SEMI.WEEK L, Y. VOL. Xll.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. DECEMBER 15, 1862. [NO. 1186.] printed MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. EOWAKD J. hale & SONS. K1ITORS AND PROPRIETORS. F,-i«c Senii-Wcekly Obsbrver $8 00 if ftdT»n*;e; $3 60 if paid during the year of subscrip tion: or $ t after the year has expired, fjr the 'Net’^ly Obskkver $2 00 per ;ianuin, if p^i'^ advance: $2 60 if paid during the year of subscrip tion: or jS 00 after th® year bus expired. ADVERTISEMEN'TS inserted for flO cent* per , uve of i6 lines for the first, and 30 cents for eaoh : ,aoc«6.ling publication. Ycaily advertisenionts by spe- ;"s, oontracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are ; ^jqiiested to state the number of insertions desired, or : contiaue i till forbid, and charged accord- VdvertiieiuentB to be inserted msidt, charged 50 per t«n'i ’ SPECIAL NOTICE. From &nd of & new subscriber be without payment Ln advance, nor will He lubscriber* for a longer t.ime itiau i» .■it'ch of ;ur .J subscribers as desire to lake the pa* itiis jviieiij will pleuse uoiify when uitiking ' Jan’y 1. Its6d II*.tf. .ficM., .ffrikVf 1\ Attorney at Law, Favetteville, N r ILL attend the County and Superior Courts uf Wkstkrn Kaii. iIoAi) Office Fayetteville. Aug. *21) 1862,, •! ON and :if»er the 1st day of Sept. the folldwing rates will he charged on Passengers, viz: From Fayetteville to Little River, 50 eta. ‘ to Spout Spring, 76 “ *• to Rock Brauch, 1 00 to Jonesboro’, 1 25 “ to Mclver’p, 1 50 Twenty-five cents additinual will be oollected by the Conductor of each passenger, leaviua; a Station without a ticket A new rrtte of Freight will go into effect at the same time, which will be printed and furnished to the publio in a few days By order of the Pres’t. JNO. M. ROSE. Treas'r W. R. R Co. Aug. 30, 18t)2. ' 66tf U E^TEK.H RAIL ROAifl^. ~ From and after Monday the 22d inst., the Trains on this Koail will run daily, leaving Fayetteville at 8 o’clock. M.; returning leave Mclvcr’s Depot at 1 o’clocK, P M C. B MALLETT, Pres’t Jitpt. 20, 18o2 62tf j Sale of a portion of the FayetteFllle & Western Plank Roadi The undersigned having been appointed CorainiBsioner to sell all that part of the Fayetteville i Western ! Plank Road, above High Point, will sell at puhlio Auc- 1 tion in the town of SaIpot, on the 1st Tuesday in Jan’y ■ 1863, the Road. Toll Houses, kc , between Hi^h Pointand ' Bethania, upon terms to l^e made known on the day of ! JESSE WALKER, Com. Nov. 6, 1862. 76-t8 B Valuable Real Estate FOR SALE. Y virtue of two l>jeds of Trust executed to me by Thos. J (’urtis. Es(i., I will otter for sale, on Thurs day the 18th day of December 1862, that valuable ST€>RE EfOU^E on the North side of Hay street, recently occupied by Col. Jno Pemberton, the finest dry goods store in the plaoe. Also, the LOT on oorner of MumforJ and Donaldson streets, known as the Stable lot—a valuable lot with a large barn and extensive stables at present occupied by Messrp. Barbee J. O. SHEPHEKD, Trustee. Nov'r 15, 18C2. 78tf HEADQUARTERS CAMP OF INSTKlCTIO\,) Camp Holmes, December 1, 1802 j IN accordance with instructions from the Secretary of War the following General Order No. 90 is published The Enrolling Officers of this State will pay particu lar attention (o the s.iaie, and report to these Headqtiar- ters all officers and enlisted men who do not comply promptly with said order. By order of Col. PETER MALLETT, Commanding Camp of Instruction E. N. Mann, Adjutant. ’umberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun- Prompt attention gives t« th« collection of all entrusted to his bands. .Cl 17, 185y 58-tf (iEO. W. W1LLI.\.MS & CO., Hbolenalr Dealers in Urocerien, AND IMPl>RTERS A.M> DEALERS IN hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, ^c., HVY STREET, FAIETTKVILLE, >. C. July 2, 1861. 36tf i J COX. W. p. KENDALL. J. b. KENDALL COX, KE.YDAI^L A: CO., Couimlssioii Mercliaiits A!? D WHOLESALE GROCERS, \o. 11 A 12 Jforth Water St., Wiimio^toD, S. C. jrviers from the Country promptly executed. Particular attentioD given to the sale of Cotton .tJ olier produce .\fril 2, IbCl. 10-tf T. C. A: B. «. WORTH, LOOK AT THIS! Tllli Fni'TTKllLLE HOTEL, Fronting 800 leet and in the bnsinestj portion of the Town, contains more Mpacioim and well Teutilaled Rooiiim tliaii any Hoti'l ill the $i»tate, and my Patrons say my Condiments are very good tor the times 1. HAUDILL, Proprietor. .May 20, 1802. ‘27y Fayetteville Female High School* The ex»rci«es of thi-> Institution will be resumed on the 29ih of J'ept-'mber The sciioUatic year will be divided into two terms; the 1st of 13 week', commencinij 2'.*rh of Sept. and end ing 24ih l>oc.: the >>»'oond of 27 w> ek"*. commenoing 1st of Jnn'y and tuiding July 1st Parents and Gu irdians intendin'; to patronite this School are e.’irneily requested to apply for circulars containing t'ull particulars in regard to teiin.', .'tc , t*fur* the opening of the School Rev WM HOOPER. , T. r HOOPFR, I Principals July 17, 1862. 43-tif>Jpd I'Al ETTE% ILEE WdTClL IXSIRIVCE COMPAXf. FOR ^ALK. A Lot of Cotton and Woolen .>laehlneryt C) WOOL PICKERS. /V ^ inch Wool rds 1 ao •• •• Roll Cnrd 1 lyb J^pindle Wool Jack 1 Cottoti Lapptr 2 Danforth (,'up t ruiucn 1 Spindles each. 1 Throstle Frame s4 1 Enirlish Drawing Frame with Collars and Pack«‘rs. 1 12 Strand Speeder, &c , Jtc Some of the above machinery is n> w in operation at th« Kiehmond Facioiy. For particulars address JUHN 3H0RTR1DGE. Kockitigh&ui, Richiuond Co , N. C Nov 12. 1862 77 16tpd VALtAHLE TIILL!li tor ^ale. I OFFER for -ale my PLANT.U’ION' 2 miles west ol Canhage, Moore eouiity, containing 260 acres, on which IS t% Oriii and .''hw Miii, ('otion Gin and Sor*»w. I will receive in payment State Bonds, Confederate money or likely Negroes.. JOHN MORISON. VAI.UAIII.E lor Sale. IoFFErt for Sale my PL\NTATION on .McClendon’s Creek. 6 miles west of ('urth.ige, lying on the basin of the Coai Fields, ooatmniug 2lUu ucrss. whioh productive as 'iny lands in the couuty of Moors, improveraentt good >iuJ the situation healthv Teruts liberal JOHN MO'RISON KOTICE. HAVK about 6uO'.* aoiss more, in ditlercui tracts, ii County of Moore. — Farming Mineral, and Tur Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand ind other asset.-. $207,688 5,077 35 1 HA 1 the psntine land, rhidti I wiJl sell ou liberal terms. JOHN MORI SON Total, $272,765 «1 _ ,. u The ("r'mpanv have iiaii all lo«se? promptly, and COBIQIISSIOD and F orwardiug Uerchants^ have never made an a^st-'sment on their premium notes, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan y '-t, l^'d 84tf CARD! AFiW can be accommodated witn board at tiie ry GEO D. A. C. A. T. C. Stpt. i. i;61. HOOPER. 60- LETT, SMITHS, BLOCktK & (0., .Tlaniil:ictureri« ot !$alt. J. W LETT. Agent in Fayetteville. W U. SMITH, ^geni in Wilmingron I * IK^T J M. SMITH, W. D J. C. BLuCKKR, ani J B c.KEVEa. S:v .4, 1S62 80-6wpl COTTO.\ Y'AR.\. }fo. 19 llay Street. C. p. MALLETT. JaL'y ri, 1862. Rife and Tobacco on Consignment^ ] A 'ASKS of fresh beat Rice and 100 lioxes Manu- Iv f>iciured Tobacco, variou- nualiiie-t. For sale by GEO W. WILLIAMS & CU. K»jetteviUe, Sejit. 24, 18C2. 63tf .IfOTlCE. As I expect to be absent from home a few months in the West, Archibald .McLean is my authoriied to transact my business until I return. N. G. JONES. >8, ItxJO. '^tf Alter tlii» date I will pay Five Cents per pound for r.igs de livered in Fayetteville, or at my mills l» MURPHY. 6A Office ot ^iiirg:. €j»en. ol C. ) November 12, 1862. j The following articles are required for our sick and W'>anded soldiers; .Socks, Hat«, Coats, Pantrf, Drawers, Leath- •;r, Shoo Thread, Lasts, (from No. 6 to 12 ucluaive,Huttons, Cotton Cloth, Flan nel, I’otatoes, Brandy, Butter, Kggs, See. &c. A.C. Prop'j'-a's will be received at this office for a j.roper •apply of them. Those able and willing to contribute, please address the undersigned. Transportation Total losses paid. $29,682 tiW ' >rrirKR-; McNEILL. President RAV, \'ice President. McM 11.L-\.V, Sec y. DlRKi'TllK': W N. Tillinghast, S. J Min« lale. Win. .McLaurin, T. S. Luttcrloh. A. W. Steel, vJ 0. H -n J. G. Shepherd, R F. P.rown, I , . A E. Hull. [Wilmgton. McCruinmen, Traveling Agent* Henry Lilly, H. L. My rover, 8. T. Hawley. Nathr-n A. Stedman. C. B. N!allett. Jarae- Kyle. A. McKethan. J. L>. •‘‘illiams. 3. W Tillingha^t ho Collin^ and (’ (’ Ifc^rThe ("ompany invite applications Mav 28. l&Gl. 21- A «En: The -Vew Style, Small, COLORED PIIOTO^IIAPBS, AT ART. 1%'oodwardN ^oiar Camera. •u Bockfilih U't 2. lh»i PHOTOGRAPHS can be had at VanorsdeU's Skyligh Gallery, Ha^ street, opposite Marble Vard, Fay etteville, N. C.; plain, retouched, oolored, in water colors, oil and pastile; f.-om small to life size. Ambro- types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertain* ig to the .\rt. ANo, Gilt Frames, Gilt .Mould ing, O' /1 for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 36 inches. Cord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instru ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life site colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently lorat«»d here I hope to merit your patronage. I would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. .M. VANORSDELL, Photographist anil Proprietor. Dec’r 20, 18f)9 77- iMarble Factory, will be furnished, if necessary, by the government. EDW.\RD WARREN, Surg G«n. of N C. 1: •'802. 78-1 m ^'otic‘e to County ^alt Ag;ent«. WtLMiNOTos, N. C., Nov 24. 1862 I \M a^aiii at my post at the State Salt Works and * -le ready in about a week to distribute 200 busUt-ls Ol •ill pfj. and soon increase it to 300 bushels It rwjuire U>0 liuKhpU of corn per day and 2*xXI lbs. of hay. shucks or fodder. I call on the county Agents ' to KHHiBt me lU procuring the u¥oe«-:iry Bupplifs with out which the salt cannot be made Individuals will be •upplied with salt for their own us^ in exchange tor ikese articles oh fair terms. tw 3w] J, M. WORTH, Salt Com. iHineral Lands for i§ale. 1H.4VE an intsresi of one-third in a tract of 6t>0 ACRES on the water* of beep River, on which have bs'n diiisovsred a salt mine and pare saltpetre, and an ' oil of good qu-ility for gr«aking leaihsr. well worthy i geological investigation. JOHN MORISON. ! ('arthage. Nov. 13 1862 77-tf |cVr.\ A.\D ,ni l.EW FOR SALE, j I WILL sell 3U0 Bblr. Coru aud 8 or 10 likely young Mules either for Cash or on lime by the purchaser • giving good bond and security Apply at my place on I Rocky River, one and a half miles from St. Lawrence, ^ or 3 miles from Ore-Hill, Chatham county. J. PACK Nov. 27, 18«2. 81-4wpd Dental Practice lor iKalc. I OFFER fur s.ile privaiely my Dental Pr.ictice in Fay- BUevilic, N. C. Toe office oocii;'>iug four rooms ou second floor, well furnuhed, together with several oi. of GOLL> FoIL. GOLD I’L.VTE an i SOLDER A large supply of VCLCA.NII’E and TEETil of all kinds. Also one third Intere-t in a vineyard lying four miles sonth 0* Fayetteville, c'-ntaining seventy five acres. Those owing me will pl.-irte call ou .Mr. Alei. Jehn- ion, Jr., and settle. Address R SCOTT, Qrsensboro’, N. C. Oct. 27, 1862. 73tf FOR NALE. An Excellent Draft and Harness Horse .\lso, a good medium sued Mule. Apply to NATHAN WILLIAMSON, Gray s Creek, P. O. Nov. 20. 7y-lmpd ■NOTICE Tv th« and ( rclilori of Alathew Murphy, dectasfd. There has been a petition filed for the settlement of the accounts of the subscriber as Administrator of Mathew Murphy, dee d, and (he same has been referred to William C. Draughon. Clerk of the County Court. 'The said Clerk will proceed on the 17th day of De cember 1662, to state the said Tccount, when and where they can attend and be heard, and object to any vouch er in iaid settlement or stiy other grievance can ne heard. JAMES DENNING, Admr. SampsoB county, Nov. 18, 18*12. 80-7tpd \otice7 A T THE MAGNOLIA SALOON in Fayetteville. Nos. 12 and 14 Green street, I offer for sale, at whole sale or retail,— 1 A BBLS. superior old Corn Whi»key, Iv 1 bbl. superior old Rye Whiskey, i 1 quarter cask fine Scotch Whiskey, I About 100 gallons superior French Drandy, : 10 bbls. No 1 .\pplc Hrandy, 8 do superior Peach Brandy, 2 do good Cherry Bounce, and a small quantity of superior Port and Madeira Wine. REUBEN JONES. Dec’r 1, 1862. 82tf Laudanum and Iodide ol'Potafeili in small quantities. Apply to H. D.AY, At Dr Robinson’s office. 82 Gtpd AdJ’t and Inspector General’s Ofllee, \ Richmond, Nov’r 27, 1862 J [Gknbrai. Orders, No. 96 ] Commandants of conscripts will cause the following order to be published for at least seven timos in a suffi cient number of newspapers in eech State of the Con federacy to en»ure its reaching every part of the country: I. All commissioned officers and enlisted men who are now absent from their commands from any other causes than actual disability, or duty under orders from the Sec’y of War, or from their department commanders, f will return to their comiriands without delay. ill. Commissioned officers failing to comply with the . provisions of the foregoing paragraph within a reason able length of time, in no oa«e to exceed twenty days after the publication of this order, shall be dropped from the rolls of th» army in disgrace, and their names will be furnished to the comman'iant of conscripts for t*n- listmsnt in the ranks III. All enlisted men who «hall fail to comply witli the provisions of paragraph I, of this order, wittiin a reasonable length of time, shall be considered as desert ers. and treated accordingly, their names to be furnished to the commandant of conscripts, in their State, for publi cation, or such other action as may be dfenietl most etficacioiib IV’. In order to ensure the efficient co-operation of all concerned to carry this order into immediate efiect, De partment Commanders are directed to require from the oommanding officer of each separate c mmand in their Departments a p'^ompt report of the names of all com missioned officers and enlisted men now absent from j their commands. These reports must state in each case I the cause of absence, ind any regimental, bittalinn or comp;iuy commander who shall neglect to furnish such a report, or who shall knowingly be guilty of concealing any case of unauthorized absence, shad, on conviction thereof, be summarily dismissed. V Under (be provi'^ions of 2d clause of paragraph 1. of General Orders No. 82, commissioned officer.? an^l privates who are incapable of bearinjr arm.s in conse- iVienct* of wouncls receiv*»il in battle, inii who are other wise fit for servhse. are required, if nit otherwise assign- i e 1, to report to the nearest commandant of conscripts in I their respective Stales, who will, if they are fitted for _ I suoh duly, assign them to the collection of stragglers ! and the enlorcement of the provisions of this order, Thtt power to call upon (he nearest military au thority for such assiatanc** a> may be necessary thereto. VI Officers of the yuuriermaster s Department, charg ed with payment of troops, are hereby diiected not lo pay any commissioned officer. non-coinmis*iioned officer or private who does no: furnish satisfactory evidence that he is not liable to the penalties described in the fore going ori-^r. -Any di>ibursing officer who shall make payment in violation of this oriler shall be liable on his bond for the amount of such payment. By order; (Signed) S C’tXiPER. .Vd jt and Inspector General. Dec. 2. 8?!-7t JOHN H. COOK, Auctioneer. Mary’s (larden Property at Auction. ON Thursday the 18th inst., at the Market House in the town of Fayetteville, I shall sell at Auction, my MARY’S GARDEN PROPERTY. There is 68 acres of Land, a Dwelling House containing six rooms, all with fire places, and all the necessary out-buildings for the accommodation of a family. A fine lot of young Fruit Trees and choice Grape Vines are on the premises. It will afford me pleasure to show the property to any persons desirous of purchasing GEORGE W. LAWRENCE. Dec. 3, 18G2. 83-ts IIouMe and Lot at Auction. 1I7ILL be sold at Auction, on the 18th of this month, I T a very comfortable DWELLING HOUSE, near the -\rsenal, containing four rooms all lathed and plastered. There is a very good Kitchen on the lot and a Spring very convenient. For further particulars apply to E. F. Moore. , JNO. H. COOK, Auct’r. Dec’r 4, 1862. 83ts An E\cellent Cook, AVaxilier and Ironer at Auction. ON Thursday the i8th inst., at the Market House in the town of Fayetteville, I shall sell at Auction, a NEGRO W>JM.AN in the prime of life, clear of any in cumbrance and a first rate COOK, WASHER, IRONER and WEAVER Persons desiring further information can have it on application to JOHN H (’OOK. Auct’r. Dec. 3, 18C.2. .NOTICE. T December Term, A. 1>. 1802, of the ('ouri of I’leas and Quarter Sessions of Cumberland County, the will and testament of John D. Starr was admitted to probate, and letters of .administration were granted to the undersigned. Persons indebted the deceased must make payment to us. Those ha>ii>g claims to be pai.l must present them in due time, oi- this n>'tice will be pleaded in Vi;ir of a reooverr. M AKV M STAKl’c, Executrix. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr., Ex r. D-c. 2. 1«»;2. 83-4t A A NOTICE. Term I8ti2 :'uniberland County p liiited .administrator To the C itizens of Moore ( onnty* 117E appeal to you in behalf of Co. I. 2d N. C. Caval- ? V ry, now stationed near Fredericksburg, Va., where they are required to be on active luty day and night, wet or dry or cold. To face the chilling blasts of win- tsr this f'onipany is entirely lestitute of overcoats, and some without shoes, and others soon will be in the same con'lition. Blankets and socks are equally as much needed; the State, from which these necessities were expected to have been supplied, canncl furnish them. .\nd now at this late day we appeal t'l the immediate friends of these soldiers—fathers, mothers, sisters aud wives—each one to see that their sons, brothers and husbands are shieldedfroni the blasts of winter, without which they are bound to suffer. Their neces-s'ities must be met if possible, and it should be done immediately. It is demanded bv your country and hum inity. J. L BRYAN, Capt Co. 1, 2d N. C. Cavalry. P. S. .\rticles deposited with H. McNeill or H. C. McLean, Carthage, and N. R P.ryan, Jonesboro', with the name of the soldier for whom intended, attached, will certainly be delivered, as they will be carried through by M Nicholson in person. J. L. B. Dec 8, 18f.2, 83 3t T December Court, the subscriber was of the estate of the late Mrs. H inu:ih Ball. Persons in debted to the deceased mu-t :i ike paynipnt lome: those having claims to be settled m'l-'i prespnt them in due lime, or this notice will fie ydeaded in f>»r of a recovery. Fl'KTHKH NOTK'K. ON W'edm'silay, the 2 l'h of Deeemfter, \ 1>. 1862, 1 will nell at the M ■;''t House, on a credit of six months, all the HOUSKHULD and KITCHEN FURNl TURK —the f>roperiy of the lale Mrs. Hannah Ball. P. I’.L'RK.MIT, .\>imini«trator. f>ec. 1 -SiJ-ts .\OTI'E. I^EllSt.iN.'^ wi.shing to buy TOWN PROPERTY will do well to call ou the subscriber. I will sell on reason able terms ray House and Let. having also a good Kitch en. Smoke-house and good Well of water. Also, four Town Lots with pood Stables thereon and very conve nient. fiml one other small Lot. Also. 32 acres of Land I joining the town of Carthage, convenient for wood. A. M. BRANSON. Carthajre. Dec. 2, 18*'!2. 83tf MI LE*^ \VA.\TED. ^PHE undersigned wishes topurshase TEN Good Mules. J. AppUcatiou to be mide at the Commissary Depari- m«nt. TH(*S. D. HOttG, ('apt. & C. S. Raleigh, N. C.. Nv v. 22. ,84-tJl 1) 1 HA I 30t To tlie Citiv;en*« ot Cumberland and adjoining C'ountiesi: .WE been advertised as a deserter from Co. H, 30th Reg’t, and I take this method of informing those who have seen the advertisement that it is false. I volunteered in .\ngust 18t>l for 12 months, and in June last I was wounded in the battle at Gaines' .Mill, anti received an unlimited turlough owing to the time I volunteered for being so near out, and my wound not being healed by that time, I have not returned and I am free from the service until the t5 year oM Conscripts are taken in, if I do not volunteer before thal tv'ie- Dee H H4 2tpd ALFliED BLACK. .\OTI’E. IW'ILL receive a few more able-bodied Recruits into my Company of Light Artillery. Li^fht Artillery is the best service a man can enter— the guard duty is incousiderable, the cannoneers ride and have their luggnge carried, and there is much more liberty allowed the private soldier than in any other arm of the service Recruits will receive Bounty and pay Tu^elve Dollart per month. Persons subject to Conscription may enlist in my company at any time '•'before enrollment.” Transportation will be furnished when required, (’ol. John H. Cook will give any further information desired, and will receive enlistments. J. B. ST.\RR, C«pt. Starr's Light .Artillery. Kinston, N. C., Nov. 24. 18tJ2. 8il-7ipd IIRl%ER^i WAVTED. RIVERi for STATE TEAMS WANTED to haul Corn at Tarboro’, N. C., for this Department. TH.*S. D. HOG'J, Capt. Com. Department. Raleigh, N. C , Dec. 1. 84-tJl ORUAAACE DEPART.IIEAT, I Iv.vLEKiii, N. C. I>ee. 1, l?(j2. ) LE.VD W.\NTED.—I wish to puroh.ise LE.\D for this Department. Persons having large or small quan- ticies will please apply to me IHOS. D. H03G, Capt. k C. S. 84tJl] In charge of Ordnance. n\l.VTE]U. Bv a youn^r Lady, a situaiion in a school, family, or in the Preparatory department of a College: the lat ter preferred, to teach the usual English Branphes; has an experience of two years. Refers as to ability, icc., te Rev S. M. Frost, President Wayne Female College. .Applicants will please address Box 78, Bennettsville, S. C. Dec. 8. 84-3tpd SALT PANS FOR SALE. ~ BOILER IRON P.\NS, large size, for sale at the 0 Eagle W'orks, Favetteville, N C.. b}’ D ANDERSON. Dec H 'f TANNING. We are indebted to Mr. W m. Crutchfield, Goochland Court House, for the followiug details and receipt for tanning leather. II, in any par ticular, not perfectly intelligible, Mr. C. wi“ take great pleasure in affording any additional in formation. The true mode for farmers to adopt, is for each neighborhood, consisting of froip* three to six, to combine, construct the vats and divide the labor among themselves. They will make as good leather as they now get, if not better, aud they will g^t double the quantity they now receive from the tanners. Tanning Leather.—Pure watervat six feet square, four feet deep. Lime water vat—same. Vat for bark four feet wide, four deep, and eight long. Soak hides till soft in pure water— from five to seven days—then flesh on beam. I Beam for breaking the hides six feet long—a j log, two feet diameter, split in two—underneath ' hollowed out for prop, to raise or depress. In the process of breaking, use a knife two feet long with shanks for handles—knife littU round- ing. As soon as flesh is taken oft, (one hand will flesh a dozen hides a day,) the hides are put in the linievat—weak solution—one bushel Hme— first slacked. The vat not quite full of water Hides to be taken out every other day to air, and replaced smooth—plunge or stir vat every time the hides are drawn An iron hook, like ice-hooks, to draw the hides. As soon as hair will slip, throw hides over beam, hairside up and rub with fleshing knite The hair ofi, the hides are put back in vat of pure water, and to remain there a day or two— then throw across the beam again, and with same fleshing knife, work out all the lime and remain ing flesh. One hand will flesh 50 hides a day The process of bating may be omitted in tan ning coarse leather. Take the hides as clean as possible to the bark- vat. At first ono bushel of bark, pounded or ground—this weak solution to continue two days —and gradually strengthened by addition of bark, .say one bushel daily. Keep it in two weeks; handling and strengthening liquor. Then clean out vat, taking out all the bark Throw in pounded bark—put down one hide— cover that inch thick with bark and so on, each hide. Let in water and let it remain a month Again clean out vat, reverse hides and repeal operation—and let this remain a month. Again clean out vat and repeat t)peration—and remain another month. ((’hestnut oak bark the best—tho’ Spanish or black oak good ) After yd month, the hide being tanned, is tak en out and hung upon poles. This is sole leather without further labor. That intended for upper leather, half dry, is oiled on the grain or hair side with a mop. Ke- verse side, and grease heavily on flesh side, i pound tallow and A pint train oil to a side mixed. This mixture is prepared thus: melt the tallow slowly and take same quantity of oil mixed and stirred in—alter it becomes cool, is ready for use. Then hang the hides in shade till dry. 11 S'lWrK PROOI'S. WING been authorized by the Governor of the State to raise a company of (Cavalry for the defence of North Carolina, I hereby give notice to all men be tween the ages of 1*'> and oO that they have opportunity of joining this company for home defence or of going as conscripts into the Confederate army The State bounty of will be paid to all who en list in this company .Appl.V in person or address Col. John H. Cook at Fayetteville, or myself at Pleasant Exchanee P. O.. Bladen couuty. N. C. T. M. SIKES. Dec r>, l«t;2 84 t‘,tpd To the Public. ^pHE subscriber having purchased at Execution sale WO D.'JfRS IBOVK r. T. niKJII k SOLIS’ STORR Fayeltevilie, 1%. Jap - 2'!. ’‘='60 84- i\OTI€E. Twenty-live Dollars Reward. ^'■rnn UNDERH^IC.NED. both having entered the mili- I^ANAWAi from the subscriber, his negro boy Mi>- U SK3. He is 21 years of age, about o feet Kt inch»-a robust, loug feet and very much turned out st the t'jes. ;ind looks down when spoken to. He was seen at Mcl’hiiul’s MiHh in Robeson couiijy on the 21 at ult., ‘tilwasin Fayetteville about three weeks ago. The 'ibbve reward will be f>aid for his delivury to me or for 9 coofinement in any jail so that I get him. W D. JOHNSON. Henneiteville. S. (J., Aug. 14, 1862. 52tf hereby give notice to their olil customers and friends, ; that tln*y have appointe.l .I.,hu 1». Sturr an t John D. Williams, of this place, their ;iitornoys lo collect either separately or conjointly all moimys .luu tfiom either by j account or note, and otherwise to aiienil. to their V>u- I siness eewTerally during their absence. They rcrtpect- I fully asK all persons indf'bted lo them to call as prompt- 1 ly as iio.wihle on their agent.- vrd »nake payment, j S'• '■RR i WILLIAMS. Sept. 1«, 18C1. r>8-tf Dec. 1. OLD IROir. The hiehesi cash price paid for OLD C.AST IRON at M A. BAKER’S Brass and Iron Foundry, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov. 29. 82-4wpd ^^alt Pan^ can be had at M. A. Baker’s Star Fouu try in F»y- ettevill>». N. (^, now in full operation. .All orders for Brass or Iron Castine, will receive prompt attention by M. A. B.AKER. Fayetteville, N. G. Nov. 29 82-4wpd >!»A lt. SOl’ND Salt for sale on consignment by n. w wir.T.TA •'^ov, 20. OIL AND LA.MP BLACK. 0. W. WILLIAMS & CO. 79 tf T 1 AM ARMY HAR.\E5^!§. ■ an prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon larness for Army use. I tan my lei4lfcr and can ‘Te grjQij ,Ag:?nts will do well lo send their I er'" to me as they shall have prompt attention, aad w '.ff in quirk dispatch. JOHN CARTFR. '»ol‘i»ton P. O., Chatham Co., 5. C., 1 Juae 18, 1892. / ANNERS’ and LUBRIC.ATING-OIL. L.AMP BL ACK in barrels. For sale by JOS. K. BLOSSO.M & CO., Wilmington, N. C. March 7. U A.\TEO. O BUSHEL.S WflKAT, /OjOWU " CORN. Persons having the above articles to sell will receive the highest Cash price by calling on Mr. M. ThOiiiason, i at the Merchant .Mills, Fayetteville, or on the subscri- i her at his old stand on Market .‘Square. ! ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. j Nov. 6, 1862. 75tf Palma diritKti Rean^K. rPHE subscriber will pay the liijrhest casn prices for 1 any quantity of Palma Chri.sti Be 4ns. ' J. A. WORTH. . FByettevillo, Oct. 8. ^ 07-tf Adinini«(traiioii fVotice. The subscriber bavin? qualified as Alminifitratrix on the Estate of las Sundy, dec’d hereby gives notice to ttli persons having claims ajtainst said Estatip to pre sent them to Wm McL McKay within the time pre Bcribcd by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery CATHARINE SUNDV, Adm’x. Aug. 4, 1862. 49 t Blank Warrants tbr sale here. FLORAL rOLI.E4>iE. 1 T a lale meeting of the iioard of Trustees, it was unanimously resolved that the School at Floral (’ol- lege be resumeil the ensuing year, and our late Princi pal, the Rev. Daniel Johnson, having declined to accept the tprms proposed, the Trustees wish to employ a Principal to lake charge of the Institution on the follow ing terms, viz; He to employ his own .\ssistants and pay lo the Trustees 12i per cent, 'ipon the money arisinjr from tuition. A Steward is also wanted, and to a person i»ialified for (hat Department, is offered the Steward’s Hall for the next year, he paying to the Trustees 12J per cent ty^-.-n all thp money arising from board. The board hss been raised lo $18 per mon'h. F'nrther information can be had bv ij>plying to Dr. .A. D. McLein, Pres't, Gilopolis, N. C.' .Applications for the above places will be received nntil the loth December ne.iit, when an election will be held. Nov. 26, 1862. M-tl5D the franchise of the corporation known as the Fay etteville and .Albemarle Plank Road Company, hereby ' gives notice that no tolls will be charged on the road _ ' between Little Mountain Creek and Drowning Creek until the bridges are repaired—nor between Big Rock- fish and Puppy Creek The bridges will be repaired in as early a (irae as practicable. S. H. CHRISTIAN. Dec 1.1862. 8.3j^3tpd jg^- Tlie Eariiiers’ and Planters’ .Almanac for 1863. just received Dec. 1, 18t)2 The Coach line between the terminus of the VVilmington, Rutherford ck ♦ia Rockingham Dec. 1. 1862. Charlotte Rail Road and W’adesborotigh will be resumed after Ibis date D G. MACRAE. 82-4w E. J. HALE & SONS. w JOHNSON, WILLIAMS & CO., MALT :viAKERS. L have thirty (30) pans now in operation nine mil^s east of Wilmington Parlies wishing to supply themselves with salt, can be furnisheil by applying to A. Johnson, Jr.. .\gent at Fayettevill'*, lo E Page, manager at tiie works, or to J. M. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. Fayetteville, Nov. 20, 18C2. 8Itf ^00 IbK. Ill uni Ara4)ic tor J. Oct. 15. Hale bv R LEE.* 69tf ^4 Th{eiinj Gcricral and a General Thief.— The Yankee papers announce that Gen. Rufus King has been appointed to the command at Nor folk, vice Gen. Viele, relieved. This man, King, is the same scoundrel who, last summer, held com mand at Fredericksburg, and, while there, profit ed by his position to commit various acts of thieve ry. Among others reported to us, on unques tionable authority, was his stealing a lady’s piano, boxing it up and sending it North, for the amuse ment ol his accomplished wife. He will doubt less put in practice the same profitable arts in the new field to which he has been called; and the ladies of Norfolk may look to their wardrobes and furniture. This creature, who glories in playing the pArt of the thief, claims to come of the best breed of Yankee dogs. His father, or grand-father, was old Rufus King.—Richmond \Yhij. A'/nbaryo on Clothing.—The express company has been notified not to take any clothing and clothing material beyond the limits of Georgia except upon the order of the Confederate authori ties. So says the Macon Telegraph. The same paper adds: Governor Hrown’s order is preliminary to a general seizure of cloth, clothing, leatBer, &c., for tho use of the troops, under the prices es tablishes by a resolution of the Legislature, which allows a dollar a pound for leather, three dollars a pair for shoes, and so on. Lii^s.—Two hundred dozen of common hen eggs were sold in this city yesterday by an en terprising huckster, at 55 cents per dozen. Since the lays of hens bring such a good round price, why may not the lays of a poet bring something handsome' We, though a rough sort of songster, have a mind to try an experiment, and see what can be done in this intellectual way. Here is a fair specimen of our ability in this line—a touch ing song adapted to any ttine: The rooster is a useful fowl. He crows at the oreak of day— He gallantly escorTs the hens, And cackles when they lay! And so on for several verses, which- we have forgotten, but which we can easily remember, if sufficient inducements are offered.— Selma Rep. A Heavy Discount.—The Houston (Texas) News says: The State Gazette makes some very just stric tures upon the prices of our penitentiary goods when sold^o the Confederate Goverumont, as com pared with the prices our own citizeus have to pay. The editor says the goods are sold to the (Government 500 per cent, lesyj than they would bring if offered to the people. ■\ViU-any arithm«>tical friend inform us what remains after a discount of 500 per cei#,? $50 REWARD. ANAWAV or was decoyed off from the subscriber, fibout the middle of .August last, his negro woman HENRIETT.A. She is about 2.» years of age. of small size, very straight and slender, weighs about 1W* lb‘ - h IS a brisk step. She has .a very dark ci)niplexjon'_ R MUOAR AilTD IVIOLAPSES. BBLS. SUG.VR 40 12 Bbls. N 0. SYRUP. 15' “ SCUPPERNONG WINE On consignment aod (or sale by Sept. 22. JOS. UTLEY, 62-tf The Coftiwhia correspondent of the Yorkville Enquirer writes; Groceries are as high, if not higher, here than in York; while in the depot at the Charlotte Junc tion, and the woods adjoining, may be seen hun dreds of hogsheads of sugar and barreis of molas- ..r,.. . . , ses, much of which is said to be Government pleasant countenance, with round bright eyes an wi ; —though the soldiers are not allowed either. lijjhtly drawn and compre?*s^J lips. nose s ig j — turned up at the end. I will p»r J ^ lady, living five miles North of Ozark, Ar- hension and delivery of said ‘ ' kansas, with an axe, a saw, a chisel and an auger, t^o'me^or°confined i”n %il***so”that I can get her; and I made herself a loom out of oak rails, upon which wil™al°o pav $5 ■ for proof suflScient to convict the per (,}je weaves eight yards of coarse cotton cloth son harboring'or decoying her off. pyyij^oxON. j * thread is furnished by Major N Bookioghtun, N. Not. 25, 18b2. R. B. H. COVINGTON. | for army purposes.

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