ucAiri 1! SR W f-W RF,K »> T. \oi \n.j FAVKTTKVILLK, N. C., DKCE.VIHER 11, im'2. obert T • jinh? lett, \\ illiam K n> Fn^t. r. Wm h trrv, i r-/vii m. J-'!' L I'ugh. son. '■randi.'HiD Th.^ B Hanly I*, K H Hilton. id};e.' J M iiu >avid W Lewis. I.uciuj J Ciar ght tiori, Kniarg^ »,tt- Notes by mia, ^ F ■ IK i;lNTi r Mt»\nAYS v\l) THURSDAYS KUU IKI) J. lilLi: & SONS. iiliT^'KS \ND PROPRIETORS ,i Somi-NN tvkly Obskrvvh >8 0() if in i ',fi it during tho yoar of r nf^er tho year has oxpirol ’lv ’.>BSV.R\’KK $2 00 per •irinii”!. if p.ii I in 1*0 if paiil during the venr ol snb-'i'rip >r >■’ 0i'ufit>r the yo^ir hiis i-xf>irel. A ’VFKTISKMFVTS in-jorred for f,0 r.^ntc per . . if ir. line? f.>r the fir-', and SO cents for eacli iing puhlic\ti.)n, Venrly .dvprtir>etnen's hy spe- ntrnctc, 41 rtv\.sonnMe r>Ue» Advertisers ire >iod to 'itfttt ilit numbei of insertions desired, or ifv vrill be ronfinne.l tili forbid, :ind cbarg.'d Hceord- u-;r \ ’verii'ieiuent^ to be insorfsd ma' if, charged AO per . sri:»’^ ■ L NOTlt K. r r.;! -lit ^!' ‘r thi»date. nonaniOi>f a new -^ab.^^i i dior , e fnteie l wiihout psytiu-ni in advance, nor will ■ i \per bo .Jni '>> sufh itul'ioribor^ for h longer tune , .-I ’ .1J S,. o! ’» •'* -nlworibers aa de-^ire to take tli« pa ^ "■il* I'lease notil\ us when making ren Jan'y 1, ir.F/. ^lirE,. .TfrA.f 1\ Attorney at Law, F.\yfttevii,ie. N. C '.r . Hitt'i’.d he bounty and Superior t’otirts oT 4l nihf-rland. Harnett. Moore and Robeson Couu- l’r.)mpt v.ienti.tn given to the collection of all . ru'^ted :o hi> hands oS-tf |K0. W. WILLIAMS & CO.. Uiiolealt‘ Dvalt‘r!« in ^iJrocerie**, AM» IMPORTKRS ANU OEALKRS IN harduftre and Cutlery, Sweden Irou, ^r., HAY SWKKT, FVYKTTKVILLK, isol. X. I . o»)tf ’OX. \y. p. KEVDALL. J. S. KENUALl. t'OX, KI^L\DAI.L A: €'0., Com mission illercrliant^ A .N D • WHOLESALE GROCERS, Ho. 11 A 12 Xorth Water St., \Vilinlu?f(in. S. I’. iQ. I. •• from the t'ountry promjitly executed I’-tiriilar attention given to the sale of t’ottsin . : 'T I'r- luo»' ■ r10-tf r. i . X K. U. WtlKTH, IomiuMoii and Fornardiu^ Merchauts, \VlLMIN4iTON. N C. 84tf A C.t K U ill be ninudaied wish b, ird ai HOnPKR. LKTT, S>niHS, BLOCKER (0., >i ^alt. J V- LETT. .V^eui ia Piyneviile W !' SMITH. Ag-'fit in \V i.:: 'ng'"ii '! 'MITII. W i '.Mirn, : 1' K. an i ' B 1 ARVKR .1 i-tjJ xu.t.wpd rOTTO\ V A1I\. Xo. 19 llaj Str(M*t. (.. P MALLETT Kire and Tobaofo on (onsiffnmeul i !\-- iT' tro«^;i b It K ■» -nd . U ..\e-i M ■ • ‘ i r '■.aC''‘', van a 'lualit 'Pt, Ji. r \v .\e-i M inu For >'ile by WTLLIAMS V ( (>. ’ 3ect i '■ e>l. 1 tie absent from honie •\rolii:iaii 'k-Leiii i;. iDi biisine^* until I r i in Fiv Wi;STKK\ K\ll, l?o\i) Offick, j* I'avoJU'N ilk-, Aiitr. ‘2‘) ^ ON' mid after tlie 1-n d;iy of Sept. iho t'ollowii.f; ra't s win bt> eti'.rged on Pa-^'ipnievs. viz: F'otn Fayeitevil’ie lo I-itlle River, .'>0 els. ‘ to Spout Spring. 75 *• to Muck r>rani‘li, 1 Oi.) to .lone.sborci', 1 1(1 Ml Iver'M, 1 TjO Twe.iiy tivo etHii;* additional will be collected by the I ;»ndu.'tor of ea.'h pii-^-jengt r. leaving a Station wiiiioiu 1 tioke A It. w i'iti> Ilf Freight wil’i go into etlect at the s-inie Mnie. V hicli will be primed and furnished to the public ■n a few day-4 fjy order of the Prex t. JNo. M ROSF. Treas’r W R U Cu. -Vug 30, lSi:'2. r.Otf a tew raonth^^ in Diy :uthorized ‘tiirn. 0. JiiSV.i- -??tf .%if«‘r ilatt* B will ly i-;ve I 'eut.- per pi>nnd for rags de- 'evil'e, or at niv mill- I*. MURPHV III w ipplied with ‘■«e articles on fair terms, w] J. M. WOKTH, Silt Com. %VK?«iTi:K.\ KAIL KOAU. i^KON; and alter Mi>« i-iy the 'J1.M inst., tlie Trains on Road will run daily, leaving Fayetteville at '' •\ M.; reiiiriiing leave Mclver's Depot at 1 M (' P. MALLF'IT, Pres’t. 02if t hi.' )' ioi-k I’cl.ieK, 1 Sept. 20. 1S'i2. LOOK AT THIS! Tiiii i;ivi';iTi;iihLK ii(iTr.L, Froiifin" 300 feet and in the business porrioii of the Town, 4M»iilaiii« iiioire «|»ac'ioii« ami u«*ll V4‘iililal(Ml Kooiiin lliaii any Hott‘1 ill tilt- Ntair, unl iiiv ]*at^otl^ say iiiy (’muiiuionts are very i;ooJ M IV J", ist'i'j. ior the times. T. WIUIULL Proprietor. -"y FayedevilU Female High Sohool, 'PH K exerci«es ( t 'lie ‘J'.Hh of S( of ihi^ lii'^tiiution will he resiinied on September The e.'hol isttc ye ir will be divided into two ierni-i; the 1st of Ia wei k>i, commeni-iug J'.'ti? of Sept. and end ing 21ih IV'c.; tlie -^ei'otid of 27 wt-eks, cominenc ng 1st 'f .l in'y :ind enditig .luly 1st P:ireuts and Oiiardiai's intending to patroni?e this .'!chi> ' f iriHwtly rcijut-'^ie 1 to apply for circulars coil'liii-iig full j' lrticularTi in reg ird to tetnis, Sc . hf/ore the ojii'iiing .>f the Schc'ol Rev WM HoOPKR. 1 ,, . , T r HOOPKR. I 1‘rincpals. July 1«. IS^'^J. ’.Ji>d- FA Vi:TTK%'in.E WniAL IXSIRIVCE eOWPAM. Capital in Premium Xiito“ amount.o to 52»'>7.688 -0 Cash on liand ind itlior a.'-^ets, -).077 35 Total, :r272.76n 81 The i’onipany have p.iid all iosse* promptly, and hav« never made an .i'>e-«sment >n their premium notes. Tuial losses paid. f29.t5H2 *'.«» ' >FFii'K,R"*: (n:o M N'Fll.L, Pre-^ident D A. RAV. Vic.-Pii-iideni r A McMILL W, Si-c'y DiHK. T iK W N Tiilinghast, Henry Lilly, H. L Myrovpr, S. T. Hawley. Nathan St el man, B. -\lallett. J iiLie-* Kylt*. A McKethan, J. D. 'Villiam-, \V Tilliuiriiait. hn ’’ill.n-i and C M-i, S .1 Hinsdale, \\ m. .McL.iurin, T. S. Lut:erloh. A W Steel. J. * i. 1 .*ok, H in J . Shepherd, R. F Brown, i A F H-il' M. (’rLrainen. Traveling Agents I'he (' imj any invite applications 2-'. ist;i ■ 21- Wilm'gt 3n \ iihim The New Small, COLORED photo;raphs, \T 1*^ . I ART. ooil w arr«i ^olar Sale of ft portion of the Fayetteville & | \\e«J(eru Plank Roadt und'rsign'»d t.aving he>n 'ippi>inled Commissioner j I to seP all ■)):>.' iiait (if the Fayetteville it Western i Plank Road, abov.- High Point, will sell at public Anc- tiori in the town >f Saip'a, o»i the lut Tue'*day in Jan y lJHl)'-{. the Road. Toll Ht«i‘.es, .,c . between High Point nntl Belhflnia. ^ipon terms ic be ii\do known on the lay of -IFSSE WALKER. Com Nov 0, 18C>J 7b-Is Valuable K«al Kstate /OR SALL virtue of two Dwed.'i'of Trust executed to nie b.y I) Thos. J t’urtis, K^i[ , 1 n'lll otlVr for sale, on Thurs day th*' iStli day of Dncembet 1802, that valuable , MTOKf: no the North sido (>f H iy street, rfeently occupieil by ('ol. ,lno. A Petnberion, ;iie 6ne«l dry goods store in the place. .Also, the LOT on corner of \lumford and Donalds-'u streets, known as the Stable lot—a valuable lot with a . large barn and extet2«ivc “tables at present occupic ! bv Messrs Rarbe-:- i J. O SHEPHFKD. Trustee. Nov r !'>, 1H;2. 7^tf FOK saia:. \ Lot of Cotton and Wooleti >Iaohineryt i,-y WOOL PICKERS. I 8o inch Wool (’ nds. I I 30 - “ Roll (’ ,rd. j 1 I'.tS Spindle Wool Jack. 1 (’oltoii Lappcr. [ ■ 2 Danforth Cap Frames 13s Spinilles each. I 1 Throstle Frame * 8} “ 1 English Drawing Frame with Coilers and Packers. 112 Strand Speeder, ^tc , \c. Some of the above mathiuery is now in operation at : the Richmond Facsiiry Fgr particulars aildress i .lOHN SHOUTRIDGE, Rockingham, Richmond t’o , N. C. I Nov. 12. 18t>2. 77 IH'pd VAI.I ABLfr: tor SnW, [OFFER for sale my PL.WHATION, 2 miles west o) ('artliage. .Moor*- ooynty. containing 2.'SU acres, on which is a Gris' and Saw .Mill, Cotton Gin and Screw. I will rccetve in payment State I?o»»d-», Confederate money or likely Necrroes JOHN Mt^RlSON. VALl AltI.i: I.A\0?«» tor fatale. IOFFiiR for Sale my PL.ANTATIt>N on .McClendon’s Creek, ti mil*n we^t of ' arthage. Ij ing on the basin of the Coul Fie'd« containing 2100 acres, which ii> as pr.iductive as any lands in tho county of Moore. The improvements go^d and the oituation healthy Termi liberal JOHN MORISON IUAV’K ab'iut 5tXH) acres move, in different tracts, in the county of Mo( re. — Farming Mineral, and Tur pentine land,— which I will sell on liberal term* JOHN MORISON .Hinerai l.and« tor !§ale. 1HAVE an inteiesi of one-third in a tract of. 5(H) ■ACRES on the waters of Deep River, on which have been discovered a salt mine and pure saltpetre, and an ' oil of good quality for greasing leather, wall worthy i geological investigation JOHN MORISON Carthage. Nov. 18 lW0-_» 77-tf CORA A AO .TIll.EH FOR «AI.E. 1W1LL pell u'X) Rb!«,. Corn and 8 or 10 likely young Mules • ither for 'a«h or on lime by the purchaser I giving good bond an ! security Apply at my place on ! ; Rocky River, one an! a half miles from St Lawrence, | i.r 3 miles from Ore-Hill. Chatham county. J. PACE. Nw 27, l^'■2 M-4wpd I llt'iital Praclice for ^alt*. IOFFFR t ir lale priviiely my D'-nt.ii Pnctice in Fay- •ttevil’ N I' 1 he ott. ocrupyiikg tour roomon r-eci'ud tlinr ■siei' turnishf i, rogi'fhcr with several oz • if '»?>L>> Fi'IL. l»'*LD P1..ATK‘ind S'tLDKR. .Alu'ge . iipply ot \'UI ' \M !'F an-1 TFKTH of all ki.uls .-Also one •1‘itd i:.,c-es( n a vineyard lying four miles .-juth o' Faye^'^vi :»*, con'ainioe seveniy-tive acres Tooie ov^.ug me w'll f)l tse call on .Mr, Alex. Jjhn- 3jn, Jr , 'inil tlr .Addr.-s R S(':tIT, (iroensboro , N. C. Oct J7 l«‘‘v 73tf IIKADQVAKTKKS ( AMP OF I\STRrrTM>\, \ Camp Hoi^mks, December ]. j IN accordance with instmctions fiom the Secretnry of War the following General Order No. I't'i is fiubli.-t ed The Enrolling officers of >his State will pay partieu lar attention to the ‘•ame, atid report to these Head>iu:ir lers till officers nnd enliwled men who do n'f con'iil. promptly with said order. »y ordef'of Col PETER MALLETT. t'ommaniing Camp of Insiructi'in E. N Mann. Adjutant. JOHN H. COOK, Auctioneer. j Mary’s Tarden Property at Auction# j ON Thursilaj' the 18th inst., at the Market House in j the town of Fayetteville, I shall sell at Auction, my j PER ennt fire places, and all the necessary out-buildings for the ; 'V'l- i.* - i l„, of young Fruit j use! little or no salt, yet tney pieservedmefitaiK. lh‘ A AdJ’t and Inspector (ieneral’s Office, ( | per.' Richmond, Nov’r 27, 1802 j I [Gkner\l Orders, No. ] ! Coinmandant.H of conscripts will cau-^e the following | onler lo he publi.shed for at least seven tiinws in a suffi- ^ oient number of newspapers in each State of thi* Con federaoy to en-^ure its reaching every part of the country: I \11 commissioned officers and enlisted men who an now absent from their commanifa from any other causes than actual ilisability, or iluty under orders from the ISec’y of War, or from their depirtment commanders, will return lo their coinr.ands without delay. II Commissioned officers failing to co>’:ply with the provisions of (he foregi-irg paragraph within n reason able length of time, in no case to exce'd twenty d iyj: after the publication of this order, shall be dropped fro or. the rolls of the army in disgrace, and their names will be furnished to the commandanl of conscripts for en listment in the ranks. III All enlisted men who shall fail to comply witli the provisions of paragraph I. of this order, within a n-asonable length of time, shall be considered as desert ers, and treate-1 accordingly, their names to be furnished to the commandr.nt of conscripts, in their State, for publi cation, or such other action as may be deemed most efficacious IY- In oriJer to ensiir.* the efficient co-operation of ill concerned to carry this order into immediate efiect, De partnient Commanders are direct-ed to require from the commanding officer of each separate c luinand in their Departments a prompt rei'ort of the names of all com missioned officers and enlistel men now absent from their commands. The*^e report-; mu'Jt state in each case the cause of absence, and any regimental, battalion or company commander who shall neglect to furnish such a report, or who shall knowingly be guilty of concealing any.case of unailthorized absence, shail, on conviction thereof, be summaril}’ di«mi.-ised. V I’nder the provi-»ions of 2d clause of paragraph 1. of General Orders No. *♦*2, rommissioned officers an'l privates who are incapable of bi-aring arms in cons -- ijuence of wounds received in battle, t'ti^ who are other wise fit for service, are required, if n->! otherwir^e assign ed, to report to the ne ire'it commandant of conscripts in their respective States, who will, if they are titled tor such duty, assign them to the collection of stragglers and the entorcemen! of the provisions of ibis order, with full power to call upon the nearest military au thority for such assistance as may be neces-^ary thereto. VI. Officers of the (Quartermaster's Department, charg ed with payment troops, are hereby directed not le pay any commissioned officer, non-commissioned offict*r or private who does not furnish satisfactory evidence that he is not liable to the penalties de.^cribed in the fore going order. Any disbursing officer who Khali make payment in violation of this order shall be liable on his bond for the amount of such payment. By order; Signed! S. t’OOpKR. Ad jt and Inspector General. Deo. 2. *.;-7t From the Savannah Republican. PllAC riCAl. HINTS FOR JIARl) TIMES “What mau has done, man may do. No IV —FOOD. I. l*rrscrviiij Meaf Without iiult.—e iieeJ M.\R^ S G.ARDKN PROPERTY There is 68 acres of . ,^g ^ relisl^ to our lood, but it is not essential Land a Dwelling House cnt lining six rooms, all with ^ preservation of our meats. The Indians firo places, anu nil the necessary nuf-hmldiocs for the ' . . r. Accommodation of a family. A tine . ^ , Trees anil choice Grape Vines are on the premises. It | evcH tish ill abundance by drying. ibis can be vill afford me pleasure to show the property to any ; accoiuplished by fire, by siu^ke or by sunshine; er.son-^ desirou-i of purchasing | most rapid and reliable mode is by all of j these agents conit)ined. lo do this select a spot having fullest command of sunshine. Erect there iHt;2. GEORGF W. LAW'RENCE. 83-ts Hoidnc and Lot at Auction. \1^1LL ' e sold at .\\ictif-n. on the 18th of thi-^ month, VV a vi-ry comfortable DWELLING HOlJSE, near the .Arsena'. containing four rooms all lathed and plastered There is a very good Kitchen on the lot and a Spring very convenient ^ ' ' ' i-i.' F. Moore Dec’r 4, 18ti2. JNO. H. COOK, .Vuct’r. S3ts a wigwam five or six feet high, with an oYien top, in size proportioned to the,quantity of meat to be cured, and protected from the winds so that all ^ the smoke must pass through the open top. J he For further particulars api'ly to E ! meat cut into pieces suitable for drying (the thin- ' nor the better) is to be suspended on rods in the • open comb, and a vigorous smoke made of halt decayed wood, is to be kept up without cessation Expo.sed thus to the combinad influence pi •‘^un- shine, heat and smoke, meat cjit into slices not over an inch thick can be thoroughly cured in i twenty-four hours. For thicker pieces there mubt be, ot course, a longer time, and the curing ot j oily meat, such a.a pore, is more difficult than that ol beel, venison or mutton. To cure meat in the sun, hang it on the south side of your house, as near to the wall as possible without touching. Savages cure fish by pounding it fine, and ex posing it to the bright sun. 2. Pemmican is dried meat, pounded fine and packed in its own grease. Mr. Hallantyne, who was in the service of the Hudson Bay Company, gives the iollowing account of the preparation ol dried meat and pemmican: “Having shot a buf falo, the hunters cut lumps of his fleBh and slit ting it up into fiakes or layers, hang it up in the sun or before a slow tire to dry and thf^ fut cun b> dried as icelt as the lean. In this state it is often made into packs and sent about the country to be consumed as tiried meat. Rut when j.wnnmcan is wanted it has to go through another process: the meat, when dry, is pounded until it is broken into small pieces; these are put into a bag made of the buffalo’s own hide, with the hair on the outside, and well mixed with melted grease; the top ot the bag is then sewed up and the pem.iiican allowed to cool. In this stat« it may be eaten unt^oked;l)ut the men who subsist on it wiien travelling mix it with a little flour and water and I boil it, in which state it is known by the elegant I name of ruhhihoo. Pemmican is good, wholesome j food, and will keep /'resh for a great lenijth oj I timt.” Galtoh, in his “Art of Travel,”, says: ^ . 1 , 1 w 11 . ii r “The best pemmican is made by mixing five parts en, ^rnoKe ho.i«»e an t ffoo«i Well of wnter. Aliso, foui i . , • i r . i? Town Lets with good Siables ihereon and very conve- ! pounded dry meat With four parte o m ^e An F\c(‘llc‘iit t'ooL, %%^'i^li4‘r and Iroiior at Auction. ON Tiiurs l.HV the ISih iust., at ihe Market House in the ttiwn .if Fayi'itcvilie. I shall sell at .Vujtion. NEGRt) WOM AN in 'he prim» of life, clear of any in- ■ciimbranfe and a tirst rate t'OOK, W.ASHER, lllONER and WE.VVER, Persons desiring further informativu can have it on applicition to JOHN 11. COOK. AucCr. Dec. 3, 18fI2 AOTH E. T Decen^ber Term, .A. D. Ib*i2, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of rumberland Conniy, the last will and testament of John 1). Starr was admitted to probate, and letters of .-Vdmini.airafion w“re granted to the undersigned. Pfr-tns indebted to the deceased must make payment to us. Those h iviMg claims lo be paid iii!is! present theni in due *ime. • : liiis notice will be pleaded in bar of a recovery. M \RV M. STAUR. Executrix. ALE.\. JOHNSON. Jr., Ex r, - Doc. 2. 1^ -2 83 4t A T December AOTIC K. Term l^fi2 ‘1' T imberland County of the estate of'the late Mrs H inuah Ball Persons in debted to Ihe deceased mii.-t ni:ike payment *ome; ihoFe having claims to be s-.'ttlcl pres.'nt them indue time, or this notice will l i pU- i led in bar of a recovery. FI HTHKK NOTK'F ON Wednesday, the 24th of December, ,A D. 1802, 1 will sell at the M i: . t House, on a credit of six months, all the HOUSEHOLD and KlTt'HKN FURNI TURE—the properly of the iate Mrs. Hannah Rail. P RL'I'KaRT. .Administrator. Dec. 1. ^ 83-ts .AOTIt’K. 1)HRSONS wi.-hing to buy TOWN PROPERTY will do Wfll to. call on the subscriber. I will sell on reason able terms my House and Lot. having aNo a good Kitch- To the Citizens of Moore Coiintv. lyEap M ry, 1 ('aiiicra. FOK .^ALi: Etcellf’nt l>rafi and H tnr-ss Horse .\lso, a good meliucL- sj/e-l .\lule. .\pplv to NATHAN WILLl.VMSON, Gray s Creek, P. (>. 7^-1 mjHi N.iv 2.t. pHi'ToGH XPH'i a'l be I C.all rj. Hay stre--t. ■■ p”evil’e, N. C : {'I nn, '•> cdori, oil and pa-tile. fro had at Vanor>deli ' Skyligh pp.i-ii,- M.arble Yard, Fay- V7ater S mbro- iehe-1. coiorei*. 'HIM 11 ro life size. Olfir«* of twfii. ot i\ i .N VKMRKR I'-', I'^Oi: 1 are required for our sirk an i ! -3 iM-rS; > . Hat', Cuats, I’ants, 1 >rawers, Eeatll- i lir id, Lasts, (iroiii N" •> to I'J “'U -V . Muttijn-i. r'(jttoi) i'loth, F!an- l'otutics, Branfly. Hutter, Kj;. . itc, \.c. ^c. - I w I; be rect'ived at this office for,a priiper 't 'hi ::. Thi'se able and frilling to contribute, >e tidrew^ ibe undersigned Transportaiion ■ Til if ripcp“sirv, by the g iverntnent K -WAKD W .ARRE,''*', Slug Gen of N (’ 78-1 m to Foiinty .^alt A^i'iit«». WiLMi.N'iiToN, -V, (■ , Nov 2t, 18tj2 I' wi ,! my post at the State ■''alt Works and ’ ‘' 1 •■a iy in ab^.ut a week to distribute 2MI bushel- ■ ay. an 1 soon increase it to 3ljO bu«hels It re hu.hels if corn per dny and 2)00 lbs. ' s,. 4huck^ nr fo 1 ier I call on the oounty .Ag-'iitu me in procuring the nece«“ary supplies with- ch the -all c-nnol b^ nmd.. luaN will be ‘lit for their own uh*' ic) exchange tor types. Melaneotypes, tnd I'.l o.ner yles of Picture"* pertain’ g to the \rt. A! i, ti 't Frames, Gilt .^Iollld- ing, • f for very latge {lictnre'^—as large as 2*i by 3tj ini'liei. ’iiril an(i Tas-f Is f-ir hanging pictures; lustru- nieiiti. Stock :itid i'hemical-i for s ;le low for cash. Life size colored Photograjihs made from small pictiiies. Having permanently loc.aied )iero 1 hope lo merit your [latrotmze. I would also return my-incere tliJMiks ffir the libt-ral jiatronage be''tow-.,-d on me heretofore tiy the good people of Fayetteville atul vicinity. C. M. VANoRSDELL. 1‘hoiographisi and Proprietor. Dec’r 20. 77- AOTIt'K To ■h; //'•iin jnd * redi'ora uf Mdthrf' Murf>hi/, ./» rtaX’ d. ^pHERE hi- b.-en a petition tiled tor ihe settlement of I the ac( 1 ints of the subscriber a.- .Administrator of Mathew .Murphy, dec I, and ibe same has been referred to William Dr iu-’h >ii, t'lerk oi' the bounty (’oitrt The said t'lerk w.ll proceed, on the 17th day of De cember 18G2. to SI a e the said accoun:, when and where they ean attend an : be heard, and object to any vouch- «r in said -tettlemeL; or any other grievance c*n oe ■' eard .I.AMES DEN.S'ING, .Adm'r. Sampson county, Nov • 8, I8ii2, 80-7tpd peal to j’ou in behalf of Co, I, 2 I N. (.’aval- ry, now stationed near Fredericksburg, Va., where they are required to be on active duly day and nighi, wel or dry or co’d. To face the chilling blasts of win ter this Company is entirely destitute "f overcoats, and some without shoes, and others soon will be in the 'ame condition. Blankets and «ocks are equally as r-uch needed; th« State, from which these necessities were expected to have been supplied, canu >i furnish them. .\n 1 now at this late d.iy we appeal t " the imms-diate friends of the«e soldiers—fathers, mothers, aisters and wives—each one to see that their sons. br-i:hers ani Inisb'inds are shielded from the blasts of winter. wiilio,^t which they are boun i to suffer. Their necessit.es rui't V e met if possible, and it should be done immediatelv. It is demanded by your country atid humanity. .1 L rrVan, (’apt. !o. I, 2d N. C. Cavalry. P. S. .\riicles deposited with .A. H. McNeill or H. C. McLean, Carthage, and N. R Dryan, Jonesboro', wiih 'he name of the - d-iier fur w'lom iuten.ie l, attached, will (Tfrtainly be delivered, as they will be carrii-d through by Nich )lson in person .J L R. Dec. 3. 18t(2, To flic t'ili:rcn« »l tliiiiihcrland .'iikI aIJoiiiii»i;. t'oiiiific^: IH,\VE been advertised as a deserter from Co, H, oOih Reg't. and I take this nifihod of informing those who have seen the a ivertiscment that ii is laise I volunteerel in ,\iigust 18i;i for 12 moati-.s. and in .lune last 1 was wounded in 'he bafle -it tJ liii- ' Mill, m-l received an 'inlimited *urlough owing to the time I volunteered for being so near out. and my wound not being healed by that time, 1 h-ive not returned and I Hill free from the service until ihe b> year old Conscrijiis are taken in, if I do not volun'c-T before that limp, Decs HI 2tpd ALFRED R[,A(’K, nient. and one other small Lot, ,\lso. 32 acres of Land joining the town of ('arthage, convenient for wood. A. M. RRANSON. ('‘irih.-ige. D>c 2, 1'''’2. S3tf ni I.FH %% AATFO. ^piIE undr’--igiied wishes tojiurchase TEN Good Mules. I .Ajiplication to be m-ide at the Commissary Depart- niwnt. TH*S. D. H>GiI, Capi. iS: C. S. Raleigh. N. C.. N ,v. 22. "^I tJl OKIVFK^ U AATFO. RIVER:# for STATE TEAM.-^ WANTED to orn a! T'irb;,ro', N. i'., for this D-.-partineiit. ipl. Com Depiyrtment boiled grease, and put into a skin bag or tin can whilst warm and soft. The jreuse ought not to be very irarm when poured on the dry meat.” 8. Frtah Meat may be kept sweet for double the usual time by wrapping it in corn meal, re moved and renewed as often as it becomes wet or THOS. D HOG }, ( Rab’igh, N C Mec. 1. 8I-tJl tIROAA \t i: «I:P \ RT?I F AT, » ilAl.KliiU. .\. C. I>ee. 4, l^tili. j I E.VD W.VNTED —I wisn to purch .se LE.AD for this Ijt Department Person- having largf- or small quan- ti'ies will pleas.- applj- to me THOS. U. HoJG. Capt. & C S. 8 It.II] In charge of Ordnance. ffVi.vTun. j >V a joun:. Lady, a situation in a school, family, or I) in the Preparatory departnien! "f a College; the lat- I [referred, to teach :he u.-sual English Rranrhcs; has an experience of two years. Refers as to atiility. &c., le !?ev >-*, M, Frost, President Wavne Female College. Vpplicanis'will please address Box 78. Renneitsvillc, D-c, 's, S-t-:’.tpd SALT PANS FOR SALE, - nuILFIt IlillN i-.VNS. e) Eagle Works, Fiyettevi’ Dec ^ at the irge size, for sa N C., by D. ANDERSON. 8t If NOTICE. Marlile Factory, B VI' THE ,M.AGN)L!.A S.ALOoN in Fayel'eville. 12 aifJ 1 I Green street. 10 LAIH>F.S?. STORK Twenty-five Oollai> Reward. I) .NAW.-\^ from the ^suViscriber, his negro boy M(>- 11 SES. He is 21 years of age, about 5 feet 10 inches 1, r bust, long feet and-very mnch turned out at the ind 1, iks down when spoken to. He w.as seen at i'iT Mills in Robeson county on the 21st ult. ^ wa‘ in Fayetteville about three weeks ago. The • -ewanl will be paid ftjr bis delivery, (o me or for i : iniinemen! in ^ny jail so that 1 get him. W, D, JOHNSON. 1' .,n.ti8vi41«. -S. (\, .Aug. 14, 1802. 52tf ! NI ?SAI.T. > 'alt fir sale on consignment by G. W. WILLIAMS & CO. 79 tf AR1I1 HAR^^EMINi. 1'^ j.ared to maniifactur^all kinis of Wagon *'■' for Army use. 1 lan my leather find can 11 b irga.ns .Agents wilt do well to send their ) V(| [lllliRS ABOVK C. T. Illlini & SUNS FaycftcviMc, t\ IjiTi'v ^tiO 84- ]\OTICE. ^pHE UNDEli.'^ltiNED. both having entered the inili- 1 tary service ot the I'onfi-birate States of .America, hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, that they have appointeil Jolni D. Starr an'l John D. ; Williams, of this place, their atiorneys to collect either separately or conjointly all moneys due them either by ■ account or note, and otherwise lo attend to their bu siness generally 'luring thein absence. They.re«pect- fully ask afl persons indebteii to them to call as prompt ly as possible on their agent- • n ' make payment. ! ' 3 AaU & WILLIA.M.S. I Sept. 19, 18G1. .58-tf OIL AND LAMP BLACK. T BANNERS' and LUBRICATING OIL. LAMP BL.ACK in barrels. JOS. R. M.arch 7. For sale by BLOSSOM & CO., Wilmington, N. C. G-tf Palma C'iiri!«ti Beanii. • ni»- as they ihall have prompt attention, and , rilflE subscriber will pay the highest cash prices for ill 'piiok dispatch. .JOHN CARTER. ■ L any quantity of Palma Chri.sti Ijeans. Chatham Co.. N. C.. \ I ' J. A. WORTH. J I Fayetteville, Oct. 8. 07-tf N. C., June 13, 18&2. • os. I offer lor sale, at whole- (‘‘lU or ret.ail,— BBLS, superior old Corn W'hi-key, 1 bbl, sup-*rior old Rye Whiskey. 1 '(Uarter ask fine Scotch Whiskey, About DMJ gallons superior French Brandy, 10 bbls. No 1 -Vpple Brandy, 3 do superior Peach Bramly, 2 do good (’herry Bounce, and a small quantity of superior Port and .Maileira Wine. REUBEN JONES. Dec’r 1, 18f.2. 82tf l>audaniiiii and Iodideot'PofaNli in small quantities. Apply to H. DAY, At Dr. Robinson’s office, Dec. 1. 82 fitpd tll.D IROA. rpHE highest cash price paid for OLD C.AST IRON at 1 M. A. BAKER’S Brass and Iron F>.,iindry, Fayetteville# N. C. Nov. 29. 82-4v?pd Malt Pan« ean he liad at M, A. Baker’s Star Foundry in Fay- _ etteville, N. C , now in full operation. All orders for Brass or Iron Casting, will receive prompt attention by ,M A. B.AKEH, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov, 29. 82-4wpd WAATEO. O ""AA liCSHHLS WHEAT. /WjOUU 1,500 “ CORN. Persons having the above articles lo sell will receive the highest Cai^h price by calling on .Mr. M. Thoioason, at Ihe Merchant Mills. Fayetteville, or on the subscri ber at his old stand on M.irki-I Squ.are. ALEX, JOHNSON, .Tr. Nov. 5. 18(i2. 75,f Adniiiii«(tratloii Aotice. The subscriber having qualified as Administratrix on the Estate of Ta.s Sundy, dec’d. hereby gives notice to all persons having claims against said Estate to pre sent them to Wm. McL. McKay within the time pre scribed by law, or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of their recovery. C.VTHARINE SUNDY, Adm’x Aug. 4. 1802. 49- t Blank Warrants for sale here. AOTIFF. I WILL receive a few more able-bodied Recruits into my Company of Light .Artillery Light .Artillery is the best service a m;«n can enter— the guard duty is inonsiderable. the cannoneers ride and have their luggage carried, and there is much more liberty allowed the private soldier than in any other arm of the service. Recruits will receive Bounty and pay Twelve Dollar* per month Persons subject to Conscription may enlist in my company at any time '^before enrollmeiii.” Transportation will be furnished when required. Col. John H (’ook will give anj’further information desired, and will receive enlistments J B, ST ARR, Capt Starr's Light ,Artillery. Kinston, N. C., Nov. 24, lHt)2, 80-7tpd FLORAL 4 0LLFC;F. i T a lato meeting of the Board of Trustees, it was j ^^r’y a litre as practicable. ]\ unanimously resolved that the School at Flora! Col lege be resumed Ihe ensuing year, and our late Princi- ! pal, the Rev Daniel Johnson, having declined to accept the terras proposed, the Trustees wish to employ a i Principal to take charge of the Institution on the follow- | ing terms, viz: He to employ his own Assistants and pay to the Tmstees 12J per cent, upon the money arising from tuition, ,A Steward is also wanted, and fo a person qualified for that Department, is offered the Steward’s Hall for the next ye ir. he p.aying to the Trustees 12^ jier cent up'n all the money arising from board. The board has been raised to ?18 per month. Further information can be had bv applying to Dr. .A D. McLeac, Pres'f, Gilopolis, N. C.' .Applicatioi5« fnr the above places will be received until the 15th D«'cember m-xt, when an election will be held. Nov, 20, 18(V2, 8MI5D The Coach line between the terminus of the Wilmington, Rutherford & Charlotte Rail Road and Wadesbornugh via Rockingham, will be resumed after this dale D, G, MACRAE. Dcc. 1, 18G2. 82-4 w SlJtiAR A.ITD j?IOLASSES. BBLS. SUGAR. 4:U 1-i ‘ibis. N 0 SYRUP. 15 “ SCUPPERNONG WINE. On consignment and for sale bv JOS. UTLEY. Sept. 22. , 62-tf . lightly drawn and compressed lips._^ turned up at the end. I will pay - . hension and delivery of said girl to me i oun in e county, or $25 if found out of the county and delivered to me or confined in jail so that I can will also pay $5 ) for proof sufficient to convict the per son harboring or decoying her o^. ^ jj(jtOjj. Rockingham, N. C., Nov. 25, 1862. sour, 4, Wlkeat Flour.—“The finest of. the wheat’ i.s not always the best; the whiter the flour the le.s.** the nourishment. In pure white flour, the haul heart of the wheat (answering to the eye ol a kernel of corn, and known a.s the hwcetcj't and most nourishing part of the grain) is all sifted out. This rejocted part is ail cuntained in th^ cream colored “seconds” ov “shorts,” which arc usually sold at flour mills at half price. .i. Whtnt jhan.—It is stated by those who profess to know, as an important cliemical and gastronomical fact, that there is more nourishment ill one pound of wheat bran than there is in two pouiids of white flour. t>. (Jruhum Bread, or bread made from un bolted wheat, is coarse and rather unpalatable, but it is far more nutritious than bread made. I'rom more costly flour, besides which, it will ^o nearly twice as far in housekeeping, and prove ten times more wholesome. 7 Matured Bread.—When a wheaten loaf is all'wcd to stand and cool for some hours after be ing taken from the oven, it undergoes certain chemical changes which better prepare it for the digestive organs, and which make a less amount of the bread sufficient for the demands of the system. The difference in ecoHomy between the hot loaf and the cold is such that, in times of scarcity in the old countries, laws are sometimj'- passed forbidding the u.se^of bread Ader a day old. 8. Leavened Bread, when baked at the proper time, is more nutritious and more economical than the unleavened, because the sugary and glutinous parts are more fully developed. There are three stages of fermentation. Baked in tlie tirst of these bread will be light and sweet; baked in the second, it will be light and tri- .'■ipiil; and in the third, it will be light and sour. It is only when baked in the tirst of these stages that leavened bread is either economical or wholesome. 0. I'iee Flour ani Bread.—Rice consists al most wholly of starch. It is this which makes the fine bolfed flour of rice so clammy and adhc- , tive when wot, that it is difficult to be converted into palatable bread. This tendency to clamminess The bridge^ will be repaired in is best corrected by intermixing with it something which .shall tend to keep the glutinous particles apart. Eijual parts of bolted rice flour, corn meal and the pulp of* the sweet potatoe, with a slight admixture of wheat flour, lightened with leaven, and made into a very soft dough, gives a pan {jwt loaf) of delightful bread. , A much more manageable form of rice flour, than the bolted, can be produced by pounding in an ordinary mortar. The rice grain must be .soft ened by water, then partially dried, and then pulver ized. The* coarseness of the flour i.s a partial pre ventive of clamminess 10. Corn Shat and Bread.—Any field negro in the South can make better corn bread than can be" found in Northern hotels. The simpler the process the better the bread, lh(i only art practiced by the negro is in mixing well, and in allowing his dough to stand half an hour before bakino-Mt is then in the incipient stage of the nccharine fernieutation. Corn dough, allowed ti) atanJ over night, will rise without yeast. (’orn, when ground into meal, is apt to become musty or acid after a few weeks. This renders it unfit for army use, or even for storage at home. AVhoever will take the trouble tojdry it, will find it no more difficult to keep than the flour of any other of the cereals. What a treat the kiln dried meal would be to our boys in the armyl Will not some one starts kiln for their supply? _ . « 11. Grinding.—No doubt many a poor family has been straitened for want of acces# to the mill. 82-6t Let such remember (if the iniurmatioa can reach .s'lwn: HVVING been authorized by the Governor of the Siate to raise a..oompany of Cavalry for the defence of North (’arolina, I bc-reliv give notice to all men be tween the ages of D> an I -'>0 tliat they have opportunity of ioining t his cmnpany for home defence or of going as conscripts into the Confederate .'irmy The State bounty of ^'lO will be paid to all who en list in this comiiany. -Apjily in {lerson or address Col. 'obn H. Cook at Fayeneville, or myself at I’lei.sant Exchange P. O., Bladen county, N. C. T. M. SIKES. Dec 18;2 ^pJ To tlie Piihlic. '■[■'HE subscriber having purchased at Execution sale 1 the franchise of the corporation knoivn as the Fay etteville and Albemarle Plank Rbid Company, herebj- gives notice that no tolls will be charged on the road between Little Mountain Creek and Drowning Creek until the bridges are repaired—nor between Big Rock- fish and Puppy Creek ■cticable, S. II. CHRISTIAN. 83-31 pl I>ec. 1, 1802. feT^Tlie Fanners’ and Planters’ .Almanac for 18t)3. just received. Dec. 1, 1862, K J- »-^LE & SONS. “ JOllNSOX, WILIJ.lMiS &~CO.r SAt.T .TIAKFRJii. \\’’E have thirty (30) pans no^ in operation nine miles \V east of Wilmington Parties wishing lo supply themselves with salt, can be furnished by applying to A. Johnson. Jr . .Agent at Fayetieville, to E Page, manager at the works, or to « J. M. WILLIAM;S, General Superintendent. Fayetteville, Nov. 20, 1802 81tf 'SOO Ihn, Ciiiini Arabic tor «a!e by J. R LEE. OcL 15. C9tf $•>0 REWARD 1> ANA WAY \ about the middle of .August last, his negro woman ).\NAW.AY or was decoyed off from l.he subscriber, - - „ , - HENRlfft'T.A. She is about 25 years of age. of small size, very straight and slender, w.igbs about-KW !bs-- b is a brisk step. She has a very dark coinple^j®*’’. ^ pleasant countenance, with round bright eyes an w: and DOse slightly «10 for the appro-