r mm luU **'■" 'I \-,L 'l-nn.si . M.K:u . ll,.„rv " II .,1.„, , ‘ ^ ' 'v-.n,., Si' ■ i. . .1 " \u.u *1, i; \\ ‘ \ It 1=.., >^l!: \ Uli ■ ^11 H Av.r. it*i, ‘OVMl. K (’ irriii -; r IS K'!i -J 1! H)iwe» II >t.,nsiii N l’art- r.v;n K..M a ii Ibnti.iti orth. M S i; >U,ir,s llli^T.iil l» l> Mi'Noill am. James Ueyncldj N rienfliiu J 1> ''arj entii >. IJ-- H ll'olttcs t* T:- A -.i fli H Alt..rd. Wu, La»= ' }Jendt;N.r Iv ("j.ivvt .rd A H Haru’it. 1 E. iaui 1. Vanc-cj, r i‘ srt \V J ■hiHon, S’hij ^] I ;.her, A K Mu- ill. 't:rt Toombs I> .r;, fr, \\ ilHaa rr-.qr. J J Semite* pr: ' i Hi-.'wn, Jt:ne k. I’ - V ?eyr.r ■ - ’ . n;ivi,'\V... i: -V r:arnwf: 11 V’:. • . \'. : Ul'lhm r, j . ' : ! ^^r;^ •; IFN \K la- . , -tt-r. >Va h ^ = i ., FruHw.i • J. ^ l‘;,L. V J :• ri. il .li ill' rlati :. I IJ H«niT ):.w 1? H lli'f.i. li . ' . . ( J Mu: ii r I > t 111 \\ Ltrw,.' if, . .1 I \' id , 1 -•. ! I'urre. A] !. ..I , I . • t h“fv ( 1 V P'^- Ti W N H 'J I* MpHowtl^- .) K ^\ \, It.. \V 1"^ K. = r. 11^1^>0U.,MF 'h( Menee“ ,vi>l :rrin 1' i rprWJi-’} /^! I . .rn . - iTv.r,Tb.^ . 1' lluicOffiW’ rnith \ H ilr , \ ’uirer Pre?»!^' In. \V • coin's. ET\ if K .r- BH.i i \J»eDturt* 4®- J. HALE a H Of Fer^oiia* Ea!«rg«J I.. I-. Notes 1 S ^ F. Iff 1 - W Fi Fi 1C T \(FL. \ll.l \ WK’V'iEMlAA.. S. C.. NOVEMIiKK 10, 18()2. [NO. 1176.. ,;IM': i' ^I«»M>AV^^ NP rnrilSltAVr j. IHLi: \ SO>S. i.i II'oiis; -\Ni> I’luiiMnn'ou." . . •.,! W ,■, : ;r > , ii ••• W'i sri KN livii !■ >\i» Oi rn r, ^ ! a\ i‘ftr\ s rAvt':TTi-VII.M-: /rlli'n AL ■ . ■ ' ■ ■ I jril.i ill I I s Ti >■! (! > V ■ I \\ ■ 1 ■ I • H •>' H \ V l; ■- ■•" ;• i-iM \v Cui'itnl ill I'll .in !;;.!! ( Iiiliilii -•1 i •• )•) I" VnVLiniSl.Mi N 1.- t ; ■= ' '! i•> liiit'-i for I' e M • t, rin‘1 '• '‘-'i' liiip pulOii'fii i" ' S ('•i i Iv ,i.)vi'rt i*-'!!'(» Titrncl , :U f*'" ''‘if-'c ’ *''■ \ lvo ,■ I '.t ihi' )iuiii5 «'V .ii-JtT';- II' ,■ ' . , .mit‘1 ill r. ll' i. U'- l : 1 iU’jf I til- I,,r t ).y - i •’ f r - TwrlllN fiv.' ■a.i...-. ■ • .. , A In-w III K'ti’k l>l;IU.'h I.' ,r, U) Mel vpf'---, fulilii i.inn! v, ill tif it' i [ ,■ n in' n •ti' I \,y ih :.'ll 'J' ,l .1,-. .V l- ■ etufui.' I* I'e ni'v'teil SFKO’“ VorirH. 1 tlii" i.ste. r.o imim-.'! iicrO'i x'ith.iit in ; 1 : 0 'BUI 10 'Ui'll snb'iTi''iM ' ! I 'V if \r i .1:' ie-ii'c '.'I', w.'.' : Ion'S!'iiiMit'v h'l''i9ilt \\:ll j»ii illlo fttri l 111 •^iiio, whit-ti will I’** I rintoil mu.I iiirni-ihi’ ! t,. ill u IV'W ilfiVf' l’>y .ilill'T ii!' the t’rOH l JN> M 'I'von f \\ U A»^ ;i», isi'i-j. ' I h»* -'ihie K I'o. ■'••iif u i:.%ti:r\ kaii. koiii. ■,;i l liter Mon I'ly the ‘Jl’'! insit., Ilu* l'raiiii on :i'lv:lll(v. Uu l' V !l ■; I1--'V -!i e I ii ; »!•• t : M- W n n ii:-,: • Jan'v !. 1' .ill i; ■>’’lock, A M.; rfiiinrmp lo-\vo Molv^i’s 1'. '■cl'H'K. r M, H. MALl.Ki'T, Sejit. 1Sil’. ihin Komi will run iJ;tily, lenvinfr Frtyem-v-llo ;\i t' at 1 i ro-; t. ;I., I '(■'ii’IU.i If.Ff. .Uri.. Attorney at Law, I'.VYETTLVILLF, N I'. LL HttenJ the I'ouniy auJ Sui't*riur \inrts i . :iuiberlau'.i, ILirnf^ti. Moore Hii i tw ’ v' n (' .uu I’rompt aiteutinu given to the c'’looti 'ii o! all .■niruste.l to his haU'ls. 7, If'-V,*. 'k- f i gc ( •iliO. W. WILLIAMS i lit,. in l-Jrorcric**. AM> IMl>OKTFK^ AM= i\ /lardware aou Cutlery, Sivfdes Ireu, A;f., HVV STRKKT, VWKrTKVlIlK, \. (. July IS'il , COX. U. P KF.Nl.Ai.l, .1. KKNi:\l i. 0\, KEMIAM. X 0 . i oiiiiiii5«^i€»ii tflimits A N U WHOLESALE GROCLRS. . So. 11 A 12 North Wau r M., Wiluii 1121)111, . I. |jj> it-r- from itit I'juuiiy i-l '■‘■I --/ '■ ’ - jr2*^ pAriioul IV atu'nii ti e^v. >-i ■. . ,;t*r vro luo*. J.'irtil. T. i . 4V U. U. WOUTIi, i omiui«'«iou and Fornardiug J^lerchauts, Wll/MINGTON, X. i’ .1 au y 'J •. . ' • i 1 ^ i A K O! FE'V LVDILS c ' r J:re 1 v»iih at iie Veu;.l.al V- j 'NDEJi 1.: p pr.ivi-: .ii-^ I !' nn t; r.lttiarice o; the « -u- I ven: n ( 1 .N. ril. i lU ..tliri'i. P.,,. tviii ’ e i.pe e i e’l ■ e 1 '.I ii .t . ri .■ :.t tllP ; .i' .VVi.'li- pl'l ; .11 1. let : !,e di- r-‘ '[ion i*f ■. ’ f'1 tie 1 rso*.- T.'..'.‘iv I* ^ciip- L in-^ t : ihe (?-t’i :al S'-: k ..! ‘ho -Fl..r-‘to' • *. F.yeitt- vi ,■ R I ■ R |i '• Hiiiiiii.'i I* ■ each l! /; . J; 1 -1 . - r :i l--r ‘ho 'i.- Ie.-!ion .it III I'Oener.'ili ■rnmiS'.!,.n .*! , \ .\. \Ic Kt'thun. D R'lV. A W Steel. Wf \\ oL .’d.'K'i . v I* .1 Jno M .t A itif an00! A .'!n;:h. M S ■tuv ! .1. i i' Mo- • ■ !' t I'.eni. . !■ It N, i:' ■ Ml. ! :H‘ of ; ill i;. • .CV ^i - .Ir . -i J-h' Ai tr.ioi the Ue ir years >f age, ab.idt S' Uoilai> KvnaiMl. suoscnber, ;■! m.k^u Md- t 1 ' jng feet and very mui h t..i-nei . ,■! ; : n-j in^ • -k- liown when yj .’ki u :■). iie wui : . ‘■n it . ii Miiis in llobe.-»on county on the ^i't ul'.. II- ;u Kayetteville about three vrtn'kr n^o. Ttie itK.i'l Will be f.i.vl for i.u- or !c>r i' ia“ut ill any :i*. ho lii i; 1 ^ei U :i; W i> Ji-l’N "N vHle, Aug. I I. I "'-’ ’= ' i !^ioo R i:\V A at II. i S froir. uiy «t:ible, ne i,-... * i-. . i* :!:iy, N. «'.. "n the ni^ii! ■: '!;■ 1 ‘ ‘ ■ - ■ ■ ; M41SE, heavy Imiit :> lo.; 1; , ‘ i’-i- ! iille in.'irks. Ni"*- !!*«•■ ;;; :■ i- ; i ' i-> . -uorl trot anii t.-io.': !’• : • 1- v. r ’r- III wa« ecu lurkiu^' ,n i ■ ■ ii- z i, •> ■ : tie the liiief, who iu-w.' - ’ ■ ; ; i •.' 1 - u; -- -ir J'J ye'i, o-'l i . > ■ .’ ■ui.tenaui'e. lij^iii '.r .v, i ■ At>: • '■ ;.'“et S in w a ■ ■ • . :imt’le J. (U; •. UrW. Mo': t'ray t': innel -iiii i and 1 ' I .)f ho'irili wit . ‘ : •!! ! ; ; 7' will lie t .r : >■ j.iIi: o U'tii.n .'1' : Vi.' ' 1 ‘ r • ii>- Ii i J t, McN (‘ill, Wm. .1. S’l W li t, : Neill an 1 t'ol. Alex. .MoMiii in At F' '.;' C’U'Qi.—Under iiis- ' i McNnir. I'r. A I> MoLt^an. _\i '.i'. Lilly and (’ol. Alexander in. .1^ Vi — L’n ler tN** dir i-ne. 1* McLeM, L* McCaii'im, Ja: ii. Mcyueeii. or any one of ihejn. .1." .1,;'■ •a. — I nderihe JireC • Mo\air, :5i in Aifor.l. l»ui; iLi Mi C 'l:'Ca!!uui, ;ir :iny 'iie >f t' i-rr,. The Snl'icri]'tion I’>ookr will re:n-::i .'ti!-V-'f *j ) d iy :. When a siifticioti' -u:i. the t 'onipnny will organireJ f t t!:.- pur iuc the K.iad A A, MrKKTH \N. 1). A. n\\. \s -IKrll., WM M. : MoKAV .iN'o M (ietipra'i ' i:: i:'. ::inM'> r i vcUf. ille. .lllUi' 7, 1 • J. .■a f ,r ;n.‘ - w. -•:t itip 1 .if >'Uiid ’ri» |{aili*»:il 4»iiti’a4 1>l’J»l‘t''-'.\r.S are inv'i. I for th,‘irr*. iiii-’ ■’ fi,.ii , t' ill- \Vi";t> V’l {''ii'io I i i-i'",’. (•re Ilii'. i:i (’iiaiLuii cmi'\. ;in.l u^u t o : \ M"ti it.ii u'l 1 la.niiijj. 'ii'n“ to V>'- lo ie '■ ‘J' ; iti.M- I ill f I’o t fi'U ;i!iiii Oiiii! ((‘■I \V WWTiU luo 'I'o Hiisi: t .1 I • “f Mailroa 1 in • 'h i; ■ ' I’.'iO [•!■• :Ui 1 he eii - \,S 1! 1 N ■-1 111N a'" KI ii'-i.' ’I.v -ir > \VA.-iliN. ! ’f i' .«'■ ^ »Mi (■ •: ;i'tr y.' ;■ r .1AM I \i: A: ISaitaifHif. \ 1 I’M U'O.M \N by he iiar:!- .r i ! i, 1.1 :i ■ .ruinr !;o. br.t m >1 111 i li^cd I •111 11 1,1 w.»niaii ir- ^ii.ibaMy m .Vf ticeii led .itl' 111 the tii.-.‘'t.iii . >uintm, ;i free nmlattd i.,.in who h' I'jMjeiiter prot-Hhly on ih • NVilmi .'i;'t:iRd a' .1 L>ejio( N.iriii 111 V\.n •r ;he dehvory of- said ^irl to iito or ..'M. i! • uiid ill >\i- Ci;nnly, .: . >'■ i n.i ill any other (’ounty 'iti’i cmi’in. d in ifi-- • . - itii.-. he party arfe-^iinn pivin? mo eruiv ii.' ■ ; I lie '.'iine, .l\0 i« Uli.1,1 AM .'Ville. Aug. IS'.i'J. f Ii Kewaird. /:-.y ihe aliDve reward lor i'>e ij'r' ■ J ■ iii nruifiii nt IdV man (MlA’IN. wli '■' Ml iiu; iiIm.ui tiire" week; ' W'U uno j.-iy a reward •}\ Fifty | , .|:i‘.|-;,:nl ,»v;.l. n -e *!. ... ,vici any p' Ts iii ol harh o. ir ' - il- vin 1.1 uo. . 1 i_ yciirj of .liTo. ■> leet !'.• o\-11 ir.fi h. . ick. and ilujut ponU'lh; lie w.- ir.^ siiisiU ; ■ 1 nu(f‘> ill hi- e „ s He is a boat or ■-' '.I nell known Fayeiteville aii : inetimes call- hin:nitC:ilvin John:^-)n THH«> ■lie 'III. ■11-^1011 na wav f ‘ O nil M: .1.,: I, (h. J'i7.(ihH i;ti •').t77 '-■> l'-’.7ii> 'l [.’.onipily, and : ,'ti;i ulU niil i '• . • t.'ji'J A V\K4^. i .liiir) iH'ur ForJ FKlier, V. ^PIIF iinder'jip’iie.l, loiviiU* in tlie .-\riny ol the C,.u 1 fe.ii'r.iifc Iiw!>eci Ii:lly ■iiin.iinjce'i iiini' i*;'' h o.in.ii.la'e !tii^ t hi-f (’!i > k III ihf Hon-!.' of ( oinnnn': of li'e !io\i Lep;i‘lMtui •’ ntiv’iiir pii'j'.i.J two '■'intri-' in • iiiiioiii'V Hilh lorti -1 1.1‘jri^l ai i VO Itodi-". lie iiii.-ls th'.' hp hax Coll i.ler.itil.- .>n .|iriini’Ui.'c \ul)i ihe diili 'J ot If)o po‘;ition ill'Nii'i' I! I'iM.'i'ON Vi!". '2-~> lif (U;i» n \ M.N' u \ 'lil-.vl Vie,. Al>« a^.XT. Honrs I illv H L'Myr,'..,-v M liav.li y, N'lthun A. If'tiuan • . 11. Malleit, .1 anie? K \ !e. A A. M.'Koili .n. .1. I.'. Willi.anis, .S \V, Tillintrh *'! hn Col1in« an.! ' •■'3'f‘ Tlie t'onipan- Ai.iy -8. I'-tll. Urn I' I lUK-rl.iii, 'v W. t^.ieei, .1 ok. '! .i! J . t '. heph.'l-iT II. r. 1$T..W1:, > H'»n. Mot'ninrnon. r>';ivtiliii£; Agent‘s ivitf api’lionti,.-!-; L'l- Kni*in«‘«‘r onico Ulstrlrt olTaiM' Frar. i .'’'irriivii.i.r. (n'l Hi, ISijL'. j' r iti-' ha\ int: e!:iiiii9 ajjrtiii'.;! the Mutineer l>e- u'Tiietit f. r iii'iieri'il - or aei.vioe^ apj.lie i in iho I''i: iriiii'ian of .ielenoe>» in North t' ;i oliiia. r in have Iheir olainis ex iiiii!i“ I, uii.i if ^11) purte.) liy ".iIim'arloi v ■riitii’aieH of otliiiMN atiiliorize.l to order ilio pxpendi- .\V. I*a>iiii‘iil ol Sla(t‘ iSoiiiit> dfCcaMMi SoliliiTs. i:xi;rrTi\i; i>i:i*aktm!'NT n i . ) All I'T^NT tiKS'RUOsrU f !la’.-iir!t, (»ot 17. I [Oi.'VKPM. (>ui>r.i;.'. N.i. ] 'pill! lonDwint' Itf'^^iilatiiiii'' :ive i-u’di-hed tor I ho ia I I .riiintion of ihii-e per ii-. vvisiiinji: t i ira*’. boiin y lit d.'o 'H'e.l i^oMier-ill ;ipcor.iatioe wiilt -m oi dinaiioe of M l. (' iiv.’iiiion raiinpi! the ‘-'‘J.l dav of l'el.rnar\ l^’'i-: r.i:ii'i,ATiuNs i. Tlie payinpni of boiin'v to the representaMvo^ of decf i'Oil --oidi(‘rs i-. linked upon ihe oeriitioaie of the fotiiiio''.ndinJ ollicpr of the eomp:inv. who wiil state the lime ol the enrHlnienl of the '•‘•Idi -r, the date of hi« decp'i.je in ‘'ervjoe. the ainoiin; of !■ lUiiiy already [-ai.i i.y liie State. *in I the eniiuiany and v,.i;iiii.Mir !'■ wti o!i he Keifinjre.l ■J 'i’he oiaiiuaiK will tirike alii.iavit hel.irp a niat'is- ir.iii- that he or «Iip im the next ol kin to ihe dei'pased '! hK Foil ARMIES. ■ il' i-.UEF.N. lt' 1 .i wli.i'O providence watcheth . -n’! m .vh:je hand.- in the dispo«s! '.VO lo ik nil to Thee lor tliy proteo ;:!■; auii.i 11 .ican’iavi'nt atifl '/roat titiii . iiuiitis^ii'd. Ihoubusl, civUs ol tin I'lte, or pr.ived III'1 lUi'i ei|uitali!e. ihey will I'e pai 1 hy ; liee.ir-Uii^ lo the pioviiions of ilie f.irp^.iini; or.iuiHU'e rofo; ol;.'e 1.1 I his t >ll‘n Wiliii'giiiij. «' n Coi.LlN.'^, t' lj't. Lngineei'.s C. A. of the t'oiivevni«n. and that there i! no other y.Prf>^n en titled to iiiakp claim. The nffi iavii »>f the eiaiinani tniiK ■-l.-T .til l}li,= ; •d' all ev iji.t-. I i-'ii -iiiii bit- trens u ifli w inch w. in Thy wisJi'in. ).i'rmiti. li Mu- tnaiiv uniuiturnl anil dc'^tvuitive v,; r u> come tiyi)» Save us, we V»eM*e'.*ii Tlu o, tV mi ibo iiauds «*t i-ur eneiuii’s Wnfch over cur ^'.aher- ami husbands, and lirother.-^. and soi who, iru^unu lu Thy It iKv :itid in tht* riuhteoiisnes.s ol out oiine, ha\o Kone f‘>rih to tbe service ol iheir oouiuiy Ma> their live^ be j>recioiis iii Thy .'ii>ht Preserve them (ru’m all the tfaifgers to which they may .-e e.'spi ^rd. i^nable them stiece^sfully 10 perforiii tlieir duty tu Tliee atid to their country, Jtud do I iavit ^f the ciai.nani .nut.; I'ho-i, in 'thme infinite wisoui any power, so over be .cti.'^tained by th.ti of one diainicrcfiipd wirtip'^'^. iliat rule ovoiit.s, and so dispose the hearts Ota cugagtv Western Kallroiid Ofllce, • Fayeiteville. N Sej.t. 'J7. i p'lrpo.-e of inon-a ii.K S’ c.ipit .1 - . . k of ihi- iiy, I" ena''!e it to. exti nd ihe IbiM ’. ‘'roti, the t’oal Fii’liU tit the North ('‘iro'iun Ho'ol. ilio follouitip iTenilemon have been api.iint,' ! ('‘••inini^-Miners i i r.-- ■ eive sub..jcrilii'r> in li . ir several nei.'h' nh. .1-. vi,?. \t (inlf—1. .1 Haujrhton l’rook iiarri', I'l \ovby an.I 0 \\ i:-hini;i.m .Mu've the Gulf—In.I .1 (;>>’ I-:.in. .Jam.' ;iive^ uid lluKb \\ liixoii At Ore Hill—(.i \V (iolilstcii, I*r i. W tinrrell and \ M Alston. •Al.ove Ore Hil!—Ib.n'l H u'’kney, \ b Mnrsn .qn i ,I;is I’aco. .Vt FoU't's Mills- Itr H M Fon=?* an l Hr ,1 H tir:ive'. .\t Frar.klinsvillc and vioiniiy I H I'.iii-t '.n,i A Horney. Ai A--!;iU.iro—.lotiHtlian Worih :iii.l l’> F Hoov, r. At Ni-w Market- W alkor 1 .1., -eph Nowlin. At Th-niasvi!!o - .\ U K .'tei anl .tiio \V rii \t H '^^ti Point Hr K ( l.iudsay -it’d ,^eib,.iti I’eviv \t Siileia — Frftiii'i' Fri.',- .and F, 1. 1‘ai'er ,>ii \t I'c'eetisborn’ !' i' Mek ieiiiin t, t'e:-‘V .vdmi . H..n •' \ »i;ii:i r and .b' -e H Litui-av lnsi ■i!,' i,.n.j n'r.’i he ,.i;t t.ji (' .tai'ji' ; u.-' 'i.i «n i-ariv .las t'= ihp I’ro-ii lent i.i :he (' .tm. .ViV t.Hi’ .1 M Kii.m:, U’ \\ (\. Fioreufi' and Favi‘tf(‘iilif* kail 1 Tin: AOSSTlli i'AROLIAA IH friL LIFK l.\S! ilV\(K 0>iPANV. Nin 1 he tenth H»'oi Palma ESraem. ''jMl (2 siihscribei Will ]isiv ihe highest c.asri pi ioe-for I :iriy ijnantity of 1‘abtii t'hrisii P.eans. •I A WolITll. i'aveiieville. (Jci. >. (i7 if growniir cmi.o-i. i- fi lenoe. (•• ■.»• iT.iu : , 'on- fr.iiu 1 t I ; V. - ye;’r'!, at- ! t'oriit- u : .Ml sl.ives l! .O ll: on.' year i f- . -ve AU h ai-tf i s ;1 i'^f.actiiry proof i |n- For {f •ttior infiirni,. •Vic.-nts i.'‘Uie Oonq.^iii R ii ■ .lan'v iK.'i'.t i.r ~ii. li:..l.= i. ’■ lie -■'fill vipernliiin. with ' i up.Ill }ni!ilic ciiii- ■ ■ ^ all healthy i" . ■' iiio' year, for sevot! rin.r ill the profil*'. ■■ve iii'urp.d f.ir ; • lifiv value, i M 'Ml .lays nfijr ^-.i'-’ is r-.ferred to ■* V . he rfiate, and to ^ L ' iry, Ualeigh. H Al.i; '.^ent at !-’ave 'oville, N. 4(1 sk;ar a\ii ^ioi.\?*si>. 1? i?M N It SVItl'r, l'> •' srri’l'KKNdNC WlNf’ • *ii eotisit;nmetil and for ~ ile hv ‘j.t ■loS. ITLIA »'.--tf A ■ j : The Near Style. ■ ma!!, ! A diiiiiiiriil i*a I ion Aol icc. ^piiK ■-uliseriber havinp nuulifioil as Ailinini.'tnitrix on I the F.'tate i.f .)as Sun ly, dc;‘ d, iipreby j^ives notice to tlii porson-j havuie claims afraiti-t sai.l Kstare to pre sent tlifiii to Wr,i MoL ^U■Kay witiiin the time pre- “cribv' I l>j law. or thi.s ii'>tie8 will be pleaded in bar of llieir recov, ry •'\TH.\i'!lNE St.l^'l)Y, .•\dtn’x. Nut: > ' t i.L i‘e po.-^'e- IV. AHHS . t .. t. .1 ai C»u.n.-i;, . Hmj, :r.. .. opjiosite etteviJle, N. ». ; pbiiii, r.Tijii.jh, C.lloVi. oil ;iTi'! pii-’.'.v fr-'!!; -iii:l1 !yt es. Me!'i:.('..’j i-t'-:, in I ii;i ■•’^i jet’aiu' r ■ -he \r’ ■. ».• ■' illK. for Vtit V lr: .v- t.'. 'iir. • '.'■ ii.jr-i.le'l s Skyi;s;h .'Vlur' ‘ie VanJ, Fey 1. III wate'' i ;.j s! A :utir.. ■1 >3lyl.' ut I’ictures F't t/l’.! M'niM- - t^> i'll ??.• a- *ii bv '^ti iiu-he-'. ’..r i aii i T:;> ; iiieots. Siyi.k and I'heu ■ ' Lp (■ iiired I'iiot ir ipii: Having I'crnimieii’lv lo liir h.-! I; .'iiiic piotur-»; iustru- -,i> I. r ■r '.le So .'.’ for CHMh l.ife i;i i. ie ;i . III ,maii p.iciures. , ■.:.' i i—rc I .^loi-e it.i merit y.iur paiiMiiaj^e. 1 w...al l ,il-j fot the illiera: p'lir.sii.'ii:.- ’.ost. tlie ro.id l eoi li- o*' I'a ve! i r-vi i i'-arti t.i v 'iiiccre tliMik.s ■ wo i i.|i h.Totafore by' e :‘,f.'i vi. '!:■:■,. >! \ \N(>l!''-i)r.LL. ’hoi'>irraiih. ■. 10 Hec'r ‘Jo. 1 nariile Projirictnr I'a4-l4»rv. t f % TWO \B-iV S’: 4m roi'P.r9ts and u. 11 HI H i! 1; 1 K a . ; Sidi -. !':■ \t:' r. erit s:: ■:.■! I.VMILV .aoi'ii N'l- I’.irV, and 2. ■.-radi- \nd a'.l \ F“! WiMn:: ip I’arpetiier, V. :.,iiii!iri .■!]. KVAN.' OTTOx\ YAR\. >0. 19 Hay Stm'T. 0. 1*. \1 I Li-: TT. bii 'y tj, l>'f52. Uic(‘ and Tobacfo on t'onsij’UHuur ji i'\>K8 of fresh beat Ilice and iOO IJoxe ’-I n '* 1 I'oi.ucco, variO'W !--.r . ;Ki \V tS'lLLl.\\i.S iv i.u. ■ ..cMi villf, ."^ept Jl •‘•'if LOOK AT 1111. TIii: FlVi:TT!iliLLH HiiTEj. rroiillii*^ *{(M) !V«*I and in (h** portion of !h«‘ Toivn. «'OfitaiitH snore *»|»a« iosi-^ aisil u * IS tItooEiiM lliaia aii> lioiri ill tStr Stair, an i in\ Pitn'.iti^ sa> Hi_V ’otidiliifiji' aie Vo.y ; ii.i.i t.'i- the tiiiiC' T. wvniuf !.. I'roprh'l.ii-. M'ly '.’II, Fay*nt‘vili- F«*ma!* Hiffh Sriiool. 'pHl' exerci«es of ihiii 1 nalittii ion will ’oc re-iiriie l on 5 ih.-Vl'.Mh of Sepiciiit)Lr 1 :ie ^c.ioli':yeal will bo divided illlo :v.i Ifri!!': Ihe 1-1 of l.'i week>, cmr.iieiijii^g liiith of Si iiid- injr Jf'h !>ec.: the secoti.l of J7 weeks, ooi.m: .i,.- 1-( (if .lan’y and ending .July 1-' i’UTii's anl (Inarliati' in'n lia" to ia:v.i ihi-- School arei carne.-^tly rcijiit'siod lo •■;p|MV I"V 'iroul.irs c'!itainiag full particulars in reg.ir i id ioi •a-', vi . ' ■ -"e 1)0 iipi'tiing of the .''■ichiotl ilev 'V.\I. Hooi’iHl, ■) . ■ , T. P. iio.»ri:i;. J July 17. l.'^iii!. • 4;:-tl:'.)p.l A R.^l 1 Mi A K I AM prepared to iiiaiiutuclure ali k:n ih 'if U'agon Harness for Army use. I Ian my ieatiier af .i c ui ■rive good bargnins. Agents will do w-U to s.eiid tlo-ir orders to me they shall have prompt Htteniion. and sent ott in quick tiiypa'ch. JOHN I'.VUTFl! Oold.it(/u P. (>., Chatham Co.. N. t ■Hiiie 1-j, 1H»>2. I '1 niK I : tar\ hereiiv k' s |.F!;s!u I V ii I* 01 i ’'i. ■ .Ki, lili I ti ;li' :ill 1- \Vil!i .0. •!' till- ..;■; M,-p..l 1 *•'■■■ ■•r o id.iiul’; ncoinait it ti..(e. m;i ! s;:ie.-is ^eii 'flliv i.iiirill. fully a-u ail pei 'ou- !>is tio--;‘oe "a n.e•' .'^etit T.‘. I'l'l. 'liier-Wi ! hei >-.-ni f. AUl i, i;i i trien.t-:. . .a ■ .'..iia 1>. ■ .:ii- ■ oi.hev : : . ii aer tiy 1 i '.I riieir ^a- i':io_. rcsj-e.’i ‘•■id a- pr»-;iipt- p:v. ia,-at. V. I i.i .i \ *.•: ;f I OIL AM) LAMF I’.LAi’K. VvNNilK^ and L\\ii' l;i.\r Maroil l.l l;i;li’Al INu oh. \ lu Ii i: rei' I a sal- 1. 'OS i: r.i.i! ,-ifvi W |1:„ tl tl 'i'o BiaiatS '■pH F. nnd.-r agiio'l o l r-^ i...- 1 an 1 wilhin ei/ht i. h'- o' etipvillc iV Wc'ii'rn !I i.! II . SSlE V 4" K'H. ■ aio. It! tlie >'o.al region, I he i orini M’T5 (it t !i.. !■' iv- d oa !• ..-p t.iver. AOTM’i:. i.,li i'er.sons ii; ilan.loiph '' 'unty wlio have in taeir Patent .Me licine.^i’' fif anv kind, s list _ w,ii:h ..I- bi.-a reiiiine I i.j iu'-. at i- .i-ieby directe.l to d. liv(-r 1 fie ^.itae betv.’een n-w un i I 'lilidayof No- veaihfr nex:, tci A H \l nsh. A'heb irn'. who is au- tlioii '.'d reot-ipt f..r the -anie .JOHN M.\NNiN(}. .Ir . Kpccivcr l’iH'.!..no . t'ol 1^', [■‘''■V 7ti-.lw Saio ut' a Lar^e Lot ofl'atiMit Medifines. ON r.iesdav I'stii vlay ol November next, at ihe Store H US'- fit A H .Ma’ Ii, in the town ot A-heboio', '..'iii'y of P,_an.l'.!(iti. I wili .itJer foi sab*, f.ir Cii'-i'i, lo :!i.' hi^'hp''! bi.lJe:, a oU'/p and v liialile lot ot P:ilent •MudioitiPs. JOHN .\l.\NSlNti. Ji . lvece:ver. P:;t'baiit , i.tci. 1-J. l.Sli:; ,o-:,w I HM/V. i 1)KUSON.'^ wishing to st-nd carts an.l wagon.s lo the ! S -liioaid lor Nall wil; tind a =iip} 1\' on hanl at our .':ili W,). ii- on the Kfi&t si le uf the uiouth of Lockwood’s | I'.illy Piiver. in Brunswick county, waere they can at all [ iiuy ihe article on as giio.i tor a’s as at .tther places. ! l5e-ido' our own iliere is con.-i ier.ible being made in = that iniiae li:ite noichborhood. Ul ^SHLL & PRITCHETT, liruucwick C'Jiiuiy, Oct. 17. 7)-titpd Land, A ;;i*o€>, «kc., lor .^ale. IU'ILL ■•I .i ■ !i Jair itriu.- •» ! .icres .,f l^.iNH lyin^on Big Hranch, within une.and half miles of L,i uinburg l»ep'ti, .,11 i!ie . t iV R R. Ii. Ther.'are on the pre- iiii>e' a ci^.i.lorLa'ile dwelling hoii>e nearly n-'w. and all ^•■v'., ~3try oui-iH.u^es. 1 wiil nlso sell my Muies, Ho^s, ' Ca'i.e. .S;c.. 1. ! I a i. t of NEtjKuLS. | .'.n;. one wi aing to purch:is>e can cither apply to niy- I ■-.•it I'U the jirenii.'es, or ad.Ires* me at Laurinburg P. ; 0 . N. I'. .1 R. McLaUKIN. • I.:!- ‘J'l. IS'iJ 71*-titpd \\A\Ti:iK IN .u^e .luauiitier, liie following articles, for which the annexe.1 prices will be pai i. on delivery at the N. ('. Mi'.it-irv Iv. litiiie. 'harlo!tP. N C ; VII, ■.\ruio I'ryphil! ;ni - -In Uan rurn:ji. root. ro 2 • ■Vr-cb iiias I’ui'eiosa—Picnrisy Root. :‘ii .Ar.'Vo i-i.ia ,'^f! pentaria- 's'lrgitiia Sink.* Hoi ;. 1 Ai'.iiu- t iia.;- -Sweet Flag, ro . 'J- A-iViiM a!ia.b'!i--.‘ !'.■-:. 1)'* v'.trtr.'i Flor. ia Hogv,-, ,i. iiuii'i- !. :-k. -'‘O t i. i \iani:mdica U il 1 ’^•'•ulfi, !. ^.ve«, -'>0 t. iiino.tujr.i i; .ceii^ ii I'lla.-i; Snake Rooi. ”0 t ar-.p ..ila L la? eii i^a i’ip-i-;-.e'.v na Priaci as I’ine. C-": . Sc.il.li l!i n-u;;. ; ■ .p ..t'>.1.'! . ( ;ll''ieuii! i':iy«‘niic Peppil', p d. I b;.is).yr.is \ irginian i Pe; .;.ai.ni P. iv'.'. at r.t.o. l> 11 ill .1 ."^ir s'li.iaiiiin .! am e-; to is n \v i ei. -e.l o«. leaf. . Lupn 'It'll ' "ii'iilila- -Pd.ioiiiing .'^purce, ni.it, 1 .iph.ir.’. I i j.i’f I' U^inhae -.'iiu.-i lo la It.erio, j-.n.t ' i.a. "luui I’er. .: •Mini w.- ; 1'ra.sei . i-t: nie’ ii it; i’ .1. ii'i j, v n. . (.; I'eiiia I'l il.ilia*. iptilaci ■ (ii-ratiiuiu .Miioiililein- I'lanes hiP. ro 101.: 'i C'l'e iiei Viai'U'-;li i .I'lili.’ia. i .i.;l. .'.H Gau 'H-.ia i’roouaibPiis—•Viatei e; . on. !-^ .■• , l»i tJei'i tiiiiium Sempei A ii .ii \el‘ a 'e-iiniiie llooi. >1 Huui ItH Lupiilu' - Hop-, I 2' H) 0^1 ia.'iiii-.’ Niger Heniiane. leaves -ui ! 7’ HvdriHti-i I'an.ideiisis \elitw K.-.-:, .li.:ii^. ; I imiii.iiii. —.1 uuip;‘r Rerry. -■ l .ijiii .im THraxicuiii , l»an lelion. i o.'l, ' l.iui Sotnvn -Flaxser.i, J jier Inisii..’ , Laariis Sassntraa—Sh'* •ati a.'. loirk of r.'.jt l.auriis .“s,mantras, pith. i l.nvaiidula -l.uveii'ler. llowevM an.l .-'feiii-. i \biiiar.i^i Piiiici'iM Horseuiinl. leaves, I M ‘li'ha Piiierila Pepjiennilit. leaver, j ,\l.'n’i! t V'iri li' .'^pe'irmiiit, leaves, * Polv .■;ala Senega .-^euec i Snakeroot. Pap iver P"pp,v hea.# . I I’.iniix (.juin.inefohutr (iinseng. root ' Piiu kneya Pu'oons, bark, Rubus Tiiv:ilis -Hewberry, smillei- briiiiohes of root. I'l this paintnl .stru2j;!>, that it may eoon end in peaeeand brotherly love, and lead not only to the safety, honor and welfare ot our O-onfederate State's, hilt to the good of Thy people, and the slory oi Thy irreat name, through .losus (.hnst our L(trd. .\nien. Th,' iiiinnf rA.—The Charleston Mer- euvy ha- the I’ollowiii^ reply tu a bitter assault , hy the llichiuond Kxaniiner upon -that city and its iiierehant^ eiifrnLred in the Jilookade busifiess: •• V sill ie tirm in C'liarleston,” John Fraser Cc>, h ivc sliipped about seven-eighths ut the ' cotton tliat ha'^ yonc troni the ports oi the Con- i i'ederati' State.'^ for some time past. Not one ; pound of cotton shipped by that house has gone i to the (’nited States, either by sale or capture. ; Every particle of it has gone to E'arope. So much I for “the Vankee.s gettinf: Our cotton. ’ • It is broadly a.ssertod that “scarcely a single ^iFFICERK. Non (Commissioned Officer.s, and I'rivatp*- ; article applicable to the immediate purpose^, of the * J lielongijig rn this rornm:in :. ’ t'ler iibs'-u! ^.r’ war is hruiiirht in by thi^ adventures which run .dered to return i jj;g Idockado so con.«tantly.” We affir . o' the coiirravy. fhaf. in making up the retun . ,roes, each .'rctinier is first loaded wit); luueJj iiea\y lreii_lit fiT tiie (rovernment a- she can with safe* tv eurrv. fhat then jiackages ol lighter goods are jmt in to compiete the c-argo. Most of the latter are al^o goods ot the utmost importance to the Irovernment and the troops, such as shoes, olothe^, medicines. &e., &c. Ihe invoices of (Messrs .John Fraser k Co. are handed to the prep ri .i i.i »nrni«h KI > D | scents of the Government, and they are allowed an> si/.p. from lb incnes to 7 fe.-t ; whatever the Government desires, lixing the prices themselvi .s The balance, which the (iiiverniiient dues not want, is advertised and sold at auction. Take, lur example, the last sieamer that ran the blockade—the Mtnho. fehe has broa^ht in ot heavy freight for the Govern- -1* Tstlfh ihp facts stated are correci within his own knowledge and that he lias no interest in the claim. The magis- traie adminislering the oath will certify to the ere li- l.iiliiy of the witness, and the clerk of Ilio County Conn will certifv. nn.ler senl. thn! .’ip is an antliorir - l and ftciiiig niagisir:Uc • !. If the clainian' or claimanf.s be minors, payment wiil be made to i!ie gii.ardian. upon the production rf the pr.*per certificate under the seal of ihe Court of hi? appointment an.l the PiifriciPiicj’ of hi-' !)/*r;d- l!io etaiin 19 be proved by hin> as in other cases. 1. A lieunt}’ of fifty dollars, deducting the lionnty that may l;avp been previou.-lv paid, is due to all persons who ni.-iv have volunteered tor three year? or ihe war. and to all persons mustered iiuo or contiiiiie i in ser vice under the provisions of ihe Coupcrip: 1. :■ \ci. Bv order oT Uovernor Vrmcp. •f 0. "N* ■ ilTIN. I .\iFuii 1' (fpneral. i »ct. . 7;^ Xt Headquarters Fort St. PMlip, W. C. ) j Oi'TORER 24, 1>^F2. j SPEHAL ORDER. No. 18. detached service, or otherwi.se. to duty hrimetiiii-th/. ORicers failing to couijiiy v-; commended for dismissal tr. . - 'iisahility, other than fr.*ni ' i* f'eon of the .\rmv will l>e i f i biiily to rep.^rt in per'ton. P.y conunand of .IN’t'. .\ i.'.en .•. R. Hancock, Lieut. ;iui Xc !hi.s order wi'l be re^ •iK \o lificate of ■■■ .111 nr .\ - isfaiii .^iir- i -1' eri.b tii'e of ina- . Rl 'H .\ i; .t.-^ON, I. Col. f'.>iiiiii'i.ndinK. ina: .\dj’t [7:'i-*ifpJ ! 'PHI' p 1 S5’4 ;ri.\ii sto\i>. Piibs.'’riber 01 ■ liH'.iietpr. eipnl to the Nova S» utiii Sion“s, v.'hicii they re-3e!iiMe Thev have heett tested nt the F>yeitevil ,\r'enal an I A.r;ii,irv, an J api'vov-* ! Address J’XTRICK LINF.HAM. Branch P (►. I'hathaui Co., N tl Or.ToHN MArNUF.R, P.aleicii- N- C Oct. ■J''. isfi’J 7,'’i-lnipd llrnlai f*rarli€‘p lor .^ale. I OFFER f.ir .-ile privately my Heuial Pr^c’ice in Fay- eiteville, N. C. Tiie ollice occupying four roomw on second floor, well finnishcd, together with several oz. of G(.»LD FOIL. »;oLD PLATE and SOLDER. A larp- supply of VUL WNITE and TEETH of all kinds Also one-third interest in a vine>ard lying four miles south o* Fayetti-ville, contutning «eventy-five acres. Those owing me will pbi^e ci’l -n ^lr. Alex. J«hu- s.n, Jr.. anl settle Addre.s-: R. .S(.’(.>rr, C.i'eensboro', N. C. 0"t. 27, 1.Totf A ( ARI>. I.VM much imposed on by certain young men in this place, who keep late hours and do not like to dts- ^ , nient, l^F.T cases of ri'fies, containing 7840; 35 j ca.ses of swords, containing 2100; 87 cases ammu- j nitioii: .>0 eases ol caps. This was her heavy freifrht, and as much as fhe could sately take, liesidcs this, she had aboard salt and cases of I shoes, guilds, &c., to complete her car-ro.^ it is I not customary to tell the public what the Govern- i ment takes. 'This is but a sample of thobC “ad ventures ” Alinii'i all the goods brought in here ! are IJritish roods. iSome shoe.', soujt^ cotton cards, i some thietid, some cases ot calicoes, A;c., have been ' boutrl.t at Nas-au and brouirhc to Charleston and •iold at auction. Hut they were not paid for in cot ton. nor w IS any colt .'ti sold at X'lssau to buy them. .... ... . ... .... ..... ... , The cotton ha> all -one to Europe. Tht^ were turli their own people, but who tind their waj into my paid for by exchange drawn on Liverpool or Lon- lodging rooms, occupy my beds, and always forget in j They have trenerally been articles greatly the morning to discharge certaiu little duties lU the i wiiieh we C0ulr afl’ord to purchase at ofFiee. This species of imposition will .-ilso apply fo my j ’ whether they eame from rankeethmi or dining room. 1 am at all nines preparel to accomaio- j a i, j date gnests. htit I must he paid for it, and unless this ! elsewhere, cponsrinz oriera'ion i? stopped the offendprs will be jmb- j licly exposed vv.i.ntti ( T WAIHIHLL. I’roprietor F'ayetieville Hotel I )ct 'J'. .\oTiii:. 1 .■'epreinber Tov.ii. I* 1 ■‘i’.'. '{ the • our* ..i Ple.'.s \ (^nailer Session- of Cumberlaii 1 CnUULr. letter, of \dmin’'V 'ti.ni of tlie U-' i'p'cf the 'la-c W-irri'u in-low were crnnte l to the suli«,’i'i;ipr '.n i per-^otis iiub-hi.-'d to t’le .leceascd n"c niitlrt--d M ike A ponden*' hki’fjli '[ furfle.-s I •U).)v ^h; riiited . a t -.bl-. - wbb'l a ' I —The Kichmond corres- of tho Chiv’ -5ton Mercury d ri ibes a V Win. S!iepher:i, r-presenting ecu. '. liVi ■t.ltt V. Itl.li'ill Ph . si. ^.Mtled nlU^t t. paVi'i.'lit Th ■'ie li-iving coVittis to sent liiem in due lin.e or this noiice will he i l- b'lr -if a reco.’i'rv. ■ MAUN .\. IN I'tV tai I • I rrin'HKi: xorici:. 0\ Tl r-'l* W I'*" Hecpnilipr I'riurt Wi“"k. ihe Fl'IlNl- I'l'RE ot tlip late Wairen Win-il. v,- w-ll be s,,!.!. .iti SIX months-crr.ii! M ,\ P. \ X W 1 \.~ I.OV. . Adm'x II, ; l,'i. l.^-i'il.' 7;;is].d w';li a 'rlin ^-.jtine! at the open Vt’iieli t' . -I'.d; I d douie cf tu f’:n iiul i v isible. 111'is seat!.i ttt 1 ; !,e h ' li-. k -d witli hi.s kiilto, Ii . : ’ ; ; / . ;'ic!v in a bit ot :)n.l iie •; . : • ■ \ fijvo his head i.- the bu.ii . .. , ^1.. podestal, with its laeo [ Si!- '. M 'Phe map of the rnitL.i 1 , .n 1. r; ■ \ . ; iri; in twain, (he r.:ul ii.; ■;!: :-i The American eaj,le, rasi-;!' birii, is on th. lhair, with a ball aud .1 I 0 N Wcdnesdas AtlTH'i:. of December 'I'lrni of the CouM of Plea-' and v^iiiart‘>v .‘Sessions of 'iiniVierland Couttty. . j the Re=iilonc.' of the la'o Wa'-ren ^Vinslow will be tfer- ed -ii nnVtlic sale. Fhc properl V i.s well situa't’^.l :ind is wi*ll Known in town. The h.tuse is furnishen with gas in every r.tom The out house- at-e ample and in go.td condition Ai- I., VRi'inRALH McLEAN. Truwiee. ’o^-t. 27, IS.'i-J. 7;’.-t=pd :',i) on :’o 20 oO .*>1) ;’.o 20 tf INFANTRY :t:y. w:h of corn, :;iif FlfiUT nrMJKKt) ACIIKS OF a.iioiniii i: ihe i:MM tn'l.iii. iiig totli-* 0 ,-iie ot iie.irgo 'i‘i ilcox. licc d. and lying ''ivoe uiil-.'s .'.■■■.iii from Car- bonto'i, on l.titb' Po.j .m A!-:!' -. TliCrC l.ao.ds ar.‘ ..•11 : ■’.::'t,d t^i. •.’;i Cotton, wiu«i, oats, rye, .'CC. Thi-r !;re i'H'S a comf.''^riabb- D'^. .li': ■. ■ :. 1 -Mi n. iiiiu-es. ■with ^ibou' ■:iv .nu. ii -'! ' -.nd li/^ fence, iticlu'liu;: ‘ ‘ ; ' *'• . ■ 'f boitom l.in-l. T>- a :• r.- ■:! >■ fi.i ing to make inve.stmeius. i- b-.iv vancing in jtrop in tiiis section. For turihei" infor.iciii'iii 'itiiiiy i.j Mr. >1. M. .\i'.'Rae, Cr.inc's Crcpk, P. I.'., M i iH' ■ ;nni'y. ji- ir. ss ii.e at F.'tyett I'villc, N. C. Rubti- I'livalis—Blackberry, .smaller branches of root. 2t> | ."sratice C iroliiiiaua—Marsh Uoseinary. ritot, .‘-'I iracti To;ineniosa — Meadow ••^wcet. root. •>'* Salvia—.''age. le:'tv,-s, •>'’ S'vbb.aua .Vngiilans—('entaury, herb. 2-) >olauuni l>ulc,iui:ira—Woody Night .“'hade, exire-iic twigs, 50 Syiinilocirpti: Fi»-ti his—Sk''ink I’a'tbage. root. Sj i^eb' ii il indioii-—Pipk Root, ■e pn-01- .iiiti -ii Sylvaiica—yuPen’s Rc't. ny Oiit- ] F..'sa:i;ii:ii I.; ii.nifu—P»oune Leaf. . s nn ter ! (’ucii’ biia t'iinrilns—'Ivaternieion, seed. AOTM i:. 1)r,i*PO.S.\I..'s for fiirnishing .'tooo gets 'I’OllTPt EM ENTS, will be veceive l at this otVice uniil the lOlh Nov. li.2 The pet to cmsist of t'ait- ridgft box. .shoulder bell, waist belt, cap pouch 'and bayonet scabbard, and the article to be delivered, in- specied and itaid for in Uiohmon.l, Va. .A sample o’.' nattern set will be furnished if desired by the connactor. Address -F A. dcLVtiNEL. Lt. Col. C S. A.. Fayetteville, N. C. Stating price, etc Oct 2'.>, I8ti2 niii.'t u'^ ;:i‘ i:': flour, iioar .1 .•hain to hi- ’'i>nt \ \a:^! sp'aoon, udorned with tliu oiioe untarnisia’d ’.seutelu 'n ut the l.niou, is ill front of tbo tnblo. «>ppu.site to Jonathan is Linroln, leaning over towards him, with a ciinuing r in his eye 11 is loot is on the ( onstituiiou of till- I‘nited .States, his pantaloons pocket lull .itTreasury Notes, and the I nited Stares flag la stuHc-d in the pocket in liis coat tail, lie holds in his hand a ^reat pill, the very sight of which makes po-.r Jr.riathan clutch hi.5 throat with his hand, to keoj. iiis u^urge from rising. Uther big pills are on the tahh-, marked “War Tax,” “Change ut Hase." '■ Ir.'.dev," I'fcc , und beside them a black buttle, !at.ell il “'1 he I>ralt.” The pill in Lin- oolii's hand i> marked "Mana.ssas, August 30th,' and. as I lie wr.'tehed .Jonathan looks at it, he ex- claim:s ’‘Why, Dr. Ape-rah&m, you give me one o’ them about this time a year ago, and said you was going to cure me in ninety duys, and I ain’t well yet!” Csp—Put them 0 T'> K' f f l/7i''\Untrr iti casks or bins, in layers, well covered with dry sand, each layer being covered; this preserves ... _ them from the air, from moisture and from liu^t; ing b^v■.rds--fotn• threads pMrple.^^^^^^^^^^ • pcri.shing by their own perspira- NE piec' of COLORED COTToN CLOTH, coutain- ■■: ■ver-ffi^ing III I ■■•'ons r. :sii- ‘ind.aitttedly al- For the Mo^rs '•(n(.r- ■■ '' ii ; ■ ae, di-o'd AOTBC e:. 'Xpeci lo fip iitiseiil from li West, .Arohibald ,Mi;t..-.i.ii irtiiisacl iiiy titiiiue-.- iint; ,e I.) b. 1 VI . lew ■■ i.nths in my :t;ll iloi'i.'ed ' urn. If,. c‘o]>ii‘*sof l!kc Ol^'^crvj’S* i . jcured by uou-BuVscribers, :ii ike ii )0kal0i« •rice 6 oeuta. .Vorlli i'ai'oiiiia (J1100L ROOKS !iroi becoming very scirce, lint we have on h.and a good supply of ihe’NORTH i ARO- UNA RE VDERa, Wos. 1 and ‘.J by Rev. Professor Hub- lar.l of the University oTNorth Carolina, ami No. by Rev. I'. U. Wiley, Siiperinieiuleiu of C.imnu ;i Sehools ■f N'orlh i'arolina. Onr customer.- having well nigh exhausie l our.sioek of Northern Headers on hand when the w;ir commenced. ■we iiojie will now turii their tiiteniioii to liiesp books by -;ue autJior!'. rather than allow their chiMrpn to do J eiju:;.; o’nts fnrri:- 'uiiout reading b. -ji No tie need ;i)';i! v uu ► For .sale ouiy at the old retail ; . i..-es .f 2-’> cent?, ;i'i , p^riencoil in ii;e ni'ui'- r. ;,eni.-5, jfiid 75 cents. E. J. ilALE & SUNS. Feb’y 1, 98- ilsssiii^iciB I iriilfery, ) • .• .1 uiy 2l», l.'ol. '■fM! IS Coiapany, d.-sirii. : to b. i.-onipleie in r,'- I xj>trt, woiiM be "l.i l to ei.i tiumber of good Dri- 20 i 20 i .•;t) 50 i o'I i Cucurl itii Pepo—Puiiijikin, .seed. Trioiteif i Perfoliatuni — Fever Root, Uva L'rsi—jiaarherry leaves. Ver a'mu Viride—Ameiic i; Heileb .re, root. ..ntScxylon — l*"rickly .\.-i.i, inner bark, Th.*se ai tides must tie {ho.*oiighly clean and jH*rtect\v ili’v. 1 lie irceplion of whioii will conitnue until lUi* liter notice .M H''VARI>, ^UIgeou and Mvd. Purveyor, C. S. A. o.-tober'.k. 1S.-.2 __ .tiler date* I v»ilf pay Five Cents per pound for rags de- iivered in Fayetteville, or at my mills on iieo'ifish. 1’ MLUPin Oei. ISC.:: ti-'> u i^fin'mTcan’^rl'cam^^ tion. their moisture being absorbed by the sand -■ • - - at the .»ame time it pre.serves the flavor ot the apples, and prevents their wilting:. Pippins have been kept in this maniier sound and fre.-h till mid summer; and liow much longer they woulu have kept is not known. Any kind of .^^and will un- SW'.T, but it mu-'^t be perfec tly dry. _ ]f to be >:dd thr.t we ‘ ^ ’ * o P>ri‘ig>'. a little after daylight this morning, and was ,u-oh^tily takrn out while under the bridge. I’ersoiis are ctiulioned not to trade for the above cloth. .•V liberal rewar.l will be ]'aid fin- its delivery to Mr. M Faulk on Person Str.et. LARR\ HO()D Harnett Co., Nov. 1. , l-2ipd 8.0?«iT, A PAIR of GOLD SPE('TACLES. The finder will be buitably rew.arde I by lc,a\iug them at EDWIN GLOVER’S. 72- Itpd 1 ^rprjldiitcs.- - , ' ,uecii,uiic3 in thi." o..i.i.tryi tut it ran t t,G I now. The conscript act is working wonders i Oct 21, 18t')2. IOO ii>«. For sale hy vers,—tiien aceiisto;in> 1 to th*- iiana.;. ,in>n! of hi.tr.se.s There will Ho paid lo etif ii lo ..i, on etil .=ti..ieiii, a b.mntv of SI ). Ntouihly p.,y .>12; b.- odes bei i;; .-iothr.l and ?!»I04> IS.Ii%%^ A RSI, fed, ine lical alien.! ,n.-e froe. :uid all o.iiei- necessarv I VVII.I. pay the tibove reward for the apprehension 1 r j:i: ••• I .kMivery fo rr>e of iny negro giri R.ACHKIi, who 1 ’ ii .Mid ex- j r.iu ■ tvny in .\pril Itvst. .She is a mulatto: gooi size; ' fior-e.' I I..' di M'iu,-!- cr.j • some on the ^flioul ievi-; ot ludiiin desoeut; teeth lion 01 trie couipijay ;s \ ir^iaiji, as soon as equipped. | [iomewhat ilecaycd; tiboiit 21 or 22 years of age. f41tf] ALEX. D. .MUOKE, i K MoDANIEL. Capt. Co. E, Reg’t Lt. Artillery * Oct. lii, 1862. 72tf t>ctober 17, 18b’2. I *iOO Ihs. Iiiiiiii ■ Oct. 15. .1. A. MCDONALD, Oakland, Chath.am Co.. X. i’’- 70if Aral)i lor " f.Otf rtf I ,..,,trone.l the fettb’mcnf ^.f Feby 186J. re^i.eet- and siiuemakers, tenners, loundry-nien, .. oners’ hiacksniith.s, wagon-inaker.s millwright,*, I J'r^n-ma'kers, .'cc., are multiplying r..pi.ily. .Vad not le.ss remarkable is the fact that mechanical occupations covered by the Hxerr.ption Act hv.-e suddenly tittaincl a degn.e of respectability they never posses.'od betbre in the estimation of some very clever ].eople. liully for the Gonscript! We bhall soon be a community of artisans. Coun- ter-ho[ipers and luwyers ain’t nowhere. TiOather arfd cl -uled -huun avc tiH ' 'e g'> n'«. apron.' Blank VVarranis tor Huie i^ere.

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