' He»,len ur? ’ H 1„ ‘fin M r ,ok »'£j'’ H.-i,ry Rob.r, l,y„„^ p; h. K,r r f T 5> Gl«uu^ w R }r,-\ H O^vi- fi > \v:u n. W H Av«* Vit K 1' Grier i'iui;*r l!, J fi HkWCs blt>. 11 ^fansiiii N' i'nttersoii liiiJ'.ck « bi * !i rih, >I S Robbini If. I* McNeill ■ ni, .lames Reynoldi I'tf^nuDg J B (’arpenter ', Thor- H Holmes Wurth r I Allord, WuJ Lasri Leonard neodersQii L Cvi'Ai'jrd. A li li.iiiipton '»xRESS uii 'aucey, C C t W Johnson, CbM H linker, A E Mu- 1. ti- bert T>’mb» f.'ar!:-tt. ilJiam £ lari jw, T J Semmes t f i^rown. Jamei ( Lrk. U S y PeytoD - j Davis, Wii- K -it W Barnweil,* :. ;\neo, Gur Oldhim r, '■ ‘ Preston EN I- ''fi'T, \Vm B M u ry, Francis ? :i- J -^ L Pu?!!, T ' ' 'fi. GrandiiOQ B ifanly IJ H Hilton- ; _e. 0 J Man lan, I'avi ? W Lew-! j r. 1 ; ■ ua J Gar- I r, r- T r. C’tiarie* : n.J Dupre, J \V Clapp. I aauiberi. 0 ^.r-WBe!!. ^ Vv V. ,|c. Thtx V n la: T D \! -Dowe'J* * 'vii-jrtdtl, ^ hr. AT Pa ,v-c. w P'f- n ’ ^ Queen. " V ■; S?raD!i. - Footo, M ^ Mtni ^es, --rin. ll t.-r \V uraj^ W • Mukoffif pft John or. Tho« Jk I rn \ P V. } (j.ilconib^ \ H JJntelef- ;,..r Preston- . \V Ku-'sell oks. .-»■ 1 .fV; iiy II y K •r’une; iii i A i?enture;J &c. J. llALt & S0Ni3- of I»l*r'oii I , - ,,n. KnUrg' h N "j, Notes 1 SR E K K L T. VOL. MI J KAYKT'TKVILLE, N. C.. OCTOBKK ‘i~. 18G!2. pj^^srr.l* M(A'DAVS and THlKdDAY.'^ t:i)\V\HU J. BALE & SOxNS. j i irr.HS -VSl' PROPRIETORS . , .enii-NVeekiy OBiSRVKR $S dU if pni't ia .. e i-. 50 ii’pail duiing the year of Bulscrip • 'J iii*T the year ha« eipireJ ^ V-- '-'BxtRVKR $2 00 per annutn, jf paiJ iti K.'"'I* during the y*?nr ol s;il).scrip- r ;r' .iil after the year has u\pir«d. \i,iVFRTlSEMENTS inserted for f.O cents per . 1. line* fv>r the firit, and 30 ccnta for eacit ^ . i C -.'ublicatioii. Yearly iidvertieenienis by ape- , ^ at reasonable ri*tes. AdNertisera ure j •. 'lAte the uuDibor of iust.'rtioub desired, or , ' , ,r- 'continued till forbid, and charjred accord i ■, -emtut# to be tnnJt, charged 60 per WKsrtRN IvAii, Umau (Hfu'fc:, |-'a\ettevlile. Aug. 29 18G*J., B-'A VirrTE-:VH-I.K 1!L1XAL INSUmTK W i k-i Odpiikl in Premium NoU'.s amountti lo Cash on htind iud other asse:-'. SVECl.Vl* NOTICE, i i’-.a: thii dale, no name of a new subscriber iic'-ed without payment in advanee, nor will | ■ !e Scut J such -lubscribers for h Ivuger time ,1'uiT Old aa desire to take the pu- vfiU notiiy uii when makinj^ Jan y 1, lb-58 ■ N.cb -J j.-i .:..s li\fM. *?#*!-. •TfcJkVll*,-. Attorney at Law, Fatettevillk. N C ■ i; j-ieud the County and Superior I’o'or^ts of T^trland, Harnfttt, Moore and Robeson Coun- p-;Ept attention given ta -i.'-sted to his hand's * i:, i?5a. the oolleftion of all )8-tf -Scott give% notice tbat he 'rom Fayetieviile for a few "weeis Fije-ie^iile. June 13, lS*i- !^ttf (.'to. W. WILLIAMS i'TholcMalc l>caler» in iilroceric*, AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN iaTQ^^are aod Cutlery, Swedes Iron, HAT STREET, FAVETTEVILLK, >. t. :xoi. :jetf 10-tf j .X W. p. KENDALL J S. KENDALL iO\, KODAI.L Ac €0., ciiiiulssloii Merclmaits A N D WHOLESALE OROCERS, ,Vo. 11 i P- Xorlh Waier St., Wiluiiniloii. N. C. jgj* '-der'/frjm the Oouulry promptly exocine.i I'-i-.iciilki aiieation given to the ealo of fotton jiher prod’-i’-? April ltt.1- T. t. JL B. ii. \% OUTII, oaiQirtiiou aud Forwardiug Mercliaufs WILMINGTON, N ' .•J, lr*.l V AK D! t i L>' LADIE3 can be accomraodated »iib board at A !ae fceminary 1C. HOOPER. J .b’il. J Lofct or Hi'ilaid. Nuie# not filled up, signed by my»elf and «nioHpj bv Patrick Murphy, made psyahle to any '■t' iheFiDSi at FayeitfcTille. .All persons are forewarn- ?ip.i L . :j uie them, ag ih«y will not be paid uaviu murphy . 13if i \N und af^er the 1st tiny of Sept. the following rates V* will be ohargcd on Passenj^ei 8, viz: Fi oiji b'ayeitovilie lo Little lliver, 50 cts. to Spcut Spring, To to R^ick lirauob, 1 u.) lo Jonesboro’. 1 ‘J'> t'' Melver’ft. 1 c-a Tweuty-tive ceu:i additiooal will be ooUecied by the Coiidnetor ot each passenger, leaving a Station without a tick.'i. A new rite of Freight will go into effeot wt the same lime, which will be printed and furnished to the public in H few day: By order of the i’res’t JXO -M ROSE. Trea^’r W R, R Co Aug;. 30. lebl 56lf %VE^T E K \ K A117 HO A D. PHOM tiT.d after Monday the *2Jd inat., the Trains on r thi« Ko'id wii! run daily, leaving Fayetteville al i o' look A M . returning leave Mclver’s Depot at 1 0 jlooK. P ,M 0 B MALLETT, Pres i :^ept L’U, Isbi. »;2ti' Weslerii HHtlroad Offit-c, \ Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 27, 18ti2, / the purpose of increasing the capital slock of tliis r 'ooij..auy. to ennble it to esii'nd ihe Road from the Coal Fields to ihe North (^arolina Road, the followiue gen!!**men have been appointed t'omtni-sioner.^ to re ceive sub9orib'*rs iu their several ueisrhborhooda, vii At Gulf—L J Haugnton, Brooks Ila'rris. Dr George C : Newby and «i Washington , Above the Gulf—.Jno J Gold-J'on. James r‘ Rivt?s aui j ilugh W Dii n I -\t Ore H'll—G W Goldston. Dr L W Gorrell and N M .Alston , Above Ore Hilt — Dan 1 ITaoltney. A U Mitrsh and Jas Pao«. • j .\t Fouat’s Mi'N—Dr H M Foust and Dr J D Grave* .\t Franklin-iville and vicini'y - Isaac H Foust and A S ilorney. -Vt .^sheboro’—Jonathan Worth and H F Hoover At New Market—Jesse Walker and Jo-^eph Newlin * .At Thomasvil’e—O Foster and Jno W Thomifl -\t High Point—l>r H C Lindsay stid Seaborn Perry •At >alem—I'rancia Fries and R L Patterson. .^t tireeuiboro’—C P Mendenhall, Peter .\dacjs, Hou J -A Gilmer anJ Jesse H Lindsay It.ET ictiuns will be sent to tl.e GQtnmU>*> >nerii at an early d»v by tie Piesident of the (’ompHnv 1 C4tf J M RO.SE, ?!ec'y W R H Co : Ploreuce and Fayetterille Kail Koadi { L’^NDER the provi-ions of an Or.ii.Nnce of the Ci-n- veation of N' r'.h ^ar Una. Hooks will be upe-.ed on , !Le Itith June at the I - w^ng pUc-.'s an.I v.tider -ho di- ‘ rcction of the followin/ person(“. to receive pnbscrip- tions to the Capital Stock of th» '■‘Florence ."i Fitvfl'e- rille Kiil Road Co." .Shai*>s '>ue Hundr.' l l).lUrJ eavii J: r^e Hju A’c iJ (/ji.- /av^r.c: u.t -I'r. l"r the di- rectiou ul the General Cotumik'*; "’.er-, ,\ .‘v. McK-'tl^ji'i. I* \ Kay, A W Steel, "'m McL McK iy and .fno. M K-.-se ; At I'lt Kfd —Under the direction of Hector ' .McNeill, Wm. J Stewart. Jas. A Smith, Dan’l y. Mc Neill and Col. Alex McMillan, or any one of t^em. Fli'ral Collegt:—Under the direw.ion of I»r Neill McNair, Dr. A. D McLean. Archibald .Smiih, Ednund Lilly and Co!. Alexander Wa:- n, or any one of ihem Al — Under the din-c'ion of Murdock Me ■ Rap. D MoLecl, 1). .McCallum, Jas MoRae, Jr . and J j H McCi leen, or any one of them .If i:forr!»viUf. — U^ulertliP Jirei'tion of J'hn Purcell. .Ino. McNair, Siou Alford, Dug ill Mo(’.i”-m and Juo. .McCttUuai. or any one of them. The Subscription 15ooits will remain open f.T the r«pare of fj'J days When a sufficient sum i' subscribed the Company wiil be orgauiied for the purpose of build ing the Road ^-2C7,ti8» ‘Zh 5,077 i56 .70-5 61 m, ,, • J ,1 . clolje intimacy with forjurr Legislutive bodies, he trust* Ibe (ompany l.ave all promptly, and haa considerable acquaintance with the dutie. HENIIY A C ARO. ' To the Members of the Legislature. «'aoip Hale, near Fort FUher, I’., m2.' U E are re4uesu-d by a friend of '' TO.^, Esq. of Duplin county, t wuo IS now absent in the Army oi' the P-jtninac, 1 lo announce him as a eandidaie for re-election to the office of Solicitor of the *2d Judiciil Circuit of the State, which he has held for the past four years. Oct. IJ, 1862. C9-0t 1 ?/y 1 unkftjhki.—An ufficcr in Oen. Lo wly undersigned, a private in Ihe .Artny ot the (’on 1 t'ederate .Siaieu, re^^pectfully >iuuouiices himself a c^mdidale for Chief Clerk of the House "f Comimns of the neit Legislaturo Having pa.swed two Winters havv never laudc an ii'is'essmeni on their premium noteH Total losses pa'd. $29,‘>H2 )yFii;Kjts: GEO M^'^>E1LI., rn-sidenl t.'. A. R.\\ , \ ’••» Pretiidtiut ('. \ MoNJIIjLVN, Sec V DiKKL'rorts: 'V. N TillitiehaHi, of the position. Aug. E COLTON. 5ltf Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrovrr, S. T. Hawlfty, Nathan \ Su'duiiu, C. B. .Miillctt, Jitnu-.H Kyle, A. A. McKeth-in. J, D. William«, S NV. Til!:ugL\st. lin ('olUus and C.. C S. J. ii if-dale, V- iii. Mel vurin, r S. Luu^-rloli. A. W. Steel, J '.}. Crfok, Hon J. G Shepherd, K F. Br'.iwn, I , A E. Hall. ?‘on. .''U’rummf 11, Truvbliug .Ageni e^f*The Company iuviie applications Mav -ft. N THE i\ORTii t’AROLlVA }m v\l LJFK l\Sl!lA\lE (0>1PA!\(I, OW iu the teuth year of sncoHssfi.l operation, with growing capital and tii ;ner hold upuu public coa- tidenoe, ountinues to insure the lives-nf all healthy per sona from 14 Co 0(> ye-w- oi aje. iji one yeai. for seven years, and for life -.ill lit'e meuibtrs sh.-iriiig in the j>rottts All slaves irom lU lu »/■' years of agf* are insured for one year or for tiv. y*?:trn :'>r two ihird-t t-heir value AlHosxes ai'ii punotuRiiV p.aid within '.jO days after satit'factory proof is pr. -ented For furlhi'r inf rtn itii'a the pub>> ‘ ib let'ei red to Agents of the ('ompany in .lil p-i.ris Hie State, and to ii H HAi'J'LK. .Secretary. Raleigh 1^ j H VL^. Agent at Jan’y lB5y. Fayetteville. N. C. A1>VEKT1'«*E>IE^T. KngJneer Office IMstrk t of (^pt Fear, \ S.MITHVILLK, Oct. 10, 1862. J , VLL persons having claims against the Engineer De- purtmeDt for materials or service? applied in the cangtruoiion of deterce^ in .Nor'h Carolina, can have their claims e.t»mlcsd. and if supported by satiBtaclory cenillcaies of olBoers authorized lo order the expendi- ' tuie, or proved just and equitable, they will be paiJ by reference to this (.tfiice C. R. COLLINS, [ti.'^-Klt] Cnpt. Engineers (\ S A. %%A?%TEO, 4 I' the C S -VRMORT, Fayetteville. .N. C , t^a tir^t A class ARMORY SMITHS, and thre.- or four ». mp^- tent workmen Steady employment will b? given. auJ wages pro- povtioued to oapabilitv .Apply to J. -A i)KLA(iNEL, Lieut Col S .A ('om-J’g. Oct lU tj« bt A Eatly to ob tain a situation as Music Teacher in a Seminary Refi-rencet: given if neces sary .Vddress boi No -14, Wiimiiigtou. N. Oct. y. 07-7tpd To tlie P«*ople ot .floors C’ouiity. VLL persons in Moore county, having friends in Co. D, 4Hth Reg't N. C Troops, (Capt. Dowd,) are ear nestly requested to dep'sit a blnnket ir blanke's at ring’d aimy, writing to hid brother in this some account of the carupalgn in the Kanawha Valley, iaontions tbat when .the Yankees were driven from Payette Court House, among other things left by them in their precipitate flight were the private effects oi’ Col .f T T'oland, a portion ot which consisted ut stationery, each separate sheet and envelope ol’ which was embel lished with a photograph of the modo.st (Colonel, with his name and title. 1 hese, no doubt, were Mftj. H. McLean s Hotel in Carthage, by the 31st day liberally tarnished to the soldiers that they might of (.'ot.. inst. This company of patriots are now with- spread abroad the features, name and taiue ot the out a blanket, hiving lost ail on the hard f.Might field . . . i . .• -u„..i t.:„. of Sharji.sburg, and tiiey appeal to you to supply their as I wants. Their friends neeii not hesitate lo giv will attend p^rsomiUy to their irar.sporntion and see j that they get them. Let all having Carpetn cut them up and nicike bian- keiB for the soldiers. This is the only waj’ they can be supplied, as the Government cannol procure them. I would al.so appeal to the people of Cumberland for warrior Yankee. V letter from the Olonel him-, self to a triend in Cincinnuti was also found, “tellinj^ liini,” a.s the Confederate officer writes, “that he , Col. Toland,) was then in command of two resriments, and now was the time to push him furwar.i. That his friends mui't present him with :t horse and trappings, and if they could not afford to go the whole hog, he would assist them blankets for this company.- Any one who is willing to V . ' i.„ii >n7nrdj if heip us will please leave fheir donation at Mr Wm. N. : I" It must be done at all hazards, U Tillinghast ij Crocket y Store. J. H. ANDERSON, 1st Lt. Co. D, 48th N. 0. T. October 15, 1%;!. ' G9-3r C A 1.1. E l» n E ET1 U. he had to toot the entire bill. He also wished it mentioned editorially in the leading papers. He suggested tliat hLs chaplain, who was then in Ciu- ciiinati, should make the speech. He says the chaplain is a «iueer iellow, and mi^ht not be in clined to do so, unless he is paid for it, and he Fayetteville & Western Plank Road Co . . ^^^1,prized his’friend to offer him one hundred 4 MfclKTING of the stockhoMers ot the h. & W , ;«• T".' pv quan'.i'y of Palma t.'hriati beans J A WURTH 07-tf A ;E«i! I The Xew St> le, Sioali, j ioi,ouKi> iTioratiiarus, { j .^T 1 I J AHT \V004tvi ard'* ^oiar .c'ftiuera. r ayetteville, Jct. 'i. .hof.A»S»E1i. BBLS iUGAR. I'i Bb!« N O SYRLP R, Co. is hereby called to meet in the Towa Hall, in Fayetteville, on the 1st Timrsday iu Nov-Tiil>er urxt. ' (the 0th day) at 11 o’clock. A. M. Stockholders are requested to be represented iu per son or by proxy.' ' By order. JNO. M. R^'Sii. Sec’y F. it W. P. !> (/O. Oct. IS, 18G2. '/.'-'m VAI.l Aiei.E lot' Siilv. j OFFER fur sale my PLANTATION, 2 miles west of ! I Carthage, .Moore county, containing 250 acres, on which is a Grist and Saw .Mill. Colton Gin and Screw. I will receive in payment State Bonds, Confederate mo ney or iikely Negroes. MORISON. , dollars, and to go as hijih a.-* tive hundred, if he j would uot do it ior less.” ! Pnluckiiy for this Yankee brave, ],oring came i and “pushed him forward” before his Cincinnati I friend had a cl:u:ice. L iider these circumstances we feel called upon to dc for him what he desired j should be done in the newspapers of Hogopolis— ■ mentioii his case editorially. \Vehope our servife • m thi.i regard intiy become known to him and his friends.— iiuhmoitl H/tt' UTLEY 02-tf rttGRAPIT.S can Ijt h.-\ 1 at Vanors.lall’s Skylight Oailery, Huy street, oj'posite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C ; plftin, rtu-jui he-1. colord, in vrater colors, oil an i p.asiile; frotu siu.ill to life sire Ambro tyjies. MclaneoTvro^, an I all oilier styles of Pictures pertaia' ig lu the Ai’ .\’.«o. Gilt FrHiE\-, Gilt Mould ing. G' -■. for very large pictures —a** largo as ‘iti by 36 inche''. 'ord and Tasse'.i f.r iiar.zing pictures; Instru- mpiiis. k and (.'heini’»ls :'?r sale lew for rash, l.ife site colored Pt.otograph'' nui 1« from small pictures. Having permanentiy locaiea here' I hope to merit your patronage, i would al-^o return my -■inoerethan’Kfl for the liberal paironag** besti we''. on me heretofore by the good people oi F.tyeittville -»ud vicinitv. C, M VANORSDELL, Photogr'iphist and Proprietor. Dec'r 20, 1 “5y 77- x^Iarble Fitelory, Reward. b'iv MO- »nc‘h?*» r»n'ii(\-fiVC Dollars ■ T't-^VViY ^rom the subjcriber his U't ■ H .* is I'l yeais of age. aboKi • .‘'usi, lonjT feet and very much tuin**d out al th> i .J its down when -spoken lo H** was se^n at . Mi'.is iu Robeson county on the 21si uU , ' n F*ayetlevtlle ebout three week*' ago. The j - -•w-xrd v-ill be pai i for his delivery to me or for c';;.U' mem in anv tail so that I g“l him W b. loHNSUN. I u^..•.;-vH’.e. S. C., Aug. 14, 1^62. y~'f j ^100 REWARD. '..tS :i -y stable, ce.ir Lewisville, Forsyth , 'a ihenighi of the llih in't., a srniill 'L. i.en^y built, blacklegs, mane rmd tail, .Ark’ Noi-ther marksrecollected (iait, ■ 1 >■. “i: r; T'-t iml pace; afr** abou 11 or ’J yecr«. 'i W4 -Pen lurking in (he neien: 'ihoo'l, sup- ■ r :ne ihief. who answers to the foPjwing d-> r -■ r •J2 vears old, fair complexion, blue eyes, • . light brown hair, w.-ll i,uib fr.ame, inc^K-s high; wore a brown frock coat, -t^ .‘ri-*rp ranis, (quite new. t n^w boots, blac^ . , .rray flannel «hirt, and grr.v h it; carried a ro I UiHte of hearth rii^- with the-friuga on ■ A ir i of C'7'j will be given for the arre?t, f'lutin"- i Conviction of the ihief, and -S^-) for th;.' s;;fe y of the horse. i.s >.appo«t‘d to be the seme Horse thii t that w i- ed in F>iyetieville a year or two ago. Viy ih^ nam^ a verv no'orious thief. JAMES S PLEDGER N- C. Aug. 7. ’m FavetteviUe. June 7, 180'2 A A McKETHAN, D \. RAY, A. W. STEEL. WM .McL .vlcKAY. JNO. .M K-O.'-t, General C immisiiom-rs S2tf jti 16 “ Sl’UPPERNoNG WlNi: On oonsigument and for tala bv JOS Sept 22 iLnntl Ibr s»aie. '’pHE ^ub8crttier WMhe« to sell his plantalioa on the { 1 West >ida of Cape Fear, near Gray’s Creek P. O., ' li miles tielow Fayetievillo. There are 1^1 acre* of L.AND, 7j of il good fai ming laud and about 60 ia cultivation There ib a new dwelling hou«e, and all necessary out houses For Turther information apply on the premises James m foy (,'utaberland Co.. Sept. aO. 1B^2. 66-Htpd REAB. Ei^TATE FOR ^A I.E. '^PHE Subscriber would sell his hous» and lot in Wades- 1 boro', logether w'lh about t^lOO acres of land reaching within three miles ot the Village {if desirable ) The dwelling houBe is large, and the lot the most desirable in the up-couutry, tiuntaiuing near nfty acres of land. Should any one desire to move further up the country, he would sell them a finely improved bouse and lot in Spartanburg, S (^, together with a good tract of land near the place. J P SMITH. -Aug 7.» • 4y 3mpd .IdiHiiiUtratioii Aoticc. '^l^HE sub-'criber havinst qualified at Administratrix on j 1 the Estate of las Sundy. dec d. hereby gives notice to all persons having claims against sii i Estulo lo pre- i sent them to Wm McL McKay within the time pre 1 scribed by law, or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of their recovery. CATH.ARINE dUNDY', .Adm’». I .Aug 4. IfeO'd 49- t I rursi'KK’.s sai.k. E SubscriHrr, as Trustee of Thomas .1. Curtis VAEI AIII.E S>AAfr*^ lor Sale I OFFER for sale my PLANT \TI'.S' on McClendon 1 Creek, fi miles wp-»t of Cartli of the Coal Field'j. containing productive as any lands in the county of Moore The improvements good and the situation h#altby. Terms liberal JOHN MOUISON. -4. mil’s Ijiyht ton .—This Light*Di- vision embraces six brigades, to wit: Gregg’s, Pender's, Archer’s, I- ield s, I nomas and liraueh s (now under command ot Col. Lane.; i he troops uf the Light J>ivision are reported to be from the n » j States named, vi2: Field’.s Virginians, Branch and lying on tlio basin : J-’enuer's, North Carolinians; Thomas’, (reorgians; 21t^J a. res, which is a? I Tennesseeans, except 10th Georgia; Gregg’s, South Carolinians, S batteries artiikij and some cavalry. w 5Vi:.e. i I" i:'- \,.2 Rantitrau, LAlfO WOMAN by the name of LU('Y; about ■ • iffi /id, of medium eiitc, but now qui>e for^.u- To Raiir4»a«l 4'»i»l»*iX‘tor-%. 1>KOPOSALS are invit.'d for the grading of tha'^por- 1 itou of the Western Railroad ^-eiwepn tne G ilf and tjre Hill in t hatuam county, and nlso foi the masonry .Application andVommunic iiion* to be ma«lo to the sub- =orib?r tli-.’f Po'sl Office, Cha'ham countv. N C GEO WASHINGTON. •let 1S»>2. 07-Im \V \ATED TO HIKE. \tiii ARLE-BODIED NfXtUO NiEN to w.-.rk on the ■ LUVI Western Railroad in Ch.vharn county, for the rem-tinder of the present an-1 th*" en* uni; vear Apply to JNO. c. WASHINGTON at Kington, JAS. E. Hi)YT at Grpunville, or tlEO .\SHINtiTtJN or . MUR- L»0( K, Gulf P. 0 , Chatham Co.. N. C. Opt. J, 10t;2. .‘;'-lm I i HATHA n RAIEROAD. j .'Wtlire to f ontrariors. ! ^jRALED Proposals will ho r«'’eive>i by the un 1«r O sten.>d at the I’tompany a Difice in the Ci'y of ; -ileieh : un'il nooii, Satiir lay November 1, lSi2.— / .. the (JraiiuitioH and Manonri/ of m\‘hW>‘. diyimion, ' extfni'iiig from Page’s to Lockvillc, i'2.Z miles.) I ari’l Sp-',nc‘Ui"Ui, showing about ti'engcre- ■ gite amount of wcrk re'iuired. will be e.\hil>i'ed for one wed- prior to that date, at the Engineer’s in Hay- ; wood, Chatham county, an 1 the Compury s office in ! Rnleigh, i Printed proponals will be furnished (Jonlraotors f r ; their tilling up, ..ud signatures. ! ' KP:\U> p. BATTLE. Pres’t, t Ellwoiiu MottRts, Chiff Engineer. ; Raleigh, Of:t lU, 1S02. ^x-f-t j}v TWd aiiDKs iBint I'. T. iniui i snvs' sTORt Fayellf*\ iilitp. Jiin’v 2r-. ' ~ii0 S'l- ii^rareriesi Groceries:: i L.AKGE and well scleftel S'.ock of FAMILY A GRoCEflES always on hand, consisting of Bacon-Sidi5. Mess Pork, .Mullet.'*, Maoker Nos. 1 and 2, Molasso«, .Sugars of ai { ;:n-ades, 'roLaeco. Cigars, Ani all other articles u-uilly kept in a Wholesale Gtv- cury EMablishment (’OX, KENDALL .t «'0 Wilmiugton, \pril 2, 1S''-1 10-tf I rpHE UNDEP..S1GNKD. oth havinc: entered the inili- £ tary o*'rvi(’e of tiie t' jnf--ierate Slates of \merica. hereby give notice to th-ir old customers and friends, t'r.at they h.ave appointi-tl .lohn !•. Marr and John D. Williams, of this pl-^'-e. their attcrnoys to collect either separately or o.mj-iiutly all '!•. >neys due them either by af’count or note, 'in l ot *.orw;-.-to attend to iheir bu- ^ P)u*'«s generally during tiieir ab«>ncft. They re>»pect- I fullv ask all person-* indebted ' ■ 'h'-ii; tocnll as prompt ly (is pos-iible on th*‘i>- astett-’ \ .nuke payment. T'l will aotite:. 1HAVE ibotu oow aere.s raorp, in ditl'erent trarts, in th» county of Moore.— Farminjr. Mineral and Tur- f.eiitlne land.-—which 1 will sell on liberal terms JOHN MORISON. Carthage. Oct 14, lb02. *}9-4; ib». Aral>ir lor tvale l>v J. R LEE ‘ Oct. 1*>. O'.Mf STOLE A, ON Thursday night last, one ROCK.-WN.AY and H.AR- NESS. Said Rockaway was new. the inside cover ed with green morocco. .Any information that wiil en able me to get v will 1^ thankfully received and re warded. MARY T H.VTCHELL. Oct l:!, 18C2. f/'tf Medical Purveyor’s Office, ) ('lI.AKLdTTK, N. 1’.. Oct 1.'). ISti-J. \OTI E. (j taore TLoboHa Intl.i'a) Indian Tobacco Seed will be received al this Depot. M. HOWARD, ry-,?t] and Med. Purveyor \€>TIC'E. LL Persons in Randolph County who have in their N possession “Patent .Medicines' o9er for sale on FHUPvSl'.AY, the dOih day of Octo- | q( yrhich has been returned to m«* A ber, iust., at the residence of said Curtis, on Hay .Mount, the following real and pers«nal property, vii: The House and Lot on Hay .'lount where tho said Cuitis now resides. Six Negroes—women and 4 children Terms ■»t sale TV.VI. .\icL. McK\\, Irustee. Oct t5, 1SC2. t>7-ts COTTO\ YARA. •Vo. Itf Hay Street. c. p. Juc'y 0, l?l^2. WAMKD, large quantities, Ihe following articles, for which the annexed prices will he ['a;-l. on delivery at the MALLETT S'i- of any kind, a list are hereby directed to deliver the same between now and l-'jth day of No vember next, to V H Marsh, Asheijoro’, who is au- thorizecl to receipt for the samo. JOHN M ANNING, Jr.. Receiver. Pittsboro'. Oct. 1^. 180‘2. 0-3w Sale of a Large Lot of Patent .Medicines. ON Tuesday Ibth day of Noveniber next, at the Store H use of A. H. Mari^h, in the town of .Asheboro’. County of Randolph, I will offer for sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, a large and valuable lot of Patent .Medicines. Jt'HN M.ANNING. Jr . Receiver. PiUeboro’, Oct. 14, 18t»2. iO--'>w Taliov; Cantltea Equal iu Star.—Messrs Kdi- for.'i Mobile li^yister d’ /ttier.-—It may be of interest to your numerous readers to know that, '.tith not a cent of additional expense, tallow can* dies can be made lully etjual in point of merit to the common star candle. To two pounds ot tallow add one teacuptul of good strong ‘ley’ from wood ashes, and simmer I ovor a slow tire—whei. a greasy scum will float on top; skim this ofi' tor making soap, (^it is very near soap already; a.= long as i,t continues to rise. Then I mould your candles as u.suul, making the wicks a little smaller—and you have a pure, hard tallow candle, worth,knowing how^ to muke—and one that burns as long and gives a light e*|ual to Bperm. The chemistry demonstrates itself. An ounce or two ot beeswax will make the eandie some harder, and steeping the wicks in spirits turpentine will make it burn .some brighter. I write with one b^ i'ore me. Vn'urs, We.^t Point, Mi^s., Oct. 5, ' Wfuit Cwoile sai! about Wcb&ttr, tha “/opy."' —At a meeting recently held in Philadelphia, the Yankee member of Congress, John Covode, made a .speech, in which we tind the tbllowing; I went to \i ashington to see who it was that was carrying information to the rebels, and we got a man named Webster to carry the rebel i»ail from .Maryland over the Potomac to liichmond; but it was carried through Waahinj^ton, and as sorted by nie in the Committee room, in the Capi tol; and I found who it was in the North that were furnishing intormatiou to the rebels, and when we got a lar^^e mail, there were a great many who had to go to prison. (Laughter and appl'au-sc.) Alter a while the rebels fouud out Web.tcr‘s jievotion to. the Cni^n, and they hung him in ilithmond. N. i' Military Institute, Charlotte, N •' V lb $0 &i) .Arum Tryphillum—Indian Turnip, root. Asclepias Tuberon.1—Pleurisy Root, -•\ristolochia Serpientaria—Virginia Sn\ke Root, 1 -•.> .Acorvis Calamus—Sweet Flag, root, 25 .Asarum ’audiense—Wild Ginger, root, 50 (.ornus Florida—Dogwood, inner bark, 80 C.i'^ia .'daril indica—Wild Se'ina. leaves, oO t'insicifiipn Racpinosa—Black .''uake Root. ' •') Chimaphil'a Umbellata—Pipsissewaor Princess Pine. 50 .^0 sAi/r. Ijr.RSONS wishing to send c-arts and wagons to the Seaboard for Salt will fiad a supply on nand at our fc^alt Works on the East side of the mouLl. of Lockwood s Folly River, in Brunswick county, where they cm at all times buy the article on as goodtf-rins as at other places. Besides our own there is considerable being made in that immediate neighborhood RL SSELL & PRITCHETT. Brunswick countv, Oct. 17. 70 Ctpd ’I'be ‘-Allen Pear Tree,’’ in S'.ilem, M^issachu- tett.'. which is two hundred and twenty-four year« old, bore tliirteen bushels of fruit this year. This beats the Stuyvcsant P*ear True, at New York, which, thougU tivo hundred and tiiteen years bid, bore some iruit last year, and also this year,, bat not in such {uautity a.-! the Salctii tree. Sept 10. IHOl. a a Ae WlLLi.iMS fiS-tf OIL AND LAMr BLACK. 'PANNER I LA.MP B1.«'.CK in barrel. JOS. R. 'i'o Eaaid Riivcvm. 'nan is probably in or near Town, but may i o!f in the direation of Newbern by Bill i free mulatto man who has been at work as ‘T - ‘T jrobiibly on the Wilmington & W'eldon ‘ ’ a >i Depot North of Warsaw. 1 will pay $25 ilif- (t-l.v.-ry of girl to me or lodged in Jail in ^■n, if f iin i in this County, or if sai l girl is .n i in any Miiii-r County and confined in itie .('lil of •^ame, the pai' j urcsting giving me eatly infoiiti.\- f the Bame. JNO- D. W1LL1A^L■^. et.eville, Aug. 2-5. IHf/i. tf 810 KeuariL :LL pay Ihe above reward for the apprehension ctr;fineH:enl of my man C.^LV IN, who ranaway lue .ihunt three weeks ago. . h1“0 p ly a reward of Fifty Dollars for ynlTicient • ti, ,tivicl any.person of harboring him. C d- ■ 42 years of age, -'i f*eet 10 or 11 inches hipVi, i 1.1 weigliS about 1-50 pounl8;'he wars smatl . i!! Ill- ear LOOK AT THIS! Tin: jfiVivTTKlliil/ii HOTEL, Froutiug; 300 feet and in the bHsiuess I portion of the Town, i coiilaiii*i more ^pacioi?'* a«d ivell feiililated Rooin^ tSiaiB any 1 Hotel in the .State, . ,, n u in , J i.ses a comtortable Dwi lhug, auii all necesiiary Out- I and my Patrons say my ondiment« are very good , witii about one hundred :md fifty acres under 1 for the times. | fence, including forty or fifty acres of •lever-fi.iling j T. WADDILL, Proprietor. i bottom land. This is a rare -chance for per-ous w ish- 1 .May 20, 1^*’)2. 27y \ ;ng to make investments, as lands are un.loubtedly a*l- ' vancing in price in this section Cyiisus .'^'“oparius—Scotch Broom, tops ot stet'is Capsicum—Cayenne Pej'per, pod, t l)iospvros Virginiit'a — Persimmon Bark, fm root, D itara StrHinouium—Jamestown Weeil, seed X leaf, Euptiorbia Corrolata—Blooming .''purge, root, EuphorViia Ipecacuauhae—.American Ipecac, root, 1 Etipatorium Perfoliatum—Bone-se'.. leaves. Frasera W ilteri—.American Columho, root, GiPenia Trifoliata, “ Stipulacia, ) Geranium Maculatum—Cranes-bill, ro»t, Gentiana Cate.sbei—.American Gentian, root, Gaultheria Procumbens—W’iutergreen, leaves. Humulua Lupulus—Hops, Hyosciamus '•^iger—Henb.ane, leaves and seed, H'^HK undersigned offers for Hale, in the t'cal region, , Juniper (’ommuuis—Juniper Berry, 1 anil within ei^ht miles of the terminus of the Fay- | Leontoilon Taraxicum—Dandelion, root, etteville k Western Rail Road on I'eep River, ; Hi,i Seim’u —Flaxseed, S2 per bushel. F.KiHT HrM)IlED At'KKS UF LA.N i), -i Laurus Sassafras—Sassafras, bark of root, .... , » 1 T 1 • . .1 . . ^ ' Laurus Sassafras, pith, adjoimng the land belonging to the estate of George L,,^,„,^,,_Lavender, tiowers and stems, Wilcox, dec d, anil lyui2 tiiree miles -South trom Car-:., , ,, ’ ’ J -- 1 ^loii-ird.i Punctata M arch For sale by BLOSSOM'a., CO., Wilniingtaii. N. 0, « tf 00 ' 30 : :>0 I 00 I 20 GO 40 60 30 .5u 1 25 Fl]lLfing/or th’ hat Gourd.—The true 6r..ject tor which the Lincoln Government is prosecuting the war, is well iiluftrated in an incident which { occurred during the Federal '.occupation of the j gallant County of Jackson, Aia- A patnutie ma- i iron annoyf 1. but not at all intimidated, by the i uninvited visit oi a Federal soldier, asked him— ! “What are you Vankce.-. lighting for, anyhow?” Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly. He returned, f'r ai;>w«;r, the stereotyped lie— TheD.MLY STATE JOURNAL will contain all the I “Why, tor the I nion and the Constitution.” news received up to ihe latest hour before mailing, and f .s;uJ the matron, “L suppose you found will consist of TWO EDITIONS DAIL\. The MORN- j ^ I'nion and the (Constitution when you stole ING EDITION will contain the news by the evening | fat gourd, t’other day.” 'J'he North is lighting for the Southern fat. PROSPECTUS OF THE DAILY STATi: •lOll'-VAL, i AN and alter the let D.A\ (.>F NJ\EMRi‘..R NEXl, V I-the ST.VTE JOURN.AL will be publiehed will contain the mails, and all TELEGRAPHIC NEWS up to 10 o’clock the previous night, and will be supplied to city subscri- • » « ,1 ; bers Zr i the EV and sent by the morning mails North and East; EVENING EDITION will be printed at 3 o’clock p. 25 :jo bonton, on Little Pocket (,’.-ek, Moore county -Horsemiut. leaves, Mentha Piperita—Peppermint, leaves. tn., and will contain the additional news by Telegraph up lo ‘2 o'clock p. m.. and will be sent to subscribers by the trains West and by th6 Fayetteville mail. Thus subscribers, no matter in what direction they may live, will have the nows up to the dppariure ol the mails. \rrancements have been m'lde to procure TELK- r-n\i>lI1.: \F.WS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE CON j gourd; in other words, to enr.ch tfiemselves on I the fat of the land at Southern expense, but they ' arc much more likely to throw all of their own 1 fat in the tire, says the Huntsville Confederate. The.se Land, arc weU adapted to the growth of corn, | Viridis-SpeLmini, leaves, uon, wheat, oat-, ;ye.^;VC^ I Polvg.vla Senega-Seneca «nakeroot, Pivpitver—Poppy heads. Panax tjuiuquefolium—Ginseng, root, Pincki'eya Piibens, bark, Rubus Trivaiis -Dewberry, smaller branches of root, Rubus Triviili^— Blackberry, smi.ller branc+ies of root ;ne ?.0, l«r,‘i. FayetteFille Female High School. niHE exercises of this Institution will be resumed on 1 the 2‘.Kh of September The Rchola.slic year will be divided into two terms; the 1st of 13 weeks, commencing 29th of Sept. and end ing 2lih Dec.; the sef’ond of 27 weeit.S, commencing 1st He is a boat or ship carpeni»T, ^of Jm’y and ending July 1st j I’arents and (imirdiaiis inipuding to patronize this I School are earnestly reiuested to ap.ply for circulars | I containing full particulars in regrird to tei ms, &c , before * ' the opening of the Schotd i Rev W.M. HOOPER, I T. C. yOOPER, I July 17, 1S62. 43 il-'Jpd kii wn abo’it Fayetteville and Wilmington. ;:i.i s uitlls himself Calvin Johnson. THEO. EVANS. .38tf. iOAI'EIIERATE ROADXi Ifiominations of $1000, S.'iOO, ^fl()0. Apply |- Prinoipala. For further information apply to Mr. .M. M. McRae, Crane’s Cretik, P. 0., Moor^ county, or addrc.ss me at Fayetteville, N. C. DANIEL McRAE. For the Heirs i>f (lilbert McRae, dec’d Carbonton, Moorp >0 , N . .Aii^ .24 IH.iO 4.^1 (i'O.^EEDEISATS-: 150AJIS OF the denomiiiiiiions «f ?!.“.0l), $10l. Apply at the Bank of North C:i,. olii;a. Mirch 1S 9if 100 Hw. RLl ESTO.AE For sale by ilik .pp F -.vr 9tf isiid Toliace^fc^o!! {ojiNif^nnjeut* ■ flesh .1- Ric** aii l i‘ 0 B ixei. Manu- ) i-'’.^if~ For sale by ’.I j'jaoc", vanoi. GL'i W ‘‘JeUfeviUe, Sept. 24, ISOiJ. i '>v ILLlAMb CO. tS3tf ARliV HAR.liES^i. i 5 .AM prepared to rhanuiacture rll .'rinds of V'agon | Harness for Army u.-^e. I 'tan my IciUku' and cau give good barg;ins. -igeat-> will well to send their ^ ordpr*-' *> I'te as they shall Lave i>v.)i.:pi .tt»en:i ,ii. and ; sent '-ft in quiriic dispatch JO.HiN C.IRTER GvidstoQ P. 0-. Co., ^ C. June 13, 1862. Octofici 17, 18i‘.2. J. 0..klH;id 5 A. McDf)NALD, Chathan Co., N. C. 701 f •I 34tf A lter t!si« «Jaje 8 iil pay r iTe • eni ■> per pound for rags de li verod 111 F--.yetteviilc. or at my mills ou Ilockfish. - , D- IJURPUY. Oct. 2, 1862. ■ 66- .Statice Ciroliniana—.M irsh Rosemary, root, Sars.sparill i root. “ .Spirac'i Tormentosa—-Meadow Sweet, root, Sal via—Sage, leaves, Sabbatia Angularis—Centaury, herb. Solatium Dulcamara—Woody Night Sh.ade, extreme '•wig'*, „ . Syniplocarpus Foctidus—Skunk ( abbage, root, Spi^jelii Marilaadicft—Pink Roof, Stillingia SylvatiCa—(juo-n s Root, Sepamum lodicum—Bennc Leaf. Cucurbita citriill"t—Watermelon, seed, Cucurbita Pepo-Pumpkin, seed, Tiiosteum Perfoliatum—Fever Root. Uva Ursi—Bearberry leaves. jTjij,,,,, .Slippery Elm, inner bark. Veratiuui Viride—American Hellebore, root, Xanthox'.on—Prickly .Ash, inner bark. These articles must he thoroughly clcnn arid perfectly drv. The reception of which will ihiT notice. M. HOW.ARD, Surgeon and Med. FurT«jor. C. S. A. 1 Ootob«r 6b-lm 50 30 50 50 75 ! 20 i 20! 30 50 I 30 I 50 I 30 iWwr Broom.—l>r. .1. ^Y. Parker shows an ex cellent broom made at the Asylum irom the tops , ^ , of the Sori'lia or Chinese Sugar (’ane. Dr P. I after making Irom about one acre of land 100 gaihms of good syrup and grain in abundance for poultry, is now making a supply cf these brooms, which are made tifter the fashion ot the r>*^'ubr reported daily by competent Reporter-. The Slate house broom, and appear to be a very excclltilt substitute.— ('olumbia Guardiun. A Iloppy Matt.—We heard a m;rti congratulat- ; ing himself for bein;/ exempt, the other day, up- I on grounds that we should not consider in the ' hicrhest degree exhilaratinir. although he appear- i e-i'to be .luite tnin.'-ported in contemplating them. 1 *‘l am ' .veiu])t from the draftl” said he, rubbing j his hands in glee, hia face expressive of violent i joy- Journal will be essentially a NEWSPAPER. TERMS: For the D.VILY.—^2 mouths, §6; 0 months. Ij3.50; 3 months. $2; 1 month, C^l. For the TRI WEEKLY—12 months $1; 3 months, $2 50; 3 months. SI 50. For the WEEKLY.—12 months, S2; ‘I months $1 50. No suUacription received except on the foregoing terras. ADVERTISING RATES: I square, 1 day 1 . “ 2 days 1 “3 days 1 “4 days $0 50 0 75 1 00 1 25 1 square, 5 days I “1 week 1 “2 weeks 1 “ 1 month 50 tiO uo Ten lines make a square. Advertisements for the Daily will be iuserte the Tri Weekly .frcf o/'cAarj/*. This is which cannol fail to attract the awentinii of * ' " The above rate.- api>ly only i''- th- I.ii.. j • i . ' \ in ♦he p*ip* r J\t verlisenieiWs will t in j Pife-^ vi/: One d .Hir per sq tare for , and’tweuty-five cri ts fsr each subse- 1 lHent insertion. SPELMaS. ^ \i • .esa £,jiitor and Proprietor, Rai«igl'. N. C. 0«l. 15. 18«2. How so‘:f” we asked. 1 hain’t got only one lung!” he yelled; “hal . ha! hal pulmonary consumjdion has got the other-^ i ha! ha! hal I hain’t got only one lungl ha! ha! ha!” i and he lau^hcd until he was seized with a cough- and he lau inu' fif. v.hich j the usual regular rale.-J, vi/: continue until fur- i invert ion threuteiicd to relieve pulmnnary •ouampiion lh,e task of u.dng up :mo*th.T Itng . ( V. t.c A |i0y was t'sked v.'hat ui-ikn ihoi.jrht for a w;*s. He uioiuvut and -aiu, ’M t smooth answers to rough ijuestious-

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