IBS ‘“‘perior# M Ot Itphoij f„ 'f the 22d v uiouths, ' ‘erdi«a;\^ hu onlv k f«her .'V'** I \'*''«for 1 campi. Poornfoti -ow,^> lav k •’•y h,ir juf f Meohnoie*Tni, *'inie of SK. ! **‘'i - heal,h No m *' J»i8 p*,not tVER. y river most of your re»j,^ I'ngincer; ^‘‘ "ting fraoiious Xu» 1« ' II. '■i'. ■■ ulf ruDs south of r, outh or John Wk-; ' t luilfl, oo„^ •^uth of Rock,R„;; r P’"*‘ciselv »i tii, , >rJ - Bridge *nd ruj, il* if» S ^ cksTille. a. f/Ji ^ '■‘^y. N K »•• tiJe w*t«V in f„; gh l»f jioi of S, (• »Jl □»« »n J Cape FfM 4»l 1T4 '-•ii 144 lift niihley i X ling Hhw Ruer, Brynn’i. ro«U %i Gulf. mouiL, lavi^fttiuu, inrn that 1 .N ( ^ iDdei i >iken tbe*r»jja» •* N R R ii>Lockj '8cripiious suSt,euiw« the rfsiJu^ otvW»io*4 u Locksvi’te to iht at- loore countT B ♦ tRVER 'enr Sirs. WhjisitUt; iD^ a law taxiQ| dop 1> more harm tbta wki|. u tbirij to fortj Lwu ud the uutubrr iocrtiM ihaa luyselt wili urp [aD«i sbe«p killing Ja|i S. M, K K. • lor «al€. Jil, i will Jell, by oNf ince of r»der C’atuli l>. Jormerly owneJ 6_r s ATera Land, cootiia' «ra of Cape F«ar uJ >f H (’ ATera and (xhfn are* cleared aud osdir ■y valuable Mill Site ai s for a Uriit tad .^t bn acrea, lying jb BimI Wood aod oUi«n, a;4 >1 ar« ID Harueit ooaat;, Any iofarmatitrn tt^ ! from T. W C»n»Ji»r I). bouJ aud appr;)feJ ic K PARKLR. Adar bo*'>ipd auary next, at ike in* .liuer, dec'd, iuCh»tki>ii e O.ilf, TWO LIKEi.^ ho. the HoustboiJ »cl«s loo teJioui tomt it. UOLU.'TUN. Aimr. £. Deep Ki»er, on ti»« oU )f the County Court oi ad LOT, containing ow the HOTEL and »tk«r I, containing one •**' nghtoMr. L. The F'W’t ^ :8tate of R. W. F»lm«r. jrtj i» *ery Talu*bl«t * 8tore, *nJ *® situ*W“ lich i» now under wtt- raoQtnff troin Fields Road N, I’cu. r auJ «o*St 01' NEiiKOCS* mittbiuner 1 W, Bell the follo*2 ELLS, L17’-il*‘*“'J „ ite pUce at fconlbs ir»J roved security requ'f^ IB LNUKR"''^'^^’,, li t'ulerirool, S-.’itpJ ,Carolina NTY. 'all Terui, . ew York White I ca»e, that )b8ei »er for si* . Mae to P. ^ /•m of this Cour of our eaii before t»*e Iwt Moni*. Caroli***J ,11 Term, |?hite ^o»P ut«r. N. Clegg, txef gaient wil* ^ tfore th« ’• JaroliM*^ II Term, ro. bite .Soap Stone «e oaaes of tb (j,* tiion be in* udguien' p'^*' of our >>fY>UniS tfore the s K IW 1-W E R K I. Y. vol.. XII.1 FAYETTHVIIJ.K, X. ( ., JANUARY 1. [NO. 1190.] PKINirU MONl'AVs \M) Till KSl>\Vs K1>\VAUI> J. HALK X SONS. H ITOns \Ni» FUOPIUFT^IKS Vi'ioc for the Semi-Weekly vJbskkvek 5^;-$ HO if p:ii«l in ..ivAiK'o; 5'J ;hf it paid during tiie yoar of suV'S.'iip- ;ion: or S I al'cr the v ear has expired F.ir the oekly Obsfrv’kr $2 •''> pt'r Mnnnm, it’paid in siviuu e; 52 50 if paid during the year of suhscrip- uon; or f/$ 00 after the year has cxj'ired. tK£T ADVERTlSKMEN’i rS meriod foT *‘>0 ccnts per j iiire of 16 lines for the first, and 30 Cf>nts for eiich •■ucceeding publication. Yearly advertisenieuts- by spe cial ifontracts, at reisonable rate«. Advertisers are re'juosted to state the number of insertions 'leiired, or ;hev will be continued till forbvil. and charged acoord- la^iy. Adverli^eiuent'i i'ontinuel chargf.l a-* new ad vert iseiuents. SPECIAL NOTK'K. fioui and after this dali. iiatiie >f a new auh^.-ritier m!! Ije enieivd without payuieiit in n ivunoe, nor will \\*l:sTKHN !i\ll. Uoa!> (H'FH'K, f l':iyrlt(‘Vi!U‘. \iiiT, S DKIKABLE lU-SIDl'NCE ijrnr M ON and ft^e^ the 1st day of Sept. tho following rates will h- clijirgud on Passeii^t*i.>», viz: 50 01 h. 1 00 1 2-:> 1 50 From Fayotteville lo Little River, to Spout SpriiifT, to Rock Piranch. to Jonesboro', to Mclver'p, Twenty-tivp cents additionnl will he collected by the Con hictor of each passenger, leaviug a Statiou without a :i'-ket A new'rate of Freight will go into eflfect al the same time, which will he printed and furnished fo the public in a few days EJy order of the Pres’t. .INo M ROSE. Treas'r W R. R Co. .\iw. 30, 18HJ. otitf %VK}»iTKKA RAII. KOAU. and ifter .Monday the 22d inst., the Trains i>n 1 :hi- Koa.I will run daily, learinjf Fayetffville at ! S A M ; teiuruing leave Mclvet’s Depot at 1 fok sale. RS. .M. S. llOOl'l'.R will otfer at public auction, on ^aturd ly t.’io loth isf January 1808, at -he Market House in the town of Fayetteville, her 1IOUS2 AND LOT, the Ijti in front of the house, and the Stable Lot on the Not^'n side ol the oreek, n»',tr Hooper’s Briilgo. .AI.ho, the vacaul Lol on Cool Spring street, opposite the Grave \ 'ird The Dwelling IIou.se ha.s nine cotnforta- ble_ rooms aud s»‘Vi^n tirn-places. gooi apartments .for set’vanis and a well-turni-hed basement used as a kitch- en is coiivenietit to huth the Episcopal and Presbyte- riaa Churches, being Uistani from both not exceeding •.?00 yards. The lot itj 'Urce. alFording a good garden; the yard abounds in finely cultivated shrubbery; the premises retired, and yet convenient to the centre of the totrn. Altogether, ihe pi'operty is considered to be one of the niost desirable re.sidences in the pla"e. There is a good Well on the premises. Fayetteville, Dec. 17, 18t52. 87ts Jis paper be sent to ■stu-h •lub'Cri'.! t.au i^ paid for. S.u'h of our old subscribers as desire : per -’U this system will plea-e notif\ U'i (, .It'AUOe*. J;l r ,H longer time ' ake th“ j'-i ■5 when uiakiug V 1, l":si. o’cll’fli Sept P M 20. li>;2 M.VLLKIT, Pres't. r;2if n\li. ^fleJL, Attorney at Law, F.wetteville, N (’, Superi>r w ’ILL aiteud the County and Superi>r Courts ..t' Cumberland. Harnett, Moore and Robeson (Juoa Prompt attention given tu the oolleeti.'n of at! evuis entrusted !o his hand-- vt 17. 1859. L.S-tf mi W. WILLIAMS HL. %\ holewale l>ealer«i in iiroc't‘i*ies, AND tMPORTF.K.'i A.Vl' DEALERS IN Hardifare and C utlery, Swedes Irou, HAT STUEET, F\TKTTEVILLE, >. (. July 2, 1801. LOOK AT THIS! Tin; nVETTBVi.LLK HOTEL, ProuCiii^ *iOO feel and in the business portion ot‘ the Town, coiilaiuM tuore and f« eli ventilated Roomw than any Hotel in the ^tate, and my Fatrons say my Coiidiuiont'i ure very gooi for the tiiutN T. WIUDILL. Troprlctor. -May 2U. lS»i2. 27v Fayetteville Female The th« Uiii:h School. otitf J J COX. W P. KENDALL. J S. KENDALL COX, KE.\i»Ai.L A: 4 0., i'oiiimls$«ion itlerehaiif^ A N D WHOLESALE GROCERS, Mo. 11 k 12 .North Water St., Wilrainston, r. Orders fi:om the Country promptly esecti^ed p3^ Par'.icular attention given to the sale of Cotton iiiJ other produce. April exercises ot this Insti'.ution will be resumed on the i9th 01 September The scholastic year will Le aiTided into two terms; the 1st of l.*( weeks, commencing 29ih of Sept and end ing ‘2-lih Dec.; the second of 27 weeks, couimencrug 1st of Jan’y and ending July 1st Parents and Guardians intending to patronize this .'School are earnestly requ^'tei to npply for circulars contaitiing full particulars in regard to let ms, ic . htforr the opening of the School Rev v\ M HOtJPKR. 1 , T r HOOPKR, ^IrmoipaU July 17, lSo2. 4:Ml'Jpd FAVKTTEVII.LK mn\l LNSIKAME (UMPANf. f^Gl. lO-’.r Capital in Premium Note- aaii^unts to Cash 1^1 hand and other assets. J2t>7,0y8 ‘Jb •'),077 ^5 T. C\ & B. Ci. WORTH, (omnihsiou aud Forwarding Merehanis WILMINGTDN, N V Jan'y 28. 18G1 “-I'f CARD! A FEW LADIES pan be aocoiniaodai«d with board a; the Seminary T, C. HOOPER. Sept. 12. 1861. * 5t)- LETT, ^VrrUS, BLOlhEK &. «U., naiiiiliicfiirer^ ol ^all. J W’. LFITT, .Agent in Fayetieville W D S.MITH, -Agent in ^'ilminiton « ..hTT, J. M. SMITH, W D «MI H, J '• BLOt’KEB. ^ Total. ^272.705 (51 The t’oinpany have pnid all lus--ei [‘roniptly, and hav* uever aia ie an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, $29,tid2 >V tjFFICERS; GEO. McNEiLL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice I'resideui. C. A. McMILLA.N. .se-'y DiBE'-TOBS; W. N. Tillinshast. SMITH, and n «MI:1 C.^KVKR Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, ?. T. Hawley. Nathar. \. Stohuf C. B. Mallett. JfUiiep Kyle. A. A. M'cKethan. J. D. VrilLiams. H W. Tillinphasl. hn C')llin-; and (' (' S. J. Hinsdale, Wm. McLauriu, n, T. Luuer';i..h, A. W. Steel, J. G. Cisok, Hon. -T. G. Shepherd. K F. Brown, I . A E. Hall, ,g'on, .Mci’rummen. Traveling Agents. N-t 24. l^o2. teif- The ('ompanv invite appUcatiour .Mav28. 1801. •21- JDHNSON. WILLIAMS A TO., ^Al/r .nAKKRJS. U'K have thirty (30; p->us now in operation niue miles eist of Wilmington Par'ies w^hinc 'o suj ply ■.em-elve-* with salt, can be furn. is. I by apjilying to A Johnson, Jr . .Agent at Fayetteville, to K Page, lisnazer at ihe work-, or to J. .\1 WILLIAM?^. General Superintendent Favetteville, Nov. 20, 1H02. “^iM COTTOA VARA, Xo. 19 Ha> StPH't. A liKn! Thp Xew Stjle, Small, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, AT ART. %VoodHai*4i% .^olar i'anier*i. iaL’y 6, 1802. MALLETT fc8- 10 Consignment* Kice and Tobacco on C.ASKS of fresh beat Rict* and lOO LJ'ixes Manu factured'Tobacco. variou-i '^ua’.i'.ieo Fjr eale by GEO W. williams & CO. Fayetteville, Sept. 24, 18*’'2. 63tf AOTItE. 4 S 1 expect to be absent from home a few months io A. the We«t, Archibald .McLean is my authorized Agen: lo transact my business until I return. N. 0. JONK,. bee r 28. 1860. ‘'•^•tf After Uii^ date I %%ill pay Five Cents per pound for fig- de livered in Fayetteville, or it my mill- on Rockfish. D MURPHY '»ct 2. lFlfi2 SALT PANS FOR SALE B'HLER IRON P.ANS, large «i7e. for nale at ih^ Katr'.e Works. FnTetteville, N . by 1')HOTOGR.APHS can t>e had !it Vatiorsdell’s Skyligh Gallery. Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. ('.: plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life size. .Ambro- types, Melaneotypes. and all other ■'tyles of Picturei pertain' ig to the .Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould- iug. G’ > for very large picture.-*—iis large a- 20 by 30 inches. "Tord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instru ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life siie colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently* located here I hope to merit your patronage. I would also return my sincere thank.s for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Dec’r 20, 1859 77- iMarble Faetorv* D I 'ec .s AN DK.RSt iN •t If j4Ai/r. OUL'ND S*tli for sale on consignment by O U. W WILLIAMS it •>. Nov. '.;o, 7y (f WAATKI*. 0 BUSHELS WHEAT. ^,OUU 1,5(J0 “ CORN. Persona having the above articles^ to '.’i will receive the highest Cash price by calling on .Mr. M Thoainson at the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, or on (he cub ...li- ber at his old stand on Market Square. ALEX. J(|HNRON. Jr. >' iv. -5. 1802. 75tt Twenty-live Hollar« Reward. 1JANA)VAY from the subscriber, his negro boy MO- l SES! He is 21 years of age, about 5 feet 10 inches liiph, robust, lon^t feet and very much turned out at the toes, aud looks down when spoken to. He was seen at .'IcPhaul's .Mills in Robeson county on the 21st ult., inti was in Fayetteville about three weeks ago,. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to me or for ttis confinement in any jail so that I get him. W. 1) JOHNSON. Bennettsville, S. C., Aug. 14. 1862. # o2tf AR.nY H/tK.\lvNM. j AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon 1 Harness for Army use. I tan my leather aud can good bargains Agent? will d/ well to seud their j»rler8 to me as they shall have prompt atti‘t:r>i.n, and off n quick dispatch. .10HN CARTFR P. tj., Chatham Co.. N, C.. | June 1:?. l*‘'>:d. (■ ;;4tf !>v TWO iXlORS ABOVE T. HAIGH & siijis’ STORK Tayetteville, i^O^ICE. The UNDERSIGNED, both havin.p; entered the mili tary service of the Confel,*rate States of America, hereby give nc,iice to their old cu=iorvr- lud friruds, that they have appointed .lohn D. St irr an t- .lohri D. Williams, of this place, their attorney- to co.leci either separately or conjointly all money.-; du^ them either by account or note, and otherwise to attend to their bu- , siness generally during their absence. The^- resjieci- , fully ask all persons indebted to them to call prompt ly as possible on their ageats and make payment. ?TAnR & WILLIAMS. Sept. 19, 18G1. 58-tf ' OIL anFlami’ black."' TANNERS’ and LUBRICATING OIL. LAMP BLACK in barrel. For .“ale bv JOS. R. blossom's CO., Wilmington, C. March 7. 6-if Palma C'liriMti Bean«. Sale of a portion ot the Fayette rille & | Western Plank Road. ^IMlh undersigned having been appointed Cor miswi'nier , i. to sell all that part nf tiie Fayetteville .» We«teru Plank Road, a^'ove High Point, will sell at p ihlic .Auc tion in the town ol St»lem. on the 1st Tuesda/ in Jaii'y , 1203, the Road. Toll H .u-ie.-i, ic.. betweeu High Point and j Bethania. upon lerms to be m^de kuown on ’he dav of "’*!**■ .lESSE W.^LKEl'., i’om. Nov. 6, 1802. 70-w FOK SALK. ^ A Lot of Cotton und Woolen >l8ehiuerv» k) WOOL PK KERS '■ i50 ini h W.iol (,'^rds # ! I 30 “ R :l!C.irl ; 1 108 Spindle Jark j 1 Cotton Lai>[>fr [ ^ Daut'onh ('ap Fiauj-- 138 Spiudlei each ‘ 1 Thro-^iie Frame 84 •• ) 1 English Drawing Frame with ('oiteri aud Packeia. 1 12 Strand Speeder. .,c . ic i .Some of the above machinery is new in op-ration ut j the tl'chmoud Factory For particulars addr «• JOHN SHonTRll’GE. Rockiugham. Richmond (?o.. N. j •Nov 12, 1802 77 lOipd %'ALI AHLI^: .niLL^ tor Male. OFFER for «ale ray PL.\NTAT10N, 2 mile-: west ol '•thage, .Moore county, containing 25t> Hjre.s, on which is a tJrijt atid Saw Mill, Cotton Oin au^ Screw. ; I will receive iu payment .''tate Bond;*. Co' federate ■ money or likely Negmes JOH.N MORISON. % ALl AULi: LAAH^ lor JSale. I*>FFER for Sale my PL.ANTATION on McClendou's t.'reek, 0 miles west of t’arthage. lying on t'le ba-iu of the Toal Fields, comaiuing 21UM acres, which is ad • pri>luciive a- any lands in the couuty of .Moo:e. The . improvemcut-^ good and the situation healthy Terms , libt-ral JOHN MORISON. AOTItT^. IH.A\'K about acres more, in ditlerenl tracts, in the county of Moore,—Farming Mineral. : ud Titr- i peniine land,—which 1 will sell on liberal terinri. j JOHN mor:son .Hineral l.and!ii lor .^ale. IH.AVE an interest of oue-:hird in a tract of 500 ■ACRES on the water.^ of Deep River, on wh'ch have i been di«c'^vered a salt mine aud pure saltpetre, and an ' oil of 200d quality for grea-sing leather, well worthy , geological inve-tication. Jt»HN MJR1S0N. ; Carthage. Nov. 18 1802 77-tf LA.VHM lA RO»t;SOA i'Ol'ATY For s.ALE ») XA/i .A’RES on the Raft Swamp. 9 miles from Luroberton and about 5 miles from the W. I C. .t R. Railroad •J,700 Acres on the Uroa 1 Ridge, about 5 mi'.es from I Lumber.on. ; 107 •Acre!' on the W s R Railroad. 7 miles from j Lumbertpn Twenty acre-? of which is in cultiv ition j :i70 -Acres known a« the Red B.^nks. ou the W. C. o: ; R. Railroad. lt> .niles from Lumberton. .About 13 > i open and under fence. There are two small framed 1 houses on the premises.' i .fOO Seven abou: 1 mile from the last lueiitioned ' tract, vary heavily timbered 1,4K{0 -Acres knojvn a« the Litfle Desert. .\ rich I ;.wamp ftbdut 10 miles from Fayetteville and 1 mil-' from the Faye'teville and Lumberton Road. aljoining McGeacbj' and other.-*. 1,000 Acres known as the Desert, a>ljoining Wil liam .McNeill. Caider Daniel .McNeill, Mc.Alpin and others 350 acres high land, the balance is valuable ; itwamp R. S. FRENCH. Dec. 13. 1802. 86-lOt-pd I /%dniini54trator% Kalf. The su’^scribi?r a> .Vdministrator on the Ee.ate of Wni .McK »y. dcc'd. will expose to public sale on Tuesday, i the 0th day of Jaii'y n^xt, the following perishable pro perty belonging to said Estate, to-wit: Mules, Horses, (’ows, Hogs, Corn, Fodder, Shucks, and about 30 or 40 bales Cot ton. Cotton Seed, lNcc., &c. and at the same time and place will be hired for the year 1H03, about 35 NEGROES The sale and hireing at the late residenc*; of said Mc Kay, ne.ir Floral College iti Robeson county. MURDOCK McRAE, Adm’r. Dec. 19, 1802. 88t- Plantation lor wale. \SNUG F-ARM of 7 ; acres, near the town of Fay etteville, well adapted to the cultivation of corn, peas and potatoew; and a tract of 50 acres of pine land, nnt exceeding three miles distant therefrom, which will furnish wood and timber suthcient for use of the tarm ■May be iiad a bargain on application to JOHN H. COOK. Dec'r 22, 1802. 88-ot llental Practice lor f^ale. 1 OFFER for sale privately my Dental Practice in Fay- ettevi]'.'. N. C. The office occupying four rooni« on second Hoor. well furnished, together with severf.l 07. of GOLD FOIL, GOLD PLATE and SOLDER. A large supply of VULC.ANITI] and TEETH of all kinds. .Also one-third iuterest in a vineyard lying four miles south o' i'ayetteville. containing seventy-five acres Those owing me will plane call on .Mr. Alex. J.»hn- son, Jr., and settle .Aildress I R SCOTT, Greensboro’, N 0. Oct. 27, 1802. 73tf AOTici:. I)ERSONS wishing to buy TOWN PROPERTY will do well t'l call on the «ul'.scribor 1 will sell on re i.sun able terms my House and Lot, liaviag also a good Kitch en, Smoke house and good Well of water. .Also, four Town Lot.s with good Siables tliereon and very conve- RLVF. VIAMN!! I DESIRE to call the attention of Druggists aud Phy sicians to the superior quality of the liLL'K M '.3S 1 I am now manufacturing by machinery. The BLL^E M.ASS made by me is war”anted to be ONE-THIUD .MERCURY’, aud equal to any made in England, and inuoh superior to most of that now hr ; iglit i into the Confederacy from the Uuited St'ites, (as nttirly all of that is deficient in Mercury.) I As an evidence of the superiority of the BLUE M ASS maae by me, I would ask your attentiou to the aualysis j of il by Profe.s.sor E Emmons, well known as oue ol tie I most scientific men in the country; also-to the folio .ving recomm^udation from Dr. Edward Warren, late Pr> fee- i Hor in the University of Maryland, and now Surg )on- i General of North Carolina: R.\leigh, N. C., Oct. 23, 1802. I Having had the best opportunity for testing the (juali- ; ties of the I51ue Mass manufactuied by R. B. Sauii ifcrs, i at t'hapel Hill, N. C., I am prej'ared to say that it i.nic- I ferior to none in use in any particular. It therefore atforils me pl(‘Hsure to recommend if to the Profession at large as a most valuable and reliable preparation, EDWARD WARREN, Surgeon-General of North Carolina. BY THK ti(»VERVOK OF .\OKTH t’AROLINA A PROC’LA.TIATiOA YY^HKRF.AS, the time linn'ted in my Proclamation \y forbi'lding the exponatiou of Salt, Bacon, Pork, Beef, t’orn, Vleal, Flour. Potatoes, Shoes, Leather, YANKEE ENORMITIES. Fredericksbt G, Va., Dec. 17, ISU:,? Fredericksburg ha.s been sacked and in part burned. Had Satan, in the councils of Hell, SKfTKMHKH 2.*, 18l'.2 Mr. H. H. ^^aundi>rs:.Sir:—I find your Blue Pill Mass to t>e perfectly homogetieous. all tlir? mercurv bein.' converted iuto the Protoxide By analysis I .Iso find, after three trials, eight etaius >)f Proioxid.- in lweu'3’-five of the Mas- In dr^’iug, I should ren-ark that a small portion of ilit- Oxi»le was reduc*’d. 1 e,ni satisfied, however, (hat your Blue Pill Mass contains one-third Protoxide of .Mercury, and must have been prepifed w:th skill and care. Yours, truly, E EMMtJN.S. .St.ite Geologist. Or lers for any quantity can be tilled, and il can be seut by Exj re-is to al'unsi any place iu the Confederacy. (trders solicited R B. .SAUNDERS. Chapel Hill. N. ’ Di'■. 17. 87-lm Hides, (’otton Cloth ami Yarn and Woolen Cloth, is | Called together the worst spirits of the damned, ibout to expire an! the same uecessity exists now as . and charged them to pour out upon this people - ' the concentrated vials of their wrath, I honestly 1 believe less mischief would have been done by ' them than the ‘'Union restoring” Yankees. I Not a single dwelling, office or out-honde, in i the town, escaped their search, use and abuse. I Where families remained, it wa.s only to he in- ; suited by the ruffianly mob, whose inj;euilve to ! action, if not battle cry, was “booty and destruc- ; titin.’’ A most respectable gentleman of the town niet (ien. Patrick Preston, and having known him when here as Military Governor, extended ! his hand to him and asked for a gtiard to protect , liis property Preston replied, with much feel- IT.ORAI. 1 iuji, ‘‘1 cannot take your hand; the time is past 'pHE Trustees of Floral (College take pleasure in an ^«r that; nor will I protect yotir property; il you 1 nouuoing to the publi that they have succeede>l in can persuade the men not to injure your effects again i)rocuriug the services of Rev Daniel Johnsoa a.s | you can do so; if not, you must take the conse- Prin-ipal of this school. quences.” This leads to the observation that the pillaging and wanton destruction of j>roperty wa'^ then for the prohibition; Now, therefore 1. ZEBULON B. VANCE, Governor of North Carolina, do isstie this proclamatiun, contieu- ing the said prohibition, with the same reatrictious and exceptions as were contained in said proclamation, for thirty days from the 'late hereof. , . In testimony' whereof. Z. B. Vance, Goveru- 1.. s, V or, hath sipn.;d these pr?sents, and caused the ' * Great Seal of the State to be affi.ted. Done at the Tity of Raleigh, this 20th day of Decem ber. .A D., 18^12, and in the S7th year of our Indepen- lence. Z. B. VANCE. By the Governor: R. II. Batti.e, .Ik.. Private Secretary. > Dp.- jr, 8'.J-2i ( — .A full corp.-^ of competent Instructers both in the Literary and t)i'aamental Departments will be supplied The school will open ou Wednesday the 14th of Jan’y 18ti:; t'irculars containing full particulars in regard to terms, &c , can be had on application to Rev Daniel .lohnson, Gilopolis, N. t’ T!.e .Steward's Hall will also be under the control ami managehient ot Mr. Johnson. P.o'jrd at StewatTs Hall .>IH per month ■M C. McNAlR, Sec y to Board of Trustees. Dec'r 27, 1802. 89-4w 1)' -\ew Auction aud Commission House, Mo, 58, Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. E.jN, B.ALdV- !N .t Co., haviug taken the Store re- ntly occupied by 'V. .S. Berry as an -Auctiin Houh •. have asso'^iated themselves lo^ether for the pur- p )se I f c-)niuoting a genera! ,ArCTl)N AND COM MISSION BUSINESS, aud offer their services to their friemU, and the public generally, in the sale of Dry tJoodi, Gro-’eries. .Manufacture I To>.icco, Real and P‘>rso>ial Estate, either at Auctjon oi private xale We h >pe ?>y s.rict attention to bu.siness to merit a share of tl.e public patronage DFAN, BALDWIN i :».. 58 Sycamore Street. Pe'ersburg, Va, P. —Particular attention pail to the sale of Ne groes J F. Dr.AS, H B.\luwin, of Nottaway t’o. Wilmiugton. N. W W. -Ar-Voi.u, Petersburg, Va. D»c. 10, 1S*12 87-4wpd ISALDWIA A: C O., •.hirtioti ttmt I'ommiation »fierchants, 68 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. EF ERENCES:—-A W. Steel. President Bank of Nor: h Crrolina, Fayetteville, N C.; O. S. Baldwin, Wil mington, N. t'.: George .Myers, Wilmington; T. W Roy- ston A Co.. -\. L Scott, .A. .S. Shafer. I’etersburg, V- ; E. L. Harding. Raleigh, N. C ; Dr. George C. Bland, Dr II E. Sbure, L. -A. Hawkes, to way. Va ; N C. Bartou i. Co. A 100 Blackoiniitli to Hire. N» 1 Workman. .Address “W.” :.t this ofBce. Dec 2V* 8V*-tf sacks of SALT; 10 Bbls. Sal So is, for soap making; 125 Boxes J. A Long’s be^jt bmnJs of Tobacco: 50 Bbls. Prime .Sugar; S50 Lbs Sole Leather .li>S. A WORTH 89-2m Deo'r J2, 18ti2. Freight fbi* I ir-Atit(NS can find loidlu? \\ .lat ■Apply to Dec'r 27, lSi’.2. l!^AA' HOI>l.l.\4.iMWORTH, At hi.s Old Stand, Person St.. OFFERS for sale, SOUND S.\LT. .A good a««irtment of Shewing aud .Smokiag To bacco. Snufl'. Flour. Sugar, Leather. A:c . aud all articles U'Utilly kept in a tlrocery Store to be had iu market, which will Vie so. J for cash r given in exchange for t'ountry Produce. Dec’r 2',. h',-lmpd 1{' not only permitted by those in command, but wa.s authorized. In other words, the Vankee tr»»ops saekcd the town as their reward for crossing the j river In proof of this, on. Monday, fh«} day of their d»*parture, wagons were busy running all day, carrying off bedding, furniture, and whatever else they could bear away. The d image to the town can be estimated ut j i>7.’>0,0U0; and this I think a low figure. Nearly , every door in town lias been broken, windows are , torn from their places, shutters wrenched forcibly , from the walls, fencing pulled down, scattered 1 aud burned, beds ripped open and the feathers I 01 straw, as the case may be, strewn over flpors, streets and alleys, mirror frames scattered here and there, robbed of their glasses, crockery and . glassware broken into a thousand fragments, ; piinting offices pitched into pi, flour wasted on ! every .square and corner ol the streets, the houses - , . , , . . 1 that are left, rifled with shot and shell through **'l^OHN "hhaw ^ and roofs, books taken fiom the libraries, backs torn off and leaves flying in every direction; even children’s clothing and play things ripped to pieces and scattered to the winds, I'rovision.s Ilf all sorts stolen, and what could not be iLsed, destroyed. Dead Vankees are lying in every part of the tqjvn—and in thick profusion in the Fair (j rounds. Every iron safe in the city was forci bly broken open and their contents abstracted, as far a.s was valuable, and the rest consigned to the flames. Merchant’s books of accouuts in every instance mutilated, destroyed or carried oli. The I grave-stones, that for years have silently marked the last resting place of the dead, have been laid Raiei;^li. for R or G DEMINO . S9tf ^TOI.EA, r’ROM my stable, on Thursd.iy night the iSth inst., a | JjqU ofwitu violent hands, and mutilated aud dea- r l.g'U hay mare bhnd in left eye-the eye is not | . ^ Yankees shrunken; one or both hind leg’s white; a white streak • ^ n u • u ^ri 11 f Dec 17. 18t52. Upson & Wilson, Noi- Richmond, Va. J. F. DEAN. A. H. BALDWIN. W. W ARNOLD. 87 4wpd sh down her face. -A black saddle with horn broken off was taken at the ,-ame time. I will pay a liberal price to any person i-eturuiug me ;hi luare or proof to con vict tlie thief. Joseph ingram, Newtwn Grove, Sampson Co. Dec'r 27. 8'.t-2t(pr adv 90c.) \Va;^oii8 Wanted. The undersigned. Salt Commissioners for the county of (’umberland, wish to employ from one to twenty- five Wagons to haul Salt^from Saltville, Va., lor which th y ui!l pay twelve dollars per bag of D*0 lbs. aud al low th • wagons to take one-tenth of the Salt at thj 'V.'rkj at J1 per bu^el on their own accotiut. Wag- ‘-n from any part of the State will be employed on ap plication to us, by letter or otherwise. P. V. ALDERMAN. .TNO. WADDILL, Jr. R. M. ORRELL Fayetteville, Dec. 1. H7--_'tf x\OTICE. VT THE -M.AGNOLI.A S.ALOilN in FayeMevitle, Nori, 12 and 14 Green street, I ofl'er for sale, at whole sale or retail,— 1 i k BBLS. superior old Corn Whiskey. . iv I bbl. superior old Rye Whiskey, 1 quarter cask fine Scotch Whiskey. About lOi) gallons superior French Braa ly. 10 bbls. No. 1 Apple Brandy, 3 do superior Peach Brandy, 2 do good Cherry Bounce, and a small quantity of superior Port and Madeira Wine. REUBEN JONES. I>ec’r 1, 1862. 82tf challenge the sight at every step. The walls of houses are scribbled over with their wretched vul garity and obscenity, and the houses in some in stances turned into stables and used even lor worse purposes. The sanctuaries of the living (xod have i been violated and abused. Merciful Father in WAATKD, I II eaveni what a recital aud what a people! HIRTY first-raie Turpemine hands to operate in I We CO uld go on in our recital, it seems to,us, Richmond (’o. Also a competent Overseer. Must | ad inriiiitum-, but we forbear. Our en«mreS pro- come well recommended. Post Office, Springfield, Rich- j voiced jn all this, the vengeance not of man, but of Jehovah. T mond county. Dcc'r 27, l8o2. DAVID JORDAN. 89-3tpd Bank ot- I'avetteville, } i Dec 17, 18G'J. f : 1MIE Directors of this Bank have dec'^red a semi-an- j nual Dividend of 6 per cent, payable on and after the 2d J tn’y 1803. 87td] W. G. BROADFOOT, Cash’r. Ileiital -liotice. Dr. D.WlS is in town aud can be seen at his Office over Dr. B W. Robiu.son’s Office. Dec'r 24. 18t>2 89-4ipd aoti€:e. ~ VLL persons are forewarned from te^iring up or burn ing :he pitiuk on the Fayetteville & Albem.arle I’lauk Road or locking a wheel on said track: if repeat ed I will enforce the law. S. H CHRISTIAN. Switl Island. Dec'r 23 18'j2. 89-3tpd WAATEO! '■j'^WENTY (20) unmarried men to enlist immediately I as Laborers of tJrdnance for Guard Duty at the Fay etteville -Arsenal aud .Armory. Term of enlistment i three years or for the war Conscripts between the ages ot 18 aud 45 will be taken. Pay S13 per month, with clothing, rations aiid medical attendance. -Apply to me at the -Arsenal. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Capthin C. S A., .Acting Coramaudiut. Fayetteville .Arsenal & Armory, "I F lyeiteviile, Dec 28, 18o2 j 89-2t BAAK OP CLARE\DOI¥,| Fayetteville, Dec. 27, 18G2. j The Directors have this day declared a semi-annual Dividend (No. 11) of 6 per cent. Payable on the 2d Jan’v 180-3. S'.t-2t] J. Vf. SANDFORD, Cash'r. AOTICE. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, ) -Mku. Pl'bveyok’s Offk k, - Charlotte, N C., Dec. 12. 1802. j LL claims against this Department, to be paid. mus,t be I'reseute l before .fanuary 25th, 1803. D. P. RAMS EUR, 87t25J] Surg and Med. Purveyor. A superior article of NEW ORLE.ANS syrup, just received aud for sale by the Barrel by GEO W. WILLIA-MS CO. 88-4t W estern Railroad Offlce, \ Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 27, 1862. j pOR the purpose of increasing the capital stock of this On Friday they were rioting with de''ili.!h lust and unbridled licen.se. On Saturday the bloody and fatal battle field told the work of awful retribution so reeentlj- evoked and so signally manifested. The tale of blood and carnage was truly frightful. Our men, shielded by natural and Providential barriera in the hands of the Almighty,^dmini.s. tered a most terrible chastisement to tTio;se who had outragd man and defied God. It is a fact beyond*dispute, and one which can be attested by citizens ot this place, that some of our men were shot after having surrendered. ('orres^iondence Hichynond Enqvirtr. The same correspondent says he has seen a number of yankee letters from home to the sol diers who were killed, which all complain of the great scarcity of labor, representing that the cropti in many instances, could not beharvested, for the want of it. They express strong hopes of speedy peace, and say that it is folly to expect ever to raise another army in tho North. One girl says she despairs of ever getting a husband, as there is not a decent, marriageable man, within tv^enty miles of her. The Yankees destroyed the masonic regalia, carried off the charters of the lodges, and actually burnt .some of the Bibles found iu private houae.s and the Churches. The correspondent of the London Times was on the field, and saw the actual condition of af fairs. We may, therefore, reasonably suppose that the truth will yet come to light in quarters where it is most to be desired that the facts should be known. A' Dec. 20, 1802. J*»AI.T! SA’KS for sale by •vO Company, to enable it to extend the Road from the Coal Fields lo the. North Carolina Road, the following gentletnen have been appointed Commissioners to re- i ceive subscribers in their several neighborhoods, viz; j At Gulf—L J Haughtou. Brooks Harris, Dr George C I Newby aud G Washington ' Above the Gulf—.Ino J Goldstou, James P Rives and i Hugh W Dixon. • At Ore Hill—G W GoM.ton, Dr L W Gorrell and N j M .Alston j Above Ore Hill—Dan’l Hackney, .A B Marsh aud .Fas 1 Pace. I -At FoU't’s Mills—Dr H M Foust aud Dr J D Graves. ! .\t Fr.':nklinsville and vicinity—l.saac II Foust and -A - S Horney. .\i -Asiieboro’—.lonathan Worth anil B F Hoover. .At New Market—.lease Walker and .Jo.seph Newlin. -At Thomasville—A G Foster aud Jno Thomas, At High Point—Dr R C Linds.ay and Seaborn Perry. aI Ho» I I? Kv W...hi„gton. U deposited U. the Pair J A Gilmer and Jesse H LiO'is.ay. ill be sent to the Commissioners at an Dec HAijTll ROBERT MITCHELL. 88 tf -idniini^tration Aotice. \V tshinyton i Will Stolen and Sold.—It ap pears by a statement made at a meeting of the \ew Vork Historical Socicty, that the will of Wa.shington was stolen on the advance of the Abolition army into V'irginia, and haa since been .sold to the British Museum. It was the last pro duction of his pen, having been written exclusive- R. R. Co. ujent. and one other small Lot. .-Vlso. acres of L.^nd i g^ribed bv law. ot* t] 1'^HE sui -criber haviug qualified as Admiiii=tvatriK on tl).- E-'-ue of Jas Stindy. dec’*! hereby gives u.'.tice to all Piersons havij.g claims -ijiiust paid Estate to pre- sent f;i'‘tn t6 Wm .MrL McKay within th'* time pre- joining the town of Carthage, convenient for wood. A. .M. BRANSON. Carthage, Pec. 2, 1862. 83tf their recovery. ■Aug. 4. I8t)2. :s notice will be p!e.i ie;i lu biir of t ATHARINE fjUNDY. Adm’x. 49- t I AdininiiMtrator’s Aotice. The subscriber having at December Term, 18ti2, of the County t’ourt of Cumberland, qualified as .Ad- uc.ivcre,, i„c 111 nuip iicai i ic'i , . . „ L'jiaf.. of Neill G MeXeill .UcM ericksbnrir Va n- r. i • ; i 1 minis*r«t('r upon the fcstatc ot iNeni tj. .ncAeiil, dec a, enck8t)urg, Va , or confined in any jail so that I can , j- „„«on-? having claims agaiu>,t the Estate to Sd XuThts re‘ii/trcrt,."r.j:,v:;on"nirHt7eu^ i T f'‘’‘n 1 .ill .1.. p.y ficient proot to conviot auy pwrsou or person® of harbor- • ® • ijrpTnn Mov ing said de-erter. .D. .A CULBRETH, Reward for the Deserter. IWIIjL pay the above Kewanl far Private FOSTER M. BOLTON, or confined in any jail so that I can Dec 9, 180;^, ( apt. Co. C 54th C. Kpg't 8r>-0tpd D^c. 10, 1802. TOR McNEILL, Adm'r 85- t ^ ^IHE subscriber will pay the iiighesi cash prices for *oO lb%. 4iiUIU Arabic tor isale l>y ' J. &ny qaantitj of Palma Chriaii iieauit. J. R. LEE. I J. A. WORTH. 69tf F»jett«ville,Oct. 8. U7-tf A WET -\TRNE WAATED. A YOUNG healthy colored w«;mau, for a very yot ng child. One without a child of her own preferrjd Apply at the upper end of the Dobbin House, to Mrs. K.' M. walker, Deo. 18. 40“ ji$lT.}AR A AH iflOI.AN^^E^i. BBLS SUGAR BMfl. N. 0 SVRUP. 15 • SCUPPERNONG WINE. On consignment and for sale by JOS. UTLEY. Sept. 22. 62-tf Instructions w earlv dav by the President ot th« Company ' JM PiOSE, Sec y W. jVortliCsiFolina Readers. . IcHOtJL BOOKS are beceming very scarce, but we ^ have on hand a good»supply of the NORTH CARO- LIN.A RE.ADERS, Nok. 1 and 2 by Rev. Professor Hub- O'lrd of the University of N -rth Carolina, and No. 3 by Rev. C. U Wiley, Sufierint»ndpnt of fommcu Schools of North Carolina. Our customers having well nigh exhausted our stock of Northern Readers on hand when t he war commenced, we hope will now turn their ntteniion to these books by home authors, rather thau allow their children to do without reading books. For sale only at the old retail prices of 25 cents, 38 cents, and 75 cents. E J. Hale & SONS. Feb’y 1, 18G2. 9fi- 6froceri€si Oroceries:: A LARGE and well selected Sfo’k of FAMILY GROCERIES alway- on .hand, con.sistin^ of Bacon-Sides, Mes.s Pork, .Mullets, .Macker Nos. 1 and 2, Molasse.s, Suear-s of al •mides, Tobacco, Ligarn, And all other articies usually kept in a Wholesale Gro- cry Estab’dshmeat cOX W'ilmington. April 2, 1861. KENDALL & CO. 10-tf Blank Warrants for 8»le at this Office. fax Court Hou.se, and was stolen by a Federal soldier, and has found its way, notwithstanding the general announcement of the theft, into the curi:>8ity-shop of the British, where it will doubt less remain, unless efforts are made to have it re stored.— Richmond Whig. Washinyton’s jrt;/.—-We stated yesterday that it had been asserted at a meeting of the A. \ . His torical Society, tha*: the Will of \Vashington had been stolen on the advance oi the Abolition army into X'irginia, and had been sold to the British Museum. , , , , , If any such document has been purchased by the “British .Museum,” John Bull has been sold bv his s«)n, Jonathan, f.e the original is now in the safe keeping of the Executive of Virginia, with the archives of the State Richmond Whiy. John M'jtyaii Captured.—Tiie Lynchburt “Republican” states that the redoiib»aV)le gu-*rilla chieftain and gallant cavalier, .John flamibori Morgan, was married on last Sunday cveni> at Murfreesboro’, to Miss Mattie E liee iy. eldest daughter of the Hon. Charles Heeds of 'ienncs- see • c 3 The marriage ceremony, wc are also inforiaea, waa performed by Lieutenant General aJiJ Bishop i L«oaidaa Polk.

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