’ ‘O' 1. .li. K L t.j N] Ki ''I , htr,! W>»l»er " ■' J’YUuin ' r (\orts-r ■ tt,.> . I? WiJle ' H l-v.s V >U:; •V H A er. JflcI j rl HiSVc; f.'j, li ^f^naii; - r ifj % ddlCk rlrf .. h. > kot:)io.i rr'" , ! ''l. Nei, . ■' . Rcvr ,li. r nc 'H }r.'«r I ' '■'II Hoiini^ Wi.-rth Ait'jrd, Wm Lawi ^t'linard Henderson r ‘-ri Harrjpton S . NirRK.sS u I. \ n>-ey, r l^uk- r, \ r Max- Kof'ort T=xiu.V= ur- , William E irr =^', J -'cnjines i^rown, James ^lar^ ; YPejion George Davib. Wil- !lober» '.V Barnwell, >n C H ynes, jus- fffa ■ Oldham W 5 • -rd Pr^t-jQ NT.\ . - J i ., Wm K rry, Francis s optu;.. J - : Hug*»« H randiwD iiid, • ■ K Hanlj WK Hrt tan. ppe V\ I ff d IflltOD , ,i Mud V, \V Leww, I .,1^ J l«w h- i!haric* JUpre, s «J » r, i Me JW-l»p^ H t tftUibers, w ^er, ar W Be'd, \v \, ‘cookI Tbo* Iv' :: H -mith.Ro^- »an, T D McDoweU, II Arrins/f^"- ’ S. John 'i ^»ueeD.J»■ ,i.k. . re, H JD bonj ■ vlene^-! rid M K II ' P’' VhoU**' S VB J .l«r I're»“” «•, p B( .l 1 r 1 » ■ llity; mty; ■■ t'ortune; 2.1 K:.iition, litioK, bid., »»“• ’ ► “5J21 • »®'* 4Stt m , IW 1-W F/RK I. T. im VOL. XIL] FAYETTEVILIj:, \. C.. .lANUAKY 1!), ISti'.i. [NO. 1195.j ■KINTKO MOVD.U'S ANJ' TUrUSUAVS. KDWAUl) J.JIALE & SONS. KT ITOHS and ^'ROPUIETORS. p,.;fc t'.Till* Sen)i-^\ *t‘kly Obsehvub S^> if’ ;,lvnnt’f; > if piiiJ during the of svil.scrip- i .ur 'ir 51 lifter the'^eur hiis expired. (■ rtlie " ily OuHKRv’ER ?2 (K> por .-iiiar.ni, if paid in if pnid during the year of snlwcrip- : >>:i. >r 5- O'* after ^he yp\r h.is expired. leT ADVERTlSEMK?fTS inserted for tiO cents per t ■lait'of lt'> linej for the firsst. and 30 centK for eiich ling piihliAlion. Yearly advertisements by spe- .ji (’riitracis, at'reasonable rate.s. .\dvertipers are ;r: state I he numbei*v>f ius^riions det^irpd. or will be contimfi'd tiJl*Jcrhid, nnd charged accoril- Wi'STi’KN Kail 5>‘oai) Offk'K, ) I'ayotteviile. Aug. *-i9 I80‘2., \ 4;*.> \J\ertisenaent ffr''"''nient8. c^itinued tnnidf, charged as new »d w SPKOIAL NUTU’F. h i.i^iid .Hflt-r t his iiHlo, uo iitiiiie lit a new .subsi’i il tM' ’.r eii«‘fed without payment iu adraui'e, not will vtpe: be to stti'li sul-cviber- f'or ‘i longer lim.* lu.n •• {■'•‘‘•‘J fur S. . li ufovr oU 8ub:*r.iiiber9 ad desire to take th« pa ,a '.hi'^vslein wi¥ please uotity* «>• whtn making ,,ui'.t'Anoe«. Jan'y 1, l!S6S. ^Ucij, .IfribL.f 1% Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, X. r. attend ihe County and Suj^rior Courts of ( uiaberlaud, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun ty }*rouipt atlenliou given t« the collection oi all eutrueled to hSbdi. .17. 1»69. jS-i-f (iEf). wrwiuiAMS & (.’(1^, llhole^ale Dealvr«( in 4Hroc‘eri«^M, A.NLi IMK>RTER>- ANI) btAl.KR> IS hardware and Cntlery, Swedfs Iroii, «.IY tiTKKET, KAYKTTRVILLK, N. I. .luly ;-t(jit' i »X W I*. K.KNIIAM. .1 S K(-;M»ALI, 4 0.V, I%E:.\UAI.L A: C O., AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, So. 11 1 V2 North Water St.. \\i!uiin?!oii. I.. ir iet' fri.‘m the Country fn-oiuptly executed pHiticul.ir atieii:ioii given to itie sale ;p! ('ottou ■T pf.-■ ON and after the 1st day of Sept. tho following rates will be charged on Passengers, vi?.: From Fayet'.eville to Little Kiver. .“iO cts. to Snout t?prin;i. ”5 “ “ to K'li'k Br.'inch. 1 00 to Jonesboro', 1 'Jo to >rclver"s. 1 50 Twenty-five cents additional will be collected by the ’onductor of each passenger, leaving a Station without a ticke' new rate of Freight will go info effect ai the same time, which will be printed and furnished to the public in a few d>iys By order of the Pres't. JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r W. R. R Co. .Vur .^0, l«ti2. 56tf U»:NTi:K\ KAIL KOID. I^RoNl anil after Monday the ’J'Jd in»t., the Trains on this Hoii'i will run daily, leaving Fayetteville at S o’clock, \ .M : returning leave \Iclver's l>epot at 1 .>'clocK. P M C B MALLKTT. Pres’t. Sept. -Jti, ti^tf LOOK AT THIS! Tlir, IMVETTEVILIE HOTEL, Froutittg SOO feet and in the bu§ines*i portion of the Tovrn, cofilaiiiM more ^pacioti^t and well %entilate«l RooinM than any Hotel in the ^tate, und utj Patrons say my Coniiiinents are very pood M:.y 20. 18«2. tor the fiiwe?!. T. HAUUllL, Proprirlor. -"y St on .t Co , I. Scott. F.. L Hnrdinif, H'ileigh. l>t H toway K. .Sh.ire, L \ Rawk^'f Va ; N (' Hart oil X Co .1 lb«. T. A: H. a. WORTH. iotuiuh^ton and For Hardin? >lerrha!its, V^ILMiNGTOX, N (V jiu y Ibil _ S4tf B A I.II Wl A A: i'O,, -luetiott atui Vomtnissiatt /iri/ifM, 68 Sycamore St., Pfttersburg, Va. F>EFF.RF,N("R.«i a W. Steel. President Bink of North t Carolina, Fayetteville, N. C; O S. Baldwin, VSil- niingtnn, N : lieor^** Myeis, Wiliulneton; T- Roy- S .'^hatVr. l*eters'>ure. Va ; N C.; l>r. Georee (’ Bland, l'; «v>n .V Wilson,_Noi- Richmond. \’;i. J F. 1*K\N ■ A H BALUWIS W U Al’iN»Lb l*ec 17, 1>'V iwjni FA vi:TTi:vis.Li: MITIAL IXSmiVCK (OWPAW. ->j r,.i>77 ■^■’7'-’ 7ti-'i HI ■rniptly and -Miiam ii .VALUABLli rUOPERTY I VOH !^ALK. 'PHE un.ltrsi.j.ud h.»ving icct-uUy uud.-rttik. ii pu li- j 1 duiie.-. -.siconi)!;!wiili j.ropT iisieniio^- to liie proi*eity hcrei't.iuer di-rrib,-.), will .seU at .Vuiu.oii, I'H- j Cush, ;curr.'iicy I :it 12 > oiock .M , on I'.ie 2''‘li .Ju'i'v j ties'. (uulfSs soi.ner di--p >st^d >t' at pi'ivat*- s^le.j lii- 1 Tr ici of r.AN'l) ill .\toure t oniity. on the Fti}eitfvilie i atui Westtru Plauk Uuad, hI.oul h;tir way ? euw. en I ihagft and .-Vslioboro’, c : .uainn ubbut 507 ACTi ;, ol ! wiiicti soaie .Hi or 00 acres i^ j«r mabiy cleaved, ind weli I fenced, aad some f^mr ucres good .M-, idvw. It ; i? :u ii : u coaifort ible UW fclLLl.NLi, Kilciii-ii, Jjuioke H'u.se, Birn, Store Mouse, spacious Siablcs, i:o. Tiie s;ile will be Minie at iho premises, »iid inimedibiie po-'-'essiou will be given to iHf (iurctiar-*'r. ; lie will ulso sell, iit priva’e .-lie, his Lots a.id Kesi- I leuce in the town of .\sheh ;r,.’, with, or vmhout l'*o Farms, near the village. Oae of tlie t'arois iibuut h mile fro.Ti tha villago. confiiitis about 100 acres, 80 :icrcs ■ f whi h is iu cultiv tiioii it hits on it some Bor IUutps of good meadow. .-Vboui 40 acres is seeiieil, iu 2[ood order,'with a superior variety of whe;it. and with rj e and winter oats. The retu tinder is in sood (.•'■milciun for a corn crop. Three-fourths of the outside lence of • tiis plat'e is buiit of sione. Tlie other iract, J iiiiles tiotn the village, c-onntins XU.i acres;—uboiii t.(> acic" lu utiitivriiioii—some l«j .icres of which is s,*. dei in NViuier oats—ihe rest iutfudc-d for coru iifxi ye-.r. The properij in .\.-he''oro' foiisisti of saveral CoU.i f- tiuus lots, coutaining iihoui 10 acres, ‘.^ll ot which i> in ezc«ll>'nt coudiiioii; has on it aii orchard ot more I'lau tiees, iu tic-iiiiig CuuUi'-inti—Cousisliut; oi ci,'iice varieties of apple, pi'ioh, p'-ar, clierry :iiid oiiier tr.-it trees;—about ;5 aei e'- >f hi^ii'y teriilijied and pr idi»ci v.> meadow. Thf dwelling ix j'J x 2U feel, wiiti a wing IH x V'l teet, both iW'i Bioi ies high !'he rooms ot the main building are nil pla-tered lu p'aiu h;trd tioi-h siyl. ; four of them 8pactf»us and with gOo i fire places, oi.e 'I dorntiiory. without tir** place, and one a library rtiom.. tit'ed up with ujovi a'.;*' siielvoF. \r. i'li>‘ wing lias ;W'i rooms wiih fire pi.ices. a tiuiiig n.'om fTn t one r-iOiii without a tire pi.ice. with fixed w^irdrobes, ani a spa cious and dry :-elIttr i.udei- liie liui’ifing 1 lit* mit- bniMings consist •.! kiichen. three negro tioU'es with 'Wii rooioii in each ol tuem, four oi Itie lu'ius haVitiL *-ach a fire place, :md on»* "f tliem a siove. well h ii: 'viih pani-y, a large sin.>k«- lio'is.-, .■ itringe h-.ni.-ii*, ivo.' . h .I'Jo, iw.i ■ ftic,--.. each wiiii i h > r.mui' and i'U«- tire place: a fr iuied bar- 04 x -iil lV*'i, with sittlile root:: for S horses, sp.ice f'ir “(leaf wir'ai eni.ngh to produce 'iH" ■ Hisheis; t wo i’ei!.»d ij ii tier? cai'^iblf .,i' b.,rling eai h .'ii»U tm-ih.'is of zraiii. vulii a ba-eiui :it story i. liel'f. -at lie: and -i'. ) “Ppiiraie Ci'W ■)0use^ » •.t..n.- mitk ti u^e -upplieii with ;; ’on-:imt ^irt-nm of c.jul spring w I’l The bniidin^-* :.''e iil. itj = Xf ,i nt c >ii i;ii .n. :in>l i' i\e tiePH reces.il , niu ■! I’er-ons de-,rou“ t.i Tn iki: fiiril;. r iii piirie-, o .ii ;f p! , ;.i me al Kil-i>jU. ' ■ mv sat. ..r l.r.iihor r^'siduig m 'Vii- '.'liimimi, my broit'er in F'vyfuev.ile. or ;o u.\ ;ii- I'l.ORAL rOLLE«!:. Trusit'cs «il' Floral College tike pleasure in nu- 1 nonncing to the public that they have ^ncceedod m ajfaiii proc'iri.’:g i :.- sei vict>.s of licv. l> inie! John-on is I’riiicij'al >f tbit- ^^-ii.xil. A r til corps ( I competent Instructors both in tlio Litera.-y and irniiinenlal Dep trimen » will b>‘ supplic ! The 'Cliool will open im Wedni'sday the 14th of .Liii v IHOI-J Circulais combining full particulars in /egind to ten 13, .\'c , can b? tmd on appli'’atiou to Rev Daniel .J.ih.ison, ii’opi'.yN. ' The Slewtird's Hall will also be under the control and nirtni.g(‘nu ni .t Nir Joliusou. llo.'ii j at Stew r.' l’s H ill $*18 per mouth. M. C McXUK. Sec’y to Board of Trustee;. I>**c'r 27, 18t)2. 8'J Iw I^AA€ IIOLLIAXJ!*iUORTH, At his Old Standj Person St.. OKr ^RS for sale, i^(»CNI> S.\LT. .V t'oo I a--sortmen; of ('hewing and Stuokiiig To bacco, .SniifiF. Fhjiir, ,'^ug'tr, L‘-ather, ..vc , and .all articles u-'i'illy kipt in « (irnc.-ry Store ii be h.'ii) in maiket, whicti will he soht for ■ ish i.r given in exchange tor Coiintvy Produce. |).-c r 2“. S'l-lnipd Tfi RPKATlAi: HAC'K'^. I H.W E 4 giiod supply of rurpentine HACKS, on 1 hand. V hici; 1 'i.m read; wi^h t.> finrfhiisH .\lso, nvidy tioli'-t*. iu ;'ie Ij.'St ;iirinnei'. F iv> Itesille. .N. l»ec. -it'. •■ell tj thosf who may 1.1 prepare .Axes at short 1, WOOD ^tii:’,tupd O' WlNt.! (o tlir I ivauce iu the pric“ of Iron the suli j I'er is compelled to raise the price of shoeing to pesti.iK Me does thi" with reluctance, hut its ni-c-ssiiy will be tpparent to his customers when he I i tafes, tiiiii 111'- lYf n al.me iu makioy; shoes costs . more :hau ha., ot hi- .-fiarge, and more ihan twice as j imirh h-‘ luvmerly r..i^ived for iron and sho»-injj J \v W’El-SH. K'lv -ite- ;llp. .Ian y .*. 1’ 01 *'.wpd Land at Auction. fWILL offer for sale at .\uciion, on Tuesday Feb’y 8d, at the Market. House, af 12 o’clock, 610 Acre»« of LAA'O, lying i.n the River 2 miles below town, belonging to T. •T. Robinson. 80 acres are cleared and under cultiva tion Tills tract contains about ‘200 .acres of excellent S'R iirnp Lind, and' 150 acres of sand hill, well timbered; iho remainder, next to fhe. River, is adapted to the gi i'Wth of corn and the cultivation of grass. An}' one desiring to purchase cau get further infor mation by applying to the owner or to the subscriber. C. E LEETE. AucCr. Jan’y 0. 92-ts LA AD AT AUCTIOiir. \\TILL be olJ on TUESD.VV, 3d February next, at \V the Market House, at 12 o'clock. Two Tructs of [litid Oil Ctrver’n Creek, known as the King and Bolton 1 tinds. I'iie Kina tract contains (ilo acres, the Bolton tract I (luiains lOoO acres The above lauds adjoin the lands of J. P. \JcLean, .M. .1 Uuie and others. 'There is a .“^aw^ and Orist Mill on the Bolton tract. Persons desiring to purchase can do so privately by I calling ou C, K. IiEETE. Ai’.ct’r. .l .-in'y 7. V'2 tu R‘al I'Ntatt*, and Furni* tiire at Auction. VT the Market House on Thursday the 22d iuat., 1 shall sell at Auction, a HOCSE and LOT situated j on North Street, known as the Morgan House, and ad- j joining the lands ot Mr. James Ryle. 42J a»'res of i LAND. miles North of the town of Fayetteville on I the Raleigh Plank Road, opjiosite Mr C. B . Mallett's, (tdjoining W B Wright, Esq. One NF’O'Ro WOMAN, 2.^ years of age and child 3 years old. \ lot of FUR- I NITURE, amongst which is one Piano, • ne Extension Dining Table. Bedsteads, Chairs, v't MILCH ('OW JOHN H. i Dp' *^Ai/r! • t.'^ for 'I t!.» liv 11 RoP.UlT MlTCHl'LL ion ac« Capitt I ’a-ih 1 1 in I'reuiium Note- limount- iii hand in-l other asset-. iaw .S -• .1 .-d to make a A> I am I' lia^e ) o f- |i-.-'i 27 I VAI.I I * h ' !■ i . U ■ lu 111 .\siietiot . wti > i.s dii'V t iiip 1 r- S U’K.-J 111 Beds i J i Brixe- ,,H P,hh Lt - S r 22. l^'.2 >»■' .•J.VLT; •'al Sod i. for soup m-tking: b.»st bi-“.n is ot Toll .1 Long' riitiie Sii^ai '.lie l.P'.dti**! .lOS A. WiiRTH. s''-2m .\oTi('i: -alt- Hn!f • S \ i 'MN W -lil 1 y N' I it i ill» . (..•lonr-ii': •i, Wi . Ill 11 T..'-il, The t .imp ny h'Vi- piid s’.l lo.' havv tii-VHr mii U- ati -iss, on ihi Total Ic.- es I.aid. 'es. t>2 •VH- i.AMKS .^^Jtnular}•. 4' AK l>: ■.Li GE» 1? \. •d Witf- : no, -ir-J Mf NKII.I R \V. Vi \!-Mll.!. Dikes Ti. l'r.*siden;. whi -h 1 will ri'c.-i money ..v i. VAi.I I • g -, -I liii-- . IKfi.i: niLI.% ioi- -:i’ til l I. \ N T A r 1‘, 2 milc' K. t 111! -,. '-..n .1111 iiK U I 1 1 ■'. ..V \1 \l Ii > Ml'.N, iforge, lo the li-inie I ; • ■ i.lj pnv-\'elv, wiif-n> i idf I ) 111** 1 will : \1 Utv ANN l;V \ NS Old. ;ili t \1 M ‘•iiiralile tiire oo» I'. XX >*lif Vill.r: 'U.\ ; \ 11*'. M r. ^ il"- JiiliNStlN. WILLIAMS & CO.. U’j. i ,v..' thirty ;'•! pan.' now in operatinn itine niiies )\ r/ fti'ltnitigion Parties v.ishing to supply with 'tit. can be furnished by applying to A J Jr , .\g-*nt at Fayettfville. to E Page, TTMjiger Ht the work“. or to J. M WILLLAMS, , • (iei'.eral Superintendent, r -Bville, Nov. 2H, IHtVj >'ltf Henry ! illy. M L. .Myrov>*r, S. T. Hawley, Nathan A. Stedman, C B. Mallert. James Kyle, .\. McKethan. .1. D. IVillianis. 8. W. Tillinghast. hn Collins and C. C u- y 'T':’';- ji- S J. Hi-;sd.ae, \- m. -‘iu, T. S. LufJerloh, ’ . W, Steel, J. O. Cijok, Hon. J. G. Sliepherd, R. F. I'rown, .\. E. Hall. McCrUiumen, Traveling .Agents. I Wilm’gton. Hogf The Company invite application» May 28, l&til. 21- f I’OTTC^A A .ARA Xo. t9 Hay Street. * • C. P. lH-,2. MALLETT. hSl- 111 Hiee and Tobacco on Consignnienti CASKS of fresh beat Rice and 100 Boxes Mann- fa;tured Tobacco, various qualities. For sale by GEO. W. WILLIAM.-? k :’0. Fayetteville, Hepf. i’4. 18fi2. tio^f A’OTICK. 4 1 eu'ect lo be absent from home a few laonths in A '.he West, Archibald .McLean is my authoriied Ag«nt 10 transact my busioesB until I refnrn. S. G. JONES. r 28, I860. Alter thiK date I will pay Five Cents per pound for rags de- A ur.n: The »w Style, Small, COLORED PHOTOtiRAPHS, AT i ART. WoocUvard^N ^olar ('ainera. iivered in Fayetteville, or at my mills I> MURPHY 6.S- ou RockSsh. Oft 2. lSt’,2 SALT PANS FOR SALX!." K iiolLER IRON PANS, laige aiie. for sale at the t/ E&gle Works. Fayetteville, .N. 0., by D. ANDERSON Iifif> s. 84-tt' «;\LT. .N’U Salt for sale on canstgnment by N'ot ::u. IJ)H(JToG R.Al'HS can be had at Vauorsdell's Skylight 1 Gallery, Hay street, opposite .Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life size. ^Ambro- types, Melaneoty^es, and all other styles of Pictures pertain' ig to the .Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt .Mould ing, G’ / ■ for v»ry large pictures—as large as 2ti by 86 inches, .lord and Tassels for hanging pictuTes: Instm- ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life size colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your patronage. 1 would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fftyetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Uec’r 20, 1859 77- iflarble Factory, ' ll'or-i' JnCN M=‘KiS' AOTH K. 1H.AVE 'ih?u' ''""I ii rer more, lu iitf.Ti'ni tract'. ;'i the i .riu’.y of ■'d'.'re.—Kar'tiing Mitier-il, an 1 '.’ui peni ine land,—which 1 will sell 'in ter.n . JOHN MOin-ON. I ^niiierai Landv for .^aif‘. IHAVE an interest of one-thirl in ir.u-t of » .At'RE.S on tn' w.-iters of Deef Kivo . on which .ivt ‘ be*»n di-'00ver.-d -t si'i mine and pure saltpetre, an ■ a:i ' oil of good quality for gn-axing leather, well wo tt y i geological itivestijjaiion.' .JOHN MORISO.W t'arthage, Nov I:? lMi2 77-tf LA\l»«>i IV FOR >\Lb -VCiUIS i n th«' Kil' .‘^w:i.nii, mi!-s iron m> ert('n and about •'’> miie.-i from ihf Vi. C.'s. R RaMroiid a,700 .\crrs on the Broad Ridge, about o miles from Luniberion. 107 .Acres ou the W C. t 11 P. lilroad, 7 tuiles from Lun'berton Twenty acres ,>f wliich is in cultivation !470 Acres kn i«n ihe R.-.i B .nks. on tiie W. ' R. Railroad, 1''. lOiii s from L’lmberton. .About IMi* open and under fi u.ie. Th'ro are two small frutue I houhes on the premis s ■lOO Acres ahou' 1 mile from the last menti' zird tract, very heavily timberel i,o»o ■Acres 'Known as the Little Desert, A ric'n swamp abi lit I'i tijiles fr-'tn Fayetteville and 1 mile from the Fayettevi.'ie and L-auiOerton Roid, adjoining McGeachy and oth> rs 1,000 Acres known as the Desert, adjoining Wil liam McNeill, Cnlder Daniel McNeill, Mc.Alpin and others 360 acres high land, the balance is valuable swamp R. S. FRENCH. Dec 13, 18t'/2. '80 101-pd iC. • win 111 M t K ,v S*>.1 Ri:%%ARO. '■■ij- ■' . loi'-ir- i i'W':r 1 i*. i!:y oi e : hi:ii. :i F -t «vi!l-. a neir i : ui 'li e on Kri'iay nig!11 1—':’ .' liii !..-.:ro gii! is al^'Out igli, is it. ; b- liiok, ; fu'V '.-.il- tliii'k '•p-' She vs t.,; '■(■!- ;i'j;e T':- ah.i\re',rir 1 wi-. r,-i ' r^-ttirn hof'- tely horn . 1 i;i -irm me of 'tie fact ond tdace. J. W. Ti t KEK. 1st;.' ‘.t]-tf “STONEWALL JACKSON.” The Army correspondent of the Savannah llc*- publican furnishes the subjoined sketch of that noble VirginipQ,‘Gen. Thos. .1. Jackson: It is said the hero of the Shenandoah made his appearance on the field at Fredericksburg ft a bran new uniform, including a tine dark blue overcoat, and a handsome cap, wiUi the requi.sfte quantity ot gold lace about it. His disguise was complete—so much so, indeed, that he was hardly recognisabie by his intimate associates. Thi#»-uit was, doubtless, the gift of some admiring friend; since his ordinary apparel is very plain, and his tastes and habits exceedingly simple. General Jacksoii is not yet quifo forty ymi;, old. He is of medium iiizc and height—weighs about one hundred and forty-five or fii'ty pounds —has dark, not black, hair, and wears shurt side whiskers. His complexion is rather palo, and hia features, when at ro.st, are dr■stitu^■ ol ox pression. His manners are wholly devoid of grace, especially amon*'' strangers, when ho i- both awkward and emViarrassed. On hprpeback hi.s appearance is anything but prepos-sessing, as if is almost under any circumstances; and one wh. iihould meet him on the road, wotild V>e apt to take him for a quiet farmer, with full barns at home, and no creditor abroad, goinv; to th.- Court House; or, bettor ;tiil, lor a country school master who, though all unused to tho saddle, Lad undertaken to ride over to a if»?ighboring patron's house on .'Saturday, and was meanwhile engaged in some difficult mathematical calculation a^ he jogged along. But place him on the battle-tield —let tho e.annon begin to thunder, the small arms I to rattle, and the sabres to flash in tho aunlioht I —and the ciuiet i'armor, the awkward, caleulatino j pedagogue, becomes a hero—calm and -’df pos j sessed, It is true—but lull of tiro and euercy,. j quick as lightning and terrible a- the thundei - I holt. Though it is the boast of .'ener.ii Jaek.stiu j friends that he has not a spade in his. army, yet i it would be doing him injustice to suppose he is unmindful ol'tlu? advantages oi a .stn,iig position or that ho uoglects any hiinurable moan which may ooii*ributo to his sucee.ss. No ulhti-t in the army is more attentive i i hi; duties, or labi'r harder and lunger than he does. II i very careiul to ascertain the strength atid jin.-iiioii i bin adv*;r.sary; and having dono'th; , he i i|i j upon-hi' prey like the eagle irom hi oyiy. 'I'here i* some diver-ity of opinion aiiiij’i _ nii. I tary men iu regard to (ieii J:tcksun':- qu.liti- .i j a'Strategist anl ctinini:uid-r-i!f an :ir;ii\, biu ni.n.- as to his aiiility a.s a ti-iitcr. In :.i.s ' lu- ( lias been attended with a lar:,i r ! ^ree > *'succ- than any officer in the army- Ife is the iflol of on Ihe ;'d day ot Fi-brii.‘>ry next, and lo surrender ine i the people, and is tho object ol iiTcater cnthusinsni suoh t roperty as iliey :uay Kjive in theii possession, and \ than any military cbieltain of our day. -\nd 'his, to i -iy over -in h >-ums cl mouey as may be in their ^ notwithstanding the fact tfiat he nuirehes hi.. Jnn'y 0, IsO;:. • ne excellent »K, Auct'r. I FOR SALfr:. mmodiouB DWELLING fI()USE on Lamon property ''HAT 0 .Street, known as the King The Hons.* is well Cuishe 1 iiouse. .St.ibles, .vc. If not pre\iously disposed o will be s •it IL' o'clock, at the .Marker Hoiiu.- A M (^MI'BKLI., J .n'v 1st.:-!. of Miss Eliza W. 1 Kitchen, .Smoke 1 on 22d iiist.. Aiictr. ‘.•2ls i'W roR .vALi:. ILL be sold ai tV.e .M-irket Hou-e, on Thursday .I'ln'v 2-. ai rj o’clock. NINETY-FIVE -ACRE.'S l. AN'l* West of Town, joining I he binds of Mrs. flybir(, .AleK .loliii“.iii. \|:-l'lier"r’.-ind of hers. Terms ai sale A. M CAMPBELL .1 111 y s. i.si;;: yjts R i: r I: i v i: n'% \ or in:. '’pHF. toUowiiifr perT'ons who have inciriey, property i r I i-v l.-o.-p- f di‘bi in tln-i'- haiid« belou^^ing to alien enfnn*'*-. are li'-roby re.iiured In meet me in .\«hetioro'. han^ ing t ■ iJrowL- Ridge, i:d Ajiicli ’>avo lieen returned to me as belong- ■ , i, ii j , . , I u’ '1.=.. ; troops f;;ster and longer, hirhts them liarder, and I'.ii-n enemies, to-wi ; .les.-^e U;..ker. AUretl . t /. i , 7 li- ■ VlienL-imb.W. A Prcvo, Joseph Newlin, Willis i tJi^es less care of them than any other otiicer in \ Homey, Wm l.oftin of Caraway, .\. P. 1 the sorvice. Indeed, some go so tar • as t(> say Jidiuson, Heu.y l uiloi', i)-uj. Ru^h, Washington Rush, , if he had no enemy to encounter, and noitiiTiir Jetterson Lamb \\ A. >. .oit-n. V. a. llenl, . J..M. Wor!a march his troops about the ( 0;jl*'V, ).‘J \ S .n^, ifliu. l o'jst 6: t o . weor^e ■'•launton, .Mic«jah 1 r * 1 .u- j ^ - *t c n ■ r- 1, IT 1 1 ” r If , 1 i won!i vet oso one tniri 01 thetn ti; fno course •>! ilt-r.iv, Cyra.-> 1. .Menvlenlian. ii r. linover, ,lesse .ana , ... '^PHE I 'hi A -ub' Esr Jiiiisiistralion A’otii'e. -rit er having 'iU-ilified as .Administratrix on •2,500 t-i, I'c d' Lis .SunJy. de:'’d. hereby ;ives notice ro iil: t ;-rsi ns h'Hitig claims aif.'tinst said hsi.ite to ptv- i-n.- • leii to V. n. .McL .McKay within the time pre- -cri )i' bj law. or this notice will be pleaded iu bar of I! e.r r -c«‘i\ -ry. TII .A B 1N K SL ND^ , .Adin'x. A Hi' 40- t AyliniiiiMtratoi’*M \olic«‘. 'IVilK '111'-eri’icr having -it December Term, 180'.;, of 1 tht C'j oty '' iiirt of Cumberland, (qualified as .A1- i/iiii?! :ito: up in the Ilsiate of Neill G. .McNeill, dec’d, 'i ti'tip -ill pei--«otis 1.1’-ing claini'^ ag unst th.' Estate to ,.,•-'^( 0' fii m V ii -:i the 'ime liiniied *’V law, 'itherwise fiis M ticc '.vil b.* r’ ade l iu bar of recovery. Debtors are rci uested 10 inake prompt payment. HEf'TOR McNEILL, Adm'r. Den 10. lKli2 t Wa$foii^> Waitiied. HE und ,-rsigncd, .S ilt Cotnmissiuners for the comity o! ''umberi-in 1. wish 10 employ from one to tweni}'- tive W ,gors to hsiil S-dt from .Salfville, Vn , for which they uiU p tif twelve dollars per bag of DM) lbs. and al low the w (tons to take one-tenth of ttie ."'alt at the 'Vi.ikt at ;'iO per bushel on their own nocouut. Wag- ■ iis fi- m auy pan of the State will be employed on ap plication t-i us, by letter or otherwise. P F. ALDERMAN. JNO. WADDILL, Jr. R. M. ORRELL. Fayetteville. Dec. 1. 87-2tf Kreiieric Pearce, Hiildah Rohbiiis. .I-ii-ob Briles. James i ^ year. This indifference to tiie comfort of hi. .V Pe-irce. John H. Pearce, A. U. Tomlinson and W. j men is only apparent, however—not real No N. Miller. | man possesses a kinder heart or larger humanity> JOHN MANNlNti. Jr., Receiver. but when he has anything to do, he is so earne.'fc, Jan'y '■ _ .1 n > SO ardent and energetic that he loses sight of every- Valuable Wale of Real Estate. thing but the work before him. If, for example, / vN ;;d day of February next, will be sold for Cash, at i ^ere required to move his corps from Frede- V ' the Court House door in the town of Asheboro’, the : ricksburg to Richmond and had two weeks to do following Tracts of L.A.ND, sequesrere 1 to the use of the I it in, he would be almost sure to perform the Confederate St.ates of .America, and ordered to be sold: march in four days, or one-fifth of the time, be- One Tract ot Land A mi e south of . ew t«a em, cause he does not know how to do anything sfowly. tai.ime im acres, formerly belonging to C. \V. Woolen. ^ ^ ■ i_ ■ .. j 1 One Tract adjoining Jahez Powell and others, contain- stjle 01 campaign, as ho is reported to ha\e ing i;*} acres, formerly property of Thos Stalker. 1 told Gen. Lee jlist after the SGCOnd battle of 31a- One undividea J part of 2li7 acee of Land on the j na.ssas, is to .seek for the enemy, and to strike him waters of Caraway, adjoining Enoch Ilarian and others^ ' whenever and wherever found,in season and nut ot Tract on the waters of Polecat, containing /•) { whatever his position or numbers T (>ne Tract on the acres, formerly belonging to Joseph P. Julian. One other Tract on the waters of Polecat, formerly belonging to Robert Dawson, and assessed at J700. .Also, will be sol i at the same time and place, former sales having been set aside,— lt;0 acres of Land and a House atid two Lot%in the town (if Union, formerly belonging to W. Clark. One Tract on I’olecat containing 8t) acres, formerly belonging to C. W. Woolen. .Also, a House and Lot in New Salem, formerly property of C. W Woolen. JOIIN MANNING, Jr., Receiver. Jan'y .S. y2-3w G. W WILLIAMS A > o. 7'.* tf * WA.ATKO. "lUi BL'SHELS whe,at, l,.'')t»0‘- CORN Persons having the abov^articlefl to sell will receive 'be highest Cash prioe by calling on Mr. .M Thoiuason, the Merchant Mills, F^iyetteville, or on the subscri ber ai his old stand on Market Square. ' ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. 5, 1802. V5tf j Twenty-lijtf OollarM Reward. AN aw AY from the subscriber, his negro boy MO- \ SES. He is 21 years of age, about 5 fept U) inches liifh, robust, long feet%nd very much turned out at the toes, and looks down when spoken to. He was seen at McPhiiul’s Mills in Robeson county oh the 21st ult., »nil was in FaviHteville about three weeks ago. The ibove reward will be paid for his delivery to me or for liis confiuement in any jail so that I get him. W. D. JOHNSON. Beanettsville, 6. C., .Aug. 14. 1862. 52tf AR.TIY HARK ESS. IA.M prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for .Army use. I tan my leather and can good bargains. Agents ^rill do well lo send their ^fvler? to me as they shall have prompt attention, and s^tt off iu quiok dispatoh. JOHS CARTER ‘^ili'iton P. 0., Chatham Co., N. C., 1 04,* June 13, 18f>2. f ^00 Ifts. €Kum Arabic lor sale by J. R LEE. OcL «9tf ■ I By fi? 0. LATmi:?!. TWO DOORS ABOVE C. T. RAli;!! i SONS’ STORK Fayetteville, Jan’v 20, 1800. 8'^* .fir. Henry Day will be at my Office for a few weeks prepared to furnish and settle accounts to the 1st January. It is important that amounts due to the late firm of B. W. & H. C. Robinson should be paid soon Those indebted will confer a favor by attending to this notice B W. ROBINSON Jan’y 7, 1%2 92 3t AOTIC E. '■>KLDKR,nE ST.VTKS OF AMEHD'A; Mki>. Pi’UVKVoK'V t/l KK k, Chrti lo'te, N C , Dec. 12, I8i2. \ -o -; ii» against thi- Detjiiriinent, to be fmid, in.JSt ‘1 oe iies.-iiieil before January 25th, lMfi3. ... D. P. RAMSEUR, Surg. uni Med. ?urY®yXHP. A Lar^e Durham Cow WITH a Young Calf, for sale. I DAVID MURPHY. Jan’y 5. 02-tf j ~ LOMT OR STOLE^L A SMALL black TRUNK marked "J. Smith, Fay etteville, N. C.” The Trunk was ta'aen off the St’r North Carolina oti .Sunday morning through i/ii.sfake. I suppose Aliy inturinaliou will be lhaukfully received, or a suitable reward will fie paid if delivered lo me at Mr. D. Anderson's Foundry. J. S.MITH. Jan’y 8. 92-tf Blacksiiiitli lo Hire. NO. 1 Workman. Addreea “W,” ot^tbis oflSce. yoc 8U-tf AOTK'E. PERSONS wishing to buy TOWN PROPERTY wiildo well to call on ilie subscriber. 1 will seU on reiisop- .able terms my House and Lot, h-iving also a good K'.'cti- en. Smoke house and g >od Well of water. .Also, tom Town Lots with good Stables thereon and very coTve- uient. and one other small Lot. .Uso, •'/2 acres ot L-ind joining the town of Carthage, convenient for wood. A. M. Bi:.\N.>-!ON'. Cartliajte, Dec. 2, l602. 83if | BLUE n.tss: KLl E UAssa I DESIRE to call the atteuiion of Drugijists and i’hy- ! sicians to the superior ipiality of the BLUE ^1A:'S 1 am now mariufacturing by machinery. The BLUE M.ASS made by me is wai”anted to bn j ONE-THIRD MERCURY, and equal to any mad - in j England, and muoh superior to most of that now brought i into the Confederncy from the United States, (as ne irly ■ all of that is deficient in Mercury.) •As an evidence of the superiority of the BLUE M.VS-? 1 made by me, 1 would ask your attention to the analysis | of it b}' Professor B. Emmons, well known as one of ilie j mo.'ti ‘•cicntiftc men in fhe rountry; ;ilso to the frilloi' in r j recomtnendaiion from Dr Elwatd Warreti. late Pn fcs- sor in the University of Marj'. tud, and now Surgt on- ^ OetKTal of North Car .’itia: R.A1.K10H, N. C., Oct. 'Jo. 1802. j Having had the best oiiporiuniiy for testing th” qiali- 1 it- ties of the Blue Mass tnauiifacnireii by R. B Saiin icr^. ' ^ at Chapel Hill, N. C., I am rr..,.ared to say that it i.-in- V -t.y occupied by W. ,s_. Be.-.y a ferior to none iu use in any particular. It ihenfore affords me pleasure ta recom.Tiend it 10 the Pr fes doa at large as a most valuable H'ld r^li^ible preparaiioi . EDW-YfVD war REN, Surgeon-General of North Carolica. AI DlTOR\^ DEPART.TIExlfT. The attention of all persons who are concerned is hereby called to the Act of the General .Assembly which creates the office of Auditor of Public .\coounts. .Accounts with the State' for the expenditure of public money will be required to conform, in all cases touch ing military affairs, to the Army Regulations of the Confederal* States; and all accounts, whether in fhe Gen. Jackson is a member of the Presbyterian 1 church, and a sincere and hutnbla ehri«tian. He i considers himself an instrument in the hand? of j God, and never arrogates any credit to himself when victory perches upon his banners, but as- I cribes all the praise to Him, without whose know- ! led»e not a aparrow falls to the ground. Many i apocryphal stories have been set afloat in regard j to his religious practices alter a battle—such, I for example, as that he is in the habit of drawing : up his troops in line and returning thanks to God I for the victory. I am assured that yothing of ' this kind has ever occurred. He is too sincere ’1 a Christian to indulge in such ostentatious displays i of his piety. I 11 is said that the bold chieftain has but one I weakness, and that relates to his middle name, military or in'rhrciviNiepartmentTof Ihe government ! It is generally supposed that his name is Thoma.s are to be presented quarterly, and as soon as may be atter | Jefferson -Tackson, but this is a mistake The J. the clo.^e of the regular quarter i docs not stand tor Jeffersoii nor Johnson, ni>r The undersigned avail* himself of the present oppor : Jeremiah, nor Jeroboam, but for a name more nniitv JO notify »H wno are dennquent in renaenn^ hc- ; i i ^ ^ n n-i i eouiJs of public money or property in their hands since ■ hated than eithei or a of them^ hat, ; the commencement of the war now pending, oftheneoes- i then, do you suppose tt is, reader. \\ by Jonci- j sity of havine their accounts prepared and setfletl The | than.' the name (Icicle Jonathan) by which the ! fittention of the General .Assembly wiB be called to the 1 (JnitgJ States are personified- The General does names of these persons, and suits will be directed in ^ want it to get out that he bears any sucl^namo. cases where this notice is disreganled. ("laims against the State will be audited according to the rules observed by the late Board of Claims. S. F. ptIILLIPS, Auditor, &c. Jan'y 7. '.»;i-t»t WOOUH AItU’S STAR POLISH. flOR the benefit of the public 1 would inform them ^ that 1 have a lot of ST.AR POLISH on hand but no box's ,0 put it iu. Please say to your servants to "at her all ’ hn it: me and I v Fay. tevill •^Id tin 'loxes they have and bring them llhiiy them A. J. WOODWARD. .! in'v o, JSt'i3. '.*l-4t Xe ? \ucJion and Commission House, No. 58, Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. tore re- .Vuction t iie pur- VND COM- BBLS. SUGAR for sale on consignment, by JOS UTLEY, y3if SeI'Tp.mbrr 29. ’8H tlie an Hoiise have n‘-nciatt'd ihem^s^lves i iceihi T f 'lO'ii* I- Co idiK''i>ig e general .VLCi’lON MISSDN BUSINESS, and .^ft'er meir services to their i I'riends, and t!ie public generally, in tl-« i^ale of Dry | Gool#, Groceries. .Man'ifacturp i Tob.ieco, Real and Per-orsl f itate, either at Auction or private sale W’c ty str-ief itt -ntion to bujiness to merit a sha."e of npi* Mr. R Ii. i^aimdeiK:—Dkaii .Sib:—1 find your i'.lue ^ P'*''ho patioii.tgt . B.ALDWIN & CO as .‘syc'foiore Street, Petersburg. Va. ani ius -ien iA Pill .Mass to be perfectly horuogvueous all the meri^ury being converted into the Protoxide By analysis 1 .»lso : find, after three trials, eight grains of Protoxid in j twenty-five of thu Mass. In drying, I fhould ren.ark j 'hat a small portion of the O.xide was reduced. I .■satisfied, however, that your BIu** Pill M.->,='s com onc-ihitd Protoxide ol Mercury and nusi ha\e i prepared with ^kill .'tn l care Your.-j. ir.iiv. E. EMM(>N.'-'. iSi.iie tjlei/’ogi: •. Orders for any . jantlty can f-'lled, an I if ca hp sent by E.xpress o aLuost auy placo in the Cionf'eder .oy. Orders solicited. R 1>. SAUNDERS, Chapel HiH, N. C. Dec. 17. iJMm P. s. eroes. J F. Df vN, o ’ .N'otfnw V C partifiular fi'tention paid to the sale of Ne- W W. .Vrsolii Petersburg, Va I»ic. l "i. H'i'- ■\. II. Bai.i>w'IN, Wilmington. N. C. 87-4wp I FOR HIRE, WO.M. N, a ;'ond cook, washer and ironer. D. ANDERSON. 91tf lo Jan’y 10. .10.^. FTLEY, Grover and C’ommisftion ^fterchantf F.WKTTEVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 10, 1«63. J3-tf WA^'TEb. VT the Fayetteville Arsenal, Four or Five GOOD BL.VClvSMITHS. to whom goo-i wages and steady employment will be given Apply to or address J. A. deL.AGNEL. Lf. Col C. S. A., Comd’g. Jan'y 0, 93tf AOTICE. I HAVE yet for sale one hundred.and fifty thousand CHOICE FRUIT TREES, which I am selling off at old prices. CYRtJS P. MENDENHALL Ji,n. 0. 93-lm Copperas! Copperas!! »JAA LBS. SUPERIOR QU.VLITY COPPER.AS. • )UU Also 10 Tierces FRESH BE ^T ^ For pale by p^MBERTON ^ SLOAN. Jan'y 8, 18t>3. Horse lor «ale. L 11 a GOOD WORK H0B8E at a reasonable :a i Jaa’y 2 f nfiee^ A pply at uiy place 10 miles South of Fayette- I price. ny JOHN MCDONALD. L>li,180li. . ■ and it is hoped, Mr. Editor, that yonr reaciers will say nothing about it. 7 fie Oulratjes iu Frederi' ksbarg.—A letter in the N. V. Tribune dated Fredericksburg, Deo 12tb, .says: The old mansion ot Douglas Gordon—perhaps the wealthiest citizen in the vicinity—Is now used ats the headquarters of Gen. Howard, but before he occupied it every room had been torn with j shot, and then all the elegant furniture and works ! of art broken and smashed by the soldier.«, who i burst into the house after having driven fh« rehi I j (iharpshooters from behind it. When I entered ! it early this morning before itb’ occup^iM'O by Gen. Howard, 1 foumJ the so’di'r^ / h‘xj\c^ di- risioyiK divcrtintj thunscl‘ d.-: .'iAes foutul in the wurdfohn.s; some had on bonnets of the fashion of last year, and wore surveying t’cm-- selves before mirrors, which an hour or two af terwards pitched out of ths icind^fict^y n iid smathed to pieces vpon the pavement; others had eleeant scarfs bound around their heads in the forin of turbeat>8, and shawl-? around their wai.stfi. \\”e destroyed by tire ft early two whule squares of buildings, chiefly used fur business purposes, together with the fine residences of 0 McPowell, Dr. Smith, J. H. Kelly. \ S Col% ^iHiam Slaughter, and many other s-moll -r ’?• '1'n Ei'ery store, I thir>k iri'hout ♦r.-- - ' " fa^ed every vnhiohU n ' store, which would not ! Broadway. v:atl\l(rolhj . , , and jars. 1 Plank WRrriints for anlc .it tliib HlHc**,