Now DHioking his pipe. unJ then Jcratchlnj his par# For he tiHil livHrtJ itouit diMtstr niw> ot late As fearful ut dejith im1 iii uruel a-j fatp. 1% an oUl carthern jug. on a table n"air by, \Vr4 h cullon Ilf “UucK eye," or - Cholct old ki* ■ To cheer op hi* ho|K « which were reudy lo di*. I'ndtT whose potent char»is »IJ Jibt would !•« ai!t To lny all Ills griet-*. like h biil. "on the table ’ .>r. shut up hli wii«. like a horse, in a itable He *kt in tiis chair, With a wo lxegone air. Uifzing Ht nothing with a iiit aninpless ktare, .\nd lixiked tike a wild beast jusl ■jkeered" in hi* lalx II i cheek buiies were hi|;h, auJ hi; vi->agit wm rough. I.ike .t iDitidling of'bacon--all wrinkled und tough. His nose whs as long, and as UKlV big. .\i the snoutof a h-ill siarved tilinoi:! pit;: He wa-i lung in the and long in the I'ace. •\ iMngfelltiK t>orn of a /«»«f leuged rate, Vet lungtng thro' grace, for a uiuch iunger space, 'Till he'd hiiished h:s pilitical wild-goose chase— iiriugiug wreck on his country, and endle^ii dlitgraae On the blockheads who'd plaMd tiiiu In "the very wrong plan* Th? news hud ju‘t re-\ched him ot rout and deteat, Ot his 'tirand .Ariiiy" broken—of disastrous retreat. Mis best men were ^lain on tho fie 11 of the tight. His legioDi were scattered with [uinlc and flight, .\nl his pi ms h id all met with a ruinous blight; His treasury w\.s iiankrupt, his fiaances tinashed. His credit was gone, and his bills were uncashed His country w iili terrible f.xjs ititl b«girt. VVai tunihling to rum like a fabric of dirt. "i'ui atraui,” said >ld .\t>e. "there’s soniebody hurt*' 'I'lius silling and itilnKing— 'I'wixt smoking and drinking— His head im his boMjiii was gridually sinking. When a snund met his ear— So iharp aud so clear, That ht ipruHi; tu his teet—staiidinf; breathless to h*ar, With hia ifiind lull of ureail. end his heart full of fear, ’ "I'wu:* 11**1 l‘kc the roil ot ibe hurricane's thunder, .Nor the ehrthiju ike thai cleav**s ihe tnll mountains aiundar, ’■J'naii not I ke me sturius which luniultuiiusly sweep O'er the lone uending wockU and the dark rolling de*p Hut a sharp, angry rrashing, coufusiou and clashing; I.Ike thing.i lu general, promiscuously smashing. • “ll's ihc Uevil;” lliousKi .-Kbe. in the sorest of frightd, Or a rebel 'masked baitery," ou '.Vrlington Heights ’ On the wings of the inidnight winds it flew, .Vnd nearer it came and lnuder It grew, 'Till Washington City seemed all m a stew. It paused just bef.ire 'J’lie "Whiu- llmi.se” d*>or, .^nd then d.ed awiy with an explosive roar It’s the l>evii;” said l.iiicoln: and sure he’s right. For jU'.t Ht th.tt iiioiiient liiere (';e,iiiied on his sight 1 ho glare of a horritile sulphurous light, Kncircllng ,t lorni so ghastiy and gnm. 'I'tiat his titurt cea:>id i*» buat anil his eyes grew dim. I'nai loriii sto*Kl before him and dread. With la ge cloven leet, and huge horns on hl$ head. .Mr Lincoln was seiZi'd with a terrible quaking, ' .Vnd ihe bones in tils »kin was rattling and shaking. l.*ike the “dry bones’" in the "Valiev of Vision/’ Witn such a dreadful collision. .-\s ihreutened to iimke a "long division" Of his body and iiieiiitters, "without legal decision." "How s your boaliti, Mr. Lincolnt" wild old .Nick with a grin ■I tiave only atepiied in To renew old acqu >intanco w ith your honor ag'in. How are Sertard. and .-(ott, and goiitt Mrs. L ? 1 hope all your friends are st*ll hearty and well,” 1 hus saying, tie sealed hiniself in a chair .\nd gnzed al Old .\t»e w ilh an Impudent stare. Took a driiik of •/lOt lead.” from a fl.Hining sky-rocket, VV hich tie drew troni the dupihs ot his overcoat pockat •Consulted his watch with a dandyish grace. ^ald he'd iiiadu a quick trip thro' the regions of space On ihe trtin of a comet, in a Journey sublime, 'ver millions ot miles in a moment of time. “You, yourself," said the tiend, with h wink of hl» eye, "Can travel'like blazes’, wtien danger i> nigh « \our (iraod .-\rmy, too. are distiiiguished f**r speed, .And run, *hke the devil,* in cases of need. But all this aside—allow me to state. I have couie hereon Imsiness iiiomentottsly great. Vyh.ch deeply involves your political fate. \\ hat means, Mr. Lincoln, this strange proclam'Mlon, In which you've invited the whole Vankee aatloq 1 o faJtiDg and prayer, and tt) humiliHtion'' It is strange how' a thrashing has altered your noUons .\nd called into action your pious devotions; It seems to me, sir, you're a whimsical set, tver iw-isting 1111! tumiug. likp an eel in a net Vou flounder and tiout, And turn in and turn out. Till my wits ure puzzled to know what you’re at>out, ,\nd ntiw in all candor, 1 must call your attention lo ttie truths whuli ai pre>enl yuu'll allow me to mention You know-, in the first place, you owe your election To thf aid and protection Of a demagogue crew w ho own my direction. 1 luvenujd your plalforni, and pnve it eclat. •About -niggers,' and *treedom,' and the great 'higher law.’ From the lop of this plHltorin—out^lrelchiug below, 1 showed you the kingdoms which I would bestow. It you and your party vv.iuld only agree 'I'o fall do*n in worship and homage to me. Otiey uiy directions, inltilt my commands, iSpread carnaee and deaih over all thene lands, by a horrible warfare, such as would win S^uccess to my cause. ,md a triumph to sin. To all these terms you most prt>ni|*tly agreed, -And made them yotir grounds of political creed. 1 gave you my subj-cts—the be,t 1 have got, duch a».t'anieron, and Sewird. and 'Old Uranny Scott,’ Assisted by fJreeley. and Uenneit and V\ >*ed, .As mi'^rable scoundrels as Topliet cou,lil breed. 'I’o fix up H plan for 'preserving the Union,’ In the b.*nds ot u happy I'raiernal coiniiiunion. By a terrible w -irtare of conquest and blood, s^uch a* never was know n since the day of the flviod 1 gave you my minions iroin the purlieus of hell, Tne ranks tif your fe-.irtu; urand army to swell, 1 stirred u;i the North with its vagabond rrew, •And set w iioh-burniiiR Yankeedom all m a stew, With Its .sms and schisms—faiiat‘cal trsppings — Its freu-loviug humbugs, and spiritual raoplngs. I called out its teachers. ,H\pocrilical preithers) .\nd deiii ig*igue scr»ecti^rs. To marshal your leeions to conquest and fame. Hut uias! to your shame, -No vitl*iry came. But reproHch md d* .grace on the whole Y.mkee name. Yi'Ur armies went forth, but not U) the b tuie; They went forth to plunder the fields of the,r cattle; I'o steal the young chickens and capture the hens, (Like 'Wil iam t'ome-Trimble Toe,') and put ’em ia pen* In the pages of history, no l*iftier place fan be claimed for your thieving and cowardly race. Than to *ell they were v.iliant in stealing a hen. But ran in c*infusion from ihe presence of men. When at last your tJrand .Vrmy was toned in a fight, They were routed, deleated, and drlvpn in flight. t>verw helm'd with confusiun, from the plains of .Manaitat, l.,ike I miserable pack of territied asses. Was it tor this that 1 labored wittt v gilant toil. To sow t,-ires of contenlioii all over your soil? — To huiid up your i*trty with lying pretensions, • With demagogue tricks, and hicago L'onventloni'* If this is the fruit of my labor and zeal, 1 am sure 1 deserve the remorse that i feel, For becouiiiig the t*iol t^fa shallov\ br.ini'd fool, With the form of an ap'.- and the head of a calf— It is sowing the whirlwind and reaping the chaff. What say you to this’" cried old .Nick, waxing hot; Uuoth President Lincoln, "You must ask Gen. t»cott ” * “tdd Scou'i an old as-; and rieward lo boot; .And. as for yourself, you're a pitiful brute. Too iii«.o> •” let live and too wortU'ess to shoot. But to cimie to the point fiiore d.rectly in hand, .Allow me once m >re in good faith to demand The grounds of this pititul vile proclamation. For fasting and prayer by the whole Yankee nation, I>o you think that Jekovah will favor your cause. While you murder and steal and violate laws? Will your prayers be heard when you ask the Etarnal, For help to accomplish your otijects inferiial! No; this wai, like yoursolf, was begotten in *ln, Aild lose it or win. You must now begin. To fight with the spirit of-Seventy Six,’ And abaiiil**n your pitiful Yankee tricks,” Uuoth hone-st Old .Abe, ‘-rm in a very bad fix,” "You are right, nmv, for once.” said old NicK with a grin, "But such are ihe fru*ts of tran^ressioii and sin: Then where lies the l lame'? .\ot w'lth me. I am sure, Y-u made the d sease; you must seek for the cure. .And, now, in concUlsioii, your attenti' U I call To a single fact more—’tis the saddest of all; (.As he spoke, tUe hot tears came tlitsh lo hi* eye*,) The »os(>el has made me the ‘lather of lies.’— ■And the record is true. From the very l>eginnfhg, 1 have tutored the world in lylnj* and winning; But it stirs up my soul with grief and vexation, I’o see your ahoininaxle Y.inkee nation. Outstripping me far in the tleplhs of It* shame, •And IfKaping reproach on my kingdom and name. These articles must be thoroughly clean and perfectly dry. The reception of which will continue until fur ther notice. Ootober 9, lti62. M. HOWARD, Surgeon anil Med. Purveyor, C. S. A. 68-1 m “I’ve one word to add; its a terrible on»' The race of your treachery I* Rimosl run; Your politiral sky look- dark and dun; The fate clouds are eath* rlngo * r your .setnng gun; You have ruintd y.iur nation—degraded iis name— And hurled on it- p.-.*ple i her r:ue of shame; You have munlered 11- «rl*>ry and pride at a blow; An-i tilled its (>roud citien with wailing and wfie. Ttie aventrer is coming (t'er your dark future path, Is brO'’l‘'’S ^ *orm of terrible wrath. The wrongs of oppression, the blood of the slain, T*>e pleadings of widows for iheir lost ones again. The cries of the poor, all stan’i.ng for bread, The curse of the nation, overwhelming anti dread," c^hall break like an aratanche full on your head. 1 Then woe to ttie d iy when Beauregard comes ; With his fiery leg:ons fr**in their SiinUicrn homes; j When the roar of' iheir uuns sha*l fill you with fright. And the flash *if their aatires shall gleaiu on yi>«r sight, ,Ah' then shall you sink to a merrlless tomb,' .Atiif thi shouts of iheir triumph shall herald your doom. Your fite IS now writ by the 'hand on the wall ’ I O’e- youf ‘house m the'•and’ the ble tk ieinp«st»hay fall, Ar.iW»weep you away in its rums to hell I li ve finished my fniMlou, f.ireweil: tarewell; Thus t,tying he left In a m.*iiient of time. And wound up his speech, where I w ind np my rhymt; He left General Scoit In a passion and worry— Ult] Abe la a Ot, uit hU wif« in a Hurry*