mm tv NF/mi-WFiFili I. 1 VOL. Xll.J • FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. JANUARY 15. 186:5. w Vv ,n M (>ueen, H C.M T A i'ryor, ie» P Holoowl>«> , Hoteler» Walter FresW"’ Cha.H W BusselV , with Noien b; Bills, Note* 1 rUINTKP WH THURSDAYS | KDUARI) J. HALK & SOXS. , 1:T IT0K8 .V.l),P}V)PRIETOllfS I T '!ic .^emi-Weekly Ob^fI^vvh f:? dO if pnid in viN'iPC**; -lO ii pnid liiirnig tlie yi*!»r of «\if «»Tip- lu: ,iv ”pr !l-r yoar has expired. I' t!it“ " !■' '-Iv (^B'TRk KK 5‘J (^0 r» i ^niiBin. if paiil in iJr.Hiiv. . i>0 if paid ilitring the yeir of siOiscviji- ,1. oT S;; XI »fWr the year hus expired, jjn^ •VKRTIStrSlK^^'.rS' lusened for OO cents per ' I ;»Tt> ;'f Iti lines fi>» the first, and renti^ for each pnhlicaiion. YVarV advertisements >i_v spe- ;.il ' iitracts. ai reasonable riito- A 1verii«ers are re.;-'"‘ed to state thi* tiumbeP of inaertions desired, or ■ sfT >':I1 be**ontiuu"ed fill torbid, and .’Larged accord- AJvertisemenls continued inaidt. charged new ad t. .enien»>» .SPEC’ \ VoTU'h, ; ■ ,1 aiid Ht^rr fhi« ii,'ii. n3»me 'if • new subscril.>ef > ,> entrtred \ithout pHviUftit iii advdnf^. nor will such Jubsoribdr-i fi.r a lujiger ttrn«» in is J > \t'l .f )Uf old nubscrihers de«ire to th« pu p,ir n :■••' • stAu will j-lea^^e notify as wbpn making ■crij'*4nCP' Jan'y 1, l&oS WrSTFKN RaII, KoAD OfFU'F., } l'';iy('tteville. Auij. ‘29 lS(i2., ^ KWiW- T ON and after the l*i day of Sept. the followinjt r»ten will l«t* oliHrirHil ou 1’asnen^Pi vii: W CIS. I (K) 1 2i> 1 5U Krotn Kaveileville lo Little River, • to-Spout Spring. •‘ to Rock Braiicli, 10 Joiie.sboro'. to Mclver’a. Twenty-five cents additional wi'il be 'oll»>cted by the (’ondiM'tor (if each passenger, leavfnjt a Slat ion without ■\ Mckfi A new r'Ue of Freifjht .will go into e!Fi»f!i at the 9t»ni«> time, which will be [.rinied and fufnishod tO the public in » few days . Br order of the Prea't. • JNO.. .M. ROSK. Tr«ai’r W R. R C« All? ?0. 1862. 5Gtf U E^rKR\ RAIL RO.ID. From and after Monday the ‘iild inst., the Trains ou' this Hoad will run daily; leavini; Fayetteville at 8 retiirnitiK leave Nfclver'sj Depot *t 1 o'clock. A .M o'clock. P :\I Sept. '20. 18rt-2 C B MALLETl. Ptea I .52tf n\fi, 1*, Attorney at Law. Fax,ettkville, N' 0 u’lLl, attend the County and Superior Courts of i iimberland, Harnpti, Moore «nd Robeson ('oun- .« Prompt attention given to th« collection of **11 'wa'' entru.sted to his hands ’ 17. 185‘t. .''>i-tf (lEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO.. IVIiole^ale. DealeVM in (liroc'erieM, A?in IMPORTERS ..NU UKALERS I.\ hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, ^c., HAY STREKT, FAYETTEVILLK. X. V. july 2i, I8til. oOtf j j OOX. W. p. JiE^SDALL. J. 8. KKNDALL €0^, KElTDALl. Ac CO., Commission Itlercliants WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 11 & 12 Xorth Water St., Wilminjton. C. jl^'>rders from the Country promptly esecuttd. Particular attention Jiven to the «a'e of Coit.on , »- i oiher produce \rni 'J, 1 bfil. lu-t f T. i\ X 8. U. WORTH, iouQii>'iioii and Forwarding Merrhauu, WILML^GTON, N C Jan'y 2S, \m 84tf 1AR1>! A?E\V ladies can be accomtnodateii •with board a» the bemin^ry. T. C. HOOPER. Sept. 12. IBijl. 56- • JOH.\s(»\, wTlliaks & ’0.. K.ii/r n.4KER«. have thirty pans now in operRtinn nine miles M i-H- of Wi'lniin^ion Parties wishing to supply ii.etii-eives with gait, can be furnished by applying to A. Johnson, Jr , .\g'nt at Fayetteville, to E Page, manager ^t the work-, or to ■V M. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent, rsyc’ieville, Nov. 2i>, 18d2. ^Itf COTTfllf YAR.Si. Vo. 1» Hay StrePt. C. P. MAL[,ETT. Ui. y HO-.’. Kife and Tobaceo on I'ouNignmeuti ]j| !’\SRS of fresh beat Rice ami luO Boies .Mauu- 1'* ta.'tured Tob.acco, variou* .^tialiti*^ ■ For sale V>y GEO 'VMLLl VMrt i CO. t*y»iteville. Hepi -4, liOTIll^. \3 1 expect lo t>e atipent froni huiue a few nontha in ibtf V.^.,1. Architjald McLean in uiy auPhoritfd Aiiaut lu iraii--t.-t ij^y 'iU*inr-9 uuiil I return. S U. JONES, bee r'.JM, lM»t). ''^if Alter this date I will pa)i Five CenU per pound for iHj^i de- livrTf J in FayeM«*ville, or at my mills D MURJ'HY or, SALT PANS FOR SALE. X ilOlLKR IRON P.\Nd, large site, for sule at ♦he */ Eajfle Works, Fayetteville, N. C.. by 1». ANDF.RSON ItK" K4 tf LOOK AT IHH FIVETTEVIILE HOTEL, FroDtiog 800 teet and in the busineMs portion of the Town, i'oiilaiiiM more «tpa€ioiiM aiil well %efililate«i Room»i than any Hotel in the ^tate, !in«i tu) Patrons say luy Condiinents are very soo.i lOr the times. T. H (UniliL, Proprietor. May :;i». Irsr.l*. ‘iTy IIKAA, RAlioWI.^^ 4-0., -tuction titnl f .Jim hants, 68 Sycamore St‘, Petersburg, Va. Vk EFERENCES: — W. Steel. Presidpnt Bank of North L Carftlina. Fayetteville,’ N. O. S.- Baldwin, Wil mington. N. ; Oeorge Myers, Wi/iuiugton, T. y> Roj- 9ton S Co , .V. L Scott, A. S. Shafor. Petersburg. Va ; E. L Harding. Raleigh, N C.: Dr. George C. Bland, Dv. H. F*. Shore. L. A Hawkra. Uyison & Wilson, N'ot- toway. Va : N C Barton & Co., Richmond. Va. 'J. F. DEAN. A. H BALDWIN. W W ARNOLD. Dea. 17. l>^fi‘2 S7 4wpd FAYETTEVILLK MUmL I!«SrRA>CE fOUPANf. .5,077 VALUABLE PROPERI’V FOR «ALE. HE imdcr.signed liHving recently underiakt>ii pu lie duli.‘S, iiicuiiip.ilil'U- with proper Htlention to the I pro(*eiry hereiuafier deicrihe I. vill .sell at Auction. fi>r . (’ash. ^cuirency.) at TJ ci olock M . on the ‘.."'ih .liii’y next. (Unless sooner di-iposeil ;if :ii privaie snle. i uis Tract of LA.Sl) ii> Miiore I'ouili.y. on the F:iy e! tev ille j atid W efiern Plank K iad." uiioui iuill « :iy l etwcen t 'ar- ihilge and .-Vshoboro’, .couramidg aboui o07. Acres, ol I which so'Jie or liD acrew is probably cleared, and vveil • j (euoed. and s.tnie lour acres goodMe.ido’.v. It ii is on ii i a coiiiforiible D\\ Kl.Ll NG, Kitchen, Smoke House. Barn, Store douse, spacious Siables, ic, 'I'iie sale v.ill he lua.!** at liie prt'niises, at;d iinniedia I pos. e.'Sion witi given i,) itn- j^urcha'fr. j He STiii ;il“^o at. ; ivtie ale. his L. 'is 'ind I'-t j .l iiice in the io>vii of .Vtbtrbor-.)'. wiiJi, or wnii'iui fw’> ^ t'ar.ns. near th.. vii.age, .nie of l!ie t'arms abou' ami.e I from the villags. contains aboot 100 a.-res. «0 Mcr- . : I vjhi ii in in «;uiii%atloii li h-iS on it or i'la' i v.- * 01 i^wd mei»duw. Ab ot 4i> ucfes is aec'ie-;, m t-i order. v*itu a supctior varit'iV'of W ieui. and Aitiiiye And winter vats The Remainder ;s in »food c’jnd;i;on for a cotn crop. Three-fourths of the outside fence ol this place !s-built uf stone. The other tract, about : luildii iroHi ii;v tillage, com iins UOo -acie'; a'> iit tiD I acres in ouitiv.-njon—souife ii> acres of wUifth is n. ded in Winter i;uts—th** lesi ii>teiide'l fur corn iiest year. The prb}.erty in .^' heboro’ consist'* ol sevetui eoniig U0U8 lots. cmtaiuiujT about li; acr^i, all ol wuich is in exottllent * c(.Qliiiou. his on u au orchard ef .itorc lu i;- •'.ttO ire-'S, ill (■e'lrtii^ c.ii i|i ion c('nsi“ii.i^ ,.t ciioi. t. varieties ol apple. p,*u ii. t. ir. rflH-rry an 1 oih'*r finit tree=; -.ib.on S tu't- - ii:gh'v 'eitlli^-*d ui.d pi i lin iive meadow The d>»elliUki ii j'J i JO lat-i’, «i'h a ^‘mg iH s ‘J> leet, both IWj atoner hlgii. Ttie roouis ot ll>e n.aiu >>uildiuf art? all pii'iered in ji'am hai J rtnif'ii niyl ; foyr ol them •‘pa^-iiMir- and with goo.J tiri-, one a dorniit ry w itho.ut 11: f pla« f. and one a Uhr.ary r^utu. tilled up With niovenbl*- siieWf-s. .Vt: Ttie wing .lan tw-i rooms wiih fire places, a and oie rooin without a tire place, witli tixi>d'war iroiien, ana a vpa ■ cious and dry of ’ilar lui ier ilie; h'liilding. 1 "e out- .d' a iiiichcn. three negro hous'.s v. ii!' . two rooms-ill each of ■'them, four of the rooms Tiaviny each ft lire ;>Iace, and ono ^if i^ein a .'‘(ove;-well h'.u-'- with panl-y, a laige hou'e cai ri ige bous--, w 1 h.oiise, two ofhces. encb wuii two rooms au I one tiie place; a framed b ir» • j 1 x 111 fe>.i, w:th staWe rcaaa fot : M horses, sp-»ee for stieaf wheat «-iiOUgh ro produce •'>' ’ ' bushels; tw.?» ceil*.*'! gH»ne»'s c ip‘.»ble oi hi»liing e:i?h 'lO ' I bushels of grain, with a b.'xsenii-nt story to -heli.'T cat- I tie: ;kUdft!s ) s. p--r.'i!e C'>W iiou^-ei-; a stun*. iniiS hflj' ' supplied with a consr'ani stream of cool spring wait;. The ba.ldiiigs are all in excellent c ndition, an have been recently pairfted.- Persons defirom to make further uiquiries, oh: apply to me at Rnli-igh, to my .son or bmther residing .n Wil- miugion, my hrotner in Fayetteville, or to my on in law S. wS Jackson in .Ishebaro', who i.‘5 dtily ec. towc.''- ed to make a ?al»* •As f am aKo^''t'; remove to Raleigh I c^n jt;ve irome diate posse.ssioa. .U)N,ATH.\N WOilTH. Dec’r i~. IKO'J ‘jo rJ-'J FLORAL COLLEGE. r{1Hr Truttiees 01 Floial College take pleHsiice i.i m- I tunnclng lo tho,pul>li? that they have .'ucceede t m (train piocuring the services of Rev. Daniel .loiitis o, .g Priucipal of this .s&hool Mill' oorpn ill compelent Insiructevs tioth in tin* L'terarj and Orniuneniai i>fpiirtmen’s will be supplied The school will open on \Vediii;sday the 1 liii ol .lan’y ISfi.') ('’irciilars Citntaining full p_aiticMihirs in reu-ird Ii teiiii'«, ,vc . I'an be ha) mu .ippiicaiiou 'o Her ibiiind J'-hnson. Gilopoli^, N. f 'I'he Steward''* Hail will also he iihJer ih-control and lu>vnH^'^iienl ol \lr. .lobijson. I’oard a! Steward’s Hsll f IK p^M- month. M C McN.\n\. • Sec’v to I'oard of Triisie.* . D^cV 27. •' Ky 4-.V . l^iAAC' H4»LLI.\4.iKWORTH, At his Old Stand, Persoii St.; / il'KLllS for sale, SuUND S.-\LT « *.* V .irood assoriinent jji Cntyv;ng and "Smokiiig To- l' '“CO. Snutl', Fl'iiir, Sue.'ir. Leathni-, ic , and all articles u=i!(illy kept in 'i Grocery Store to he hail in market, w' ich •;vi!l bf sold for i-ash .r given in pxchan'je for CiJiniry Proiluce' I'ec’r • . ^'-lmpd Tl Ul*E.\TI Ai: HAf VK^. 1H\VE « gowd supply of Turpentine HACKS, ou hand, which I am- ready lo s,*ll to those who may winh 10 piiri'ii.'ixe Aisii. ifijy loprejiHTe .Alt-'' at sborl • njiice, in the ;uawier 1.. WtM»l» F'ayetii'viile .V C.. l'»ep :-!i(, •0-:’.mpd ‘ Auction. Auction, on Tuesday Feli’y 0' iWlNij •l ibel- i« Cl tl per 'ts>,e ri'i'es^iij will 1 ;: lie- liai l !)' fii re haiidiait HOR!««e: ^HOEI\4.i. • I :he H'lvftiive in the prii;,* of Iron lh«* Kub inpelied lo raise the price 6f shc^'ing to He iloes lhi“ with rebiriance. but its ■ e ippareiit to his tMi-lomer« when ho .fell Hl.>i;e used in inaking shoes cttsis ot his diariie. an 1 more than twice as ';nich as tie lormeiiy re.’eived for iron and shoeing J W WKI.SH. KavetleviUe, .lan’v l.'tii' •.*! liwpd SALT! «ALT: , ^ S\ kS f'>r f ile l>v ,,!•) ■ Rt)l511lT Dec JJ. NriTCHKLL. 88-tf 100 Capita! in Premium Notes nhioiuits i. Cash on hand and other asspi.-i. Total. $'27;.;,7ti.') 61 The t'oinpany have paid all looses promptly, and havK never male an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid; J2^.t'82 6^^ OFrirKR.s': GEO. McNEILL. President. D.’A. RAV, Viccf President. C. A: McMILLAN. Sec y. Die-sctobs; Henry Lilly, * W N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale. S. T. H.awley. Wni. McLaurin, Nathan A. Stcdman. T. S. Lntterloh, VALl ARI.E fllliLM tor Male. Il.#FFER for sale my PL.\N'T.ATl'>N, miles -^es' of I’srthage, Moore county, containing *2oi» ac'^es. on which is a Gri«i and Saw .Mill, Cotton Gin aii-1 ScifW I will receive in payment State Bon is, ('onfi-derate money or likely Negroes, ,K)HN M)RIS)N. V.%Ll ARI.E LA ARM tor Male. I (JFFEK for Sale my PLANTATION on McCUnd ;n-s 1. Creek, 6 miles west of'anh«ge, lying on th^ basin of the t'oal Fields, containing ‘Jluo acrej>, whici productive iis any iands in the coiMity of .Moore. improvements g an i the aituation healthy liberal. IS as Xlie' Term.i JiHlN MORI.- (N, C. B. Mallet I. James Kyle, A. McKethan> J. D. Williams. S. W,. Tillinghast. .\. W. Steel, J. G. C*ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, P.. F. Brown, ) , Hall yWilmgt^n. AOTK'E H.WE about 50*^) acres more, in iliHerent tra'is he vounty of Moore. — K irming Mineral. II peniine l.ind. Tot -which I will sell on ! ’■.■i al :ei:ius. JOHN M(;‘U:- 'N hn Collins anti C. C. McCrummen. Traveling Agents. fla^The Company incite application's. May 28, ISbl. 21- r A OEfI! The New Style, Small, iOLOREl) PHOTOGRAPHS, AT I ART. %%'oodwards Molar C\ .ACRES on i I Liimberton :» Camera. 'S.M'K.'S OK S.VLT; 10 Bb!s. Sil Soda, for so.ap making: IJ;') Hexes .I. A Long's best brands ol Tobacco; 'lO iib.s. Prime Sugar; "OO Sol** Leather. JOS. A. WORTH. Dec’i 2-2, 1^^•J. 85*-‘2m AOTIC’E. ^pvvo litfely NEGRO MF.N. George. 44 years old. and I Jack 41. belonging to the Estate of Thomas M Mc- Leran, dec'd, will be sold privately, whenever suitable application shall be made to me 1 will also hire oui t%vo likely MEN flir this year. MARY ANN EVANS. Ex's. Jan'y ‘J. IHtWi. ^'Itf A O'V I €' E.—R E %VA R U. '^pHE -snbscrit'er wi'il pay •Jo dollars reward Iq any one 1 who will retnrn tp him. in F-iyetteviUe, a negro CHKL. who ranaway from hi« rwidence on Friday nighi th” 2d of J.sjiiiary. Ihti3. Said negro gi-rl is about ■') feel and a half high, is inclined to be thick, a rather Viright. black face, full, with thick lips. She is I'l jcars Id, but large for her age. The above reward will be paid to any one who will return her safely home, or l-*dgc !inr’ in -I ,il ind inform me of the fact and place. I. W. TFCKER F'.avpt eville. J.-»ii. ;'). l)si>8 '..♦I-tf T T LiU Rockfir’h .SALT. S'*U.N'D Sslt for sale on consignment l.y G. W. WILLIAMS Nov. 2u. |)HOTOGR\PHS can be had at Vjinorsdell's Skylight 1 GtUlery. Hay street, opposite Marble Yard. Fay etteville, N. C ; plain, retouched, colored, - in water colors, oi-l and pastile; from small to life .size. Ambro- types, MelaneotTpes, and all otlver styles of Pictures pertain' ig to t-he Art, Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing, G' * for vt»ry large pictures—as large as by inches, .^ord and Tasselft for hanging pictures; Instru- tnants. Stock and Chemicals far sale low for cash. Life wire colored Piiotographs made I'rom Hinall pictures. Having pernianently located here 1 hope to merit your natronage. 1 would also return my sincere fhanj^i for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M, VANORSDELL, Photographist, and Proprietor. Dec’r 20, 1859 77- illarble Factory, I Si ro. 79 If WAATEO. i) BUSHELS WHEAT, 'v,»)UU 1,500 •• CORN. I Persons having the above articles to sell will receive | khe highejjt Cash i»rice h^ calling on Mr. M Thoainson. j at l^je Merchant Mills, Fayeiievill*>. or on the subscri- 1 her ut hiiJ old stand on Market Square. i ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr. Nov. n, IKti'i, 7/-,,, i Twenti^ti^e lloliai*» Reward. I^ANAW.AY from the subscriber, hi? nogro boy MO i \ SES. He is 21 years of age. about r, feet lo inches ■ hifhrrobust, long feet and very much turned oui ui the toes, and looks down when spoken to. He wus .-e. u ,\i 'Icl’baul’s Mills in Ilobeson county >n the ‘.iJlsi nli,, mi 1 was in Fayeiicville about three weeks ago. The ' ".ve rew.ard will be paid for his delivery to nie or for 'W conhneinent’in ftny jail so thfit I pet him. W. D JoHNS(.>N Hennettsvi11^.S. C.. .Aug. M. 1^62 " .'>2lf ARTIY HARAEMM. 1AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army use. 1 fan my leather and can Rive goi3»l bargains. Agents will do well to send their wdern to me as they shall have prompt *at>ention, and Sciit off in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. Ooldston P 0., Chatham Co., N. C., 1 ' . June 13. 18«2. •( ii STORK TWO IHIfiKS 1B0VF I'. T. !l\ll!!« k SONS Fayetteville, \. i\ Jail' ’Ui;o . Hi-. ^OO lb*». Ciiini Arabic for i»ale by J. R. LEE. Oct 15. 69tf AOTlCE. ' ONKEDER.ME ST.ATES OF AMERICA, | ^ MkD. Pl'BVEVOR H OfFICR, >• Charlotte, N C , Dec. 12, 1862.) \ hL ciuims ag:iinsl this Department, to be paid, must *1 L)* prehented before January 25th, 18t>3. . D. P. RAM8EUR, • Surg. and M«d. Purteyor. . ,tlr. Henry Day will be : Offipp for a few weeks prepared « Tiirnis’h And settle aconnnt'^ to the 1st , laniiarj’. | It id important that amoniu^^ due to the late lirni 4>f ' B. W. & H. C. Robinson should be t.aid soon Theme i indebted will’confer a favor by attending lo this notice. B W U01UN80N ! • Jan’y 7, 1803 ' ; S2 Kt A Larj^e. Durham (Tow ITH a Young Calf, for sale, yy . • ■ pAVll) MUltPHY. ^Jan’y 5. ... 02-tf LOST OR ST€>LEA. A SMALL black TRUNK marked s‘J. Smith, Fay-' etteville, N. T!.” The Trunk was taken ofiF the S"t*^r North C^irolinion Sunday morning through mistake,. I suppose Any information will be thankfully received, or a suitable reward will be paid if deliveredjo me at Mr. D. Anderson’s.Foundry. ' J SMI’fH. Jan’y 8. •' ' ■* . 92-tf Blacksmith to Hire. NO. 1 Workman. Address.“W,”-at this office..- •Oeo29. ■ 80-tf .Mineral l^and** tor Sale. IH-AV.L an luicre.-' of one-third in a- iraci 'f •'iOii ACRES on the -.v.iters of Deep Rivt-r. on wi ic ■ hav, been discovered a .1; mt:.e an I pure s:iltpctre. ml 'iti oil of good .jualiiy f'lr greajing leather, well v.v ti’i^ geologicnl investigation. Jf'HN MORI." JN. Carthage. Nov. 13 18fi2 77- f LA ADS IA RORESOA I'OI ATI FOR .sale the Rnft Swamp. 9 miles froi.i :»nd about miles from t'le W C 's R Hailr .9 1 •J,TOO Acres on the Bi- iad Ridge. al)Out "i.mile- from Lumberion. 107 Acres on tl.'C W 4,'. . R Railroad. 7 mile from Lumberton TweiiCy acres . f wtiich is in cultiva ion 5170 Acres known as the Red B-^nks, on the \>. »' R Railroad. l*j niilcH from Lumfierton .\liotr Idi) open an i under tein-e. ftiere are two small trained bon~es c)ii the pn'Hii“Ps 40» A cre^ about 1 mile frioii ihe last men'i. u/d tract, very heavily umbered 1.0.10 .\cres kiiov^'n the Little U"srtit \ rich »wamp about IG ir.ilen frtim Kayetteville and 1 niiie from ihe Fayettev.lle and l.umiiertun Koaii. h (joining ,Mc(ieachy and i>th i- I.OtlO Acres kn >wu as the D>-sert. 'l ijoining Wil liani McNeill, C'tl.ler Daniel .McNeill. McAlp- i ainl olher>» :oO ar res hi»h land, the balnnce \s va'u'ibl swamp R S I REN' H. 1) c i8. lSi’.2 Hi) lOt-p.i* AOTIf’E. PERSON^> wi'shing to buy T(JWN PR(>PEflTY 'vn '11 i' ) well to cail on l’i» subscriber. I wid si nn vv -jon- able ter:us my li ju.-e and Lot. h iving nlsii a goo i IvitC',- en, SmoKo house an i g-'O 1 SV'ell of wat.*r. A'lso. to n Town Lo's with goo'i Sinbli's tiiereon and very conve nient, an-l r.i.i- other small L Also. a-.res of Lind joining ihe town of Carthage, ■convenient for wood A. M. BRANSON. CarthnB^e, Dec. 2. )Hji2. SHtf RHJE TIASS! RHjE II %SS!! IDESIKE to call the attention of Drueeists and Phy sicians to the superior (juality of the iSLUll M.ASS 1 am now m an ;i facto ring by maohinwy. The BI.UTR m ass niatle by nie is warranted lo be' ONE-THIRD MFiRCURY, anl equal to any mad-.' in Kngland, and much superior to mopj of that now brought info the Confederacy from the l,*nite(f States, (as nearly all of that is deficient ir. Mercury. ) As \n evltlence of th* superiority of iin‘ IH.UI'^ M VSS ma le by me, I vyouM ask your'attention to theanf ysis j to put of it by P»-ofessor E Emmons, ftell known as one of the ■ ^a'ticr ’.11 ;ln' most scie;i*ific men in the country; also to the fl‘Ho'^■in^ t^'Coiiiniendaiion from Dr K Iward W.'inen. I'lte Priifes- sor in the University of Maryland, and now Surg.'nn- General of North ^^ar■11iIJa; R^LKtiin, N. c.. O'I. ■ isi'ii Having had- the best opporiutiitv for tf sling iin' q'..nli tics of ihe-Blue-M «ss ic mufacMircl b\’ I' .Ssun'ier-, at Chapel Hill, N.. C , I am preii'%r>l to say that it is in ferior to. none in use iix any ^!iiriic.ulHrv It tberrfoi e aflT-irds me pleasure ta i^eccmiiieu-l it id the PFofe.' -ion at large as a most valuable and reliable preparation. KDWARD -WARKEN, ■Surgeon-(3cneral of North Gnrol^na iiliiiini^tration Aotice. ■’HE subscriber having qualified as Adminit^trairix on the'ire , f l is cuniy.' dee d, .hereby gives notice ' i all tier- ois'Liviiii.' ol iins ag iinsi s.iid M.stafe to pre- s.-n; :bem tn \S”iu McL McK'iy within the time pre 8crih(4 by law, or ih.s iii'tice will be pleadeil iii bar of thoir reC'Very. , ('ATH.ARINK SUND^, .-\dm'x. Auk * Adi4iini!^tralor\ Aolice. ifK subscriber having At December Term, lSii2, of the t iunty (’our! of CTunberlan i, qualirieii as .Ad min:s'ra;or i.puii the Mstate of Neill G. McNeill, dec’d, n"iifies i»ll per'ions having cl.s.ims again«i the Ksiate to present t.iPTO within t)»e linn- limited by law. otherwise this ncitice will he pleaded in bar of recovery, Debior are requested to make prompt payment HKCTOR Me N KILL, Ad mi Drc I'l, I St.2 H.'.- t Wa«:ons Watneil. Ml I'l iii.dersigne'l. Salt (’.Miiini.s.sioners for the county of Cijuiberlalid. wish tn employ from one t) twenty- five Wug oiM to haul Salt from Saltville. Va., tor which itiey uiil.vay twelve dollars per bag of loil Mis and al low ttie 'vagoiis (o take one tenth of the Salt at th« VV -rk t at i'l 00 per bushel oti iheir own acooiiul. Wag- -.u friTu any pjri of the State will be employed on a(>- p’- 'anon to us. b.v letter or othnrwise. 1’ F ALDERMAN. JNO WADDILL, Jr, R .M ORRELi-. Fayetl''viHe. Dec. I. Si-2tf liand at 1W1LL ofl'w for sale a* 'hi, at the Market House, at 12 o’clock, ft40 AcreM ot LA AD, lying on the River 2 miles below town, belonging to T. .1. Robinscn,' 80 acres are cleared nnd under ctilMva- tion This tract contains about ‘JfHI acres of excellent Sv; tnp Land, and lot) acres of sand hill, well timbered’ ibe remainder, next to' Ihe River, is adapted to the »r«'.wlh of corn and the fultivntion of grass.. .Any one desiring to purcha'se' can get further infor mation by applying to the owner or to the subscriber, C" K LEETE. .Auct’r. . .Jan y •'>. 92-ts I.AAD AT AIJi'TlOA. \iriLli be ^oki on TUESD.AV. I‘.d' February nest, at yy the Market House, at 12 o’clock. Two Tracts of Lanil on (’aryer'y Creek, knoivn as the King and Bolton lands. The King tract contains blO acres, fhe Bolton tract ’Contains 1050 acres The above lands adhiin the lands of J. P. McLean. M. J Buie and others There is a Saw and Grist Mill on the Bolton tract Persfins desiring fo purchase can do so privately Ly calling on C. E LEETE. .Auct'r. .lan'y 7. 92-19 Real Estate, A’egToe^ and Fiirni- liire at Auction. VT the Market Ifouse on Thursday Ihe 22d inst., I shall sell at Aucfioti. a HOUSF' and LOT situated 1 on North Street, known as the Morgan House, and ad joining the lands bl Mr. James Kyle. 42A acres of LAND. :]* miles North of the tov?’U of Fayetteville t»n Ihe Raleigh IMank Rofcd, opjiosite Mr C. R Mallett's’. ■ adjoining W B Wright. Esq. )ne NEf)R) WOMAN, 25 years of age and child years old. A lot of FUR- NI’I’L RF.. amongst which is jne Piano, one Extension Dining Table. P.edstpBds. ('hairs, At'; .«ne excellent •MILCH COW - JOHN H. 'oi iK. Auct’r. •'y '.h !>():’>. ySts FOR SALE. n^H.AT commodious DWELLING HOUSE on Lamon I Street, known as the property of Miss Eliia W King I'iie House is well finishet’. • 0 od Kitchen, Smoke House, Stables. vScc. If not previously disposeil of wi'l be sqld on 22d inst., at 12 o'clock, at the Market House A .M CAMPBELL, Auct'r. Jan'y 8, 1863.. 92ts’ FOR SALE. WJl^^L be sold at the .Market House, on Thursday yy .lan’y 22, 1863, at 12 o’clock. NIN£TY-FIVE ACRES L.VND, West of Town, joining {he lands of Mrs. Hybart, Alex Johnson, McPherson and others. Terms at sale. .A. M. CAMPBELL. Jan’y 8, 18G3. 92ts RE€EIVER'S AOTICE. ^nUE following persons who have money, property or L evidences-f'f debt in their hands belonging to alien enemies, are hereby re«juired to meet me in Asheboro’, on tlie 3d lay of February next, and to surrender me such property as they nifiy have in theiy possession, and to p;iy over such sums of money as may be in their .hands, and v»hich have been returned as belong ing to alien enemies, to-witt Jesse Walker, Alfred Brower, .Allen Lamb, W A Prevo, Joseph >ewlin, Willis Ridge, .V. S Homey, Wm. Loftin of Caraway, A. P. Johnson, Henry Fuller, Benj. IIubU..Washington Ru^,. Jeflerson li-ipib, W. A. Woolen, Wm. Henly, J. M.-Werth & Sous, Coftin. Foust ^ Co., George Staunton, Mic»jah Hcnly, Cyru'5 P. Mendenhall. U F. Hoover, le>*8e and I Kreileric Pearce, Huldah Rob’o-ins. Jacob Briles, James j W. Pearce, John H. Pearcc, A, U. Tomlinson an'l'W. i N. Miller. ' JOHN SlANNlJ^i, Jr., Receiver. 1 Jan'y 3. y2-3w i I Valuable Sale ot Real E>$tate. ON -id day of February next, will be sold for Cash, at the Coyrt Hofise door in the town of Ashebort)’, the following Tracti of L.AND. sequestere 1 to the use of the Confederate States of Atlierica,, and ordered to be sold;— One Tract of Land J mile south of New Salem, con taining iHl acres, formerly belonging lo C. W. Woolen. One Tract adjoining Jabez Powell and others, co'ntain- ing 194 acres, formerly property of Thos. Stalker. One undivided \ part of 2t>7 acres of Land on the waters of (’araway, adjoining Enoch Harlan and others. (•tie Tt'act on the wat»*rs of Pidecaf. co-ntaining 75 •cres, formerly belonging to Joseph P. Julian. ‘One other Tr.act on the waters of Polecat, formerly belonfjing to Robert Dawson, and as.sessed at Also, will be sold at the same time and place, former sales having been set aside. — li«0 acres of Laml and a House anil tvro Lots iu the town of Union, formerly belonging to W. Clark. One Tract on Polecat (Vintaining 8ti acres, formerly beloneing to C W Woolen .Also, a House anl Lot in New Salem, formerly properly of W Woolen JOHN MANNING. Jr., Receiver Jan'y 3. 92-3w T %IJDITOR^S DERTTIEAT. ■MIE attention of all persons who are concerned is hereby called to the .Act of the General Assembly i which creates the ottice of Auditor of Public .Accounts. ' .Accoui'ts with the State for the expenditure of public ; money will l>e reijuired ro conform, in all cases tonch- I ins military afiaus, fo the .Army Regulations of the ! Confetleraie Slates; and allliocounts, whether in the From the Slate Joun'ftll- THE BATTLF, OF GOLDSBORO—GEN ROBWU SON'S REPORT. Hkadquakteus. (Goldsboro’, l>eo. HL 1 Capf. .4. .S. Evans, A. .1. hi'ons *' Hriijadr !n tht- h'uh': Captain: 1 h.avc tho ho'nor to rt*port tli;it n ac'cordance with your •>riItM*, 1 L'ft H ili, on the GolJsbovo’ ami Ivin.sttm KyihouJ; ;it 11 o’clock, a. Ill , on the I’Uh iust , ;nrl witli lit*' .• v thorpe’.s, portion.' of FereLi't’.i mid K- niih’ rt'i. iiients, and a Hection ol ArtUlf'.y vtn« ■ Mu Tf Bnttnlion) commanded l*y l.ioiif ; -. .pr ceeded to White Hall, on Neuse Hivi f. i' V. i the Kridge -'t thut point and di.-; ’ ‘ i (*rrj«siiiii, sliould he attempt tu iurii ,-ur ;• : Having no cavafry. 1 impressed ;i riii^en triii'i' ariil ptiihed iorward to reconuoitrc in a.lvimf’c o-, my command. Upon reacbliig Whitt' Hail, learned that the enemy hail not matl« hi-’ -app-'ar ance theto. ? then ordered my truide to dft- v towards Kinston to'preveft^ surprise, vine hoi.: later, my force arrived and I made rapid prepare tion for burning tho bridge. Making a personal examination some mih*>' tu the front without finding the enemy, I retunied to Wbite Hall. Shortly afterwards, citizens with jaded horses, and much exciteil, announced tlrai the enemy was advancing 1 ordered Maj .Tlck;#o. and Lieutenant W^orthin'gton to wati-h his niu%* menfC, but they could not tint! him. 1 uv>;tif-d his approacb until nearly darkjuid d«-termineil to recross and burn th(i_bridge according to m\ orders The torch ha'.rsiuireely been upply.^d ere the enemy’s cavaliy appeareil With avtill»'r\ they sh«lled the woods until laft* at night, *it- stroyiHg the gunboat in process ot eonstructioii t-.. this side. Several men taking off tlteir clothes, attempted to cross the river by swimmin;:. but were driven back by our sharp->hnotors I- rotu the force displayed it was evidcntl\ hi^ intt*niii'n to cross the White Hall bridge. About 0 o’clock a.m., on the lC»th, brisk picki i skirmishing comnienced. I visited the briijge. and after giving the necessary instructions, went back to order up the iilst X. C. regiment, ; ('ol. Jordan,) which had arrived during the night, and which I placed in position as much shelttired as circumstances would permit. I then po,sted the artillery as well as the nature of the ground would admit, and ordered both shell and solid shot to be fired. For some time previous the enemy had been firing from twelve to eighteen prec6s, some of immense calibre. Ow’^ng to a range of Mils on the White Hall side, the enenty had the advantage of position. The front i>c- cupied by his' troops being narrow, not more than one regiment at a time could advantageously en gage him- I therefore held Leuventhorpe s, I'ere- bee.’s and Kvans’ in reserve, leaving the and two picket companies of Leavonthorpe s regiment in front. The cannonading from the enemy s batteries became so tetritic that the 31st withdrew from their .position without instructions, but in good order. T immediately ordered Cok Leaven- thorpe forward, .The alacrity wivh vrbich th, order was obeyed by hiss men, gav ;im, ;c pniol of their gallant, whicli tliey s i imi !v 'U tained during the entire tight, whicii r.igt- l* witli intensity tor several hour' i!‘r' ,• :l.:‘y tieiruiiu^ = gaged. No vetcian soldicr> ever tou;iht li.-tior os inflicted more terrible loss tipon an . n ui\.’ cuy- sidering the numbi'r.s • n'j::iL.--d. w-t?; oi’ fi-culty they could b*’ withdrawn ' tin: ■ • I'l I Three times did tlu’y dxiv*' il'.o \ atiket; eunnon- iers from thfir guns, and olten j>r-'\* nt Uuir intanfry regiments from foriuing line in their front. la spite of the four hostile regiment.' whose standards waved fVom the opposite bank, did these b-rkve meifi contjnue to lu>ld their ground, and finallj drove the enemy in confusion from the field. More tlxan one’ hundred of >hijir dead and wounded were left on the river bank. The conduct of this regiment reflects the credit tlpon its aecoiTiplished and dauntless com niander. (’o). Ferebee, of the 59th regimeut. displayed the most .signal coolness and eout'age tor several hours with eighteen meu of the picket guard be longtng to tjie llth regiment Hi* fought the cueuiy at close cjuarters, notwithstanding hih uwu command was not in action The 5’Jth anil 63d regiment-, akhou>;h in re serve, were, nevertheless, eii^osed to a galling^ tire trom the enemy’s artillery. A few vrtr/* kiih ■ and t.juite a number wounded. B^'th otTi-’ers an • men behaved admirably. The .section of artillery was remarkably well sorvetl un^Ier heavy fire. Lieut. McCIeese ami his men’remained . . d ati. collected. Mv thanks arc c.sitccialiy du.- tu ’!;ij ('Jcoge-Lickson, ('aptain Ohas. H. 3ordn,>n; military or in the civil departinenfs of the gov.’Tnment | Lt. Wofthingtou, members ot'my staff, for .'fSoicnt are to be presented tiuarterly. and as soon as may be after I and prompt delivery oi orders utnler the the close of the regular tpmrter ; Jipjjviest ire The undersigned avails himself of the present oppor ' tu-.iitj to notify all who are delinquent in rendering ac- count-s of publii money or property iu their hands since the commencement of the war no'^ pending, of the' 'neces sity of having accounts prepared and settled. The attention of the General Assembly will be called to the names of these persons, and suits will he directed in cases where this notiae is disregarded. (’laims against the State will be audited according to the rules observed by the late Board of Claims. ■ S. F. PHILLIPS. Auditor, &c. • Jan’y 7. ' ' 93-fit F WOOUUAKD’S ST .IK POLISH. >lt th' benefit of the public 1 would inform them that 1 h.ave o lot. o’ST.AR POLISH on haiul hut tio 1 in Please say tn your servants to 111 tin boxes they have and bring them lo m** :ni'i 1 "ib buy them .\. J. WOODWARD. !''-n I ttrvilU'. .fiui'v 3. 18('3. ’’I 4t SlCiIAR. r BBLS. SUGAR for sale on consignment, by JOS UTLEY. . • 93tf 15 .lan’y 10 J OS. FTf^ E Y, Grocer am! Jfin'chant^ FAYKTTEVILLK.'N.' C. .lan'v 10. 1863. . . -93-ff A . Ski'TK.mbkr 29, 18i>2. i Mr. R Ii, Siiund;rx: ~])K.\,n [Si'k:—I litid your Blue , Pill .Mass lobe perfectly hoiiiogeneotis. all (ho mcr-tiry f being 5onverted iiHo ihe Protoxide By analysis I ilso j finti, aft.e-r three I'ri tls, eight 'gVa'ins of Protoxid!^ in twenty five of the >Liss. In drying, I should ren ark i that a small portion of the .Oxide was retluced. 1 am] satisfied, however, that your. Blue'Pi}l .Mass cont.iins ’ one-tliird . Protoxide if Mercury, and must-have been ! prepared with skilf and care. •Yours, truly, ' E. EMM0N3, State Geologist. . Orders for aYiy quantity can be filled, and it can-be I sent by Express tp almost any place in the Confederacy. I Orders solicited. R. B.’°SAUNDER8, I Chai>el Hill, N. C. ■ -j Dto, 17. . •/. • 87-lm I Tiew I nr (ion «nd rommission House, IVo. 58i Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. nK’.-N. M.DUMN ', iiiivine taUi-u the Sion- re- ceiiil'-' o’c’iipied oV W, S'. B-'rry as fin .Auction House, hav'i’ associate'! themselves tocrcther for toe^'j'ur- fiOKc of condu^iipg a gener:il AUCllO'"^ AND CO.\i- MISSIOS BUSINESS, and olFer iheir services to their frit-ml^, aoil the pu?>lic generally, in the salt of Dry Gui.ils, Cl ocevies. M'lnufiictured Tobacco, Real and Pe.'.^'»r*Al Ustitte, either -t-t .Aiii^^ion or private wait’, \\e hope by strict aitentijon to business to merit- a share of the public patronage. ^ ' .DPAN, BALDWIN « CO., ■ 58 Sycamore Street, Petersburg. Va. p_ Particular attention .paid to th'e sale -of. Ne groes? •J F. Di^\N. of Nott»»way Co. W, W. Arnolh. Petersburg, Va. A. H. Baldwin, Wilmington, N. C._ Dec. l^. 1862. 87-4wpl FOR HIR.E, WOM AN,good cook, washer and ironer. Jan’y 2. D. ANDERSON. 91tf WAATED. VT the Fayetteville .Arsenal, Eour or Five GOOD P>L,A(]KSMITHS. to whom good .wages and steady 'emidovment will be given - Apply to.or adI,res8 ' J. A. deLAGNEL, • . . • . • Li. (’ol. C. S. A , Comd’g. Jan’y 9, 1863. • 9.3tf AOTICE.' I HAVE yet for sale one- hundred and fifty thousand CHOICE FRUIT TR.EES, which I am selling Off at old prices. CYRUS P. .Ian- 9. MENDENHALL. 93-lm . €b|»pera^!‘ Coppera^s!! ^QQ. LBS. SUPERIOR .QUALITY^'C^PP®*^'^^' Also 10 Tierces FRESH BEAT RICE_ F.or-saleby PEMBEKTON &,SL0AN. Jan’y 8.-1863. | • . • Horse tor T' WII r B, li ft GOOD WQRK jiORSE at a reaspn»ble I ,APP., The soldierly ijualities disiplayedby Col. Leavea- thorpe on the march and during the uctioD, to which I can bear witues.s, strongly recommead him to the favorable consideration ot the authorities. About seventy stand of arms and a quantity of clothing were collected from the battle field. I-fegret having to record the death of Lt. Means, of company E, 1 Ith Reg’t N. C. Troops, ^nd also that of 1st Serg’t Bristol, of company B, of "the same Regt. They both fell like brave ’men .fn the faithful performance of their duty. The loss of the enemy, though not accurately ascer tained. is k-nown to be heavy. - 1 herewith encJose a lifit ot killed and wounded on'our side. Veryorespectfully, your ob’t serv’l. •B. TL UUBKRTSOSS Brig. (Jen. Coyid’g ('inufori»}>Ie Pmspec*.—The cfiplure ot prisoners by Gen. Bragg our h.Tiid proliably .loO officers, inoludinv tvyo ir tlireo lirigadierB.. These servants of al olifiom have before’them the comfortable prospect of remain ing in “durance vile” till th'? «nd of the war, as the proclamation ofPro.sident 1 >avis declares that “No commissioned officer of ttie Lnited .States, taken captive, shall be reloa.sed on ^role, before exchange, until the said Butler shall have met with .dire punishment for hi:} crimes. We have now so Iarg» an excess of prisoners, comparecl with, those taken from us, that it may be reason- abfy doubted whether an opportunity for ex change will occur while the war lasts. So much |he better.—Richmond Whiy. ^ - - Yankee ^it.—The bogus Progress, at X^w- bern, has thd' following: At the battl.e o't Kinston, when the shells wep explodmg around a battery of artillery, a (jhaplain asked one* of the soldiers sitting on his horse whether'he was supported by Divine Providence. The aolclier replied, “No, be wa^ supported by the yth New Jersey.” ■k

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