iH y t. Kt vijcr UQ. w L 11 L'avu Iv tlttWes n >r aw wAum SPilHI-WKEK I. Y. FAYETTEVILLK, N. C.. OCTOBER 20, 1862. [NO. U70.1 NT = 'I' M'NI)\YS ANI> THURSLlWS KDW4RU J. HALE & SO!VS. LiIToHd AND PROPR1F.T0R8 . t . Weekly Ob^^euveh C'.‘ 00 if pai.l in oO it'{isiJ during the yo.ir of su'scvip- ;i rl afTor t)io year Ims oxpire^l Uet ^ly Obskrter S\J W per nnmim. if p iiil iu . 0 5> if paid ilurinjr (he year of snbscrip- 5'’ iK) uftor the year hiiy iwuire J- ' 'VEHTISKMHNTS iu^emvi f>>r Ci' cents per ; lt> lines I'or ilic first, and Ho cents for each njr public ition Yearly ailvertiioments hy spe- ■ iotg. at reasonable rutes Advertiaers are ; '; ■ M\te the nuinbor of in«ertinns .1p»irel or I- uiitiui-.i till fiirbii, aiiJ ohi;rgeJ acrord- Wl'stkkn Rah. Road OFFit E. ^ I'avettoville, Auij. 29 1802., \ ON and after the 1st day of Sept. the will ■ -winjr rates nts to be in^enetl chartred oO per ar. M Robbing ii > Me Neill au;.- ein’iD" C^rp'.eJitor o? H Holiue, h.Tu. Wia Uwj ^ Heoderj,.'; ivt >rd li af!;pton L‘J-V 'RE^S Yanccv C C J'jbiij'.-u (*hi^ ker, A L Mii ben 6tt, \\ t.jaoi W, T J •jeUilliei lii.wn, Jaaiei , t. ^ ; i'evt-j£j Wi.- ^ Lis-eii. .j IIQH, ifuj- ' • •i'ihaE . ' T .DiiiKO - li HanJy I- .* IJ ti_ » J Muq h-.'d V,* Lew;= J-u.'.j-t J G;**' i' • r. 'a ffi H L Pu^b SPEOl M. NUTK'F. A!i.l after'’.iv'It'.fe. no ti;'i!ie of a aew subscriber) •red \vithuui paynicnt in ‘il\auce, nor will | -r : suci -u'>b' .n>ei ' t .r >» longer tiuie ' puid t.'i . . ■ ol\>i'r old iubscrib'^rs as desire to take the pa- m ih" 1 system V ill ^.icase noLify ui when niakin:^ : ttalices .1 in y 1. I."'-;* If.Wr. •T/rA.f f, I Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. .'teiia the County and Superior Courts of •■rland. flarneu, Moore and Robeson Couu- ■ •I attention giren to the collection of all . . --sted to his hands I . • 68-tf ! I>r. Kcott ^ivc« notic e that he > nt trom Fayetteville for a few weeks, e.'ilie. June 18. l;t>‘J iS4tf iRO. W. WILLIAMS CO.. j Mliole*iale De^alerai in Iwroeeriew,' I AND IMPORXER^i AND DtALKRS IN ^ liardware and ('utlerj, Swedes Irou, ^c.,' HAT STKEET, FATKTTEVILCE. >. t’. X W p. KENDALL. J KENDALL lOV. KE\DAI.L A: CO., oiuinli^Klon Merclinnts A N D WHOLESALE OROCERS, ,‘io. 11 ii li >orth Water St., V\ilminJlon. >. C. Urdera from the Country promptly executc I. F;^ J’articulaT attention given lu the sale of (' 'tton rhi r rroduce. . IbOl. 10-tf f t7c'. ^ B7«7woRTii, ~ J[ommi$!»ion and Forwardiag Herchants, I WILMINGTON, N r I Uiiy :.s, ISol 84if I _ 1'ARD! FKW LADIES can be accommodated with board at iQe :^eminary. he chtir)?ed on Pa.ssenfceis. viz; From Fayetteville to Little Riv«r. .’>0 et>». “ to Spuut Spring. TS *• to Hock 13rauch, 1 i>t “ to Jonesboro’, 1 ‘J j ) “ to Mclver’s, 1 oO Twenty-tive cents additional will be collected by the ’ t'onductor of each paspjnger, leaving a Stati.ai without a ticket. A new rale of Freight will go into eti'ect ai. ihe sauie time, which will be printed and furnished to the public in a few days Bv order of the Pres’t. JNU M, ROSE. Treas r W R R To. ! Aug. 311, lHt>2. OOif WESTER.V RAIL ROAD. ^ I^KOM and after Monday the 1 inaft., tho ']>■ ius on 1 this will run >l.iily. leaving Fuyeliovlile at ' 0 "l0t'k, A .M , returning leave McTver'^ D^p.it at I o’clocK, P .M r. 13. MALI.KTT. Pros't Sopt. 20. lH»'.-2 ti2if F.lVrTTI',VII,l,K MUTllL ISSi'iMME fOMPAM. Capital in Premium N'jte.s nm^'Univ to s^2tj7,tib8 -t> Cash on hand ind otb*r us:?' 5.077 35 Totiil, !?'272,7fo lU The Company have, paid all !•> «cs promptly, and havtt never uiMde an ai^S'iSimeut on liioit premiiuu notes. Total lotfi-es piid, K9 OFtut;.- GI’O. M'.'Xfclf.L. i*u- ( !i', D. A K.i\ , \ ifi- Prr-'l.'tiT C. A McMlLLAN, . UiRKi. ruus: A. iN . I i'iii.^ha.^t, Henry Lilly, . n. L. Myrover, J 11 in-.'i tle, S. T. Hawley. tViu. '[i I.. ; in, Vathan S’edninn. T. ^ Lu*t;‘tlot'. I’, U. MalU-tt, A. V. St»e!. Jame.'* Kyie, J. u C-*Ofv, A. McKeihau. Iiu!i >. s,} biu-; J. D 'Viuiams, S. ’V. TiHingh:tf?t. iierd. I Wil III gtOD. Western Rullro:ul (Office,) * X rille. N (’., Sept. 27. 18ij2. | T C ihi.j. H)«?PER. ob- T Lost or .Tlivlaid. W I Blank Sote#,W. tilled up, signed by ..yself and ■:;1 rsed by Pafifek Murphy, made fay able to any the BnnVfl at Fayetteville. All pertion^ are forewarn- lei ^ )t 10 use them, as they will c' t be paid. DAVID MURPHY April 1«*;2. 13if f Twenty-tive Dollarat Reward. fi)A.^AWAY from the subscriber, his negro boy Mo- l .'K.S He is 21 years of age, about ;'s leet li) inches ; 7'. r.>l u^t, long feet and very much turned out at the >ind look* down when spoken to. He wa« seen at I i’riju. s Mills in Robeson county on the 21st ull., “. i w in Fayetteville about three weeks ago. The ■ V. reward will be paid for his delivery to me or for ' V ..riaement in any jail so that I gel him. W. D. JOHNSON. :.r,-.-usvme, S. C., Aug. 14, 62if REWARD. above rewRrd will be paid for the apprehension and dflive'-y to tho nearest Military Post, of ALEX- \y.\LLA(JE. who deserted his ompany on or .1 -'.Hu of Mjirch 18G2. Said Wallace is -4 years ■' f-II i.iche? high, red complexion, dark hair, ? ■ be ia a native of Moore County, an i is {iroba- Ti ’iie vicinii” of Carthage. JAS. U McTVER. Capi. Co. H, 2Gth Reg't N. C. Troops. ' ■. ''iri-t'in, H miles truiti Kin.'tuii. June 17 ;it»tf Fayetteville. N Sept. 1^1 HI the pjirpose of increasing the cajii'sil stock of this ' ConipHny. to enable it to extend the Road from the Coal Fields to the North Larolitia Road, the tcli.. wing j'entleuien have be^*n app^'inted Comriiix.iiuntfi.s to re- . ‘jeive subscribers in their several ui'ighhi'rhood-, vi?- ■\t Gulf—I. J Hau^hton, l?r >oks Harris, L»r George 0 , Newby and G Washington j Above the Gulf—Jno J Goldston, Jamo® F Uives and Hugh W l>ison At Ore Hill—O W Gulduton, br L W Gorrell and N i -M Alston. Above Ore Hill—Dan’l Hackney, \ R Mar?h and Ja.s Pace. -\t Fou't’s Mills—l>r H M Foust and Ur J I> Graves. .Vt Franklinsville and vicinity—Isaac H Foust and A S Homey. -\i .-Vsheboro’—Jonathan Worth and P. F Hoover. Vt New Market—Jesse Walker au 1 Jo'epl. Nowlin. , At Thomasville—A G Foster and Jnn W Thomas .\t High Point—Dr R C Lindsay and Seaborn Perry. •\t Sslem—Francis Frie.s an) R L Patterson. At Greensboro’—C P Memde.ihall, Peter .\danis. Hon i J A Gilmer and Jes^e H Lindsay. ' Instrni'tions will be «ent to the Coninii-.-ii neri> at an earlv day by the President of tho Compinv. f.4tf J M ROSE, Sec y w' R R Cc Floreuce and Fayetteiille Kail Road. L'NDER the provisions of an Ordinance of the ('on- ^ v»ntion ef Nt)rth Carolina. Hooks will be opened on . ilie I'ith June at the following places and undor the di rection of the f'lUowmg persons, to receive .-u^scrip- tions to the Capital Stock of the “Flort uce ,% Fayette ville Rail Road Co.” Shares One Hundred I'oll irs each. .Ir the R nl Rozd in FjicttfvUle.—UnL*r riie di rection of the General Commiitsiuners, .\ .\ McKethan, D. A. Ray. W . Steel, Wm. McL .MoK iy and Jno. M. Rose. -4r the Red Sprinji.—Under ihe direction of Hector ' McNeill, Wm. J. Stewart. Jas. Smith, Dan'l C. .Mc- ' Neill and Col. .\lei McWilkn, or any one of them. Jt Fhyral Cullege.—Under the direction of Dr. .Veill McNair, L>r. A. D. McLean, .\rchibald Smith. Edmund Lilly and Col. .\lexan ler W'atson, or any one of them .If Q\eentdah,—Under the direction of Murdock Mc Rae, D .McLeod, D. MoCallum, Jas McRaa, Jr., and J. ' H. Mctjueen, or any one of them. I -4f Alj’irdivilU.—Under the Jirection of John Parcell, Jno. McNair, Sion .\lfDrd, Dugald .McCollum an i Jno. McC«llum, or any one of them. The Sub.scription Books will remain open f^r th« 8pi*c of »’>0 days. When a sufficient sum is subscribed the Company will be organized for the purr -se of build- ; ing the Road A A. MoKETHAN, D. A. RAY, A W STEEL, WM. McL. McKAY'. ’ JNO. M. R>t?E. ! General Commissioners. FayattcTiile, June 7, 18tj2. H2tf WilDiiugton, Charlotte & Rutherford ''iijcc ■ r-T' !i t'l‘ -v R. F. livown, A E Hall. hn Collins uiiil C. C. McCru'niuen Trn vtding .\g(‘L.ts gtj^The Coin].any invit.- ('i-n'- ■ -.tioi.s, May28. l‘»'ji ' -Ji. Til U \O UT VK it I.« \ % Ml ri’AL LIFE IVSIKIM'E ( 0>U’A,\Y, OW in th > tenth V'“fir -njcc - f 1 ■ncratioTi. with ^r. wi!l;r I'HJii* I ■’••I « fitlenre. continiie* ii- i^is'ir sous li "in J I lo •'’ y.'nrj oT iv t jf -i yeai .avit'oi .!'■ ■ :: -ti i All .-Uives ^>1 ii Ii.': :i" I n'» ycnr or for ri V.* vt".r- ' mv. ■I'-.l- ;!■ All li'ssi>>« >tri> p'ui'” >V’' : I 'v;!t)i’i ' 8atisfp.ctory pro.it is pros ■r».-l For furtaer itifonn'iti'ii lie ;)ub)'• ij .Vgontj (>f thv I'oiupany in all p.i"'s c .lie K H L5AT1 i.i:, S. en.-ia;; E .1. IIALK. \gent at Jan’y 1H59. FHyetti'vil’.e, .V. C. A Tho Sijlr, Sina'I. (OLUitKU Pi))TU(KA(‘HS, AT wmmi IIOTKL FOR S,lLli AT HKwH POI.lfT, C. Being en^agod in other pursuits, vye have conc'.jded to sell the very valuable four story BRICK HOTEL, opposite liie Depot This Hoiel is well known to the traveling public. It is now being kept by the Mtases Barbee. ha.‘ been well patronized, even to tho capacity of accomniodation-; the traveling custora is very great; besides ft !.s an Eating House (supper and Breakfast,) for (he Hail Roail travel; it id one of the best Hotels along the N C. Rail Road, in fact, equal to the best in the State. '■- tlii.- property is well known, we deem it unneoe.i- hiary to further describe it. .Any p-r.son wishing to keep a Hotel, or invest his money profitably, may tind in this property an extraordinary opportunity. This vtiluiible property wU be sold at public sale on the 17ili d.iy of October next; possession given ist Jan’y Tt'rms easy; made known on day of sale. Tl.:* Mi'^xes Hnrbee, the present occupants, will sell on I't'asiiiiable terms the most of the furniture now used in the Hoi^e. JOHN CAKTER W. SHEEK. Sept. :{i), lritj2. G6-ts icr-ition. ’ I tir'in f'on- “ ■>'’aU healthy per- ■ ye'ir, for s^ven tie in the profits. :i' L‘ nisjred for : i' -r v:i!ue. 1 'I'lrs Hfter is ’ -I'erred to tati-, and lo Ptaleigh. ART. Wool%vardS «olar i’aiiiera. nn.) I G )T(>GUAHHS can he bad ‘i: VaTi.iri.lell’i Skj'Hjfht G-tllerv. Hay ^ •oei, opj-isit. Mh! !.1- V-.rd. F'\y- N. C.; plMU, retouoh-**!. colored, in water C.lliTS, oil at. i pi: ;U‘; f:; u. -iW tvie. Ainbro- type?, Melaneotyp*'-, a:; 1 ill otiier b - of Pictures pertain' ig to the ,Vrt. .Vlso, liilt F;.i':i»w, (iilt M.,uld- infr. G' .-■ lor very !>t; ge pu-i —;i- Ur^re a« by o(i inches. Jord and i.is---.- t’lr i.ictures: In-Jtrn- meuts. Stock and Cheiuioals f r ^;lle i"W tor cii-ih. Life eiie colored PJiotograj'h.s made fr^iu '!• ».l piciures Having permanuntly '..ji-aie 1 here I hope t«i merit your patronage. 1 wi .;ii ais' return i.iy iincere th inks for the liber-il patrona/e ‘icstowed on i:ie heretofore by the good people of tayeiteviile an t vic:uitv. .M V V.NiiKSDhLL, Photograjihist and Proprietor. Dec'r 20, 1869 77- Marble Factory, SALE (IF V.\LL \I{LE BE.\L ESTATE «T HICill l>OI.\'T, .\. €. UN Frid’ay, ()ctibcr 17th, 18*12, I will sell, to the high- • ;t bid it.'r, five lots in the town of High l*oint. being Iti*' p-.eiiiises h’therto occupied V>y the High Point Ko- i:in' Schiiol On one of the lot® is a three-btory BRICK L>l.lLDINi, containing 24 rooms; siv of them 1& by 19 fed e u’ti; 11 by 15 feet each: 4, 10 by 16 f%et each, and me -j-'] by 15 feet The other four rooms are in a wing, wiiicb contains also, a private stj,ir-ca§e Tnere is a two story porch the full length of each front of the main buil.ting, Besides tttis building, the pr*niises in elude a g loU i;iuoke-liouse and Pantry; a ftne Brick iiuilding couuiiuing kitchen, wash-room, ironiug-rooai and clothea room; a servant's Dwelling House with two rooms; a very g>>od stable with 16 stalls; and o'.her ne cessary out-buildings, besides two wells of the purest water, each furnished with ii good wooden pump. The garilen cannot be surpassed. Tue construction ut ths main building, as well as its location in the rery of tlie village, and within 75 yards uf the Railroad Station, render it peculiarly adapt ed for use as a Hotel. The premises include every con venience necessary for such an esilablishmeut. Possession will be given to the purchaser on the 2Ulh of December next. I'orius:—One-tuird of the purchase money payable on the 21th October 18t>2; one third .\pril 24th, 18ti3, and the reniuinder Octot>er 24ih, IS'i-i. By order of the CouH of Equity f>i' tJuilford County S. L.^NDER, Comtnissioner. Sept. I?ib2. 05t« Land for ^le. To teailroad Contractorn. i PROPOSALS are invited for the grading of that^por- i tion of the Western Railroad between the Gulf and ’ (Jre Hill in (Chatham county, and also for the masonry. Application and|coinmunication9 to be made to the sub scriber. Gu'f Post Office, Chatham county, N. C. ! GEO. W.VSHINGTON. ; Oct 8, 18«-i B7-lm I WAITED TO HErF. ^ ; I AA ABLE-BODIED NEGRO MEN to work on the . Lwl/ Western Railroad in Chatham county, for the . remainder of the present and the ensuing year Apply 1 to JNO. C. W.V8HINGT0N at Kinston, JAS. E HOYT at Greenville, or GEO. WASHINGTON or W. MLR- ! DOt/'K, Gulf P O., Chatham Co., N. C. j Oct. 8, 18*12. 67-lm | CU.ATHAjriRXl LR^ D. •Vo/icc to iontraetoru. ! SEALED Proposals will be received by the under- { signed at the Company’s Office in the City of Raleigh j until noon, Satur.lay November 1, 18tj2,— j Fijr the Graduation and Matonry of the middle division, extending from Page's to Lockville, (23 miles.) } , I'lojihn anti Sj’fcijicationt, showing about the Rggre- j 1 gate amount of work reijuired, will be exhibited for one i } week prior to that date, at Ihe Engineer s Office in Hay- | wood, Chatham county, and the Company's Otlice in Raleigh. Printed propoiial.^ will bo furnished Contrafttorg for . their filling up. and signfttnre«. I KEMP P. BATTLH, Pres’t Kllwood Morris, Chit f Engineer. Raleigh, Oct 10, lSti2. _ __ At the C. 8 ARMORY, Fayetteville, N. C., two first olabs ARMORY' SMITHS, and three or four compe tent workmen. Steady employment will be given, and wages pro- portlone-l to capabilil.y. Apply to J. dlLSGNEL, Lieut. Col. C. S A. Comd’g. Oct 10. 68-tit ^ ADil^^RTI«E:ttEiTr\ Engineer Offloe District of (’ape Fear, > Smithv’ih.k, Oct. 10, 1862. j \LL persons having claims against the Enpneer De partment fur materials or services applied in the construction of defences in North Carolina, can have their claims examined, and if sin.«o~tpd by aatisfaotory certificates of officers authorizod to order the expendi ture, or proved just and equitable, they will be paid by reference to this Ofiioe. C. R. COLLINS. [nS-lOt] Capt. Engineers C. S. A. Palma L'hrii^ti Bean!«. The subscriber will pay the highest cash prices for any quantity of Palma Chrisli Beans. TW» DOORS .IROVK T. T nilGO EayeKevill^. v Jan’v iO. 18tj(» i SON??’ STORB . i\ ^PHE subscribtT wi.'-hes to sell his plantation on the 1 We>it side of Cape Fear, ne^ir Gruy’i CiT?ek P. 0., 1 i miles Helow Fayetteville. There are li^l acres of L.\ND, 75 of it good farming bind tn i about 5ti iu cultivation. Tiiore is a new dwelling house, and all necessary out houses. For further information apply on tho premises. JA.MES M FOY. Cutiiberland Co., Sopt. 30, 18tl2. 65-8tpd ” REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ^ The Subscriber would sell his house and lot iu Wades- horo’, together wUh about 6(X» acres of land reaching within three miles of tbe Village (if desirable ) The dwelling house is large, and the lot the most desirable m the up-couuiry, coutaiuing near fifty acres uf land. Should any one desire to move further up the country, he would sell them a finely improved house and lot in .'‘parUnburg. S. C., together with a good tract of land uear the place. J. P. SMITH. -Vug. 7. 4'^-iimpd J. A. Fayetteville. Oct. 8. WORTH. G7-tf A .Miller Wanted. Admini«tration Aotice. 'THE subscriber having (jualified as AJminiitra'.rix on I. the E.-tato of Jau Sundy, deo'd. heroby gives notice to all persons having claims against said Ei'ate to pre sent them to Wm. McL. .McKay within tho titn* pre scribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of iheir recovery. CATHARlNil SL NDY, Adm'x. .Aug. 4, lb02. i'4- t .IV Hour and Com .Meal Oct. 9. 1802. FOIV THE OBSERVER. [We have Vmt liule r..om for anything but news: yet we cannot deny a widow of one of our brtfve soldiers a request to publish the following;] Far away in a distant land. , , Absent from friends so dear; I leave behind a gentle wife, * Four lovely babes in care. Oft I think of the happy pa,^t. And oh how s.ad I feel; How long the present strife may last. Can any one reveal* Could I once more my loved ones see: The joys no tongue could tell. Ah! whaf a pleasant time 'twould be, My heart with joy would swell The joys of a happy home .\re scarcely ever felt. Until in distant land' we roam Where hftarts with sorrow melt A soldier ’tis my lot to be. How long I do not know; My country! oh! I love so much, • 'Tis for thee I go. My trusting wife, f«r whom I feel So tActdened and distre.ssed. Hath served and honored me with i4&i And has my whole life ble.st. My little children near to me. Nature doth seem to bind; • It grieves me much to go away And leave you all behind, I My eldest daughter, Nancy Jane, ] So thoughtful and so kind I May I in tinie to come, again 1 See this dear child of mine. And “Jesse I?,” as brave a lad As you may ever see; May he in time to come be clad With deep humility. And (here’s dear little Adaline, This child I long to see. OhI how 1 long to see the time With her again to be. And “■Alice, oh! that tender babe' Her picture I possess, Could I at home once more, the child T« my fond bosom press' May you all li»e in harmony, .\ct kindly lo “Mamma,’’ Tn love to both your parents be. Is the prayer of your “Papa.” The foregoing was composed by me. while sitting in my tent at Camp Meare‘, on the banks of the Potomac River, near Acquia Creek, Va. Here I am, with many other soldiers, awaiting the attack of the enemj-. Should I never return home, 1 hope that these badly comi*osed t lines will be remembered by mj^ loving wife and chil j dren in days to come J. M W'ATKINS. I Sept. 16, Ib'il. _ • Apply to the proprietor. R. McD.\NlEL. C7tf .Tlouider« A PPLY to A. Faveiieville, Oct. 9. I Ihe Jieaitttts oj ('on^tm'^jtion.—The “war-mak- I ing power” is beautifully illustrated in the modus j operandiol’ raisiug conscripts, llo radical support ers claim that it i.« illimitable, and whatever the i law may be, if they are placed iu office, the war- i making power is going to be made illimitable too. A Lady wishes to ol>-^ The latent wrinkle is a bort of codicil to the ex- tain a situation as Music Teacher in a J emption certificate, granted to the halt, laiue, \K anted. D. ANDERSON. 67-tf Seminary. References given if neces sary. .\ddrc3s box N«. 214, Wilmington, N. C. Oct. tJ7- rtpd 84- R. R. C'oiupauy. M c Dowell, n at'..A T L*» B -.oe, W I'or- J'! \^U^l‘M), Vi’ ^ ."^wann. l'o..te, M P .'lelf.cB, J 'u!•in 1'*’ ; W >}■ ■ b-. (/■ J- - i’rv-.r. 'ir-3 1' f) N-.nA-r. t\ R Rutcier, llt r PreHtoD. ' U Hut-'t'ii Oi'FicE t)F THE President A DrREOTORs. ! The next annual meeting of this Comv-any will be held at Lincolnion on Wednesday, the 22d day ot October next. Trains for the accomaiodation of the St*)ckljold- era will leave Charlotte and Cherryville on the morniug of that day. From and after the 21st instant, the Tran-^fer Booka will be closed. JAS. L Mc''.ALLL \l, Sec y. Sept. 17, ♦‘2-tm LOOK AT THIS! " ~ THE F.iVETTllVILLE HOTEL, Fronting 3(H) feet and in tbe business 1 portion of the Town, coiitaiiiiit more MpacioiiK and uell fwroeeriesi Orocerics:: AL.\RGE and well selected st.ick of F.YMILV GROCERIES always on hnnd, consl.^ting of liacon-h'idos, Mo*^ I’ork, .'Inllft.s, Mucker T Nos. J and li, ■And all other ai-tjcl*-- cerv Establisiimeut •l.ac ly ■u;,::irs of al i .ir.s, '1 a Wholes.'ile Gro- ii.N Kl NDALL s. CO. 10-tf S^IOO REWARD. from my stable, near I.i9wiaville, Forsyth V, N. on the night of the 11th inst , a .sm ill !■ »y MORSE, heavy bml'. black leg“. mane and tuil, -1 Idle mark* Nootnrrmarkf-recollocte 1. Gait, ri paov, short irot and pace: ag^ i'. jii 1 1 '■■r 12 3’ear^. . \ pi>r8on was M“en lurking ir the n“ighVi,irhoo I. sup- ; aud my Patrona f*av my (’on'lliupnts art' very good venlii.’it'^d Hotel RooniM than any in the State, fd to b* tbe thief, who answers t> the following de iicn; 21 or 22 years ol 1. fair complexion, blue eye^. untenance, light brown hair, well-built frame, '. f.-et 8 inches high; wor-? a brown frock coat, ; casfimere pants, (quite nf^w.) new boots, bl^uk eray flannel shirt, and gray hat, carrie'I a red - V made of hearth rug with the fringe on. » i of t’7-') will be given for tbe arrest. conCne- 1 conviction of the thief, and for the safe !He hor«p. pp-.-ed to be the sr.me Horse ;hi**f that was i- lyetteville a year or two ago, by the name \ »-y ni-toriouB thief JAMES S. P1.EI>GER. • N C .\ug. 7, ■It) ;-'nr .May 20, 18*12. lor the tiine.s. T. W\ 1)1)1 LI, Proprietor. 27 V .MULATT- . W 2'-! yeiJTs old M.\N by the name of LL’iJV; about lium size, but now quite corpu- Fayetterille Female Hi^h Srhool* The exerci.«es of this Institution will be resumed on j the 29ih of September. j The scholastic year will be divided into two terms; tho 1 si of 13 weeks, commencing 2^th of Sept. au 1 end- ] ing 24th I.'ec.t the second of 27 weeks, comni''n3iiig l.st ^ of Jan’y and ending July 1st. | Parents and Guardians intending to patronize this | School are earnestly requested to apply for circulars containing full particulars in regard to teim.i, icc , btjore , \vilcox. dci^’d. an 1 ly'ng thicc the opening of the School Rev. W'.M. HOOPER, ) , T. C HOOPER, / ^ rincij.als. July 17, 1802. ■ 43tlMpd Wilmington. .Ap’il -. I' m. 'sirvTi'i:. The UNDEilSI(>NKI' b^ith 1 ivin:-.-ntfrod tiie nrili- ta^'v '^•rvi'!'' of t’l Con^ le’^ -e ■ >■“ ’-f .Am'-rica, nerebv !^ive ni^tiop to t'lfir oM c’:.'‘■'’ucr'^ and friends, that they bi^ve appoin'»d .i^hn D. and John D. Williams, of thi-i pia'jf. thoir attorneys -.i collect either separiiely or c.aj liii^:^ nd i.i "ne_.s diie them eitlier by acc'iunl or note, ;ii\ i o'h li- nl it.' their bu siness p*“T»erally'luriuc their ab i-iic ■. Tlu-y re pe^’t- fully :isk ^lil p. rions .nl bi' J i ' !iei;i o e.id us proiupt- 1\’ ai pofi'iV'le on lh**ir a^'‘;’i; rjd -iiak>' p iyiH.'nt. } .’T-a;U .‘c WILLIAMS. . Sepl 1'*, iSf.l, 'iH-tf i Oil AND LAM[' liLACK. ' TANVERS’ ant Ll’BHlC'.TING OIL. LA.MP BLACK iu barr. 1. F^r si’p by j •loS. II. I’.i.OSSO'! CO.. Wilmingt*)n, N. C. , March 7. I To Laisd Riiyea*^. I I rpiIE undf'rsigned olf^rH for i-ale. in Ihe Coal regiou, ' Jl and within eight miles of the tenuiuus of Ihe Fay- I ettevillo .'i Westfin !ial. llo^id ou i'lt ;) Hivcr, KHiilT IIlN;>tiE5) AvKES OK LAM), adioiniui; the land belonging to th * ,‘e of (George ■:rh fi'otii (]lar- >‘K. M.i r‘» ccMuly. tc-1 to tli« ;^ri'wlh of cora, Ti!'re are o:i the prei;i- an i t'll netenstiry Out- TRrSTEE'S SAI.i^:. ''HE Subscriber, as Trustee of Thomas J. Curtis, will otfer for sale on THURSD.AY, the 3Uih day of Octo ber, inst., ut the residence of said Curtis, on Hay Mount, ttie followiDg real ui:d personal property, viz: The House and Jjot on Hay Mount where the said (’uni.s now reside.s. isix Negroes—li women and 4 children. Terms at sale. TV’M. .McL. MoK.AY, Trustee. Oct. 0, 1802. 07-1' EXi:ci roR's notice. 'IMIE Subscriber having qualified as- ET.ecutor of the I last Wilt and Test.iment of Capi. Henry .Mullins, dkC 1. at Sep ember Term of the Court of Pleas Quar ter Session-* of Cumberland County, hereby gives nj- tice 10 all persons indebted to said E-itnte to make im mediate payiuent, and all persons having cbiims a^.;inst said Estai- to present ihem within the time jresoribed by law. o;- this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re- c. very. WM. McL. McKAV, Executor. 0'.'t f> i8t; >. t»7 ;5t I'nion Raptint A«o>oci:ition. 1MIE Delegates of the Union Baptist .\ssooi»tion having met with the Church at Mt GiUad, Tuesday after the 1st Sunday in Oot. 1802, not constituting ft quorum, adjourned to meet at tbe same place on Tuesday after the 2d Sunday in Nov. next. All Delegfttes are re quested to attend. 0. M. MITCHELL, Clerk pro tem. Oot. 8, 186-j. _ W-8tpd For Wale. A Tt>UNG W'OM.V.N accustomed to house work. A ri. good seamstress, waeher and ironer. Apply to S. T. HAWLEY SON. October If?, 18r,2. 68-2t Uor^^e stolen. sick, blind, and generally physically good for nothing. The style runti somehow equivalently thus: “John Smith is exempt from military duty, being blind in one eye, and subject to lits. [Cod icil:] John being good at running, may be made serviceable to the army by running errands. On the strength ot this, John must immediate ly report tor duly, or be published and punished as a deserter. Pity the rule that won’t work both ways. If there are any clerks in the various departments physically unable to perform military duty, the same “codicil” should apply, and those that are able have no apology whatever, for taking the above as a precedent to go by: “John Smith being good at the pen, might be built, both hips skinned by some accident. 1 will pay a liberal reward for the return of the horse, and a larger one for p*oof that will convict the thief. SIMON BRANDT. Fayetteville, Oct. 18, 1802. G8-2t WAIVTED, IN large quantities, the following articles, for which the annexed prices will bo paid, on delivery at the N C. Military Institute, Charlotte, N C ft) ^0 25 80 T venture; 4® E M .-:oN3. p •r.J :// ji es f •- d woman is pro^rvbly in nr near Town, but may » V.een led off in the -iirfeiion of .Newbern by Bill 'tjton. a free mulatto man who ha^ tjeen at work as '• .n-er probably on the WihningK.n ,t W’eMon 1 111 a Depot North of Wark»iw 1 ^,iy delivory of said girl to me or lo'lpr.y in .Jail iu ' : il found in this County, or if «,u,i girl ' in any other County and confined in the .Jail of ■■ ne, the party arresting giving me early iuforma- ’ >f the same. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. Fayetteville, Aug. 25, 1802. 54-tf 810 Keward. I ''M,L pay the above reward for the aporehension I ■ cotjfinement of my man CALV'I»N, wh*o ranaway f h1. three weeks ago. ■ d-Jo pay a reward i,t Fifty Dollars for suffi'*ient ''•■■I ;r; ; : r-:- t/ hitli, Cal- • - • -ii' !' I ■: .i‘ -.r n inches high. ^ ■ .'i 'i ! ■') I ii! ! iM-rtf'- rri>.lJ r, : (. ir- Hi' i' , ir 1 ciirpentur, ' ' Wn a>i’ r F.y.-Mi' He -.ri 1 Wilmington. vliS him . If ■■ Uviii J .'in' t: TUEO. EVANS. ■ ^ao 8u, 1862. 38tf Walem Eemale Academy, I iSKl'TKMHER 1 S, lS()li. j IN order to pjrevent disappointments. Ihe undersigned hereby gives notice that no more schobiTs c;in be re ceived into Salem Female Academy at this time. The school is filled to its utmost capacity,—hen»'e parents and others are requested, under no circumstances, Jo bring on children unless they havo a written a.«- furance of a later date than this card, that they will be received. ROBT. DeSCHWKINITZ Sept. 18, 18R2. G3-4wpd AR.n V HARi\EKW. 1.\M prepared to manufacture all kinls of Wagon Harness for Army use. I tan leather and can give good bargains. .Agents will do well to send their orders to me as they shall have prompt attention, and sent off in quick dispatch. JOHN C.VRTFR. Goldston P O., Chatham Co.. N C.. ) June 13, 18t)2. j bonton, on Liule Pof' Cri The.-e Land-; 'iie a ’ cotton, wheal, oats. rye. f^es a c oil i fort lib I e Uv.eiliti'^ houses, with ibout -.iic hiit.d’-e 1 snd fifty acre.'? under ' fence, including forty or Lfty a rc.s ot ucvei-failing bottoni land. This is a rare rh.itioc for persons wish ing to make invcsttnents, as lands ai*f- inid-j:ibtt“dly ad vancing in price in this section. For further inforni.nion apply to Mr. M. M. .MoRae, Crane's Cre«k, P. O., Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville, N. D.\NIEL McRAE, For the Heits of Jilbeit McRae, dec’d. Carbonton. Moor** '’o . N ! . .An(r. -.i 18.^0 Administration iVoticts MIE Subscriber having Qualified as .Vdministrator i>n Ihe Estate of .Mrs. Elizabeth .M. Bishop, al Sept. Term of the Court of I’leas ii Quarter Sessioiie of Cum- b.'rbinl County, hereby gives-notice to all persons in- d.'bie i (o said Estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against sanl Estate t ■ present them within the time prescribe ! by law, or this notice will be pleadtd in bar of their recovery. W.M. McL. McKAV, Adm’r. Oct. ti, 18*12. 67-3t OFFItK OF THK K T’H \S8’T (iUARTERMASTER,) Frtjetlevine Ar.senal and Armory, V Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. ti, 18t52. j Wood wantetl. E.\LED PKOPOSALS will be received until the 20th li’ of t; e present mouth, for the delivery of two hun dred nnd ten cords of good sound black-jack wood, (210,) at 'he rate of thirty (30 cords) per month. Th« wood to b" iielivor“d at the Ar‘*enal, where ii will be proper ly corded. It must conform ftrirtb/ to the s'.tndard measMiefueni f.ir cord wood, ■viz: x 4’ x 4’. Proposals to b- marked “Proposals for wood for Act’g Aes’t (juar- terniasier.'’ MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, 1st Lieut, (^rps .^rt'y, P. .V. S., ti*i-2w and .^ct’g Asa’l Quarternraster. M X- o »ri. I made serviceable to the army by working at the Y Horse was stolen out of my Stable on Thursday , ^ , ,, ” night last. Description; Sorrel, large and strong ' .. ^ - - At eleven dollars a month. I hat is the private soldier's fare, and unless we make an army of lieu tenants of the country’s clerks, all cannot, accord ing to the law, be cjns«ripts. But we mean no hostility to the clerks. They are properly placed and properly paid —perhaps not p.'iid enough. This being a republican coun try, the rule applies t? every one from the Presi dent down to tho humblest mechanic. The Presi dent is exempt by the same law that the lame man aud the blind man is, and why should not his certificate read: “Jefferson Davis is exempted, &c., but being a good political leader might be made serviceable as President of the Confederate iStates—” At eleven dollars a monthi If you choose, make him a General, and thpn he will get the pa^’ ot (ieneral, for all are conscripts according to the law, and the stipulation witli officers and privates as established. Ridicule aside, this fea ture of making physically di.sabled men perform duty, as conscripts, in tho trade or profcesion to which they belong, is one of the most comtemp- tible and unwarrantable expedients to which the authorities could resort. There is no law fer it, and if our representatives retain their sen ses there never will be. Let it be tabooed, then, at once, and abolished forever. Riehmond Enquirer. 00 25 50 80 60 oO 50 50 00 30 80 50 00 20 60 40 80 80 50 26 75 26 25 30 0 €0.\EE^ERATE KO\D5^ F the denomiiiaii.iDf uf $1000, .S.lOi), $100. -^pply at the Bank of N.irih Carolina. .March 18. i*tf A C ARD. r.im;) Hale, Hear Fort Fisher, .\. (’.,*4off. undersigned, a private in tbe Army of the Coii- I feiler.ilc States, respectfully annouticts himself 9 cundidate for Chief Clerk of the Hou'^e of Commons of the next Legislature, Hav'ng p-i.«scd two Winters in close inlinincy with former Legislative bodies, he trusta that he has considerable acquainlaace with the dutie.s of the position. HENRY E. COLTON. Aug. 25. Arum Tryphillum—Indian Turnip, root, ■Asclepiae Tuberosa—Pleurisy Root. .Vristolochia Serpcntaria—Virginia Snake Root, .\corus Calanr.is—bwee' Flag, root, .\sarum (’ar.aden-^p—Wild Ginger, root, Coruua Flo’’ida — Doewool, inner bark, ^’’S'ia Mari’andica—Wild Senna, leaves, t'imicifng.i llaceinosa—Black Snake Root, t'hi m ApbilU Umbell.it a— Pip-issewa or Princess Pine, Cytisus Seoparir!s—Sco.ch Broom, tops of stems. Capsicum—'’ayenne Pepper, pod, 1 Diospyros Virginiaua—Persimmon Dark, fm root, Dalara Strarfloniuin—Jamestown W eed, seed iS. leaf. Euphorbia Corrolata—Blooming Spurge, root. Euphorbia Ipecacuanhae—.American Ipecac, root, 1 Eupatorium Perfoliatum—Hone-set, leaves, Frasera W'alteri—.American Columbo, root, Gillenia Trifolinta, ; ^oot, “ Sttpulacia, ) •' Geranium Maculatum—Cranes-bill, ro(»t. Genti.ana Catesbei—.\mericau Gentian, root, GauUheria Prooumbens—WMntergreen, leavei, Humulus Lupulus—Hops, ^ Hyosciamue Niger—Henbane, leaves and seed, Juniper Communis—Juniper Berry, Lobelia Infl^ta—Indian Tobacco, seed, ’ Lecntodon Taraxicum—Dandelion, root, Lini Semen—Flaxseed, ^2 per bushel. Laurus Sassafra.“—Sassatrap, bark of root, Lauras Sassafras, pith, Lavandula—Lavender, fiowers and stems. \Ionard-t Punctata—Kof'cmiut. leaves, Xlentha Piperita—Peppermint, leaves, j Mentha Viridis—8r**armirt, leaves, I Polygala Senega—Seneca ^nakeroot, I Papaver—Poppy heads, 1 j Panax Quinquefolium—Ginseng, root, I I’inckneya Pubens, bark, I Ilubus Trivalis—Dewberry, smaller branches of root, Riibus Trivalis —Blackberry, smaller branches of root, 20 -.M.irsh Rosemary, root. E E D A 'I E EiO A DH F the denomin'itiur. kf OF the denomin'itiur.s of StOtX), )it.»K), ^100. ■vt ihf .".Ilk i; Cat ? Fe-^-r. M ach 18. Apply 9tf ou Rockfish. Oot. 2. T‘^'^2 54tf Alter thix date 1 will pay Five Cents per pound for rajs de livered in Fayetteville, or nt my millo D. MURPHY*. AOTICE. Afi I expect to be absent from home a few monthB in the West, Archi’oald McLean is .uy aulnorized Agent to transact my business until I return. Rice and Tobi.^eo on 10 C-ASKS of :resh factured Tobacc ? ?)nsl2:!i«ient» nd ]>u Boxes Mauu- Dec’r 28, 1860. N. G. JOxNi,Ji. ^8tf rcat “ice , varlouj qualities. For sale by W. WILLIAMS CO. Fayetteville, Sept. 24, 18b2. 68tf •«i8'»AR Ai\D .7II5LA;>SEV». BBLS SI GAR 4W 12 Bb's. N O SYRUP. . ‘ 15 “ SCUPPERNONGWINE. On consignment and for s*le by JOS. CTLEF. S«pt. 2-2. . 62-tf Statice Carolioiana Sarsaparilla root. Spiraea Tormentosa—Meadow Sweet, root, Salvia—Sage, leaves, Sabbatia .\ngularis—Centaury, herb. Solanum Dulcamara—Woody Night Shade, extreme twigs, Syuiplocarpus Fcjetidus—Skunk Cabbage, root, Spigelii MariUndica—Pink Root, Stillingia Sylvatica—Queen’s Root, Sesamtim Indicutn—Renne Leaf. Cucurbita Citrullns—W'atermelon, seed, Cucurbita Pepo—Pumpkin, seed, Triopleutn Perfoliatum—Fever Root, I Uva Ursi—Bearberry leaves, I rimus—,'^lipperv El:a, inuer bark, - i Vof.Mrum Virid.‘-American H.dlebore. root. ' Xanthoxylon — Prickly .\'th, inner hark. 60 30 60 50 75 20 20 30 50 30 W be'thoroughly clean and jng hog meat, who i."^ printiui; a }i:ip« r at j'- a y.ar. V dog that will hunt coon, ’j.-x^-uiu. and kill a ood puce at j These articles mus. — : dry. The reception of which will continue nntil fur 1 notice. HOWARD, Sutgeon j sheep occasionally, will coiumaad a 1 and M«d. Purvayor, C. 8. A. i these “headquarters.” , October 9, 19«. * 8 4 \ Shame/ul Siylijtiice.—When Pope’s army fell back from Warrenton, they left in a barn, on the farm uf Mr. Shumate,' near Warrenton Junction, a vury largo amount of army supplies, consisting chiefly of cluthiag, shoes, etc. Why 80 j these supplies were not removed by the Confede- “9 j rate Quaitcrma.ster, or distributed to our needy r>5 j soldiers, we cannot toll. Perhap our vigilant 75 officials were no(. aware of the existence of these iK) ! valuable spoils, although we hear that Mr. Shu- 60 I mate communicated the information to them, lie ! this as it may, the g^ods have all been removed ' now, for the Yankees .sent down f ctntff u ayuns a few days ago and hauled away the entire lot! This is a vexatious circumstance, and, with the lights now before us, presents an instance of gross nedect of duty, demanding rigid inve.stigation. ^ ^ Kick'd Whig. An Editor fVan/s Meat fnr his Famiiy.—The Editor of the Cleaveland (Tenn.) Banner has tlie following in his paper. We are not retjuested to copy, buli his case has so worked upon our sym pathies that we cannot retrain from inserting his advertisement. We hope somebody will .~ce this who can supply his wants and hasten to do so: Tantki*.—We want to buy a Coon and ’P" sum dog, to hunt our meat with durin. th.; couiing 5?0 ' jy foolish for a mat; to think buy-