MU' Lou^ “*'*en, >j ^ gHQ «'.>ok w aiK«r iK»^8. VtTDer Au,„, ilt.nn, W n f bavi* 1 Aver* I' irier H awei Sunsill, irsou » Kobbio* flNeill Keynolvls. «g- irptiDter if Holmes 1, Wui Laws i Hiindersyn >rd tmpu>u NuHESS 'unoey, 0 C buiioa, Chae A. E Mai. 'i Toombi. William K r J Seuimee uWQ, Jamea S Y Peyton i>jiyis, Wil- Barnwel^ ayoeit, ius- V S Oldbaui laru Preston t.i. dter, Wm R (, Francii ; Jae L Pu^b., I, GrandisoD B Hanly K B Hilton «, C J M un id W Lewis loiut J Gar- t. ■ • • ere, Charloi li J Dupre, J W Ciiapp, ’hatubeni, 0 W Bell, Cook, Thoi S'mith, Rob- McDow^il, r»|ff/>rt. «T R cr, A T D»- yce, W For- Queen, 7 0 Swann, Kootc, 31 ^ enees, J ^ ifrin. W Gray, -Malconi P jCett, Joho ^rvor, Tho* Ilolcouobe, il Boteltff p Preston, W ‘Y; intare; &*• A 90KS._ cr«on*^ KnUrg*^ Notefl Not®# / Jk SO>i F. F. K I. T. \OL: Ml.j h AVET'rEVlLLE, N. C.. OCTOBER* 23. iHbi. [NO. 1171.] ‘".TNTKD .''ONI»YS AND THURSDAYS L’flWUU) J. HAl.E ^ SO\S. ,:i iToKs-avi> rii; VRinrous _ . • V f'l Seiiii Wt»e1?ly On>»r.T:vKn ?3 ''u it f>a!ci in f ;i pail dusiriif the v.*ar 'f s .'’^’rip ^ t I'.fTor 'w’e _»ear hn» i-xviire't t' ''•0 ,'nsKuvKR jf* Ou per i-Tiiiuni, if pai-1 i» 'i!> if pAid tiuring the _v»*ar subscvip- ' MJ rtfier the rear has exf>iretl Ai>\'^ R,TT.‘iE'frNTS insorte l f. r H') conts j ,- , ■! lit It’ liii. - i\>i ihtj ti\ ■‘t, an.I SC* cents for tocti ij. ng publication. Vrarly a lveni-oir.ent^ '\v spe- ! -.irHCtB,’ at rcasona' !e ruteiJ Adveriisei-b hvc ■ ^ . >)•:! s'.'ite the uuinber of insertions 'icsireil. jr ^ •. . . '(k;U bo cou:!>\uel till t'^rbid, and cLavgod accon- i 1 . • I *.].crr.2o;-je’.''.s to ].>o'.n-; •‘od cbarge'l 5U pr vitrn.. SPEC'-^V N'OTICt:. *i -u -lud after tLi» dii e, ijon&iiiecr a t:-w 6ub«criber « ■,• euitrvi without payuiPiit i;i •idvou>.*. aor^vHl, spvr be p.'ii’ to snch s-l'soii'. orb :'or a ioug.^r rinn is t'«id for ; . • ' 1 !*.ich of orr old liabscrib't i’s as ji-'/ii'e ^. tak- the p>i- ;er ou tliife systen; will pWase noii^'v r.s wi.tiiw 'i.kiu-; remitiance* Jtiri’v 1, I'iCr' Western Rail Road Office, } Fayetteville, Auer. ‘29 18G2., j I \S and after the 1st day of Sept. tli« following rates will be oliHi-givl on Passenj^efa, vi» From Faye'fevilltf to Little Riy^r, t-\tVE'S'Tt:VSLLE MTl iL ISSlRiSCE €0.n?AU. A CARI>. l amp Hale, aenr Fort Fisher, N. I'., Att^, .Vek; OrltJm.—A. Yankee letter writer gire* Capital iu Prt-niuni Notes aiuouTitH to Caah on hsnd ind otht-r assets. ;?‘JC7,Gfc8 &.U77 S5 , To’al. . 527^,7tjf> tl TL'O ’unipvtny hav-j pii.? i^U icdf«e>» proii']>lly, aud h)iv« U6w«»r made an n,i«e*-»ment on their nroriiiinn note.^. 1 To tho Members of the L^glslfltaro. . I'sOi. I \Vr^ re(|uedted Kv a friend of W.fl. J. HOr»- ! jijg following illustrations ot the presuace of a n'lIF; undersigned, a jirivale in ibe A'^ruy of the Con . , of Dupha county, i tvho i no ahsent ^ seJiliment in New Orleans citj, in whlch cLdiUtTL^^h^eVC^M”e^S6T^^ Northern papers have been iudulgiug 8o cauflidatft for Lhiof MerK or t^e liouse or C ommons of ; ^ . u* l \ i #•/%*. l«r«^oIv‘ T • 1 - ij ^ 1 . . . li'} Jaiicul Circuit of the Stdte» wb:ch he hai hela lor i^r^ny fne nexi Lettislftlurw. Havfng panfted two inters in - * i rr^, t- • ^ . t - the p«8t four ye%rv I The I. rnon f«;ehno eTi-=rine there—that they Oct. 14, 18ti2. S i'b?e infimncy with former Legislative bodies, ho trusts ■*iai be bas couyidurjible scqtiiiiiitaHce with th« duties 50 ctH 75 “ I (»u ] 25 1 r>o to .-^pon? Sj>rinK, “ to Jlook Eriineb, to JoiiesHoro’, to -M-Iver's, Tveuty-five . «'nti aaditional will be ooHected by the (' inductor of encfi pasbfjuger. li^aviiig a Station vuliout a ticket. A ni'w r«tc of Freif;bt will fco into elt'ect at the "iinje tii’ie. which will be printed and t‘urni«bed to the public in » few ddys By order of the Pres’t JNO M R03F, Treas r W H. K. Co ■\ug: 8(1. 18f.‘2. f>6tf r.EO. D. .\ C. A U t^Ttrt.^ ttAIL ISO VII. I '^ROM and after Monday the 22d iost., the Traini on ' thi’' Iio>id will run dnily, learin)? Fayetieville a: 8 ; o'-'liok, .\ M.; rcturuiujr 'leave Molver's Depot at 1 j o’c’ocK P M 0 B. MALLKTT, Pres’t Snpt. I'U, Ihl'.J r;2tf Total loSKCH paid, Offioi Hs: McNElLF.. i’r:>s; ioiU RAY, Vic- Pryijidcnt Mo.M! i.1, A S, J^e?’v. bjvrcTORs: W. \. TillinpbHHt. H J. ilin.^diio, Wm. .'doL.'iujin, T. fc!. Lutti^rloh, \. W. Steel. J. (j. Hon .I..U. Shepherd, K. F. Broi^ti, ) , A E llall, fa .'raniuieu, Traveliap .Vtfenta S2'J.682 oy °ff‘eromtion. Au2. 2r,. riENKV K. COLTON 54tf IJenry ially, H. L. -Myiover, a T. Hawley, Nathan A. Stcdtuai 0 B. .Malik tt, Jainep Kyle, A. A. McKethjui. . J. D, WilliHiuw, H. W. Tillingtiast. hii CollifiH and C. ! 5Sjf"The Corapnuj invite applictiioa- May 'J8, ISiI!. ADl i::KTS^E^i f:.\T. Ens;l!ieer Offlfe District ut TnjH* Keir,) Smituvillk, Uci iu, J8b2. ) \I.L persons hsiviiig agtiirsi the E'^i^cineer De partment for materials or.service}* applied in the C9-*;t To Itsc People ol .?Eooi*e I'owisiy. \ril. persimH In .Moore county, h-ivins; frit’nds in Co. D. 48th Reu't N C Troops, I'Ciipt Djwd,) ura ear- n**8tly requested lo deposii -a KKuk«*t or bl'inkefj' nf construction of defeiioes in North Carolina, ran have ; ftharpsbur^r, and they uppe^l to you to supply their ialk rK) niucii about—doe^ n.'t exist; for Butler £aj3 that even the women and clrildreu are the “1—d’st rebel's’’ he ever saw, a’.id there has been but littli; union feeling displayed where there was nothing to he gained. Self-interest has ^>oen the .M«j. H. C. McLe-iii’* Hotel in (^a'-tbaje. by the Hist day ; parent ol‘ ail Cnion feeling esh’bited there; of this of Oct., iii»t. This company ol patriots arp now w.ih- | ppriuin i'o demonstrate this iact, let me our a blanket, h-ivine lost nil on the hard f uKht tiel ’ ! . ■ , . i v, t j * ' relate an iii«2ideiit whicli 1 know tos>e authentic 21 Western KaHroad Office,) Fiyeuev'lle, N f'., Sept 27, 1H>;2. j n\?f.*. Attorney at Law, rATETTEVILLK, X. C- ^ i'terd the County and Superior Courts of I* Hrland. H'irnett, .Moore t*nd Robeduu Couu- F jitipi attention givwR to the oolleotiou of ail . .trusted to his hand'^ .7, l«5y, 58-if ■‘-/ Dr. notice lliai he • p» . -eut r’ioui i Hyttievule for a io"r week..-* ■•■ i_ v'licville. June 13, 1^62 _ "^iif (Iko. \OviLlJA>rS d: I'tl., IVholesale Dealers* ici diiroeeriesi, AND IMPORltHs AND DEALF.rtS IN hardware and tuilery, Swedes Iron, ’ulr H AT STliKET, F ii ETTF.VILIE, >. €. l^ijl. y^;f For iht purpose of iccrea«in? thf^ caviitl stock of this t?onipany, to enable it to extend the Ro'id from ih** f^'oal Fields to 'he North Carolina K.iiid, the folhiw.nif j irenilciTiPn have teen appointed Conjnii-sioner^ to re- ' ceive «iub;»crib"r!-’ in their several n^, vizr At Gulf—L J Hftuirhtou, Brooks Harri», Dr Georg? C I Newby and U Wa'jhinjrton, Above ihe-flulf—Jno J Ooldston, James F Hives and Hugh W Diion. i At Ore Hill—G 'V Golditon, Dr L W Oorrell and N M Alston • Above Ore Hilt—Dao’l Ilaukney, A B Marsh and Jas 1 P'ice. j At Fou l’d Mill* — Dr H .M Foust at.d Dr J D Ornves. ■Vt Franklinsville and vicinity—Isaac H Fousi and Horney. ' .At .A^hehoro’—Jonathan M'orth and B F Hoover, At Nt'r .Market—Jifi-^e Walker an! Joi^eph Newlin At Thorr.ftsvil'e—.S G Foiter and Jno W Thora»s At Hij^h Point—Dr R C Lindsay and Seaborn T’erry. j At ,'^-ilem—Franci'^ Frie^ and R L Patteriinu. .V? G’^en‘»horo’—C p Nleadenhall, Peter Adatu»^ Hoa • J A Gilmer and Jesse H Lin Isar. | I Iri!truction3 will be sent to»he CotEmi-siriTiers at aa earlv day by the President of the ('otnpanv. '’.Itf ■ J M. KOriE, Sec y w' R. R Ct) >11 ruil. UfE l.VSrUlME iOWI'AV!?, ' . r . N O'iV'in tlje tenth year of >iUCoes«r'il oper.ati -n. with growit.^': aud tii-iuer b ,M upon pu’j’ic i^OTi- • fidcace, eontiiiui’3 U) ir.'iUfe tho of ?dl heal:hy ver- ' sons from 14 to uO yenr^i f n ’t*. rVr o;i6 v*-ar, fir s^ven : 3'oarp, and 'or .itV— h1! rr'eniC-'i^ei sharing 'ii the proSts I All l',> I . fiO y’>trg of airt* nro insurv.J for fu' year or fjr iivo years ior t^o t'.ir ls thei*' v-ilue. I .All losses are piinC!'.imIIt paid wit'iiu 4" days a^.^r ■ sat it fact >ry jtroof is pre.seiue t For further infjnn.itiou iht? pul'!'” is referred to . -Agenta of th«* (’ointiany in all p-ir'.s c .h** 8:ate. and to I K'II BATTLK, H-cu.iry, R;i!3,gb ii J. it .\Lh, .Areat at i Jnii’y l‘t5ii Fayetteville, N C. Iiheir chiais examined, aud if bupported by satisfactory ceriifii’dtea of ofBccra authorized to order the expendi- ■ ture, or pr> ved just aud oquituble, ttiey will be pai i by idferenoe to this Office. C. R COLLINS, I ['58 lOt] ('apt. Lujjineers C. S. A %VA:\Ttl^ i 4 T the C. S .ARMORY, Fayeitevillc, .N. C , two Crst t clsss ARMORY' S.MITFlti, and three or four coinpe- i ‘ent vorkman. Steady eniployiiieut will be given, and waija pro- j j ortioned to aapabilitf. . J A. UhL.AGNEL, ! Lleuf. Col. C S. A CnmdV. r.8 6i I A Mrs. whose husband ha.5 coma out knowirig that in the wants. Their ^riends ueea not hesUaie to give, an I will 8tt*»r,d pernmally to their triiasporiatioa and ta strotij' ori the I nion .“uhjec, that they get them. . public scboois there wouid be ni«ny opportuuities Let all haviBK'C//ye?« cut them up and make blau-I i‘ — 1 :j i 1. i c.._, * kets for the soldiers. Thif> >3 the only wiy th«*y cau be supplied, as the Govorntuetit cnnnot procure them. I would also appe«l to the pt-itple of CutrberUnd for blnnl'ets for this oonipaoy. Any one who is willing to tiflp ns will pleaso leave th^ir d>„na*iou Mr. Wm. N. 'I'llVrnj^hast’o Crockery Store, J. n. .ANDEP.SON. 1st Lt Co D.'sifjih ,V. i', T. October 15, 1802. ♦ 'i* St .Apply to Oci 10 ,4k l..adv ivisiie** to oti- Fayettovilla & VPestern Plank Ro«id Co. V MEETING of the stockhobierr^ ot th*^ F i; W P H, Co. hereby called to ni^i t :n 'he Town Ifab, tain n situfttinu as .Music TeaoUsr in a ' ja Fayetteville,*on the 1st Thnrsday in Nov-^Tsber next, Hennnary Rpf^-venceg given if nsoes- ^ . the 6th day) at 11 o’clock, A M. ly. Stockhoi lars are requested to be rep'-esented in per- Addre'id box No. 214. Wilmington, N C ! gon or by proxy Oct, 9. 67-7tpd j, Rv order A The 'ew Style. Smiill, iOLoiiEb PHorocR.irns, , ,\T. ART. Woodar«!*•«! SoJar Cawiera. W p. KENDAl-L J. 6. KENUAI.L rOX, KEA WAI.J. A: € O., i oniiiiioil Merehaiiis A N !■ WHOLESALE. GH0C2RS, •(0. 11 6i 12 Narth Witter Si., vr.ii’iiiiih'n, • O" ^er? fr 'ii- tne ry pr^nij ~ I’iriicubir atieation givpi. t:i tt"* . t ( o:;..t iL i . ..-‘r proauoe. Ai'il2. 1=61. ’.0-if T. 4L SI. tLM. WOfiiTFi, CoRimis:»ioi! aud Jlfrouants, WIL.Mi.VrrTOX. N {’ J;^u J"f5. l?'.l • Slff CAHOI L.Al'Itc uaa oe acu* -iiTn-jdHt',-'i with bonr.'i •. ■ •; iitiiAuary T C. HOOPER. Ser'. 12 1S61. 6(1- I,o«it or .Mi'rtlaid, B:a?ik N^tes not filled up, si^nf-d Viy my-e’' an i i er!d:r«“ 1 Sy Patrick .Marphy, made •-ivable to ar.y iJftijib ai Fayettfcvilie. All t irsoiis ar« forewura Use them, as uiey y-i;> not be pata DAVID MUKPUY. .Jipr.n 2, 18C2. l^tl 13H()TOGR.APHS cun be haast Vanorsdeii's 8kylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite .Marble Vard, Fay- I-'vTTYL'ti L ■ • ' e /.I- / u /-• i ettevill**. N. C.: plnin, retouched, Ooli>red. in water >DhR the provisions of an (.»rJinanee of the .on- , , , .-i ^ n . i /■ i- U ^ 1- I> , >1 V J ! colors, oil aud pa«til»-; from «mall to life ^Ilc. Aaibro Ti ution ef North Carolina, IsKoks wiil be ope ,ei on , i i n i • n- ,,, , r ,. /■ 11 • 1 1 1 .V. » i tyi-e";. .Melaneotvpes. and all oni^r ■itvle* of Pictu’-p^ ttje Ifith Jun-3 at the fillowincr s at;! under the h- ' ,, r ' ri-i, •• ii , , t u ■ . w ■ pertHia' ift to,the ,Art, .Also, Oi.t FraT:;es. Gilt .Mould- reon.,n of the folbTWine p-r.-^ons, to rf-c**ive 'U’'^crip- ? , • . , ' ^ me. O ,■’• for very ih''ge pu'tiir»-s—as Itrje an Jfj by inche«, ’’■nd and TuJ«rU f.T hantinjr pi. turcp- Ini^trn- menta. a:.d 'iieniicitN !‘oi -uie Iv'.v for iash. Lite --It Jdu' Roid Ojnct «u Fi^tnevMle. — V.u.ltr the di- ^..lore 1 Phot-^r^irh- luado s.aa;I pictun't. rocti.'n ..ffheG>*nrtral rorn;ii;»^’..nerH, A A, \b-K.-than, Havr.if-4.ern,-j.neruiy l.u H -d b.-re 1 >^ore to merit -A, K>iv, W. Steel, Vnj Mcr./i^ aid Jun. r-.-nir i r* r * wi.iJl ai-,o ri'tuin rav nii.ctre thanks Florence and FaTetlefille Kail Road. tioi.s to tl^e C,ipital .'^tock of the "Klorenc** v Ftyette Tille Riil Co” Sh ires Oii** Iluiidre 1 Di’lbirs each M, KosC, At t’* He-l Sprxiyi your J a' r 'uatre for the l:beri! patroiiair*' ! e-'owod i-ii lue hcrotcfore by -Urder the directii-ii} :f Hector * the good people of 5^ayef.*.-v;fi.! .md vicinity. Tm eiif y-li ve aioliar'** Reward. I) .r M '' iUaV fr •t! the hi?- n* .: I , ' ii>‘ 21 y»arg -;f age. - n: ■ .-rcibu ' li;ne feet and ■v.rv fr.vrb turned oa: a tli»- . -in'.i i', kp iii.'Wn whrti ■ipokpn to He w-i- s^en 'i: . .. s .\Iiils ia R iO**?oD cour. y on ibe rlt . . ■ ■■= ,u F ivftt—..le H' cut tiiieewt >5 a» >. Ti r • CT? tri will b.i pai'i tor hi.- Jtlivery t. : i t‘,’: nfii.einent ii. anv ju,il so that I g"* hu;i W'D ."iHN'^^^N, .''•••SD.-M3vt’’e, s. tj,, 14. l''f)2. •'>'tf 5«COO RK\VA KO. i • ’im ifij stnble, nsn- : Ftjr?yih ‘J ■ ■ ;, . ,)ii the ni^;it "I 1 ;!;■ Miii . a Bn;. ;i I'Mrli, bi i^k li -i . I'li,*,* iTilt^ll. h'!p ^':,x. >; iihfi ia')‘f ‘ 3 r ct’ecf f. G«i:, - it an ’ pafp; !ige ,i'-^ . * 1 ' r 12 yeH!«. . 1 w.i. ' -erj iiirkirp iti ; riP >',e;c'i' 'jrno:- i. sut'- ■ " 4 V*'.' HtJiwer-? to the I'jliowir.); de ■ TiT , yenr- /ri, fiir coiiipl-x! 'ti, blup ey- -, I'jrht brovrn h xir. vri'”.-huiit liarie. : r uichfj h'^jh: wore ,a ‘,r:-ivi fr/ .'iJ - s ■»-f : e pai.ts. (piite aew,; new h.iots. hi tr'-Ji.y tl-iDiiel s-tiiri, aod gray ht', c.rrieu a r.’M 'iH i*; of he-irih n--,; \mui iii:> ' 'i, ■V w.: j of ■;7"> will be pivi* ■, f.'t rhp corifin- • i ^ . ■,v,c ' nof thf* thief, and ?2' forthe»,tf; ^ L • ■ y ■'{ in.- h(!r'(>. Ht -npp,*'d t ■ he ihe ‘’rnic H jriie that wxh ,rre!*ted in Faycl^ev;l,e a y»ar or tw^ r^^ j. 1 th-: bH:;.e f Fry. I vet^ n • ..ri'. is tbiuf. J AMI'S I'. I'LHl Lewi.'*ille, N. C, .\uj:. 7, 1?'!'2, ^ 5't 'in f, III) ^ATIO VV0,\1.-VN by the narn« of I.U-’V: f i>-n Old, of niediuin t'as*, but now quite r.'-pu- v,;in,in ia proh'-ibly in or near Town, but may t-rj fil ia dire'j'jnc '* .'.'i^vbcin '»j, IJib . .i fri .* ninlatto n;au w*0 h ss i t-eu at work us ' r probably ' U the Wilminj.'toii VrVI l.i-i f! Upp Nnrth of Warvi'v I will r^y $2') >i.%Hry ol "iiiid ijirl lo i)- or 1 'ztd in .Inil in ; ill i jr. iijis ijonutv, i, 5o'i nii 1 ittI i>i :^r C'.uniy ant c>;tiS'Md i'l (‘-.e .1 lil of ! - I y arlc^lit.^ gi^iug uiC e.iily uit'jr.on,- McNeill, WcD J. Stewart. Jas .A. i'?niiih, Dan'l Me- Neili ,'ind Col. Alex. Mc.Mi', or any one of them. i At Fi^ral CoUtgi.—Under the direction of Dr Neill ; JIjNair, Dr. A. D. .McLcan, Archibald r^D'i'h, KJ,Tiiir.d Lilly asd Col, .Alexander Watson, or an\ one of iheri At Q'.'trxsJilr—Under the direction ^ f Mur 1 ek .Mc Rae. D McLeod, D, .Vlct'aliuni Jas McR'te, Jr,. a:id ,I H Mc'Jueen. or any one of tlipm i At Alfnr-hrHlf.—T'nder the Jirec‘' in of J ibnT’n: ^ I Ju'' M-NHir, riion .^Ifori, D:’,gi,? McCa'duaj and Juo, j I Mc’ailum. or any one of them. j The .SubscriptioD Hooks will remain opeu for th© ' space of 'i'J day**. Ween .a uuSjcient sum is sub»,?rihe * | ttie C^'mpany will be orgauized ior the purj oso of iiuild- , I ing the llond. I ! A, A, MrKETHAN, I D A RAY. I A, W. STEEL. WM, MoL. McKAV, j JNO. .M ROv-^E, ! : General Commissi ^Qers, I ^ F,iyetteville, J;;i;e 7, l^'CC. •'•2:f To llailroatl ’ontraelor«. 1 jROPO.^-VLS *fe invit«id fnr the eradvne of fha'*rnr- f I tiou of thf We.uerii Railroad between tfie Guil aud j Ore FMll in ’hatham County, and also for the mahO’iry ' A; plication and|comTnuuications to be roade to tho snb- i - ribL’r. Gu^f Post Office, Chathaui c.u’'ity. S', C, GEO. WASillN'GTON. ; Oct b, 1S^2 fiT-lm ! \VATO IIIUK. AP.LE-B'HUKD NKGiiO'MEN to work on the ! IVw Western Railroad in Cliatham county, for the 1 rem lin »r pf th^ rreatTif and the en'nine vf"^r .\pply to JNO. c, WASIIINGTon at Kinston. J.'\? E HOY!' ai Grpenvil'e, or GEO. W,ASHINGTON or MUR- I'Of’K, Gulf P, > , Chatham Co., N. C. O't, s, IS.',2, 67-ltu €H .IT IIA n Si A S Ii K« A I**. ^'%'ofire to 4 ontrnctors. ^KALKD Prv,postls will b** rocriveti by »’ie unde'" O =ipf:ed at the Company 's Office in the City oi Raleigh . 'itil Dt jn, Sa'iirday Nov'mhcr 1. lHf^2,— /■jr iht Graduation arid }fafonry of the tni.jdle division, • ex,cn)in(r from Paf'e’x ♦o Lockvillf. (23 miles ) ■ I'r'fi’rs and .^j'ftf/'ations, showing ahont tUoa^gre- ■ icat** nmount of wr^rk required, ^ill be exhibitcil fi>r one ' we*‘k prior to that date, at the Fngin*>er's Office in Hay- H-oo t, Cliatham coun’y, and the Cotupaiiy’^ Office in Ral.igh. * 'l riiii. I :toi ils will be furnished Coctrnrtora for iheir fill.MgMip, and signatnrca KFMP P BATTLt, Pres’t, Ki Lwf>oD Morris, f’hief Engineer, Rile-ph, Oct KJ. 1W2. M VANoR.'^DELL. Phot,, graphist auJ Proprietor. Dec'r 20, 77- 3iurl>i‘ Fa*t€>g*y, ■ % 67-7tpd Palma I'bri^li Beans. ! ^''HE eubseriber will pay the highest cash prloes for i tny quantity of Palraa Cliriiti BeiUi, 1 , J A \n)RTH. PayettfvfUe, Oct. H 07-tf \ H A A I) I f A BBLS, SUGAR I 4U 12 Bbls N O .SYRUP, 15 - 9CUPPERN0NG WINE On coasignaient aud for sale by I JOd, UTLriy .-^ept 22, 62-if i l^aiid lor ^aie. j 'y)riL sat>«erlber wishes to sell his pl&uiation on the 1 1 We«t £,de of C»pa Fear, ne'^.r Gray’s Creek P, 0., 11 ii*iits below Fayetteville, j There are Ivl acres of LAND, 76 ot it i;ood farnain; I !anl a>id about 50 in cultivation. Tiicro li a nevf dwelling bouse, and all neoeasary out- housHS For furi-her iuformation applv on ihe premise* JAMES .M FOY. i Cuinberiand Co., de|'t. 80, Iho’i. 6-5-Hipd b«sTai. i^tatl: rousAi.E. ~| ^PHE Subscriber would sell his houea and lot in Wades- | ^ J boro', lotfeiher w'th about t.iOO acre-* of land r.’aching I wniiin three miles of the Viliajte (if deoirf-.ble ) The ■ j dwelling hou.-e is large, and the loj thp tnost.deairable j in tiie iip country, coutaining near fifiy acres of land j StioulJ .iny one desire to move furth(»r up the country, j h? w ,ull seii tbein a finely improved bouKe and lot in , Spartanburg, S. C., together with a good trae* of land j i*«;ur the piaca. J. P. SMITH. A UR. 7. 49 8mpd | i Almiiii»tratioii A'otire. | ^HE iubscriber having qualifled as .Administratrix on i JL iie Estate of Jas SunJy. dee d. her«»hy tr’ves notice ■ . to al; persons having claims' a/ainst said Estate to pre- seiit iheoi to Wm. .McL, McKay within the time pre- £-?nbi;d by law, or this notice will be pleaded ia bar of j theirrecjvjry, CATII.ARINF SCNDY, .Adni’x, Aug, 4. Ibb2. 49- t JNO M. ,-ee’y F .t W p R Co. 6^^-itn TAM ABLE .U!LL‘*i for Jjiale. 1 OFFER for sale my PL.ANT.\ IION, - miles we«i o'*' I iHrthag», ,Moore county, ontainintc 250 acres, on which is a Gri=t and Saw Mill. Cotton Oiu and -Screw I will receive in payment State Bonds, Confederate mo ney or likelv Neproe. ,7. :.N M^iRiqON VAlI AOLiTT.4^~5?rle. i OFFER for ssle tcy PL.A,NTATION on MoCleuJon’' • Creek, C mi!**# west of Cnnt Hp'*, lyitiK on th« bstin for those who would hurrah for tr*e tSt.irs and Striped, and desiring to obf.ain the prinoipaiship ot one of the girb' liigh ,‘ifhools, called upon Uen iiutier, aerompanicd a ‘sece:h'’ Isiy, wh.. Atts aiixiou.s to see the Orute winoat having any bu-^int-ss herself to tak. th«*r^. .'irs. , niter cciiip'inientin^ l>u-.itt >tj;iiiy upon the con- I dition ot the streeta. Htid ihe city generally, ^iod j f.xpressing her devoted (ilie'^i;inoa to tha old fiij?, i stated that h’.ic i;iilU*d, aoiuHted solely by ih»* proinptltigs ol her LejTt, to taka the oath of al- I i-^gittiice. Batit;r allowed ti«r t. gt*t that far and tio farther; “Get out, in idutLi, j^jt out! i jn’t nay atiother W'^rd. I hav' never seto the women in the Sguth ytt whu wojid take ti.e oath of aliegi- nnce, or eren hear of jt, unless they had an ob ject to ga.n in it. They are the damndest rebels in the whole (Icnfederacy of rebels. Get out, madam; you watit some fuvor under me; ^o.” The sece?h lady couldn’t And out .she had to go ii.eeo it, you ixiay be sure; end it was no time ,ij9- fire the .«t'.iry was out. Another incident: \\ hile our vessel was lying at the pickets, the Yankee } (?tr;tirielij picked up a iirtie boy ot'abo ’t six yi.-ar.s ! v?h>)^was piaving near theo, and*tried to induce him to hurrah for Lincoln “I won't’' “Mur* ■ rah, and I’ll give you somethirt^'.” “I won’t.” Catching him up, and suspondic:'the little lellow over the csuar, thf=y^said: “iiurrah J(*r Liiicoin, of the Coal Fields, oat;tainin,(' 210U acrt-s. whfr-n is a» i or we il drop you in. “Drop and be tlainned, [.produotivft as any la'^id.i in the rouuty of Moore Th** | said the little rebel; and, with a s-hout, they set improvements good and Cue situation hen'thv Term- dyvvn. savinz be was rebel plm*k to the baok- • liberal JOHN M0RI30N ' J s . . .AOTfiE. IH.-VVE ahout 60XJ acres mere, ia different, traefa in the county of Moore—Farming. .Nlinernl uni Tur pentine land,—which I will sell on lih«*n’ terms JOHN MOHT"''>N, Cartha^re, Oct, 14, 1862 G9 4t QOO ibfii. €^uiii Arabic for «»ale b« 2. R i.EE ' Oct, 15. GGtt j*toi>i:a, ON Thnrsilay ri^ht last, one ROCK AW ^ Y ai;d T7.\R- NE-S."! Said R«ckawav was n*w. the inside cover ed with green morocco. Any infnrmfttion that will en able me to get U will be th^nkfuily received and re warded .MVRYT HAlcnELL. Oct 1.3. 1RC2. fi^tf N Medical Pnrveyor’s CfSco, ) Charlotte. N, C.. C>rt 15, 1^62. / A'O'i'SCK. ^’'0 iii'jre (Lobelia Indita) Inditn Tobacco Seed wil; be received at this Depo;. M HOWARD, 7')-.'il t i:'Jrg. ap 1 Med. I’arveyor. I) .\ori('E. ^LL Pe«Hons in Randolph County who have in their bone Th*>ie two instanae® tluiii know of are pre'.ty fair apecimensof the Union feeling there.” Diana Smith, thf Ji roint^ of tke A friend hbS kindly furnished us with .lorue inter esting particulars iu'the historyof this young heroiiie: She was born and raised in the county of Jack son. Ller rather is a con*?isttnt member of the .^lethodi3t Episcofiul Church, and was Leading a quiet, peaceful, and useful life, until fiis country was invaded, when he called his countrymen to arms and raised the firbt company of guerillas, which he commanded until last faii^ when by fraud and treachery he was captured, and ever since has been confined in a ioath«onie duggeon at Catiip Chase, Ohio, without hope of delivery, unless our Governuient should interpose and pro cure his release. Diana is his only d2n;;hter, a beautiful girl, who has been tenderly raised aiid well educated. She is also a member of the*M. E. Church, and hai aiways been regarded a.« very pious and exem plary. Sue is descended from a race of unflinch ing nerve, and satisfied with nothing less than treedoui as unrcbtrained as the pure air of their mountain ho^te. Her devotion to the cause of vSouthern rights, TAO DflOfcS ABnVK T. H.UCH i SONS’ ST'URli S'\*iyoteviIf#'. / Jftn' V 1 PtjO. 8^- - fnrocer its S 4^ rare r U^ftit Vl,.,\,liGE Hud wtil selectei .Stck of F,A\IIL^ GROCEhlE.'? always ^n ha:, i, consi.»tini: of 15acon-.^iJes, Mess Pork, .^lullets, Maeker Nos. 1 and ‘J. of ai - grades. T bacoo, ‘ iirar^*, And I'll other a.Licie.s usually kt-pl in a \Vhoies.«ie Gro cery Estftblishtacnt ' OX, KENDALL Jt CO. Wilmington April 2, 1*’’1 10-*f TiaSl'EE’S SAI,E. 'pHL Subscriber. a« Trustee of Thomas ,T. r'l rtis, will 1 olier tor sale on THURSDAY, the 30th day of Octo- ‘ qj- has been returned to me, are hereby directed , . ■ - , i , ■ > • i - oer. imt,. at the regideuce of sai l Curtis, on Hay Mount. ' d,-Uver the same between now and ir>ih day of No- I which her fatlier had nobly angaged, has caus- tu*! follow'ug real and personal property, vii- I vember next, to A, H Marah. Asheboro’. who Is au- | ed her, too, fo feel the oppressor’s power. Al- The House and Lot on Hay Mount where iho thorired to receipt for the satriK | though a tender ar, i delicate flower, upon whose ^ X. .V X TV n T- n , cheek the bloom uf sixteen summers yet lingers, she has been five times captured by the Yankees and iiiarci)i!d sometitiiee on foot in manacles h prisoner. Once a considerable distance into Ohio, at which time she made her escape; she was never Couu'y of Randolph, I wil! off‘T f ir cile, for c^sb, t- the bitthebi bidder, a latge aiid vAiuabU* lot of Patent .oai'l (’urti.s now resides. v?ix Ne^rroes—2 worneii and 1 children WM McL Term, (JOt. C at s'lle. Me RAY. Tru-te« '^7-ts € OTT4K\ Y A«>. Xo. I’J Hay Street. C. P J^n’y fl, 1RP.2. JOHN MANNIN’G, Jr., Receiver. Pittsboro’, Oct. 18, 1^02. 70-8w Sale of a Large Lot of Patent Medicines. | |N Tuesdnj 18th day of November next at the Store : * H use 'f-A. H. Marsh, in the town of .^sseb^ro’, i MALLETT. gs- MediciHOii, JOHN MAN.N'ING, Jr . Rere'.v? \VA\TJ]S>, ^:o'ric,E. rpHK UNDERSIGNKD. >> 1 Anierica ary s»rvice of thp (.on e S‘atc- !SH!*-ss genenilly durinc ttifir sbsencf*. Tiif*y rrspect- ''ully ask all peraoue inicbtod to h‘iu to ,'»*.l' a*> protnpl* ly HS rossible on their-agent.- rtid iuhUk pavm^nt. ;=•’*iLLlA.M3. • Sept 10, ISCl i;«-tf onTANi) i.\.\n* B1..VCK. 'I\ANNKRS and LUBRIi’ATING OIL L L.A.MP BL\CK in btrrels. For fh!** bv JOS. R RL0.''S0M’& CO.. Wilmington, .N. C. March 7. fj-tf t IN large quantities, the toiluwinit srticlf^, for which ' "1 the nnnexed prices will be paid, on delivery at the N. ('. Military Institute, Chariotte, N C : td 25 Jilt 1 tHJ •?r. 6*1 HO fio 50 50 50 Pittaboro’. Oct. 14. 1^'32. i I- w released, but in each instance managed to escape from her guard. She, too, has seen service—she was in .-everal b.ittles in which her father engaged the enemy. She has seen bluod flow like water. Her trusty rifle has made more than one of the vile Yankees hile the dust. She li-ft hfir home in coji-'pany with the .Moccasin Mangers (Capt Kesier,. and came throuira the enemy’s lines in Arum Tiyj'hillum—Indian Turnip root, ... i .AMCierisj Tuberosa—Pleuri-y Root, ving eiiere i tie mi i- ; .uolochi.^ Serpen'.aria—Virginia duike Root, .\Corus Calamus—Sweet Flag, root times buv tne ariicleoii as eoodt rm> a« at oiher phice= , , j i- i ^ ^ „ , ■ • ■ i., u • I • also earned the proud diH^inctmn of a heroine. Beside*- our owitth^re is consiuerablc h»;pg ma.le ui i , , i j that immediate neighborho'd UU,';.-’ELL .i PRITCHETT Brunswick county, Oct. 17, 7(> Otp.l nnptiitta L uibeiiRta— i’lpsissewa or f rinccss I'lne, ytl,■lu.^ .Scoi>Hrius—8cotcli Broom, tops of stei’js, (Jipsicurn—(,’ayenne Pej'per, pod, 1 tMJ Dio.-'pyro.! Virgiuiaiia—Pcrstinmon B^rk, fia root, .°o j D itar; Sirarnouium—Jamestown WeetL Me»*d X loaf, i E'lnhorbia Corroluta—Blooaiiiig ipurge, root, nO j l:>ir)horbiu Ipecacu^inhae —-\raeiicau Ipe''ac, root, I t'O | 20 40 ;on of t* JNO. D WILLTAM? : lyetteville, A. u.., if • LOOK AT TllfS! Tl!!i IMVl'lTTEllLL!-: !il!TEL, Fronting 300 feet and in the bnsluess portion^of the Town, tont:iifi«t more «|»ac-iosi‘4 and %veil %'eci(;!.*if«‘d liooiiix tiiaii any llolcl ill the ^tafe, ^10 Siewiirii. V. IL usiou way L pay the above r^w,xri i,,r ihe apprt'heusi ■..;fi:!emcnt of ray iiiiu CAT,VIS, who raunw f t|^•;I,t three wet-ks ;tgo. •i;- i T’ly a reward of Fifty D .'* for suirijN-nt • tu convict any person of h:ir* f il )M It iL’ycurei of :tge, 5 feet 10 or 11 iU'dn-s hi^h, :.iri weigtiB aboufloO pounds; he weiirn (itiitin in !ii,-j e ira tI*T8 a boat or hhip cari'enttT, ,, iti. wii .ibo-it F-tyeiievrile and V\'ilnn!igi ..u, i;auje3 Cills hiwidelf t.'aiviu Johnson. THEO. EVANS. 1m,2, a8tf To Lain! eSnyer-’i. ''piIE iind'ersigned offers for sale, in the Ci>;i! re,rior., I afd tvithiii eigiit miles of the tenninua .,f the F^iy- efteville S We«t*‘rn Rail R-,;i*d on l^*'p4wivor, EH.IIT H!'(Dli.rfi.ArKKS Ot L.iXII, adjoining the land belonging to ’lie csi'ue of («»-orge Wilcov, dec’d, uud lyi\;t: th'-ee ruiles South frutu 'nonton, on Little i'ockei Creek, ,\!oor» counrv. ; Tbf"jp Lands are wrdl ad:-.p!;d lo the growth of com, : cotton, win>at, oat,s, rye. Mu. 'I l.‘re are ou the preai- , y, , /, 1- ^ .1 [ ises a comfortable DwelhniT, luid ali uccessnry Out- and my 1 atrons say ir.y Condiments are ver^ good i with about one imidred ar.d fifty acres under for the times. | f^nce, including fortv or fifty acreM of never failing I. W.4UDILL, Proprietor. j bottom land. This is » v.are ciiunce for persons wish- May 20, l‘02. 27y : jng to make investments, as InnJii art* undoulUedly ad- ^ - - - — — - ~ i vancing in price in this .■'ectioa. Fayetteville Female llis^ti School* i For further informatioa apply to .Mr. M. M. McRae, Eupatoriura Perfoliaium — Bone-srt, leaves, I Frasera Walteri—.American Columbo, root, I Gil’enia Trifoliata, > ;» . c.. , . ■• Indian 1 n> ic, root, “ btipulacia, J I GftiHnium .Macul»ium—Cranes-bil*. ro9t, fteiitiana (^utesboi—.\facrioin Gentian, root, >auitlieria Procumbens—Wiutergreeii, leaves, : Huinulus Luj'ulus—Hops, ; liyosciaraus Niger—Henbane, leaves aud seed. •Juni[.er Commuuis—Juniper Berry. Leoiiiodoa Taraxicurn — Dandelion, root, Lini tiemen—Flaxseed, J2 per bushel. 1 L-iiiius .Sn-s-sfras—Sassafras, baiji, of root, , Laiirus S'lssafra*:, pith. La/aaduln—Lavei.der, flowers and stems, . Mot' irda Punctata—Horgwniiut, leaves, Moii(h»i Pipnrita—Peppermiut, leaves, , Xlriitha Vitidi"—Spearmint, Leivea. , }’o’yi;ilH Senega—Seneca Huakeroot, ly paver— Pi'ppy hetids. Patiix Quiuquefolium—Ginseng, root, l’iiickney:i Pubens, hark, I'Rubus Tri valis—Dewberry, smaller branches of root. 20 l;ubiMl'ri >' ilis—Blackberry, smulli'r branches of root. 20 ; Statice t'aroliniaua—M »rsh Rosetaary, root. I 80 : 8c; oO I *'5 30 ?.0 ,00 S'l 20 SAT/r. I^W.'^ONS wi'shinjj to send c.irts ami wngons to th» Si>aboaxd for Salt will find a ;^npri3’ on hand at our Salt Works 'r. the E ist oide of iht-m >uth of L ickwood’s ! safety and is n'.w &t the lilae Sulphur Springs. Folly River, in Brunswick county, wh>*re the\ cin .»t nil \ was accuUlp «:iicd bv .\Hss Duski, who has other phice= ‘ boiPtj made >« i ,. • i ■ i i i j On one ocCH.sion this tearless gu-I was surxounJed by flltv Vaukce.s and'f ’nion men, rushing through ^heir ranks with a daring that struck t- rror to their craven hearts, with her rifle h*shcd across her shouider.i, she swam the west furk of the T 4 T T 41 Kanawha river and made her way to the Mountain DA J L 1 * S 1 A J L J U L 11\ A\j. Rangers, preferring to iritst her safety to these ar.4 »fter the 1st 1)AY Or' NttVEUi’-ER NEXT, j brave spirits, well kiiOTing taat her sex would entitle her to proto«'tion from the^o brave moun taineers. These yi'ung ladies have i.ud in the moiiritains for months, vith no bed but the eurth, and no covering but th« canopy of Heaven. They have slr»;red the SMhiier’s rough tare, his dangers, PR0SPF.CTU3 OK THE 0 the STATE JOPRN.VL will bp pub’isned Daily, Tri-Weekiy and Weekly. Th**D.AlLY ST iTE JOUR.N'AL will con aiu all the n>w.4 received up to the latest hoar b for * niailii •/. ntid will consi-t of TWO EDITU»SS D VILV. Tn* MOllN- ING EDITION w: 1 contain the n.-w hy evetiiiijj hi.o h>pes ati ’. his joys mads, and all TELLGRAPtllC NEW.s u» to 10 o clock gre.U crime with whieli the«e daringyonrg th** i,rt-Ei.')Us niirht, and Will ba oUppli.-d to cii V put 'f'ri- . ^ bers and «enl by the morning maiU N.rth \rrl E..-t; i« are cbargod by the ecet^/ is ec'-ki ig vvash- the EVENING EDITION vriU be p inred st 3 o’c:..c, p. , mg. mending and tnakinpf c.othei, and buying m., and wil! c intain the ad litionr.' Jiews hv T,*le^r*(.t) ■ powder for tho soldiers. We are informed that up to 2 o’clock p. m., and will be se>it to -si.s.'nbrrx by ladies of the first rank at h jine, and the trains West and by the F.iypnpvil.n i'hiI. ' *'>'* evorv wav wijcthv of tliC highest place in anv subscribers, no tuatter ia whnt dir>'ciion tn*»y may live. ^ •. jli- ~ " will h^ivo the news up to the dep^irtuVe of the in lils society wh-'-o virtue, integrity and Sterling pnn- Arranffpm-Mtis h-.#** h?pn inid.* r.i j>rt.cure TELE- ciple give posit'.on — tVt/ftrOUle IfisjjuhU. ALL PAUl-^ OF THE i.'ON Gft \PHIC NEWS FROM FEDi'.R ACY. ( xprps“ly for iho Stjue Journal G^N-. I LRAL NEWS l’*V M AIL will he promptly piihlishp-i, H- The M VR’^LTS will be fully reporied. I'.ELl\BLE CORP.ESP'*NDEN'T.*^ v,ll b» secure I. in thp Army and elsewhere. The LEGISL\TLV E PROCEEDINGS wil be reported daily by compelt-nt Repor ers, Tiit Siait Journal will be estputially *■ NEVVSP \!’ER. Ttll’MS: 1 00 at) Ojfici'il ('nrruptiou.— fn the Senate on ed- nesday, in * debate on official abuses. *'Mr, Hill of Georgia stated as another instance of outraoe coming to his notice, the refusal of local authori ties in Tennessee to allow the shipment of provi- sioiis to the laborers-ot comp>anies eiiiragcd in the inanut'acture of salt in Western Virginia it had tn: ito.\D*^ l'' ! nornii;.4)ioiih; of $J!)0, Apply ■ ■ ■'.itiili of ijif, r ear. 9tf iiid Tobacco on ('ou*^is:umeut* ! ■ i ' . ■ I f ir-.-li !■ I! i; '’pilF, exercises of this Institution will be resumed ou 1 the 29ih of September, Tne scholastic year will be divided ifHo two terms; the 1st of 1.3 weeks, commencing 2(nh of Sept. and end ing ’Jdth Dec.; the second of 27 weeks, commencing 1st of .Iiin’y and ending July 1st. Parents and Guirdians intending to patronixf* this 8i:hool are earnestly requ"sted to apply for circulars coiitaiuin);!; full particulars in rei^ard to teims, &c., hffore ' the opening of the School Rev W.M. HOOPER, 1 , T. C. HOOPER, ; ^ July 17, 1862. 4'^ iir.jj.d Crane’s Cre«k. P. O., Moore ■’ouiity, or address uie at ' root, i .''piraca l Ormentosa—Meadow Sweet, rooc. Salvia—Sad»*, leaves. P'ayelteville, N. C. DANIEL McR.VE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRa**, dec > Oarbonton. Moor.» no.. N. . Auv'. '24 IH.'i'i, 4St C O VI' I: il K f.i \ T1: II o \ os OF the denominations of $100. Apply at the Bank of North Carolina. March 18 9tf AK^IV IIARA E««. i,d 1' ' b .Manu- . ’ -I' i. I 'j- I' • r .1- fal*- by Oh » W. VVii.LlAM.7 3i CO. - tfvuje, hept. 1:4, li?^j2. t)8if • T AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon I Harness for .Army une. 1 tan my leather and can irive gi.od bargains, .Agents wil! do well to send their ■ irder« to me as they eimll have pr'it^pt atter.iion, ami serit oft in quick dispatch. J(.m.N' CARTFR. Goldiiou P. 0., Chatham Co., N. C., I „. , June 13, 1862. / too lb*.. i:f»iT4IAfc:, For sale by J. A McDONALD. Oaklitnd, Chathu,r.'i Co., C. October 17, 1802. yorf A files* Itiis date E wil! jiay ti»e OniM per pound lor r.i^s de livered in Fayetleville, or iif my ,nius D MURPHT. 05- ou Rockfish. Oct. 2, 1862. Sibbatia .Vn;ularis—Centaury, herb. Stilaiium Dulcamara—Woody Night. Shade, extreme ^ twigs, ‘ Syiupl.(carpus FiKlidus—Skunk Cabbage, root, 30 I Spi:'elit Marilaudicft—Pink H(H>t. rilt ; .‘^lillingia Sylvatica—Queen s Root, i>0 I Sesarnuoi liidicum—Benne Leaf. i -'i I Cuourbita Citrullus—Watermelon, seed, 20 ’ Cncurbita Pepo—Pumpkin, seed. . ‘ 20 Triosteurn Perfoliatum—Fever Root, , 30 I Ura Ursi—B^arberry leaves, .^O j Ulinu-i—Slippery Elm, inner bark, 30 j Veratruin Viride—American Hellebore, root, f'O j Xanthox;, Ion—Prickly .Ash, inner bark, - 30 These articles must be thoroughly clean and jverfectly dry. The reception of which will contiaue an til fur- ■ ther notice. M. HOW’A RD, Surgeon j and Med. Purreyor. C. S. A. I October Q, 1862, 68-lq» iscriji terms. ADVERTI-^ING R\TE; 1 square, 1 day $0 -V)|i square, 5 d-iys 1 “ 2 days 0 I “ 1 week 1 “ 3 days 1 OOjl “ 2 weeks ] “ 4 days. 1 25|l “ 1 montii Ten lines make a square. . such supp-wed barriers to speculation, he p. r- ' son .nllud.'d t > had a large qtiantity of syrups and ^'9 ■ eiii-ar in Vi-ksburg, which the Qtiart‘rma,‘itcr re- ,3 {)Q fused to transport, and he was coiiipelled to sell G 00 , the whole stock at a great «acritice. A few dajs i after he saw the same s'tock iu Mobile, anl ho Advertiseinenta f'»r th»* Daiiy will be in‘«erffd in it agatti, giving $25 per barrel f >r syrup \ the Tri-Weekly/r#e of chargr. I us is aa | that he had .sold iu Viukshurg for c7. Inquiring ^ which cannot fail to attract the attention of s , ^ managed to get it fra'..ported, The above rates apply onW to th - (luty p^p r. i ,v » *i . .... ’ vertisenu-nts will be itfserted i-> th- Weekly paper at he was informed that the.Qnarterm istcr wa. n.,ule I the usual regular rate-, viz: On- .l>!lir per squire for p;irtner in the cwicern, ami wa> no lur- i the first in'ienioq, and twenty-five cents fsr each subse- trouble about shipment'* 'i'hi 'vas doubtless ! qaent insertion. SPELMVN . one Case out ot* thousands. Instead of preventit:g I Address Proprietor, R»le.?h. N\’c. : speculation, it was playinp: riglit into the^ hands Oct 16, G9-3tpd I of the extortioners and dishonest olhcials. mm