ILil (DIB \i'L. \ll.J SF, IW I.WKKK 1. Y. FAVF/rrKVlLLR. N. C.. JANUARY 22. lH;a [NO. 111)6. :> .iijeiKcr \ i: .1. \‘\ iti L. w» : :irli 11 eriiler'- ti 'arn. !• \ Feyfon. eoF' •• >avis, Wil- jr, Ca.v -WB«U. W V-’ !oot, Thoi *N H Smith, Ro^ n T I* McDotell. ’ . T R Arringf^n. •' ■:MI 1) MoNl.W:. N|. TMURSDA'iS KinVAIM) J. IIILK & S»\S. I ! ir.)!: Wi* I’iuipRlF.T.iUS j ' ■ S.'iiii-\V.«,*klv (i R I'-l i-iuriiis; ' >"* •. V‘! • ■' ‘ > • iV :i;v •■Xi.iivi' i - r U MBriW I.H I .T ti.lil- % 1 • ^ ii j-'.'iii fh." y-a? ‘ ' *''' ' 'i th. ■,, i; y . ex J ii ti \i'\ h'HTISI,\! FNT'' !'or . Uj iiiu'i V..r llic (in I -lO i j'UMi P • ■lit- Hi ' «lii tr ^ Ti'l Decien: ■ ^.n r icii Y’t'iirly i. JvRrti; hiv -p.- r.-'isoJi!ihle rht. v \avert\ser- ar«- u- Qurut'cr tai' U'tinniD'^ .i»sired oi t\i! ■••tiiJ, an I 'nfirs-ed doo^rJ- -iiiiijiK 1 'h»ir)?eJ •»« ii'-w 'iJ . :i wiilii i- j ui'l lu’ v.fOl'.r I.) -1;! S. FC-. viHKi; ■1 fi iiev' su!,.'*. li el ;i iVuUtV. Ii'.I will • I'ltr H iout'er iiin*- 111 wlicn ii.>ikiuif J Hu'y 1. 1 > " If.fl. .?JrlW'.f V, Attorney at Law, FAViiTTEVlI.LE. N. .1 1, . . (fTi.l the County auJ Superior Court*, .f > vjiiuibtTlHiid. Harnf't:. Mo*in> -lud Pi-obeson Coun- Pi ‘inpi dt**ntv>n given t* ih** ('•Ul^ oi' aU *;!iivu91*vj .0 hi- hki.i- ; 17. Ii GKO. W. WILLI \MS \i ('0.. U ItoleMale Ut^alerM in t)iroc*rle«, and IMPORTKRS as I- DFALER'i IN fiardifare and i'litlerj, Stfcdes Irou, It., HA\ STP.EEI. FAYETTEVILLE. >. I. ... . ls'51 -.1,1 , • OX W P KENDaLL j' e KESLaLL i OX. KEXUAM.L Jk . Ioiuiuissioii Merchants A N L» WHOLESAlSifi GBOCEAS. No. 11 4: 12 Xorih Wiitrr Kl., Wilminjlon. N. r, ffff- ■ irder'J fr.- n the : ouu'ry ;t.*d jOf* t'l.i I iciiia* %t' ;-.i r pro i ice 1- lo-tf i\ V. A n. U. W4IKTU, (ORiDiis'^iou and >*'ornardi»g Merfhaats, WILMLVGTON. N (’ Jan V .r-. >■ ‘ ^KV\ LAulr.:^ '^r.'tninnrN 1 A KD! ’'.vn OP ■•f‘0''■ irn. '41 f * 1 » nh fird ui T. C HMOrKIt. CO.. Jl)HVS(r\. WILLIAMS it ^ALT IflAKKKS. ; p’.njf now in i.'p>-r‘»ti iii niue nulf*® .it'z’^>n Pirii**-' ■wioiiiue tf' siu'p'v ill. C‘in f'lrn -ihp'l by apjtlyiu;; i - Kepiit m Fivptipvii'->. •• K P^e-, •Will J r tifHi r irk ■ Nov, Ji', 1' I. M WILLIAM.'^. (.•Iif-r-i; >uperil)t«*Ili**nl •■'1 t rOTTO.\ V \R>. \o. 1» Hay Strpol. r MALL Fir Klce aud Tobaeco on t’oii'*lj?niu«'nt In k ^ of fresh b.'H Kioo imt Ho\c» M'-.:-. IV ic' ar*r-i To> • HCO':, VttTIUli 4U*4h i,e-. For t.y oK» U ‘.ViLi.lAM.- I M • ».-Ift-ville. .'4. I'''..: ' ,-XpP(’l V\>-t .\oTi« 1^:. lie ';b«ent from humc *t t * mouthe lii Ar.rib_aiil McLean i» niy MUthon*.d Uj*: t.lU.Q*- * null'. ! rvtui’U U. .lONK.s 1;{if Alter tliiH I viill P'Vf* I —iiii r -^r I'wi i t.rx ‘le- .-[• i! 'ii FiVH"ev;l:K. ir J nj-. iiiii!- l‘. MlKl’HV iloi’Hi* lor Salt* WORK II IR-^F !t : iny pbif!*' I'J mil* ■ S 1 of Fav• u .iOHN MclK).S-M.l*. ND r- ML ft.r haI S.tLT. • .jii ruii-igriUi.-iil by U W \ULLI\M?" W I STFHN U\ll. Kt>\ll OfFITK. ^ I'.'iyettrville. Auo. I ^ I V'' -Mid -if^'r thf 1 I 'Uy ot «.‘pt ihi, ^ " ^m11 bt> oti'ityH ) ,.n l"‘i'■, V17 r... 1 In. 1 ir.. 1 (.0 olU.'te.i by tbr v-rlli-x ille I., i.iule Kiw t . r.. Sj..nit tu Fi...'K hi HDi’ij I'. Jiillpsboio’. lu M.'lvrf'H, fwi'Uty *\v.' I'eDt* aJJiuoual wlH Cvjji.luotot of'. -ii'h pft^swOi?.*r. leaving e> with « ti.'kp* V nrw rtt** of Froiftbt wilt iai.' brte.jt m fht Srttnc ii.'Lf iTfiioti will be frintpj and rarnishea tu iht fut'iu rV « Jny * By orJor of the •I.VO M RO.SK. Iida- f W R R Cu V'- .-^U. iHr.2 rj,zif In WF.^TKK.^ RAIL ROAD. MU*M Kud .iftcr M .ndny the 2'2J inst , i!>t. Trniiin thi'S Ho i'l will run >-t'\ily. IpRTim? Faypitevillt* «t leturniDfr leave Mclver'u bepot at ( b NUI.LF.Tf Pie*.! o 0 floes .'^.■‘pt A \l F VI I?'. I'-.m th. Kallrond Ufflre,) h-lyeitevili.*. N i' , Sepr '21. j' pisip...eot ini TPA-int; the oiipitnl of I C'ouipsny. to enaliln it lo *xtoU'l the Ron ^ fr-iui the ('oal F;^*l^l^ I:> .he North 'arolWi«i Hf.aJ, t'.e foil. h'vve b.*t>n *ip»o';n;i' l ('ointni^'jiocers lo re ceive «iib«cnb-r-j iii tiieir ^ neigjbbor^ _ .jh, vii •M (I'llf—L J Haui^hii.ii. i?roo!f» Harris, pi ie..r)ie C .s'ew(>y an 1 it W-i-hingtou Ab()ve the Gulf Jii'. J (,f.-.I'i^tnu^ F Hivt-s aud f1ui{h VV liixon .\t ure Hill- () VS lioid-itii*, i'r L VV Gorrrll no.t N M .M'iiou .\bove Cire Mil! bin i Mi.'K.n.*v \ H Marati md Jt» 1' I. e ■\t F..u-t * \Ii11h — l>r 11 \1 Foii*t Hi' i I»r J D Grav.»-, At F ranklia«ville hu 1 *'ic'initj- !«.iao H Fc ii*: and A .'J Unrney Ar A-«hpb.)ro‘ J,.ujith..ii W. rth .tnd B F Hoover \t N“W .Nlarket — J»a.e VV^lker an.l .1o«e»!. Nowlifi Vt Thoina-'vi'ile — A G Foster au.l Jt'O W Thr.mas Ar H gh Point L»r R C Linisav and .■^eabrra FVrrv At S^leru -Fraurii Frip« .'ind R L Pitterson Ai GrperisKor i’ — C P Meadenhttll Peter .\dara«, Hou J .A Giln--“r •>n 1 Jea^if H Lind?*y lr.'=.ruetio:)« w)li be »ent >o tbe Cciiamt~«.o£i«i s at .-Hil?- Jiv tt,»'nt of »h-i ' .>.:;C.‘inT r4 / ' ' J M Ro.^r;. .Secy tV h. R c\- Flort‘nt*e aud Fayettfville Kail Ko.';d. U'^N'D’tR the pro^irioii.^ ..f an (jidinau.-^e uf ibe t'un vent:oti «f North Caroliua, Bn k'J wil: ope .-1 ..t* the 10th at the •■oilowtnir pl.iC''« an>l tinl**r .r-e ii- t^-^’tioii j! tb.> '.'.illi’WiDjz p.>rHons. to le'-.’ive uC -crip tions lo the t'npital .^tork ..t the “P'l .reDOP ,v F»y.-tte- ▼ ille Rail Hoa.l ('o " Stiare^j t)np H.inire.l Dollir* e't. h -df tne Hail Ri>ad *.^jKrr >n Fai'rttenJir —Un.ipr the lii- rp.'tion of the Genprai Comiai»'i.)ner.. V A, (> .V. Koy, .V VV .'tpei. VVm^MeL M Kay and Jno. M Rone .4.' .'/if Hf‘i Springs. --Under the direction of Hecior M.’Nein, Wm. J .‘^tf-wart. J.»a. .\, .“Jmith, I'au'l C. M'- Neill and Co! .\1px McMillan, or Jiiiy one ..f thptn. Ai F!oTil CoiUgf. — Undpi- the iire.'tion of I>t Neil! McNair, J>r, V. L» .McLean. Ar.'i.ibaM .“-'mitb. Fdojiind Lilly an i Col. Alexander VVai .a. or any on** of .h.-iu At (^uftnsdaU. — Under the direction of Mnrdock Mc Rae. It McLeod, D. Mcl'allura, Jas McRae, Jr . a> d J. H ^IcQ^lPen, or any one of them. At A;'- irdsvillr. — Un ler the .Jirection of J.ihn Farcell. •Ino. 'Ic.N'iir. Sion ,\!ford. Uuenld McCilhim ind Jan. McCallum, or any one of them The Siibscripti'n Kooks will remain open fi.r the ''pace of ’.0 day- When a ^iiftioient Mum i> xubecribed th'- Conipauy will be organiied for the puipose of build ing the Rii^d. A. A McKETHAN. 0 \ RAY. A W STEEL. WM McL McKAY, JNO M HO.SE. General Commi^^ioneri* Faye ■•■ville. June 7. LOOK AT THlsr TIIF, FUETTFIVILLE HOTEL, Fruutiftg SOO ft‘4‘1 aud in the bu«iae«i« portion of the Town, i-oulaiim more •ipacioiiM and well fenliI.Hteil Rooihm than any Hotel in the State, and ftiy Pfttrofis nay inj ('on*iinierifs are very ^oed lor thf times T. WAHJULL, Proprlrlor. May JO, v;7y FA VETTKVII.LK .WIXriL li^SIRANCE (OWPiM. i'.'CT.CXH -'t> .,,u77 Capital in Preiiuum Notes auioutit"* to Cri«h on hflnd -ind other a-«ei.i. UAATKII. RUSMl’L.'- VVIIK.VT. ),5ix,i •• I'ORN ici'iiiijr the .'ibove aitii'iei* to Will (e*'five •'li'li price by cahing -.n Mr. M TL... i .r-.'ti. he Merchatit Mill^, F>iypitpvii]e, ..r nn 'be -.ub-»cri- r" at hiH ..Id maiid f.!i M-irkt-: .'•’■jtJ ii'e ALi:X JoflN.'^ON'. .Ji. S IV. (. Iht.-’. Twenty-li e Dollarn Reuard. 1)ANAWAV frwrn the neyin V.oy .Mo ll.SKS. He i,. ^1 yrai' of agp. .1.. jt ti-.., in'incheH h.f'h, robu.^t. loi)^ iei-: atni very iiuk min- l ...u -i, . find (J. A ll wli.'ii spoilt II I ', il" w I- ......I, >1. I !i»n!''»‘'Min'» in ll.-.hes.tTi CiJiinij. .in ti.p i;’i«t u|- ‘ .i»asin Fayetteville .i,b..ui thr. ;> r.’eekf^ i?>. The "• I. v.:ird will be p^id io;- Mh delivery to mo or for .'oiitiiieiiieni m iny jatl ^o I ?pt him. W I) .)OHN.>J()N. B.'tiiiPt:^ville, (V. .Aug. 11. 1^*>‘J. Ti’itf A «;F?I! iUe .New Stvlt*. Small. rUI.OKKU FlIUTOUKAPUS, AT €i;«ll4‘ry. AR.YIV IIAR.^KSS. 1' vl ))repared to manufacture all kindx of Wagon Hirn. -- f.i! .Ariuy«use. I tau iiiV I»*ather and can i>ood bargaiuB. Agent.^ will do well t«> «end their i»*r to me as they nhall have prompt attention, and i ettevillc N. C. yff in i[u;ck JOHN CAHTFR p I)., t'h.-iiham Co.. N. C.. ) i:".. l.KC.i?. f I ART. %Voodwarft^s Solar 'auiei-:i. V'VLUABLE PROPERTY FOR SAI.K. ^PHF. imdeiiigned h'lviujj recently undenaken pu .li* 1 diitie-i. iiic.)iup-iiuil.‘ witii pro()er attention lo ih-.* pro)j.-nv liprein, i. ,nbe i, will kp!1 a; Auotioi'.. tor I I'urr.'iicy. i ui IL’ o cIock M nn the 'J*Uh Jtin’y i.'X', ^uiil--‘s S' 'tier di.^p.J.-J .,1 .It piivnte sale.) lii-i ituo; or 1.aNL> m Muoiv C .mty. ou itie Fayeiieville ■»ud VV, Jteru Pl'iiik lJ..ud. !k.yi, hall i* iv tietwecn ‘ir t.ha»/tf'ii.d A'heboro', cuu :*itiiijjr utuuL 6t»7 A(;;e“. uf v.'m ti ‘ii.'ji.* ^r 60 a. leu i-1 ^.robaoiy cu-Mre.j, auJ «cil IefiC.*J. *i!l'l - ...ue tour Jf'juii Mend.-'X It ha-^ ( U U a vitatoriible bVVFLLl.^G, Kltoheu, Saioke HoUao. b.rti. llou^e, •ipfl.Moui Stable-i, S.c Tlifc ~a!rt will te m id* a It-.c pielliises, i*ud lCliOir .1.nIc pO'‘iessiiin will f}r- gifeij tu If. ' purchaapf H.. will aNo »eil, at privai.- ^»le. hir L..ts and Reoi- It’nc.^ lu the tiiAi. ... o', wiiJi. L-r WUI.OU1 1 wj j' lrmij. near the vtlluj^e *.*£jp».I the tarui^ >ibout auii.f It'.ill ! tie villf»g«, oun'ain?- about lOo ai're^. MJ agie-! of .vbi n is iu culuv-vtiuu U tins on u eot»it bur lu -.1 j;ok,d nn'ttdow Ab.jul 4u acre» is seeded, in g J ..I'iei, Wilii a fiiip.r.o: varifly .1 wt..-at, und witUi ve and wiutei' >ai: Tn*. r.-ruaiBder is in good o .n.tu uti fi..r a corn crop Three lo'jrths of ihe out-ide fetic- ut piitce ia built o'.' ston*-. The o^her ttact, abuut toiled from the viilatre, C'.i.tnn.. w'lf, .i;iv ; — iboui '.l> u IP- 1.1 ■•ulrlviitii.ii --joLie 16 acres fl' .Vtuoh IS. Sefda.J in 'Vinter oiiti —ihn p. hi iu'cuded t,.r ooiu nex; year rtie propertv iu .V-hf^or■J' cnuaistd of several c.iiiiig- uoiia lot.-, ab : excelleU! c ud .0 ■, ', i- uu i treo8. in i.n-s'-ii.j; /till: FLORAL iOLLFCiiF. 'pFIE Trustees of PlorHl (’olletre take plea‘nre in an- i nnimcing to the public that they have ‘Jticcup.lp.j m Again procuring the pprviceH of Rev. bnniel .lohn^'in na Principal of thi-i school. A l^ull corps of competent luHtnicterM both in :he Literary and Ornamental b.'partiiienSs will be anpj.ii.'d The aehool will open .>n VVedne^dtiy the Idtti .it'J »u’y Ibtj:^ Circular.^ coutHiniag lull pai'leulars m to t.^ms. JkC . can be had oti .ipplicailoa ty ftev bauit.1 johtisoti, Giliifiolia, N ’ The atew-ird H Hall will aUo t « uiid«r the oouti ul .»d.i ru.»nagemenl of .Mr Johuion Bward ai dteward * Hall ilis par luoutb M, C VicNAlK. S?i»o'y to Bottid v.r Tru-ir«s b. 'f L-7. lStV> bw 4w npple ■UK I: variPtie.-* ot tree-*: at... meadow. The dwi feet, bo'h tw.. “i.jri Tmildiug ar.- .»ii four tif them ^pa«'i. ad.-.rmitoiy ,»i:h'U ch. . >. it .: ji 11' iiore?, all ot wiiicii i> m III oiobai d of "!..i e ih-va ;i -..junsistiug of ci.oice , itiprry an.l other fniit '«t:til!i»d and prjductive Land at Auction. IWILL .tier for sat.- .*t .Auctioo, on Turi«d»> Feb y I'J. -»t tt.e Market il.; at 1'^ o’clock, ti40 AcreH ol LA AD, lying uu the River 1 miles bt»law towii, bt>loDf{in)( lo T. J Robiuaon ‘'u acr.'i are cleared and under oultiv*- tion Tbip traot cobtaifis .boMi vtH.i acrer- ot esoollent dwamp l.,an.l and lo'.i uciet. .f >iat)d hill *>fell timber.-.i; I tie remain.ler, t.est lo the K'lver. ih tidapii-.t to ihe growiii of corn au.l the ultivation of grai!j. Any one desiring to purchase can get turther lufor- matii.u by applying to tho . wner or to the 8ub.»criber (! E LFETL’, .Vucl’r. Jan y •• 92-ta I -H iu.'l, wilt, a Winj; ii..;!i The 1.« ot .!;•,> ui.iiii •■••J 11 !'a;ii ti'iri fiiiihJi Kiyle; MtiJ with I'-.od fire p'aces. one p:acc. iiud one a librai^ rui.m, UTU.L >Y the titled tifi will) mov-ttt.!P Ac The «iug has two ruooiH with tire p uces, a dining i v .ui ann rootu without a fire pbicp. with tixcil w.'.r.iiol.^', and a ff.a- oiouij and dry ,'ellar un ler t;ie buii.lii'g The out- buildingij con“i~t o’ a iiiwheti, t'lree u.*iiro hou^e.s two rooms in e'.cti u‘‘ iti‘*.ii, f.iur of the ro>.nis having e:ich a fire i lac ■, -.tri i o:i'* "f t!iei„ >» s'ove. well h..Mic With j.anfy, a 1 irge sui.ike house. I'Hrriag*- lionso. wood ti.inse, tWo ...till*'', e i witii ihj i.iom* an.i one tlio place, a framed t»Hr« M i ■.' teet, with siabie ri.on. for ? horses -j.a.^e f.>r -t.eaf wh. a' enoiigti to produce '(>{) bushela, iw j .;c'i'>‘.i KV-*r‘‘ier^ . apj't.le . ; hoidirig eaoti ’>1)0 burtie:* o' gtuiti. wiiti \ tjuBeijieni sK.ry lo rheiier t-ai lie and a!s-. jet a: kie c w houses ^ ;;c,na milk House sof y lied wi ti a v..-ni ant atrc‘irn ol cj... tpnug water fne trtii liiig. tiPeai. :ii cice.ivOi i; ,n Ui...£i and hi»vr pa.ii ..‘J p. rs..i0.i Otr-iroU' to turtle fut.liet iU.luHie-, o»U applj to iiiF a: Ralei.^;.. lo tu\ e ii ji tji'ottier reiii.ting in il- 1 .iiiig: u, my {.i .aw ^ J-ACasi e t t.i mak.‘ a sal As 1 am ab'.ir di I'e pOf*'*c«i- .,u D.?c r -7, . n in 1 i- a V e(. e»liii*. :heb-.rv who I lo cuy iii- tli. Vc t. h-tleigfi I ceU givt imttie Jv'NaTHA.S WORTH lliW 1 ’r V.4L1 ARLL TIILLH lor Sale. 1 OFFER for nale ray PL VNT.VTION, 1’ mile- west ol Carth.'ige, Moore county, cont.aiuing ‘J50 acre^. oc whi(:n if* a Grist and .''aw Miil. (’otion Gin ^nd Screw. 1 W'.li receive in payment Slate R. nds. Cotilelprate raon»y or likely .N'egr.i.»a .hJH.N .M*,»RI.''ON. \ALI AULi: LA ADS lor S.ole. OFFER for Sale my PL.\NT.VTIO.\ oa .Met .endon'o 'reek. miles west of Carthage, lying on tiie bas.u of the Coal Fields, containing 2100 acren. whicu »h ae pro.l'jctive a.s any )\nds in the county of ^Ioore. The improvements good and the pitualion healthy. Terms liberal. JOHN >1*'RISi^'N. AOTITF. I Ii VVli ah, ut icrr- mor.-. in ‘.itteient tracts, in J. tl.e County of .Moore.—farming .Mineral, aad Tur pentine 1 ind,— which 1 wili sell on hhi-ral termr- JOiiN -MORHON. Jlineral l..and« lor Sale. IH.AVt an of one-tr.ini in a tract of .VtO ACRES on me j^ters ot beep River, on which have been discovered a^h miu^■ and pure aaltpeire, and an oil of good 4tiality for greasing leather, wel; wi>rihy geological inTeuiigation JOHN NktRlSON. Carthage, Nov 1:^ lS»iv’ 77-tf .\OTI4 L. •11 do btJL; Total, f‘J72,7r,r, til The C'.mpnny have paid all !os«P"« piomptly, and have nover ati asHesHinent ,.n their premium n.Ttes. Total loeiieB paid, rf‘29,G82 G9 Otficrbs: GEO. McNKILL, Presi.ient b. A. R.\Y, Vi(?e Pre«?iden: C. A McMlLLAN, S-Cy biBKl'TORS; l)ERS»,)NS wishing to buy fOW^N PROPERTY 1 well to call ou the ,-ubscritier 1 wid sell on reason- ; able terms my Hou-e an.l Loi, hiving algo a good Kitch en, JsmoEe hoU>-e ?in.J g'.od VVell ot water .\lso. fout Town Lotfl with goo'l .^labtes ifieraon and very conve nient. and one other itmall Lui Aleo, acres of L>ind I joining ttie i..wu of Canlia^e, ..‘..uvenient for woo'l A M BKAN.SON. t nrlt.t/e. b»-.’ J, s*-^tf RL€'J:IVLR^S AOTIl'F. ^pHE followiuir pers.ui- who have money, prof.erty or 1 evi.ieuces of debt in theit h.and.s belonging to alien i , enemies, are hereby re4ulted t.) .meet rue in .Asheboro’, ou the :id .lay of F 't.niaiy nex’, and 'n surrender tue '■ such property as t'i»_' may uav.- in theii popse.^, and ; tt. r ay .iver .«iich *iu;i-* of money as v be it: their hanlH, and whuh nave been rrtiiriir-.l t . rtic as bidong- ing to alipti enciiii.-s. lo w.i: Jessp Walker, .\lfred Rrowet, .VllfU L imb, W. \ I'revo, Joseph Newltn, VVillis i employn.ent will be given Ri.lgp, Hornpy. V\ m L ifiin of Caraway, >V P. Johu,sf:n. Henry, Renj. Ilu.ah. Washington Kush, Jpffersi.n Lamb, W .\ Woi)l«’ti, VV m Henly. J M Worlh A .Soas, Coffin, Fouflt C.-* . lieorge St.itinfou. Mic^jah Heniv, C.rrus P. Mph ienhal!. P. F. Hoovpr, Jespe and i Frederic Pparce, Haldah Robbins, Jacob lirilen, Janies VV Pearce, John H Pearce, A. t Tomlinson and VV N Miller JOHN Manning, Jr , Receiver Jan'y H. k*2-:iw LA.\D AT A l t TIOA. be aold on TI. ESb.AV, 8d February next, at le M-trk*-i Hou-e, at 12 o'clock. Two XraolB of Lan.i on C«rver,» Oe' k. known tis the King and Uoltoo iatiiN Ttie Kmi? tract o-jntaius 640 aor«H. the Bolton tract couni iirf lit,VI acres Tti» above Ian Is a.ljoin ttie. lan.let of J P. \lcl.eaa, M J Ruie aad othere There is a .“^aw an.J Grist .Mill .ui the Bolton tract Personn desiring it. purchase can do so privately by calling ou I' F I.EKTF, .Auct'r Jan'y 7. 92-te .41'DITOR'S DLF % RT flEA T. 'HE a;rention ..f all pers'ina wno are cono-rned is hereby called lo the Act of the G.'neral Ast.emblj whicn creates the -ittice ot .-^udii.T . f I'ublic .Accounts. .Accounin with the Stale for the ei|.. oditure of public tuouey will bi> requited to conform, m all cases touoh- .fig military aftiir# to the Army RsgulaiiuD- ot the ..'onffderate S'atee*. arid all n-oounts, whsthet in the a.lliliry i>r in tii.. oivil .lepaiimeot^ ot itie g .veinci.'ur ..reto be presented quarterly, and aa ^oon a* may be after ttie clo»e of the regular quarter The under«iiin«d avr.iU himself wf iKe prc-ent op)...t tunily lu notity nil whu are delinqueui in ren.lering ao ioon'9 ot putili"! money or property iu iheir hflnJs sinca ihe conimenoeinent of the war i>jW pen.Jing, of the neck's- s:ty o; having their accounts prepare.l and setileJ The atiention of the General Assemoly vtili tie called to the nsun*s ot ihese persona, au.i suits will be ditkuted iti i-'i.ies where this notice is disregarded Claimii againnt the Riate will he audited ^ccoiding to ttie rulpp obaerved by the late Board of Ciaimp S F. PHILLIPS, .Audiior, Ac Jaii'y 7 Ot IS.\.4r HOLLIA4..SWORTH. ~ At his Old Stand, Person St.. OFFERS for sale. SOUNb SALT. .\ (rood assortment of Chewing an.i Smoki.ig To bacco. Snutf, Flour, Sugar, Lpaiher, occ . and all articles usually kept in a Grocery Store to be had in market, which will be sold for cush or given in exchange for 'nunlry Pro.luce. bee r J‘>. 8'J-lmpd TI RPEATI.AE H.A4 KS. 1H.WK I g.).»i «ii[)ply of Turpentine H.Vt’KS. on liHH i. whicli I am ready to t=pll to those who may to purchase. Also, ready to prepare .Axes at^h«.rt notice, in the best manner. L. WOOD Fayetteville. N. Dec. ,S(>. 9)-.Tmpd HORSF SHOEIAG^ WING to the alvance in the prif»e of Iron the iub- 'criber is compelled to raue the price of shoeing to 51 per sho.*. He does thi? with r**luetance, but its necessity will be apparent to his customers when he states, that the iron alone used in making shoes costs more than half ot bis charge, an i morp than twice as muoh as he formerly r«.''.«ived fir ir«.n an.l shneinvr J VV welsh F iyotteville, Jan y ’J. l^ti^ ^l ' wpd VV. R. RICHARDSON CO., Stock Brokers and Commission Merohants, RALE1C.JH, m, 4'. [ OjHcf on Fai/ftlfvillf Slrfet ] ILL give particular atteutiou to sales and purchaties »f i>f .State and Confederate bomis. B^nk and other (^luckji, c.illectiiui ot drafts, and an» business ponneelod s^iih the .iitfeietit leparin.ents uf the Stale governii eat hink notes ..f all Soatbern States bought aitd suld. Ref-'Ttnct’e O G Parsley. Wlloiington VV A Wright. •• J.jbfi b Wiiiiftnid, Fayetievlllr VV G Br.-.a.ifoot, J J Bl-*i!iiwof>.l, Chatlufte VV K Lane. Wayne ('ounty, if.hri b WhiitnrJ, Craven Conniy Hon I'hi.mas Ruffin, Alamance ('.>unly 11.JH Vv ,N Edwards, Warren t.’ounty lion b VV Courts, Rooklnghaiu Couuiy. H VV, Guion. Lincoln County Aad citizens i.f Raleigh, generally. Jan’y 18, H.'t-lm BE\mY ROSE,'' CoiuiuNsioii iMereliaut AND ^.iKAERAL AtiiEAT, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. -ALSO— Dealer iu the illflerent kinds of Di'«‘p River ('oal. for which orderr* will be promptly suppiieT Jan’y 14, 18H.S. ^O-fitpd SOAP! SOAP! I.A.'l now making and keep constantly ..ii hand, ai my Factory on Person street, F.AMIL^ U\R fiOAP, at wholesale an.i retail. • —also— I’lain, Variegated, Pertumed, Toilet and .'ihaving Soaps .V supply kept for retail at J Holliugsworih’® Ordera prr,tnpily filled Osip-1 .»rd an.l Tallow wan .r- i given F‘iyettevl!lp, Jhii'v 17, ■ ^ all 1 BrJwn Windhor W Lett s an.l Isa»c Righeet cash pricen r P JONES ‘Jmp.l (jVMib NLHSF. -Ap, > to J fl aNDER.SoN, Jari y 17. 96 2t Hornet's wanted. Wl-^H lo ►.uy sfveral Yv»LNG HuR.SK.S, suitable foi Atlillery or s^tf-jn VV c 'iRoV, Fayetteville. .S. C 17, 1m;;; 96 2i Tlllcli Cow tor Sale, ill give tw .Afiply to \Y'll'H young calf, will give two gallons per day or T f more it well fe.l. .lan'y 19. G. S. DEMING. 95-2tpd O'" sCu.aR for obit -n conBijfUfiitut, by JD» CTLKY ii.'lif 1.) Jan y lu JOS. I T LE V, ttnti VomntihHlon Jflerchnut, r.WKTTKVILLK. N (\ Jan'y U», y.t-tf wa.Vted. 4 T the FHyclteville .Arseiiat. Fout «.r Five GOOD BLACKSMITHi*. i.> whom good wages and steady Vj ply SAVE l.^TEREST. VLL Persons in.iebted to the subscriher.a by note or account are reque.sted to make payment and save interesi HUSKE ANDERSON. Jan'y Ifi. ISO-'l. , 96-2w AL.nAAAC'S. Afresh supply of Farmer's Planter’s, 2d Edition. Also, a few of Turner s For bale hy E. J. HALE & SONS. P. S The publishers have raised the prices to 15 cen's each, at which price we will sell them. Cal»ba^e .Seeill Cabbage Seed!! BU.SCoMBE C.ABR.AGE seed, fresb and genuine, at J. W. LETT’S, i .lan’y I."!, 180.3. 94-2m REii^RD. : 'piIIRTY 1H)LLARS reward will be paid for the ap- 1. prehension and delivery at the Camp of lontruction in Raleigh, N. (?.. or at Caatle Thunder in Richmond, i Va.. of each of the following named deserters from Go. i C, 8d .N. C. Reg't, vii; William J Edge, John H Prid- ■ geon. bavid Powell. Pat .McKlroy, Pat Sweeny, John j Nagle aud Thamas Cavanaugh , Notice is giv«n to all absentees from my oompatiy i that they mii«t rpjrfirt in person or by proper Surgeons’ Ceriifioate immediately, or they will be cuuaidered .Je- aeriers .Surgeons' certiftoate muat be made on oath betore b .Magiitraip, by the .Surgeon giviH|( the oertifi- catp with the certitiCAie of the County Court Clerk, and ^ial of the County attached thereto. ; fl VV. HORNE. I'apt. o (\ H‘i S. C. Reg’t. •i.^u'y 14, iSf'.;' 04-.'!w .A Larji^e Durham ('ow yyriTll .* Young Calf, for sale Jan'y DAVID MURPHY. 92-tf Wagons Watiied. J. A Lt. Col ! J.'Hi'y '.I, tSi’.:;, or ad.irps.. deL\GNEL, '. S. A , Comd’g. y.’^if old prices Jan y A OTIC E. • cue hundred FRUIT TREES, which I am selling off at CVRL’S P I H ave yet f..r sale cue hundred and fitly thousand CHOICE MENDENHALL • 1 m VV. N. Tillinghast, .S. J Hinsilale, Wr.i McLiturin. T. S. Lutterloh. W. Stpel. J. G c„.,k. Hon. J. G. Shepher.l, R. F. Brown, 1 , A. E. Hall, Henry Lilly, H L. My rover, S T. Hawley. Nathan .A. .Ste.ltimu, C. B. Mallet t, •lamea Kyle, .V. A. .M'cKethan. J, D. 'J^'illiams, H. *V. Tillingliftst. hn Collins and i''. ’. Mc'rumineti, Tr.aveliup .Ajrents Jlajr-The CompHuy invite applicati.ins. May28. 18G1. 21 Valuable Sale ol Real EMiate. 0", .lune K 1400 IIm. l«iini Arabi‘ lor >*ale bv . J. R LEE. tVji f t'i6J \OTICE. M-Ebl.llA I i: STATE' OF AVli;HP V, | Mi.t. Pi I! VK^ liB s I If ncK, > ('hiirlottp, t' , be.;, iL’, 1K>»2, j 1 1.1“ .H;,riinsi (his b**i. «rt inent, to n>- p.iid, ii'Ust ptesetile.l before January 2i)lh, lv>ij:'. b. P RAM.SKUR, . Surg. and .Vied. PurTejor. PHOTOGRAPHS can be hud nt VanorHdell's Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite 'larble 'i'ard, Fay pl.*iin, retouched, colored, in water i colors, oil and pastilc; from small to life size. Ambro I types. Melaneotypes, and all other .styles of TMctures pertaini »g lo the Art. Also. Gill Fi>tines. (iilt .Mould ing. O' » for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 80 inches. Jord and Tassels for hangiiig pictures; Inti'iru- ' rueuts. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life aije colored Photographs ma.le from small pictures. Having permauemly located here I hope to merit your patronage. I would also reiuru my sincere thunks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me.*heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville .and vicinity. C. ,M. VANORSDELL, Phot gi ipliiwt >ind Propiietor 1 Deo’r 20, 18r»9 7/- i Hlank Wsrrftntii for sale at tKi? Office. ;’.i .lay of February ne'ti. will be sold for ('ash, a* the Court Housb door in the lown of .Asheboro'. the i fullowing Tracl» of L.\Nb seiju.«tere 1 lo the use of the Confpilerate Str»tes of America, au l ordered to be soM; — One Tract ot Lhn.l j mile south of New .Sslem. con- ' taiuing I'M acres, formerly beb.ugiuu lo C. W Woiden »ne fi;. ^t adjoimug Jabei I'owell and others, coniaiti- i ing 194 acri-s, tor:n"ily pr.jpcrty of Tlios. Stalker. One undivnii-.l ^ part .if 207 acres ot L'ln.l on the w iters o! ('urHway, sdjoinitig Eiiocii'H irl'in ati'l others. ()ne Tri;-t o.T th** witers of Polecat, contuiiiing 7.’> acres, f'oiiu' ily belonging to .lospph P. Julian One othei Tr:ict ou tiie waters .if i’olccat, f.M tiierly b.*longii)e t.i K ib.Ti Daw-.Ill, an.i asses.-,-il nt j'7iin. ,\lso. wi’'; be si.ld :tl the sn'tie lime .iiid jilacc. foi tiiei sales ti.iviiiir be"ti s. t asi.i.*,— b'.d acres „t Lui.l and t H.iusp and I'.vn Lots in the town ot Union, fonnerly b.'longing to VV Cli.rk. One *I’ract ou i’ole.;at com tining h*'. acres, f.)rmerly belonging to C. VV \V.id1cji .A'no, a House nnd Lot in New .Salem, formerly property ..f C. W VVonlei;. JOllN M VNNING. Jr., Rpcpiver Jan'y AdiHMii*^lralion Aolic’e. I'pHE .^ul'Kcriber havjr.a- (|iia’ifi.’d as .Admitiisirairir. on 1 the Estate of J«s Sutidy, 'le.Vd. hereby gives nr,lice lo all p.Tsoris having! claims ag viust said Es »tte to fire- sent ih«;ii to Will M;I, McKay within thf time pn*- scribe i by Ihw. o- nniiec will hf> pleaded in bar of theirrec .very. ' VTM ARINE SUNDV, A-lm’x. .\ng. 4. 1H02. 49. ( ('opperaw! Copperaw!! .)/wv LBS SUPERIOR QUALITY COPPERAS OlJl f Also D.i Tierces FRESH BE \T RICE. For sale by PEMBERTON ^ .SLOAN. Jan'y h, ‘.2if SALT!~Sa1.T!! ’ SACKS for sale by Dec 22 Rol'.FRT MlTCHf-LL. HS if 100 TilH tb AdniingMtralor'M .Aotiee. subscriber h .ving at December Term. lSt’>2, of the (’ounty (’’omt of ('utnberl"ind, qir.iifie.i ;vs Ad miiiist.ranr upon the Estate of Seill G. McNeill, dec’.), notifiv>s all per*=oua havinir clsims .-igainst the Efiiat> to present them the 'imp limitpd hy law, otherwise this iiotico will be p'“ I-"} in 1 ir of rec.ivery. Debtors are -.’(juested to make prompt pay meat. iLECTOR M«NEIL-L, Adm’r. Dea 10, 1862. 86* t SAt’KS OF SALT; 1(1 Bbls. Sal .Soda, for so.ip making; R .xea J. \ Long’s best brands ol I'obftcco; ■ iti B;.^s. Prime Sugar; .Sole Leather. Jos A. VVOR'iJf bfc'r 22, l^•'.2. .‘‘t 2m AOTI4E. TVVm ,i; NFORO MEN, C\forge. -14 year.s old, and ,1:1 k 4!, belougiuij I.) the E^'a'e of Thomas M Mc- Leraii, .lec'd, will ho sol.i privately wlicn‘ViM- suital.le application «linll b*' made to me I will also hire out two likely MIvN for this year. MARY ANN EVANS, Ex i.'y 2, 1>^'.'1. AOTII'E.—reward, I ’pilE subscriber wiil pay 2.') .loHnrs re ward to any one j I who will return to liini. in F->yettevillp. a negro ! GIRL, who ranaway from hi«r.'siicncp on F'riday night . the 2 i of January, ISO.'l Said negro giri is about , ,'} feet and a half high, is inclitied to he thick, n j rather bright, black fac®, full, with thick lips She is j 10 y; ars oM, but large for her age The above reward . wiil be pai.l to any one who will return her safely home, | or lodge her in Jail and inform me of the fact anl place. ( J. W. TUCKER j Fayetteville, Jan. ISO?, 91-tf | Blacksinitli to Hire. AliO. 1 Workmaa. Addresii “W,” at this office. Dm 28 • 80>tf IMIE undersigned. Salt Commissioners for the county of (’umberl ind, wish to employ from oae to twenty- j flve Wagons to haul .Salt from Saltville, Va., for which j they %iill /«jy twelve .iolbtrs per bag of lt*0 lbs. and al- j low the wagons t.i take one-tenth of the Salt at the • Worki at $1 50 por buahel on their own acoount Wag- j odj> frotii iiDy part of the State will be eioployed on ap- j plication to us, by letter or otherwise. P. F. ALDERMAN. JNO. WADDILL. Jr. R M. ORRKLL. j Fayettrville. l)eo. 1. 87 2tf ! “i^OTICE. ; rpHK UNDERSIGNED, bot'n having entered the mill- , 1 tary service of the Confederate States of America, I hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, that they have appointed John D. Starr and John D. i VVilliams, of this place, their attorneys to collect either ! separately or conjointly all moneys due them either by ! account or note, and otherwise to attend to their bu- • siness generally during their absence. They respect- 1 fully ask all persons indebted to them to call as prompt- ^ i ly as tJOHsible on their agents; atid make payment. 1 STARR A WILLIAMS. Sept 19, 18C1. .'iB-tf OU. AND LAMP BLACK. rjUNNERS’ and LUBRICATINti OIL. L.A.MP BLACK iu barrels. JOS. R. March 7. For sale by BLOSSOM & CO.. Wilmington, N. C. 6-tf illarble Factory, H r ATTDER, T. llAlOn & STORK TWO DliniiS ABOVE C. Fayetteville, K. C jaa'T 20, 84- ' THE BATTLE OF .MURFREESBORO’ A correspondent of the Richaionci KxutisiU' r, after ail iiitere«ting account o*' tho dep... skirmi.shing, ^ives the following accoun*^ ol ilio battle;— • Ou the inovnvnj; ol' the '.ilst tho scrauccbftcoe was opeaeti Ly McCown's division, with Cleburn advancing upon the eneiuy'sj n^ht uncier (ien(*ral .McCook, juwt at i^rev dawn liic en^rav wa5 taken completely by surprise, tlieir artillny horses not even being hitched up Sui uwisiho iiupetuobitj’ of the charge th;it iL. eii.nny i\;ll L&ok in dismay, our troops pourlug m a most niur- drttus fire; with such rapidity did our irion cross the broken ploughed fields, that our artillery corld* nut lollow them \V'h.Hrton’s e.tivalry hai ciiyrg .. u battery, the h(*rses not beiuv; harn”. s-jd, una drivium back the .\lx)lition infantry iu^ror'in^ it, Hucceeded in oapturin>^ it. I he enemy jradunlly recjovcred, now disputed out iurtb. r ad vance. and the battle raged with teniiic vjoiency , 'i’hey coDtiniied to fall back, however, .ij ii r our fire until we had swung round nearly our lelt on their right, as il’ on a pivot, drivinfc- tu-? enemy some six miles towards his ceiitrt-. when 1 Withers and Oieathatn also hurled their^- on the foe with such terrible eficct, thrit ^ \ after battery was taken, ;ind tlieir d..:iu .i* 1 heaps upon the field 'J'iu-enemy v. i - ii' ven towards the Na.shville rjan, ul.. u; .. u.. v .« front oi our centre, aud took a (.0111:11:..... j tioD on an eminenci'overlookini£ ;iie iaiu, utid which was protected by ruck.s and a den i- . dar wood. Here he massed hi' battorie.s,‘vev ing some thirty pieces ol altiiiery, and uiadc u desperate stand. It was now about noon. We had alii-.idy cap tured somt' five thou.-and pusoi.uv ino'.i..ii:i^’ General Wi.iu h, and a nuuibei .i rici.. .^C'Mcrr. nearly thirty pieces of cannon, -niuc llvk th. u -ii.'’ stand of arm»>, and ammunitidii watioiis- ]■ r.a now determined to carry the eueuiy’^ stroij^hoid at all hazards, and the brigades ol liaimer:- and Uonelson, supported by Manley' airi .^teTTjrt'o brigad(\s, with ('obb’s, Byrne'i, Cii-HUH. iiDith’; and .Slocomb's batteries, wore order^-d .0 prep are for the ehargo. It was a forlorn hopv. but our men I'ac.^d a mighty wbiilwiHd of sii'ot and shell with heroic firmness, aud did not tall until they bad captured two baiitrie.i: if: , r. i^-.tiei of Generals Adams and Jaek.aon. ul Breckui'iidt^e’s division, who held our right, wtT»' iiotr )r_iti,d across the river to relieve our bruk. n c^-;auiri- and advanced towards the enemy's grand b.ait-ry with a like coolnes- and heroism, but thoy .vvoro repulsed and fell back under tL- eai iijy’H f- r- rible fire. No tarther eff>rt was made, the ene my, however, was also severely puni- iied, and whether fearing that his position might oe fla.iked. or from some cause that it was not secure, he abandoned it that night, only to take up a still stronger one in the bend of the river, towaids the Lebanoo pike, on a couple of hlllock.s, wuicii 1"' again croT\ aed with his .strongest batteries. Tha: night it was cold to freezing. I’puu tbe battle field lay thousands of the enemy s dead and w jiiud- ed, who froze stiff, presenting a gha.'riiy sc^Jio by moonlight. The first of the year found the etieuiy >;,r itigi^' entrenched, with his right drawn up a :i'u. ■"? the south side of the >.a.shville pik", win;.- left remained fortified in the I'cirl ili r ready described. Our p ».siiii>u was -1. . ; ; vanced on the left and centre, but ..iiit.r-s ,' 1 mained the same. On this uay (Jen. iiia^:.; .'su^.j tte followhig to hi.s army: “The General commanding is happy i i p.;i- nounce to the tr(X>p» the continued hucc .ss arni.s ye.sterday. Gen.s. Wheeler and Wft.nuii with the cavalry, again a.s.saulttd the h;, . of communication, capturing over iwo t. jh.j . wagons and other stores Twice have w.j n. ^ made the circuit of the enemy's ioree.s. and cl stroyed his trains, and not less than six huu ^r .v^ wagons, and three thousand ;nule hlive our hands Gen Jefferson ' iiavis wa^ ki .. i by Us to-day Thu; our -.uecefifc eonc-.iac.^ - terrupted. One more stnigylt-. and tli-' ylor u victory already achieved will be crow.,ed .y rout of the enemy, who are now greatly d:morui ized. The General commanding has every coriii- dence that his gallant troops will tully m^et bis expectations. [Signed,] “Braxton haAOo,’ j It was confidently believed that tbr eijtn.j. j would have retreated on the night of rh..' 'il ;, ' but as he did not, it is supposed thac (?rc-n J, . j concluded to wait and see if he w.iulu rniik- :u j I attack. The day conseqaently pa.-^f d . ff.juieti, i excepting some light .-kirmi^hin^i I On the Reconii day of January, the iii-orn. 1 i Friday, the attitude of the two urtnie- ri-m .;t.. I the s.'imp during the morning, with the . x..x>j I of some shelling on our right, ; By three o’clock it was detfrniined to as-v.*!' i the enemy's stronghold on the bend of the river i It wan a desperate determination. G .n. I'olk i it is said, advif^ed against it, considering ihe pi.- J sition impregnable, as we had to cros.s the nve: i and ascend the bank to reach the enemy’s posi fion in the face of his tremendous batteries There was an immonse stake, however, on tli. hazard, the total rout of the cueim', and thi' ^ . session of Nashville, and the stake wasconsi'i worth the trial To Breckenridgc's divi' t • assigned Brig. Oen. Hanson’?^ .'; led the charge. Oar troops cro.^.s d '.u r v r under the rolling lava of the enemy’^ tir- ‘r.jiii their batteries, which belched forth. !ii.i t iu.; ;. and -Ktna, a double sheet of fl .nio Whol '. .;ji- panies went down, but th(‘ gaps were •‘.u--- filled up, and onward wont* liuilant iini:: until they roached the enemy's jiosit i.>i) ;ii d di ov.- them frwin it. The fire of the em n),v ^ mu, k- a-y from hehind'the rocks and cedar tree> w..,- tor- rible; our men fell like leaves ;n autuinti, .inH. finding it impossible to hohi the place, thf v ,ell back in good order ami recrossed the rivi v In less than one hour it i*^ .said two thousand • ; «'ur men were killed and wounded. It was a tiMT.. ! I repulse, that same “bloody crossinu of fr^tone • I river,” the troops call it. ft list us tu‘> van- 1 t3ge ground we haii g;iined over tho enemy on I the .Slst and grsiitly depressed our tmops. J}iu i for this, wc would still h>'ve held'Murfreesboro’. On the 3d the rain fell in torrent.';, aim .*»s our troops were worn out and nearly exhau-^'f^^d. i' " :i' determined to fall back that right, an-i n .t ru . the risk of meeting the enemy’s reinforootn.nts. j which it was reported he was reccivi* . I- '■^v- : thing had previously been provi-ii d ir tI.l- i treat. It was most orderly ‘ ' executed. j Such id au outline sketcii 01 the bat.,... oi 1 Murfreesboro’. The moat glorious battlg of the

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