iPAiriwiETuiyL R mi-WEEK li Y. \()l„ XII.] FAVKTTEVILLE, .N. C.. NOVKMlJliK 27, 18(i2, LNO. 1181.] ■y.: i J. \\ 111 Law. k-bert T »onib>. riietr, illiam K I’lUNTKD MONDAYS AND TIIUKSDAYS. KDWIKD J. HALK & SONS. Kl ITORS and proprietors. V • ; Senii-Woekly Obskrvkr SS 00 if pai l in ’ 50 if pai»l during the year of subscrip- .T SI nft 'r the year 'ms expireil. ,■ U .1 ly (^nsKUv’ER (XI per aniunn. if paiil in J60 if paid durmg the year of siih.'^crip- ,.r 00 after tlie year has expired. 1^ APVKRTISEME.VTS inserted for (jO cents per ■•.^re i’t lines for t>.e first, and ->0 cents for each ■ I'lvimg publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- , : racts, at rea.sonable rate?. Advertisers are p , ;: >J to state the number of insertions desired, or Lfv w.'.l continued till forbid, and chargred accord- \lrerU!'enipnts to be ins*Tted i»siif, charjred f)0 per extra. SPECIA-. >:0T1('K. F- ,i;; iiiui after tliin date, no name of a uew sul>soriber entered without pflymeiii in advance*, nor will f)e ;aper he #ent i>' >uoh subscribers for a longer time i in .s paid l\>r. i W'kstkun R vii, Ko.vi) Officf,, ) ' l''ayi‘ttovillo, Auix. *2‘) IStl'J., \ l\%YKTTi:% ILLK Mim wi L\S!RA\fE COMPAM. Cajiiial in Premium Notes amounts lo C'.-ish oil haud sn.l other asse:s. !?li()7,t>H8 -0 5,077 85 ON and after tlie 1st day of Sept. tlui folhiwinj; rates will )>!> ('harmed on I’asseiifr^'’^'- viz: •'»0 ct^ 1 (Ml 1 2.-> 50 From Fayetteville to Little Uiver, *• to Sptuii ?!prin>r. to Rock Iir'iTicli, to Junt'shtu’o', lo Mclver's, Twenty-five cents additioual will be collected by the I’lMidiK'tor of each passenger, leavint; a Stqtion without a tiekHt A n«'w r ue of Freight will go into etl'ect at the sime time, which will be j-riuteii and furnished to the public in a few days By order of the Pres't. JNO. M. UOSE, Treas'r W. U. K C!o. •Vuir. ;'0, 1862. •.')()! f UK«TKK\ KAIL KOAI>. Total. f-J72,7t’)5 61 The ('ontpany have paid .all ios.se.s promptly, and havff never made an assesHnic’it on their premium notes. Total losses paid. $2^J,G82 i>9 Okkickbs; 0E). MoNEILl,, President. D. \. RA\ . Vice President. .\. Mc^l 1 LL.AN. Sec y. Dib kctors: Henrj’ Lilly, W. N. Tilliughaat, H.'L. Myriiver, S. ,L liinsdale, S. T. llawby. Win. McLauriu, Nathan A. Stedman, T S. Lutterloh, A W. Steel, •J. O. Cwok, Hon J. G. Shepherd, H. F. Brown, ) . A E. Hall, [-Wilmgton. and after Monday the --’Jd in-^; . the 1 this K'i‘1.1 will run daily, leavinc Fvyetii't ■lock O'clocK, S,pt A M i* .M. 2t>, i.st; Trains on 'ViHt> lit '' rf'turning leave Mi'Iver's !>t>p n >ii 1 ' ’ B M M.Liri'T Pi-s't. •;jtf S.ich^four ol*l rub'cribers as desire to take the pa' er on this svsteni wi’- pK'ase notify tis when making litraSi'es. Jan'y 1, ISa.n *|!arT'> ADVERTISERS ;• T 1U-’ out of iwn who desire advertiseiuents iu- ■ ^j in tfiP Observer, and persons in town with whom -;^vf not regular account?, will please seud with the ;.: i?euieni as luuch raorty as tlvy wish to iurest in "ding to our advertit ng teiois ob the lirst page. ' • wish to open any more such accounts,—or i , iocounts. The process of collection is too and we have to pay cash for every thing we v !! in these times. ,"')1. Westorn Kailroad (tfflro, * FayetteviUe, N. V. Sept. '27. IStili. |' ]^UK the purpose of increasitm the caj ital slock of ;his Company, to euable it to extend the Road from the 1 Ooal Fields to the Niirth (’^r dina Road, the foll'iMiiig seTitlemen have been app.iintel (’ommissiuiers to re- j I'oive siiliscriti‘‘r^« in tiieir sevei-il lu^iL^hborhi'o t^, yj;: ! .\t liiilf—I. .1 Haught.'n, P.ro.>ks li.'irri--', hr tli'orgr r* ; Ni>w*'y and 0 Washingt.-n Above the Oulf—,lno .1 UolJston, Jami'.'* P Rives and i Hugh W Dix in. At 1,'re Hill—G Goldst.'.n, l*r L W Gorrell and N I M .Alston. i .\bove Ore Ilill—Dan’! H ickncy. A i? Marsh and .faii : Pace. I \i F-'U't's AHlls — Dr H M Kou’t nud Dr .1 D Graves. ; -Vt Franklinsville an 1 vicinity- H I'oust and \ llorii.ey. At Ashobnr i'—.I 'nath n W .u’., r^nd 15 F U •v. r. .\t New M irket—Je-se W ilker a:i 1 .I >-eph N-wlin. At I’lioniasville—> F ister urid Jii ' W Thomiw, At H'sh Point — Dr iv *' l.’ud^av " 1 Seali .rn Perrv. -At Salem—Fvanci: Fri s :ind H L Paifersnn. .\t tireensV'oro’—C P Aleu lenh;iU. Peter .\dains, Hon J .A (»ilmer >»n 1 .les-ip H Liu lriy. Instructions wi';l be sent to the (’ornn.i'^M'iner^ at an ; ,i ARv Notu K«.—We have heretofore given notice. . .redly, that we charge for obittiary^notices of lin kable length, and tor resolutions of respect: be- that kind of reading, we have much occasion to «. is not often'more agreeable t.> readers than to L'f papers. As it generally happens, however, ."tTi’hargingandpayingpostage ontheaccouut for- ^ (“arly dsy liy the IVi'si lent of th" (''onip'ui i«i. we never get paid, we now give notice that we RU^L, >e' y ■ nothing of the sort hereafter unless accom- n,r\ V he cash. (Always excepting in the case of . i-el v.-iinteers, when we require no pay.) Bear { i.iitil, ‘‘ re. that we will insert obituary notices j the I'i-fi .i me the wing j 1 uiid.-r i' K R. i;o. Florence aud Fajetreville Hail Koail. I^'^NDER I he provisions )f an t>r'litiance of the I on- di iJ r-' cot exceeding 7U words, gratis For all w 'rd. me cent a word, which must be paid be- L'.lee will be pirt in I3'pe. * Attorney at Law, # Favkttkvillk, N. C. attend 'he ( 5iiniy and Superior ('ourts -..f O ''uni't'-Tiaii'l. ll 'Tii^n. Moore and Robe.son ’'itni- ' fc' i nip: a:ten:i'n given to the collection of all Jfi;’:.' en'ru.-teJ !o hi' hands. . 17. I"' '. [l_ (iEO. W. VV1LLIA318 & CO.. lioleoi.ile Dealer** in lirocerie**, w f .\M I.MPURTEIIS AND UEALEKS IN ^ardirare aud f uilerj, Swedes Iron, &c., HU STKKKT, FAYKTTEVIILE, >. t. 3tUf ■' X W. I*. KEND.A.LL. J. S. KEND.\LL COX, KEADAI.I; A: CO., oiuiuission illerehaiit^ A N D WHOLESALE GROCERS, -Vo. 1! A 12 North Water St., Wilmin^toii. N. C. I "r lers from the Country promptly executed I ' Particular attention given to the sale of 'ott»>n h-r produce. J, Ibtjl. 10-tf T. A. B. U. \VO«TH, )niuU«iiou and Forwarding Herchants, if ih'> -fU' •' *!ie Him Ir- d i* ;M .-'I Fi.i-' I ■ i a J. iiimi .''i"ner'. \1. K‘ihr'ti. U'; i \!rl. \1 K iv m l .'uo. iVefr- ' each ■he di- WILMINGTON, N l-'in >- is, I8t;i 841 f CAR !>!• FEW L.AblKS can be accommodated with board at fft. the iSeminary. T. C. HOOPER. ;tept. 12. i-tJi. 50- ■V Twenty-live Dollars Reward. ana WAV from the sutiscriber, his negro boy MO- 'H.S. He is 21 years of age, about 5 feet 10 inches . r iV.ait,, long feet and very much turned out at me and looks down when spoken lo. He was seen at rjnui s Mills in Robeson county on the 21st uFl., in Fayetteville about three weeks ago. The C'e reward will be paid for his delivery to me or for jDhuemeut in any jail so that 1 get him. W. D. JOHNSON. Itermetteville, S. C., .Aug. 14, 18*i2. 52if Runaway^ ML L.KTI'o WU.M.AN by the name of LL'CV: about - • years old, of medium size, but now quite rorpu- w ituan is probably in or near Town, but may ■eu Ih.1 off in the direction of .Newberu by Bill aintiiu, a free mulatto man wno has been at work as |-Hrfiei..er probably on the Wilmington Ji. Weldon •d Hi \ Depot North of Warsaw. 1 will puy III' >* 'Ifa,i.ry ot said girl to me or lodged in .Jiiil in t-. it t'ouDii iu this County, or if said girl is any other County and confined in the Jail ol the party arresting giving .„e euil> uiforiiia- 1 )t the same. JNO. D WlLl.lA.MS ' lyetteville, Aug. .i-tf ^^10 Reward. I^ILL pay the above reward for the apprehension ■ mfinement of my man C.VLVIN, wno rauaway me about three weeks ago. w .; idso pay a reward ol Fifty Dollars for sufficient •■■ convict any person of harb' ring iiim. t'-il - i: :!• 4/ years of nge, 5 feet lU or 11 mcnes higu, md weighs about 150 pounds; he wears small fitiK' in his ears. He is a boat or ship carpenter, *•■1 known about Fayetteville and Wilmington. !f.“tii;n;^ calls himself Calvin Johnson. TllEO. EVANS. 18t)2. o8tf ^>'e and Tobacco on €on$igument> A.'K'J of fresli beat Rice and 1(»0 Boxes Manu- • ' t J ■ .;ujoo, viirioti ijualities. Fur sale by Gh>, W. WILLIAMS & CO. ■ "Vii.e, S-Jit. 24, 18';2. tj;-itf aotice. absent from home a f(!W months * '• .Archibald .McLean is my authorize ‘ti-act my business until I return. U. JONES rec-tion of tho full-iwir.j p lions n the t’aiotal S: >ck vi!!e R ii' Iloid ’•■ " Si ■1^ •*. y.’ /-/ /.’-i./ roi-tioii ,,i ■ u»' G ‘Ufrai i D. A Riv. A W, . M P...- ■ •1' thf r, 'l .! — I'n'ler tiio din--ii-'n* 'f H' M ’Nei'l. Wm. .) .'J'ow'irt. .1 ;s A Sirth, Dan’l (’ M.' Neill and Col. .Mex. M 'Miii.vn. or uiiv no >f th i I' F' ’■(il C- ' Under the !ii -l'!''Mi of Dr N- iP , I -NL'Niir. Dr. .A. D. Mi'Leiin. iiiti.dd Sinitli. 1! Im'iud : Lidy .‘lud '’ d. .Vie.tHiider .,r niiy nU'' ' ' i»'m * .4.' -liiii'. — Under the direction of .\Iurdoi k 'l '- ' Rae. I) McLeol, D. .Nl'’(’.'i'lum. .I is Mollie. .)r , .lu i .1. : H. »AL’V'*t’en. tir any one of ihem. .4/ —Under the lirecti.in of P ir-'cll, : I Juo. McNuir, .'>!on .Mford. Duirild Mct’.iilum hi*.i .hio ‘ I M ilium, or any one of them. i The .Siib.»cription Bo >k- will r^iuiin op-n f r the sprvce of fi'i d iy». When i sulficient ^-u u i> 'ubscribed tht.- Company will be organized for the purpose of build- j ine the Roft1 A. A. McKKTHAN, ' D. A, RAY. ! A. W STEEL, i WM. Mc-L. McKAY, i .TNO. M Pii'SK. (Jenpr-il (\:mm’«-i ’ners Fayett.-ville. June 7, 1^'.2. . :!2tf | LOOK AT THIS! ' Tin: riViiTTHViLLi'; iioti-;l, Fronting 300 feel and in (he business portion of the Town, c‘oiifaiii«> more H|ia‘ioii«> aiii uell ventilated R4»oiii«« tiiaii aii> Hotel ill Uie .^fate., ami niy I’atrons say iny Coriiliiiient.s are very l'0o;1 i for till' times. T. W.UHMLL, I'roprlHor. May 2t>, lb‘'.2. 27y Fayetteville Female High Nohooh I'^lIK cxerci’c'.: of tins In-tiiution wilt be resumed on the -'.ttii of September. The .aclicl'istic year will be divided into two term-; the 1st of 1 ) weeks, commeiicins 2‘.'th of Se[>t. atui end ing 24th Dec.: the second of 27 weeks, commencing 1st of Jan'y iind ending .luly 1st. Parents and Ci'i^iniians intending to y«iironi7' this School are earnestly re'iuested to nj.piyf.ir cii i ’ '-i; cotitainin; full parlicular*^^ in regard In feim^. i^c , / the opening of the .School P°v W^L HOOPER, ■( „ . . , T. C. HOOPKR, j July 17, l‘*;2. ld-tl.')Jpd AR^IV IIAR\I>». M prepared t-' manufacture all kinds of W^igon arness for Army use. I tan my b-;ithcr and cfiu ifive g(fid b.'ii'giiins. .Agent will do well to send their orders to me as they shall have promt’t attcutioii. and sent of! in i|tiick disj.atch. .lOilN C.AR'l'tlR (5 .hNton P. o , Chaihani ’o., .N. (^, I , .lune I'i. r-'i)2. j ' C B. M;dlett James Kyle, A. A. -McKethan. J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghast. hn ( ollins and C. C. McCruiiunen, Tr.aveling Agents. Urtf-The t\)mpany invite applications. May 28. IHC.l ' .j|_ TIi i: \ORTH 4'A ROM A A >?rTr\L LiFi: i\8rHi:\(ii: (ompany, ^0\\ in'hetentli year of-uccossful operation, with growing capittil und tivr ier hoM upon pablic con fidence, continue', to in-ure (he lives of nil healthy per- j sons trom 1-i lo *i" yenrs of aae. for one year, for seven I years, ai?d ti>r iiu- -aii lit'e memtiei 'i sharing in the prolits. j ■All slaves 1', ,111 1(1 to t;i> y .-.I's ot'ago are injured for ; one year t)r fur live y^' iv- tor : wo liiird.. th'*ir value. ^ \11 l>i«se . lire f iuiotu illy p.iid withiu da} “ after satisfnotiiry [ rot't is prt"euted. tor turther infortuation the publ’• is referred to .Agents of the Con;pany in all parts c ihe Sta'e, and to K H. B.ATTLE, Secrelarj-, Raleigh. E. J. H.ALE. Afrent at Jan y 18')'*. F'uyettcville, N. C. A urn: The New Slvl^*. Sinall. (OLOkEI) FHOTOGItAPilS, V:iaoixd**!!’s Cialiory. 1 J AR’'? Wooduaril's. .Solar ('aiiier.*i. PHOTO(31t.\l’HS cnn be had at Vanorsdell’s Skyligh G »llei_7. Huy 'treet, opposite M;irt>le Yard. Fay ' etteville. N. plain, retoudie-1. 'olc>red, in water 1 colors, oil iin.l pa il.-; from >' = ,iill to life size. Ambro- ' types, Melanec!y]ie>.-, and ;.!1 other styles of Pictures pertain g ti the \r:. ,\1- i. Gilt Frames. Giit Mould- ■ ing. G' -■ for vsry 1-ivee pii tu/es --as Inrge as 2f> bv ; iu'die-i. '"id and T:i so1 I'.ir hanering picture*!; Instru- i mer,!>. Sti ' k .and t'hemir ils f.r s.tie low for cash. Lite j size C'.’"re'i Pho'.o^rujdi' in ide from sm:»ll pictures. H iving i.eniiaiifit'.y ' r'-'iie i Ij.-;.:' I liope to nierit j y..u" p:it Vi iiaee. I w u!'i ul^o return my sincere (hanks f-M- he lit>ern; j vn ige i.. t ^we l on me hcretot’ore by | the tro,: i ,.f F» , teviil.' an.I v'einitv. I M. VANORSDELL, I’liotograjd.isi aud Proprietor. ‘r 2ti. 1 '*■■■' 77- ! !)■ ,>larbi€* Faeloi’v, TvVII UIIIIKS .llldVK I. T. U.AIKH i .SONS' STIiKii l*'ay‘tteville, Jan’ 2' 8»- I A? 1 Hr i\oi'lliCaroliiiai Readers. tCH()t)L PiOtlK.S are beewming very .sc irce, bui we liavp on Land a good supply of the NOK'i’H ’.\Ro- LIN.A RK.\DER.S, Nos. 1 and 2 )>y i!ev. I’rofe.vsor H:ib oard of the I'niveruity of North ';uolina. aud No. by Rev. C. U. Wiley, Supbriuleudent of 'i)mmon Schools >f Nwvth C:iroliii:v. *iir customer'^ having well nigh exhaiisied our stock of Northern l^ea•b■r^- on hanil when t he w'lr commenced, we hope will now turn tlu'i'' Htteotion to Tii»*^;e I'ook'^ V‘y‘ nome aiuhors, riither than ali w their ^;lli^!i: r.i d > without read'ug b-ooks. For sail only at ihe oil rf-t.iii j.n. ,f • ,-j .i:r . ;;s cents, and 75 cents. E. J HALE & HUN’S Feb’y 1,1862. ?(♦;- COTTOA YARA. No. 19 lljiy Street. C. p. MALLETT. Jac’y H, 18ti2, 88- iwroreries / iwroveries:: AI^.VRGK and will -elected Stoek of FVMlLA' (i!D K'ERIE.'' always on hand, consisting of Haciui-Sidfs, Moss I’ork, Mullets, Mackcr X"-. 1 and 'J, M;>l:isse>, .''^^trar^ of al trrados. 'T'diaceu, (’itMr.s, .And all other article'- usually kept in a Wholesale Gro cery Establishmeiii COX, KENDALL A '0. Wilmingt.iti. April 2, 1S*;1. 10-tf AO TIC K. rpHl’, UNDERSIGN F,i. i>oth having entered the mili- i tary .“ervice of tin- Cotife ier:vte States of .America, herctiy give notice to ’heir old customers and friends, that they have iipp'^iuted John l>. St.irr and Joiin D. Willisitns, of thir- pl.iee. thcdr aftorneys to collect either sep:»ratidy or c iiijoiiuly a!! mon*'ys due them either by account or note, and utlierwise to attend to their bu siness getu-rally durin^r their nbst-nce. They respect fully ask nil porsous in lidited t',; them to call as prompt ly as }>ossible on their agent ,i :.d make pavment. a WILLIAMS. Sept. 10, ISOi. 58-tf OIL AND LAMP HLACK.‘ •■rANNERS- and LUBRICATING OIL. 1 L.\MP BL.ACK in liarrels. For sale by Mar(d) JOS. R. BLOSSO.M .S: CO., Wilmington, N. C. ti-tf *^00 Ihs. nui]i .IraPiie l»r «ale l»% • J. R. [d-:E.‘ Oet. l.'i. C.'.ttf Palma f'liriwfi Reaii«. ^PII I’ subscriber will ;■ ly the Highest i-.isli prices for Any i|u;inti;y ol Pabiia, t-’hri- ti Be.iiis. A. . Fayetteville. () WORM I. ti7-tf 40 .•it lJAK .TlOB, BLLS. SUtJAR. I J i:t,l.,. N o SVRUP 1') “ S( UPPERNONt; WINE. On co'isigJM”.. u! au>i i'ov .«aU‘ ' v JOS. ■’erl UTLLi f;2-ff 9 oOO V* A BUSHELS W^HEAT, l.-'-ti't •• CtiRN. Helper an«l other E*oeiim, ;ii H;Lf E. J. Il.W.r: & SONS. Persons buving the above arliclcs to sell will receive the hiKhe>t O.sh pri; e by calling on .Mr. ,M. Tho.nason, at the Merchint Millj. F.iv»'iteville, or on the Mibscri- ber at hi.s old stand on .NLn'ket .'■'c|uarc \LEX. JOHNSON. .Ir. Nov. 1HC,2. S8tf By THEOPllILUa HUNTER H;LL, Es.,., of Rdeigh. For sale, price .SJ, by j Jan’y 13. ]H()2. TO CLI’JRKS OF C'OIJRTJS. in rpiIE Stay Law having jio‘^tp(!ned the seitlement of I'd Y suits for years, we will not ' •»>»fi..r insert Order-; ! of Court without payment iu advuace Please send t along with the Order, and more if it be of uuusuul length. \ Febj 1862. £. J. HALE & SONS A li ;.is s "I; ^ e a*.( Clo_i "S of ice. ^PIIE siihaviui’ ijuaiitied r.-j A lmini^lr.'>t^i3 1 the Lst.ite .,f J,.,.. riuii ly, dec'd, hervby gives no to all poisons ha,vin/-T^l.iir Sale of a portion of (he Fayetteville& Western Plank Road. E undersigned having been appointed (Commissioner L to sell all that part of the Fayetteville & W’estcrn Plank Road, above High I’oint. will sell at public ,\uc- tiou in the town of Salem, on the 1st 1'uesday in Jan'y 18(>8, the Road. Toll Houses, &c , between High Point and Bethania, upon terms to be malo known on the day of s>ale. JESSE WALKER, Com. Nov. ti, 18t)2, 7b-t8 Valuable Real Estate FOR SALE. * By virtue of two D^eds of Trust executed to me by Thos. J Cuitis. Esij., I will offer for sale, on Thurs day the IHth day of December 18t)2, that valuable MTORE llOIL^e on the North side of Hay street, recently occupied by Col. Jno. .A Pemberton, the finest dry goods store in the place. Also, the LoT on corner of Mumford and Donaldson streets, known at-^ the Stable lot—a valuable lot with a large barn and extensive stabh's at present occupied by Messrs. Barbee. •U (J. SH EPH ERD, Trustee. Nov'r IG, lS(j2. 7Mtf I^V V1RTU^’ of a De;-ree i>: the Court of E'|uity for ) t'umberland Coutity, at Noveuiber Tertn. 18t)2. i shall .sell at the Market House iu Fayetteville, on Thurs- ilay Dec. I'lth, 18(32, al 12 o'clock, M., ()ne aud one fourth .Acres of L.AND in Campbellton, north of the Clarendon Bridge, having a front of about lO.'i feet on the River, adjoining on the south a lot sold by S W. Tillinghast, Trustee of Jas. Huske, to .A. A. McKethan. Also, One third interest in a lot of Land in Camp- bellrou, con'nining lA .Acres, lying on the River, known as liio •■.McNeill lot," and joins the north side of the above descritied lot, which lots weie formerly the pro perty ol James Huske and were conveyed by him to 3. W. Tillinghast in Trust, Oct. 27, 1857. a WALTER A. HUSKE, C. M. E. Nov. 17. 78-ts . liRElT SALE OF FRl IT TRFES! I WILL sell at We.st Grceu Nurseries, four miles west of ureensborough, on Trairsday the 4th of December next, al public auction, a lot of FRIMT TREES. I have on liaud TWO HUNDRED THjUS.VND choice TRKES, ready for planting out this fall aud winter, and am determined to seil. I will have irt-es ready for ile- livery at all times. CYRUS P. .MENDENHALL. Nov 7, 1802. 78-ts ICiT 1 also h av“ for sale a large quantity of the very best apple VINEGAR. Valuable Farming Laud for Sale. '^pHE subscritier otfers for s.ale acres of L.VND >n J. the E ist 81'le of the Cape Fear River, Id miles below Fayeileville Tiiere is a good house with 7 rooms aiil all neces-ary oui-houses, aud there is about lUO acres ot as good swamp land as there is in the State. There is cleared laud for 12(»0 bushels of corn, and about 1-t acres of Ian 1 cut down for the next crop. 1 will .also .-eil my stock of Hogs, Cattle. Sheep and Crop on the place -V healthy situatii'ii. Terms e:;sy. .Ad iress me at Tertbiuih P O , Cumberland county, N. C. W. A. KING. Nov. UJ, lfi;2. 7S-iiipd FOK SAI.E. A Lot of ( otion and Woolen Machinery. WtiOL I'lCKEKS. o') inch Wool C »rds. 1 oO •• Roll t'ard. 1 l'.*8 Spindle Wool Jack. 1 Cotton Lapper. 2 l>anfortn Cap Frames IdH Sjdndles each. 1 TLro-'tle I'raiae 84 1 Eugiish Drawing Frame with (joilers and Packers. 1 12 Straiid SpeeJer, Xc , Xc. Some of the above machinery is new iu operation at the rlichuK’Ud Factory. For p.irticulars address JOHN SHORTRIDGE, Rockingham, Richmond ('o., N. C Nov. 12, 1S02. 77-lOlpd VAI.I AIII,E: .IIILI.W tor Male. ~ ItJFFER for sale my PL.ANT.ATIO.N, 2 miles west ol Carthage, .Moore county, containing 2.)'» acres, on which is a Grist au'i Saw Mill, I'otlon liiu and Screw. 1 will receive iu paymeni Stale Bonds, ('onfederaie money or likely Negroes. JOHN MORISON. VAI.I AltI.i: I.AAIIM lor 5«iale. 1 OFFER for Sale my PL.ANT.VTloN ou .McClenaouV t’reek, 0 miles west of Carthiig*!. lying on the basiu of Ihe Coal Fields, coiitaiuiug 2il»0 acres, wliich is as pro'iuetive a-^ any lamls iu the county of .Moore. The improvements good aud Ihe situation healthy Terms liberal. JOHN Mt.lRlStJ.N. A4»TI4'i:. 1H.AVE about olMMt acres more, in dilfereut Iracts, in the county of .Moore, — Farming .Mineral, and Tur pentine land,--which 1 will sell ou liberal terms. JOHN .MORISON. ;?liiieral liaiifU lor .Male. 1H.A\ E au interest of one-third in a tract of 'lOO ACRES on tli« waters of Deep River, on which have been liiscovered a salt mine ami pure saltpetre, anil au oil of goud (lualily lor greasing leather, well worthy geological invesiigaiion JOH.N .MOlllSON. Carthage, Nov. Id lMi2. 77-if . ~ A OTIC i:. T September Term, .A D. I!'ti2, of the (Jourt of ilfOTICE. IW’ILE receive .a few more able-bodied Recruits into my Company of Light .Artillery, Light .Artillery is the best service a man can enter— the guard duty is inconsiderable, the cannoneers ride and have their luagage carried, aud there is much more liberty allowed the private soldier than in any other a'm of the service. Recruits will receive Bounty aud pay Twelve Dollars per month. ' Persons subject to Conscription may enlist in my company at any time ^'before enrollment.” Transportation will be/urnished when required. Col. John H. Cook will give any further information desired, and w'll receive enlistments J. B. ST.AB.R, C'^pt Starr’s Light Artillery. Kinston, N. C., Nov. 24 18G2. 80-7tpd VT Septei Pleas iSi Quarter Sessions of Cumberland County, letlers 01 .Administration of Ijie Estate of the late Warren Winslow were granted to the subscriber. Persons indebted to the deceased are notified to make payment. Those having claims to be settled must pre sent them iu tiue lime or this notice will be pleaded in bar of a recover}’. .M.\RV A. WINSLOW, Ki’IlTlIEH NOTK'if. ON TUESD.W of December i!ourt week, the FURNI TURE ol the late Warren Winslow will be sold, on six moi.ths'credit. .NUARV \. WINSLOW, Adm’x. Oct, l.'i, lSfi2 7.'jtspd AOTIC i:. ON Wednes'b;y of December Term of Ihe (?ourt cf Pleas and (Quarter Sessions of t'umberland County, tlie Residence of the late Warren Winslow will he oller- ed .at public s ile. The pr ifi !ty is well situated ami is well known in lown. The iiotise is furnished with gas in every room Tlie out l ouses :ire ample and iu good condition. .Ap ply to ,\R('HIB.ALD McLE.AN. Trustee. Oct. 27. 1SC.2. ' 7:5 ispd S?(';£t:«l eraetire for .Male. }i)!'F! ,'{ f >'• ' :• e i'ri\ iit‘) :i>.y Dent il Pr>iciiee in F iy- etrt v lie. ,'V (' Ti e i tli.iH occn^.'ii-g four ri->o"is ot. ‘•econi il'Or ;'P !'uv'I ^!-d. I'^'t’.r wit.i scvi'r.ii '>z. of G(,>l.D Fi)lL. (iol.D PL \Tf: au.l SOLDER. -V large supfdy Of vulcanite and TEETH of all kinds Also one-third intereaf in n vineyard lying lour miles south o'' Fayetl'ville, conttiinin ’ seventy five acres. Tfiose >wing me will jdase call ou .Mr. .Alex. Jehn- son, Jr.. and settle, .\iidress R SCOTT, Oieeusboro’, N, C. Oct. 27, 1802. 'i’dtf Plantntloii Wanted. IANI auihe;-i.'.-d lo piirciiase h good PLANTATION, to be gocd lin-uiiug ln'.id, cohtainit.g Vom '200 to acres, witli g'i->d itnpr.>v ■iiienis. WouM like to pur chase the last year's cr.ip, stock, ^rc , if terms satisfac tory coubl be fiu.lo Per.sons wr.niing to sell will please write to me, with description of iheir binds, price, &o. Locfitiou in Chat ham county preferred. Address m.; at Uallingsburg, Rockingham county. A. B. CHAPIN. Nov’r 14, 1862. • 78-6tpd ■ ' ' • i .. '• ■ mIIIl^Ir."*IrIX on !-y gives iioCu- Mgam;-' 3aid Esl i;e to pre sent them to \> m. ,'dcL. .McKiij w uiiu the. time pre- .scribed by law, or lhi?«n vi.;e w'i I t.e pieadeil ic b-\r of Iheir rec-ivery. CATHARINE SUNDY, Adm s. .Aug. 4. I8t>2. 4). ( Blank Warrants for sa’e. Aotice to eoiiiity Malt Ageiitsi. WiLMiNQTON, N. C., Nov. 24, 1862. T.AM a(;ain at my post at the State Salt Works and will be ready in about a week to distribute 200 bushels of salt per !ay, and soon increase it to 300 bushels It will require DXJ bushels of corn per day and 2000 lbs. of hay, shucks or fodder I call on the county .Agent'* to assist me iu procuring the necessary supplies with out which Ihe salt cannot be made, ludividuals will bf ■'upplied with salt for Iheir own u«e iu exchange tor these articles on fair terms SO-dw] J. M. WORTH, Salt Com. LETT, SMITHS, BLOCKER & 10., i^aniifactiirer^ ot Malt. .1 W LETT, .Agent in Fayetteville. W D, SMITH, Agent in Wilmington. J. W LKTT, .1. .M. SMITH. W. D. SMITH, J, BLUCRER, anil J. B, CARVER. Nov. 21, 1802. ^0-t)Wpd AOTICE. The subscriber will lease for a term of years, or sell, the PL.VN'r.ATI)N whereon he 1 ives, containing about 000 .acres of land, of which 200 ncres are under fence. The improvements are such n are generally found on a farm, all in tolerably good order. .Also, if leased, he would include his stock of Negroes, horses, cattle, crop, farming implements, &c. The terms of lease or s^le would be made easy to the lessor or pur chaser, with a guaranty of a fai'^'ful rerformance of the terms. P-jrsons desirous of le;i'' uc: or purchasing may apply to the subscriber at B »acholish, near Spring field. Piichmond county. N. C DUNCAN McLAURIN. Nov’r ]■'>, 18f»2. SO-Otpd AOTiCK 7'y tin JJcira (in/ ret/itors of Mttthttc Murphy, llrtraxetl. ^PHERE has been a petition filed for the settlement of J_ the accounts of the subscriber as Administrator of Mathew .Murphy, dec'd. and Ihe s.ame has been referred to William Dnughon. Clerk of the County Court. The '.•aid ("^lerk will proceed, on Ihe 17th day of De- cetnbor lSti2. to state the said account, when aud where they can alien I and be heard, and object to any vouch er in S lid setilemetit or any other grievance can oe heard JAMES DENNING, Adm’r. .‘^ampson county, Nov. IH, 18>2. 80-7tpd AOTK’K. ^PlJi; BUTCHERS’ Stalls iu tue .Market House will be 1 rented out for oue year ou 1st December next, at public aueiK>n. W W.ARDEN, Town Treas'r. Nov. 21. lHt,:j, 80-td .\esr« at private sale. 4 NEGRO FELLOW, a wbeeiwright and carpenter, ri may be had a barg.iin ou plication to John II. Cook. Nov'r 24, 18*32. 80-3t M.Ai/r. OOUND Salt for sale ou con.iignment by G. W. WILLIAMS i CO.' .Nov. 20. 79-tf FOR MALE. V.N Excellent Draft aud Harness Horse. .Also, a good medium sized .Mule. -Apply to Nov. 20. NATHAN WILLIAMSON, (iray a Creek, P. O. 70-1 mpd A(iiiiiiii!«trator*« Male. 1SH.ALL sell at Auction at the JIarket House in Fay etteville, on Thursday, Dec. 11th 1802, at 12 o’clock, THE RE.AL EST.VTE belonging to the Estate of Beuj, R. Hu-*kr, ilec'd, viz: ()ae tract of L.AND adjoining that on wnii'h said Huske lived, containing about d acres. Out- vaeunt LOT iu Fayetteville, between Hay street and .Maiden Lane, adjoining the residence of the late Herrin Newell. W. N. TILLINGHAST. Adm'r. Nov. I'J. 7‘.tts REU ARR 11^ ILL be paid for each of the following named de- tV seriers from Company (J, 7th Reg't, N. C. Troops, if delivered lo me at Camp, or ;?1') for each if delivered at the (Jamp of Instructiou al Raleigh: .A .M .McMil lan, Dillon J. (iaster, Wm. G, Blackman, Levi Welch, aud Jenkins M. Bass. Other members of this (^otupany absent in N. C. will report immediately, or they will be treated as de serters. D. R. MURCHISON, 1st Lt. Comd’g Co. Camp near Winchester, Va., Nov. 14, 1802. 7y-0ipd Office of the Chatham R. R. Company,) liALKUlIl, Nov. 1S(>2. I "V’ O acceptable bid having been otl'erel for th'e gradu- ation ami masonry of the middle division of the Chatham Railroad, extending from Page’s to Lockville, 2d miles, the undersigned is prepared to receive propo sals at this office Profiles aud Specifications showing about the aggre gate amount of work required, can be seen at the Engi neer’s othce, . Hay wood, Chatham County, or at the Company's office, Raleigh. KEMP P RATTLE, Pres’t. Eli.wook Mduris, Chief Engineer Nov. 11, 1802. 77-6t tlliiee ot Miir^. Iiieii. of A. €.} Novkmhkk I-, lSt)2. ) 1^1! E following articles are required for our sick and wounded soldiers: Shoc.^. SoclvH, Hats, (/oat.s. Pant.'!, Drawers, Leath er, Shoe Thread, liusts, (fruin No. () to 12 inclusive,') liuttons, (’otton Cloth, Flah- ind, I'ntatocs, l>randy, Butter, KiTiT-s, ttc. itc. A.C. Proposals will be received at this office for a prc'per sii)'('ly of them Those abl” and willing lo contribute, will please address the undersiened Transportiition •.fi'- be furnislie l, if necessary, bj- the government. EDW VFD W.APiREN, Surg (Jen, of N, Nov Id. l.^*»2. 78-lm ^ twRE’WI^ MT«:VEM. rnHE subscriber is prepaj“d to furnish 1 S rO%l-> of any size, from 18 inches to 7 feel diameter, eijtial lo the Nova Scotia Slones, which they resemble. They liave been tested at the Fayetteville Arsenal and .Armory, and approved. Address PATRICK LINEHAM, Branch P (). Chatham Co., N. C. Or JOHN MAUNDER, Raleieh, N. C. Oct. 28. 18^2 73-1 mpil on Rocktish. Oci 2. 1H( 2 Att^rthi^ dale I will pay Five Cents per pound for rags de livered in Fayetteville, or at iny mills I) murphy lOO lh>*. Bf.l EMTOA E, For sale by Oelober 17, 1862. J. A MCDONALD, Oakland, Chatham Co., N. C. 70tf PRACTICAL HINTS FOR HARD TJMKS “What man has done, man may do.” « No. Ill—CLOTHING. liesides the garment of fig leaves, exteraporited by our guilty parents in the garden ot Kden, the first suit of clothing known on earth was made by dvine suggestion ot skins, taken probably from the bodies of beasts slain in sacrifice. From that day to the present the clothing of the race has ex hibited every conceivable variety, both as to iorm and material, from the most simple to the most fantastic. 1. liobes uj iSkins.—The costly robes of er mine, worn formerly by the high dignitaries ot the English bench, were not more comfortable than would be a similar robe made from the skins of the American hare, or of other furred animals. Indeed, we occasionally meet even now with a person wearing a most enviable vest of otter -ikin, with its jich coating of fur. What more tasteful tippet tor the shoulders of either matron or maiden can be devised than one made from the skins of the small striped sqiriel, unless it may be one made from the skins of some of our wild fowl, with the glossy feathers attach ed, sewed tinnly to a base of strengthening cloth? It is within the memory of many that garments of prepared deer skin were not at all uncommon, and it is also recollected that ol all suits theoe were the most enduring. Robes of sheep skin, such as were worn by the shepherds who heard the angels’ songs upon the hill-sides of liethlohem, are yet to be seen as the ordinary clothing of a similar class in that coun try of changeless habits. Why should garments ol like character be disdained by our suffering poor, in these times when necessity should over ride fashion? 2. Knitted Garments.—The crochet (or hook ed) needle gives such rapid results iu skififul hands, that it is surprising we do not see more of its products iu common use. For coarse work, its advantage over the common knitting needles is as ten to one. In the articles of male attire (the ladies will pardon my non-intrusion into the sacred domain of the toilet and the bureau) the crochet needle would be found superlatively u.se- ful in furnishing the country with gloves, socks and stockings, (with the heel and toe knitted in the ordinary way, to avoid the rough knot;^,) cravats, scarfs tor the ears and neck, undershirts and drawers, and what would be an exceedingly great comfort to our soldiers ou night duty, a helmet of iroolen yarn, made to protect the head, ears, chin and neck, and worn under the military cap. 8. U It urn.—The scarcity of wool com pels us to look around for substitutes. The warm est pair of gloves evei worn by the writer was made of rabbit fur, carded and spun with cotton. The negro clothes, manufactured for us by our Yankee friends in former years, were more or less intermixed with eow hair. The idea may be useful. If all the scraps of tattered blankets and of worn out carpets that are now left to decay on evey square mile of these Confederate States, (to^ say nothing of the icool locked iiy in matrescs) were picked to pieces and carded with cotton they would probably suffice to fumiaih more than hull the socks now needed by our soldiers. True, the staple will be found short and crisp, and pro bably the barbs of the wool would be worn smooth, but these defects will be all met and remedied in part by mixing the wool with cotton. 4. Spinning Thread or Yarn.—When facto ries fail to supply the demand, and spinning wheels cannot be had, and even when cards are beyond reach, there is yet a resource to be had in this instrument used before either factories or spinning wheels were known, and mentioned by Solomon in his last chapter of the Jiook of Pro verbs, where, in his graphic picture ot the vir tuous woman, he says, “bhe layeth her hands to the spindle and her hands hold the distaj}'.” The simple process to which he alludus, and which was then the only mode of spinning, was this: The wool, flax, or cotton was loo.sely distributed over a small branching rod or leafless bush, Irom which it was fed to the sj)indle; aud this last (^of steel, like the spindles ol our ordinary spinning wheels, or of tough hard wood,) was loaded near the blunt end with a disk of metal or a ball of hardened clay, aud was twirled by the lingers like a child’s chincopin or button with a straw stuck through it. The revolutions of this spindle accomplished the twisting of the thread, as we do now by the more rapid and convenient instrumen tality of the wheel or the throstle. Slow as the process may be, it can be made to give excellent thread and yarn, which may be far more econo mical than the now costly iianks of the factory. Many years .since there was a poor person in the neighborhood of Savannah who plied one ot the instruments just de.scribcd, with surprising dex terity and SUCCC.SS. It can be done again. f). Wt aiiuij. — It has been conjectured by some of the learned th.at the art of weaving preceded that of spinning, “the first cloth being what we now call m-jttimj, that is, made by weaving to gether the shreds of bark, or fibrous parts ol plants,” also hair, rushes, &e. Many a negro’s bed has been made more comfortable in winter, by the addition of a coverlet ol woven bark, such as is seen in certain imported sacks. No tree of India or China affords shreds better suited tor such weaving than the Wahoo abounding in our swamps. Were the idea once started among our negroes, no doubt their ready ingenuity would produce many a useful result. C) (^hiilted (rannvnts.—Any thick .stuff may be made .suitable for winter u.se, by doubling and encl>)sing between the two surfaces a spongy stra tum of cotton batting, wool, or down. This last lUfy be obtained in quantity by .stripi^iug from the part ot the feather next to Jte skin ol all our iarge bird?, such as turkeys, gee.se, barn-door fo'vls, &c. I’his down should be inserted in each quilted square, as .soon as three sides have been produced by the needle. 7ha xcurmth o/ such a garment can be hnoicn only hy experience. It is exceedingly h'ght as well as warm. Would that each of our boys who shiver in the bleak val- levs of Virginia had the trial of one.' *7. tSubstitute for Socks.—In Galton’s “Art of Tnavel” (an English work containing many use ful hints) it is iatin'iated th'at in some respects a fot>t square of soft cloth is mure pleasant to the fo(‘t than a sock. To wear it, he sa.ys the fi>ot must be placed on one ot the diagonals, the eorn- ers being toward the toe, heel, and side.*; the corners at the si^es are to be first folded over the instep, then the cover at the toe.s; lastly, the foot is to be carefully inserted in the shoe, so aa to leave no wrmkle, tor every wrinkle will raise a “Socks ajn>ilar to h® adds, bul