H S K Iff I-W Fi Fi K X, Y. K «r ■ ■' ''Au^n • r' r-J " H . V i 'tvAp;. *Uif' Kt \n, ,j, ♦ irjK.jiti-'- - H H iij -» { \K 1- : H -ke“, A i-: i - ^.L>^ •'-' ^ ;;iaiL K i. * ^ ^ I: ■ Hitriiweii, v' I, ■ * > ■ >!.tKua. 5 i - i - I. f- ciF i’U*'*., ,ili‘ii,)0 1 Har-7 i. .1 ( u U Li I i i .-WlS 1 J K iiorlj— I U 1 Ui - > ‘ f ha. L— J A'. Beii, . Thoa h- - f \J io*ell| r -nsf*''’ ^ / i '*» -, i'oT icoin .;oi»u rr t! Th- H.,: . h rioteler. tuu.r 1 Ru-—*' •s .:nf.r- *«• f - lurge^ « t»y „ : r * so»i vor,. XII.] I'AYKTTF.VILl.K. N. C., nUCKMHER 20, lRi2 [NO. UK!).] PKINTF.I) MONDAYS ANl» THUR81>AYS K0H 4KD J>H.ILE ^ SO'VS. EL1T0R8 and PROPRrKTOllS p,:,.' fiT ilie J^eini-Weekly Observek (>0 if pni'! in s-lvniu'**: $ > •'>0 if paid Juriug the y*“Hr of suV'^v'tij' lion, or S-l nFter (he year has expireil. Por (be Wetkly Obskkvkr $2 (K) per »nmnu, ii paiil i» sivdine; 52 50 if paid during the year of suhscri}'- !;on. or S8 00 after the year expired, ji^ -\DVERTISEMEVTS inserted for (>0 cents per .sve of 16 lines for the first,, and 30 cents for each ilveeding publication, Ve»rly advertisements by spe- • *'. conf¥acts. at rea-oouable rates. .Advertisers are -e^ueoted to state the number of ifisertions desired, or wiJl be ooutitiued till forbid, anl charged accord ■•‘iy AJveriiseojents to be inanrted charged 50 per ,rV .s^'^X’lAL NOTU'E. Ff ii- at’ter this dttc, uo uauie »f * new mbscriber „ enteieJ without payni»*ut in advance, nor will the such snbscril-ers for a^longer litiie it.»n is ^ h • ovT s'»bscribers as desive to take ih« pa- j,.er ;bi> ?■please notify u-i when luukiny: r^aurt-iuc^s Jan y 1, lSoi It’.ri. K Attorney at Law, Fayetteville. N iriLL attend the ('ounty aud Superior Courts of n L umbtirland. Haruett, Moore aud Kobe#ou Coun- Prompt attention given t» the collectiou of hU eatru^teJ to hiii hand* A”. 17, is5y (iEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO.. VVIiult'sale yealt‘rt in (lirocerieb, .\.M. IMPuRTERS AND DEALERS IN Hardware aod CuUery, Swedes Irou, HAY STRJtKT, FAYKTTEVILLK, >. I’. JU._: .. iHbl. 36tf ; j W. P. KENUALL. J. &, KENDALL tO\, KE.UDAI.L X CO., I'ouiiulN^toii itlereliaiit^ A N D WHOLESALE OROCEaS, .'10. 11 Jb l‘i North Water St., Wiluiiogtou, C. j^Oriers froal the ♦"'ountry promptly executed Particular attentiou giveu t.- the sale of (’otrou \VpsTi:iiN Kaii. Ko\i> (>FrirK,7 I'.i\illr, ^ wf**''■•jps* ON and after the 1st day of Sept. the following rates will be charged on Passengers, viz: From Fayetteville to Little River, 50 cts. ‘ to Spout Spring, 75 “ to Rock Branch, 1 (m» to .Touesboro’, 1 ‘J'> . te Mclver’Ss 1 .'iO Twenty-five cents additional will be collected by the Conductor of eac.h passenger, leaving it t'tation without a ticket •\ uew rate of Freight will go into etiVct Kt the same time, which will be printed aud furnislipd to the public in a few days By order of tlie Pres’t. JNO. M. ROSE. Treas r \V R R Co • . Aug ;^0. i8b-i, .r,c,tf %VK»TKK.\ R%JI. IfOAU. MRU.M and after .Momlay tha '-’'Jd inst., tht' Trains on o’ -l.K-k o’dorlc Sept this F^oad ^il| nru daily, Ipaviug Fayetteville at MT ver's A M ; returniujr leave Mi^ver's J*epot at 1‘ X' “ C. B MALLETT. Prw«’i •JO. ij.;l>. (ii'tf ii ,'her produce Ab'il 10 If LOOK AT THIS! THE FUBTTfillLLE HOTEL ProiifiQg 300 feet and iu the basinets portion t)f tbe Towu, I’oiilniiiM more ^pa^'ioiiw aiitl uell ventilated Kooiiin lliait aii> Hotel ill the ^tate, and uiy Patroiiij say n»y ('ondimeiits are very ^ooJ tor the tiiDes ^ T. H AIUIII L, Pruprlftur. May 2o, ISo’J. Vl7v I'ayetteville Female High School* The e'xercises of this lustiiiitioii will he rcsuniefi on the .ivtih ofi^epiember Tlie scholastic year will be divided into two term^; the 1st of 1;^ weeks, commencing -'.*th ol^ Sept. and end ing 24lh l>ec : the second of wneks, coniiuencmg 1st of Jan'y and ending .lulr 1st \ Parents and Liuardiaus intending to p.iironize this ■ .School are earnestly reque.-^ted to apply for circulars : containing full piardculars iu regar 1 to teims. jic , leiuft the.openilig of the School Rev \VM H(M)PKR. > „ . ^ ! T V. H..OPEK. [I'rmcipal# July 17, l!t;j. 4J-tl'i.lpd r%VKTTK%ILLK MITIAL I\SIR4\(E (0>IPAM. i-’07,os« 5.077 'Sj Sale ol a portion ol the Fayetteville & Western Plank Road. ^IMIL undersigned having beei. appointed (’oHiniiHsioner ^ 1 to. sel) ill that paH of tiic Fayetteville .'i Wesltrn Plank Road, tibov»‘.High Point, will sell at public Auc tion i.n the .town ol Salem, on the -Ist Tjiesday in J.'\n’y IStW, (.he Roail. Toll Housed,.&c., between High Point and Bethania, u[>on termn to be niade known on ihe day of. JESS=E WALKER, Com ■ Nov. ti, 1802. • 7Q.ta ' for sai^k. A Lot ttfrottou aud Vtoolni .fl»fhliiery. fc) WOOL PICKERS. cto inch Wool t^irdst. 1 ;iO •• •• Roll Card. 1 I'.’H Spindle Wool Jack. 1 (’oilon Lapper. ^ 'J, Uanforth Cap .Frames 138 Spindles each. 1 Throstle Frame 84 “ 1 Kuglwh l»rawing Frame with Coilers aud Packers. 1 Straml Spet-der, \c , >S:c Some of Wie abovr? machinery ii now in a|'eration at the tlichuiond Factyry For particulars address JOHN SHORTRIDUE, Rockingham, Rh'hmontI (’o , N. t'. 1-J. 18ti_*. " 77 IGtpd i AI.I ABLE niLL^ lor SaP... ItJFFER for sal« iiiy PL.\NTAT1‘JN, - miles west o'l Carthagf, .Moore -ounry. containing acttw, on which isa tirist and>>aw MiTl. ('ottou Gin aud Screw. [ will rec-iv^ in paytueui State Bouds, Cwofederate money or b iely Nr^r.ies ■ JOHN MORISUN. VAM AI5LK LA A'D.*^ lor iSaie* I ()EFf>R for Salt- iiiy PLANTATKJN on McClendon'3 I Creek, 0 miles wext of Carthage, .lying ott the basin of the t,’i4,al Fiel ls. cotiiaitiing 210tj acres, which is-as pnxluctive as any biuds in the couiity of Moore. The impri'vem^ulx gooil au I the situation healthy Terms liberal JWHN MORISON DKSiR.VBLI'] IIKSIDHNOIv K()R SALE. Mrs. M. s. hooper will otfer at public aiictiiii. an Saturday the U*th «f January I8(i:», ai the NLirket House ill Ihe .town of Fayetteville, her HOUSi; A\'D LOT, the Lot in front of the house, uud the Stable Lot on the North si.de of . the creek, ne ir Hooper’s Bridge. .Also, the Tiicant Lot on Cool Spring street, oppopite the Grave Yard. The Dwelling. House has nine cqmforta- "ble FQomg and seven fire-places, good apartments for fiervants-and a weU-furnished basement used as a kiich- en—IS convenient to both the Episcopal iwid Pli'sbyte- rian Chnrchea. being distant from' both not exceeding VOO yards. The lot in iiirge, ulI'ordLnK a ^ood garden; the yard abounds iu finely cultivated shrubbery; ihe premises retired, and yet c.mveuient to the centre of the town. Altogether, the property ts considered to be one of the most desirable residences iathe pla^e. There is a good Well ou the premises. Fttyetteville, Dec. 17. 18til!. 87ts FOR *'Y\riLL be iold at the Market irf)use, on the first of I VY Jftniiftry 1803, the DWELLING il(3USE near Mai- ! ; l»1t’s Mill, known as the Cruso« House, bflonginjjto the I esfate of fhe late M. W. Jessup. Also th# 'HOUSE anrt-UOT in Campbellton, on Rus sell street, at pre^jety occupied l)y Angua (!arter. .AK'o, will be tented for'One tear, the DWKLLlNtJ HofSE near the .Mile Brancli, known as fhe residence of thf late iMiucin l'ampf>ell. Will be hired for oih* year, tlif NEGROE.S belonging t'> th‘.‘ Estatfs of W. S. J*‘ssiip, J. Johnson, and others. A M CAMPBELL, Auai’r. Dec. 8, ist;2. 8')tf Ah.,p 183 .\cres land on buck »'reek, joining W. H. Melvin. Hanly Jones an ! ot.hers. Also two sharesd.'larendon Bridge Stock. The pewhafile property beloyi^ing to the est'ite will be sold on TUESDAY the tlih, at the late resitieiu’e ..f M. W JrtSSUp. Dec, 20. «8-ts lECia'ITS WANTKl) vrAKK^S I FOR JIJHT ItATTI^IRV I M nuihorized by Captain Starr to accept -0 Rf.- t'RUlTS for his Company. ■An opportunity is ottered now to join this popular and whII oflicered Corps. ,\ny person is at liberty to volun teer prior to enrolment. There are many advantaf^s ici thi.-f branch of service over any othier, which I w^l name on application. JOHN 11. COOK. IBtjii. R7-8t ' De^’r 1' AOrH'K. HAVE about jix.Kj neves myre, in different trac's, in he county of .NToore, -^'armin^ .Mineral, xml Tur- i; pentine land. which I will sell on fieral terms. MrMUSON. 1 Ufieri j«"hn Tlliteral l,.aii«l«» lor ^alf UNPARALLELED ENORMITY. W't; have belbrt? us copies of two depositions, wliich (letuil the circiiuistaiices ol oneol the must fiendish uutrage.^ which our truly diabolit'al foe ha.s as yet perpetratt'd. These depositions have been forwarded to the War Department through I our generals in North Carolina, where the crime I was comuiitted. The deponents are Caswell ; Woods and Elizarbeth his wife, of the county of ' Craven. Mt. Woods is certified to by Gen. * Evans, as being “a respectable citizen and loyal ' to our cause, w4iich, wit-h hi« bein-g^ u poer man, SMiu to be ^e .bnly caUijes of the iieudi&h out- '■jMlE imdersi^ie'i. Salt Codmi.^-sioner.'* for the cojiyty vsges by the btUislt savages.” It is also stated i onhiuiberlaud. wishtoeuijloy from onatoiweiijy-, class-ieader in the JfctHodist (’hurch. five Wucrotis to iiaifi Salt from SaiiviUe, \ . for ^hicti r. • ^ ^ xi ' . ii j * * i they twelve dollars per hug of 100 lbs.' and al- the Civilized w6lid ^{id to yutraged low the w;\»rohB to Ijtke oue-tenlh of the at ¥lie buuiuuity^ tliafc the 1act5* 111 thcsB dej^osi- VVork fct SJ o«t per bushei on tfceir owu account. Wag- , tsifioiis should be knowti, and yot they ac^ too iVl- ons from any part of fhe .‘^liate will be employed on aT- ' faaiou.'^ly oliscone to be Itilly de^trHied iii a news»- pli.-ation to us. by b-ner or paptW. The Ituuse ot th^e 4Uk>t and agM eiti- JNO WADDILL Jr° zens Wa»J visited yji llie night of t^i«-d ol October, H.M. ttRKELL j by two Yankee.troopers, armed .with pistoU and Fayetteville, J»«r. 1. >7-L’if sabres. ()no *d‘ them ( the .youuger,) who wub addre.Nsed by the other as “(’uptain” and soniii- times as .lohn, ijude into tlie piazza, bur;-t open Wa$('oii§ Waiuted* Capital in*Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand .-ind .';tber a'sefs. T. i . X B. a. WORTH^ I t'omDiii«iiou aud Forwanliug Merchaul!», . WILMINGTON. N. C Jin y '.iS, Istil 84tf CARD! iFL’W LAldtS can be ac*'omtnodated with board at | the Seminarv. | T t\ HOOPER 1 sepi 1-. l»6l. ' LETT. S.1IITBS, BLUCKI^K & (0.. ul ^alt. J W LETT, .Agent in Fftyetteville W D SMITH. Agent in Wilmingtoxi (■.'BLOrKKH, ■' Total, »'.^7'J,7tj5 »>1 The (’oiupany have paid all tos-e* promptly, and have^iever made an assessiueut on their prciaium notes. Tvtal losses paid, >y t >Fni’ERS: GEO. McNElLL, Piesideni. D .A R.AY, Vice Hre>ideut C. A McMILLAN, Sec y DlKKirToK'; W N Tillinghast, SMITH, W. auJ J. b. 1) SMITH. \BVKR •N\* :4. 1^02. JdUNSON. WILLIAMS 5i»Al.T :V1AKKR« ''i.i-i’iwpd & (HL. Henry Lilly, H. L Myrover, S T. Hawley. Nathan .A Stedman C. B Mallett. James Kyle. -A A. .M'cKethan. J. D wniiams, W Tillinghast. hn t'ollins and C ( lor The C onipany invite application-* May J8, 18l)l. J. Hinsdale Wm. McLauriu, T Lutierloh, • A W StPel. J . G. Cwuk, Hon. .1. G .'^heptierd, R F. Bruwn, i „ , . . A E. Hall. ,"*l»*g'on. Mct’rummen. Traveling .Ag^nt® •Jl- Mteaiii IIiii lor Kale. i ^pHE -uf'scriber •tfer*> for ?-aIe, a STE.A.M MILL lo- U'r. have ihirty . ;:n v pans now in operation nine niiles ; | cated on the Wilmingtim i Charlotte Road, about " ew: of Wilmington Parties wishing to supply ^ ninety miles from Wilmington, capable of cutting from ‘ ! four to five thousand feet of Lumber iu ten hours. .Also a Sash and Blind Factors, in good repair Apply to J. A McKAY, GilopoUs, N. 0 Oct 10. 18n2. 08itf with salt, can be furnished by applying to ■K J .'.nsoa, Jr., Agent at Fajettcville, to E Pnge, iisager at the works, or to , J. M WILLIAMS, • General Superintendent. Fijetieville. Nov. 20. 18C’J. 81tf rOTTOA YARA. Xo. 19 Hay Street. C. p. MALLETT. Ib'VJ. B8- Hice and Tobacco on Cousigumeiit* A.'^KS of fresh beat Rice and 101> Boxes Manu factured Tobacco, various ijualities. For sale by GEO W. 'WILLIAMS i CO. ‘iytUfTille, Sept. -4, 18»J2. 10 A VO A E. HA LI., Forifardlng &, ComniiHNion Merchaot, IITILL give quick despatch to goods co signed to him fV Particular attention given to all prouuce seat hin. for sale. Consiguments of NavU Stores, for saie-or shipment, solicited. 1HA\ E an iutere.-it, of one fltird in a tract of ■'>*>;) At'KES on th* wateis of Di*ep River, on wIitcL have luien iiis«>vered a salt mine and pure saltpetre, and au oil of good iju*h;y for t^reasing feather, well worthy geological inve-tigation JOHN MORJSON Carthage. .Nov, lo l^fi'J 77-tf Oeiitai Practice lor .^»ale/ i(.)FF'KR for sale priv>itily m^ Dental Practice in Fay etteville, N C. The ottice occupying four rooms ou i second floor, well furnishcl, togethot with several oz. j of GOLD Ft)[L, UOLU I’L.VTE and Sl)LDhR. .4 large y supply of VULC.\>.'rTE and TEI’TH of all kinds. -Also one-ihiid interest in a vineyard lying four miles south o' Fayetteville, containing seveuty-ti«e acrea Th.'se owing me will plase call on Mr. .Ales. John son, Jr , Bud settle .Aadress R StJOTT, Greensburo’, N. C. Oct. -*7, 180‘J 7;ltf AOTIC'K. l_)ERSt>NS wishing to f>uy Tl)WN PRt)PERTV will do ■ 1 well to call on tlie subscriber. 1 will sell on reason able terms my House and Lot, having also a good Kitch "eti, Snmke huU'^ i and good Well of water. Also, four Town Lats with -od Stables ihereon and very conve nient. iud one ither small Lot. .Also, wres of Land } joining Uic t'.wn of Carthage, convenient £or wood, j A. M. BRANSON, (’arthage, Dec. -, l^ti■J. i'iltf I.A .A DN IA ROKEMIA 4'OI'ATV FOR SALE. •) S^^amp, y miles from I.umbertoti and about 6 milcK from the ,W. i (' s. li Railroad. ♦ *2,7H> Acre? on the Broad Ridge, about ft miles from Lumberton. 1 im .Acres on ih» W ('. & R. Railroad. 7 miles from ‘ Lumberton Twenty acre# of which is in cuhivation. •J70 .Acres known as the Red Banks, on the W. C. R. Bailroad, Dj Jiiles from Lumberton. .About IlUJ open and under fence. There are two small Teamed houses on the premises. too -Acres about 1 mile from the last mentioned tract, very heavily timbered 1,030 .\cres known as the Little Desert. .A rich swamp about 10 miles froju Fayetteville and 1 miie from the Fayetteville and Lumberton Road; adjointug McGeachy and others. 1,000 -Acres known ah the Desert, adjoining Wil liam Mo-Neill, t'alder Daniel McNeill, McAlpi?i and oth^s i5o0 acres high land, the balance ie valuable swamp. R. S. FRENCH. Dec. 13, 180L*. 80-10t-pd AOTK K. is I expect to be absent from home a few iHo'nths iu ^esi. .Arohihald McLean is my aitihotiieJ A|j«Qt transact iiiv fiiisiness until I return. N G. JoNES. btjc’r is, 1 “Sj" H-Ji f .%ller tliiw dale I will V*iy Five (’ents per pound for tu/- ile- _ hvereJ iu Fayetieville, or at ruy mills OL Kocltfii,h. I, MLRPHV I ■^Ot 2. Ivcj : SAW PANS FOR SALE IKu.N P,AN.‘. larjte size, forst'.e at ihf* ^ Wiirli-T. FHvetteville. by D .ANDKHSttN ' m4 If «.^LT. V Salt for 9aie ^n censignmeiit by' G. W. WILLIAMS \ to. WAATKH. • I \t\i\ BU.'^HELS WHEAT, •v,f)vU 1,&00 “ CORN. , Persons having the above articles lo scH will receive •if highest Cash price by calling on .Mr. M Thoaiason. mhe .Merchant .Mills, Fayetteville, or on 'he subseri Wat hiSiOld stand on Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. N'ov. 6, 18G2. 75tf THeiil>>li*e Doilarn Reward. 1>AN.AW.AY from the sabscriber, his negro boy MO- i. He is 21 years of age, about G feet 10 inches r ,bust,-Jong feet and very much turned out at the -■“1. and iociks down when spoken to. He was seen at McPhsal a Mills in Robeson county on the 21st ult., W'i was in Fayetteville about three weeks ago. The ibov( rfwnrd will be paid for his delive'ry to me or for confinenient in any jail so that I get him. W. D. JOHNSON. Btuneitsville, S. C.,.Aug. 14, 1862. S2tf ARTIYHARAi:^*!^. I AM prepared lo manufacture all kinds 'of Wagon 'l*t-ne88 for Army use. I tan my leather and can bargains. .Agents will do well to send their _--*r»io sat as they shall have prompt attention, and ,juick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. ^J'litoo P. (|., Chatham Co.. N. i., ) „,r ■Kme Vi, 18(12. f ^*^0 ib^. i,iuiu Arabic lor «ale by Ooi. 15 J. R. LEE. 6*9tf .1. A: A. -A. t'aeiieroii. | S.ALT DK.ALERS, wvM furnish customers at Ci W \S il •iams \ t'o's, Jos Ut'ey's and C K Let^te's, Fayette yille. Dec'r 20, lH'i2—MjiU ! KNTERPItiSE POnSH HttRhS, l-AVKTTK\ ll.I.h:. N I' ^pilE subscribers are now manufacturiu/ -i -iuporior 1 article of CARBONATE of PoTA.^H It has bneu tested by an experienced ilruggist an.l ohemi>t. and I pronounced fully equal to the be-i Northeru Potash It is securely put up in air tight half cask-', coutaiiiiue 12'> to 1 ■'in pounds All iress Pi)E & BEHNARD, Box Fi\•Mteville, N C. Dec 22, 1^'.2 ' S8-ii;t ir»0 Boxes .^laiiiiracliired rubarfo. ^pilL subscriber has just recrivi‘*l l-iO l>oxes of the 1 f>est North t'arolina and Virginia mauufactured To bacco, which he w ill seil cheip for cash. Per»ou3 wish- ing to purchase, would do well by calling on him. The Tobacco id positively the best iu the market. JOSEPH otTVRBLRtl. i^’ayetteville. Per. 22. Ss itiipd SAI.K OF V.tMABLE REAL ESTATE. 1)Y virtue of a Decree of ttie ('ouxity Court of Cum- ) berland, at Dect;mber Term, 18ti2. will lie soid on ' the 1st January, 18t»!i, at tho .Market House in the town ' of Fayptteviile, that valuable Tr,act of fi.AND and the i improvements thereon, known as Holly Spraig. tue late- 1 residence .of James Baker, ilec'd. Tlic saiu Tract ol j Land containR 2‘i'M acres, upon which is a good Dwell- i ing ILmse, Kitchen, Barn and Stables. Ac., and in ad- 1 dition one ot the finest Springs in the county. The said ; residence is about liA miles f'coin the .Mfirket House, on j the north prong of Cross Creek, and on tne Fayeit.-ville ! and Western Rail Road; and has open 1-ind enough, i uhder fence, for a 1^ or 2 horse crop, together wiin a Meadow, containing Sfveral acres ab- ^ooil as any i„ ijiis 1 section The said tract of land adjoins th.e lintls ot i Joshua Carmon, the Suminwr residence of Wm. .Mcli'tyre ; aud that of fhe late John D. Eccles, Es]. Any one desi . rous of viewing the premises, can do so u^on applica- I tion to either of the subscribers or to Jno. W. Baker, Jr., either of whom will fake pleasure in ‘xhibiting the premises, and giving any further information in refer- I ence thereto. Terms at sale. I WM. HUSKE, Commissioner. I C. E. LEETE, Auct’r. Dec. 4. ^ • 8:}-its JumI received and lor Kale, Q-' (?.AS.KS YEW RICE, 2 hhds Light Brown Su;.'ar, • 15 cdIs NaHh Brandy, I l&U bags Salt on consignment. For sale by H. McMILLAN. Dec’r 22, 1802 * 88i3tpd Adiiiiiii^^tratoV’’^ Male. ^pilE subscriber as .Administrator ott the Estate of Wm. I McKay. lec'J, will expose to public sale on'Puesduy, the tiili day of Jan'y next, the followini^'perishable pto- p'.'rly bt lousing to said Estat»*, to wit: -Mules, Horses, ('ow^'. Hogs, t!orH, Fodder, Sliucks, and about .‘JO or -Id bales Cot ton, Cotton See'], \o., A:c. and at the samwlinie and place 11 tie hireil for tlia year l.“'0.1, about :’o NEGROES The sale aud hireing al thif late ;esidence of said Mc Kay. near Floral t'oBege iii Robeson county ML'Rr>i>CK-.McRAE, .Adm r' l»ec. ly, 1802, 8>;t« A’esl'oc* al Auction. i T the Market House in the town of l ayettevtlle, jO j1 the Isi day of Jan'y next, 1 shall sell it .Auctioii, TW».) NEGRO WOMEN. One of w^hom isacoot', wa.>j;i- er and ironer. The other valuafde as a House servant. For further information applv to Jt)HN H Ct*OK, Auct'r. Dec. 17, li‘02. 87-mI itI.I’U HAMM! KM i: nAMM!! 1DES1KE to call the )Ut>eiition of Drueg»»!ts and Phy-. sicinns to the superior quality of the BLUfc M.AiiS I atii now manufactnring by machinery. The BLUE .M ASS matU* by me itf warranted to be ONE-TITIRD MERCURY, and equal to any made in I England, and much superior to most of that now broiight- I into Ihe *oufedetacy from the United Sfates, (as nearly j nil of that is deficR'tit in Meivrury.l As a« oviJence of the superiority of the BLUE M.ASS I ma'ie by me. I would ask your attention to thean»ly?ls I of it f>y Professor E Emmons, wel! known as one ol'the m‘i«i scientific men in the country: also ti> ihe following recommendation from Di* Edward Warren, laie Profes sor in fhe WnilVersit.y of Maryland, :in l now Surgeon- General of North (’arolina: Rai.fii-.h, N. C . Oi*t. 2;’., 1802. Ftaving had the Lest ojiporiiinltj’ foi- (.-.•'ting the quali- tiea of the Blue Ma^s manufacJured by R. B Saundefs, at ('hspel Hill, N. (’ , 1 am prepared to say that it is in ferior ti> none in use iu an}" particular. It therefore atlbrds aie pli'a.-^iire te reeDiniiien l it. to the T’rofessipu at large as a most valuable arul ’• ’’ ^ble preparation. iJlW.A.ID WARRE.V, Surgeon-Gi'Ti.-ral of North Carolina. I)T Vi I) .Vrcl TRI MT MAI.i:. irtue of a Deed of Trust executed to me l>' .Vrch d Nft-Lauchliu for certain named piuposes. 1 will well to the highest bidder at public auction, at H.e Market House in Fayetteville, on the first d.ay ofJwni- ary 180;-!, at eleven o’clock, the following named pro- pert jf, viz; a S.-VW and GRIST MIJ^L, both in g0"i repair, situated in Lo»>er Fayettewille, and u|.H)Tt “a never-failing stream of water. Terms Cash. The tract contains two acres or more. P. SH EM WELL, Trustee. Dec. lf». ''7i3 -\ |*laiilalloii lor xale. SNUG F-VRM of 7" acres, near fhe towu of Fay etteville, well adapted to the ciritivation of com, p«i8 and potatoes; an ! a traft of oO acres ot pine land, not exceeding three miles distant therefrom, which will j fufnish woh1 and timber suthcient for use of the fapm. | May be had a bargain on application to JOHN H. C(H)K. Dec’r 22, 1m'-2. I ° Sri>Tr..'ii!KR 2'J, 18tl2. I Jfr. It li. SuuniPr^'. — l)rvR Sir:—1 find your Blue , ' Pill Mass t.0 be jitrfectly hfraopcueous. all the mercury ' beMig converted into the Protojcidvf. By analysis 1 also ' find, after three trials, eit:ht grains if Protoxide in j twenty-five of the Ma>'' In drying, 1 should retuark that a small portion of the Oxide was reduced, i am ■ satisfie 1. however, that your Blua Pill Mass contains ' oue-ihird Prvjidxi le of .Mercury, and must have been : prepared w;th ;-kill and care. Yours, truly, E. EMMo.NS, State Geologist. t>rdw3 for (MiJ" quantity can. be filled, and it can be , nejit by Express to alnig;st any place in the t’onfederacy. ; (Orders solicited. P. B. S.AUNDERS, Chapel Hill, N. C- Dee. 17 87-lm New Viictioii and (ouiuission Hou»ie) itfo. 58, ^Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. DE.AN, B.ALDWIN .v Co., having taken the Store re cently ocmipied by \V. S. Bcrfy as an Auction House, have a««i»ciated ihemseV.ves toeether for the pur pose of conducting a c'Ufral .\U(’TIO"N .A’ND COM- MlSSlttN J5USINE>^S. atid otVer iheir services to their friend*, and the } ubHc generally, in the sale of Dry Go'lds, Groceries. Mainil.-icfured Tobaceo, Real aiid Personal Estaj.e. either a' Audi' n or private ale We h-)pc by strict attention to buiine^t to merit a share of the puMic patron.-icre. i*- »N, P.ALDWfN >v CO.. -'■)S ,'iyoamore titree'. Petersburg, Va tlie front «loor, and then rode into the house. The other, who waa addressed by the “captain” sometimes as Charlie, s(»metimes as lleorge, and Lieutenant, walked in •“ , • Mr. Wood’s had retired to bed. We coyy Iroui his deposition: j “I came down stairs in a hurry, iu my night I clothes, and the one on the horse said to me, “you ; (i J old grey-headed .son ol a’ b—h, where : were you day betore yes-terday;” and when I told j him I was home, he said, “you lie, for you shot ! at me.” llpoii this pretence, they cut out the j cord from a bed. in th’e room, said they would hatrg him, but finally tied- him, took hitu out t>t ■ tlie house and lashed hitu to a tree, with the ! threat of instant d^ath if he made any outcry or j attempted to g«t loose. They returned to fhe : house and locked the door atteV them, aud the ) old man had the inexpre.ssible agony of hsteniiiK I for t^e rest t/1’ the night to the screams aud dole- ’ fill lainetrtations of'his wife and daughter. The statement made by Mrs. Woods in her de- ' position ot what pa.ssed inside is truly heart-rend- : ing. The unparalleled villaina made the poor ' helpless women not merely the victims of their i brutal lust, but accompanied 'tlie outrage, which ' is worse than d.eath, with ciri^umatances that mark them xs the most devilish even amoug the most abandoned yf villains. Coujiuencing by cursing- Jesus Christ, with pistol in hand anj with threat { of instant death, the deponent was retjiiired by * one ol the beasts to divest herself of every particle i ul clothing. But this was almost Christian trwat- ; ment compared with other acts which may not be i related. While such were her own sufferings, the ; shrieks of her daughter in another room told that j hers wa.s a similar late. About sunrise the next morning the human devils departed, leaving a i horrible disease with those whom they had other- I wise so terribly outragedl * ^ It is with pain that such a sketch as the above I is adiJiitte'd into the columns ot the “En4uirer;” j but it is due to our own people and to the world I that the villair>ies of our t nemies should be known. The depositions have been laid before us with 1 the suggestion endorsed thereon by^the .\djutant' General, “that s* much of this account as is not S. —Pariicu.ar atteniion p:ud to the sale of ->'e-■ t,.,o toul for puhlicatioii shoul*d’be given to the A rOR HIRB, SERV'.ANT Wosr.AN who can be recommended to character and capability. -Apply to JOHN Dec. 20. 18'i2. If. t'OOK. 8S ilJ groe J. F. De.an, of Nottaway t’o. W W. .Vknoi.u, Petersburg, Va. -A. H. B.\li)win, Wilmington, N. C. 87-4wpd IN a J n; Dec. 1'), L''G2. HEAUQTAHTEIJS (AMP OF LNSTKltTlON, \ C.\MP Hol-mf.s, December 1, 18i;2. j 100 KtH’lTV MAI.i:. I^NDER a decree of the. Court of Equity for Ciimber- , land County, Fall Term, lSi;2, I will expose to pub lic sale at the Market House iu the Towu of Fayette ville. ou Wednvisday the 'list day of December next, at 12 o'clock, M., one lot of L.AND on Hay Street, foot of Hayuiount, kn>>v»n as the resilience Of the late Isa bella Lawrence IVrrns made known day of sale. .A HUSKE, Clerk A Master. Dec. 12, IStl'J. S'its A4ITICR. virtue of a Decree of the Ounty Court of Cumber- laiul, at December Term, 1802, will be sold to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in the town of Fayetteville, on .Satiir'lay, December 27th, l.Ht’i2, at 12 o'clock, a .NEGRO .M AN aged ti5 or 70 years. Terms of sale: Six months credit—purchaser giving boml and approved security. B. F. SH.AVV, Coinrtiis.slotier. Dec r 1., isr.j- Sti-4fpd ?IOI ICE. V r THE MAONOLl.A S.XLOON in Fayett^eville, Noe. 12 and 14 Green street, 1 ofl'er for sale, at whole sale or retail. — |'i\ BP.LS. superior old Corn Whiskey, , 1 V/ 1 bb! superior old Rye Whiskey, 1 quarter cask tine S'’otoh Whiskey, -About Ittlt gallons superj.>r French Brandy, 10 bb's. No. 1 Apple Brandy, ;i do euptrior Peach iirandy, 2 do. gooil Cherry .Bounce, and a small quantity of superior Port and Madeira Wine. REUBEN JONES. Dec’r 1, 18C.2. ^ 82tf AdiiiiiilMtralioii .A’olice. The subscriber havinc qualified as Administratrix on the E.“tate of Jas .Snndy, dec’d. hereby gives iioPice to all persons having claims against said Estate to pre sent them to Wm. McL. McKay within the time pre scribed by law, or this notice will bo pleaded iu bar of their recovery t'.VTH-A R1NE SUNDY, .Adm’x. .Aug. 4, I8t>2- • 4!t- t AdiiieiiiMlralorN Aotice. l^piIE subscriber having ,at December Term, 18t’2. of.. I J. the t’ounty Coui-t of*Cumberland, «iualified as .-Vd- | j ministrntor upon the Estate of *Neill G. McNeill, dcc’d, j notifies all persons Lavinji clain?s against the Esti.te to rOR MALK. SIDES SOLE LEATHER. 50 Sides Upper. do. 5» Dry Hides. 75 Boxes TOBACCO. S ALT iu bags and barrels. l')0 Barrels Spts. Turpentine. 20*)0 do No. 1 Rosio. T. S. LLTTERLOH. Dec. 22. 88-2t WA.ATKII TO 1*1 RC'HAMi:, **ld .axes. 5tHH) U>8. old Wrought 1R'>N. |0 Negro Bt)YS from l-'> to 40 years oM, Boat hands. T S LUTTERLOH 8«-2t uitable for accordance with Instructions from the Secretary' of ■*r the foliowiuj? General tjrd‘.'r No. '•'*> is piiblishe.d. rs of thiit^tate will pay pitrticu lar attention to tlje and report to these H.eadquar public, thr.ough the press, in-order that the rtfjii- teous inih'^naftuu ol our poople, our (jenerals and our armies, may, under the, I'rovidence of (iod, visit a just retribution upon--an enemy so tiend- like.” C’oiicurring in tiie propriety ol the sug gestion, we have acted accordingly. We are happy to say that Gen. Gustavus W. Smith has directed every effort to be made to ascertain the names of the parties, and to “de- The hnrolliDg t)fficers ot thiiMate will paj pitrticu- j their deUvcry for trial and punishment. tert* all officers aud enlisted men who do not comply j ® hope copies of the depositions have* been for- j.romptly wiih said order. ' j warded to the authorities of tho enemy. Sure- By order of Col. PETER MALLETT, ! ]y there are some, oven among them, who wojild Commanding Camp of Instruction. ( horrified by such conduct. The ven;eance of Dec. 22. Dec 20, IH02. M A i/r! *)r for sale by -A Mii|>erior arliclt‘ ol NEW ORl.E.ANS SYRUP, just r«feived and for sale by the P.arrel by GEO. W. WILLIAMS i (\>. !8-U • Dec 22. MAI/ri! ROBERT .MITCHELL. S.s-tf IR4IA. TIHE hiehest cash price paiil for OLl> C-.AST 1R(*N at I ■ M. A. IVAKI-R S Brass and Iron Foiimlry, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov. 2^*. >2 Iwpd Malt Faiiw can be had at .M. A. Haker’s Star Foundry in Fay- etteville, N. C., now in full operation. AH orders for Brass or Iron Casting, will receive prompt att»-ution by M. .A. BAKER, Fayetteville, N. G. Nov. 2'.). 82-4wpd nri.EM U^AATKW. ^piIE undersigned wishes to purchase TEN lL>od Mules. J Application to be made at the Commissary Depart ment. TIIOS. D. HOGG, Ciipt. vt {'. S. • I’aleigh, N. t^, Ntv. 22. 81 tJl €»i»l>A A AI K DEPART?!■: AT,) lljll.KUiH. N. C. 1>CC. d, IS'i- ) Lead W.VNTED —l wish lo purch»“e LEAD for this Deparfinent Persons, liaviyg bir;ze or 'tii'iH quan tities will please applv to lae THOS. D. HOatJ, C. S. g4tj]j • In charge of Ordnance. Sao Reward lor tlie Wewerter. • I WILL pay the abow Reward for Private FOSTEPw 1 M. BOLTON, deliwred to me in Camp near Fred ericksburg, Va,, or cfttfiJJpd in any jail so that 1 can get him again. He is* no doubt concealing himself in E N M.^nn, -Adjutant. VdJ’t :md Inspetlor (ieneral's OIBce, \ i Richmonli. Nov r 27, 1802 J ■ [Gbnkr.\i. OUDKRS, No. y»i.] iTommandants of conscripts will cause the following ^ order to be published for at least seven timws in a sufti- ; cient number of newspapers in each State of tfie Coji- federacy to eB-ur0 its reaching every part of the country: I. .-Ml cotumissioned otlicers aud enlisted men who are now absent from tl«eir commands from ;iny other causes than actual disability, or duty under order.-i from the Sec'y of War, or from their departmenJ coiniuanders, i j will return to their comniauds -without delay. | ; 11. Commissioned officers failing lo comply with the ; provisions of the foregoing paragrajih within a reason- ■ able length of tiun*. iu no esse to exceed twenty days ' I .after the publication of this order, sh.ait be dropped from the rolls of the army in disgrace, aud their names will j f>e furnished to the commandant of conscripts tor en- I listmeut in the ranks. I III All enlisted men who shall fail to comply wiiti the provisions ot paragr.aph 1, of thi** order, within a reasonable length of time, shall be considered as desert ers, and tfeaied accordingly, their names to be- furnished tothecommandHiii of conscripts, in theirState, for publi cation, or such other action as may be deemed most efficacious. . . IV. In order fo ensure the etlieient -co-op‘Tation ot all concerned to carry this order into immediate efiect, De- ■ p'trtmeni Commanders are directed to require from the ^ commanding ofbcer of each separate command in fheir Denartnienis a proiiipt repott of the names of all com- - missioned officers and enlisted tuen now absent from Heaven mmt light upon them and their cause! Rich’d Enquirer. Bank ol Favettevllle,) Dec. 17, 18G2. ) ^piIE Directors ot this Bank have declared a semi-an 1 nual Dividend of ti p>er cent, payable on and after the 2d Jan’y 180;^. 87td] ■ W. G. RROADFOOT, Ca.sh’r .AT:i>iROfr:M TO hirk. ^IMIE Negroes belonging to estate of Mullins, will be hired on the lal of Jan’y next, at the Market House, for the year 180:^. Dec. 20. .lOHN H. COOK. Aunt ’ 8h-i:i -\ present them within the time limited by law, otherwise and about his residertee ne^r Johnsonville, Harnett Co. I will also pay Twei*ty-five Dollars additional, for suf ficient proof to cbnvict any person or persons of harbor ing said de8ei;ter. D. A CULBRETH, Capt. Co. C, 54th N. C. Reg’t. D.-c. 9, 1802. * '80-Gtpd this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are requested to make prompt paj’nienf. * HECTOR McNEILL, Adm’r. • D.'c, 10, 1802 . 85- t M1.4;AR .^OLAMMEM. iA BBLS. SUGAR. 41/ 12 Dbls. N O SYRUP. 15 “ SCUPPERNONG WINp. On oonajgnment and for sale by • JOS. UTLEV. Sept. 22. 62-tf AOTIl'K. CONFEDER.ATE STATES OF A.MERKJA, j .Meu. Purveyor’s Office, '[ (’harlotte, N. C., Dec. 12, 1862. ) LL claims against this Department, to be paid, must be presented before .lanitarv 2-')th, 18f*>3. D. P. RAMSF.UR, 7t25J ] Surg and Med. Purveyor DEAA, IIAI.D\VII>i A: C'O., • luetion iimt fommissiott .yiirchants^ 58 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. EFERENCES: A W. Steel, President Bank of-North Carolina, Fayetteville," N. O. S.‘ Baldwin, Wil- R UiUUUi:' . • .■ ' • , »ir r> their commaiuin. The-^e report'^ must state m each case . mington, N. C.; George Myers, Wilmmgton;*T, W Rpy- A WET aurse waated: AVOUNG h^filthy colored woman, for n very young child. Ore; without a child of her owti preferred^ Apply at the U’pper end of the Dobbin House, to • Mrs. E. M. WALKER. •Deo. 18, . . the cause of absence, •in'l regimental, battalion or company croinm:iTi*ler wh/> sh ill uegltct to furnish such a report, or who shall knowingly be jrtiiOy of conce^liug any case of unauthorized al'««ieiice, shall, on conviction thereof, be sumritarily dismissed. V. Under the provisions of 2d clause )f paragraph 1 of General Orders No. 82, cfmrai.-sioned oflicers and privates "who are incapable oi iHMritig arms in conse quence of wounds n*ceived iij bittle, but who are other wise fit for service, are required, if n.-^t otherwise assign ed. *o report to the nearest conimn id ant .of conscripts, in their respective States, who will, if they are fitted for such duty, a?!si)fu them to trie onllection «>f • sir:ipglers and the enlorcemr-nt of the .provisioris of this order, with t'tll power to call upon ihe nearest military au thority for such ;issistauce a*- m iV be necessary thereto. Vj.'Oflicers ot ihe (iuartermas.ler s Dep trlment, charg ed "wifh payment 6i troops, are hereby directed not to pav any cominis.sion^d ’thcer, I'.on c-unmissiotietl oflicer or private who d*jes not -furnish siitistactory evidence -that he is not liafdejo the penalties described in the fore going order Any * disbursing officer who.Bhall make payment in violation of this order ghall be liable oa his bond for the amount of such payment. ' . l?y order; Dec.^ • ■ • ; . - .%'ATKI*) 1 SITUATION as oVKRSEER tor the year 1803, by 4 SlTL.ATiO> a. family. Has had. some A a gentleman ‘ ^ gest experience in . particulars of reference g ^ Offifia at Fayetteville, N. OVERSEER. 87-3tpd ston & Co . -A- L Scott, A. S. Shafer. Petersburg, Va. E-. L Harding, Raleigh, N. C.; Dr. George C. Bland, Ur H E. Shore, L. .A. Hawkes, Upson & VVilson, Not toway. Va ; N. C. Barton & Co., Richmond, Va. Dec. 1-7, 1802. J. F. DEAN. A. H. BALDWIN. W. W. 'ARNOLD.. 87-4wpd STATH 'FKOOPS. Having been authorized by the aovernoi'‘of the Slate to raise a company of Cavalry for^he defence of North (Carolina, I her- by give n.itice to all men be tween th« ages of 1« and r,0 ,haMhey have oppoitnnity of joining this company for home defence or of going as cousrripts into the Confederate army. The Stare bounty cf S->0 will be paid to a,ll who^en- .v.;= ^nnipany. Apply* in person or address tol. livf in this company. -Appiy^ in person lohn U Cook at Fayetteville, or myself at Pleasant E-Xchauge' . P- O., Bladen, county, N-.‘C. Dec 5, 1802 T. M. SIKES. .84-Gtpd ,.THE Coach line between the terminus 1 of the AVilmington, Charlotte Rail Road and * i>/a-Rockingtiam, will* be ra’E. Dec. 1,.1862. 82-4W G-. aa Deo. Blank ^tfice. 18.

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