“ •' '• ay inr^ W alber. 11 oili^es. K Kt rncr 111, •hi.- S A mis I ^^ I lei) 11, \\- A 11 l».vi. H A Vera . , 1 'iru*r. • I 1\ ll;iwe«i s. H ^-taiisil!. 1 ll’.'K tt n. , M S Rnbbins. Tiin. r» McN-ill. *; uuii a Hoynolds :! I’MTp-iiter l‘h - I Holtue? , It -rd, W ill Law? '.rJ HfMilersuD .rd 11 Uu!..]'. in ' roNiiUESr- I. Vancey, C i’ SV Johnson, «'has aker. A E Max- K l-jrt Tv.,-mbs *>. Wifliam E TOW. T J Senui r?! Ur.'wn, Jauirt irk, 1; S V I’.-yroD. , Pi:,- Wil- l.’Tt ^V r.arnw^ll, ' 'iuv a.i. \\ (Jidhara ;:i -.r'i !'r’''ti>D. J 1 Wni R 'u- : V. 1 rar '•i:' > 111..; .J : - 1, llicb. ii' ' iraiidison . i i - B IItnlv k l: Hilu; J .Mun- 1 i.,v' ; W l.fwis. 1 . ; J Gar- t. , ’harit^ J I'ujrf, I.. , J w ■ i ] .i'l.ver*. . f ...r vr Bell, ' V ,k. Thcd « i Smith, i I* McDowell. \ r*"; II jrt4»n. .TH . i-h-r, ATl>a- ,\v V>' lir.' «•; Sw-iin. IlMU: M. IH ! 1 'urria. :o> . 1N;r -.r MalcoUl ' l/i .;tni-ft..Tohn (r A I’rv'-r, ,.,e> 1' liolconiW' th, \ K \V:.lter PrestoD' (M,u> \V Ku>3ell. r-OClKTY; «»rt »ine: \.ir. ntur.’: &®- , , , 4 Of , , Knlarge** i„,. ■. Notes bj r, . 1.. .-. ^ Uximti- -/^wf ffALB * Boy» » F, IW I-W E K K Iv T. \o\.. xn.j FAYF/rrKVlLLK, N. C.. NOVEMliEK *24, 1862. [NO. 1180.] 10^ liTO 1-1'MKD MONDAYS AND THUUSD-WS. KI)H\R1) j. HAI.E & SO\S. and rROPRTETORS. , ■ . ''n-iKUVKK S3 00 if p'lM in ,,, ■.(■is'j'ni l vluving the yefvr of s\il \f!'r lli(' yt';ir hns expiretl. . , \Vt' slv On^KKVKR S2 00 per (innuni. if p.iM in ... > *'J if* ps'i'l ilurine the year of siih»crip- p,. i' . !i .ifii'V the year b;i? expircil. \1)VKUT1SKMKN'TS insertel for ‘.0 cents per p; lino-f'^r she fir«t. ami oO cents for eiioh r„ * 1m’ition. Yearly .'i«lverti‘!ement'j hv vpe- [.VrJ. ■ inii' v«‘;»-^HisMe rsles. Ailveriisorx are , I. ,t.ijo the ui^iibor of insertions desir.'.l. or ’1 >,H ,',iuiiniie l till forl'iil. an.! charjre.l accoril- • iii'‘'rteil charffe.! nO per W'rsTru.N ]{\n, Road On irr, ) Kjiyetlovillo, Auii. -J) ^ Capital in Premium Notes amounis to (I'lsh on hand -uk! other iisspta. ?2r.7.()88 2b 5.077 35 ^O cl' 0., Toiul, .>‘J7-,7G5 ()1 and after the 1st day ot Sept. tlie following r.'iles Company liuve paid ;ill to';si^s promptly, and will be cliarjred on I'as^onpreis. vi?,: have ue\er made an as'^essnient on tlioir premium note.-?. Total losses paid, $29.0H2 G9 ( 'FFIOKKS; GKO. MoNi']li,ij, l*re.«ident. D. I’re-idt-nt r. A. Mc-M1[,L\N, S. c y. OlPri'TORS; " N TiHin"hast, From Fayetteville to bitilo River. ‘‘ to Spout Pprine. •o llock Dnni'h, 1 (»n to Jotie“l'oro'. 1 ’J.') to Mclver's, 1 50 ^ Twoiity-fjve cen(>J additiniial will i-e colli'ctcd Uv the Conductor of each passencjer. leavinsr a Stati.m wi'ihoul H I ic'kot A n.-w rue of Freijrlil will go into cflVct at (lie '-ame timo, which will l.c I'vinted and fnrnisl.od to ilic piiMic in a tV*w days By order of ihp 1‘res'i .INO M HO.^K, Trens r W K M i'o An- l.siii. j ,-rr.ri/M. Notd k. ; ■ ^fiorilii- lilf. no name of a new “‘iilKcril'er , I ■vd \\i Ii i' }'i."'"'nt in advatu'e. nor will | , .Hi.' ! -ill ’i -^ub-criher-J for a l.>net>r titne '* 1% ''15( >M t>,i- ■l.ck, •l.M-K, Sc pi \ ic \ 11, iti» % u. .and aticr \|.*iiiri\* th.' ■*«.] mi-ji . tfii* rr'iin.^ t-n li.'t.l will run diily. Ipavinif I'lvettcvillc at S ■A M : r»*ti)rnintT leave M. ivcr's l>f>pi»t at 1 C r. M M.l.i: l"l'. I’ic« I. Henry f,illy. 11. L. Mvrovi'r, y. r. Ilasvlcy. N'athaii .V. Sif.hnan C. U. Mallcti. .I.ami': Kyle. .\ A. iMi‘Kcihan. J . illiaiiiv, .S, \V 'rillin/h.i I. hii Collin and (' \ (trjV' I'he Comp May -Js. 1h;i S. .1. Hinsdale, '' Ml. 1, lurin. T 1,111 tciloh . W . Si ccl, .1 (1 Hon . I. (;. S11 c p h p r I. I' F I'lown. t . . ,\ I- ,■ \'ilm jrtou. 1 ■(’riniinicii Trav.-liii'/ AETfiit" Sale of a portion of the Fay('leville& Western Plank Road. ^pilK unilersigned having been appointed Commissioner 1 to sell all that part of the Fayetteville & Western IMank Road, above High Point, will sell at public Auc tion in the town of Salem, on the 1st Tuesday in Jan’y 1HG3, tlie Road, Toll Houses, >.S:c., between Higii Point and Bethnnia, upon term's to be made known on the day of sale. JKSSE WALKKIl, Com. Nov. 0, 18r,2. 70-18 Palma 4'liri»i1i IF subscriber will pay the highest cash prices for I Any (piantity of Palma (’hristi I’eans. .1 A WORTH. Fayettpville. Oct. S. >7-tf 10 Valuable Real Eistate FOR SALE. The Vandtih in Martin f ount^, A. C.—The I Petersburg Express has a iotter from W. R. H. /t\ll i'.P.l.S SlKJAi: IJ r.lds N O SVIILP. l'« '• SrUPPF.ItNONr. W’lXF On coiisirrnment and for sale bv .To.'^ Sept ‘2-1 By virtue of two Deeds of Trust executed to me by j Herrod, of Martin county, giving an account ».f Thos. .1 Curtis, Escp, I will offer for sale, on Thurs- ; the doings ol the yankees at Hamilton and its vi- day the I8th day of December 182, that valuable cinity, during their late raid there. ^I’he lollow- i^TORi: iior^E on the North side of Hay street, recently occupied by ing is the material gart: “In the night there came negro to my bed Col. .Ino. A. Pemberion, the finest dry goods store in and requested me to arise and dress, that the en- the place. , ^ ! emy was then surrounding the house of one ol .Also, the LOT on corner of Mumfora and Donaldson •' . , , i „ i.. i k i .i i • i r streets, known as the Stable lot-a valuable lot with a i neighbors lor hc had hetird the shn.-k of large l>arn and extensive stables at present ©ccupied by ; women and children. At mv door I mot other , neighbors, who (estitied that they had seen the 4J . VJi. o II Ij I II Hi IV I/, 1 ru?»irr. . /• 11 - i —i- - —i i Nov'r 15, 18(i2 J. G. SHEPHERD, Trustee. 7Htf UTLEV • ■.•_*-tf 11)y I iivi t (■ I ji|.i ii 'i I ion- •.:i- P M ■-’O. 1^''J. ,n p‘'' '■ I per -'1' 1 nl -i-vibcrs as ilesire to take the pa' wi’’; j’lease notify us when making .lan'v 1. 1>.‘>S Scjet ■ .\1»VERTISERS. -;.n- .ii;i . t'! wa who desire advertisemeuts in- , ;jj |,p i i- ».-rvor, and per.sons in town with whom Hve no! rre'il.ir aof'.>iint=, will please send with the - ;eaei't a- uuu'h moi^y as th»y wish to invest in ...Jingi.- 'iir ftJvertit ng lerms on the first page. J . • wi-;h to open any more such accounts.—or I'Oiints. The process of collection i.s too s;,i we have to pay cash for every thing wa ■ ■'eii hi these times. 1 l''Ol :r vRY N.-n. Ks,—We have Iteretofore given n.'iice. JjpeAieJIv. tha’ we charge for obituary notio's of un- «.'nable length, and for resolutions of re-peoi; be- ,.-e that \v\n l of rea>l\tig, we have mvicb o-'oa'ion vr, is not often more agreeable '.o rea-lov ihati to • _.r« of p.apers. Ai it generally happens, however. Ht’ter charging and p.aying postage on theaccciuiit tor I'lel. we never get paid, we now give notice that we " itirer. r. 'thing of the sort hereafter tinlc'-^ accom- ’.v.-V ' he 'ash. (.\lway-'excepting in the .-a'C f If'’■ .■'.-eers, when we re}uire no f »y ) l>ear mmd.' 'r‘. that we will insert nbitii iry notice-^ 3.::' M : ; r-, n.'? cxr-oeding 7" word>. grati- For all ■ tt i,, ,uie ceni a word, which must be paid be Pf.ire :jen'i>'e w-'l be put in type. FcU tt t'oni \Vt‘>lei’ii Kallroad (Mllro, \ Fayetteville, ,N Sept 'J?, iMi'J. ( h(‘ ]'urpose ot increa-iine the oapiial si >ck of this onijiany. to enable it to exirn I the Rna l from the Coal Fields to the North t'ar'dina Iviad, the folh wine geniletneii have been appointed Commissioners 10 re ceive subseribors in their several iiei'jht'orhi>o U, vi;’. .At Gulf—L .1 Ilaiighton, I’.ri'oks Harri-.;, Dr tiei>rge (' Newt>y and G 'Vashington Abiive the Gull’—.liu> .1 tioMsion. .laitir- !■' l!ive« .and Hugh W Dixon. .\t )re Hill — G W Goldstoii, I'r L W (Jorrell and N M .Alston. ■At'ove >re Hill — Dan l Hac’kney, A P. Marsh and .las Pace, .\t FoU't's Mills—Dr H M Foust and Dr .1 D Graves. At Fratiklinsville and viciui:y 1 i • H Foust an.I .A Horney. Ai Asheboro’—Jonathan W..rih and P. F Ho.>ver .\i New Market -.lo>se 'Valuer an .1. eph Nowlin .Ai "Ihoma-iville — .\ G Foster and -Iti.i Th >m i'. \t Hi;ih Point—I>r i{ C l.iti'I'ay ai; 1 .''ca-'oin I’errv. \t Siilcni Francis Fri^‘^ and K I. I’aiUT'.'ii. A' (;reenboro' C 1* M.-k leTdiall. Pe:.-r \ I i" . H mi .i A tiilii'.er and .le—e II 1, ti l- ly 1riu-iions wi'l tn- -ent t.> itie Coiaui' sii.ner- at an i‘ar!y .11; ly tlie I’r^’^i leIII o!' the C.vapanv Tin: \oicTii r^icoi.iAi MUTI AL l.\sria\(i: 0>IPAM\ N>\\ in the tiuiih year of ~iicce‘^sfiil operation, with growing capital and tinner hold upon puMic con fidence. c.uitiniie-; lo in-ju' e :ho lives of all healthy per sons from 1-1 10 till years of 'ifrt', t’or one ^’ear, for seven years, and for life all life men hers -jji arim; in the profits. •All slave-i irom lii 10 'i(> ye ii ' ot'affe arc iii.surcd t'or one year or tor tive yc-if- t'.»r i->vo thirds iheir value. All lo'i>es are ptir.citially j'tiid within days after sat istacMi y pin. l is prt'>;ente.l. For liirther iiil'orm.-it ii>n the puM'" is rt'fcrre.l to .Agents of tiie Comp.-iny in ail pans 1. .he State, and to R H. IJATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. Iv .1. H.\l,K, .A'^ent at Fayetti'ville, N. C. A ui:m raliiMi r\'oli‘e. ^pilE •Jtibsciif.iT haviiii' i|"aliti.'.l as A.liiiini"tratrix on I the I'Ntaie of l-i-i .'’iin (y, d^-c'd. herel'V give“ notice to till person-: having; claims aR'iiiist sai I F it-ite to pre sent tliciri to Will Mi-I, McK-13' within t!ie lime pre scribe.! by law, or till-' notice will la* pleaded iu bar of Iheir recovery CA TH.MllNE SL'NDV, .Admx. .\ug. I, IStrJ. 4‘.>- t iloiilal l*i*ac‘li€‘4‘ lor I OFFER for s.-ile privately my Dental Practice in Fay- etieville. N. C. The otlice occujiyiu.^' four rooms on second floor, well fiirnishe.l, together with several oz. of G(»LD FOIL, GOLD PLATE and S( rLDKU. ..A large supply of VULCANITE and TEETH of all kinds •Also one-third interest in a vineyard lying four miles south of Fayetteville, containing seventy-five acres Those owing me will plase call on .Mr. Alex, .lehn-^ 1 son, ,lr , and settle .Address I R SCtn’T, Greensboro’, N. (J. Oct. -J7, 1SI.-2. 7:itf The \ew Sll«\ Snnil. ((>U>Ui:i> PI!OT(MiKAPHS, \ V A I ART. Woodu :ir(r« .soi:ir raiiirra. AOTK 1:. T September Term, ,.\ 1). l.si'.2, of the (’ourt of Pleas \ (juarier Sessions ot Cumberhvnd t'ountj’, letiers of .Xdminist-atiou of ihe F^iaie of the late Watreii Win>low were granted (.> the subscriber. Per-iiiiw in.lebted 10 the deceased arc iioiitled to make payment Those having claim- to t>e settle.l niust pre» j^ent them in due time or this n.itii»e will be pleade.i in bar .>t a rcc.iveiy. M\RV WlNSLttW. ■4if .1 M IMSi;, V\ K P.. «, Attorney at Law, Fayettf.ville, N. (\ Flor(‘iife and FayplteviUe Hail Road. I^NI'FR the pr.-vi-' -ii- if an >rdinan.'e -'t' ihcC.in- v.*nti..u of North C r. lin t. I’..-- will ! , pe -i .11 tlie It.ih .l;ii\f -ir the t'!'- w in : ) 1 i - n I lit; br llic .ll- rectii n "f the f.-M. wing pel-'.11-. iii .-'ve ■ iil-'. rip- tioti-i :o the I’apit i; .-Jr-.t-lv T’ 1 " ireiiee ,V F:iyette viHc Uail R 11 i t'l-" .'^li .1 r-t Hu Hi t! h e 1 D V .r-e idi .4/ !':■ /> •' II-li t'-'-I--- . , Fi' ' I’ll hr I !]•'di- A . M. Ke’ !ian. K iv and .1 no. piIoTi'Glt \PHS .-an b. 1 G-iUery. 1! .y -iri'et, . i-tievillc. N. •' ; pl-iiti. r CO’.- l-. oil aTl'l I fr. type-., \lelane.ityi.c« had at \’-fn irsdcH's Skyligh .ppi.-iie Maible \ ar 1, Fay- 'iio-i. I 'r.'-l, in water !ii 'i:: i’l t'iii‘e -iro \mbro- •>.'l 1: er Pi.-iiires rniTiir.u xotk’k. iN Tl'FSD.W of L'eceniber Court week, the FURNI TURE of the late Warren Winslow will be sold, ou •iix months'cre lit. M.\ItV A WLN.'-'LoW, .Adai'x. • *i't 1l.''i»J 7.>tspd O' ; rectioii o;’t tie Gener-i! Ci)iiimi''i'.’’er'. A I 1*. Rav, W. S'eei. Wni M- 1. '4 I M R. -e. ' 1 .-1' A’"/ — Under tlie iireqtion of Hector Mi'Neill, Wni J. S'ow .rt. .1 iS. A. .'^mith, 1'an‘l Mc- "ILL a:ieni lue t ounty and Superior Courts of | Neill and Col. .Alex. McMillan, or any - ne .'f them, tumberiand. Ibir'.i-'U. Moore and Robeson ('oun- VI ml —L'nler tiie direction of Dr. Neiil Pr.iaifit a'fen:;'II given to the collection of ull 'McNair. Dr. .A. D. McLean. .Vrc-.-aM Smith. K Imun 1 j enrru'teJ to hi? hands. ; l^iUy and t'"'. .Ah xan ler W.i' - .t, nr any .ne •■'f them ■ !’. 1^'’. 5H-tf peri-iiii' ig to the \rt. .M-o, Gilt t'rinie-i. iilt MoiiM- ing. G' ; for v.-ry ]>iciiire- a- i irge 'Jti by iiiche-". ,'or'l an.I ;.ir h ii'._'in;r t'iettires; lustru- r:ient-. .'^; >ck ■',n l Clifiiii,-al ■ 1' r -alt' I..\\ I'..- eash. Life sizi" cid.'re.l I’iioi .1-r:'; h - la i.I.' fV - nid pioiures. Having permanently iie l h -vc I h-.j ■ to merit your puti iinage. 1 w luM al". ret\irn my sincere thanks fur the lil>eral [.atronage be-towe l on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vi.-iniiy. C. .M. VANORSDELL, Photogr-ijdii-it and Proprietor. Dec’r 2'i. 1 >•!)'.♦ 77- Fad ory. \oTi41:. N We.ines l ;y of December Term of the (.’ourt of I’leas ami tjuarter Ses-sious of Cumberland ('ounty. GEO. W. WILLIAMS k CO.. '\Vliole'»alt* Dc‘aler« in .\N IMPoHTF.R.n AND DEALERS IN IHardirare and ( utlery, Swedes Iron, ., HAY STRKKT, F.iTETTKVILLK, .V. (. IN.1, iljtf X W. p. KEND.ALL. .t. KENI>.\M. (0\. KKADAI.r A: t'O., A N D WHOLESALE GROCERS, -Vo. 11 k 1*2 North Water St., \Vilmin?lon, N. C. 'rders from the Coumry promptly executed. tOST Particular attention given to the sale of Cotton i :aer produce. •ipril-J, 18tn. 10-tf T. V. A: B. WORTH, roBimission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. J^n y 18t;i 84tf C' A K l»! I FKW 1,\D1KS can be accommodated with board at 1 the Seminary. T. C. HOOPER, ^fpt. I'J. iSfJl. 50- Tu‘ii|y-live Ooilai*« RewaiMl. LNAWAV from the subscriber, his negro boy Mt)- ■'1..''. He is 21 years of age, about o feet 10 inches ?.'i. robust,, long feet and very much turned out at the '= and looks down when spoken to. He was seen • .i ' .Mills in Robeson county on the l!lst ult.. 1 » 1' in Fayetteville about three weeks ago. The vf- vrward will be paid for his delivery to me or for ■ ■ ■ itinemenl in any jail so that 1 get him. W, D. JOHNSON. -nnettsvHle, S. C., Aug. 14, 1862. 52tf .1^ — Under the .Ijr.-c-ti -n 'f Mur’ k 'K'- Rae. D. McLeo.l. D, M'-('ailum. Ja-^ McR ie, .Ir . i'T. I -I. H. Mctjneen, or any one of them. .4,' Al’'nrdst i'.'t.—Under the direcii.'ti .f .1 .hn P.ircr’l. Jno. .McNair, Sion .Alfor.l. Dugvi.l Mct'ailum . 1 .Tn.>, McCallum. or any one of th m. The Subscrif'tion P>ook wi’l rem.\in open f.ir the space of '>0 ilays. When a ‘i::!ii.-ii-ni -un. i u! ' ribe.l the Company will l>e organir.e l for the jurj. i'iC of buiM- ing the It.i-i'l A. A. M.KETHAN. D. A RAY, w, .ti;kl. WM McL, McKAY, .1N). M RO.sir,. Generil ’-inimi'-iioners. is*;j. ;’.iitf I5v J?'0 f.AITDl'lH. Rattaivath Ml L.VTT':- WOMAN by the name of LUCY; about - • years old, of medium size, but now quite corpn- L\ If [®1 '1 1 woman is probably in or near Town, but may | [.? favp '• .-en led off in the direction of Newbern by I5ill | ^t>. ii‘ n, a free mulatto man who has been at work as | ' ;iv\i*iiur probably on the Wilmington it WeMon ; U.'.t'in.\ n a Depot North of Warsaw. I will paj’ #25 ; f .Jelivpry of said girl to me or lodged in dail in i if found in this (!ounty, or !?50 if said girl is ■ ouii.l ill any other County and confined in Ihe Jail of -unic, the party arresting giving me eaily informa- >1 the same. 1 •.]N(b D. WILLIAMS. 1 ^ayetteTille, Aug.‘25, 18G2. ">J if S^IO Reward. ''U'L pay the above reward for the apprehension ■m l confinement of my man C.ALV’IN, who ranaway F^'ni me about three weeks ago. 1 wiii also pay a reward of Fifty Dollars for sufficient ’.If-re e to convict any person of harboring him. Cal- p-n I- Hi'Out 42 years of age, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, r-'^ck, and weighs about 150 pounds; he wears small I?' ! rin(ts in his ears. He is a boat or ship carpenter, l&n.l about Fayetteville and Wilmington, "omctimea calls himself Calvin Johnson. THEO. EVANS. ■J itie 1862. • 38tf Fayciieville, .June LOOK AT THE riVI'TTi-VILLi: HOTKL. Fronting 300 feet and in the business portion of Ihe Town, coiilaiii^ iiiorc '»|»ac ioii'«. aii«l well voiililaltMl Rooiii«« lliaii aii> llolt'i ill III*' ^lafe. ^ and tiiy Patrons Tiay my 'ondinu-nt- aro very u'Ood ior the times. I. WAinilLli, I’ntprlftor. May 2n, 1"';2. 27y Fayetteville Female lllsch School. The exerci«es of this Instiiutiou will be rc.sumed on the 2'.nh of September. The scholastic year will bo divi.lcl into tw.j term.-;: th£ 1st of lo weeks, commencing 2'.ith of Sept. ati'l end ing 24ih Dec.; the second of 27 weeks, conimcncing 1st of .Jan’y and en.ling .July Di. Parents un.l (iiiardians intending to jatronize thi« School are earnestly re.iue-^te'l to apply for circulars containing full particular-; in regard to tenna. fzc , >>ffore the opening of the .School. Rev WM. HOOPHR,! , T. C. HOOPER, j Tuly 17, lSi2. 48-tl-\lpd ARllV HAR\i:?^N. I.A.M jiiepare.l lo manufacture all kiiils of Wagon Harness for Army use. 1 tan my le iiher an 1 can give pood b.irgain*. .Acjcnts will do well to sen.l th-ir orders to me a;i they shall have prompt ai tent ion. and sent olT in iptick di.-patch. JoH.N tl.ARTf R GoM-.ton P. O.. Chatham Co.. N. .Iiine PI. l.''*12. ( T. TWO IMKIRS \B(IVK FayrJtovillf IIAid!! k SONS’ STORE 0 ttie Residence ot the late \S arrcu Winslow will l>c oUer- ed at public s^ale. The property is well situated and is well known in town. The house is furnished with gas in every room. The out houses are ample and iu good condition. Ap ply to .ARUill 1>.\LD .McLI'LAN, Trustee. Oct. 27, 1802. 7o-tspd llou^e and Lot for !^alc‘ or rc‘iit. 'PllE subscribers oJl'er for sale or rent, a H(.)USE and i LOT in Laurinburgh, containing S acres, with a goO') dwelling and all necessary out-houses. Persons wishing to purchase will address or call on J. D. .Mc- Laurin, who will take pleasure in showing them around. N. A. CURRIE. ,J. A. CURRIE. Nov’r 1, 18ti2. 75-t)tpd WA\Ti:0. k) RUSH ELS WHEAT, ^,')UU 1.5"0‘- (;oRN. Persons having the above articles to sell will receive the highest Cash j.rice bj’ calling on .Mr. ,M Thoinason, at Ihe Merchant .Mills, Fayetteville, or on the subscri- fier at his old stand on .Market Sipiare. ALEX. JOHNSON, .Jr. Nov. .3. I>''i2. 75tf iwroecries / OroreriesSI VL.\RGE an.I wtll sek'cted Stock of F.VMILY iR.)CERlES always on hnn.l, c.‘'nsi!ing of Hacon-Pidt's. Moss I’urk, Mullet, , Slacker Nos. 1 and ’J. M;il:ir-sc.s, Suu'ar.- of al i^rndes, Tdliaci'.i, ('iu'ars. ■An.l all other ariiele-; usually kepi in a Wholesale Ciro- cery Establishiiieiit COX. KENDALL ,-j CO. Wilmington. April 2. l.sijl. 10-tf i\0 I l€ ^IlIlE UNDI’RSIG.N'I-'.D. both having ontere l ilie mili- ! I tarv «ervice of 'tie ’onfe lem'e States of .\merica, hereby give noti. to their oM custonriers ati'i frieii'ls, that they have appointed .John 1). Starr and .lohn 1). Williams, of thi-. place, their aMorneys to collect either separately or conjointly all nioney'' due them either by accotint or note, an.l otherwise to atten.l to their bu siness generally .iuritiii their ab'^ence. They respect- ! fully ask all per-ons indebte l to them lo call as prompt- Iv as possible on iheir agent® make payment. ’ ' STAllR & WILLIAMS. Sept. 10, 1801. 58-tf OIL .\NI) LAMP BLACK.' mANNKRS’ and LUP.RK’ATING Ol[,. X L.AMP RL.At’K in barrels. For sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM'.Sc CO., Wilmington, N. C. Mar.'ii 7. 0 if T c;ri.\o ktoa iv*. ■'HE subscriber is prepared to furnish 4i>l£l.\0 STO'%l> of any size, from 18 inches to 7 feet diameter, eipial to the Nova Scotia Stones, wtiich they resemble. Tne}’ have been tested at the F.iyettevillje -Arsenal and Armory, and jipprovcd. .Address PATRICK LINEHA.M, Hratich P. O. (.'tiaih tm t,'o., N. C. t>r JOHN MAUNDKR, Raleigh, N. C. Oct. 2X. 1S02 ou Rockhsh. Oct. 2. IHt; 78-lmp.,i laf(‘ I will pay Five ('ents j>er pound for rags de livered in F’.ayetteville, or at my mills D .MURPHV. 05- For lOO sale by October 17, 1S02. *^00 ll>*«. fiiiiiii J. A. McDONALl), Oakland. Chatham (.’o., N. C. 701 f Araiiii' lor J. Oct. 15. !>i>ali‘ l>v H. LEE. ‘ 0‘Hf ;itf Hir and Tobacco on Cousignmenti |{j jf frersh beat Rice and D)0 JJoxes Manu- -o;- ; , d T'-bacco, various ijiialities. For sa’e by GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO. ‘y ■ v-iit;, Sep*. 24, lv.-,2. 03tf , . .\OTI€T:. I to be absent from home a few months iu I •^"tnt'i .'^rchibaiu .McLeai; is my authorised iraiisacL my buBiness until I return. Li-f ► JONES. r 2b, S3tf i\orlliCarolina lloaders. ■CllO0L ROOKS are becoming very S(‘:irce, but we ^ have on hand a good supply ot ihe Ni>R I il C.\RO- ■ LIN.A RE.ADERS, Nos. 1 and 2 by Rev, Professor Hub- ' oard of III# University of North Carolina, and .No. .1 by ; Rev. (J. U. Wiley, Superiuieii'lenl of C.inim.)U .Schools j 'f North Carolina. i Our cuHldmers having well nigh exhaiisled our slock of Norlliern Re-iiler> on haii'l whfti tin- w ir oomineni-e.l. we hope will n.iw tnrn iheir 'itienlioii |.; !lie^;e hci.iks liy nome .’Hithors. rather than allow tln iv ehil lrei; |.) .‘.o without reading books. For sale only at the old retail jirices of 25 cents. ;'.H ■ cents, and 75 cents. j E. J. HALE & SONS Feb’y 1, 1SG2. • 90- :OTTO.\ YAR.^. No. 19 Hay Street. C. p. MALLETT. Jan’y 0, 1862, 88- II«*'*|)«*r and offier rot'iess, BY' THEOPllILUS HUNTER HILL, Es.j , of Fta’.eifri,. For sale, {i-icc 'fl. by E. J. H.\LE ."c S(>NS. .Tan’y 13. 1.S’'.2 TO €i.i:ri4! or ioirts. rpHE Stay Law having por’iponed the settlement of A suits for ye.ars. wc will no t'..i-i"ifier insert Orders of Court without payment in a l vance. Plca.se send ij i i along with the Order, and more if it be of unusual length. 1 Feby 18t>2. E. J. HALE & SONS T» liaiid ^pilE un.le”'igtied otl'ei--- for sale, in the Coal region* i I and within eiglit mile.^ ot’the lerniinns of Ihe Fay etteville Western Ra’l fioad on jioep River. KKiiiT ni Nnp.En a( i:es ok ia\h, adjoining the land belonging to Ihe -;t.ale of George Wilcox, dec’d. anil lying tliiee miles .Soiiih iVom Car bonton, on Little Pocket Ci-eek, Moore coiiiily. Those Lands are well a.lapled to the growlli of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye. iSic. Thei’e nre on Ihe )>rem- ines a comforlabb' Kwellinp. and all necessary Out houses, with aboiil one hisn ire l ind lifiy ficres iindr'r fen*e. inelii.ling forty or f.l'v .-i.-ii-- of ti' ver-faiii'ig bollotn lan.l. This is :i rare cliaiu-c i'.'r nersoiis wi..-h- ing to mnke inve^tmpii's, ,is Ijiu l-; are uti i .iibiedly ad- vancinsc in price in this -^eclion. For further informal ion apply to .Mr. M. M. McRae, Crane’s Cre«k, P. ()., Moore county, or adilress me at Fayetteville, N. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec’d. (/arbonton, Moore co , N. V, Autf 21 18511. 4-‘ll lloadqic.nrlrrs Wiliiiin;;'fon ) l.iK'li( Ariillery., ) Ca.vi> Roylan, July 20,*1801. fJ^HlS Comp.TTiy. desiring to be comr'ete in 'I'rn/ rr- J wonl I he glad to a i-.und-T of eood Dri ver-^, -men e'rcitstar.K-I to the ir .r, 'iii.-ni oi hor.ses. Tticre will b^ j.ii-l to er..oi nrs'i. on cnlisiiiKnt, a bounty 01 Moutivly p;iy .■t!2; besi.ies iieing clothed and j fed, medical alten.Juii. e frije. iiiid ail oilier neceir.sary I equipments fuini.shed r. iji.'^iio for a scMier. I No one need apply unlevs he i- ti good driver and ex- , perienced in the maiM'jeinenf of horses. The destina tion of the company is Virginia, as soon as equipped. ALEX. D. MUOKE, 41J Capt. Go. £, Eeg’t Lt. Artillery. lflice ol ^iir^^. 4iJt*ii. ol .W i\ | Novkmrkr 1-, 1S(1-J. I The following articles are required for our sick and wounded soldiers; Shoes, Socks, llatp. Coats, Pants, I>rawer.s, Ijcatli- 1 er, Shoo Thread, htusts, (Irom No. (> to lli | inclusive,) Huttons, (,'otton (Moth, Flan nel, I’dtatues, IJrandy, Hiitter, I'igg.-i, Ait*. ivC. Proposals will be received al this olliee for a pr.ij'cr s'ipjdv of them T)!0«c aide and willing lo contribute, will ple.'ise ad-lress Ihe iinder«iguel Transportation will be furnished, if necessary, by the* governinetit. I’.DW.AllD W,\IIIIFN, Siirg. tion. ol N, t’. Nov D’., I.S02. 7S-lm VIRTUE of a Decree iu the Court of Equilj' for ) CiiiiAierlaud County, at November Term. l.'^f.2, I shall sell at the .Market House in Fayetteville, on Thurs- itay Dec. Illh. 1S02, at 12 o’clock, M., One and one fiiiirih .Arres of L\ND in Campbellton, north of the Claren.lon P.ridge, having a front of about 19:’. feel on the Riv.>r. acfjoiiiing on llie .south a lot sold by S W, 'riHiiigha«l. Trii-tef of J as. Ilu^ke. to .A A. .McKethan. M-o, Oiie-ihird interest in a lot of Land in ’amy>- IvelltoTi, cont'iiuinff 1\ Acres, lying on the River, known as the *■,McNeill lot," ainl joins the north side of the ft!(ove ile-JCi ilie.l loi. vrhieh juts were formerly I lie pro perly of .lame-' Huske and were conveyetl by him to S. \V 'I’illiriglift-il in 'I'rnst. Oct. 27, 1^57. WALTER A. HUSKR, C. M. E. Nov. 17. 78-is «REAT SALE OF FRl'lT TRKES! IWIIiL sell al West Green Nurseries, four miles west of flreensborouph, on Thursday the 4th of December next, at public :\uciion, a lot of FRLIT TREF.S, I have on hand TW'O HUNDI^ED THOUSAND choice TREl-iS. reaily for plaiuing out this fall and winter, and am determined lo sell. I will have trees ready for de livery at all times. CYRUS P. MENDENHALL. Nov 7, 1802. 78-ta I also have for sale a large quantity of the very best APPLE VINEGAR. Valuable Farming Laud for Sale. ^pilE subscriber ofl'ers for sale oO.‘5 acres of L.AND on I the East sfte of the (’ape Fear River, 1miles below Fayetteville. There is a go d h ii-e with 7 rooms and all necessary out-houses, and iliereis about lOO acres of as good swamp land as there i^ in the State. There is cleared land for I2i»0 l.M-^tiel j of corn, and about 15 icres of land cut down for the next crop. I will also sell my stock of Hogs, C-ifle, i^heep an l (’rop on the }>lace Terms easy. .Address me at Terebinth 1‘. O., Cumberland county, N. C. W' A. KING. Nov. 1.1, 1S02. 78-Otpd FOR SAl.E. A Lot of Cotton and Woolen Machinery. fc) WOOL PICKERS. mO inch Wool C-irds. I oO *• “ Roll (’anL 1 1'.*'^ Spin'lle Wool Jack. 1 Cotton Lapper. 2 Danforth Cap Frames 1H8 Spindles each. 1 Throstle Frame 84 “ 1 English Drawing Frame with Coilers and Packers. 1 12 Strand Speeder, &c., icc. Some of the above machinery is new in operation at the Richmond Factory. For particulars address JtjHN SHORTRIDGE, Rockingham, Richmond Co., N. C. Nov. 12, 1802. 77-16tpd VAI.I AKI.E .HIfor ^aie. T OFFER for sale my PL.ANT.ATION, 2 miles west ol 1 (,’arthage, Moore county, containing 250 acres, on which is a Grist and Saw Mill, Cotton Gin and Screw. I will receive in payment Slate Bonds. Confederate money or likely Negroes. JOHN MORISON. VALl ABLi: L.V.YDS lor~Sale. T OFFER for Sale my PL.ANT.ATION on McClendon’s 1. Creek, •> miles west of Carthage, lying on the ba-in of the Coal Fields, containing 2100 acres, which is as proluctive as any lands in the county of .Moore. The improvements gooi and the situation healthy Terms liberal. JOHN MORISON. AOTK'E. 1H.AVE about .5000 acres more, in different tracts, in the*county of .Moore.—Farming Mineral, and Tur pentine l.an i.—which 1 will sell on liberal terms. JOHN MORISON. .lliiieral l.aii«N lor Nale. 1HAVE an interest of one-third in a tract of 500 •ACRE.S on the waters of Deep River, on which have been discovered a salt mine and pure saltpetre, and an oil of good quality for greasing leather, well worthy geolonjical iuve.stig ition. Jt)HN .MORISON. (’arlhage. Nov, IS 1802. 77-tf Plantation Wanted. I .AM authorized to purchase a good PL.ANT.ATION, to be goo.l farming land, containing from 200 to 500 acres, with good improvements. Would like to pur chase the l.a.-^t year’s crop, stock, Sic , if terms satisfac tory could be ma.le Persons wanting to sell will please write to me, with description of iheir land?, price, &c. Location in Chat ham county preferre'l. -Address me at Rallingsburg, P.ockingham county. A B CHAPIN. Nov’r 14, 18t)2. 78-litpd Or. Rohiiisoii i; com pelled to close his Apothecary Shop after to-i ky. His office will be in the same building, next door,—that recently occupied by C. 0. Wright, E-'q. Nov. 12, 1-S02. 77-2w AOTH'i:. 4 LL h.ands that have engaged .at the Slate Salt works i\ are noiifn>il to report themselves at the works as man of the house who had lelt hi.s w^il’e and daiisrh- tor to their fate. My (jiod! 1 cannot express the stat> of my I'eelings at such an idea. I instantly had my horse saddled and started lor our army, which 1 louiid, many asleep by camp tires, and Some in bed in eomlbrtable houses. 1 then rdart- t*d back to my once hapjiy home, to meet and pre pare for the removal ol my fatuily. I rf‘(|Uested them to take a >ehange 'l raiment, and a little .something to eat, on a journey to I did not know where, but by the time that I eonld get out my family e:in iage and before 1 eould get my daugh ter in, the yankee cavalry came dtishing up. and taking iny horses from tbo carriage, carried them of!', at the same time saying I should not be fur ther troubled. In a short time 1 eould hear them pa.ssing another road on the way to Tarboro’. 1 then was in hopes that that would be the last of them, as 1 knew that our troops could, il they would, slaughter them .some distance on the re markable State road and dense thickets that were on the road, which I thought a good place lor ar- j tillery and inlantry. In a few hours I heard their cavalry coming back, as I supposed and hoped for their gunboats, but contrary to my expectations, they went into the interior on a very private road and thinly populated country for another road for Tarboro’. But finding that did not suit them, they then returned with the whole army by-my house. 'I'hey stopped and placed a guard around for the protection of my family, but fho3' earrii?d off sixteen horses and*mules, took all the poultry, robbed bee hives, and stealing from the negroes. They actually stole the pillow I’rom beneath the head of’an old negro woman. To what extent 1 have suffered I cannot tell. 1 yesterday went to town and through some of the country. When I saw the destruction and desolation of all the coun try through which they passed, it was enough to sicken the hearts of any but robbers, whose hearts- cannot 1k' made sick. Poor .old women, from sev enty to eight}' years old, without a change ol clothing, and no where to by their heads, exposed to rain and cold, without a mouthful to eat. ‘‘Stately mansions as well as-humble cottages lay in ashes; such is now the scene of the once pleasant little town of Hamilton. The same state of things through the country which they passed, farms laid waste, houses despoiled. Many that were able made their escape with their valuables, but there are many delicate ladies and children without a change of raiment. It is-also a general stampede with the negroes. Something ought to be done to stop this, thing, or this fruitful countr}’ cannot give any assistance. The corn in the field ungathered—hands gone—teams stolen —and the once wealthy farmer left to house his corn in a basket, and that to make, for all were stolen that were kept in view. After going through these scenes, I went to my plantation on the river to find everything in ruins, not a house standing except cribs, everything being in wa.ste; not one living thing to be seen except mules, that was stolen by them and got away which I carried to my house in hopes of returning them to their for mer owners.” M'. IWOTK'i:. wife. Catharine Holmes, left me on the 2Srti of .Aiigii-il ! i“t, agriinsi my wishes, 1 dn hereby fore- ; wain ill p.-rs(.ns whatsoever fr.un Ir.iding w'ilh the alore'-atd Calli'itiiie Holmes or charginr her tioar.l in ^ any wi-i* .ir tin ier any cireuiii'tances since the 2.''l!i of ! August l;i-'i I '-hall nc.t be responsible tor anv charges I or c.iiitr'i.-ls ni-i le by Ihe aforesai'l Catharine li.-iiiiies. MOSKS HOLMES. Oi:i i;^., 1802 7S!-;!tpd ol i\'orlii 4';iroliii:i, M ON TOO -M E R Y COUN T Y. Court of Pleas and t-iu.arter Sessions, Ocl. Term, 18o2. .lames Haywood, Adm'r, vs. Isaiah Haywood, et. al. Petition to sell Land. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the ('ourt that Bcn- jatuin Haywood and Richardson Haywood, two of the Defendanlsin this cause, reside beyond the limits of tl'.is State; D i? therefore, on motion, ordered by the Court, that adverti-fenient be ma.ie f.ir si:; week^. succes sively ia the Fa\e;teville Oijs.Tvrr. noiifyiug the sr.iil Defendants of the fi.ing of this p^litiot;, ami that unless ttiey appear at ihe next Term and ai;s\,’or the petition, the same will be taken pro confesso ati l heard ei par‘e as to them. Witness, J. S. Spencer, Clerk of our sai l Court, at OfTice in Troy, on the IsL Mondav in October, K. D. 1802. 72*6l,pd J. s, SPENCER, C. C. C. Suh)itifHti' for Suff—A writer in the Columbia (jiuardian proposes a substitute for salt for preserv ing meat. It i.s, hc says, Pyroligneous Acid, which is made from any kind of hard wood, and the quantity of acid obtained is nearly one- half the weight of w od used. The writer remark?.: “This acid has been manufactured in the neigh borhood ot the writer on a small scale, and a few familie.s have used it during the Summer and all for curing meat, and it is a perfect success. It docs not answer the purpose of seasoning, but a small quantity of Salt does for that purpose. The only objection to it, if it may be called one, is that it imparts a smoky flavor to the moat. It should be contlensed in a copper tube or pipe, a.s iron turn.s it black. Twelve or fifteen gallon.s will cure one thou.sand pounds of meat.” ('on/rifiutioiis h>/ j\-(yrnpn for our tSo/(?icrfi in Vin/i/iii.—-"Early yesterday morning a gentleman called at our desk and handed us ninety dollars— the contributions of eighteen negxoes, who are employed a.s butchers in our market, for the re lief of our soldiers in Virginia. 'J'hey desire that the amount be appropriatcil in clothing or other necessaries for their comfort, and immodiately forwarded. This is another of the thousand in stances which go to prove the interest our color ed population feel in driving back the thieving v^indals from otir .soil. The following is a list ol their nniiies, and the amount contributed: .1 s, Verdry, f m c !f5; A>>ram. si ve. -5; Charlej", do .5; '.-in ly, do 5; July, da 5; Jim, do 5; .Albert, do 5; s-on as practicable. All teams must take all Ihe feed | ci,,,riVs. tlo 5; Jacks-on Shefiall, f. m they can carr}' with them. J. M. Nov. 12. lSi-,2. WtJRTII. Sab Com, 77-.!t rioo Blank Wajprants for sa’e. r4IR 5AI.I^ M \KEPEACE’S RU( KJiTS, ■Andinins, Shovels .and Tongs, P.ritannia Spo.'iis, Quart IJoille Corks. . \t Ihe t’rockery Store. \V. N. TILLINGHAST. Nov’r H», IS''- 7tl-2w I I.AT roR jiiArr.. IoFFFR for .cale a FL\T as good as new. ;50 by 10 feel with a C.ivered House, 20 feel long J. W. BARBOUR. While Oak. P-la.len f'o. Nov 10. ISii’J. 77 4l-p.l Sta^se Driver wantefK 1W1SH to employ a careful, sober DRIVER, to take charge of a four-horse team on a short route. None need apply unless they are fully competent to manage and take care of horses. 1). G. MACRAE. Nov’r 17, 1802. 78 2ipd Office of the Chatham R. R. Company, | llALEKJII, Nov. f), 1S(>2. j V^t> accep able V>i'l having be.-n ofl'ere 1 for the gr«(*u- atjon ‘^nd masonry vt the middle dtvis'on of the Chatham R.-iilnad, exten'ling f-.ini Pijr.-’s fo Lockville, 23 miles, the undersigned is prepared to receive propo- eaK at this office. Prcfileo an-1 Specifications p’nowing about the aggre gate amount of work require-i. can be seen at the Engi neer’s office, Haywood. Chatham County, or at the ('ompany’s otlice, Raleigh. ^ KFM? P. BATTLE, Pres’t. Ellwood Moeeis, Chief Engineer. Nov. 11, 1862. 77-6t .Amos, slave, 5; .lack, slave, :f5; Titus, do -5; .Itine. do 5; .losiah. do 5; George, d(i 5- Moriis, lo 5; Siin.>n. do .5; Josi ili (jrant, f ni. c 5. Total, :i.‘.tO,—Siiriinnjth l{i‘publicm. “.\ irifiid of (ifiieral Stonew;ill Jackson told us,” says the lliehmond (^iristian .Advocate, a few days ago, that the (!-r‘nenil remarked “h(> hoj>- ed our peojile would not forget that Cod giveth the victory.” His friend replied that he believed the diurehes were deeply prayerful all over the l.ind 'I’he (Jeiierar.s face brightened uj) with pleasure as he remarked, “Then we shall continue to prosper.” Yonlitv ( rurltjf to ^et/rocs.—A correspondent ol the New York Tribune, wrifinir from Newbern, N. C., under date of Oct. l .Jrives the following picture of the condition of the negroes of that De partment: “The .situation of the poor, unhappy blacks in this Department, fed thoujih they are by Union bounty, «■'* such as should excite the sympathy of every (3hristian man. I am sorry to say that they are treated with great sternness and severity, amounting to positive cruelty, by many of rnv soldierKS, wl..o seem to rcL'ard them ;is hardly bet ter than brute.'^. Not a few of our officers con duct themselves in the most uofeeling maiaier toward tht'se unfortunate creatures, and are, in fact, ostentatious in expressing their hatred and contempt for the “d—d nigger.” The Nashville T'nion of a late date sa^s the City Council voted Andy Johiison 820,000 for his patriotic defence of Nashville.