SIKIWI-WKKK l> \e>L. \il ] i AYKt rKVlLLK, >*. C.. DIX’EMBKK 22. IS(>J [NO. 1188.] Wm UJ i nnr.l H-iiderw. ;"row. I J Semmei ■ Hr '’wn. Jaii« lark. H S V Peytcc I'avii. Wi!- c : . \\ ' Oiiihia F'csMD - '--ndiion ^nfi. J r ».•' ii Haniy irit B ■ ;jf. «’ J Mud ; ‘ .7 d \V Lewis jjip, .uciu.‘ .) Wn^ - i J \‘;= re i'hariei >. r. ici -ri >i i'upr*' J :: Mcf- i- J H lauiber'.'J :er. ( a?ir'^r W > , '(’ A-. Tbo» s , S fi Rob- ,0 r ■. Mcl'owell, ArH.*r.^n, J « B r. r ’jer. A T skii. V\' 1 ' ^ H {•'■■ote, M I' 1 \I urr’.n (OX. i'» ier W MaloOffi ‘ hale a suN^ fc„. w*.h Noies b/ ,RiNrr.i> moN ’av-^ \Si> thuri^dws kuhaim» j. oal>: & so.^s. Rlir |R> A\i> }*R(«PA1ET«»R7J ,r . ., .'^em WppklyOdslrvkh i 'U) if pai.l in . r.-r i- ■■ } i;i during liin v.’ft! r'f ..i ,• "J af>er t>;e rear has expire.! - v»,-bsKPVKH ?'J ‘,;l> per aii;uun. :! f *'• ni3. > ’ • i5' th*> » Oi’ fttVg- the venr Im-^ . \i'irt‘'i • Mv ! ■! ^ ctti;' }.*' tiiil .1'' cciii'i fi^r CHCli ;-V[ KTlr^l MI’NT . !'■ lines for the iir .:.Z puMtcaiion. i »>.wr!_. ;i'lvi i tif'i'inoiil'j -j'f- THi'l;-. ■ roiannf5M’ r-i!-’;. A errisors :iro ■ i,i -fi- '!io numbpr >t iir ilcsirtvl, tu- * . _'.,ntiiin'' l tt ' ioi’iiiil, Hii'i accord- , r . Stj ill' -led . chargt'.l T>0 per ?KC yOTI ’K. ,. j .-’ . ;.- ,adtc, no tiaiuo o!'ii ii>'W ■iiihsoriber • . .: w;'h'iv.‘ I'.ivtiu'nt in ndNtiUH'. uor wi'l ;i h -iu^i ••ri^ eT' - a i.irnri'v timo be 5 . 1 i ;;ji5 : il-ei d u- Je - i - fj take ;h« p!.- ;.vl ‘!4»e noiity us wiieu laakiiif; J'iU’v 1. 1 Attorney at Law, FaYL1 EVILLt, .N (' ^ jU -uJ tUe County aud Superior t..ui(a ui Dbrrlaud. HHrn*»ti. Moore au t Kof-es ci t jmpi atteuiion (^iveu t-‘the ^'ollei't; rs uf »11 1 I'iie'i to hiji !mud» iiEO. W. WILLIAMS .V CO.. Ihole^^alt* in lMroc'‘ri«‘», = IMPORTFRS and ULALERS IN krtiware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, (If., U\Y STULKT. F\YErTLVlLl.K. I. •-». ihfil W. I' K.KNDALL i:0\, K£.\DAI.L Ac TO , ioiuiiit^^ioii Mei‘ehaiii7» A :> I) WHOLESALE G»»0CER3, So. 11 A 1*2 >orth Water Si„ Wilmi/iJlon, i. ler? ;'r m the i'.junirv pr^’iuf-lr est Ui 1 ' t'»r i ‘itK'a-ion given ! -a'. - a; * o;..)ii Id vtaer j..;.* •i! ; “f'1 !"-t:' T.i. Ac 8i. i. WORTH, iBimUsioD and l^'orHardin^ IferrhHiirs, WILMINUTON. N V J 'i ■ I \ K O! Hi(T I't •/ W'isi LKv li vii- Kovi> (>rnci:, ^ i'a\\uh \ "»0 Cl- ] ( •() 1 1 |^c»n» ^ ON .him! rtt'er the 1 si i>iy yl .*^ppt. ihe fullowit.'({ laies will l>e ohp.rped on I’lissfticei s, vi/; Kr. -1 Fueiipvilie to l,ittle River. to ■''{'tjiti Si.riiiii, iv' K -‘k lir«n. it, I , vU 1 ;■•.>!, V ■ . 1 ‘vii y-i;ve H'Miiiuii'i 1 vrill tio colli'cted bv iie Loiidiii'iyi Mt v'lcii } :i->euj:cv, le.tviiii; « .'^^■ifiun wiih'rtit 'V ticket A !!• w rite of Freijf.hl will cft 'ct «! the s.uiie lint* '.vbieh will fit* and I’liifu-hed lo tli-.* public in a few iJay.-) Ry order of the Tres'l, •INo M. ROSL. I’reas'r W. R. R ('ij A us;. "lO. lSt!-J. U E«TI^K.\ KAIL KOAU. ^ind if'iT .NKind-iv tiie iiisf th ' 'I'rMlns on tbi> Rortd Till rtin dnily. leaving Kivetteville ai ^ O 'lof K, A .\I.. rofti: ninjj ieav,- Mclvei - Depot at 1 o’c',..'.K. P M ♦’ R M \LI KTT. Vre'j'i Si-pi 'JO. r,"'f LOOK AT T1H8! • mi FUETTKiiLU; llOTIiL. Fiouiitig 300 teel aud in tbe busineis (H>r(ion oJ‘ the Town. 'oiilaiii iiiftrt* ««|»ac‘ioii*i aei«l %%«*!! «riililate«l Kooiik tliaii aii> llotrl ill lli* ^iat«% aiul my Palruiis >a> riiV l OJnliments ai^; very u'uoJ !or tlie titiii*^ T. W UllilLL. l*r(»pri»*tor. M - . l^•i: -JTv 1 KKNuAI.l. FayetteviUf Female High ^ohool. Ml* x-i'i'i'e-J o1 ih -. Iti- . ur.oii w '>e r'^jiueJ ou the ■' h ’f '.'it y 0 vr Wi. I- r reri:!-; ilie ,f 1:1 wi'ek , ''r?^ v:oji. . r .:i .'.ml pn>l- aig 'Jtiii Ue_- ; i!'.e -■c.'.ii i ..f v ••'tiiniiieiic •;? l.i V i.d tvld.IlL^ J'.liV .! 'tud Uu".rJ.a»;; iii' rtimi !i, r . r.ii^ ili,-; '--h ‘ ari' eirnesiij, el ■ • t iv cji.-al.r-* c. n'niniTit ''I ' p i;” i. ;iiu’- i:i ; eg ir i ' 'M tv . ' '■.•■■■ lie i iiMif : ■ 'iie }?(ib ol Rev V\ M t.ii i T (■ Ht(U’KR. ^f.inciptti Inly 17, 1 i ■ : 1 jJpd F.t VKTTI. \ ll.I.K WITIAL i:^SrRi\fE (OflPAM. ("lipitai in Premium Nofes itu'uuf» ■ • 'a-h on ti ind iud >ther a-;-ef' . ■J'lT.Or'H -t, r>.077 5 ' I. ei Tl'** I •’Qipauy t i l ■; 1., i.: mptly, and have n.-ve; niade an tfise .sjueui -n iL.-ir t.reniiuni nc-te;* F. r* 1. li’iK ' '-u acconiii!.--with lioard ;i . ^ .T: . 'H T ‘ * . W H »VL\i ILETT, \>lirMS, BLOIKKII & 4 0.» HHiiHfactiirei'M ot .^alt. iS LETT. Vjz. . - .;i Faye:-, Vi • •• i SMITH, Agent in \Vj’mitig'"U M -M TH. W l> 'M.'H, . ;L- : KER. -U i J r. ■ \KVr,-'. ' . ’ >' i ',wj i Jilfl'SO.V, WILLIAMS &. CO.. H.ii/r ,nAKi:itT>. r :3tt. pansnow i;. .per’.*i-n n ti.-rmleu It 'Vilmicet'Mi I’l: 't-s winhing t. supply - ■ . ' V-. h -H.t, xu : i.i'.n-.shel by Hpf .yini: t- J' fi, ,1r, Aizeni -.1 F >j. v,' ••, lo F. ni the work'*, «r t ■ .1. M WILLIAM-^, vi'-ni'rai •periritenvi»'ni. ' ■.» ■ Nov 'Ji,'. iHOj ■'I’: roTTOA VARA. >0. 19 M») ijtn'ei. I . F \l \LLK I 1 and Tobacco on (onvi^nment ■ n ^■eat I'l-.'.i' ar t i’ .Mhiiu- - I. varion i|; ali i F ir y ile l,y fLM W A ; i.l.l MS .'t ( '». '-I IH.,,' t. ;if AOTK'K. ;* .e !'r.)tn n»nie a lew iROtiMis in ■’.’d McLean i~. riij au'horlEpd . *. isiness until 1 reltirn. N. J. jONK.-* -. . ' ■ .,tf After tliiH date 1 will i' j Fivev'eni' pyr j.ounJ lui ra^is de livered in F'livetteviUe, or .t my niilln I> ,MUR1’H\ [salt pans foh sale. ■' ■■ H IK'-.N F\N.S. lar^f, for nale nt tht ■ ' ' F lyetleville, N , by H ANbKRSoNV ‘'4 a .»^Ai/r. ■* l‘■ - lie on consi^nmpnt >iv (J. W WILLIAMS 1 T'.Mf \V \ .\TKI». "/kiv I'.LtIIKLS whrvt .*)UU •• Corn. -•-oas havine r. tit-ive ariicle; to «,-i; v,,;i ie.-i>iv.- I' (;a.“h pri. ■ i)v calling on Mr M 'rn...rn>;,iri, Merrhani .M i-, F i vMmvmI«-, or on 'h^ ■ li-cri ' )ld sian 1 .1 \i.irkei '.in:vr,- ALKX .I.iHNSDN, ,lr. *w«inv-li’e Uollai‘« Reuai*t. ’ ■ . 'r'lru ibe Hnbscriher, hi- im •> .y ■ ' i- i;- _’l yf-Hrs of Hjje, ah.‘.;tf o I-, ■ pi iiiQhi - 'lie te.-’i ;ind very nitich tnrne i mt -it ;h- “ - ‘i:.-n »vh*-n ;poken lo. lie w:is .“een a* in K'lhpson county on cho 21hI nit . ■ , viiie a*^->nt three weelt!- apo. Tfu- {:iid fur his Iclnrery to me or for ' -w lu aiiv 1 tii (hut I ^ei him. W I>. JOHNSON. - • Au" ]4 ivr,i>. fi-Jtf , -RUV llARAI:5>i«^. •; ■■ i ' iii;inuiac!ur*' all kit\as >f'Wagon " Army use. 1 tim my leather and can '-/ im" .^gt!ni!4 wil. iio w» II ty. sepd their 111. Kijjy ..hall nave prOt'ipi attention, anl ' ' dispatch. .John cartkk. - ^uhTmCo., .N.'i'.. I •1'iHH K’l, l(*ir2.. { ' '^0 IhH. i r ; ■.] lo-pni :, t I' hi:- GKO. MoNF.lLL. 1' 1) A R.VY. Vic.- t. A McMiLL W, L'tR».i T ■ - .leni ■ H l' S T : Lilly, Myrov!.!, Hawl.y, .■•atnan .\ Hte.Jiuan ♦ B .Mallett. Jame« Kyle, A -\. M 'Ketlinn. J. l> 'Villianis. W rillinehast hn "’ollins and (' N ftaV'Thi* roiiiprny iav::e aprlir May I'H, iS'j - ■ ,;d.^n' : erid. n; ’c'y ilii-' Li.e. M; L'lur; r. l.'.itteri S' r* e 1 ■ .'•■.■.e.7 ■w;i. I id. Wihtj'^lon. ruiLi'Tien. T>aveHng ApenM ■*;i- A j ; The »n StyW*. Sni.all. I rOLOKKU PHOru>K U'bS,, : at i I 4aall4‘i‘). | I J ART. Woodwards ^iolar iaiiiera. f )H »TuG R \ PH ■' be hsi.i-it in. r» ie!!'- .Mt^'Ufrh 1 > iHerr. Hay >^trepf, opposite M.^rble Vard. Fay eHfvilie, N ■ pI.iiTi, n-tr,udii. I, cd'ir*-i, in water ''oK)r-, oil and pa-i:l.-; ‘V ' , -Pi i'! o lii'e .V.,.b,j 'ype-i. Mk: sniMi. I pes, .rpi ii; . :hf; .‘t_, t-- .f l*icnires periftin le >o tiie \ri. .\js.), (iih Frame.s. (lilt Mould inp, (J .-■ ' for vnry larpe picitire-, ni hitgp as jO >iy M 'iicheH '-od and T.iu'sel's for haneing pipiiue>): InMru- menits. and henucal:s fur “ale low liircash. Lite tjiie colore 1 I’hotog-raphs made fr'iin suia;i pictures. Having permanently bicated ii.-re I 1: ij>e o merit your patrouajrP 1 w.iuld a'.' : return my ■:n ;eie thank.R for the liberal patronage besi'-wo i . n n.e heretofore by the good peofde of Fayetteville an I vicinity. .M. VANOR.'SDELL, Pfaoiographist and Prorrietor. Dec’r ‘JO, 1 s.'jn 77- .Harble Factory, Sale of ft portion ol (he Fayetteville k 1 Western Plank Road. ^j^ML un (.“r ^ipned I; iviitj^ be*-u appoiiitod (’atnmissioner 1 Lo >«cll I'll iliai pan of the Faj'etteville .Si W'esierti 1 Ian.; l.oivl. iib.'ve Hiph Point, wiR hell at. public .\uc- ti»;ii in the towts of t' i!eiii, (,ii tlio 1st Tue^^dav in Jftii'v 18i).x til* Rfwd T^’ll It .•imew, ."ic , between Hish I’ouit .and Rethani-j. upon itM-nis to be iiiado known on tbedav of VVALK1:R. Com Nov. VOK SALK. i Lot of Cotton and Hoolen .^iarhinery* fc) v.ooL PirKi: RN -V •’ ■>'» inch W Old C rda. * oii •• R..ii C Md. I tU' '^pindl.- Wool 1 ('ott.iii Lapp*-r. ^ * 2 U.intorth (’-jp train- \'j'' Spindles each. 1 THiostle Frame .'•} 1 brawinj; !• rame with I'oilers ami Packers. 1 r> .>ir>uid t^peeder, &.c , JLc. >ome 1 the abovo mioli:uei'y is new in opeiation t» i IN a I Wn HKAIlQl iRTERS CAHP OF IN'STKK 110\. 1 Hi)I..Mts, l>e"eiiiber 1. ■ m; ’ acoordanoi'ii h insn nciions iroiii ilie i ■, of War the following (leneral Order No. ') i- piild!...ii,'ii Thfe Enrolling Officers of thi« Stst^' '»ili i-ny u lar ntfentton to fht* s.-nm*. und report to these He iiiiju ,r ier> ,iU ofticors aud enlisted uu !> who do uol c.niiply promptly with tiiid iiler By onler of (.’ol PKTKR MALLLTT. ('omniandinj; ’:imp of In^trticHon. H. N. ,Man>\, .VdjuiHiii. the Riihoiond huoiory For !’ii ticular^ addivss JOHN .SHORTRIDQE. Rofkinj^haro, Richmond (''o , .N 77 ItJtpd N..V IJ. 1!.J VA LI ARS.;: nSLLS j OFFKR lu>- ^rtlo m_v PL.i.NT \TION. 2 miles west ol 1 I ai:hai.’“ \lo >re cr.uniy. contuining .acres, on w.’iM-ti i- ,, (iris! Ui.i Saw Miii. (,'oiiou Oin huI Screw. 1 •s'lli riceiv'e in ( i^men: .'■tiie Bond.-), ('onfe.le: ut" money liiely V-_-' . JOHS Mt'Rl'^US %'ALtARi.e: LX^liS lor Jsialt*. I *tFER Idr Salo m? 11 VNr\.TIo\ oo McCleud.m i 1 ('reek, ■. miifs .it i’li Kins; .m the basin of the . o il Field'S, cotiiaimag .'lUlt icrc • Kiiioh i> pr^ mv . tii is m to.- ..•ounty oi .\ioore Tbu iiu|o ovem*'iiis goo i an i ilit -oiu-iHuu healtiiy Terius )i>-*r.i JOHN’ M«>Rrs«tN AOTICt. 1- Ha\k lil 5o ncre- iiore. in .lU cu. liaon. in ihei .'un y 't Ml He, - I'lirnun)? .\li!j>-!al, an i I'lii- T en'!cii* 1 in 1. - wiiioa 1 v. 1! sell .u ^.*r .1 terms JOHN .M-iRI.S »N .Tliiierai A V i. an iiKe: * Lassd:« lor Salt*. ot o •••1‘lird : A. UK' iiii r. N ■1 tract o:' n ’.vii.oh UU\r> p- :r.‘ and an ■veli W'-.iihy ■*i >f;is ).N 77-11' t'OR.\ I WILL I Moles cithnr t ^ivi'i^r :i" d b n 1 tCooky R:vm, one r l • ir i ui,,.* li'itu »Jre-:l A %1> ■; in, •id Nv IbGiV III r.I'.S FOR ALft). t jru 'lu 1 ..r If* lik.*ly youug • .*1 or :,ii tici>* by lt»*> purchaser ■i-Tity Af'ply Ht oiy pla'>* on ■ '» half mill's f:orn St Ltwrence, * il, ( iialiihui couLily J PACK «1 Iwpd Oriital l"rnclire lor ^*al«*. I Lll f r k!e pi .V j'.y .ly 1-at.*! I’r iJtive .c Fay- ' 1 f.'ev r.f, .N I' 1 .Te otli ^e occupying foiir roouia -i -cC-'iid tl K.r, well luii.isLi I. tog«:tj‘r with several ii ii,i» KiHL. ti'.'LU FLA I'F an i •'^i.iLDKR. .V large ■ idj’t and JiisinH tor (ieneralN Oflloe,* Nov'r .:7, lKf,;j , [UrMCU.U. OltliKK.s, No. ‘."i ] ComniHndutus of c -?i'cripifi will can e the following order lo be pu'dishe l i o ’it least seven lim-js in a suffi- cieni number of uewnpupvjrs lu each State of the ('on- : federacy to ensure ii» rciciiingevery part ot the country; i 1 .Ml commissioned otticers and enlisted men wlio ate j now ..bseni from their commanii^ Irom any other c^tut^es than lefual ilisuhiiity. or duly un l.;r order.-- from the Seo'y i)f War, or from tiieir dep-irtmeut commanders, will r.?turn to their comi .ands without delay. IL *\tmmi9sioned officers failing to coioply with liiu provisions of the foregoiug paragraph within a reasou- abl* length uf time, in no c^ise In exceed twenty days after the publication of tfiis oidii, -tmil *>e stropped from the rol-.i of the army in disjii ice. find ttieii- naines will be turni'ihed to the couiriiautJmt of conscripts, for en listment in the r'»nks MI .Ml enlistf l i;icn who .=ihiiU fail lo cciuply witli 111. proviaimH ol {larngrapU 1. of thirj ord.T, within a rt-asonable length of lime, shall be Coiisidernd as deneri- ers. and lrer»i:*‘i icc >rdtugty, tlieir n itiies t« be furnished to I lie oomuiarid-iu t. ot c -n-*ct ;pts, i^ ttieii .State, for publi C'ttion, or au h o'iiei iicli'Ui ns may be deemed most etLoacioiis IV I'l oril»r lo eti'iii,- liie ottioient co-operation of all concerne'i to carry this .-rd^T into iauueili.aie etiect, l)e j pHriiiii-ut t'ommander- are lirected i'> re4Uire from iho ; coniiiia-.iding ..ttiotfv ot t-i''ki separ-ate o muiaud in ilieir ! Df'parimeu's a p’ompi rr'port of the iMines ot all com missioned offic**is ao I irnlisted men now absent trom j their conim»ioH These refrjrts must .stale in each case j ttie c luse of rtbsoni *>, iod any regimental, batt ilion 'f '.'ompHny conimander who sh.ill neglPi t t > tiirni*b sucii j -i r 'p'irL, or wt>> '■Imii ku'>wingly he ^uiltv of conci*;'.lin^ , any cn-" of tinautOor:/''j .-•b'lenci.-. stiad. on conviction ihfieo!. be -ommaiily 1 isini-r-ed. V L uder the provisions of U t cl iUsl- of p:ir:tgrapli 1. ' t (ien-'ral i_)rd-.*r- No c'vmin:s-ioned oHioer- an i i privite'- wh'' ire inc ipable oj bearing arms .n cons.*- . •ju.-'.iev> oT wound- veceived in >;»tfle, bul wiio are other- . will li' ;■ r -ervice, are le'juil e 1. if I) •! -frwi-e nssign- ! ■ report tothe neare«' connnanit: ■ ' coiiscript.s in : 'to>'i respective Stales, who wilt, if itiey ar> titled lor j duty, a->ign tliem to t.’ie (■•illr'cti m .it stragglers I mil itii' fniorcemem ot ihe pr •vi-.iont of this or lei-, ' .vit'.i 'uii power I . caVi u] on Uw* rieni>» I military (iu- ; thoriiv lor such assistance a*! may t'»* tifCfssary iti*»relo. I VI Olh 'ers of itie (iuartermaster’M l>rt}iartuienl, idiiirg- -o with paymenl of iro.ips, nr** hereby directed not lo ■ pay any comini'Sione'j iliictr. iiou-commissioned otticer '•r private who doeH not luruish siitisfneiory evnlenoo • hat tie is n-1 liiible to tlie penalties descriheit in me I'ore- iroiug ord^r Any disbur-ing onicer who «ha!l make jiiiyuenl in violation of this order shall be liablj on his roud for the amount of such payment. Ry order; Signed S (’(J»PKR .\d ji and Ju-peotor Ueneial Dec - So 7t Si. School^ RALKU^H, .A. V. KiK:bt K«‘v. Thus. Atkinson, I). 0. Visiter. Kfv. Aldcrt Sniodes, I). IK, Rertor. ^pHF. of the last terra having aatisfied ths 1 Rector that ihe Boarding Department of the School cannot be maintained at the present price, he has. after consuUing judiciot;« frien lt», drtennincd udou the *'ol- I'lwing charges for itie en.suing term: terms: F ir Roanl \n-i Tuition in, p'r term of five i:i i:itiis, Jan’y tjth. Iisijot jiltjO; Tuitien in Fromdi, Tuition in .Slusic on tne Piano, Organ or (Juitar, Soli, with $o for the use of Instrument; Tuition on tlie H irp with the use of Instrument, $45; Singing, in priv-iti- lepsiins, SiiO; Hrawing, $10; Water Colore, SI i; Oil Painting, i?25; I’enM and Ink, :*l!: Library, §1; W ishing, at the charge of the laundress: the present ciiar^e is jl ') per term. The rule prescrilting a uniform ia suspended tor the preseni Rabdgh, Dec. 12. iSii’J, 8> .'’t Adiiiiiii«trator’x Aotice. suliscriter h tving b>»en appointed .\dmini,«tralor I of tlie Kstates of Neill Ruie. Daniel Kuie, Flora Buie an 1 Mnry I’uie. dec'd, laie of i;umheriand county; No- tic.* is hereby given to all persons having claims against, the estate of eiihfi or all the above-named intestatr-s. to present them within the time limited by law, or thia n i- tic'f will tie pieided in bar if their recovery. A McLF..\N, .K.Im'r. layeileville, Dec'r o, lHtl'2. 0 AdiiiiiiixilratorN Sale. ,N' Fii iiy tlie ’JCth December lStj'2. tlie f.«rishable property tiebiugillg to tlie Kstates of N'*ill Rule, Daniel iiuip, Flova lime atj'l .Mary B:iie, dee d, will be soM .Hi I’litilic Aucliou. it the !aie residftif.- of Itie de ceaseii, on tlie I'tiicken Road, about ■lev-'n luiles frmu Town I'he property consists of Two ilofses, hea'l if Cattle, H h, a 1 ol Hog'?; (\>rn. l*eas, Fotlder, .'^hueks, V:c.; 1 rtiiinu I ’teti- il.-j; Huiisehold aul Kitcboii I uriiiture, iii- ('iudiiii: n !;ir;;c nnuibf'r ol' l*laiikfts, Foatber l>rds and Bed Clotliiii: ak:imRob:.s to the -auiH iiiu'.' and placi-. t'o' till e-iiiti-s, consisting ol : will tie nued out for one yci', ^ ,.j to tie tviitf.t T.-rms made a., mh \C.. Ao. A‘ F,!-. t*i'••viiie, Dec. 6. 1..1AOS lA fllRF. tieg>'oes t>eionging to •I .a and thi;ee men, i.e and farms ii sale. M.'Lt:.VN, A lm i. .“'0 IS 2,000 A ' I Vl’H'ANii K .md IKKTH of ,.li kinds '•> »hird inter.1t tu a viney irj lysng tour miles ■01 ’ii o' Fayetti'^ille. jh!•tilling; v.-nty-five acres. Vtiosc owing rue wi.l pligeci'l on Mr .\lex. Ji^iin- 4 .t. Ji , uni set'le .iudi .-s R Si I) 11. ••tpeD'-lioro', .N (’. tk-t -7. i.'i-.J ’ 7dtf V.N Lic,.dli.-ni Dr ill 111 i H'.r.iesH H mediua ,d M FOR ^AI.F. urse .\lso. a good Vpjiy to V ATM AN WlLLlAM.St)N. (tray s (.'reek. P O T'.t Imp! ' AO i i^:i:. Term l^i _’ ot t'BTnbcrl ind County ;ib?.’ri'' r •>*‘IS .ipp inied .\dininiBtrator ;>f: ' Mr- lt:.:inili Ball Persons in- I •>» « d 111 ;jt p-i.i’uini tome; there bei si't '.ed mu"*! pr.-' nl them m due ROik£:.HOA 4 01 ATV FOR >ALt; •\''RL.S ,>n Raft .'^w-iir.p, v miles frotn Lirii^ ei ton w. i ibout miles Trom the W. t' '.V R llailroaa Acres on me ilroail Ridj^e. about miles from I.UiiiOeil'in 107 A cres ,.ii the W i R Railroad, 7 miles from Luinb-rton T^^•ent^ acri-j oi wtiich is in culiivation. •J70 A. res Known as itie Red RanKs. on I tie W. (). ,i R Railroad, l*i aiih 3 trom Lumbertoii. .About 1150 open !i.ud under fence Tliere are two small framed Ikios-..‘m uu ttie premises too .ihioui 1 mile from ihe last mentioned tract, very tie ivily timbered I,0:t0 Aiu'e;- known a- the Little D-sert. A rich swamp a&i'ui Di tuiles trom Fayetteville and 1 mile from tlie Fayetteville and Lumoerton Road, adjoining McO“-\chy ami others. 1,000 -Veres known a« the Desert, adjoining Wil liam .dcNeill, i Hlti«.T Daniel \lt;Neill, Mc.-Vlpin and others .1-jit acres ingti hin t, ttie balance is valuat^le sw.imp R. S. FRENCH. Dec. iii, I,"''.!’. ^ti-JUt-pU M' It TWO iiimti.s \Bi»VK r. T. inii.H v stiiiii: I'ayrftevilh*, ■%. :in> 1 >.> '» * rilHK t N ill. RS HI N Kl». both ii'ivi ill : tiiiri’I ■: • inili 1 tary o'rvicp ,f tlu-('.,i,f,, S; ^'- of \merica, hereby give n-otii-e to ih-ii- oVi .-u .ton: i t ,in 1 •Vie>nl, shot tliey appoiiryd .b.:;;, i». Si.rr.u.t .l iuit)! Williai-.', of this jilace, their rr.i-y- .i ,1,-,- oiii,,.,. ii-parat-!y or ooiijoinlly all ni' n.'y- ionni ii)i, ,• ’.y accouiit or note, and to »ti "nd to tl,, iv Kn'.' idtie.-;-' generally during their r,b'UM!Ce. 'i'li'-y r>sp>iM- • Tolly k all pi rsons indebiiii » • i.,em loi ill^ ■ prompt ly as po'ssitile on thej'' aai rii i • -n ike p;ivrH. ;ii. ^ 111 -V wTli.i \MS. • .Sept T.t, 1801 ,',H.ff i OIL AND LAMP BLACK. ’iniANNKR-S' ind LUHRICATING oIL. I 1 LAMP Ii VI* '>ec. tuber I ’oott, yie ■ I tne et-i.iie ot i leb ed to lio h^MUg cl-.’.lift I time, or t i» ncio-e Will he ' le t :ed in b ir ot a rec 'Very. nUTHKK XOTii’W. UN V.’.idn's'Ji.y, tt'.e '2i n Decembet, D. IHii'i. 1 wi'.l s.'li at thp \1 trk.-t House, on a crt iil of f^ix moTima, ail the HOL’SKtlOLD aud KITl’HRN FURNI- TL’RE—the property of ihp :s'« Jlrs. Ifannah Ball. P. lU RK\RI'. .AdniiniRtrator. Dec 1 rtd-ta A’OTIC'E. i l>r.R'^o>8 w sh rig to buy T»*>WN PROPKRrV will do j i well to call im itie sub«-critier 1 will sel" on reason- ; able terms u,y Itoii- e in I Lot, having also a good Kitch en. .StiioWe h iiist; and good Well of watei .Mso, tout | i'. W!! Lois w'.th o i ; tii^il'». ttieroon an 1 very eonve- i niefii :.iid one ot!,*r s:n ;!1 L't \'so, -1’ iicres of L«nd | joining the town of f'art liage. coiivenient fi.r wotSd. I A M BRAN.Sl>N. i (' irthage, D«c 8:itf j \OT31E. VT TiiF. M.VCiNol,! .V ,S\l,0').N m Fayeiieville. Nos. ! llJ 4mt M (ir = .! i:reet, I offer for sale, at whole- | s lie or p“t iiil, — 1 f\ RHL> s?iperior old Porr Whiskey. xU 1 bbl. Mupmior old Rye Whiskey, 1 ijuarter cask fine .Sjolch Whi.skey, ' \i'out K/) gallons superior French Brandy,. j ID tibls. N'l’- 1 -p!p liri.ndy, j do supei'ior Peaeh Bratidy, j do good (’h'Try P.oiince, ; and a small quantify of superior Port and Madeira Wine. ] RKURFN .lONKS. I Dec'r 1, IStVJ. . H'Jtf i 01.0 I ROA. I higliesi cash |)ripe paid for OLD (,'.\ST IRON at i 1 M. A. BAKKR’S Rriiss atni Iron Foundry, FjiyeltevUle, N (’ Nov. ‘J'.*. S'J-4wpd I _ ! ^alt Pa»M rail b> liail at ,M A Piaker’s Star P'oundry in f'rty- etieville, N. C.. ii:w in full operation. .\il onti-rs for Brass or Don (’a-ting, wil! re^'eive promfit ;tlenlioii by \I .\ RAKLR. F:U pMevilie, N (’ Nov I"* Iwnd A iiti illicit ration A'of i(‘r. ^pHF. Kuh.sctih.->r having- ipialifipd as A Imini-tr'Urii on i iht‘ Fstate of Ins Sondy, dec'd. hi-reby gives notice to all pprs uiJ having ‘lairns ajtiiHi s .id Lslate to pre sent ihptii to Wm Mi'L ^^^’K^lv W'thii: th** time pre- scribrd !iy law, '»• thi- n.oie-* will :.e pii'id''i in t ,r of their’rec ivery. ('\TH \ litNF. sl’N i»V. Adni i. Aue t. IhV.o. 40 , I li(‘adQuurti‘r>, laui|j of Instruction, ) j ( HoLMK.S, .Nov l.xtij. )' f .s't-Ki'l.\L OttDERS, N» 12. 1('(JMM.\NDING UFFl(.'KR.S of Militia Regiments , are required to assemble all persons subject to the provi.sions of the act entitled '‘.in act to ameQ'i an act i entitled an act to provide further for the public de- tence." approved Sept. 2(i, lb'»2. aud enroll ttie f^ame. II An Unrolling Officer and an Examining Board wiii be appoinieii tor each (.'ongre.-sion U District, who will give due notice 10 the (’ommanding olficers if Regi ments to brinj^ the f'lon'cripts «d the County-.Seats of their respective Counties for examination Jminedi ately upon exaniinatioii. the said (Jo ciirtnding Oflicers of Regiments will conduct all Conscripts not iiaving re ceived certitii'ate of exemption, to the (,’amp of Instruc- tieiJ, near Raleigh III .Mi persons w.ho m ly desire to volunti er must do .so before the 2Uth of D.rcem*)er, liie d iy set apart for enrollment, and must join (.ion.p;inies wliich were in the service of the C intcderate States on the 18th of .Vprit I6ii2 IV. ..Applications for exemption, must, in all ca«'.‘s, he made lo me enrolling cfticer of 'he district; duplicate copies of said application heing made in writing, duly sworn to helore an acting .lustice of tue Peace ;»nd be-'n- ing the cei ;ificatp of the Clerk of the ('ourt. g;iven under the County .Seal and sent through the ('olonel of the regiment .\n app°al nriy be laken from the decision j IIOL'.HE near the .Mile Biaiich. of the enrolling offioer to the Cotiiirindaiit of ('oiiscripts. of the late Diincin (' inipbell V. .All Cowcripta engaged on (Jovernnient works will tie enrolled and returned to their s^iid work. la issuing the Ahov-* orders tor the •'nrollmeni of Conscripis between thi-agi'sol ts and itie ('omman- daiit avtils himself of the opporiuniiy to ttiank tbe-*"''-lie officers for tneir uniiring aii'l 1 iti' rious etliris in itie discharge of their duti»« 'ind the eflici’.'iit and ready as sistance lendere'l to him in itieir otfici it cipiicity iiere- toforr. The importance and absolule necessity ol renewed energy anj prompt action in esecuiing these orders fai!|)tu!ly is fully expressed in Hi- Kxcellency (Jovern- or Vince’s (leni'ral ().'lers. No 10 The etticiency of the aruiy and the safety of our coun try depend in a gre'.i measure upon their faitnful dis- • harge of these duties. By order of ('ol. PETER MALLETT, ('ommandant of Consciipis in N. (.^. E. N .M.ANN, .Adjutant. Itec. IXbi «ott FOR ;>i>AI^F, l>'\KLLlN(i HoL'.SE m the corner of Lanion .St. Th yanke.*- liohi,t ries—A letter .from land county, \ a , says; '‘The Yankees; robbed uifr county ot near one . hundred" horses^ three hundred cattle, twenty, ; negroes, a-aold watch, ^'2000 or 83000 in*money, a nuoibor ot blankets, bntter. hon-^y, and other I small articles Itliat could be carried with them. ' They carried off fit'tj-eight pri.soners and burned two houses. They took a number of cattle and horf^es from Pocahontas county, and burned one bani. .James Lockridfre, of Pocahontas, lost 40 j hottti of fat cattle. • * I pon entering Winchester, a few weeks since, a ^ letter says: 8u .soon as they entered the Martinsburg road, i every house and yard was infested with the brutes, , stoaiing bread,, meat, chickens, and everything ' they could lay their hands on. A Ireutenant ia : the r»th Ohio grappled a chicken in the yard of a luilv resident on the roadside; she collared and thumped him well, and obtained' the chicken, while her daughter engaged another tellow, whose ■ heal she chucked under a hog-pen, while in the act oi reaching for another chick She too, was eontjueror The night beforT; they oame i’.f they , stole about'd.UDU lbs of pork, 10 or 12 horses, and robbed au old lady, SU years of age, of every thing thev could carry oiT, even to her dress cap Intertxfiny it-nd Suci ess/'u/ Suryical Ujjtration ' —L'upt .Myatt, 1 kh Louisiana regiment, called upon us ve.slerday to express hi.-i inUebtednessi \u the professional skill of L>t Feruiento, chiet sur geon of' tlie liouisiatia hospital, -tor ti*i- complet«^ sueci sb of a iiazardou.s and unu.suai operation, of which he bad been the subject Capt. M wti severely wounded in the groin iu the battle ot raines’s Mill, on the 27th of June While be- iiiii cntiveyed from the lield, a imssile ol some .sort shattered the elbovr joint ot his left arm 'I’wciity hours afLerwards, Dr. F'erinentu jieriurui- ed the operation known as resection of the elbow joint The muscles were laid open and the whole iliotc /olut takf n out, including two. inches of the bone above tiie elbow, und two an«i a half inches of those below. Since the lirst week after the operation the patient has steadily convMleseed, and after enjoying the kind hospitality of Dr Holman, ot Fluvanna, fur two months, now re- jiorts for duty. We were surprised to see what command of his arm and employment ol it tor useful purposes have already been obtained.- Although the joint is out, the arm is bent with considerable facility, and is capable of considerable exertion. The ends ot ihe bone have come nearly together by the contraction of the muscles and will be connect ed, we believe, in the natural course ol healiuj^ by a sort ol membranous or gristly formation, which will answer the purposJS ot a false joint. lixhmo)t(i J-Jii'iuirer, lli/t (,'Uurrh am/ Staff.—The New York corresjwn- I dent ot the Philadelphia Ledger gives publicity to the luUowing curious paragraph; ’ The editor of the Church -Juurnal to day re- ; iterates that a strong political and otfacial }»ressur% , was brought to bear upon the Kpiseopal l/eneral Convention, recently in se.^:?’ion here, to make it , take the iiigh ground it did against the rebellion ; l>oth Mr. Seward and Mr. Chase, we are told, i wrote letters to the I>ishops, not once or twice is couvenii-ntly arranged to form a comfortable | only, but nearly every diJy during the session, I.u pieasant residence, with a goad garden and stabk- | ^^at “these letters or parts of them were read tiaciit-d. Possession given tne 1st .Ian y Terms- ■i^il! be m.ide .\pplications m ly be nude to rl. L. Wiusiow, Eso. ELIZA W. KIN(!i. l>ec. ] ■’> W iitpd FOR ^ALE. YY^lL^ be Sold at the Market House, on ttie first of y T January 18fi3, the DWFLLING HOUSE near .Mal- lett's .Mrtl. known as the ('nisoe House, belonging (o the est.ate of t!je late .M. W^ .je-siip. •Also the HOUSK aud LOT in Campbeilton, on Rus sell street at present occupicd by Angus Carter. .^Iso, will be rented for one year, the DWELLING known as the residence Will tie hired tor one year, Ihe NEGROES belongiug to the Estates ot W S Jessuf), .1. .lohnson, and others. A. M I’WIPRELL, Auci’r. DrC S. i>^tj'J. bott L Sl»ER FQI ITH .>»AI.I.. lecree of itie (^)uri of Ki^uity for (’umtier- informally to knots of liisliops, or shown private ly." Another curious favt, vouched lor by the. same authority' is this: “J'hat of the very large : number of copies ol the I'astoral Address, printed ’ at the expense of the General Convention, no le«a .. f than one fiftieth part ot the whole issue was sent to Mr. Seward and Mr. Chase ” A Woui/er/ul IStori/.—Captain Castagnettfc. when enterijig the French service, had one eye a.skew; during his first fight it was knocked out. lie suffo4’ed a great deal from rheumatism in one of his arms. A cannon ball took his arm away, At tive bridge oi Areola, he had one moment of fear; |»erhaps he was going to run awayl' Hap pily, a grape shot saved him ins honor by break ing both his legs. remained in .service with fwo wooden legs and continued to meet with the same luck. His nose was crooked, and he had H sr.ATt'. fUl lot's. \V1N(J been a ifhoriied by the Governor of the .State to raise a company of (’avr*,lry for the defence Ijc s'lle at t,!ie M'lrket llotise in tlie Town of Fayette ville, on We Inesday the olsi day of Deceniber next, at 12 o'clock, \l.. one lot of 1, VND on H ly .Street of Hay mount, kno^n as the residence ot tue lai bella Lawrence Terms made known d?iy of sale. W \. HUSKE, Clerk s. .Master Dec. 12, HGts Isa- of Noriti ('aroliua, 1 liereby give notice to all men be- | this notice will be plea.led in bar of their recovery, tween the ages of D‘> and ."iO mat ilicy have opportunity of joining this company for home defer.ce or of going as conscripts into tiie (Jonfe lerate army The State b.mnty cf :?o(t will be j'aid to all who en list in this cotnpany. .Apply in person or address ('ol. lohn H. Cook at Fayetteville, or myself at Pleasant F.xi'nange P. O., Bladen county. N. ('. T. M SIKES. l>ec o. 1HG2 H I bipd I Hid I oiiiity, Fill Tenn, LSi'2, I will .*xpose t) pub- 1 bud teoth. ’ A cut from a sword took away tw(*- thirds of his face, and the whole army, witncs.9- *fiot 1 indomitable bnivery, pre.«iented him with ’ an artificial one. His stomach often pained liim. One day he received iii it a stab from a dagger. The suigeon lined his stomach with one made of. Jndia rubber. He had nothing left but his lieart, but went along nevertheless. He never subsecjuently met witii any other affliction save the falling of a bomb into his back, which stuck* fast into it and made a monstrous lump. But even this mishap turned out luckily for him. He persons indei-ted to said estate to make immediate pay- | wished to die a soldier’s death—to fall by ment, and all persons having claims against, the same ‘ r /v i . w to preset,t thet^ witiiin the time prescribed by law. or ‘ bullet o£ the enemy. One day h^ was warm- AdiiiiiiiKtrator^ Aolice. ^PllE undersigned having at the December Term of the X v'ourt of Pleas and (.^'i-irfer Sessions for the County of New Hanover qualified as .Vdministrator of the es tate of Morris Newhotf, dec'd. hereby gives notice to all iHl LFS W A.ATFR. ^P.HE iindcrHigiied wishes to purchase TEN Good Mules. 1 Application lobe tiiade at the Commissary Depari- mi'iii. . THOS. D HoCKi. {! O. S. Ral(?igh, N C.. N v 8l-t.II 1) OR I % i: R.«*i \\ A A r FO. lU\t;t.>! lor .ST\TE I’E.VMS WANTED lo f'oin .at l^', N. ('., tor this ilepariment. Tiio;^. D H'fG l. ( apt (’om Dcpriitm'iii. iil-..:h. N^('.. D-e. 1. .-i}-t.n ti-inl I ine himself at the mantle piece of the Invalides; I tire took at his feet, climbing up to his stomachy I without his being aware of it. It rceched the ■ I bomb, which exploded instantly, scattering him of f’umber-I small pieces; and so he finally died from the violent shock he had received. This is the veritnble history ol the brave Captain Cast- ugnette, as detailed in A forthci'iming novel of the most thrillintr interest. • . * R. GREENBERG, Adm’r. Wilmington. Dec. 10, 1Sij2, 8l»-2ipd AOTIi'E. Bv virtue of a Decree of the County (Jourt i l i .i ■ i land, at December Terra. 18f>2, will he sold to the ; from the violent shock he liad received, highest bi Ider, at ihe ("oun House door in »hc town of Fayetteville, on .Sajurday. December 27ih, 1>S»)2, at liJ o'cl^'k, a NEGRO AI,\N aged t;,'> or 7.* years. Terms of sale: Six months credit—piirch.iser giving botid and approved security. R. F. SH.\ W, t^oromissioner. Dec'r b, lKr,2. 8b-4tpd 40'u'" SC.iAR RSIs N o s:V;tUl>. !•'> *• SinjpPK-NoMJ WINL On consigii;ii(.nt ,.x;i4 (, ■Sept. 22. by .lOS BLA(JK in barrels. .JOS. R. March For s.’ile by BL(JSS(,t.M'.V ' ( )..■ Wilmington, N. C tttf .%rabit‘ ior sale l>y J R LEc; * 6^tf PaliMa Cliri^ti VtvauH. ■^HE subscrib**r wilt pay the ..ign. si »,:ish price.s for „ any quantity of Paima CliriiU £>e'*'is. J A WURTH.. Fayetfre^ille, Got. 8. ■ 07-tf LTLEV. 02-1 f i^PHE Coach line ,b“t ween t he (errninus I of •!,« Wilmington. Ruthpjford is: ( li-inotte Rail Road apcl Wadeslior.itigh a Rockingham; wiil he resume'? after this dale D G MACRAE. Pp?. I, 1802. 82 4w Blank Warranf>» for harp. R O ^ .A A4'SC Di-:V\RT.?H I'..A'S\ { llALKUiH, N C. l)fC. -I, I'^liJ ) D W.VN'I'EI' —I \^is.; i.‘. pnr tti -st' LKAt' for trus tnietii Persons li.iving 1 ii i'' • ’ tn.i!' q'l'i.. lilies vtili pie-ise 'ipplj l' tue i )S. • liO.u'1. ’ o.i " ■ III of Ordnance. AdiMBiiiwiralorN A'ofice., ''IMIfcl subscriber having a: Dec.ember Term, I8t;2. of 1 the I’oiinty Court of f'lniberiand. quajified as Ad lojiiis'r-itor upon the Estate ot '•'.dh (». McNeill, dec’d, notities .ill persons having claims ^-.’ the Estnic ti presei't 'hem within the time limited by law, t'l !ierwi.‘-i‘ this notice will be pleided in bar of recovery. Debtors are requested to make prompt payment. HE''TOR M-3NE1LL: Adm'r Dec. ltt,*18«2. So- t .JUQrTlie Farmers’ and Piaiifer!i’ Almanac for just re.^eived. Dec. 1, 18tf2 E. J. HALE SONS. V s T2r«. FM%% F. .UOORE; h’r sii/fii'f' nn Hmr Stri’’>‘/, PtiEl’VRI'.D to make Lmiies' Dressi-s, ‘ind Gcnile- nifii's ti irnionis lit a salisfictm v m inner • Kiyetievi'bv D o 12. Sr.-2i Jiist Rrceivrd. ', M V I't 'H E s ajul ('(>I’i’H R .A.' t tie 'lesi n'l ■ lit v. .1. i»TT •iRRrRG-’ D- c 1.'). Is*i2 .Hi> 'Jipd R5H;:0 WRIT1A«; PAPER. liood supply of (Uhimo'.•! i ,1 .N ile an ! small sir.ed Letter I’uf ers.- luled. just :vpd - ■ . E .1 HALE & SONS. Dec. lo K(>- iTiatcBieM. GROS.s i’( iNFEDIlR ,aTE \TCITES, for sale'by ,.,:U ^ d(»HN H. COOK. Dec’r 15. I^ti2 ■ H*5 A I Wl i \1 Iing said deserter Dec. 9, 1862. Re)»vard for lirt* Dc'«**rt*r. WILL pty the :it>ove Reward for Priv.te fOSlER ROLTON, delivered to me in ’am/i near Fred ericksburg, V.a . or Ci'Ufined in any jail so liiat, 1 can pet him again He i;= no doulif concealing himself iti and ftho'it his resideuc* near .fohntflinvjlle, Harnett Co. I will also pay Twenty fiv« Dollars additional, for siif- ficient proof to convict any person or persons of harbor- ^ pound, and an armful of Gen. Sherman s ..o ^ D.^A^ Cl LBRLTH,,_ j . breakfast State Uoccrnnr^.—'J]he t(^Howing ia a listj^ of the (loveriiors of the thirteen States, couiposinK the “Confederate .States of America:” -Vlabama, .1. G Shorter; Arkansas, H..Flanagan; I'^liiriiia. .T.ihn Miltonj'Tieurgia, .Jii.seph liruwrr.. Kenfiicky, llichard Hawes; Louisiana, Thomas O Moore; Mississippi, John .J. Peters; Missouri; (' F. .Jackson, North Carolina, Zeb FJ. \’aiico. South (^irolina, F. W. Pickcns; Tennessee, Isliam ». Harris; Texais, F. K Lubbock; V ir^jinia, .john Letcher. The Lundun .Mechanic-.s' .Mai:-zine states that **excelient papc*r i.*' ii**^ tuade in F^urope ftoni the leaves of Indian cun. There is one paper mill in operation in .‘s’witzerlf.nd, and on’^e in .iU■^tria, in whicii paper is made from such jeaves exclu- sivolv- 3'he husk which envelopes the ears of (.orn'niake the best quality.” (ien. W. T. Sherman, who is tjie military com- tnauder at Memphis, recommends that, instead of shinplasters—which the Common Council of that city ])roposes to issue—five, ten, twenty-five, and fifty cent packages of raw cotton be done up and passed as* currency—the cotton to be of the stand ard value oi half a dollar a pound. -Vri ordinary ^11 of \»hat is termed cotton batting weighs about 8G-6t^ j jor an ordinary-sized family-

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