s F, m I. W E K K t Y. \(»L. Xll.J l'AVK'rTKVIl.Li:, N. C„ DKCKMItKR 4, 1802. [NO. 1183.] ^rt TiX)ral-i. !tt, William K ‘t Hurnw-I^ Havr..-H, Glla- , \V S Oldham lallard i a\ K> jh'osttr. U Ui R ry, Kranci' > I, Ja.« L Pugh, ton, (irandi.son rhos B Hanly. 9, H li Hilton, ige, (' J Mun avid W Lewis. Luciu." J Gar- :ht. illere, Charliv icien .J Puprf, ifwpar W B«ll. fi Th'» ilTen'iire: Lt vV PKINTri' MOXI'AYS VNM) THI KSH.VYS KUWARD J. HALE A SOXS. AN'l) PR()rRlFT;)Rs . • ir ;!i*' S(Miii-\N ookiy Ouskrvkr (M) if pMi'l in ,.,p,.p r>U ii’>lnrin^ the yfur nf -.il -'tif i! ,’V ) alter t):e y»»nr Iimh »*!iiiiv»'.i f ‘ U, t)R-^i;pvKR S’J 0‘ I'.T itimiiM. it I' l •! in .ji-. tiu"; if paid iliirinr tlu''^nl>-;i'vip- , ,r ;■ i (•(,» nf’or tho vtvir tri- xj'ircl. 1^" \1>VFRTISK\U'N'TS: iTHorti'd f. i i.O i-eius }>cr , ■ 'f 1»i liups f..r iho tirsi. 'inJ ■>• ('cut'; f')i em'h ’'VS Vo-irly !i.|verti''(‘iiu‘Ut'J l.y spo- , iiirHCts, HI ’ ■ i; r:iie'=. .\lv-r mvi> J ’e«J 10 -■r-itt' ilie num-'or of insi'vtinus ,.r ... . » 11 be oi.ii'imitHi rill Hii'l otiiiriri 'i noC'>ri , V r!i'enj«*nt>‘ to Jio ins '-.'tfd /f. I'liart’f.l 'u per srix Al Nut in;. .J.,.; .it i i 'h no iMiiii-: f ;i m-vt suh.«:(‘ri* 'r , ' ■, eui>!' ■■ w; *:out j'.iyini ;if ih . iv uioc, tior -.vi!! i -iVi". •' iiiu.‘ ■i ' ■ .! fV"* 'l*‘-ir.‘ to t-ike tho y"i plense imii!- wiion - .Imu'v 1. I*- per li H’.Ff. .Tfrl.. .FfrA.Jl', Attorney at Law, Faykttkville, N. (' -inen.l :he County aud Sujterior Ciiurts r.; \ ; ^.-^rliind. ll.irn**it, .Moore aii'l RoheM'ii ('omi- Promp't attv'ntion given to the collection of ;i!l . ;i ru?te I lo hix hand-J. :7, 1 >■'>'.*. '>^-tf i,EO. W. WILLIAMS A: CO.. IVIiolt'^ale Dealers iia .\M) IMPORTEKS AM> DEALER" IN fiardi^are aud Cutlery, Swedes Irou, H VY STKKET, FAYKTTKVILLK, >. ( . ■ily 2. W. P KENDALL. KENOAI.L 4 OX, KftlXDAM. X t o., ioiiiiiiiss^ion iMercliaiits A N D WHOLESALE GROCERS, Vo. 11 A- 12 -Vorlh Water St., WilmioJloii. r. from the Country promptly execiitod. iQr ; . ..ular attention given to the .■*ale of (’ofun . r -. roduce, .. .. >• ' i"-!f T.i .X %VOKTIi, URiDiissiou and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. (\ JWy 84tf • 4'\rD! L.\i' can !'o accQiniuodated witi> J.unra nt 1 A ne'■“minarv T. ■ Hih.'FER. Ot'- Twtnty>live Uollai*'^ Itenard. n-.-'ii'AV Ifiiui the !^ubicril)er, his n.*Kiv' bey M''- il 'E.' He iri 'J1 years of age. about j fe^t !• inches i f., long feet and very much fume 1 out at the -iji l .’ks down when spoken to. Ho wii- ~een ut M Mills in Robeson county on the -1st ult., Fayetteville about three week-% ago. The a: te r'wiird will be paid for his delivory lo me or I'or ‘.Dfiuenjent in any jail so th it I get liim. \v. L>. JnlINS(.»N. Bnti.tiettsTHle, S. C.. Atij: 14. ixtj-. ;VJtf Kfinair€tt/^ t WOMAN by the name o; ycitrs oM, of medium size, but nuw 'juitc 4 MUL.\TT(t WOMAN by the name of LW*'^: about A - v( w.itnan is probably in or n*'ar T^wn. hut m iy 1. ,-n le l otf in the 'lirecti in if NewJjern by Rill ' a. a free mulatto mnn who ha" b'-eu at wTk -.x i i';-nier probably on the Wilunngiun iV Welduii •1.: V. at a Depot North of War-iaw. L wiil puy > ■ ’ delivery of said girl to me or L .l>red iti Jail in ■ »•. ;t f un>l in thi.s County, or if -lid girl i- ' ■'T. tny other ('ounty and confined in the J»il oi -'ir p, ne party arresting giving me early infurioa- ; *' ’ne - iriie. JNt». 1; WILLIAMS. '' .;o Aug.'J'}, jl-if Hice and Tobacco on Consignment In' 1 . fre'-h b--^*' Rii;.* and 1"'> ,Mmu- * ' ‘i ir. i 1 varioii' ij'ialiti**s. I’lir ^ de by GKO W. WlLl.lAMS .t t o. ;}. l.-'-'.-J. i ' f W BV TIIK (alVKKMII! «K \)>P!TII ( IRIM.IW. .A U’llKRIMS, in or.lt-r if : r--il)!!'- ih' \‘ick>^d v>;vnj of " j.ucui ji.n «!,ir-h i- l’h^.!ii;e tlio lan>i. :u)d pivvi-iii thi' pv iucii.iii l\i' i;ii- and ili :'r> in ilie ii;: of pK'iiiy. '* t‘ l.ri:i‘'.iim' .>f ,N rtli (’arolin.i. by j'Mti' rixiihiiion i !i;-n 1. i tr ‘' '.i mi i: •> J Jii «l-iy oi ihis inoi!:!;, \ i>Vfh'!i;'V. i hH\f • i; i :n l;.y hIi Ot..b;iri; . Iij.. ,• ;i» i-vp-H t il ;, li li— u I .h' , r. .ill •vriii'U'-i .'I p! iii. ii.'.'i s-\, .-v.-. p . i }••'■-,'i.- ;in l f.ir ci'iiain p irp. ■, • N w, thi‘rt''t:'i'i‘, i Hi 1,'•% t’ \ \N‘ K, t'i,>vt‘r!.or i f ihf of N. tih 'ar'M'ii r. ilii i- ii;' ihis piy prncla 111 ill. ;., ii . i.i’iiig nil pt'V'iin i ir liu* ■'lace of tturly itay-; fr, 111 tin- luo !i!‘r>-of. 'r‘ ii t-in \ iiig ! ■ yuii I the lin;i'>- i>‘ :ht‘S;iii‘ ;ui. ill, b'ovin, p k. l.i'-'f. o.ni'. iiit"-il. tl' iir, 1 ihi. -. ii, ; r. !■ ,■ >M >i (•!( I'l. m l y ini atnl W ' 'Icii i 1 ■: /ho f p '• ii'- are nlor.o til hi> (•> •iiipti'>I iT'Oii '(li j r : ib;i ;i, v ■ -Ml Vunrit'FiiiasterM (' m mi - ■ tic , .\r-iil'-' ol ihi- t’onfp'ii'r.ilti (i.'v. |-ii:;u'i.i an I .n; . • i.f riiv .'mi fc'it'i e'; h’li • liij: p ii- V V i, - r- . I'ii’in! char ..-M-r: .i’! Vir-.nr. v i • r . Ti .f ,t'). ri-, ,- h i ! Tl'i' i; ■■■>. ■ t irlorv provif of h.or m. h ■> iv '> : r.vc' k-Ii i.rir' . in bohalf ol Mu h ; iw t> c tir ., .i ;-i I'V • i !.,.r licu foi ; u ’u T f-.i ■ ri^ii;i' -It ■ ina MOTI, ..u ’ li'i ;-iV I’:' • i ■' I- , ,V’' may n akr lai'i hot'.r** t;,^ i>; .r ' .In-'i > •'>, I'l'a th:il !!,f ariicl,-- . u- •:; i I in- f r th m ■ ;■ ; ; vr- ii-'. ind V , r>‘ ■■ !v‘ I ; —1 ; por- SmIiS. ni'I'-r- , i,M|l~. V -i ■ ' ■ 'M i I bffore tli.‘ liuo li-vi‘. • >■ .■>; fi,.;. . . v;,.,;,! , " ilf 111 i K- !)\ iii.i; iv~:ii>-ii> ti ' ^ 1 • ili('ir ■ wu w .I au ! . r-' • . • - ' ,i .r - frotii abr . i.i An_\ 't 111) :il-!|. . .. i: -• ri I I ' | - ; ■ iViim '.Mir li I- I,';-- in • ■ SI a I . Up"'1 ''orihi-r . ■ V N , fi-ron: cuiuii '. a'f ci 5 :i\ ? • tioii i^ i-nt'.ri'i'i. N '' "'•'U'l r rv ■ our s:>ier Sines r.M sii ,r,i, - wh.aiev»T I'Hii ’ ■ T ir a iiiay be p i^'-ib^ ’ ciiize'iv ai 1 an I ; -n liijs prnolam iiioii I'O’" •» I'l ■ 1 - — lit wi ll!' - V, '/.) • >% r. \ \N, K, I .jTt rn*’-. t ‘u > !i .•! ra: ''l i h.kii in ier- 1 111 I tiicl'. ham til I pn-' u: • .f c ms - — e i the kTlo-j’ : 'li» >; it" • , ' e :i 'ix>'1. !*■ nr it our •';'y |{ ■ ;/!i, .i- -il > f N. vcm ber. .V 1'. 1 iii '!u' y - ■ f r hi le. .T.d-ncc the ^7th, ’ Z V \Ni'K l’>v 11) t i • V. riiiir: R U r.\l ■ • , ■; Rlie g! N V _'t'i. \\'i;N ri:ii\ l\ vir, ’ o vi> h i u j , ^ I';i\« ttm illc \u^. ■Jl> ^ the t’t. n'laiii,-. Ii : p-.pie i.f I* -'Wii i ‘pul ll ’‘'Ml s- . • . g-.a -‘.'inetl! of I.. S 0 \ uid th ■ !-• V. ' ./'iari!-. 1 !! Vr. l--.% -1 .-y;, . 11"’ ■I 1 d by I II.' : in with >uf ■ffe''! at the sune o' '1 ok. A ,N1.. Ti • urn . ^ i. o’clooK. PM (‘ S.-pt, -u; »I 1- ; 1. ; / 1 •;2tf T*,.. . ■ y the 1 Jt (if 14 w.'ok ing l! il I>ei ; ti-f •, f .1 :\T ' V Itld l-Il'li :: W.!l h .ile.i ii 'nimptioiiHj- 'J fi : o. 1 ? i:: .I-,:y \oth:k. \1 -xpHpt t b.- absent from home a fewTnonih“ in ' ’ ''f- .\r !ii lald McLean is my ftiithoriz. 1 -'-■’■I ' Tau.-ai; my business until I return. N 0. .ioN!;. I ^;{if 0|li« e ol ^111*^. of .\. 1’. > No\kmi'.i;h 1’_', 1"''>- ) -ing itr:icle« ari* requiri'i Tor our iiti-i M ’i soUii:-r.'^; ' " ks Hut.--, PatiN, I>i:i'vtT-, Lfatli- ■ 'h >f- 1 hr-.ad, ijusts, •(Irmii No. *> to 1- •i i :vo. liutton.s, Ootton (Moth, I'laii- 0' i'ututues, lirandy, Huttcr. Kite's, lie. iVc. ' ' • ' will be received at this ofiice tor a pr.iper '^ ‘ii ;■ ; : *Tn Th jse abl*' an 1 willing to ' ontriliuie, V *' udilre-- ihe unilc;r.ign 'd Trunsporiation be rutni-heil, if npcp'-nary, hy the (^.iverniiient. El>WARb WAK.RKN, Suig.'C- n. of N. C. •Nov. Ki:\VAKO ’’ILL be paiil f .r cHcli of the fiiilowin^ n-i;!,. 1 serters from » ..npaiiy C, 7th Reg't, N. ' Troi.pn, ' livered to me at Cump, or ^il;> lor e^ch if 'lelivt* o.t Camp of Insiructiou at Raleigti; A. .M .Mc.Mil- ■!. billon J. Ga.ster, Wm, 0 Blackman, Levi Welch, ' -nlyn^ M.-Iiass. ! members of this Company it)sent in N. J. fport immediately, or they will be treated as de- L>. R. MURCHISON, l«t Lt. I'onid'g (Jo. : ■(> near Winchester, V'a., Nov. 14, l&(i2 7‘.t-ijtp l , Plantation Wanted. I M Hiita(ir;zed to purchase a go.od PLANTATION, 1 I ':=• coo l farming land, containing from 200 to 500 ' ’ WHO gfod improvements. Would like to [lur- •>!«. [ year's crop, stock, &c , if terms satisfac- inl i:*: - iritei. ling •' J >it i .liize thi Sch-ol -ire 1- - 1 ; ; y . o- . cont.iining full yi\!n' V' in ri ?ar.l !. n > i. .c , i the opf'ni!:g if ih.‘ S h. 1 Rev M IK oi'Ki'., I . . , T - f....i; i P , I'r-.i.-ip‘, ^ Inly 17. 1^' ’ : ■ '1 i-l!' i ■ ire kin 1 ■ ‘ W I A M prepHri- I > to : • : llariie-- f'.r Arin i;-‘ i give • 1 >11 ■ / 'il) \ fiVil'T-' to inf* I - t',1 V - ii I-'; .-eni oil in .,T''k 'I-- i ■ h. (!. 1 is!.Ill r (I . 1 til •' iAViiri"rrvii.i.i; MITI U, (OMIMW. !apital in I’reiiiiuiii Noftw atiiminis to > n*^}! on liHiiil mill other ass*“is. S2ti7.t;S8 ‘Zh 5,077 ;!5 hav I .) - I M Twen'y-'’:ve i tM,'. ; 1 1 t: C'ln'luctor of ea. ‘s i‘ - t, a ticket •\ new rate of Freight w time, whifh V- ; . . ■ 1 >i-- i ' ii'- : • • in a few day- P>v or i.-r "f r he I';’ •INi* M nTr. i r W R R ' .Ang. kaii. ko\i». I'^RttM and af'cr .NLiiid'-y f ■' _ i in«! ■ I'r iins on thi- R sa 1 will r' n Ik: ' - F .vi ^'• ville '' .$-J72.7C.r) *11 Tli(' ( .ij;ip-uiy havt' jiai.l > ' losses jiromptly. and iiev.'r '•■ole an as-ti^sniont on their premium notes. Tot'll H'KlfliHS: -MoNKlLL, Pre.^ident. 1' n A ^ . Vii-c Presiileiit C. \ 'di'MILLAN. Sec'y. 1 ‘ H I'l'Trps: Ih'nry Lilly. \\ Nj Tillinghast, II. L Myu.\.i, s I. Hinsdale, S. I Hawley, Win McLaurin. N IIloin ,V. .'I-Imti. T .s. I.utterloh. C. R. .Malleti, \ w yteel, .lame- Kyle. | (} c%»V, \. hail. Hmi. I. (J Shepherd, .J. I>. \Silliii,i., it p I>r(,>wn, | , .'■ W, Ti’.lingiiast \ K Hall. '1'" g'ou. hn t ollins and C. C. Me''ruinruen, Traveiitig .\genta i iie Coi'ipu;., invite 'ill lications. May 21- >JIT Vu-V gfi tiii'ru-i' -.'U- t'r. ve-)i : \1 - one V All ■ For rin: \oKTii 4V\Koi.i.\i r u. M!’K l.\Si RAM'K COMPA.NY, • !ii inu 1 . ' ’ r . n- ■es t'l, ■r ‘.Il ( ■! , , 1: 11 her lh.> ( mf.i "'"I R J.iu'v 1. ar ,if oper.aiion, with i!i 1 riniii-r hoi.I upon jaiolie con- ii-UM' ibo livc^ of all healthy per- >!•- if if>iv t'lir .iiie year, fur ‘-even i fe • -;, ‘.iiicrs -haring in t he profits. I) 1,0 voar-j of aije are in'^urcd for y * iW'i ihird'- iheir value. 'I. p n 1 williiii i.l.ay^ after ■ ; r i-Mir.i, ri.'''i'>n Mie pabl' - is referred to ’Uiy in all ]'arts c .he t^iate. and to tl iiAl'Tl.K. Sfcri-tary, Raleigh. K. . 11 .\LK. Agent at FayetIeville, N. C. Tin* Vrw Si’. If, Small, PHOTOGiaPHS, I J AFT. Wood^vas'dN .^olai* ('aiiiera. Sale of a portion of the Fayetteville & Western Plank Road. Th K undcvsigned having been appointed (’ommi'-“inner Lo sell all that p.arl of the Fayetteville V Western . Platik Hoad, above Iligh Point, will sell at public .\nc- ! tion in the town of .‘salem, on the 1st Tuesday in .Jan'y the Road. Toll Houaes. iSrc . between High Poitil and i Bethania. upon lerrn'^ to be ma.le known on the day of sale, .IWSSIi WALKKR. Com Nov. r>, 1HC>2. 7t'*-t8 Valuable Heal instate • FOR SALK. i 1)V virtue of two I>,Teds of Trust executed to nie by ) Tlios. ,1 Curtis. Ksip. I will orter for sale, on Thiirs- , day the l>th day of Ducember lHt(2, that valuable I MTOKI^: HOLKi: 1 on the North side of Hay strcel, recently occupied by I Col. .Iiio, .A, Pembeitoii, the finest dry goods store lu ' the place, ,\lso, tlie Lot on corner of Mum ford and Uonildson streets, known as iho .Siat'le lot—a valuable lot with a large barn and extensive wtables at jiresent occupied by Me>'srs. P.arbee. .1. J. SHKPHKKl*. Trustee. Nov-r 15. IH(',2. 7.^tf By \ IRTL'R of a iK-cree in the (^lUlt of Eipiity for CuiiAierland t'ouniy, at November Teriii. 1H('.2. I I sh ill «ell at the Market House in Fayetteville, oti Thurs- I day l»ec. 11th, at 12 u clock, M., One and one ! fourth .A res of L W L) in ''ainpbellton, north of the ■ Claifndon Rridge, haviiiij a front of about lit;) feet on i the River, adjoining on tho -iouth a hit sold by .S W. Tillinghast. Trustee of .las. Hiiske, to.A. .V. McKethan. Also, One-third interest in a lot of Land in Camp- bellt '11, containing 1.1 .Veres, lying on tlie River, known as the ■•Mc.N.'ill loi. " and joins the north side of the above de-cribod lot, which lots were formerly the pro- t>erty of James Huske and were conveyed by liim to ii. I W. Tilltiighasl in Trust. Oct. 27, IH.^7. I WALFliR A. HUSKE, C. M. E. Nov. 17, 78-ta Valuable Farming Land for Sale. ''PHE subscriber oft'er.-; fur sale :}0‘5 acre* uf L.\ND on 1 the E ist siJe of the Cape Foar liiver, 18 miles below FAyeiteville, Ttiere is a good house with 7 rooms and ^ all necH.-sary outdicuses, and there is about ItjO acres ; of as good swamp land as there is in the Slate. There j is cleare I land for 12l>0 bushels of corn, aud about 15 acres of land cut d .wn f.ir the npxt crop. 1 will also sell my stock ot Hogs, Cattle, Sheep and Crop on the place .A healthy situation. Terms eas^. .Address me at Terebinth 1’. O , Cumberland county. N. C. W. A. KINO. Nov. 13, 1802. 78-Gtpd I >Hi >T •'11-. M’l'.*^ ’’.Hii be li -d .ii V'lnorsdi'ir^ Skyligh I ii i;':T-,'. H:.y -.trc^i. .ipp.isite Minl.le Var'l, Fny .'I'eviM '- ■ pl'ii', re!.. icli-!. oul.ire l. in water i.'ri, and ••a't'l. : iV >m ■ n;-ill i;i lile 'ize. .Viubro f,. p M i;ie T| i -i. -in i ail idnT - t .les of Pictures ■■r ■ jT t . i',e \ri •. 'Iii: Fr iiin-s. Gilt Mould- .i-jT G r r •. ■•’•y 1'>n' ;-i. :ur.- - large as 2ti by o'j i '.t'. 'l r-. ‘ .1 1 an i 1' .--. N f-.;- iri'.ging jiictiires; Instru- nu-‘ •. St... ’: ’i.d ( :.onie,il- t..r -aie io.v fi.r cash. Life ^:ti' Co’., r. .1 I’hoi _'rn n> it; ; le fri.ia Siiiull pictures. F.iviiiL'T'ovi.: in.-!.'o:,:e.i *i‘Te 1 hojie to merit i y..'i- I 1; ii.i.’c 1 I .;, i .il 1 return toy sincere thanks j /.'I' 'l.e i.'"‘r il ] rr.’n .^i ii. ,r. wt-1 .in me heretofjre hy i 'he kTO-id people of F.! ■. >: U-v.de !in.l vio'tiitv. | I'. M. VANORSDELL, Phi’T jraphisi and Proprietor. I>e. 'r 'Ji». 1 >.'/, 77- i^larUle Fad or y. LOOK ,\r Tills! . Tin; rivi;TTi:viiJ,i; ikitI'IL, Fronting 300 I'eet aud in the business portion of the Town, coiitaiii^i iitoi'c ^|>a('ioii*> asKl wril %(‘iililafrl Kooiii'* lliaii any ill tlir .^laf(% aii'l my I’atrmi- .-,u\ i!,\ ( ■■ii.liiiu 'ir a;" v ry i 1 .r t' -irM- ' T. W\nnil.i„ l*ri»nrii‘tor. M .y 2'\ ls.:j. Fayetteville Female HIsrh .srhool. n^HK ••xerci''if thi*; Iii',,' o n bv r iutiled oi ■ .VO t.-rni . : I and eii'l- ■iK'ine 1 “t l.-.f- .'ill.l ■■•i:; ’ : -lend th." ■ .': cni im. and ^ ( ARl l'R IM a. i be maJo Aolite lo Salt W|I,M IN. ! 'V, N V J I . '1(2 1\'•! ai.' ii: at niy po-i :it ihe S;it.. nrk ■ 'iti.l w .11 t.f> re idy in -i !i:iui ■. t •! i-i i i ■ ' : J' ** ■ if •> lit yi -r :;v. an 1 ■■ .n lU. m- t ■■ i: »> • * ;i 'o‘l ■ |: will ri ipiire 1'' ' bi-.-hfls ..f d in • • ^mi i • 'i's. of fiHv. sh ieiis i.r f I ter. I i -i., o i tn,- ..n'y ''gcni to :ne ill [iTi.cui in-^ tin- u.*o.i ' pi^c- wirn- ' u' ^v !tIc''l 'ii? ■ alt caiini; 11‘ 1 'iihi 's wll b*- siipplifd with ■ ih f.ir lh‘'ir -wi; .■■■ in i,^.’ t.ir tiieae iiticle^ i.H fair terni'^ ^11 ;’.w] .1. .\1. Wi ti: :f. S il U:TT, SMiillS, I5L0(KK!1 tO., Maiiiiiac|i||>(>|^ ol «aU. ■I W. Lt/r r, ■» 7.^,1 i, F lyi tleville. : ^ W. li. SMlTil. :it iti Wi;i,iniy;'on. J. tV 1,1.TT, .1. .\I. .3IITI1. W. I., M,TI1, .1. ... iii.nrici H, ail i .1. i: 1 ■ !! i.n Nov. 24. 1802. Mil c.wj.d OTTO\ 1{> Hay Str«*‘l. C, P. MALLFTT. ' Jan’y ti. IHtJ'J. ;,S- aiKi OtSiei- '■I* ns Wanting to sell will please write to me, with L)^ THLuPHILUS IICN'l ER Hi Li., Ks ot Riioigh. '■'itMuii .,f iheir lands, price, &c. Location in Chat ■ O For sale, price - I'y preferrt-d. .1' -- iiie at Rallingsbiirg, Rockingham county A H CHAPIN. ' ' ' 2- 7K tit nd price SI, b', _ .Tan’v 1 1 S'i:?. E. .1 II \Li-: .V S(»NS. 18G2. TO 02' in.««« ^pilE Stay Law h vitii- |.o- in rn d t'.a • n itiiipijf of I Huii-i f r y,-,*,/- W! Will irii Li-i. a.’i r In-iTt (,>rdi-'^ of (’min^ V iihoiif ,i:iyi;; r:: in 1 oj.tsc s-nd ir'I Alirr date 1 will y F Vi C- Hi. per pouted for ra^s de^ ulon.x wiih the Or.ier, u* .. red in F-yi-tieville, or at my mill.3 Fe>»r 1 D MURPHY. "I — 66- 1 Blank WarraHts tor aalp at this Ofticj'. : ; ;i! ii'i.l icng' h. . V L i-i V I) N’ iJldlilS \Bi»Vl I. T. IIAICH 1^ SDNS' STIIRi: Fay«*fj I in'V i ,, • H4- I i 4wroeeries / 4mroreries:i \ 1 l,.Vi’ii!i an I sr 'l selected Stock .>f F.VMILY j;\ GR'M'FI'iIES alw.iy- on hand, con-isting of ]{a on purk, MulloN, Mackcr Ni's 1 and l!. Miil.i.'^i s, Suirars oi' al L'-radt's, Tidiacco, ('iirars, .\nd all tiif»r !iT-tii ]cs usually kept in a Wholesale Gro cery E- abii lin.eiit COX. KENDALL « CO. W’ilniinc’t'n .\prii 2, l-'ol. l*-tf ICE. '■pIlE r N ' MiRS!'i N !'I). >i..t,'i haviog entered the mili- 1 l arv «i’rvi.'i' 0 ii - •''nt--!■ r Ue Sl.ates of .\merica. h(‘re>iy L'ive noi.oe '.i heir “old cii aomiT-- and frK’tids, ii. i| they tiavi' a- T> da d .1 'hii I». .''tarr and .lohn I). V'- iliiain-i, of to' pi:;'lu'ir attorneys to collect either ■ •p -i!- iy or c iiijiiin iy all ni.-nej's due them either by I.fi.iui' ‘ii- II •e, ill i I’lherwise to attend to their bu- dnes gi-tiei i'.l\ diiri:i;T iheii ibsenc*'. Th*'^’ respect fully .i-k I'l por^'iTi'-' ii!.l> bte.l *0 them to call as prompt ly as pir! ibie on their asront.' "»i.4 make p'lyrHent. ■^TARR & WILLIAMS. 6ept 1 '. IHil 58-tf OIL AND L.\,MP HL.\(!K.‘ 'SnNNERS and LL I’d: H'.\TING olL. I I/\,^1P RL \CK in barrels. F.ir sah* by JOS. R. I5LOSSOM .v CO., Wilmington, N. C. \I i-t1i 7. 0-tf 4IIIII Araliic for ^ale liv J. R LEE.* Oct. 1’. li'.ttf l*aiiBia ileaii^. ^piiii 'ubscniii - -.'.li ,‘ty iiK: higii»''it cash prices for j I iiiy ‘1 iii'i;-,' lit i’tlm.i Ciirisii Reins. ,I A WORTH. Fny -i- -viMe, ft,‘I « 07-tf A\o ?iorA?^j«»i:^. i i k RRl S set. \R 4U 12 Rbl-- N o SYRUP, l.-> “ SCUi’Pi;RNt)NG WINE. ^)n consipnt:ieni and tor S‘ili> by j ' JOS. UTLEY. ! Sept. 22. 02-tf WA\Ti:i>. k) "“/Wi i l '^'IELS WHivAT, 1,5U() '• C')UX J'.T-. rs h-ivitig ;he abovi* arMcli s to sell will receive I ihe liiyVu.-; tir.r>p }>;. cil'iiiJT on Mr. M. Tiio.nason. I !i' tho \le••'i’lani p .v *i. vdip. or on the ■'iibscri- bcr at. his il 1 111 ! Market -’.|i. irc. A Li;x. JOHNSON. Jr. Nov 5. 1802. 75tf Itineration l\oti€e. M'd.E snhscrilior havint? ipialified as .Vilministratrix on I t!i, 111.•;,!(. of Inq S-ui Iy, deoM ii->reby gives notice t.i 111! p**-,-.'' u}s tc.vin r cl-iru-i asr-iinst '■>iid Fstufe to pre- 'ent. trif-n- to \\ ti; >1 1,. M;>K,(v within 'ne time pre icriixd hy law, ov Cii,s n. ii. » -.vill ‘.o r'‘'aded in bar of l'e>roci''o;y, t AlR.'.HlNl ?CSI*V, A.hn’x. Aug. 4, l'‘t)2 ' 4«- t FOK SAl.l:. A Lot of Cotton and AVoolen 31achinery. WOOL PlCKEi’iS. ^ inch Wool C .rds. i ” • " Roll Card. 1 l'6 Spindle Wool Jack. 1 t'otton Lapper. 2 banforth Cap Frames 13sl Spindles e.ach. 1 Throstle Frame SI “ 1 Eng'.i-h Drawing Frame with Coilers aud Packers. 1 12 Strand Spee'ter. \o , Xc. .''oine of the abuve machinery is now in operation at the Richmond Factory. For p-irticiilars address JOHN SIIORTRIDGE. Rockingham, Richmond Co., N. C. Nov, 12,1802. 77 lOtpJ ^ V.%1.1 AIII.K for !»»aie. T t,)FFER for .sale my PL.ANT.ATl'*N, 2 miles west ol i Carthage, Moore county, containing 250 acres, on which is a (irisi and Saw .Mill, Cotton Gin and Screw. I will receive in payment State Bond-. Confederate luoiiey or likely Negrot-s, JOHN .M>RI6oN. VALl AULi: LAAO^ for ^ale. I OFFER fur Sale my PL.VNTATION on .McClendon’s Creek, *' miles west of Carthage, lying on the basin of the Coal Fields, containing 2100 acres, which is as j.roductive as any lands in the county of Moore. The improvements good and the situation healthy. Terms liberal. JOHN MORISUN. AOTICK. 111.AVE about .5tX>0 acres more, in iilferent tracts, in the county of Moore.—Farming Mineral, and Tur pentine land.— which I will sell on liberal terms. JOHN .MORISON. .^liiioral l.aii(l«« for Nale. 1H.AVE an interest of one-third in a tract of 50t) .VCRES on the w«ters of l>eep River, on which have been discovered a salt mine and pure saltpetre, and an oil 11*. good ijuahty lor greasing leather, well worthy ge.ib'gical investigation. .IiiHN MoRISoN. Carthage. Nov. l;i . 77-tf Ot'iitai Prac-tic’c* for «alt*. I OFFER for sale privately my Dental Practice in Fay etteville, N. C. The otiice occupying four rooms ou “econd tl'ior, well furnished, together with several oz. of GOLD FOIL. GOLD PL.\TE and SOLDER. .A large supply of VL’I (’.V.NITE and TEETH of all kinds. Also one-thir.i interest in a viiiey.ar i lying tour miles south ot Fayeiieville, containing s.-venty-five acres. Tho-e ^wing me will plase call on .Mr. .Alex. John- s lU. Jr., iind settle, .\.ld^«^s R. SCOTT. Greensboro’, N. Oct. 27, 1802. 7dtf AOTK'i:. ^pilE subscriber will lea.sc for a term of years, or sell, i the PLANT.ATlON whereon he lives, containing about ^'00 acres of land, of which 2l>t> acres are under fence The im[irovements are such as are generally foiinfl on a farm, all in tolerably good order .Also, if leased, he would include his stock of Negroes, horses, cattle, crop, farming iiii|ilrnients, iVc. Tlie terms of lease or s.ale would be made easy lo the lessor or pur chaser, with a guaranty ot a taiihtul perlormance of the terms. Persons desirous of leasing or purchasing may apjily to the subscriber at B tllacholish, near Spring field, Richmond county, N. t'. DUNC.VN McLAURiN. Nov'r 13, 18i)2. S(.)-Otpd A OTIC E To the IIrlri> anti * n.-ditorn of Mathew Murphy, ih'cvni^fd. SPHERE has been a jietition filed for the settlement of 1 thf accounts of the subscriber as .\dministrator of Mathew Murphy, dec d, and the same has been referred to William Draughon, Clerk of the County Court. The said Clerk will proceed, on the I7th day of De cember lh02. to state the said account, when aiul where they call attend and be heard, and object to any vouch er in sai 1 settlenietit or anv other grievance can oe heard. JA.MES DENNING, Adm r. Satii(ison county, Nov. 18. 1.8*12. 80 7tpd AdiiiiiiiMtratorS Niale. ISH.MiL sell at .\uotion at the Market House in Fay etteville. on Thurs.lay, Dec. 11th 1802, at 12 o clock. THE REAL ESTATE belonging to the Estate of Benj. R. Huske, dec’d. viz: One tract of L.VND adjoining that fin which said Huske lived, coniaining .about 8 acres. One vacant LOT in Fayetteville, between Hay street and Maiden Lane, adjoining the residsnce of the late Herrin Newell. W. N. TILLINGHAST, Adro’r. Nov. 19. A FOR SALE. N Excellent, Draft and Harness Horite. Also, a good medium sized Mule. Apply lo • NATHAN WILLLAMSON, Gray s Creek. P. O. N )v. 20. 79-1 mpd Blanks of all kinds at this Office. HA I.T. SOUND Salt for sale on conaignment hy G. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Nov. 20. 79-tf I%OTICE. {WILL receive a few more able-bodied Recruits into my Company of Light .Artillery Light .Artillery is the best service a man can enter— the guard duty is inconsiderable, the cannoneers ride and have their lugg.ige carried, and there is much more liberty allowed the private soldier than in any other arm of the service. Recruits will receive Bounty and pay Tu-elve Dollart per month IVrsons subject to (’on.'^cription may enlist in niy company at any time "before enrollment.” Transportation will be furnished when required. Col. •John H Cook will give any further information desired, and will receive enlistments J. B. ST.ARR. Capt Starr’s Light Artillery. Kinston. N C., Nov. 24, 1802. 80-7tpd FLORAL COLLEGE. VT a late meeting of the Board of Trustees, it was unanimously resolved that the School at Floral Col lege be resumed the ensuing year, and our late Princi pal. the Rev. Daniel .lohnson. having declined lo accept the terms proposed, the Trustees wish to employ a Principal to take charge of the Institution on the follow ing terms, viz: He to employ his own Assistants and pay to the Trustees 12j per cent, upon the money arising from tuition. A Steward is also wanted, and to a person qtialified for that Department, is offered the Steward’s Hall for the next year, he paying to the Trustees 12i percent, upon all the money arising from board. The board has-been raised to SI8 per month. Further information can be had by applying to Dr. A. D. McLean, Pres’t, GUopolis, N. C. Applications for the above places will be received until the 15th December next, when an election will be held. Nov. 20, 1862. 81-116D HE Coach line between the terminus of the Wilmington, Rutherford & Charlotte Rail Road and Wadesborough via Rockingham, will be resumed after this date. D. G. MACRAE. Dec. 1, 18(52. S2-4w %(liiiiiii^tratoi*'M Nale. T SHALL sell on THURSDAY, Dec. II, 180’2, at auc- 1 tion. in front af my store, all the Household Furni ture—comprising Crockery. (Hass, iVc., .Xc , belonging to the estate of Benj’n R, Huske. dec’d. .Also, 2 shares of Western Rail Road Stock. 1 Engineer’s Leveling In strument. 1 one-horse Wagon Sale to commence at 11 o’clock, .K. M W, N. TILLINGHAST, Adm’r. Deer 1. 1802. 82ts LaiKiaiiiiiii and Iodide ofPotaMli in small quantities. Apply to H. DA\, At Dr Robinson’s oflSce. Dec. 1. 82 Gtpd ~OLI> IROA. ^ ~ The highest cash price paid for OLD CAST IRON at M. A.-BAKER’S Brass and Iron Foundry, Fayetteville. N. C. Niiv. 2'.t. 82-4wpd ^alt Paia«>i can be had at M. A. Baker’s Star Foundry in Fay- etteville, N. C., now in full operation. .All orders for Brass or Iron Casting, wiR receive prompt attention by M. .A. B.VKER, Fayetteville, N. G. Nov. 29. 82-4wDd \OTICE. 4 T THE MAGNOLIA SALOON in Fayetteville, Nos. 12 and 14 Green street, I oiler for sale, at whole sale or retail,— Ilk BBLS. superior old Corn Whiskey, 1.U 1 bbl. superior olii Rye W’hiskey, 1 quarter cask fine Scotch Whiskey, ■About UK) gallons superior French Brandy, 10 bbls. No. 1 -Apple Brandy, 3 do superior Peach Brandy, 2 do good Cherry Bounce, and a small quantity of superior Port and Madeira Wine. REUBEN JONES. Dec'r 1, 18ti2. 82tf AOTICE. 4 LL previous Advertisements from this Depot cease to be in force from this date. D. P. RAMSEUR, .Assist. Surg and Med. Puiveyor, C. S, A. Charlotte, N. C.. Nov. 29. ' 82-3t . joii.vsox, wiLliams“& t’o.r nAKEK$>. \ WE have thirty ^30) pans now in operation nine miles \\ east of Wilmington Parties wishing to supply themselves with salt, can be furnished by applying to .A. Johnson, Jr., .Agent at Fayetteville,^ to E. Page, manager al the works, or to J M. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. Fayette-ville, Nov. 20, 18*>2. 81it CORA AAII :VI1 LE.«i FOR «ALE. 1W1LL sell 3(*0 Bbls. Corn aud 8 or 10 likely young -Mules either for Cash or on time by the purchaser giving good bond and security. -Apply at my place on Rocky River, one and :i half miles from St. Lawrence, or 3 miles from Ore-H-’l. Chatham county. J. PACE. Nov. 27. lMf.2. 81-4w,pd FOIAIK VLt) r of MONEY, which the owner can have by des cribing and paying for this advertisement. D. S. MAULTSBY. 82-2tpd Nov. 21. IIE^ERTEIK IJ'ROM ('o R. 50th Reg't N C. T , Camp near Drew- ry's Bluff. Va.— Privates James P. Stone, ('has Spivey, “ Alex'r l$ritt, Canada Barnes. “ Fredi'rick .Arnett. “ Lewis Pitman, “ William Leggett. “ Henry L Rritt, “ John Tyler, • (Joolbery Barfield, Calvin Graham. “ Miseal Lovitt, “ John W. Hayse. The above ment*ioned deserters were enlisteddn Rob eson county -residence Robeson They can be found lurking about their homes. South of Lumberton. I will pay Thirty Dollars for each above mentioned deserter to any person who will deliver them in jail ■where 1 can get them E. C. ATKINSON. Capt. Co B, oOth. Nov’r 27. 1802. 82-3tpd ^,*0 REWARn. RAN-AW^AY (fr was decoyed i>ff from the subscriber, about the middle of .August, last, his negro woman HENRIETT.A. .She is about 25 years of age. of eniall size, very straight and slender, wi ighs about 100 lbs., h is a brisk step. She has a very dark complexion. » pleasant countenance, with round bright eyes and with lightly drawn and compressed lipe. ant! nose slightly turned up at the end. I will pay $10 fo'^ the appre hension and delivery of said girl to me , t county, or $25 if found out of the county and delivered to me or confined in jail so'^that I can get her; and I will also pay S5 i for proof sufficient to convict the per son harboring or decoying ber ott. ^ Rockingham, N. C.,_Nov. 25, 1862. ^2-61 Blank Wajrrants for sale here. MARRLAGE OF A PRINCESS. The marriage of a Princess is so remarkable an event, and so little is known ih this country of Royal etiquette, that we transfer to our columns, from an Knglish paper that haslfallen into our possession, an account of the late marriage of the Prince.s3 Alice, second daughter of the Queen of England, to Prince Louis of Hesse. The royal Jenkins describes the ceremony, dre^, etiquette, itc., on the occasion, and offers a pleasing diver sion from the war and “rumors ol war” that have so incessantly filled our columns. The London paper sjays:— The wedding of the Princess Royal, public as it comparatively was, was considered out ot doors far too private tor the interest which the public took in every event connected with the royal fami ly; but the sad bereavement which has so recent ly taken place made it imperative in this case that the utmost seclusion should be preserved. So much are people inclined to disbelieve in the actual privacy of royal movements, that the completeness with which it was preserved will hardly receive credence from the public. But so it was; atid neither in Southampton, nor Portsmouth, nor Cowes, nor within a hundred yards ot Osborne Hou.se, was there the slightest indication that the second daughter of the Queen of England was about to be married, or that any event of the slight est importance was about to disturb the daily cur rent of events. It certainly was a strange aud solemn sight lor a tew of the public who flitted about the Osborne road, to see no indications of life about the park, beyond a few servants, in the deepest mourning, passing almost stealthily Up and down the avenue. So little did the public seem to know about the events, that when the five o’clock expresi train to town was shunted at Bas ingstoke to allow the special royal train with the visitors at Osborne to pass, it was almost impos sible to make the passengers by the former believe the true reason. They had a strong impression that some accident haii happened on the line, and were only reasiured when they saw the royal saloon carriage shooting past on the main hne, with the visitors at the wedding seated in it, all in mourning. For the ceremony an altar had been erected in the dining room, covered with purple velvet and gold, and surrounded by a handsome gilt railing. Beyond this, I understand that not a single special arrangement was made for the ceremonial. Her royal highness ths bride was supported, by her uncle, his royal highness the reigning duke of Saxe Coburg and Gothii, and was accompained by her royal highness’s sisters, their royal highnesses the Princ«ss Helena, the Princess Louise, and the Princess Beatrice, and by her grand ducal highness the Princess Anna of Hesse, sister of his grand ducal highness the bridegroom, as bridesmaids. The parents of the bridegroom were placed opposite to the queen. When the bride had taken her place the service commenced. The bride was given away by her uncle, his royal highness the reigning Duke of Saxe Coburg and Gotha. At the conclusion of the service, the bride and bridegroom were conducted by Lord Chamberlain to an adjoining apartment. Her majesty, the Queen, remained until all present at the ceremony had withdrawn, aud then retired. The other royal and illustrious personages and guests pro ceeded to the drawing room. The marriage regis ter was taken by the Hon. and Very Rev. the Dean of Windsor to her majesty and the bride and bridegroom for their signatures, and. subsequently to the drawing room, for the signatures of the remaining witnesses. The dress worn on the occasion was a morning dres.s; the gentlemen black evening coats, white waistcoats, gray trousers, and black neckcloths; and the ladies in gray or violet morning dresses, and gray or white gloves. The bride, 1 was told—and the ladies will l>e grateful for the information—wore a dress of white silk, of a new description, called “Crystaline,” with a single flounce of Honiton lace, and a bor der of orange flowers at the bottom of the skirt. I was also informed tnat nearly the whole of the company wore seccrtid mourning, and that there was a a singular absence of flowers, jewelry, or decorations of any description. The ceremony was performed by the Archbishop ot York, assist- ed by the Dean of Windsor, and the Rev. Wil liam Protheroe, rector of Whippingham, the ofiice of bride-maids being sustained by the younger Princesses, and the Duke of Saxe Coburg giv ing the bride away. Her majesty was present at the ceremony, and among the company were the Grand, ducal fa'iuily of Hesse, the Duchess of Cambridge, Princess Mary and Duke ot Cam bridge, His serene Highness the P/ince ot Saxe Coburg Gotha, the Duchess ot Wellington, the Lord Chancellor, Earl Granville, Viscount Pal merston, Sir George Grey, Sir G. C. Lewis, Earl Russell, the Hon. (.^ P. V illiera, etc. After the cerc-niony the wedding presents were inspected. Prominent among thesg were those uflercd by the Duchess of Athol, the Maharajah Dhuloep Singh, anJ*the Countess of Fife. The Puchess of Athol’s present was a presse Papier, the base formed from a piece of-green variegated marble from Blair Athol, mounted with mouldings of oak leaves and acorns, having on one side, in relief, the arms of Prince Louis of Hesse and her Royal Highness’s arms, with coronet over; on the other side the following inscription: “To her Royal Highness, the Princess Alice of England, on her marriage, by the Duchess of Athol’j. The whole was surmounted with a finely taodeled royal stag ascendi' g a rocky peak, 'designed by Frederick Taylor; Esq., R. A., the whole in silver gilt- His Highness the Maharajah Dhuleep Siugh » present was a magnificent jeweled fan in gold; on one side the Rose of Engla'nd carve«l. i^ni a large ruby, with emerald enamel, having her Royal Highness’s monogram of A. -'L 31. the initials o Alice Maud Mary, on diamond rubies and eme rald blended The reverbe side is somewhat simi- lar-in design, but having orange blossoms and buds composed of large pearls, with leaves of ctit emerald, and the monogram as before, but in gothic letters. ’ The loop of the fan is formed by the let ters D. S. in sanserif, his highne.ss’s oriental mono gram, from which is suspended a gold chain with two large emeralds for tassels, and a number of pearls placed at intervals between the links. . The Countess of Fife’s gift upon the occasion was a rich silver gilt jewel casket, with a guardian angel at each corner, surmounted by a large cairngorm, set in gold, engraven around, “Cairngorm Mar Forest,” the key formed of her royal hig - ness’s coronet, the whole richly engrave rose, shamrock and thistle, with monograna, an bearing a suitable inscription. The stone is a re-