WAR VIRGINIA. I Our informant heard of no other general officer I sight yvas singular and exciting. A long bl»ek K rxpj'aua.nnock I who was irijuicd. There were several unfounded ' line shoots from the position or the reseryes, cross- FxiaiMier. report's here yesterday—one of which stated that j es the railrou l at Hamilton’s station, «kims across e-ii' 9 e i-> a P M ! th»! gallant Gen. Hood W'i?' killed. He was un-1 the A'alley, and in a few moments is lost in the J1 vvin.-o.N ( uossiNu .>ec. nr- j ,„iieg away. After scarcely a f) II Ml;,-rnc . ;ir . ji irt o * V'/1 h'LiIjnt*-non-| Several otlicers had very narrow escapes—a-j breathing spell, the same line emerges from the enc>iii> \vrr- )>'M J ciigaj,et ■ . f' ^ I njong them Gen. J. E. U. Stuart, whose neck j piiie.s, retraces its st(?{xs into its original position. 1 \s this brigade resumed its piwition in reserve, On yesterday up to 1 i o’clock, wrhou the cars the fire 4 tnu«»ketry directly in its Iront slackened. ■ ■ ’ ' ' A few crackling ^hotH were heard to our left^ along liOugstreet's division, and then a succession of volley.s, which were kept up at intervals during IJ -1 J I, 1 Tho mnnn’was brilliant,'and i We learn by telegraph that as late as 1 o’clock the remainder of th« evening. The musketry old railroad fridge. jjstinguisb the eae- i there was still nothing but skirmishiiig tire on our right was soon renew^ed, and the battle Sfv’ft’nls roJkTn^ Hke belvers^n a pontoon I Our soldiers were cbeerful and cuntideni M ti- r.iged with increased fury. Uur-batter.esa ong our frnm the Stafford bank towards ! iwl succe-s. _ the ooeu low tirouid^ In the course of a'l hour i The enemv were driven back a consiaerable dis- | artillery regimpntstationed in the open low grounds * . . .V ' . . .. railroad at Hamilton 8 station, toon hnd-o, t.» ih'! banks .'t deserted I was grazed by a bullet, hng being the only On yesterday up to 1 “"ATfour^o’clock^^on Thursday’morning the 17th | |et\, there had been heavy and irregular skirmish- Miss reeitoent on picket within the town, wore | mg, promising to grow into u general engagemen . alias. 6^ .’i the site of the i Jackson s corps wa.s all in motion towards the front, ordered to the bluff that as late as 4 o’clock re was s Jur sold bVid^e !.tretchin from the Stattord bank towards , nai succe-s the foot of the blur. 0 cJOi’K, *'•* » conipiinies who were lying on the extreme verge of the bluff, were ordered to fire. The order was deliberately given and executed. At the crack of our rifles by the early train, report that heavy firing was heard all the morning in the direction of Frede ricksburg, and the presumption was that a gene- rhe bridge builders scamperod lor the shore, leav- j ral engagement was then going on. It was also ing their dead and wounded thickly strewn upon | stated by the same authorities that our army had the bridjje. In a few moments they returned hdvanced two miles nearer to the town. No otfi- and bore them off. Immediately there wa.s open ed upon the bluti a terrific fire of shell, grape and musketry, which was kept up with litde in- cial information whatever could be obtained by the press yesterday, and all that we can give fon- cerning what took place since the diipalches of termission until five o’clock, when our tro*jps re- j (Jen. Lee, on Saturday night, is conjoeturo. tired. Twice a^uiri, at intervals of ball i.n hour, j The battle of Saturday comuienced at tl o’cK.ck pontoon bridges near Peep Run. Our men pur sued thorn a mile and a half across the bottom land, and fell back only when they had jotten under the shelter of their batteries. Our troopa then retired to the south side of the railroad. Again the enemy rallied and returned to renew the contest, but were again, about five o’clock, P. M., driven back. All the batteries of Jack son’s corps were at tliis time in full play, and in th>' approaching twilight the blaze of ihe guns and file (|uick flashes ol the r hells were more di>tim*tly vi.>ibl> Ihe scene aiing the valley ight wing may the enemy back, fire, retired with euual nimbleness. Aker the i of the onemy, but this is not generally received i third repulse -f the enemy, the whole of Barks- : with credit. ' i 0^‘upied by the enemy’s batteries in the morning, dale’s HriLrale w:;;’ t>rdered to the support of the ■ A soldier of 1*. Hill’s division says the ene- , ^ enemy had men engaged tui this wing, 17th, and w re put ii.to posiiion, some in r»;ar of my charged our «u^n in their rifle [.ir.s and hh- j 'vhile altogether, Irom fir.sl to last, we had not the blutV aiid oth^r- hi-iher up and lowei down ■ trenohuients nine timei, and were reputed with , ''n>re than lO.nilU in the line of fire, the stream. At tlii- juncture the enemy’s f.ie terrible slaughter, until our ammunition gave out, i Longstret t s victi^rv was even more complete when our men were again chargred in n’erwhelni- | drove the enemy into the streets of rredericks- iug force and driven back. But having obtained | huru. killirg at lea.-^t live to one At dusk the more ammunition, our forces in their turn charg- ! firing ceased simultaneously on both sidea ed the enemy and drove them Irom the '.vorks in great disorder, taking a large number of prl' niers. (’ol. E D. Hall, 4Gth N. C. T., telegraphs from Fredericksbu.'*g on Sunday that -‘vt.-iterday was a from cann'>n and arms became so tremen dous and 1 vcr\vVi“!!tiii'g tiiSt our t>rfc- was only preserved t’r.'iii i—i; Ufiiuii by iymg tint on their faces, in evny iiiM.mee in wliieii a uii;u ventur ed to raise Ix ad tVi.iii the earth hn was in stantly riddled l>y bulitis or torn to pieces by grapeshot. it mU't be b'lrne in mind tha^ the position'occupie - by our men was swept by the enemy’s batteric'^ and siiarpsiiooters not two bun- , glorious day for us." drod ya’-ds distant on the oppoau*- heights estimated that whilst our meu were under rhi> terrific_fire their lo>s in killed and wounded w..s at leait loO. Towards 5 o’clock, P. M , 'hree rousing eheii> ’rum the river bank beneath thi- bluff arnuunced that the enemy had ci'inpleted the brid^'c, and that his troops had effrcced a landin^j: on the southern bank. About this time the order for a retreat was receivrJ by our men The regiments i>f the brigade fell back by differ ent streets, firing as they retreated upon the ene my, who closely followed them The brigade rendezvoused at the market house and faced the enemy. A sharp .«kirinish ensued, but our troops, acting under orders, again fell back and left the town in possession of the enemy. The citizens, several hundred in number, who had returned to the town under the delusion that it would not be attacked, left it during the day, single or in families, and sought for refu^re and safety in the eountry. They are now seaitered about, some in cabina and some in the open f>.ir. This morning i met two women each with jtn infant and several little children wandering along the railroad. The children were all barcioo'tid, and it made the heart bUed to see their little blue feet treadinjr r ainfully the'frozen rround, blindly following their poor mothers who knew as little a.s them-elves where t" seek food and .-helter. Near er the town we saw three women with a nuni'»- r of children wlio had e'tabri'hcd themselves in a three sided shelter built of rails, and covered u id lined with wf.ett >tr;nv. The open Mde id tl:.- shehe. ■i ;’ie s- 'uf, ;-i] ti.-/ 'loi’on.''-iL'Us : ii r;; dren. war;;, "i ‘ v * ■ _ uil r;;y-( 'if the W'-;-. playuiL'” . j t i.-T* wert-’!'i.; war nor tr j f : v., i Lir; 'd - ‘ r. eh ..ij and th n;, n ^ ; ; i-.-i W-.-; - ■ r .dillti.ry Iiyr u . • - * ]r.y 1 'ji.ti tl ■ i to .'k ir tl: ll.i ■ d'lp ’iji'i her side we have i>ten uuabic to learn it. AJ'uutfive 0 clock the firifi^ et-aseJ un both '!jde-» an i all wai again quiet aJng ihe line:. ^ I have seen And mixed with troops in all the divisions of -mr army, and can only ^a}- thit u healttiier, ,-//«■, more eheerful, joyous body of men the .-an nev.-r sh-* ae on. They are fiiled (.'■. ’•repoli i-nre n:'the ■liohm-in J r.kiiiiiner iIamilton’s Ohossing, l>ec 14 Frotu Fredericksburg the Rappahannock tl jws nearly due ea£C. The valley of the river, lyin* mostly on the south side, is a mile in width n; ar th*» t »wn and widening as you g«j down .'itrerini. At Hamdton's crossing on the railroad ihe valley is thret- miles across. From Hamilton’s crossing to Fredericksbuig the railroad and the old Kieh- liiond stage road, both running parallel with the river, skirt this valley. South of the railroad, bei^innias near the tovfu and running; to a point at Hamilton's crossing, and also parallel with th riv«r, is a ranire uf hills covered with dense oak forest fringed on its northern border by pin*.- thickets Our forces occupied tl.e whole leniith of this forest. Longstrect’s corp.-j occupied the hirh- iandsabove, opposite,and for amil« below the town Jackrion's corp» rested on !i0ngstre t’.>* right, and extended away to the eastward, tlie exreme riirht under A, 1*. Hill cros^'ing the railroad at Hamil- lnu’s crossing, and stretehing into the v:>l’.ey to- ' wards the rivt r. Jur front w.ia about six luib ? , in length, Most of the batteries ol' both weif' j^i>«ited in the skirts uf the forest, alontr the i.ne of the railroad, the s?ven batterie* in t ul. ld!;d«ey \V'a!ker’^ regiment and Stuart's hor'S aralN ry. Ik ing-stati"ucd in the valley, betwot-n *he rullr iad at Hamilton ' cr ^.'-ing and the riVer, The enemy's I'orees occupied thi* valK v lu^rrh i/t the railroad from f redcrieksburi; tu within iia I a mile 't uur t xtreme rigti^ }li.> li_ht bat.\r;e-» , Were p '-'lv i uVt-r tljf’ >nathiTn t-xireuiitv of the vui.vv, i: fiMUi a v^aartor o: a niiie t.- a mile t'r ';m :l.i; r;-;.rv:iJ. ula.c ihe i.iils on rl;. ri 'tuern bank- ■ : t!ie river lr,,»m 1 ainn ath t-: litzhn;_'h’-. turtn. live iiji; '5 bclow 1 r-’dfi ak'i '^’weri* sfudJ d at U-'lcrval' ot bait a luiif* v»itlj hi-* batterie:" ol" he.lvv ^UI:'- A: A .'1 , on Saturday, Jen I.ee, artendnl by tii> >tati, rode slcwly alon;j- the Iront of mr linP', from west to e;*-^t, and halted in tfie \ai,»-v .'i mile to the east ol Hamilton .■> cri''.'Uig. and ha!t'a mile in the rear of our batteilco on the ex- trerne right. At I* o eloek a coiurim oi uur tr-mps. which proved tube Ewell’s division, (len. Kurly c .in mandinir, advanc^'d up the \alley fnm the *dir.-e- tiun of Fort Hyal, and defile >ur wounded have all been removed from the tield The m »st severely hurt are receiving treat- nient in the field ho.^>itHls, whiUt thos*; ulightly wounded are bciny sejjt down the railroad. The battle was renewed on our l«ft at sunrise thi- morning, and soon became general. The bat tle tiv ld i-i ^^rotty nm-''h the same as that of yes terday .N particul;jrs have yet trauapired The lolltiwioi: di'ipatclies woro received at Ka- leiyh l.ate Tn«-day affeinoon: Itlih.—Officially it i» announced that tilt- cneuiv has disnppeared in our immediate front, and h i' reerosst d the Rappahannock He may m d;*at»- crost-ini^ at some other point, L’d No fiirhtin^ of con.'»e4ueuce since Saturday evening'. l lie en»-my sent fla^ of truce to bury his dead, liofh armies occupy their original po,siti(.>ns I'assengers Ptate that Gen. Uregg died of his Wi'unds .m .^londay. Xo confirmation of the death of Hooker. ^id, (Mheially it i.-> announce(> that yeatetda} was spent by the enfiny in earing for Lis wound ed and burying hi> dead He retains his poai tion under cover of hi- ^uns on the North bank of the Rdppahaiinoek. y'v FijLton Au tlfrr. — 1'tTER.SKL RU, I>ec l.'>, — A enurit r direct from (ien. Fryer’s head- |uartersat Franklin, re.aehi'd here e->terday even- ini: with dis[..ircbei lor the (ieneral Commanding ■orp-4 J (hi,- do]>;irtni«*nt All aloui; the line ol ' the HlackwatiT Saiur lav and up to 6 o’clock ye?: ti-rday niorninL' in the .sk.irnii.'«h at Zutii 1 riday aftnrnoon, we art- pitn-rd In -r th it our f»rc»‘s repulsed ilu ui\adt r'. With a i'>~^ to thtrn of 4" killed and W"U:ided. ( Uir li" Wa.i vruutided only. .\t .foyner- I'-, rd. 1 miK-- below Zuni, we are inf'i.rmt t! at th-- wl;"le -.f ('apt Sykes’ com niaiiil n..r taken pri.M ru i> We lost two kill- , I a. lw,i wound' 1 and -ix prisoner.**. Among the j latter i,- Syk-. ',, wh-- w i> aliu wuundcd Our j reintorcement.-. at thi- {■.•int coining up at a tiiiic j wl.eti the enemy w:i-; greatiy elated with hi' little succe'", "in ehaiiiied the ■state ol affairs, and ^ausL-.i th V;in-i.ii- t.) retreat with i,jreat precipi- ta!i>:i — /,.! j’l ■ * .NIurl'r.vsb,.r.>, N ('. has not been occupiod by the enemy, a' wa*- rej'Tted N«»KTM '.VB»LL\a Hi ► VAX- - braTcry of our men not surpassed during the war. Our lo«s severe—the enetuy far greater. Their strength is 20,000. (tOLDsboko’, Dec. 15.—I have just arrived. Have seen the military authorities There has been no fighting since yesterday. Our loss is not considered very great Kinston has been taken by the enemy. 'I'hey occupied it last night, and now hold it, (Jur forces have fallen baek I miles thi.s side of Kinston, where it is suppo.sed a stand will be made. 'riie enemy’s force i.^ snpp >sed to ’do 30,f'O0. We have troops in motion, bnt 1 refrain from par ticulars Our troops are in e^cclhni spirits (!ol. Fetei .Mallett’s Battnlion Wifs in the fiirht yesterday, and fought giii^ntly and -Justained considerable lo.ss. I can Kiveyou no particulars as to the kil’ted and wounded yet, but will do so as soon as pes-.ibie (jOLD.sBORo’, Dec. 1.'),—Col. >lullett is sup posed to be'a prisoner, and (^ipt J1. Lewis is woun»ed in the thigh. The Raleigh Journal ot Tue.sday has the fol lowing letter.— Golpsboro’, Dec. 15, 12 M.—I learn from | officers direct from the battle field, that there was j very hard fighting on yesterday. VS e numbered less than 3000 in the fight—the enemy at the lowest estiiuafe 20,000. : On Saturday we lo.^t one field piece. The! battle on yesterday commence J about nine o’clock . and ended about o p m ( >ur luen fought ’.vith , ;;reat spirit; aud not until they were fLtnkcd on i both sides did they retn-at, 'J’he only op«Mi r*ad left was over the bridge; and alter a portion hatl j pu.ssed, an attempt was made to fire the bridge, j but it failed, and the enemy '‘ucoeedcd in crossing under a heavy fire of oi r artillery. We bad ‘JO j guns bearing on theeneniy,ot which we lost three. I Several of our men were burned and drowned in . the attempt to destroy the brid'4*. numb.;r ot our men wert cut off froiu crossing, and it is thought were taken prisoners—supposei} to be | some huudredii, but this I-h lou’oilul as to ibw num- ' ber (_)ur army is ut I’.illing I'leek, six njiles tbi-^ side of Kinston, which the enemy cccupied last night. Our killed will tiol fxtt^«d twenty Ihereaie a Urge number wounded, .Men wl :> were in th.* fight '.peik in the highe.-t terms of ’ol. .Mallett s regiment of Corneripts. i'hey fbui^ht like vetcranj At eleven o'clock to day, the i«-t ot six reti- ments passed throngli to Kin>tun. wliich wi.l give Gen. Evans thou-ai* l >ne!» (hie battery of artillery, cunsi.sting o? si.x piecc.^, is no.r await ing transportutioti. •More reinforcementi ure es{.^w.- ed anl I h^arn that Gen, Evans is corfid*-n* ot drivin;z the Abo litionists out of Kinst',»'i The State Journal t Tuo'>day says; R.^LKiufi, Dec !♦> —A dispitcii h:M been rc : ceived here by Dr. Warn n froni (»o»-, Vrtnce. re- (|UC8ting him to prepare the hoMiitals and eifizen*-- • to provide for the wounded. It adds: We uil; probably fight thia eve«iing LaTKR •—1 o’cK>ck, F .'I. —e iejin that tiu'ht- ing has commenced Cunnma liiik: is rapidly iro- ing otr. triond writes us ir.*. Rilei^'l: , u ■ .1 iv QENER.\L ASSEMBLY OF NORTU CAROLINA^ of -a- The following resolutions were introduced in tala uring Ortf.bfr an ^ n the Scnute of this State, on Thursday last, by Mr, s.* . foldiir,: Graham of (grange, and ordered to he printed. necessary absence these Hut for .'Jr. (Jraham’s ‘ resolutions would nodoub^ biive been taken up at • once and passed They will no dv>ubt he passed through both h'usos tbi^ week by a largo majority: , h.,olutinv vt rtl'uion to the .md intmtpornmo,, from I (ht of A*. J Gr id;’-, a cj^hn, ■/ Or.iu.jf ('ou„,y.- ' Wh li of N’of-tii ».' '!iilinM i*- ; It J r.r.*ves, -.i nuii-n ot ran^-. V-l r«-. i.ne;■ :n-Ml •COlMtv. I-V i ^ ‘ '* ; from it-ciiu.oii l, ►w.-i '..iih bfou lr,»iisp .ricl i ti. and iM I) iw il'itiitie I as {i-m* :it*r i'l. 'h.- «»iid ni^ ; of Rict.ui '» *; »uia, v, i; e t.'* nt'iitf i iJ-** » iior ’iiiy o ii**r ‘ i 2 '■^1 ol * i - S >t; *■*' il* 'J** * ! HLii't Ir ,'MrH»r;>-i t pvoivJ ir.*- lin-it- i !•«!.-■>. wi't- i out Mil? o'-ier ml ?i.p;jro'ii-m ot ih*? pf-^i'i'r mifhoriiy ' o! hin >1 J'f.*: fill •111 lilt- Cv.ntrHt y . h? itel at** no» 10 !rrt>-, , *C ‘s)t iilv n ih- lAnr ^uii ti f,iro}ifi j judicial otScerr and if c;iiie "ip imfni:ed. ih»y a-e, hj- ■ I ti!> f.'ipr*.'-'.'* ■.viwiont of "1‘i-‘ ('o.'il p lei itid oT fht^ Si hie l'xi>-Iitui loas. '.niieii i* .*• oi y to t lu; ctvi! irihmmls, i .and liHVf ;i riirht lo h riei ririji ■ ii i 11 i »I he'cr*' t lie ' urt k i of ti6 ( onte'Jerjicj', or of lb*‘ •'•i ife, it ^ if) the iia- ' lure ofiht* o4f>'n''« with whicU .n-l f'.uarf'p I; such I trial 10 retd in ' pi-n court, .icei'rdiii j; f.) 'Ui*' cotii I of Uw: .\nd, whereas, it i^ th*- vlu'y'd ihe G iveriiinf'nt • .f .'^ortit Carii iin to protp -t tV :ii 'niUwful violnnrre. -is f'lr fts |i')s^i^i!s^. evt-ry "ii-* of h**r cifand tij iii-iirt* ; to t'Mci: * I iir •■■i.il iu H 1 ('. iirf. hsTi'p juri>, lictiou of tiin c liierffcrt*. IV«ols» d. Ti';it r i • lleiii-y th « overnor ha re- i iji!i..sted iMiii. i>' *‘tv "* d--ni t.id >it rhe a'lfli.iriiies at , ii'.'.Mi'i iei. r., er t-r Ml - >-il i H .) irive- W)t« j - II d nn i I riir.-i; --.t-,-I. V ,d ifi tjaw d;- uined, th it he ' hr Kiiii-'iJi-oely rifo-n»* ’ '■ •'■’is it**. In 'h>* e id th’ti I h*' !)*• •>eliv»’ pd ov-r tn t!ii» ,vil n’l'lidM;i“* hpre. fUi.fi-Of 'Ilia S! le or o? !!•*• t■outVd«*riii‘' f^t'UMn, for px- j :iinii;miorj. nnd it -r.ffi :it ciu-f M(.pe:ir, for eommi'- ni*;!j' uTiJ (rial: i" » iii it. if iiiiu«ii-ru of the rnatifrs laid j lo iji’ charge, h»- inav be iicqmtitd, it guiltr, V>“ con- I viived and iniai-ilied Hy Ju ■ ceiu-f ot law. in the Senate, .Monday wa«i (*ceupied in the Consideration ol the Revenue Rill I here is no report itt tiie R;ileij;h paper-, of what wa.'> done, I and we are it. lebted to a lrit*n 1 tor the following ?tateiut:nt; ••Raluom, Deo, D> Me-i-irs. E .1 Hale i .'r >ns: The .Sennte isen- jdai:ed to-dav m the considoratioii of the Revenue bil ; on ^e'te-nbty the ;>d parigrapli of the 1st secti'jii, in re;arii to tlie averaije value of >;laves as reported bv ihe Committee on Finance was ■itrieken out and the following'■ubititure adopted: ••All slaves under 5 years old -bar. bo of ihe value of ?100; from 6 to D' year.-> old fiJO; from 10 to 20 850U; from 2(.» to ’>U from to -10 850U; from 40 to ♦>U venrs ot’ atre Jf20c; and ull abovi' 00 vear.s Old shall b.j a distineiivo cla'-; and to be vulued at S2.5; and nil ^lave-; habituuily eniployed in any mechanic^d trtd ’ lo be ofth** value of You w.ll pereeive that the avenge value of c'.ave.s under O'* ye.irs old, ex. lusive ol iiie- chanitn i= ^ooO. 'l iie resolution to .adjourti on the J2d iii't.. Is srill iipon the t;ible, uid 1 do not think, !;ow, will bu agreed t >; I think it inij.usi- ble ttii.t the bu-iine-s will be gotten thn.uu'h with by tti.vt time ‘‘III the Hou-^ ’ of Commons, la;*t ni^ht, during the e\,'!.ii,j' >e ihe ii.ii lo rc'fcre the Courts a’l I repeal rhe aet ku' Wn a~ the ••.^’tay J..aw” wa-^ |:ii 1 upi,iii the tabu, ••'l’h‘ H m-e is di'.eij'!>ing the military bill to- :av; and it ^^iil jifubibiv puBi its 3d reading V. Vnwfin f’o ‘l H VV. Booth, K, : ‘11 !'. '■•.ilj; H \i Hii'j, t,-i. ;i 1th: M n ii(^ I, ;j:;d; tiF \\ ,’v,u Joliii l‘ \> II' i).l b. ,'^llii‘ I ■:! i ! tih 'I’llf .’ll.lt-! lilt Il-t lit -I ■ .. -I- • -Tlif-i I' • ',’ii- e •> -|j I liiuiu Nortti t'-irjilt) .111“ f-yijipat tii -. (if I ie- t n 1 -I. > , > . o;iiri>”i , 1-. !>»• fai**’* dlv di-'ril'ii'.-d ' irriiicii>>-■ 111 oiiHFj;*' ut’ No, 2 ’ ii-y f .t,. It i J-1. W . ih-- I-* On y h i-v.'fcrijir Vti /n,i McKAK, nf I* Kit’t*. -j:' a/Pd ^5 ye'ir-*, 't iii'>r;!tm :iU'l V«1 ' wounded while l -ulin’. ' fJMngninarycliftrjje upon th.? iiistojic r . He w\-* ft n-tiive of f.unn 1 iSt few yettfs of MarlViorn i)j.. Few, if any iudiTi.luiI of th>- tti,.,; liobb and pitrio'iR I 'Vp I ..ri.'i.. ^hf iiV,, ' to them for the defence of S(iii'ii«.r„ fire-.«idei«, carried with them a la. jf.>i munity's coiilidem-e, 1 .ve -md 'N'.r: Hid, ■'•Tiaji, with gl&dne-- at the pro,-pect of the fight and tho- ' Jh’" «•' roughly confident of whipping the host of the in- ,, r i • r ’ ';ro-Mng. .'-car.-ely hau •olent Burnside. It is said 'the enedy’s forces ^ i rear of th,.-. divisiou disappeared ui the wu.,.ds, on this 8ide aiT-ount to one hundred and ten thou- ' nn •and men. sixty thousand havinc crossed ut Deet^ i Uoodis, Rra.tton « and Run,just below Fredericksbur-.^nd fifty thousand ' ° i‘"'‘ opened a lire on the »t the town itself. Ourforces front Fredericksburg. railroad At thi, on three sides, Longstreet’s corps beioir on the ' WMt and ioath, and Jackson’s on the south and I? proved that eajgt, I they were lying "lose to the south bank of the i river. The cannonading soon became general THE BATTLE AT FREDERICKSBURG. ! the front ot both armies. In ten minutes RiCH.MOND, Dec. 14.—Passengers report iha.t i ^^om the time of tiring their first gun, the Dan- ihe eoenay was driven back two miles yesttrdav i battery, Capt. W’oodis, had lost 15 men kill ed and wounded, a number of horses, and had two guns di.sabled. In the course of an hour the artillery fight had become so general that it was almost impo.sMble tor an observer to distinguish what particular battery of the enemy was engaging the attention of any given battery of ours, and vice versa. Hcarcely a battery that hud been unmasked on either side but was exposed to a direct and eu- filadin^r fire. The roar of cannon along a line of Th e air was resonant J - yesterday, and our troops occupy the battle-field this even ing. Our loss, it is variously stated, will proba bly not be mor e than 500 killed and 2,500 wounded. e enemy s loss is repre.sentcd to be immense. A t/iouja>i^ ■■U>ul in one fitld. The Federal ueneral H xiker is reported killed. O^pnti'h from (it-yi. —The following ds* •patch was received at the War Department at 9 0 clock F. .\I ,-Saturday: ^ ‘•At '* o’clock this morning the enemy attacked ! “ tnuiendous battle Ihe n>u>ic or Shell, a„J s!,„i ran alon;/ the line from riirht to lefl, untti 0 p. m , ' the be to a.on. the line from right to ett, untH u p^ni . , ^uke.moke wreaths of explotlin. .shells were enemv bf»ititr rofiul-ed at all points—thanks ■ l • i “"fi • "'-“.■i t, » Oo,|: A "u S we have tu mourn th, lo,» , Which IlKl our forces in of many brave m^^n I expect the battle will be resumed at daylitrht to-morrow morning. “R K. Ue. which hid our forces in the valley and away be- }ond the river in StaflTord. Line's of ambulances could be seen bearing of! the wounded of both ,, II , I armies, but there was nothititr bv which tn indtrp fir ^-rtirnnper: Gmi. Hampton repurt,s i j . o»ug uy hhk n lo judge ^ ■ 1 . ^ I that the advantage rested with either side that n ii*ert d i>uiiit'iics and capturcl 20 wa^-| 0n>! •' stores, and took .jO pri.-itiners, all of whi'" ^i‘: firou'jht to the 1i,uppahann>i'k. (ien i:, expected ai Dumfiies to-morrow. About noon the enemy’s infantry moved for- ’j I ^‘■oni the river towards our batteries or 1 hills. ^ As they pies.sed forward acro.ss the \ on the “11. E. Lee.” • „ - . .alley, btuart s horse artillery from our extreme ri-'ht ,t,.o, 1K.C, ,5,-K.„„. Tz Tt"‘t;“ sorel>, was kept up in spite of six batteries which %vere directed u^amat the horse artillery as soon clock the Vankee' and entered the came down in the train last evening, [says the Enquirer] we learn the followin';: The fi..l.t,„, ol wa., chieflj by Lo„,. ^ i, '"/'’li “ “ '“I'l bein^. i„ leohiTims, had crossed the^'allev a eserve at Hamilton s Cro:^sinir. \ F Hdl’u ' i .u ^ i ^ ivisioo 01- the nart which wa., „ ,L kl. u i T i eii •treet reserve div At the time the part which was in th^ battle i bmh*lidt'!'^'*l "I ^ batteries on Gen r R R (’obb was sl-iin ^ f * alackened their fire; and musketry, i first scattering, but quickly increasing to a - tleman were biought to Kichmood •vening’s train. Letcher s Battery repulsed the advance of two bngadeg of the enemy. The company lest one man killed and sixteen wounded. cn®n Saturday is variously stated at from GOO to 1000 in killed and wounded The slaughter of the enemy was very great- 7 excee inj? ours. (Jur artillery was admi- "ns,rally: -^^red at crash nse Legion was holding in check 15,000 of the enemv 'and mar i i V ^ „ ^lits The remains of rhe gallant and distinguished gen- volumes of^mok^r *1 L . nn r ro«e above the trees, and vollev on yesterday succeeded volley, sometimes so rapidly as to blend V >iy severe- ounded. He ^'en, Gregg of .South (Jarolina, wa., Ij a.iJ It was believed mortally \”c was shot through the botly. or wl"*'" '"f '"out.Jed i„ the he^a o arm. We undersuud he reported tbr dnt^r on yesterday. ^ Hito a prolonged and continuous roar. A. P. Hill’s div ision sustained the first shock of battle. The rest T) H • n> TP® linesofreserves. D. H. Hills division was drawn up in Marye’s field, under a long hill, m rear of our lin« ot bat tle Here they remained during most of the day being moved from time to tin.e to the ri^ht or left a.- the exigencies of battle dictated. Shortly a.ter the ’nfancry tight began, a brigade of this aivision was moved at a dc,uble-quirk a mile and a hah to -be rij/ht. and posted in a dense clump o .a supporting distance of Stuart’s horse a. I ery. Jo ten minutes they were brousrht bac* to their oiiginal position. The celerity of ^ incredible to any one who had not Trttnew«d It. To an obMrver the IMt. u .VU IN hmkM), Dec l.'». It:-I M ■ II » Hi 'I I. K. ' ► V « 'I - V It TOKT AT KI\ST)5, l:i tieiieral ('iioper: — Ki.n.stu.n, Dec. 14 — l-\i-ter att;ii ked Kinston ye.sterday with 15.- (nn( ui.-ti. .Htid 'J gunboats 1 lought him 10 hours, and h.ivc driven him back to his gunboats His army i.s .still in iiiy front. N. (t Evans R.vi.Kit.M, Dee 15. -On Saturday la.st the enc- luy advanced in torce up the south hide of Xeuse river towards Kin«t»v ,, while their iiunboats at tacked the river works, a tew miles below that place. Consideruble .'kirmisbirig took place on Saturday between the infantry and cavalry, and on Sunday the fi;^ht became general. {Jar troops fought all day .'Sunday, and fell back towards the town in the evening, destroying the bridge, which is about one mile from the town. Our troops fought with great steadiness and courage, but they could not cope in numbers with the enemy, whose forces are said to have been at least 20,Ul(t. Our troops cnga^'cd were Evans’ brigade, con sisting of two South Carolina regiments, Radclifl’s regiment, the ,^d cavalry, tlie battalion of con scripts from Raleigh under Col. Mallet, and the 4(th under_Col. S. H. Rogers. We had not pro bably more than three thousand men in the fight. We learn that our loss iu severe, while that of the cneniy is very heav}*. We think it more th-in probable that the ene my i>; in possession of Kinston, our troops having retirel towards Goldsboro’. (Considerable rein forcements have beftn hurried to the latter place, and the belief is that Gtildsboro’ will bu held against the enemy — From Kluftou.—R.ai.eioh, Dec. 15.—All sorts of rumors are afloat relative to the fi»ht now going on at Kinston. By reliable intelli- gencc we learn that Foster is advancing at the head of 20,000 men, and that Gen. Evans is usin^ ail liis ellorts to stay his advance. On yesterday morning the Yankee gunboats were battering away at the obstruction in the river four miles below Kinston, while their land forces were advancing on the South side of the river. At a late hour last evening we learned that the fiu'hting was gdng on det«perately at noon; Rtdnforccojents were coming in slowly to our aid. but oivr troops were fighting gallantly and des perately. We learn that Col. S. fl. Rogers 17th \. C. T., and Col. Peter Mallett, with'’ his fine bo4y of new levies, who left here on Satur day, Were winning laurels abundantly. The cars last evening were crowded by people flying from Kinston and surrounding country. Latest. Our troops have fallen baek before the hosts of the euemy, and have burned the brid-es across the river. The Yankees have pi^ession of the Clinton road oii the South side ot the riv-..;r, whilst our troops occupy the North Lk I. ■ P"ra“i‘ 01 OH- foroos, I Who v.ere being rcinforceu. hav?'''"sWeraMe, but we have n3 particulars.—estate. Jox^rnal hrom the Ruleigh l*rngrenn i GOLD8UORO’, Deo. 14.—J o’clock p m —Onr trwps fought all day wd fell b^k sorL tb« rir« thi» evening and destroyed the bridg^* evening: (.'jtpt .1 AI Walker re*. I v. i .lie {i.II.(Willi. patch which he has jii.-t tiaii lpil m- ' iol I 'HOR-'. Dec, I'i ,(.’ol, Mallett was wmii. iei j«tei t.ik‘U pri.soncr, we cannot hear the ch,irae!.-r of iiis wountl, but have re.tson to hope i: wa- tint iiMrt.il He Jou^ht with unexampled braver\—all nioiitli- fi:lcd with bin praise, 1 will inforni voii il’ 1 eau tie^r in iie, z 1*. Vance This dl^patch received >inre dinticr. ,\o further news froi'i ,MaiIett s regiment A disp'«tch wai received here from lto!d-boro Baying th*t U tf J tiiat the e:iemy bad p.is- >««ion of tho railroad at Mi'.ton a point between there and ilmington; that ati engineer bad stmt- ed to Wilminifton and returned, und s.ad tho en- cmy had the road at .Milton I civ* voa this as 1 received it from Col Rarnes, tho Aid of the Governor, Another friend wrire«i us:— t .- il:i_. In the t'munime, on .'londay, bilh were intro- diictd: in Mr, W.t I iell, to transfer the State’s inrere-t in tlie F and D, li. Xav. Co. to the ifioividual Stockholders thereof, provided said sto:*k tudde;' inrree to execute a bond to finish the improvement in Iwo .Mr. Shepheid, giv ing power to ail it.eoi pi>iiiteo towij.-> in the State to levy addition.il taxe.-i. Mr, Ni.-.s,-n. authorizing the Treasun.-r to pay .'ueb trviops bounty u.s have b:' ii iii-ch;iru'’e'l under the run.'i.ript law, aud to relund l.'ounty t ■ ecrtj'ji v.'Iunt- ei-, vc-Ua.ied by the ctjiiscript ai-t | 'fbe Milirary bills w-.re tikeii uji. ihe question b;*ing on the m itioii to sub.-titute the minority bil. tjr that >r rhe nir:j-,;ity. (A full synop.sTi vif each '.viij j:i'-en in Oia' lasl ) An amendment odercd by Mr MeKny. ul' .iwiui' i.’oionels to ap- poiijf statl I tlicer- atM the rank and file to e'cet (1^/ the other comniis'ioned olTieers wa,*. adopted. Mr, \\ aildell oth retl the foll-jwing preamble, which he afterwards v.ithilrew.. l)ut which wa.s ' R.m.EIGU, Dec. lo -The teleKraphic di.ratch *he yea. . !^. 1 , 1 . ' . I and navs t-n tlu received thi* evenint; tVoin (.ioldsunro', -tatrts that the yankees are in torce at .'lilton Depor on \V W R R Artillery -kirini»h>nv' betKep.; r dds- bon*’ and Kinston (iioat eicitiuicnt We learn from a pas>p[j;r. r in the bt-igp that Gen, Gustavus W Smith ba taken cjminand ot our troops at aud beliw Goluj-boro , und that we liave 18.tl00 men thett*. The Wilmington mail has failed, ti.it are happy to learn that men have arrived at that place, from what place we need not say. From (charleston.—Ch.\rlK‘;tu.s, Doc. 15 — The enemy’s gunboats have been again sheiling Jtttces Island to-day—without cfl'ect. From Louisiana.—Fort Hldson, Dec. 14.— A yankee gunboat aud a wooden boat were here on the I2th, and left after a sharp engagement ol 2 hours with a li.ijht artillery company. Enemv badly worsted. ()ur loss I wounded. From Missls.tippi.—Okoldna, Dec 14—The yankeos routed Boddis’ cavalry on .he 12th at Tuscumbia. No particulars. 80 yankee cavalrv were within 2 miles of Raldwin to-day, and scouts report a large force advancing in this direction. Merited Promotion.— We are informed, aud are much pleased to sutc, that (,’oionel John H. Morgan, whose exploits haveg,iined him so much well deserved tame, ha.s b'en appointed by the Fresident a Rrig.adier Cieneral in the I’onfederate Army.—Jiichmond Fmjuirtr. Thr Chatham Railroad Coinpaiia —Messrs [Uestion ol Its anujitioii' — j Wlu r--a'. hcrc-ri.tbre an :tct passed bv ihe j Genei;il Assemrtly ul N (' at its -es.slon ol 'l^'lt.l - 1, authorizin;; the (Joveinor id the .'^tate tu ac- . C 'fit (d' voluntoers i ir .''t;ue ,-ervice; i,n 1 whereas, ' 1 the rai>ing ol >aiil voluuteer.'* \v:ii ie«t enrrii'd iiito ^ eli'eet at t tie fiuieof th:- passage ot the^,aid law; and ■ '.viicre.i>, this . lowing military bili. now uinler consideration, desire i to be un Jersro.'d as ottering no impediment to the operaiiun of the Cun>cription act of Congres.s, and disclaiming atiy intention to throw itself in con flict with the Fro>ident of the Confederate States or tho authorities at Richiu jiid, but simply to uiiiimely death could Iihtc c »rr>v { .lorro* a largt'f circle t>f d» vol*>d trieu-s ;;nl ihtit of A L .McRrt“ Iu n!i th-1^. he »ii-t (itiod «n envi , .iii,.,"’** Htl ctioii iip hiisSniid. >\ kin 1 tHirier. ' bor and :i ini'ilic . sjiirKed ciiii-, Ar i . Ul I ! • • oh'-.racier whs vH*nly >*•! )rrie«i wun ihe graces of m liii’h fnne'l .'hri!«ii n ci>iiil(>q^ empl iry ntemh»i' ‘ind'iliilinK Kld.*r in thp l' (’hiirch, --whose inpek con-«i-ipii('\ hfarin^. and firm ranral rpciiinif, viei> rt-sd Hiinioi itii:> wh'Ti-vor ni-ii..',. priviiip viriii»^s lad social qiint i ti-i ail whn knew biia. to those lull^t * . ,5^,^ lircately isst>ci»ted wiih n,i hoHt nH'n ii; Well tn iv 11 hi- sHid '>!* ihp 1'lit ii)'I-... lit ■ pious fxamplH he iefi bvtiimi ul^i TAeliti' in ieed, iu w.ho'n is ao g.iilH ,v r»f 9>ich '4 lean, w-* ran Kui mourn m.- ':,„3 f*»di*rHrT of a »rtii- fjatriAt, k hr-wp lo\>.d oflijcor. -If! i 'o the Chiiirh a l'ni'!iful.Ka„ lart;e Cirfle >l rt-eihtng. niie of ii« and to his dpar I'ami.y, \wilt* und fair .i t.- whoye wtilftire lay ueareat hU heart. in». h tlr’lie wrest’ed so failhfiilly tviin hjt f'.. ine Cio V ) t^irif tempora': ill P.iit siir»l" if syrnf .^h', i-.iulil alii-'.i.i'.c would their'? heJiiihi(*r.f>J, f>r if js i!'ir.-ibr knew him It.H (frie'.o n a f.,; iti..se v'uo '■ the d*>t*p !oued p^e y ,of tiU lit-, the Tiim ?n; e->tifiJf*nee in his H-vi.^ur I*-.,'^t'iii-J in hi- im itrTiH, an.l lite ; nony 'Ji ln' ' • od wii b KiTt iti hi Hst ni ii.eir' f-‘nfirTn ihc tiiii inimorial ^{liii!. fre^d iroia the tuii arnl -o’dier s life, now re^^^f- /'■inijt,/i(d upjii ihe^- iis (lod. enji-'virig the sw»ei lud nuii.-iuib-; rcuiikins tot- hi^ oira lt>ar peopjV. no ai3»'t t .>,• : ly tSfshril! ti:te« of ttie r: ?>.rii.il drtim.- =u.m-.5 : hw(.. 10 h!,))dy bal'lr, co more to bf '!;• fai-iioo'- 1 )iid »ri i di? i il_v r i^r M’iJh .'];ii r'lf i';- hen*, hi# b:=«--n e.'celiao/rt-J f. ' ri^hteu.isnf'^s iu v^n: ths cros-ps crown Ilf imrnormj j^l ,ry: he ha.- I.iil i twii 'ti» H of itriff ro i^kr" the goId«n harp; he f.tc. vjr I b'iiiip cry for the of r>dooming*ove U' , thir Ood who tempers the wind to the st,,>n . t.’rr.per thiy .«iore afflituion to his bereaved Uxi: - Hf be q hnsb'Jnd to tbe widow, and a t'arLer; I tlierlfc.s—pivinjr them the cousohitione of v- an 1 the proli^etioi\ of'■d'* ^truoe—may they .'1'.-, .• j., 'I’ '•omforted. and «o taught and irainfi/n.'/z/aj .• : when t>«rih‘8 last eontljcie with each of th*ai ir? orr :hpy may be pr.*pared for a gloriou? reunifiti hip baud and father in His eyerla.afine kineJ.: »- ■ there will be no rnr-re partiiig, |io si^h-^, an urr- I ail will be peacp, love and joy in the H'llv fihosi I * \ Mr, FOR Tfir OKSEBVEtt WiL.Mi.voTos. N C , l):e. 1;! Mfs-rs. Iv .1 Hale .V, S>)ns:—Wi'l you sc'sujt- in the (^''server the following contrihnrijti- f'r's*:. clia>Je of 8hot'H f..r my coriii.> luy; — C U N(.vl!ett 5 j.r* ^i.oes .anii !?*.>'.•; ^1 ,v F. J Li: ' e;ich. J Kile, A \ M K.-ihitii; p, My rover. K .) H,i!e .V Son-J: Si;'), .J is M Uiii;,;,.. i e'\eh. .t T W E L I’omberion, J 'Vi’., .", .'^pearin in: ,»a h. R .Tor^s, V K Le^«-. M V L VV Steel. F! McNeill, J W Let:*. S -T Hiti-i:;ii>. P « rf-11. I) MeL'inrin, T LattArloh. Win'W^rifr , 'STlf. r l. J \y p,iT7,’li, D ••Vndfcr-on, .A, M ^be-j., lit, B Hawlpy R vV flardii^. .1 H Cook. Wm Moliiivr* ;• W ii;htni;in, (j VV Ltw-ence, 1 H Roberts. I) M'N- ! P Biixtoii; i-4. J K L»*e: ?.3, .loa Cflev; eiic". b uitrh. W R Love, H Me.Millin P P Johr.s a, j* Haiifh, G W I noldston, ca.sa. i>r B W R(ihiii«o?- IliHiidt, 'J pi-3 shoe>>, la *U. ii4r,iaail 7 pr'- >‘ H, W HOR.M ('apt. t'ot •'l.l N' f .Rjf FOR TjfK OBSEKVEH C,\MP 'ViiiTivii, tieir VV^liitineiiiu I'-e ^ J H\’p & 8on-'; Allow to m; thank'^ iLroii,;h yoiu )'ip»*r to thi* ('uiuherlnit H =f; \«.«ooiatio»= ir th** t •llowing ar’irit**. which thi>;" •*(. kindly contrihut^d to the iiipmbpi*- ot ray ''tr- JtJ blinke'«. Hi' pr« «oek»,»lG pv.* glovr'i .I'l j , . , 1 , ! ^r.l 61) .«hirr*j .Al^o to \lr!» .\ A ,M''Ke?han latuie, 10 the ph^sage ol the lo|- ] water-proof coat und 2 prs p«nt« Vpry r*specffully, .GEOKCJi: SLuaV Capt, Co 1, olsi Reg'i N ■ KOR TUK 0B3FR\ ER Ca.mi* sk.ar Fr.^.vkli.n, V.A.. l'« 'le3«rs. E J. Hale i 8ony; I desire throuthy iiri* Carry out the provision,*^ of an act ol the General P^r to return my thinks tc the Ladie? of iheium'f: Assembly by which a State force shall be organ iied, therefore—lit it euavtul, 6ic. The vote wa« as follows: Ayes—.Messrs .Ami.*), iiaruhardi, B-jrrinjijer, Beall, Beam. Brown. Bry »n, MIsspII, Co-iner, Davenport, Flemming, Foy. Gentry. GiUi im, of Rockingham, Grier’ Hampton, Hurris, of Cabat rus, H iwes, Henderson,’ Headen, Hooper. Howiii d, JndKing. Kirby, l.emmon Is,' Lojran, Long. Love. Mannio)?, .McKly. McNeill. McRae! IVebl.**!, K' yiid i.s. li'iodes, R .bms jr., Ku^s, Sbepheid] i'j'iuiil. S.aiiiiH, Wad lell.—41. Nu}8 —'leHsrs .\ilt-jon, ,\ifiji*d, B'^nhury, Bert v, Bnr- iiu. Bums, Carpenttr. Cowles, Cnitn. Cari 'r, Flynt, Glpitn, (Leene, Gris8 m. Henry of Bertie, Henry, of 'I ndt-rjon, Hortoii. .lenkins. Keener, Kelly. K^ruer, Lmwk, Lyle, Maun, of H;de. Maun, of Pasquotank,’ Mc.\ leti. .\lc»'oriTiick, Nisseu, Parks, Patterson. Pearce,’ Ricli.iids()u, Kidiiick, Bobbins, Ru.ssell, of Brnu'Wirk, 8hober. Smith, WiUen, Walser, Wellborn, Woodall! Worth, Voiinjr of Iredell, Voune; of Yancey — 14, Aftt»r some discussion the substitlft.* [minority liilij was adopted by the following vote: 1864 The valuable products of tlu* coal ba.«in of Cliatham aud Moore cau be transp irted on the Deep River to Lockville, whence they wilt lind their way along the line ,of the Chatham Rail road to the N. C. Railroad. Tho Directors of the Chatham Railr »ad iiitend, howeve as sufficient stuck line from Carey to the Coulfieldrt.—Juth iyh An old lady, ten miles f’rom Knoxville, made ) from an “ashhopper,” fillou ropeatedly with earth taken from beneath, ?9i> worth of saltpetre. Hyde, .'diknn, of Pasqnot ink. Me Men, .McCormick. .McKay, .McNeil!, M.Rie. Nisp.n, Parks. Piiiterson! Kifmaidson. Ki l iick, K ,l.b-ns. Russell, of Brunswick Smith, U-.d.leil, W.ill,.ti, W.dser. Wellborn, Woodall. Wurth, Vvimg. ot lic it li. Young ol Y-incj'y—65. ^ Nays B irn'nu il., B. all, K.-am, Brown, Bry .n. CoHtncr, Cart-r. Dtvenport, Fleming, Foy, Gii- , ham. of jiocsingham, »tn».r. lUrri!?, of Cubarrus, Hen- „l. ; . I I ’ 1 , . I *Joopef, .r,idi;ins, Kirby Loean ’lonir 3 bubscriU'd, to exf.*nd tht^ir Lemuionds, Love. Mat.uiiig, Pearce, Peebles, Reynoldl’ 1 to llalfigh, und fiotu Lockville ' liodrs. R ibinson. Russ. Shepherd. Shober, Spruill, H.—Jutlf iij/t iSianifard. Stuncdi—o3. f onnnoitcr Jroin Grunville.—Willis H Jen kins, Kstp, has been elected to fill the vacancy ocia«ioned by the resignation of xMr. Gilliam.- ('otnmonf'r f'nnii Heaufort,- David M. Carter, I'jstj., has been elected to fill the vacancy occa sioned by the death of Capt. Marsh. ^teaiii illill for iSalc. The subscriber sffers for sale, a STEAM MILL lo cated on the Wiliiington & Charlotte Road, about ninety miles from Wilmington, capable of cutting from four to five thousand feet of Lumber in *en hour.?. .Also a Bash and Blind Factory, in good repair App.y tc J. .A. MoK.VY, Qii'.tpolis, N. C Oct. 10, 18G2. r,m,f I Avorv 4.. ~j r'orwarding & ConsaiiNi^i«iu . J - , b). niinufacturing Cotton .Card.s has been W '''""'if^ ^hroughtheblockade,aud:.rrivedat(’olumbus If Fartiwulartittention hII prod .oe ?eat Qinj : 11 'in i • » v* for tale. Conaigamantt of N»rU 8tor«?a, f-w s«.e oi i makes tne second card making ma* •bipment, Mlioiied. | chine that has been brought into this State by the WnainiOTo., Jmmy It, J868 Wfly j #nt«rpriw of Georgians.—^i/an^a Con/edfracy, Small l\tx.—One case of Small Pox occurred iu this town last week. The disease developed it hijlfona negro man at Maj. Kerr’s Hotel. It is S ipposed that he caught it by coning in contact vii:u Mnu ‘ returned Soldier at the Depot. ('h'lri'ottt' Dt-m ‘vrat. land Hospital Association for pairs of ioclis; * their kind otTer of many other articles for iti ~ my Company Verv respectfuliv. FRANK N. ROBE T?, , Capt. Co B. ioih N C • FOR THE OBSJKRVER. •In Aftmoriam —It is plea^ani to bear lesiimosj virtues and services of any one, however sit.ation in life the individual may have occjpif'^ ' -Uvf, who h.as ‘-acted well his part”—who bM ■ f^iiihful, tried and true—forius no exception to it'* ”■ ' m irk. Such was Buyck, the slave of G**n i)f this town. He died, we learn, on Monis.v sva« raised hy, and was a favorite slave of. the I'iW *'' Ann M Cochran. For many years he ha>i l«t! }>loyed by Oen Draughon an a (Merk in his had discharged all his duties with a fiJi'li’-J equHll**d—oftentimes having s.ile charge oftbf ’, weeks and months. His death is much rp|i[re'i*i .^n accident of an uncommonly meljincholy occurred at Sulliviin’s Island on Wednes lny W hilt»-three men were ramming hoiu» a 1 " * rifle cannon ih*> missile expjoded. The rani'Ufi' ^ off the arm of two of the gunuors and the' haD'l third, «nd fifteen soldiers standing near ih* pif'*'’* more or l^ss injured hy the frtgmpiits of lb*’ *''' Some of the.He, ir is feared, will lose their l>WELIjI^’W wanted lo 4 Dwelling for a Inrge fumily is w.'iuieil. .■'PP? .Jl. the W'est end of the Dobbin House, to .Mrs. ¥. M W.\I.p‘' F.iyetteville, Dee. 11. “ ^ Headquarters 54th Reg*t >. (. • Faykttkvih-e. Dec. 10, ^PHK Commanding ()ffi3ers of Compani»‘> of thf^ t Regiment are hereby ordered to bavi* f,?. tive ''ompitniee it Military Green, in the wn ® ettpville, on Saturday the 20th iusi , at 1'^ ^ ''pi*- (’ommanding Officer will ortler every ip »n in trici li^ible to’ Militia duty, be'ween the ^ 50 years, and to furnish a correct list ot their tive companies, »nd the age of each ninn. _ By order, VV. McL. ^ Col. 54th R.’ft ' ' Qko. H. Hak;h, .\dj’t. Deo, II, 1862. ^ Mllill** OH ' ' FA’ Till Rfgi- Headquarters 53d Reg’l >. f* F.^vettkvillk, N (' . Dec B*. M.VNDlNO Officers or Companies of thi** ment are hereby ordered t > have their Companies at the Tonrt House tl s pln'p 't* ■"* cav. the 20th inst . at 10 o’d.,ck A .>f ,pi.;5 Krtch Commanding Officer will oide»- eveiy ni'*'' , I istrict litible to Military duty, bet ween ili^ ' ji.i rad 5> year.**, t.T report for d't/v if the ,,jre T'iace, ar^i to furaisr; a /''’ri‘»cf li“t of their re-P^ Companies, and the ag« of pa?*! man By ord'er, ^ ... JNO. A. PEMBERTON, Col toiu C. E. Lirtk, A4j’t. ,, :d, Deo. li; 1863. THK >KW!SI [lo us in papf-'** fof w.ir in onr [is certain *hf [borough ye'f er [that so far «11 [forcenients on iroop-' have ere Thert* are all jbe Warsaw »i!» ,ere wi'hin thr ThoH** e ^tsed, and how with u« in We have >ili« Yesterday, statu on. The wr; e The news troi Llorious victory ire copy to-day pore «f demoral appetite for he prisonerg There in inteu iid county had FROM E .V letter in iht :couni of fight! ^ OOLnSBOBO.’ J i,^d a tight is go ^(Biles from here ||ie Railroad at •:ijonst‘Aitly Oei havejnet gone t Oonstantly arriv 'drive them into . ^e enemy’s purj this is hardl The fightinjt h. Ae moving th*-ir lining and det Xgerters arrived Arve in our arm • itOOLDSBORO’, i ^nly changed tl ipir cavitliy cua the W. tt W 1 .ring up the t .ipb wires I The cannonadi: tbe Confedera le principal tief Ralsigh, Dec usfon have bee The loss in louiits ouly t ^all, but we invv The paru'^'d pi lose of his coir. MI a P. M.—Pvepp ,‘lling Goldshoi 'The railro'td bi lly; Uoldsborougb p-f in the advanc We are permiit ti the telegraph mging at Neuse i ef Goldsboro', am ^he contest is tor «id»» its tate.—TV A friend writ*; jpeived this morni Col. Litile inloi ipitch from Gov, going on at the m f^r was going ;^m Goldsboro', burning of tb| kat it was on hi J &The enemy wtrl agers by the tr ^,W0 men, aud there to-nigl ' Cel. .Mallett wol i paroled to-moi j i.Anoih\;r friend i ‘There ig greatl it the yankees [ the river, a miJ libt of the ki lej Jle news; a disrl kftve burned the ft:Anoiher letter tl c|e tight below kJ fill except (apt! this place, aiid liners. Col .Mai fHi killed. Capt! ^11 those taktn uJ Kin»ton b j Yet another leiiJ part of the regiuiel •rs. It wag cut! ^idge. ' It was reported f»ugh had been kil only wounded a| The following Ia iifi’s regiment The battle of Si Sousand men agal •nrg, and were tJ frr men were thel *hile it wii^ burui] riv r and on tl prisoners, thel |y’s loHB is tremei I It was one of th€ 80 far as the i, Igher up the rive] pipped: them aorl ^burned the railn FROM 8tJ i-Messrs. K. J nj llfound Kinston !^d Irving .lone M the head, not' B. Lindrt.iy. uuliiT^heririgl ^These are .nil t\J rtitVf lat piect> wa«i !fi •'•0 yards, and v| ie enemy and onlj IcwiUPT? 0( HV,' bi) id rc.'pulBi,‘d the iree shois thri'iij tui our df id wi iug has bc-cii he.irij ■i»fr. all 1,^ ro[ ^Wards Wilmingll #*re lafci night ^•■eping ciOKf w ■ Jheni beluw here. *•'83 in the tatile> ItlLLliD ,aNI) W«' | Tbe special R-p| |8*cted the fiiliowuj ^tst Regt: Jojih] ‘■Apple, .\, ihign 1st Reg t: A M . •i'lth Reg t; .) A (^ Kayner, A; .J ^ Carter, ditto, ki ditto, ban «1st Ke^.'t: M A p P^rry. b. bolt ^“7 '- t>, arm .Vj.ilf.Vs B.m-,1 U A Powell V/e; S Staplpi , Keg t: ' H ^ A .Moore, B, »»«ne. B, back R«g’t; J TJ