T, ,V,c. R I "I >1 tM,l '"'1 . . ; v;l •K.u. ‘‘‘’O '' slsf H kIlT". (lb rr i.r r y K ■ ;i >1 ■--' •'•nils, ienn. W 1 *«V- V -:n. VV n Avert. n, -.j >ri«'r. n«t?r J H Haw«>n ea, n >>t*nMU. Pattenion idiok li, M c R»b4in£ ram , I> .»f Neill. , Jan, ':J R^ynoldi. Fleming. F B »’arpcDf^r Th - H n ..lae* rorth Alfi'rd, Wm Lawg .eonard Hcndersoo Crawfor’i, H Hampton ;S CON'tRRS- L 1 a nee j, 0 C W fi )hns>n, ('ba Baker. A h Mix , Robert T lurn^'' \\ w:aiL fl irrow. T J ''emmes 0 bi Tn, James lark, K S V Pejton Jeor . j Dav -j, Wil- iobert W Barr-w*;!!, n C H ..etj. Gus- • efall v« -- * -idhaiB \\ I"*ai .-^1 I'rcston ITAT . J ; 'Vffi « I'uTi . . : - allCl ^ >pt(in.. L F 'J'^h, Bal- :i. '-racdisjO ,nd, 1. - B Httiiiy wkin-- ii a fcrtridtre. J I),;., i W Lewie. ^ * i- -Uri J [■ , J V, -r.- Charle Li : u i'apr-:. Juh McH J ^ Clap^ ' H ( I .^Dibers, 0 er, ( ur Bell. *N li .-Mnith, R''^ T [) McDowell, H ArrJntrtnn. •' ^ 3 Gar'-.r r. ■I T P»- ’ W B J ■ . i)hn McQueen. skeli. , H;; }nisid '* nees, •’ d M , jox, i'et«r VV ^'^1' ^ight MaloomP 1 H i -arnett.Joto ;ch»- V.- B““'“ 8o;iex^. »y; »r. F«rtuD«; . HALE » ^ person”! d K.I. . liou, w..b S«'« «D 1. ’ ' I S R in 1-W Fi Fi K I. T. vol. \ll.1 I'AYKTTKVll.LK, N. ( .I VNUAKY 12. im.i. [NO. lUKJ.j rKlNTKP M(»VI>AVS . \Mt 'FHUIVSD.Wi^ KUWARI) J. HALE & SONS. Kr'lTOK.'J .\V' PHOPKIE.TOUS. J, r'.ir the Semi-Wei'kly Obskrvkr $:? 00 if naiil in ,,!\sn>’>‘: >> '0 i*" p-ii.l .luring th*- voav r>f • n; ^ iho \ r-ir has oxjiire.l f r i:t* ". I 'l.v ■ i-'RVK.R W» i« r itmv'iM. if in vi'. Ill'■'"lO it piiiil ilurinji; iht" >>f .1 (>i> nft*»v ilio A iT.r h:is AHVKKTISI'TmkNT.'^ t’uv i'lit oenis ju i' , if It'i )inp» f«>r ilif' fir-Jt, ninl .'t> I'cm.-;. f.ti- e.'icti . eflii'jf . V(*ftvly !il\.-riis.‘mem-1,\ spt.-- .•riitvM.'is, ;il I'l-.’f-onahle* un* to slatf’^ht* luiiuhei of ioii>- d("»iri‘>l, .ir Will t.p till forhi.l. HJi t hci .^i I Uveriisi iiienf'J co'itiuueJ inniiif, chnrePtl n •« h.I -(•llltMK-. • sri'fi.u. NMTrn rili.l nfler llii'. i^i1no rtMiue .'I'.h mi'w siihsi'ri*'.-! , t.f enteiH-il >?i(li.>iii iiHyiufHi in •t lNaiuv. nm vtili - ■ ij’t"! !'*■ Sfiit to sHi'h 'vitiei- li>f •» l.ingei iini«* ^ -n |a ’ ti'i t or ;,ii if iir ul»i tis .le.-iie hi iMke tlu? i"t I II ''I i”'.'■*! .“iii^ V* ilnMifv i;-- wluii niHkirit; • Jan'y 1. IIVTf. .Ifrl.. .?fr Attorney at Law, Fayettevillk, N 'IL!. ftuend the County «nd Supt>rior (’niiris of • 'umfierlftEil, Harn»‘tt, Moore and Robesoti Coun- Prompt attention piven to th« colleriioii of all • I'atrustoii to hi8 hands. 17, 185^’. .'>8-1 f liEU. W. WILLIAMS & TO.. II lioK‘«aU‘ De»lt-VM in AM* IMPORTKUS ANi» KKAI.F.US IN hardware aud Cutlery, Swedes Irou, HAY STRKtlT, KAYKTTEVILLK, N. (. July 2, Ihbl. ;itiif J I IX W. p. KENDALL- .}. S. KKNl>ALL rOA', KE.\DA.I.I. A: VO., AND WirOLESALE GROCERS, No. II t l‘i North Water St., Wiluiinsliii. N.T. idUtk from the (,'ounirj’ promptly cxponied HjT Tarticular attention tpven to the sale of %»iion , 'her produce. ■.;ri: IS'Jl. lO-tf T. t . A B. U. WORTH, (oRioiissiou Hud forwarding Merchaut^, WTl.MINGTON, N. C i^n'y 28, 1801 Itf CAR II! FEW LADIES can l>e acf‘*inniod>tt»'d with ^loard hi T. HOOPER k FEW A :oe ? ' Seminary Sepi, l'.>. 18C1. Lm, SMITHS, BLOCKER 6l 10., ^aiiiilucliirerw of .1 W. LETT, .\ftet:t in Fiy«*iipville. W 1» ’SMITH, .\ppiit in Wiltninj{i(iii M >MHH, W !> HMIIl! .1 !1I.0i kH(. an i .i K. I R. Nuv zi. 1H02 S(J-t,wpd IV \\’i:sTKKV Rah, Uoao Offu k, ^ b'ayottevillo, Aui>-. *2‘) I8()'2., ^ ON lu d nfior the Isi day of Scpi ilu> I' lll.iwin^ \vill In- i-lmrpoil on > \i> Kroiii K'»\«u»*\!lU' 1.1 IjiiI,* Hivcr ;>i> .'Is ‘ f. Spoir Miiriii;>-. 7;> I'l itock lii-ini lt. 1 iM» to .Toiio^lu'i’ 1 (o Mi'lver’'i. 1 :’iO Twcniy tiM' nildition'il will ln> c'olli'.M.'d l>\ the t'ftndiK'ior of each pns.^enj'pr, lonvinit a wiiliout •I I:, kf! ■\ new I'lte .if h'reipht will ^o into Hi ili«* “ imp lime, »Jiii-li will tie ) riiiit*.! and fiirni' '*f l ' • itit.* j'lililii' in 't f'i'w iIrv** 1!\ ordor of iht* l’rps"’i •l.\o M Tivtis r W »? i; Co \iiiT ISf.V* \Vi:«TI‘K^ Rill. RO%i». I^M{oM jind 'ittei Moii.ln\ ilu* ‘J'J l iiisii., he Trrtins lU ilin Ko'i.l v^ill run d>iil\. !i*iivini; Krt- rtville m H .1 "'lo.'k. .\ M ; I'ftiirninif leave Mi'lverV Pppot fit 1 .\iook. r ,M (' i; MAi.1,1 rr. h>i.-» t Sept. -20, iMiJ. LOOK AT THIS! m IMVRTTKVILLIi liOTF.L, Fronting 3(K) feet and in (he ou>i«es* portion of the Town, ioiilaiiiM more ixpncioiiH niil %eiitilalefl Rooiiim lliaii any Hotel in tli* ^tnte, uiid tiiy Patron.s sjiy Tiiy rotiditnej>U are very Ltood FOR SAIii:. A Lot ot Cotton and Woolen ^laehinerv. 4^ WOOL PUCKERS 'M> inch H'ool I' lid-i. 1 do “ Koll Cnr l. 1 spilldh- Wool .l-lck 1 Cot ton l. ippti . l*-'.nfi.rlh ’:ip rr;iiii.“ 1 ’S ,..,,.1; I I'lirosi’e I'r.iijie s 1 1 I'r.iwint: I'r ;iiii> wii'i ni l I I'.’ .'!lt'(i,nii Sp.-vd. r ,V( , .V,. Si'nii- !•! llio nlu'Vi* im .i liin.'r\ i' n. w m .ij'-r:i; i.'ii Iii.‘ t:i.-lnit.'lV.! Ivl. l .ty l.’,„ p's.ili,Mlliir :id '"UN ^•|llM:'l i:!!'i:r t?Ol‘kini.'ll!lll: 1! it’ll IIIOI'. l \ r N..V I IM.-J. 77 % %l.l lIlGiS' ,llil.,|.(H f(»i’ IoFKEK liir sale ni\ PL \ N 1’\ 1'loN , J mile- we-.; -..I « 'in li'lf.', \lii.y. i'...i|ii:_\, I'.ni iiilHi' J’lt* cli wlui'li i- I (ill ■I -ui l '^•iw Mill. I’.iilou liiii .II I .''>•1. w I will rpfi'ivt' ii, |im\ .-Ai ilc l'„.nds, ri-iil.-‘ii-^;.l. ii"ili-y 111 likfiy N'.‘irioi'.-i .lOllN MoUiSiiN % A 1.1 illl.i: r%\||ts ior VH«-. I»)FFI’K lor Sale i,iy PLAN l' \ l'lo\ nii V|. t'lend'ii Cvpfk. niil»*'. t’l C'U’fliuy'.' iv'io;/ 'lo I'..* l.a-:ii of lilt' t'o'il Kiei.lt!. Cl in I ••ill in I,' u-tt'..'- vliii'h is ns prod’iptive is Htiv Iftiids in rhi* loimty of M >oit‘ 'I'he iiiipr iVfiiieiil-* ir.i.id an 1 Iht* .^ili -ilioii lifultliv rpnii'- JOHN McRl'ON i\OTI4 i:. all till .lllIMt -.iTi-rf IMOl'.i, ill iilllT. Ill I' l.'ll. m 1‘onniN ; ^looii- l-'.a’-ii'in|r Minn il, :'iid I'nr \ieijliiii* Inn I. whii’li I >vill s»*li '.i li'it-ral li‘rni- .lOIIN .MOKI.SON. j MW Kail I 1 ho count ^ -Tlinerai I, iiiiIh foi’ t’lir.l ^ale Mav -0. ior the titiies. T. H AIMMM. Proprietor Fayetteville Female High School. '|\I1E exovei'es of this Instimtit.a wil! tie re-iunie.l on 1 the‘J'.'ih of September The schola.i^tic year will be divided into two terms; the 1st of 1;> week«, coromencing J'.uh of Jiept. and end ing Jlili l>er.; the second of 27 week^, ooniiueiicing; Isi of .lau'y and ending .luly 1st. Paretiis and Guardians intending to patronire this School are parnestly re.iuested to apply tor circulars containing full particulars in regard to let ms, , fitfore itie oppning of the School. Hev WM HOOPER. ) i T C. HOOPER. j-1 rincij.alw Jul}’ 17, lHt)2. 4'i-l 1 •'i.Ipd FA VKTTKVII.I.K WrTlAL LNSrilA.VCE COMPAM. Capital in l*reiiiiwm NoteH aniottnts to :f‘J'>7.ti''H -h t’anh on hand ■in'l other aHsei«. 5.077 'J ' Total, »272,70r» (ii The ('ontpany have paid all lo-'Ps promptly, an.i have nev-r in.ide an assessment on their premium no'e^. Total lospes* paid, ()FFICKPS: GEO. McNKlLL. President l>. \. R.W, Vice Prpsident A. McMlLLAN. Spc’y. I)IRKCTtiR>.: flenry Lilly, W N. TillinghaHt, H. L. Myrover, S. J. llinstlale, S. J. Hawley, Wni. McLaurin, Nathan A. .‘^tedman, T. S. Lutterloh, C. D. Mallett. W. Steel, .lftine« Kyle. .1. G. r«ok, .\. McKethan, Hon J G. Shepliprd, .). T». W illiams, R. F I'.ruwn, i . S W Tillingha-i. A K Hall. , hn ('.illins and Mri'rui*m*u. Travelin); .^jfpnlH iBgrT he Compiiny invit** apjilicaiinii-. May 2S, 18t>!. 21- 1H.V\E ;.n iuUmc-'i uI one t’lir I ii a Ir ct of oOO Ai'liE.S un Itie wall I i ol I'pop Iliv.'i-. .in wliioh tiuvc tiei-ii liisC' vereJ :» ei’i tniiie aini pure > il!()eirt‘, in i an ■-•il of good ijuii'iiy iV.. irrc-iHiu;; Icatlipr. well wi^riliy cpp'>;:ical invcMig iiion JOHN' .MORiSoN Cnitha^e. N ’v p: I'- ,2 77 tt rAAIH«« i\ R0ESI>0\ 4 01 \Tt FOR .s \Li; i*\( W I 'III till- K if' Swamp. '• luiles Ir.iiii •w»')'M* IjiiMitici Iijii ui t .iti.iiu iiiilf". fiiiiii ilr‘ W I’ .V R Huilriiad ‘2,700 Acres (HI the ISroMd Iti almiii •> niiles from Lumhcrtou. lOT Acres ■>u ilie V\ .V R. Railroad. 7 :iiiies from Luij'.Lerton I'wcniy acres of whicii is in ciiliivaiion. tl70 .Acreb known a:- tlic Red Ruiiks, on the W. .s; R Railroad, Iti iiiiled from i,umtierl m Atioui I''.n open an.i under fence There are iwoMiiiatl framed houses on the j'remise- 104) Acre.® about 1 mile from ihe Ir.st nienlioncd tract, very lieavily timl>ered i,o:to Acres known as the !,itile Hesert rich “wamp abrnit lii miles from F.iyeiieville and 1 mile from ttie Faypttpville and Lumii.Tton Hoad, a.l_:iiiiiii;>f McGencUy aud others 1,000 \cre^ known as the Pesert, a.ljoiuing Wil liam .McNeill, ('alder l*^iniel McNeill, Mc.\l[>in and others o ju acres high land, the balance'it* valu'ible swamp. R S FRENCH Dec. Id, ISt;2 S»i lOi pi \OTil i:. IJKRSONS wishing to buy TO\\ N PRoPKKTV wiil .io well to call on the subscriber 1 will sell on reason able terms my Hou«* and Lot, having also a good Kitch en. Smoke house and good Well of wiier. Mso, foiii Town Lotf* with good S'ables thereon and very convp nient. aud one other small Lot .M'-o, -2 acres of Laiid joinuig th: town of C.arihage. cotivenieni for wood. A M UR ANSON. Carlhage, Dec. 2. h;jtf JllH.NSON. W1LL1.\MS i CO.. WAl'/r ,tlAKKK!li. 'K bive thirty (;U»j pans now in operaiion nine mileH of Wilmington T’artips wishing to siipjily ■ '-ii-flTPs with salt; can be fiirnipihed by applying to A I hnson. ,lr , .\gent at Fayptipville. to E Page. »'in»efr at the works, or to .1. M WILLIAMS, General SuperinteHdent. flyeiieville, Nov. 20,.18t2 8ltf I’OTTOA VARA. \o. 19 Hay Street. C. I*. MALLETT. r y r,, H8- Kire and Tobacco on Consignment. O' ASKS of fresh beat Riop and 1t.n> Ro es Manii factured Tobacc"', various qualitie'^. For sale by (iEO W. WILLIAMS .Si Co. .v-i.^piteville, ?ep1. 24, 18*'i2. . Oiiif AOTKI^:. t ^ 1 expect to be absent from home a few month.s in A ’'lo West, Archibald McLean is my authorizel Agfui to iranifacl my businos« until I return. N G. JON F.S. Itpc r 2>'. IKCO. '^■'^*1' Alti'rtfliM i:Ue I will pay Fivp (*eni(» per poiuid for rags de- __ livered in Fayetieville, oral niy uiill.‘ ^liRockfish • i» MURPHY ''M 2. IHKo , i-"i SALT PANS FOR SALE r"! IRON PANS, large si'^p, for «iile at the '' K:ig|p Works, Eayptievilb*, • , I'V l» ' .\M>ERSoN s ' _ , 81 If «ALT. \J'd Nl> Salt lor sale on .tcwisi^^iimeli! t>y •! W WI’LLIAMS .V t o. .N' lV. 2«». 7;j tf UA.\Ti:i». () -A/k BVXMEi:s WHEAT, 'v/lUU “ CORN. I’ersons having th«>-above article)' to se'.l w>U receive 'he highest Cash price by calling on Mr. M 'I'lio.nafion. .Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, or oli !lie Mib.tnri- •r iit his old stand on Market-Hquare. ALEX. .H^HNSON, Jr. N IV. 1H*;2. 7'>tf Tu«‘n(y-fi^e |>(»llar« R€‘%«arl. 1J\NAWAV from Ihe ^ub§cribfr. his negro boy MO I He is 21 years of age, about T, feet 10 inches ^•?.i. robust, long feet and very much turned out at Ihe ' ‘S and looks down when spoken to. He was seen at '''d*hi*iir .Mills in Kobeson coiinty oh the 21st ult., i'l'i was in Fayetwville about three weeks ago. The ''iijvp reward will be paid for his delivery to or for 'confinement in any jail so that I.gtft him. W. D. JOHNSON. >5ennettsvHle, 8. C-. Aug.. 14. 1H«2. 54Jlf , AR?IY HAR]%ENN. j -^M prepared to nianufacitir« all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army use. 1 tan niy luather .•Mtd can ive bargains. Agents wHl do well to send their to me as they shall have prompt .aftention, and. utl in quick dispatch. JOHN ('.ARTFR '■'Jsion P. O , (’hatham Co.. N. C., i Jui» i;, 1WC.2. \ \Uh. Iiiiim Arabic for wale by J. R LEE. A uKn: The New Style, Small, COLORED PHOmRAPUS, I J ART. \%'oo4l««ar(l% .^olar C'aiiiera. PHOT()GR.\PItS can be had at VanorsdeH'si Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite MarVile Var.l, Fay- eiteville, N. ; plain, retouched, eolor.-d, in water color®, oil and pasiile; tVom sm.ill lolifesj^p. .Aiiihro- t-*'pps, Melaneoiypes, and all other «.iyle- ol Pi* lures pprtaini ifjto he An. ,\lso, (jilt FraniP^, (fill Mould ing, j' .-■ for very large piciurps—as laree as 2') by inches, .""ord and Tassels for hanging jdciures; hi.siru- ments. Stock and Chemic.als for s.ale low for ca.sh. Life ♦lize colored Pliotoprajihs in ide from sir.all picture.s Having permanently located here 1 hofie to merit your I'.atronage. I would also return my sitiwre th.-inks tor the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore tiy the cood peoiile of Fayetteville aiid viciniiv- C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographist an l Proprietor. Dec’r 211, 1851) 77- A. H. li.\LnwiN, Wilmington, N. iMarliie Fa€*forv« LAITDrnt. T,V» IIO'IRS \B()VK C. T. HAIGII & S«N’ STOliK S'a>4*tlevilie, i\ !un''' 20, ]S(it(. 81 l^OTICK. rpHE UN111'.RSIONEl», Vioth having entered I'le ndli X I'lry service of the Confeilerate Slates of .■Vinprjcii, hereby gi'"> mitioe to th«ir obi i iisinmprH ami friends, that the-y have appointed .lohu l». ^^lavr an I .loiin I). Williams, of this place, their aitornoys o coileci eitl.er separately or conjointly all moneys duv them eiihe, by account or note, and otherwi.se to atieud to their Im- siness generally during their absence. They respect fully ask all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly as possible on their agents and make payment. 8T/1KR A WILLIAMS. Sept. 19, 1801. 58-tf OIL AND LAMP BLACK. BANNERS’ and LUBRICATING OIL. 1 LAMP BLACK in barreH. For sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM & CO., Wilmington, N. C. March 7. (i-tf * * Palma C'liri«>(tl Reaii^. The subscriber will p.ay the highest aash prices for Miy quantity of Palma Chrisif Beans. J. A. WORTH. Fay«tteTiUf,Oot. 8. C7-tf \ew Auction ai:d Commission House, No. 58, Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. nF.\N, Pi.iLDWIN \ "o.. having taken the .■^torc rc cenily ' cPUpied b> W P.erry as :iti Vii.ii.oi House, have associatp.l ihem>elvtM toeether ior the pur | pose of conlucting a ^rener.a! .\L'CTIo\ \NI> ('OM j .Ml.-^.SION lU SINE.''S, and otter ttieir HPrvi. Pfi to iht ir j friends, and Ihe putilic generally, in ihe sale of lUy (iuod*, Gro'^eries, .Manufactured Tobacco, Real ai;d Perjioiial Estate, either at .\uction or private *i.i1e Wr hope by strict alteulioii to lui'iiness to m'‘ril a shaie of the public patronage. ItKAN. I’.ALDWIN ,v CO., 58 .Sycamore Street. 1‘eiersburg. \'a. P. S. -Particular altenlion paid to ihe wale of .N’e- groe.s. J. F. Dkan, of .Noiiaway Co. W. W. .Vrnoli Petersburg, Va. Dec. Iti, 1802. 87-lwpd i »i:aa, kaliiwia a. t o., j ' I .tiicfion ami f'otumiSHion .flenhants, i 58 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. 1> 1'.F K R K S('F\ W Steel. Pi e-iiieui Rank ot Non 11 I Carolina. Fnyenevilii , N O ,S Raldwiti, V\il- minglou, N. C.; (iA.n-ge '.Tyers, Wilmingtun; T. W Roy- stnn N ;o . '. I, Sei'l. .\ S. Sil lier. Pelersbiirt;. \ a.; H L Harding, Ita'.'i^rh. N. : Dr. liinr're C I’.land, Dr H E. .Shore. I. \ II iw\(‘h.psm ,v '.Vilsou, .Nol ; toway. Va ; N. C I’civlou Co , Richmond. V.a. ' ,1. F. DEAN. A. H RALDWIN. i W. W ARNOLD i !•••(; 17, l''’i2 s7 l«pd iii.i i: nAM^! iiMii^: .?ia.sv! 1 DESIRE to call the aHeniion of Dnigpi.stfl and Phy- sici'ins to ihe superior qiuility of the BLIJK .M.\S.s 1 am now manufacturing by machinery. The lU-UH MASS made by mic is war-aiMcd to be O.N’IM'HIRD MER('L'R\, and e.|ual lo any ma.le in ’ Knglsnd, and much su]>erior to ui isiof ihai now brought into the Con!'ederaoy I'ruin Ihe Ihiiled .Siales, (as ne irly : all of that is delicieiil in .\lerciiry.) ■ ,\s an evidence of ihe superiority of the I’.LI’l^ M \.SS ! made by me, 1 would ji-k your alti niion lo ihe analysis ] of it by Profess.)r E. Fininons, widl kno'.vn .is .me of Ihe I most p--irti!ific men iu ihe couiiirv: also to Ih" followiug I recomiiiend.aiion from l»r Edv, ar.I Warr.!n, la'.e I’nifes- i sot in lht> I niversily of M«ryla;nl, and now Surg.‘on- | ' (ieneral of North C.ar.dina: Rm.kiiiii, .N. t^, Oct. 2.';, 1S02. i Having had ihe best opporiniiiiy for u sling Mi.- .piali- f lies oi ihe IJIue Mass maniitaciuied liy R. 1*. .Sauiniers, ' I at Chapid Hi'l, N. (! 1 ani prepoved lo say tliai ft r-in- ; : teriov i> none in ut^c in any piiiiiculai. Ii ihcrcfore ' atl'or.is mt plea‘’ure i« rpcommeud it lo !':■■ Profes iou ' al bir»;e as a most valiiii,*.)'*. an.l r«lialile prcjiaraiiop. i KDWARD WARilDN. j j Siirgi’oU (ieneral of .No»‘ili ('arolina | ! Si;i‘ri;Mi!i;it Sl'.i. I8'i-. ! I M . I! /»'. S,iitnfi r.v Dkm- Silt:—I liiid ,our I’dtie j ' Pill Mrls.s to I'.e perl'ecll}’ homogeneiui.s :il! the men iry | brini!; converipd into ihc Protoxide l.y ,i..:ilysis 1 also j fin.l.'afipr three trials, eight grains if Pr.-io^ide in , iwenly-tivc of the Mass. In drying. I > houl.l vetmirk | that a smad poriioii of Ihe 0::idc W!t,s r*?duceil. I am j satisfied, however, that your Blue Pill Mass contains | one-ihird Protoxide of Mercury, and must have been j pri?pured with skill and care. Yours, truly, I R. EMM()NS, State Geologist. j VALUABLE PROl’ERTV ' i'»R NAi.i:. ^IMIE undersigned having recently undoriakeii jm lio : I diilie.s, ineoni(.iiible wiiii projuf ati.i.iioii i.i liie! pio[*euy iM^reinalter dcscritied, will sell al .\uclioii. !■ i' I Cash, (cuir. noy, i a! 12 o';-i(ick .M . on the 2‘*iii .I:.:!' / j i».‘.'Cl. (luiless .so.iiicr di-po-seit of ii priva: ■ sale, t iiM j I’la. I of L.'VNi' ill Moiiic t'ouniy, on ihe !• :iyollevill“ ^ .■till We-.K'.n PI.ink l^ia 1. aboiu ii.il: way lielwOcn ('ar- ‘ tluis(c and Aslich.ini', .■.•ulaini/i.t; aboiii ;”i‘C .-'.cr •:-. uf wliii ii :'.ii le ;i(i . r i.ii acr.'s is p-.'lKil ly clea-.-.l, a:. l v.cil t.'ii -t .1, l Some tour u r. ■ gn.- i M .'a low It h-i on il a ciii.il'on itilc D\\ I! I.!.l N 4, Kiirlieji, Sin.ike Hoii-^.>, i;.*in, lloii-'.-, .-i.acii.us Slabli s, ,\c 1 !ic '.lie >vill 1 c •.;i'i.lt ii :lir piiioi^cs, ,iii.| iniiii.-diaie j.iir- .■ -.i,.'! iv.iH I., ^ivcii I i ill.' |iur.'ii:iscr. He wiii al-'o s^'tl. •!! |iiiv it.‘ his !,.ils aii.l II.-:.i deiu-e .11 it'c M«wn of \s|ii-l:,.ro', willi, ur willmul I'vrn Fhi iiis. near Ihe v»l’a;ce One nf tlie larnis aiioiii a mile iimii ' Ij.' ^illai^c, coitla.ns alioiii li'il m rc'i, ''(I acres .if wi‘1 h in iUll iv.ii i.in ll has mi il sum.' S i,r li» acres I'l » .id oii‘ i.i..w III iicii". i*. secdi-d, ill go i I or.j.T. wilh a siip.Tio! v iri.*l \ ot vvlic il. iin.l willi i v»- .lil t wiiilei iiats rill' ii iiiain.l.T i- in p.hi.I ciin.lilion li'l acorn crop Tlir.-c routllis of i lie .iiit-hle Icli.re .>f i liii.^ jilacc is liii.il 111 .''lonr. rii.i nliici' iracl, about .i iiiilcs from llie village, c.niliiins ;lr.’> acr--; aboul till acres in latli ivai i.in - • . uie | . aor.“-' ut which is seeded ill '.V'inlvr oats—the res! inteiide I tor corn neM } ear. riie pr.iperiy in .\shclniro' oonsisis ol several eoniig- I iiuii.s lol:;, ttontuinil.g atioiil III acres, all of wliicti i.s in ^ cxccilcni C'.ii.ii;ion; has on il an orchard ol more ihan 2011 Irei.s, ill ' ■•.iMlii i.;ii ciii'is: iiii: O' cli.'ice , \ji-i.iii: of .'ippi.i, peich, pear, ciierry and oilier friiii : iree'. • I'oiU •> acr. s ..l highly tcrlili/e I and pi Ddiutive meadox’ i I'tic dwelling is 52 x 2(1 feet, with .a wjiig l^ x 2(i i fc.'l, li..ih two .sioiies high. Ihe rooms ot the main btiildii.'g irc all pnsiered in p'airi liard tinisii style; ‘ four ot' li.eiii spaei"i's nnd witli good fire jilaces; one a 'l.n iii.i. rv. wiihotii tire {iliice, and one a library room, tilled up witli ni.iveatile ^lielves. .\e. The wing lias iwo : rooms with tire places, a dining ro>m and one room I Wiiliou: a tire j l icc, wilh liied wardrobes, an.I a spa i j ci.iii i and dry ,i ll.u uii.ier Uie buililiLg. The out- ■ Imil tiiii;-. .-..n^isj .,f a kiiuheu. three negro buuses wilh I lw> ro'iiiM in each ot ihcm, f ur .if ihe rooms having ^ . . h a tire place, and .me of ihcni a siove; wt'll .'lOUse ! wilii ii.ini'-y, I lai;.'! ■•iii ike lioii.-.v .-arriage house, wood i Il I, iw ■ ,,llic. s, e icii wilh two roovis and tiiie tire ' p'. itc; a tiallied bars ■'1 x .lit fcei, with si;ible room for I ; S hiirses, ..pice f, r sheaf >»lieal enough lo jiroduce 5011 j j l-iishels; Iwo ccile.i gtirners c;ipahle ol tiolding eaob 5U0 I bif.shels of grain, wilh a basement siory lo shelter cat- j lie; .and also sep.arale cow houses.' a sinue milk house ! supplied wilh a couslant sircam of cool spring waiei-. The tiHil’lings are all in exccileni coudilion, and have been recenlly paiuied Persons desirous lo make further in.piiries, can apply to me :it Raleigh, lo my son or brother residing in Wil- niiugton, my tiroilier in Fnyetteville. or to my son-in- law S. .lackMiii in .\sheboro’, who is duly empower e.l lo make a sale .\s I am ab.iii' 111 remove lo Raleigh 1 ciin give imnie .liat.‘ pD'Sfssion JoN.\ ril.\N WltK'l'H. * Dec r 27, lS'i2. lui fj'.'.l ri.oRAi. i'oi.M^:.;i:. tjlHE Trustees of Floral College lake pleasure in an- i nounciiig to the public that they have succeeded m again procuring the services of Rev. Daniel .lohnson as I’ripcipal of this school. .A , full corps ol eomjieieni Insiriicters both in the Lilt rary and Ornamental Deparimen s will be supplied ihe school will open on We.incsday ihe 1 lih of Jan’y IHiid Circulars containing full particulars in regard U) leriiis, .VC . can tie had on .ipplicalion lo Rev Daniel .1 ihnsiin, (lilopolis, N. (’ The .Sieward's Hall will also be under thecoiiirol and management ol Mr Johnson. Board at Sieward's Hall 5^1h per mouth. M. (’ McNAlli, Sec y 111 Board of Trustees. Dec'r 27. I>'li2. h'.* Iw I nivertsily ol .A'ortli C^arolina, t'H.Vl'KL H[LL, N. C. ^pHE HPXi session will begin .Jan’y 17th, and end June 1 5ih, l.^'ii.T. Board by Col. Guthrie at the Eagle Hotel SI25; Tui tion : Room rent 5^5, per session, all payable in ad- v.anpe. The nieatiM of inslriiclion are ample, and pains have be.-11 I ikcu to brinT all the expenses of educaiion with in ri-;iMonable liinils DAVID L SW \1N. Pres’t. .1 iii'v 2 '.•l.:itpd I'ariii an«l ^fo« i« al Aiu'tion. ^pH I. ‘S.SD.A the 15(h iust., on the premises al II .A. 1 M . I Hh.all si ll lhal v.iluali!.,' F \RM on the We.^t bank (if the Cape Fear River, 2/^ miles below Ftiyeite- vi'le, ant tilioijiiurr Mes-rs, Mal'ejieace Shaw, Tind known a- haily land Tl.e iracl i-iuilains l'.«i acres Dili iiuiler cuPiVaiioti and wpII a lapled to Ihe culture i.I corn, peas an.l hay, an.I the balau.’e wpII limbered w I *1 pine ind .lak \l >atne lime I shall sell Hogs, Ca'ilc an.i Fariiiiui'' Implements .\l the same lime I shall s*ll the Haigliwood Farm aboiil one mile distani from I he ab.ive, between .Sandy Run an.l Occammany. 'I'llis I racl contains 'Jtm acres, .a part of which is enclospd ; nii.l under .-iiliivaii in, and the b.ilance well timbpre l wilh Pitip -. would be very valuable for nillure of Grape \'ine and Fruil If the atiove named Daily Farm is not sold il will be rented for ihe year ISii;^. Per ions desiring to purchase will be Shown the above properly on application. JOHN H. COOK, .Aucl’r. .lan'y l.'^ij:! '.tl-ot :?iATriii:^ aao ?«i\i ri\ / lO.NFh.DEK.VTK Matches liy Ihe Groce, Scotch .Snuff \J in lbs. boxes. JttllN H Ct‘>K. •'an 5. lst;;{ 01-dt I 7 Cattle Strayed or Stolen. I M'iO.M a Pasture in this vichiily, 4 Be f ('allle, which n ay tie in the Swamps below town, if not stolen. •Mso one Beef (,’ow strayed from town, wiien last heard from Was near D. Murchison’s, E-q . was bought iu ('hatham. And iwo others, which broke from a pasture at Mr. \V I) Ty.'Oil’s in Phalham, and likely have gone to Raiidolf.h. I will pay a liberal compenaalion for any of I lit above (,'allle. W. C. TROY. Fayetteville. Jan. 5. 01-2t AOTK i:. 11Wo likely NEGRO MEN, tieorge. 11 years old, and •Jack l>, beloujfing to ih«- Estate of Thomas .M Mc- Leran, dec'd. will tie sold privately', whenever suitable application shall be made to me. 1 will also hire out two likely MEN for this year. MARY ANN EVAN.S, Ex;x. •lan'y 2, ISi;:!. Oltf' Tl'RriCATIAI^: HA4'lii«i. IH.WE a good supply of Turpentine H.ACES, on liaui], which I am ready to sell lo those who may wish lo purchase. Also, ready to prepare Axes at short iioiic.e, in the best manner. L. WOOD, Fayetteville, N. C’., Dec. oO. OO-^’.mpd sacks of S\LT; D> B'^iIs ll Siid.i. for soap making; 125 B'.xes .1 \ Long’s best biands ot Tobacco; .'ill IJMs I’riiiie .Sugar; ,''.'iO Lb?. .Siile Leather. Jos A WORTH. D -ef 22, l.''ii2 8n-‘_'ui Freight for Raleigh. I 4 7 .Mio.N.S can tin.I io.ading for Raleigh about the lliiti \\ .lan y. .\pply lo .JOHN SH.AW, or G. DEMING. 801 f Dec'r 27, I8t‘i2. ^^ri^AR A.\l> nOLA.«^l^:s. 4ik BBLS. SU(J.\1{. 4U 12 Bbls. N (>. .‘^YRl'P. 15 '• SCl’PPFRNONG UINE. On consigniiieni and for sale by JOS I'TLEY. ti2-lf 8epl 22. IMA At: HOm.\4.iM WORTH, At his Old Stand, Person St.. OFFERS for sale. .SOl'ND .S.VLI' \ iroo.l assortnieni ot (^liewiiig and Sniokiiig To j bacco, SnutV, Flour, .'^ii/ar. Leather, .vc , and all anicles usually kept in a (ir'ici ry .Sli.re to be had in market, whicli will be soM lor casii i.r given ituexchaiige for Couliiry Prodiicc. Dec’r 2'.*. bO Impd \oTici:. VT THE MA(iNoLl.\ .S,\LOON lu Fayelieville, Nos. 12 and 1 I (ireeu street, 1 oiler for sale, at whole sale or retail,- - j (V BBLS. superior old (!orn Whiskey, I \f 1 bbl. superior old Rye Whi“key, 1 ipiarter cask tint' Scolch W^iiskey, •Miout Dtil gall./IIS siiperi.ir French Br.andy, 10 bbls. No I .Vppic Brainiy, .lo Kiiperior I’en'li Brandy, 2 do good Ch.'iry Boiiiicp, and a small quantity ot sii|ii iior Port and Madeira Wine. RFUP.KN JONES. Dec'r 1, l.Hii2. S2tf \Vsi;:'oii^ WaiiftMl. ^!M1E undersigned. Salt ('onimissiouers for tlrt; county I of Ciiiiiberlaii I. wish lo employ from one lo tw.-nty- live Wiigniis lo haul .Salt from Saliville, Va.. ft)r which they i.it! inii/ twelve dollars per b.ag of liiO lbs. and al low the w.agoiis lo take one-tenth of itie Salt at the \\ork at I'l -iH per bushel on their own account Wag ons Ironi any purl o! the .State will be emjiloyed on .ap- pliiration o us, by l.-tter or otiierwisc. IV F. ALDKRMAN. JNO. WADDILL. Jr. R M. OR R ELL Fayei levilb-. Dcc. I. .s7-2tf A 1)': ISIaf’LsiniSli to Slire. Vibiress al this oHice No. I Work man LK'c 2'.I S'.l tf (b'.lers for iiny (piantily can be tilled, and it can be sent by Express to almost any place in Ihe Confederacy. Orders solicited. K B. .S.VUNDERS. (Chapel Hill, N. C. Dec. 17. ’87 1m AdminiMtralor'’!« Aotice. /JMIE snbecribur having at December Term. 18i;2, j)f IER1(\\. \ I’s Okfii^f,, I •ec. 12, hSt;2. J Oenfal .\ofi4(‘. D VVIS is iu li;wn and can b.- seen al his Oirtoe over Dr. P> W l!..biii«on's Oflic*'. j Dec'r 21. lSi',2 8'.i 4tpd j AOTIC’lv I CONFEDKRATE STATES OF AMER1(\\ I .Mkd. Purveyor’.' (’harlolte, N. (! , Dec VLL claims against this Department, to be paid, must be presented before January 25th, 18ti;V I I). P. RAMSEUR, I 87i25J] Surg and Med. Purveyor. the County Court of (/’umberlrind, qaalified as .A1- ! AdlHinisill allOII AofiCC, ministrator’iipon the Esrale of Neill G. McNedl, ilec’d, i rnUE subscriber havine qualified as Administratrix on notifies all persons having claims against the Estate lo i 1 the Bstaie of las Sun ly, Jec’d. hereby gives notice I present them within the time limiteiJ tij' law, otherwise i to all persons having claims against said E'-iate to pre- Ihifl notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors I sent them to Wm McL McKay within tRe time pre- are requested to make prompt payment. j scribed fiy law, or this notice will be pleaded iu bar of HECTOR MoNEILL, Adm’r. their recovery. CATH.ARINE SUNUY, Adm’x. Deo. 10, 1882. H6- t 1 Aug. 4, 18tS2. 49- t ROBERT MITCHELL. 88-If WOODWARD’S STAR POLISH. I^OR the benefit of the public 1 would inform them I thj^i 1 h.ave a lot of STAR POLISH on hand but no lioxes lo pul it in. Please say to your servants lo g.ather all the old tin boxes they’ have and bring them to me and I will l)uy them. .1. WO(JDWARL>. F.ayctleville. Jan'y 3, 18ti3. 01-4t WAATED! ^pWENTY 2^) unmarried men lo enlist immediately 1 as Laborers of Ordnance for Guard Duty at the Fay- eiieville Arsenal and .\rmory. Term of enlistment three years or for the war. (Conscripts between the apes of 18 and will be taken. Pay !?D5 per month, with I'lothing. rations and medical attendance. .\pply 10 me ai itie .Arsenal MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Capta'n ('. S , .Aciiug Commandant Fayetteville .\rseiial \ Armor.v, 1 Fayptieville, Dec. 2S, 1802. | 01 2t HORMi: KHOEIAt.:. 0\\ INti lo ihe advance iu the price of Iron Ihe sub scriber is compelled to raise the price of shoeing to >rl pw shoe. He does this wilh reluctance, but its necessity will be apparent to his custoniers when he stales, that ihe iron alone used in making .shoes costs more tljan half of his charge, and more than twice as much as he formerly received for iron and shoeing. J. W. WELSH. Fayetteville, .Jan'y 2. ISiid. 01 iiwfid , ?i»AI/r! f»AI/r!! SACKS for sale by Dec. 22 10,000 ll»!«.ol $;ool Fork wanted by GEO. W WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, Doc. -‘.1, 18ii2. 00-2w FOR HIRi:, V WOM AN, a good cook, washer and ironer. D. ANItKR.'^ON. Jan'y 2. A o r I i' i:.—R w A R D. riMIE subscritier will pay '25 dollars reward lo any one I who will return to him, in Fayetteville, a negro GIRL, who sanaway from his residence on Fritlay night the 2d of .Wtuiiary. l.silo Said negro girl is ahout feet and a half high, is incli'ied to be thick, a rather bright. Iilack face, fuU, with thick lips. She is It; years ol.t, liui large for her age. The above reward will he pai.l to any one who will return her safely home, .r lodge her in .lail and inform me of the fact and place. J. W. TUCKER. F.ayelteville, .Ian. 5. lM(13 01-tf liOif l amp «viflioni leave, on tlic night ol iiie 25th, Itie following me:i, viz: Jas Hall. S. P. Hall. Geo. Long. J K. McLemore, H. L PetiTSon, F. (’ Peterson, N. G. Tatom iftid .M. L. Simmons These men live in Bladeti county. I wi.sh the Captains of Ihe Districts in which they live lo arrest them immediately. A reward of S80 wi'l be given for their delivery to me in Camp or,»l5 for their lodgement in jail. Thuse men arc all conscripts. i).AV'Il) SCOTT, Capt. Co D, 58d Ueg’t N. C. T. Goldsboro’, Dec. 26. 90-2w €fro€eri€s/ Crroceries** AL.ARGE and well selected Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES always on hand, consisting of Bacon-Sides, Mess Pork, Mullets, Macker , Nos. 1 and 2, Mola.3^es, Sugars of al "rades, Tobacco, Cigars, And all other g,rticles usually kept in a Wholesale Gbo- cery Establishment KEND.\LL & CO. Wilminf^ton. April 2. 1861. fllnnW Waimntfl for sale at this Office. HORRORS OF A BOMBARDMtJNT. The following are sumo extract.^ I’roui a privati' letter from a young lady, ivho reintfJjicd in Ifrcd- ericksburg during the lati.- bomhardinciit, t' a neighbor, at present .sojourning as a reiuqo^' in Lynchburg. 'I'hey possess .iocp inti'rost lor uiir readi-rs. * On Thursday, l>ec(‘tnh» r ! Ith, we wi'n* aw.-ikon I'd by two eantioii At 5 o’i lock \vc. ar.iso an 1 drc.sst'd.. About six tlu‘ tiriii;:; 1>ci.i:iti iti i-ariit";! We jiaeki'd our trunks aniitl ii iiil. ukuI.' ;i iii;- iu the et'llar, amii thither rtipiiiii u \\ c lui.l iini bi'('ii the re all iituir whi'ii a shell w tu tlinu;- li our :it;ic riKitii, brctiking b(alst»':ni , . ic (*i. - di.it \?ciit throu;:Ii tlie p;irl'-r; in :ill Mu.mi the liiiiise. A.s flu'V ]ia.ssi.'«f, ilu* it;is1i th.'v le id.- .sffiiictl tu threuleii in.-rant ileatli t.i:ili li -oiiiiile'- as though the house were tunihliii.i; m.aiul wont'; liiiry us In its ruius. We knew the tlaii^i i, I ut tiiir trust was in (lod, and we were calni. Au ii (’lar i (the eolurcl woman who lives tippii'iif wa- with us. |)urknr:-i-. eanie on, and t!i.' (':iiinii i :nlinif eeasiMl. I>. went to the gate :uid return. 1 with the news that there was tire in dilTer. in parts of the town, and that a company ol our men were at the corner firing on the iiontoon bridgi- Though the boinbarJinent had ceased, the inus ketry sounded tolu}’ ears yet more iiwtul, lor 1 knew they were fi.irhting in Ihi; .-tro. ts. .My c.ir are siiddenly shuctied hy a > liont id' ilemotiiai-il glee—“litre arc the rebels! lute are the d — d rebel si tire, boys.' lire."’ Two d read hi 1 crie.s re ml the air—our gallant Capt. (’ook is killed at our corner. To hear th« tiendi.sh cry of the enemy unnerved me more than the explosion id the thousands of ahell that burst around us. All being now tjuiet for a time, we lie down, but not to sleep; for, harki they tu’c breaking into houses like .so many demons. With terrihle lore.' they throw themselves agaiiist our door.^, back and front, but ;ln otfiecr ' Yankee thoiitrh he wa.s,) saved us. We hear them break into youi house, but dare not utter a word, le.st (hey slay us. OhI who can tell the horiS:irs ol that night'' * Tht;y order my father out, deehire that he has wine in his cellar, Aic. lie as.suros them he has only liis unollending wife and pight c'hil dren tluire. Thus pa.sses the night, the lire still raging About S o’elsek the tlamci; btirst forth in our vi einity, .and we expect every moment to find our own rool on fire. In the midst of the exeitemeiil a soldier ru.shed in with his l|ay>net, ivhieh he pointed at my father’s breitst ai(l ordered him tri follow liini. Aly father asked why!' but the man ner in which he repeated the ordor eonviuccd him that lie must follow or die. This occurred in the back poich; 1 was at that time in the front porch watching the tjiarks and expecting our house every moment to take tire. They carried father to heudijuarters, and after accu^ng hipi of tiring on them from his house, he was released, the officer b?fore whom he was arraigned reading a lie in the face of the accuser, and iiuiocenee in that of the accused. While he was gone, soldiers catm to me at the front door, and to mother behind, and assured us that the house was on lire, but meh wa.s not the ca.se. The trick did not suect ed, nor did the storv alford them the opportunity they sought, to rob the house. The next day every unoccupied house was plun dered and every piece ol furniture destroyel. 1 n o^der to save your furniture We told aunt Clara to i.iove intt your house, which 5she did. You would have had nothing left but for this. The ttrst night they took a crock of lard, and ate up your pre serves and pickles Vour candles, also, they made way with, but we do not know of anything else. They pulled everything out of your drawers and trunks, bur.st open clo.sets, etc. No shell went through your house, and if you .saw tbe sutlerings of most of the people you would thiuk you had indeed fared well. Mr. A. has lost everything— his store, furniture, etc.; his house is riddled with shell and his wife and child with nothing to wear but what they have on. Hundreds are in the saMie situation. As shell were being'thrown by our men on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Mon day, we spent each of those days chiefly in the cellar, as well as Thursday; thu.*! fu > days in all Mary Price, a black woman, was killed by a shell—cut {uite in two. She had gotten for pro tection, under a bed in a ro?)m through which a .--hell passed I saw her on W.cdn«sday. She had been killed tht; iireviotJi,s 'I'hursday, but tiu re was no one to bury b«r. ' Kvery house not inhabited has been .sacked and ruined insi'le. They committed every sjiecies of outrage. Ynitkt’c Ridf ill’ \\> stern \ irtjiina. — (Jfliiia/ l)(K ii7ni iits.—.Thnmgh a gentlisniaii ju-f .from We.stern Virginia we have some interesting and authentic accounts of the condition of affairs in that unfortunate portiorr ol our State. Milroy, who is in command with a force of some live thou sand, at Tetersburg, in Hardy county, has inau gurated a .'jystem of terrorism thryugh the coun try, ami is hunting down the people like wihi beasts Kvery joad ami mauntain pass, every avenut' of escape is guarded* in order that he m;iy the better exert his fury upon a weak, and de fenceless people. The narrative we have from our informant gives a pietUBe evep worse thjin in Austria in her darkest days. An edict Jias go^e forth from Milroy that all persons, men and wo men, sh:dl take the oath of aHegiance to the Pied mont (Jo'vt, under penalty ol s5eizure !ind forfeit ure of therr projH'rty, und until they do .so, tlit'y shall not be allowed t/) go beyond the shrtdow ol their doors, and isust nofe be p*t after ly o'clock* } As an instance of hqw. this oath is e.^torti d and ] wrung from the people, our iiWormant mcntlon.- j the ea.se of a poor old widow over seventy year.- I old. (topics i)i the oath hikving been distributoil I through the town, and the day ap|(oiwtj*il for its I administering, the poor old lady, fearing the loss 1 of all .she* possessed in the world, tho'tij*h over I three score years and ten, came wjth tottering ! step to the place anf time .appointed,- when on ! the officer holdink the liible to swear her, i the old woman piteously plead that she might be e^t;use’d> as she «ould not with conscience take I the o^fh. Scarcely .had th«se words fallen from her lips than the ruffian offiaor rudely thjust her aside, with the profane exclamation#—‘‘Then, you ^ d—d old rebel, you can starvel’’ ,• To evade the oath of aHexiance, many parties, finding their escape impossible with cv ;ry road picketed, ha4 oflFered td saccrifice t*lieir jjroperty and homes if Milroy would only all*w them to peaceably,depart out of his lines, but this he posi tively refused.—Exr, ols . [Milroy’s orders are publi.she i Without u>ing the language thty mean tlie same TilftliDies threat ened and practiced by Butler.]

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