SF, IW I-W RFiK I. T. VOL. XII.] I'AVKT FKVILLE, N. C.. DECEMBER 8, 18()2. [NO. 1184.] - Kv.hbiti. a:n P McNi*ill. J - - H-yiulds u= ihord, VVm luiiui J IIfi>Jer*,'n hert ToomV' ■nett, W i t '-V }-;aniweii. Ilajnes, Gus- i, rrandi^on I, rii ' B Hnnh [in- !i : H.l'.jfi J !/ar . ; ... .p. ■■ ; r J Ct ^ rKlNTKl- MONDAY'^ \XD THURSDAYS eoh ARD J. nut; & so\s. aSl* I'Rtll'aiF.TOUS, ^■,,1 ,:.t Weekly On>ERvvK 00 if in ' '.ti if paid during the yeav of «uJ soriji- after the ^ enr has expiro'l ,v!y : )bskkver S2 00 per iiiimini. if pui-l >i> i c, oO if paid iliiring the yenr I'f ■‘iit'sori]'- : j'l 00 aft»*r the year h.'i-* (‘xpiro'l. \P\ KKTlt5HMEN'TS insertea for '.0 cetits per : l(j lines f>r the tiri*!. nn'l I'-'r e:wli I jinjr puhlicfttion. Yearly adverti-ements *.y ipe- ' •, 'actx at rea^nable rute^ A.lvertisers are • * ' • • 1*1 i;e.i to ?tHie the iiuuii>er ot inertiini« .le- ireil. >r ,t " be ooutiHiie.) till forl'i'l. anil i-Hirti"! tu cor.i- ^ cement* to he in^orteil ctiarfri- i '•(' per ,r. extrsi Sl'EO!^’- N»»TU'K -.r.i "/;er ihi- '.Ute. no naiiie -'f a new >-ub8criher ^ ^ • Ti-'l wi'liout payment in M'lvHiu'f, n^r will ■ ii er ‘'I ''-'it ' ’I longer riuie ;-T :n \\ ibers a-^ ilesire to take the i>:i- w:i^ please notify u« when making Jan'v 1, is.'S. ir.W. ^JMcJL. Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. • aiteml the County and Superior ('ourts oi \\ aiberland. ilarnett. Moore and Koheson Cotin- [ ^ ?r.uiipt attention given to the collection of all rusted to his hand-j 1S51'. '-If ijEO. W. WILLIAMS Jc (IL, |nhul€*«ale Dealers in 4iJrocfries, AM> IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN lliardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, HAY STRKET, FAYETTEYILLK, I. 2, 1801. ■ X. W. p. KENDALL. J. s KKNDALL VOX, KE.\OAn. A: CO., Iiouiiiiissioii AN D WHOLESALE GROCERS, Ho. 11 t 12 North Hater St., Wilmington. N. C. jQf' from the Country promptly executed. PiTticnlar attention given to the .i :,rr produce. A'.. 1?61. »ale of Cotti 10-if T.l . A: B. a. WORTil, I (oiiifflissioQ and Forwarding 31erchauts, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan'v ISCi 1 FFW LAI K' \ ne seminary. iept. IJ. i^ol. 84tf CARD! r\u he ^ccointnodateJ with board at T. nioPER. Oti- ol N«;\ K.MIiKK ol lli. A. i-t;i iU'it i w Bl Till'; I.OVKItXIK III MIKTIl CAKOIIVA. A i*Kot’i. %:»iA rioi\. ['HKKK.AS. in order i> it possibb-. the wicked system of spei'ulaiion vvliich i-J blighting liie bnid, and pri'veni the vrodiioi i >n ot t'aiiiiije atid di'tro-.a in ihe midst ol plenty, tlie I^'gislature of North (.’arolttia, by joint resolution thereof, ratitied on thi* l!'_’d ilay I't this mi'iiil), I November. I tiave -tmhuri/' ii me to lay an enibnrgo up,:i ttii- exportation iV' in ih*> St.ate of ceriuin articles of prime ueces-iiiy, except lo certain persons and for certain purp-.we';: Now, tberet'ore, I ZElU l.oN 15 V VNt’E. (ioveruor , ot the Stale of North ( .irolina. d.» issue bis mv procl.'i matioii. forbid ling all persons, tor the !uace of thirty days from the date he'-eof. from carr_\i!*!i beyou 1 the limits of the State any salt, bacon, pork, beef, cort'. menl. tioiir. jiniMtoes. shoes, leHthcr. hidrs, cot^'U elolii. and yarn and woi'len cloth. The t. iieis.-tis are alone i«> bo exempted from thi-. j'roliibiii iu. vi/: All (^uarternia-^lers ,wid i'omuii-;f4;n it s. A^rents of liie {’onfederat^ (ii)vernment an I nf :-,ir.-'^iate of tlie'un feder:'.-y. exhibi'iiig proper evidcrice .f their .diitnal ohara.'tcr; aisn nil .\i4i-nts of iny f'-.vj. ly, di;*triet, town or corp'.r.'iti .n .d' .>lh*'v St :.w w ii -i'-'I extiibi: «, lactory pro'if of their aiuht>Ti!y t - piirch iich ••,riioU ' in behalf of stich t.'Wti, >'ouniv. lisn-i. i ,.r I'urpov.itii.u lor ue, tir tor I:- ribuiion at ci' and ir in-;p.irl . lion, and nor for re-^ may ntake oath bef'Tt th.it the arti. Ic j.uii’ and ti"t for re- 'e be 'r protii, the nearest .1 ; ^e I are for t )•', ihi'V a- e I 1-ei-^ of ! eir n ■ n iV I-- n il.I i’eaoe tf use. sons, noii-r.->-ideiii'!. who i;i -‘ h ive boii.^l-t befor.' thi d Ilf herei f Tiie excepti.iii •iall lU »le by n 'n resideriK on th«' >^e'. . -i owu w >rk-, and t.? = arg.ii‘s enieritiir irn- from abroad \nv - li i! al' per- ■*U' 'i nnico-s t ) e'C'i iul to U! i ill their -a 11 ariictis ti. it uj.i iiir b-rdi'rs ar' to be eon*' e smfpn.l :»^d ' ' the II •• t), Iron I Stat». Until further or^r the t'oionf ferent countiee, are enjoined to s lion is enforeed. Not intendinu or deiriufi: ^^eveIll the people of onr sister St ues from sharimr with our .wn eitizen'i ■ 1 ’dilitia the tlif- th'.' I'roclaij'a- whatever we can spire, buf » ■ rt“i."--- tar a^ liiftv be possible, I •!;riie-t!y app/ il citizer.»' to aid ;nd -iust.aiii me in the ea; this proi'’Hmaiion f'lr t iie commo!t (t,-. i - - In wituf •; where !’, /.khi ( , ^ I (i ivern.r. ( apta'ii vI»Mi»-ral, a:. 1 •' i 1 ill i'hief, hath''iijn-' l itii-^e pr. ent-- —el th*^ are Sell .■! th.' S; ,te ; ■ be Done It -lUrCuy i-f Uul.-iijh, ii.. J'- ! i ;y ber. A. Ib, IS''.;, iid in the y ar . t 'ur In the sTili '/ H ISv the i 'V^Tlior; K il Ba i 1 i.K. . Haleigli, Nov ‘jMh. lSi._, ^•Clli'it-. (fvo 'uM goi^l irconieut ,f li \ VNi K. ' 'tntir’n 1. ■mil C ill- ; .xe I. • 1 N vcm ; !. ;i iice V,\N'K \V’f;sti;k\ ti I'avettt'villo VII, k» \l> Ol FK K, ^ if'fer the 1 charged From Fayetievi ON' and afi will be c .. it d ly of Sept. tb; ai r.i>. .*:n:e:--, vi/ e to Little Kiver, ■k ];■ at the same ' :h- r^^'dio .It T\«eiit«-five Dollar^ Kt‘nar«l. from ’he subscriber, his negro-boy .MU- I .'1..' He Jl y»ar3 of age, about '> feet U* inches :.?n, r"'^ ’one feet and very much turned out at the ir.i . k“ town when ppoken to. He wa -ieen at .j^^-iMr.ls in Robeson county on the -Ist ult., »i- :n Fayetteville about three we^-ks ago. The h:;ier*WjrJ will be paid for his delivery to me or for ■! ::iSaeinent in any jail so thr>t I get him. W D. JOHNSON. iftine'.tsvKle, S. i'., Aug. 14, o'Jtf Ranuitajif^ t M'JLATTo WoMAN by the name of LL'f'Y: about A - ytar.s -ilJ, of medium size, but now juite '•■irj-n- ■. i « .n;an is probably in or near Town, but may ■ .'^n led olf in the direction of Newbern by Hill '—i' 1. a tree mulatto man who has neen at work as ■ ifreater probably on the Wilmington S '\eldon . • a Depot North of Warsaw. 1 will piy ■ - I-..very of said girl to me or b deed in Jail in •»' if found in this County, or if «aid girl is ■-■;a auj other ('ountj and confined in the .(ail of ■ -iat, the "arty arresting giving mo early inforaia- .t-'f-hi- -IP JNo. b WILLIAMS. tiwy^aevi.;*, A ;g. ij'., 18»;2. o4-tf Kioe aod Tobacco on Consivnmeut 111 ’ ^ tr "ti l)-'at Rice and ]'"• IJoxe-i Mmu- 1 : i ■ a'^f I, variou- 'pialitiex. For sale bv Gi:o W. WILLIAMS. & n. V''■••v ';iept :.'4, If-f.o. b:',if \OTlCK. i i > -.u I. , .• i.}Hent from home a few taoiiliir- in a ‘ejf, Archibald .McLean is my authoii'/.t 1 ’raM-.H,ct my-business until I return. N. G. •iONi;'! 1-/., -:bf r,»VKTTK\ BI,|,K Mi riiii, r»srH\ OK cojipi.^f. Capital in Premium .Not.* ■ aTii,,uiiir- to ■ $207,088 ‘^0 Cash on h'snd in.l t-. 1? t .1. o ', to ^I•Ivcr'«, ■ Twen’y-five cent» additional wi;' ’’ i* o.illected by 'he ‘'ondui’tor of each pa-^'engi r. U^ ving a S:,iriun wi'hout -i ticket A new rite of Freight will c . ir:- . .*tTect ime. which vill be j riii'* 1 • t; t •'■.iHi of - ti' n a few days By order of the l’re-* t .IN*. M. R*»SF., Trea 'r W R •\ug. :!i', ist'.'.’. I'riio 'val .l.'.Ipd "ing articles are requireil for our -ii k and AK^iv n\K\i:^s. lanufacliire all kin i-; . u.'-e I tati iny le ithei ■roii; will do »'el! 'o - hi.’l h ive prorni aTii.,iniir --.(■t-i. r,,077 35 '/e fa 1.', Hut', (’oats, I’iint', I>r;iW(T‘^, Leafli- ^ ‘ '1 il t.ad, Ltujts, (from Nj. *1 tj lii “'iv-, Buttons, Cotton f'loth, I'lan- '!■ IV'tutuo-i, lirandy, Huttcr, (tc. itc. \.e. ‘ “ will be received at this office for a proper ;“tii Th.=.'e able and willing to contribute, • I Ire; tne undersigned. Trhnijpurialioa t^i^he 1, if necer^sary, by ihe government. .Vlvl) AKRVjN, Surtf Gen of N ■7.H-lm ■ ^:tO Ri:\VAR9> ri[.,L be paid f',I-each Ot the followiiie iniim. i ,ip. > ' Tters from Company C, 7th Reg't. N. C, Troop-, I'livered to me at Cump. or ,51.'> for each if tleliverc. I •“i -t/ip of Instruction al Raleigh; A. M .McMil- ■ ' !on J. G.'t^ter, \\m. (). Blackman, Levi Wtlch, j likin'’ M. Baas. j memberq .of this Company absent in .N. C, immediately, or they will be treate i jig dc- l). R. MURCHISON, Iwt Lt. CoriiJ’g C'o '■ ; uear Winchester, Va., Nov. 14, IH'l'J. 7'J-t)tp l , . IMaiitation Wanted. luih .rtzel to purchase a good I’LANT.ATION, zoo'J firming land, containing from 200 to 500 ^.'h good improvements. Would like to pur- ' i-.t year’s crop, stock, &c , if terms satisfac- 1 ! ’-e made f:- wanting to sell will please write to me, with ’■ 'n of their lands, price, &o. Location In Cbat- *>nty preferred. nie at Rallingsburg, Rockingham county. A. IJ CHAJ’IN. ' 78 fltpd Alter tliiK (late I will pay Five (Vnts per pound for ra^s d(- uvered in Fayetteviile, or at my mills D. MURPHY. 66- 1.\,M prepared to Ilarne-s for Arm give good b.irtcaiij . ordet" lo me a.- they sent (lit in (juiok di-.i.atch. Goliston r O., ( ha'ham Co,. •iiiTie 1 1 Wau- nd Cl o - iMi 1 ;h* ti'titi .n, .'»! • ’ART! R. :;itf ?>27'J,7t)r) fil t.oinpany b.uve paid all ir.ssi-s jirosuptly, and hftv(? nevrr made an asses>i!ip;it on ilieir premium notes. Tb Total losse'A p'iid >Ft'H’KKS- Gl-:o. McNClLL. !',vsid,-nt I' .V R.\ \ , Viet-pvosident C. A Mc.MILLAN. Si-, 'y I'lRKiTdltH- W \ r,'* Sale of a portioi! of the FayeHeville & Western Plank Road. 1'^H 1'] undersigned having been appointed Commissioner to sell all that part of the Fayelleville .% Western TMank Road, above High Point, will sell at public Auc tion in the town of Salem, on the 1st Tuesday in Jan’y 18t>:5, the Road, Toll Houses, .tc . between High Point and Rethania, upon terms to be made known on the day of sale JKSSE WALKER, Com Nov. >, 18H2. 7G-IS Vail liable Kesil Estate FOR SALK. Henry Lilly. H. L. ^^vr.>ver. S T. Hiiwb'v. Natliaii \ Stedman C. B, Mullett, Kyi«-. • K A NicKeth;u\ J. 1*. WiHiams. •S. W. J’illint'^hnst hn Collii, • and (’ (' \ C^^’The t 'ompauv im \lav 28, i -i; V. M Tiiliiigha-Jt, n In-i I de, \1 'Laurin, Lutterloh, Steel, • ':ok, 1. C,, Sheplieril, Hrown, t , ilail. K'ou. ruTiitiien, Traviling .\genfs ■pMiiiiiiions. ■2\- B't day tl W. virtue fcf two iJwed-* of Trust executed to me by bos J I’urti-). K'ii|., 1 will ofler for sale, on'l’hiirs- S'h liay of l>*^cember 1802, that valuable iitii '^^ide of Hay street, recently occupied by ilry goo'ls store in IVOTICE. I WILL receive a few more able-bodied Recruiti into my Company of Idght Artillery Light Artillery is the best service a man can enter— the guard duty is inconsiderable, the cannoneers ride and have their luggage carried, and there is much more liberty allowed the private soldier than in any other arm of the service. Recruits will recci%'e Bounty and pay Twelve Dollart per month Persons subject lo Conscription may enlist in my company at any time ^'■before enrollment.” Transportation will be furnished when required. Col. John H Cook will give any further information desired, and will receive enlistments J. B, STARR, Capt Starr’s Light Artillery. Kinston, N (J., Nov. 24, 18tj2. 80-7tpd the: \«KTI5 f'AROI.I\A ;irrr\L f\sr!a\cK co^ipaini, V • ^W in the tent ;■ ...1 gr.)ttiiig i-ipit-1' Hiid t'deiice. Colli iriuo'^ r., ii,.; >oii.-: from 1 1 t-v J. 1 ■».!•? vear-. ar -! i\ i V, " 1 i- .V.\ sbi^.- f. bl ; . - one _\ear -'r t -r tivo -.-i' ,r- AU 10 s: t ar.. .aiiii > ; i. «'iii't;i.;iory prooj pr,- For III!‘her ii,:.i' iui i -t:il operation, with :n r hi-i'i ui'on puMic con- :i-- 'iv-" of all healthy per- *• lor oiif year, for seven ■ vj),,r'iig in the prulits. i o*’u -(J ari? injured fOr t'Vii thirds iht-ir value, n.- i witliia d'lvt^ after FLORAL I'OLLElliiE. At a late meeting of the Board of Trustees, it was unanimously resolved that the School at Floral Col lege be resumed the ensuing year, and our late Princi- I»al, the Itev. Daniel .Johnson, having declined to accept the terms proposed, the Trustees wish to employ a Principal to lake charge of the Institution on the follow ing terins, viz: He to employ his own Assistants and pay to the Trustees 12^ per cent, upon the money arising from tuition. A Steward is also wanted, and to a person qnalified for that Department, is offered the Steward’s Hall for the next year, he paying to the Trustees 12i percent, upon hall sell at the .Market House in Fayetteville, on Thurs- j all the money arising from board. The board has been iiay l)ec. llih, 18ij2. at 12 o'clock, .M., One and one i raised to §18 per month. Further information can be foiirih •\''res of L \Nl> in Ounjibellton, north of the j had by applying to Dr, A. D. McLean, Pres t, Gilopolia, CInrendon BriJ/e, having a front, of about ly.'j feet on i N. C. on the N ’ol. .Ino .\ Pemberton, the finest the pbice. Alxo, the LoT on corner of Miitnford and Donaldson slreet", known as the Stable lot—a valuable lot with a large barn and extensive stables at present occupied by Messrs. Barbee. J, ), SHLPHFIU), Trustee. Nov’r lf>. 1SI12. 78tf \)\ VI I) Cum RTUF. of a liecree in the (’oui i of Iv|uiiy for mXierland C'ounty. at November Term, 1802, I pu*' I reierrcd lu Agents of the Comp'Uiy in al' !r. ,he St,ate. and to R H U.IT'!'I>F,. Secieiary, Raleigh. 1' .1. li \ i,K, ,\?fiit ai J;in'y f iyettoville. N. C. % uiini Till' Nt‘w S! PH rnMaupns, Vumu’s1' I !*s ; ;tv. ART. %Vool w :irtr*=i HoJai* 4 aiiirra. ; th’ River, adjoining on the south a ioi sold ky S. W, I Tillinghast, Truste** of .la-. Mus’se, toA. .\. .McKethan. 'Iso, One-third interest in a lot of Land in (oimp- bellt'^n, containing 1 .’i ,\cres, lying on the River, known i hs the “McNeill lot,’’ ai.d jitins the north side of the : i.bove dei^cribed lot, which lots were formerly the pro- i jierty of James Huske and were conveyed by him to S. i W, Tillingha-t in Trust, Oct. 27, 18')7. WaLTKR a. HUSKE, C. M E. Nov. 17. 78-ta Valuable Farming Laud for Sale. '[''HE Hubijriber otl'ers for sale do^l acrcs of L.VND on 1 ih“ K-ist side ut tlie Cape Fear River, Id miles below Fayetteville Tiiere is a gooii house with 7 rooms and all neeo'-'sary out-houses, and there is about lOt.l acres of a-* gooi' swamp land as there is in the State. There is cleared intid for 12ui) bushels of ot!., and about 15 .'icres of Und cut .lown for the next crop. 1 will also sell my stock of Hogs, Cattle, Sheep anJ (>op on the place .V healthy situation. Terms easy. Address me at 'i'erebinih 1’ O., Cumberland county, N. C. W. A. KING. Nov. i;i, 18tj2. 78-Otpd j )MoTu(.n \PHS 1 ;alU-r H .iy ' eiteville. X. C.; pi cob rs. n a- i t ~ typos. Mel.yifotype-. uii i • r>ertain' ig tu liie Vrt. : ing, G .- ■ lor v.iiy ^I'g incl.es. ’■•I I atiii r I T^ien’', ?:i 'k at.d C'n u -i;e eolore 1 ]’i; ! p‘ Il ■v::: : , - ; ,..i;..o,Iy y-n i p;ur naze. 1 w.-u. ror ih'- iiber.vi ja ron tL' the 'Z' 'd 1 ‘ pie 'f i‘ .j-y • ill* Dec'r 2i!. l''">; >lai*Ki»le n he I. i .It \ iiior'deH's Skyligh et. oi'j'i'lio Murlde Vard, Fay r iK.red, in wat»r I ■■ :;'e ii. e .\mbro • 'ityb'* of Picture*? Ki'»:iies. Gilt Mould- i.Mii i.'—as '.iige as 2o by ;!0 f I itloiurfj; Instru- ; I I'.e 1. A- tor c!i-h. Liie t; I !■ Ir'. ; si..all piirtiire-. ! he: 0 I h. pe t 1 merit Tetir-u tny'-in ere thanks L'“ ' -A'd .le Heretofore by yoMoV ;le i v;i iiiiiy. ■ . M. V.'.N •‘:SDELL. I’ii-'t. -r‘ phi-^t a’ld Pro}>rieior. Applicationij for the above places will be received until the 15th December next, when an election will be held. Nov. 20, 1862. 81-115D 1 1 tic •) S'aetory, %%T>ri:K\ R\ii. Ro\i>. ROM and a/ter Monday t!ie 2_ i iii'?.. the Trains on thi- Roa 1 will run daily, b’avins Fiyetievilb* at ' o'''.','k. \ M ; returniDe; o i-e I Iv.-i - Depot •>' 1 •’clocK. P M ( . I!. MALLFTT. Pres i Sept. 20, 1'0'2. ' ?if LOOK A'r THIS! ’ . Tlir, FIVI'TTEVILU; IKITKL, Fronting 3(H) feet and in the burliness portion of the Town, contains iiiort* opacioii** and veiitilatrd Rooiii*i lhaii any. Iloloi ill fli€‘ .Hlat(‘, and my I'atron.- s.iy niy Condiment.^ are v- ry irood lor the tiiL!t‘. T. WAIMMLL, ProprlPtor. May 2'». 1''n2. 27y Fayettevillf Female Hi"h Nohool. •'rilE ex^ 1 the 2'* Hv TWO Di'iiRS \KHl I'ra > V 'v 2 \ . SO. . ^ inn.H: >1. nvAi, STOP.. V. 81- Groeeries: i LARGl A GB'tt Ki.II..^ al Baenii-Sidf- . -Mt N )s. 1 a>id -J, ii : ,\n 1 I'l other ivtcl' .'i^rv F Mbli , a: dl ,’av' 4j^ro€€*ries:2 ..-.ted SUi-k of F.V.MILV 1 h i: I. coi\.;i«'ing of > l^irk, .Mullct.s, .^lacker c, ol al T^il',1 (’ij-:trs, ir-u^-l’y kept in ,i Whole'fale (iro- be re*Uri . I oti >rci*e-: of thi« In.-'tii'i^ >n •th of .s.'t rember The ^chola'tic year will be liivi lel intorwo term-; tbe Nf of 1;'. Wffk'. commencing 2‘'t- "fS..;.!. a'l 1 end ing 2ith D-; the .-'ond of 27 , i-i.iii'iM no og 1st t f .J.in'y and ending .July 1st. ' Par. nt- an 1 ^iiiiirdiain inten ling ' p.'ronize this School are earnestly re'jur:! d to ;'.pp’y for cireuiar contiiinincr full partii''‘!ar- in i -g ir I to ; er m-, vc , l‘jnr> the opening of the Sch>'ol Rev. WM. HuoPE"v, i T C Hi.OpKI!, July 17, 1SH2. '•OX'. KFNDAI.L Wilrnins't'.n. April 2. l^o^ C(i lO-tf \OTiC' K. I ■^ME UNDKHSDiNKlt, lO'U havinc entered :he niili- -^rv service o' • C >nti- lerato ."^taies of \inerica, tiereby give norieo to ui. ir oid cii-'oiner« and trienls, tiiat thev hive i i">;a:ed .John D. St irr and .lohn D. V. illiani . "f thi- ;^la---, lii.or att 'rneys to collect either ^.-yiar i^ely f.r C'.njoi;i'!v all 'iion^'y-; due them either by ai'Couni or no’e, and o’ho' wi^e to atiend to their bii- sinc*--^ generally ibiri" r 'h’ir ah'fiice. They respeci- tiilly a,-k all per-oii'i 1 '.ite 1 to them to call a- prompt ly a!> po'isible on I heir a/ent. ; I make payment. t-p! U*. 1.^' Rit .V WILLIAMS. ob-tf OIL AM) LAMI* HLACiv. TV\NN; us L.VMP 1 Aotice lo l^'oiiiity .Hail \V 1 r.MINi.Tov, N. , N’ov 2 1 I.“'12 aeain at my post at the S'oto Silt Works and rea ly in about i wr.-k to l:-i!ri*.uii- 2'io biKhels (.f salt p‘T ay. an l spon increase ii to :!0U bu'-'hels I' will recpiire I'l'* bn-hels of corn per d;,\ (ui^l 'ioii'i lbs \Iar IJ’I'.illi'ATlNG UL\( K in ii.trrei-*. l or ^ale by J(.H. R I’.Lossom ’0., W;l:nii;gton. N. C. ti-tf f AM ae I will be I ‘lOO ^11111 Arat»if* lor J. Oct. I- •^alr l»v R LEE.* O'.nf of hay. shucks or fodder. 1 call on tin* ; to a''-'';! n;e in procuring the n.-c ssary i'll wtiich the salt caiino’ b'* m • bv !iidi\ “iipplif'l with salt for their >wi: in iheup (iiticTe'- OH fair teriiis so ^ J. M. won rii oin'v .-^gent- I .pl'.es wit li- I i'l will til' for 1 Palma t'ari^ti B‘a>ax. ■'H!-; snb-ierib*-r will i—v ' 'lieh.' t .m ih price« for :ch tny 'piaa itv >f P i’ na I’hri ti I’,- l«s. .1 A. Fave! If WORTH. 07-tf LtyjT, s>iiriis, BLO( Ki:ii & ( O., llatiiilai'fiii*4*rs ol Ha2l. ■I LETT, Agent in Fiviteville W. D. SMlTIk Atr-nt i„ \V iooh.^iou. J. W LKTT, J. M. SMITH, W. 1. sMini, ,i. u,, and .1, H. cAi!\ i n. Nov. 2 4, 1802, Si" wpd C OTTO\ VAR\. \o. Hay Sfrrof. r. p. ,\1 \LLETT. Jan’y *», 1802. .s^. SlUMt *1101 BBI.s sr!i\I! )?bis X o sv'irp. 1.', s(’CI’'’Ki:nong wine. On consignuif-nt an t 1 ii- sale by 101 JOS. Sept. 22. UTLEY. 02-tf HrM|»er and oliiei* rociiiM, THEOPHILUS HUNTER HILL, Esr,„ of Raleigh, Urs' U For sale, price $1, by Jan’y 18. 1H'‘,2 WilEA !'. • )!;n. >ov>- articles Jo sell will receive ciilinn on .Mr. M. Tho.iiason, y."I''ville, or on the subscri- bej at his old stand on M vrke' jinrj*. \LEX. JOHN.^OV. Jr. Nov. •'>. 1802. 75ff ‘>,500 I’erson,^ having th" the iii^lic'-t ^’a.'.'^i at :Iie ^Te^■chan■ Mill-i E. J. H VLE ,v SONS. TO €i.i:rks or c ourts The Stay Law havina; po t;.oned the •i.'ttb'iaent of suits for years, we will not heie..tuT in>,-i r t,trd*>rs of Court v.ilhoul p iym*'i't in ; •■-anec Pie i-.. send .SI along with the Order, and uj jre if it be of nniisu:d Ieii^th. Feby ln02. •! li.M.t' ,Sj '•d)NS ! /%diiiiiii^lralio3a 'T^HE siii scritie.' !i"vin_ in.ilifu'.d as \.li 1, Ihe n,-t!ite f f .SijnJv, de^’ i h^jre to all [lerso'.s a ivui^' •ii.tlf tin 111 '•> V. r-, \i .1, j Mcribcd by 1 vw. i.r ili - n -jvi;] >, lhe;r recoreey.^ \ ; 1! \ k | \i; Aug. 4, lSfi2 ministrafrix on by irives notice s: id Estate to pre^ ■ n th* time pre- > r.ieaded in har of^| Sl'NDY, Adm’x. dS*. t FOR Lot of (otJon and Woolen .Machinery WOOL PICKERS. ;■> ;-I0 inch Wool Cards. 1 dn “ “ Roll C.ard. 1 l!*s Spindle Wool Jack. 1 ('otton Lapprr. 2 Danforth 'ap Frames 13s Spindles each. 1 Throstle Frame 8 4 “ 1 F-ngii'h Drawing Frame with Coilers and Packers. I 12 Strand Speeder, ,vc . \c. Some of the above machinery is now in operation at the Richmond Factory. For particulars adlress J(JHN SHOUTRIDGE. Rockingham, Richmond t'o , N. C. Nov. 12, 18t>2. 77 lOtpd VAI.I ABI.K tor Kale. ~ If>FFER for sale my PL.\NTATION, 2 miles west ol Cartilage, Moore county, containing 250 acres, on which is a Grist and Saw Slill, Cotton Gin and Screw. I will receive in payment State Bond«. Confederate niouey or likely Negroes. JOHN MORISON. V A 1.1 AIIL i: I. A A UM lor 1(,>FFER for Sale my PL.VNTATK)N on McClendon's Creek, 0 miles west of (.’arthage, lying on the basin of the Coal Fields, containing 2100 acres, which is as productive is any lands in the county of Moore. The improvements good and the situation healthy Terms liberal. JOHN MORlSt.lN. .\OTIC’K. 1H VVK ab 'Ut jicres more, in different tracts, in the county of Moore, — Farming Mineral, and Tur pentine land, — which I will sell on liberal terms. JOHN MORISON. Mineral l^aiidH^ lor .Halo. 1H.WE an int'-rest of one-third in a tract of oiiO .Vt RES on tne w iters of Deep River, on which have been di.-covered ■•. salt mine and pure saltpetre, and ai» oil o!' good ipialiiy for greasing leather, well worthy geolopiovl investigation. JOHN .MORISON. Cartilage, Nov. 18 isii2 77-tf ll4'iilai l*racli€c‘ lor Male. I OFFER for al.' privately my Di’ntil Prieiioe in Fay- ettevil'e, N. C. The ollice occupying four rooms on second floor, well furnished, together with several oz, ofGtil.D FOIL, ;oLD PL.VTE .an 1 S( ILDER. large 'Upply of VULC.ANITE and TEEl'H of all kinds .XNo one-third interest in a vineyard lying four miles south o'' Fayetteville, containing seventy-five acres. Those owing me will plase call on .Mr. .Alex. John son, Jr., und settle. .\ddre«s R.’ .sckTT, Greensboro’, N. C. Oct. 27, 18*;2. 78tf AOTiri:. ^I'^HE subscriber will lease for a term of years, or^sell, I the PL.-VNI'ATlON when-on he lives, containing about '.'110 acres of land, of which 200 acres are under fence Ttie improvements are such a« _ar*‘ generally found on a farm, all in tolerahly good order. .Also, if leased, he would include his stock of Negroes, horses, cattle, crop, fartjiing implements, .^'c The terms of lease or sale would be nia'le easy to the lessor or pur chaser, with a Kuaraiily of a taithful performance of the terms Persons desirous of leasing or purchasing may ap]dy to the subscriber at Ballacholisti. near Spring field. Richmond county. N. (V DUNCAN McLAURIN. Nov'r 13, 1802 SU-9tpd AOTK'i: To (he Heirs and f reditom of Matlitw Murphy, i fee fit set/. ^I^HERE has been a petition filed for the settlement of I the accounts of the .subscriber as .Vdministrator of \Iathew Murphy, doc d, and the same has been referred to Wil’i itn Draugbon. (’lerk of the County Court. The “^aid Clerk will proceed, on the 17th day of De- eembcr lsti2. to state the said account, when and where they c^n atten I and be heard, and object to atiy vouch er in said settlement or anv oih(>r grievance can ne heard. JAMES DENNING. Adm’r. Sampson county, Mov. 18, 18*>2. 80-7tpil Aliiiiiii*tralor’!!i [SH.VLIj sell at Auction at the Market House in Fay etteville. on Thurf> lay, Dec. 11th 1802, at 12 o’clock, THE HEAL E'^TATE belonging to the Estate-of Benj. R. Hr.'-ke. dec'd, viz: One tract of L.VND adjoining that on which said Huske lived, containing about 3 acres. Ono vacant LOT in Fayetteville, between Hay street and Maiden Lane, adjoining the residence of the late Herrin Newell. W, N. TILLINGH.AST, Adm’r. Nov 10. "5>tH FOR SAI.K. Kxcellent Draft and Harness Horse. Also, a good medium sized Mule. Apply (o NATH.VN WILLIAMSON, Gray's Creek. P. O. N iv. 20. 79-lmpI The Coach line between the terminus of the Wilmingto;i, Rutherford & Charlotte Rail Road and Wadesborough via Rockintrham, will be resumed after this date D. G. MACRAE. Dec. 1, 1802. 82-4 w ldiiiiiii«tralor% Siale. HALL -ell on THURSDW. Dec. 11, 1802, at auc tion, in front of my store, all the Household Furni ture—comprising Crockery, Glass, Sic., ic., belonging to the estate of Benj'n R Huske. dec’d. Also, 2 shares of Western Rail Road Stock, 1 Engineer’s Leveling In strument, 1 one-horse Wagon Sale to commence at 11 o’clock, A. M W N. TILLINGHAST, Adm’r. Dec^r 1, 1802. 82ts Laiidaniiiii and Iodide ofPotaNh in small quantities. Apply to H. DAY, At Dr Robinson’s office. Dec. 1. 82 6tpd IROA\ The highest cash price paid for OLD CAST IRON at M. A. BAKER’S Brass and Iron Foundry, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov. 2'.*. 82-4wpd Mall Panf« can be had at M. Baker’s Star Foundry in Fay- _ etteville. N. C., now in full operation. All ortiers for Brass or Iron Casting, will receive prompt attention by M. A. BAKER, Fayetteville, N. G. Nov, 29. 82-4wpd .\OTI€E. 4 T THE MAGNOLIA SALOON in Fayetteville, Nos. 12 and 1 1 Green street, I otfer for sale, at whole sale or retail,— f A BBLS. superior old Corn W'hiskey, lU 1 bbl. superior old Rye Whiskey, 1 (]uarier cask fine Scotch Whiskey, .\bout 100 gallons superior French Brandy, 10 bbls. No. 1 .Apple Brandy, 8 do. superior Peach Brandy, 2 do good Cherry Bounce, and a small quantity of superior Port and Madeira Wine. REUBEN JONES. l>ec’r 1, 18*)2. 82tf AOTICE. 4 LI previous .Advertiiiements from this Depot cease to jTV be in forcy from this date. D. P. RAMSEUR, A-sist. Surg and M^d. Puiveyor, C. S. A. Charlotte. N. 0., Nov, 29. S2-8t JOHNSON, WILLIAMS & tC,“" .nAKEK^. W’' E have thirty (oO) pans now in operation nine miles W east of Wilmington Parties wishing to supply themselves with salt, can be furnished by applying to .A. Johnson, Jr., .\gent at Fayetteville, to E Page, manager at the works, or to J. M WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. Fayetteville, Nov. 20, ISt;2. 81tf CORA A AD nit.KS FOR SALE. 1W1LL sell il'H) Bbls. Corn and 8 or 10 likely young Mules either for Ca'^h or on time by the purchaser giving good bond and security. Apply at my place on Rocky River, one and a half miles from St. Lawrence, or d miles from Ore-Hill. Chatham county. J. PACE. Nov. 27. 1802. 81 4wpd EXTRAORDINARY BANK ROBBERY. The subjoined letter, extracted from a late Eng lish paper, relates^the particulars Qf a criminal en terprise of surpassing audacity in its conception and ot success in its execution. The robbery waa committed on the bankin» house of Parodi, the richest bankers in all Italy. The facts are these, and are detailed in a letter from Turin:— The banking-house of Parodi, the richest bank er in Genoa, is not far from the postoffice, in the Viii Nuova, one of the main thoroughfares in the city, und always full ot traffic. On the two days before the robbery, Signor Parodi was repettedly visited by an elegantly dressed stranger, who de sired information respecting a loan, and as to the mode in which a large sum might be remitted from Rome. At “J P. M. on the 1st ot May, Hignor Parodi was engaged, with his son and eight clerks, in receiving payments and deposits, when the same person presented himself again, accompanied by another in travelling costume. Recognizing him at once, Parodi told him he had not been able to procure the required information. “Thankg,” replied the stranger, “but this is not my present business.” At the same time, two other persons, dressed nearly in the same style, came in, whilst another pair appeared at the en trance and tc^ik post there. One of the tirst four then produced a big roll ot silk cord, and all the six drew from their pockets either double-barrel ed pistols or daggers. “Silence!” cried the leader of the gang, “the tir.«t man that stirs or speaks is a dead man, and”—clapping his pistol to the banker’s breast—“we shall begin by killing Signor Parodi; but if no one budges we shall do no harm to any one; we only want the money.” None of the ten dared to move; they were petrified. Then two of the gang, having tiea every man’s hands be hind his back with the silk cord, led him into the adjoining room, and making him sit down on the ground, tied his legs together, the leader mean while keeping his pistol at Signor Parodi’s breast, and another of the gang standing, pi.stol in hand, at the door of the inner room. The ten prison ers being thus bound, each ot them had his mouth stopped with a cravat. But meanwhile other per sons came to the bank on business, and these were attended to by the pair who were posted at the entrance door. The moment they stepped in they were silenced in the same way, led into the inner room, and bound and gagged a.s the others had been before them. Seven were thus served, among whom was a postman, who brought sixty thousand francs in bank notes, which were over looked by the robbers. These primary operations having been accomplished four of the robbers re mained on guard, whilst the other two sacked 700,000 francs in notes, and 100,000 francs in gold. Content with this bounty they kissed the banker’s son on the forehead, telling him to cheer np, but to keep silence for at least ten minutes longer, and away they went quite coolly, in sight of a great ntimber of persons in thp court yard and the street. They separated at once, and dis appeared in various directions. Notice was given by telegraph to all the railway stations, and all the outward bound vessels were examined, but not a trace of the six.thieves could be discovered. A A Fll All. LO r of M()NEY, which the owner can have by des cribing and paying for this advertisement. D, S. .MAULTSBY. Nov. 21. 82-2tpd DESERTED, I^ROM Co B. •'iOth Reg’t N C. T , Camp near Drew- ’ ry’p Bluft', Va.— I’rivates James P. Stone, ‘‘ Chas. Spivey, “ .Alex’r Britt. “ Canada Barnes, “ Frederick Arnett, Lewis Pitman. “ William Leggett, “ Henry L Britt, “ John Tyler, “ (foolbery Barfield, “ Calvin (Jraham, “ Miseal Lovitt, John W. Hayse. The above mentioned deserters were enlisted in Rob eson county — residence Robeson. They can be found lurking about their homes. South of Lumberton. I will pay Thirty Dollars for each above mentioned deserter to any person who will deliver them in jail where I can get them E. C. ATKINSON, Capt. Co. B, 50th. Nov’r 27. 1802. 82-3tpd Rlank VVarrantH for salo tliijj Office. Rlanks of al) kinJs ut fhi.'ii OfHce. S A LT. ^OUND Salt for sale on consignment by Nov. 20,- W. WILLIAMS & CO. 79-tf $.TO REWARD. R.ANAW.AY or was decoyed off from the subscriber, about the middle of .Augu“t last, his negro woman HENRIETT.A. She is about 2o years of age, of small size, very straight and slender, wiighs «bou#100 lbs.. h\s a brisk atep. She his a very dark eomplexicu, » pleaeant countenance, with round bright eyes and tigiitly drawn and compressed lips, and nose slightly turned up a* the end. I will pay 510 for the appre- lien.sion anl delivery of said girl to me if found in the county, or $‘2o if founcl out of tbe county and delivered to me or confined in j^ so that I can get her; and I will also pay $ii for proof sufficient to convict the per son harboring or decoying her off. ^ Rockingham. N^C., Nov. 2-''., 1802. 82 6t Blank yi^arrants for sale here. Discovt-ries in Jerusalem.—An account ot Signor Pierotti’s discoveries in the subterranean topography of .Jerusalem has been published. Employed by the Pasha as an engineer, he has discovered that the modern city of Jerusalem stands on several layers of ruined masonry, the undermost ot which, composed of deeply beveled and enormous stones, he attributes to the age of Solomon, the next to that of Zorobable, the next to that of Herod, the next to that of Justinian, and so on till the times of the Saracens and Crusaders. He has traced a series of conduits and sewers leading from the “doom of the rock,” a mosque standing on the very site of the altar of sacrifice in the Temple, to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, by means of which the priests were enabled to fl’ash the whole temple area with water, and thus to carry oft the blood and offal of the sacrifices of the brook of Kedron. The manner of this ex ploration was very interesting. He got an Arab to walk up through thfese im mense sewers, ringing a bell and blowing a triim- pet, while he himself, by following the sound, was able to trace the exact course they took. About two years ago V accidentally discovered a fountain at the pool of Bethesda, and on his open ing it a copious stream of water immediately began to flow, and, strange to say, has flowed ever since. No one knows from whence it comes or whither it goes. This caused the greatest ex citement among the Jews, who flocked in crowds to drink and bathe themselves in it. Tljey fan cied, it was one of the signs of Messiah’s coming, and portended the speed}’ restoration of their common wealth. This fountain, whici has a peculiar taste like that of milk and water, is identified by Signor Pierotti with th€ tountain which Hezekiah built, and which is described by Josephus. The measurement and position of most of the remains accord exactly with the Jewish historian’s de scriptions. Some of the Signor’s conclusions are disputed, but no one has sticceeded in so disinter ing the relics pf the Holy City. Iron Plated Ships.—The latest experiment in England with iron-clad ships is the shield ship Royal Sovereign, now in progress at Portsmouth. The armor will be five and a half inches thick ness, and will have a backing of two feet eleven inches of timber. Tho armor plating will b^ twelve feet in depth, being four rows of platea laid longitudinally five feet below and seven feet above the wate line. From the upper edge of this plating the slop ing deck extends to the crown ot the towers, with a rise of two feet in twenty feet. The contract for the plating has been taken by Mr. Cheney afr £50 per ton. Mr. Matherson of Vevonport Dockyard, has devised an invention and luachine promising great value and scrvice in the application of iron armor. It has been submitted to the Admiralty, and eli cited U favorable report. This machine, when screwed up to a ship’s bottom or side, takes an exact impress ot the mould for the armor plate, and another machine, also designed by Mr. Mathergon, bends the iron to the mould within the fraction of an inch.—Richmond Whig. A Great Feat.—A young man, named Georgo Miln, a baker in London, ran on the 3Iontrose road one hundred yards, and picked up a hundred stones placed a yard apart, lifting a stone at each run from one end of the line and leturning with it to the starting point. The first fitly were lifted in six minutes, and *the whole distance was ao ' complished in forty-six.