SF.MI WEEK Y. » \()|,. XII.] FAVKTTEVILLK, N. C.. NOVEMHKR 11, I8(i2. [NO. 11T7.] riilNTED MONDAYS AN1> THUUSKAYS. KOWAKl) J. HALE k SONS. I'UITORS AN I) PROPRIETORS. Pr’.'O Tor the Somi-Weekly Ohskrvkr dO it' p-iiJ in ■i.lvinro; -jO ii paiil during tlie year of Kaltfsrvip >n: or afior the yen" has oxpiroil. p r ho Weekly Obsefvkr S’J 00 per annuni, if paid in i,lv in-.-H) if paid during the year ot su1>‘’crip- ;ion. I’ ^ ' 00 after the year ha.«i expired. M>VKRT1SEMENTS inserted for HO cent ' j>er lire of 10 lines for the fir^t, and ‘>0 cents for each ,',ve‘ling publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- , iiitracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are re ;t«‘d to jtafe the ntfciher of insertions desired, or ,>v will be continued till forbid, ami charged acconl- inciy \ Iv-'rii^eivents t he in«e»rted . ■'/(/’, charge.l ">0 per j extra. W’kstkkn Kaii. l\o\n Offk k, ^ 1 \‘iy(*ttovillt‘. Auii;. '2\> ^ limit ■•A VKTTi:VILI.i: MUTUAL l!^SIIIU\(E (OMPAW. Capital ill Premium Notes; amounts ti (’■•ish on hatiil ind other assets. $207,088 Z(y 5,077 ON and after the 1st day of Sept. tho following rates will be charged on Passengeis, vi/; From Fayetteville to Little Kiver. i^O cts. “ to Spout Spring, 7o *• ‘‘ to Rock Branch, 1 uit to Jonesboro'. 1 'J.') “ to Mclver's, I M> Twentj'-tive cents additional will bp collected by the t'onducior of each passenger, leaving a Station without a ticket A new rale of Freight will go into etfect at the same time, which will be printed anti furnisheil to the public in :i few days lly order of the Pres’t. JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r W R. K C’o. Aug. 1^0, lSti‘2. otitf Fr. SPEOUL N('TI('E. id aft> r thi date, no name of n new subscril .' I'(Utered without p.ayment in advaniH', nor will jhe j'Aper be sent to such subscribers for a longer time (:;:in IS i*aid for. Su.’h ofoi’.r oU svibscribers as desire to take tho pf\‘ per ou this system will please notify us when making reuiitfani'O*. Jan y 1. IS.iS. 18^-TO AbVERTlSERS. I’er^.'us out of town who desire advenisements iu- r .' I in the Observer, and persons in town with whom e ■ ive nor regular accouut.o, will please send with the N,- isemeut as muchmor^y as th»y wish to invest iu ... .Tiling to our advertit ng tetms ob the first page, (ii, not wish to open anr more such accounts,—-or Dui-r«l 7 accounts. The process of collection is too . aud we have to pay cash for every thing we ie r .sell in these times. .'ct J, l^^jl. UBirtART Nutioks.—\V« have hereioforegiveu iioiice. repeatedly, that we charge for obii-uary notices ofun- mable length, and fi.r resolutions of respect; be , *u.se that kind of reading, we have much occasion lo s w, is not often more agreeable to reade’s than to e.liiors of papers. .As it gensrall}’ happens, however, after charging and paying postage on I lie account for- nwJei. we never get paid, we now give notice that we Ti. l insert nothing of the sort hereafter unless accom- p nieJ ''5 the cash, (.\lways excepting in the case of JecM'eJ volunteers, when we ro}uire no pay ) Rear in mml. iherefere, that we wil. i^.rcrt obituary notices and resoluiiins, not exceeding 70 words, gratis. For all Ter 'o K.irJs, one cent a word, which must be paitl be. for? the notice will be put iu type. IIMf. .lifL,. .T/f AT.f 1*, Attorney at Law, F.wetteville, N. C. II^'ILL attend the County and Superior Courts of \\ ruuibeTland. Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun- fie.'. Prompt attention given to the oollection of all %vi>ti:k\ rail koaik I^ROM and after Monday ihe ‘JJd in^t., t this Ro-id will run ilail\% leaving Fay tlie Trains on l^’, leaving Fayetteville at 8 o'dock. .\. M.; returning leave Mclver’s Hopot at 1 o’clock. P M C. 15. M\LLETT. Pres t. Sept. ‘J(). 1M>2. i’»2tf ; linis entrusted Oct. 17, IS-'iS*. 0 his hands. 58-tf fiEO. W. WILLIAMS Xl (HL, Wiiolt'^ale in AM) IMPORTERS ANI> DEALERS IN Hardi^are and ('iitlrry, Swedes Iron, Stc., HU STRKKT, FAYKTTKVILLK, \. i. Julv -;i. J X \V. p. KEN1>ALL ,1. S KEND.XLL tO\\ KOIIAI.I. A t o., I'o III III Oil ill iivv li iints AN U WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 11 1 Vi North Watt r St., Wiluiinston, Orders from the Country promptly execuie«l. tiair'' Particular attention given to the sale of (\'ti'ii) •'!•] :her produce. .\i vi;IbOl. I'l If T. 4 . A: it. WOilTII, lomiuissioii and Forifarding Merohanfs WILMINGTON, N I’ J;u. y .is, 18';l f' Jif Western Kallroud (Kflce, \ Fayetteville. N. C., Sept. ’J7. 18t>‘2. j I^OR the purpose of increasing the capital stock of this Company, to enable it to extend the Road troin the Coal FieMs to the North Carolina Road, the following eentlemen have been appointed Commissioner? to re ceive subscribers in their several neighborhoods, viz: -\t tJulf—L J Hatighton, P>rooks Harris. Pr tJeorgc C Newby and 0 Wnshington -\bove the Uulf—.Ino .1 tJoldston, James F Rives and Hugh W Dixon At (^re Hill 0 tJnldston. I>r 1. W Gorrell and N M Alston. .\bove (>re Hill — Uan'l Hackney. .\ P> Marsh ati l Jas Pace. .\t Fou'fs Mills—-Dr H M Fotist aiitl l»r .) U ttraves. -\t Franklinsville and vicinity — Ismac H Foust and \ S Horney. -\t Asheboro'—.lonatlian Worth and P. F Hoover •\t New Market .les^e Walker and Joseph Newlin At Thoniasville—A t« Foster and Jno W Thomas. At High Point — l>r R t’ Lindsay an^l Seaborn Perry. .\t ,'^alem — Francis Fries and R L Patterson. .\t Greensboro' P Mewdeuhafl. Petei' .\danis, Hon .) .\ tlilmer and .Fesse 11 Lindsay. Instructions will l>e sent to tlie ’omniis--innei- at an earlv dav by the J’resident of the Coinpauv. t.4tf ■ ' .i, M ROSE, Sec V u' R R Co. Florence and FayeKeiille Hail Koad. I'^NI'ER the provisions of an Ordinance of the Con- veuti(>n of North Carolina. P>ooks will be ope ned on Ihe liith .fune at the following placf-- and uuiler the >li- rection of the followint' persons, to receive sul -iTip- tions to the t’apital Stock of the “Florence \ Fayette ville Rail Road f’o." Shares ()ne Hundred Poll'irs each. At the Roti'l Ojfir,- -n y,n, —Under the di rection of the General Commiisioners, V .\. .McKethati, I). A. Rav, .\. W. Steel, Wui. McL Mi Kav and Jno. M. Rose. ' .4' 'h^ Ii>fi Sf^ringf.—Under the direction of Hector McNeill, "’ra. J. Stewart, Jas. A. Smith. l>an 1 C Mc Neill and Col. Alex. McMillan, or any one of them. .4? F'l’>ral ColUg».—Under the direction of I'r. Neill •McNair. Dr. A. I>. McLean. Archibald Smith. Kdmun I Lilly and Col. Alexaniler Wat>"n, vir any one of them At — Under the directir>n of Murdock Mi- Rae, 1> McLeod. 1». McCallum. Jas McUae. .Ir , uti'i J. H. Mct^ueen, or any one of ttiem .4^ Al/ord.ii'ilU. - Undcrthe direction of J.'hn P':ri«i ll. .Ino. .McNair, Situi .\lford, Ptigald McC illuin an t .liio. McCallum. or any .me of them. The Subscriptiiin Rook* will remain open for he apace of t',0 (lays When a «u‘licient -um i suli'cribe I the I'.iuipany will be organised for tiie purpose of build- itie the Pi.ud. A \ !• A A W WM. JNf> • Total, S>'J7—,7t)5 til The Company have paid all ios.ses promptly, and havw never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid. $’J9,08'J 1)KKI( KHs; GEO. McNElLL. President. L). A. R\ \ ice President. (’. A McMILLAN, Secy. I>ikk(;toks: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale. S. T. Hawley, Wm McLaurin, Nathan Stedmati. T. S. Lulterloh, C. R. Mallei I, A. W. Steel. James Kyle, J. G. Cwok, A. McKethau, Hon .J. G. Shepherd, J. L). Williams, R. F. Rrown, ) ^ S. W. Tillinghast. A. E. Hall, dm gton. hn Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling .\gents he Company invite applications. May-JS. 1801, -Ji- '■'III'; \4tKTII 4'\K4»l.l.\.l Ml TII.4I, Mb'K IN8|iKA\4'K ( OMP.IINV, N(A\ in the tenth year of stu'cessftil operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence. continues (o insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 00 ye-\rs of age. for one year, for seven years, and for life all life members sharing in the profits. •\ll slaves from 10 to 00 years of age :;re in.-^ured for one year or for five years f,>r two ihirds their value. ■Ml losses arp punctually pai 1 within 0) d.vys after satisfactory proof i jirescnted. For further informativ«n tiie piibl> ’ is referred to .\gents of the Company in all parts c .ho Slate, and to R H p.ATTLE. Secretary’, Raleigh. E. J. H \I-E, .\gent at Jan’3’ IS-')'*. Fayetteville, N. ('. Sale of a portion of the Fayetteville^ Western Plank Road* ^PHE undersigned having been appointed ('oniniis-ii'uer I to sell all that part of the Fayetteville .S; Western Plank Road, above Iligh Point, will sell at public .\uc- tion in the town of Salem, on the 1st Tuesday in .lan’v 18(i:>, flie Road, Toll Houses, ."tc . between High I'oint and P>ethania, upon terms to be niatle known on Ihe lay of sale. JESSE WALKER. Com Nov. (), 1S02 7t>-tR HK.\liqiAKTKUS .Vid UEGIMKM StI.MMKBVILLK, N. th!t. ‘.^7 Obi>kh - X. V. >1., \ Ih I8(>l!. ) A .;i::fi! The >»‘w NHh*. Small. (OLoisFh imiotm;k\piis, AT I % aiK»rsil4>ll'>. . | I. ■ i ART. WoodtvardV ^olar t'aiiit'ra. 1)HOTOGR.\PHS can lie hail at Vanorsdell's Skyligh Oriller;;. H •!y sireet. opposite .Mai lile Var.l, Fay etteville. N. plain, retouched. cobtre.L in water col.It'S, oil atid pantile; from small tolit'e siz*'. .Ainbro types, .Melaui-otypes. .an t ail other styles of Pictures pertain' ig to the .\ri. Also, (iilt Frames. Gilt Mould ing. G’ for vtM-y large picture.-'—as large as liti by :50 inihe*. ,'or.l aud Tas-«.lN f.ir hanging pictures; Instru ments. Stock and Chemicals f.ir ‘^ale low for cash. Life size colored Pliotograjdis made from small pictures. Having pcrtaatiently located here 1 hope to merit your patrotiage. 1 would al.-o return my sincere t hanks for the lilieral p:itronage be'-towed on me heretofore by the good people . f Favetteville and vicinity. C. M VANORSDELL, Photog~aphist and Proprietor. Dec’r HO, l '';'>'.* 17- illarble Fac*tor%^ Me K ETHAN, R \V. STEEL. McL .McKAV, M ROSE, iieneral Cotnmi-i-'ners A 4'.% K ■>: H,W LXDIES can be accommodated with l.oard at I tie Si'tnitiary, T. 8ept 1-j. i: .,1. Tweiil\-livf HOOPl’.U. ">0- Oollai*^ K«‘%%ar«l. IIA.N.WV.W from the subscriber, iiis negro boy MO- l -''K.S He is 21 ye'irs of age, about 5 feet 10 inches • .fh, robust, long feet and very much turned out at ttie ’• e. and looks down when ppokcn to. He w.us seen at Mills in Robeson county on the -1st iilt., :»nJ wa-; in Fayetteville about three weeks ago. The at. ive reward will be paid for his delivery to me or lor bi* mfinement iu any jail so that I get him. W. l». JOHNSttN liennettsvHle, S. C., .\ug. It, 1802. 52tf Hanawaf^^ i MULATTO WO.MAN by the name of LUCV; about years old, of medium size, but now ijuite cor/‘u- •tr .''ai 1 woman is probably in or near Town, but may have >ieen led off in the direction of Newbern by Rill Rruinton, a free mulatto man who has been at work as irpenier probably on the W'ilmiugton Weldon Kaih'jal it a Depot North of Warsaw. I will pay |fur the Jilivery of said girl to me or lodged iu Jail in town, it found in this ('ounty, or $'>0 if said girl is found iu any other ('.otinty and conlined in the Jail of the same, the party arre-fiag giving me eaily iii'ornia- tion of the same. JNO. 1». WILLIAMS. Fayetteville. Aug. jl-tf ^!^I0 Kewarih WILL pay the above reward for the apprehen.«ion 1 m l confinement of ray man ('.\LV1N, who ranaway from me about three weeks ago. 1 will also pay a reward of Fifty Dollars for suHicient evi lpnce to convict any person of harboring him. Cal vin is about 42 years of age, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high. Ijlack, and weighs about 150 pounds; he wears small ?oM rings in his ears. He is a boat or ship c.arpenter, &nl well known about Fayetteville and Wilmington. He sometimes calls himself Calvin Johnson. THEO. EVANS. •June oO. 18tt2. 38tf F'lyotleville. .lune LOOK AT THIS! Till' FWl'TTKVILLK IIOTI'L, Fronting 3(H) feet and In the bnsine^s portion of the Town, 4'oiifaiii*i more *>pa«‘ioii«> :iiil neil v‘iililal‘«l Kooiii^ lliaii :iiiy llol«'l ill lli«‘ ^lafts ;iinl ttiv l’:itrun- ;u' my (’ontliiiu nts are very triin.i Tiir the times T. WAHIMI.i., rroprU'jor. May 20, iHt'rJ. ~iy Fayetteville Female Hi^h Sfhool. 1’HF^ cxerci«es of this Instiiiition will be resumed on the 2''th of September L’he scholastic year will be divided into two terms; the 1st of U! weeks, commencing 2'.*ih of Sept. and end ing 21th !>ec.; the second of 27 week-j, commencing 1st of .lan'y and ending July 1st. Parents and (luardians intending to patronize this School are earnestly retpiested to npply for circulars containing full jiarticulars iu regard to ti-ims, ,vc , // /i./f the oi'ening of the School. Rev WM HOOPER, I , T. C. HOOPER, j rincipals. July 17, I8ti2. 4::-ilo.lpd ' AKliV IIAK\i:«^.H. 1AM prepared to inanufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for .Vrmy use. 1 tan my leather and can give good bargains. Agents will do well to send their orders to me as they shall have promjit attention, and sent off in piick ilispatch. .lOHN (^XRTFR Gol lston P. O., t'hatham (,’o . N. C., \ ... - •lune lo. 1802. ) orl li Csi 1*01 i II a Kesi 1 ers* 1CHOOL I500KS are becotuing very scarce, but we ^ have on li.and a good supply of the NH\TH (',\RO- F..IN.V RE.XDERS, Nos. 1 and 2 by Rev. i'rofessor Hub- oard of the University of .Non Iu Carolina, an.l No. '■'> by Rev. C. U. Wiley, Sujierintendent of ('otuiuon Sciiools ^f North ('arolitia. Oiir customers having well nigh exhausted our stock of Northern l{eaders on hand when the war commenced, we hope will now turn iheir attention to these )>ooks by home authors, rather tliau allow their ehildron to do without reading books. For sale only at the old retail prices of 2-'> cents 08 cents, and 75 cents. E. J. HALE .Sc SONS Feb'y 1, 1802. '.>0- tllTTO.^ VARA. Xo. Hay Street. Uy ; «* I viiSiFJi. TWII IIIHIIiS Allllll. I. T. IIAIIIII SdNS' STIIKK i'ayrllrviil**. Jan’v 20. 1 PtiO ■''4- iwroreries / Uroeeriesi: VLARttE and woU sel, ,tp,l Stock .if F.\M1LV GRrK'’ERll'.S always on hniid, consisting of * l?iicoii-SiJ«'s. ^less I’urk, !\Iullei.->, Mucker Nus. 1 ;.iul -J, ur.iilc' .\nd all other ;irii. le- eery Establ^'ihinent .’'Ii-hisses, StiLrars oi’ al l!y ke|>l ill a Wholesale (jlro- ’0.\. KENDALL CO. a>-tf • 1 The (Commanders of (’ompanies in this Reziinent will parade with their resj>ective commands in front of the (!ourl House, in Lillington, on lUth day of Nov. next, at 114 o’clock, M. for Review, Drill and In- speelion The ('omniissioiied Oflicers and Orderly Ser geants will meet at the same place and hour on the two preceding days for Drill, .Sic. J. A SPEARS, 7;')-2tpd] Ctd. (’omd'g :'>2d Reg't N. C. M A 4\ARi>. (’iimp Hah*, near Ft»rt Fisher, X. Aiis. is52. ^IMIE undersignetL a privtvte in the .Army ot the Con- I federate Slates, respectfully announces himself a candidate for (’hief l!lerk of the House of Commons of the next Legislature. Having passed two Winlers iu close iniimiicy wiiji former Iiogislative bodies, he triiRts that he has considerable acmiaintance with the duties of the position. HENRY E. COLTON. .\ng.*2:'>. r>4tf A ovi:RTi5>iivn i:.\T. Knslneep Offlee llistrlet of ( ape Fear, \ Smitiivillk, Oct. 10, 1802. ) \LL persons having claims against the Engineer De partment for materials or services applied in the construction of defences in North Carolina, can have their claims examined, and if supported by satisfactory certificates of oflicers anthorized to order the expendi ture, or proved just and eiuitable, they will be paid by reference to this i.Mlice. C. R. (’OLLINS, [t'>8-lut] ('.ipt. Engineers (’. S. Headquarters Fort St. Philip. IVf. C. | OcnuiEi! li K ) SPEt’l \L ORDER. No l.'. OFFD'ERS, Non Commissioned ifilc.Ts. and Privates bidonging to this t'ommand. wln-tlier absent on detached service, or otherwise, are ordered to return to duty nnmerliittehi. Otticets filling to comply witii this order will be re commended for dismissal from rfink. No certificate of ilisability. other than from a Surgeon or Assistant Sur geon of the .\rmy will be receivevl as evidence ot ina bility lo report in person. Ry commauti of JNO. RlCH.\RDSt)N, Lieul. (’ol. Commanding. .1. R. Hancock, Lieut, and .\ciing .\ Ij t [7') tltpd AOTM’i:. I)R(»PoS.\LS for furnishing oOlMi sei« of INF.XNTRV .KCt'oUTliEMENTS, will be received at this office until the Dith Nov. 18'i2. The set tt consist of Cart ridge box, shoulder belt, waist belt, cap pouch and bayonet scabbard, and the article to be delivered, in spected aud paid for iu Richmond, Va. A sample or pattern set will bo furnished if desired by the contractor. Address J. A deLAGNEL, Lt. Col. C. S. Fayetteville, N. C. Stating price, etc. Oct 2:». 18ti2 7;>-0t Paliiia t'lii'iMli Reaii'*. ^pil E subscriber will p.ay the highest cash iirice-^ for I any quantity of Palma I’hristi Reans. J A. WOUTH. Fayetteville, (Jet. b7-tf Hoii!i»e and Lot lor salt* or rent. The subscribeis olFer for sale or rent, a IK^USE and L(^T in Laurinburgh, containing 8 acres, with a g >od dwelling and .all necessary’ out-hoiises. Persons wishing to purchase will address or call on J- D. Mc Laurin, who will lake pleasure iu showing (hem around. N. A CURRIE J. A. CURRIE. Nov'r 1, 1802. 7-’i-(>lpd _ \VAATi:n, O RUSH ELS WHEAT. /wjOUU 1.000“ CORN. Persons having Ihe above .articles to sell will receive the highest Cash price by calling on Mr. M Thoinason. at the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, or on the subscri ber at his old stand on Market Si|uure. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. 5, I8ti2. 75tf ^ FOR ?iiAI.K, MAKEPEA('E’S P.U( KETS, * f)VMf Andirons, Shovels and Tongs. Rritannia Spoons, Ciuart Rottle Corks. At the (Vockery Store. W. N. TILLINGHAST. Nov’r 10, I8ti2 7tJ-2w lli«lril>iifion of Hit* Mciiool Fiiiid. OFFICE'OF. THE LITERARY RO.kRD, \ llAi.KUiU, Oct. 0, 1802. r ^I^HE President and Directors of the Literary Fund, the MISSLSSIPPJ AND THE NORTHWEST. 'I'he New York Times, of the oOth ult., .speaks in very saiiguine terms of the oxpeJition now pre paring under (ion. McClornand to open the Mis sissippi river. It recotriiizes the importance of thi.s work a.s a u;reat Juty to the North Western States. (Jen. ^IcClernand, it says,“is a Western man, fully graspint^ thu greatness oi the Missis sippi Valley, sympathizing thoroughly with the anxiety of the populations of Indiana, Illinois, Mi.ssouri and Iowa, ior the reopening of the Mis- sis.'=;ippi river. Each individual luemiier of the expedition will fet'l a personal interest in its suc cess, heeause to a certain extent the pecuniary prosperity ol every one of them will be fuuud de- penilent on the unohstnicteJ navigation ol the Mi.s.sissippi river.” 'I’liis expedition is at this time brought con- .sjiiouKUsly heiore the North Western States to countervail the arguments of (ien. Hragg s pro- I clamation, and to \juict the discontents which have hegun to lind there earnest and signiticant utterance. Tiie Times characterizes it as the ^must “philosophic” expeuition that has yet heen : set on foot. In one sense the word is well cliosen. I lor unless all political j)hilo.sophy is at lault, the j alliance between the Northwestern and the New having made distriltution of said Fund, have direct- j States cannot be much longer maintainevi. ed the following tabular statemeut to be published, showing the Fall distribution to each county. The aiucuut of the said Fall distribution will be paid to the persons entitled to the same on appli!aliou to the Treasury Department. The counties of Clay, Mitchell and Transylvania will receive their shares from the counties oul ot 'riiich they were respectively formed, there having been no report from said counties under the law of the General .\sgem- 40 Kl IiiAR A\0 ,YIOI.lKl>. R15LS SUtlAR. 12 Rbls. N O SYRUP. 1.'. “ SCUPPERNONG WINE, t >11 consignment and for sale b\- JOS. Sept. UTLEY. 02-tf A«lIIIiiii^ti'alion Aofico Wilmington, .\pril 2. Isi'.l ' I\0 I l( K. I^HE UNDERSniNED. both h iving entered the mili tary service of tiie (-onfeder.aie States of .\merica, hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, that they have appoinicl ,lulin D. Starr and John D. Williams, of ihis pl.ace. their attorneys to collect either separately or conjointly all moneys ilue them ••iUier by rvccouni or note, and otherwise lo attentl to their bu siness generally during Iheir absencc. The}’ respect fully ask all persons in.lebied lo ihem to call a-^ prompt ly as possible on their ageniif aud make pavtiieui, STAUR X wfl^LlAMS. Sept 10, ISm. .'.S-tf OIL AND LAMIM5LACK. r\NNKRS’ and LUP.RlC.VTlNtJ Oil.. LA.MP RL \CK in barrels. For sale by JOS R. RLOSSOM'.'v- Ct»., Wilmington. ,N. C. March 7. •’> tf To Laud ISiiyc'TM. The undersigned otl'ers for sale, in the (’oal region, and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville Western Rail Ro.ad on Deep River. KItillT Hl'MlliKJ) AdtKS »F hAM>, adjoiiiing tlie land belonging to the esi.ate of George Wilcox, liec'd. and lying tliree miles South from C.ar- bonton. on Little Pocket (Veek, Moore county. These Lands are well ada[>ted to the growlli of corn, cotton, wlieat, oats, rye, Tiiere .are on the ju'eni- ises a comfortable Dwelling, and all neccssary Out houses. with aftoul on»‘ hundred aud fifty .acres under fcnce, including forty or f.I'ly acres of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare cli.auce for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly .ad vancing in price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. M. M. McRae, Crane’s (’reek, P. O.. Moore county, or adiress me at Fayetteville, N. (i. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec’d. (’arbonton. Moore eo . N. f'! . \u(t, 24 4.'?t ^pilE subscriber having -.lualified as .\dniiuistralrix on I the Estate of Jas ,undy, dee d, hereby gives notice to all persons having claims against said Estate to pre sent them to Wm. McL. McKay within the time ))re- soribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recover)'. C.VTHARINE SUND\ , Adtn'x. .Aug. I, l.''fi2- t'.*- t Oeiilal l*i*artic'e for Male. I OFFER for s.ile privately my Dental Practice in Fay etteville, N. C. I'he ollice occttpyitig four rooms on seeoiitl floor, well furnished, together with sever.il oz of GOLD Foil, (tOLD PLATE tiutl SOLDER. largo supply of VUL(\ANITE and TEETH of all kinds ■\lso one-thir>l interest in a viney.ird lying four miles south of Fayetteville, containing seventy-tive acre Those owing me will }>lase call on Mr. .\lex. .lelin- son, .Ir., Rud settle. .Address R SCOTT, Greensboro’, N. (’ Oct. 27, 1802. 7;itf A AOTH'i:. T Septeniber Term, A. D. 18ti2, of the Court I'le.as iV (Quarter Sessions of Cutnberl.and County, letters of Administration of the Estate of thf W.arreti Winslow were granted to the subscriber. Persons indebted to the deceased are notitied lo make payment. Those having claims lo l>e seitleJ must pre- b.ir of a recovery. 0\ MAllY A. WINSLOW NOT] Civ Fl’KTllKK TUESl*AY of December Court week, the FURN TURE ot the late Warren Winslow will be soM, six months'credit. M.ARN .\. \\INSLOW, .Adm'x. Oct. 1.'., 18f.2 7;5ispd C. P Hire and Tobaceo on Cousignnient* III ' ASKS of fresh betU Rice and 100 Boxes Manu- * factured Tobacco, various (jualities. For sale by GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. tayeiteville, Sept, 24, 1802. O-'itf .MALLETT. 88- AOTI€E. Jau’y 0, 1802. He^^per and otiier 1*ooiii^, THEOPHILUS HUNTER HILL. Esq., of Ra J For sale, price SI, by E. J. HALE SONS, .lan’y 13. 18(i2. "" to €I.ERK« OF €OI RT.^’ Hf^adqiiarU'rxi Wiliiiiii^toiji) U^lit Arlillc'ry,, ) (_’.\Mf Rovlan, Jttly 20, 1801. AOTiri:. ON Weilnesday of December Term of the (’oiirt ol Pleas and i^unrter Sessions of Cumberland (.’ouiilj’ the Residence of the late Warren Winslow will be offer ed at public sale The property is well situated and is well kno' town. The house is furnished with gas in every room. The. out houses are ample ami in.good condition. .\p- ply to .A R(’H1 R.V lil» McLJv\N, Trustee, ()ct. 27, 1802. 7:’>-tspd I^RI.^O KTOAi:^. ^pill'^ subscriber is ]irepared to furnish 4iSltli>j|> of any size, from 18 inches to 7 feel diameier, eipial to the Nova Scotia Stones, which they resemble. They have been tested at the Faj'eiteviile .Arsenal and Armory, and approved. Address PATRICK LINEHAAL Rrnnch P. O. Chatham Co., N. (’ Or JOHN MAUNDER, RaleipJi. N. (’. Oct. 28, 1802. 7.:-lmpd Allt*r lliis dale* I will pay Five Cents per pound for rags de livered in F.ayelteville, or at my mills D. MURPHY. ^ir^- bly. Z P. VVN'CE, ' Pres’t ex oflioio of 1.1 •1 ary Hoard, • U. H. 1>.\TILE, .Ir., S«‘c’y of P.oard ‘'ounties. Fed. Pop Fall Di-i. .Alamance 10.475 1--17 OM i .Alex.inder 5,77s (171 tiO I 1 -Anson 10..''S-t l-Jf.5 1 ■Alleghany o..'io7 407 5'^ i .Ashe 7, MM) 7 '> I’.eanfort l-J.lliS 1 i M 70 I’ertie 1 l.tK'.ti I 'JM! Ptladen 114.; t;.H 8«e Note 1. 1 P.riinswick |■.,v^5^ ,'od ) i!iincuiti)ie 1 1„S.SL' 1 >1 l’7 i 1 llurke 17 ! Cabarrus ',|.:;:;0 loHi r.o (.'aldwell 7,Ut’.l 821 is 1 (3amden 52-i -Jo (’arteret 1 .:)W 8i;o 02 See Note 2. : I'aswell IJ, 17:’. 144'.t W 1 1 Catawba 10,0() \ 110'' 02 See Note 8. 1 ('hat ham D’.,t;o7 T.'8o 5:; .See Note 4 (’herokee x,'.*5S 1041 j »'hovvan 5..I.j7 t;_”_’ 75 t 'levelan I 11. r.-5 l.JoO 27 1 Colunibii- 7,t.l-J S^4 8'.t Cr:ivfii 1.;,7'.'7 ii;o:; 88 ) (’umberland 1 ».o:’.7 10;‘.l 77 See Note 5. ' Currituck 0,40*; 7J4 0>,» Davidson 15,871 17 81; 85 Davie 7,5:>7 87ti 17 ."^ee Note 0. Duplin 15(!:; 7'.' See Note 7, . Edgecombe 154'.' '.'4 1 i Forsyth ll,'.tS5 IM'.'S 24 1 Franklin 11.-J7S IMll 05 i (Jaston H.4;;i •,'80 00 I dates sno 14 I (Iranville 22m 2',t Creene 0,0 It'. 787 72 (Juilfuril IS.t.OH 2Iti2 '12 ' Halifax 15.::ol 1778 71 Seo Noto S. j Harnett 7,M»5 i Haywood • 1.070 ti.jO ! Henderson '.,,''".‘1 1150 25. lierlfor.l 7.7’Jt) S',.,s 1 t Hyde tl.tjl7 7G0 22 Iredi 11 l::.f.7t'. I '.K'.t t2 .iackson ■..4d; t;2'.t 01 .Kdinston i;:.o;to 15‘»1 4'. .lones t.::05 507 4;: Lenoir. s.i-->s '.'4.S 1 Lincoln 7,n4'.t 854 ;:i i Macon 5.7‘.Mi t;7:’. 118 Ma.li-^.n (>7'i '.»2 ! Marl in ‘t«.j I McDowell t.,5',t^! 7(.7 01 See Note '.'. | .Mecklenburg 1 1.75.S 1715 00 See Note lo. Montgomery t!.029 S04 4J Moore 10.4-JO 1211 ;;i Naoh 1140 ',*8 See Note 11. New Hanover 17.58:2 204;] 88 Nort hamptou IO.C.5;; 12;58 ;v.» Onslow 7,457 800 81 - (M’ange 14,005 1782 ti8 Pasnuolank 7.747 '.too 58 Perqiiimous 5.Mil) ti7ti 57 See Note 12. Person •,M4:; 10i;:i 8t( I’iil 1-J,001 1475 :;i Polk • “,7‘.'5 411 17 Randoli'h it;,i:;5 1875 t,7 I'ichiiiond 1020 2J Hobeson i;:.;‘i07 15»t; VI Hockinghani 14,-JP,» 1052 Ot Rowan i;:.oi4 1512 Kutherford lo.til7 1284 21 Sani]iseu i;:,^ij ltl05 ti8 See Note 18. Stanlj’ 7.n;]:^ 852 J5 Stokes '.t,414 10'.'1 80 Surry '.'.8SI 1148 05 Tyrrell 4,::04 500 :;j I’nii'U io.;J04 11'.'7 88 Wake i.*4,;;;;i 2.'^28 78 See Note 14. >\ arren 11,501. 184J 58 See Note 15. Wai:hington 5.871 021 8h Watauga 4.015 ■571 87 Wayne 1J.7-J0 147'.* 88 See Note 10. Wilkes 1 LJOti lt.,58 40 Wilson s.;5L'l 007 81 Yadkin HM3.S 1178 58 \anccy 8.510 080 28 See Note 17, Notk 1.—lUaden county; Deduct for D. J. Watson, Eliza J. C. Watswn and Jos. Watson (Deaf an.l Dun;h) $75 each, $2 25. Notk‘J —('arteret; To be deducted forS \rah W I5u.sh- all ilU'ind) $ '•5. Notk —Catawba: To be deducted for ('asweil M. on Rockfish. Oct 2. 1802 ^j^HIS Comp my, desiring to be complete in evert/ re- )§(|00 RKWARD, I WILL pay the above reward for the apprehension and delivery to me of my negro girl RACHEL, who fpect, would be glad to enlist a number of good Dri- : ranaway in April last She .is a mulatto; good size; vers,—men accustomed to the management of horses, i crooked some on the shoulders; of Indian descent; teeth I There will be paid to each man, on enlistment, .a bounty 1 eomewhat decayed; about 21 or 22 }’ears of age, I of?15. Monthly pay ^12; besides being clothed and ; R. McDANIEL. ‘expect to be absent from home a few months in ^HE Stay Law having postponed the settlement of the West, Archibald McLean is my authorized X suits for years, we will not h. reafter insert Orders of Court without payment in advance Please send §4 along with the Order, and more if it be of unusual length. '3tf Feby 1862. E, J. HALE & SONS \ tj transact my business until I return, -N.Q. JONES ; fed, medical attendance free, and all other necessary j ' equipments furnished requi.'tife for a soldier. No one need apply unless he is a good driver .and ex- j perienced in the management of horses. The destina tion of the company is Virginia, as soon as equipped. ALEX. D. MOORE, [41 Capt. Co E, Reg’t Lt. Artillery. Oct. 24. 1802. r‘2tf 100 ihs. RI.UESTOJVC, For sale by J. A, MCDONALD, Oakland, Chatham Co., N. C. October 17, 1862. 70tf Cobb (Deaf and Dumb', ,'7r>. ^oiK 4.—Chatham: To be doditf ied for Sarah C. Fou- shee (Rliud) S7o. >'0TK ;■>.—('uniberland. To be deducted for George W. llartie (P.lind) and .lohn R. Strickland an.l Han-iet Strickland (De.af and Dtnnb) 5^22 ). (J.—Davie: To be deductoil for Enoch Orrell (Rlinil) 57->. ^ Noi'K 7.—Duplin: To he deitucted for Ellen (’. John- Hon and .Nancy J, Rlanchard (Deaf and Dumb) fl.'iO. Noti; 8.—Halifax: To be deducted for Geo. L .Jones (Rliud) S75. Notk 0.—MtDowcII: To be deiiuctod for J.asper .lami- son and Mary .M. Nichols (Deaf and Dumb) ^1 "iO. Notk 10.—Mecklenburg: To be deducted for ’hris- tophcr Euvers (I>eaf ami Dumb) ,'?7'). Notk 11.—Nash: To be deiluctej for Isabella T’egram and Zilphia .A, Pegram (P.lind) S1'>0, Notk 12.—Perquimous: To be deducted for James C. Lane (Deaf and Dumb) ii’T-'y. Notk IM.—Sampson; To be dedu'^ted for Hiram Mer ritt (Deaf and Dumb) and Lizzie Hall (!>lind) ?loO. Notk 14.—Wake: To be deducted lor Nsrcissa J. Du pree and John Simpson (I’.lind) $150, Notk 15.—W'arren: To be deducted for Jos .1 Reed (Blind) $75. Notk 10.—Wayne: To be deducted for .John L. Sum merlin (Deaf and Dumb) !S75. Notk 17.—Yancey; To be deducted for David F. Wise man and Martin Singleton (Deaf and Dumb) October 28, 1802. 74^^-St ?iOO il>«. «nm Arabic tor sale by J. R LEE. 0‘Jtf Oct, 15. Blanks of all kinds at this Office- i except by continuing to hiiiubuij the lornier with j such delusive hopes a.s rest upyn tlie success ol i any plan lor restoring by arms the comnu-reial ; use oi. the INIjssissippi to the States lying on its ' upper waters. That alliance is unnatural, incon- j gruous and latally prejudicial to the Northwestern i States. In war or p^ace the policy that suits the Xew England States must always be that moit unlavorablo to those of the Northwest, The Knoxville Rejnster .says, that all the vast nianu- 1‘acturing estaMi.shments of the Ea,st were only required by the change in the condition ol tlie country to change the mode rather than the extent an*l character ol their empi lynient aud industry. The shoemaker of Lynn and North Danvn .' to-day tinds a greater demand for th« products his skill than in time oi peace; the only change is in the fmene.ss of his manuiactures. So, too, with the spinners aud wc-avers and blanket makers, and with till artizans. The workshoj's of the North, of every conceivable description, have only chang ed the direction ot their labors, :ind such is the destructiveness ot armio.s, that, without the trade ot the ^outh, the dem;ind for tho products of New England’s industry is perhap.s gre:itcr than at any former period in the history ol the continent. We can therefore understand" wliy it is that the .Vgrieultural States evince .symptoms of dissatis faction with tho course ot political events, whiles proiitableness, still cries out for blood, and still demands the extinction ot the South, The West begins to think of peace, while the East, not satis fied with all the bloodshed of the past, demands other victims to be sacriiiced on the altar oi self ishness, and to satisfy an insatiate love of power and gold. New England is enriched while the Northwest'is impovetished by the war. The agricultural exports ironi New England are undiminished l>y the pending hostilities. Wea- thersfield ships as many onions as when 1’eace smiled anti wielded her sceptre over the land. Local armies in Xew Engliind demand all the surplus agricultural products. Tron mongers must buihl ships and locomotives, and create all tho weapon.-^ of war. In truth, New England, in her industrial pursuits, and condition, would be bene- iittod by the indeiinite protraction-of ponding liostilities. Hew diti'erent the condition of the Northwest ern States! These have no new demand’l'or their agricultural products. The great market which their re.sourccs supplied has been closed. The Missis.sippi river is as truly a marc . clausum a.'i when we hold Columbus, Island 10 ahd New Or leans. The railways which connect the West with the Atlantic ('oast belonj to Eastern capital ists, aud by these such enormous rates oi freight arc imposed upon the products of Indiana and Illinois, that corn, wheat, and bacon are not worth the cost ol transportation. The West, having lost the Southern market, has no exce.ss of pro duction for which there is :>ale, and tlie people are in want in the midst of a superabundance ol prime necessaries of life. lender these circumstances we are not surpri.«ed that the West is now clamorous for the destruc tion of Vicksburg, The St. Louis liepublican would have its readers believe that if \'icksburg were razed to the ground, and our troops expel led, then trade with New Orleans would revive, and the suifering Northwest 1)0 relieved. We have known from the beginning that it signitied nothing to the Northwest whether Vick.s- burg were captured or not. It is only valuable to us by furnishing an open route to Texas and ' Arkansas. Its po.ssc.sion by the Abolitionists i will not aftect the commercial condition of the i Northwestern States. Even then nothing but ! gunboats can navigate the “great inland sea.’* ■ I'ntil Lincolp can line both shores oi the Mis sissippi, from (’airo to New Orleans, with armed men. no trading vessel can navig{ite its wa^^crs. j Were Vicksburg captured, the Northwest would soon be sati.^tied of the utter in;itility of furtjier [participation in a struggle for our subjugation 1 The Democrats oi‘ tlie Wo.!t tell us that they ; fight for the I nion. but, with them, this signifies ! nothing more than IVoe trade on the Mississippi. I They denounce, as bitterly as we of the South, I the abolition proclivities of the Federal Adininis I tration. They have no sympathj' with New I'ng- i land, further than New England m.aj’ aid tlio West in opening the groat river to its commerce I Such are the opinions betrayed by the press oi I St, TiOuis and Chicago, and such th-’ declarations ! of Western oifieers and soldiers who hare b ;er; held as prisoners in the South. 7’welve months ago a gentleman proposed to (lie Confederate au thorities to go to the Northwesf md qiii-^tly and throu”'h the press, to urge the nc'*essity of il- liance^between those States and those of the lov^ ■ valley of the Mississippi , , . It was then thought by our leaders that we would soon put an end to this struggle, and the Vorthwest, under the supposition that we sought to deprive them of their most valued comnier- : cial rights, has continued to I'urnish the l edetai : Government with the bravest and bc.st troops in I the ranks of the Northern armies. Of late, thi ' subject has again attracted attention, tsnd it w 1 are not ill-informed our Government has been in- ' duced to give it serious attention, j We are not advised that direct negotiation:- with Northwestern men have been opened, but in I the North and at the South the necessity .or a segregation of States from the old Federal L nion is already telt and acknowledged.

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