s F- IW I-W R K K,I> I '- ■ J as >. Aft,, i'a-j i - L. ‘Httw„ t> c. -N I iitier*^, UdJ k -th. ifj, J ..:i.. -i Hitt; ,..'j V, i ,_^... 1 Aitu'‘d- rii u»i . , H^uderKiE K ’■ i u’*‘ -rd \ H iiaiuotijn 'K?* ’->N’>}liKSS Bin L Vaneev r ; rt >\ ■, .hvriou, eta M .s -r A E Mu. 11, H T. -,S. ■V. i’ J ----} {•?rown, Jama rinrk.R - V }’-*03 i-HVlvV-. i. I' -I ' V Barnwel on ' llovnes, Gj»- ' i 1 .. Vi S ■' ihaiL. U' HiM-d Prr* Lv: A : .1 V 5 -- .1 i .: * :. Vv'm K r ^ '■ r '*3 - .•. :. Jx- L Faiu. B . - (i rana.=vi jtr* ; ! ;. - K Hii*-; ^v. -KB Hihc: -i^-, 'JM- ■ ' ■ v' d VV LeS'J I *;Tlg J G»' '■ ' P! J t\ . li .'.’btrlei , J I»apr«. i’t ‘ iifr aiLb«rs. ' isr V> “)k, ^ N H K"' ,n 1 ! ^ Mcl'owe^ ? A - n," ■'1 •’ ^ J, ■ ^ \ T r>» jln W Por- T« Nl- \()L. \1I.J I'AVKrrKVILLK, \. C.. DKCKMliER 18, [NO. 1187.] PK1NTKI> MoNDAVS \N1) TllL'KSDAYS KUWAUU J. HALK ^ 80:\j8. KllToitS \Nl) I'UOPRIKTOHS. \\ i:s rt;KN U vn, Ro\i> ( )fki i:. ^ l''ay(‘ttevilh‘, ’29 1S()*J.. ^ ;d .''I ' • fOX t 'v Malot'®*^ ‘ A i-;or, u,.- i- H -icomb^’ th A K Bofia;. PreBioj. rha. W y V-.r ■' HALK & „t Verooo^ „ l-nUrg*^ r r ■■! , Sote8 ioi. • ' „„ B-; ., »»«• ' Pri,-e '■ r i)i€ Semi-Weekly Obsv.rvkh f?. (W if pi‘i l • i.lvani'e; ^ i .'»0 if pai l liurinp tlte year I'f ■jub^'rip lion; or after the yoar has expired, f ,r the Wee'ily Obskrvkr $2 'K) pt'r •inniim. if p!»i-J in ^iv'ince; i'!? 50 if paid during itie year >t n>w«.rip- (iiin. or S'!? 1H> after the year hus expired. gg^ ADVERTIHLMENTS inserted f->T f.O eeiiix per j'liAie .'f 111 line*> for the first, anti .>0 eents tor e.'ich , u.- :ee lWig puMi. .iti..i. Ve.irly a Ivertisement-; >.y -^i.e- *; eontracisi, at rea^on.able raie>J A.Uertiser« are rivjue-teti to state the iiuiuber of insertioi»>i .le^ired, or will be odtitiiHieil till forhiii. and ehargeU aoior.l- .,g.\ \dveriisement.' to he iu-^erted tn^nU. charged '>n per J,;.: si’KOlAJ. NO l it E. Fr- *. Ill I aftr t tii? dale, no uuine nt si uew ii>er ^1. t,e eii'er‘*'i w . Mout paytuctit in a-lvatii>e, nor «vill ^apef ' ■‘iint ! such iii> jori>>ei ■ foi H longer lime ttiati I’^ld ' ®s5;c 0 S ii'h ot tUisi MDiiiiaiJc'e: ',r -'.ti siibscrit'ers as desite lo take i!ie pa- will please notify us wht?n making Jnn'v 1, l‘^.'i>. Attorney at Law, * Fayktteville, N r ’ILL atiQjiJ the Oonnty and Superior I’oiirts and Superior I’oiirts of umberland. Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun- Prompt attention gives to ihe collection of all entrusted to his hands 1?, 186'.'. 58-tf r,EO. W. WILLIAMS ^ CO.. Uhoiesale Dealers in -rocerie«, AND IMPORTERS ANIJ DEAI.ERS IN Hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, ^r., H\\ STRKET, FAYKTTKVILLK, N. t. Ju^y2, 1801. iitltf J ., COX. W. p. KENDALL. J. S. KENDALL C'OX, KE^UAI.I. A CO., Commi$!$ion illercliaiils AN D WHOLESALE GROCERS, Mo. 11 t 12 \orth Water St., Wilniington. >. C. Orders from the Country promptly executed. pjf" Particular atteuiiou .given to the sale of Cotton yi:. iner produce. April IbOl. 10-tf T. C\ A:*B. a. \V€>RTH, j Commission and i"orwarding Merrhaiits,; WILMINGTON, N. C 3'vn y l^Cl 84tf CARD! 1 Ftvv LAL'IES cau be accomiuodaied with board at , A iif -"ieminarv. T. HOOPKR Sept. ll!. 1^61. i>*j- j LETT, SMirUS, BLOCKEK &. 10., t|aiiiilavliir«i'« ol Mall. J. W. LETT, Agent in Fayetteville. W D. SMITH, Agent in Wiimingion • LKTT. J. M. SMiTH, W. U. SMITH. .1. ULOC'KKR. and J. B CARVta Njv :4. I80:J. S(i-t;wpd JOHNSON. WILLIAMS & 10., !^Ai/r nAK£;K!!i. \l’L have thirty ; iUj pans now in operation luite utileB M t-asi of Wilmington Parties wishing ti> -npply i.-D.- Itps with sail, can he fnrnisho 1 by applying i- ■\ J ihnson, .Ir , Airent at F:i}eli*‘vill**, to K Page, .jinaepr at the wi>rlts, or to .1. M WILLIAMS. General Supenntendeni. -eville, Nov. IHC-J. >lif N atid after the 1st d:>3’ of Sept the following rates will he charged on Passengers, vi7: From F ivctteville lo Little River. oO cts. to Spout Sprinj!:, 7;'» “ to Rock Uraneli. 1 txt to Jottesborii’, 1 'J.') to Mclver s, 1 60 rweniy-tiv.* cent* addiliun.al will be coUerted bv the on luctor of e’teh passenir»‘r, leaving a St-iiion wiiiiout a tii ket •\ iifw rate of Freight will ;►,) intu effect at the same tiiiie, which will be jjriiited aii'l furnished to the publie in a tew days lly order of tlie I’res't •INt) M. Rt)SK. Treas r W R. R Co •Aug 30, I8ti-J. U'K«TKK.\ KAIL KOAD. l^KOM and Htl*»r .Monday the ‘-’'Jd itKi., the Trains 'n 1 tlii.a Hold will riiu daily, leaving Fayetteville at S 0 ‘lock, A M ; retiirninsr leave .Mclver’s I'epot at i o clocK. P M ‘ r H MALLKTT. I'r.-s t, Sept 20, l^it'.L* ,;j,f LOOK AT THIS! TIIK l-:i\i:TTi:VILLIi IIIITHL, Fronting 300 I’eef and in the business portion of the Town, cttiitaiiiM more •>|iac'ioiiM aii«l »vell veiitilafiMl Kooiiim lhaii any Hotfl ill the Klate, mid my Patrons say my v’oiidiment.s are very i^ood tor the times. T. W AUDILL, ProprlHor. May 20, lStj‘2. 27y Fayetteville Female High SchooL exeroi«es of th. ln-*timtion will he resumed ott 1 the 'i^'ih of September icholastic year will be diviiel into two teriii'; commer'cing 20th of Sept. anti end- Sale of s porJiow of the Fayetteville & Western Plauk Koad. I^HK uuder-'igu-d uaviiig b*-.*!, q jijnjimed Commissiouer to sell all that part of :he Fayetteville A Western Plank Hoad, abi ve Ifigh i'liiut, will sell at public Auc- lion 111 the town ot SnUin, on ihe 1st Tuesday in Jan'y 1^8ij{, I he Koad, loll iidu.ses, ,S;(v, he t ween II igh Point and M) be made known on the day of Bethania. upon terin sale. Nov. ti, I8lti .IKSSK WALKER. Com ro-ts POK »JALK. i Lot of Ootton and Woolen Machinery. Q WOOL PK’KER.S. ^ -i*') itich Wool t' lrds. 1 :50 •• •• tl..ll Curd 1 I'.'S Spindle Wo .1 Jaok 1 Cotton Lapper. "2 Danforth t^ap Frames 13! Spindles each. 1 Throstle Friiiiie 84 “ I hniili“h Drawing Fraioe with Coilers ami Packers. 1 12 Strand Spee ier, i;,o . i.»v Suine of the iibiivi- ma‘‘liiiierv is new in ojieraiion at the rtichnion I Factory For pirliL’iilars address .10HN snOUTRlDOK. l^H•kin2l!am, Richmond Co , N t’ Nov. 12. l^»i2. 77 Ibtp.l \ ALI ARI.I^ for !Nale. It^FFKR for sule nty I’LANT.VTl'>N, 2 miles west ol (.'arthape, Moore county, containing 250 acres, on which i>j a tJrist an I .'•'aw Mill, Cotton tliu ani Screw. I will receive ill i’ayi;ieni State I’.onds, Confederate money or likelv .N sr.ie-t. JOHN MORISON. HEAIMlUAIiTEKS ( AMP OF I\STKl'CTIO.\, \ Cami> Hoi.mks, l>ec»raber 1, j rN accordance with instructions from the SpcU’I ny nf War the tollowing Uener.al Order No. i; is publislie 1 The I'nrolling Ofticirs of 'his State will pay p'lr'icii lar atiention to the .-•anie. i:id rein'it to these H».iOiua' ter; all oflicers and enliste I men who do not comply promptly with said (*rder By order of Col PETER MALLETT, C-otnn andiiiw ('amp of Instruciion E. N. Mann, \iljuiatii. AlJ’t and Iiisp*otor (ioiierars ) Hkmimomi. Nov'r 27, IStV’ j (Oknkr^i. OnhKi;s, No. '.Mi ] l!ominnndaiils t)f c.niscripts will cause the following order to be published tor at least seven tiiiitfS in a “utfi- cient number of newspapers in each Stale of tli** Coa- feileriuy to ensure its roachiugevery part of liie country: I .Vll commissioned officers and enlisted men who are now absent from their commands from any other causes than aciuft.1 disability, or duty under orders from the Sec y of War, or ♦Voui their depvrtmeii; comm;vnder9, present SI. illafy’s School, RAI.KKiiH, A. V. KIglil Kev. Thos. Atkinson, D. I). YlsUer. Kfv. \ldert ShmmIcs, I>. I)., Rector. ^PHE experience of the last term having satisfied the I Rector that the Boarding Department of the School canuut be maintained at the present price, he has, after HONOR TO WHOM HONOR IS DUE. ^ Extracts trom a strmod delivert;d at Christ Church, Savannah, on Thursclay, September ISth, 18()2, being Thanksgiving Day, by the Right Rev. Stephen Klliot, Bishop of Georgia: woman’s heroism. * * The attitude of woman i3 sublime, consulting judicious trien!»,’drterm'ined uu«n the fol- | Bearing all the sacrifices of which I have just hiwing charges for the ensuing term; j terms: F >r Board ind Tuition in English, p»r term of five i 111 iiiihs, commencing Jan’y Gth. 1803; SUiO; Tuition in , French. "^I.'^; Tuition in .MusiC on the Piano, Organ or Guitar. $30, witti $3 for the use of Instrument; Tuition ;>n the Harp, with the use of [nsirument. $45; Singing, in privilc lessons, ^30; Drawing, 3!H>; Water Colors, ?1'); Oil Piiming, $2;'); Pen« and Ink, S2; Librarj', Washing at the charge of the laundress: the present charge is jS15 p®r term. The rule prescrihing a uniform is suspended for the VALI A km; i; A\IIM for ^ale. VNT.Vl'lON on McClendon's )FFER for Sale m; Creek, t'l ti:il -' w.-si ■!; (\irthage, lying' on the ba-in ofthet'oal Fields, rmitaining 2DiO acres, which is as productive as any i ind« in iae county of Moore. The improv4>m»'nn good ml tiie situation healthy Terms iii'erikl. JOHN MORlSON. AIVrit'K. H WE all ut HCrcs more, in iitfcreui tracts, in the county of Moore.—Farming Mineral, and Tur pentine land.—which I will sell on liberal terms Jt)HN .MORISON. I " I tl Th t he 1 of 1; week' ■’ ing 24th Dec.; the s^’ond of 27 weeks, commencing 1st I of Jan’y and ending July 1st. Parents and Guardians intending to patronize tiiis ;-School-are earnestly requested to tipply for cir' Ulars . coiiiniiiiiiK I'till particulars in regard to teinis. &c . the upeiiing of the School Rev WM. HOOPER. 1 . . , T. C. Hot.PER. J-Principals July 17, 18t)2. }::-tl.^.lpd .Mineral l.aii«N lor Male. 1H.WE ^tIl itiicresi of one-third in a tract of 600 At’RES on flu' witers of Deep River, on which have been discoveretl u s ilt mine and pure saltpetre, and an oil of good (jirilit}’ for greasing leather, well worthy geologic al inve.'-iigaiion t'arthage, Nov. 13 1^*12 JOHN ■MORISON. 7-tf FAVKTTi:VII.LK MITIAL IXSrilA\(E rO>IPA\T. Capital in Premium Notes amount* Cash on hand ind other asseii. Total, The Company have pai'l all ’ have never made an assessmen: on Total losses pai l, »KFtCKBs: GEi D. A ' * C. A. I S2ti7,ti‘'^ -t> •5.077 3.5 ^272,7'i5 61 i‘- promptly, and ‘•r t>remium no'es. $2'.*,682 tl'l Henrv Lillv, H. L.'My rover. S T. Hawley, Nathan Steilman, C. B. Mallett, James Kyle, \. M'cKethan, J. D. 7»’illianis. S. W. Tillinghasf. McNEILL, President. R.W. Vice President. McMlLL \N, Sec’y Dirki'Tok^: W. N. Tillinghasf, S. J. Hinsdale, Wm. McLaurin, T S Lutterloh, W. Steel, • .1. 0. Ceok. Hon. J. i. Shepherd, R. F. I’.rown, 'ilm’gton. A E. H.tll, hn (’ollins and (?. C. McCrutunien, Traveling Agents The Company invite applications. Mav lSt;i. 21- The New Stjle, Siiiall, (OLORED PHOTOt;ilAFHS, AT F'lyeii ART. 4 OKA A AO POR fUAi.Vl. 1W1LL sell 3tM( llbls. (\>rn niid K or 10 likely y^iuug Mules either for Cash or on lime by itie purchaser giving good bond and securitj’. -Apply at my place on Rocky River, one and a halt :uiles from St.. Lawrence, or 3 miles from Ore-Hill. Chatham county J PACE. Nov. 27, 1>^'''2. Ml-4wpd Oeiital Praetiee lor Male. 10FFLR lor sale priv-tiely my Dental Pr*ctice in Fay etteville, N. C. Tiie ofhce occupying four rooms on second floor, well furni-he 1, together wiih several oz. of GOLD Foil. («t'LD PL.\TE an l solder. .V lurge supply of \'ULC.-VN1TE and TEETH of all kinds. .Alio one-tiiird interest in a vineyard lying four miles south of Fayetteville, contanting seventy-five acres. Those owing me will plase call on .Mr. Alex. J^im- son, Jr., and settle. Address R SCOTT, ilreensboro’, N C. Oct. 27, 18.-2. 73tf • l'4»R MAI.i:. An Excellent L>raft an 1 HanicsHorsc. Also, a g 'od medium sized Mule .Vpplv to NATHa'n WILLIAMSON, Gray s Creek. P O Nov. 20 7'..*-lnipd AOTIC i:. ; 4 T December Term 1'^'>2 of Cumberland County ^ (’ourt. the subscrit^ier w»s app.iinted Administrator i of the estate of the la?e ^lr3. Hannah Ball. Persons in debted to the deceased must tiiake payment tome; those having claims to he sfttled mu-i prc.s*nt them in due time, or this notice will he pleaded in bar ol a recovery. FI KTHKll NoTfCK ON \V dnt-'-d iy. the 24t(i ol Dec*niher, \ D. Ibtjl^, 1 will sell at the M ir>.-. llous:'. on a credit of -ix monttis, a;l ih* Hdl .''EH> >LD and KI TCHEN FLH.VI- TL’RE—the property oi'ih? ^lle .Mrs. Hannah Ball. P. BURK.VRl, Administrator. Dec. 1. 83-ts will return lo their comn.ands without delay. * 11. Commissioned oflicers failing to comply with the provisions of the foregring paragraph within a reason- able length of time, in no c:ise to exceed twenty days after the publication of this onler, shalThe ilropped from the rolls of the ainiy in disgiace, and their names will , be furnished to the commandant ol' conscrijit.s for en listment in the ranks | III All enlisied oien who si.all fail to comply witti ' the provisions of par.igraph 1, of this order, within a! reasonable length of time, shall be considered as desert- I ers, and treated accordingly, their names to be furnished to the commaiiiiaut of conscripts, in their State, for publi cation, or such other .action as may be deemed n.ost elHcacious IV. In order to ensure the eflicient co-operation of all concerned to carry this order into iuimedi:ite efiecf. De partment Comminders are directed to recjuire from the commanding ollicer of each separate c 'minand in their Departments a prompt rej'ort of the names of all com missioned officers and enlisted men now absent from their commtinds. Thest* reports mu.st state in each case the oause of absence, :ind any regimeu'al, battalion or company comman Ier who shall neglect to furtiish such a report, or who .xhall knowingly he guilty of conc**aliug any case of unaiithorized absence, shall, on conviction thereof, be summarily dismissed. V. I'lider the provisions of 2d clause of paragr.aph 1. of General Orders No. S2, commissioned officers au'i privates who are incapable of benring aruis in conse quence of wounds received in battle, hut who are other wise fit for service, are required, if not ,,ilierwise assign ed, to report t^the nearest command iiit of conscripts in their respective States, who will, it they are fitted for such duty, assign them to the collection ot stragglers and the enforcement of the provisions of this oroer, with full power to call uj>on the nearest militiiry au thority for su*h assist>»uce as ihay be necessnry tiiereto. VI. )fficers of the (Quartermaster's Department, charg- eil with payment of troops, iire hereby directed not fa pay any commissioned ( fficer, non commissioned otticer or private who does not furt>ish satisfactory evidence that he is not liable to the penalties described in the fore going order. .\ny disbursing officer who t>haH make payment in vied it ion of this order shall be liable on his bond for the amount of such piyment. By order: Signed I S. COOPER .Ad jt and Inspector General. Dec. 2. 83-7t Raleigii, Dec. 12. 18t>:j 8*; 3t A4liiiiiilwtrafor% Aofice. fPHF] subscriber h iving Ijeen appointed .\drainiitralor 1 of the Estates of Neill IJuie, Daniel Buie, Flora Buie nn i Mary Buie, dec’d, Ia!e of Cumberland county; No tice is .hereby given to all pei*^ons having claims against the estate of either or all the above-named intestates, tq present them within the time lin»ited by law, or this no tice will be pleailed in bar of their recovery. A Me LEAN, Adm'r. Fayetteville, Uec’r 5, 1802. 0 A(liiilifti>«trator^* Friday ilie 2t)th December s Male. 1802, the perishable property belonging to the Estates of Neill Buie, Daniel Buie, Flora Buie and Mary Buie, dic'd, will be sold at Public .Auction, at the laie residence of the de ceased, on ilie Chicken Road, about sevi ii miles from Town Tiie property consists of Two Horses, -S head of Cattle, 41 head ot Hogs; Corti, Peas, Fodder, Shucks, i arming Tten- sils; Household and Kitchen l urniture, in cluding a large number of lilankets, Feather Beds and Bed Clothing, »S:c., etc., A i:.iROi:M TO HIKE. negnoes belonging to i T the same time and pl.ic-- xV sail estates, consisting ot i w" iia,u and three men, will be hired out for one year. in J the houses and farms to be rented. Terms made kuown at sale. A. McJjE.AN, AJm'r. Favettf'ville, Dec. 5. 8ti-ts “;^5oo t,' X R Ua I. COTTOA VARA. >0. 19 Hay Street. c. I 18;2. Woodviarcl’N Molar ainera. MALLETT. HK- Rice and Tobacco on Consignnientj 1 .V ;asK> of fresh bent Rice and H»0 Boxen .Manu- 1 f>ic'ni il Tobacco, various juali'ies. For sale by GEO W. WILLIAMS & C(i, r tyeileville, Sept. 24. 1802. AOTICE. - expect to be absent from home a few months La the West, Ari hibaUl McLean is my authorired Agen' 10 transact my business until 1 return. N. G. JONES’. Dec’r 28, iHfiO. ^^If .tfterthiM date I will pay Five Cents per pound for rags de livered in Fayetteville, or ;lt my mills D MLRPHV O.s PHOTOGH.XPHS can be had at Vanorsdell's .Skyligh Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Var'i, Fay I etteville, N. C.; plxin, retouched, colored, in w.a'er : I color*!, oil and pastile; from small to life size .\mbro- i j yP"s, Melaneotypes, and all other ^iyle^ of Pictures I pertain* ig lo the .Vrt. Also, Giit Fraiue? : ing, G' .•• for very large pictures—as large as 20 by 36 I inchss. Cord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instrn- ! ments. Stock and (’hemicals for s.ale low for cash. Life j «ize colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit i ' your patronage. I would also return my sincere thanks 1 for the liberal patronage besiowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL. i I Photographist and Proprietor. i ; Dec’r 20, 18r)0 ' 77- ( iMarble Facli>ry, ! AO rIC E. IJERSONS wishing to buy TOWN I’RtH’EllTV will do well to call ou the sut>scr;her 1 will sell on reas >n- -ihle lertu.- ray llou-c and Lot, having 'Iso a good Kitch en. .SiLoke house in I goud Wtdl of water. Also, foui Town Lots with ■ 1 ; ib;es thereon .lud very conve nient. :i«id "tie o;hi r -mail Lot. Also, 32 acres of L.«nd Gilt Mould- ' joining iti'' town ot t 'irihagi. convenient for wood. A. M. BRANSON. H3tf t’anhaste, Dec. 2, l^t'i2. ou Rockfish. Oct 2. 1802 SALT PANS POR SALE. l‘ ' LKR lRt)N P.\NS, large size, for sale at the ' Kag'e Works, Fayetteville. N. C , by D. ANDERSON.. 'ei - H4 tf Nb MALT. lit for sale on consigniiient by (i. W. WILLIAMS & CO. 7'.' If :.',500 Persons WAATEO. iiUSHELS WHEAT, 1,5'Ki “ C)R,N. having the above artiolcB t> sell will receive the highest Ca-'h.price by calling on Mr. M Tho.nason , at the Merchant Mills. F;iyetteville, or ou the subscri ber at hia old siauil on .Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. 6, 1862. 7r>tf Twenty-live DollarK Reward. 1 ANA WAV from the subscriber, his negro boy .MO- : I .“^IS. He is 21 yehrs of age, .about r, tVet 10 inches I fiiph, robust, long feel and very mucn turned out at the j and looks down when spoken to. He was seen at | 'IcPhftul's .Mills in Robeson county on the 21st ult., ind was in Fayetteville about three weeks ago. The above reward will be paid for his delivery fo me or for his confinement in any jail so that I get him. W. D. JOHNSON. Bennettsviile, R. (V, Aug. 14, 18fi2. 52(f ARTIY I^M prepared to manufacture all khids of Wagon Harness for Army use. I tan my leather and can give (5ood bargains. Agents will do well to send their wder» to me as they shall have prompt attention, and •-«Di of! in quick dippatch. JOHN CARTER, 'Joldrtton P. () , Chatham Co., N. C., \ June 13, 18H2. / * n i\OT!CE. Vr THE M‘\(iN(iLl.\ f?.ALo()N in Fnyetieville, Nos. 12 and 14 Green street, 1 offer for sale, at whole sale or r“tail,— 1 A DHLS, superior old Corn Whiskey, 1.V 1 superior r.id llyc Whiskey, 1 [U>irter cask fine Scotch Whiskey, .Wiout lilt I g;i lions superior French Brandy, 10 bbls. No. 1 .Apple Brandy, 3 do HupeTior Peach Brandy, 2 do good Cherry Bounce, ani a sinall qirinfiiv of superior Port an 1 Madeira Wine. REUBEN JONES. Dec'r 1, l>'t>2. 82tf 01.0 IROA. ^pHE highest cash price {'aid for OLD C.AST IRON at M. A. BAKER’S V>rass and Iron Foundry, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov. 2^'. 82-4wpd TWO DOORS .\BOVIi: (’. T. HHIII! FayeMevilie, ^ Jan’V 20, 1''00. 'illNS’ STI'Kh 81- \oTici:. The UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili tary service of I he (^)ufederatc Stales of .\inerica, hereby give notice to their old iriistomers and friends, that they have appointed D. .sJtarr and J.)hn D. Williams, of this place, their attornoys to collect either separately or conjointly all moneys due them i-ither by account or note, and otherwise to attenl to their bu siness generally during their absence. They respect fully ask all persons indebted to thein lo call as prompt ly as possible on their agents aad make payment. I i-TAjRR & WILLIAMS. I Sept. 19, ISGl, 68-tf OIL AND LAMP BLACK." rPANNERS’ and LUBRICATING OIL. j X LAMP BLACK in barrels. For sale by I JOS. R. BLOSSOM & CO., j Wilmington, N. C. March 7, (j.tf Malt Pan*^ ean be liad at M. A. Baker’s Star Foundry in Fay- otfeville, N. now in full operation. •.All orilers for Brass or Iron Casting, will receive prompt attention by M. .A. BAKER, Fayetteville, N G- Nov. 29. 82 4wpd Adiiiini«>ifration A’otice. The pubscril)er liavinc (pialified ns Administratrix on the Estate of Jas Siindy, dee d, hereby gives notice to all persons having claims agaius; s.iid Estate to pre sent them to Wm. .McL. McKay within the time pre scribed by law, or this notice will bo p!e;ided iti bnr of flieirrecovery. C.\TH.\RINE Sl'ND^.Adm’x. Aug. 1, 1802. * I lleadtiiiarterN, (anip of Iiivtruction.) Ca.mp Hoi.Mt.s, Nov !!'.♦, isii2. j ft>Kl'lAL ()HL)EKS, No. 12. I'O.MMANDING OFFICERS of Militi.a Regimeuts are required to assetuble all persons .subject to the provisions of the act entitled ••an act to amen 1 an act entitled an act to provide further for the public de fence," approveti Sept. 2tj, lMi2, and enroll the same. 11 .\n Enrolling Officer and an Examining Board will be appointed tor each Congressional Disirfct, who will give due notice lo the Coir.mauding officers Regi ments to bring the (’onscripts to the County-Seats of their respective Counties for examination. Immedi- aiely upon examination, the said (’ommanding Officers of Regiments »yill conduct all (’onscripts not having re ceived certificate ftf exemption, to the ('amp of Instruc tion. near Raleigh III. .All persons who may desire to volunti er must do so before the 20th of December, the day set apart for enrollment, and must join Companies which were in the service of the (!onfederate Stales oji the lOth ot .Ai>ril J 802 IV. .Vpplications for exem[>iion, must, in all ca«es. be maile to the enrolling officer of the district; duplicate copies of said apj He.Uion being ma le in writing, duly sworn to befor» an acting .lustice of the Peace and heat ing the certificate of the Clerk of the (’ourt, given under the (Jounty Seal and sent through the ('oKuiel of the regiment .An appeal may be taken from the decision of the enrolling officer t o i he ('omioaudant ot Conscri;it8. All t’onscripts engaged on G ovi i nineiit wo'.ks will be enrolled and returned to their sai l work In issuing the above orders for the enroUment of Conscrijiis between the ages of 18 anr* 40. the Comtnan- dant ‘iv.tils liimself of the opportnnily to ' hank the State Officers for their untiring aiiit lati')rious etl'orts in the discharge of their dnities and i!ie efheieni and re^dy as sistance rendcre 1 to him in tlieii official capacity nere- tofore. The impor.aiice and absolute necessity of renewed energy >*nd prompt action in executing these orders faithfully is fully expressed in His Excellency Govern or Vance’s (Jeneral (irders. No. 10 The efficiency of the army and the safety of our coun try depend in a great measure upon their faithful dis charge of these duties. By order of Col. PETER MALLETT, Coiliuiandani of Conscripts in N. C. K. N MANN, .Vdjutant. Dec. 8. 18ti2. 8ott srATi*: rkooi’s. H.AVING been authoiized by the Governor of the Slate to raise a company of Cavalry* for the defence of North Carolina. I hereby give notice to all men be tween th« ages of I'i and .)0 that they have opportunity of joining this company for home defence or of going as conscripts into tiie (Jonfederate army The State bounty cf ij>')0 will be paid to ail who en list in this company. Apply in person or address Col. lohn H. Cook at Fayetteville, or myself at Pleasant Exchange P. O., Bladen county, N. C. T. M. SIKES. Dec o, 18ii2 84 Otpd miJLEM WAATED. IMIH undersigned wishes lo purchase TEN Good Mules Apjdication to be in-vde at the Commissary Dep irt- iiient. THoS. D. HOGG, Capt. & C. S. Raleiih, N. C., Nev. 22. 84 tJl I.AADM lA KOiiiEMOA 4 til AT^ FOR SALE ACRES or. the Raft Sw-iaip, 9 miles from Lumhertoii iiad about 5 miles Yrom the W. X R Railroad. ;J,700 .Acres on the Broad Ridge, about 5 miles from Lunitierton 107 ^cres fn the W. (’. \ H. Railroad, 7 miles from Luinberton Twenty acres of which is in cultivation. tl70 .Acres known a? the Red Banks, on the W. 0. X i R Kiilroad, 10 miles from Lumherton. About 13u open and under fence. There are t wo small framed houses on the premises. 100 -Acres about 1 mile from the last mentioned tract, very t;e;.Vily timbered .\cres kii iwn as the Little Desert. A rich sw iiiip about 1>1 miles from F.iyeiteville and I mile from the Fayeueville and Luiuoerton Road, adjoining Mctieachy and others. 1,000 .Acres ktiown as the Desert, adjoining Wi;- liaiu .McNeill. C.alder Daniel McNeill, Mc.Alpin and others acres iiigii luiid, ihe baiance is valuable swamp. R. S. FRENCH. Dec. 13, 1802. 80 lOt-pd ’* Wu FOR MALE, DW ELLING HOUSE on ilie corner of Laniou St. is conveniently arranged to form a comfortable ■ana pleasant residence, wita a good garden and stable att.'ichfd. Possession given the Isi .Jan'y l.‘'0:i Terms will be made easy •Aj'plicaiions m.iy fie made to E. L. Winslow, Esq. ELIZA W. KING Dec. 1-5. 80 3tpd w EOR MALE. ILii be sold at the Market House, on tfie first ol’ ■lanuary l>03, the DWELLING Hl)USE ne.ar lett's .Mill, known as tiieOusoe House, belonging to the est.it,' ot ttit late M. W. Jes.-»up. .A'so the HOUSE and L(J’T in (Jauipbellton, on Rus sell street, at present occupied by Angus (.'aricr. ■Also, will be rented for one year, the DWELLING HOUSE u'.ar the .Mile Branch, known as the residence of the late Duiictn C tmpbcll Will be hired 1 >r one year, the NEGROES belonging to the Estntes of W. S. Jessup, J. Jofinson, and others. A. M CAMPBELL, Auci r. I'vC 8. 1H02. N3ii EtiriTV MALE. L''NDER a decree of ine Court of Equiiy for Cumber land (’ounty. F ill Term, 1802, I will expose to pub lic sale at the .Market House iu the Towu of Fayette ville. -a SS’ednesday the 3lst day of December next, at 12 o'clock, .M., one lot oi L.aND on il ly Street, foot of Haymuuut, ktiown as fhtj resideuce of the laie Isa bella Lawrence. Terms made known day of sale. W. .A. HUSKE, (^lerk li Master. Dec. 12, 1802. 80ts AdininlMtr.'itorN Aotice. ^pHE undersigned ii.aving at the December Term of the A Court of Pleas and ijuarter Sessions for the County oi New Hanover qualified as.Administrator of the es tate of Morris N.'whotf, dec’d, hereby gives notice foall persons indebted to said estate to m;ike immediate pay ment, and all persons having claims against the same to present them within the time jirescribed by law, or this notice will be pleavled in bar of iheir recovery. R. GREENBERG, Adm r. Wilmington, Dec. 10, 1802. 80-2tpd spoken, she is moreover called upon to suffer in her affections, to be wounded anti smitteu where she feels deepest and most enduringly. Man goes to the battle field, but woman sends him ther^. even though her heart-strings tremblo while she gives the farewell kiss-and the farewell blessing. Man is supported by tiie necessity ot movement, by the excitement ol‘action, by the hope of hon or, by the glory of contjuest. • Woman remains at home to suffer, to bear the cruel 1,prture of sus pense, to tremble when the battle has been ioughv and the news of the slaughter is flashing over the electric wire, to know that defeat will cover her with dishonor and her little one-with ruin, to learn that the husband she doated upon, the son whom she cherished in her bosom and upon wijom she never let the wind blow too rudely, the iJroth- ei with whom she sported through all her hap py days ot childhood, the lover to whom her^early vows were plighted, has died upon some distant battle-field and lies there a mangled •corpse, un known and uncared lor, never to be seen again even in deathi OhI these fearful lists of the wounded and the deadi How carelessly we pass them over, unless our own loved ones^happen to be linked with them in military association, and yet each name in that roll of slaughter carries a fatal pang to some woman’s heart—Bome noble, devo-.. ted woman’s heart, liut she bears it all and bows submissive to the stroke. He died for the cause, lie perished for his country, 1 would not have ^ it otherwise, but 1 should like to have given the dying boy my blessing, the expiring husbaiid my la.st kiss of affection, the bleeding lover the com fort of knowing that L kneeled beside \iiuL” “And when we turn to our armies, truly the.se victories are the cictorits ^f the privates. God forbid that I should take one at()m of honwr or ol praise from those who led^^our hosts upon those days of glory--.frgm the accomplished and skill ful l..ee, the Admirable Crichton of our armies— from the iod fearii\g and indomitable Jac^^on, upon whose prayer bedewed banner victory seems to wait—from the intrepid Stuart, whose cavalry charges imitate those of Murat; from that great host of Generals who swarm around our country’s flag as Napoleon’s Ma-shal& did around the impe rial Kagle^ but nevertheless our victories are .the victories of the privates. It is the enthusiastic dash of their onsets, the tearless bravery with which they rush even to the cannon’s mouth, the utter recklessness of life, it so be that its sacrifice may only lead to victory, the heartfelt impre'ssion that the cause is the cause of every uian and that success is a necessity. What intense honor do 1 feel for the private soldier! The otiicers may have motives other than tho cause—the private soldier can luive noiie. He knows that his valor must pass unnoticed, save ia the narrow circle ot his company; that his sacrifice can bring no’ hont>r to his n'ame, no reputation to his faluily; that if he survives he lives only to enter upon new dangers with the same hopelessness ot distinction; tlrat if he dies he will receive nothing but an u.amarked grave, and yet is he proud to do his duty and to maintain his part in the destructive contiict. His comrades fall around him thick and fast, but with a sigh and tear he closes his ranks and presses on to a like destiny. Truly, the first monument which our Conlederacy rears, whf'n our indepen dence shall have been won, should be a lofty shaft, pure and spotless, bearinj' this inscription: TO THK r.NKNOWN D'; Ml’4.iAR iA BliLS. -^U' 12 Bbls. N A AO TIOLAMMEM. O SVilUP. 16 “ Sl’UPPERNONG WINE, On consignment and for sale bv JOS. Sept- 22 Palma ClirlMti ileaii!!*. ‘■ioo ib^. «uin Arabic lor »aie by j V}} for 15. J. R. LEE. 69tf »ny quantity of Palma Chriati Beans. J. A. WORTH. Fayetteville, Got. 8. G7-tf UTLEV. 02-1 f The Coach line between theferminus of the Wilmington, Rutherford & Charlotte Rail Road and Wadehboro n«h via Rockingham, will be resumed after this date D, G. MACRAE. Dec. 1, 1862. 82-4w Blank Warrants for sale here. ORIVERM WAATEO. iUVEB.-^ for STATE TEAM. WANTED to haul orn at Tarboro’, N. C.. for this D partment. THOS. U. HOGjI, (’apt Com Department. Raleigh, N. C., Dec. I. 84-tJ1 o it o A A A 4: i: III: p a rt L IT.fl EAT,) cc. 4, [ E.\D W.ANTED —I wish to purch ise LE.VD for this AOTICE. By virtue of a Decree of the (bounty Court of (’umber- lani and the INRFCoaUEU UEAD. 'I'/ie Despot.—'I'he editor o‘ the Chicago Post recently visited \\ ashington. He thus writes to his journal of the protection of Lincoln from the danger ot assassination: We spent a few days recently in Washington city, and while there saw many things and hearu many things which to us seemed very suggestive evidence of the extraordinary progress with which the nation is rushing onward in its history. The prc.sence of an armed guaid at the g'ltes of the , llxecutive mansion every morning, and the care taken to keep strangers outside of the approaches to the building, was to us something new. 'I'he President’s arrival and departure from the Exe cutive mansion are, notwithstanding the melan- choly-suggestions they render, peculiarly remarls- able. ^Ve saw him leave the building once, and though the sight may be witnessed every day, it was of a character too wretched to invite a second visit. We saw him leave on Sunday afternoon, and the n^anner was as follows: About half past 6 in the afternoon a mounted ^uard, nujnbering some thirty or more troopers all armed with drawn sabres, extensive spears, dangling and rat tling scabbards, fierce beards, and revolvers stuck in theif holsters, dashed*furiously through the streets, and entered the ground north of 'the President’s house. At the steps in front of .the door, and under the archway, was a carriage. The officer, or one of the officers of the mounted guard, alighted and entered the house. In about ten minutes he appeared at the door, and giving the land, at December Term. 18(52. will be sold to tho highest bidder, at the Court House door in the town of Fayetteville, on Saturday, December i7th, 1862, at 12 . . j l j o’clock, a NEGRO MAN aged 05 or 70 years. Terms j signal, the carriage door was openep, the guards of sale: Six months credit—purchaser giving bond and i put themselves in martial att\fudes, commands were given, and then the President appeared with a portfolio under his arm, and, with one or more .soldiers at each side, vralkod rapidly to the Car riage and entered it. Two officers jumped in also. approved security. Dec’r (j, 1802. B. F SH.AW, Commissioner. 80-4ipd titles will ple:ise apply to me. THOS. D HOjiG, ('apt. !i C. S. 84fJl] In charge of Ordnance. Adinini!!$trator’M Aotice. I^HE subscriber having at December Term, 1862, of the (bounty Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad ministrator upon the Estate of Neill G. McNeill, dec’d, notifies all persons having cliiims against the Estate to present them witliin the time limited by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are requested lo make prompt payment. hector' McNEILL, Adm’r. Dec. 10, 1802. 85- t jBiSrTlie Fanners’ and Planters’ Almanac for 1803, just received. Dec. 1, 1862. E J. HALE & SONS. . ELIZA E. .nOORE, I/rsn/f’ure OU lioic Street, [S PREP.VRED to make LriJie«’ Dresse?, :m i Gentle men’s Garments in a satisfici >:‘y niuuner. F lyetteville, Dec 12. 80-2t J«>«t Rjeceired. (JNUFF, MATCHES and COPPERAS, ihe best qunf ty. 0 J. OTT.VRBUR'i- Dec 15. 1802. 80-2tpd RIJLEO \VRrriA5.J PAPER. 4 Good supply of ('ommercial Note and small sixed ix Letter Papers, ruled, just received. E J. HALE & SONS. Dec. 13. _ J^6- Matches. OA GROSS CONFEDERATE MATOITES, for sale by 4\) JOHN H. COOK. Dec’r 15. 1«62. 86 3t Reward lor the Oeserter. I WILL pay the above Reward for Private FOSTER M. BOLTON, delivered to me in Camp near Fred erickshurg, Va , or confined in any jail so that I can get him a^ain He i> no doubt ooncealing himself in and about his residence near Johnsonville, Harnett Co- , 1 will also pay Twenty-live D.dlars additionaL for sut- | botith. ! ficient proof to convict any ing said deserter. ! the door waa slammed, the guard galloped into ' pi^ition, and the carriage, (Jbntaining the Pre.si- j dent of the United States, was driven, preceded I by troopers, followed by troopers. At *a very* I rapid pace the party Idt the ground, and upon i reaching the avenue, proceeded at a hard gallop out Fourteenth street. .1 Terribk Imprecation.—The Kichmtnd Dis patch has the following: ^ , “A f-entletnan yesterday, out of curiosity, and a desire to probe the depths of extortion, stoppeii at a store on Broad street and priced a pair oi cavalry, boots, exposed for sale. The r^ponse was, “seventy dollars’” The anathemas of all honest people follow such. “Severity dollars. Hng through all eternityin the ears of him who ut tered it.” Tly (fovernor oj Arkansas.—Gov. 7'lana- ein of Arkansas, in his inaugural address plants, his foot squarely down in favor of a res olute pro.s- ecution of the war for the independence ot t le He says that rather than lail m his duty person or persons of harbor- | ij, this respect he would pref^ bem tr a teamster in Blank Warrants for sale at this Offico. ^ Deo. 9, 1862 D. A CULBRRTH, Capt, Co. C, 64th N. C- Reg’t ^ ’ 86-6tpd j the Confederate army than Governor of a sover- I eigD State.

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