1 \ '! ' S F M I-W Fi 13 K L, Y i. -Ui,*,;- » :.UT. ' K. r,.. » V, ‘■■ill, w li l >.,v . il. ■ '■(• »N - A' i» Tm USl»A V: Ulii =?. iliUC & SO\S. ■ - --M' t-;.;-r.:i:vron^ 'V=- ■ . ' -..ji - ; .... w I.-I^ i it! • • 'M i r Mil ' ;■;. '■ ,.f v.,: -.-jii, ! , ■ ■>'v ,-»v Va V - ; ■ >1'' v;-vlR i-I lij ill ■ ' ’? pii'.l ; 11 - ’; • ■ 1- ■ ■ Iiu> v.‘s,r . .- ' ■ ; '' ■ K i i>K\li:\ i - . . ii.-i ; ■• • " • i!- •■' ■«•.• i!i.‘ iu •.■..TV . : i ■' M . :■ - .. i . •■'sb;.!. I, 1 . ■ I't, -.r ■- .I rill Il M ^ K.bLias ' . ■'“lii •sa.c-^ Hevnol.:;* H I. ■>: ;:• ut^r - J f vl u. Litffa . rt d c Ts'j L il :i !■ . .1- -■ - ■ .-. . I per • ■orii r . ’ i , t« '(i.i.U' : ?i riv’v i • r-iv.ii. Ill ;n Un*-*. iior will • ■ ’ ^ ■ Ullit* ■ i{r-'A ^ ^ ; -:k • ! yn I'*' !!U--:y ; - • il . V* Hi / i. ;>■!>> / ttors:ey at Law, ; -1 • . . K\ TLl.;:. .N . i !■ . ' '■.’.. -. Ml.i '-i-i: . ; ; (.'.'ul'is i.f . .. ;■ ; lit'.;, 'iiu: .. - :. >'o’au- . : ' 'k. -Oil I L» f‘lO ■■ ‘ ■ ' ’i ■* tfcll V-f:.^y, C C r\ vi . -Jhjfc • • -It .* A E 41 tx- U. WILLIAMS V vO.. •>«le OeaitTH hi i*o erit***, ■■' l-.'H-TKUS AN ii •,■ ■ :' ; \ rt' Hud ( u(Ury« Shpi1 >. irosi. ic., ;ilV SliiKKT. KU KTTKmI !.i„ •. J . 'V 1'. liLi M' \; ■ ,'A 1.- cV i #., .\ N ;; . L E S A L fc G U C V. > i ? , i i d VI .\orili iVaifr . M ;lu;iii2! :!, i'. .A lis. -i. WOK'I'II. ;i;.! Foruardiii^ ^Itrf ;';N. \. ''i!f .Usiii ^ 'p::.aj»si J SHiea V P-.- .lou ■...^ 'vvil .'.rj. 'rUs- ' wJr.aia n- ' f'u^b is;-ii V- Ooilas'’^ aifuai-I. - ■: ■■.:, !... !: • . M-l- i hv ■ r ; .1 ■ , i I. ■ -:.J, •!^?0 Haw •i ' iiv '• _■ ■ ' ■ ft l.'4 In i .1. i!. i irri!.':, Uii . ■... .• •INn .i = ' ^ At / i: . - (• . - W.l h'- , ■ Cali'S llilll? (I li! -• 1 i 0:it or ■ ‘ 1 ;' !• 1 ; ■ -I , ■' -'.'le fLTvi u. . ■ : . ,1 1 :.i:o KV W-. :,-(t (■.V^ETl'KVILI.E, .\. C.. OC'TOBKK :il). 186'>. [NO. 1173.] \\ l'MT[:itN l\ AH Ro\.!> *'ffice, ^ l ':iv t'Uo\ ill«*. i ^ \N : h,' 1-:I ,in_v of .Si'lif tiiO f-ill. Au; ,f will t'.l' ■llnfjlf.l oil ■ . vii Fi'.>iii l-'nv.-ueville !i> Little Kivpr. t i .'^[•.■iit Spiin;!-. lo llo k Br:iiich, .K.iicsh.jro , tn .Mclver n i svpr.fy live leiil.v 'iJditiiMiril wi’l i»e i uf oai'l. j.H.-isenprt'v, lP!r»^i!itr t\ .'iO cl^‘. ,.,j I J.' ■■■ I ’IK'cu-.l l-y tin' fiitioti wi: h'.u* \ rsf\/ Vi!i' Froight will "o iii!ii i fiVot nt tne .«Hnu> f r-ic w!!!.-h will l (» f riritfl 'tad furtii-’iKnl lo the public •.II I :ev J IV' f'.y ,.flcr Ilf the i’res't JNO M UOSi:. Tr.'i-V \V K K ('o. Any I"*'” lVi:^»TKll\ UAIL KO iI>. :\U'l \K.uiiay the 'J2J insr . th*- Trxins oti !hi- ttoa.I will run .Inily, li'avin^ F^\y■'t'eviilt^ 'it S > -l.H k, \ M. retiirniujr leflve .M. Ivnv’-; l>ep .t -.1 1 oV:..0K. y M (' ,i> MALl.KTT. 1 R ■’if' v^storii Kailro.u! Faj-i-Ueville. N S. j.; ’7, 1 ‘'.2. ) I "* >R til ' ot incroa^jiiiir tti»* Cni ..'t! ' 1‘ 'omp»r.V, t(. en\Me ii fo oifrti.i tin* H i .m tVi.- 'i! Fieiii'5 'o the .North Cort'liun tv.vni, the I.-'! winyr . r.•;oiiii‘i* ij^ive ’..eeii .-ipp'inte'.i ■ne’-a > . r*' ■ -e iu flu-ir .-.'Vt'r il ruMs.'lr' .*>v( I ,'i; \! (iii!f--I, J Hr.'M.K H'-»Tr; , I*r vpgrge \, x^iy an i G W.i,.hitiir'.i! \bore thf 'lull'—Jui, J Goi [lu;:h W I)|xju .\t IIill—G W !'r I ’A G.irr. M A.-:.'!) • .V'mv,- Ore Hill—D'ln l H v .n.’v, A I‘. ' !' 10.'. F..ii-t‘- M^llri—Dr H M F -Ht I'- ! \t FranklinTi'le i.n-{ vi.^!in:v I'-iii H ;t.>rn»-y \t .Ashel. r.'’—Jonatiian W.rth in 1 !‘. F H ivi> ■\i New Mnrket—Je!»«e Walker :in.i .I.'-*'; !i N-’clin. ' A? Thoni'4'vil’e—A (J p" itfr nii 1 .1''.. A I'hm \t lilyrh I’l'i nt — l>r K (' Lin '•.i-iv :i' 1 ■ i- vu IVrrv. \ Franci.^ Frii->; an.i K I. r. \t ' irepu-iH-.ro'—(’• 1’ Nlew.ieiih ii!. !’t .t \ la!.!-", lion ■' \ I'liltiier i.n.1 Je.--^e H Lin.i- y ! uxiT'tfii. fm w'’l he or' '■i r - . ’ .hi --i .i'v!- ■>; an -.t V d'lv hv the Pi*»HiJent t’ ■' ••' .;:n !;v ■■=tr ■ ■ .1 M. Ho;'?;. u’ H ii To. Horeiire and Fayptfeville Rail Koad. t'ie pf.vi--i.i7is nn 'r liiimi’v- .r ‘he n V'.iirii.-i .1 N..rth I ■ ir.i'.irri, I'. ■ .k- w.! ' •• ve- . ! 'in .:e ij J,.ne ;r, the { T'ltC''.- •■■■- ; uti lrr 1i- ff.^ ri 111 the '..i’li.w>n^ {'i-r.-.11^. t i re. ;i.-o; p- •• ■ - •-> the I'kT’^tHi St'-'CK ..f •Ilf' -'Fi .! V FtiVi'tte- .: i- Knil R'a i t'o.” J^hare - t >ui-Hiin liv.l S'if--e it \! Riu H li '"■■.•- -n F'- . - -It; !« 'tioti of'he j'n-*rai \ ,\ ’ \ .\ W. >!ee;. \V;v.. Mr;, Nf.'jvtv - Si U -e. ’ .■1 :\t R' i Sp'^rt^7S—Uii'ier the .( ■ ■■■■fi. ;i f IT. >•• r Vei;’., Wni. J. .^te'wart, .K. .'J .i-.’H. Iinu ' .'•! Neil! !*nJ '.'.'i. .\lex. Mc^!illan, r -ri\ n-, At J-'^i'ral — Un.ier slie .i;: f.-i i-n of l)r .SViU . i I! irii.iU.i ■»h' jf -j.-iij ves at'.'J lit! i .S a:i i Ja= G’-.'tve‘«. “t an ! A ^!cN’iir, Dr. ^ D Mi'Le'iu. Ai.i Lilly aiiil I’.il. AlexiiiJ T Wa:-oti .!,' — UnltT 'He iii il l.-, !• MeLe->.J. 1> M 't’:! ■;n;. J McM... Ii !i. 'I' liny i.iu !>f tui I'll ler t'le re \ ’ .nF'-^ ■ ’ 1 McN'iir, S; in \lf.>r 1, !;■ ■j-i[ i \l -r ■ ,• ' T;> 'I ’l',ilium, or .iny 'in-- 'f ;v S iiii'-nf; in ljo')k- v>-l rrjf,»in }.•':; f i •; i ‘i if ' J'»y- When 1 - I-:.' - ■;;■'■( impftuy wi’’ he irfjan'i-i lur "l.c { ‘ii j v .. V.'. .n.r the Houi \ A '! K”THAN, i>. .\ I AV. A. -ii-KL. . SV\i MI. N1 k.V^, JNf. M R".F. Generil (’'nnn;'-: ticr“ FiiTe;teville, June 7, 1>>' 'J. To Knili’oait C'oiitrnctor**. I)-:’»l’i i-J.VL'^ Mr» inviteil fr.r "tf jri lin.: ■' ’’ i’ i r ■ 11 ■ f ih ■ Wiaerri li ii.r .-’i'l ‘(;i i ic mil ■'.•;^ Mill in 'h'';*i;:im cuuuJy. .»uJ «!:•.. i'--- ::i ■ m ■ \r ‘ .11 :i;i-J '-aruiTi'l'lirn'i •il-' tO ' e ; i. : ■icri^‘‘r. ni’f Post i.T;.’e, ('.'in’hurii c .in'v N (' C.Et), W.VSMlNGi'iN :■ 1-I-, '7 W WTK!) TO Him:. AFl-F-l'."I)U;i> NFGIM MFN r ■ .! h i.n : We^icrn F .'Irrn'l In i. - ■ :ii;y, :■= 'r.. ni'uii ii-r of the j.rc-sfii! .n.i : ,:e ■ r.-1.;nt: yf •' i to.iNo. I’ Washington at .i.\s f, U’''i r 'it ji "eiivt i«'. iir (1 L • \\ .\S H 1 NI i I ON t \S '!Li» ix.K'K. (iiilf F U . ('bafhan. Cv . S >rL. T -I 4 iiATII VT] K lII.ROAIK .Vofirr to t otitrnrtitrs. >■ vpi( >. R:.l •h, : K Fr.p'.i^alj will V.e -■.;.'i!i. 1 at the t’oinpatij-'- Of]ii--e in th II I'.II. .''4nr 1‘tv N ■%'.''T)'i‘’v 1. 1 ‘'i'" frn>t >/-ijt ■ •> ti linir frtiii) l*aife'' t'l l.'iCK - :l!- ' i ' V'.itii'! Sjf ritiati"’:-. ah.witir •' :t;r, tint (■!' w.'.rk r**!!')'Vi-'i, will he - . pri >; |. ih^it 'ii’e, n! ihn F.nj/'n>-f! O'!^ I. ('liaih'tin cnijiity, nn i the ' ■r;:ji'i"v'- eh. i i,i..il prcipooaK TTi!l he fiirni'jhe'l r fi’.'ir.if up, un.l “i^ripiture.' KEMF IV BATTI.K ii.t.vvn'M' Mi.rri'^, ('hii'f F.Dfrincer. I'aleigli. Oct 111, •f K,.: mi'i . i, V ’i .1;. ■ ' ri I i 0‘\ . ; f.. I’rr f'.l ! 1 i OTTOA VAIiA. I J »;iy Stnet. (\ P. \:'T. on f !■ ■ ,1 r;.i ^ ‘. !! K \l'uu;- i- . i . ■ I.. .' ,1 I 'ir sjile by i.; ,v (■(>. favi{:ttkvim.k 5UUAL COWPA^f. (’'^■>!tal ill I’reUl'llII; ‘J ■lI;. u!!’- (, Ca^h oi4 ha'iJ anil oihi^T 32fi7,tj8H *:» .^.077 ;J6 A AM». .ainp llalo, near Fort Fl-sher, .\. t’„ .iijtf. 1H02. '^pHE un.Jersigne.]. a private iti tiie .ArniT of the (.'oii- ^272,766 *il The .'.iiiip :tiy h-ive [.'il..l aU l.j -rii pi.iiupily, auii havB ne'v.-r fD>..ie an ri^ ■ s a. n’ .a their pn.*iDiijiii in'itvi. T’srul l,,pst.. pa; i. W i II ■'5 ^ ■ '■ 'i ^ ' ! I., !*t I'fiiiltuf . I * . k /\ V , V i ‘I* I *i I.- n I V M''\:;LLaN. ’’M.KC • I Hct.ry L!’’_ , ' rilIin,^haNt, II u. Myv :*r', I'!iliSi.*le, '' ^ IFiW.-j, '.>111 iloL'tuiiu. fe.Jeraie Stales, respectfully auuouTieei' hiingelf a l atiili.late for ?hiet'('lerk of the House of CoiiinntiJ of ihenevt Le^inlajur-«> Haviujr pa^soii two ^^'iuters in clod*- intimacy with forniei L«»gi8lative hodiex, he iruHth that he has cciBsiaeraMe aoquaintanee with the diitiei* ] tive Disiriots liai.le to iiiililary 4uty, between the uge« ol the poHition HEN’K\ K. ( OLTON. j uf IH and '>i», armed and equipped acoordinfr to law for Any;. .Itf Headquarters 3‘^th KegU ) j ^ ji /,, / /y,.^_Tlie army corretspoudent of the ( lOMMISSIONED Officer? of the ■'iSth Reg’t are here- writing of the yankee v.^ by couininnde.l to meet at l.nmberton, on Wednes- ■ ^*ii^r*y>town & weeli or two ^^0, desoribes tuPir da}' the ^’rtb of November 18G2, at 10 o’clock, nrtueii aud meeting u Coiilederate tbrC6 and th«i artillery equipped acconiiug to law for drill Also to meet ag;aiti ' Jue! which followed, and pavs; ui the same place on Thursday the Cth *of November j tp,y,u the rear of our !iatterie? the rebel caval- 18«2. an.i bring wih them all per.on.H in their respec , aisoerniU^ On iheir iront far in advance of all others, u man on a milk-white N ■ ’’uiii 'e.tiiiHii 11. M uiuC' K}’V A .>. M. K ’•iioi. -. I». V\ li!iuii,.; ^ W T ’l.Jl/hn :m • ti3 iirl r. 1 \i, TLo ' >nip Hi V lilllb .M u 2'5. IrO' ■•jii I 0 t'hsphcr.i, ■' Br .^vn, I ^ , ■ ” il'u (/ton. ^ e;; l i ive'.ifiri: Ajtouih To tll9 DflOUlborS of tUo LBgislBturGi l to nommand all consnripts and all soldiers away from \l^E are requested bv a irieud of Jl. J. HOI'S- ' iheir Kegi'a,..ni-.i to appear at I.utnbertou on ThuiHday >f TO Esq. ot' liupliii oouniv, (wiio in now ab.sent | *''h of November 18fi2, with dat/a' /iroviiions and u u !hp .\rtny of the PotoiKac,) to announce him as a ’ ' itadid.'-ite fur re-eleotiou t> the otfioe (»t Solicitor of the 21 Judioiil ('ircuii uf the State, which lie has held for I he p lii I'jiir yearsi Oct. 11, 1S02. 6y-0tpd raiK II 'titoi.iAi >irraL lipl; i’isi Kra K io :!mna. ' W in the leTith . , ;;r(jwmg eaiv; ti l»Mn:e. c" )HiiTii|. - ■ ‘ .> S".|J3 Ui ’ 1 . . I II V. 'i; - years,-11. i f 11’Mit'. ,\11 -lliV. M f'-.-n. It: I,. t.w; v -(ir . for li, .-nr- AU 1 iWSt^S ^ -Il ■ with . ■• t : i ii]- 1 pr.liiic con ■' ■ - '.-'■i’! h-althy fier^ .-■ : iTi.^ V.. ir, fi.'r seven • ' il 11'u;:: it; th.-yirofim ii •. I >.n> iiHured oi w 1 ' i. r I - ih 'ir value. I; i w ;:tiiri t' l lay- after for fuvth»r iti 'iriii : ri j^uh’' • i.s rt-ferre.i to -Ajreuts Of I he ('■ .nr ;:. i,' p *ie Stale, and to K H. H\ I'Ti,F. .'■^•“•1 *‘tary. fiileigh r ; il A I.F. .\gent at J'ln’y l^j'.t, I'-.-tteville, N'. C. Thr \)'tv Sfvlr. '>itiai:, (OLOKK.) PH?r A OVEKT! J^ETl K.\T. Engineer OHIrt- !;istrkt ol Cape Fear, » S.MIl HVILLE, Oct 10. 1802 )’ VLIi [i.-isoiis haviupr elaim-' afraiu*') the Fuffincer L'e- pHv'meni for mrtit-ria)" nr .uprvicei- nppli*il in the ''ouiruuc.ioM of defeuo-.s m .North C-iTn'Una, eau h^ve 'heir claiiua *'X8niiu«d. ati l if siipportt'd by satii'faeiory .ieriitir.tie3 of officrii au'hori7ed to order the ex}i>«ndi Mire, or [>rovcd juoi and equitable, they vril! be pai i by ■et.‘r»-lU‘e to ihiH Otfu'e r K. COLLINS, ('apt Fnj^ineers ('. .S. WAATEII, VT the tV .S \KMoKV. T'ay^tteville, N. C , ifra tir»it clas.' .\KMoKV S.MITFIS, and ihree or four oompe- 'ent woikru»-ii Steady employmeut will be given, aud wag«i pro- portioneiJ to capability Apply to ! hors*, in u dark, plowed field \/nioh threw hfm The ('omraistiioned OfHcers al?o are hereby required ■ out in stroni: relief, was U conspicuous temptation to our sharpshooters. Many shots were aimed at him, but he sat viewinpr the f.riiilory duel com placently and persistently as if enjoying d panto mime. Some of our men declared that hey had sect! that identical stot d and rider on the rebel {ro.it in every fii;l-t ^roui Vorktown to Antii^tam.” lii’fikrf, to jiroi-eed oti Friday mornin>r to the Camp ot hiHtriiction nt-ar Kiilei^ i. Froui this time th»* Officer® have tull jiowei' to oompelalNuch as refuse to i^o voluu- tarily ‘•J oi'ler of the Gus•'rm.r. THOS. J MOlU.SKV. (,'oi. (’om'd^ c’lSth iieg't N M O. (J. Normk.n’T, Adj’’ [71-tt Itaiik ot C'a|»e S'eai%7 W'lLMlNOTUN. (.)ct *J2. )’ iiivinEAii >o loo. UIVIDENU of per cent has been declared by . this H'lnk, paynf.le to the .Mtockholderri on the lat .i plowed iiji the ground about it J u-t )ut of the villagt? we reached the residence ^ -Mr Hunter, a member of t^G Virginia Senate. I wliich Gen. Banks oecupicd as headquarters last year It i;* a large elegant house, with ample 'found-' ^ 'f course the owner was not there to wek'Ofiie us But the rebel truns were planted, just in front, uud our^^diells cut down palings and Many of them (tet lu. J. A ueL.AGNKL, Lieut. .'ol. (' S. A. Comd’g. C8-fit of November next 72-.‘-!iJ j t.i. i’.URR, ('anhier. ^tar l''oiiii«try and .nacliiiie ^liop. \f A BAKER beps leave to inform the public that Jl, he will open, on the '^d day of November, a larjro HRASa AND IRON FOUNDRY All crdero for Salt Pans, Railroad work. Steamboat work, and jobbing in general, will reccive prompt attention. Oftioe on Hay street, op.posite the old Wagon Vard, ,M A IMKER. Fayetteville. Oct. 27, lSti2. 72-3t A l^ady u UheM fo ol» tain a siiuHtion a*; Nlu-ic Teachtr in a Seminary. Refercuoes given if neces- .\.idvt‘s,s box No. 211. Wilmington, N. t'. Oct. ^ li7-7tpd - A i.osr, PAIR of GOLD SPEt’TAri.F^. The f u ler will l>e ■suitably rewarded bv leaving them at FDWIN GLOVER’S. 72 .Itpd Oct. 2>, 18(12. fell in the villag«‘, cutting roofs and knocking down chiinneyH, but injuring none of tho citizens. At noon, we entered the village, atid tor the tifth time during the war Charlestown ia occupied by National troops. l>ut how ditlerAt our reception from that given us in F rederick, Sharpsbuig, and other Marylaud-town.^. Not a Hag Hying except the yellow index of the hospitals. Doors, blinds and windows closed, curtains drawn, and the few resident‘s visible staring .silently and sullenly at u^^. They looked even less kindly than the rebel wounded, of whom we found a hundred in the hospital:-, r encountered but one citizen profes- >^iti;.i to be loyal, and he begged that hia name I n.i^dit not be made public utitil he learned wheth er we had come to remain. for Sale. ^ :e r-5J !■!' ..ir C*aliiia siih-''riber wMl pay tlie highest c ish prices for j "iii; ar.v quan'itv of I’alma ('hristi Bears J A, WORTH, r 1 voi!eville, (>ot. tj7-tf Laii«l, A^'Sfroo**, \v. I WILL fioll ou laif terai'^ fi-il hi t Big Branch, within onean.l h;i,’? Depot, on tlie W. C'. \ R R R. 1 mi.-es a comfortable dwelling h->ii h nece^9^ry out-hou-es. 1 wili rtl-.i ?cll my Mules, Hogs. ' u riX'ont trip he ascended to a height of five miles Thf Balloon AscetU.—The English > >i } oapers contain reports of ascents made by M. "r7a?e onVhe p'te- ^ Glaishcr, an rerop.aut, who has reached a lugher learlv now, and all ^ elevation than had ever before been attained. On \Voo«Iwai*(‘‘^ I'.ujii ra I)H''Tooi; 1 Gan.-; . M. > .. o'*fVil'e. V ^ : ; 1 ' c ■l'"-«. .■:! ati I r ■>- :_VJ yi '-i. :i pv;-:a;n' - ; - t*..- \;i_ lilg.’G' f . fwr ■ "»! luche'* ’’or 1 and T i - ments. .''t ick i»ii l i Sir.- "ol.ii-e^i F!,| : J-f : ' .J. .■ >■■■ •" I '•■■‘►•' ■ ‘ "'■' • i t'or !*' •■ra; ] the gv' jd pv ■ ! .. uf r' i- o: ■ .1 1" \ i:i '.• J 1‘irs .Skyliph : .■■■ '■^1 . li’c Yard, Fnv ■ i ■ i T ■! in wafer . .. - 1'^;’ .If -Uf .Ambro- t ‘ . :• ■ : > ,if Pu!tures ' - ■• ' I ’ ijilt Mo'tld- ! . •• - i »rce i- 2 i ty ,10 .- • r 'ure.; Innirn- ! I ■ i' • i.iw fj' cash. Life - Ill il. 40 ni -lua 1 pictui'ei^. '■ il pi i> merit : -i i.'iy •".iicere thanks i ■ ii.i- iieretofore by O' ••■V ..1 I »1 iti;? V. ■•. \I VAN'-lw-l»ELL. Fh ■ gra. ni.-: ai;.l l-'roprietor. Deo’i 2o, 1 “.'i ‘ '1- Marble rac'tory. !ii;v A TWO ibi.'iKs .’iRnvF stdrk ♦'! i«*\’V. 4'. .1 un'V -• . 1 1 ■ aroeeriea; iAroeerics:: Vi.\;.iir, wi i .11'ft ."■(..■tc ot h.\MILY GIvM'FKiFS h’.W.J. * ■!! ; TlJ, ;■ .iisi^tiu^ of liaciin-Si-i'^! ■- I'l ik, .^biii-'r-, .'lacker N )^ 1 lii i 'dui'.-'i of al /-:i.i.^s, T ' .('ijars .\iii v’.l 't‘.pr ,ri ■':■'; ii-> y k pr in a Wholesale Gro- .\.rv F.stahiishmeiit "X. KFNDALL & t'O Wilmington, .■\pril 2. i-t.l ’i)-tf \OTiriO. ^pH F UN UFKS !' IN !!' V .» >, ■ i'-i' eniere.l ;)ie mili- i iiiry •'TV;-f I ; ' ■■ ' • ; • v -.ii ■•■■- .f .\merica. h»r.-5 V :_'iv.' t. ii i: • . .m mi friends, ifi.t 'iipy ' iv • i’;ii .1 .hn i)' ' ' ■; -ti) 1 J.ilin 1). Williat:'-. I -i . -'iciv a I :i -y^- in Ci.lb'Ci -^tlier aeparii.:iv or .n:.\ ■.!: ”i.> ■■ iii.» ihi.n r*iihi*r b\ accoiiiii f-; II II. i - . I. ■I'lt.n.l ’.t tiii'ir bu -in.'S" ^•"••■r I y |i •• i .• ' i- i ■ ■■ ■. I’iiey respect fully V.', ■■.■•- .-i ■■ . t* .’:■ .•(■■■ ■!' pr.inipl- !y as fi .-■■ible ■ ■: .n'li i ■ ine tiaviuf'.ii ’vV WILIJVMS. Si'pt. 1'.*. ’ -'‘1 if OIL .Wi) L.\:\!!’ nuciv.' '■p.XNNFKS- 11 ■■! LVniiM \ I',N(. ^ ! i. 1 L\MP BLAI K il. ’-....■N F.r-ai-hv AA1> 3IOI.ASMf:s. BBL.S SUGAR. i 12 Bbla.-N O SYRUP. i Ifj “ srUPPERNONG WINE j On consignment and for sale by JOS. UTLEY. Sep 2'J. tJ2-tf REAL fr>TATi: I-OK WA I.E. L Subscriber would sell his house and lot in Wades- ; 1 boro', together wth about tj»K) acres of land reaching ^ within three miles of the Village (if desirable ) The j iffelnng house is large, and itie lot the most desirable j in the up-country, cont>*inin); near fifty acres of land. ' Stioiil i any one desire to move further up the country, ■ ne would sell them a finely improved house and lot in Spartanburg, U., together with a good tract of land ^ near the place. J. P. SMITH. • .\ug. 7. 4y-3mpd I AdiiiiiiiHtratioii .\otice. '^pilF sdiiscriber having qualified as Admini-^tratrix on ' I Oie F'tate of ias .Sun iy, .iec'.l, hereby gives notice !.i ull pt'rscjus having claims against sai'l Estate to pre- -•■at. iiiem lo Wm. .\IcL. Mcfvay within the time pre- | :»iribed by law. or this n.itire will be plea.led iu bar of ( eir recovery U.\TH.\RINE SI. NDV, Adm x. Aitf. J. I Hi,2. IU- t C AEEEU .nEETlAfi. Fayetteville k Western Plank Road Co. V MEETING of the stockholders of the F. X W. P. R t'u IS hereby culled lo meet in the Town Hali, in Fayetteville, on the 1st Thursday in November next, the Oih day I at 11 o'clock, A. M. Stockiioi iers ar*: requested to be represented in per- S'ju or by proxy. By or.ler. JNO. M. ROSK, Sec y F. ,v W. P R. Co. Oct. 1 ■!, l>'''-2 6W-tni Cattle, iS:c.. and a lot of NEGl. .Any pne wishing to purchase can either ftpply to my self on the premises, or address me at Lauriiiburg P. O.. N. C. .IAS. R. McLAURlN. Oct. 2'», lSf)2. 71-Otpd I.OST. N'F^.AR Rocky Point. New Han.iver county, about the lOih of October. TWO 2\OTES, of Four Hundred dollars each, dated Vovfmber 2., iSo'.t. One was due two year.s after dale; ihe other thi.''e, with interest from dale They wt*re given by D. J. Anders to Samuel Aii'lers. All persons are wari.ed against trading for sai I Notes. I SAMUEL ANDERS. I Gravelly Hill. IJladeti county. t)ct. 22. 1SG2. 71-3tpd S.IO KE%VAKO r'^OR proof to convict the Thief and recovery of my r Horse, or S2.'> for the recovery of my Horser alone. He was stolen from my wagon, while at camp on the Plank Road. t> miles abovp Oavihiige. oa the night of the iSth inst He is a dark chesnut, black legi»r mane and tail, the hair rubbed otf his 'ight hind thigh by the chain, his fore feet inclined to be club 'ed, goo l size, and about >j or 7 years oi l. JoHV C HtioPER. Ke*"nersville, Forsyth county. N. Oct. 22. 71 Grpd AOTIC'E. 1HA\'E just returne I from a visit to the Hth and .‘jls^ Regiments N C. T . anti find the men from this Co in great need of blan^ts. socks, drawet^. shirts and - j ^ thcu 'six^and a half milci Shoe‘S. I will return fo said Kegiiueuis lu about four : J ,• weeks, and will take charge of anything that the friends abovo tho ground. ihe teoiperature was tneu and three-(j’uarters (oU,3G0 feet.; Approaching that point, he observes, the corrected barometer road 10 8 inctes.. “In endeavoring to read rhe wet buib, I could not see the column ol the mer cury. 1 rub my eyes, then took a lens, and al.»v) failed. ='=*= I endeavored to reach some brandy which was lying on the table at about the distance of a loot, and found myself unable to do so. My sight became more dim. I looked at the barometer and saw it at lU inches Htill decreasing fast, and just noted it in^ my book. Reading was at this time about 9 3-4 inches, implying a height of about 5 3-4 milea, as a change of an inch in the reading of the barometer at this elevation takes place on a change of hei'jht ot about 2,.>00 feet. 1 felt 1 was losing all power, an3 endeavored to arou.se myself by struggling and shaicing. I attempted to look at the barometer againj my head fell on one side. 1 .struL'L'^led and got it right, aud it fell on the other; and finally fell backwards. ^ly arm, wLich had been resting on the table, fell down by my .'^ide. It bcc 'me mi.-^ty and finally dark, and 1 sank unconsf»iously h in .'ileep.” The writer contiaucd in.^ensible for some time^ but his placi! \va.s taken by a Mr. Coggswell, who ascended -^till higher, until the barometer is be lieved t'1 have marked only eight inches, imply- \VA\TKD, IN Ir.rge quantities, ihe following articles, for which the annexed prices will be pii.l, on delivery at tac N. C. Military Insliiute. Charlotte. N C ; y lb iO 2o ;’.ii 1 00 2-> 6U aO oO ;’>0 .\rn:n Tryphillum—Indian Turnip, root, Aticlepias Tuborosi—Pleurisy Root, Aristoloi-hia Serpentarta—Virginia Snake Root .Acorns C.ilamiis—Sweet Flan, loot. As.iruin t'anaden«e — Wild Ginger, root, (’ornua Flori-ia — [loxw^ood, inner burk, Ciissiii .Marilandica — Wild Senna, leaves. Cimicifuga R.ioemosa —Black .Snake Root, Chimaphilia Umbellata—Pip.^issewa or Princeps Pine. oO Cytisim Scoparin>—Scrif*h Broom, iofis of stet’iS. 50 (Vtisicuiii—rayeiitie Pei'pi*r.0iod, 1 00 l)i.‘sp\r.>s Vi*'giniaua—Persinimon Bark, fm root. -i*' Dntai^i .Siruinonium—I.amesiowii Wet .1. seed ic leaf, 30 E iptfiibia ('orrolaia—Blooming Spurge, root. •'>> Fiip’i'>rbi.i Ipec'icii inhai* — .Imciican Ipecac, root, 1 W E'lp iioritim Pei foliatum — Briiie-se:. leaver, Fiasera '•Vulifri—Aiiiericaii ("^ohimbo. root. 50 (,ril':"na Triloii i'.i, | “ S:ipiiiaei^i, J G**ranium M icuitnim—Cranes nil’, rot>i, iJentiana Ca!e.hei—.Americin Gentian, root, (ia’iUheria Procumbens—Winiergrcen, leaves, Ijeiseminiiim Semperviren.s—Yellow Jesamine Roof ■lian Pnvsic. root. 1 ic. . \. - - • /• A: '.i r.-l’or.. LOOK AT THIS! iiH FiViiTTl'ULLH H;iTEL. Fronting 300 f(?t and iu the bii-iuess porHon of Hk* Town, C'oiifaiii^ more ««3>a(‘ioni( astif %ve!l veiitiiatefi Kooiiis .Ihan aiiv l9ot‘i ill the State. and my Patron'^ say my ('ondiments are very good lor the tiiiifs. T. \V\nniLL, I’riipriftor. .May 18t;2. 27v FayHteiille Female Hisli Srliool. '■piIF e,terci5eH of thi.s IiiHtituiion will bi> reMimf.l op i ihe 2't'h of September Th,* schola^tic year will be divi.Ifd inio w.i i.Tns-; ' II- Isi of 1.3 weeks, cotiiinencing 2''ti: ol '•'■i .1. .1 i i-n 1 ' u' 2}ih D.-c.; itie st*coii.i of 27 w.-eli.-i. O'lmiiifuc ug 1st 1.1 J ii'y and t'liding .Inly Int. I’litiUH and GirtnliaiiH inionding to pM'mni'/e ih^ SciiijoI are e^irii**stly r*i'(Utrhtt-l to apj ’y for .'ircuVirs COMt.lining full particulars in regard to leims, ,vc , hrfurr : tb-.^ peniug of the S'fliool I Rev W.M. HOOPER, | . T C. HOOPJ-U, fuly 17, 1802. -]■■! tl >, i AU.tll' RI f A.M prepared to man^uacture alt kind's t,: W..fr. ’ i IJarn'--- lor A.'n.y u*-.'v *I : m uiy loailif'r an.i '.H.n 'five go(;‘l bargain.s. .Agerils wiL 'lo .vi-il i.. ,|.nd tji >- orders ;o me a;: (l.ey shall have proi: iit uti.-iiiion. aiii’ seui oil in quick di.spatch. • JOliN tLUii'r.ri , Goldntoa P. O., Chatham Co., N. C., 1 „. _ i June 13, m2. / M..rch j:i-i t; ii[ms-:()M c*., Wt’ 'i MKion. \ If 7(1 50 25 :’.0 'i'o K5!ver«. ■'pH?' -in l'Tsi--"ied i)lF.‘ - : r .-:i iii !ie > >-ii region, 1 -and wilhi.i fiirhi i!:i>- of il;*' i.ru'nii-i ..1 ih- F:iy- ert*‘vi11e .v Wi.^itTn I; i!' !i i .011 iii-ej( Klvv". KI;»T in NIIREIJ .\rUES Or LAM», adj.lining the land I.i'Ihjil;!;;-:.; to the e-^tatp of (Je.irge " .ifC 'i. -H!" lyiiii- 1 (iv.... miif- .'^omh ^'-oih ’ar- boiilon. oil Lilii i’ Mu.ire coinnj. These L'lii'j' ar.‘ wt^i! ■; |i, ■■.! 10 l!ie 'rrowli: of corn, cotton, wheal, o.its, rvf. -.c. Toere are .iri the prem ises a coniforiat'if DweHi'U', :'.nd al' nece-'-ary Out houses, with a'luu' one hiii.'lre.l an.l hfiy acre under f.-'iiC“, inclii'ling forty r.>‘ f:' v a i'f-' •( n*-»cr-failing I'.ii’iom I'aiid. This is a -ar" ■ iianf, f..|- iipr-onn wish ing to miike inves'meni'-'. '.>■ ’..-j ai-(' n'l louhte'ily ad vancing in price in thi- -. v- ; h . For further inforrau ' iii h'.iiI'- : ; '■Ir. ‘-! M, 'IcH.af, Crane’s ('re«k. P. >)., \li>;)re 'Oi;-! ..-. 1.- 4il .-H^ i io rt Fayeiteville, N. 'V HuoiiiUis Lupulu.^ — H ips llyo.'*cianiU3 Niger—Henliane, leaves and .seed. Hydras!ih Canadetibis—Yellow Root, J;iui]ii-r Communis—Juniper Berry, Leontodon Taraxicum —Dandelion, root, Litii Semen—Flaxseed, ?2 per bushel. , Launis .Sds-jafras—Sassafra*, bark of root, " ;^0 * Lauriis Sas.safras. pith, 6 OO : Lavanlula — Lavender, tiowers and pfem“, 30 Monarda' Punc'ala—Horsemint, leaves, 20 Mentha Piperita—Peppermint, leaves, 2.') j Mentha Viridis—Spearmint, l(^ives, • 2o Poiyg ila Senega—Seneca Wnakeroot. 75 Papaver—Poppy hea Is, 1 )0 Pinax '.^*iiinii’.iel‘i>liiim—Ginseng, root, ^ 50 Pinckneya Piibens. hark, UO Ru^l:' Tri v-ilis—Dewberry, smaller branches of root, 20 Rubus I’rivalis — Blackberry, smaller branches of root, 20 some degrees below zero; on leaving the surface it was fifty-nine degrees Fahrenheit. The descent I was made without any accident. I’igeons, let loose at an elevation of four mile.s, fell down like 'tones, and were taken up dead on the ground. A Lryend of Christ.—Publius Lentulu'5, assumed by some to have been pro-oonsul of J udea prior lo llerod, is reported to have’seen the Sa viour, and to have written the following letter to the Koman Senate: “At this time appeared a man wh'> is still living, and endowed with power. His name is Jesus Christ. His disciples call him the son ol God; others regard him as a powerful i prophet He raises the dead to life, and heals I the sick ot e'. fry doscriptioii of inlirmity. This I man is ol loll} stature and well pro{)ortioned, his I countenance severe and virtuous, so that he iu- j spires beholders with fcelitigs both of fear and j love. The hair of his head is of the color of j wine, and iroiu the top of the hi'iJ to the ears siraiLrht and without, radiance, but it descend.s I from the ears to the shoulders, in siiining curls. I Fri'Ui the shoulders the hair flows-ilowii the back, , divided into t vo jiortions, after the manner ot the Naz;ireui‘>; his foreiiead h clear and without wrinkle; hi-i face free from blemish, aud sliglitiy lin>;od with red; hi.- phisiugnomy nobie ami gra cious. 'fhe nose and nuutli are faultle.ss. His beard is abundant —the .same color as the hair, and forked. His eyes arc blue and very brilliant, lu reproving or oon.-uring, he is awe inspiring; in exhortiiiL' ani! teaching his speech is gentle and carps.=iing. His countenance is marvelous in County of Randolph, I will offer for sale, for cash, to | ;^et iou^ne.'S and grace. He has never oncc been the highent bidder, a large and valuable lot of Patent ’ seen to liiULTii, but uiauy have seen him weep, lie Medicines. ; is slender in person, his hands are straight and, JOHN MANNING, Jr , Receiver. ! long, and his. arms are b autiful. Grave and IfiOBhoro , Oct. 11, 1802. iO-3w {solemn in his discourse, his language is simple ; and quiet. In appearance he is the most beauti- UERSONS wishing to sen./car'ts an i wagons to the ! 0^ the children of xnon.—Church Monthly. r Seaboard for Salt will thul a .supply on hand at our j • j> , . \ • j . p Salt W’orks on the East side of the tn.iuth of Lockwood’y i killimj hdts. A ^ovei I rap- A resilient of Folly River, in Brunswick county, where they can at all , Brooklyn is vext d with an increasing fatnily of times buy the article on as good terms as at other places. | rats that seem to grow fat on arncnic and rat ex- I or the community may think proper to send them They can be left a- the store of P. Taylor, or with A. 1 \ McKethau, or at the Court House with R. W. Ilar- die. D. J. McALISTER. j Oct 2>, lvSti2-. 7I-3t WTKAVED, UN Wednesday last, a short GR.AY M.ARE, in tolera ble order, shod in front and not behiud, with a sore ; on her back. She was sten on Haj-mount. and may be going to Chath^im, whence she was brougiit on the pre vious day. Any information aViout iier will be thauk- full}' received, and a reasonable reward p'li'l for her ue ■ livery at the sh ip of Mr. J. W. Welsh. Favettevillc ELIZABETH HENDERSON. October 25. 18t>2. ^lOOKEUtKIK IVvILL pay the aljove reward for the apprehension and delivery to n'e of my negro girl RACHF.L, who ranaway in April last. .She is a ninHtt.'>: go id fizc; crooked some on the shoulder^; of Indian descei'.f; teeth flotnewhar decayed; about 21 or 22 years of nge. * R. McDaniel. Oct. 21, 18t'i2. 7 Mtf AOTK'E. 4 LL Persons in Randolph C^uniy wlio have iu their jTl possession “Patent Me iiciries’’ of any kitid,*ali?: ' of which ha« been returned to me, are hereby directed ! to deliver the same between now an*i lo'Ji daj' of No vember next, to A II Marsh. A-heboro', who is an thorized to receipt for the same. JOHN M.ANNING, Jr., Receiver. , Pittsboro’, )ct. 18, 18t’-2. 70-3w Sale of a Large Lot of Patent Medicines. ON Tuesday 18th day of November next, at the Store ’ II use of .\. H. Marsh, in the town of Asheboro’, • flarbonioti. d. i; . . 1C. .e.' ! iiieailquni'ferxi WiiBiiinuloii) ArliiJeE'V, ) ■ . L ,1- ,■ 2-1- I '■j’HlS Oomt.--,ny. tfsiri;.- t,. s. .. . . 1 wniiid 1 * trl . i fo .1 i;.intt...r '-f ^rood Dr’- - . . 11 ■ii-cusl T-M'! :■ !• ; :e;.;.■:>■ of ho.'seS. : iifri- will J T.il I . . ;. 'i, i... .ii. cj. I j.-. M i; i. t. l>.'u''iiy f ' ’ i*iii-.' 1 IV . i J: l.;T^ .’loiiiod .lud fel, nt‘ tlC;.‘ ■:!!. ,;■! ; i% - »'quil>t;..-:lt-' TI .|i. No one ni'e ! iie i^ ,■, 1 driver an.I es- . perienced in the .nan igernen' of 'I’lie destiua- tiou of the compai.v is Virginiii. as soon equipped. f4Uf] ' ALEX. D. MOORE, I Capt. Go. E, E«g’t Lt. Artipery Siatice (.’aroliniana—M irsh Rosemary, root, SpiriKia Tovnienio.sit'—.Meadow Sweet, root, Salvia—Sikto. leaves, Sabbatia Aoiiulatis—('entasj-y. herb, Solaiium Diilc.vmara—Woody Night Shade, extreme t wigs, Symplocavpus Fa'tidus—Skunk Cabbage, root, S}ii,i.i'li I M riiiii.tiii'i — Pink Riiot, 11^1 : .''^y' ■ ii'O l —Qiif'irs Ro.it, S'*'iiiiii :i lii.l’iM n—!j.‘iiii,‘ Losif. Cuciirbita ♦'i'riill'is—Watermelon, seed, I'ucurhiia Pepo—Pumpkin, seed, Triosieum I’l rfolialiim — Fever Root, Uva Ursi—B;-'arberry ieaves, \'^eratt!i'n Viride—American llelletiore, roof, Xanthoxyl'in—P’icLly Ash, inner bark. 20 Besides our own there is considerable being made iu that immediate neighborhood RUSSELL & PRITCHETT. Brunswick county, Oct. 17. 70-0tpd 100 BLt EJ^TO^VE, For sale by J. A MCDONALD, O.ikliind, Chatham ('0.. N. C. October 17, 1802. 70if Ufcoshnry dry. The reception of which will continue until fnr- taer uoiice. M. HOWARD, Surgeon ■ aud Mod. I’urvoyor. C. S A. October 0, 5802. 08-1 in ; terminators. He doesn’t like rats, and refers hi* I case to the Sunday Times. That journal rccow- meniLi a trap made as follows: I Take a mackerel barrel, for instance, and fill i it to about one third its height with water. I’lacc i a log endwise in the water, so that one end of it will just remain al.»ove the surfacc. Make the ! head of the barrel a little too small to fit, and su.s- ' peiid it by two pins to tho in.sidc of tho top of the barrel so that it will h‘«ng as it on a pivot, ; and easily tip by tuiiching either side. On this hca3, thtJs--uspendcd, secure a piece-of savory .. «« , meat* The first rat that scents it will, to get the •Wji^OrlllCarOllliaUeaclerS* ™^.tt,'jeapon the barrel head. The head will ^CIIOOL BOOKS are becoming very scarce, but wo jjp qt tilt, precipitate him into tl*e w’ator, and r on ^ ^ Sood supply of the NORTH CARo- J p^j^ition. The rat in the water willswi .iO : USA KE.WKR3, M.,. 1 «„a i by Rev, ITofe.wr ll'.l.- ^OO lliN. Iiiiiii*.%i’al>ic f»r Male J. U. LKE. ‘ Oct. 15. 6tUf The.-ie articles must be thoroughly clem and perfectly j ,.^ard of the University of North Carolina, and N'o.-M "y on Kockfish. Oct. 2, 1892. Rev. C. M. Wiley. SunerintendenTof CoinDiou School-^ ously. Ills'cries will bring other rats, all of -if North Car61ina. ‘ whom will be tilted into the war, and al. of them Our cust-jmers having well nigh exaaiiste l our stock . fi^jlit for the only dry spot in it, viz, the end uf Northern Headers on hand wheu t he ^ 'ir commenec.l, only One rat can hold it. the vic- now turn their ' tor will drown all the rust and can in the morning I home, authors, raihcr than all.iw then ctiiiaren to ao lu* ^ A (ter tlllK date I Will ' without reading books. be drowned himseit. We have seen twenty r.ts pay Fire Cents per pound for rags de- , For sale only at the old retail price? of '2o ccnts, 08 caught iu one night by sacb a Irick. livered in Fayetteville, or at my milla i cents, and 75 centa. ■ —— D. MUKPHY. I E. J. HALE 4 aONS. j Blank Warrants for Bae. ■ 66- 3U-.- a I. ...

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