S Fi m I. W E B K L, Y. S OL. XIL] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. NOVEMBER *20, 1^62. [NO. 1170.] I'HINTEP MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. E1»VARD J. HALE & SONS. kutors and proprietors. p.;,. for the Semi-Weekly Observkr $3 00 if in -;iiv iiu’o; 50 if paid during the year of sul'scrip- lii'ii: ''V ♦ :\fter the year has expired, f V rli. Woi’sly Obskrvkr 00 per uiiniiin, if p;iid in i>0 if paid during (he year of snl'scrip- j : in; ■'> ^ ‘ **0 after the year has expired. j .\1*VERTISeStT!NTS inserted for tiO cent« per | ire of Ifi lines for the first. anl 30 cents for each j ., , Wing publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- ,'jniraets, at re:»;«nable rates. .Advertisers are rf^ut'^tel to state the ni^iher of insertions de«ired. or jifv will be continued fill forbid, and charged accord- \\*i;sti:kn Kail Uoai> Offii i:, ) I "avottox ille, .\ug. 21) 18()2., \ ON and after the 1st day of Sept. the followin:; ratv will be cltarged on l*a^:sengoiviz: Proui Fayetteville to l,itile I5iver. ‘‘ to Spout Sp»ing, ')0 ct> Oil \J\s>rti''enients to be inserted charpred 50 per SPEOIAF: NOTK’K. FnMii and after ihi- .late, uo name of a new • ub« ;-riber »',n bo euloved without piiyment in ndvance, noi will jhe I'lper be '?eni i>> -'tich •*ubs(‘ril>ei' for a long«'r time !tiaii i;* paid tor. }i,irh of our old iub-jcribers as de-^ire to take the pa per 'U this -Y-^teui will plea«e iKitify us when making reuiiitsnces. dan y 1, iS ij'' ADVERTISERS. Per-ons ouf of town who desire adrertisements in- -J iu the (H'server. and persons iu town with whom ,fh»ve not regular accounts, will please senil with the ,«eHient as uuich inor«y as th»y wish to invest in i; iitorJiiig to our advertit-.ng tetJis oh the tirst page. \ tic not wish to open anymore such accounts,—or iDiirtd ' - accounts. The process of collection is too j/iffi'u'.f. and we have to pay cash for every thing we ;e .r «ell iu these times. 'Biru.\RV Noticks.—W« have h-eretofore given notice. rfpeHieJIy, that we charge for obituary notices of uu- '.I'onable length, and for resolutions of respect; be- .luse that kind of reading, we have much occasion to sa.w, is not often more agreeable to readers than to ea.iors of papers. As it generally happens, however. : after charging and paying postage on the account for- sirdeJ, we never get paid, we now give notice that we I.V; insert nothing of the sort hereafter unless accom- 1^, .nied by the cash. (Always excepting in the case of Jeoeased Volunteers, when we require no pay.) Bear in mind, tberefure, that we will in.sert obituary notices auJ re-c'iiiijas, not exceeding 7U words, gratis. For all . rer• ircrJ', one cent a word, which must be paid be fore Lf notice will be put in type. ir.TI. »lMrL,. Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. ’^ILL attend the County and Superior Courts of Cumi ;Tland. Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun tie' Prompt aiienii'U given to the collection of all claims entni.-Jted to his hands, iict. 17. 58-tf “ to IJock l>i:inrli, to .lone>'bor»i', 1 ■_*.> to Aidvrr'-», 1 5(1 Twenty five cents adilitionni will bt» i-.,lleciod by the Conductor of each pasxenger, leaving a Stntion without a tii'ket -A new r-il^ (>f Freight will go into etfoct at the -aine time, which will t>e printed and furni-lied to the public in a few days By order of the I'res’t. JN»>. M. K(*SK, Trea« r \V R. H (’o. Auk. lfti-. .'.iJtf %VK«TKK\ RAII. KO%». I and after .Monday the l.’'Jd in(.. iho Triiins ou 1 I thi« H011I will mu daily, leaving l''aveti*‘ville at > o dork, .A M : returnine lenve Mciver's hopof u ! o’clooK. F M. (' 1; M\LLI;tT, 1*i.‘s-| Sept. -JO. IS.;j. ,;j.f I AYKTTEVILLE | MUTl'AL INSIRA\(E COMPANY. I Capital in Premium Notes amounts to $2G7,G88 *-ib 1 Cash on hand and other assets, 6,077 35 I'oliil. $272,7fi5 f)l ' The ( (unpany have paid all ios.ses promptly, and ' have never made an assessment on their premium notes. Tot.al losses paid, $29,082 09 (H’Kli'K.tlS; (ihtt. McNElLL, I’resideut. 1>. H \\ , Vioe I’resideni. McMlLLAN, Seo’y. IMrki'ToI’v: \* . .\. Tillinjrhast, A. Menry Lill}', H. L. M^riivrr, S. T. Il-.wley, Nathan .\. Stedinan, t . 15 M'llleii. James Kyle, A. A. M'Ket!iau, d. 1>. Williams, S. W. ’I'illiuglia't. U»“N|oni Uailro:i(I onir«‘, ) Fayetteville, N ’ , Si‘j>t 'J?, ISt'.-J. i tlie purpose of increasi Comp'iny, to enable ii ti> Coal Fields to ihi . I GEO. W. WILLLAM8 & CO.. Wliole^ale Dealers in A.NU IMI’OUTERS and DEALERS IN HardHare aud Cutlery, Swedes Iron, ^tc., lUY STREET, FATETTEVILLE, >. ( . July Htil. 3t)tf J t .:X. W. P. KENDALL. J. S. KEN1».\LL COX, KEliDAI.L A: CO., AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 11 ii 12 Xorth Water St., Wiiininston. I!. »rders from the Country promptly executed. Particular attention given to the sale of Cotton and otiier produce. ■^pnl2, 1801. 10-tf T. V. &: B. U. WIIKTH, (oBimisslon and Forwarding )lerchan(s, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 2«, 1801 84tf A T. C. HOOPER. 50- C AKD! FEW L.VblES can be accommodated with board at the Semia.ary. 12. i861. Tweiily-live Hollars Rf'ward. I^AN.WV.W from the subscriber, his negro boy MO- l •■'ES. He is 21 years of age, about 0 feet 10 inches hifh, robust, long feet and very much turned out at the toes, and looks down when spoken to. He was seen at 'IcPhuul - Mills in Robeson county on the 2Ist ult., &nd wis in Fayetteville about three weeks ago. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to me or for t>is continement in any jail so that 1 get him. \V. D. JOHNSON. Bfonettsvrtle, S. C., Aug. 14, 18H2. ;12if the capital >Jtock of this exti'u 1 tlie i:.>:id fit.IT) the North ( irolina Itoa.l. tlio ftdlowinj; eentlemen have been appointed ('otnmi-^sioiiev.s to rt>- eeive suhnTibcrs in their «ev.>r,il neisrliborhood-:, viz: At (lulf—I, J Haughton, i’.ro'^k-^ Harri-!, i>r tleorje C Newby and (^J Washington .\bove the (itilf—Jno .1 tloldsi!>u, .I.'iiin"- F Kives and Hiigh \V Dixon. At (*re Hill—G W (.loliiston, IM' L \V (lorrell and N M .Alston. Above Ore Hill—Dan'l H.ickney. .\ 15 Marsh and Jas P.ace. At Fou.t’s Mills—Dr H M Fou'»t and l>r d D (Jraves. At Franklinsville and vicinity—l^ i ic H I'tuist and A S Homey. At Asheboro’—Jouathan Worth and I> F Hoover. .At New Market—Jesse Walker and .Joseph Nowlin. -At Thomasville—.A G Foster and .hio W Thomas. At High Point — Dr 11 C Lindsay ai’ l Seaborn I’erry. -At Salem — Francis Fries and K L I’atterson. .Vt Greensboro' (’ 1* Mendenhall. I’eter Adams. Hon J -A Gilmer and .lesse 11 Lindsaj-. Itistructions will he sent to the Coiumis'ioners at an early day by the President of the Company. Odtf / ■ J. M ROSE. Seo y W‘ U 15. t'o. Florenoe and Fayeftevilh^ Kail Road. L’^NPER th^ provisions of an Ordinance of the ('on- veiitioii ot North I’arolina. Hooks will he oj>e*ie*l on fh(#ltiih .June ;u (he following pl.aces and under the di rection of the following persons, to receive subscrip tions to the Ca}>ital Stock of the "Florence .v Fayette ville Rail Road Co.” Shares t>ne Hundred Didlar-J each .1- ?/.»' A’ - ' y.’- in Fn. '■ r, ,—Undt'r thedi- rection'of the (.Jeneral Commi*ioiiers, A .\Iclvethan. D. A. Kav, A. NN. Steel, m. NK L .NIcK iv and .)no. M. Rose. ■ --1' the R"i S!yri;igt.—Under the 'lirection of Hector -McNeil!, Wm. J. Stewart. .Jas. .A. Smith, Uan'l Mc Neill ar.d Col. Alex. McMillan, or any ine of them. -4? F-orai Colhi/r-.—Under the lirecii.-n of Dr. Neill McNair, Dr. A. D. McLean, Aichib.ild Smith, Edmund Lilly and Col. Alexander 'Vat.',>n, or any one ‘>f tlieii; A: Quf'uf l.ilf. — Under the direction of Mu’dock Mc Rae. IV McLeod, li. McCallum, Jas MclJae. .Jr . aii 1 J. H. >JcQueen, or any one of them At Al/ord^nUf. —Under the diroction of J 'hn I’urcell, Jno. McNair, Sion .Alford, Dujrald 'L i:.d Juo. McCallum, or any one of them. The Sub.'cripti'>n Ilo'k- will remain oj>cu fur the space of l50 ilays. W'hen a sufiicicnt -^um is subscribed the Company will be organize'! f.ir the jmrj' '•> of build ing the Koad. A. A. McKl'/rHAN. D \. H , A. W STEEL, WM McL McKAV, •INn M General C immi'siouers. Fayetteville, June 7, l"»'i2. ;^2if LOOK AT THIS! TllK FUl'TTIlllLLR liOTHL, Fronling 3(K) feet and in the hniness portion of the Town, 4‘oii(aiii»i more «|ia(*ioii*« and v«‘iitilat(Ml Kooiii:«> fiiaii aii\ lloti‘l ill fli‘ .^tal% und iiiy I’atrons .suy niy ('oii'liment- are very S. .1. Hin^ d.ile, \\ m. MoLaurin, T. S. Lutterloh, W. Steel, .1. G. C.)ok, Hoii J. H. Shepherd, 11. F. lirown, 1 , A. E. Hall, |-'''lnigton. hn ( ollifm ;in»l ( , . Mo( Viiiunieii, Tnivelin^ ompnny invite applications. May 2S, KStii. Tin: \IICTI| I'\ 1101.1.'% % IIHTI Ah IJFi: l\Si IlWCK CO^IPANY, Now in the tenth y.-ar of‘Miecessfnl ojier-ition. with growing c.ijiiin’ ;uid tirm*'r hold upon puMic con- | (idetu’e, eoiit in iiKure ihe lives of all health}' jier- ' so^l'; fr.tm 1 1 fi. 1,(1 \ (.^r-.! of i.:e. for one year, for seven ; years, and tor lile all life sharin*; in t he profits. ! -All slavtw trom ti> I’.it ye:irv*(if nr,. are in'*nred for I one year or for live ye.ij’-; I'or 1 ihird-^ ihoir v.aliie. .U1 looses are puticlualh' jvtid within ‘.*0 days after sati>;lactory jn'tx'f i presented. ' For turthor int.'rmuiou the publi-' referred to: -Vgentsot the ('ompany in all parts c he State, and to Iv H. B.\TTLI], Secretary, Kaleigh. E. J. II ALE. .Agent at J.an y 18.5'». Fayetteville, N. 0. Sale of a portion of the Fayetteiille& We.«tern Plank Road* The undersigned having been appointed Commissioner to sell all that part of the Fayetteville & Western Plank Road, above High I’oint, will sell at public Auc tion in the town of Salem, on Ihe 1st Tuesday in Jan’y 180.“?, (he Ro.ad, Toll Houses, , between High Point and Bethania, upon terms to be maile known on the day of sale. JESSE WALKER, Com. Nov. 0, 18t>2. 70-ts Fa I Ilia CiiriMli Itt'aii^. I^H |] subscriber will pay the highest cash prices for any quantity of Palma Christi Beans. J A. WORTH. Fayetteville, Oct. 8. »i7-tf Valuable Real Estate FOR SALE. B't virtue of two Deeds of Trust executed to me by Thos. J. Curtis, Esq., I will offer for sale, o;i Thurs day the 18th day of Becember 18ti2, that valuable i^TORE HOI on (he North side of Hay street, recently occupied by t?ol. Jno. A. Pemberton, the finest dry goods store in the place. .Also, (he LOT on corner of Miimford and Donaldson streets, known as the Stable lot—a valuable lot with a large barn and extensive stables at present occupied by Messrs. Barbee. J. G. SHEPHERD, Trustee. No v‘r 1.5. 1802. 781 f A .^lv^lI Tin* \ow S!\U‘, Small. (OLOKh;i) PII0'i'0);itlPHS, \T Vaii4>rsl4>IPs i;;i Ih^rv. ART. \Voo«l%«ai’4i'«» Kolai* 'aiiit‘i*a. I )HOT >0 R \ l’H.'> can be had at A’.'UiorsdeH':* Skyligh 1 Gallery, Hay street, opjiosite Marlde Yard, Fay etteville. N. plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and p.astile; from small to life size. Ainhro- types, Melaneotypes. ;xnd all other styles of Pictures pertain! ig to the Art. Also. Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing. G' ; for very large picrures—as large as 20 by ;50 inche"*. .'ord and Tassels for h;inging pictures; Instru- ment:. Stock and Chemical' for sale low for ca.sli. Life size coloreil Pliotographs m.ide from small pictures. Having peruj.anently located here I hope to merit your patronage. 1 would also return my sincere th.anks for the liberal patronage best owed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity'. C. M. VANOUSDELL, Phot.igraphist and Proprietor. Dec'r 20. ‘ 77. iVlsirble Fa«‘loi'v. .May 20, lStj2. >uy niy (’oii'liment' lor the timi's. T. WADDILL, Propriftor. -“y WO.MAN by the name 0 years old, of medium size, but now quite cor/m- { MULATTO WO.MAN by the name of LLfCV; about ~ • VI ■'^ail woman is probably in or near Town, but may ^ have V)een led off in the direction of Newbern liy Bill iJruiaion, a free mulatto man who has been at work as Ip ‘.’‘''I'pnter proV>ffl)ly on the Wilmington & Weldon ^Kaili r,ad at a Depot North of Warsaw. I will pay jior the lelivery of said girl to me or lodged in Jail in own, if f,)un,i jo this County, or .?'>0 if said girl is ffomi.J in any other ',ounty and Unfined in Ihe .’ail of Mpe same, the party arresting giving me eaiU informa- tioii of the Bame. JNO. D. WILLIAMS Fayetteville, Aug. 25, 1802. ' I ^10 Reward. J j '\ILL pay the above reward for the apprehension ^ 1 and confinement of my man C.VLVIN, who ranaway H frtra me about three weeks ago. g 1 will also p»y a reward of Fifty Dollars for sufficient svi lpHce to convict any person of harboring him. Cal- i.j about 42 years of age, 6 feet 10 or 11 inches high, t>lack, and weighs about 150 pounds; he wears small g‘''!'l rings in his ears. He is Vboat or ship carpenter ^D'l well known about Fayelteville and Wilmington! He Bometimes calls himself Calyin Jobnsoo. THEO. EVANS. June .30, 1862. 38tf Hice and Tobacco on Consignment* III ASKS of fresh beat Rice and 100 Boxes Manu- l ' facturud Tuiiacco, various (jualities. For sale by ■ GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO. ' *>■'^fville. Sept. 24, 1%2. 03(f ' NOTICE. A !h absent from home a few months in McLean is my authorized ^ -0 transact my business until I return Fayetteville Female High School. The exerci«os of this Institution will be resumed on the 2'.ith ot September. The scholastic year will be divided into two torm.-;; the 1st of U’ weeks, commencing 2!'th of Sept. and enti- ing 24th Dec.; the second of 27 weeks, commenc.ng 1st of Jan'y and ending July l«t. Parents and (Jiiardians intending to patronize (his .School are earnestly reqiie'-teil to apply for circulars containing full particulars in regaril to teims, «S:c , the opening of the School. Rev W.M HOOPER, 1 „ . - , T. C. HOOPER, ; I rnicpals. July 17, IK12. 4;'>-tl')Jpd AKfiV IIAIti\l>^. I.A \1 prepared to manufacture' all kinds of Wagon Harness for .Army use. 1 tan my leather and can give good bargains. .Agents will do well to send their orders (o me as they sh.all h.'ive pr' tnp! aKeiuion. and sent oil in quick dispatch. ./OilN RTER, GohNton P. )., ^‘hatham ’o.. N. C., ") . - JuTie U!, 1H02. / ' i\ort ti Ca ro I i ii at R ea i e r 1 CHO’f)L rOOKS are becnmiiig very ic-ir.':o, but we j 5 have on hand a good supjily of the NoKTII C.MlO- j LINA READERS, Nos. 1 and 2 by Rev. Professor Hub- \ oard of the University of North Carolina, and No. .'j by I Rev. C. U. Wiley, Su[ierintendent of f’oinmon .''chools j 'if North Carolina. I Our customers having w'ell nigh e.xhausted our stock of .Northern Iteaders on hand when the war commenced, we hope will now t\irn liieir attetilion to tlioo bo.i];.- by nonie authors, rather tlian allow ilieir children to do without reading books. For sale only at the old retriil prices of 2-j cen(s, .‘58 cents, and 75 cents. E. J. H.ALE 4i SON.S Feb’y 1,1862. 'Mi- €OTTOi\ YAR.A. No. 19 Hay Street. C. p. MALLETT. Jan’y 0, 1862. gg. .’’0 !.A|TI>KK, TWO IHIIIKS IIKUK ('. T. lUICII V S(I\S' STIIKB | V. 1 Jan’v 20, 1 8-1- fm rf^eeries / roret*iesI2 VLARtiE and well selected Stock of FAMILV GRtK'I'.RlES always on h ind, consisting of . IJacam-SiJcs, AIos.s I*'irk, Mullois, lyacker Nos. 1 anti 2, Molas.scs, .'>ui;ar.s ol’ al irratli's, 'robacco, Ciirars, ■And all other articles us'ially kept in a Wholesale Gro cery Establi.-hment (’OX, KENDALL & CO. Wilmington, .\pril 2, iStH. 10-(f I 1C 1:. 1'^HE UNDER.SIGNED. both having entered the mili tary service of the ContV leraie States of .America, hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, that they have appointed .John D. .^tarr and .lohn D. Williams, of this p'a-e, their attorneys to collect either separately or conjointly all monej’s due thetn either by account or note, an>l otherwise to attend to their bu siness generally during their absence. They respect fully a«k all persons iijiiebted to them to call as prompt- I3’ as pos-iible on their agents nn l make payment. STARR & WILLIAMS. Sept. 1801. 58-tf OfL AND LAMl* ULACK.^ f^pANNERS' and LUBRKJATING OIL. L LAMP BLACK in tjarrels. Tor sale by .March J(JS. R. BLOSSO.M & (’)., Wilmington, N. C. 0-tf He!*>|»er aiici otiici* B*ociii».«, ill E. J. H.VLE At SONS^ By TlIEOPHILUS HUNTER HILL, Es^., of Raleigh. For sale, price $1, by E. J. H.VLE At SONS. Jan’y 13, 18t>2. TO or €Ol UTS The Stay Law having postponed the settlement of suits for years, we will noi hereafter insert Orders of Court without payment in advance. Please send $1 along with the Order, aod more if it be of unusual length. F«by 1862. £. J. HALE & SONS To liaiifl ItiiyrrM. The under-tigned otlVrs for sale, in the Coal region* ami witiiin eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville .Vc Western Rail Road on Deep River, KUilfT HlXJHiKI) ACUKS oV LAMI, adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dec’d, and lying three miles South from Car- bonton, on Little Pocket (,'reek, .Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, &c. There are on the prem ises a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary Out houses, w'ith about one hundre l and fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failitig bottom land. This is a r:ire chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad vancing in price iti this section. • For further information apply to Mr. M. M. McRae, Crane’s Creek, P. )., Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville, N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, deo’d. Carbonton, Moore co., N. C., .Au>?. 24 18.">!. 43t Heatlqiiartc'TK \Viliiiiii$;^loii) l.ii^iit Artillery, ) Cami* Bovl.\n, July 20, 1861. THIS Company, desiring h, In' cnmplcte jn every re aped, would be giad t it .ist a number of good Dri- ver.*;,—men accu.^iorucd t--. tiie niimagement of horses. There will be paid to e.ach man, on enlistment, a bounty of $15. Monthly pay .5I 2; be.sides being clothed and led, medical attendance free, and all other necessary equi[>ments furnished requisite for a soldier. No one need .apply unless he is a good driver and ex perienced in the management of horses. The destina tion of the company is \ irginia, as soon as equipped. ALEX. D. MOORE, 41J Gapt. Go. £, Reg’t Lt. Artillery* 4(1 BP.LS SUGAR. 12 Bbls \ O. SVRUP. 15 “ SCUl'PERNONG WINE. On consignment and for sale b}’ JOS. UTLEV. Sept. 22. C.2-tf A(lilliiii*ilration .Notice. ^^HE subscriber having qualified as .Administratrix on 1 (he Estate of .Jas .Sundy, dee d, hereby gives notice to all persons having claims against saiil Estate to pre sent them to Wm. McL. McKay within Ihe time pre- serihcd by law, or (hi« notice will he pleaded iu l>ar of their recovery (’.\TH.\R1NE SUNDY, Ailm’x. Aug. 4, 18(12. .1!*. ( Oolital l*i‘a‘li‘4‘ lor ^alv. 1 OFFER tor sale privatHy my Dental Practice in Fay etteville, N. (’’. The ofVice occupying f«»ur rooms on second floor, well furnished, together with several oz. of Gold FOIL, GOLD PLATE and SOLDER. A large si'pply of Vt:L(’ANlTE and TEETH of all kinds •Also one-third interest iu a vineyard lying four miles* south of Fayetteville, containing seventy-five acres. Those owing me will plase call on Mr. Alex. John son, Jr., aud settle. -Address R. SCOTT, Greensboro’, N. C. Oct. 27, 1802. 73tf t>V A'IRTUR of a Decree in the Cotirt of Equit}’ ) ('umberland ('ounty. A AOTH T September Term, A I). 1802, of the Court of Pleas Quarter Sessions of Cumberland County, letters of Administration of the Estate of the late \\arren Winslow were granted to the subscriber. Persons indebted to the deceased are notified to make payment. Those having claims to be settled must pre sent them in due lime or this notice will be pleaded in bar of a recovery. M.VRV A. WINSLOW. KrUTHEK NOTICE. ON TUESD.AV of December Court week, the FURNI TURE of the late Warren Winslow will be sold, on six mouths’credit. M.AHV K. WINSLOW, Alm'x. >ct 15. 1^02. 73ispd AOTIC'K. ON Wednesday of December Term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Cumberland County, the Hes»idence of the late W arren Winslow will be ofi'er- ed at public sale. The property is well situated and is well known in town. The house is furnished with gas in every room. The out bouses are ample and in good condition. Ap ply to AKCHIB.ALD McLL’.VN, Trustee. Oct. 27, 1802. 73-tspd Hoii«>i€‘ and l^ot lor sale or rent. ^PHE subscribers offer for sale or rent, a HOUSE and 1 LOT in Laurinburgh, containing 8 acres, with a good dwelling and all necessary out-houses. Persons wishing to purchase will address or call on J. D. Mc- Laurin, who will take jdeasure in showing iheui aroiuid. N. A. UURRIE. J. A. CURRIE. •Nov r 1, lSt;2. 75-Otpd U A A T 1:0. *) \IU\ WHEAT, 1,5"0 “ ('OKN. I'ersoJis having the above articles to sell will receive the highest Cash price by calling on .Mr. Al. Thomason, at the -Merch.anl Mills, Fayetteville, or on Ihe subscri ber at his old stand on Market Square. ALE.X. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. 5, 18t;2. 75(i' '^PHE i I .JKI\0 MTOAi:^. subscriber is prejiared to furnish 4iil£l^l> diameter, equal 10 the Nov.a Scotia Stones, which they resemljje. They iiave been tested at the Fayetteville ■Arsenal aud Armory, and approved. .-Address P.VTRICK LINEHA.M, Branch P. t>, Chatham Co., N. C. Or JOHN MAUNDER, Raleigh, N. 7;i-l nipii Alter this ilate I will pay Five Cents per pound for rags de livered in Fayetteville, or at my mills D MUUPHV. 65- Oct. 2.“' on Rocktish. Oct 2. 1862. 100 Ills. Ki.i i:mtoa>:, For sale by J. A. MCDONALD, Oakland, Chatham Co., N. C. October 17, 1802. 70tf ll»s. €11IIIII Arabic lor salt* l»v J. R. LEE.* Oct. 15. (itjif Ollice of Siir^. «Jeii. ol A. € >i’(»A E.MItKll f^IMIE following articles are required for our sick and I wounded soldiers; Slioc.s, Socks, Huts, (’oat.s, 1’ant.s, Hrawers, Leath er, Shoe Thread, Jousts, (from No. G to lli inclusive,) lJuttons, Cotton Cloth, Flan nel, Potatoes, 13raniy, liutter, Figgs, kc. A:c. A.e. Proposals will be received at this office for a proper supply of them Those able and willing to contribute, will please address the undersigned. Transportation will be furnished, if necessary, by Ihe government. EDW'ARD WARREN, Surg. Gen. of N. C. Nov I."?, 1802. 7s.jn, lWOTI€K. MV wife, Catharine Holmes, loft me on the 28th of .August last, .against my wishes. I do hereby fore- waMi all persons whatsoever from trading with the afori'siiid Catharine Holmes or charging her board in any wi-e or under any circumstances since the 28lh of August last. I shall not be responsible lor anv charge.s or conira'-ts made by the aforesaid Catharine Holmes. MOSES HOLMES. Oct. 13, 1862. 78-3tpd ^tate ol rVortli ('aroliiia, MONTGOMERV COUNTV. Co irl of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Oct. Term, 1862. J imes Haywood, Adm’r, vs. Isaiah Haywood, et, al. Petition to sell Land. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Ben jamin Haywood and Richardson Haywood, two of the Defendants in Ihi.s catise, reside beyond the limits of this Slate; It is therefore, on motion, ordered by the Court, that advertisement be made for six weeks succes sively i'l the Fayetteville Observer, notifying Ihe said Defendants of the filing of this petition, and that unless they appear at (he next lerm and.answer the petition, the same wiil be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte as to (hem. Witness, J. S. Spencer, Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Tr''y, on the 1st Monday in Octorber, -K. D. 1862. 72*0tpd J. g, SPENCER, C. C. C. for at November Term, 1802, I shall sell at the .Market House in Fayeiteville, on Thurs day Dee. 11th, 1862, al 12 o’clock, M., One and one fourth Aeres of L.AND in Campbellton, north of Ihe Clarendon Bridge, having a front of about 193 feet on the River, adjoining on the south a lot sold by S. W. TillinghasI, Trustee of.las. Huske, toA. .A. McKelhan. Also, (tne-(hird interest in a lot of Laud in (3amp- belKon, containing l.t Acres, lying on the River, known as the “McNeill lot," and Joins the north side of Jhe above desrriJ>ed lo(, which lots were formerly the j'ro- pertj’ of .lames Huske ami were convej'ed by him to S. W Tillinghast in Trust, Oct. 27, 1857. WALTER A. HUSKE, C. M. E. Nov. 17. 78-ts «RE\T S\I.E OF Fill IT TREKS! tWlLL sell at AVesI Green Nurseries, four miles west of Oreensborough, on Thursday the -Dh of December next, at public auction, a lot of FRUIT TREES. 1 have on hand TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND choice TREES, reaily for planting out this fall and winter, and am determined to sell. 1 will have tree.s ready for de livery at all time.s. CYRUS P. MENDENHALL. Nov 7, 1802. 78-ts also have for sale a large quantity of the very best APPLE VINEGAR. Valuable Farmings Land for Sale* The subscriber offers for sale -303 acres of LAND on the East side of the Cape Fear River, 13 miles below Fayetteville. There is a good house with 7 rooms and all necessary out-houses, and there is about 100 acres of as good swamp land as there is in the State. There is cleared land for 120t) bustiels of corn, and about 15 acres of land cut down for the next crop. I will also sell my stock of Hogs, Cattle, Sheep and Crop on Ihe place Term^ easy. .Address me at Terebinth P. O., Cumberlnnd county, N. C. W. A. KING. Nov. 13, 1862. 78-6tpd FOK 5iAliE7 .4 Lot of Cotton aud Woolen Machinery* fc) WOOL PK'KERS. 3 3ti inch Wool Cards. 1 30 “ “ Roll Card. 1 108 Spindle W’ool Jack. , ^ 1 ('otton Lapper. 2 Danforth Cap Frames 138 Spindles each. 1 Throstle Frame 84 “ 1 English Drawing Frame with Coilers and Packers. ’1 12 Strand Speeder, ivc , Xc. Some of the above machinery is now in operation at the Richmond Factory. For particulars address JOHN SHORTRIDGE, Rockingham, Richmond Co., N. C. Nov. 12, 1802. 77-lOtpd ~ VAI.I Altri: IIII.I.M lor Sale. ~ I OFFER for sale my PL.\NT.-VT10X, 2 miles west ol (’arthage, Moore county. cont.aining 25* acres, on which is a (Jris( and Saw Aliil, Cotton Gin and Screw. I will receive in payment Stale Bonds, Confederate money or likely Negroes. JOHN MORlS(,>N. VAI.I AKLI^: I.AAOS lor Sale. j OFFER for Sale my PLANTATION oa McClendons 1 Creek, 0 miles west of Carthage, lying on the basin of the t^oal Fields, containing 2DH> acres, which is as productive as any lands in the county of Moore. The improvements good aud the situation healthy. Terms liberal. JOHN MORISON. aotkt:. I II.WE about 5i*iK> acres more, in ilifferent tracts, in the count}- of Moore,—Farming Mineral, and T^ur- pentine land,—which I will sell ori liberal terms. JOHN,MORISON. .TIiiieral l^aiKls lor Sale. IH.WE an interest of one-third in a tract of 500 .\’RES on the waters of Deep River, on which have been discovered a sail mine and pure saltpetre, and an oil of good qualify for gre.asing leather, well worthy geological investigation. JOHN MORISON. Carthage, Nov. 13 1802. 77-tf PlaiiKatioii Wanted. I.VM authorized to purchase a good PLANT.\TION, to be good farming land, containing from 200 to .5UU acres, with good improvements. Would like to pur chase (he last year’s crop, slock, &c , if terms satisfac tory could be mado Persons wanting to sell will jdease write to me, with description of their lands, price, &c. Location in Chat ham county preferred. .Address me at llallingsburg, Rockingham county. A. B. CHAPIN. Nov’r 14, 1802. 78-Oipd III*. Kohiiisoii is com pelled to close his Apothecary Shop after to-day. His office will be in the same building, nex^ door,—that recently occupied by C. G. W'right, Esij. Nov. 12, lK(i2. 77-2w AOTIC^fr]. All hands that have engaged al the State Saif works are notified to report themselves at the works as s(*on .as practicable. All teams mtist t.ake all the feed they can carry with them. J. M. WORTH, Salt Com. Nov. 12, 1802. 77-;t rOR SAI.K, r AA MAKEPE.VCE’S BUt'KETS, fJvU Andirons, Shovels and Tongs, Britannia Spoons, Quart Bottle Corks. At the Crockery Store. W. N. TILLINGHAST. Nov’r 10, 1802. 70-2w FLAT FOK SALE. ~ I OFFER for sale a FL.AT as good as new. 30 by 10 feet with a Covered House, 20 feet loner. While f)ak. Bladen Co. Nov. 10, J W. BARBOUR. 18i)2. 77-4t-pd Blank Warrants for sa'e. Driver wanted. I WISH to employ a careful, saber DRIVER, to take chJfge of a four-horse team on .a short route. None need apply unless they arc fully competent to manage and take care of horses. D. G. MACRAE. Nov’r 17, 1802. 78 2tpd Office of the Chatham R. R. Company,) Haleigii, Nov. 5, 1^1)2. | ’J^O acceptable bid having been offered for the gradu- ation and masonry of the middle division of the Chatham Railroad, extending’from Page’s to Lockville, 23 miles, the undersigned is prepared to receive propo sals at this office. Profiles and Specifications showing about the aggre gate amount of work required, can be seen at the Lngi- neer’s office, Haywood, Chatham County, or at the Company’s office, Raleigh. • KEMP P. BATTLE, Pres t. Ellwood Moeeis, Chief Engineer. Not. n, 1862. 77-6t • KENTUCKY. The “Western Army” corre.spondent of the , Charlsston Courier writes it a long and elaborate defenee ot Bragg’s campaign. In the course ol' it he sketches the condition of things in Kentucky: “General Bragg murchcd to Kentucky upon a military prograiniiic which was clearly set forth I in his first proclamation to the people of Ken- I tiicky. lie w^nt at the head ol a liberating army^ I not by its own force to eoniiner Kentucky Irom the hands of the Federals, but to aid Kentuckians in their own efforts to throw oft the Abolition yoke. He said to that people, distinftly, il you would be free, rise in arms, and 1 have the power, with your assistance, to redeem you. If you do not value your libertie.s sufficiently to risk lite and property in their attainment, I shaii retire from the Staje and leave you to your fate. I’pon this programme he entered Kentucky. Tpon the failure of its principal condition, to wit: the armed uprising of Kentucky, he left it in strict accordance with his original and fixed plan. Gen. Br.agg nor any other sane man iu his army ever for a moment believed that it was in his power with the army under his command—heroic and sell Hacrificing us that army was aud is, but reaeli- ing iu actual numerical strength, >in( our. holj of tlic ino.-^t moderatt', popular anl newspaper e.«ti- mate—to eom^uer Kentucky and liold it against the I''ederalist.'^. He could not havi-done it, even had he fought a dozen battles and not lo.-:t one; for the .simple reason that e:wh victory would have v,*eakcned him without the means of repair, while irom the hiving population of the North-we.st and by means of a country permeated with railroads, the enemy had the pow’er to repair and reinforce after every defeat and present his original strength against the daily waning forces of his antagonist. A succession of victories would have culminated in Gen. Bragg’s ruin, and then what would have been the condition of Tennessee, Georgia, Ala bama and Mississippi^ Clearly at the mercy of the enemy. “The plan ot the Kentucky campaign was based upon the most positive, and, 9s was believed, reliable promises of a general insurrection in that .State upon the appearance of a Confederate army. Not only at Tupelo, where the plan wa,s concei^^ed, but at Chattanooga, up to the day of the eom- mencemeat of the long and toilsome march, these assilranees were confidently and earnostly repeated. Gen. Kirby hmith, then in Kentucky, was tirmly persuaded of the reliability of these promises. Gen. Bragg’s ordnance train bore arms to be put into the hands of the insurgents, and when wo reached the Kentucky line and approached the villages and towns ot that once warlike peo ple, he looked for the first rush of the 50,0H() men that had been so solemnly p’’omised him. He looked in vain. There were no delegations from towns and counties coming out to hail his arrival; there were no crowds of Kentucky’s stal wart youth flocking to a standard that promised them liberty. He found, on the contrary, seowl- ing I nionists and fhiends who dared not express their joy above a whisper. H the (General was entertained at a secession house, it was with fear and trembling for the conse^uenccs. At Hod- ginsville, after a hot and du.stv njarch, he was offered a dinner prepared for him, and .smuggled into the back door to part.ake of his timid host’s hospitality. At Springfield, to which thriving town Gen. I'olk led the army on its march to Harrodsburg, and where it was to encamp for the (.Gen. Jlragg having gone forward several days in advance,} the writer wa.s with Gen. Polk, when he sat on fits horse for over an hour in the .stieet, waiting for some citizen of the place to pluck up courage to offer him hospitalities for the night. It wa.s done at last upon the simulated plea of enforcement. “The writer, witli two or three others of Gen. Bragg’s staff, w’ere quartered that night with one of the wealthiest citizens {of the town or State. He was the owner of slave.s and a noted banker, tiis politics were neutrality. He didn’t want to be forced into the contest. He was willing to give up all his .slaves to enjoy peace, fn the stieots, crowds of able bodied men gazed upon the army with stolid indifference—not a cheer, not a recruit. I p to this time, the only Ken tuckian that had actually taken up arms with us was Col. Johnston, a nephew of the late Gen. A. 5. Johnston. \\ e had then been in Kentucky over two weeks. Meantime, the army- had halt ed at Bardstown a week. Gen. Buckner, Col. Johnston and others were sent off to rally the Kentucky sece.ssionists at Jjexington, Frankfort and other towns. Gen. Buckner publLshed a patriotic appeal to his countrymen. Gener:^], Braggissued commissions to raise companies, regi ments and brigades. To encourage the people the army advanced in the direction of Lexington to Harrod.sburg. Everything was said and done to stimulate a rising, and the urgency of early action was i»ressed upon them; for Buel^ was* known to be gathering a great army at Louisville, and his appearance was soon expected. It was all in vain. Whatever the motives, and I have no time to discuss motives, the simple fact is that Kentucky did not respond. The .50,000 armed men did not come, and after a march of nearly ^iOO miles, Oen. Bragg found the keystone of his entire plan of campaign dropped *out.” Fure.hjn Infer cention.—One of these day."?, when we least expect it, and when we least need it, w^e shali hear that England and France have recognized us. We shall read the tidings xvith complacent temper. We shall feel like one who has fought a good fight with a tiger, ank killed him, aft(>r a hard contest. He has taken the skin; thrown the carcase to the dogs; eleansod up his house, and washed his hands; when lol his neigh bors come, one after anotJier, and arc mightily glad to see -him looking so well, and are truly plea.sed that he has come off his unetjual match so handsomely. ’Tis the way of the world, and we, like our friend who had fought the tiger, will, smoke our pipe and go our own way. We shall have wrought our own destiny by the sweat of our brow aud the sinew of our arm. We shall re-plant our up-torn vines and fig trees; sell cot ton and charge them well for it; fill our country wi|h gold and good people; and then— And then let the God of the T’niyerse decide between us and our fellow-meu!—Chat. RehcJ. Cheap Fad.—Get a load of coke dust, or coal dust, and about half a load of clay. Make a .‘^uft mortar of the clay and mix in the coal or coke, and a quantity of saw dust. Then •iiako the ma.«s up in balls or lumps, and after it dries it will burn “excellently well.” The dust can be had cheap, at the coal-yards; sometimes it is given '^Richmond Whi^.