vol.. Ml.] S K m I. W K K K L Y. FAYETTEVTLLR, X. ( JANUARY 5, 186:{ [NO. 1191.] 1 r- ‘ l*uv. It Av li 'i K H-vn J, ;i -ra. A m Uws llcndoTv ‘ (TH Ks> 1, V-.n.-.-,. • ;■*; ' i\ I ‘ I.! Hal .’ Kut.'T- ]' ixni‘ . A Mai- F. U Ji::.- lark. U S \ i’evtvL leui i- l>;iVl'. Wi - ht*r( 'A r ii ivnt-'. iaii, ^ hlliu. ' h i Pr-:.-.:: ■'A'! :' f ' I ti-r. H 'U! 1 ■. h ianu'la ? . •! 1- ud, I ' 15 HanW kii,-. i: B Hiltuo rtri J ^ I^ ;v: J W Lewi, pe, J 'rik/' J V :rt‘, !'harlei! Lu : .1 I'uprf. Jun r IcKh->. T W '’iapll; H ( ' ; bers. 0 fr, i ur W Bell. W V Cook. Tho* > H Smith, Kob- r* T I* NicDowell, > i V A rrintrton. Gh.t;..T, ’i W H .V . W For hu ^l maa 'i *' - M '' , CriKln. M:^couiK H er - I'fJ ’''’ ‘ aes J’ Hulcom^ r V Hoteler. , Wau"- Ch.- RUHS.11 ortua«; half & F-.l KnlarH V N..ief In ^ VRIM’K:1» MUN'f'W'; AM> THL RSbA'i.s KDW ARI) J. 5IALE & SONS. FI ITORS WD I’ROPRIKTOHS T ' ''•'Dii-W Obskiivkr S-> I'O it i)i iv.Ti ■*': '■> i> psi i tliirinw ihf» vi>nr of -oil'i 'rio- (.;,n: .IV >♦ .ift.*r_the year ha« oxpiroil f.p ;|i,. W.'eklv !)3-krvkr S'2 00 ppr annum, >f paid in >’J'>0 if pai'l (luriiijt thf* voar «'f S!^b«crip- >v -o 00 at’.’er the ve.'ir has expired. fg^ .\l>\ KKTISKMFVT8 inx»rt«>l for tlO oontx per .■ ot 16 lines for tlip first, iind ccuts for each i '.-'.'iHlin); publication. Yearly nJvertisenu'nfs by spe- ;.:i. i’ontraL'ts, at reasonable rates. .V^lverti-^ers are -. n. •Jted to state the mimher of insertionB .lesireJ, or : -f\ will be conMnued till forbid, and cliar^ed ueeord- ajriv. .advertisements continned i'nxidi’, chargevl now ad- rffisemenrs. SPECIiVL NOTICK. F: ni and after till's data, no name of « new subscriber be entered Kithoui paymer.t in advance, nor ■will ne paper be ?ent to stieh sub!*oril ;^r«i for a lotiger time j&u i5 paid for. such of our old subscribers a* desire To take ilie pa- kt on thi'^ dvsteiu will plea-^e notify us when making -aii::an;ei Jan'v 1. Isob Wf.si'khn U\h, Ko\i) Offu'K. ) I'ay«*ttovili(‘, \u»r. •>;» lS(i‘2„ ^ following rates 50 ILL \i\it. *ucL. ir Attorney at 'Law, Fayetteville, .N l all-ttid tbe L'OUDIV aud .'Superior W _'aaii>.irlaud, Harnett, Moore aud hot Fruiupt itteatiou given to entrusted to his hand? . 17, IS.'.y, iLe Ot LoUrte iuQ CuUU £i oT «I1 Jtl 6? tf GEO. VV. WILLIAMS ro., I\ liole«ale IKalerM iit fxroc'ei'ie^. AND IMFORTEBsi AND UEAI.ERs IN hardfvare and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, HAI STRKKT, FATKTTEVILLK, >. I. Ju’iV 2, 1861 . : i.OX W. P, KENDALL J o KENUALL i'OX, KE.\I»A1.I. Ac «'0., touiiui^^ion A X D WHOLESALE GROCERS, Ho. 11 Jt l‘i -North Hater St., Wilminglon. N. C. jvlcn from the Couniry promptly execute 1 ' Particular atteniioii ^iv.ti to the sale o! C^^tiou ill yiber prodace. .. ON and after the 1st day of Sept. the W'll bi. 'harci.»d on ras>ieii^oi s. viz: Froui Faj Biteville to l.inle i{ivf*r, ' to ^pout Spring, *■ f o Rock Dr incii, ‘‘ to ,]oMe.sboro’. to Mclver’H. Tweuty-tive cents additional will be collected by the CnniUictor of each padsetiger, leavinsr a illation without a ti?ket .A uew rrttf of Freight will go into effect at the same time, which will be printed aud furnished to the public in a few days By order of the Prcs’t. JNO. M. lluSE. Treas r W.^R. R Co. .Ui2. 30. 18t,2. 'y,;tf WEJ!iTER:\ RAIL ROAD. FR'^M and after .VIonday the 22d insf., the Trains on this Road will run daily, leavinjr FHyettevllle at !? o’'?K'ok, A. M.; returning leave Mclver’s Uepot at 1 oclocK, P M. C. R M.\LLETT, Pres’t. ^^ept. 20, 18tl2. 62tf LOOK AT THis! TIIE.FJVETTEVILIE KOTKL. Fronting 800 feet aud in the busine;i4 portion of the Town, cuiiiaiii^ iiior€ «pai‘iuiiM and well ventilated Rooiii)« tha«a aii> Hotel in the ^tate, and tu? Patrons sa^ riij •'onJituetita are \'pry gooJ tor tht“ times. r, H\UI>ILL, Proprietor. Mh_V 20. iMtVi 'Hy FayetteFille Female Uii^h School. . 'pHF exercises ot' this Institution will be resumed on 1 ihf* ‘.iVih of September The scholasiiic year will K.* uitidei into two lerma; tf?e 1st of 1;> weeks, commencing 2‘.*tii of S*-pt and end ing 24th Dec ; the sec nd of 27 week-j. v-o.T.mencing 1st of Jan’y and ending ,luly 1st Parents and Guardians inteuJin2 to patronize this School are earoostly requested to apply for circular? coDiaiQing full particuhii’s in regard to ietnj>*. Aj . ! the opening of the School. Kev WM Hut^HKR. ) DESlltABLE RESIDKNOE fur SA[,K. \l Rl^. M H'H)PKU will otTer ^t public r.ut-iion, on Jl vSaiurd-iy the lOj), «f .Imuary at the Mii.-ket House in the town of Ffiyetteviile. her HO US K \ND LOl. the Lot iu front of the house, aud the Stable Lo; BLUE nASJ^I BLUE n\SSll 1UES1RK 10 oail the attention of Uruggists an I I’hv •sicians to the superior quality of the IJLUK M \'3!^ 1 am flow ra iiiiifaciuriiig by niachinery. The I5L(JE MASS niad»,hy ine is war^-anted *0 be f)Nr,-TI14P.D .MERCURY, nnd equal to any toad* in Enji'and, and much .superior to most of liiai now broa^ht on the North s'de of ihe creek, ne.ir Hoopei’s Dridqic..* into the Confederacy from the L'nited States, (as nt »rly ■Also, the vacant Lot on Cool Spring street, o.'posito the . all if that is deficient in Mercu.'y.) Grave Yard. The Dwelliug House has nine cuinfnrtn- ble rooms an 1 ni'ven fire places, good apar'm*'ntp f^ servants and a well-furni.'hed basement used >ts a kiich- en—is convenient to both the Episcopal and Presbyto- ri«u (’hnrc'ies, being disiunt from both not i'xcee lin{.' yards. The lot is Urge, affording a got d garden; the j'ard al'ouiids in fitiely c.iUivated shrul b«ry; the premises retired, and yet convenient lo the centra of the town. Altogether, the property is considered to be one of th"* mofii desirable residences in the pla?e. Tliere is a good Well on the tiremis?s. Fayetteville, Dec. 17. lKii2. RTts Sale of a portion of the Fayeltefille & I Western PLink Road. I ^HE undersigfied ha viug been appointed Coniniissii iier 1 to sell all that part of the Fayetteville Western Plank Road, above High Point, will sell at public Auc tion iu the town of Salem, on the 1st Tuesday in Jr.n’y Ibtj.'?. the Road. Toll Houses, Aic.. between High Point and Heihauia, upou terms to be made kuown'on I’le day of ' sail*. JKSSE WALKER, Com. Nov. 0, 70-ts j FOR SALK. A Lot of I'oiton aud Woolen .Machinery. w) WOOL VICKERS ^ '^ti iu'.'h Wool Cards. I JO •• Roll CurJ I I lys Spiudle W.iul Jack . ^ 1 Colton l.apper j 2 Uunforth Cap Friiiufs 13’^ Spindled eaoli 1 Tbrutft’ie Frame* SI “ 1 Engll«;i Uiftwing Frame with Coilers and Packers. 1 r«’ Strand Speeder. , SLC. Some of itie ab^ve machinery is ucw in operation at the rtichmoud Factory For particulars addr« s JOHN SHORTRlD'iE Rockingham, Richmond Co , N. »' ; Nov 12. lSt/2. 77 jf' tpd I VALI ABLE TIILLK tor Nile. ItJFFF.R for sale my PL.ANTATloN, 2 mile- west o) j Carthage. Nloore county coutniiiiug' 2^n a re>i, i-u which i- a Gris: md Siiw Nli’.l. Cotton Giu . 1 will receive ia p.aymeul State Honds, money'or likely ^'iegroos A an evidence of the superiority of the ULL’E M \SS mad - by me, 1 would ask your atti’Ution to the analysis of it by Professor E. Emmons, well known as one of the most scientific men in the couuiry; iilso to the following recommenilation from Dr. Edward Warren, late Pr'ifes- sor in the University of Maryland, aud uow ,Surgi*on- Gen ral of North Carolina; Ralkioii, N. C., Oct. 23, 18C2. H kvinp had the best opportunity for testihg the qu.ali- ties .>f the IMue Mass manufactured by R. B. Saunders, at (’1 npel Hill, N. C., I am prepared to say that it isin- ferio; to uoue in use in any particular, it theretbre affords me pleasure te recommend it to the Profession .‘It 111 ge AS a most valuable and reliable preparation. EDWARD WARREN, .Surgeon-General of North Carolina. Skptj;mbbr 29, 18G2. Ml. R. B. Suunderx:—Dkak Sir:—I find your lUue Pill Maas to be perfectly homogeneous, all the merc’fy being converted into the Protoxide By analysis 1 ^]so find, after three trials, eight grains of Protoxid" in twea»y-flve of the Mass. lu drying, I should remnrk that ft small portion of the Oxide was reduced. 1 am 3ttistied. however, that your Blue Pill Mass contains o'le third I'rotoxiue of .Mercury, aud must have been prepared with ikill an'l care. Vours, truly. E EM MOSS. .State Geologist. Urders for'auy quantily can be lilied, and it can be sent by Express lo altuost any place in the Confedei^cy. Orders solifiteJ H B. S.AUN'DKHS. ('bapel Hill, N. t' Dfr. 17. X7 lllf ^ew Auction and tommission House, No. 58, Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. Bf THK tiOVKKNOR OF \OUTH CAKOLINA A PRO( LAHATIOi¥ Y^HEKK.A.S, the time limite 1 in my Proclamation TT fbrbidtling the exportation of Salt. Bacon, Pork, Beef, Ciirn. Meal, Flour, Potatoes, Shoes, Leather, Hides, ’oiton f'loth aud Yarn and Woolen Cloth, is about lo expire aud the same necessity exists now as , had employed two whole davs in burvinj?. At then for the prohibition: j the lowest calculation, then,"we must have killed Now fheref-ore I ZEBULON B. VANCE, Governor wounded, after of North Carolina, do issue this proclamation, coniiou- ,, j *k„ i j ■ ..l „ _ ing .he said prohibition, with the same restrictions and | u battle, usually stand to the_ dead m he propor- ♦‘xeepfions as were contained in said proclamation, for j tion oi tive to one, BO that --O,00(> ol the i airkef^a lankep Losses at Frederick*burg.—Gen Arra- I stead, ol the Confederate service, took the pre caution to count the dead bodies left on the field by the Yankees, and they were rather more than 3,500. This was on Tuesday, after the Yankees thirty ( lays from the date hereof. , In testimony whereof, Z. B. Vance, Govem- V or. hath sipned these present.^, and caused the ' ^v—' ^ Great Seal of the State to be affixed. Done at the City of Raleigh, this 26lh day of Decem ber, A D., 18t>2, and iu the 87th year of our indepen dence. Z. B. \ ANCE. By the Governor: R. H. Batti.b;. ,Tk., Private Secretai'y. Deo 2‘> 89-2v Jt'LORAL COLLECiiE. fpHE Trustees of Floral College take pleasure in an- 1 nouncing to the public that thej' have succeeded in again procuring the services of Rev. Daniel Johnson as Principal of this school. A full corps of competent Instructers both in the Literary and Ornamental Departments will be supplied Th(* school will open on Wednesday the 14th of Jan’y 180.T Circulars containing full particulars in regard mu.»t have been wounded, and their whole loss, exclusive of 1,300 prisoners, must have been 30,- 000 men. Any person who saw the field of bat tle and Fredericksburg after the retreat^ would readily credit this estimate. At the place where r,eneral Cobb was killed, within the enclosure of a stone fence, a resriment of his brip^de was post ed. It; was assaulted by a whole brigade of Irish men, who behaved with the most determined bravery, and wore r^jpeatedly led co the assault. Only four ot this regiment—exclusive of Gen. Cobb himself—were killed, and they killed more than five hundred ot their enemy, whose bodies were left oa the field. In Fredericksburg across one of the streets, the Yankees dug a trench, and left beside it five hundred dead bodies piled up Our informant had no doubt that they intended ! to terms, &c , can be bad on application lo Rev Daniel i to make a breastwork ot these bodies, as thej’ had Johnaon. Gilopolis. N. C , , i placed them ou the edge of the ditch and covered them with dirt, as if The'Sieward's Hall will aUo be under the cnutrol and mauageiiipui ot Mr Johnson. Hourd at Stfwar.I's Hall Sl' fer mouth .M C Mo.N'AIR. Sec y to P.oar.l of Trustees. Dec’i 27( iStl’J. . S0-4w am* Screw. ^or fed**rate JOHN MoHiSON T C HOuPER. 'riucipalu lul} 17. 1^62 43 tli'ijp.l EA VETTEVILLE MtTlAL I.\SIR1ME (0>IPAM. .=ipri'2. l^•;l. lu I! Capital in Pre.iiiuoi .Vote-i 'ini..uDts t. Cash >.n hand and other aBse:s, '2G7.t;sj 2b O.U77 SO T. C. B. 4w. WORTH, fouDii^iou aud l^rwarding Merchantsi, WILMINGTON. N. 0 Jan y 28. iSM ?4tf i >T,W LAfiE.*! Lie r'emiujiry Sepi. )? i^6L A K D! ■an be accommo'lat.'J with b >ai'd HOOPER Total. 5272,7*>5 51 ■ The Company have paid all los->oj promptly, sad , have never made au assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, $2'^.6!42 69 i OyfUEHs OEo McNEIl-L. I're'jiJent D A R\Y. Vice President (' A McMILL\\. y DiHC'TuR~: W N S J. VVui. VAI.l ABLE L AA BS lor >>ale. j JOKFER for mv PL.\STAT10.N on Mc'>endon s ’ Creek. 0 I'lilea west of (?arthage, lying ou t e ba«iE of the >''oal Fields, containing 2li>i ucrfls. whi -L is as productive as any lands iu the county of Moor? The improveni»'utj good and the v'uation healthy Terms libera. Jt>l\N MoRISON AOTIl'E. 1H .W E »boui acres more, in ditfereut it act s. in j the fouuty cf Moore. — Farming .Mineral, a id Tur pentine land,—which I will sell ou liberal term'. JOHN MoRISON. .Mineral Lands lor ^»ale. I Have an interest of one-third in a tract of 5i>0 i ACRES on ihv wators ut'iJeep Rivet', on which have been discovered a salt mine and pure saltpetre, aud an oil of goivl quaUty for greasing leather, well worthy UE.AN, BALDWIN s Co. cently occupied by VV. .S, Berry as au .Auction Hous*-. Have .associated theniselves together for the pur pose cf oouducting a general AL'l'TlON .AND CO.M- .MLS.SION BL’.SlNESS, aud oU'er their servic?? to th. Ir ir.euds. and the public generally, in the sale of Dry tioo.ls Groceries. Manufacture.! Tobioco. Real aud pMsonal Estate, either at .Auction or private sale V»'e i hcpr ly strict attrutioH to busiuesn to merit a share of th.* pi. jlic putronagp DKAN, r.ALDWlS s. CO.. of Sycamoie Street, Petersburg, Va. P. S —Pat ticular atteiiiiou pai.l to the sale of Ne groes J F Dkas, •f Nofaway ('o. W W .Arnold. Petersburg, Va D-*e. U', LS62 S7 4wpd A 100 Blark*»initli to .So 1 Workman Address W Dee 2*^ Hire. i' ihi» offie*. H^-tf SACKS OF SALT. 10 Bbls Sal Soda, for soap making: 125 Boxes J. .A Long’s best brands of T ibacco; .^O Bbls. Prime Sugar: 850 Lbs .Sole Leather .'uS. A WORTH, [•ec'r 22, 1S02. 89-2m Freig^lil IV«r RaleiKli. I ,A()ONS call find ior. Iin^ i r Raleigh about tlie Itith | .lan’y Apply to .lOHN SH.AVi or (I 1>EMING Deo'r 27, 18C2 ‘ 89tf A H. Baldwin. Wiluiiugton. N C O' DEI ll c LETT, S.MI1HS, BLOthKR A. »0„ ^auiil:icturer«i ol Malt. J. W LETT, .Agent in Fayetteville 'V. L> SMITH, .^ent in Wilminziou . T' J. .M. SMtiii. W. P SMITH. J. r. BLOCKKR, and J. B. CARVKR. N't -1. 18*»2 wpd JilHXSOX. WILLIAMS & CO.. ': . M.iLT .tIAKEK«. H'F, tava thirty .30) pans uo\ in cpcritioti niuu miles '■ '' ta;' of Wilmington Parties wi^hing to supply j .i?rs' 'T»- with salt, can b** furn;.sbe.l by applying to j •4 Jobndon, Jr., Agent at Fayetteviile. to E Page, j laaager at the works, or to J, M. WILLIAMS. GenerarSuperintcndeut. , F&ypttevsile, Nov. 2l>, 1802. '*ltf | Henry Lilly. H I. Myrovet. T HHwl.»y, .A e i..;' C. B. .Mallett. James Kyle, .A. A. McKetiiaii. J. D. TV’illiauis. S. W. Tillingha.st. Tilling-bast. H lusdalc. \icLaunn. i‘ wiuieili'i.. .A W. Steel, J G. C*iok, Hon. J. G .Shepheril R. F. Brown, ^ geological iuveiiij;ation Carthage. Nov. iHiVJ John MORISON. :-tf 2,500 r i P. Ra A. E. m gtoQ. Hall, I hn (,'>llins and C. C. McCrummen, T^aveiiug Agents. BirT he Company invite applications. Mav JB. 1801. 21- A l«En! The Xew Stvle. Small, COLORED photo;rapiis, AT VaHorsd4'll'«i iiv;Mlery. lu A COTTOA AAR\. No. 19 Hay Street. C. p. MALLETT - ■, l^b2. tiice and Tobacco on ('onsi^nment* t^A.'^Ks ot fresh beat Rice aud iMO IJo.^es Manu factured Tobacco, varioU'j quali’ieo For sale ^y «,iEO W. WILLIAM.' .V CO ^yMteville, Sept. ‘24. 1802. G->tf NOTICE. ;xp'*ct to be absent from home a few naouihs iu -it. Archibald _>lcLe6u is uiv nuthnrixed llausact luy busiiiei* iiuiii I return. N ti. JONES 2^ l«F,(). ‘^‘’'tf Alter tlii^ date I ^»ill pay Five Cents per pound for rap- de livered in Fayetteville, or 'ii my mills I MURPHY 3 1 lb A it:.! RockfesL 1 H;-> ART. Woodwards Molar C'ainera. PHOTOQR APH.-i cuu be had at Vauorsdell’s Skyligi' Gallery. Hay srf>et. opposite .Marble Yard, Fay- ettevillo, N. C.; i>lain. retouohed, colorod in water colors, oil aud pastile; froiB bniall to life sire. .Ambro- types. Mebiueot^-pes. aud all other styles of Pictures pertaiu' ig to the \ri. ,\lso. Gilt Frames. )iU Mould ing. G* .' for very large picture®—as lai ge as 20 by ‘M’j inches. Jord and Tanscls for hanging pictures: Instru ments. .Stock and Cheuiic9.1s fur sale low for cash. Life size lolored Photographs made from sinall pictures. Having permanently located here 1 hope to merit ! your patronage. I would also returu my sincere thanks for the liberal patrouaee bestowed ou me heretofore by the good people of Fayett*‘ville nnd vicinity. C. M. VANOICSDELL. IMiotographist and Proprietor. Deo'r 20, 1 b.jy 77- Warble Factory, LA.^BM i\ ROBEMOA 4 OI .\TV toil .>saLE .ACRE.S ou the Raft SwatDp, \> mil>3a troi'i Lumberton and about •'> miles from the W, A: R Railroad.I ii,700 \cr^9 on the Broa i Ridge, about 5 tnil js frat.i Luniberton. lOT -Acres on the W C. A R. Railroad, 7 mil?s from Luniberlon Twenty acres of which is in cuUivaiiou. 470 Acres known is ihs \ied B-inks. on the T. (’ .V K. Railroad. 10 aiiles from Luuiberton. .Abou' 130 open and und»r"'feu';e. There are two small framed houses on th» premis.:*^ 400 .Acres about 1 mile from the last mentioned tract, v,»ry heavily timbered Acres known as the Little l>esert .A rich swamp about Iti miles from Fayetteville aud 1 ini'e from the Fayetteville and Luraberton Road, adjoining McGeachy and others. 1,000 Acres known as the Desert, adjoining Wil liam .McNeill, Calder Daniel McNeill, McAlpin aud others 350 acres high land, the balance is valuable swamp. R S. FRENCH. Dec. 13, lHt’2 8tM0i-pl /%dminj«*frator% .Male. 'PHE sub“>'r.l>er as Afliiiinistrator on the Estate of Wiu 1 McKay, dee d. ».11 expos? to I'ubiic sale on Tiies.l ly. the tith dtiy of .lan’y next, the followiug perishable pro perty bflMuging to ssi'l Estate, to-wit: MuU's, li ors»\s, ('ows, Hogs, Corn, Fodder, 8huck-i, and about 3(1 or 40 bales (’ot- t >n, (.'otti.n .'seed, kc , &.c. and at the same time nu 1 place will be Jiired for the year ix*’.'.', about NEGKt.tES. The .-.a).* and tnre.ng at the late r.*sidenc‘? of sail Me- K ly, near FIoiaI ('o)lrge in Uobesou county. MLRTxiCK .McRAE. Adm r. Dec !*♦, l?^t>2. 8i^i« l>EAA, BALBWIA &: t'O., m.iurHon ttiul €'otntttfitf*iott .yterchants, 68 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. FERENCKS:—.A W. Steel, President Bank of North Carolina, Fayetteville, N. C.: O. S. Baldwin, Wil mington, N. I’.; George Myers, Wilmington; T. W Ro>- ston vSi (?o., .A. L Scott. A. S. .Shafer. Petersburg, Va.; E. L Harding. Raleigh, N. Dr. George C. Bland, Dr )i E. Shore. L. .A. Hawkes, Lpsori .t Wil.sou, .N'ot- fowav. Va . .N" C Bartou .V l,'o , Richmoml. Va J F. DEAN. A. H. BALDWIN. W NV. ARNOLD Dec 17. i^i>2. !*■■ 4wp»l \Va$ironM WaHteil. I'^HE .indersigned. Salt Commissioners for the county * of Cumberland, wish to employ from oue to twenty- . five Wagons to haul Salt from Saltville. Va., for which [ they uitlpay twelve dollars per hag of lOt) lbs. and al- | low the wagons to take one-tenth of tl»e Salt at. the j Vt’orkj ;'.t $I ."iO per bushel on their own account. Wag ons from any part of the State will be employed on ap- j plicati'jj to us, by letter or otherwise. j P. ¥. ALDERMAN. •INO. WADDILL, Jr. | R. M tJRRELL. Fayetteville, Dec. 1. 87-2tf ]\OTICE. T THE .magnolia SALOON in Fayetteville, Nos. IMAAC HOLI.lACiMWORTH, At his Old Stand, Person St., iFFERS for sale, StjUNl* S.ALT. -A good assortment of Chewing and Smoki.ig To- ba.'oo, Snutf, Flour, .Sugar, Leather, ic . and all articles usually kept in a lirocery Store to be had in market, which will be solj for cash or given iu exchangf* foi' t’ouutry Proiluce Dee'r 2'.*. S)-linp«t they fiad been logs. All about the streets in every dtrecyon, dead bodies of the Yankees were lying in piles of two, three ; and as high as a dozen In the porch of Mayor j Slaughttr’s house there were no less than five ! dead Yankees The night ot the battle, the dry ' gras.s in a portion of the field took fire, and many of the Yankee wounded were burned The ex plosion of iheir cartridge boxes, as the tire reach ed them, and the shrieks of the sufferers, were heard all night long by our pickets, who had it not in their power to relieve the sufferers. That the Yankees were greatly averse to tht- fight, and that they could be brought to engage in it with great difficulty, is absolutely certain A section of the 1st Howitzers (Richmond) was placed upon an eminence which commanded a full view of the whole Yankee army Before the can nonade begas, on their part, they were of courae aU busy in looking at the advancing enemy. They distinctly saw large bodies ot men marching be hind the advancing columns with fixed bayonets, j evidently forcing them nto battle. On more , than one occasion they saw the officers fire on 1 their own men, and repeatedly they saw them riding after and endeavoring to bring them up The battles of the war have hitherto been fouo’ht in the woods. The battle of Fredericks- ] burg, like European battles, was fought in a clear ' space which might be taken in at a single glance. MTOLE.\% , j It formed the grandest panorama ever witnessed I^ROM my stable, on Thursday night the 18th inst., a i jhis continent. It Cvmtinued after nightfall, light bay mare, bliud hi left eye-ihe eye is not { line of fire was visible ft*r mil^ ! aroand. It wa>» one of the mo&lfsublime sights it j is poR«iihle to conceive.—Richmond Dispatch 1 Au Kjfective' Spetch.—The Chattanooga co: j respondent of the Montgomery Mail writes the following description of Gen. Joe Jobnston and ! of a call nprni him for a speech:— shrunkeu: one or both hin.l legs white down her face A Itlack saddle with horn broken oM was taken at ihn same time. I will pay a liberal price to any person returning in»* the niivre or proof to con vict the thief. .losr.PH INGRAM. Newton Grove, Sampsoir Co. Dec'r 27. >''"-2t(pr alv m)c.) W A \TEB, ^pHlRTY tirst-raie Turpentine Hands to operate in 1 Richmond Co. -Also a competent Overseer. Must come well recommended Post Offioe, Springfield. Rich mond county. D.AVID JORDAN. Dec'v 27, 1312. 89 3tpd 1) A SALT PANS FOR SALE KoILER IRON pans’ larce size, for -ia’ie at the *./ ilaele Works. Favetieville. N. C,, by I.'. ANDERSON iif-C. H. K4 If SALT. Nb Salt for sale on consignment by Sov. G. W WILLIAMS k CO. 79 If WAATEB. •) liL'SHKLS WHEAT. -,,»)UU i,5i0 " Corn. Persons having the above articles to scU will rei i-ivis' ■be highest ('ash price by calling on Mr M. Th '-he Merchant .Mills, Fayetteville, or ou 'he rub-.»-ri- ai his old stand ou Market Square. ALEX. .lOH.N’Stn, Jr. ■' V .1 lst'.2. 7:')tf Tueiity-li^e Bollard Reward. 1)AN.\\V.\V from the subscriber, l.is uegro boy MO- H .'i;,-' He is 21 years of age. about ij feet 10 inches '*■('1, robust, long feet and very much turneJ out at t'ne " itid lof'ks down when spokeu to. He was seeu at Mills in Robeeon county on the 21st ult A »\ TWO IIOflRS T. IIAMJII k STORK Fayetteville, i^OTICE. rpHE UN DERSUiN El), both having entered tlie Uuli- 1 tary service of the Conl'oleraie States of America, hereby give notice to their old custouu-i>; and frii nds, that they have appointed .lohn l>. Starr ;»tia John D. Williams, of this place, their attorneys (o coileot either separately or conjointly all moneys .lue them either by account or note, and otherwise to attend to their bu siness generally during their absence. They respect- Plantation lor xfale. SNUG FARM of 73 acres, near the town of Fay- iV etteville, well adapted to the cultivation of corn, peas and potatoes; and a tract of 50 acres of pine land, not exceeding three miles distant therelroin, which will furnish wood and timber suflicient for use of the farm. May be hfid a bargain on npplication lo JOHN n. COOK. .Deo’r 22, 18ti2. 88-3t Bental Praetice lor Male. rOFFER for sale privately my Dental Practice in Fay- 1 ettevil’e, N. C. The ofVne oocupying four roon.s on second floor, well furnished, together with several oz. j of GOLD FOIL, GOLD PLATE and SOLDER. A large supply of VULf'.ANITE and TEETH of al! kinds. Also one-third interest in a vineyard lying four miles south o^ Fayetteville, containing seventy-five acres. Those owing me will plase call on Mr Alex. Jshn- son, Jr., !>nd settle. Address R SC(>TT, Greensboro', N. C. Oct. 27, l.’^t:2. 73tf sale or retail,— I A BBLS. superior old Corn Whiskey, LU 1 bbl. superior old Rye Whiskey, 1 quarter cask fine Scotch Whiskey, ■About 100 gallons superior French Brandy. 10 bbls No 1 Apple Brandy. 3 do superior Peach Brandy, ■J do good 'herry Boiiuct'. and a small quantity of superior Port and Madeira Wiue. HEUBEN JONES. Dec’r I, 1802. 82tf Bank ol Eayetteville, ) ].>KC. 17, 18Ci2. j 1'^HE DiiOdors of this Bank have declared a .semi an nual Dividend of 0 per cent, payable on aud aftei the 21 J lu’y 1803. K7td) W. G. BROADFOOT. Cash’r BAAK OE 4'LARE.^BOlf, l' FavKTTKvrLi.K, l>ec. 27, 18*)2. ) I^HE Directors have this tlay declared a semi-annual Dividend (N« 14) of ♦> per cent. Payable on the 2d Jan'y 1803. 89-2t] J. W. S.ANDFORD, Cash'r. , AOTICE. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, Mkd. Pt'RvisYOR s Office, Charlotte, N C , Dec. 12, 1861 LL claims .against this Department, to be paid, must Bental A’otiee. R DAVIS is iu towu and can be seen at his OfSep over Dr. B. W. Robiuson's Office. ^ Dec'r 24, 1802 8i-4tpd AOTICE. 4 LL persons are forewarned from tearing up or biirn- iX ing th« plank on the Fayetteville & Albemarle Piank Road or locking a wheel on said track; if repeat ed I will enforce the law. I S. H. CHRISTIAN, Swift Island, Dec’r 23 lSfi2. 89-3tpd i WA.liTEB! I^WENTA’ (20) unmarried men to enlist imme .as Laborers of Ordnance for Guard Duty at the Fay j etteville .Arsen.M and .Armory. Term of enlistment } three ye.ars or for the war. Conscripts between the j aces ot IS and 1.') will be taken. Pay $13 per m(mth, j wuH clothing, rations and medical attendance. I Applv to me at the .Arsenal I ' MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, I t’aptain C. S. .A., Acting ^>tllmaudaul. I Fayetteville Arsenal Armory, > ' F.tyetteviile, Dec 28, 1802. ) 89-21 iV be presented before January 25th, 1803. Western Kuilroad OOloe,) Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 27, 1802. j I1t>R the purpose of increasing the capital stock of this l' ('ompatiy. lo enable it to extend the Road from Ihe Coal Fields to the North Carolina Road, the following gentlemen have been appointed Commissioners to re ceive subscribers in their several neighborhoods, viz; At Gulf—L J Haughton, Brooks Harris, Dr George C Newby aud G Washington. .Above the Gulf—Jno J Goldston. James F Rives and Hugh W Dixon. At Ore Hill—G W Goldston, Dr !. W Gorrell and N AI .Alston. Above Ore Hill—Dan’l Hackney, A B .Marsh and Jas Pace. At Foust's Mills—Dr H M Foust and Dr J D Graves (jen. Joseph K. John?ton is in appearance the beau ideal of a soldier, lie has been well des cribed’as looking like “a game cock trimmed and steeled and ready^ for the ring.” His high cheek bones, thin and firmly closed lips, massive jawa, his iron grey hair closely cropped, his well trim- mod Prcsbyteiian imperial a la Xapoleoa indicate the fighter, his broad and high forehead, his wide and almond shaped eyes of an indescribable color, more nearly sublimely grej than any other color, aud flashing out bright beams of almost insuffer able light, reveal the profound strategist, the great General. It seems to bore him for the as sembled crowds along the railroad to call him >ut. Scene, a small railroad towu,—time 12 M., a i htiuse with forty or fifty men, women agd chil- i dren. After repeated calls, Gen. Johnston ap- .. . I pears on the stage. ' ! Gen. Johnston.—My fellow citizens, 1 would much prefer to see you in the army. (’rowd.—(very freely) Huzzah forGen’lJohn ston. ^ Voice in the crowd.—Do you think. General, we’ll whip 'em? General.—If we stay at home we CM'tainly will not whip them. Voice^ in the crowd.—We give ’em h—11 at Fredericksburg, Saturday. General.—No sir. ' We had nothing to do with that fight—none who staj' at home had It was our gallant soldiers in Va., who achieved that vie tory. (Kxit crowd looking very crest-fallen.) 87t25J] D. P. RAMSEUR, Surg and Med. Purveyor. A »«u|»erior article of NEW ORLEANS SYRUP, just received and for sale by the Barrel by GEO W. WILLIAMS vV CO. Dec. 2-). 18C.2. 88-4t malt: MALT!! S.A*'KS for .sale by AOTIt'E. — : Dec. 22. ROBFRT MITCHELL. 88 If in Fayetteville about three weeks .igo. The : fully ask all persons indebted to (hens to call tt-s prompt- '•'ve reward will be paid for his delivery to me or for coniineDueiit in any jail so thaf I get hifii. W. D. JOHNSON. Jie'inettsvHle, S. C., Aug. 14, 1862. 52if AIR MY HARAE.MS. j propared to manufacture all kind? 4 Harne ?.»e g:- of Wagon for .Army use. I tan my leather and cau' 1 bargainpi. Agent: wiii do well to send their ' me u.s tiiey shall have promjit uttcuiion, aud n qui^'k 1; pitch. JOHN ‘CAiVrFR m P O . t'hatham f’o . N. C,, | •Tune Cl, I'02. )' ly as possible on their ageuts cad make paj'uient. frARR, A WILLIAMS. Sept. 19, I8C1. 58-tf m AND LAMP BLACK. TANNERS’ and LUBRICATING OIL. LAMP BL.ACK in barrels. For sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM & CO., WilmiugtoH, N. G. March 7. b-tf 34 U' ll»^. ;uni Arabic lor iale l>%’ J K. I^E. ‘ 69tf Palniia 4'iiri«ti Bean$> IMIE subscriber will pay the iiiahest cash prices for any quantity of Palma Chri-Jii Beans. J. A WORTH, Fayetteville,Oct. 8. 07-tf IjERSONS wishing to buy TOWN PROPERTY will do j well to call on the sul.scribcr I will s**n ou iPMion- i able term.s my House and Lot. baviu" also a good Ki;ch- , en, Smoke house aud good Well of water. .Also, fout | Town Lots with good Stables thereon and very conve nient. and one other small Lot Also, 32 acres of Laud joining the town of C.arthage. convenient for wood. A. .M. BRAN.SON, Carthage, Dec. 2, lBti2. 83tf Reward lor the Beserter. IWILI. pvy the ab .VO Reward for Private FOSTEll M. BtjLTON, delivered 10 me in ’amp near Fred- eri*ksburg, A a , or o mfiued in liny jail so that I can , get him again He is nv> doubt ooin^ealiug himself in ; and about his residence ne.ar Johns-uiville, Harnett Co. 1 will also pay Twenty fiv. D.liars r...lditi’oual. for suf ficient proof to oouviufauy p -rsou or p;-rnons of harb >r- , i;ig said d.'i.erter. D* .A C.ULBRE rH, I Capt. Co. C, 5+th N. C. Reg’t • Dec. *9, 18;2, 80 Gtpd ' A %AET AiRME W AATEB. A YOUNG healthy colored w^onian, tor a very yoi:ng child. One without a child of her own preferred Apply at the upp«r end of the Dobbin House, lo Jlrs. K. M. WALKER, Dec. 18. Adinini«»iralioii Aotice. ^IMIE 'Ul)."Triber biiviug qualified as .Atlministratri^ "H 1 »hc K'(.‘ne of las .•^uiidy. de?'d, hereby gives tioiice to all persoas havine o’ainjs against s:iid Estate to pre sent them Co Wm McL. .AloKay within the time pre scribed by law, or this notice will be pbvidi'il h> bar of theirreco'vcry. t’ATHARlNE SIJNDY, Adm’x. Au,?. 4. 1802. _ Adniini}trator% Aotice. ^riME subscriber having at December Term, 180t, of JL the bounty Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad- ininist.rator upon the Estate of Neill G. McNeill, dec’d, notifies all persons having claims against the Est.ife to jiresjnt fbeiu within the time limited by law, otherwise Debtors his notice will be plea.ied iu bar of recovery, reouestpd to luake j>rompt paymetit. HECTOR McNElLL, Adm’r. D.'C 10, 1802. 85 t • .Mill-AR AAB 5|OLA.m¥em. BIJL.*^ SrG\R. B1 Is. N O SYRUP. 15 '• SCUPPEPvNONG WINE. On oondignment and for sale by JOS. UTLEY, Sept. 22. 62-tf 40- Strenyth of the South.—There is not a nation iij Europe which has ever withstood so stupend ous an effojrt for its subjugation as that which ba* been made against the South. Theie is no Gov ernment or Empire in the entire circle of Euro pean nations which could now withstand success fully such an onset as that which the South has repelled with so much ease. A million of soldiers At FranklinsvHle and vicinity—Isaac H Foust and A i are arrayed against her, armed and assisted by the S Horney. ! most efficient weapons and lormidable military .At Asheboro'—Jonathan Worth and B F Hot)ver. : equipage ever known before in the science of war; .At New Market—Jesse Walker and .Tosepb Newiin. holds them at bay Two Or ttiree thou- mgh ?, i -■>■1 miWoo. »f ioU^ bee„ e,t,.„stad At s.alem—Francis Fries and Ps L Patterson. I the vain eflort to reduce her to subjugation; and . At Greensboro’ C P Mendenhall, Peter Adams, Hon • she is as high and haughty this hour as at the J A Gilmer and .Te«se H Lindsay. beginning.— Hick. Examiner. Instructions will be sent to the Commissioners at an . early day by the-President of the ( ompany. j (Jett. I.>y.—The Richmond Dispatch savs of the '•'•f ■' ‘^ec y \\. R R. (,o. ; Krederick.sburg: l\orlhCai*olina Readers.,, tius i.s the tenth pitched wtie in which Gen H'HOOL books are bec«ming very scarce, but we * Lee has commanded, within less than six montliS, ^ have on hand a good supply of the NORTH CARO- ; and in all of them he has been victorious. No LINA '{E.VDERS, Nos 1 and 2 by Rev. Professor Hub- { other campaign except that of Italv in 1790, and -.ard of the University of Nt'rth i:arolina, an.I No. 3 by : France in 18U, presents such a result, iiev, ( . H. Wiley. Suiierintendert of I ommou Schools ^ , . i i r«-flpptinn tbnt of North C-arolina. | , rettection that Our customers h.aving »'i’ nigh exhausted our stock I their ariuiciS are comniau e y w jene^ s w 0 of Northern Readers on hand wlien t he war commenced, j have no rival in the art of war JjCe on tho Kap- we hope will now turn their attent^n to these books by ! pahannock, and Johnston in the Southwest. They home authors, rather thau allow their children to do ! as superior to the Yatjcec Generals in every 38 withotif reading books. For Sale only at tjie old retail prices of 25 cents, cents, .and 75 cents. E. J. HALE & SONS. Feb’y 1, 1862. 96- Grrocerieni Groceries:! i LARGP aud well selected S:ock "f FA.MILY GR0(]EKIES alwftys on hau l. cousi5t:ng of ^ Bacon-8ides, Mess Pork, Mullet.?, Macker Nns. 1 and Mttlasaed, Sugurs of al grades, Tobacco, Cigars, And all other articles usuall.Y kept in a Wholesale G>o- ocry rEND.UX -1 CO. Wilmington, April 2, 1861. 10-tf 1 Blank W’arrantH for snip at this Office. 1 Chipel Hill fchii mcSmirig.—Rafiigh S(at6 quality that constitutes the military chief as the soldiers they lead are to the thieves and eut-throa?'^ tJiat Lincoln has seat to .subjugate them.—Dig. A Noble Brtnd of hcgroes.—Dr. J. B. Jones, of Chapel Hill, Orange county, had a plantation, on which were fifty-one negroes, in Loroir ci nn- ty, three miles from Kinston. On ttu; ;idvance of the Yankees, and when it w. - cv-'L^t our troops would have to fall b-i';k, tho wh( !c with one exception, who miy huvo str i;j:v’i^'l f’ff. packed up their bundles, formed in iitic. ttn i t x)k up the njarch to the residence of th«ir master, a distance of one hundred miles. I hey pulsed throtigh this place on Tuesday ni^ht and are at 1 Ti*n Ll.;.