FOR THE OBSEEVER. Contributions received by A. G.' Headen, A. Q jM. t’loui a portion of 50th Reg’t Militia: * C>ipt. Pugh\ District.—Mrs Ann Alston 0 blHnkets, 5 prs pants, 5 prs drawers, 5 shirts 11 prs socks, 1 pr gloves, 1 coat, 2 comforts; Mrs Eveline Alston 3 comforts, 0 pr? sofks, 1 cake Mary r. ^ —^ Mrs John K pr socks; Mrs A I>txon I pr flocks, • Nettles 1 blauket, 1? prs so.'k^; f ties 3 prs socks, Miss O^rav.a Nettles prs socks; Miss Delia Goodwin 1 pi‘^e carpeting, 4 pr socks. •> shirts. 2 towels; mrs 'I h Hams cash Elijah FiVe To ccnts; N U Bridges f.O cents; Miss Mar’- J socks; Horace-Hkc 1 pr shoes fl n Fike 1 pr shoes; Mrs John Maddox jds jeans cloth; Miss .1 Maddbx 1 pr soeks; Mrs Dr Hums 3 prs socks; Mrs Eliza VestaJ 1 pr socks; rars James (juthrie 1 conitort; Charles Bright cash 812; Jool A Elkins ca^h M*"^ Dr Brown 7 blankets, 3 pr socks; 3Irs A P Brooks 1 blanket, 1 pr socks; mrs illiam lleadeu o blankets 2 pr socks; John B Headen 3 pr socks, mrs Mary Willet 1 pr socks; mrs Jas. t Ki'cs, pr pants, 1 pr socks, 1 overcoat, 1 t'omfort; mrs Mary A Rives, 1 blanket, 4 prs socks, mrs A Headcii 5 blankets, 2 prs socks; miss >Iollie S Headen 1 pr socks; mrs John M (ireen 2 priocks, 1 blanket: mrs T C Moses 1 pr socks, 2 pr pants; mrs Wm 1’ Hadley 2 blankets, 2 prs socks; mrs H W Peoples 2 prs socks; rars Mary Burne o prs socks; mrs Sarah Beal 1 pr socks; mrs John Fields 1 pr socks; John Tysor 85 3 C\rj>r /hiu^op's Ih':^tj-ict.—mrs A B BrigWt 1 ijuilt; HIM J \i Bright 1 quilt; »Jeorge Emerson i ia their d.»otioi! to liber.y .nd inter«« of the South, =.eet their ..ngl.p.ra W pr.- rations en Matrons of Lew 1 pr Book8; mise Delany Buie 1 q^Ht 1 .pr lookt: miss F»nny Buie 1 quilt. 1 pr sooks; Jno D Buie 1 quilt, 1 pr .ocks; mias Semantha Buie aged 7 ye»ra. 1 com- dured patiently and willingly by fhe mrs Jennett A Seawl*!! 2 prs Hocks; mrs Ann Jor- r —their .heroic devotion to the i dan l pr pants, 2 pra awks. 1 P*" drawera, era: in which their fathers, brothers and bus- ! vat, 1 pr m** hhVirn 1 aocka-*JnV Har- cause in i i • i. «/,».; 1 tlrawers; Mrs Nancy MftHnbiirn 1 pr socks, Jno liar bands were engaged; their determination to sacri- j ,ot,acco; Gavid Parish 1 pr ahoes; Misa Sally fice their all for the preferment of those great in- | | pants, 1 v*'st, 1 pr aocks, 1 pr glov«s; miss teresta ot huniaoiity and liberty for which they | j iviorris 1 quilt; J«sD Stone 2 prs socks; F JSwan battled. Once more we return our thanku lo ; i pr panm, pxiia woolen, 1 pr shoes; mrs F M Swan 1 these kind friends, with the hope that in the fu ture we may merit their contributions by a prou action,^V)Oth in camp and on the field 1 have the horror to ba, gentlemen Very resiiectfully, Bknj. Hobinsun. ('apt. 5th .V C. T. FOR TflE OBSERVER. ROCKINOH.^'I, N. C.. l>ec. II, lHt52. Mwrs E J Hale c't Sons: • Doubtless it is a source of pride and pleasure to you to publish the noble and generou-* ai'is of the ladies for the relief ol tlie needy soldier; among which may be iiotieed if you please, the ladies of Rockingham, N. C., atjd vicinity: W. («. W. Mrs J M 8tcele 4 shirts, 2 prs pants, 1 co*t, 1 carpet blanket; mrs M 1* Robinson 12 shirts, 0 prs drawers, 3 coats, 2 carpet blankets. 24 prs socks; mrs Polly Leak 5 Bhirts, 3 prs drawers, (5 prs pants, 1 coat, 2 carpet blankets; mrs A C Leak 4 shirts, 1 pr pants, 2 coats; mrs II A Steelo. 5 prs drawers, 1 pr pants. 2 shirts, I pr shoes, 2 blankets; mrs A K Davis 5 prs pants. 2 prs drawers, I coat, 2 prs socks; nirs J Fleming S prs punts, 2 prs drawees, 2 coats, 4 prs socks, 1 car- jtet blanktt; mrs J Leak 11 shirts, 4 prs drawers, 2 prs pants, ^ prs socks, 2 carpet blanke.ts; mrs ('utlar 2 prs drawers; mrs H Steele 5 prs drawers, 3 prs pants; mrs E Steele 2 prs drawers, 2 shirts, 2 prs pants, 1 carpel blanket, t> prs socks; mrs A .H Leak 5 shirts, 1 f>r pants, I coat, 4 prs socks; .]uilt; Willis Philips 1 (.juilt; Mrs Ge«jrge Blalock j i;\rs L Dally 3 prs drawers; iiirs E Stansill 2 prs 1 pr socks, I comfort, tj plwgs tobacco, 1 lot pep- drawers: mrs M J Ledbetter I coat, 1 pr gloves, per; mrs John Emerson 1 4uilt. 1 lot pepper; nurs . 1 carpet blanket, i blanket; mrs'M A ('oviiigton S Moody 1 pr socks; mr.s C C Blalo^'k 1 4uilt; | tj prs shoes; mrs T* Bostick 1 pr pants, 1 vest; mrs A Andrews I pr socks; Wm Nall 1 pr socks; j miss K McKenzie 2 prs shoes; miss (' Terry tJ mrs Jas Emerson 1 r>r socks, 1 lot pepper and I prs socks; mrs Shaw 1 blanket; miss S Webb 4 sage. ! prs pants, 2 prs socks; miss F LcGrand 3 prs ( apt. (rolihtott's l^istric’t—Mrs J Hooker 1 j pants; misa M SteeU I Coat; nirs S Townsend 2 blanket, (> prs socks, cash sflO; mrs Dr New^y 2 : prs socks; mrs F Covington J?2U. blankets, 2 prs socks: mrs R A Stuart 2 blankets, 2 prs socks; mrs Brooks Harris IS pairs socks, 3 prs pants, 2 blankets; mrs h J.Haughton 4 pairs shoes, 2 blankets, 0 shirts, prs socks; mrs 'f .) (loldston I pr pants, 1 blanket, 2 prs socks; Au gustus lUin ^2; D (! Elkins I wool hat; miss Lou isa Ausley I qHilt, I pr drawers, I pair socks, 1 M FOR THK OBSEHVKR. t'vri/rtl'Utioris trori C’tM. T. J Uontfy t .V (' (^HubeSOU.) Mrs .lolin .McMilliU '1 Mankets; John McMillnu ‘J j>rs sooks; inr>> i^nbelU Browu I '1 shirts, 1 p vir dravrers. I pr pauts, ’2 prs socks, 1 ut*ok oorufort; Nliss Margaret I’ McMilliiH 1 bhiiikei. Miss Mhtv .Mc.'lillan towel; mrs J .1 (roldston, sen’r, 1 blanket, 1 pair i - pi's socks; mrs Flora .McMillan 1 pr yarn socks; mrs pants', 3 prs socks, 2 prs drawers, 1 towel; mr., W i Arch Su.iH. 1 ^lauk‘‘': Sa.uuei s-uid. l p»ir socks; T>- o \ I I MtMilliiii 1 pr socks; un!»s« Jaue Me- A Kive.'> - prs pants,- > pr> socks. ^ Neill 1 t'iaukoi, 1 pr socks; lurs .Arch .McMiIIbu 1 blau- Buie's Di^trift.—E and D .Mclver 4 blankets, 4 prs drawers; Boderick Mclvcr 1 shirt, 1 pr socks: Matthew Wicker cash ;?5; mrs Mary Watson 1 blanket; mrs Robt Mclver 1 blanket; mrs 'Woodward 1 blanket, 1 pr socks; John A- McDonald cash S20; (j H Hurley eash ?1; mrs Hurley 1 iuilt; W'ni Bright 1 iiuilt, 1 pr socks; Calvin Patteshall 1 pr pants, 1 pr socks; mrs Gunter 1 ijuilt; \V J Sloan cash S.'t; mrs AV .1 Sloan 1 pr socks; mrs Patteshall 2 prs socks; j Sam’l (tihuore cash SI; mrs McRae 5 prs socks, I i pr drawers; Jas C McRae cash ?](•; mrs Mary Stedman 1 shirt, 1 blanket; l>onald Mcliae cash J W Lea cash Tiob't J.>un cash ?2; Jno Stine cash 1; Beri’j Johnson cash 5u cts, wjrs Mary A Slv»an 1 shirt. /a^h 5U cts; miss Ctrace A Branson cash ;5l; mrs R N Buie 1 blanket; niiss Kate Stedman 2 prs ‘^ocks: mrs Louisa Bridtics and daughter 1 ^uilt, cash Sl; Mary A Johnson 1 pr socks; .1 G Fosheo I' prs sock?; Mintcr John- san 4 prs sock' ('apt lK^;rit.t—mrs C W Carroll 1 quilt, 2 prs socks; mrs A W Palmer 2 ]>rs sooks; \ mrs Labarbe cash 5?1. 2 prs socks; mrs A P Ln- barbe 2 carpet blankets; mrs B Perry I pr socks; miss Lsabella Peacock S5; mrs L Palmer 2 pairs .socks; mrs J ' ' ' socks; m (rilbert S5; John Gross j?l; mrs L Philips 1 pr sock.s; mrs A W' Jenkiu-^ 2 pr^^ socks. I blanket, 1 coverlet; mrs T Wombie 1 ijuilt. 1 pr pants. 1 lot red pepper; mrs C Pieiry 1 vest. 1 pr pants, I pr socks; (' W Carrojl S5; mrs Nancy McManus 1 quik, I pr socks; H Tally 1 pr pants; mrs S J Philips 1 pr socks, 1 shirt, 1 comfort: David McManus 1 pr pants; I vest; mrs E Mc Manus 1 coverk t; mrs A ^^^onlble I coverlet; mrs B B Stinson 1 Manket; mrs M Barber 1 r»r socks: mrs Labon Philips 1 quilt, 1 pr pants, I pr socks; S A 1>0W(1 1 pr shot*-': nirs N F Philips 1 cover let, 3 yds sheeting. Capt. Henfhr&nu's Distrirt.—mrs J B Degraf- feinreidt »» yds linsey cloth; mrs Ann V Degraf- feinreidt 1 pr^ocks, ??8: Mrs Jas Campell 1 pr iocks; mrs Claborn .Justice 1 pr socks; Joshua Johnson 81; Washinijton i.utterioh S2U; Green Clark §4; mrs Burke tl; mrs Ja» K Perry 1 (|uilt; mrs Lutterloh 1 pr socks. Capt. Hoberson’s Z^w/riV/.—miss Kllen Lindley 2 prs socks; hliza Jiindley 2 prs socks; Wes ley Lind’ley ] quilt; Oliver Lindley 1 pr wool socks; H B Edward.^ 1 quilt. Capt. J/attheu'ji’ prs shoefi ket. 1 pr socks; turs S'^rah 1' 1 pr soo.ks, luvs Jno Powers l! shiris: lurs Jane .Mc.Arthur 1 l)l;inkei. 1 pair sockj; Washiiijfion Lowery au'l Jo.s Lockleiir (free c I’d) 1 pr socks eacb; lurs D*u’l McMillan 1 blanket, - paira sucks, drawers; diIsm .McUiil 1 pr socks; mrs Hector -McNeill S'!; mrs John Powers 2 shirts; lura .A D Browa 1 pr sock'*; Wn> McMiU^n 1 pr ^ihoes; iu>ss Mhi jj’i Mc Millan, iiiiss Mury McMillau 1 pr socks; Jus Mct'orinick 1 flannel shirt; J B Mcltilyre 1 sooks; A McLellatid 1 blanket. - pr'* socks, 1 p^ir pants, 1 shirt, mrs Hosa Mc.Vrriiur 1 blsiikei. 1 pr socks. lurs Charity Mo«re I qnilt: mrs i'aihsrin** Moore 1 blanket; airs Mary Mtun- phrey 1 .jaili; nirs May Andrews 1 pr socks, I blanket; nirs .Alei McLeod 1 blanket; mrs .\lary ,M»ri4n I blan ket; mi'^s ."^arah .Ann Mcl.en l :i btanketa; uirs Kddy .Mc- (,'ormick 'J prs socks: Uli^fibetb M*('ormick 2 blauksis; oirs Sarah .Andrews 1 binnkel, for $'•; Klins Mitckwl f5; lors miiiibeth .Audrew'^ 1 miih: iurK(>rry McKelltr 1 pr suckx: mii^s Mary Mc.N *ir 1 pr pant^": Mi's Martha iiammoi^ls I pr pant'; .Arch H Mct'iiriuick I pr socks; mrs Marparei Mcl'orinick l’ blankets; lurs Marjfaret H M,' ortiiick 2 blankeia-. mr» J S Hall 2 bUnkets, 1 pair socks, mrs Barba Taylor 1 pr socks; miss t'aih Thontp- soii 1 p: pants. I pr socks; mr* \1‘ (irahani 1 c-'uifort, 1 pr lOi'k.s. 1 pr fjloves. 1 pr jhoes; miss (’ J .McMillan 1 blnnket, 1 tiauuel shirt, 1 pr drawers. 2 vests; ntiss .Ma ry Taylor 2 blankets; mrs Mary Uavi* 1 blauket; iiii«3 Christian Morrison 2 prs socks, mrs .NlcRse 1 b'aiiket; mrri .\rch Patterson 2 pre sooks; miss Mk(t .McKae 1 pr sofkr"; mi-s A McRae 1 pr socks; miss Sarah .NlcKue I coinfiTi: ni.r"* John L McKae 1 blanket, mrs .Nltirdock J (Jold.-^ton, Jr, 1 blanket, 2 j)re .McK ie 1 blauket, 2 prs .•jocks. 1 tlaunel shiri; James Mctjofeii 1 pv shoes; mrs J Mct^ueen I pr socks, 1 bl-»n- pr pant I. pr pants, extra woolen; mrs M H Hill I pr pants, 1 vest, extra; F W VVaddell 1 pr pants, extra; misses A J and F H Swan 1 pr pauts; Wm C Edwards 4 shirts; Alex Mjffaillvary 4 shirts; rec’d of T W Morris Uounald Cameron $0; J A Morris $6; Allen Buie %(>; K- » Wor thy. Shff, $10; David Uaster $f>; Arch’d Dalrymple making in all^4U; for which I purchased cloth and hired the niakiufc of fl prs pan.ts, 4 prs socks, 2 .shirts and 1 pr. pants, amuiintin^ to S40; I also have rec iJ of 1 Huie fV. Jno Hunt $1; (Jfo Hunt |11; mrs Nancy Morris SI. making fH; I purchase.! of Jno flunt 1 pr shoes at $7 f>U, I also paid 5(t cts fur expenses in conveylnt? goods to Jonesboro’; J D Morris 1 pr socks; 2 pr.s Draw ers, 2 shirts. 1 vest, 1 blanket. I pr drawers; Peter Mor ris 2 prs shoes; Jno A Walker 2 blankets, which I have allowed to be sent by the donors tif the persons for whom they were intended. In addition to the foregoing list of clothing for general .listribution, the citiien* of this District have, 1 believe, invsriably clothed the sol diers in the service from this District. We have ,no deserters in thiii •Distnct AARON A. F. SEAWELL, Cspt 10th Dist 61st Reg’t N C M. FOR THE OKSERVER List of Donations in Bewverdnm District, Uladen cotinty, N C. Nov 28, lb02 Rev Jacob Smith 1 woolen coat; Mrs Edn^y Smith 1 |uilt, 1 pr socks, mr Jonas Smith 1 pr pants, 1 shli**, 1 pr socks; mrs F'lb'n Horn 1 quilt; miss trances Halijs 1 ■quilt: rura Sarah J Hales 1 pr sooks; mrs .Edney Ffiir- cloili 1 shirt; mrs .Mary J Hall 1 quilt, 1 pr socks, 1 pr gloves. 1 shirt; mrs Lucy A Hare 2 prs socks; miss Mai set' J Ht»re 1 quilt, nir F’eyton 1' Rollins mis'B H (' RoUiiis 1 pr socks; mr Raiford Fisher $10; misx Jenuet Fisher I pro'pants, 1 pr socks; miss Victoria L Fisher 1 pr sock‘; mrs Julia .A Bacon 1 quilt. 1 shirt, 1 pr80ck«; mrtHlen Hale‘S 1 pr socks; mrs'C McDutfie 1 pr drawers; tiurs H Hetrington 1 pr s >cks; mrs \ Melvin 1 pV socks; mr-* Sarah F Smith a lot >f pepper; n>rs Maria Sutton 1 pr pauls; miss l!liiabeih Reeves 1 quilt; uirs l&abel Cain 2 pr socks and lot pepper; mrs Maiy Herring 1 ve«t;, miss Lucy J" Herring 1 pr socks; mis Ret>«cca J Melvin 1 tirtiiuel shirt; mrs Cntl)arine J Melviu 1 pr socks; mrs Anna J. (’irrol 1 coii/orl, 1 pr sock**; mrs Catharine Uei’TtfS 1 quilt; nir** ,Mmy I’eterson 1 U»t pepper; mrs 1» Melvin I vest, 1 pr sock'j; mrs S A I’jiffe 1 pr pauts, 1 vest, 1 pr^ocks; mrs E Johnsou 1 pr socksand lot pepper; mrs P H Scovell ;'i prs ocks; Jno B Smith 1 pr sock-;; [ mrs Sarah J M inroe 1 pr socks: mrs Margaret Reeves 1 I qnilt, 1 blanket: Miss Helen K Re**VH« 1 pr drawers; mr« ! .\»n Mwlvin 1 pr socks; mrs Mahaln McLemore 1 quilt; I Uirs Msnhs J Edge 1 pr fiauis and lot of papper; miss j Fhebe E Melvin I I'r pants, 1 pr sock; Peter Cain 1 pr ' 3oek'; Rev .IosIiuh Johnson 1 qiiilt 1 shirt, I pr drawers 2 prs socks, vests, :■{ books of religions instruction; mrs .Margaret Biirdeaui I quilt; mrs Maritnrel Johnson I pr socks; Iwen .1 (Jardner 1 Bible aixi lot of pepper; John i)owning 1 Testament; miss Mary Edg* a lot of p«pper: K S t'drter the luakinif of 2 prs of shoes; David Jone« 1 blanket, 1 shirt; mrs Mary Besole I pr drawers; uirs Eli zabeth Simpson 1 pr drawers; miss Lticiuda .Melviu 1 blanket, 1 pr socks; miss Euieliiie Melvin 1 pr socks; miss Leaner Melvin I pr socks; mrs Martha Sl«lvin I blanket. 3 prs pin's, mrs 1 .Mejvin 1 pr patuts. 1 shirt, and making of 3 prs shoes; H Bullard, sen, 3 prs shoe leather'*; miss .\nna RjiUard 1 quill, t pr socks; ('apt J J Ballard 1 pr shoes; mr .Soi>h-a Bullard 1 quilt, 2 prs pants, 1 pr socks; mrs Kliiabeth Mrlvin I blanket, 2 jirn pants, 1 pr socks, 1 Te-Oin.etm; miss .\nna E Munroe 1 pr so«ks; nvrs Mary McDaniel 1 quilt. I pr pants, 1 pr socks; 1 pr gloves Th« »b'*ve delivereti to the Quartermaster in Ritleigh. J J B1 LLXRI*. Capt R. Wth Reg N C M FROM THl NORTH CAROLINA 80LDI-ERS. Camp near Frkdericksburo, Va., De«. 18, 1862. Messr* E. J. Hale & Sons:—Enclosed please nnd a list of the :;asiialtie8 in the 46th Reg’t N. C. battle of Satur lay the 13th, at Fredericksburg. The losses in the Brigaa • lon'l Cook’s) were unfor:un»tely severe, being four Jiundred «nd eighty seven killed snd wounded, being over one third of the number actually engaged; Oea'l Cook himself was severely wounded early in the action Col. E. D. Hall of the 40th suc- oeediog biw in tbe Command Very respectfully, R .MALLETT. Adj t. Raleigh paper lease eopy. la Caiuiiltie4 40/A Hey't. ItaHle o/ Frederickiburg, Ihc Mijj W L Saunders slightly woimde l iu face ('umpauy A —Wounded: Lieut W Wisbart'slight; ('orp'l F Williams severely, thigh; Privates C Pliillips FOR THE OBSERVER. Camp of the 52d -N. C. Regiment, ) ■ Near Franklin, Va., Dec. 18, 1862. J Messrs. Editors:-^ After our Rf-gime.nt, (the 52d N. C.) was organized at Camp Mangum the 1st of last April, and drilled there near two months, we left and wf*rjt to Kinston, N “ ‘ we went to Drury’s Bluif, Va; iroui there to (’amp French near Petersburg; and'from' thereto (^antp Vance, near Franklin. All these removals have been a’ccouiplished in eight months; and during this-time. 1 have be^n’ a- strict ob.server «>f tbe difference made 1>y the peo[ile between the officers and the prrvates and non-comniis-sioncd officers. I do not wish to be underst\»od, that there is too much 'reftDect paid the tjfficers, but I do commanded tbe respect of his sut, • and the love and esteem of his ^ * • , FOR THE observer Died, on the 20th Nov. 1862, oft at his father’s residence in MclJowellp S ’ili O' Kron. there; .0•^C>P••CHAIlL«i.H.BuR>i, I rsgiment, »goJ lo je»rs uuj 7 ' -Ji' • Thus has another noble soldier call for volunteers he (with bis quitted the home of hia childUooi. self away from the fond love of ther, giving up the promises ol life for ' of our bleeding country This ch i high-minded young man. the idol 0^- ^ upon whom the highcBt hopes and were treasured, was also the beloved ed of all who knew him. Cheerfully he bore the hardflhirm nf Distriff.— I>r L W Gorrell KOR THE OBSERVER. CampNeak FredebicksbuR(J Va., Dec. 2, lM(i2. - (Jo H, 46th Kegt, gratefully acknowledge.s tbf following donation?} from the liberal and patriotic citizens of Moore county; they were brought on by Dr .Johii N McNeill; Miss Mary K Ferguson 1 blanket; Mis.s Martha Ferguson 1 pr socks; Mies Flora Preist I blanket, 1 pr socks; Mr AIcx .A1 unroe 2 prs sock.s; Mrs Malcom McNeill 1 pr socks, I blanket; Mrs A A Campbell 1 blanket, 2 prs socks, 1 pr gloves; Mis.^ 8arah A Blue I neck couifort; Mrn Arch’d .M J^lue 2 blankets; .Mury .McDonald 2 pr socks; Miss Catharine McDonald 3 neck comforts; Mary K McNeill (of (’muberland) 1 comfort; .^Irs Arch d M Blue I box of In.xurie.s and clothing; Mre F Ferguson 1 box; Mrs .\ A MoNeill 1 box full; Mrs Capt MoNeill I box Vfell filled; Mrs J Maples 1 do; Miss Mary A Johnson 1 do; Mrs D M Munroe 1 box clothing Ac; Mr W A f^urdue (Harnett) clothing; Mrs Geo W Riddle clothing &c; Misti Elenor Riddle clothing; Mrs Eli Wads” worth 1 box eatables and clothing; Mrs M M Mc Rae 1 box clothing; mrs Wni Hales 1 box cloth ing; mrs Jno Brewer 1 box clothing, choice butter and brandy; mrs Wm Brewer clothing &o; miss Flora McLean 1 box clothing; mrs Duncan Morrison 1 pr socka; mrs John McNeill 1 pr pants, 1 shirt, 2 prs socks; mrs J N McNeill Ipr blankets, 2 under shirts, 1 pr socks; mr? Danl Johnson clothing &c; mrs S E Johnson I box clothing &c; mrs Alex Johnson 1 do mrs Christian Ferguson 1 do. ’ C. C. X50LDST0N, 1st Lt. Co. H, 46th Reg’t N. C. T. Presbyterian please copy. FOR THE OBSERVER. Camp 5th N. C. T., near Fredericksburg, | ,, , Dec. 12, 1862. \ through your paper to xpress in behalf of my company the deep sense Rav from sent on by Lieut. smL e^nr^d blankets, 100 9 vests, 22 flannershins Wej^re also indebted to tbf ki 1 “Youn^ Ladies’ Knitting V of Go prs woolen iwcks and 12 prs gbvelf The patriotic efforts of the noble dancV* r F»JU.cvnio tUeir «.oerosi.;r ket: nii?r Msiriha Mctjaeen 1 blauket, 2 prs socks, uirs Kffy Faulk 1 pr psnis; miss rV^ra >eutherland I bed cover; miss Kllen .McLean p^^ oooks; miss Haity H P McLean 1 pr sockx; mrs Mary A .McLean 1 pr pants. 1 ilaniiel shirt; mrs G Ray 2 prs s.ocks. 1 comfort, 1 pair pants; miss H T Salmon 2 pairs ^ocks, 1 neck comfort; nn.>»3 Joanna Mc.Veili 1 blanket, 1 ijuilt, 1 pair pant>». prs soeks; mr^ C .Mc.Neill ti pn» socks; miss A K Kelly i blanket; miss Isabella McLauchlio 1 blanket; miss Bel la F Cobb 2 prs sock-. .V .McNeill .*^2i>; mrs A K Mc.Seill 2''» yds carpeting. 2 prs socks; miss ,S T Kelly 2 ditto: mits .Mary Culbreth 1 bUiiket, I pmr gloves; Klarkin Wooddell 1 blai:ket; M (’ulbrflh ‘.i pru socks; tiiisa K J ^luith 1 ijuilt, 1 pr .ocks: nirs Hams 2 prs shoes; miss Margaret Townsend 1 blai,kei, 2 prs socks; miss Mar tha Ann Town.send 2 prs socks; Tiios Culbreth I suit of clothes. 1 pr shoes, 1 blanket, 2 prs socks. 2 shirts: misa Rosanna Gregory 2 prs pauts, 2 woolen shirts, 2 coui- forts, 2 prs socks; miss I'atharine Itarker 1 pair socks; Wm Barker 1 pair shoe leathers; Qllon ilHtamous Ferebe Chavitr 3 prs socks. 1 pr mits: Jno M Powers 1 pr socks; Agatha Willis 2 pairs socks: Harly Baxley 1 blauket. 1 pr gloves; Eliiabefh Carlile 1 counterpane: Lucy Humphrey 1 blanket; .May A liarrell 1 pr socks; Sophia Humphrey 1 pr sooks, 1 blanket; Eleanor Hum phrey I comfort; Sarah Brown 1 pr gloves; Owen Rev els 1 pr upper leathers; Nancy Humphrey 1 blanket, ! shirt, 1 pr socks; Susan C Humphrey I pr socks; Bry ant Brown 1 pr under leathers; Sally t'arlile I iptilt, 1 pr drawers; Darcas Brown 1 pr socks; M J Revels 1 pr socks: mrs E Baxley 1 pr socks; Stephen Baxley 1 blan ket, I shirt, I pr socks: mrs .Jos S:nith 1 pr socks; mrs Seth Smith 1 pr socks; A S McMillan 1 pair socks; D C Humphrey 1 pr socks; O M White 2 pr. pants; Joseph Blount 1 pair pants; mrs W Oleuii 1 shirt; D .McNair 1 pr pants, 2 pairs socks, 1 blanket; mrs Sinclair 1 p>iir sock.s; mrs Blount i pr socks; .\rch Blue 1 pair socks; miss Peggy Rae 1 blanket. 1 miilt; Alex’r McIntyre 1 bu corn. 51; mrs Randai .McNeill 2 blankets, half bush dried apples, half bush dried peaches; John Purnell 1 blanki'i; miss Malissa Ellis 5 prs wool socksf H H Ellis 8 pair..) wool socks, 1 comfort; mrs Wurren Williams 0 carpet blankets, 1 pr sock«; Noah Mercer, mrs H Pope 1 connterpaue; J T Pope 1 side leather; Isham StoD'e 1 pr shoes, price $t’.; F.liia Buljard 1 pair socks, price 75 cts; mrs J W Pope carpet blanket, 'J shirts, 2 prs draw era; Roiiey Ann Britt 1 blanket, $1, '2 pr eocks. mrs Moses Warwick t* yards cloth SI2, 3 do, $;? 7'>; .Mrs R Moore I pr drawers; J B Brown fo; Mrs J B Thompson couu'erpanes, 1 neck comfort, 2 pairs eocks, 1 shij-t, 1 pr drawers; Giles Williams 0 iiuilts, I comfort, 1 oarpt^t blanket, 3 counterpanes, 2 pi.s pants, .'5 shirts, 4 prs drawers, 31 prs socks; Daniel Baker 1 sitle leather. I'OR THE OBSEKVEE. MOORC COUTY. -\ list of clothing donated by the citizens of District No Ht, ,'ilst Rng I N C Militia, to-wit: Duncan Buie 1 pr shoes, 1 blanket; mis% Barbara Shaw 1 quilt, 2 prs socks; Colin McFadyen 1 pr shoes; Peter Morris 1 pr shoes; Daniel McGillvHry 1 pr shoes; miss T Morris 1 pr socks; miss Sarah Buie 1 quilt, 1 pr eocks; miss Mar tha Morris 1 pr socks, 1 pfr gloves; mrs Rebecca Morris pr drawers; mrs Nancy McGillvary 1 pr drawers, 1 pr socks; n-rs JuJeth McFadyen 3 shirts, 4 prs drawers, 1 pr pants; miss Mary Jane McFadyen 1 shirt 1 pr draw ers; miss Annabella McFadyen 1 pr drawers, 1 shirt; miss (Jatharine McDugald 1 pr socks; mrs J D Morris 7 prs socks; miss Jennetta Johnson 2 prs socks, 1 pr draw ers; mrs Sarah Johnson 1 pr socks; mrs Flora Morri son 2 prs socks; Jno Hunter 1 pr socks, 1 shirt; mrs Bryan-Williams 1 pr socks; mrs David Gaster 1 pr socks 1 quilt; Mis* M D Gaster 1 shirt; miss Margaret Gaster shirt and comfort; mrs Nanoy Williams 1 pr drawers- mrs Dr John Mclver 2 prs socks, 2 shirts, 2 prs draw- rs, blanket; miss Elizabeth Edwards 1 quilt, 1 pr ‘ p' > i“‘»-»“» t. >"■ “'•* Mury McBrjde 1 pr r?r H McBrjde i pr, ,„ck»; mr» Alei McGillvary 1 pr drawers; misi. Sarah Hunt 1 quilt; mrs Cyntha Lashley 1 quilt; mrs Mary Cameron 1 shir and ivTrM.Th ? «hirtand pr drawers; miss Lydia Mashburn 1 pr socks; mrs Ellen Edward^ 1 rZ .o=k,; Mr, Ann E Edward, 1 pr ,ock.; mi,rKr.„o» A I ansh 1 shirt; Miss Margaret Dalrymple 5 prs soeks- miss Jenuett Dalrymple 6 prs socks; mrs Margaret Mc- Bryde 1 shirt, 1 pr pants; miss Catharine J McBryde 1 pr socks, I pr gloves; mrs Joel Fore 2 prs socks; mrs ilary atone 1 pr pants, 1 pr gloves; miss Sarah 1 pr drawers; Jas S MoBryde 1 lb Tobacco; nisgE JTbomL '> I 1 cravat'; miss Jane Edwards - quuta; an John Pearoe 1 pr eocks; mias Effie Mo- D(*c Cotton aud Wooleo I'actory Tor sale. undersigned ottar their ••.Mill-*,” known as the 1 ORANGE F.ACToRV, for H«le Application can t.e made to Jatue- W«bb. Hillsboro', or J H \Vebb on ihe J J H WEBB IM, l^i2. HK*4w ■'or llirt*. ^EVER.At. NEGHOE.'^ for hire, atiiung them tueu O wom*n, boys aud girls. .-X Iso, several suiitll bo> « aud girls ti>r thnir boar I and fl.itbing E J LILLY Dec 17, ljf.2 8f*:.’w For Kent or ^E\'ER\L valuable HOUSES and LOTS in the town of Piitsboro’, N C W'ill also rent or ’lease for a term of years, to the right sort of mi»n, my desiritVle Hotel property, which with proper management can be made very retnunerative, it being the only house of the kind in the place Apply to Mrs E R GOLDSTON. Pittsboro’, Dec. l*i, 18S2. ' 8H*4t“ 640 Arres of Valuable Land for Sale! THE subscriber oilers for sale. Six Hundred and Forty acres of land in Talladega County, .Alabama, situated near the line of Coosa aud Talladega Counties, about sixteen miles from the rail road, leading from Talladega town to Selma, and three from the rail roail whioh is now in progress of building,—leading from Opalaca to Selma. These lands are most admirably adapted to the cultiva tion of cotton, corn, wheat, i.c., yielding from fifty to sixty bushels of corn, and from forty to tifty of wheat per acre, with other products iu a like proportion There are on the premises, a comfortable dwelling, and all other necessary out houses; also a cotton gin, grist mill and threshing machine. There are abput One Hundred acres of cleared land, fifty of which are bot tom lands, besides two hundred and fifty acres more of never-failiug bottom lands, which ooubl be }*repared for cultivation at a very tridiug expense. It is well water ed, lying oil each side of Hatchet creek, which is a never- failing stream, and capable of turning almost any amount •f machinery As to health, it is unsurpassed by any place in the Slate The above lauds present every inducement i.>r persons wishing lo remove west; or to who m.ay wish to engage iu the business of manufacturing; or fo such as may wish to remove their families out of the reach of our invading foe. Persons desiring further information respecting said lands, can apply to Mr. David Murphy. Fayetteville N. C.. or to Mr. Daniel C. .McNeill, St. Paul’s P. O , Robeson County, N. C. at Persona wishing to purchase will please address me “Fair Play P. Robeson Coiinty, N. C. M. McNAIR. 82*tf Nov. 21st, 18C2. De€*|i River l.antl lor ^ale. I OFFER for sale a tract of LAND, containing 300 acres, lying on both sides of Deep Rivor, m .Moore county, about 15 miles Northwest of Carthage. The land is well adapted to the culture of corn, cotton, oats and especially of WHEAT. There is on the premises one of the best sites for a Mill or Factory to be fouqd on Deep River. Refugees and others wishing to purchase an excellent farm remote from danger would do well to make early application to the undersigned iu person or by letter at Carthage, N. C. W. T. JENKINS. __Dec. 18, 1862. 88*4tpd Adiiiiiiisfrator’»i IVotice. At Deaember Term, A. D. 1862, the subscriber quali fied as admiaistrator of the estate of the late James Sessoms, Jr Those indebted to the deceased must raake payment to me, those having clainas must present them in duo time or this notice will be plead«d in bar of a recovery. KELLY SESS0M8, Adm’r. J MoNeoly heal, H ' Owfiis bund. C f Potts Ibtgh, Jno Starns foot, A J Taylor head, Rufus Trexlon foot..W Mc(^urrie*leg, —all slightly; .Ies-e Wullai-e thigh, at' ' Jacob Waller foot, severely. C.—Wounded! Sergeant B* Nicholson artu. Privates Bowden and J Edwards hip, —rligbtly; L I'ascball mo tally, A F Smith breast severely D.—Wounded: Lieut D Stewart hip, Privates D No- ton neck, S Covington head,—severely; D Waters arm L Woodard shoulder, M Skipper foot, J A McCormick face. J C Beasley breast, H (Campbell Vireasl,—slightly. Killed; Private J P Hobgootl. Wounded: Lieut J J Walker face, Serg’t H C Latta head, Corjt’l W’ K Duke Ifjc,—slightly; Serg’t J H Strum btjth eyes and head, Pr vates D Freeman foot,—severely; H .A Bul lock, J McGhee tingh, i) Shadraok side,—-slightly. F. — Killed: Lieut Sam'l P Weir, Private Uavid Rey nolds Wounl«ii: Pd vales Ji-sse Spencer hip severely. J (.' Hill thigh slightly C»n' -itiuttfHt vf IHrmal Dut fUj't .V C. }J Dai'l M Culbreib 2 pr' shoe-. ' overcoHi, mri Dan l M Culliteth 1 blanket. lpr-*>>oks; uir-* Evan Sajith 1 bl»nk»t. mrs J»hn C WilliHm?* } coiiiiie'pHtie-i. 1 tilankei, tJ pi >> socks, iur.- lit.'hard WilliHui-* I blanket, tj yds w(K>leu hoiue«puii. 6 yds tiome-piin ji?an»; mrs l»-iniel VViliiHius, sen'r, 1 blanket; mrs Thos W illiatiis, IS yds woolen bomespun; mrs Kiuon .Matthes I quilt. I pr sookt: turn ■Margaret .Autry I pr *ock“. furs Williaru Maxwell 5^ yils hoiuHspun jp.'tm. prs |>nits; ntr^ Ja-. D Williams 1 blanket, 1 pr niK-ks; mrs John W t'arker I prdrawer», mrs William Jackson 1 pr so'ks; mrs John .Matthes 1 pr pants, I pr socks; Daniel Juokson 1 quilt; misH Sarah J Williams 1 coat, 1 pr pauts, 1 neck comfort, 1 shut. 1 pr drawers, 1 pr socks; Dauiel Stewart, s#u’r, tl .M iss .Mary \utry > yds tiannel cloth JAS L1NDSE> AL’TRT, ("apt. ('omd'g Distual. Upon his collar, that he is of the pure material Hut ii a private visits or happens to get. in com pany with these non-(!ouibatantH, they are apt to treat him with iiK-ifference, because he l as not a fine gray coat with the sleeves decorated in a zigzag' fashion, and one, two or three stripes of gold lace upon his collar, ,but is clad in coarse, and sometimes dirty and ragged clothing. They seem to forget, that while the officers’ pay ranges from* 140 dollars per Uionth, the poor privates get the pitiful sum ot eleven dollars. I i admit that in the ranks are found all sorts ol‘ I characters, but no one would suppose for a mo- j ment, that every true patriot, evecy intelligent, j moral, and respectable gentleman has an office in the j Southern Armies-. If they did, tbe number ot G. —Wounded: Privates V! J brooks leg, J O John j (,fljce>'s would very near ctjual the number of pri son ancle, .k E Thompsoti, J E Pa. ker hand.-slightly; | so;'therefore in tbe ranks of Jeaae Varnei muriHliy, **11100 died, : ’ . ^ . 1 • * n* * i H -^Wounded; Lieut • C Goidst.^n hand slightly, our armies are to be tound intelligent “nd good Lieiu N A McNeill sbould-r, Corp 'i D Johnson arm se | citizens who were gentlemen at. home, and highly verely. Privates J B Johnson uock, severely,-N Phillips ] respected as such There, also, are young men shoulder, slightly . . j of talent and yood parentage, who etowd the Co 1—Killed: Pj ivate L»-wis Tew Wounded: S«rg t , •'I'Iim >nllpi,r^4 havt» verv L J Hall, Private Isham McLmb, leg, J A Tart, breast, ^anks of Our armies Ihe colleges Have verj -all iliglitly 1 all beeii.yuspended. anu the young men who , * Co K —Killed: PtivHiVs P R Barriiiger, D A Setzer; J . were there preparing themselves for usefulnoss j F Mc-Seill, Muriiii Moose. Wouuded: Privates John t jj, jjjy^ have shouldered their muskets and are ; Hobi.s shoulder. J w Ke^n^-r bit.. ..A Ja.n Reep foot and j ^.tanding Up in tliij deteuce ol thtiif hoiue.s. I thigh, Ueo VViisou leg Sam'! Parker foot h,id knee -- | j . severely; Geo 1 ucker head, I Goodii aii head aud bip, | » c . i • ■ ' poor, the wise and the unwise,.are to be tound in i the ranks of bur armies, conteriding for the great | cause of Southern indef>endence. I think all i ladies and gentlemen should take this into con- I sideration, and when they are visited by or get | in company with privates, not to spurn them, but j recollect in the day of battle, the j*rivat«s have to j !fo foremost. .Mll.«h»b. in order to sustain the courage of hi, ferings and anxiety. ' and spare (as much as in. his powfr H He was woundeil in the bftttle ot Med, was slightly wounded also in t.he J town, and came home to recruit his health ^ the eve of starting back to his regiment i,**** Stricken down by that mighty diaesse v* tho clarion notes of the bugle arouse his i)!.'"**’ hta I tb. No more will Ihe roar of-cannon fall cold iu death. Sleep on, dear soldier, tilhh ¥oA the obskrver GEOGRAPHY OF DEF.P Rivjj E. J. Flale A Sons: most of H H Caldwell tiaud. Levi Tiafeiistedt hand, John P ker bead, J .\rutz head, Jiio .Miller side, L Wilson, H Workman, hand — slig’iily. T itiil — Killed 10; wouuded t> otficers and Oti privates R MALLETT. Adj t FOR THt OBSKRVER. List of casualties iu .‘)4th Reg't N T , iu the eti- gsgemeiit of Hth December ut ^'re leriubsbur^r, —C’ol J (,' S McDowell, t'omd'g- — ■ Field aud Staff—None Co A, l.,t H P Lovell, t’omJ g—Killed Private P A Lynch Woiindi-d: Serg'i P M Siniiii in li'^inJ, t?op'l Geo W Miller' ueck. Privates Geo Oweu muuth. R A WillisiDs tl»igh, Klia- Barn>*s neck—-ail slightly Co B. t’upt G R Keehler, Com l’>r -Killed: k*rivate i..ewis Galloway Wounded; Lieut H S Vnung ankle, Serg't .M'tore shoulder. Privates Jas Hensley side, 'rt in England neck aud foot. Jno Rector >«hou'.der —ull Mlig’ly Co C, 'apt D .\ CuUiretb, t'omd'g—KilJed: Jonas F^ir cloth Wounded: Privntes MalcoiiiDove in arm. J .M Hudson sen'r iu head, Malcom Nfalloy in leg, Bryant Parker lu aud*. Thos lliipKinsiu leg—.all sligbtU t'o D. Lt J B D*-herry. •'oiml'g—Wounded: Privates ■Andrew LHtnbersofi head, Jas A Weed hsud. J T Brnd ley neck and shoulder, J R .Allen lide, slightly, Sam'l Liverman seriously in head Co F, Lt L \ Pascal. Coiud'* — Killed: Private A Sbcake H’oun led: Ww t'-iriuei uiortally in head, J F WiijjJii slightly i'l bip Cj G, Li b 1' Johnsoli, C.iU' I'g Killed: Privates J L t'.aveudet VS P Marten Wounded Privates David Wal ker leg, Jas Perdue hip, J T Norman siiie—all slightly Co H, Capt D S t'ockerhaiii, C imd'g—Wounded A C Guyer seriously lu hand. Zaciiatiah Jeifersou shoiiMer and hip. J .M Cook side, slightiy. t't' Higgaby .-ide nud leg, S P Jenkins arm. Geo V^-tlal leg, Jas A BuH-Ard ankle’, seriously. Jno D;._\ ankle_ slightly, Jas J Lewis mortally in chesi Missiiii;' Private J Willirtms Co K. 1a O M t’oruwall. t'otu'i g — Woui.ded: Privates Thus Loyde mortally iu ctieat, Jno Preswell hip, J E Clarke anole, Horace Eliingion hip, sligbtiy Co F is ou detached ssrvico in Richmond Co I es caped iujnry W C .MoDANlEL, Adj t FROM THL 5TH N. C. TROOPS, i-OR THK OBStP.TER. >iessrs Hale: For the iuforniation of the friends of my men {liease state that no one was injured from Cumberland or Chsthatn in this Ree't iu the Saturday's tight near Fredericksburg exuept R. Jones, of my cjui- pauy—sli ghtl^ wounded iu the leg. Messrs r:. j. riai? ai oons: A'* most of feel an interest in the Deep River country few facts developed by the surveys ot tlieCj'*^^ road under Col. E. Morris, Chief Enginejf Air line from Raleigh to Gulf, 0'*‘itting “ “ to Locksville, The air line from Raleigh to Gulf runs 100,1 rey (on N. C R R ) miles, south of Jokifc head’s 1 mile, north of Haywood IJ tailn Locksville J mile, south of the mouth of 8-10 mile U croases Deep River precis«iy„’^ of the tirst navigation lock above Locksvilfe crosses two miles east of Woodward’s ^ about I tni'te north of Farmville The course from Raleigh to Gulf is g “ “ “ to Locksville, a t;i “ “ “ to Carey, k tRVSLB. Above tiJe WitM,j,L corner of Raleigh L'cpot of .N t At a call' No 141. A THE OBSERVER ;d communication of ('urolina Lodge, Y. M., held on the «lst day ol Nov Top rail 3t N. W Railioad, Top rail at ('arey Switch. Grade of (Chatham Railroad at Neusis anj Suiiiuiii, near W'hiteh^d s. Grade cf (Jtiatham Railroad at l^ashUy s i *• *• “ crossing H-iw Plateau of Haywood, nearCapt Bryao’s, Probable grade of (^hathani Railroad %t Oult, Ordinary water iu Haw River at tnouih. Fariah’s dam, or level of Egypt uavigatiun, Your readers will be glad to learn that 1. S ( '0., an enterprising firm, have uudertakeDik^^ of the 23 miles from Carey, on Ihe .N O R R 3^ ville, on Deep River. Wheu subscriptioLs L>ee 1' B. ROBINSON, Capt. Co >,-6th N. C T Dec. 1. 84*4tpd HIKIHC} AIVD REIWTIIVG. 0^ January 1803, at the residence of Neill McRimmon, dec’d. in Robeson county, I Negroes belonging suinif dec’d, and rent out for the en- offer ® contained in the Dower; aud offer for sale a full set of CARPENTER’S TOOtS. !)«« 13 McRIMMON, .A.doi’r. 86*tlJ >MR THK OB-^KHVKR SoLTHAMfTo.N Co . Va , Dee d. lBt;2 >lessrs K J Hale X Sons:—Dear Sirs:—You will pl«ase publish itie following notices: - « Died, Sept. 2J, IHrt'J, of te»»ir, in S C. Hospital, at Petersburg, Private *.\leiander McKinuou, of Co K, 52d Reg’l N. (’■ Troops. Oct. Iblti, 18t>2. of fever, in the 1st N. C. Hospital at Petersburg, Private Robinson Lisk of Co. F], 52d Reg't N. C. Troops Nov 8d, 18G2. of f*-Ter, in theS C. Hopital at Peters burg, Private Hugh Jones of Co. E. fi2d Reg’t N C. T. We are now encamped about five miles above Frank lin, and about a mile from Blackwater River, Gen. Pettigrew has instructed our Colonel fo have the men build their Winter ipiarters, but adds that he does ‘•not know how soon we will have to leave them. The health of our men is good. Our tp.ost pressing want is something to put on the feel of the men. If we could procure the leather, we can have the old shoes repaired in the Reg'i, and new ones made also. Yours, truly, B. F LITTLE, Capt. Co. K, 62d ."I. C T LINES Irucrtlea to the netnory of D. W, ('o.nnkllt. H A Mo- Nbilu, »nJL CiiAULES Tiirowkr, Co. F, \ C. T. Oh! must not the day of deliverance be uearT When the debt we have paid is beheld. Will not nations V>e shocked at our sad brilliaut bier. And the Vandals in siiame be .repelled' The youth ef the South! a most chivalric host, Composed of the best blood of earth, Cheir parents have offered, though Iheir pride and boast, At the shrine of our new nation's birth! They have gone! and alas, how few shall return' To the homes where they were Uie light! How few, when oppression from our borders is torn. Shall look ou the soul-cheering sight! How shall we single out any among them. Where all were so true and so brave. In singing the dirge—Ihe notes of the anthem. It is fit should be heard at the grave! But some wo must note, who were ever distinguish'd In the reign of fair peace as iu war Whe in the storms about Richmond, were iu the vanguard •Of the Conqueror’s thundering car! There Conelly—McXrill—Thrower—frtie heroes. Were at home in the hail of the strife! ’ But disease laid them low—and without murmur They yielded their hold upon life! Oh! long shall we cherish their mem’ry as sacred, ' And long we (heir loss shall deplore, ’ The places their lives have refreshed and made glad Shall now. alas! know them n f\ Tn/\*»rfk* Shall now, alas! know them no more! A SCOTi^H BOV. R, n. «c:Hoo|i. The 1st Session of the year ]8t)3 will open bn the 1st Monday in January. The location is in the coun try. 7 miles north of Rockingham. Richmond Co , N C Rates of tuitijn, $10, $15 and $20 per session. ’Males and Females prepared for College. The neighborhood is good and retired, and situation healthy. Board can be had at reasonable rates. Write to R. H. BROWN, Lethe, Richmond Co.. N. C. Dec. 18, 1862. 88*6tpd Ivrinding FREE to Soldiers’ Families* AFTER the 1st January 1863, NO TOLL WILL RE TAKEN from the grain of fhe families of Soldiers who have provisions to buy. W. W. JONES. Buckhorn P. O., Robeson Co., Dec. 16. 87-3tno The subscribers will sell for cs^h. on the first Mon day in Jauuary next, 6 LIKELY YOUNG NEGROES, at the Court House in Troy. Those desiring such pro perty will do well to attend. • C. H RUSH. ' A. H. SANDERS. D#o. 18, 1862. 8t}»2t I ISfj'J, the undersigned having been ap^tuinted to j procured the Company will build the r«fsiJu» I draw up some resolutions in regard to tlie death ot William C Watkuns, a member of this Ludtie anti a private in (-apt Bennet’a ('o., liiid Ke{’t N. C T , who was killed iu the battle at 8harpsburg ou the 17th day ot Supt. in the 89lh year of his aye, nobly defending his country, oiier the tollowiug: Resolved, 'I'hat while we deeply de{*lore th« loss of our much esteemed brother, we bow in hurabJe , submi-ssion to this dispensation ot an all wise and i ever gracious Providence. j Keiolved, That iu the death of our brother, we ' not only lose a devoted anu gi>od .Mason, but tha neighborhood in which he lived loses a valuable j and worthy citizen, his family a kind, provident 1 and atfectioiiute husband and father, and the I country at Uigc a brave ’•nd noble defender. ! Resolved, That iw respect ta our deceased bro ther's memory, we will wear the usual badge of I mwurning tor thirty days. ' Resolved, That we sympathize with the widow I aod family of our deceased brother in their "sore bereavement. VV. S. Kkndall. C. Watkins. I uanimously adopted and ordered to be printed NATH’L KNIGHT, W .M W IvKNDALL, J^ec’y. li’OR THK OBSERVER At a meeting ol the Scotch (treys, held at Fort (.’aswell, N. Dec. I2th, 1SG2, Lt. J. S. Mc- 'Arthur acting as chairman, the following pre amble and were adopted: Whereas, Uod has seen fit to call troi'u time to eternity, our friends and fellow soldiers, W. B. R. Thompso.n, VV’ J.. Hra«'ey, and (\>rp’l N. P. McAkthlr: Resolved 1st, That we bow with humble resig nation to this dispen.satioii 61 His providence, knowing that He doeth all thiiigs well. Rttsolved 2d, That in the deaths of our com rades our coifipany has lost three of her most effi cient members—our country gallant defenders, and the families of which they were members, noble son.s. Re.solved 3d, That from this affliction we take a kind admonition from our Heavenly Father, to “keep our lamps trimmed and our lights burning, “tor in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." Resolved 4th, That a eopy of these resolutions be transmitted to the bereaved families,—and to the N. 0. Presbyterian and Fayetteville Observer for publicatiou. I>ouuRiboE McCallum,*! 1>AN1EL WaT*,0.\, i C W.M. R. McKachi.v, ^ 1>. s. McCallum, Sec’y. FOR THE OBSERVER. Messrs. Kditors: Please allow me space in your useful paper to record the death of our much loved and esteemed friend, Renjamin I. Townsend, who fell morfally wounded in the battle of Cedar Run, while in command of his company, (his superior otiicers being absent.) He received the wound on the yth of August last and died the 10th. Thus lias our country lost another gallant soldier. He was a native of Richmond county, and be longed to Co. E, 23d Reg’t N. C. T. He leaves an aged father and mother, brothers and sisters, to sorrow for their noble-hearted son and affectionate brother, who was so untimely cut down in the morning of life and vigor of youth. \ et it is a consolation to know, “that the wintry blast kills not the bud of virtue,"—that he died, as we believe, trusting in a Saviour’s love. He was about 22 years ot age, and had been a con sistent member of the Baptist Church for 6 years. In one of his little treasured missives wo find these consoling lines; “I wish to return home again, but if I should die on the battle-field, I pray 1 may die at my post, with my eyes looking peacefully towards Heaven.” To that bereaved family we would say: Let those words console you; trust in that Saviour who hears such prayers; and though it is sad to know that he died far from loved ones at home, yet remember that Jesus for sakes not in the hour of death, and that He “can make a dying bod feel soft as downy pillows arc." Twas s'wl to lay him in the grave. Far from bis friends and home.’ And place the turf npou hie breast. Then leave him there alone. Alone! oh no! one watcheth near, And guards his dust with sacred care. S. A. FOR THE OBSERVER. Died, ip the Half-way Station Hospital near Richmond, \ a., of typhoid fever, on the 9th of August, Joseph Patrick Thomas. He waa a member of Black’s Co. D, 49th Reg’t. Hia un- daifnted courage, hia inflexible integrity and un flinching punctuality and promptness in the dis charge of duty without murmuring or repiningj frf^ni Raleigh to (?arey, and from LoekitiKe ton| njost vurge of Ihe Coalfie'lds in Moore fDunty i FOR THE OBtiERVER Messrs E. J Hale & Sons: — Dear Sirs. Whjiiiy ugr repre!>eutatives neglect pasHing a law tiiii|j for killing sheep Wrily they do more harmiini key stillers. I am marking from thirty tofotijii for the space of twenty years, and the uuiub«riixi| uot. I hope some abler person than vi tbe necessify of passing a law sbe«jkil!iii|H I Yours with respect, d, M,D I NOTICE. Valuable Liands tor VuVc. UN the ‘24th day of Jauuary next, 1 will jell, of Court, at tbe late residence of Cader Cim I dec’d, a Valuable Tract of L.\ND, tormerlj owiw I said deceased, and k.oown as the .Avera Land, eta I ing 45U acres, lying on the waters of Cape Ftiri I Stewart’s creek, adjoining lands of H C Avera j About 50 acres of said land are* cleared aua cultivation. . There is &lso a very valuable Mili&i I it. with a dam and all the w»rks for a Griaujii .Mill. .\I$o another tract, containing 58 acres, Ijiogak River, joining the lands of Lary Wood and oini to be valuable land. Tbe above named tracts of land are in Haratua a few miles above .\veraaburu’. .'\ay inforiuuii specting them may be obtained from T. W Cun the subscriber, Bunn's Level P. O. Terms six months credit with bond aud tpprsWi curily. CADER PARKtH.AJi' Dec. 12, . S6*5^ ~ IfOTICE. \i7iLL be sold on tbe 5th January next. vilK T T residence of .Mr-i. Nancy Palmer, dec'.l,iiCii county, on Deep River near th^ Gulf. TWO UE NKGRt> .MKN,'Hiddick and John, the Hi)ujei»ii Kitchen Furniture, and other articles too leJitiuiui* tiou. Terms made known at sale. a. W UOLD.'^JUS.ia: Dec. 13. WILL be sold at the Qulf on Deep Kiver, osiiti Jaa’y next, by a decree of the CountjC*' Chatham, the STORE HOUSE and LOT, conui^* acre of Land; also one half of the HOTEL ui^ buildings belonging to s&id Lot, contaiaingm* The other half of said Hotel belongs to Mr. L.J.Sif ton, which can be bought also. The part whieil* vertise for sale belongs to the Estate of R- ^ dec’d. The above named property is very riJaiiii*' good situation for a Hotel and a Store, «ou'i9 5iiiu* immediately on the Railroad which isnoiuiiw* tract and will soon be built, running from Md*' Depot to the Ore Hill on the Coal Fields Ro»J ^ under my hand, Dec. lOih, 180-, G. .W. GOLDSTON, Coui rauJ.^^' Dec. 13. ~ IIIIPORTANtIiLE OF Having been appointed Commissioner, I 6th day of J^uary, 18t>H, sell tli* SLAVES, vii; BOB. LEWIS, WELLS, LlZZlEf’ TWO CHILDREN. Sale to take place »i House in Clinton, Tertcs: six months’ crei^^ terest from date; notes with appruvod security *1 before the property is removed. JACOB UNl'ERWOOR Adm’r of Eli UnderwooJ-* Nov. 8, 18G*2. ^late ot rVorth C’arolin*/ MOORE COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, Geo. W. Williams & Co., vt. New Vor’i Whin Stone Co. . ORDERED by the Court in this case, be made in the F-ayetteville Observer for ^ for the Defendants in the said case to answer or demur, at the next Term of Judgment pro confesso will be entered | Witness, J. H. Caddell. Clerk of our B&iJ Office in Carthage, the Monday before tlie in August, A. D. 1862. „ , t J. H. CADDELL, C - Dec. 9, 1862. 86W State ot JVorth t'arolin** MOORE- COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term. * Themas J. Clegg vs. New York White So*p ■-'® Death of Plaintiff suggested—L N. Clegg- ^ comes into Court and makes ORDERED by the Court in two casei of ^ ^ titled cause, that pu'blication be made etteville Observer for six weeks, for the f appear, plead and replevy, or judgment will against them. Witness, J. H. Caddell. Clerk of our Office Hi Carthage, the Montiay before the I»^ in August, A. D. 1862. , n a C J, It. CADDBIACJ. Dec. 9, 1862. iState ot rVorth Carolii**’ MOORE COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term. 1^^- Harris Tysor, v*. New York White Soap '^RDERED by the Court in Five cases »f y entitled Cause, that publication be Cause, that Fayetteville Observer for 'six for the weeks, .V. »We next Term of this*^Court,*^or Judgment pro ants iu said case to appear, pl*»ad. answer, or will be entered against them. •., (laurt* WItnePB, J. H. Caddell, Clerk of our Office in Carthage, the Monday before the in August, A. D., 1862. ^ g, C. . • J. H. CADPEUAL 1862. .