SK1»II.WKRKI.Y II If lioiit U Ml, iio vi» Oi l } ♦ \ilU. ) •ll'Ot (III' 1..‘ . tnr,... I I i .mi K'i> >-tI I'V illt‘ lo LiliU* Kiv*r, '■ lo li Hi-.'k I’.r.iii.'ti, 11 vl .IH ';-l)oro'. Ii) .M‘lvt*t 'x. I Weill'• ii\e i ciiT nllilti)ii>il uill iif I IU>lll: lot' t\| It'HVllI*'' H li.-tvfi A ii ot t'roiiftit will int.i etVt-i t >il ilu> ji-nii.t* i-fi will f.f* ( risiit'.l Mn.l fiirni«»rir.) ro fli.' jiii't’'!!'* ill *\ I'l’vN l|'lv^ l''\ orilor Ilf (he I'ro^'t. M. )’,(ISK, I'rpiiM'r VV |{. II »’o. Aug ‘.0, iMiJ. \ Kill. Ko%n. I^^K( >M >Mtil Motiilny the '2'2‘l itiut., tlio Trnins on ihir> IJoti.l will run leaving Fayetteville hi M 0 .'loi'k. .A. M.; returning leave MclvorV l>epnt nt 1 B. MALl.KTT. IVes t. t.'Jtf WeshTM liailroad (MIlcc, \ Fiijetteville. N. Sept. 1‘7. IHm'J. , I^‘ >H the pui pose ot incre:isinc the capital stock of thi« Cotii'j. iny, to enrtl'le it i.i exteuii the Koa'l frotu the il F ieMs til he North (' iroliua I’uMil. ilu' following geti!leiiuMi li;\ve been uppainie l ('oniriii.'';ii>ne!s to re c«ive suh'Crihers in their sevi'r.'il iieighhorhoo'is, vi.-. At Ciilf—1, .1 Ihiughtoii. r.muks lI.uTi-, Ur (George i’ Newhy mi l (! Wtishiiigton Aliove the CJiilf—Juo .1 tJoliiMton, .lames b’ Hives ;»iul IhiKh W IMxiui. At 4>re Hill—a W (ioldston. Hr I. W T.oirell mij N M Alston. •\hove >re Hill—l*:in’l H.ii'knev, \ II Mar:h niiii Jiifs I’ace. .Vt FoU'l’f- Millx—I'lr H M Foiist auil I'r .1 I* itrHve~. At Fratiklitiiville ^^ll.l vii'iini> is i.ic H I’oiiM nuii V S Hdrney ,\t .li'uathnn ’•S.ivth 'uni I’. K lloovi-r .At New MiirWet .le ■.^e U-ilker nti'l .1- .'ph Nowlin At Tliotiinaville .\ li Foste r All.I .Jno \V Th.'tii'i^ At High F’ .^nt l»r K ( l.iu l- iv -tn'l .'^eabiirn I’erir. .M eiii t rftiii'M Fnp and K L I’lUersoti ,\t «Ireen-ihiiri ■ C 1’ \lea'lenhal;. 4’eier l.-iin', IJoii .A Oilnier *111.1 Je-i -e H Litnl-i'iy 1 ii-inieiiiins will be ‘joiit to 'tie Ci'uinii''- .nie; >it an enrly iliy by the rre-ti.lenl ot’ ilie 'onipiiiv ' .1 .M Ht>SK. .'^ec'y U' U R i'd Florence aiut Fayetteville Rail Koad. 1''Nl*['}l ihe piiivi'i'oD'^ of Hti i'rtliutuiee of the Con vention of .North (.'iroHurt. Bookd wi!! be ope ;o 1 on t!;e I'lth J.,ne SI the I 'llowing pli.-e-; .••ill ui. lcr the Ji rev'tioii ol' !he foll'iwiui; per:»o!is, t reo.'ive s'.ib.scrip- * in--' t ;ht •Vif't'il .--‘H'ti of the '-FI >rt'iice v F-iyetle- Tiilc K-iil JS'ia.l »'o." ShiiriM •'lie Hniulre t Doll ir- each At H li. /.'•■u i Of-ic ->i Fill."' ^ —L’nier the (li- V A .Mi'Keiiiaii, McKnv 'iti'l Jno. 11 \ioNi*\Ns \M» rill r,si»\V; KDU vitn J. Hiu: \ SONS. 1 1 \M> i*i;«:i‘i:nvv >i; W Ilsi'IMtN l ';iN «‘l l»‘S . laiSr hi- s --.-ii II \i'\ F.KTlSuMl NT 1'.' line- f.iu the t t - n'l lO.-ii i"n > . Il! • ^ ‘lirtl the IlUkU> 1 till fcrbi 1. m l f inie d. hurifc t ui'o^it l be in-^erted jii per No i’it i: f n new '^\i)'«ci ivmeni in aavanoc. nor will iher f. r n i-insccr :;ine Sl’Kt’ clock, I ^epf. ‘JO. lMi2 •I .M- '• il. sne to trtiu- tb-' p.i ’o:ie notify ii- when m;ikir»g Attorney at Law, I' VVKTTKVlL'l.K, N »' !-iid the i otmty and ^^uperior fmrts of ’Mud, Harnett, .Mo*;re and Kobosm Couii- ipt atrenti.iu given to the collection ruffed to hi^ baud i (.KIK W. WILLIAMS ct Ci) II iioi(‘«ial«‘ in !*'«>. MPOKl'VR AM 1 .N ii;)rdHare aud ('utlery. Suedes Iron, iVr*, H.i\ STRF.Kr, FWKTTKMllK, i.\ !• K.KNliAI.1, J K.EN1>ALL VOX, KEWlLf. A: CO., I oiiiiiii^Mioii MerclitiiiK VifHOLESALK GROCERS, So. 11 I'J \orih VVaiiT St.. ^\iiuiiu!tun, ( fr.iui 'le * ountry pi Rtifhi r. i . X B. a. \V4mTii, (ouiuUmou aud Forwarding .^lerrhaut> WlL.MlNtiTUX. N. c: % K II i wiih sioo iii:\v\ui». ni niy >! ;,bk', S ■' , n the iiieht K. heavv N iUi>'v u\ u;u W'i"* --ePQ liM’ivin. in ' f. , nn wei 1. li’iuce. ;.i: f 1 lii 1. ■ ■ !l I ti 11-1 \ilg. -J Icine I'AMrrrKviLLi:, n. c .. xovKMiiKU o, 180-2. [NO. 1175.1 1% viyrTi'.vii.ri: MrriAL !\srKi\’i: (iniriw. ’'tl'ilnl in I’lfinium N.i!,-. ti,,. ii . t,, *’ i-h ii'l lixtid 'llid ,1' t .'t .-M iirr T..- The ('(Iiiip:!i\ ha\e puid nil 1,1 h:iSc iieMi (Ii-iii.- II n e : iiiiem ,iii ; I ii(111 li>irf.s p li'!, til H.'K K tlF.O D A i'. \ ••.ti pi.iUiptly, :lliil lu'u iiiOiiiiud) UuU*s. tl** M.NWli.l., 1-. It \ \ . V li-e I’l \lcMll,L \N. I *1 rt I.I IKK \v ■, S .1 \S'ut id.-u: 'i.leUL llt'iiiv i-illy. M 1. M\lover, ■■s 'r Huwley, .Niitliiiu A. Ste.I(II‘Iu, t’. I!. .Mullett, •luiiio.-* Kyle. ■\ . Ml'Kel h;iii. J. I*. Williauis, S. W. 'I'illinghast hu t’oilin-* and t'. i Stfll^lhe t'oiiipany invite iini'lication-. Miiy-JS. ‘ I'l 111 N jf h-f I, I! iiiaii.'i le, -Ml-Lull! i 11, J' I,lltreri..(i \ 'V . .Mteel. ■i (. ( diit^, Hull J. G. Sht-phei'ii, It F I'.ri.wii, > , A. K ifall. g'On. Mi't'riiiumen, 'rriiveling .\genis. A 4 AKO. (uiiip Hah*, nt*ar Korf Kislit^r, N. r,. Kmc, midorsiij/Iie.l, ;i piiviie in the \rniv ot the ('on- I feder-ile Sl:il'e-, re.upect I ill ly •iiiiMiince-- hirn-eir fl e-iiidldfUe for 'hii'f I'b-vl; ot the lloiHe nf l'oniini|i >f the nest Legi-blliir'- ll.'iv iiir pi‘--ied iwo '•Vinter-' i:l chj«e iniimucy with forin i l.egisl itive bodie-. he iriHU he hi-.: Clin iider;»bb- m’e|ll-lillt!jll 'e With the dlllti’- of I he po«ii IlllVliV K. Xii?: ■ .'1411 % ^ 1:1C I' I ^ I: VI1: \ i\ KiiicliM'Or OHhT of ( ap** I't'ar, i S'liTHViLr.r. th'i itt, ist;-j )' l-L p.-i-)iili- h'lvifi;' cl:ilIii- H?'iln't itie I'lt^ilieer I *e- |i)iiiMie(iI tor iii'iieiiHN or -iervice- tipplied ill (he ot iJefeuif-*. iij NuKh ('iiroliii:!. c-in li-ive their cluidis find if -iippijrte.| by i-iti^fii, !(irp crrlifu’!iie“i of iitTic»*r* hiii iioi ized lo order the et[iendi- liire, or proved ju«t and eipiitntile. they will be pnid by rel'ereui-e to tliis Olhee .R t'oLLINS. loi] (’tipi. I'ngineers O. S. \. \ 121- Pa I Ilia 4'liriwti KeaiiH. i ^pi!K suli.scriber will pny the highcHt c:ish prices for THK \OKTII 4 AKOLIAA >11 Ti AL un: i\sriiA\( E o>ipa:\¥, in theteii:h '■ .n- ,if >.iu'C!--^fnl oper.iiiou, with growing c.apit.-il hii 1 tirnie’- hoM upon piitilic oon- tideuce, contiiiiif t.. in-^ure the live-i of all henlthy per- s ms Iriii'.i 1 i •,» !,i) ye j’-' '.jie l,>r one _\t.‘dr, for seven y--"irs, at'dtor iiie ;il! llt'e nii-;iilM-r.^ sharing in the profits. \!1 slaves troni in t^ r,i) years of acre are iii:^ured t'or one year or tor ti\i> years fm- tw.i ihir l-^ their vulue. All losse-* arv piiiu'tn.kllv pai>t wiihiti '.Hi days after satisfactory proof is preseiite 1. tor tun her inforni-u ion the jiiibli - is referred to •Agi^its of the Company in all parts c .lie State, and to K II it VTTLF.. Secrot.113', K.aleigh. .J. n.M.K. .\genl at .lan’v Ih.^'.b F.'iyetteville. C. anv quantity of Palma Christi lieans. .1 A. WORTH. Fayetteville, Oct. f'. tj7-tf Paviiioiil ol Vifaft‘ ltoiiiil> . Kxrcn'iVF i»i:i*.\iit.\ii;nt n . | Atiii rwr (ii,SKK\i.’' OtFiet;, . H-»b-i^i-!i, Oi-i 17 tI i I; l:N^'R.^L (iRurds. Nil. ] following I’v'giilaiiiiiis :iri> published t'or (lie in- I f'lniiiition of lii.K.* pBr^on-^ vvishiiig to draw boiiiitj of deoease.l soldiers, in accordance with an ordinance of itie t'onvention ratified the ‘>l.M day of February HKC.t LATIONS 1 The pa^ uent of lioiiniy to the representatives of deceased soldiers is ba-ied upon the eertitieale id ihe eoiiiiMiiidiiig otlicer of (he coiiipaiiv, who will siaie the liliie ot (he eiilisl ineii( of the voldier, the dite of tiis dece i e in •.■•’ivici; (he aiiioiinl of boiiiiiv iliea ly paid by I he .'>(iile. nn.l (he i'oini>anv and retrmit nl l> whirh he bel.mgeii Tie clairnaiit will niake atlidavii before a magis trate that he or she is Ihe next of kin lo the decea.^^ed. INt'lta-NOl S MKDICINAL PLANTt^ ■b' 'riu- soasou I'avtngnrriveii t.-r cullri t iiio iiiauv valua'tlo itnliiiViloU^ plants, I pri^ioM- t.. l.rin-_: the* siU>ject hetoif oiH' StiiUlii-rii- I jnj.le, panl-'iil.irlv our jilaiiter^, with flic ho|)i- that tli.'v will iifit :illiiw tho tiiuo to pits.' without - i/(V/ttiio I oiitiibiiiiti;, liiv portion to an ulijcot so important to the health of onr troops no«’ fiulitinir tht' battles id unr i-nuiUry. Nor i.-- the siihii-f ituj>ortant to ii' in a «loine«»tic p.lint «ii‘ view Our plaiitor-^ now liavo it in tbeli pow. i nut oii'v to -lavt* nioiu'y in tlio purchase of tlruiis, loit als(. to mako tho collecting and drying of Vft'iMahle laeilicinai plants a soufce ot incorut; I will i*i«a.t n icw whicli should now be collected I . liall av.iid all .and hotanic-al terms 4(1 larJ at l‘FU. rueiil^-fix* Hollar^ Ke^^ard. • ' \ 'r' T: :lie siil.icriber, i;i.« negr-^ Kiy ‘ i- i:i> of age, :i^ iit •'> let t , ‘ inc.-" - H2 leet and very ir.iu u tmiu' i ■ ■ ' at :;.e ‘•' i wii when sp iki il : . 1! • wa^ ^een i.i . - »lii.- iu Kobeson county on *iie I’l-. u’.. , , i . ... t ...■it.>vill.= ab Hit throe Week . ag" Th. ’•"‘ .rd bejj - d tor hi- dili ei to n.e or 1- ' ent in .n»v ail so iha: 1 eet ti'm W II ,M i,lN ON. Tr*.;e. , .\iie. 14. I'Jtf ! 11h ill ' .111 ir. gray li i'. vvi; il : ,ii' f' 1 !' T 1 he ;l .1 .V d I I Wi-NIAN bv the nfiiiie if l.i ■ Id of U.i’ HilM^ -i ■ . t>'l’ Mow 1 at III 1} bv r.lii » iiu’iii 1- pi ibabiy in >ir iit-nr I'.'iv! • -eii .e-t .itl in thf iireiM lun '.f :'->n. a free inulauo man who ha-^ t-.-eii ■■[lenU'r probably on Ihe NV ilniingtoii ad a' u l)epot .N..rth ■■f War.i-aw. 1 w p ;y ^v' > .p delivery of 8ni'i)j:rl t.: me or b-dge 1 in inil in • 'otind in thi- County, r.r '*o if i d t'li is iiiV other t'ouiily and contiued in the ^»;l ol ® - the parly arresliug giving me eailv inSni'tii''. W 11,1,1 \MS .M-tf re; tii.n •,iit‘t)eneral Comtn-.»-«ioi! !■ A ilav. A \V Steel. Wni McL M. ■ .1 ■ .ii?.'—I nder the direction of Hector McNeil!. Wra. .J. Stewart, .las. Smith, I'an'l C .Mc- Nci'.l and Col. Alex. i^r any one of them. .1: rri^I — Under the of I»r. Neill McNair. l>r. \. 1>. McLean, .Arr’;ibald Siniih. K Imuii 1 Lilly and Col. Alexander \Va:si>n. nr anyone ot them .-Ir (^u- -rnsiltiU.—Under the direction of Mur lock M.'- ilae. D McLeod, D. McCalhim, Jas McKae. .Ir . an.. H. McQueen, or any one of theta. .1.' ~df- il'-. — ;'ii lerthe directii'ti ‘-f -1 >hn 1' ' ■ Jno. McNair, >n .\lford, DugaM McCailura and .hiO. Mlfalluni. or any me of them. The Subscription Hook- will remain .-i{'Pn f ; the spa.-e of OU days. When a sutiicieni sum i-- sub^ciibed (he Company wil’ be organiied for the purpose of build ing the Koad. A. .\. M.KKTHAN, if A. F.AV, A. W STKKL. \SM McL MoKAV. •JN't M K'tSl,. Cieneral C immi'-'ioners Fayeticville. .Tune 7, 'I'o Kaill'oad '(»iili*a4'torx. >l’.oroSALS are invited for the grading >f that j. ir- tioii . ; the Wp-tern Hailv-iad betwp.-ii ihe tiiilf and Ole iiiil in ('hatliflui (-oiinly. an.! aNo t-.r Mie tnaionty \t p'.ii'ition ati i_roti;tui; jic 4i ions to be nri ie tr. the «ub i.-ii!’fi. (iiilf I’.•■fTi e. Chatham lUiitv. .N. (' CK -. WA.^HINtiT^ \ ••., ] -I z >’7- ‘ Hi u .i \'i i:i» TO iiiKi:. j.'iii \ ULF r.ojd Kl» Nl'til’.ii >1F\ ■ . w .ri; .hi tie Itailroa I in fhalhani emni y. i i' '- i.iHMider o! (he pi. sell! all I Ihe Pii-‘ii'.ii\r year ‘I'l’*.' W XSHINUli'N at Kinst:,n. .1 F IKCi I' ;'1p. . r W \.-'H 1 Mi I'l >N . i U M I i! lift' I * , f'hatiiaiii , N ( I II-* S, 1 ht.lV , I ill LOOK AT THIS! Till'; FtVRTTEVILyi IKITIIL, Frondii^ ^i(M) 1‘eet and in the huslnesH portion ol‘ the Town, «'«»iilaiii^ iii»r«‘ «»|>a4’ioii« aiii u«‘ll I A 4;i:?ir TIu' N**w stvlf. Small, j rOLOKKI) PKOTOt.UlPHS, I A r I ART. \%'oo(1m ai'it's ^olar f aiiK^ra. t)Hi.iroOfl.\l’ll.'^ »-au tje liud >it V nnor-?d«U's Skyligh (I'illei ,, Hay 'n,-!. oi'p.-'site Marble Vard, Fay etteville. N C . jdain, 1 et:iUohi;i!, • '1-red. in water j colors, oil and pastile-, from small to life size .Aiubro- ; types- .MelaneotTpes, nni\ all other siylo' ot Pictures • perfiiu' ig to (he Art. Also, init Frames. (Hit .Mould- ' ing, O' .- 1 t'or vury large pi.-tures -ts large a-j by 1 ;ucbes. Jord and ra-.seis ;„r h-ingiiig j;i-.-tures; liiatru- j menls. Stock and Chetiiic il- tor s-.le ;ow for cash Lite i bire colored Photographs made from suiall pictures. ] H.aving permanently b- ated here 1 hope to merit your patronage. 1 would also ren.rn my 'in^-ere thanks for the .iheral patronage be't^wi.l on me heretofore by the good [leople of Favettevilie and vicinity. C. M. \ A.Ni>l;SI»KLL. Phot grajihi-^t and Proprietor. Dec'r ‘JO. IS-'i'.* 77- illarble Fact or .«»l C,iAK A.AII liHLS SU(!A15. 12 P.bls. N O. SVIU P. i i:i “ SCUPPKIINONO WINK. On consigjiiiipnl and for sale t'y I ' .lOS. I'TLFV. I Sej.t. ■-!. (i'J-tf I Adiiiiiii^lratioii A'otice. 1'^HK subscriber having unalif^ed as Administratrix on the Ksta'e of las Sandy, dec'd. hereby gives notice I i to {ill persons having claims against s.aid Kstate to pre- i sent them to Wm. McL. McKay within the time pre- ! scribe.1 by law. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. C.XTHAHINK Sl'NI)Y, Adm'x. ' -Aug t, 1 Si)‘J 'I'ho W'rtJ^nr /V»'«rjXv ^ accor.4i,,g to the provisions of (he foregoing ordinance j 'plant in South Carolina, growing in ot the Conveutioii. and that there is no odier perfon eu- - . " . i i tilled to make claim. The affidavit, of the ciaimani must. ; ‘dJ ti‘lils and alont^ the border.^ ot mea be sustained by that of one ilisiuievested witness, that brilliant t'lusfor>» ol bright sparlot flowers are well the facts staled are correct within his own knowledge known to us, a.s appearing in .lune and July. It and that he has no interest in the claim. The magis- oollcctod in autuinn The root is the traie admini.tering the oath will certify to the credi-i u.^od, atul is an excellent expectorant and 4't. ( AOTH'i:. \LL Persons in Kan-tolph ('ounty who have in (heir j.ossesjitiii “Pa(ent Me.Jiciiies" of any kind, a list o: wliioh ha."i been returned lo me, an- :n-ieby directed to doliver the same between now an l I 'oh day of No vember nex(. lo .A. H .Mar.-;h. .Asheboro’, who is au- (horl.'e l toVe.'pipt for the same Jt.'HN M.\NSIN’U, Jr.. Receiver I'itisboro’, Oct. IH, IHt.o. 7o-;!w Sale of a Large Lot of Patent MediclneM. ON Tuesday 18th day ol November next, at the .Store H use of .A H Marsh, in the town of .Asheboro’, (.’oun!y of Randolph, I will 3tfer for sale, for ca.--h. lo the highest bi.I.ler, a large an.i V iluable lot of P-»tenl ■Medicines. JOH.N M.ANNINi). Jr , Pkpcelver Piiishoro'. (>ct. 14, Ihtlil. 70-.iw s\i/r. 1>KRSoN.s wishing to send carts and wagons to the Seaboard lor Salt will find a supply on hand at our .''alt Works on the Last side of ihe mouth of Lockwood's Folly River, in Brunswick county, where they can at all times buy the article on .as goodterms as at other places. Piesiiles onr own there is considerable being tna-le in that immediate neighborhooil. RUSSELL & PKITCHUTT. llrunswick county, Oct. 17. 70-'itpd Land, .li ;;roeM, for 1W1LL Fell on tair itrms i;.;l ucres of LAND lying on Big Branch, within one aud half miles of Laurinburg itppot. on the W. R. R. R. There are on the pre mises a oomforiable dwelling honste nearly new. and all uece--siry out-houses, 1 will also sell my Mules, Hogs, Cattle, \c.. and a lot of NKGKtJLS. Any one wishing lo purchase can either apply to niy- •■eU' oil the premises, or address me at Laurinburg P. O , N C JAS. K. McLAURlN. ( lot. 1>'*-. 71-titpd bilily of the and the clerk of the County Court | , will certify, under seal, that he is an authorized and diaphoretic, acting magistrate. •^>. If the Claimant or claimants be minors, payment will be made to the guardian, upon the production of the proper certificate under the seal of the Court of his appointment and Ihe puliiciency of his bond—the claim \ te lie proved by hiti» as in other cases. j 4. .A beunty of fifty dollars, deducting the bounty that I may have been previously paid, is due to all persons who may have volunteered for three years-or the war, and to all persons mustered into or coi»tiniiPd in per- vice under the provisions of the Conscripti. ii .\ct. P>y order of Oovernor Vance. J. G. M \11T1N, Adjui iii: tJeneral. Oct. ' 7;’.-:5t Non (?onimissioned Ofticer.s, and Privates ging to this ('omman i ils * TWO lUIORS UllVK STORK T. IHICil iV >50 NS \VA\TED, I.S large quanlities, the following articles, for which tJip annexed prices will be paid, on delivery at the N. C. Military lustiiute. t'harlotte. N t' : y lb j;o -i') ■ ’.I I 1 (ht imrorerusl k LARllF, and well ^•\ CiP.Oi'KRlF..^ always ISacoti :Sid( S, \l.-,s I’l .M i:;, •.-.vd’ 0J rarer ies II ed k ■..( ti htiii 1. e i!i-:»!iiie .1' Ilk', Mull. . Alii-krr . Su. .r ' ;ii n I all .'tiuM- at :ii-!e ‘VV F.siubli h!iii-:ii I' iltiiiii^i.'U, \jfil I'''.l Kl. \o I I c i:. rplll’. l.'M*KRSIiM il. b.iih h iviur er 'r'l! .Arum rryphillum—Indian Turnip, root, .Asclejiias Tutierosa—Pleurisy Root. .Arisiobichia .'■^erpent.aila—\'irginia Sii-ike Hoot Acorus ('alamiis—Sweet Flag, root, -•'> .Asarum C.itiadensp Wild itincr.'r, root. .^o F\MIIV * Uornus hogwood. inner bark. '.’o Ci--sia Marilandica—Wild Senna, leaves. .'»o Cimi- itMga ll.Vi-enii sv P.Iack lUe lloor. ->0 Cmiii^iptiilla L iiitielliita Pipsi- -".va nr Princess Piue, *iO :il ■ C , ti-i.-j .'^coparln • Scjlrh Hro-'m, t'op ofsieni-', -'.-O '■il.sieiiai Cayenne Peppi-r, p . 1, 1 no ‘lie tir i- I -pyi ' ' \ iiginiaua Pei-‘luimon P. ii k. tin rotit, .;(• 1'atai-I .''I r.aiiioiuuiii .ianiesi.’wn V.Ce l, se»-1 ,v loui', lo , ,i . f-,11'irlna Ol rolalM I'loi.ining .''jiiirt;e, looi. .>0 ,, ,t J Fuphorbi.i Ipecacniuhae .^'ueri.'-in Itie. ic. 1 oo l'u;ia!oriiiiii IVrt'olin!iiin lloiie- jp;. It .ive-^. "it j I-rusera Walteri \iiiericaii t'o'.iimt- '. t\‘ot. >0 (Jil'eiii I I'riti.liala. I , , 1 Indian Plivsic., lo •tie mill- j •• .''tipuLacia, ) • ’ ^ Headquarters Fort St. Philip, W. C. ( )'TOP,FJ{ 21. ]St;2. SPECIAL onUHli, No. 18. OFFICFRS, belonging to this ('omman i. ^-hether absent on detached service, or otherwise. ;i • . i-dered lo return lo duly h'l’tnHittehi. Otficers friiling to comply v'-'i this order will be re commended for dismissal fr. i:i l Uik No certiticate of .lisatiiliiy, other than from a .'-'uri-'enn or A«- i-'tant Siir geon of the .Army will be ii . i,!-.! -is evi.ieiii'e of ina bility to report in jieison. liy command of JN^. .A RlOHARl'SON, l.ient Col ('onunanding. J. P., Hancock. Lieut and .\eiinft .Adj'i [73-(')tpd .;ri\ii «to.\k«. ^pill. subscriber is prepared to furnish ^■ilCI.'NO 1 STO^IN of any size, from 1,^^ inches (o 7 feei dia:ne(er, eijiial to the .Vova Scotia .Stones, which the}- resemble. They have been tested at the Fayetteville .\rsenal and Armory, and apj>roved. Ad-.lress PATRICK LINEHAM, Piianch P O. Chatham Co., N. C. Or JOHN MAUNDKR. Raleig^», N\ Oct. 2.', IMI'J 7o-lmpd Oeiital Pi’ac’tire loi* Malt*. 10FFLR for sale privately my Dental Practice in Fay etteville, N. C. Tlie otiice occupying four rooms on second ti‘)or, well furnished, together with several oz. of GOLD FOIT.. GOLD PL.VTF^ and SOLDUR. A large supply of VUI.CANITK and TLETIl of all kinds. Also one-third interest in n vineyard lying four milee south 0^ Fayetteville, containing seveuly-tive acres. Those owing me will plase cail on Mr. Alex. John son. Jr.. and settle. .Address R SCOTT, Greensboro', N. C. Oct. -J7, 18''2. 78tf • A C AK». 1AM much imposed on by certain young men in this place, who keep late hours and do not like to dis turb their own people, but who find their way into my lodging rooms, occupy my beds.^ ami always torget in the morning to discharge certain liMle diuies nt the otGcp. This species of imposition will also applj’ to my dining-room. 1 am at all times prepared to accommo date guests, but 1 must be paid for il. aud unlesK this sponging operation is slopped the otfenders will be pub licly exposed. T W.Ai>UILL, Proprietor Fayetteville Hotel Oct. 2''. IS'-J. 7:;-?l .\OTiii:. Vr September Tenii, A D. o; the t'onrt of Pleas i Qiiarier .Sps-ji.ius of CuinberlanJ t'ounty, Ipttp’-B if .Xdininistr uion of the F.sta e of the late Wiirreii Winslow were graiitf.l lo the subscrib'r Per-ions indel'ied to (he dece.ased ire notified tn in:ik.- pa3 iiieut. 'I'iio^c h..vii;g cl'iinis be settle.i must pre sent (hem in due lime or this nonce will be ple:i.b‘d in b ir of a rectivcry. * M \R\ \. WlNSi.oW : N't H I('i: ON TI I'lSD W of December Court week, ihe FI. RN'I- ri'Rl'; 111 the laie Warren Wiii'-lmv will be >^ol.l, .-u SIX monitis'credit. M.\lt\ \ WINSl.oU.'x »i-t. l-'i. iMiJ 7 ’iispd hereby give n.nice to ih-*ir obt cu-ifomers and triends, Gentiana Catesbei .Aiiiericaii Cieniiati. root, that (tiey hive 'ii.iioinre.t -I.ilin I*. .tarr aul John D. Gaultheiia Procumbens Uiniergreen, leaves, Uilliaiiis. Ilf t!iis pin,-e. their ■•ttorney-' to c.illecl either i Gelseiiunium Semperviretis—\e!lo>v .le-^atuine Hoot, septratelv or o-iii| .intlv all iii iin-v- liu- them either by ! Hiinnilus Liipiilus Hops, 1 siO lte%vard. appreliin-*ii:n who r.Ttiawav (he above reward for the tu-Pieii' ; my iii'in C A L\’( \ ■ III I hree week' ■' i ly a ipwar-l f Fiftv l»..i' ir I'lr iiiiii-ioiil avii'! :iny per-^^iti of harb irine liiin. C.'il- '■ ’ 'f age. ■') feet I*’ oi' 11 ini ' • hi *!i, . and weiirhs -iK :in l',(j p umds; he w -^niuil ; ings :n hi^ eav-j H.. ^ j,orxt or ship carpenter. ■ i-ll known '.liioT I--.ycKeviUe and \\ liuimgi ,n. iin times calls iiiinsrli (';i\via .lohn»-on. THKO. ANS. ■ M. lh&2. ,;Mf I'OTTOA .VAK\. .\o. 19 Hay Street. C. p. mallktt. "h'2. «c‘iitilaf(‘d ItooiiiN than aii> ilo(4‘l ill tli‘ ^ilat\ ati'l tii\ I’atiutis .-av luv (’ondiniont very l'ohJ ‘■■r thf tinio.s. T. W MUig.L. l*roi»i i«'lor. .^l ly 20, 1:m,2. -,v Fayetteville Female lligh School. ^nilll exercl«es of itiis [nstitulion will be resumed on 1 (he 2'''ih of .September. I’iie si'holastic year will be liivi.led into Iwo terms; (lie 1st of 1 ;•! week-, coinmeiicitig 2''tli of Sp(n aii.l cn 1- ing 2lih Dec.; ih(‘ second of 27 weeks, comiiieiie'tig 1st rif .lan’y and ending .Inly Ut. 1’irents and (htardians intending to pa"iiiiize this .S-'hool are earnestly requested to a( }'!y t''r :Mn;Miars containing full particulars in regard to lot ms. a:c . h.-fi,re the opening ot the .School. Rev. W.\L JlOOi’KPi, ) , T. C. HOOPKR, / July 17, 1SC.2. 4;Ml.'iJpd ARIIV IIAIti\fr>f». AM prepared (o manufacture all kinds of Wagon HarneiSH for Army use. I lan my leather and can give good bargains. .Agents wil' do well to send their orders to me ad they shall have prompt attention, and sent ofl in ijuick dispatch. .lOHN C.ARTFR Goldsion P. t>., Ciiatham Co.. N. C., ( , .lune i;^., ' Uii^f and Tobaofo on roii-isuiii.iK, ^orllit'ai-oliiin ie‘a«l>i‘s. acoouiit >r uoie. and oiherwi-e to allend lo their bii- . .siness generally diirln>r llieir absence. they respect fully ask all pi-r-.oti' ia lebt.-d t jthemt.) cail as proinpi- ly a- po^.-ible on (heir ageiitt Mid make paviHPiit. a- .HiR A- ui'lliams Sept 1''. I'- .1. (f OIL AN!) L.V,MI’ l!L.\('K. riVVNNFRS- and i.l'URD’ATlNti Oil. I I,\MP Ri.M'k ill b-\rreN. For oale by .loS R p. LoS!-JO\l ,v C((,, Wilmingloii, N. (', • March 7. Ij if To l.iaiid ifiiyrs's. ^pin'' undersigned oilers for sale, in the Coal region, I an.I within eight miles of the tei iiiitois of the Fay etteville i Western Rail Rond on Deep tiivcr, KHillT HIMIIIKII AtJiHS OF b\M), a'ijoiniiig the land belonging lo the e'-i.-Ut; of George Wilcox, doc'd, and lying three miles Smu li from Car- bonlon, on Liiilc Pockct ('reek. Moore ci.iuily. liaiids are well a la[ited to the j;rowili of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, .vc. There are on the jirem- ises a comforta>ile Dwelling, and nil tiecessiry Oiif- . houses, with about one hundrci and li!iy acres under fence, including foriy or f.fij’ acres d never-failing , bottom land. This is a r-tio ch '.Tice t'or persons wish ing to make investments, as j unis ure undoubtedly ad vancing in )>rice in this section, , For further inforin.ation aj'ply to .Mr. >1. M. .McRae, Oane’s Cre*«k, P. (>., .Moore couniy. or ;;ddress nie at Fayetteville, N. C. DAN ILL .Me RAF., For the Heirs of Griia‘rt .M ''Lae, deo’d. Hvosi’iaiiiiis .Niger—lleiibane, leaves and seed, Hydrasiis Cana.leusis —V ellow Root. Juniper Communis—Juniper Rerry. Le.intodon Taraxicum -Dandelion, root, Lilli Semen — Flaxsef‘1. :^2 per lai-'be’. Laurus S>4s->iifras—Sassafras, liark of root, Laiirus Sassafras, piih, h Lavandula — Lavender, tiowerd and stem-. Monar I'i I’unctaia — Horsduiint, leaves. .Mentha Piperita Pepi'ewiiint, leaves. Mentha Viridis .Speaiiiiint, leaves. Polygala Senega—.Seneca .snakeroot. Papaver—Poppy heads, 1 Panax tjuiiyiuefoliuin—tJiii.-eng, itiot. Pinckneya Pubens, bark. Itubus Triv.ilis —Dewberry, smaller branches of root, Riibus Trivalis—Rlackberry, smaller branches of root, 20 .\oTiri:. i \N Wedne«‘l.“.y of December Term of Ihe ('ourt of I I f Pleas and ijuartei- Sessions of (,’umberland County, '*0 I the Residence of Ihe late Warren Winslow will be offer i ed ai public sale. ! The properly Is well situalel and is well known in j town. The house is furnished wiih gas in every room - ' I'he oiii hoii*es are ample and in good condition. \p ;o ) ply (o .V RCl+1 P>.A LD McLP.AN, Trustee ! o.'i. 27. lSi.2. 7:!-tspd i»i A'OTIt'K. ;-:o Pnccoon, or Blood Root, is a common plant throughout the Confederate States. 15est col lected in autumn, but may be collected at any time. The root is the part used. It i3 emetic, expectorant and alterative. St nekd Snahe Root grows abundantly in the Southern country. It possesses emetic and ca thartic properties—is a valuable expectorant, and is highly jirized in chronic coughs, asthma and croup. It has been employed successfully in rheumatism and dropsey. It should now be col lected, The root is the part used. Strptni'trln— Vinjinia Snake Root—or Small Snake Root, grows abundantly in South Carolina anti throughout the Confederate States. H is a jdaut ot great value, and the collecting siioul-t no longer be neglected. It is a, medicin t.i^hly valued bv our planter», as an excellent tonic tind stimulant. American (ifntiaii — Rlitt (jtiitnni or Samp- son Snai-r Root, is one of the purest tonics in the vegetable kinglom. It grows in grassy swamps and on the edges of roads, and blossoms Iroui Sep tember to December. As a medicine it is little, if at all, interior to the European Gentian. It ex- cite’^ the appetite, invigorates the powers of di gestion, and is much esteemed as a medicine in dy.'ipepsia. It is well known to u.s—its flowers are of palish blue and bell shaped, aud is one of the most beautiful plants in the Southern country The root is the part u.sed, aud may be collected during the fall and winter months. Canada Snakf Root—Wild Ginger.—This plant i* tound in woods and shady places, as far South as Carolina. It is aromatic, stimulant and tonic, and may be well employed as a substitute for ginger; all parts of the plant have a grateful aromatic odor, and more powerful in the root, which is the part used. It also possesses diapho retic properties, and is sometimes usei by the country people as a substitute for ginger. It is an admirable adjunct to tonic iniu.sions and de coctions. It should now be collected Calamus S^rcrt Flay—Found throughout the Confederate States, in low, wet, swampy pla ce.-^. It is aromatic and a stimulant tonic, anti is used with great advantage in pain or in the Momach or bowels, arising from flatulency, and in torpor or debility of the alimentary canal. The root is the fiart used. (Queen's Ihlijht, or (Juceii’s Boot, is a medi cine of considerable value in scrotula, cutaneous, chronic hep:itic affections, and secondary syphi lis. It grows abundantly in pine barrens, from Virginia to Florida. It is alterative. The root is the part used, and should be c43llected late in the fall or early winter months. I'inf: Roof—Carolina I'ink.—l^iow- '>uud antly throughout tlie Southern and SouthwcsLern State-; It is on«* of uur most powerful cnthel uiiutio. ur w.irui nu'dicine. Combined with sen na it i a nieAlcitie ol' great value. The root is the part Used, and .-^hltuld be ooll oled in iiie .•'priiiLj and tall iiiootlis, 77, I'vk:, l ojjtuionly called /'vrt/, glows jbund aiitlv tliroiif’li-.iit the t'onlederate Siate.s, alon; iehcc-. I'V till' lii.rdi-r.s i.t wouds. aud in newlv cleared and iitii'uitivHtevl tields. It i^1 ei'uetic, sliglitiy nareofi-*., and o(‘casionall\ oathariie. It is alsu alterative, and is highly rL-commendtd in rheuinatic afl'eetions and syphilis. Ointment used in it(“h and other cutaneous diii-ase.>t. Hoot is the part used, and should be dug late in autumn oi dufinsf the winter ("ut in transverse slices and dried ,\t a future time 1 will give you a description of medicinal lierbs and the time for coliccting. MEDICUS. r>o 50 r>» 7-”> 21* 20 ;’.o 50 50 ;;o Cartionton. Moore C '1 1.:t i'K.S -if frp-^h beai Rice and loO Roxp Mann 'un i Tobacc ), variou- i|ii:ilitlps. F o- 'ile by (j1;o, W. ILLl ..M.' ' CO. ■'!eville, .-’-'{il 24, lSb2. '■■>lf AOTH K. '■’’.ppL-t ti, lie absent from homt; a few ni'.’nt-lia in ' '■'•-‘I. .Archibald .Mi.-I.L-au is my Jtu'liori/.ed traui^act my bu.ines? until I retorti. tj .itiNF.''' t*u|iie»iol llie OI»wt*rv‘r ’■I' 1 by non-8ubbjriber8, at the liookbtora. ceui8. ((.TiOOL I’.OOKS are becoming very scarce, but we .J have on hand a good supply of the'NORTH (CARO LINA KKADFIIS, iNos. 1 and 2 by Rev. Professor Ilub- llt'adqiiarloi*!*. iViltiiiii^loii | Arliiicry% ) (’a.mi- I’livi.AN, July 20. J.SI31. lard ot the University of North (_arolina. and No by ' n'^HIS f’ompany, desiring to be coijiplete in etery re- ^ SiiperHitendent of I ommi.u Schools : | sptci, would be giaJ lo enlir.l a number of gooifOri- >1 Norm Carolina. , vers,—men liccustomed to the management of horses Our customers having well nigh exhausted our stock ; There will he paid lo each man, on enlistment, a bounty of Northern Readers on hand when the war commeucedr of $15. Monthly pay $12; besides being clothed and we hope will now turn their attention to these book^ by I fed, medical attendance free, aud all other necessary nonie authors, rather tlian allow their children to do ' equipments furnished for a soldi-r. without reading bookn. one need apply unless he is .i good driver and ex- Fcr sale only at the old retail pi ice.-^ of 2-5 cents, o8 i perienced in the management of horses. The destina- couts, aud 75 cents. j tion of the company is Virginia, as soon as e(|nipped. Statice ('aroliniana—Aiarsli Rosemary, root. Spir-ica Tormenlosa—Meadow Sweet, root. Salvia—Sage, leaves, Saliliatia Angularis—(.’entaury, herb. Solanum Dulcamara—Woody Night .^hadc, extreme twigs. Syiiiploc.irpiis Fivlidus—Skunk Cabbage, root. Spii;eliv Marilandica—Pink Hoot, Still'U"ia..Syivatica—(Queen's Rooi, Ses.ituui'.i l-.i'iicuin—Uenne Leaf. Ciicurbita Citriillus—Watermelon, seed, Cucurbita Pepo—Pumpkin, seed. Triosipiiin Perfoliatutn--Fever Root, Uva 1 rsi—P>earberrj’ leaves. Verairum Viride—.American Hellebore, root. Xauthoxylou—Prickly Ash, inner bark. These articles must be thoroughly clean and perfectly | dry. The reception ot which will continue until fur- ' ther ioiice. .M, HOWAP.D, ?urgeon | ,-indMed. Purveyor. C. S. A. i (,’ru. Polk at l\rrifriUe.—After the .sun had gone down on the bloody field of Perryville, and ?he gloom of evening overhung the scene of car- • II1 , . - . • - . . ^ . v .M.v na«-^e and death, even then, at intervals, bodies ot - ar...i-s,«oiiM oco,.io„.ny come io cot. I uniil the lOfh Nov. lSii2. . The ,set ti* consist of Cart- lisioii. (»eu. Llaiboume S OC)lUtnaDd, With -I j ridge box. shoulder t>eli, waist belt, cap pouch and ' whieh was tjen. Polk, just at nightfall came upon bayonet scabbard, and Ihe article to bp delivered, in- 3,, Indiana regiment. Gen. Polk wa.s f.ome dis* -J sped ed. and pa ill for in fUchmonl. Va. A sample or ^dvanCG of OUT trOOpS, and .Suddenly paiterii set will be fttrnished if desired by ihecom^ in the very midst of the Indian- ~!I! I * b'- (’o' *' .A . Fayoiieville, N. C. . ians, who were firing briskly upon Claibourne’a ’ ^ Slating price, etc. _ i columns. Gen. Polk seizing the Indiana Colonel • Oct. 20, 18fi2. i by the .!houlder, demanded, ♦‘Why be was fiving . upon his friends?” The Colonel said that he did liO^l * not know that he was guilty of such a blunder, /\Ni: piece of COLORED COTTON CLOTH, contain- , asked, “Who are you?” “I’ll show you who I I inp. 40 v;irds—four threads purple, aud four white; i j J . . . , • in the tilling, four threads yellow and four purple. | I am, said Gen. 1 olk, and then rising m Il was in my cart as I came through the Clarendon ! .stirrups he gave the f.rdcr to the Indianiars to l!ri ige. a little after daylight this morning, and was ‘ .i(;;g^se firing!” Saying to the Colonel, “iou prob .bly taken out while under the bridge. sir,” Polk rode Persons are cautioned not to trade for Ihe above cloth. Persons are cautioned not to trade for Ihe above cloth. ' • „ j „ «-oc nut of si"ht. .1 libe,,l «w„,i .ill be piicl for il, lo Mr. M ; »"'! ■''f ' Lead Faulk on Person Street. LARRY WOOD. | with .accelerated velocity, came dai,hin at Harnett Co., Nov, 1. 7t-2tpd long speed to the spot where (>en. l laio .rn-i — i “'stood. Pointin'? to the j-ankee.s he excla ti; I.OJ% I, _ . i them have boy.s tJ*ey are \ ankees, I’vt A The finder will be PAIR of GOLD SPECTACLES, suitably rewarded by leaving them at EDWIN GLOVER'S. ()ci ober 0, 1 .''i>2 ♦ iS-1 in on Hockfish. Oct. 2. IHt)2 Alter lliiK date 1 will pay Five Cents per pound for rags de livered in Fayoiieville, or at my mills D. MURPHY. (i-5- Oct. 24, lHfi2. lOO thn. For sale by October 17, 1862. 72-4tpd Ki.i c^^ro:\i':, J. A. .MCDONALD. Oakland, Chatham Co.. N. C. 7otf Feb’y 1, 186^. HALE & SONS. 96- [41 If] ALEX. D. MOORE, Gapt. Co. X, Eeg’t Lt. Artillery $IOO REWARD. I WILL pay the above reward for the apprehension and delivery to me of my negro girl RACHEL, who ranaway in .April last. She is a mulatto; ggod size; crooked some on the shoublers; of Indian descent; teeth somewhat decayed; about 21 or 22 years of age. R. MoDANIEL. 1 Oct. 2-1, 18S2. 72tf '^^tien'^Poik said afterwards that ht oounted not than fifteen balls as they penetrated hrs ba^k while he rode away from the Indianians. We •ire hapi)y to advise our readerrr, that on his ani- yal at this place, Gen. Polk had entirely recover ed from his imagined wounds; in fact, he wears a chatmed life. He has never been touched, neither , . ^ — j at Belmont, Shiloh, Farmington Qor Perryville, I *iOO lbs. wlllll Arabic tor wale by of ^hich places he ex'posed himself* to I ^'eOtf I needless dangers.— Charleston Courier. I ^Oct. 15. _ above pleasant paragrt^h from 1 TO VfLKRKf^ COURTS , the Charleston Courier, but think *‘re must be mHE.Sl.y .nime mistake about it. a., it i» .-.rlaii.. l^-.. I- t ! (rfCourf wix/out payment in advance. Please send arrived iu Charibbtou, tiAuugh ihc v,uuiii;i

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