SR MI-WEEKLY. I '.'t V AN!) Tiii UtL)\YS . .r ; . I i4 I) J. JiALK SO>S. ='KU}‘Rir;r;lRS U k y {>(1 i;' paii.1 in ! i •’ i! ■' v.-AV -.'ti i ■■ ■ . 'i *n- \ r ■ i‘'i ’n ; i ! ■ ■ i ir: - - I I n --.'i iv i _ ' ' - ’ . , ' . • ■ ■ ' ■ i^r . • . - . H.'h - I . f » ,.f :. f> ■!= -.i. .jT - ^ e. .-ooii nor A k1 *>-■: ;.tt - 1 ""O- .fJr* *?/f #4^.1 »*, Oi-iey at Law, . i. . '■?:% iLI.E. A ■; I •.* / ;tnd Sri • n ‘'m. lie Hti'i .. -ii' 'P. eiv^r. to :ae . t i-: hl^ ind'^ ■ >U ( f'lU- --non of nil -f 11 1 ■ WH, r , h: , ■ ... JN t. U V. 11.LI \ .\JS. It (• iWfi \V'kstkk\ K\it. Road Offk k, } l'aretle\ille, Aiiii;. 2'J ^ P»^Vtv 4P’-^‘R U. uiLLlAM> i l«».. - lie Dealt 1“. lEi jvscocei ies, 1 a N I- . i..\- f. . N n ;>.ad (miery, ^w^‘do^ troi». ; I -T K I. r.», i .V » i i i i. . j I,. . . I, »> J‘ Ki.Nii.Vl.., J . IvhVvALl. \. K1:A01I.L A: t*i> , ■ N b .LESAL.; aaoCLR2. il A 12 \'»rlL \V;.ltr St., Wilwiiision. N. i, - ;iie Coi .. •_. >•! ii-i-'-.* txec ::fl. ; 'U J-' ■ I’ . I ^ ^ a. O. \VOHTti, aui Foruardiiig 3ierehauts, V-N. r I A H l>! ' i iip l V*; h bt irJ HI • t " ! Ilollarv Hruarti. . ‘ r. I.' u j M_' - , ;» 'Ui ^ ; :ic. > „ • ■ ii ■" 1 y i., i : ,rij ■ ,1.: at ' iit .-^1. .a-Ii -J. ;».ra > i-- ' »f«?U ;\l -■ ;:i iU'’> - u C Uu._, ..U 'U*' -iril Uil . _ :i. , inr*:>. Wui^k- i^,'. Thf jj-iivi ior ui3 ut i.\fry ■ uie or fur • n 'iu'. , ' j > Uft! i gv uui*. \V. Ij, JuiiNSON. . i. >.:f >ioo ui:\^Aiii>. ■ sUk. ie, nei.r i.ew.-v ...e, t ji-yn ' , ^>u lae li jQi i' :ui ; i ii in^i! . i -:u ill fic i.vy i::r, ,.n k . / ‘ »u- liii i i i.i. .l:k^ > j ..■!>■ 'itii:, ; ri 'r ■; lu.' p ii\". -ijr-.- i;. 'a 1 i t-i •!.’ year*. A .■ 7.*-»ru lurK.uf: :.i iiif iii'iiiii 'U{- : . - wiiu iii-.Wk'r^ lo me toi^.iwHig de- T\‘.'HI' >'! ! 1 ;.ir I '-X i j!i. •-LI ci, . »..ce, xj, w... ^uil' I'r-tilie, - "ich> 3 7, jr‘ I br.'’A- t.otl. ' ! , ..,,e Ti'-Vf. , lit-W I) . tri. ’ UcK -till ari l s;"'iy luii, u red : j ?» !i ii ihi- :i i: '. : 1 ‘ ■ : ,i ■ I: , . ' ' ■. , (■ rjiii ■?- '. ■; M . , It!-! -*.. • I'jr ^ 'i- 3'ife '■■■ . . ■• I . .•• ij.1.1 1 : Hi*' IK WA.^TKD TO HIKE. jiv.v \iU,E-H(nMfc:i» NEGRO MKV tv '?rcj i 1 l/lf Wentern K lilroad in Chatham i-n-nty rem iin ler nt the prt'spnt and th*> pn-i;;uiz year to JNO. ’ '.VASji 1NuTu.S at KinH;' n. K Ri Gr»'euvi’.le, or WArfHlNoT'^N oi N** P t > , Cha'baui Co.. N' (*.•1 t'i" ■ ! ll« ■ T ibe ' pi'ly I--VT NU H- . .. u' l t- :■ 11)^ -i^pr.'ht a^ion -• ....ii i' ■.LVi'N, wiiu r‘«iiaway ■I '■ I' '. i' - ; . ni I - 'Ll . -.i _ 111. ( ' il- ^ r i-: . I'^t; ^ j .'in 0... '11111.1 a I.:: c;i. ^'i;iil* r, • ■•i.if .ill 1 ■>> ‘ ' . ■ ‘ ^ ‘I : III. * 1 1-). \N.-:. M r tTTO:% No. IJ» lla> 'titreet. C. i’. M ! • . iT. i'obaCfO Oii ToJi li Ct* Lli'i li ,'l i;iU ;.iU 'j'l iti i:; . Fvi 1* by ■ Ki) W. AlLld.WK'i « CO. z-l. ; --.i. fayi;ttkvili.e, n. c„ novkmkkr 3,1862. [NO. 1174.] i vN ai.d 'if'pi' (lie ls( (lay of Sejti the filUtwiiif r*vfos wilt lie nliHrjffii on Fa'^senjreis. vij: K-oiii F- yottevillc in Little Kivr'T^. vi c'-s to .Spuui Spriiij?. 7'' “ i> Rock Hr.'iiicli, ' ' r i, >;e-!)' ^ •*;. (•. Mo1n-*t’-. ' • 1‘v.emy-’ivf* ceDi* 'iiditioux' wi! l).> r N -mhiM s the •-ondiKfor of e>»ch pui'^eng.?r. leaving h wiihcHif u -...'k.'t -V t b rcijjhi inti 1 ii:p w>;ich will hi- prin'ed aud furni d e l !o the rublic Hi a lew d • V'J IJv order ot tin* Hres't JN'v' M Treui r '.S H 'a C . -\ii^ J'.'. iHf’*!’ WKSTER l U%fl. 1^46 \ l^huM And aft*;r Monday ii,e -Jd in«i rh.. i>M u^ I ihi-: Ho-'ii » ill run d.iily, iea'»ing Fav.-tte iU- nt S ' Vi. retumiug' Uave Mch r : li. . at 1 cl' ■ K r M ,• p, malletr ; ■ - t ffjt L'll, 15'.'.’ r Kallroad OlPi>, Favttiteville, .S , .Sej.i '27, iV | V'^oK the vuipoiie t ;r.otea«i;iit the oni'!t‘xj a -'f ihia . t’, t,) eDiil)lc It lo t'xtond th R /ii^i.^ui tbe oal Ficddb tj .h** .Soriti I'txrolin.i R^rt t. Mh T i, iirenilem**!! I, vve been tpp.dmed (’omL'ii-aione’ - i- re oeive oubicrib' rs in their several ueiyhborh. rd^, viz .At Unit -J, J Haughton, Br o .k t Harn-;, 1>? I'e.^rge C .Ne^>'v and G Washingti n A>*ove thp Gulf Jno J Golditvu ,.aiu.- F K.'.r^ i%nd Flujih W Uiion .U Ore Hill G W Goldutoo, L»r L Gvrivi' ^nj N .'1 .AlstOD Abov,* Ore HiU—Uan : Hackuev. A b M,^r»h and Jh, f'HCe. At FiU't’s .M;ll."»—Dr H M Foust atid l.'r J Gr-iveii. At Frankiitiville and vicinity - ls;;:ic H I and .\ S Homey .At’— Wortri arid !’. {■ •! ■■ vcr At New MarLet—Jes.^o WHlner ati l .Jo.'f,; Nt?wr, Q. -At Thonii-viHe—A G Fos;* i and Ji^ W . u, ■ ^ A* Hip'i Point l>r H ■' I.ip. K) .- i .s . \ ''■ilrm — F'^ nc .s F-:.": :i't R L P‘" At (^' P Meu lpr.hHll, Pe’.'. "Mns H .;i J -A v.iilm»*r qn I .les-e H Linil-ar iii»iruci:oiif> will bi» seat to itie ( oiDmi-'i. iiers >»' mu **M:y day by the President of the ■ urot nv. ’■t'f J. .M ROSE, Seo’y Fv T. , Floreoce aud FayetteFiife.Raii Koad. 1''.VDffl the provisii.ns of an Or'iininre :!i.’ Ci'n- v*>nL:.>n f Ni ’:h •'arolitia. I’.ooki » M be op pd i.d ■ rie Ibth June &' the fnl'uwiiig plaoe« and unJei the di rection of the followin^r pers.mi, to receive s.ihscnp- tiuiis to the Cipif:i! ^itook of i‘ip "Florence ^ i-ayette- ville Rail Rr>ad Co ” f>hares One I> H its each -li tM R itl Ri i.i C’_^hci ifi /aytiJif. i«.' I'lids r til** vli rection of the General Commii»i«ii‘ners, A .A i'K>'th itj, 1> V Ray, A \V Steel, V. m MfL McKay ar. i Jnc .Nf. P»09e. At i!te ke-i f^pring).—i’nJer the direction uf Hector MrN’eill, Wni. J Stewart, Jais K. Smith. Uau'l C M(»- •N’eill and Col. .Alex. McMillan, or any one uf tfiem. .4^ Floral ColUgt. — Under the direi-ii.m of Dr Neill 'IcNair, Dr. L). McLean, .Archii>aliJ .'^iniiii. Hdmiinl I.illy and Col. Alexander Watson, or any ;in*- "f •hem .■! i'jlr. — Under the direi tii'n >f 'lu-d 'ck Mr Rae. I* McLeod. l>. McCaUnm, JasMcixi.', ’r , I J H Mcyneen, or any one rif 'hem -If Altord^villr.—UnJer the Jire.-'': 'ti ^f J :in Puro.-K, .Ino. McNair, Sion .Alford, I'upald McCi'ium aa i Jn > 'lc('allum, or atiy on- of them. The Siibicription Books will remaiu p-n f r th** space f’f'.‘I liiyw. When a sutfiL'ient >4iuu i- -ii* ■•■•r be 1 the I' jiupany will h« organized for the purpo^ie ■-f l>ui;d mg the Road A A. MoKKTnAN, I) A RAY. A W. STL El*, WM. .McL. .NLKAY, JNO. M. General t' omiifi- n*-r- Fayetteville, June 7, ; To Knilroad I'onlractor^. 1)Rtl’USAL.S are invitoil for t!ie grading ; ' t -I'Jpi r- lion -f the Wceiern Railroad betweeti the Gu : i»u i *ie Hill in Chatham cmiijty, and al.>o for th man ^.ry Application atid'commuaioation^ to be mule t: the -ub- »rriber, (iiilf Post Office, Chatham coiintv, N. C GtUJ. WA.-;H1NC.T‘>S, I'ct s. Ist.j 'i7-lni :■ ■ lit* .^o'l i m;. .1 ii'i ir. I • VM'-l July 17, 1862. ■y> !i- ■ J )NF:;. liie Liuti-bubttoriuor*, at tijij i>uok«iuru. F4VKTTi:» II.I.K JIITIAL ISSIUI.M'E I'OMPiS*. i'apital in Prcrciii.n > o'.' J aiuoiiiits to lit/ ’d»h on haud ^nd oth' as^ati; f»,u77 36 Ibe e..inp>iny have jiiiid all lo*j3e pfoUiptly, and havw Liever i;:i -i- ■ : r: tit a choir prer.iiisni notes. T 't .l lo-=- p ! : 'iy i • " ; 1, ! iF> I're jj lent. ■’ •' ! ,\\ Vic resided'- C A ' f.K-.- V il;,-!irv ! ■' > *' . ' 'in • ; H i'm.' - r r \ S T l‘.a'.-. a. N'lihan A. t’ y[r^W. Jatiies K V u, V V ..Ql '' ' J, \ ■ \i'r ^u. i-.'l .f ■-■...-0 ... J. i j* *TU , W I'l t '/ .'IM V - U-.> in-- -v:. >; -( . . - Tr-,..i) - Vhe * -*u - . y *T ;■ •I . .:c . 1..:.- A i Am». Faiu|» Hale, ai'ar Korl Fisher, X. t., Aug. 'pHE undersigne*!, a private in the Army o! the Cui- L federate 8taie». respeolfully anuonncf-i^ hiniiielf a candidate for Chief Clerk of the House of Conmi'MH oi the next Legii^lature Vlaving paaftod two Wiutern in ••lose i^iiuii:w.'y with fm uiei Lejjirtlative bodies, he trurits hai he has f‘on»»iderable a'.4uain?anoe with the duiiei> ■ f f ho position HKNRY Ii. COLTON. •Amj. 2o ;'iUi To the Members of the Legislature. II'K are remiented by a trti til of J. I40I,’^« I Y 'X'O 'i, U of L»iipl.11 uoun> >. i wiio is uow absent lu i‘w. .->r;iiy III' the p.noiiiac, to announce bin. as a ■ fii'iii iti ‘ )|- (e-eleotion tt> tho olfion »'f .Solicitor of the ! Headquarter, ' Fa,,/ .. A>u.,ca^7y.--Counterfeititigand forgery ! nOMMLSSlONKD OHicers of the 5Hth^Reg’t are'here- i'“nk umonq the basest of crimes. . Those who I v7 by oominanded lo rueef at [.uniberloa, on Wedncs- praetiiru them St;nic tlark spot tor the execu- • day the 'ith of November 1R»V2, at li o’clock, armed and tion ol thoir villainy, ;jini iis(; the Utmott C&UllOD eiiiuppoti nocording to law for drill. Also to meet again to avov'l tlctectioit anil identilication. Not SO in : at the ranie plage on Thursday the Cth of November: Vnnkoe lan.l \\%, have beret'^ore ronicd ad- ir>t*-. and hnng with them all per.son.s in their respeo- . j . . • ,i ..k ! -ive I.i.rricts liaMe to military duty, between the ages ' {uirsuing -‘bretfc- t f 1*^ rtfi'l armed fir.J equipped accor^lin?* to law t':^r niue tiieir ii^ht u luoi a bu.^hiM. I DC revipw. . lollowiiij^ we tind in a luftj i-opy (>1 the Philadtil- I'he ConuuiH!»ioned Officers also are hereby reijuired plii;i “) 0(|nirer;’ to ct'TnmanJ all conscript : an'i all soldier' away from their Re^'imetitq to appear at Lumb»-rton on Tluir'^day • he Cih of November with -Irti-' uml u dl'inkci, to j.i.vef-l i>n Fridfts moMjiu" to the Camp ot Insinicfion n-ar Raleieh Froni ihii time the OfRtiers A’ : a ?.'(’ J^vsfo^L t'it'.i i/ij'S.—Thirty- liv** (lilieretit i’*-heJ Noto.-^, Shiupia:,ivrs snd Pos- tai;e >faiups. bt-nt pott puid, nn leeeip. of filty "d .'udicii! Circuit of the :staie. which .'le ha? held fi>r ■ have full poK»*v t»> compel all such as refuse to gi voiv.i tlie piat j.jiir years '•oi li, 1>5^jU ty-oipd tarily. W J rifii: 1'AStOL‘iXA «lTi .U. Lif'j- *‘.S(iiA. V€C (0 -PAXf, V' in I he Ir-u , ;. V. d irV'jwiD; e;;:.' . fidi'n.'e. con in;.i«'« t - i “■iL- Ir .Ol !4 t.,. I pt yef‘.rs. and t'.r : . ! -All 'jlrt\ '‘'‘OIU ! 0.1 orit' vear -i t w av-> -.'e ,j,:„',; oietatiLU. with ;Lr'i'i'r (|.. .1 upjll pUoUc UOIj ■ i:e i..!r 1 1 healthy per- ■ ■■■ -* T-’" ■■n*' ve>i^ for ?even j.M' - r>. . h>-.rini I'l the prodt* ye . r aif.i >ire uiiared for - fi r "rt ... I'urds itieir vnlue -All loeses ar« p.,i,, uallr .1 1 »Ti: iiin li'U davt artel- sdCisfactoiy proof i~ pv^* u;ed For further iu; ,rma;.i. t- ’(.e piit,i: - r.^-.ttvr«d to .V.getita .'t ■ h« I'ompany u. all pins =. b*- Sti.and to H KA.TTLii, Seorei.iry Kaleiith, L J. H \LE, .Agent at J iu y 1^6'rf )■ avet!t;vi)ie, .S. 0. 11» VK ItT IS t Ti K A T. hoijiijeer uifli'o l.'lnlrlct ol la{>e fear. 1 Sm'thville. Oct lu, l&fl2 \ * I I per- .Q6 tiaviUf' I'laims againyt the Engineer L*e . i_ pandjt-ijt for inaieriaN. 01 serviof? applied io the . o >Ds>u lie'io'i 01 dofeuie!! iii .Sonh Carolinti. cul ti^ve > !Jt r o^iuiii eiainiufed und tt siipportrd by iatitfactor^ i >.'*rLiti('i»lee 01 otftcer^ auttiorued 10 order the cSpeiidi- I iur« \,r {.roved Jii«t ,ad e^uualitr. they will be pai.l by refeiVQce tu ttii«i Otbi'e R Colli \., [bt‘ i'ji ■ i.' Kngiceers (' S \ %% AATKl>r \i Uie C \K\luRV, Fi^yeitev.ile .> t' . two Hi clar-.- .-i.HvKtR'i ::^..MriHy. and three ut foui oompe tv^nt woiknieu Steady etiiplo;lueat will t,( port'uue*! 'o C;ipabiluy Apply to J A 1*rL.AGNEL. Lieut Coi. C J?. A t'omd'g 0(1 U' t’,S til liy order of the Governor 1H-»S J. MCRISFV, CmI t. ntii'dg '.Mh Reg't N N..I-'-tu'; >. Adj't [, 1 ti. jjivfti, alild wag--* pro- A l^ady %vUlivt» to ob lain a sitiia'ion ais .Music Teacher in a Seminary Keferetioeo given if necee- . • dry "tir N0?V* MV.,, COI>GIU:i) P -OTO? ^P»j[S. Woo4i\vas* aht Adlress box .No. 214, Wilmington, .N. C. Oct. ^ «37-7tpd Palma CliriMii ISeaEi«. i^HF, subscriber wil! pay the highest i ash prices for Any quantitv of Palma (?hri«Ji Bean* J A WORTH. Fayetteville. Oct. h t,7-tf I'I Ht >T *0 R \ r M?-in iie hi la V..-'0' Skyligh I (Jailer-’. Huy -tr- ^t .p; • Yard,’ Fay t*t»eville. Si -* ;d. c ■ i. in water colors, oil and • 1' jV .0 Ambro-, Melane j-.yries, and u’l o'her vf Pictures pertain’ ig to the Art A',- . Gilt Frarip», Gilt Mnuld- iujr. G‘ J far er!arge piciur.M—a- lar^u as JO by 3t5 in*'hes '• id and Fassr'.s fur h-.nging pi-'tures; Instru ments. “^tock ati 1 (’heinicals for sale ii.w .or cash Life hitv c ‘ I’h-.tccrHphs made from ^^ma^; picture*. Hav’ii/ pt • nn.;:; ly ate l iiere 1 hope to tnerii y..ut T- :r • I \v..'i d aKj return m;'• ncere Ihauks !■ ' • : it ' airon'ikTe bes* ,ir.^d . n me heretofore bj^ the good people of Fnyeitevi!le and vii-init%’. « M V.VNftRSDELL, Phc; 'praphist and Proprietor. Dec'r 2'>. l'*'H 77. .^larblr Factory, 40 Bv TWO noORS .iROVf i'. T. & SONS’ STORK f'ayrHt'viile, 'If. V. .1 an’v ’io. 1 -*'>0 .S } Orocii'ies / iti roreriesl^ 4 L\;:‘tK an i well -..-iHcted Stock of F.\.\J1LY j."\ GRix KRlK.S a'wiys .n haul, pon-i«ting of Hacun-SiJe.-. M ->- !’ rk, Mulle;-, Marker Nos. 1 aiiO 2, .''Hjt.Mrs of al i^raiies, ' lilitieci. 'ij.rar^, •And all other .:u‘ios u •i«i:iy kppt in a Wholesale Gro- cerv F,stabiisi:nient ■ t.t.K, KKNDALL ai CO Wilminptuh. .April '2. l-i.l M-tf CHATI! A n RA1 l.liO \ E>. .Vw/iVf to ¥'ontrffCtitt’M. Sr, ALF.D Pr .po'^'ils w;li be r’Ci‘iv, ii b » “■Kned m the Coippaiiy’s MPce in th*- ^ f i. ii n>. III. Samr-iay .Noveinber 1, 1>"'..-- Fri'.t rraiiu'itf’i an J Af 14 ^rt-y q{ thf -'iii • ; ex'e;i iitig from Patre h : » Lockville. J.i in,.-- /'•••/!?(.» anri 7)^, 9b )'»-ili;' a- gHe aiir’iint of w> rk ri juired, wil h* ■- ! I ne'k prior to that tl'ite. h1 the F.rigi'ii'er . • \v I'l I, Chal'iam * Mtnly and the ('‘*nip= • v'.i e in '111.- 1,'n. I’ni-rfd proposilx will bn fiirni hi 1 v ^h-‘ir filling up, 'tn l signatures KF.MP P Rat I’M Pre i.i.i.wooii Mokuu, Chief Engineer. Ra '!ig(i, Oct IM. I.m32. .'-i-i,- LOOK AT TFlir^! • Tiili iMVl'lTTiiVILUi IIOTia, Froiifiiiv .300 I'eet and in the business porlioii of the Toivii. contains more (parioiaN a»i«l %%ell ventilated Koom«* than a«i> Hotel ill the ^tate« and lay l^atron.s say my ^^ondinieiit.s ar- V'^ry lor the time-. T. W\DI)ILL, Proprietor. May UO. 18CJ. --j Fayetteville Female High Nchool, I^HC fserci*,ea of thi.« Inatitution will h..* re.-5iiiiic j on ilie 2‘.*ih of S'fteinbpr. The Hchol-jstic year will be oivided intoiw-. tenn-; ' •'t of i;? weeks, coiiimen(!ing li'.Uli of >1 ; i cn I iic; ’.’liii the ^•e(•ond '.f '17 weeka, c^nir'. i/O ng Ihi ' .J iti'3’ and mdiiig .Inly l-i. l‘-vreni? and Gn^ivdiana ititending to paironizo tiii.s , S-hool are earnestly r-oquested to apply for circul-ir- couiaining full particulars in regard lo teinis, ^.'tc , brf'-re I the Opening of the School Rev WM. HOOPllR, ) „ . . , T. C. hooper. |Ii:nnpa.s .Ni. 1 lary oorvi - >,i ‘“•reby )i[i ’e r. t' 'If tii h , lav •, ' - ] -r.i.'eiy - (-•-^'iiii ir f'- -. ift'u r '*u' ',y ttvk ('• > I :d.-t 'e.d L. r liJC-’u! - I ' >11 ‘Ki .Miieri-d the miii- '’.'iti'N .if A neri.'a. an 1 'rieii'is irr ,-i i Jrdin I). ■ .- . '.I. I ."it |;or • . - "il i. 'I Sy • li'-ii 1 U ; 1 y re -pO'jt- a- pr-inip', VIH( ;K t iS \MLLI\MS ■iept 1. OIL LAMi' HL.\('K. p\NNl.^:> an I i,( .'"ii ’ A fi > - -'IL. i. L.\M!’ f’.uAi i. 'I ^^. r.- - F-/.' i * by J| i; 151.1 • .1 ' t , U ::uiliiftoM, '> C. •M.vrch 7. fi If £'o l^aiKi Eiii>er«.. '^pil i' iinder*iio:nvd o!i.- ;or "I'e in the Cjal regifvn, 1 and within iniie ot tlie t.'rminiis o*' the Fay etteville -V Western i-iail K --d on I^eep River, KKiHT HrMlHK.) itKh OF LAV.), adioining the >irli,r, ^ ni- to thr if lieorge Wilcox, dec’d. an', ly’iit: h’-re Tn ’ew So'iiii frotu t’ar- bjnton. on [,i'*i(> I’o C e.-. M >i-o c.- ntv T;ie‘:>> Lai'i'l- are v.-f . ad .pie ' to the i,'i'i.witi of corn, cotton, wiieat, 'tats, rv". v*-. Thi're are 'it) the prem ises a comfnrtnbie Dwe ii.'jT, ,;nd all n.-.-*ry Out houses. with abou; oi.c httmire i .irui tilty ;u under fence. inciudiuK T.jity .ir f.fiv arre.s . n. v*-r-lailinsr (jo‘.tom land. rir i-- a rare ohaiti-e for p*-r;..n.s wish ing 1” mike invcsitneti! . as h.tviv nr* iin lui;bt,fdly a*l- vancing in pric- n tlii~ .-.ei .Mu. For further in‘')riifii ion ap ('r-ine’n Crckk. 1' . ,’doort F.iyette\ille, N. BBLS SLGAU 12 UbiB N O RUP. li “ SCl’PPERNON'G WINE On oooHigncoeDt auil for si»le by .N»S. IT LEY Sept ti-'-tf REAL ESTATE FOR MALE. '^pUE dubioriber would sell his houue au'i lot in Wade«- I boro’, together wlh about t5l*U acren of land reaching within three miles of the Village (if desirable i The dwelling house it large, and the lot the most desirable in the up-country, containing near fifty acres of land, uuould any one deeire to move furtiier up the country, he would Bell them a finely improved bouse and lot in ^pa^tauburg, S. C., together with a good tract of land near the place. J. P. SMITH. Aug. 7. 4y-3mpd Ailmiiii^tratloii .Notice. ^piIE suhsenber having qualit^e'i ax .-Vdministratrix nn i tilt," Es;:iie of las ,Sun ty, dee d hereby gives notice to a!l*per.sous iinving ciaim« against said Estate to pre- -ent them to Wm. .MiL. McKay within the lime pre- -lOribe J by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of ■ heir recovery C.ATH.ARINE Sf.'NUY, .\din'x. •Aug. 4, l-‘'('i‘J. -49- I rAEEEU .TlEETIA'w. Fayetteville & Western Plank Road Co. V'lEETlNG of the stockholders of the F. & W. P. R. Co. is hereby called to meet in the Town Hall, tu Fayetteville, on the lat Thursday iu November next, (the Cth day) at 11 o'clock, .A. .M. StockholJera are requested to be represented in per son or oy proxy liy order. JNO. M. ROSK, iJec'y F. jc W. 1* R. Co. Oct. 13, li'*i2. t-i'-tm WA.^TED, IN large ({uantitieB, (he following articles, for suiiioh the annexed prices will be paid, on delivery at the N. C. Military Institute, Charlotte. N V lb .Aruia TryphilUim —Indian Turnip, rooi, .pO 25 \iic1epias Tuberoea—Pleurisy Root, :’t) •Arietolochift Serpentariti—Virginia Snake Hoot. 1 X> •Acorns Calamus—Sweet Flag. root. U5 Asarnm .'anadenf*e—Wild i.tintter, root, -Su Cornus Florida - i'ogwood, inner hark, t_’>ts>ii;\ MariUiidica—Wild Senna, leaves, Cimicifuga Raceraosf.i—Black Snake Root, V> I'hinjaphiiia I'nibellata—Pipsi«sewn or Prineese Pine, oO Cytisus .''oof'arius — Scotch Broom, tops of ster «, 50 C-ipsii.-uiii '*'iyoune Pev-per, pod, 1 I*".! I Virginiaua — Persimtn o. Bark, fm root, !> ii-ir 1 S.ra'tioniiitn—Jamestown \V>, .|,seed A. leaf, -it) l^iphorbia (..'orrolat.a—Blooming Spurge, root, ^0 r!nphorV>'a ljieraeim.nhae—.-\meiican Ipecac. ro(it, 1 'K* II ipatoriutii I’erfi'liutum — Uone-Ket, leaves, ‘20 F -e,--. j-,i Walteri—.American Coiumb ), rnot, 60 (fil'eiii I Ti ifoliata, 1 , i- r>i • . , • Indian Phvmc, root, 40 'pnlaci'i, » tier.iuiiiin MacuUium—Cranec bil'. roiot, 30 Geotiana (’aiesbei — Americiu (.Jeniian, root. St* • laijitiierja Procumbens—Wintergieen, leaves, 50 • 5el-ifminium Seuipervireno—Yellow Jesamine Hoot, f>0 'I radc . ii’ipiiod at fltty cents pet 100 or i \di]ro?rf S. 0 CpuaM. ■R'ii Chesnut oircet " i .'I'. I.'i,iliaui tjiu^ advertise.* himself a knave, : -iipi 1 jir-tl ubiv {.luua lu le one. So' fur as tie ; i-.l- i.e i.s . Ui iLi- :i thief as if hri were to tL» sil ,',.-; 0 nd.i ttie hen-roost of some house- krcpei tu the t.o:ileJt-ritte .States, on the plea of iiijtiiiri^ the eij^my , it is not tLi' (,'orifc Kra’-t; aecuntie* alone that ! L'ph-am honor- tvith hii attentions He seems to be a \ i^ry t.‘nLorpriiiiug gtniletuan. Hin thieveries are on an t-xten^ive sc.iU- X j ie«B than ihirty- stai* EoillKley ailtl Tlacllilie !!»ilop. tive di?ierent notes, which appear lu the currency MA baker lieg- leave to inform the public that of this republic, are forL-t-d aud eounterieitcA b> , be will oj.en, on the :-!d day of .Novemiier. a large ibis man. It must be s most uobie goverftinenl BRASS .AM> IR(»N FOUNDRS All orders for Salt i^diieh «riinuhitey sufh Virtuous enterprise on tht- part of ild citizens! It must surely be “the best , govi-rnment in the worhi'” In the blate of day, and in the public newtjpaperd, S. C Lpham, 4Uii ' i'hesnui street, announces that he has made large arrangements, with liberal terms to agents, to ob tain by deceit and lii-^^ the means and gooda of tbe I>eoplc of the Soutii. '1 he government, at least, looks on (juiesfcnt, while he makes “an honest’ living!” Does any one know a citizen of the Confederate States, outside of the li^-t ol convicts and profes sional criminals, who wouid entcitain for a mo ment the iuea ol couuterleiiing the notes ol tbe \North!' 1 >ocd any one know a Confederate citi- xen, not willing to be con.^idered Uihgraced, wlao would be cunccrned in any way, witli their dis- tributioi.' l >oes any one know a Conlederate , newspaper which would not reject fcuch an adver- tinemeiii, as that of C. I ’pham with disgust utid contempti' Does any one know a Conledtiate who, if he could be guilty of I'pham’s crime, Itaiik 4»l i'eai*, i U II.MINurM.N. «Ji-t L'L*. ( oivioE.^D \o ion. \ UlVUit'Nl) ot ■. per i.’eni has been d*“ciiirej by thiii B»t;k. p^iyat.le [hf. ,'(iickholders ou the 1st j ot November neii 7--'.!^ ] .1 G. BURR, Cashier, Pans, Railroad woik. Steamboat work, and (obl'inif in general, will receive prompt a^ieniion. Otfji-e i.u Hay street, opposite the old 'NaZ'.’i Vard. M A l;'KER. !• ayei teville, >ct 27, lP>*:j. J--it ler will be I.O.S'I', PAIR of GOLD SPECTACLES Th. suitably rewarded by It'iv.n^ tiiem ai F.bWlN GLttVER’S (.»ct. lwfi-_* 72-4tpd Eaiid, Afftroe-i, A:e., for Male. I WILL sell on lair terms')-j1 » r - ■ . L.VND lying on Bi^ Branch, within one and h '.’ " :iul. r- of Laurinburg I*epnt, nn ihe W. C. i\; Pv. K R. i fiere are on the pte- m;.-i*,>.s a eomfortaVile dwelling e nearly new. arid all nece.59»ry out-hoii'es. I wil d.' s-11 m3- .Mu!es, Hogs, Cattle. \c.. ani n lor of K‘tl'-! .\ny one wishing to piivch-ise c-m either aj'p^y to my self on the jiremisea, or ndArpps me at Laiirin>>urg P. O . N. C. ,I AS. R. McLAURLN. .»ct. 20, lt‘>!2. 71-^iipd EOMT. N’F.\R R ."'kj- Point, New Hanover coiin-y, about the lOil would not .shrink from (.!pham's publication ol'it, !h oi I >ctober 7 U tj NO rh.'' pt 1-our Hundred as a sheep stealer .shrinks from tne pioslamation dollars e.-ii-h, dated November 23, I's-.iV. ()ne was due i- 1 • i.; 1, 1 ti . ■* two year, after date: rhe other three, with interest from date They were given b;/ l» ,i. Anders to .^amuel a man. .«o acting, could be found, public opinion .\i.ders here wotild not scourge him for his crime*!' Ai; per-.ns are waniel igiiinyt tra.iing for said Notes • uniu> .say^ that a people may sometimes be wrong iu their opinions, but they will always be right in their sentiuienta. We art; sure that the unan imoua sen t iment of our people exclaims against such an act as I’pham is proud of, aud couataered SAMUEL ANDERS. • jfTi-elly Hill. Bladen county. '•ct. 22, l‘%4i2. REW.ARO ' 1-3tpd I'^OR proof to convict the Thief and recovery of my it a>i not included in honorable warfare. And Horse, or S2r, for the recovery of my Horse alone, ^old it as njt only a crime, but one of tfie while at camp on the ' meanest and most Sueakiii^ sort. He was stolen from my wagon Plank Road. *' miles above t.'arihage, on the night cf the . , 18th inst. He is a dark ctiesnnt, hlack legs, mane and : Ordinary robbery and stealing, a» Jio. tail, the hair rubbed off hi- riiU;t hind thigh by the chain, his fore feet inclined to be club ed, good size, an ) about Cj or 7 years old. JiHlN C. HooPER. Ke'-nersville, Forsyth county, N. C. ' >ct 22. « 71 ci'pd It IS related to tiiiig is re lated to murder by open assault. Tne people, among wiiom such a vice can be piaCLiacU, are not a peoj>le with 'vliom we could (oitrate associa tion. Such,conduct but deepens the ditch which separates and increases the disgust which repels us.—/Iichmoiiil K iuirer. An Honest Man.—The liank of England Di rectors had a terrible fright two or three weeks ago—not on account ol the Jos.-j of their waier- ! marked paper, but Irom the summary invasKu of the bullion of the Jiank. A correspondent uf tha Birmingham Post telLs the story thus: j The directors received an anonymo'is letter, stating tii#e the writer had the means of access to their bullion room. They treatea the matter as a hoax, and took uo notico'of the letttir. Another more urgent and apecitic letter failed to rouae them. At length tbe writer ottered to meet them in the bullion room at an\ hour they pleased to name. They then communicated with their cor respondent tliruugh the eiianuel he hud indicated, appointing “some dark and miduight Uyur” for the rendezvous. A deputation from the lioarti, .a'ltern in hand, repaired to the bullion roi'm, lociied tlKUiaeives , , , ^ , 1 in, atid awaitt'd the arrival of llie uivbteriouii cor and delivery to me of my negro girl Hl.L, who 1 , 1 . 1 i ranaw.y in April la.t. She is a mulHtto; good siie; i respondent. to the hoar a noiso *a.S orookeii some on the "f Indiiin desceiU: treta I b^^iow. Suluc UOara^ Ui lliC i were AOTllE. 1H WE ju?t returne 1 fi*om a visit to the Sth and 51st Regiments N. C. T.. and find the men from this Co. in great need of blankets, socks, drawers, shirts and shoes. 1 will return to said Regimentu in about four weeks, atid will take charge of anything that the friends or the community may think proper to send them They can be left at the store of P. Taylor, or with .A. ■A. McKethan, or at the Court House with R. W. Uar- die. D. J. McALISTER. t>ct. 20, 1^02. 7I-3t !^TRAVEO, O.N Wednesday l-»st, a short GR.AY M.ARE. in tolera ble order, shod in front and not behind, with a sore on her back. She was seen on Haymount. and may be going to Chatham, whence she w is brought on the pre vious day. .Any information abmit her will be thunk- fully rec“ived, and a reasonable reward pai 1 for her de livery at the shop of Mr. J W. Welsh, Favetteville ELIZABETH HE>DEIlSON October 25. 1802. HiliH* REWARll. j" WILL pay the above reward for the apprehension somewhat dnoayeu; about 21 or ()ci. 24. 1S':2. .\OTIC E. VLL Persons in K:in lo'ph C inty possession “Patetii Medici;i ‘s'’ of any kind, a list years of age. R McImNIEL. 7-:!f who have iu without miii'h trouble iji-)jjac."*d, and lu a le.v miuute..» the Guv 1 awke.s t>‘ the bank .'tov'-i in the midst of tile Hstoitished d:ri:-'turj.“ tiis .“^to y was Very si!iipl*! and straigiitlorward. .Vn olu orain ruii'- und'T the •^iuilion room, the LXisieiice ot wl.ieh had becuaio kii.jwu to him, atiu bj, ujcaus 0; which ha.a been returned to me. arc hereby directed ! of whii'h he might have carried away euoriuoua >Ut^lS. Iniljuirv wa- in.ia._ JNotliing had tecU abstracted, and the dir eiors ic.vuroea the nuiicd- ty and ingeiniiry ; tlu:ir aiion^inyus correspuu- dent—a Worh-iti-; uiali, who had bet-a nupiuyeU lU repairing the se\v•.'!>, by a present ol X50G. to iJeliver the same b*;tween now and lo’h Jay of No vember next, to \. H .Marsh, .isheboro', who i» au thorized to r-iceipt for 'he sanu-. J(.)HN M\NNING, Jr., Receiver. Pittsboro’, Oct. 18, ii‘ti2. 7U-8w ..iy to Mr. M. M. McRae, ..u'lintj', or ,id 'v(;ks HiQ at i>AMia Oarho If oil. ^•llAlv ‘ i a-- dec'.’ IH! A».?l¥ IIARAE^S. 1"^ AM prepared to in».nutai'ture all kind.s of '.i'agon Harnefs for .Army use. I tan my leaiher a id can sive good bargains. .Agentn wi'. do welt to ‘-: -id th'-ir ordern to me*as they shall have proiupt afention, and ■i«nt of! in quick dispatch. JO.HN C^HTRK. (jloldston P. 0., Chatham Co., N. C., > „. . June 18, 1862. / llea(ic|iiartrr!>> t C.\Ml* Boyl.\--, luly 2". *it'jl. n'^HIS Company, desivii'g to bi‘ eomtil to evert/ rc- 1 fp'ct, would f e (ri id to enlis’ a n'lu'l.or of p-ood !*ri- v*'r8,—-n.vr. .ic^ustomeil to the 'n iirin ..lent of hors,.g. I'lierf w il he pii I 10 i nc'»i m in, on eiiii ”i- .-ni. a t'ounty i of ?!•*. Mon’hly [«vy ^'l■..;; be-;rl3s b 'ln? r^lotned and i ll, medical ati«n't-inee fr;->'. awd ali o.t>er nccessarv cipiipmeuiH furnished refnii-it? for n sol iie-. No one need ajij ly nnli»s he i: -i ^oo'l driver and ex- ' perienced in the man«pemein of horses. The destina- ; tion of the company is V'irgia'ia, as soon as equipped. \ f4Uf] ALEX. 1). MOORE, r C*pt. Co. E, Reg’t Lt Artillery llatriiilus I.upuliis — Hops, 1 Hyo>'('iamus .Niger—Henbane, leaves and seed, ilydr.if'iis Canadensis—Yellow Root, Jumper CoTMiunis—Juniper Berry, Leontodon Taraxicura—Dandelion, root. Liui Semen—Flaxaee'l. $2 per bushel j Lfturus .Sassafras—Sassafra®, bark of root, ■ Laurus Sassafras, pith, 5 0J | jjavaiidaln — Lavender, tlowets aud bteuis, IlO i Mon ir la Punctata—Horsemint, leaves, 2il I Mentiia Piperita—Peppermint, leaves, 2-j Mentha V’iriilis—Spearmint, leaves, L',S ! Polytrala Senega—Seneca snakeroot, 76 ; Papiver--I’oppy heads, 1 1*0 Pauax (.iiiiu.piefolium —Ginseng, root, .‘')0 Pinckiiey.i Pubens, bark, 30 Rubus T ri v.-iiis—Dewberry, smellier branches of root, 20 ituhu-. I'riv ;'s—Blackberry, smaller branches of root, 20 .■^taiice {^■lroliniatla—M-irsh Rosemary, root, .Spir.ica I'ln'iiieatosa—.Meadow Sweet, root, .'■'alvi'v—Sa^.*, leaves, SHbbatia .A^.'ularis—Centaury, iierb, .S.flanun Dulcamara—Woody Night Shade, extreme twigs. * Symploi'arpus Fiutidus—Skunk Cabbage, root, ■Spigclii M .tilandic'i—Pink Root, '^iiUinsria Sylvatic%—(.Queen’s Root, ."VsinniMi Ind-cuin — Benne Loaf, (’uc'irbita •'iirull'is--Watcrnielon. see l, (''ucurbita Pepo—Pumpkin, seed, Trtost^sum Pevfoliatum — Fever Root, Uva I’rsi—lieariierry leaves, Veratrum Viride—American Hellebore, root, Xanthoxylon—Prickly Ash, inner bark. Sale of a Large Lot of Pateut Mediciues. 0'..’ T/u I'niprrt: Kuj- nit s Boudoir.— ljuxurious and yet elegant splendor, most refined judgment, Tuesday 18th day of November next, at the Store U8H of .V* H. Marsh, in the town of .Asheboro', ; County of Randolph, I will nifer for sale, for cash, to ^ utid .1 poetie tenijierament, are revealed in the ar ^0 Receiver 7i)-tiw JOHN manning, Jr Pittsboro’, Oct. 1 1, lSti2. the highest bidder, a large and valuable lot of Patent ningenicnts of the boudoir of the Empress Eu-. ■ ' genie. The doors are made of ivory, inlaid with I gold, the furniture of rosewood, of graceful I shape, and inlaid with gold, mirrors of ivor}” tbd- I * 1 safas and chairs are covered with pale red s.iu; l)ERSoNS wishijig to send cans imd wagons to the i the Walls hung with dark paper, and the cieliug r Seaboard for Salt will find a supply on hand at our ! extiuisitc fresco ■ East side oMhe mouth of Lockwood 8 , ^ niagnificent Syrian carpet voluptuously deaM- i Foil V River, in Brunswick county, where they can at all : , 1 1 c » 1 1 1 : times buy t he article on as good terms as at other places. ^ ^ SOUnd of footSteps. Around hang the Besides ottr own there is considerable being made iu ■ myst S'tilui^le paintings of tiie old uijisters, bor* that immediate neighborhood rowed from the JjOUvre (ialleiy and Vef'ailiej, , RUSSELL & PRITCHETT. 20 25 oO .30 50 50 7;’i 20 20 ■‘'>0 50 50 30 Brunswick oountj’, Oct. I'l 70 6tpd 100 lbs. BLrEVrOA’E, For sale by J. A MCDONALD, (.Mkland, Chatham Co., N. C. # October 17, 18t’i2. 70tf , as well as two family portraits in oil, over.shadow- , cd by palms, ododendra, and caiiielia.s. 1 he win- j dow-ledges are conBtantly adorned with ire-a j ^io^vers, aud on the lie splendid port- ' folios, and books bound in t‘»rtuise shell inlaid^ . with gold. Nothing i.s wanting which a sense of j complete lu.vtiry can devise; i*ot even tlie tuning oi ^lOO Ihs. .inm Arabic lor sale by i ^ i.t J. H LEE. i ■with black velvet, throw a subdued hue o\ei Oct. lo. 69tf ! every objcct, and any one who enters the room - - - ujay image that ho is inhaling pbetry. i\ortliCarolina Readers. . St. James Magazine. ,,^CnOOL BOOKS are bocoining ery scarcc. but we , 7 t* - -l wr> • O have on hand a good supply of the NORTH C.\RO- Kuinored. Stcessiuu from the i^cottiah fjpisco- LIN.A READERS, Nos. 1 aud 2 by Rev. Profe.isor Hub- , j)al Church.—The Edinburg Courant understands These articles must be thoroughly clean and perfectly Octoh.’r 0, 18»i2. 68-lm I we hope will now turn their aitenii.iu to these books by I - ^ ^ noine authors, rather than allow their clitldreu to di: .tiler tliili (late I will i without reading bo:>ks. P®'y i''iTe Cents per pound for rags de- 1 For sale only .s.: the old retail prices of 25 oent.s, .b liT«r«d in Fay«tt«ville, or at my mills j oents, and 75 cents, on Rockfish. D. MURPHY. 1 E- J- HALE & fciONS. Oo». a, 1882. 86- I Feb’y 1, 1862. 85- 13 rep -rti. 1, intend to eii-er into idiiioiis wuh th.j Ciiurch of ijiigl iiid, ii -Miy ofiioJ’ rituu; '-iiati that of the Praver Book be aLio; itd. Blank Warrants aa o.