i-nfiCT 1 H,. • M ::ai j M \>„i Dn I t; s» pt’(:rd *>^v \Va! , * 3''er. %'f l‘j"unk 'Nrt Tiler HI. .1,.- . XV nn. \V H V H l»a I OUU j tv H Averr. K ■' t-rier, it*r I K Uaw«, . H »dnsill lick ton M S il 'Ubins. im !) McX.ni. James Riynoliis Iciiiinir J> '; p!-nt‘r. ho- H Holnif . >rfh y Itord. VV iii Law^ [>n.M 1 flonderson ruwf ird H Hai:. ro N'. itK>S L \ n- y, (' f J('ha- aker, A K Max- obert aetr. W illiaii, K DW. 'I' .7 k, II V i'ey ton. irg^ Wil- ert \V Barnwell, llayn-^s, Gus li, \V S Oldham Ball irl Prp^f iii iTl \ - K' -t'-r ’(Vjii R arr}-. i ran.i- ? », J:i' L I’liirh. llson. 'liu idison. Xh. - H Flanly. as, Pi iJ Hilton. '' J Mun- Davi I 'A" Lewi,- J »ar- r . (’harle- iUc-!' ■ .1 i'uprc, n’r diic.J W (’ t 0 ,Cas v; Bell. I k, Thos H Rob- T I> McDowell, lrrinct.nn. ^ aitl.' r, A T B.Por- ® f Jat II Swann. [’s K. A.:, M p 'linceH, J-l' (!urrin. 1*. i, r \V iiay. ^lit. 'l.'ilconi 1 [//jariu rt, John Prvur, Thos p Ifuiconibe, A ITaltt r Presf'D) has W Ku" **■ JIETV; ALi: V SoS--;^ liti. i;rilargcJ , I, N',.! es liill-. Notes f ft S0V9 *BTOWlXlJUtJR S F. m I-W E K K li Y. vol.. XU.] KAVETTEVILLE, N. (J.. DECEMBER 1, 1862. [NO. 1182.] I'fico IMUNTKD MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. K1»VARD J. HALE & S0N8. F,l ITOKSI AND PROPRIETORS. f,.r the Somi-Weckly Obskhvkr $.3 00 if pai I in Wr.STFKN UaII. fvOAD ( I'iiv('ttovi!lo, \UL^ -9 ^np- s ;t''5 t'O it pai>l during the yonr of .“u^’ liiin: 'T after the ye.'if has expireii. Por the ^'>^kly Obstrvkr $2 00 per nnnmii, if pai>l in J Ituii'c: i)0 if paid during the year of «n)»»crip- r. 5:^ 00 ivt'ter the year has expired. fg^ .^DVERTISKMEN'TS inseried for r.O cent» p»'r . ,ire‘'f 16 lines for the fir«f. aid '^o rents foi- paeh , puhlicatioti. Vearly a''*vertie!n>nts liy ‘•■jio- . intraots, at rea-^onahle ratf. .\dvertisera are j f, ..j'Sied to state the number of in>ertion> de-iired, or j will he (’oniiniied till forhid, an 1 charged accord- ! FAYirrTEVII.i.E MUTLAL IIVSIRA\CE COMPAMf. Capital in rreinimn Notes amounts to S‘267,i88 ‘,:b Cash on ii.ind -ind other as.^ets, 5,077 35 ON and after the 1st day of Sept. tho will hi> ;^lt!»rjred on Pa‘;soii2:ei s, vi'- From Favettevilie to fjitile Itlver. “ to Spout Spnae, iiwiii.; rates ■SO et> A.ivertisementi extra to he insetted trim f, charged ')0 per to Hock Mr “ to •lone.'^bori.i'. • to Mclver H. Tweuty-tlv‘ oent additional wili 1'^' i oiidiic'tor of e u'h pao«enc“r, !o:ivinir i a ticket \ new riit* of Freight will tro into eft' time, which will be printed and furnish in a few day^t By order of the I’rea’t. ■lNt> M. HOSF.. Treas't W ho. 1802. i ti, I 1!'> I .‘.O 'l!e('((> 1 by thi‘ t.'.tion wit'i iiii •I at tht» sune i to the public K. K. ’o •'.f.tf SFKClAf. NDTU'K. Fr .ui and after thi*tlate, no name of a new “uli-ifvibt'r „ t.f eutered wiihoirt payujeiit in advaucN*, nor will f- ■ i]er be seut i‘’ Huch subucriliers for a longrr time ttau is paid tur of our oU subscribers as desire to take the pa (,er on this svsteui wii: please notify us when making 1r«*iijUtiuces Jau y I, ADVERTISERS out of town who de'jire advertiJetnent-» in —' vJ lu the Lkbserver. auiJ persons in town with whom ;;ive uot regular accouutp, will please send with the ijveriiseuient as much inoi«y as tK\y wish to inrest in J^,'3^iiDg to our advertit-ng tetais om the firs: page. i ■- uc’ wish to open any more such accounts. - or accounts The process of collection is too and we have to pay cash for every thinir we li:tf or «ell in these times. ’• i>oi. ! in •R'i N'lTii'Es.—W« have heretofore |:iven notice, ijeiiedly. that we charge for obituary notices of un- ■ nable length, and for resolutions of re^pe.M: be i .>e that kind of reading, we have much occasion to -..w, is not often more agreeable to readers than to ; ors of papers. As it generally happens, however, .»■ ifter charging and paying postage on the account for- liriei. we never get paid, we now give notice that we Fm in>ert nothing of the sort hereafter unless accom- n nied I y the cash. (Always excepting in the ca^e of volunteers, when we require no pay. 1 Hear ill aunA. taerefare, that we will insert obituary notices ni refOla;;jas, not exceeding 70 words, gratis. Foi ail ?' w jrJ«, one cent a word, which rau-»t be paid be fure iae tiotice will be put in type. H\?f. •TfrJ.. •ffrA'.f 1‘, Attorney at Law, Fayettp.villf., N. C. I'll'^lLL alienJ >he Tounty and Superior' Courts of I Cumberland, ilurnett, .Moore and Kobe-oii Coun- |lie>' Prompt attention given to the collection of all '.iinis entrusted to his hands. Oct. 17, 18-5'J. o8-tf (iEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., |\Vliole»*ale Dealer?^ in filrocerie**, IMPORTER‘S AND 1>EAT.KR I .N lardirare and Cutlery, Swedes frou, ^c., HU STKKKT, FAYKTTEVILLK, t. \Vi:.vrKK.\ KAIL ROAII. •.M and ntter Monday tht* J'Jd invt,, the Trains on li- 111)-! 1 will run daily, leavin.c F:iyetteville at '' o ■b rk. \ M : i-eturniug leave \lclver's Depot a’ 1 o’clocK. P M. ' (' B M AM.KTT. Ti cs t St'pt ‘JO, ISi'.j, . f,2tf olitf X W. p. KENDALL. J. S. KENDALL C OX, KE.IIDAI.L Ac CO., K omuiliKsioii Merchants AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, .Vo. 11 1- 12 Xorth Water St., Wilmington, t. ijrders from the Country promptly executed. HkT Particular attention given to the sale of (’otton 1 jther produce. AiTil u. Ibtil. \>t*st»‘rii Railroad OlHct*, ' rayetttvilK-, N. ,S. pt 27, 18t>L’. i’ r!if purpose of increasing the cupitHi stock ot this t'otnpHny, to enabU* it to extend the Roud from the Coal Fields to the North Car.ilin-i Road, the foll.'''.Ting £(•111 ii‘tn«n hwe bppn Hpp.)inte l ComsKssioners to re ceive su;iycri(i'*rs in their "»ev,»iiil n*'ighho!'lioo lri. viz: •Vi —L J Haughtou. Hrooks Hhitc', It t.' Ni'^^by Hiid t( W•ishmgtoti .-Vb -ve the Oulf - Jno .) ttoldstou, - 1’ Kivi-'i >iud Hugh W Dixon ■At (*re Hill (I W (.ioUlsioti, Dr I, \V Oorrell -in i N ^t Mstou. Above (»re Hill -Diti 1 H^i.-knev, \ I! Nlarsh uud ,ln>. P ..-.V .\t Foii-i's ^Hlls -Dr H M Foiiot 'ir. l l*r .) D tlrnve': ■Vt Franklinsville mil vii';ni;v I •i:, - II I' oi-^t and A S Horney. -A! A.-heboro’—.lonathan Worth and U K Hoov*-r \t N- w Market .lf«se Walkei' umi .lu-i-'pti Newi;n .•\i 1 nomasville—.A G Foster and .Ino \V 'riiomas •At High Point — Dr R (' Lindsay and Seaborn Perry. .\t Nalem — Francis Fries and R L Patler''.''u ■\t iireeusboro' ' P Mendenliall, Peter Xdani-;, Hon .1 .\ tiilmer and Jesap H Lindsav \ Instructiotis will be sent to the Conimis-i.iners ar an early 'biy by th® Pre'-ident of the (.'’onipany. *’Dt .1 M ROSK. .''oc y 'V R K. Co. Floreuce and Fayetterille Hail Road. U'NDF.R the provisions of an Ordinance of the Con vention ef North Carolina, Rooks will t'e opeued on the Itlfh .lune at the folb'wing places and \tndi-r the di rection of the following pirsoti#, t • receive ~u' -.Tip- tions to the (’ap tr,l Stock "f the •*Fl.)r'*nc,' v r.iverie- ville Rail Koadt'o.' Share.; t )nc Hun li e.| D'>l'nrs •■■ich. 1' ''.' Ji i! H ui,i ,u F'tij't;-, ■il- Ciid^r t1)«‘di rection of the (leiip*-'!’('..iiinr-s'.'ne's^ \ V, McKethan. D A. Kav. V. V,. Stee,. Wm M. I. ’! K i v atvl no M Rose. ■ .1' >hr I!',I ."sj —Cu lcr the direction .>f H 'cti r .Mv.Seill, Wm. .1. Stewart, .las. .A. Smi u, I'aii'l ( .Mc Neill iin 1 Col. Alex M.'Millan. or any oi>* .if th-’tn -If l-'i- r,t: — Lender the direction of Dr. .Seill ■McNair, Dr. A. D. McLean, Ai ciii 'aM .'^I'lith. l. iti. nid Lilly and t'ol. .Alexander \\ it- .n. or ^u;y oin- oi i' ■ . i At — Under the dir'’i'tion of .^lurdocb; Mc Rae, L» McLeod, D. .McCallum, Jus .McRae, Jr., i,i. ( .1. H. McCiaeen, or any one of them. .4; Alfonisrilir.—Under the direction of John 1‘or ell, Jno. McNair, Sion Alford. Dugald Mot'ilbini do i .Ino Met itlii.iji. or ,'ttiy otie of them. The Subscription Hooks will remain of'Cii f'r the space of btt day-! When a «’;tti;ien' ■lun ir ,-ut'«cr;*'e 1 the C impauy will be oiganized for the purp >^e of n-uid- i ing the I'.oi'l j A A. McKl'-THAN, ' D. A H\V. \ 'A- STKPL. WM McL. McK\V. JNn M RftSH. (.feneral 'onuni>-«iotiers ‘■.■1. ’.-Kf 10-tf Fayetteville, June 7, LOOK AT THIS! TIIK FiVBTTRViM.Ji llllTl'l, Fronting 30() feet and in the bn^iness portion of the Town, ommission aod Forwardinff llerchants, coiitaiii!«i more ^pacionw aiil well v‘iifilatf'd Kooiiim fliaii any Hotel ill the states anti tiiy 1'atrons .^ay niy (’ondiments are very '^ood tor the times. T. V. A: B. a. WORTH, Jan'v 28 WILMINGTON, 1861 N. C. 81tf r A K V! j ^ FEW L.VDIKS can be accommodated with board at T. C. HOOPKR. ■Otl- the iJeminary. Sept. 1-J. 1B61. Xwenty-liTc Dollart^ Rewar«l. 1j.\N.\WaV from the subscriber, iiis negro boy MO- ll 'K.S. He is ‘-1 years oi age, about 0 feet 10 inches i?h, robust, long feet and very much turned out at the j?", aud looks down when spoken to. He was seeti at M'Phunl's Mills in Robeson county on the lllst ult., »'i l w 1-* in Fayetteville about tnree weeks ago. The 've reward will be p»^id for his delivery to me or tor ' ':unhnement in any jail so that 1 get him. W. D. JtjHNSON. Hennettsville, S. C., Aug. 14, 18)2. r>2if Ranavcay^ { MULATTO WO.MAN by the natue of LUCV; about l\ years old, ot medium size, but now quite corpu- | Mav lid, 1.V T. WAIHULL, I’roprlftor. 27 V h ;iv Tntul, $27‘J,7(;6 fil The ( onipatiy Imvp ji.aid all losses jironiptly, and cer made an assessnieni on theiv premiuui notes. Total losses pail, 62S^,I‘>8‘2 t»9 • )kfi(’ki»s: OKO. McNl'lLb, President. D R.\\ \ ice Prrsident. t A McMlLl..\'\, Sec y. DiFUr'i,,l> N. Tillinghast, S Hillsdale, ni. MiiLaurin, r. S. Lutterloh. V W. .'^teel, J C. t'eok, Hon. ,1. (i. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, \ A. F Hall, m’glon. Henry Lilly. H. L. .Mjfover. •S. T. Hawley, Naiban .A. .Stedinaii, 0. B. Mallett. - James' Kyle, .A. .A. McKethiin. J. D Williams. 8. \\. Tillinghast. hu t ollins aud (’ C. .'IcCrummeu, I'raveliug .Agents. fia?“T!;e t'ompuiiv invite .'ippHcutious. May ■J;-', 18f.’. ’ ' 21- T5«K .\OKTII ( AitOMA.l •111 Tl .IL I.IFK !>SIIKA.\'(’E t OaPAW, in the teut.h yi ur of -^uccesst'ul operatiou, with growing i-aptt I’l ami tirmer hold upou ]>utjlic Con fidence, cjtitinues to insme tiio lives ot all healthy jier- son Irom I * to t.‘>0 Vf^Trs uf .ige. foi- one year, for seven year«, auu t >r ii{e • all life m”inb.>rs sharing in the profits. ■All slaves fiom In t ; t',ti jt .nr; of nge are insured for "Ue year or lor live yeir' f'i.r iwj tliirds th-dr value. All losses >iiv piinctiially puiil within 90 days after sati-!acto;y proof i' ptv-eiiled For turther information the pubb ' in referred t-o Ag-ents ft the I'ornputiy in all p .rfs i .he State, and (o R 11 HATTLK. Secret’iry. Raleigh. K J. H.VLK, .Agent at Jan’y 1^'>* _ Fayetteville, N. I A '• I - - ! Thi* \»*w st\U*. Siuall. 1 ('OI.»|{KI> PH(»TO»JR»PHS, I I I J ART. lVoo(iuarl*«i Molar 4'aniera. i')n»T(>GR.\!’HS can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skyligh Wallery, IPiy sireet, opposite Marble Y'ard, Fay etteville. N. C ; p!-\iu. retouche 1. colored, in water colors, oil and pastile: from small to life size. Ambro- types, Melaueotrpes, anil all other styles of Pictures pertaini .g to the Ar:. Al-io. (jih Fr.nmes, (jilt Mould ing, G' ■? I I'or v«ry l'irgi‘ piciures —us Inrge a' ‘Jt'> by inch's, ’or 1 and Ti---.'ls for hanging picture*; Instru ments. .'Jtoi'k and 'hemicals f'-r sjile low for cash. Life sire colored I’hoto'rrnphs in.ide from small )tjctures. Hnviijg permanently located here I hope to merit your !..'i:i otia.ee 1 wouM also return my sincere thanks for ihc liV.i-ra'. patronage i)esi..wid on me heretofore by the «.>■(' id J ''f Fiiyettevil.e tind vicinity. C. M VAN(>K>dELL, Ph'^iogrupiiist and Proi>rietor. Dec'r '2>K 1 xj'.' 77- ^iarble Fact or v. f» *\ TWO iHHPilJ; I . T. H\li:il MINS’ SHIRK l='a Jan'v 2'\ "‘’•it* 84- iwrocerics: Oroceries:! VL.ARifE and weli ^pltcted Stock of K.VMILV G ROl'F.K 1 EC's aiwavs on hatol. coi'sisting of Bae'on-Si'ies. Mess I’ork, Mullet.s, Macker Nos. 1 and li, Mola.s>Jcs. Sugars oi' al ^'ratios, Tobacco, (’igars, .And all other articles usually kept in a Wholesale Gro cery Estabiishment COX. KENDALL & CO. Wilmington. April 2, 18H1. 10-tf Fayetteville Female High School. '"I'HE exerci'es ,,f this Instnuticm will be resume'! on I the 2‘.Hh of Septeriifier The scholastic year will be divided inti) two terni'; the 1st of weeks, cotnniencing 'jMtti oi Sef i. aud end ing 2}iii Dec.: the second of 27 weeks, fonimcneing 1st 'f Jan'v and ending .July l -il Parents and Guardians intending to patroni/.e this School are earnestly requested to apply tor circulars containing full particulars in reg'ird to teima, Ac , the opening of the Scliool. Rev WM IDtOPKU, I „ • • , T C. ID.OPEH, July 17, 1H'12. r5-tl'>Jpd AR1IV har\i:nm. •AM [^’epared to manufacture all kinds of Wa^on Harness for Army use. 1 tan my leather and can T .XOTICK. ^HE I’NDlvRSKiNED. both having entered the iiiili- hereby give tiotice to their old custom*'rs and friends, that they have appointed .lohn D Starr an 1 John D. WilliHtns. of thi pla.;', their attrirneys to collect either separa'ely or coiijoiutlv aU m iU'-ys due tliem either by account or note.-uud otherwise to attend to their bu siness gem rally during their absence. They respect fully ask al’; persons indebted to iheni to call as prompt ly as possibl.* on their agents »%nJ make payment. S'-^AXR X WILLIAMS. Sept I'.t, 18G1. 58-1 f Sale of a portion of the Fayetteville^ Western Plank Koad. ^pil E undersigned Having been appointed (Jommissiocer I to sell all that part of the Fayetteville )n Western P'ank Road, above tligh Point, will sell at p'lblic Auc tion in the town of Salem, on the tst Tuesday in .J»n’y 180)3,1 lie Roa'l. Toll Houses, -tc , between High Point and Bethaiii i, upon terms to be made known on the day of sale. JESSE WALKER, Com. Nov. t’>, 18t'i2. 70-ts Valuable Keal Estate FOR SALE. I^Y virtue of two Deeds of Trust execute,1 to me by } Thos J ('urti", Esq., 1 will ofl'er for sale, on Thurs day the IHiti duv of December 18ti2, that valuable »iTORE HOIMK on the North side of Hay street, recently occupied by Col. Jno. A. Pemberton, the finest dry goods store in the place Als I, the LOT on corner of Mumford and l>onaldson streets, knowtt as the Stable lot—a valuable lot with a l«rg> harn and exiensive statdes at present occupied by Messrs. Barbee. J O.- SHEPHEKD, Trustee. Nov’r 15, l-'ti2. 7htf • BV VIRTUR of a Decree in the Court of Equity for t'um^ierland County, at November Term, 1802, 1 sliall sell at the Market House in P.ayetteville, on Thurs day Dec. llih, 18(j2, at 12 o’clock, .M , One and one fourtli ,A res ol L.AND in t^tiu[)f)elltou, north of the Clarendon Bridge, having a front of about 193 feet on the River, adjoining on the south a lot sold by S W. Tilliiighasr, Trustee ot .las. Huske, to -A. .A. McKethan, A1.S0, One-third interest in a lot of Land in Camp- belllon, cnniaiuing IJ .\crea, lying ou the Itiver, known as the ’Mc.leill lot, atid joins the north side of the above describeil lot, which lots were formerly tfie pro perty ol James Huske and were conveyed by him to S. W. Tillinghast m Trust, Oct. 27, 1S57. WALTER A. HUSKR, C. M. E. Nov. 17. 78-ts tiUEAT SALE OF FRI IJ TREES! iWlLL sell at West, Green Nurseries, four miles west ot Green'^borough, on Thursday the 4th of December next, at pulilic auction, a lot of FRUIT TREES. 1 have on hand TWO HUNDRED THOUS.AND choice TREES, ready for planting out this fall and winter, aud am determined to sell I will have trees ready for de livery at all times CVRUS P. MENDENHALL. Nov 7, lSti2. 78-ts 1 also have for sale a large quantity of the very best apple vinegar. Valuable Farming Laud for Sale. ^pHE subscriber otters for sale dOH acres of LAND on 1 the Easi siile of the Cape Fear River, 13 miles below Fayetteville. There is a good house with 7 rooms and all necessary out-houses, and there is about 100 acres ot as good swamp land as there is in the State. There is desired land for 1200 bushels of corn, and about 15 acres of land cut down for the next crop. 1 will also sell my slock of Hogs, Cattle, Sheep and Crop ou the place .A healthy situation. Terms easy. .Ad'tress me al Terebinth P O , Cumberland county, N. C. W. A. KING. Not. 13, lSli2. 7S-t;tpd FOK A Lot of ( otton and Woolen Machinery. WOOJ. PICKER}?. ; ,l*j inch Wool Cards. 1 .‘iO - “ “ Roll Card. 1 l'.b Spindle Wool Jack. 1 Cotton Lapper. 2 Danforth Cap Frames 13>^ Spindles each. I Throstle Frame S4 “ 1 Eugbsh Drawing Frame with Coilers aud Packers. 1 1- iiraud Speeuer, licc . .vc. Some ot ihe above machinery is now in operation at , the Richnr.oud Factory. For particulars address ! JOHN SHORTRIDGE, j Ro(^ingham, Richmond Co., N. C. Nov. 12, lMt)2. 77-lt)tpd ‘VAI.I AIII^E tor Male. ~ % 1 OFFER for t.ale my 1‘L.A.NT.ATION, 2 miles west ol Carth'ige, .Moore county, coni&ining 25o acres, on wiiich is a Grist, and Saw .Mill, ('otton Gin and Screw. ‘ 1 will receive in payment Stale Bonds, ('onfederate i money or likely Negroes. JOHN MtJRISON. ! VAl^r.AHI.K I.AAU.s lor Male. I OFFER for Sale tny l*L.ANT.A'i'lO.\ on .McClendon’s . X Crees, li miles west ot (’i»rtlMiK% lying on tlie basin of the Coal Fields, coutalumg 2i.H_* acres, which is as prcluctive as any lands in the county of Moore. The improvements good ana the situation healthy Terms liberal. JOHN MORISON. Atrrici!:. IH.AVE .about 5000 acres more, in different tracts, in the couniy of Moore,—Farming .Mineral, and Tur pentine liind,—which I will sell on liberal terms. JOHN MORISON. .Yli:ieral l^andM tor Male. IH.AVE an interest of one-third in a tract of 500 •ACitES on tne waters |>f Deep River, on which have been diMCOvcred a salt mine and pure saltpetre, and an oil of good quality for greasing leather, well worthy geological investigation. .toH.N MOIUSON. Cartilage, Nov. 13 lHtS2. • 77-tf I¥OTICE. I WILL receive a few more able-bodied Recruits into my Company of Light .Artillery Light Artillery is the best service a man can enter— the guard dufy is inconsiderable, the cannoneers ride and have their luggage carried, and therftis much more liberty allowed the private soldier than in any other arm of the service. « Recruits will receive Bounty and pay Twelve Dollars per month. Persons subject to Conscription may enlist in my company at any lime ^'hefore enrollment.” Transportation will be furnished when required. Col. John H (/ook will give any further information desired, anil will receive enlistments J. B. ST.ARR, Capt Starr s Light Artillery. Kinston, N. C., Nov. 24, 1802. 80-7tpd rVofice to t'ounty Malt Ag:ent!«». W’lLMtNOTON, N. C., Nov. 24, 18t)2. I AM again at ray post at the State Salt Works and will be ready in about a week to distribute ‘200 bushels of salt per ay, and soon incretvse it to 300 bushels It | will require 100 V)usliels of corn per day and 12000 lbs. A Valuable Discovery.—A most valuable dis covery has lately been made of the usefulness of Sour Lake water, as applied to the arts. Sour Lake is a small Lake or pond ol water situated in Hardin county, a few miles from the Texas & New Orleans Railroad, and about 85 miles from this city. The waters are quite acid to the taste, those of the surrounding Springs bearing a close re semblance to tartaric acid water. Indeed, these j have been successfully used in all the branches of cooking when tartaric acid ia required. The difficulty of procuring acid since the blockade, has been a serious trouble to the telegraph lines. A day or two since, it occurred to the l*re.sident and Superintendent of the Texas Telegraph Com pany—to try Sour Lake water instead of sulphu ric acid. A battery was rigged up, giving a large surface of zinc to the action of the water, and the result has proved entirely satisfactory; the line ol the Texas Telegraph Company being now worked by a battery of Sour Lake water. Hitherto this water has been chiefly resorted to for its health giving qualities. It now bid# fair to command attention to its valuable uses in the arts of life. Indeed, it is believed that tor telegraphing purposes it may be transported iu barrels to the most distant parts of the Confede i racy, and used more economically than sulphuric I acid. Thanks to Mr. Lincoln’s blockade It he ; will keep it up long enough, we shall find all we want in our own territory yet.— Texas Telegraph. of hay. shucks or fodder. I call on the county Agents to assist me in procuring the necessary supplies with out which the salt cannot be made. Individuals will be supplied with salt for their own use in exchange tor these articles on fair terms 80-3w] J. M WORTH, Salt Com. LETT, SMITHS, BLOCKER lYlanutactiirers ot Malt. J W. LETT, -Agent in Fayetteville. W D. SMITH, .Agent iu Wilmington. J \V LETT, J. M. SMITH, W. D SMITH, J, P. BLOCKLR, and J. B CARVER. Nov. 24. 18C2. Wt-Owpd lioTIt'K. ^PHE subscriber will lease for a term of years, or sell, 1 the PL.ANTATION whereon he lives, containing about '.♦Of) acres of land, of which 2H' -leres are under fence The improvements are such is are generally , found on a farm, all in tolerably good order. .Also, if j places ol soiiie uf the earlier settlers ol \ irginia, and furnished a sort of connecting link between The Tombstones at Javie.stoti'u Stolen bj/ thr Yiinkees.—We learn, upon the authority of a gen tleman who has lately visited the place, that the yankees have stolen and carried away all the tomb stones aud tablets from the ancient churchyard at Jamestown! These records marked the burial leased, he would include Lis s/ock of Negroes, horses, cattle, crop, farming implements, &c. The terms of lease or sale would be maie easy to the lessor or pur- chuser, with a guaranty of a f lithful performance of the terms Persons desirous of Ic or purchasing may apply to Ihe subscriber at Billacholish, near Spring field, Richmond county, N. C DUNCAN McLAURIN. Nov’r 13, 1X02. 8U-!ttpd ■ .^OTIt'E To tht^ H*’irs and Creditors ir Murphy^ ilf'mised. THERE has been a peiiiiou filed for the settlement of the accounts of the subscriber as Administrator of Mathew Murphy, dee d, and the same has been referred to William C. Draughon, Clerk of the County (’ouri. The said Clerk will proceed, on the 17th day of De cember lb02, to state the said account, when and where they can attend and be heard, and object to any vouch er iu said settlement or any other grievance can oe heard JA.MES DENNING, Adm’r. Samjison county, Nov. Ib, 1802. W0-7lpd .\otk:e. ~ The BUTCHERS’ Stalls in the Market House will be rented out for one year on 1st December next, at public aitctiou. W. W.ARDEN, Town Treas’r. Nov. 24. 1802. 80-td .Itejfro at private !«ale. ANEGRo fellow, a wfieelwright and carpenter, may be had a bargain on application to John H. Cook. Nov’r 24, 1862. 80-3t MALT. ^OUND Salt for sale on consignment by O G. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Nov. 2'i. • 79-tf A .’^aid woman is probably in or near Town, but m.iy I ^"'^'1 bargain^. AgenN will do well to sp,,,! their v.een led off in the direction of Newbern by Bill ] order- to me as they shall have prompt nttenlion, and OIL .VNl) LA.\!P BLACK. qiAVNEIiS- and LUBRICATING OIL. L\NIP BL ACK in h irrel". For sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM .'i CO., Wilmington, N. C. March 7. (i-tf T AOTIC i:. T September Term, A. D. 1802, of the Court of 1\ Pleas & (Quarter Sessions of 'umberland County, I letterij of -Administration of th*.‘ Estate of the late I Warren Winslow were granteii to the subscriber, i Persons imlebted to the deceased are notified to make ! payment. Those having claims to be settled must pre- I sent them in ilue lime or this notice will be pleaded in i bar of a recovery. MARY' .A. WINSLOW'. iruinion. a tree mulatto man who has been at work as arpi-nier probably on the Wilmington & Weldon P^aiboftil Ht a Depot North of Warsaw. I will pay 5i2o or the delivery of said girl to roe or lodged in Jail in own, if found in this County, or $-50 if said girl is foiiDd in any other Couniy and confined in the Jail of Poe same, the party arresting giving me eaily informa- senf off in quick dispatch. Jf)H.N Goldston P. ()., Chatham C’o., N. (J., I Jtme 13. 1802 j CARTPR 34(f ^OO ll»!s. tiiiiin Arahie Oct 15. t»r Male l>%’ J. R LEE. ‘ O'.ttf >a of tile same. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. 54 If Fayetteville, Aug. 25, 1802. ^10 Reward. 1W1LL pay the above reward for the apprehension aud confinement of my man C.ALVIN, who ranaway |frotu me about three weeks ago. I will also pay a reward of Fifty Dollars for sulRcient !»vi.i».uce to convict any person of harboring him. Cal- P n is about 42 years of age, 6 feet 10 or 11 inches high, Itiack, and weighs about 150 pounds; he wears small |g«ld rings in his ears. He is a boat or ship carpenter, well known about FayetteTille and Wilmington. I He sometimes calls himself Calvin Johnton. THEO. EVANS. June 30, 1862. o8tf Hiee and Tobacco on €onsignuent» |j| 'A.SKS jf fresh beat Rice and 100 lioxes Manu- ' ‘irtiired Tchitcco, v.iriou." qualities. For tale by GEO W. WILLIAM.S & CO. ’ iyi-tiMville, Sept. 24. J8f^. 03if ^orliiCarolina KeaderM. lOHOOL BOOKS are becoming very sc;ircc, hut we have on h.and a good supply of the .NORTH (J.AIiO- LIN.A RE.ADERS, Nos. 1 and 2 by Rev. I'rofessor Hub- o.ard of the University of North t’arolina, and No.*; by Rev. C. H. W'iley, Superintendent of (Common School.^ )t North Carolina. Our customers having well nigh exhausted our stock of Northern Readers ou hand when the war commenced, we hope will now turn their attention to these books by* nome authors, rather than allow their children to do without reading books. For sale only at the old retail prices of 25 cents 88 cents, and 75 cents. E. J. HAIE & SO.NH Feb’y 1, 18()2. ‘ 1»0- C:OTTO\ VAR.^. No. 1ft Hay Street. C. P. MALLETT. Jar.’y 0, 1802. 88- T Palma t'iirif»ti Itean*^. nilE subseriber will p:iy the highest cash prices for any qttautliy of P.alma Christi Beans. J. A. WORTH. Fayeltevil'.e. Oct. 07-tf FrilTHEK NOTICE. ON TUESD AY of December Court week, the FURNI TURE ot the late Warren Winslow wili be sold, ou MARY A WINSLOW,.Adm x. 73tspd six months' credit. Oct. 15, 1802. 40 Ml t^AR A.^D .’lOI.AMMEM. BBLS. SUGAR. 12 Bids. N O :^VltUP. 15 “ Sl'UPPEBNONC, WHNE. On consignnieni and tor *ale by JOS. Sept. 22. UTLEY. 02-tf 2,500 A ' 1 AOTIC i:. ^peci to be absent from home a few months in ^W.-^t, Archibald .McLea.i is my authorized ' tran-act my business until 1 I'eturii. 2b, 18(50. lle?per an! other Poein^, By THEOPHli.US HUNTEll. HILL. !>q., . f ll.ieijrh. For sale, price Jl. by K. J. il.\LE \ 8^>NS. Jan’y 1o. T€) ClxEKliM OF €OiJ»TM n'^IIE Stay Law having postj-jned the ^eUlcmenf of 1 suits for years. »t; Tvill not ''. r-.-ift'T in>«ert t )rdcr3 of Couri without payment in adv.iuce Please 8i.>nd ^VAATEO. RUSH ELS WHEVT, 1,500 “ CORN. Per^ions hnving Ihe above articles to sell will receive the highest Cash price by calling on Mr. M. Tho.na.son, at the Merchant MiHji, F.iyettevilic, or on flie subscri ber at iiis old stand on .Market Square. ALLX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov 5, 18»>2. 7,r,(f Adinini^traCiosB Aotiee. ^pHE sub.scriber loivin'T qaalified as Administntiris on X the L'^'ate .,f l^vs Siiudy, deo’il hereby gives notice io all persons ii;;viiiir cbiiuis agiiisst said E.^tate to pre sent them to 'Viti McL. McKay '■.ithin the time pre scribed by law, or tiiis notice w'ill he pleaJed iu bar of their recovery, C.VTIIiUviNl' SUN l.‘V, Adm’x. .Atig. i, lf«'2. 41). t 1 along wi'h the Order, aud morQ if it be oi unusual length, i , \xt ^ c t ! Peby 1862. B. J. HALE & BONS [ Blank Warrants fm ga e. .^OTK^E. Wednesday of December Term of the Court of Pleas ami Quarter Sessions of Cumberland Counfy, the Ke'^idence of the late W’arren Winslow will he offer ed at public sale. The prop' rty is well situated and is well known in town. The i)0!!‘" is furnished with gas in every.room The out houses are ample and in good condition. .Ap ply to ARt'HIR.ALD .McLEAN, Trustee. Oct. 27, 1>^02. 73-tspd Oental Praetiee tor Male. JOFFIOK tor sale privately tuy Dental Practice in Fay etteville, N. (J. The offiee occupying four rooms on second Hof.r, well furnisheti, ti>gether with several oz. of GOLD FOIL. (JOLD PL.VTE and SOLDER. A large supply of VULCANITE and TEETH of all kinds. Also one-third interest in a vineyard lying four miles south o'’ Fayetteville, containing seventy-five acres. Those owing me will plase call on .Mr. Alex. John son, Jr., and settle. Address , R SCOTT, Greensboro’, N. C. Oct. 27, 1862. 73tf Plantation Wanted. [AM authorized to purcha.se a good PLANT.ATION, to be good farming l.md, containing from 200 to olK* acres, with good improvements. Would like to pur chase the la^:t year’s crop, stock, kc , if terms satisfac tory could be niailo Persons wanting to seil will plefl«e write to me, with descripti on of their lands, price, &c. Location in Chat ham connty preferred. .Address me at Rallingsburg, Rockingham county. A. B. CHAPIN. Kov’r 14, 1862. 78*6tpd s Ho ¥OR MAL An Excellent Draft and Harness Horse. Also, a good medium sized .Mule. -Apply to NATH.AN WILLIAMSON, Gray s Creek, P. O. Nov. 20. 7y-lmpd Adinini«4trator’! Male. iSH.ALL sell at Auction at the -Market House in Fay etteville, on Thursday, Dec. 11th 1802, at 12 o’clock, THE KEAL E^'T.ATE belonging to the Estate of Benj. R. Huske, dec’d, viz: One tract of LAND adjoining that un which satd Huske lived, containing about 3 acres. «.^)ne vacant LOT in Fayei'eville, between Hay street and Maiden Laue. adjoining the residence of the late Herrin Newell. W. N. TILLINGHAST, Adm’r. Nov. ly. 79ts the past and the present time, which no one could contemplate without the deepe.st interest; buf an ordinary curiosity hunter would have been con tent with copying the quaint inscriptions, and left the stone to tell the next pas.ser-by whose ashes lay beneath. To a vulture like Barnum they would prove a profitable speculation, yet no one ever dreamed before oi desecrating and rob bing the graves of our ancestors for the sake of gain. It remained for the yankees, those mean est of all thieves, to illustrate the epitaph of one that “W’ould peep and pilfer upon his mother’s grave.” Yet we are not surprised at it. The same devil ish spirit has marked their course* from the be ginning of the war to the present day. Only re cently these modem ghouls have dug up graves in Eastern North Carolina, in search of buried treasure. They have no respect for the living or dead.—Richmond }Yhij. Anecdotes about Stonewall Jackson.—A Yan kee Captain, captured in the battles before Rich mond, was brought to some Brigadier’s headquar ters. Being fatigued, he laid down under a tree to rest. Pretty soon General Lee and staff rode up. The Yankee asked who he was, and when told, praised his soldierly appearance in extrava gant terms. Not long afterwards, Jackson and his staff rode up. When told that that was Jack son, the Yankee bounced to his feet in great ex citement, showing that he was much more anxious j to see Old Stonewall than Lee. He gazed at him 1 a long time. “And that’s Stonewall Jackson?” j “Y'es.” “Waal, I swan, he ain’t much for looks;" i and with that he laid down and went to sleep. During these same battles, a straggler, who had built a nice fire in an old field and was enjoying it all to himself, observed what he 'took to be a squad of cavalry. The man in front seemed to bo reeling in his saddie. The straggler ran out to him and said, “Look here, old fellow, you are mighty happy; where the h—11 did you get your liquor from? Give me some, I’m as dry as a powder horn.” Imagine his feeling when he ibund it was Jackson—the most ungraceful rider ! iu the array, and who naturally sways*from side to side as if he were “three sheets in the wind.” Cor. Chas. Mercury $530 REWARD „ > r> « 7 ^ i., r-r • WILL be paid for each of the following named de- j ^ionjan s Raids in Bjujland.—BeW 9 Life in Vf serters from Company C, 7th Reg’t, N. C. Troops, i London, under the caption of “Novelty in War- if delivered to me al Camp, or $15 for each if delivered j lare,” reproduces from the private correspondence of Col. St. Leger Grenfel, full accounts of Gen. Morgan’s performances in the telegraphic depart ment of the Confederate Army. Bell’s Life sttitcs that the record of Morgan’s achievements reads like that of Louis XIV’s campaign in the Porte St. Martin. Cepit urbes nuniitas quadriyenta. lie has captured seventeen cities, and destroyed millions of dollars worth of United Stated proper ty. Morgan’s name is becoming world wide. at the Camp of Instruction at Raleigh: .A M .McMil lan, Dillon J. Gaster, Win. G Blackman, Levi Welch, and Jenkini^ M. Ba«s. Other members of this Company absent in N. C. will report immediately, or they will be treated as de serters. D. R. MURCHISON, 1st Lt. Comd'g Co. Camp near W'inchesler, Va., Nov. 14, 1802. 70-titpd Office of the Chatham R. R. Company, \ Raleuui, Nov. lSG2. ) \TO acceptable bid having been offered for the gradu- xT ation and masonry of the middle division of the Chatham Railroad, extending from Page’s to Lockville, 23 miles, the undersigned is prepared to receive propo sals at this office Profiles and Specifications showing about the aggre gate amount of work required, can be seen at the Engi- | j|,ree dollars and a half. At the same time both neer’s ottice, Haywood, Chath.iui County, or at the Mr. Samuel Johnston, of Rome, Ga., went to a tan yard near town and bought tbe leather for one pair of shoes for two dollars. He then went to a shoemaker in Rome, who made the shoes for one dollar and fifty cents. The shoes cest Mr. J. Company’s office, Raleigh. KFMP P. D.ATTLE, Pres’t. Ei.lwoou Morris, Chief Engineer. Nov. 11, 18t>2. 77-fit Office of Mur^. Wen. ot C.) Novembkr 12, 1862. j The following articles are reqtiired for our sick and wounded soldiers: Shoes, Socks, Hats, Coats, Pants, Drawers, Leath er, Shoe Thread, Lasts, (from No. 6 to 12 inclusive,) Buttons, Cotton Cloth, Flan nel, Potatoes, Brandy, Butter, Ivrcrj?, &C. &C. proposals will be received at this office for a proper pupjily of them Those able and willing to contribute, will please address the undersigned Transportation will be furnished, if necessary, by the government. EDWARD warren, Surg Gen. of N. C. Nov. 13, 1802. 78-1 m «RI\»~MTOAEM. rpilE subscriber is prepared lo furnish CJRl.^W L of any size, from 18 inches to 7 feat diameter, equal to the Nova Scotia Stones, which they resemble. They have been tested at the Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory, and approved. Address PATRICK LINEHAM, Branch P. O. Chatham Co., N. C. Or .JOHN MAUNDER, Raleigh, N. C. Oct. 28. 1802 on Piockfish. Oct. 2. 1802 lOO For sale by ’3-lmpd After thii «late ■ will pay Five Onis per pound for rags d^ livered in Fayetteville, «r ™ I> MURPin. (jn- lb«. BI.I EMTOAE, Ootobtr 17, 1862. J. A MCDONALD. Oakland, Chatham Co., N. C. 70tf rhe tanner and shoemaker were selling the same kind and size of shoes at eight dollars per pair. Charleston Courier. Foreign Items.—Recently thirteen vessels ar rived in Liverpool from Bombay, with 53,587 bales of Cotton. About STO.OOO bales of cotton are en route from Bombay to Ijiverpool. A correspondent of the London Times says that the word “skedaddle,” a reputed addition to the Yankee voca’oulary, is of common use in Dum- frieshire, and means to spill in small quantities. The famous debating club of Cambridge (F3ng.) University, (the Union,) debated the American war subject during two evening®. The question was put thus: “That the Cause of the .Vorth is the (’ause of Human Protire.ss.” The proposition was negatived by a vote o.‘ one hundred and seven teen to thirty.three, Earl {{ii«.sells eldest son speaking with the majority against it. J. C Cole a refugee from Missouri, has in vented a machine for making peroussion caps, which excels anything of the kind, either North or South. Its superiority consists in the superior manner in which the cap is cut from the copper and formed at a single L>peration, without trans ferring from one tool to another. It is capable of making, by hand, 100 per minute, and by steam, 105,000 per day. Hon .John Bell, of Tennessee, now an exile, ex presses very confident expectations of an early peace, founded on the result of the late Northern election, the condition of Northern finance, the sinking credit of t e Northern Government, aod Ui€ nsoesaiticis of ths world for our cottoot