"•> -.f'f » ’.n I *np J'‘ndpD • >I an. *• "I .J i; ^1,^ , j’ * ^ ‘ i *l»er. ' W U ,1,., 1 ,. , ‘ }»UU) ',' '■• K*m,r .1 r illlU,.:, .|,,^ j. Auli ■ ' • V H b^vis hii \ .. UIK W II Ave era. N'HIm V' «;ri,.r |rrii)L:-r us Rini, 1- IluWiis . n tansill, \ *- I'jittt'rson n. (tulJu'k. klbri' >11 liuTam R:. ■, l> .MoN^ili ;uu, ,l-'-!!e3 R.-nold. N I'leitiiuij. n .1 1 --'arpen*,- k. = H ne II AU tJ, Wm Ijij. ■. I- 'i'!;ird I^OI>de^ - K ' tw‘ -ri I, ■ 11 11 .lilptOD ’I K : ON: RESjs 'K liaiij Jj Yancey. ■’ len \V Johnson, Cha> M I:-’: r, A E Mu. lili, 1‘- bert T x>nib.% I n X. Vrilliam E 'I-irr T J N«ai! ie> •jr , Jau 5 V\' *r, II \ hvtcL !■ ' 1 Wi;- W Harn^ !i. = Ha; n->, Gn> .. \V s (MdhiE . J’r..r.L ■ \ y- ; !' .N*i-r, V» iii R urry, Frui;'':' - .n. L I’uit, J lv‘ >n, urandirOti irl.!'' . ' . J; Ilanlv D. : . K H Hilui i i i; • t ■ J .Mm ,. > ’.i \\ L> (r;> ri| , /i ciu. J I'lr i.f [I .. \ ri.ro. rh»rL: .] I'uir-. r. r i: \V - Vi .r WB.::. - V - .k. Tb- rr' \\ ,11 ;'u'rh,Rob- T 1* n rrin:,'~-n. rfh-r, ACD* V \> Ir=vce.WP^f- J ■; Mc'jueen. Ji- r. . ! . :=oot-n, 'li :ii. :Icncc«-‘'' •V i ‘ urrin 'il. Pter^Voii^ h : ‘.l;>lco»^ /u 1. . .rn -t. I:-. " V i'ryor. Th"- J . i II:»lconitH' : - li >i. . W: '-r OtJ. * . - IvU:’"-' Mks» >F tri',: i^TV; iiVilJ: I V F iune; aui of i: b :tr .1 A'lTenture: ic. .1 uma: & so>s^ ^ or Pt-rNOiia* ... Ui.iou, Enlarged 1.^ with Not«*s by ,, Bills- Notes 1 AluXIii-® a/\WM J. HALL & 60l'» KIR'^ \OL. Ml. riJINTFl) 'VtOXD.AYS .\NP THl’KSKAYS ' EOWAKD J. HALK SONS. miToRs ANb l*UOPRlF,TOUS )•' t> t'V 'ht' -N\ ot‘kly ''b^ervku 'r^ ; Ott li’ m , - - v.» if ,(unu»r fll** II- «'f a: ui > I 'II -.‘V tf > vpnr lj>i« eTj'ire.i > u>' \''f. Oa-i; i:\ LK i „* UO | fl •ililnUii .. nil.: :.u ,f j.fti.l during ih»' y»‘ir .>t -ii'.'.'ti). ■ li ..r > , UU ifuT l(ll- NfHV ll li i fiaV'* Vli\’KKTlSl'.MEVT.'^ in''onp.l t'ur . t-ni- ].*>r >1 III Ihic'S for Hi'' iU'l. niid ..U » loi •-•■ h - --rtiiiig pulilicntuiti Verirly aJvt>rti>.«*iiu'n':'^ >i\ . Kiiiini'fs. >»t I*-frtt.-- :in.* | r to tsie tht- iiHftiiber .it insertiori'i .tpxivf i. ur ; I V will f't* I'liut lil'i tvii'M.i, uii.l . lu-.-ui .1 j ! \J\fVti.riu-u:- lo >10 , i h‘iiy.‘.i iti )ht , = 1, Ti Sl'KC? ^ NtM'H'K. 1' ^:u ili-l thi> l-»U‘, imji'Hiir t's Mt‘W uboi ' . . » . riiit'iv.t W’thoiit p.ayiUf:M ill mJ\ ,Tiiv. nor will; :'.r- l>** ■iflll to ■‘lli'il sllJ'M ri'iet' r.ir H l.il'.trei .' .'ue . . ,u tor. - ,ii'h ot our old suh'i'rititT* as .lesiie lo I'lke the |>a' .«i 'U ''li' -Nwin I’l'Vi if uiitil’y M wfifu umkiii^r uii; u Jnn'y 1. l^"'' gs^'l> Al>VKi:ilMiHS IVi'-'ii' iU( 1‘t'iowu whi' de'iire ^ lu- ,, iioii ill the (ib'tTver. fviul iu town wuh wiu.ui n iiHve not regular account-, will please setiJ with the , .>eui^'fuieni !i' much mor«y a iL»v wish u. iiiT-si iu 1,'cordiijg to our adveriit ng on tht* t^r^t }>ftsrr. ’ . r Ji> uiM wi.xli to opi»u anr ntor«* 'tich .iCC0iiu!s, :;r iT^eJ ii«y aooomits The process of oolleelion i- too ■ J "louli, auil we hnve to pay L'asi* tor etery thiun we ~e or sell iu the«e linics. 2. IStil. Ubi rr RY NoTiOks. —W« have hrrt-tnUire gi% eu iiu? ice. repeate'ily, th'it we chari^c for .'.'liituHry iui?n.'os ot i;u : i^tonaKle leugth. auJ tor rt*solutious of >>e . Ausc that kin>l ot ri»rt'liiig. we L“.vi' mucii ..’itM..!! .u know, is not often u\.»rc agrcoaMe :■.) ihau t«j eJiiorp of paper?* it generally hrtppi-n‘5. howeTv'r. ‘ ; lat alter charging an.J paying postage III the act-niui f-.r w-iriled,-we never get paid, we now give notice that we V insert nothing of the *ori hereafier unle.ss nro.>ni- I uied by the cash. . Always excepting ia ^le of : li*.'‘ft«ed volunteer®, when we re.^tiire no pay. : Hear .u luiti'i. therefore, that we will in=ert obituary iroiic,-s -„a !■■!'hitions, not eiceeliug 7^“ word«, gratis K-.-i all fr; ■■■ worils, one c^ot « w.irJ. wiiich raiist ‘f [■•ii.l > .v r i.e Uutice will be juit in i_tpt? *7IrJL, .WTfAV#!’, Attorney at Law, F.A.YETTEVILLE, N 0 \\’1LL i’.trnd the I'ounty ajid Superior t'ouin oi 1 \y iJuuibfriand. Harneii, .Moore an i Kobr.-ii>u i'.iun- i tic- Pi .nip', attention giveu to 'he colle.-tiou of all l hi- hund- :, f 17. 1'- ’ r! liEO. W. WILLI AMS 4 I (t.. \\ liole«»alt* Dt^ulern in Mi‘04'4‘i‘iev. A.NLt I.MPsKTER> AM> OEAl.KR IN hardnare and ( Sucdt's Iron, Xc,^ HAY STRKKT. FAVKTTK\ll.lK. \. I. .i ^ J. Ht;i • :t J t 'X W. i>. K ;.NUALL • s KK.M\1L A. 4 0., i oiiiiiiN^iioii .Mer*liaiiIs A N U WHOLESALE GH0CER3, No. It A l‘i \orth Water M.. Wllmiiisioii, I. Orders from the ('ouuir\* promptly exi Wlif" Particular attention eivon t.> tiie >.‘ i> • nJ other produce. .Vpril -. 1^01. \\ rsiri:N K vn, ’'ovd i^run:, ) ‘tto\ illt\ \ , ,|T7' ON iiii.i it'fpr t!\f> I'-.; .Viv of .'^op: t'.•■■ 'ssil! tr* >'l •>! .;r^i ..ii I’-i-:.'nc 1 - vL hit.ui Fa. ,-(rt-viHv to I.ittle Hiver. lit IVlIl'' to I; , k ‘i, til Joi’Pib i:'.!', 1,1 .Mi'lver’s 1r. 1,1,! ‘1.1,1 li iniin I \v!i ).:• . t'.induct .r ot cm’ti fa •‘cuiri'r. le-ivitui h 'X t ickfj .\ tic>s I'lte v.t Kicii’-lit »'il into t-tb (itnc. \^!iii-li will I liiiic't iii'i fiiiii)i'r>i Ml 'I ti-vi d'iy.j l!y order ..i‘ lii,> l*r*- t ■ IN'o M ln-,1 r \iiir ISi'.'J, the -iHiii.' !.,• ; ublif H H uud after \liit|.bi\ the J'.Id iic * . ih*- Ii'-siii- r Oiii K'lil will run .i'lily, Iciiviiia K ., i-'i ,■• ic o -'oi'k. \ N| . ri'i'.irniiii.’' lt''iv,« M-. Iver'-i l>, i •: >i -'■'locK. P \l (' i; M \ i i i; rr, •• ■■ I '■‘ii: Jii. Won|tii i:allro:id OftUi*. v'tevnic, N (’ S, j . ’, ■ , >t In. ih- . a; '• i' ^ r.f ; t; iIhi ris. li: i Iciit co ' \V tiiirr-M! and N \ U M.-.i-fi -.iid J i.i h'. t'rii- piirp.t'c I (.'oiiipi-.ny. to ennblc it I ■ e\t- n 1 : h>» , I f: o'ji ; iu“ 'oal Fields to the .Norrli i .niliii’i !>■•> f.^-! wmii: i.'ei\tletr.i'ii have been Jippi-;iiii'.i iunv'>'or.e i la re ceive ub,^'rib.*rs ;n tiicir st v..\ ,' ut ij;-!.!i.ii !■ ■ ^ \ii: .\t iiul* — L .1 llanghioii. Hr vewby an i t WH^hingion Vbovo t)l» (1 7 no .! : ..I'U: l U. Hugh W r>ixon \t Ore Hill (» \V (ioi.KroTi, 1*: M .\i8foti .\^.0fe>r,‘ Hill- U^n'l Hti'kiifv. Phcc. At Fi-u^fs .Mills l>r H M F..oi.r .■\t Frsnklinsville and vicinitv 1 S Hornev At .\-li= bor-.:' -Ji.uatlian V* ,rtii ‘iii.J i‘. 1' H-- st*; ■\l ypw Market Wtilk.-i and :i N- ishL .At rhonia‘!vllle—A (i F'istor and »V I r ■\i Higii Point i'r R t’ I.ni l-iay .r.d Pert VI Salem — Franoi« Fiic-> niid ii. !■ -i ■ i; \i (ireensboro’ -C P MeHdenl,}' J A (liiuuT and .le^ =• H Limi r. v Insirn;‘iuni‘; wi'l be ^Hnt t.. ;;!»■ ‘ Oi. : . :'.,t ,ii ■ eirly l>v bv it. p.". ddi'nt .f the f'.irupi:;, >‘Uf ■ ' J M noSK. > - ’ }! .• FIoreiif‘ and Favettfiiile Itnil iioad. 'ill ! l>r ' ■i;ic H V !1U1 \ ■.. Hi.II I NliTH the iirovisious .f an or juiHiii't venti.TQ of Nonh i’-iri.diua. li >k« vs-ill t - trie 1‘iih .Iiiiii' '.he , i'ii ?■> n;; v'- .', ■■ 1 recfion of the f'.’.l'.Kiug p-r"'..'.!:' ' li.ms I-: thv i\pirHi i th- ■ 1-; , =• n-- vi!!.- Rn'l U .-dr. •• -ha-e. • j : : 1: .'i . (>■' ■ F , ■ rectii.ii !■; ;!:r i tPn-.:-.i'; t'.miri ! : . ^ ^ t» A H iV. A \V .^leet. U i, =; i ■ t, M R.-- 4; ' A' i Lndortiii- ; : McNeiil, m. ,I StewHTt. Jh- ^ ' lii ;i. I' Neill and ('ol. .\i> x M.-Nl ' ‘in. r i . /ViTi/i Lni» ;i- ' ' McNair. Ur. ,\ I* McLent'. n.-r, ». iii'ly and V!«-x .ti ler W . . •. r »nv . -li V'- ■ • l-n>l>-r tiic : r.' '';.'n ' i tl 1> Mi’Lood, 1* NiiM'ftiiUTji. H MfOui'cn, .r any ine of M . I.' . . ndi-r he ii! ; .11 ■ J hui McN.-iir, S; >ii \'f r l. 1' i'i A - ; M‘- .i;- I'.- Ole Ol i!'.> ni The r iib‘.Ti!.’i 'I tio^.k v\ ■ ' ; 4. irc of 0" vl'iy U hen a ur'u’i. n^ 'iin ihet nipauy w111 t.e 1.1 iti'’ ■■i ‘ 'i;e |.ii; : ■ :Ilg thr 1*. '-ki • 1',- • .Ml' I Ilf-IT! N 1: him:. ^ '-.ild I' \ \ S \S W \1 •No I (•111 1 HAN, 1: '• 1 K' ••■1 ('•rtr T. C'. A: U. Ci. WOHTH, wii.MLNcrrox, .l.tu V 1'A K er ^ I L can be H.-.:oriii) ■ -lainar;,. • i.i. r*. i^'.i. r • I wifh I Ho'iPK K llollar«» Ke%«ar«i. 1) \ N \'V \ V fr.iHi ill,* «iil. ri iti.'r. li'- 11. !' o t'.y i .'i^■ lie i.s :.:i y'‘>n of aj^e, alif.iii ■> u-i-i b' iin-;i M/h, robuxi. I'.nf'' l.-ei :ind very ninch niiiK-.i ;;ir -i. i ' :in 1 lo.iks ilown when “p.incii 1 = lie .-n 'IcPh'jM: ■ Mills in Kobeson coiimy .’H the ■.;i 1 . and Wi ill Fayetteville Jir.ut three v. . k I’ iliiive r^wiHrd will be paid tor his ileiiv -ty lo im- hm contiiienient iu any jail «o tiiiit I eei hitii. NV. I* .IoHN-mN iiennetiBvrtle. .S. Aug. 1-5. ■'•.'M’ Huntfiviiffn MUL.iTfn WOM W 'h^ year‘s i>!l. ol iie lima ;iHrne i.t' I.i "i . b;it tliiw .)ltl'c SF. -WEKK L Y. I AVlVr rKVILI-K, N. 1:.. NOVKMHRK 17. my> i'%v r/rri:vii.i.i: MITI AI. (OMPAM. t?iipital in Premium .\ i; ’>1'h oil haii.l Hiid ,1 Im'I Sii'l w.itnan is pn»biib'y in or near T.*wn. b,:; m.\ have i>een ieil ofl in lije (iireoiion n(' .N. wlii-rii by l!i!: l5ruinton, a free mulatto tnaii who has been at work aa 1 I’liriienter probably on t!*e W iliiiingi..n .v 'V cl Ion H tili iii.i nt a Depot Norili if W.irnaw i *ii; pH_\ ' ilif lelivevv of srti‘1 girl to me or F.id^ed in .lail in l"wii, if found in this t’imiity, .r if .lid girl is found in any uiher t’onniy an.i confin^'d in ilie .lail of the «anie, ihe party arr*-stinx giving iii>* e-iily iii ■■Vin'i- lioii ..f the »ainc. .'No, li \, 11.1,1 WI.-^. Fayetteville, Ang. l.-.n2. ' | ■■ 55*10 Keivarit. 1WILL pay the*aV>nve rewat.l for tin’ ni.j.n>tieu^ii.n •and coDliuement of my man (’\LVIN. w nui twiiy from me about three we.>ks ago. I will also pay a rewar.l of Fifty Dollars for Miflicient eviilence to convict any peraon of harboring iiim. Cal vin is abotit 4li years of age, '» f»;ei 10 or 11 inch.'‘s high, black, and weighs about loO pounds; he we irs small gold nngy in his ears. He i.s a boat or sliip carpenteV, and well known aho'jt FayetteviHe .md Wilmmgion. He sometimes calls bim.self Caivin .lohn.son. TllF.O. j;v\Ns June .'?0. 18G2. :f Rice and Tobacco on Consignment, 1 A of frt'sh beat Hlce and lOO Hoxen Manu- I w facture'l Tobacco, varioii--' nualities. f’or aale by GKO W WILLIAMS .S: TO. 1-ayelteville. Sept. ’J4. 1862. •'■•’•if llf‘w|»c‘r aiifl olliei' I)V TIIHOPIIILUS HUNT1:R mu, l- ,v. - • ■l«i;iri. Ii For .sale, price .51. l>y K, .T H ALH ,v .so.s's .lan'v !•>. IHt'.'J. I\OTK)K I expect, to he absent from norae a few ic.onths in rpKE .Stay Law having postpoiieJ the settle: tiie West, Archibald .McLean is my authonzeil A. suits for years, we will not h T« or toi *t a>i :mci)' 1 ■ I'L'c t'niiipHnv ii;i\ fj‘k\c l.cV- : 111 idi- fill .; T. ' ii lo.-.^. i .11 i, LOOK AT THIS! Tlii; Fi\!'TTi:ilLU; fll/TOi. Fronting 3(M) fe(*t and in !h(‘ b?i^i?5ess porfion ot* the Town, i'oniini^sion and Forwardinjc .)Jcrcliants more «>i>a4 ami %* t ll ICooiiiK thait aii> Hotel in' fli«‘ ^lafe. ati'J iiiv I'atrori av my ; ( r\ .j I ! if tli»‘ titiji - r. Vi UMIH-L, Praprh tor. 'l^iy *'i, I'-'i". - . FaytilciiHi- Feiiial** Hiijh School. 'pHF. c\.-ii'i«e« oi‘ t‘ii-1 In-tt: r;.>n i. ; :i i u I 'he ot ''cp'tMi.bt*!- Til,- i-U il . :ii ■ yi-.r w ;;1 1 ■■ i vi.ifl •' ■ - . :he l-'i .if K'. wi'ck'. coiiinipnr-n’i' : eii 1 illir 't-h Df^c.; the :econ>l of ‘.'7 >Vi-cV . :-,.::i: . ■ ■ _• l-^l i l.;ii y in'l fiidisic .liily l-i I’ln.'C.'- iti'l iiiar.liiiii- iii'.-T..b ^ i .•; -i. . .1 ,ri- earii'-t'' rfi(ti^ !* i I' -si c.'ii lining full ii 'Vtr- i-.l ir- in i • li ' ■■ !tic opfi'inz o! tiie ScliO' 1 Ucv W.M. IIOOPKK. 1 I ('. Hoo>‘i:!c. ^ ■ ini\ 17. isi;:;. »; tli-iiry il I. M (ilM l» \ r \ -1 i',. piii.i. M'Fti'i K : MiNl-lLi I'.v K W. V:. c l-r,. '!.-.MILL\-. v-.r,7,t;hy '-h :'-,U77 .?.i ';-'7-J.7ii-. 01 prompt ly, an t H ili illlU ni" r-i. (',v t'," i.|»n: ill-lit s Nu.b' i; .1 Ull.- \ A .1.1' s \\- Hawii i . Il .V St.-dll Mu'!,... K..K-. Iri'i, ''luiii- . I'lliingh:!. 1 I I T S 1 illll'i’hj il ;ii'? i 1 M L'l irii. I.sill.-I i„h \ t; il- till \>liin Rf^Tl:.-i'.ii:if.an d-iv '.’V. \1,-. • ill\ il(• i Sti,‘p!.i‘rl V\ illii\'toU. I r^iveririt; .Vtfcii.'v I'll'. •_I riMi: AOIt'I'H iliOLIAA Hi i \ u. fJFi: iVSflKUTS: hlPtW, 0'.\ ;i ; v.Mut, f ...1 >:r..\viii, c ij.i: | . Ii i.‘!.Ol“, C inllMII: -, |.i , ■I V. IH I iniiii s ill- tViiiil ' } ! V'”!'. -.. -11 i fur • Vll sl'ucs t'r iiiie \f m I .\il !o"-i*s ii' )U!,i':Ct ..■■ pi ).,r I- I > Fur fun her int’-Tm- .Vgi'nts ilie I .trillion' k‘ h ■ Jan'v i w. Ill ,:;,.'r:il i.iii. will- r ip.iil ['.nbljn cmi- • ■1 aU h.'uli h V piT ■ VH ir, t'.ir sevi'i' iriOiT ill i';ic proli;-. -ire injured t.'t ii- ir vjihio. h II .*'• i:ivs rtfler 'lv!l ll,' • it, .11 J.,. r. \TTLt; i: J pat ■ r*>:i‘rred ti» s . *ic Stare. hU'1 to 'e'Ti lary, P.aleigh. II -\ I.F. .Agent at Fhvi‘:teville, N 1 The >ev> Stuall, rOLOKKI) l'ii(^ii#l.liAPHS, \ % Jl -.ilfl I’.* r\. Sai(« of a |>ortlo» of thf* FayettevilU*^ \Ae,^tern Plank Road. K iiiiderRigned having been iippoinle 1 t'oiiiinis'i .cer I to sell all that rirt of th>- F-iyeiieville Wesi‘»ni Pi'ilik Hoad, above Itieh Point, will -idl at public \ic iM'ti in the town of .'■•ali in. ..ii itic I-1 •H'ii--sdav iu Jau'v II he Uoiid. Toll MoU'.e, ,'tc .between High Point hu.I !'.•liania. upon terms tu be ma.ie known on the day of pale JF.SSI; W.VLKCom \uv. 18K..J * 7''i-tH HEAOm ^HTKKS r.-ia KEldMENf ('. M.. i Sl'MMIWVllLI . N I’ . tjci ih l^b'.i )’ • »H l>t H ^IMIF. iimui'iii.i”! - >1 t oiiip.inie*' i;i ihi.^ Het9lii!'*ni will .1 piii i'lM ivii), ibvir re-pi't?) ivi- . oKiin iu.is in fioui of the (’iiiiri /(oiisi*. in Lillington, on lyth lav of .Nov t-.-ti. >ii 11,1 o'clock. .A .M for P.evn'W. lirill an>l In- : p*‘i'iioii I'hc 'oiiiiiii‘S|,,ned (Mlicei's and (Irderly .Str j ^'t*.lnls will mt-el ai ilif s line [.b.v-f -iiid h 'ur ..n the two [ rt‘.‘.‘diii^ d i\- f.'T Drill. .\i- J. A SPi;\llS. 7'■ '!lpii '>'1 ('oin riT .’>‘.'d -t‘g’t S C. N| A 4 Alt4». ( utup Jljil*', iii'ur Fort FNher, IMW. . iinacr«igne l. -i private in the .\ruiy ol the ('on- j 1 lederate Suites. rfspt.cil'iilly anuoiinces himself a [ cindidiiie tori'lii.'l t’l,-i-k ol ihc Hoil:'-' .it I'tiiniii ms of, !*!c next I.e^i-lailire. Uav'n;£ p I'-cd '■''iiucrs in ■ clcs... inliiii:icy with I'm-'-.ii-t sbitivi- b.i.lios. h*> trusts that he lias c. ii i.b r iMe ■tc.iii:iiTiiTi!,-» with the tlulie.s ; ■>f I he po'ii ion. HKN'KV L. ’OLTON. .Vns£. ’ .^-llf ] AIIVi:KTI«l%nK:\T. ! Knsliu'cr OflUe Distriol ol l apo Foar, \ i-'MITItVlLLK. Ocl. to, J I Vl.L persons h'lving claims .ig.-iiust the Fngineer L>e- p«r'ment for nr-.terials or services applied in the j : construction ot ilefences in North Carolina, can have , tlieir claims examintxi. und if siipportPtl by satisfactory j I certificates of ofllcer.-- authorired lo order the expendi- I lure, or proved just and eipiilable. they will be pai.l by I reference to this Oflice ; * C. H CJLLI.\S, Hoiif«e and Lot tor sale or rent* ^PIIE MuTjHcribeiH otJ'er for .sale or rent, a HOUSE and I I.OT in Laiirinburgh, coniaining K acrea. with a good dwelliug iind all necessary oi;t-hou«e'». Persons wishing to purcha'ie will address or call on J D. .Mc- f.-turin, who wilt t'lkf pleasure in showing themarouud, i A ('URRIE J A CURRIE Nov'r 1. 18tV2. 76-»>tpd %%’A-^ed7 »■) WHEAT. ..^w,»)UU l.VKi ‘ CORN PeTsons having ihe above articles to sell will receive the highest Cash price by calling on .Mr .M Thomason, at the Meichant Mills, Fayetteville, or on ‘he subscri ber Mt his old stand on Market Square ALFX JOHNSON. Jr .Nov 'i. Js»3-. 7r>tf i-'OR N.\i.e. maki:pe.\ce’s p.u ket.s, .\ndirons, .Shovels and Tong.s. liritanaia Spoons, Quart Bottle Coiks At the t'rockery Store W N. TILLINQHAST N’ov'r lt». 18c,2 7; 2w PRACTICAL ULNTS FOR HARD TIMES “What man ija> done, man may do ’’ No II.—LIGHTS. ' Our fathers little artificial light. They I preterre.l the ohoap light ot day. For this re» ' 6on they woui early to bod, aud were aii the more I healthy aud more wealthy tor their practice The , i-hiet light ot their houses, like that of the hou- ■ MPfl of’ the nobility of England a few centuries i back, Wis a ruddy glare trom the hearth.stone 1. 1‘rimitii't Liyhts.—The earliest artificial il luminator.'^ of which We have any record, were ianip^ Theae, at tirst, consisted ot nothing more , than a oup ol' oil or grease, with a wick lying j against its side. Its shape waa aoon improved m I converiienet^ and elegance. J. .4 Hastily ExtemporiieJ Liykt.—The wri ter was one of a tamily party who were belated ill :he mountains of Georgia, and compelled to shelter with a family who owned neither lamp nor candle. Uur ingenioiw hostess, howev er, devised a liyht for the table. It was made by mean.s of a slice ot fat baeon, (^do not laugh, reaa- ! er, I tell the simple truth.) This was spread in the bottom of u saucer and on this was laid some candle wick, the buruiiig end of which was kept Ifi^lribiilion ot the .^eliool Fund. OFFli'K OF TMK LITERARY BOARD, t Ralkiqu. Oct. 9, If'G'J. - w 1 1 ' VI 'IMli: President iiu.l Directors of the Literary Fun.l. elevated by being piissed through;', tailor StliimblC. 1 having made tiistribution of said Fund, have direct- | i{. Hu^h Ljiyhtst.—Anion^ tiie poor ot T^^urope ed the following tabular statement to be published. . ^ very cheap and easily made light is constructed ■showing the Fall distribution to each county ; ordinary bulrush stripped of its skin ex- The ftm^uiii of »he mh\ Kail (rmtnhuiion will t*e paid u u i i to the persons entitled to the same on application to the i «^ept enough to hold the internal peth together. Treasury Depariinent. j ^“d then .'■aturated with suet or Wax. The counties of Clay. Mitchell and Transylv.ania will • 4. ("onfrderate Vmidle.—This rivals the rillh receive their shares from the counties out ot -.vhich they Ijo-ht in .‘simplicity, and far exceeds it in servicea- were respectively formed, there having be. .. no report : together a pound of from r^aia counties unaerlhe law of ihe (ieiu'ra.1 Assem- . , ^ « j .p ^ 2 B V \ SCR 1 beftfiwax and a quarter ol a pound oi rosin, or oi Pres’t ex oftioio of L-ierary Boarl. ‘ turpentine fresh iVoui the tree. Prepare a wick R. H. Battle. -Ir., Sec’y of Board [f;^ D't] (’iipt. Engineer« (’ S. \ RT. \V««»sl%Tai’it*hi Solar ''Jonnties -■\lamance Alexander Anson ,'Vlleghan y .-\she >»eauf.)rt Bertie Bladen Brunswtck Buncom he Burke 4 aiii.t^ra. J>lJoT. • 1 c:--vilk.. C-Ou. • M. II.ft . I-K a:; I i i: ' , --J,- . . 1 I‘:.:.iognp ;Ih . im; I -! lus.’iein 1_. y.iur ].Htr..U ige. 1 w ..: t'.'I lli» ' rV .1 { 1tr„,i:it the go-, i i .'..p.- F iv Dc: ill.M'i! ■ ■ • : lull Vm:. ■r'-ioD’s .Skyliifh ] . H«iy ri'.-*, irp.tiite M r’de Var.i, Fay- ■i. V .: p’iain. ;• ■t.i'u-iif'1. . o’r.r.'1. in water an.; p..stile: .m :n;..n ( = .\.mljro V M.-x. ;■ i ;! .'yl* ■ of Pictures Ui,‘ .Vr! .'.i- , iT:. i-’i 1 .iie.J, uilt Mnuld- r' .r V s;-y ! - .i- .i- Ml ! ; .1 ■ ^ '.I 1 Ii:r. '. hl'Il U- ; ! V- c ;. 1 T^; .' i~ii. Life !• ie fr.ill. •’: lil t'iCi UI i‘- •. I : : ' ;i .J 1,. to merit •1".'. -e. i! .i V ^i.’KeM; thanks t'e b,. ; .! i.u r.;c i,.‘re: .li.jre t.y -'iievliie M 1 - I' (I'if. M \ ,\Ni-iSDHLL, I'Li il . /I U .IU-. i’: t I'l opllrlor. Headquarters Fort St. Philip, N. C. I OcTORF.R 24, ) SPF.i'l VL OHDKB. No \^ OFFH'liK.s. .Non (’omiiii'.-iionc.i (itFic . 'iii.l 1‘rivutes bidonging to this Command, wh.-mer absent ot deiachcd .servicc, or otherwi.se. ar,- oiderc-J to retmn 1.-, .Inly t’i-.rtitutrlij. Oiiicet-' failing to c .inpiy witli this or-ler will be re- J (’nbariiis c.'nimende 1 f.>r .lismis.'ial from rank. Ni> certificate of i Caldwell disabilify. other than from a .Surgeon or A.s.slsfant Sur- j Camden pe.ni of the .^rmy will be received ms evi.lence of ina- j Carteret iiLiity 10 report in person. I ;'aswell By command of .INO. RICH.VHDSON, I Cnia^ba Li»»iit. Col. Commanding. { Chatham I P> Hancock Lieut and Acting .\dj't [7o-t.tp.l ^ Cherokee \oTic i:. 1)lloFi).v\LS t.ir lurnishing .O(i"0 sei' ot INFANJ'BV VCt't'L'THF.MKNTy, will l.e receivfl si ihis oihce lUiiil ttie loth Nov. l^'»■J I'he se’ te coii.,ist ol ('art- ridge Oox. shoulder belt, waist belt, cap pouch and b.'iyonet scabbar.i. an 1 the .trticle to be delivered, hi- jpect**d "itid pAi.l for in P*ichmon I. \ a .sample or pattern s^i vvili be furnishe.l it .le.-ire.l by the contractor. .\ii.lrc>s J A .1>*LAiJNKL, Lt. Col 1‘ .S A . F •lyelteville. N. (' .Stating price, etc Oct l!s*, lso2 7‘. t'.t 1=' .^ »'a. I 4k roeeyien i V. . i.i I . i 11 ut;. Ui •>: - I’aoon-.'^iJ.'^. N - I in.l J. r;i 1. . Vil l n.l .1 iM-r -. ; -ei-;. 1.;-ii \V ihii'nu! • II ft ? li !■. ' Palma 4'liri*^ti Kean«. fhe highest caati price ■ iiM'ii Beans. .1 A V,.)KT11 Fa\el leville. Oct. i.i-it ^pHF -iubscriber will pay 'I i I .itiv .louuiiiv of Paliu-i l'l for 40 A.'vii BliI.S SL'lJVL 1-' ItbN N O SVnlP 1.1 •• St'LPPFKNONO \MNF t In coiisiguniiMil and tor .ale !>v JO.S. LI'LF.Y Sepi 11. tV.'-tf Chowan Cl*veb.ni »'olum bus ('ravt-n 'umb.-i l»iud Currituck L>avidsan Davie l)upliii Edgeoo'.ube Foray t h Franklin Gaston Gftte.s «M-aiiville Greene Uuilforl Halifax Harnett Hay W utni Henderiuo Hertfol . Hv le Ire.lidl Jackson Joliiisit.n Jones Lenoir Lincoln Macon i\.ik iji roees'ies:! ... ..: . . „ •• F\MILY h m . .■ Miii;; oi' 'tuokef its )[' -.il . ('1 ur .. ;m I \Vhjl.- .1.0 iiro Adiiiini«lrafi4»n .\oliee. ^jMlF, subscriber having .^nalitie'l as ,\dministratrix on I M^.lis^iti L the K-taie of Jas Sundy. dec’iL hereby gives notice i Martin to all persons having claims against .said Estate to pre sent them to Win .McL. McK ly within the liuie pre- scrilied by law. or this notice will be }>!eaded in bar of their recovery. CATH.MUNK SI Nl)\ . .-X.iui'x. Ang J, lf>':j. i’ \i. lO l; \o I i i:. Mvii; CNi)f:R-! ; I . ••. V M'l i* .“ o; tiereb\ give ii.il i. e 111.' ■ Il.il iv e •?; -. .. I. t' >. ■ ,.r r r ■•..nni '.I II" . > siiii- ' i/. !i. r-k^v ■ ••lif l.M-aic ' li'" V i '.HU Ire viili e- . : \i!icric"i, ! :l!i I fi-ieii l-, I'l.i .l.-hn D. . . e:' her i.. -Ill ».i; iii-r I V V I I . 'Il. il- f II- I’hey l. 'j.ei t- ■i'! 'I T.roi'.ii.: ••'iV'M.MI. U i’i.Li VAl'l. AKflV IIAIt\l>S. IVM J rcpnred to luaiiui-.ctiire n'., \\ ri ^l^irne=s for .\rniy ii“e. 1 tan iny !•■ ; ' . r -i:' ■ " give good brtrjr^iius. .\gents «il; .i., .’,.’,1 t jf>)..i , orijer- to lur liiey .-ii ill in ve j.i’. ni.-i m '11111 «.ent otT iu .juick di'.p'itch. C VKt'l- !! G,.Mron P O. I'tia’hani ’o.. N . 1 •lime 1-'.. 11 ' \orili Carol ilia *( IIOOL l’(K)K.S are bp.-.1 iii\./ •, . i- ■ ' ■ \v ^ h.'ive nil h.iDil a g.ni.i -iij.j.Jy ft-. .N-• 1 .1 C\R r.lN.\ RK.VDF.RiS, Nos. .1 m;d 1; by Rev. I’i-.i.'.-Hs.-ir I'lb >ar.l ot'the Univer-iiy of Noi’ih I’ ln.i’ivi. n'l.l V. by Rev (M. Wiley. .Sup-.’i iiit-rn.L ui ol .ii.ii. 'i .■'.•u...ils f North C-irolina Our customers havincr well m.’h exliaustei oiir st.ick of N'lirthern Uea'ler- on linn.l wlien it: w.ir CDiiiinen.'C.l, A’e hope will now turn their ;itteii!ion In 'lies*. b,,..ks by tioine authors, rrilhev thiin ;ii' iIhm’- I-,-u : 1 > without reading books. For sale only at the .1.1 r^ifii! pri-’e- -.{ ceii' % ".S cents 1U1..I ~'> cents F. .1. M\LK .\ So VS Fcb’v 1. IHii’J. • , ii. t OTTO A VAKA. Xo. H» May Street. ( . P. M MiLKTl' •lar.'y C, l^*ii^. ’ - on, A.N'j) \A)\V P.L.\(’K. MIANNi >111.1 LI I'.Rii Vl'IN:; oil, 1 L\MP I'.I.\i'K ill b .!-rei-. i-'.>f .■ li' ' ; .Il‘S R I'.L' > M .V () . U liiii iitjton. N '. M'.r, !, 7 >; .f 'i'o i,:iiid IfSii>4‘rs. for s.ale. in ' ' : ■“ .'t the lei lI.ii.Ml I! ■'.■ ( ..n ! leet. !•' ■ 1 . ‘lers .lilt iiii%' rn R- rpMK un.ler.^i^- 1 i'l.l w iihiu ellev;!lo .V Wes KUiJli' IliMijiK ) A« liUS or l.ni). legioli. lb:- F;: - ■ ‘’•n*, I..I I H : II ec miles .S .Moo ve 10 t.'i.# t'C.K, iing. -ii: »'i;>iini>;g t H,' i;in.l bcbi Wilcox, i. >1. 'illd rK iiton. o;i Li!.'- r'lic:.,' Til.'"!.' Liiii.i-. v.'t ’’ c.ittoii. wlieiu, .•'I!..'. ry‘v i'.‘s .a Coinl.)!'I:ihie D'.vt hO'l^'C.-. W'!‘: ''I'lii; . !ii;. il-i--! fcnc.., iuclu-linv' f >’.;y • ■ :l'\ > bottom land. is a r i’- I'h-! iiig to make invcrt iiieM-. ,1. IjiIi.I' vnncing iu prict' in tliis -^eriion. For luvther iiifori',^,ioii a]-« y tlrane'? (’re«k, P. O.. .M-- >’-c .-m; F^lvftttcviilc, N. C. o* ■01 ge I 'jir- e I: .s,lL!:^ froii; nr ill y. riiwiil of corn, ir.- i.:i tiic j'leni- r;e.i. s;iry Ollt- ii,;' = under ..f iiev.-r-ffiiliiig r t'ersoii!-- wi.sh- ii’id. iibi->dly a.i- Mi. M M. McUae, s liiress iiu* at llental l*raetire lor 5*>ale. 101 l-l.i; f.ir sale privately my Dental Pi iciice in Fay- ettev.'ilc. N r. The .itri'.- occupyiu;.: four ro.-'ms on i-.f.-.'nivl il lor. well ’(irnishcd. tog'’her with si-\eral oi., ot GOLD FOIL. iH»Ll> PL\TK and SoLDER. .\ iirge supply of VUl CAMTF and TKKTH -f ali kinds .Vlxo one-ihird iiitere.'t iii :i vineyar'l lying four imle.s s. ith .)■ Fayetteville, coniiiining seventy-live acres. l'lu.si‘ owLiig me will pbi“e call on Mr .VIck. J-hn s 11. Ji . and s,iu!e .\ddrcs> R .Sl'OTT, (ireeiisimi o'. N t' Ocf J7. ISt;o. 7::it AOTIC'i:. \ l September TiVm. A D ISii-J, 1.;' itie (’out'i >'f .V: i^' iari'T S.-'->ii'ns of 'iiinberbin I 4'’oiiiiiy. leii,‘n of \ilmini.traii.in of the F.s'aie of the late i; re!i Winsb'V.’ w)i e granied lo the subscriber. lVi--.^0'i iiidei'led to ih>* di'ce-ise.l -ire notifie*: to make p'lvni 'iii I'll..Me havii'.^ cl.auo' lo f.e set'.led nnisi iire- s..|it I hem in due 1 ilue 01 this notice will be pleaded in b II .1! a recovery ^l \ II ^ \. INSLoW FniM'llKll XOTICK ON TIM.SDaV of Dcccmbcr .'. iirt week. *he I'LRNl*, TI’HF. ol the Ifite Warren 'V Inslow will be sold, on six months'ere.lii M.\R\ \ VV1NSL(>V\, .-Vdm’t Oci. 1.1, \x‘>-2 7;:tspd AOTiri:. ON Wediiesdr.v c>t Dcc»‘inber Term o! lie ('.mri of Plens and i^iiarter .Sessions of ('uniberliiud County, the Residence of the laic Warreu Winslow will I'e offer- f l a: public sale The prop“riy i.= wel’ situnted and well known in tiovn. The hoii^e i-; ficrnished with gas in ex’cry room The oiil 'iiiu-.ie- Hie ample and in gO'*fl comlili.ivi. Ap ple lo ARCHIB\LD McLI'AN. TrusiCe. Oct. ’^7. 1 7H-tpd t.KliVO WTOAi:». ^IMlll s.ib-'ci ibor |.» pi epai'ed to furnisi' iiltl.TiO of anv si/.i", froiu 18 inches 10 7 f.’ct di ..iieie’. ..-ijUHl 10 the .’'j ovu .Scotia Slones, which they 1-'-eni’;-!i' Ti^e^ have f»een letted at the Fayeilevillc i Af.'enal •111 i Avmory. am 1 approved. .AiMre^^ PATRICK LINKHAM, llrn eh P t> t'hathaiii Co.. N. ( . Or.lOl!\ M M N'DI'R. ' O.'i. ■ ’ '"M'-i McDowell .'lecklenburg Montgomery M.iore N/)hh ^ew Hanovf-r Northampton On si.1 tv ()raiige Pasijuol ank Perijuimons i Person Pirr J Polk I Randolph Richmon.l ' Robeson ! Rockingham I Rowan i Rutherford Sampson Stanly Siik.'-> Surry i Tyrrell Cnioii Wak.' W'arren W'lshingi.iu Watauga AYavne Wilkes Wilsoti Yndkin Yancey Fed. Pop Dt.476 o.77.* 10,884 3.6U7 7,BiX» 12.428 11.08C y.8'14 t.954 ll.R*^-’ .h,oh,* 7,0»'.l 4,4y 7.^9^ ii:,i78 HMJ.i4 I'i.t'.o? .^,357 1 i.4'^.'j* 7,.-.12 i'..7y7 I i.037 0.40G i:..H7\ 7.537 l--’.'.^3'. 13.3 1 l.^»Hj ll.-J7.‘ 8.431 c.ss.'; 1 0..34G IS,GO'. 7,lh'.'> .t.b7'i f.,01 13,*;7»; 0.4 D. IH.t.H* 4.30.', h,l.->}> 7.34‘.' .'.,7v^f'. :..8L':l b.4f>8 14,758' '■>.*.♦25^ 10.4'Ji't '.1.81 o 17.7.8J U*,*>(')3 7.4i')7 14,’.'0.0 7.747 r>,8:io y.i4,; -.7'.*.■> 10,13.'. 8.S2S l;:i3f'7 l4.-_’lvi i:’,.OH • 10.017 13.81'.' 7.333 '.•.411 •*.Sbl 4,:J04 10.304 '-•I. 4 1 .'..371 4.'.*1.'» l-’.7-'0 U.'JtlG 8.3'Jl 10.13S 5.r.D) Fall Di- 1‘217 6y 071 69 1265 4i.»7 f>y ■ "r, J .6 1J>'1 9-2 il4ti 68 f*Ofi 3;* 27 Jfjj 47 1084 t.O 821 18 022 2n s»;o 02 1440 ^>0 9'-’ 19;-!0 ,',3 1041 30 022 7f. 13,30 j: .884 8i* It'.03 .s8 1031 77 744 09 17 SO 8.'. «70 17 15(t?, 79 1549 94 1393 24 1311 05 's(» 09 Hr*,» M .4 .J.^ .See Note .See .Note 6, Note 6. •See Note 7 S 4 0."i9 lir.o vs ^98 14 709 22 i :.89 h2 0J9 I'.l 1591 4-j .007 43 ‘-*48 30 S.'’>4 31 073 t..^ 070 92 9-4 39 707 l'l 1715 Ot> .S04 44 1211 31 1140 98 2o43 H8 12.SS 39 8i-,(i S7 1732 08 9i.K> 5.^5 '•70 Uw/2 SO 147'. ';i 441 17 1875 t.7 1020 2 4 loti, ‘.'i 10.',2 9t 1.'’>12 S.; 1234 21 1005 03 852 45 1094 3(.i 11-18 .'io«> 1197 i:U4 53 024 3'^ 571 37 1479 ;H? 1058 40 907 31 117^ -53 9-9 28 De.luot for i 30 or 40 yards long, made up ot three threads of loosely spun cotton. Saturate this well with i the mixture, and draw it through your fingers to pres.s all closely together, and to keep the siie even. Repeat the process uutil the candle at- » tains the size of a large straw or quill; then wrap , around a bottle, or into a ball with a flat bottom. ' : Six inches of this candle elevated abo^ the rest •S-n» Noie 1, I ^jji j’qj. fljteen or twenty minutes, and give ) a very pretty Hgfit^ and forty yards have sufficed J a small tamily a summer for all the usual purpo- j ses of the bed-chamber. , 5. Lard Taper.—Equal to our mountain See Noie bacon light in cheapness, and yet more pleasantly available for the necessities of the sick See Note 3. ^ room, is a light made up of a saucer half full of ard aud a little wisp of spongy paper. The pa per, twisted so !is to form a short pointed wick with a broad base—say two-thirds of an inch high aud an inch broad-^it set in the midst of the lard, and by the beat it g_enarates, aided by the shelv ing sides of the saucer, keeps itself supplied with fuel until the lard is ail consuaxed. The paper can be shaped on the point of one’s finger, and the buroiug end twisted quite small. It should re>t on the bottom, and the vessel should be shal low—a saucer, not a oup. fi Litrd Lamps.—At the pre.sent prices of illuminating material, the most enconomical by tar for those who Ijve in the interior and afar from gas, is lard This requires a lamp whose wick tubes are of thick ni»*tal for tlie purpose ot cuxiv-cyinf5 th>4 ol tii** flom* in.to thp aiidst f>l the lard, and keepint; it melted around the wick The lard must be melted when the lamp is lighted, or ir will not burn well. The wick .‘should be ol several thicknesses of spongy cloth 7 Lurd Oil. — When combined with one fifth {.art spirits of turpentine, will burn in an ordinary lamj. and afford a beautiful light. To obtain the oil, enclos‘d lard in a strong, close canvas bag, and. subject to gradually increaseji pressure. The in durated mass left in the bag is not injured tor culinary purposes. S. (tiniUix nf TaHov, and Pri kly Pear.— Whoever can command tallow for candles, .will greatly improve them in firmness and in illumi nating power, by combining with it a^few leaves of the prickly pear, in fhe proportion of about one part by weight of the la.‘;t, to four or five of the first The leaves should Ix^kepl in the heated tallow until all conmiotiun ceasos, and until the tallow itself reaches the boiling point. Of course, Ihe he.-ited mixture will need straining It is .said by those who proloss to know, that the longer tallow is boiled, the whiter it becomes in ca^e it is not bunifed; but to avoid burning, the vessel containing tallow should be heated in a sand bath (.mother vessel partly filled with sand) and not set immediately on the fire, j {♦. HVt.c i'aiullts.—Heeswax gives a litrht al most equal to sperni It may bo mouidcif like the tallow eritidlev, or it may be rnlhd by et.vel opinr the wick :n a thin stratum wax spr.-ad on a board, and attcrwanls smoothed eveniy by rollinu between two boards, Ihe eoDjfxna^ii n .'.d wax and tal'ow need ii'jt be suggested. 10. IViij- and mixed in equal proper . tions. afford an exeellent li:ht, th'^mgh lial-le to smoke unless supplied with a suit.ably 6izf;ii wick. See Note 9. See Note 10. See N»te 11. 7 See Noie 12. - Note 13 S. e Note 14. See Note 15. Sed Note 10. .See Note 17. D J. Watson, For the in Mofirp , ■' i'ANIi.L >'rR\!-:, ,.i‘(;i;bi'ri M' Rae. ilcc’i'. • \ . “ IS.,a .I3t ji-i Agent to transact my business until I return. N. 0. JONi:S l>»c’r 28, I860. sgif of Court without payment in adv .uce Plea- s. 1 1 '' along with iht^ Ordtr, and more if it be oi uniiau il liMigih F«by E. J. HALE & 80NS SleadqiiarieB*!^ W ilBnin;;;^lon | S,sj;h? Arlillery, > t’>.Mr RuYLXN. .Iu!v 2o. Istil. ’'pms C.irn- 'iny, l,'..ivi!ip; :.i he c-n pie!in ercri/ re- X woiiM be gl.i.l !■> enl. I n niuiit e- i f good Dri- v-.'s,—men accu.-lonii'd to liu- i.i.-iiiii^'emi-nt o* horses, fiiei’,. will be p.ii'l 10 I’ leh n.iTi. nil enli''ttnent, ;v bounty ol 5'i ). Mnirliiy p i v .' i2; br:-.le'^ b^liig clothed and fe I, i.-ic.liciil .11.end-ino- free, ..lud all oilier necessary e.p.ir.'Tueutp tiii'nislied r.'ijuisiie f ir i f-oldicr. Nil ijiie ne-d apply ;i:ii.-«s ii- 1 irii,;,j .invci' and ei- perieiiced in the m'i!i; . - nr .; - ’i'he destina- 1 Por -ala iiv tion of the company i.s \ ;:^-,n'.:i, ,;s s(..:in -equipped. ALllX. I). MOORE, ! 1 E. Lt ArHUerj. 1 October >7, 1862. ^ A ^lea* tl»i^ date I will p1% F'ive ('onis per pounfl for rags de liver *d in l-'.:iveircville. or «i my mills onR.ie.ktish. ‘ U. MURPHY Ocl 2. 8100 KKAVAKD. IW ILL pay the ab(»ve reward for the ay^prehension and delivery tc> i"e «f Diy negr-"* girl R.ACHF'.L. who r;inawur in .April la.«t. ^ihe is a mulatto; good size: crooketl some on the shoulderrt; of Indian descent; teeth fiomewhii: decayed; aboiu 21 ir,r 2C vear.s of age. ' U. McDx\NIEL. Oft. 24. 1862. 7‘»'f 1CK> lliK. BI.IliKSTO^^E, .T, A. MCDONALD. Oaklfti^i, Chatham Co., N. C. 7®tf 1 i \}yrfh iPo.'- is oiitained by boiling the berries of the .^wamp myrtle, on which it is to be sei'ti as a greenish white cover. The myrtle is , , ,,, , r> I /• I. I I found abundantly in all our seaboard countie's, Nov.k I.—P.laden countv: De.luot for D J. Watson, j ' . ' 1 •* * • 1 1 Fliza .1 C, WatMfjn and Jos. Watson iDeat >»nd luimb) ' and has been seen by the wri tr a.^ f.ii inlan'i S75 e»?ch, S225 i .^laeon and Forsyth. Its favorite lucality is Notk2—Caneret; To be ilf Jucied for Stii^h V> ! swampy though not wet gtound, I'he berries all (Blind) S75. , • n ' should be boiled in a bag. •.•od the clarified wax Note .-..--t «tawb;»: lo be deducte. f?*i a«we . . j ^ protty gree;i eolor, oiixod mor«.‘ or ^ ^Nutk r .ai ,ihM\'!! To b.’- de.luc'cd for Sarah C. Fou- 1 less largely with tallow. shee (Blind) ?75. 1 1“-. 'I'he value of our ordinary pine tree as Sivrr 5.—CiiinberUinl. To be .ieducted for George W. illuminator remains yot to be developed f (tm- Hartie (lUind; anJ .John U_^Sirickiand an.I j Jj, „othing more than the highly volatile O-Suv^ for Enoch OrreR >*pirits of turpentine—it is that part of the spirit f Blind) 575 which first rises from the .still after heating the Notk 7.—Duplin: To be deducted for Kllen C John- ! virgin guni. That which comes after is moi;^ non Hiid \.iiicy J. Blanch.nrd {Deal anil Dumb) ;^150. ' qj. tnixed with the heavier rositt. /iiir/imy deducted tor Geo L. Jones | camphene (or even the w!; 9-M»Dowell: To bo deducted for Jasper Jami- 1 varieties of spirits of turpentine) with four son and Mary M. Nichols (Deaf an.! Dumb) | or more times its bulk ol alcohol. Inc nigh price Norr. 10.—Mecklenbnrg; To be deducted for Chris- j of alcohol h^s arrested the manufacture of t,urti- topher Envers (Deaf and Dumb) j?75. j t^uid' Vjut the camphene remains as abnnd- Notk. 11 —Nash; TobedediicU'd for Isabella Pegram i ever in the pine forests of the whole South, )>nd Zilphia A. Pegi-am (Blind) i>l.>t». 1 awii^s onlv the ma;ic touch of some one Notk 12—Pcrnutmons: To be deducted for James C. , awaiis 01 > »• . . T.,„r( i>i:i .nJ l.an,b) S7.V | »ho will le«fo « pli." ‘o'- .->")loru,g 1 to furni.'ih the country with one of fhe best and cheapest lights. WiLL NOT ,soMEBOHV TRY? is the inspessated juice of the guia remain ing in the still after the volatile part, or spirit, has been separated hj heat. It has resisted alj efforts hitherto made to mould it into eandb-> .r to use it in lamps, beiu^ too hard tor tht cm- Reed (Deaf Notk 13.—Sampson: To be dedu-'ted for Hiram Mer ritt (Deaf and Dumb) and Lizzie Hall (Hlihd) $150. Note 14.—Wake: To be deducte'l lor Nsrcissa J. Du pree and John Simpson (Blind) $150. Notk I'J. — Warren: To be deductetl tor Jo.s. J (Blind) $75 Note U>.—Wayne: To be deducted for John L. k um- merlin (Deaf and Dumb) §75. 1 c- w — — - - . ■ . , Notk 17.—Yancey: To be deducted for ' and ti.0 soft for the Other; and, moreover, it hum man and Martin Singleton (Deaf and Dumb) iloU . .. . October 28, 1802. ‘ Hut the i/lass •jOO lbs. «II«> Arabic lor h.v J, K L.X.E. ' -V 69tf Oct. lo. -— Blanks of all at thi.4 Office. with a dense and unplea.sant smoke, smoke may be consumed by attachin chimney with a strong draoghr, .iijc-. ■ ll ..n ^ produced almost u» briUiuni on that oj Ac//««»;, and, no donbt, a suitable lamp for it may be oon- Btructed.